#*like yes this can be about ootp harry but this post is ESPECIALLY about older harry potter from the cursed child
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rewritingcanon · 7 months ago
my sister and i just yapped for almost three hours and we were just talking about how genuinely weird people in fandom are surrounding characters who have explicit mental illness. like they can never ever be normal. there are characters who are romanticised and glamourised for their mental illness (eren. wanda. joker. kaneki. nico. almost any danganronpa/ddlc character). characters who are consistently ridiculed for their mental illness either because it simply isn’t getting taken seriously (reiner) or because no one takes the character seriously (armin). and there are the characters that get blatantly outright DESPISED for it (basil, harry potter, korra, gale, also eren etc etc). like yes im seeing a correlation but its still so astounding how selective people are about where they draw the line with mental illness and what traits they can accept.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 7 months ago
is the 'heir' a thing in wizarding world?
like Heir of Slytherin i think it was most for the plot than real thing, but are Heir of Black/Malfoy/etc the same? or just a baby producer and power holding, especially if ministry and society year by year becomes more distant from pureblood ideology
it's also a common fanon trope for the Heirs (i talk about rings with special powers and goblins), and more often strange than interesting
I think it is. I mentioned in multiple posts my thoughts on the Wizengamot being an older kind of House of Lords therefore being a hereditary position here, here, here, and here. I also mentioned my thoughts about the Goblins being involved with wizarding heirlooms here (the answer is I don't think they are, but write whatever you want).
As for the ministry going further from pureblood ideology every year, I don't think that's true. Not really.
I mean, Arthur Weasley says that during the first war Death Eaters outnumbered the Order 20 to 1:
“Oh, Molly, come on, it’s about time you got used to hearing it — look, I can’t promise no one’s going to get hurt, nobody can promise that, but we’re much better off than we were last time, you weren’t in the Order then, you don’t understand, last time we were outnumbered twenty to one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off one by one. . . .”
(OotP, 177)
And I don't think he was referring to marked Death Eaters. Even if we look at the Ministry during the Death Eater reign in book 7, very few ministry personnel are actually replaced, many of the people working in the ministry go along with the blood purists or even agree with them — like Umbridge.
We also know in the last war Voldemort had many followers, even within the ministry:
“Well, firstly, he wants to build up his army again,” said Sirius. “In the old days he had huge numbers at his command; witches and wizards he’d bullied or bewitched into following him, his faithful Death Eaters, a great variety of Dark creatures. You heard him planning to recruit the giants; well, they’ll be just one group he’s after. He’s certainly not going to try and take on the Ministry of Magic with only a dozen Death Eaters.”
(OotP, 93)
“Tonks and Arthur would lose their jobs at the Ministry if they started shooting their mouths off,” said Sirius, “and it’s very important for us to have spies inside the Ministry, because you can bet Voldemort will have them.”
(OotP, 94)
Even families like the Weasleys who are considered blood traitors, are condescending towards muggles, muggleborns, and squibs. Ron mentions this in book 1:
“Are all your family wizards?” asked Harry, who found Ron just as interesting as Ron found him. “Er — Yes, I think so,” said Ron. “I think Mom’s got a second cousin who’s an accountant, but we never talk about him.”
(PS, 73)
So, really, blood purity is more of a scale than a yes or no sort of thing, and their entire society is steeped in it. Their very language is influenced by it. I mean, Harry is referred to as a "half-blood" even when both his parents were wizards by practically everyone. (there is a larger reblog chain about this here)
“And what would you say, Royal, to those listeners who reply that in these dangerous times, it should be ’Wizards first’?” asked Lee. “I’d say that it’s one short step from ’Wizards first’ to ’Purebloods first,’ and then to ’Death Eaters,” replied Kingsley. “We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”
(DH, 378)
Kingsley's stance seems to be in the minority. The fact is that even common, random wizards, not part of the Order or Death Eaters, still believe wizards should come first. Kingsley is right in how easy "wizards first" can become to "purebloods first" and that's the society they live in where, for the average wizard, muggles are seen as lesser. Their lives aren't treated as having the same worth as a wizard's life.
The wizarding world is steeped in their bigotry even among people who aren't Death Eaters, so I don't think it's correct to say their society is moving away from pureblood ideology, they're all blood-purist at a different point on the scale.
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raining-v-coffee · 8 years ago
General Harry Potter fic recs
*Multichapter    ~my notes
the girl who lived (again)
Peeves, though he was nasty about everything else--ickle firsties and orphan girls--got it immediately. For all six years of Harry's Hogwarts tenure, he dropped water balloons on the heads of anyone who misgendered her.
Professor Binns never quite figured it out, but he didn't know any student's name. Nearly Headless Nick gallantly and somewhat awkwardly called her lady and tried to hold open doors for her, despite the fact that he couldn't open them.
Snape called Harry "Mr. Potter" for all seven years that he was in Harry's life. Around year three, Ron stopped counting the detentions he got for his increasingly sarcastic responses to this.
Horcruxes in my Head
Harry hears voices in his head, but he's not crazy, honestly. It's the voices who are crazy!
Scales of Change
A foray through Harry’s life as it could have been, if only he was a little more cynical and exercised that thing between his ears. Lo and behold, a small snake is enough of a catalyst.
Don't Forget the Dog
When Dumbledore's plans for the Dursleys go awry, he is forced to give young Harry to Kingsley Shacklebolt to raise. Little did he know how this change would mess up everything.
(Or, Dumbledore is a manipulative bastard, Kingsley is an awesome parent, and Sirius just wants a happy family.)
Finding Mr Right
Wherein Ginny thinks Heidi needs to get laid, Hermione make so many charts, Lily wants grandbabies, the romantic prospects sometimes verge on the horrifying, and James Potter just wants to know what’s so wrong with Heidi joining a convent!
Heidi Potter never knew husband-hunting could be so perilous.
Harriet Potter Is
There are stories with snakes that bite and say {you knew what I was when you picked me up} but this isn't one of them. This is the kind of story where the abandoned child walks in the jungle beneath the branches full of hissing things and tells them {we be of one blood ye and I}.
Harriet Potter is eleven and she chooses.
(genderswap/Slytherin Harry au)
In their sixth year, Lucius Malfoy kissed Lily Evans, Draco Malfoy dreamed of kissing Harry Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy kissed Lily Potter (but she kissed him first.) It was like tradition, like clockwork.
White Lies (And Other Misdemeanors)
"I was never a child. Just a very short adult." In which Albus Dumbledore is perturbed, Voldemort is disturbed, and Harry is just Harry.
the family evans
What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy on her front doorstep, she took him in? Not into the cupboard under the stairs, not into a twisted childhood of tarnished worth and neglect—what if she took him in?
Petunia was jealous, selfish and vicious. We will not pretend she wasn’t. She looked at that boy on her doorstep and thought about her Dudders, barely a month older than this boy. She looked at his eyes and her stomach turned over and over. (Severus Snape saved Harry’s life for his eyes. Let’s have Petunia save it despite them).
Let’s tell a story where Petunia Dursley found a baby boy on her doorstep and hated his eyes—she hated them. She took him in and fed him and changed him and got him his shots, and she hated his eyes up until the day she looked at the boy and saw her nephew, not her sister’s shadow. When Harry was two and Vernon Dursley bought Dudley a toy car and Harry a fast food meal with a toy with parts he could choke on Petunia packed her things and got a divorce.
If He Be Worthy WIP
Harry summons The Sword of Gryffindor in the Chamber of Secrets, pulls it from the Sorting Hat, and uses it to slay a Basilisk in defense of Hogwarts without realizing that once upon a time The Sword of Gryffindor had another name... Excalibur.
Iron and Bones WIP
The Chamber of Secrets was originally intended to be a ritual room. So when Harry enters the Chamber bleeding while the diary Horcrux is conducting a ritual to gain a body and unknowingly helps the ritual along, a debt is incurred. And every good wizard knows that a life debt must be repaid at all costs.
Harry Potter and the Dukes New Clothes WIP
On his first trip to the Wizarding World Harry turns left instead of right. Its amazing how much one little thing can change the world.
Antithesis WIP
After the disaster at the Department of Mysteries, Harry just wants to be left alone. But between dealing with the Dursleys and struggling with his own depression, the Ministry soon comes knocking with a request to give his testimony. Harry’s all for condemning his enemies for the rest of eternity, right up until he steps into the courtroom and realizes he’s more tired than angry and vengeance has never been his thing anyway, especially when he spots even arrogant Draco Malfoy sitting in the stands, grey-faced and blank and staring at his father as if the man would disappear if he so much as blinks. Besides, the world’s going to hell, and logically speaking, less people wanting to stab him in the back just makes his life easier in the long run. Of course, little does Harry know, with that one decision, everything changes.
Live life like you stole it Mature
Things go differently, down in the Chamber. Instead of pouring herself into the diary, Ginny opened her heart to it, her heart and her mind, and that means a different path for Tom Riddle to take. No message saying Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever; instead Tom takes Ginny down to the Chamber one empty afternoon and waits for the last of her to die. When it is all over Tom flicks long red hair over her shoulders, picks up Ginny’s wand (not a perfect match, but better than nothing, better than fifty years without a wand) and leaves the Chamber. Saunters out of Myrtle’s bathroom looking like nothing more than a little eleven year old girl.
Erosmancy Mature
Blaise was immune to whatever it was people usually felt around his mother, for which he was profoundly grateful, since no one needed an Oedipal complex on quite that spectacular a scale, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a thorough respect for her gift.
No Solace In Solitude Mature
George is a hot mess. Harry’s just a mess—which apparently qualifies him to help George sort his life out, according to their family.
A Match of Wits Explicit
How do you stay angry with a man who can’t remember what you can’t forget? When Harry finds Snape unable to recall any of the second wizarding war, he does his best to help restore the man’s memories of his past, and ease him back into wizarding society. A friendship with further potential is born along the way, a less-angry Snape is welcomed into the new peaceful post-war world, and Harry proves that cunning and intelligence aren’t solely traits of the Slytherins. NOTE: this is from the Snarry Big Bang fest.
~ Pairing is Harry/Severus
A Summer Fling, and Something More Explicit
Hattie Potter is consummately professional on the job, even if her bastard ex-husband is a co-worker. Nonetheless, circumstances conspire against her and she finds herself put on paid leave against her will. Andromeda thinks this is the perfect time for her grandson’s overworked godmother to take a holiday. She sends Hattie off to southern Italy with orders to sunbathe, flirt with cute boys and maybe have a summer fling.
Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Catch Explicit
Ever since Voldemort’s near-defeat three years past, Hazel Potter’s health has been in steady decline. After much searching she finally discovers a possible cure. It’s … unexpected to say the least. Meanwhile Lucius Malfoy, three years widowed, is searching for a solution to his own problems. Mayhap they can help one another.
Memento Vivere WIP Mature
AU of OotP and later. After learning the truth of exactly how badly vampires are treated in the Wizarding world, Harry takes it upon himself to improve their lives, in whatever way he can. Even if it means joining forces with a certain Dark Lord. eventual Dark!Harry, vampire!Harry, HP/LV/Sanguini, rated for later content.
To my Masterpost of Harry Potter Recs <3
I also have rec lists for Naruto and Doctor who.
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