#Marni Calf
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hxllishchild · 1 year ago
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Marni Calf Leather Split Jacket.
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 month ago
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catladyoftheyr · 10 months ago
Too Sweet Ch. 4
Ch: (1) (2) (3) (5)
Harvey x Gn reader
Summary: you stumble upon Harvey leaving Caroline’s dance aerobics class and startle him. He accidentally drops his dumbbells on your foot and has to patch you up <3
Word count: 1.6
A/n: vhs because in my heart stardew is set in the 90s. Also he can lift you because his dance aerobics class is WORKING OKAY lmaooo I just thought it was cute 🥰
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You woke up groggy, regretting the decision to pack light when you moved to the Valley. You missed your coffee maker. You desperately wanted to roll over, to pull the sheets back over your head and sleep for just 5 more minutes. But you knew yourself well enough that 5 minutes would turn into 20. You had animals to feed and crops to tend to. You dragged yourself out of bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes before sliding your feet into your work shoes. Getting dressed could wait, you decided.
The summer air was muggy and you knew that sooner rather than later your clothes would start to stick and your hair would start to frizz. You let the animals out to graze and deftly avoided stepping on any chickens while you made your way over to the new barn you'd commissioned from Robin. A small calf poked her head out of the barn door and mooed. “Good morning to you too, Daisy.” You gave her a gentle pet on the head and she nuzzled back affectionately.
The barn and the calf had drained the last of your money. You’d have to sell directly to Pierre today if you wanted cash to buy any more seeds. You dressed for the day and headed back outside to assess what you could sell. You’d managed to craft some rudimentary sprinklers after finding a book full of blueprints your grandfather had left behind. It saved watering time, but you still had to harvest everything manually. You arranged a large basket full of everything you could part with before heading into town.
The bell on the door rang as you walked into the general store. Pierre greeted you as you set the large basket on the counter. “You’re selling today?”
“I need more seeds and tomorrow’s Wednesday.” It wasn’t technically a lie. You just omitted the fact that you were flat broke as well.
“Well I’m happy to help out. It’ll be great to have some fresh from the farm produce to offer.” Pierre took his time examining the goods you’d brought, carefully placing each item on the counter and punching numbers into his calculator. You made idle chit chat as the women from Caroline’s dance aerobics class began to file out into the store. You told Marnie that the calf was settling in just fine, thanked Robin again for her hard work on your barn. Emily told you what she was getting Gus for his birthday and overheard Jodi ask Caroline what she should make for dinner. You heard Pierre announce your total and you exchanged most of your meager earnings for seeds, pocketing the rest. You were turning to leave when you saw one more person enter the store from the house. Was that…. Harvey?
You rubbed your eyes thinking you might have made a mistake, but this town was small and that was definitely the local doctor standing there. He held a pair of small dumbbells, and you noticed sweatbands on his wrists and forehead. He wore a pair of small shorts and a t-shirt boasting what you assumed was his alma mater. You walked over to say hello and tapped him playfully on the shoulder. Harvey spun around, seemingly frightened by the unexpected touch. He dropped the dumbbells in surprise and you felt them land directly on your foot. You swore and jumped back, hopping on your good foot.
“I’m so sorry!” You both shouted in unison, apologizing to the other for different things. “I didn’t mean to startle you-“
“Your foot!”
“I think it’s okay really. I should head home.”
“You should let me examine it. The clinic is next door.” Harvey’s face displayed genuine concern, and you were secretly worried that your foot was broken. You relented, hoping the injury wasn’t going to impact your farm work. You turned around to head outside and winced as soon as you put pressure on the bad foot. You inhaled sharply and tried to find a way to walk. Harvey took notice of your efforts and wrapped one arm around your waist while draping one of yours across his shoulders. “Let me help you.”
You’d never been this close. You felt your face flush and hoped he wouldn’t notice. The act of chivalry seemed to come so naturally to him. You made your way to the clinic slowly, relishing the feeling of his arm on your waist. Harvey helped you through the doors of the clinic, allowing you to sit down on a bench in his waiting room. “Thank you” you whispered as you adjusted your positioning.
“It’s the least I could do. I can’t apologize enough for what happened. Now let’s take a look.” Harvey was especially gentle as he knelt in front of you; He unlaced your shoes, sliding off the sock of the injured foot. He pursed his lips as he examined you.
“I’m sorry I startled you. I just wasn’t expecting to see you today; at least not in Caroline’s group.”
“You need to stop apologizing.” Harvey fell silent for a moment, contemplating his next words. “I joined as a way to try and stay active. I’m not as young as I once was; it’s getting harder to stay In shape.” His face had a hint of flush to it as he spoke. You wouldn’t dream of saying it, but you found it incredibly endearing. You also couldn’t help but let your eyes wander. Harvey typically wore slacks and blazers. You trailed your vision down the lines of his arms and imagined running your fingers over the veins. His legs had a considerable amount of hair and you traced it as it disappeared under the hem of his shorts. His physique reminded you of someone’s dad, you could picture him wearing socks and sandals and denim shorts while he stood behind a grill.
“I think it’s nice that you’re making the decision to do what’s healthy. And all the women in that group are really nice. Caroline gives me some tea leaves from the bushes in her sunroom. You picked good friends.”
“Thank you. Can you promise me you won’t tell anyone else, though? Word spreads fast in small towns. I’m not ready for everyone to know about this.” His face flushed deeper, a clear shade of red now.
“I promise.” You extended your arm toward him and stuck out the pinky on your hand. “I pinky swear it.” Harvey chuckled and smiled at you before hooking his own pinky in yours and shaking hands.
Turning his focus back to your door he frowned as he felt around it gently. Even the soft touches hurt and you hissed quietly when he hit an especially sore spot. He prompted you through rotations and flexes before rising to his feet. “The good news is it’s not broken. But it’s bruised pretty badly. The swelling should go down significantly in a couple hours and you should be able to work on it tomorrow. But you need to stay off it for the rest of the day if you want it to heal. I’ll wrap it for you in a second, but you should probably ice and elevate it as well.”
The doctor disappeared behind the doors and you heard the sounds of drawers and cupboards opening and closing. You sighed and shook your head while you tried to stop the montage of scenes from today from replaying in your mind. Images of Harvey in athletic shorts, his smile as he linked pinkies, how his hands felt on you, and the look on his face when he saw you in Pierre’s swirled around your brain. Your daydreams were interrupted when Harvey emerged holding materials to wrap your foot. He worked deftly, the years of experience showing as he wrapped the fabric around you in record time. He let out a small sigh as he finished.
“You’re all set. However as your doctor I am strongly recommending that you don’t try to walk home on that foot yet. You could delay your recovery and risk further damage. Now as your friend, I’m proposing that you can come upstairs and watch a movie to stay off your feet.”
“I don’t think I can climb the stairs…”
“Leave it to me” Harvey leaned forward and swept you into his arms in one smooth motion, holding you bridal style. You gasped as your legs dangled in the air and giggled as he began to ascend the stairs carrying you. You leaned in closer, seizing the opportunity to press yourself against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he finagled the door to his apartment open. You breathed in deeply through your nose, trying to hold onto his scent before he set you down on his couch. He pulled his coffee table closer to the couch to allow you to rest and elevate your foot.
The doctor strode to a shelf near the tv that held an extensive collection of VHS tapes. He hummed as he browsed through the titles before selecting one. He popped the tape into the VCR. He settled onto the couch next to you, close enough that you could feel the fabric of his t-shirt against your arm. The movie was in black and white, definitely a classic. “I put in The Zuzu City Express. It’s one of my favorites” Harvey explained almost sheepishly. You hadn’t picked him as a film buff.
You tried to focus on the film, but the truth is you were exhausted from the stressful day. Harvey’s arm was draped across the back of the couch. You let your head fall onto his shoulder. He made no effort to move you, no indication that the action was unwanted. You relaxed and a yawn escaped. Your eyelids grew heavier as you tried harder to pay attention to the movie. Harvey’s arm moved to rest across the back of your neck, his hand falling on your shoulder as you drifted off.
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writingdungeon-inactive · 9 months ago
Mushy Gift
Shane x Reader oneshot based off this post https://www.tumblr.com/pls-just-let-me-marry-yeung/725523084862472192/upcoming-wip-found?source=share
Warning: Shane fights, Golem death, swearing
This was yours and Shane's first Winter Feast as a married couple, and he had gotten you as his Secret Gift-Receiver. It made his eyes roll at the coincidence. He wasn't sure what to get you; you honestly got everything you and everyone else needed by yourself. He hadn't been able to get much money by selling his hen eggs as he hoped, so he wasn't able to afford anything expensive either, not that he thought you'd want anything fancy.
Sitting on the couch, chin in his palm, he sat up hearing you walk in. “Holy FUCK!” He looked back at you, almost breaking his neck, worried, but he had to slap his hand over his mouth to hold in laughter. You were covered in red and green slime head to toe, specks of soot sprites in the slime, a bug leg still twitching on your shoulder. “What happened to you, hon?” He asked, biting his lip. He saw you were ok, just really messy. “This.” He watched as you held out a small purple mushroom.
“You got jumped, by a mushroom?” He asked, not able to hold his laughter anymore. “Not the mushroom, ya ding dong.” He watched as you put the purple mushroom on the counter and left the room to go clean up. He turned back to the mushroom, confused about how one mushroom would cause so much trouble.
Shane had paid Marlon with two baskets of eggs for him to help clear the mines for him, and a promise he'd mention how cool he was to Marnie. Shane didn't think he would be able to fight all the monsters you had mentioned filled the mines, and would rather not end up at Harvey's and give away what he wanted to gift you.
Walking and searching a few levels of the mine, he groaned out into the empty cave. “Where are they!” He huffed, kicking a pebble. He had been searching for a few hours now and he had nothing. The pebble audibly skipped and slid across the cave floor into the shadows, stopping. The haunting sound of the stone eyelids grinding open sent a shiver down his spine, two glowing green eyes looked Shane's way. “Fuck…” He thought Marlon cleared the mines, but he must have missed one.
The stone golem lumbered slowly toward Shane. Each step was heavy and deliberate. The sound of its movement was a low, resonant rumble as if the earth itself was groaning in response, with every step of small flakes falling off its body to the ground. Stepping back, Shane sucked on his teeth; he should have known he was going to run out of luck. The golem started to pick up speed, surprisingly. It almost looked like a charging bull with its arms out. Wait, it looked like a bull.
Shane's body seemed to move on its own, remembering when one of Marnie’s cows was pissed off at him for trying to tag her calf. Shane stood his ground, his face falling flat as the Stone Golem charged, its powerful body hurtling toward him with unstoppable momentum. With a calm, practiced ease, he sidestepped at the last possible moment, his hands moving to grip the Golem’s arms. Utilizing the creature's own force, he deftly redirected its momentum, pulling the arms and twisting his body in a fluid motion. The Golem, unable to stop its forward rush, found itself veering off to the side, its massive bulk swinging around as Shane guided it past him. The entire maneuver was executed with precision and strength, very glad his body had some strength back from his days in Gridball from playing tackle.
Looking back, he watched the Golem crash into the wall with a resounding thud, stone, and dust scattering from the impact and the ceiling. For a brief moment, Shane allowed himself a small, triumphant smile, but it quickly vanished as the Golem began to stir. Slowly, it pushed itself up, pieces of rock and debris falling from its form. The creature was weakened, evident in the slower, more labored movements as it rose to its feet, but its glowing eyes still burned with determination.
Shane's muscles tensed as he prepared for the next assault. His mind raced, calculating his next move. The Golem was resilient, but Shane knew it had to have a weakness. He glanced around the room, searching for anything that might give him an advantage. The scattered debris from the Golem’s impact caught his eye, a particularly large chunk, an idea began to form.
As the Golem lumbered toward him once more, Shane darted to the side, evading its attempt to grab him. Now his muscle memory from Gridball came into play, channeling his inner athlete, Shane braced himself, lowering his center of gravity. With a burst of speed, he charged forward, throwing his shoulder into the Golem's midsection. The impact was jarring, Shane's momentum and technique were rusty but adequate. He felt the reverberation of the collision through his entire body, but he also felt the Golem stagger.
The creature stumbled back, caught off guard by the unexpected assault. Shane didn't relent. He followed through with the tackle, driving the Golem further off balance. Stone fragments crumbled away from its weakened frame, and for the first time, Shane saw an opportunity to exploit. Drawing on his old training, he wrapped his arms around the Golem's legs, leveraging his entire body weight. With a powerful surge, he drove forward, lifting and twisting with every ounce of strength he had. The Golem, already weakened and off balance, toppled backward. Shane maintained his grip, using gravity to his advantage, and brought the creature crashing to the ground. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, more fragments of stone scattering in every direction.
Pinned beneath Shane’s weight, the Golem struggled to rise. Shane, muscles straining, kept it grounded, knowing he had a limited window to act. He glanced around, spotting the large, jagged piece of rock, remnants of the Golem’s own body. With one arm still pinning the Golem, he reached out, fingers brushing the rock. "Let’s see how you handle this," he growled, seizing the stone and raising it high. With a determined shout, Shane brought the jagged rock down with all his might, aiming for the Golem's glowing eyes, hoping to extinguish its relentless determination once and for all.
The rock connected with a satisfying crunch, sending a shower of sparks as it collided with the Golem's stony visage. Shane felt a surge of triumph as he saw the cracks spiderwebbing out from the impact point, evidence of the damage he had inflicted. Shane brought the stone down once more, watching the Golem's face shatter, the two green eyes fading into the wind. Shane wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving with exertion and relief. The once imposing figure of the Golem now lay in ruins. “Take that, Bitch.” He groaned as he got up, his body protesting the strain of the fight, reminding him that he wasn't as spry as he used to be.
As he brushed the dirt from his clothes, he couldn't help but notice a faint, pulsating purple glow emanating from within the shattered remains of the Golem's form. “What the fuck…” His mouth fell open as he reached in and pulled out a familiar purple mushroom. “We do have living apples…” he huffed under his breath, everyday reality shattered for him.
At the Feast of the Winter Star, Shane smiled as he looked down at the box in his hands, understanding now how such a little mushroom could cause so much trouble. “Shane?” His attention shifted as he heard your voice call him. “You are my Gift-Giver?” He smiled as he saw you approach him. “Yeah, got lucky this year,” he said, chuckling from his belly.
Handing over the small box, he smiled giddily as he watched you unwrap it. “SIR!” He watched as your eyes opened wide in shock, looking back and forth between him and the mushroom. “Shane, you know how many monsters I had to fight to get one!” He could see the worry on your face. “It was nothing, hun, I promise,” he said, pulling you close and kissing your head. “No, really, Shane, you could have gotten me a rock. This is amazing, baby.” The smile on his face grew even more, happy to see you happy.
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valleyofhyperfixations · 27 days ago
"Finding us again" - Stardew Valley Elliott x Farmer fan fiction part 5
Content warning: bedtime activities, I guess. It felt like the characters were going there so I had no decision power in that matter, but I’m ace so don’t expect anything graphic.
Chapter 5 - "Calm and once again
Next week was one of the most peaceful that both of them have ever experienced. Elliott was taking care of Ash and the farm, and they day by day were getting stronger and able to do more things. Of course, they tried to catch up on undone chores in a pace much quicker than that in which their body was regenerating. For that, Ash received unnumbered scoldings from Elliott, to which they responded with laughter and promises to get more rest, which they were able to keep for about ten minutes. Life was good.
More than ever before Ash appreciated the fact that their farm lied a good distance away from the rest of the town. From what Leah, who was good friend of both Ash and Elliott and the most frequent visitor, told them, it seemed that Pelican Town was living it’s drama of the century. For some citizens Ash’s word was enough - they quickly agreed to stop blaming Elliott and wanted to question Shane again. Others weren’t so quick to let go of the grudge they cultivated for the past two months.
“I don’t understand” Said Ash when all three of them were sitting in front of the fireplace holding big cups of hot cocoa. “As soon as Maru told me you all think it was Elliott who attacked me I literally screamed at her. I explained what happened to Harvey like five times. What else do these morons need to hear?”
“It’s not so simple.” Said Leah, spread over the armchair, reaching for yet another cookie. “Since Harvey said it would be technically possible for you to have gaps in memory people like Lewis or Marnie latched onto it. And it’s hard to believe Shane of all people would get aggressive just like that. He always was soft like a lamb, even if he tried to cover it with being grumpy. Evan drunk, he either went totally silent or started crying. So when he got better…”
“Leah.” Elliott gave his friend an evocative look, pointing with his eyes at Ash, who seemed to be getting smaller with her every word.
“Oh, right… sorry.”
“No, I get it.” Ash sighed. “After Shane stopped drinking he became very charismatic and open to people. It was hard to notice how bad he was in his worst moments, even for me.”
“None of what happened is to blame on you, my dear.” Elliott hugged Ash reassuringly and they shifted on the sofa to be closer to him. Leah gave her friends a look, but didn’t comment.
“And now they have another thing to talk about, because you two sit here cut off from the rest of the world. Yes, I know” She said seeing that Elliott is about to interrupt her. “that it’s because Ash is still weaker than a newborn calf, and you’d think that everybody else would understand it too. But ugh, let me tell you. Every time I go buy eggs from Marnie she babbles something about you being manipulated and how badly it impacts her dear nephew.”
“And you… saw Shane?” Ash asked hesitantly. There was a moment of strained silence when Ash and Elliott were awaiting for the answer, not quite sure of what they actually want to hear.
“Not really.” Leah squinted her eyes, trying to remember the details. “He manely circles between Marnie’s house and the chicken coop, looks like he’s either ashamed or depressed, or both. Visited you often in the hospital.”
Ash shivered.
“I’m sorry.” Leah lowered her eyes. “To you too, Elliott. For believing this bullshit.”
“It was rather disappointing to see that my only not hospitalized friend in this town had so little trust in me.”
“I know, and I’m really sorry, but it was hard to believe *Shane* would do something like that. I’ve been neighbours with him way before you showed up to town and since Ash moved in with him he seemed happier than a chicken in a seedbag. It’s just, when it was your word against his…”
“I understand.” Said Elliott calmly. “It’s a bitter experience, but I am able to imagine it from your perspective.”
“Thank you.” Leah smiled with relief. “It means a lot to… oh shit, it’s late!” She nearly jumped looking at the clock. “I better get going, I have to be up at dawn to catch the best light for a painting.”
The group was chatting for about ten minutes after that, saying their prolonged goodbyes and gossiping a little about other villagers. Ash offered Leah a can of cookies to take home, which she gladly accepted. After walking her to the door, Elliott came back to the couch, checking if Ash doesn’t need anything.”
“No, thank you.” They laughed. “You’ve been checking on me every five minutes, I’m good, I promise.”
“I just want to take the best care of you!” He answered. “After… after you almost being gone… I fear you take it too lightly.”
“Oh, well” Ash’s smile was melancholic. “I guess that’s how I cope. But I want you to know that I do apprecite everything you do for me.”
“Of course dear, I would do anything for you!”
Elliott sat very close to Ash on the couch and took their hands in his in a fit of passion. He stared in Ash’s eyes for a moment, before glancing down at their hands and suddenly getting red in the face.
“Oh sorry, I- I forgot myself.” He attempted to draw back his hands.
“No.” Ash didn’t let go of them and looked intensely at Elliott. Their eyes met. “That is… if you want to?”
“If I want to…” He smiled in disbelief.
Breathing heavily, the writer moved his lips closer and closer to the farmer’s, all the time looking at their face to make sure they didn’t change their mind. Finally, he left on their mouth a delicate kiss.
After a long, delightful moment Elliott wanted to withdraw, to look at Ash and asses if they are still comfortable with kissing. But when he attempted that, he felt a hand tightening on the back of his head, pulling him closer. Elliott gladly obliged.
Calm caressing became passionate, as they lied down on a narrow couch and reveled in each orher’s presence, longing for sincere, loving contact that they were deprived of for so long. Elliott made a purring sound as Ash’s hands slided under his shirt.
“I love you.” They whispered, which made his body shiver with ecstasy. “I should have never left you.”
“Oh, my love.” He said between kisses placed on their face, neck and clavicle. “My darling. My muse.” He stopped for a moment, to look up into Ash’s eyes. “It’s not leaving me that brought me the greatest misery, but your pain. Because I love you, more than the earth could ever love the life-sustaining rain that falls on her.”
Ash pulled him back close to them, and it wasn’t long before they moved from the couch to much more comfortable bed, their path marked by clothes lost on the way there. All the sheets smelled like Ash, just like Elliott imagined, and in this moment he couldn’t think of a more pleasant smell.
Elliott woke up to the sound of clattering dishes and the smell of something baking in the oven. Smiling to the memory of previous night, he put on a long shirt and came out of the room, to see Ash turning around, holding some dish in their hands. Their dark brown hair was shining shades of gold in the autumn sun coming through the kitchen windows.
“You woke up?” They said with a smile on their face. “Come on, I made breakfast!”
“My darling, what in Yoba’s name are you doing, you should be resting… is that a pomegranate salad?”
“Yes, and the bread just finished baking.” Ash beamed as they put a fresh batch on the table.
“Still,” Elliotts voice and face expression kept shifting between irritation and delight. “you shouldn’t tire yourself after just coming out of hospital.”
“Elliott, it’s been almost two weeks!”
“Thirteen days, my love, to be exact. Thirteen is, as you surely must know, an unlucky number, which only reaffirms my argument that you should *stay in bed*.”
“I know you’d like to have me in the bed.” Said Ash in a cocky voice. “But will these superstitions stop you from enjoying a goat cheese and pomegranate salad and fresh baked bread with me? I was also just about to make coffee.”
“No, *I’ll* make coffee!” Elliott‘s voice was committed as he stood up in a conquering pose. “And on this condition, I will forgive your parole from recovery. You know I am easily swayed by pomegranate.”
Ash laughed and they ate the breakfast together, and Elliott felt as good as when they first started to get romantic with each other. No, on the second thought - now he felt better, because during their first fling the word “love” was never said by any of them, although he wrote it an uncountable number of times in many never sent letters.
Ash felt very blessed on that morning too, but when the pair finished eating and Elliott washed the dishes (he insisted to be the only one to do so) their face took on a more serious expression.
“Elliott… I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Of course my dear, ask whatever you’d like.”
“It’s… I would like you to help me with something, but… I don’t know, I feel like I should do it alone.”
“Ash.” Elliott looked deep in their eyes. “You have endured by yourself many hardships that were not made for one pair of shoulders to bare. From that moment on, if you ever feel that you need to be supported in anything, it is my sacred duty to assist you.”
“Mhm.” Ash smiled and blushed, charmed by the flowery words of their partner. “I’ve been thinking about it for some time, it’s about…” They sighed. “It’s about Shane. I need to go there and break up with him, and I would like you to go with me as a moral support.”
There was a moment of silence in which Elliott reflected on the proper words to express his sensation.
“My love, first of all I want you to know that whatever you decide will be my obligement. But if you want to hear a contrasting opinion - I would assume that him attacking you badly enough that you *ended* *up* *in hospital* is more than enough of a signal that your relationship is over.”
“I know, but…” Ash looked down and started picking at their cuticles. “I don’t want to leave it elided. When we were together I forgave him a lot and for him it was very healing, sort of a prove that he isn’t a completely broken person. I still do not think he is, but this is a thing that I can’t forgive him anymore. But I know that he would wait for that forgiveness, do you understand? I don’t want to… leave him in uncertainty, expecting pardon at any moment, just for him to discover that I moved on and am back with you now. It would be, *technically*, me cheating on him with you, his greatest fear coming true.”
“In my not so humble opinion his greatest fear should have come true the moment he hurt you. And I won’t share my evaluation on him being or not being an absolutely broken person, because I can forsee it would be far from objective.” Elliott shifted on the chair. “But, as I said - whatever you need my assist in with will be done, including conversation with that insect. Even though in my opinion sending him a rude letter would be showing him more grace than he deserves.”
They decided to go next day first thing in the morning, and so right after drinking their coffee - none of them felt like their stomachs could fit much of a breakfast - they went south, towards the Marnie’s ranch. Ash stopped in the bushes that grew between the road and the backyard.
“Maybe you should wait here.” They decided. “I don’t know how seein us together will impact him.”
Elliott wasn’t too happy with doing anything that had a purpouse of providing Shane’s comfort, but he obliged. He standed in the bushes under a tree’s shadow, a place from which he could see everything very clearly, but for a person standing in a sun to spot him the would have to know exactly where to look at. Ash glanced back at him a couple of times for reassurance, as they made their way towards Marnie’s house.
Shane was just coming out of the chicken coop when he spotted them. His face beamed, his posture suddenly shifted as if somebody took a massive burden out of it, and he dropped everything he was carrying to run towards his returning fiancee.
“Babe!” He exclaimed, opening arms in expectation for an embrace. “Babe, you are back!”
“Yes, I am back, Shane.” Ash stopped him by holding their arm out at all it’s length and making a few steps back. “I have to talk to you about something.”
“Oh, yes, sure!” Shane’s smile faded, but didn’t disappear completely. “Is that about my tantrum, back from earlier? I am so sorry, babe, I promise I will make it up to you.”
“Yes, it is about that. And this time you did too much to ever make it up to me, Shane.”
“What…?” His face expressed dreading anticipation and confusion.
“I… I am done with you, Shane.” Ash said through a tightened throat. “I still believe that you have it in you to be a good human. But you’ll have to find a different source of support.”
“Wait, you’re leaving me? No!”
“Yes, Shane, and my decision is final.” Ash attempet to turn away, but stopped halfway, unable to ignore Shane’s voice that sounded like a cry for help.
“Please, Ash, at least listen to me!”
They faced him again, and Shane attempted to hold their hand.
„I swear, babe, I didn’t mean to hurt you, it’s just… You were talking with that fob, and you *know* I don’t like seeing you with him! If you come back I’ll prove I can be so much better for you, I promise!” 
“No!” Ash freed their forearm and shoved the man away from them. “Shane, even if there wasn’t anything between me and Elliott I would still break up with you!”
“*Even* if there wasn’t?”
Oh shit.
Elliott, who squirmed and gritted his teeth through the whole duration of this exchange, couldn’t wait in the bushes any longer. The moment he saw (or he thought he saw) Shane swinging his hand, he was ready to jump out and run towards him. Seeing him caught Shane by surprise and as a result delayed his fury, but also gave it more fuel.
“So I was right, you were cheating on me!!!” Shane was glancing at Elliott and then at Ash again, uncertain who to focus at. Finally he decided on the one who was closer. “You BITCH!”
Elliott pushed himself between them, taking Shane’s attack on himself. Two men started scuffling. Ash fell to the ground. From this position they very clearly saw a flash of a knive in Shane’s pocket. He had it on him on a pure accident. When they surprised him, he was just coming out of the coop, probably finished fixing parts of it, for which he often needed the knife. It wasn’t a blade, just a simple home utensil, but it was very sharp. And it jumped into his hand as if of it’s own will.
Ash screamed, with waves of anticipated guilt and possible outcomes going through their head in mere seconds, and a moment later they felt a excruciating pain on their side, just above the right hip. For the shortest moment they thought it was unbearable, but very soon the pain became just a pulsing inconvenience, just like any wound acquired in mines.
“Ash, no!” 
A wave of purest terror took over Elliott’s whole mind and soul, as he watched the love of his life fall on the ground, with a fountain of red gushing from their side.
“I… I…” Shane looked at what happened before him completely stunned. It couldn’t be real, it coulnd’t have been him. It’s not his hand that dropped the bloody knife on the grass, just like it wasn’t him pushing Ash from the stairs over two months ago. Because if it really was him who did it to the love of his life, then what kind of rotten human did that make him?
“What the fuck?!”
Ash recognized a distant voice of Leah, coming to her ears like through a thick glass.
“What the FUCK?!”
Leah stormed out of her house and was racing towards them, without a coat and in one but not put on all the way through. She pushed Shane with all the weight of her momentum, the man fell on the grass, but didn’t seem to notice it at all.
“You have to tighten the wound.” She said turning towards Elliott.
“I know.” He responded, already gently enclosing Ash in his coat. “Darling, look at me. I’ll take you to doctor Harvery and everything will be okay, do you understand?” His voice cracked. Half of his mind tried to make logical plans and keep calm for the sake of Ash, while the other repeated in a screaming voice the same sentence over and over. “Not again, not again, please, Yoba, not again.”
“I’m fiiiiinne” Ash tried to stand up, but to their surprise found that to be impossible. “Really, it’s nothi’n… Just like in the mines…”
“I’ll pick you up right now, okay? Hold on. I’ll need to be running, so you might be shaking a little.”
Either because of the adrenaline, or because of the fact that Ash didn’t fully regain their fat and body weight, Elliott didn’t seem to feel the load at all. He ran, and Leah sprinted before him, shouting at people to move out of the way. As he ran, his heart was pounding to the rhythm of two mantras that soveringly took over his head.
Faster to Harvey, faster to Harvey, faster to Harvey
Not again. Not again. Not again.
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stardeer-valley · 29 days ago
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Spring 24, Year 2 A lot of the townsfolk were going through Cindersap Forest. Beep was on the other side of the river, foraging for Spring Onions when he noticed. When he followed them, he saw an elaborate set up for some kind of festival, one that required a lot of flowers! Unfortunately, Shane spotted Beep very quickly, so the deer didn't get much chance to look around and see what was going on. Since he was closest, Shane wrapped an arm loosely around Beep's neck, then used his hoodie sleeve like a makeshift lead rope. A trick he learned from living on Marnie's ranch when one of the cows escaped. While it wasn't necessary, since Beep readily followed Shane away from the festivities, Shane was still a bit wary. This was some weird kind of deer. One that raised farm animals itself, and could maintain a whole farm. It had bolted when Marnie swung a broom, fled when Demetrius threw a rock at it, but Shane had personally seen it go after a rabbit on a walk to work. Even now, he barely needed to use pressure to keep Beep following him, since the deer seemed to understand Shane was leading it away. Seeming to notice Shane looking at it, the deer met Shane's eyes. There was intelligence in those rectangular pupils. Shane let go of his hoodie sleeve and put it back on, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. There was something unnerving about standing so close to Beep, something building in his legs and causing his heart to pound. Even the weird bleat Beep gave before walking off didn't quite sound right for a deer. What kind of deer had wings and sharp teeth? Even as Beep walked away, he could see the fangs as Beep took a spring onion from it's saddlebag, as easily as he'd take his keys from his pocket. A chill ran down Shane's back as he hurried back to the Flower Dance. ----- Originally, I had Shane pick up and carry Beep away like a calf, until I learned red deer stags are on average 400-ish lb (200kg). Even taking hollow bones into consideration, that's still too heavy, and too large a body (4ft/1.2m at the withers), to carry like that. Also I forget who was supposed to give Beep the flower necklace, so someone did at some point before Shane kicked him out. ----- Things different from canon; (AU???) Gramps never had an heir, or they never show/ed up. Stardew Valley Expanded; new maps, new NPCs, new events, a LOT of new stuff. The new “Farmer” is just a Weird Ass Deer. NPCs will respond/react accordingly. This is my first time playing Stardew Valley Expanded. Please no spoilers if you play SVE.
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bungiri · 10 months ago
Does Wren have any farm animals or just monster plants?
she does ! she starts out with a few regular farm animals that u would expect to see, nothing out of the ordinary, but stranger animals are drawn to her farm as it gets bigger
she’ll have in game animals like the void chickens, blue chickens she gets when she befriends shane, dinos, eventually ostriches just for fun
but i have a lot of ideas for weird animals that aren’t in the game too lol like a family of void ducks, a two headed calf born from one of her normal cows, rabbits that change color each season
i drew her void ducks bc they’re cute !! :P
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she also has 2 dogs and a cat ,, i guess they technically count as farm animals bc they Do help around the farm
the first dog she gets is named rocky ,, he’s a chunky lil chocolate lab with a blue scarf ,, he’s the dog that marnie sees roaming around her farm
soon after, she starts to see a little white ghost dog roaming around, messing with her monster plants, and trying to play with rocky. she discovers there’s a hidden graveyard on her farm and the dog’s headstone tells her its name is boo
and her cat is a stray who was always roaming around the abandoned farm before she moved in so it still kinda considers that its home. rumor in town is that the cat is on its 10th life
sry for the long reply i have so many ideas for her 👉🏼👈🏼
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leanstooneside · 1 year ago
1. David Letterman's round waist
2. DJ Pauly D's balanced calf
3. Bill Rancic's fleshy buttocks
4. Marni Senofonte's chocolaty mouth
5. Hugh Grant's alcoholic mouth
6. Steve Carell's herbaceous wrist
7. Cheryl Burke's heavy eyelash
8. Sophie Monk's smooth foot
9. Lana Del Rey's hard ankle
10. Keanu Reeves's fresh nostril
11. Christie Brinkley's bright belly
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chooshsworld · 22 days ago
Designer Bags for Women: Timeless Elegance Meets Modern Innovation
Shop the latest season's items (Spring/Summer 2025) at up to 40% off below retail at the beginning of the season. Discover the perfect balance of tradition and innovation with the most coveted designer bags for women at Choosh. Featuring express worldwide shipping, 450+ of the most trending and emerging designers, and new arrivals added almost daily, this season's standout designs highlight the evolving landscape of luxury accessories.
This season brings a refreshing mix of playfulness and spontaneity. Designers balance commercial wearability with bold, modern statements, creating a vibrant showcase of accessories. From high-fashion fringe to sculptural silhouettes, one accessory category truly stands out: designer bags for women. These stunning pieces offer a glimpse into the future of fashion, where timeless elegance meets modern innovation. Guided by a talented team of designers, the classic handbag silhouette is reimagined, pushing the boundaries of texture, volume, and embellishment.
Discover Designer Bags for Women at Choosh
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Cozy Calf Leather Bag
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Knight Bag by Burberry
This Italian-made nappa leather masterpiece showcases a soft texture, top zipper closure, leather-lined interior, removable chain shoulder strap, hand-painted edges, and a brushed metal horse-shaped snap hook.
Marni Butterfly Hobo Bag
Crafted from brushed leather with a curved silhouette and semi-rigid structure. It features a twist-lock closure with a branded metal stud, a suede-lined interior, and a credit card slot.
Attico Day Off Clutch
Made from soft leather with a trapezoid shape, this clutch features an engraved metal snap closure, a credit card slot inside, an adjustable shoulder strap, and protective feet at the base.
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poshfind · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Giorgio Armani Women's Tan Suede Oxfords with Black Patent Leather Trim 9.5/40.
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designerbagauctions-blog · 5 years ago
Marni - Double Flap Messenger bag
New Post has been published on https://designerbagauctions.com/marni-double-flap-messenger-bag/
Marni - Double Flap Messenger bag
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Go to the Marni Messenger bag Auction
Marni Messenger bag Details
Brand: Marni
Colour: Orange
Model name: Double Flap
Object type: Messenger bag
Material: Calf
Condition: As new, unused
Height: 24 cm
Width: 32 cm
Depth: 1 cm
Bid Now
Marni – Double Flap Messenger bag – Orange – Calf
A special bag from Marni. It is two bags in one. Two bags separated from each other, each with a zipper and imprinted zipper. The pockets are roomy. On the outside are two raised pockets. Suede inside. Beautiful beautiful and subtle gold hardware. The simple design in a clear colour makes the bag an eye-catcher and colour block. Excellent condition, without any flaws on the outside or inside. Handle 112 cm, can be adjusted
International shipping with tracking control.
A special bag from Marni. There are two bags in one. Two separate bags, each with a zipper and embossed zipper. The pockets are spacious. There are two pockets on the outside. Suede interior. Very nice and subtle golden hardware. The simple design in clear colour makes the bag an eye-catcher and colour blocker. Excellent condition, without any flaw inside or outside. Handle 112 cm, extendable
International shipping with tracking control
Visit the Marni Messenger bag Auction
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raymondshieldsofficial · 3 years ago
I think your talents are wasted on pharmacy. You should be focusing on writing lesbian erotica about feet
Marnie gasped as Eloise slipped her stocking down her leg, tenderly caressing the tensing muscles of her calf as she did so. Eloise teased her for a little while, massaging her ankle with her heroine’s touch, before slowly, unbearably slowly, teasing the stocking off Marnie’s foot, kissing it as it arched to meet the movement, and gradually trailing kisses down to her toes, taking each one in her lips, savouring the sensation.
I deserve financial compensation. cashapp is zarazinia96. sort it out. ur not wrong but compensate me.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 months ago
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soulsuckrrs · 3 years ago
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Full Name: Marina Nichol Cárdenas Nickname(s): goes by Marnie Age: 29-33 | true age unknown Date of Birth: March 13th Hometown: unknown Current Location: varies & thread dependent Species: Witch Powers: potion making & healing magic, elemental (strongest with water & earth), spellwork & enchanting, warding & banishing, defensive magic, telekinesis & flight, knows spells & potions to enhance her senses & abilities (smell, hearing, eyesight, strength, etc.), necromancy & ancient magics, contacting/communing with the dead, astral projection & dream walking, some psychic abilities (gets premonitions & empathy). Gender: female Pronouns: she/her  Orientation: Biromantic & Bisexual Religion: N/A Political Affiliation: N/A Occupation: Marnie works as a tattoo artist in a shop that she owns & doubles as a small crystal shop. She also works for Sidian Doiae as a dealer of his magic marijuana & other botanic items. Living Arrangements: lives in the top part of the building that is also her crystal & tattoo shop, it’s a nice apartment, open floor except for the bedroom & bathroom. Marnie owns the whole building. Language(s) Spoken: Spanish, English, Latin, multilingual.  Accent: she does have a slight accent.
Face Claim: Melissa Berrera Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 5′7 Weight: 121 lbs Build: slender, agile, athletic. Tattoos: snake & skull on her left hip & leg, left hand & right hand, right bicep, right calf, left shoulder blade, more tbd. Piercings: multiple ear piercings (lobes, conch, stud, industrial), left nostril & septum piercing, left eyebrow. Clothing Style: dark & punk, Marnie has perfected the mashup of gothic-plant & crystal-cat mom. lots of jewelry & rings, crystals in her pockets & on necklaces. big thick boots or converse, typically wears boots. Distinguishing Characteristics: has a large scar on the right side of her abdomen where she was injured gravely in the past.
Physical Ailments: none Neurological Conditions: ADHD Allergies: none Sleeping Habits: nap queen, typically only getting a few hours of sleep (on average 4-7) at a time Marnie is usually late to bed & early to rise but enjoys napping & does so anywhere & at any time. Eating Habits: all the food, all the time. the way to Marnie’s heart truly is through food, though she is a vegetarian & does not eat meat, she will eat locally sourced eggs & dairy products if she’s met the animals. Exercise Habits: she likes to box & can be caught at a gym at least once or twice a week. also enjoys running or hiking to say in shape. Emotional Stability: she’s not too eager to share her emotions but they do drive her in some things, she’s very emotional when she gets to know someone but it takes her a while to get close to people.  Sociability: she prefers to be on her own or around the few members of the biker group she’s part of. definitely an introvert. Body Temperature: warm, although she’ll say she’s always cold. Addictions: crystals. tattoos.  Drug Use: all the weed all day, every day. big ol’ stoner. sometimes does mushrooms but not regularly.  Alcohol Use: she likes a beer now & again but Marnie isn’t the biggest drinker & has never really been attracted to it. 
Label: the Daydreamer Positive Traits: loyal, laid-back, empathetic, artistic, & intelligent. Negative Traits: insecure, lazy, procrastinator, secretive, & broody. Fears: tbd Hobbies: finding crystals in nature, hiking, reading, taking care of her plants, drawing/sketching/painting, listening to music & playing guitar, writing songs & poetry, dancing, knitting, tattooing, cooking. Habits: laughs softly & tucks her hair behind her ear when she’s being bashful or shy (also nervous), chews on her cheeks when she’s anxious & also just does it subconsciously.
Weather: rainy, fall. Color: black, purple, silver. Music: metal, rock, alternative, hip-hop/rap. Movies: silence of the lambs, seven, saw series, final destination, horror & thrillers. Sport: baseball. Beverage: iced coffee & energy drinks.  Food: all the food, all the time. Animal: fox.
Father: unknown, presumed deceased. Mother: knows her first name is Priscilla & that’s it. Sibling(s): believes she has siblings but isn’t sure what happened to them or if they’re still alive. Children: Marnie has a little girl named Janine (calls her Jani) that was stolen from her when Jani was just two years old, doesn’t know if she’s still alive or not but has never stopped looking for her daughter. Pet(s): has ten cats, most of which live in the neighborhood & just gravitate towards her shop & home. five of them live with her in the shop & her apartment, they’re welcome to go & come as they please. Marnie also has a familiar that is typically in the form of a fox whom she named Robin, it can also shift into the form of an orange & black cat. Financial Status: she’s cozy with what she has financially. 
Zodiac Sign: Pisces MBTI: INFP-T (the Mediator) Enneagram: the helper Temperament: melancholic Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral Primary Vice: sloth Primary Virtue: diligence Element: water Kinks: body worship, pegging & strapping, oral, fingering & handjobs, multiple partners, bondage, blindfolding, wax & pain play, biting/marking/scratching/bruising, hair pulling & grabbing, roughness, edging & orgasm control, toys & vibrators, choking & breath play, impact play. Position: switch
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imagining-pokemon · 5 years ago
Piers’, Leon’s and Raihan’s Reaction to You Basically Being a Human Shiny Charm
@mechatricky​ requested: It's always exciting to see another Pokémon imagine blog! Could you do a request of what piers, Leon, and Raihan think about when they notice their s/o is basically a human shiny charm and attracts shiny Pokémon even tho their s/o can’t tell do to them being colorblind.
I actually really liked this reaction because I imagine each of their jaws on the floor. 
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*lifts an eyebrow*
Now Piers knew you had a shiny pokemon on your team, and just considered that some luck the universe threw your way
But he never thought he would see the number of shinies you were able to lure out
So you and Piers decided a nice picnic in the Wild Area would be a good break for you two. You both wanted some quiet from the rambunctious Team Yell
You were both talking about Marnie as she would soon take the mantle currently owned by your lover
As you talked about the talented girl, you were able to see just how much Piers cared about her
The soft smile he sported on his face was truly beautiful
But as you both came upon your destination, you stopped and stared 
No matter how many times you both came here, the magnificence of the pokemon’s natural habitat always took the breath out of you. You were easily able to hear Piers’ intake of breath to your side 
You turn to him and intertwine your fingers with his and you pulled him towards the water’s edge which would be your rest spot today 
He softly smiles at you and kisses your intertwined fingers together 
But when he looks back up, he suddenly stares at something right behind you 
You look behind you only to see a cute Vulpix
Now the pokemon looked a little different than what you usually saw, with a lighter coat than you usually saw in pictures and….was it sparkling?
It playfully yipped at you and whined, and you pushed it strange shade of color out of your mind
All you thought was that this pokemon wanted food, so you were going to give it food
You pulled out a berry and it started to run in circles yipping at you, causing a giggle to break from your mouth
Piers’ eyebrow rose a bit because all he was wondering was why were you not freaking out over this extremely rare type of pokemon
Suddenly the bushes to your left started to rustle causing Piers to  grab his pokeball from his belt, just in case anything went wrong
But out of the bushes came a Ralts and a Pancham
But again they looked different from the usual pictures
You froze with your hand outstretched towards Vulpix, who was now happily munching on its new berry 
You did not want to accidentally make them launch an attack
But your worry began to go away the moment, they started going towards the berry, nipping at the Vulpix
You cooed at the pokemon, taking more berries from your pouch
“Piers! They are all so cute! Can we keep them? Please?”
You did not hear anything so you looked back at him, only to burst out laughing at your silly man
His eyebrows disappeared and his jaw was on the ground
“You do know those are shiny pokemon right?”
You looked at him then at the pokemon and snickered to yourself
“Oh of course. I thought some of their coats were darker. But can we keep them? Please? I will take good care of them.”
He suddenly blushed as he looked at your pout and the whines of the pokemon
“.... Only someone with your shining personality could attract all these pokemon.”
He then proceeds to pull out three pokeballs 
He can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they see his beautiful lover and their pokemon
This boy would get so excited 
You and Leon were both looking at the Wooloo’s grazing in the fields, enjoying the peaceful setting
You both had just finished a good meal made by your mother and decided a walk would help you both digest your food
So hand in hand, you and lover set out to look at the Galarian scenery
But your eyes took you to Leon’s laughing face
He was telling you a hilarious story about Raihan (apparently you can not mention the curry accident in Raihan’s presence or else he would hunt you down)
(But that does not mean Leon can’t tell it)
Your eyes looked over Leon’s beautiful physique and suddenly a thought went through you
Everyone always talks about Leon’s tan skin, amber eyes, and luscious violet hair
And his terrible fashion sense
They call him bright and vibrant, like a painting made with the right shades
But you can not say that
Because you do not see that
You see bright eyes, dark hair
You see all these shades coming together to let you see this amazing human being that stands before you 
Even without color
Because even if you do not see his color, you will always be able to see his brightness
Leon’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts and smirked at you
“I know I am handsome, but you have me all to yourself to stare at later.”
You snorted and pecked his cheek
Leon took your chin and was about to place his lips on yours
Then a bleat was sounded underneath you 
You looked down and ignored Leon’s grumbling to look at a cute little Wooloo at both of your feet
You gasped and the Wooloo bleated at you again nudging your calf
It looked at bit different, almost the complete opposite shades you have seen on the field before
You kneeled down and suddenly heard Leon screaming
“It’s a shiny! It’s a shiny!”
You looked at him in confusion, but more bleats drew you away
You saw more little dark Wooloo’s running your way 
As you were covered with the soft fur, you kept hearing Leon scream
How was he able to breathe if he kept screaming? 
Soon you were out of the cluster of wool, and just laughing 
Leon was just staring at you in amazement as you petted all the Wooloo around 
He guessed even the rarest pokemon could see how much a wonder you were
Now Raihan had a Flygon and a Goodra and Duraludon and many other pokemon, but he has been wanting a Dreepy for awhile 
Well a Dragapult, but you found a Dreepy
You can see that the tips of their horns were lighter than the ones he has shown you, but you think that maybe that was normal
You were near the Lake of Outrage and saw this Dreepy running up to you
Obviously, you gave it some treats and it stole a pokeball from your bag
You were shocked as it held it out to you and gave a little roar
You held it out for it and it bumped its head on the pokeball, letting itself get sucked in 
It gave for clicks then you let it out once more
As soon as it was out, it cuddled itself against you and little out its little roars, warming your insides 
You held it up and proclaimed to the world, “You shall be called Hannie, after the best dragon boy out there.”
Hannie let out a roar and licked you 
Now finding Raihan proved to be a bit of a little of a difficulty 
That boy did not like to stay at one place for long 
You finally were able to find him with his tapestries, thinking over something important it would seem 
“Don’t think too hard, you might lose your last brain cell.”
Raihan threw his head back to a laugh and looked at you with a smirk
“Now love, you know just how intelligent I am. Have you seen me on the battlefield?”
Everyone has
“Anyway, I have a new companion for you,” You say as you wave around your new pokemon
He raised an eyebrow and looked curiously at the pokeball you brought out
You quickly threw it up in the air and out came Hannie
It fell into your arms and licked you as you giggled. 
“Raihan, meet Hannie. I caught him for you.”
Now that gave Raihan a warm feeling throughout his body as he thought of all the effort you went through to give him this pokemon, but the shock he felt from seeing the coloring of the pokemon sent him into a state of frozen 
He was so shocked but started laughing uncontrollably
“Somehow it does not surprise me that you were able to find a shiny and befriend it.” 
You looked down at you Dreepy and it looked at you with a smile
Then you held out Hannie for Raihan to take 
Raihan took Hannie and quickly petted its head
Hannie started panting and then bit down on Raihan’s hair
Raihan let out a scream, as you started to cackle
You called out for Hannie and it came back to you holding Raihan’s hat in his mouth
He gave you a chirp and dropped it in your hands
Raihan just looked at you in horror as he took Hannie back into his arms
“I now hate it.”
JK he took ten million selfies with it later
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stardeer-valley · 2 months ago
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Winter 10, Year 1
After collecting the 20 coal (easy) and 20 iridium ore (hard), Beep had delivered those to Clint a few days ago. Finally completing the quest the blacksmith had requested aid for all the way back in Spring; to demolish the boulder blocking off the summit.
This morning greeted the town with another explosion of similar disruption to the one Joja did in Summer to clear away the landslide they caused. While Susan was extremely thankful to no longer be trapped then, now she was purely pissed off at Clint's lack of forewarning her that he was going to be using explosives so close to her home. But what could be expected from him? He was too busy creeping over Emily to consider anyone else’s feelings.
At least the summit being accessible now meant people could hike up there. And with the new blanket given to him last night, Beep could explore the winter safe and warm! A horse blanket Marnie had ordered overnight, guessing Beep's measurements from how he fit into the calf blanket during the Festival of Ice. That was then taken to Emily, where she cut slots in an approximate location of where his wings would be (the fleshy part, since it didn't need to extend where his feathers were) and hemmed them with soft fabric to keep air out and avoid damaging feathers. Marnie had also given her the old calf blanket, which hadn't seen use for years until a few days ago, so it could be put to good use. Beep hadn't liked his wings restrained, which had been apparent when she took the blanket back and he bucked off, flapping his wings like a grumpy hen after being picked up. Now, Emily had sewn it down the middle of the horse blanket, and at the collar, to keep it secured. Then, considering the weight of it, both heavy over wings, but light enough to billow in the wind, Emily added some magnets in key points.
Three magnets on the wing flap, three more on the side of the horse coat that could easily be separated with minimal downward force from a wing, and three more near the central seam down his spine. (Per side.) This meant Beep could keep his wings covered when he wasn't using his wings, but then fold the flap up out of the way when he needed to use them! Emily explained this to Marnie, who then explained it to Beep when she put the contraption on him late last night. And since it was designed for horses to be left wearing, it was surprisingly comfortable to sleep in!
While Beep was collecting flowers on the summit, Marnie went up to Robin's house. She had seen the state of Beep's house yesterday, how it had been kept mostly clean and free of debris or filth, but the deer's nest was a pitiful pile of hay in the middle of the living room, in front of the fireplace. The 'bedroom' was being used to store what looked like stale crops and miscellaneous materials. While she was talking to Robin, Maru brought up how Demetrius (who had been sent out to get something he couldn't weaponised incompetence about) destroyed a bunch of stuff in the now-mushroom cave that might've been Beep's winter preparations. Tanned hides and preserved meats, thrown onto the ground and ruined not even two weeks before winter.
The ability to take such precautions confused the women, but they had already recognised Beep was no ordinary deer. Marnie knew what a deer was, and Beep was not. Robin knew no wild animal understood the exchange of currency for construction. Maru had investigated the antler projector after she cleaned it, and while it was clearly magical, it was not dwarf technology so not just something it had found. They weren't sure what he was, but this was beyond a weird ass deer. This was something more. And they should be scared of that revelation.
But he had been kind.
Never harming anyone, even when Marnie swung her broom at him. Helped Jas get back home when she was lost. Helped Evelyn with her flowers. Fled rather than attacked when Demetrius threw stones at him. He was different, but he was still a part of the community. And a member of their community was struggling this season. With Marnie's retelling of details, Maru's research about deer and bird habits (which is the best they could go off of), and Robin taking a deal for fresh cheese for the next year, they came up with a plan. One that would also involve Emily's help sewing, Leah's wood carving skill, and Caroline's connection to wares. Beep had put in his time helping them, they could help him back.
Things different from canon; (AU???) Gramps never had an heir, or they never show/ed up. Special new farm map; Frontier Farm! Stardew Valley Expanded; new maps, new NPCs, new events, a LOT of new stuff. The new “Farmer” is just a Weird Ass Deer. NPCs will respond/react accordingly.
This is my first time playing Stardew Valley Expanded, so I’m learning as I go. (Please no spoilers if you play SVE)
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