#Mary Alice Crim
randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Time For Tea: Introduction
Lavender Haze ( Violet Kingsleigh & Cian Hearts ) has now been merged with Long Live The Queen ( Queenie Hearts & Ace Hearts & Maria Frollo & Helena ) to create a clusterfuck political intrigue series, and several more Wonderland characters have been added to the mix
PS: huge thanks to @cecexwrites @ginevrastilinski-ocs @the-witching-ash for listening to me completely lose my mind and jump all over the place as I figured this out!
The OGs
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Ace Hearts [ Curran Walters ] – Long Live The Queen; son of the Queen Of Hearts, Queenie's left hand man & chief enforcer
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Cian Hearts [ Gavin Leatherwood ] – Lavender Haze; son of the Queen Of Hearts, invited to the isle because reports say that the child of the Queen of Hearts is running the Isle and they assume it must be her son
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Helena [ Tegan Croft ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of Hades & Persephone, Queenie's right hand man, and other chief enforcer
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Maria Frollo [ Elle Fanning ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of Judge Frollo, grew up locked in his tower and has only recently been freed and brought to Crims, manages Crims
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Queenie Hearts [ Madison Davenport ] – Long Live The Queen; daughter of the Queen Of Hearts, unofficial Queen of the Isle, runs her crew with an iron fist and military precision
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Violet Kingsleigh [ Meg Donnelly ] – Lavender Haze; daughter of Alice & The Hatter, heir to Wonderland, goes to Auradon because Wonderland suspects Auradon of poisoning the White Queen
The Wonderland Crew
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Caoilinn Whittemore [ Florence Pugh ] – daughter of the White Knight & Violet’s personal guard; goes to Auradon with Violet
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Arley Whitaker [ Tom Holland ] – son of the White Rabbit & Violet’s personal secretary / manager / wrangler; goes to Auradon with Violet
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Chelsey Chester [ Rowan Blanchard ] – daughter of the Cheshire Cat
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Tenney Earwick [ Jack Wolfe ] – son of the March Hare
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Mallaidh Merrick [ Mary Mouser ] – daughter of the Dormouse
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Deirdra Taggart [ Ella Hunt ] – daughter of Tweedle Dee
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Deryn Taggart [ Joe Keery ] – son of Tweedle Dee
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Duncan Taggart [ Joe Keery ] – son of Tweedle Dum
The Isle Crew
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Neasa Kearney [ Kaia Gerber ] – daughter of the Red Queen, runs recruitment & orientation for the crew
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Caitria Devlin [ Billie Lourd ] – daughter of the Duchess, crew manager
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Keira Knave [ Alba Baptista ] – daughter of the Knave of Hearts, combat trainer
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Killian Knave [ Freddy Carter ] – son of the Knave Of Hearts, combat trainer for the crew
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Shiloh Reece [ Emilia Jones ] – daughter of the Cook, medic
Bonus – existing ocs who have been added to Time For Tea as part of Queenie's crew
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Nettie Tremaine [ Peyton Elizabeth Lee ] – daughter of Anastasia Tremaine, medic
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Raisa Rasputin [ Sophia Ann Caruso ] – daughter of Rasputin, barge day coordinator, collector
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Rini Bing [ Jenna Ortega ] – daughter of Herman Bing / The Ringmaster, crew manager
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Savina Stromboli [ Diana Silvers ] – daughter of Stromboli, collector
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Winona Sykes [ Milly Alcock ] – daughter of Bill Sykes, head of inventory
( now need to decide if the existing ocs added to Time For Tea should keep their current titles or become part of Long Live The Queen )
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hitchell-mope · 3 years
Ouat looking glass au
Emma. Alice
Killian. James
Snow. Mirana
David. Tarrant
Regina. Iracebeth
Sidney. Time
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alice-marquand · 5 years
Audiences Saison 2019
Épisode 1 : Série Noire 1/2
16 Mai
Alice a été enlevée ! Qui a pu commettre un tel acte ? Pour quelles raisons ? Un message vidéo arrive à la crim’ : Marquand a 48 heures pour retrouver l’assassin de Julia Moretti, la sœur du ravisseur, sans quoi il recevra un doigt d’Alice pour chaque jour de retard… Sur sa trace, Marquand comprend qu’Alice est séquestrée quelque part autour de Nice. Il fait appel à Bernier et Lucas, de la Section de recherches, pour la retrouver !
Audience : 5.951 millions (26%) 
Episode 2 : Série Noire 2/2
Alors que Marquand et Bernier pensaient mettre la main sur Robin Guéret, frère adoptif et meurtrier de Julia Moretti et Clémence Rousseau, ils le retrouvent assassiné dans la maison de famille. Sur place, une série de bocaux étiquetés renferment les cœurs intacts des deux jeunes femmes ! Il semblerait que Robin tuait ses sœurs pour mieux les garder à ses côtés… Mais qui s’est retourné contre lui ?
Audience : 5.29 millions (28.8%)
Épisode 3 : Enfant 3.0
23 Mai
Carole Desmoulin a été électrocutée dans sa piscine. Qui l’a poussée à l’eau, avant de débrancher la guirlande électrique qui l’a tuée ? Si Carole voulait bien sevrer sa fille de 9 ans de son addiction aux tablettes, elle n’était peut-être pas au fait de son influence sur internet, une véritable petite star… Alice est nommée procureure ! Mais elle n’a pas que des amis au Palais…
Audience : 5.310 millions (24.8%)
Épisode 4 : Mauvaises ondes
Catherine Bonnel est morte lors de l’évacuation musclée d’une ZAD en pleine forêt. La police est mise hors de cause. Mais personne n’est capable de dire d’où elle venait, ni ce que faisait ici cette mère de famille, architecte d’intérieur. On découvre qu’elle aurait récemment quitté mari, enfant et travail, sous prétexte d’une allergie aux ondes… Alice est déjà attaquée dans la presse. Mais par qui ?
Audience :4.56  millions (25.6%)
Épisode 5 : Le prix du silence
30 Mai
Après avoir congédié sèchement ses ouvriers, Antoine Roussel est retrouvé mort dans son atelier. Qu’est-ce qui préoccupait ce garçon si secret ? Marquand découvre dans sa cave, une cache remplie de documents sur de vielles affaires criminelles non résolues… Un cold case dans le milieu gay des années 80 semblait obséder l’enquêteur amateur… Alice et Marquand tendent un piège à Solanas. Mordra-t-il à l’hameçon ?
Audience : 4.268  millions (20.1%)
Épisode 6 : Intelligence
Alors qu’elle tente de quitter la propriété de ses futurs beaux-parents, de brillants ingénieurs en intelligence artificielle, Louna Ouadi est écrasée par une voiture… sans conducteur ! L’enceinte connectée qui contrôlait le véhicule a-t-elle pu la tuer de son propre chef ? Ou a-t-elle été programmée par un humain ? Mais qui pouvait en vouloir à la jeune fleuriste ? Alice a vu le procureur Jacquet faire un AVC ! Et Solanas l’accuse d’empoisonnement…
Audience : 3.73 millions (21%)
Épisode 7 : De l’autre côté 1/2
13 Juin
Agathe Madera a été noyée dans une machine à laver de son pressing. Sur place, un dortoir improvisé, soigneusement fermé à clé… Qui hébergeait-elle en cachette ? Des clandestins qu’elle exploitait ? Des migrants qu’elle aidait ? Et pourquoi sa camionnette a-t-elle disparu ? Solanas a été nommé au Parquet ! Et il met son nez dans l’enquête d’Alice…
Audience : 4.747 millions (21.7%)
Épisode 8 : De l’autre côté 2/2
La petite Bintou, qu’Agathe Madera devait faire passer en Angleterre, est introuvable. Est-elle une victime collatérale du meurtre d’Agathe ? Un témoin clé en danger ou la coupable en fuite ? Il faut à tout prix retrouver la jeune migrante ! Pour pouvoir mener son enquête entravée par Solanas, Alice décide d’héberger un témoin chez elle !  Au risque de se tromper ?
Audience : 4.13 millions (22%)
Épisode 9 : Pour elle
20 Juin
Arnaud Chevalier est retrouvé mort dans son imprimerie. Tout juste papa, sa femme, Anaïs, semblait négliger leur bébé. Une dispute aurait-elle éclaté entre eux ? Il est d’autant plus urgent de le savoir que l’enfant est introuvable… Pour Alice, ses rapports avec Solanas se compliquent : le nouveau petit ami d’Ada n’est autre que son fils !
Audience : 4.457 millions (20.5%)
Épisode 10 : Mortelle évasion
Tess Besançon a été tuée au cours d’un escape game organisé par sa grande école de commerce. Un participant a-t-il voulu éliminer la favorite du concours ? A moins que quelqu’un de l’extérieur n’ait pu s’introduire dans l’enceinte du jeu… A-t-on voulu faire sentir à cette jeune provinciale qu’elle n’avait pas sa place au sein de l’élite ? Solanas confie son fils à Alice et Marquand ! Il semble en proie à de graves ennuis…
Audience : 3.79 millions (20.7%)
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redladydeath · 6 years
Anyway, here’s a long list of gender swapped Evillious characters that I don’t know what to do with
First/Second Period Sickle Talos Eld Yggdra Athan Barisol (Levia) Hemoth Barisol (Behemo) Iah Hazuki (Luna) Jericho Barisol (Rahab) Morrigan Arklow (Lich) Michaela Arklow Gyukudo Matsumoto (Gumillia) Elizabet Bezori (Vlad) Julia Gripina (Gilles) Mangila Sabella (Eater) Pendle Danber (Salem) Louis Augest (Marie)
Original Sin Adam Moonlit Yeva Merry-Go-Round Moonlit (Adam) Mitya Salmhofer Hänsel Gretel Lilith Twiright Evgeni Chirclatia Ilia Clockworker (Irina) Kyriaca Clockworker (Kiril) Iosif/Alexi Merry-Go-Round (Maria/Alice) Misha Eights Lei Li Sasha Noël Vaska Zorach Lucif (Vey) Matvey Lucif (Marina) Ryouichi Netsuma (Raisia) Yelena Asayev (Yegor)
Lust Seraphima Venomania Gisil Glassred Luham Octo Mikha’il Greeonio Liaqat Turner Maius Beelzenia Yorick Marlon Katherine Crim Marlon Harir Netsuma (Haru) Chen Shields Therasia Oruhari Conchita Ranja Assad Martia Beelzenia Marlon Sataria Venomania Latif Eve Cordula Elphen Glassred (Classke) Vedha Truth Sweets Gilberta Calgaround Greeonio Herah Murara Beelzenia (Jupitaire) Inauaria Beelzenia (Janus) Februarius Beelzenia Aprilo Beelzenia Iraj Venomania (Ilotte) Nurul Mobarez Venomania (Nylpho) Mirza Adi Tane Cetera Haarith Netsuma (Hakua) Noureddine Nerune Anwar Sweets Rong Blum Medhat Lusha Jibril Francois Lazoro Blue Masoud Olliba Basit Soap Talako Neja Sulayman Sonic Yunus Kaina
Gluttony Canibidus Conchita Carla Marlon Dian (Arte) Apollone (Pollo) Platonisch Aibe Cee Iumtina Conchita (Muzuri) Matthaus Glassred Conchita (Megour) Romana Grapple Zeus Beelzenia (Juno) Charlene Felix Marlon (Charon) Merle Marlon (Milkicent) Chastity Marlon Kaydence Marlon
Pride Raimond Lucifen d’Autriche Alayna Avadonia Germanus Avadonia Caroline Marlon Freezis Michael Claus Niel Marlon Yoann Freezis Phillipe Rogzé Marlon Charles Langley Raymonde Mouchet (Liliane) Gustaf (Gumillia) Leonora Avadonia Maram Futapie Keila Terice Freezis Maxwell Freezis Ghada Venom Ava (Ayn) Yoan Corpa Le Corbusier (York) Minna Le Corbuiser (Minage) Severe Le Corbusier (Sekka) Marcelle (Marc) Bartomeu Barba (Barbara) Arlette Lucifen d’Autriche (Arth) Mirelle Ferdinand Stoup Gervaise (Genesia) Georgette Donald Ausdin Danielle Ausdin Youseff Yakobi (Yvette) Clemens (Chelsea) Alfred (Alma) Barnabas (Barbara) Yameena (Yarera) Zamira (Zusco) Priscelle Rogzé Blankenheim (Presi) Dorthe Elphen (Thorny) Andre Swee Lucifen d’Autriche (Anne) Alexandra Marlon (Arkatoir) Sonja Freezis Lorre (Shaw) Alois Freezis (Aile) Saburo Octo (Sarah) Evon (Eugen) Marcus (Margret) Slvie Smith Langley Milena Asayev (Mikhail) Gin Octo (Gaou) Gaetane Mouchet (Gaston)
Sloth Marius Blankenheim Leonne Abelard Karlotte Rogze Blankenheim “Hannes Lorre” “Heinrich Lorre” “Julien Abelard” Marciano Blossom Rene Chan Katarina Rogze Felix (Kaidor) Ava Anchor (Ayn) Ghusan Coulomb Philippe Aymieux Viktoria Zorach (Willus) Maria Zvezda Blankenheim (Marx) Yuyutsu Ora Portia Rogzé (Puerick) Alfons Freezis (Aai) Hialeah Homer (Hob) Toinette Corpa (Ton) Rodolf Flohn Noela Nicole (Nob) Yameena III Zamira Jr. Sophia Freezis (Dashaw) Bruna Marlon Karla Rogze Chance (Chansaux)
Envy Kyou Sudou Kuroki-douji Gemmei Octo Sudou (Gakusha) Keiko Marlon Miroku Makoto Miroku Michi Miroku Ren Miroku Perry Cutie Marlon Kiki Yarera Charuzu Lang Inuharu Katashi Octo Sudou (Kagura) Yuuta Musupi (Oyuka) Rei Sudou (Ren) Asuka Octo (Anan) Gen Octo (Gato) Emi Akagi (Eikichi) Utano Aoi (Uibee) Kohaku (Kinouna) Kiyoshi (Kurookina) Gyouko (Giyara) Nanami Sudou (Nagare)
Greed/Wrath/Theater Galeria Clockworker Marlon Vidar Sudou (Nemesis) Zavodnaya Kukla (Court) Bruna Zero Fa Michail Marlon Albus Netsuma (Shiro) Baldur Jaakko (Hel) Fang Li Sigyn Freezis (Loki) Tonya Anchor Ausdin Klasufa Marlon Yarera (Gusuma) Judit Zusco (Jorm) Sleip Freezis (Bindi) Micha Marlon (Mira) Snezhana (Scherzer) Anya Roses Balledold (Hanma) Lazar “Serveur” Balledold (Lilith) Ginko Octo (Gammon) Noriko “Solange” Octo (Nyoze) Gennadiya Felix Clockworker (Gandalf) Narcissa Kissos Bestrafung (Punishment) Mekanism (Gear) Amo del Cementerio (Grave) Sirvienta Sirviente Eva Adam Frea Jaakko (Heaven) Ryo (Rin)
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droo216 · 8 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME : the reboot by drew and menelaos
season 2, episode 7 : Through the Looking-Glass
present : Emma and Henry follow a trail of clues that lead them out of Storybrooke for the first time and into the Bostonian home of Alice Liddell Hargreaves, now all grown up. Alice insists that her realm-jumping days are in the past but is interested when they offer to bring her back with them and reunite her with her old friend, Tarrant Hightopp. Back in Storybrooke, Jefferson seeks out the other former residents of the Land of Wonder, Slick and Dryden, the former March Hare and Dormouse, respectively, to see if they have also remembered their former lives and plays a role in triggering their memories. Meanwhile, Mayor Gold proves to be a worthy rival for Regina as the town’s most tyrannical mayor.
past : In 1800s London, a few years prior to Rumpelstiltskin’s arrival in Wonderland, realm-jumper Tarrant Hightopp passes along the tricks of the trade to his successor, Alice Liddell. She is allowed to keep one totem from her previous life, and Alice selects an old key, worn on a chain around her neck. Hightopp explains that while he can show her how to jump freely between the magical realms, she will always need the totem to jump to and from the Land Without Magic. He pulls an oversized top hat out of a box and spins it on the ground, opening a portal, and the pair jump in together. Alice and Hightopp enter the Room of Doors and he leads her into the Land of Wonder. They have barely set foot into the realm before they are whisked away on a whirlwind adventure involving a march hare, a dormouse, a dodo bird, a pair of dumpy twins, and Queen Iracebeth herself. Along the way they share a tender moment when Hightopp reveals his romantic history with the Queen’s repressed daughter, Princess Coquelica of Crims.
‘once upon a time’ stars : Salma Hayek as the Evil Queen/Regina Mills, Emily Rose as Emma Swan, Jaimie Alexander as Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry Cavill as Prince Charming/David Nolan, Raphael Sbarge as Jiminy Cricket/Dr. Archie Hopper, CJ Adams as Henry Mills, and Robert Carlyle as Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
guest stars include : Diane Kruger as Alice Liddell Hargreaves, Anthony Mackie as Jefferson/Tarrant Hightopp, David Dastmalchian as the March Hare/Slick, Michael Pena as the Dormouse/Dryden, Elle Fanning as Young Alice Liddell, Judi Dench as Queen Iracebeth, Natalie Dormer as Princess Coquelica
[ previously on once upon a time ] [ next ]
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ao3feed-galavant · 4 years
Underland's Unruly Princesses: March of the Witch Hunters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NiBZDn
by Ros_and_Ember (AggressiveSwan91598)
When their beloved godmother, Winifred Sanderson goes missing, Iracebeth's two daughters, Rosalind and Ember take matters into their own hands and sneak out of the castle, against their mother's wishes, to save Underland and the world above from witch hunters. Co-written with my soul sister, Princess Emberess of Underland
Words: 1350, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Underland's Unruly Princesses
Fandoms: Alice in Wonderland (Movies - Burton), Hocus Pocus (1993), Galavant (TV), Sweeney Todd (2007), Wicked - Schwartz/Holzman
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Iracebeth of Crims, Ilosovic Stayneosovic Stayne, Winifred "Winnie" Sanderson, Mary Sanderson, Sarah Sanderson, Madalena (Galavant), Gareth (Galavant), Sweeney Todd, Nellie Lovett, Elphaba Thropp, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Iracebeth of Crims/Ilosovic Stayneosovic Stayne, Gareth/Madalena (Galavant), Nellie Lovett/Sweeney Todd
Additional Tags: there are different rabbit holes leading to different times and spaces, the dennisons are witch hunters, Stayne is a deadbeat dad, Iracebeth is a good but overprotective mother, the Sanderson sisters are Iracebeths daughters godmothers, Mirana is useless, Tarrant is a good dad, Iracebeth has two illegitimate daughters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NiBZDn
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johnaculbreath · 5 years
Kim Kardashian West wants to skip law school and become a lawyer this way
Daily News
Kim Kardashian West wants to skip law school…
Legal Education
Kim Kardashian West wants to skip law school and become a lawyer this way
By Debra Cassens Weiss
Posted April 15, 2019, 7:45 am CDT
Media personality and socialite Kim Kardashian West hopes to follow in the footsteps of President Abraham Lincoln by skipping law school and becoming a lawyer through “reading the law.”
West recently told Vogue about her plans, spurred by a meeting with President Donald Trump.
She had urged Trump to commute the sentence of 63-year-old Alice Marie Johnson, sent to prison more than 20 years ago for drug possession and money laundering. Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence last June.
California is one of only four states that allow aspiring lawyers to take the bar exam by learning the law through apprenticeship and study, report the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury News, all of which covered the Vogue report.
West resides in Hidden Hills, California, with her children and husband, rapper Kanye West, who filed a lawsuit last month with a music publisher. In the dueling suits, he alleged contract “servitude,” while the music publisher, EMI, claimed a deal breach.
She’s been studying since last summer. West must apprentice for 18 hours per week and will have to take the “baby bar” this summer. If she passes, she has to study three more years.
Only three people who took the California bar exam in 2015 were educated by “law office study;” two of them passed the bar, according to statistics cited by the Washington Post.
West is studying with the co-founders and policy director of a criminal-justice reform group called #cut50. Two of the lawyers showed up to help West study one afternoon while a Vogue reporter was there.
“First year of law school,” West told Vogue, “you have to cover three subjects: criminal law, torts and contracts. To me, torts is the most confusing, contracts the most boring, and crim law I can do in my sleep. Took my first test, I got a 100. Super easy for me. The reading is what really gets me. It’s so time-consuming. The concepts I grasp in two seconds.”
West’s late father, Robert Kardashian, was a member of the defense team that successfully defended O.J. Simpson on murder charges. West told Vogue that she used to snoop through her father’s evidence books on the weekends.
She hasn’t finished college, but she doesn’t have to under the reading law program, according to Vogue.
“It wasn’t until the early 1800s that a law degree was even a thing,” according to Vogue. “Everyone apprenticed with a lawyer or judge, and even after colleges began offering law courses, many still chose apprenticeship, including no less a figure than Abraham Lincoln.”
Kim Kardashian West wants to skip law school and become a lawyer this way republished via ABA Journal Daily News - Career & Practice
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techscopic · 7 years
Net neutrality protestors hit Verizon stores — including these two dudes in snowy Fairbanks, Alaska
Defenders of a free and open internet rallied in front of Verizon stores across the U.S. Thursday. The fight to save net neutrality even made it to the only Verizon store in Fairbanks, Alaska.
SEE ALSO: How killing net neutrality will hurt online protests and free speech
Snow didn’t stop at least a couple sign-wielding protesters from showing up at the Verizon store in Fairbanks. The state’s only other Verizon locations are 360 miles away in Anchorage.
Fairbanks to Congress: #StopTheFCC. We oppose FCC chair and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai’s plan to kill #NetNeutrality! http://pic.twitter.com/QA7wy6OmFM
— Mary Alice Crim (@MaryAliceCrim) December 7, 2017 Read more…
More about Verizon, Fcc, Alaska, Net Neutrality, and Team Internet Net neutrality protestors hit Verizon stores — including these two dudes in snowy Fairbanks, Alaska syndicated from http://ift.tt/2wBRU5Z
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
Alice in wonderland 2010 ouat au.
Yes I’m aware that. A. The spin-off was ouat in wonderland. And. B. That they covered wonderland multiple time’s in the show it self. But let me have some fun
Emma. Alice
Snow. Mirana
David. Tarrant
Rumple. Chess
Granny. Mally
Regina. Iracebeth
Henry. Mctwisp
Robin and Killian. Tweedles (obviously in this au they’re very attractive)
Hyde. Stayne
Belle. Thackery Earwicket
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Seven Things You Can Do Right Now to Save the Internet | By Mary Alice Crim | Common Dreams
View On WordPress
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hakimbe · 11 years
NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MEDIA REFORM starts NOW! Opening Plenary BRINGIN THE JUSTICE! Craig Aaron, Staceyann Chin, Mary Alice Crim, Juan Gonzalez ( Democracy Now!), Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock, David Sirota, Joseph Torres, Rinku Sen, Robert W. McChesney, Carlotta Walls LaNier (Little Rock Nine), Ilyse Hogue (NARAL Pro-Choice America), Kim Gandy (National Network to End Domestic Violence) & me! Follow us on Twitter #ncmr13 or watch the live stream at FreeSpeechTV @ 3:30pm (April 5th) MST http://www.livestream.com/freespeechtv
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techscopic · 7 years
Net neutrality protestors hit Verizon stores — including these two dudes in snowy Fairbanks, Alaska
Defenders of a free and open internet rallied in front of Verizon stores across the U.S. Thursday. The fight to save net neutrality even made it to the only Verizon store in Fairbanks, Alaska.
SEE ALSO: How killing net neutrality will hurt online protests and free speech
Snow didn’t stop at least a couple sign-wielding protesters from showing up at the Verizon store in Fairbanks. The state’s only other Verizon locations are 360 miles away in Anchorage.
Fairbanks to Congress: #StopTheFCC. We oppose FCC chair and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai’s plan to kill #NetNeutrality! http://pic.twitter.com/QA7wy6OmFM
— Mary Alice Crim (@MaryAliceCrim) December 7, 2017 Read more…
More about Verizon, Fcc, Alaska, Net Neutrality, and Team Internet Net neutrality protestors hit Verizon stores — including these two dudes in snowy Fairbanks, Alaska syndicated from http://ift.tt/2wBRU5Z
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