#Mattel Adventure Park
mrsmoose54 · 1 year
Theme Park News - August 2023
There are currently 620 amusement park business’s registered in the USA which is an increase of 9.1% on 2022. It is impossible to keep up with all the movers and shakers so here are a few that caught my attention recently. The #1 is not surprisingly Walt Disney World Resort in Florida but did you know that in America there are currently 624 steel Roller Coasters and over 117 wooden…
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travelella · 2 years
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Mattel Adventure Park, Glendale, Arizona.
Currently being constructed. Visit the Mattel site to see updates on their construction cam!
Ride a Hot Wheel go kart
Join Thomas& Friends on a treasure hunt
Enjoy a signature pink beverage on the third story rooftop of the Barbie Beach House.
This is an indoor/outdoor park that’s designed to keep you comfortable during all seasons in Arizona.
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rodspurethoughts · 2 years
Mattel Adventure Park Coming Soon to Glendale.
Glendale, AZ – The Valley is hyped for a new, upcoming, first of its kind, themed amusement park which will be opening soon. From what we can see the Mattel Adventure Park is still slated to reach its 2023 opening. Last year, the developers behind the adjacent Crystal Lagoon project decided to expand the resort’s footprint, which pushed construction for both passed the earlier projected 2022…
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Frozen Winter Festival nothing but a doll series? | News
I can't believe I'm going to say it but it highly looks like Frozen: Winter Festival is not a short series or even a short film but rather just a series of doll sets. 😭. So sadd and so disappointing I know. Apparently many other franchises like Monster High have had Mattel sets released inspired by a so-called short form series.
On reddit, a user asked if the series is even possible given that Jen Lee or anyone else hasn't said a word about in D23 or since. Someone in the comment wrote this, and another replied "That's right".
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Not sure who this person is that's confirmed this but it is starting to look just like an original doll set inspired by Frozen. We should have known from the moment D23 was over otherwise they would have mentioned it. But the dolls do look good and like something the sisters would actually wear. Though I have to admit the descriptions the dolls give on the so-called series of Elsa and Anna hosting a Winter Festival with familiar faces being included sounds like it's a real series.
The dolls are set to release August 30 or September 15 and we would have gotten an announcement by now given it's almost the end of August.
But then that leaves the question will we ever get content while we wait for Frozen 3? All I can say is, I hope so. Frozen 3 isn't coming out for just over 3 years in 2027! While we may get unofficial content like these dolls, or park related stuff, or books and magazines, I really want to see new animated content. Most people say they want a short film like Frozen Fever and Olaf's Frozen Adventure. I do understand that making Frozen 3 and 4 is taking some time being made simultaneously, but while Frozen 3 looks and sounds worth the wait, we should get something else, something as big as a series to feed on while we wait for the next 3 years.
But we shall see what we get if anything. This is just speculation btw nothing officially confirmed. We don't know for certain if it's really just a doll series or based on an actual upcoming short-form series.
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birindale · 9 months
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Adventure of the Blue Diamond
Frosta learns about stranger danger, Catra blots out the 'daystar', and She-Ra smashes a priceless gem for no discernible reason.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: A cover and 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Adventure of the Blue Diamond”.
Cover: She-Ra stands in a snowy field, staring at something. Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow stand behind her, none of them dressed for cold weather. Bow has an arrow nocked, and his embedded ‘heart’ is situated low on his torso, more where a belly button would be. All parties look vaguely concerned. The ‘Princess of Power’ logo stands in sharp contrast to the indigo sky, while the title ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ is a washed out azure with insufficient lining to read well against the lighter purple background and blue of Bow’s pants.
Page 1: A yellow text box reads, “The duties of the day behind her. PRINCESS ADORA indulges in a rare moment of quiet reflection. But her sweet peace is to be short lived… For all is not well in Etheria… ”
Adora is looking into a mirror, brushing her hair despite still wearing her crown and high-collared cape. She’s smiling peacefully.
Adora notices something in her reflection, pausing in her brushing. 
What appears to be a window glows gold in the reflection of the mirror, and she stares at it with a concerned frown. 
Kowl bursts into the room, frantic, calling, “Oh, fair princess, woe is me! DANGER! DANGER… all I see! QUICKLY! You must follow me! HOOT! HOOT!” Adora whips around to face him. 
“Good heavens, Kowl! What IS the matter?” she asks. The words ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ appear on a title scroll at the bottom of the page. ‘Blue Diamond’ is rendered as though made of cut gems.
End Page 1.
Page 2: “Just look and listen!” says Kowl, leading her to the open window of the Crystal Castle. A strong and ominous wind hisses outside.
“CATRA! Up to her old tricks! I’d recognize that voice anywhere!” says Adora, looking out into a gathering storm. 
“She’s gone too far I fear! Etheria’s DOOM is all too near!” says Kowl. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” says Adora, with a confident smile. 
“BY THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL… I AM SHE-RA!” she yells, holding the Sword of Protection aloft. Magic swirls around her, and the word ‘BOOM!’ is printed in big red letters. Her crown inverts, but does not cover her eyes as a mask. 
“I must find the source of this dark trouble at once! Kowl, summon BOW and DOUBLE TROUBLE… quickly… I’ll need their HELP!” She-Ra says to Kowl.
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A yellow caption box reads, “Moments later…” and we see that it’s begun to snow. A large vehicle with lepidopteran wings, somewhere between the Butterflyer and the Flutter Plane in design but colored to match Double Trouble’s outfit, is parked in front of the Crystal Castle, where She-Ra meets with her allies. 
“Brave Bow, far greater is the force of Catra’s folly this day than I have ever seen it! I know not the SOURCE of her dark powers, but we must NOT let her EVIL TREACHERY SUCCEED!” says She-Ra. 
“Never have I seen Etheria look more DESOLATE and DREARY! Whatever Catra’s up to… It must be a vile TRICK indeed!” says Bow. 
“She-Ra, surely you must have some sort of PLAN!” says Double Trouble. 
“Indeed I do and much of it depends on you, Double Trouble., with your SPY DISGUISE you can make it into Catra’s camp UNDETECTED! GO NOW and discover for me just what wretched scheme that fiendish feline has up her sleeve!” says She-Ra. 
Double Trouble stands with her hands on her hips, wind buffeting Bow behind her. “And when I have your answer?” she asks. 
“Then send a SIGNAL skyward. The FLUTTER PLANE will bring Bow and me to your side in a but a moment!” says She-Ra, so apparently that is in fact the Flutter Plane, just riffing on the earlier two-seater concept art that Filmation discarded and Mattel never produced. Cool.
A yellow caption box reads, “A clever scout, Double Trouble soon finds herself on the evil Catra’s trail…” and we see Double Trouble slogging through the snow, following a very neat and precise course. 
“FOOT PRINTS! Catra has been here all right!” she says, following them as it continues to snow. The ground is now completely covered.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: “... and up ahead… a CAVE!” says Double Trouble, trudging through even deeper snow, approaching, you guessed it, a cave. “If I don’t miss my guess, the SINISTER FELINE seeks shelter from the storm inside!” 
“Just as I suspected! BUT WAIT… What’s this? The fiendish feline holds a PRISONER!” Double Trouble thinks to herself, peering into the cave to see an exultant Catra, wearing a silver fur cloak, gloating over a woman with long blue hair tied to a stalagmite. 
“AT LAST! The treasured SNOW CAPE and its powerful SECRETS are mine… ALL MINE!” says Catra.
End Page 4.
Page 5: “HELP! Somebody HELP ME!” yells the prisoner. Catra smiles dismissively and pulls out her mask and says, “FROSTA, my dear, you are a FOOL! There is no one to hear your cries, nor anyone to interfere with thissss…
“My most diabolical plot to SEIZE CONTROL of all Etheria!” she declares, putting on her mask. 
The space between panels reads, “Unleashed by Catra’s evil threats, Double Trouble CHANGES into her SPY DISGUISE - a face that Catra recognizes as a FRIEND!” followed by a four-panel sequence of Double Trouble shifting into evil mode. 
“CATRA! What have we here?” she asks. 
“WHA…? Oh it’s you, Double Trouble!” says Catra. “This foolish girl has given me her precious SNOW CAPE, and with its secrets, Etheria will soon be MINE!”
End Page 5.
Page 6:
“HOW? What secrets? Tell me your plan!” says Double Trouble. 
“I took Frosta’s powerful WAND and FROZE ETHERIA!” says Catra. “But its freezing effect is only temporary! Fear not, friend—I’ve discovered a MAP in her cape that will lead me to the BLUE ICE DIAMOND! And I will have the power to freeze Etheria FOREVER!” 
“Double Trouble, guard Frosta until I return!” says Catra, running from the cave.
A yellow caption box reads, “Above Etheria’s moonlit horizon, Bow and She-Ra watch… and wait…” and we see the Flutter Plane flying over a snow-covered landscape.
“LOOK THERE! It’s Double Trouble’s SIGNAL!” says Bow, pointing at a flare of magic from the pilot’s seat. 
“GOOD! Let’s take ‘er down…” says She-Ra. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: “She-Ra, Etheris is in the greatest PERIL! Frosta, QUICKLY, you must tell She-Ra everything you know!” says Double Trouble, as she emerges from the cave, supporting Frosta. Bow and She-Ra run towards her.
“So LONELY have I been here, in the frozen north, for Catra’s TRICKERY I was an easy mark! A day ago, she befriended me… but it has COST me DEARLY!” says Frosta, beginning to cry. Double Trouble holds her closer in support.
“Go on, tell her about the SNOW CAPE!” she urges. 
“Foolishly, I GAVE my snow cape to Catra in exchange for her company! Inside the cape, there is a map that will lead her to the Blue Ice Diamond!” says Frosta, dripping tears. 
“THE BLUE ICE DIAMOND! Catra will use the gemstone’s powerful magic to turn Etheria into a frozen wasteland FOREVER! We must STOP her!” says She-Ra, evidently horrified.
A yellow caption box reads, “With Frosta in the lead, She-Ra and her stalwart cohorts race across the Dreaming Mountain! But can they reach the Blue Ice Diamond in time?” 
The Flutter Plane flies overhead while Double Trouble and Frosta (who has been mistakenly colored to look like She-Ra) ride in another vessel. It’s a sailing sledge (an iceboat meant for dry land) with an unstayed mast & single lateen sail, long and narrow in the style of a stereotypical viking ship, complete with an ornate figurehead of a bird of prey. The entire ship is a similar shade of green to Double Trouble, including the sail, which is feather-patterned. There are struts visible in later panels which confirm this is a sleigh and not a magical land-ship of some kind. The whole thing is reminiscent of the Sea Harp in shape, but that hasn't been designed yet.
End Page 7. 
Page 8: A yellow caption box reads, “... or does Catra ALREADY hold Etheria’s fate in her grasp?” as Catra gloats over a gem, which glows a vivid green. 
“CATRA!” shouts Frosta, now colored correctly, “HALT! Or I shall FREEZE you where you stand!” She climbs from the sailing sledge and brandishes her Snowflake Wand (which is really more of a staff). 
“You’re TOO LATE Frosta… TOO LATE!” Catra calls back, lifting a faceted gem to her face as she smiles in evil glee.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: “LOOK! Etheria’s bright daystar DIMS even as I speak, and a CLOAK OF DARKNESS SWEEPS THE LAND!” she yells, gesturing at what I think it’s safe to assume is a sun and not the planet Venus because it’s flipping huge, “Soon I shall rule FOREVER!” 
“WHISSSSHHHH,” goes the Snowflake Wand, which now more resembles a scepter, then “ZZZAAA,” in a spidery, electric sort of style. Sparkles emerge from the wand and Frosta looks pretty pissed.
“--KRAKK!” finish the onomatopoeia, as we return to Catra, who’s surrounded by sparkles as the sun darkens behind her. 
We zoom in closer to reveal she’s frozen solid, still cackling. 
The focus shifts to the sun, now completely dark. 
End Page 9. 
Page 10:  Frosta falls to her knees in despair, burying her face in her hands as Double Trouble tries to comfort her. In the background, the Flutter Plane lands and She-Ra leaps from within. 
“Oh She-Ra, I have FAILED! There is NOTHING we can do to save Etheria from darkness… it’s all MY FAULT!” sobs Frosta as She-Ra lays a supportive hand on her shoulder. 
She-Ra doesn’t respond immediately, trudging over to Catra as Bow reaches the sledge. 
“Perhaps there is MORE to this blue ice diamond than meets the eye!” She-Ra says, plucking the gem from the frozen Catra’s grasp. 
“BOW! Stand fast and make ready an arrow! I have an idea!” she calls back over her shoulder. Bow moves forward obediently. Frosta is still kneeling in the snow and Double Trouble’s still in the sledge. 
End Page 10.
Page 11: “The SECRET of this gemstone’s POWER may lie WITHIN…” says She-Ra, setting the blue ice diamond atop a rock. 
She lifts her sword. In this panel and the next, she’s shown with her inverted crown functioning as a mask. “... so, if we CRACK it…” 
She brings the Sword of Protection down with a huge “SMASH!” 
“... we can set its magic FREE!” she finishes, revealing that there was a second, smaller diamond inside the first diamond, matryoshka doll style. For some reason. 
“Now, let your arrow FLY!” she says to Bow, as he ties this smaller diamond to an arrow. It glows a soft yellow. She-Ra’s crown is no longer a mask. 
End page 11. 
Page 12: Bow aims directly at the darkened sun. 
We get a close-up of his face, deep in concentration, as he releases the arrow with a loud “SPUNGG!”
The arrow sails towards the sun. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow look on. Bow lowers his bow. 
The arrow disappears from sight, leaving only the darkness and the blotted daystar. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, Bow, and She-Ra watch in silence. 
The sun remains dark 
End page 12. 
Page 13: “BULL’SEYE!” hollers Bow, lifting his bow to the sky in jubilation as the sun goes “BUH WHOOM!” and begins emitting light once more. He slings a celebratory arm around Frosta’s waist, like he means to hug her but is just too excited about archery to bother. 
Catra begins to defrost beneath the heat of the sun. 
She comes to staring at her now-empty hand, startled and soaking wet from the melted ice, the snow cape falling from her shoulders. We see that beneath the snow, this was some kind of arid plain, which contradicts its earlier description as being the “Dreaming Mountain”, as the Dreaming Mountains are the home of Castle Chill (and thus, chilly) from Filmation. 
“CURSES! FOILED AGAIN!” shouts Catra, sprinting into the distance. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: “YOU’VE DONE IT! The daystar glows brighter than ever!” says Frosta, clapping her hands together in delight. 
“Etheria is SAFE once more and I am FREE at last of Catra’s EVIL MAGIC!” she says, holding her snow cape over one shoulder like a jock with a letterman jacket. 
“Yes—Etheria is SAFE and BEAUTIFUL once more!” says She-Ra, walking over to her. 
“Bow, Double Trouble, time to go! The CRYSTAL CASTLE and NEW ADVENTURES await!” says She-Ra, looking over her shoulder to her friends. 
“But WAIT! How can I ever REPAY your kindness? Perhaps my coat…?” says Frosta, holding the snow cape out to She-Ra as Double Trouble and Bow climb into the Flutter Plane. 
“Fair Frosta—haven’t you learned a moral after all that’s happened? REMEMBER THIS!” says She-Ra:
“FRIENDSHIP can’t be bought or sold… it must come from the HEART! And from OUR hearts to YOURS—a friendship that’s EVERLASTING!” says She-Ra, in the traditional red text they use for morals. Everybody smiles at each other. 
The End.
End of Page 14.
Back Cover: The “Princess of Power” logo, with the text “Collect Princess of Power (trademarked) Dolls & Accessories! Each Sold Separately.
Cardback illustrations for She-Ra the “most powerful woman in the universe”, Bow the “special friend”, Double Trouble the “glamorous double-agent”, Frosta the “Ice Empress of Etheria”, Catra the “Jealous Beauty”, Castaspella the “Enchantress who hypnotizes”, Kowl “The Know-It-Owl”, Angella the “Angelic winged guide”, and Glimmer the “Guide who lights the way”. 
Illustrations copyright Mattel Inc., 1984. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A.
PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. 
End of ID]
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harley-the-pancake · 1 year
I want Team ZITS to go to Mattel Adventure Park in Arizona when it opens in 2024
Fuck if I know. Probably the idea of Zed at Barbie’s Beach House
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disneyvoguemagazine · 8 months
#RileyKeough #TheRunaways #DisneyVogue #February2024 #Cover #MarvelComics @runaways #MarvelRunAways
#RileyKeoughDisneyVogue #RileyKeoughVoguecover #MMCXXII
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#DanielleRileyKeough is an American actress. She made her feature film debut in a supporting part in the musical biopic The Runaways, portraying Marie Currie. Keough subsequently starred in the independent thriller The Good Doctor, before being cast in a minor role in Steven Soderbergh's comedy film Magic Mike. 
When she inquired the vogue Disney editors how she could be 'IN' the graphic novel ‘#enXanting’
i.e[A doujinshi in the likeness of Marvel Comics popular genre X-MEN series, a star crossing of collaborations and ambitions in brand ambassadorships for the celebrities who get to star within the pages for being from the Treacherous horrowing bullying has proved the characters who’s stories are told within the pages of this graphic novel are rewarded with the prize of being a face for a luxury brand or musical aspirational figures getting to participate in the rare slots being featured in the ever popular festival a celebration ‘Tomorrowland’ stages! Those who are suffering at the hands of monsterious bullies and out of control nettizens can find themselves being rescued by the ‘black cat glitch;Chanel’ of the Matrix’s trilogies anthologies. Many find themselves reaching out to the artist and writers of the online publication in hopes that they too will be dawned the spotlight in order to be bolstered by the courage and confidence the new edition has made a name for itself among comic book fans and in the communities for what the cultures about the subject matter captivate.]
Of the first she wasn't taken seriously as the editor politely smiled at her and brushed off the question as if she was asking where the restroom was located in a different language , then in a separate photo shoot, She asked again this time being pointed in the directions of the infamous #Marvel DiscJockey #DjHotWheels [ An ambassador of @MATTEL for the toy car collections this DJ and Disney promoter has helped many celebrities and Disney Stars make a name for themselves using an artist or actors works remixed into their sounds you’ll find this artist music empowering yet fringe.]
During her time at the #TomorrowlandPresents stages at a Disneyland event promoting their #HiddenStages DiscJockeys Tours Riley K, a VIP backstage lshe would ask the music artist between their sets about how to get into the pages. From here the disc jockey pointed her in the direction of Disney and Mattel’s superstar legend #DjParisHilton the princess herself who she got to attend one of the mogul’s famous brunchs located at the top of Disneyland magic castle recently decorated in a ‘Frozen’ theme the very top of the castle is where Paris Hiltons private penthouse is located says a MouseQuteers insider who passed Riley onto the guest list of this most iconic event. Here is where the best view of Disneyland parks epic Fireworks show can be seen from the best view of her Disney castles penthouse windows balcony. This year ‘Jubilation Lee’ also known as ‘Jubilee’ [Of the Marvel Avengers Academy located at California Adventure park] with her dazzling ability to manifest sparkling fireworks and lights from her hands, the popular X-MEN will be hosting the parks fireworks events at both times for the Disneyland parks! Don’t miss this spectacular most Uncanny event as she will only be hosting her show until the last performance being on the 4th of July, after that holiday the fireworks show will continue in its original way #MMCXXII X
#20XX #2024
Disneyland Parks will be hosting this event! When asked, Paris promised that she would get the cover feature for next issue of their online editorial and claim the feature story.
Trusting the alumni #MouseClub/ #MouseQuteer [DJ/ParisHilton: #secretmouseclub circa #20XX #MarvelComicsMouseQuteers ] When skeptics asked insider columnist #DeeryLou @Sanrio the journalist took a moment to call a source and confirmed that she would be gracing next months cover [#DisneyVogue Online Magazines #February2024 ] of the fringed #DisneyVogue a #DisneyMagazine and publication effort still in process / patent. Stay tuned to find out what #NickiMinaj had to say about her #Marvel debut for the magazines cover and the cluster of fumbles that made her miss her cover debut for the magazine, a series of unfortunate events. Riley was photographed by PIBE Magazine Nathaniel
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tarzinnia · 1 year
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Image credit: Mattel
Living Barbie Was A Living Legend
At least in my world she was. I commented about this on someone else's Tumblr blog, but that style of Barbie was mine. I don't know where she came from--hand me down probably, maybe a garage sale, but she was mine. I only ever had the one Barbie and man did she live. The clothes drying rack was where her gymnastic feats were gold medal worthy. The sandbox at the park was her beach (we lived nowhere near an ocean or lake), she climbed trees and fell out them, she rode my older brother's skateboard, she sat on the handlebars of my bike; and she wore the glitter right off that swimsuit because I didn't have a whole lot of clothes for her except some felt scraps that were left over from some project. As you might be able to tell, I was a bit of an outdoorsy kid who made do with whatever was available. Barbie was my partner in my adventures.
After some time had passed, one of her arms fell off. The adults asked me if I wanted a new Barbie for my birthday /Christmas but my answer was NO. My Barbie lived life with zest and adventure and things happen to people and they keep on going and so did Barbie. She was my ride or die Barbie. Boy did she ever live. What a legend.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'It was not too long ago that the future of cinemas looked decidedly grim.
Empire Cinemas fell into administration in early July, as the lingering effects of Covid allied to the cost of living crisis took its toll on the company.
Six Empire cinemas were closed immediately with the loss of 150 jobs, while the future of a further seven, including one in Clydebank, remain in the balance, as they continue to trade and administrators at BDO strive to find a buyer. The company had employed 437 people in total before the failure.
Around the same time, the much bigger Cineworld Group, similarly blighted by the fall-out from Covid, was completing a long-running financial restructuring process which formally ended on August 1, when it exited Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the US.
Cineworld emerged with lower debt and a new management team, its assets having transferred to a new company, though the process resulted in heavy losses for investors.
Throughout the bankruptcy process, business carried on as usual at all the Cineworld outlets, including those trading under the Regal, Cinema City, Picturehouse and Planet brands.
Now, thanks to some of the biggest releases in living memory, many of those theatres will be enjoying their best summers in years.
Cinemas were one of the biggest business victims of the pandemic, as restrictions forced the closure of multiplexes and independents for long spells and the production of films was severely hampered, curbing the flow of new releases.
This year, however, the industry is back with a bang, aided in no small measure by a sequence of summer blockbusters which have attracted audiences in their droves.
Two hotly anticipated movies have been crucial to the revival.
Barbie, a story based on the Mattel doll starring Margot Robbie and directed by Greta Gerwig, hit the billion-dollar mark in gross takings this week, just 17 days after its release, Warner Bros Pictures announced, following one of the biggest marketing campaigns seen for a film in years.
Released on the same day as Barbie was Oppenheimer, the latest epic from director Christopher Nolan, which charts US efforts to develop the atomic bomb as the Second World War drew to a close through the story of physicist J Robert Oppenheimer.
While Oppenheimer has not scaled the same financial heights as Barbie, it had still grossed more than $500m in ticket sales by this week.
Both films have drawn huge audiences in the UK, with Barbie generating sales of £18.5m and Oppenheimer £10.9m on their opening weekend, according to figures compiled by the British Film Institute, and are continuing to pack them in.
But “Barbenheimer”, as the two films have been collectively termed owing to their simultaneous release date, have not been the only shows in town this summer.
Prior to their arrival in theatres, UK cinemas have also been able to drum up millions of pounds in ticket sales from Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which is likely to be Harrison Ford’s final outing as the titular archaeologist-come-adventurer.
And there is more to come, with Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon, Dune: Part Two, The Marvels, and The Creator still to come before the year is out.
A recent visit to my local multiplex as various family members took in Barbenheimer underlined the impact which this summer’s big releases have had. People were milling about the foyer in what looked to be unprecedented numbers, which was no doubt great for sales of popcorn and hot dogs.
But the cinemas are not the only businesses which seem to be benefiting from this big summer of film. As we walked through the mall on our way from the car park to the theatre, it was abundantly clear that restaurants, cafes, and shops were doing well too.
With kids off school for the summer, many parents have no doubt been taking their children (Barbie is rated 12A by the British Board of Film Classification) to the cinema over recent weeks to keep them occupied.
David Pierotti, general manager for the Silverburn shopping and leisure mall in Glasgow, said this summer had been a “standout” for the destination, with the “temperamental Scottish weather” playing its part as footfall and sales have risen by 22% and 11% compared with the same period last year.
And he is in no doubt the release of the summer blockbusters has helped.
Mr Pierotti told The Herald: “We are in no doubt that the release of Barbie and Oppenheimer have been massive hits – we believe our Cineworld has enjoyed one of its best months yet which, given the global success of the films, is no surprise and this has also encouraged spend in our other stores and restaurants.”
Of course, going to the cinema is far from cheap so, at a time when inflation is still rampant and interest rates are continuing to rise, businesses will have been encouraged that consumers are showing resilience by going to the movies and visiting restaurants as part of the experience.
How this will all pan out in the longer term is difficult to forecast. The summer holidays will end soon, and the next slate of big movies is unlikely to match the broad appeal of Barbie and Oppenheimer, meaning there will be perhaps less impetus for people to visit their local multiplex.
Cost of living pressures and high interest rates are not going away, and when Christmas eventually comes into view for parents in the autumn, many families will have other things to spend their diminishing disposable income on than trips to the pictures.
Moreover, there is another danger lurking in the wings for the cinema industry.
Ongoing industrial action by actors and screenwriters in the US, who are in dispute with studios over pay and safeguards around artificial intelligence, has disrupted production activity, sparking concerns that the release of films and television shows will be delayed. It was recently reported in the US that Warner Bros may seek to delay the release of Dune: Part 2 until 2024 to ensure its stars, including Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya, will be available to promote the movie on its release.
Film buffs here will be keeping a close eye on developments. In the meantime, cinemas will be hoping the magic of Barbenheimer is just the start of a great theatrical revival.'
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barbie-edits · 2 years
Hmm hmm
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amaiitastic · 5 days
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︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ just a girl living in a girl world !¡
— This blog is purely my hyper fixations and anything else to match ૮ . . ྀིა⁩
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໒꒰ྀི ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ྀི১ Hi hi! I am Isabella || she/her || 2003
I don’t actually know what to write about myself now that I am trying to.
Music: my chem, fall out boy, bring me the horizon, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, oasis, 5 seconds of summer, one ok rock, Andy biersack, nofx, paramore, the cranberries, the all american rejects, the 1975, marina, linkin park, system of a down, story of the year, weezer, jack off jill, taking back sunday, asking alexandria, one direction, zedd, joji
Movies/shows: love rosie, love actually, derry girls, skins uk, harry potter, hunger games, how I met your mother, brooklyn 999, daisy jones and the six, ouran high host club, invader zim, adventure time, gravity falls, black phone, ghibli, friday the 13th, supernatural, buffy the vampire hunter
Youtube(?): brittany broski, nikki carreon, stephanie soo, mina le, bailey sarian, itzkeisha, film cooper, finn mckenty, trixie mattel, good mythical morning, smosh, daniel howell
Books: for the wolf, filthy rich vampire, twilight, Anita Blake vampire hunter series, great gatsby, unholyverse
Randoms: going to Vegas for wwwy, avid soy milk enjoyer, caffeine addict, love making wearing candy, writing a book/books, love Man U, trying to move abroad to the uk for awhile, I found mcr at too early of an age and turned myself into Gerard. I’m sure there is plenty more. I love to yap and making friends! My pms are open! ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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Tiktok: amaitastic
Airbus: dizzyiz
Ig: grand.theft.autumn
Pinterest: amaiitastic
Bye bye!!
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kawaiibreadbeliever · 7 months
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Julie (My OC)
Meet Julie. She is a Kirby Teenager who is Puffy and Baby Puffy's older cousin.
Age: 13 years old.
Heroes of Freedom, Baby Kirby & Friends, The Cutest Ghosts, Mark & Laura, My Baby Boo, Go! Go! Charlie Baby Car, Slimes, Tamagotchi Babies, Pew the Moei, Ask Bel and Lona, Little Baby Heart, Dragon Quest Heroes: Gootrude, Digimon Babies, Shroomy and Robo, Pluto the Fluffy Monster, The Ninja Blobs, Chibi's Clues, Billy's School Days , The Lucas Show, Flowey Toons, Booby-Doo!, Anna the Explorer, Kung Fu Bomb, The Adventures of Ginkin, Explore the Reef with Bubbles, Big Kids Brasil, Receitas da Cooking Mama and ForestLand franchises are created by AndersonLopess781 (Me) .
Characters: © Nintendo / SEGA / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Tapps Tecnologia de Informação LTDA. / Moonbug Entertainment Ltd. / Walter Lantz Productions / Universal Studios / Animation Cafe / VTech / Kuku Studios / Netflix / PunkRobot Studio / CPT Holdings, Inc. / Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. / Viacom International, Inc. / Zeptolab UK Limited / Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. / Disney / MSP - Brazil / TOSE / Team Meat / Turner Entertainment Co. / Mattel / Tetris Holding. / Cake Entertainment, Inc. / TeamTO / TUBAn / Sony Pictures Animation / Iconix Entertainment / SK Broadband / EBS / Vodka Capital / 737 SHAKER / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. / United Artists / DreamWorks Animation LLC / Big Idea Productions, LLC / Amblin Entertainment, Inc. / Shonen Jump / Peyo / Nelvana / Village Roadshow Pictures / Outfit7 Limited. / Amuse Animation / Cartoon Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. / The Pyros Group / Paws, Inc. / Vector Unit / Fantawild Animation, Inc. / Le Vision Pictures / Toei Animation Co., Ltd. / Sunsoft / Success / 20th Century Studios / Gracie Films / King Features Syndicate / Project First / Happy Madison Productions / Spin Master Entertainment / Man of Action Entertainment / FunnyFlux Entertainment / Qianqi Animation / Marvel / RoiVisual / Hyundai Motors / Benex Ivestment / PIP Animation Services / WNET New York / Title Entertainment / Warner Animation Group / SpringHill Entertainment / Proximity Media / Rovio Entertainment / DC Comics / WWE Studios / Gébéka Films / Les Armateurs / Jet Media / Armada / Hasbro / Rendered Ideas Software PVT Ltd. / Square Enix / Toby Fox / 8-4 / Innersloth / Konami Digital Entertainment / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Mojang AB / Ubisoft / Activision / Rare Ltd. / Taito / ZUN / Team Shangai Alice / WayForward Technologies, Inc. / KIKIYAMA / 13AM Games / Midway Games / Epic Games / The Funkin' Crew Inc. / Little Airplane Productions, Inc. / Monomi Park / SAM Productions / Holiday Hill Enterprises, Inc. / Kidtoon Films / Lionsgate / Hit Entertainment / OLM, Inc / The Pinkfong Company / Sony Interactive Entertainment / Takapy Pictures / Golfarma / Governo da Bahia / Sesame Workshop / Scholastic Entertainment / GalaxyTrail / The Lego Group / Humongous Entertainment / Disney/Pixar / jacknjellify / Schulz Studio / Sanrio / Studio MDHR / Fresh TV, Inc / Wexworks Media / 9 Story Media Group / Ember Lab / The Jim Henson Company / Wildbrain Studios / Frederator Studios / Omation / DNA Productions / Aardman Animations Limited / Illumination Entertainment / Zag Heroez / Gloob / Entertainment One / Astley Baker Davies, Inc / Teletoon / Clockwork Zoo / SuperToons / UP! Content co. / Lucasfilm, Ltd. / Milky Cartoon / Callaway Arts & Entertainment / AbsoluteDigital Pictures / Translux / Felix the Cat Productions / TV Pinguim / Chorion / Renegade Animation / Kiloo Games / SYBO Games / Editora Luz e Vida / Soyuzmultfilm / American Greetings / Adult Swim / One Animation Pte Ltd / Hot Drop Films / WonderWorld Studios / DigiArt Productions / Arc Productions / CJ Entertainment / Nest Family Entertainment / Devsisters Corporation / KIGLE Corp / Invisible Universe / Team Asobi / Geethanjali Kids / Televisión Española / ICEC / Creative Europe Media. All Rights Reserved.
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ptbf2002 · 8 months
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My Top 13 Worst Episodes Of Good Cartoons
#13 Arnold Betrays Iggy (Hey, Arnold!)
#12 Tot Watchers (Tom And Jerry)
#11 Middle Engine (Thomas And Friends)
#10 Boys Of Bummer (The Simpsons)
#9 Arthur's Hit (Arthur)
#8 Dear John (The Looney Tunes Show)
#7 Life Of Brian (Family Guy)
#6 The Splinter (Spongebob Squarepants)
#5 Mickey's Big Break (Mickey Mouse Works)
#4 Stay Cool (Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil)
#3 Imposter's Home for Um... Make 'Em Up Pals (Foster's Home Imaginary Friends)
#2 He Loves Me Not (Pucca)
And Finally #1 No Such Luck (The Loud House)
Dishonorable Mentions: The Best Burger in the World (Regular Show), Smile for the Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy), Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius), You Have 0 Friends (South Park), Dexter vs. Santa's Claws (Dexter's Laboratory), A Matter of Life and BFF (Harvey Street Kids/Harvey Girls Forever!) A Very Special Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls), Election Day (Unikitty!) No (Mickey Mouse 2013), Phineas And Ferb Get Busted! (Phineas And Ferb), House Of Scrooge (House of Mouse), Kitty Cat Best Enemy (Magiki), The Worst (The Amazing World of Gumball), And It's A Wishful Life (The Fairly OddParents)
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/mranimatedtoon/art/Top-13-Worst-Episodes-of-Good-Cartoons-Blank-720595445
Hey Arnold! Belongs To Craig Bartlett, Hong Ying Animation Co., Ltd. Hung Long Animation Company, Saerom Animation, Inc. Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Toon-Us-In Animations, U.S. Animation, Games Animation, Inc. Snee-Oosh, Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
Tom and Jerry Belongs To William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Fil-Cartoons, Mr. Big Cartoons, Bardel Entertainment, Inc. Baer Animation Company, CNK International, Seoul Movie Co., Ltd. Toon City Animation Inc. Yearim Productions Co., Ltd. Hanho Heung-Up Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co. Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Lotto Animation, Inc. Renegade Animation, PIP Animation Services Inc. Slap Happy Cartoons Inc. Digital eMation, Inc. Duncan Studio, Rembrandt Films, Sib Tower 12, Inc. MGM Animation/Visual Arts, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Cartoon Studio, Harman-Ising Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. MGM Holdings, Inc. Amazon MGM Studios, Amazon.com, Inc. Turner Entertainment Company, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Thomas And Friends Belongs To Britt Allcroft, Clapham Junction, Clearwater Studios Battersea, Shepperton Studios, Nitrogen Studios Canada, Inc. Cinesite Vancouver, Cinesite, Arc Productions, Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Clearwater Features, Britt Allcroft Ltd. Britt Allcroft (Thomas) Ltd. The Britt Allcroft Company PLC, Fuji Television Network, Inc. Gullane Entertainment PLC, HIT Entertainment Limited, Mattel Television, Mattel, Inc. ITV 1, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, ITV Studios Limited, ITV plc, Nick Jr. (British and Irish TV channel), Nickelodeon UK Ltd. Milkshake! Channel 5 (British TV channel), Channel 5 Broadcasting Limited, Paramount Networks UK & Australia, Paramount International Networks. Paramount Global, CBeebies, BBC Worldwide Ltd. BBC Studios Ltd. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), ABC Kids, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Connecticut Public Television, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Universal Kids, NBCUniversal Media Group, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Comcast Corporation, TVOKids, TVO, Family Jr. WildBrain Ltd. Knowledge Network, Knowledge Network Corporation, Treehouse TV, YTV Canada, Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. WNET-TV Channel 13 New York, The WNET Group, PBS Kids, PBS Distribution, And Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
The Simpsons Belongs To Matt Groening, Anivision, DR Movie, Film Roman, LLC Hanho Heung-Up Company, Klasky-Csupo, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Toon Boom Animation, Toonzone Entertainment, Wild Horse Animation Group, Gracie Films, 20th Television Animation, 20th Television, Disney Television Studios, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, And The Walt Disney Company
Arthur Belongs To Marc Brown, Kathy Waugh, Animation Services Hong Kong, Hero4Hire Creative, CINAR Productions Inc. CINAR Films Inc. CINAR Corporation, Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc. DHX Cookie Jar Inc. DHX Media, Ltd. WildBrain Ltd. 9 Story Entertainment Inc. 9 Story Media Group Inc. Oasis Animation inc. WGBH-TV Channel 2, WGBH Educational Foundation, PBS Kids, PBS Kids GO! PBS Distribution, And Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
The Looney Tunes Show Belongs To Sam Register, Spike Brandt, Tony Cervone, Yearim Productions Co., Ltd. Toon City Animation Inc. Lotto Animation, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Crew 972 Ltd. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Family Guy Belongs To Seth MacFarlane, Film Roman, LLC CNK International, Grimsaem Animation Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, Sunwoo Entertainment, Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Yeson Entertainment, Yearim Productions Co., Ltd Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th Television Animation, 20th Television, Disney Television Studios, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, And The Walt Disney Company
SpongeBob SquarePants Belongs To Stephen Hillenburg, Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Carbunkle Cartoons, SEK Animation Studio, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. United Plankton Pictures Inc. Joe Murray Productions Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
Mickey Mouse Works Belongs To Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks, Roberts Gannaway, Toon City Animation, Inc. Top Peg Animation & Creative Studio, Inc. Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida Inc. Disney Animation Australia Pty. Ltd. Disney Animation Canada, Inc. Disney Animation Japan Inc. Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Disney Television Animation, ABC Kids (TV programming block), ABC, Toon Disney, Disney Channel, Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Belongs To Sandro Corsaro, Mercury Filmworks, Disney Television Animation, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Belongs To Craig McCracken, Lauren Faust, Mike Moon, Boulder Media Limited, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Pucca (TV Series) (2006-2008) Belongs To Boo Kyoung Kim, Calvin Kim, VOOZ Co., Ltd. Studio B Productions, Inc. DHX Media Vancouver, WildBrain Studios, DHX Media, Ltd. WildBrain Ltd. MBC TV (South Korean TV channel), Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, Toon Disney, Jetix, Jetix Europe N.V. Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
The Loud House Belongs To Chris Savino, Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
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daytriptravelrs · 1 year
Unveiling the Thrills: Mattel Adventure Park Brings Magic to Glendale, Arizona!
Photo: matteladventurepark.com/#about The scorching Arizona sun is about to shine even brighter as Glendale prepares to welcome a groundbreaking entertainment destination: the brand-new Mattel Adventure Park. Nestled in the heart of the desert landscape, this upcoming attraction promises to be a haven for thrill-seekers, families, and nostalgia enthusiasts alike. Brace yourself for an immersive…
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glendaleaznews · 1 year
Behind-the-Scenes Tour
https://ift.tt/MtS0BLR Behind-the-Scenes Tour: VAI Resort and Mattel Adventure Park Construction May 14, 2023 at 05:00PM
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dat2ndaccount97 · 2 years
Quick Question, am I the only one who missed the announcement for the Mattel Theme park or did it fly under everyone else's radar too?
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