#Mark x Kit
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gabrielokun · 10 months ago
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tys-kitty · 4 months ago
Jules: Who‘s that?
Mark: That‘s my boyfriend Kieran, he‘s the king of the Unseelie Court
Jules: Alright!
Jules: What do you have to tell me?
Ty: Kit is Faerie royalty and the descendant of the First Heir
Jules: Alright?
Jules: Who is this?
Dru: That‘s Ash, he‘s the son of Sebastian Morgenstern and the Seelie Queen, heir to the Seelie throne
Jules *muttering under his breath* : What the hell is going on in this household?
Tavvy *some years later*: I‘ve met someone
Jules: Is there any other Faerie royal that I don‘t know of?
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starrieshq · 6 months ago
Kit Herondale 🤝 Ash Morgenstern 🤝 Kieran Kingson
fae desendents falling in love with a Blackthorn and deciding "well fuck it might as well"
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mikaherondale · 1 month ago
about to reread tda and realizing that no amount of preparation can save me from the mental anguish of livvy’s death and ty and kit’s fight
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agirlonbus · 18 days ago
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Okay, but I need a Dru and Ash fanart like this pls. 😭
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alistairleonis · 12 days ago
Look, I know the Blackthorn siblings all love each other to death, and they generally would not want to be in the way of one of their siblings' romantic relationships.
But Ash is a different case.
He is the son of Sebastian Morgenstern, the man who brought so much trauma to their childhoods(and so many other Shadowhunters families as well). He was the reason why their father was Endarkened - so Julian had to kill their dad, then he had to raise the rest of his siblings for years.
Sebastian didn't want Mark in his Endarkened army, so he ended up in the Wild Hunt - although he did meet Kieran there, he had endured so much suffering there as well, being half-Nelphilim and all.
Sebastian's alliance with the Seelie court caused the Cold Peace, so Helen had to be sent to Wrangel island away from the rest of the Blackthorns. And she was only allowed to marry Aline after she was made a mockery of in the Shadowhunter Academy by telling the story of her dad and her mom from the Seelie court.
Then Ash's mom, the Seelie Queen, isn't really all that pleasant either.
Plus, if they all were to find out about his current guardian, Janus, Jace's evil counterpart whose probably concocting some awful plan to get Clary and give Ash the world, I imagine they'd all freak out along with the TMI gang.
On top of all that, Ash himself isn't on the 'Good' side as well(not yet, at least). Given his ties with Janus, the Seelie Queen(and previously, Sebastian of Thule) everyone would understandably be doubtful of him.
I simply refuse to believe that not one of the Blackthorns would vehemently oppose Dru and Ash being together. At least one of them would have to be heavily convinced by Ash that he truly does love Dru and that he has no intention of harming her or use her for some evil plot.
I imagine that after losing Livvy, the Blackthorns would have their reservations and would be exceedingly anxious and careful- they don't want to lose another family member now that they're all finally together.
I think they would likely fear for Dru's safety and well-being if she were to be with Ash, or if they were to find out Ash was pursuing her.
Tell your thoughts in the comments why you think so tooo
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Centurion Ty Blackthorn
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Artist: @pawprints_in_the_stars (On Instagram)
I feel like there's so much plot potential for Ty as a Centurion. Since both he and Kit will be 18 at the start of TWP there's a good chance he will already be a Centurion. The Centurions are shown to be around Emma and Julian's age (17 as of LoS) when they appear in Lord of Shadows.
So, what if Ty has just become a Centurion when TLKOF starts? This would give him unlimited access to the Spiral Labyrinth's libraries and the Silent Brother's archives. This is added with the already extensive research he's done while at the Scholomance and the things he's invented. With Kit's powers and connections to Faerie would make them some of the most powerful Shadowhunters ever written. Not to mention that Ty also has connections to Faerie through Mark, Kieran, and Cristina.
However, as a Centurion Ty will have to report directly to the Scholomance and The Council with vows that require him to tell the Clave the truth. He's also forbidden from sharing any of the information that he learns at the Scholomance. This could complicate Kit and Ty's mission and could make for an interesting point of tension in the plot. I know that the Clave is different now with Alec at the helm but he still won't just allow things to slide. Necromancy is a huge deal, evidenced by how Magnus reacted to Ty doing it. There's also the fact that Diego Rosales, one of the most famous Centurions of all time, will be the Inquisitor during TWP. I don't know if this will help or harm Ty but I imagine it will affect his situation if were to ever have to face the Clave (which I'm very sure he will at some point in the series).
Since TWP will involve the greatest threat that Shadowhunters have ever faced it will take the greatest heroes of the entire chronicles to defeat it. I really think this could end up being the TWP gang and their collective powers. I didn't even mention the powers that Ash has and all that Dru will have to offer to the series. Neither did I delve into the powers that Kit has or even touch all of Ty's strengths. I feel like TWP as a whole will be the most epic series yet and I'm so ready for it!
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wikitpowers · 13 days ago
The Blackthorn boys seem to have a habit of immediately going from first kiss to home base while outdoors after a very emotional and tense conversation, so I'm very curious as to how this will manifest in TLKOF
and don’t even get me started on angry convos leadings to kisses ahhhh!!!-!€/€
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inkedbydave · 3 months ago
i lied put your clothes back on, we're gonna talk about my parasocial relationship with these fictional characters from this book where the main characters are involved in some kind of forbidden romance, while one of them wants to find justice for her dead parents and the other one has to look out for his siblings since age 12. and the upcoming book of said main characters autistic brother, his dead twin sister, his younger goth sister and his sassy chosen one love interest
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livingforjordeliaandkitty · 2 years ago
I just remembered how Kit told Julian once something about his "weird brother" and Julian (being Julian) just went immediately like "Ty is not weird", and our beautiful Kit looked at Jules (like if he said something completely stupid) and said "I know, Ty is not weird, is autistic. I'm talking about Mark". In that moment I knew guys, I fucking KNEW THAT KIT WAS THE STANDARD!!!
Let me tell you, I just love how Kit doesn't even hesitate because Ty is neurodiverse and love him like doing it is the easiest thing. As it should be!
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gabrielokun · 9 months ago
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tys-kitty · 6 months ago
Mark Blackthorn watching his two younger siblings pulling themselves two hot Faerie boyfriends in TWP
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starrieshq · 4 months ago
Dru: Kit Herondale.
Dru: the ladies want him, the men want him, my brother wants him, the Clave wants him-
Mark: for nEmoCRacY-
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mikaherondale · 1 year ago
why did i just now realize that Jesse is suggesting to shorten it to The Wicked Powers 😭
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malereadermaniac · 1 year ago
Actors/Characters x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️-Smut 🖤-Angst 🩷-Fluff
Categorised by actor - first can be about actor or a role they've played
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Kit Connor
🩷 Giddy - Kit Connor comes home tired from work and you two cuddle to sleep
🩷 Jealousy looks good on you - Kit connor is the jealous type
🩷 First Move - Kit Connor makes the first move on you during a movie
Jacob Elordi
🖤❤️ Toxic - Nate Jacobs is a closeted cunt
🖤🩷❤️Jealous and Possessive - A guy flirts with you and Nate Jacobs wants to show you that you're his + cute bonus
Robert Pattinson
❤️ Hogwartz' Heart-throb - Your first time with your boyfriend Cedric Diggory
Eric Dane (Mark Sloan)
🩷 Experiment - Mark Sloan's old Med School 'friend' joins Seattle Grace
Mitchell Hope (Ben Florian)
🩷 Too Trusting - Ben Florian is too trusting when it comes to Mother Gothel's son
Devon Bostick (Rodrick Heffley)
❤️Exploring - Imagine messing about with Rodrick and exploring your sexualities (Drabble/Imagine)
🩷❤️Boyfriend Experience - Long-form headcannons of dating Rodrick! From the start of it, to the smut of it!
Tom Holland
❤️Gym - imagine getting freaky when working out with Holland!Peter Parker
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agirlonbus · 30 days ago
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Tessa and Jem looking for the lost Herondale to find him in LA with the blackthorns:
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