#Masanao Higashi
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June 6th, 2024: Triple congratulations are in order across two kagai! Asako (亜佐子) of Nishimura (西村) in Gion Kobu and Masanao (満彩尚) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi are celebrating their erikae while Katsuwaka (佳つ若) of Odamoto (小田本) in Gion Kobu is celebrating her misedashi! Katsuwaka is the imōto of Katsutomo (佳つ智), also of Odamoto, and was first seen during the Miyako Odori performing the tea ceremony under her real name as she had not yet officially been given a geimei by the time that the odori had begun. Masanao was the most senior maiko in Gion Higashi while Asako was the second most senior maiko in Gion Kobu, both with over five years of experience and stuck it out during the hard covid years. All three are wearing kuromontsuki with waves, a symbol of change and bringing luck, which will hopefully lead these women onto bright paths in the future ^^ おめでとうさんどす亜佐子さんと満彩尚さんと佳つ若ちゃん ^o^! Images are courtesy of Ono No Komachi, The Gion Higashi Kabukai, and Gion Niimi.
#maiko#geiko#geisha#kyoto#news#erikae#misedashi#gion kobu#gion higashi#nishimura#asako#odamoto#katsuwaka#masanao#舞妓#芸妓#芸者#京都#ニューズ#襟替え#衿替え#ゑりかへ#見世出し#店出し#祇園甲部#西村#亜佐子#小田本#佳つ若#祇園東
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Did you know that the motifs of a maiko's hairpiece (called a "kanzashi"; 簪) change every month to reflect the seasons? So can you guess when this kanzashi is worn...? This kanzashi suggests the changing autumn leaves, and so it is worn in November. While the seasonal motifs of each month are similar for all the maiko, the designs are all quite different and beautiful. That means that part of the pleasure of an ozashiki party with maiko is getting to see up close the creativity of the craftsman who created each marvelous little piece of art. Thanks to our model, the Gion Higashi maiko Masanao-san 満彩尚さん!
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I didn't get the best picture of the sign, so there may be errors in the transcribed Korean text.
新京極 北は三条通から南は四条通に至る約五百メートルのこの通りを新京極通といい、通り各平安京の最も東に位置した東京極大路(現在の寺町通)の東側に新しく造られた通りであることに由来する。 天正年間(一五七三〜一五九ニ)、豊臣秀吉が市中の多くのを寺院を寺町通に集めたことに伴い、その境内���縁日の舞台として利用され、周辺は見世物や催し物を中心に発展するようになった。 明治五年(一八七ニ)、このことに注目した京都府参事槇村正直は東京還都で衰えていた市民の士気を盛り上げるべく、寺院の境内を整理して、そこに新たな通りを造った。新京極通の誕生である。 明治十年(一八七七)頃には芝居座、浄瑠璃、寄席などの興行場や飲食店などの多くの店舗が建ち並び、明治三十年代には東京の浅草、大阪の千日前とともに、日本の三大盛り場として知られるようになった。 現在も、修学旅行性をはじめとする多くの観光客や買物客でにぎわう、京都を代表する繁華街である。 上方落語の始祖・安楽庵策伝が住職を務めた誓願寺、和泉式部の寺として知られる誠心院や、西光寺、蛸薬師堂妙心寺、安養寺、善長寺、錦天満宮、染殿院という由緒ある七つの寺院と一つの神社が通りの歴史を今に伝えている。 京都市
Shinkyogoku Shinkyogoku-dori street, which is approximately 500 meters long, runs between Sanjo-dori Street in the north and Shijo-dori Street in the south. The name Shinkyogoku (literally means the new edge of the capital) was given because it was constructed on the east side of Higashi Kyogoku Oji (literally means means the boulevard on the eastern edge of the capital), which is presently called Teramachi-dori. The Japanese warrior commander Toyotomi Hideyoshi relocated a number of temples from other places in town to Teramachi-dori Street. The precincts of the temples were used as stages of fairs then, and the vicinity of Termachi-dori Street developed as an area focusing on shows and events. In 1872, Kyoto Vice-Governor Masanao Makimura gave an eye to the area. He rearranged the precincts of the temples and built the new street in order to enliven the morale of the residents of Kyoto that had declined as a result of the relocation of the capital to Kyoto. This is how Shinkyogoku-dori Street was born. Around 1877, numbers of facilities, such as playhouses, Joruri theatres (traditional Japanese puppet theatres), variety halls, and restaurants lined the streets. Later, this area along with Asakusa in Tokyo and Sennichimae in Osaka came to be known as the three greatest entertainment quarters in Japan. Still now, Shinkyogoku-dori Street is a busy street representing Kyoto and crowded with a large number of tourists and shoppers including students on school excursions. There are seven historic temples and a shrine that pass down the history of the area. Kyoto City
신쿄고쿠 북으로는 산조도리(三条通)에서부터 남으로는 시조도리(四条通)에까지 이르는 약 500m의 이 길은 신쿄고쿠도리(新京極通)러고 하며, 이 도로의 이름은 헤이안큐(平安京)의 가장 동쪽에 위치한 하가시쿄고쿠오지(東京極大路・현재의 데라마치도리(寺町通))의 동쪽으로 새로만들어진 길이라는 뚯에시 유래하였다. 16세기 후반, 도요토미 히데요시(豊臣秀吉)가 시내의 많은 사원들을 대라마치도리로 집결시키면서, 경내에서 재를 올릴 때마다 그 주변에서 공연이나 행사 등이 자주열리며 발전하게 되었다. 1872년, 이 점에 주목한 교토부 참사 마키무라 마사나오(槇村正直)는 토쿄 천도로 침체되어 있던 시민들의 시기를 끌어옵리기 위해 사원의 경내를 정리하여 이곳에 새러운 길을 만글었는데, 이것이 바로 신쿄고쿠더리 탄생의 유래이다. 1877년, 무렵에는 연극극장, 조루리(浄瑠璃: 음악에 맞추어 낭창하는 옛날이야기), 만담 등의 공연장과 음식점 등 많은 점포들이 들어서면서 도쿄의 아사쿠사(浅草), 오사카의 센니치마에(千日前)와 함게 일본의 삼대 번화가로 널리 알려지게 되었다. 요즘도 수학여행 학생들을 비롯해 많은 관광객들과 셔핑객들로 붐비는, 교토를 대표하는 번화가이다. 길가에는 유서 깊은 7개의 사원과 신사 하나가 자리해 있으며, 그 역사를 오늘에 전하고 있다.
寄贈 新京極商店街
Japanese vocab 新京極 (しんきょうごく) Shinkyogoku 三条通 (さんじょうどおり) Sanjoudoori 四条通 (しじょうどおり) Shijō Street/Shijoudoori 平安京 (へいあんきょ) Heian-kyo; ancient Kyoto 東京極大路 (ひがしきょうごくおおじ) Higashi Kyogoku Oji 寺町通 (てらまちどおり) Teramachi Street 造る 作る 天正 (てんしょう) Tenshō era [1573-1592] 豊臣秀吉 (とよとみひでよし) Toyotomi Hideyoshi 寺院 (じいん) Buddhist temple 伴う (ともなう)to be accompanied by, to take with 境内 (けいだい) grounds (esp. of shrines and temples) 縁日 (えんにち) temple festival; day related to a specific deity 見世物 (みせもの) show, exhibition, spectacle 催し物 (もよおしもの) (program of) entertainments, special events, attractions 参事 (さんじ) secretary, councilor 槇村正直 (まきむら・まさなお) Makimura Masanao 還都 (かんと) return of government (esp. Kyoto) 衰える (おとろえる) to become weak, decline, decay 士気 (しき) morale (of troops, team, etc) 誕生 (たんじょう) creation, formation 芝居座 (しばいざ) playhouse, theatre [more common: 芝居小屋 (しばいごや)] 浄瑠璃 (じょうるり) jōruri, a type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen 寄席 (よせ) entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.) 興行 (こうぎょう) show, performance, act 店舗 (てんぽ) shop, store 建ち並ぶ (たちならぶ) to stand in a row (i.e. shops on a street) 浅草 (あさくさ) Asakusa 千日前 (せんにちまえ) Sennichimae 盛り場 (さかりば) busy street, amusement quarters 修学旅行性 (しゅうがくりょこうせい) student on a field trip 繁華街 (はんかがい) business district, shopping district, downtown 上方 (かみがた) Kyoto-Osaka region 始祖 (しそ) founder, pioneer 安楽庵策伝 (あんらくあん・さくでん) Anrakuan Sakuden 住職 (じゅうしょく) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple) 務める (つとめる) to serve (as), fill (the position of) 誓願寺 (せいがんじ) Seigan-ji 和泉式部 (いずみ・しきぶ) Izumi Shikibu 誠心院 (せいしんいん) Seishin-in 西光寺 (さいこうじ)Saikou-ji 蛸薬師堂 (たこやくしどう) Takoyakushido 妙心寺 (みょうしんじ) Myōshin-ji 安養寺 (あんようじ) Anyo-ji 錦天満宮 (にしきてんまんぐう) Nishiki-Tenmangū 染殿院 (そめどのいん) Somedonoin 由緒 (ゆいしょ) history, pedigree, lineage 寄贈 (きぞう) donation, presentation, gift
Korean vocab 북 north 가장 most, best 동쪽 east 위치하다 to be situated, located 형재의 current, present 유래하다 to originate 후반 second half 사원 temple 집결시키다 to assemble 경내 precincts, grounds 주변 surroundings 행사 event, function, ceremony 발전하다 to develop 주목하다 to watch, pay attention 참사 disaster, tragedy 천도 transfer of the capital, moving the seat of government 침체 recession, depression, become stagnant 시민 citizen 정리하다 to organize, put together 탄생 birth, be born 무렵 toward (i.e. toward the end of [time period]) 연국 극장 drama theatre 만담 comic talk, (informal) gag 공연장 theater, venue, auditorium 점포 shop, store 들어서다 to go up, be built 번화가 main road 알려지가 to be well known 수학여행 school trip 비롯해 including? 관광객 tourist 쇼핑객 shopper, customer 붐비다 to be crowded, bustling 대표하다 to represent 길가 roadside, wayside 유서(가) 깊다 to have a long history 자리하다 to be located, be situated in 역사 history
#日本語#日本歴史#Japanese language#Japanese vocabulary#Japanese langblr#寺町通#Teramachi#Kyoto#京都#Japanese history#한국어#일본 역사#Korean language#Korean vocabulary
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I hope you enjoy the ending of Your Lie in April, Orange, played on violin! 7!! - Orange┃Your Lie in April [Violin Cover] 【Julien Ando】
#your lie in april#7!!#7oops#Orange#VIolin#Anime#アニメ#バイオリン#shigatsu wa kimi no uso#四月は君の嘘#Masanao Higashi#Kaori Miyazono#Kousei Arima#Tsubaki Sawabe#Ryota Watari#Saki Arima
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March 2019: Maiko Masanao (Man Okiya) of Gion Kobu serving drinks at a banquet.
Masanao is already very outgoing and confident for such a fresh first-year Maiko and has already become quite popular because of that!
Source: plhlee on Instagram
#masanao#man okiya#gion higashi#kimono#hikizuri#furisode#susohiki#obi#darari obi#obiage#oshiroi#makeup#wareshinobu hairstyle#wareshinobu#hairstyle#hair#kanzashi#daikin#shidare kanzashi#hairpin#hair ornament#geisha#maiko#geigi#geiko#hanakanzashi#nihongami#geisha makeup#shironuri#white makeup
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พฤษภาคม 2562: ไมโกะจากเขต Gion Higashi ได้แก่ ไมโกะ Masanao (โอกิยะ Man), ไมโกะ Kanochiyo, ไมโกะ Kanohisa (โอกิยะ Kanoya), ไมโกะ Tomichie (โอกิยะ Tomikiku), และไมโกะ Ryouma (โอกิยะ Sakaemasa)
Source: chuan_lai_1219 on Deskgram
#masanao#kanochiyo#kanohisa#tomichie#ryouma#man okiya#kanoya okiya#tomikiku okiya#sakaemasa okiya#kanzashi#kimono#maiko
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May 16th, 2024: The Kanki Inari Shrine Festival took place today in Gion Higashi and Masanao (満彩尚) of Man (まん) was spotted wearing the sakkō hairstyle! During Man's last erikae, Masano's, the okiya was celebrating their first such event and as such borrowed the majority of their outfit from the Shigenoya okiya. This time around, it seems as though Shigenoya has gifted the gorgeous purple kimono to Man and that Man has purchased a new stunning black shippō patterned obi and a double crane kanzashi. Her overall look is truly stunning and we look forward to her erikae on June 6th ^^! Image is courtesy of a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.
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August 26th, 2024: A new minarai has begun her journey to become a maiko! Masaya (満彩矢) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi has begun her minarai period! She will be debuting without an onesan, but will be well looked after by geiko Masaki (満彩希), Masanao (満彩尚), and maiko Masane (満彩音). Her misedashi will be on September 18th ^^ Image is courtesy of The Gion Higashi Kabukai.
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The Karyūkai Summary of 2024
On The Seventh Day of Fun I present... the annual summation of karyukai goings on! Yes, it's that time of the year again to look at statistics to see where the karyukai has been and where it's headed! Misedashi Mamekiyo (豆季依) of Dainui (大ヌイ) in Gion Kobu - February 14th Fumiaya (富美彩) of Toshikimi (利きみ) in Miyagawa Cho - February 15th Satosuzu (さと鈴) of Nakasato (中里) in Kamishichiken - February 26th Kimimana (君真奈) of Minoyae (美の八重) in Gion Kobu - February 26th Fukumitsu (ふく満) of Horiyae (堀八重) in Miyagawa Cho - March 6th Hideshiho (秀しほ) of Masamiya (雅美家) in Pontocho - April 8th Fukunaru (ふく成) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho - May 9th Katsuwaka (佳つ若) of Odamoto (小田本) in Gion Kobu - June 6th Fukuyumi (ふく弓) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho - August 8th Masaya (満彩矢) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi - September 18th Kimihana (君花) of Honjo (本城) in Miyagawa Cho - October 15th Fukuhisa (ふく久) of Horiyae (堀八重) in Miyagawa Cho - October 17th Tomikoma (富胡麻) of Tomikiku (富菊) in Gion Higashi - December 19th 2024 Total: 13 2023 Total: 16 Change: -3 Erikae Mameju (まめ樹) of Tama (多麻) in Gion Kobu - January 23rd Hidechiyo (秀千代) of Masamiya (雅美家) in Pontocho - February 1st Fujichiyo (ふじ千代) of Fuji (ふじ) in Kamishichiken - March 4th Kotsuru (小つる) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho - May 9th Ichikoto (市琴) of Katsumi (勝見) in Pontocho - May 27th Sayumi (紗友美) of Tsurui (つる居) in Gion Kobu - May 27th Kimishō (君翔) of Honjo (本城) in Miyagawa Cho - June 4th Asako (亜佐子) of Nishimura (西村) in Gion Kobu - June 6th Masanao (満彩尚) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi - June 6th Mameaya (まめ彩) of Ninben (亻) in Gion Kobu - November 14th Masako (槇沙子) of Nishimura (西村) in Gion Kobu - November 20th Kohatsu (小はつ) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho - December 5th Haruchizu (櫻千鶴) of Tama (多麻) in Gion Kobu - December 7th 2024 Total: 13 2023 Total: 9 Change: +4 Retirements Koai (小愛) of Hiroshimaya (廣島屋) in Gion Kobu - February Fukuyuri (ふく友利) of Horiyae (堀八重) in Miyagawa Cho - February Toshinami (とし菜実) of Komaya (駒屋) in Miyagawa Cho - April Mami (真未) of Minoyae (美の八重) in Gion Kobu - April Hideyoshi (秀好) of Masamiya (雅美家) in Pontocho - April Koaki (小晶) of Kaden (花傳) in Miyagawa Cho - June Fumisono (ふみ苑) of Katsufumi (勝ふみ) in Kamishichiken - July Ichiyū (市ゆう) of Ichi (市) in Kamishichiken - July Sayaka (紗矢佳) of Tsurui (つる居) in Gion Kobu - August Hidemio (秀澪) of Masamiya (雅美家) in Pontocho - August Toshinagi (とし菜希) of Komaya (駒屋) in Miyagawa Cho - October Toshimana (とし真菜) of Komaya (駒家) in Miyagawa Cho - November Momino (もみ乃) of Dai Ichi (大市) in Pontocho - December Takazuru (孝鶴) of Minoya (美の家) in Gion Kobu - December Mamekinu (まめ衣) of Tama (多麻) in Gion Kobu - December 2024 Total: 15 2023 Total: 15 Change: 0 So, what do these numbers tell us this time around? Gion Kobu had 2 misedashi and 6 erikae, but 5 retirements, but they still end the year on a favorable +3. It does hurt to note that 3/5 of those retirements were natori geiko. For the first time in a long time Pontocho is posting a negative score! With only 1 misedashi, 1 erikae, and 3 retirements, they end in a -1. Kamishichiken breaks even this year with 1 misedashi, 1 erikae, and 2 retirements. Miyagawa Cho posted 6 misedashi, 3 erikae, but 5 retirements, so they end with a nice +4. It's also worth mentioning here that 3/5 of their retirements came from the same okiya. Gion Higashi is the winner on a technicality this year as they had 2 misedashi, 1 erikae, and 1 returning member (not on the list). So, with a nice +4 and the only kagai not to record a retirement they owned 2024!
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Hi Myloko. Hope you’re well. I was just watching maiko Tomikoma’s misedashi round on YouTube by スターウォーズ京都. I believe the kamon of Nakayu (2.40) is a Stylised Paulowina? And a Five Flower Gentian for Tanakanami (10.49)? The video also shows Kanoya and strangley enough Kanohisa’s nameplate is placed before the other Kano-maiko girls. Does this mean her seniority is not reset compared to other Gion Higashi maiko? But she does walk behind Masanao as per seniority rules though.
The issue with noren is that they'll always have the kamon of the founder of the establishment on it, so that might not be the current kamon that's being used on obi, but yes, those do appear to be the kamon of both Nakayū and Tanakanami. As for the Kanoya plates, they did this too when Kanowaka came back, so I believe they're just organizing them according to geiko and maiko rather than strict seniority ^^
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Hi Justine, following Masanao erikae I wanted to ask do you know if she's jikata geiko? I don't know the name of the latests Gion Higashi festival/dance performance, but she was one of 2 maikos that were playing shamisen (on video), while other maiko were pictured separately (on the official flyer). Is it common for younger geikl to jump straight to jikata or do the combine both? I thought jikata geiko are usually older. Thank you for answering my question! A busy day today with erikaes and misedashi
No, Masanao is a tachikata. In Gion Higashi maiko are expected to be proficient in both dance and shamisen due to the lack of jikata geiko in that district. The rule is that usually the most senior among them play the shamisen while the junior ones dance ^^
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Hello Justine! Could you please explain why Masanao has red color nearing her erikae and not a light colored one? Aside of that outfot being absolutely stunning. Also, considering that she's the most senior maiko (if I'm not mistaken) how big of a deal her erikae is really? Is it like super grand celebration or just a bit more than usual? Thank you very much!
In Gion Higashi maiko wear red collars as part of their outfits; only Gion Kobu wears white collars during their sakkō phase. With that said, every erikae is precious in small districts as they have so few maiko to begin with ^^
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Do you know which maiko this is ?
That's Masanao (満彩尚) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi ^^
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February 15th, 2019: Congratulations to Masanao (満彩尚) of Man (まん) in Gion Higashi on the occasion of her misedashi! To see a misedashi outside of odori season in Gion Higashi is rare, so for Man to be debuting a maiko so early in the year is a good sign of prosperity! Masanao is very cute and has such an adorable smile that she’ll fit into her new role in no time ^^ おめでとうさんどす満彩尚ちゃん ^o^! Images are courtesy of Hide-san.
#maiko#geiko#geisha#kyoto#news#misedashi#debut#gion#gion higashi#man#masanao#舞妓#芸妓#芸者#京都#ニューズ#見世出し#店出し#デビュー#祇園#祇園東#まん#満彩尚
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Today in Gion Higashi: Misedashi of Maiko Masanao from the Man Okiya!
She was a bit of a mystery at first, but here she is! Masanao is the fist of two girls from Man set to debut this year, so it seems to be looking good for Man. I distinctly remember that Masami, the okaasan, expressing her wish to take up two more Maiko in an interview, so I’m happy it’s going well.
These past three years were good for Gion Higashi in general, they currently have nine active Maiko, their highest number in years, and 12 active Geiko, with two Erikae happening just last year. Their Maikonumbers are also remaining much more stable than they used to. Let’s hope this upward trend will continue, but it’s looking good!
Masanao herself is very cute, and she makes a great younger and older sister duo with her sister Masano, who has just been promoted to a senior Maiko. We don’t know too much about her yet, but I have a good feeling that she will stick around!
Congratulations on your debut Masanao, and all the best wishes for your career!
Source: giwonhigashi - Blog
#masanao#man okiya#gion higashi#misedashi#kimono#hikizuri#furisode#susohiki#obi#darari obi#obiage#oshiroi#makeup#wareshinobu hairstyle#wareshinobu#hairstyle#hair#kanzashi#daikin#maezashi#hairpin#hair ornament#comb#kushi#geisha#maiko#geigi#geiko#kuromontsuki#okobo
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February 2019: Minarai Masanao (Man Okiya) of Gion Higashi showing off her Minarai-ensemble consisting of a shorter than usual hikizuri and handara obi, half the length of a Maiko’s darari obi.
Masanao’s obi features a motif of many colorful butterflies, which is very fitting for such a young girl. Man’s kamon is also a butterfly, which makes it even more appropriate.
Source: gionrinken on Instagram
#masanao#man okiya#gion higashi#kimono#hikizuri#furisode#susohiki#obi#handara obi#obiage#obijime#oshiroi#makeup#wareshinobu hairstyle#wareshinobu#hairstyle#hair#kanzashi#daikin#shidare kanzashi#hairpin#hair ornament#geisha#maiko#geigi#geiko#minarai#hanakanzashi#geisha makeup#nihongami
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