#Marinette Dupain-cheng | Multimouse
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Miracle laid in Serendipity: Unveiling the Voyage of Miraculous Bearers
The Unknowing Tale between Y/n L/n & Adrien Agreste
Description: Y/n L/n is not a very focused and attentive person when it comes to important things, her attention to detail is lower than she could ever admit. That's why the word "Naïve" is sometimes the title above her head. But who would of thought she will be given an opportunity to be better at one important thing? She won't let it slip from her fingers, even if she ended up sacrificing her sanity in the process.
One may never realize the length she gone through with her new responsibility, everyone appreciate her polar opposite. She may never spare herself another rest, but atleast lives won't be at stake anymore when she's here.
Her responsibility as being the beholder of the Ladybug Miraculous...
Towards the bright side, her teammates is here for her. And even if she makes mistakes here and there in her civilian life, she will try her best in the life of saving lives. Although, she realizes the sign from one of the people she trusted too late.. being prey is not what she is, she just needs to remind the 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧 of that.
Chapter 01: Roam the Meadows
Subsequent Chapters | 02 | 03 | 04 | Loading...
Second — Point of View.
Perspective of Y/n L/n.
A yawn left your throat, stretching your arms up to rid of the slight numbing that happened when you were asleep. Taking a small look on your bedroom window, a small smile forms on your lips. You set yourself to the side, grabbing your blanket off of you and standing up from your bed and taking two steps that led you to your windowsill. Having a cramped place is something that you’re used to since you were born, having moved into Paris two years ago. You feel this sense of being truly at home when the place is small, is it just you?
You set one of your elbows on the windowsill, bringing your palm under your chin as you look at the view of cars, people, and animals down below. Then you saw some people wearing backpacks and crossing the road, right then you finally realized something. You slightly jolt off from the windowsill, with a look of shock and worry. It's Monday..! You don't get to do extra things when you're supposed to be going to school right about now! Y/n— you idiot..! You lightly hit yourself in the head a few times, and then begin to get ready for school.
By the time you are finished showering, brushing your teeth, and getting dressed. Your mother looked you up and down with an unamused expression and a sigh left her lips. “Y/n, are you really going to school like that?” You gave your mother a nervous laugh and kissed her cheek. “Sorry mom, but I'll be late if I take any more time..!” You say, chugging the glass of water from the dining table, which you almost activated your gag reflex from doing so, thankfully your throat mercy you from it for now.
“Slow down, Y/n..! Haist..” You let out another laugh and apologize, before meeting yourself out and closing the door behind you. You drop your shoulders with a small sigh, holding your bookbag from one hand and the other hugging the three textbooks to your chest. “I better hurry, or I'll definitely be late..” You mumble under your breath, you increase your speed as you walk down the sidewalk. Eyes widening when people are already crossing the pedestrian lane from a few steps ahead.
You outright ran, if you can't catch it there's no saying you’ll be able to catch your class too! Your hair flew down your vision, making it hard to see, you blew air from your lips trying to somehow get it away from your sight. You then had to make a very risky halt, you stumble a bit but you catch your footing fortunately enough. You look back at the traffic light, only to be a bit disappointed that you were late to actually cross.
You set your attention forward towards the sidewalk across the pedestrian lane. Although, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as to why an old person is still passing across the busy road. Your mind almost did a factory reset, as you sprinted forward and gently grabbed the old man’s arm and led him over and into the safe part of the road.
That was close, you're glad you acted on instinct and possibly saved the old man’s life. “Thank you, young lady.. That was brave of you to do that.” He smiles, and you ended up sending him one of your own. “It's no problem, I couldn't just watch and not do something about it…” The old man nodded and said thank you once again, with you shaking your head saying it's completely alright.
You wipe the small sweat that formed on your forehead with the back of your hand. Patting your pockets, then waist, you jerk your head up in realization. You dropped your textbooks..! Oh no..! Turning your head back to the other side of the road, you didn't expect a familiar bluenette girl trying to wave at you. Struggling to hold the many items in her hands, a few of them — your textbooks.
“Uhm, you dropped this.. I suppose the least I could do is bring it back to you.” The girl said with a chuckle, you giggle back politely taking your textbooks from her hands. “Thank you..” You say, as the old man looks back and forth between the both of you. “How nice of her to do that.” The old man says, making the bluenette girl scratch the back of her head. "It's nothing really.. I-I’ll be going now..!” She waves to the both of you, turning her back and walking towards the school.
“Thank you again, young lady.. I’ll be on my way now as well.” The old man says, and you nod. You hold your textbooks tight against your chest, and you heave a breath. Continuing your walk to school, you're definitely late now, but it was worth being late for.
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You sat down on your seat from the back after apologizing to Ms Bustier. You attempt to place your hand onto the desk before taking a seat, although your hand landed on a soft surface, making you take it away in embarrassment when you found out it was your seatmate’s hand. The redhead boy seems to have his cheeks reddened as well, and he hides his face slightly in his sketchbook down the desk.
“S-Sorry.. didn't mean to.” You say with a small smile, Nathaniel looks back at you, only replying with a nod. You set your stuff aside, finally taking a seat and trying to listen to the lesson Ms Bustier was talking about. You could easily be lost in the topic sometimes, mostly because — even if you deny it deep inside. You're not difficult to be distracted with anything else, you try to focus all the time but the chances are too small sometimes.
That's why you are obligated to ask your seatmate or classmates about the topic and if they could explain it to you again. You were sure that your classmates or friends in your hometown were probably happy when your parents announced that you were moving out. You're just difficult to handle, and pity showers all over you and that’s why they swallow their words before agreeing about explaining it to you once more.
You sort of realized that a bit too late though.. which ended up lowering your self-esteem then, you should really start to be more independent when it comes to your studies… You're certain, you'll only get nowhere if you were to continue down that path of dependending on someone.
A tap has been made on your shoulder, making you flinch and turn to your seatmate. “I- uh.. C-Class is over…” He points out softly, your eyes switches to the front seeing students leave one by one. You scream internally, as you send Nathaniel a smile. The redhead looks away momentarily at that, with a small tinted blush. “T-Thank you for telling me..! Sorry..!” You grabbed your bookbag and your textbooks, before scurrying your way down the small stairs and out of the classroom.
Y/n.. What are you doing… that thought of getting nowhere by yourself will probably be your fate at this point. You shake your head, attempting to think of something else. Slow progress is the answer.. there's still classes that you need to attend, so maybe next class will be your start?
Sigh.. you hope so.
You're finally home after a long day at school.. you could say that there's one or two things that you paid attention to today. One — being getting to class, and Two — being trying to help an old man cross the road safely. Nothing about education though, isn't that great..?
Leaving your bookbag and textbooks down to the floor next to your bed, you walk towards your desk. Sitting on your chair, and laying your head down on the surface. You blankly stare down onto the plain designs of your desk, trying to think of something to be able to focus more on your education.
What method would you use? You don't frankly have a plan also, well- you could think of one right now..! Uh- you just need time to think and then the idea will be there soon enough! You close your eyes, before opening them back, and a small groan leaves your lips after. You can't express your thoughts if you can't write it down.. your extra notebooks helped with those kinds of things well.
Now.. where is your pen, hm…
You sat back up comfortably, scanning your desk for some pen that you probably scattered around somewhere and forgot about tidying it up. Although — you suddenly caught sight of an unfamiliar looking black box. Curious, you lift it up from the corner of your desk, and see the neat type of designs it has on the top of it. Did your mom leave it here? Maybe she did, atleast she is the most likely person that you thought of doing something like this.
Either way, you might as well see what's inside.. you slowly open the small box, attempting to take a peak before it even fully opens. Suddenly — a glowing bright light flashes from the box, making you squint your eyes and move the box away from your face. Placing it down on the desk, you cover your eyes a bit before the light finally shines down.
You took another peak from in between your fingers, your vision came in eye-to-eye with a bug — looking small creature. “W-What..? Are you..?” You immediately stood up from your chair and backed away, you were confused but a bit scared. But you stayed calm, which seems to be working in your favor.
“Hi, Y/n! You have been chosen to be the beholder of the Ladybug Miraculous!” You blinked a few times at that, as the small creature continued to talk. “And I'm Tikki, your Kwami..!” She says with a high pitched and cheerful voice. But her expression changes after a few seconds, as if she's giving you time to manage your situation. “But unfortunately we don't have much time, Y/n! Paris is currently in danger with the akumanization! And they need you..!” Your mouth falls agape at that. Paris? Need you? Why? Danger? Akumanization? Huh..?
This isn't making much sense, but then you heard the loud screams of the people outside and followed by an evil sounding laughter. Your heart beats in panic, as you look towards your bedroom window. “I-I can't possibly — no.. how can I..!” You look around, and Tikki immediately knows that kind of look on your face. You're definitely scared, she floats over to the ladybug earrings and stops you before you even attempt to leave your room.
“Y/n.. calm down. I know we're asking a lot from you, but there's nobody else that can stop this besides you! You need to capture the akuma of the victim..!” Tikki said with a hint of desperation from her voice, she flew down to your hand, gently placing the earrings on your palm. “W-What do you mean..? H-How do I even do that..?” You question, looking at the earrings on your hand with bewilderment.
“Put the earrings on, it’ll grant you special powers. Say — Tikki, spots on! To make you transform into a superheroine. And you say, ‘Lucky charm!’ for your ability.” Tikki explains with a smile, you furrowed your eyebrows in further confusion. “Uhm.. are you sure it’ll work?” You asked, and Tikki nodded her head. Trusting the small creature’s words, you put on the earrings on each side of your ear.
You couldn't believe this is even happening, being a superhero is the least you expected to be in your life! How could they be sure that you won't fail at it too? Tikki waves her small hands in front of you to get your attention, which she succeeded. Gosh, you need to stop dozing off, didn't she say people need you right now? “Uh- sorry.. spots on— wait! Right, your name first—” You let out a half gasp, when the small creature suddenly descended towards you and into the earring.
You immediately transformed into a new, red and black suit. Black being the spots as a ladybug would have, a complete few on your hands presenting gloves. A signature small ladybug on the black dot to the side of your collarbone, a yoyo wrapped around your waist. Down to your feet, kinda looks like boots painted black. With red lines marking a portion of it with a unique design that sort of reminds you of pin clips. Three of both sides, layering top to bottom as a design. As the red lines draw a straight line beneath the markings from up to all the way down the bottom of your feet.
Your hair grew half length — only down in the middle, looking like a hair tail. Two red long thin fabric ties it down, and a red — half black dots to one side and a half white dots mask covers the upper part of your face. It feels weird wearing something too fit on your body, hugging your curves, every area. You grab a small mirror from your drawer, looking at yourself for a bit.
“This.. is strange.” You mumbled, not going to get a few more seconds to yourself though as you heard another scream emerging from outside. “R-Right..! I need to help people!” Opening your bedroom window, you quickly get out of your room and oh dear — you hold for dear life the moment you see the height from below, nervously hugging the walls.
“T-Tikki..! Uh- nope! I can't do this..” You close your eyes, inching yourself back to your room. “Wait.. what is this?” You grab the yoyo from around your waist, looking at it for a second. “A yoyo..? Ah.. I guess this could help me.” You slip the open string in your ring finger, holding the yoyo tight. Before letting out a breath, and walking back to your window.
“This should work, right?” You tell yourself, well- it better work or you’ll fall to your death! You can't have that, not at a time like this at least! You threw your yoyo up towards a nearby chimney, the look of surprise on your face when it actually clung around it. You hold the string tight, hovering over the windowsill, preparing yourself.
So.. Do you need to just jump down and see what happens? You slightly tug on to the string- a BIG mistake on your part, as it propelled you up the sky. “AAHH!” You screamed, waiting for the moment you hit a hard surface. Only to end up hitting another body as well, the female yells in panic, as you both stumble down the roof and into a balcony. You both close your eyes, having a split second of seeing the concrete ground of the balcony.
But you and the girl only swing back and forth, strings trapping both your bodies. And you were thankful it saved you two from meeting the concrete ground, it might've just caused you both concussion and maybe even pass out if that happened. “I-I.. oh- hello?” You blink a couple of times, meeting two ocean blue eyes staring back at you.
“Uhm.. Hi?” The awkward situation was definitely rising, and you don't even know how to untangle both of you from this yoyo. You notice she seems to have a mask too, gray and light pink colored mask and her bluenette hair is lifted and styled into two buns. She kinda reminded you of someone, but couldn't place your finger on it.
“D-Do you know h-how to get us out of this..?” She stuttered and you felt bad, she's clearly uncomfortable, and you are too, but you really have no idea how to undo this. “I'm sorry, but I don't know.. sorry for getting you into this mess. I'm new to this…” You explain with a hint of a smile to reassure her, she shakes her head and smiles back.
“No, it's alright.. I'm new too, so that's a start.” She giggled, you then switched your gaze when you heard something. A person with a black suit comes to your level of vision, sparkling an idea from you. He appears to have a mask as well, and it's not like he's the one people are running from. Could it be that he's a superhero too..? Well- worth a try, you need to get out of this mess quickly.
“Hey, you..! We need help!” You yelled, and his eyes made contact with yours. His lips formed into that of a grin, and you were second guessing yourself if you made the right choice of calling out for him. He could potentially be a villain — this is bad, you can't possibly risk this girl’s safety when it's your fault.
You try to wiggle from the strings, creating momentum, you look back at the black masked guy. And he seems to be making his way right now, making his staff as a bridge to go across the other roof. You could feel panic building, and you didn't even notice how the bluenette girl was asking you to stop moving. But when the figure comes closer, you try everything you could think of to undo those strings.
And it was only luck that you got to move your ring finger where the point of the string is. Making a slight force forward, which was enough for the yoyo to loosen as it is entitled to come back to its original position. The bluenette gasped, both of your bodies meeting the ground.
But you quickly stood from the floor and looked up, quickly swung your yoyo towards that black suited person’s ankle, luckily it latched around it making him lose balance and fall upside down. “Woah- woah! What's going on, ladies?” You furrowed your eyebrows, having a closer look at him now. Now that you think about it, he does resemble a cat. Especially with that long tail and tipped ears.
“You're not evil, are you?” You asked, making the bluenette girl beside you and the blonde blink twice at your accusation. “I'm kinda hurt, Ms– uh Bug? It's my first time on the job!” He announced with a sly voice and a formed smirk. You look at him with a raised eyebrow, as the bluenette girl blankly stared at him, seemingly unamused.
“Well, you don't seem like a threat now..” You say with a finger under your chin, squinting your eyes at him. “See? Now would you do the honor and let this innocent kitty go, purlease~?” You sigh and close your eyes momentarily, he seems to be on the good side. Mainly because you hear a lot of chaos coming at sort of a middle range. You already screwed up, why were you chosen for this.. “I'm sorry..”
You could feel movement from your yoyo’s string, and your hand slowly moving forward. You jolted, seeing the sly feline getting up close and personal with a grin plastered across his lips. “I mean- I wouldn't mind a small kiss for an apology, Cuddlebug.” He says with a flirtatious tone, you stare lightly down, his hand did hold onto the yoyo’s string as you thought. His attempts of flirtation makes you feel sort of uncomfortable, and you accidentally pull on your yoyo when you were thinking of creating distance.
Resulting in the feline falling down, you hold out your hand to try to catch him and you and the bluenette flinch when a thud has been made. “I-Is he okay?” A voice coming from behind you asked with worry, you just shake your head. You need to make sure he's alright, you hovered over the railings, and even though you were scared. You proceeded to jump off — “W-What are you, stop!” The bluenette yelled, and squinted her eyes shut, her first time being a superhero isn't going very well. What is wrong with her teammates?!
By the time you jumped down, he still seemed very much in contact with the floor, his face colliding onto the ground. There isn't blood, is he unconscious..? You ended up hurting your potential teammate, you're only guessing whoever gave you this opportunity made.. a mistake.
You crouched down, placing the palm of your hand onto the back of his shoulder. And the moment you even open your mouth, his hand grabs your wrist and brings you down with him, tackling you to the ground. You tried to fight back– but he unfortunately got the upperhand and pinned both of your wrists down on either side of your head.
“Let go of me!” You demanded, squirming beneath him. “Don’t worry, you should calm down~ Who am I to harm precious little Cuddlebug~?” Your eye twitched at that, especially wanting to get rid of that smirk off his lips. “Stop calling me that! People are in danger, this is not the time..!” You pointed out, as you turn your head to the side, seeing people running from a distance away.
The blonde cat furrowed his eyebrows in concern, you do have a point. He slowly let go of your wrists and helped you up, noticing the obvious worry in your eyes at the citizens from a distance. He brings your hand against his lips, finally enough for you to turn back to him with slightly widened eyes when you realize he kisses the back of it.
He gave you a genuine smile before apologizing. “I'm sorry, Cuddlebug, You're right, we have an entire city to save.” Your expression eases up, a soft smile forming on your lips. “Apology accepted, Mr Cat. We should probably head dow-” A half scream catches both you and the blonde’s attention. The bluenette girl jumped over the balcony, screaming at the height. You move towards the direction she’ll be falling down from, just in case. But she seems to have made it, stumbling a bit but she got her footing back.
“T-That was scary..” She laughs, fiddling with her fingers. “Yeah, I agree.. but this suit seems to grant us the durability to withstand it.” Both nodded at your small explanation, you turn to look back at the chaos and turn back at them. “Time limit is over, we need to know what's causing all of this..!” You say, running towards it and keeping your yoyo in hand, just in case you had enough build-up confidence to actually use it again along the way.
“Wait for us, Cuddlebug!” The blonde cat yelled following after you.
“W-Wait! Guys-! I-I’m not sure about this..! W-What if…” The bluenette girl sighed, and started following you down the path as well.
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Once you and your teammates were at the place causing chaos around the city. You almost turned around and just about to say screw this whole superhero thing when you saw the large metallic monster ahead. He almost looks like a toy robot come to life, now how are you going to turn that person back to normal..? Tikki says you need to capture an.. akuma? She didn't clarify what it is, how are you even supposed to do this?
You feel a hand over your shoulder, cutting you in your daze. “Hey, Cuddlebug. You alright..?” You turn to look him in the eyes, before lowering your gaze in disappointment. “W-What’s wrong..?” Even the bluenette seems to notice the atmosphere. Your teammates are relying on you, but you don't even know what to actually do to fix all of this. You're all in this together, but you feel like you're suddenly holding the role of their leader.. and if you're being completely honest, you don't want to be. You’ll just let them down.
“I.. I'm lost… how are we even supposed to defeat that villain? There has to be a way, but I have no idea what it is.” You admit in defeat, slightly hanging your head. The blonde’s eyes lit in shock. “I thought you'd probably have a plan with the way you were ready to jump into danger, Cuddlebug..” The blonde cat questioned, and you buried both of your hands against your face, not because you wanted to cry it all away. But you felt guilty about initiating this whole thing and also bringing your teammates into danger.
The three of you clearly have no idea what you're going to do. Inexperienced superheroes are probably the easiest way a villain could defeat without much effort. You didn't even know what you were thinking when you ran all the way over here, you know damn well it has nothing to do with logic. It was stupid of you, but when you heard the screaming citizens and the slowly breaking down of buildings and homes. You knew you had to do something about it somehow, not just stand away from it like a coward.
“Yeah, I know.. but I thought the citizens might need our help, and that's the only thing I went here for…” You say, still burying your face in your hands. The black masked cat felt his heart tightened and beating quite fast. He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze of reassurance, placing his second hand on your other shoulder. “That's very heroic for you to do, Cuddlebug. Acting on your impulse and wanting to save people, even if you were completely unsure if you had the capabilities to do it.” You lift your face a bit from your fingers, and catch the picture of the blonde’s emerald green eyes.
“I-I think that was brave of you too.. I d-didn't even know if I'd have the courage to show up here if you hadn't led me. Your show of bravery is what got me here, so.. I'm sure we’ll be able to figure it out as a team!” The bluenette cheered, before shrinking her shoulders in embarrassment by how loud she sounded. Their words spike some type of confidence within you, your chest feels light with the guilt washing away from it.
“Thank you, guys.. I appreciate that…” You say, the smile slowly coming back to your lips. There's no doubt that fate made these two your teammates, because if you're probably on your own. You would've given up and told Tikki to bring those earrings back and introduce it to a new and more capable owner than you are. You're just glad, is all.. and happy too, to have teammates like them.
Seeing the smile coloring back to your lips, made the blonde cat’s stomach swarm with butterflies. And he couldn't help himself, and hugged you tightly. You were caught off guard, a bit hesitant but you accepted the hug nonetheless. Although it was short-lived when a laser beams towards the three of you. The bluenette heroine screeched, barely dodging just in time. As the blonde cat attempted to dodge, with you in his arms, even though it worked it got both of you rolling over to the side.
And it ended up once again with the black suited cat on top of you. His smirk immediately made you want to flick him in the forehead but you resisted the urge. “This position isn't the worst kind in the world, right Cuddl—ow!” You let your yoyo bonk him in the head when it falls down and hit him on top. This causes the flirtatious cat to rub his head multiple times, enough time for you to slip away and get up on your feet.
“Are you okay? Here..” You held out your hand to the bluenette, she looked at your hand for a moment before placing hers with yours, pulling her up from the ground. She dusted herself a bit, turning back at you. “Thank you, I'm okay..” You nod your head at her confirmation, before heading your attention back to the villain. “We need to capture some type of akuma, I think.” She looks at you with confusion, and you avert your gaze with a nervous laugh. “Sorry, even I don't know what an akuma is. All I know is, we need to capture it somehow or some way.” You explained, your eyes widening and before she could reply, you grabbed her wrist and ran off.
Fortunately the black suited cat was nearby so you also grabbed his arm before he could even open his mouth to talk. Another loud noise of laser hits through the road, thankfully you three weren't there anymore. You led them slightly away from the scene for a little atleast, to come up with a plan. And though you aren't completely certain, you have an idea of what an akuma could be.
“Alright, I thought of something this time.” You say, looking back and forth at the both of them. “Spill it, Cuddlebug. This cat already has pointed ears.” He winked, you didn't really quite get his joke, but you continue on discussing your plan. “I got a split second observation of the villain, and the giant robot appears to have a shiny looking pendant that's planted in the middle of the robot’s knee.” The blonde stares at you, he definitely didn't get your point at first. But he's acting like he does.
You turn towards him, you're not about to let him be on the battlefield without knowing what to do, it could cause accidents and that's the least that you want right now. “Mr Cat, let me expla-” You were suddenly cut off mid sentence when the flirtatious feline put a finger against your lips. “You're gonna need to come up with a better nickname than that, Cuddlebug~” You sent him a light glare, he's clearly not taking this seriously. You just want nothing but get it over with quickly, before that villain causes anymore destruction to Paris.
“I should just go for it, well— if you and Cuddlebug want to stay here and think about it. Then I'll buy you both some time!” He said towards the bluenette, shrugging his shoulders before turning around and going to the battlefield with just one plan in mind and that is to fight the villain with all he's got? Is he kidding right now? You grabbed a hold of his leather tail, making him turn back to you. “Not a good idea, Kitty. Just bear with me for a second, could you do that for me..?” The masked feline blanked out for a minute, just staring at you.
A small cough then left his throat, as he turn his face away for a bit. A tinted blush covering his cheeks, he doesn't know why he's feeling like this all of a sudden. He nodded his head as a response, earning some relief within you now that he's willing to listen. “Okay, an akuma. It may not be true or it is, but I think that's where a villain gain its power from.” The bluenette girl put a finger under her chin, she seems to get it atleast. And the masked feline is also kind of connecting the dots.
“Think of it as a cherished possession of the villain, if we break it I think that's where we're able to capture the akuma. Or whatever it is, then the last bit is probably how the person will turn back to normal!” You snapped your finger with a bright smile, then you heard soft giggles coming from the masked bluenette. And a warm smile illuminating from the flirtatious cat, your head lowered a bit when he placed his hand above your head.
“Seems like Cuddlebug hit the nail for us, that smile can light up anybody's day. Although, I would prefer if it's only for—” You were obligated to change the subject and into the main topic at hand, you were slightly getting flustered and you had to stop it. “W-We know what to do righ–” Now it's your turn to get cut off, as you heard the masked bluenette’s voice. “R-Really he's right.. you were quick to know the situation than either of us.” She looks away, she's not one to be straightforward and say those things sometimes. But she figured you deserve it.
“Thank you, err–” You trailed off, you haven't really caught her name. She sort of panic, mumbling a few words to herself before finally saying her chosen name. Or should you say, her chosen heroine name. “Y-You could call me Multimouse..” She lightly stuttered with a chuckle. “Alright, thank you for saying that.. Multimouse. It really means a lot..!” The bluenette blushes in embarrassment, saying it's nothing.
“What about me, Cuddlebug! Don't you—” It was your time to shut him up with a finger against his pouty lips. “I appreciate your words too, Mr Cat. So thank you..” You lightly pat his head, before turning towards the way you three came from. “Now let's go and break that villain’s evil possession!” You ran back towards the battlefield, already hearing another shot of laser from the robot. Multimouse was about to follow up behind you, but she hesitated again. W-What if she’ll mess it up..? Although before her mind starts to overthink, she hears the masked feline heave out a breath.
“Am I falling, or did I already fall?” Is what he asked, this only made her facepalm herself at the sight of him holding his chest where his heart is, dazedly staring back to where you ran off to. “I-I’ll leave that to you, she needs us, you know!” With that, she begins to make her way to where you went to as well. Although she's right, the cat made a reply back. “Mousie, this cat just wanted advice!” He yelled with a light laugh, before following after as well.
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You move your yoyo in a circular motion repeatedly, trying to think of a better time to lounge onto the metallic robot. There’s something really unique about that pendant on his knee, it's small but it shines very bright. Which what causes your suspicion in the first place, if anything that's the first thing you’ll try to break when you get close enough that is.
“H-Hey.. thinking about a plan?” You turn to see Multimouse, replying to her question with a nod. “One of us could try to distract it.. but I'm thinking of throwing that to the side since none of us really done this before. Getting hurt is not an option..” For a second, Multimouse looked a bit panicked by what your idea was, but slowly felt relieved right after. “I could try to distract it, Cuddlebug!” Said the masked feline, holding up a grin.
“No can do, Mr Cat. There's another and more safe way to approach the—” You try to reason, but the feline seems more interested in going all in. You never doubt that he's a total cat in general with how he's getting difficult to reason with. “Aww you care about me, Cuddlebug? Don't worry, there's no such thing as a cat without fast reflexes.” He says, lifting up his bicep as if to make a point.
“Also— Cataclysm!” Now you are extra confused, even Multimouse scratches the side of her cheek looking baffled. “What is that? A power up?” You asked with curiosity, you don't quite remember Tikki saying anything about a power up, or are you just being you again? “Sort of? But don't come close, Cuddlebug! A small creature said — I can destroy anything I touch with this ability, I don't want the two of you getting near it.” He says, backing up a few steps away.
“Good thinking, how about you, Multimouse? Do you have an ability?” This changes the whole thing, using your abilities to your advantage is a huge step to the right direction. “I think so..? I remember a certain word, hm.. Multi– Multitide..? E-Eh.. M-Multi.. oh-! Multitude..!” Her ability activated, seeing her jumping rope lighten up in a bright light pink. She touches it, holding it with her two hands, before suddenly she starts shrinking.
You and the masked feline watched in surprise, seeing multiple tiny versions of Multimouse gathered looking at each other. And the original Multimouse was shaken up, looking up to the both of you. The masked feline stood back, while you were crouching down placing your knee to the ground. You lower both of your hands for the tiny Multimouses to walk over to.
“How adorable, your ability matches that of a real mouse.” You say with a close-eyed smile, you then turn a bit behind you to see the masked feline. Although to your major shock, he wasn't there anymore, and instead he's already in front of the villain attempting to challenge it with a cocky smirk. “T-That idiot feline..!” You dart your eyes around, desperate to think of a plan to turn this around.
Your luck is unbelievably low with how you only thought of a few things but nothing led up to a secured and high chance of succeeding. “This luck is against me.. wait.” You gasped, gently putting the Multimouses in one hand, and your free hand grabbed your yoyo from your waist. “Lucky charm..?” Your yoyo immediately lights up, the brightness making you accidentally drop it to the ground.
An object was created from the yoyo, the item being plastered with red and black dots all over. “Huh..? A screwdriver? What is this for..?” You look back at the villain, still seeing the feline dodge and fight back against it. If you do say so yourself, he's doing a great job surviving so far. You squint your eyes, your vision lining up with hints on plain sight.
Then suddenly.. an idea finally popped up. And you didn't waste anymore time and ran towards where the masked feline is currently fighting. “Hey, Mr Cat! Have you used your ability yet..!?” You yelled, hoping it was enough for him to hear you as you came closer and closer with your pace. His ear twitched, giving you a glance from a distance. “Yeah I did! I tried to hit the center of the object, but I ended up using my ability below the item!” He clarified, hearing a second beep from his ring.
You take a look at what the masked feline is talking about, your eyes suddenly perking up. “Perfect..! Nice job, Mr Cat!” You say, and the black suited feline’s lips lift up into a silly grin, maybe he just couldn't contain the giddiness even though what came out of your mouth was only a simple compliment. “Always at your mercy, Cuddlebug!” You catch a small wind of his words, although wanting to focus and not ruin this perfect opportunity — you gave the screwdriver to the tiny Multimouses in your one hand.
“W-What will we use this for..?” The original Multimouse questions with a hint of nervousness. “From further observation of our enemy, there's screws that become visible to us when our other teammate uses his ability.” You trail off, before continuing. “That grants us a chance to remove those screws, and possibly remove that odd looking possession in the robot’s knee!” You say, with a hint of hope.
“Since you're tiny, and you are multiplied. I'm going to need you to get into there and unscrew those screws for us. And don't worry, I'll do my best to get you in there safely. Sounds good?” You smile softly, wanting to provide your teammate some reassurance before you could send her to the mission. You could see the hesitation on the original Multimouse’s face, but she quickly shook her head and nodded with new found confidence.
“Great, let's try our best.” You spare a short glance at the masked feline to see how he's holding up, only to see the evident bewilderment in his face. You turn back your attention to the mini Multimouses in your hand, there has to be a way to secure them before you go ahead and decide it's time to meet the villain face to face. Your hand is definitely not secured enough for them, though. You look down at your yoyo, holding it under your armpit and start twisting it to see if it’ll magically unlock or something. And — it failed, it did not unlock whatsoever. You sigh, pressing the top of the yoyo and to your initial surprise. It opened, it was all blank white inside it seems. Either way, you think it's safe enough for the Multimouses to go through for the time being.
The black suited feline keeps looking down to his ring, his only guess is his power is running out, and who knows if it’ll change him back forcefully after the five bars on his ring runs out. He doesn't want to stay around to find out though, how risky that would be. And the minute he even decided to go back to a safe place, just in case his theory was right. You suddenly came into the picture, running at full speed towards the large metallic robot.
The slits in the masked feline’s pupils turned even smaller. What are you thinking..?! He definitely doesn't want to stand here and make sense of your action, he needs to get to you now! “C-Cuddlebug! I don't think that's—” He was about to go ahead and lift himself up with his staff to have a better chance of catching up to you. But he suddenly stood still, inkling emerald eyes watching your every move.
He glances at how precise your movement is, repeatedly motioning your yoyo in a circle with undefeatable determination. And as your eyes caught the perfect time to tackle said opportunity, you did so with no mercy. You swung your yoyo around the robot’s leg, gulping down your remaining bits of fear as you managed to stick yourself to the sides of the metal. Holding onto your yoyo’s strings tightly, as your hand catches a grip of the small opened area that the feline earlier destroyed.
You undo your yoyo, making it come back to your hand, holding it tight. You tap once again on the base of your yoyo, making it open up and reveal the Multimouses that's looking up at you. You gave them a warm smile, before letting them walk out of your yoyo on their own once they feel ready. And one by one, they left the dimension of your yoyo and into the metal storage of the robot. You hand them the screwdriver, and it almost fell out of your hand when the robot stomped his foot in terms of wanting you out of that specific area.
The Multimouses held the black spotted red screwdriver and in sync nodded their heads. You gave them a small wave, before unfortunately losing your level of traction against the metal, earning a yelp from your throat as you fell down. You forgot your yoyo’s weren't supporting your position anymore, with due panic — you did try to shoot your yoyo back to anywhere it could be wrapped around to. But the timing seems too late, and you then land into an unfamiliar type of softness. Only to realize that the knowing masked feline has you caught up in his arms, and just like earlier. You were welcome to by a sly smirk on his lips.
“Didn't know falling could be this, purrfect~!” There's really a lot of questionable things with your feline teammate, you only guess you are going to be dealing with that for as long as you survive as a superheroine. You brush his kitty puns aside, replying back with a thank you, he did save you after all. “Thanks, Mr Cat. I won't doubt those reflexes anymore.” You lightly laugh, ready to be put down and stand on your own again.
A beep has been made from your earring, you place a finger on top of it. Well, that doesn't sound very positive, a bit concerning. You hear another beep, and it seems like the feline heard it too. “Two bars, I think that's a sign I don't have much time left, Cuddlebug.” He says, peeking a bit at his ring to confirm the charges. “I think so too, that's not a good sign.” Seeing your worried look, he couldn't fight a chuckle. “Adorable.. and you got three dots left, Cuddlebug.” He says, looking at your beeping earring. You still wonder why this masked feline isn't setting you to the ground yet, this is not a time for chit-chatting that's for sure.
“O-Oh.. then hopefully Multimouse—” A laser beam strikes in an angled spot, as you and the masked feline caught sight of the robot’s shiny pendant drops from quite a height. The villain expresses anger, whoever is the victim in there, you could only thank the heavens as it has very sloppy movements. The pendant drops to the ground, making it break in the process. You could only feel your eyes perk up in impending happiness. Was that the akuma Tikki was talking about?
You immediately tapped the feline's collarbone in sign to drop you down. Although he only gave you a lopsided grin, and started running towards it with you still in his arms. “I could take you there, Cuddlebug.” He says, earning a soft sigh from your lips. “What a stubborn feline..” You mumble under your breath, the masked feline’s ear twitched hearing your voice clearly. Which dragged his mouth to let out another chuckle.
As you two roughly made it to the broken item, a purple mixture of black colored butterfly flew out of it. Is that the akuma..? You lift up your yoyo, looking at it, only one way to find out. You clearly know how to catch it or if there's anything you need to say for the akuma to be captured. But there is one thing you know, you could trap it in the dimension of your yoyo. At least for now, since you have no idea.
You tapped your yoyo, as it opened up smoothly. “Is that the akuma you're talking about, Cuddlebug?” You gave him a glance, before shrugging your shoulders. “I'm certain it is, even if it's not. I'm not taking any chances.” You shot your attention back to the flying butterfly, steadying your heartbeat. Chances are you could still catch it, you closed your eyes. Hearing a few people's cries, some were asking if any of them were okay, some were asking with a shake in their voices of who those masked people were in a suit. Some.. with desperation in their voices.
You can't let this slide, not in this situation. With that, you let your instincts guide you in this level of accuracy. Targeting your yoyo at the high level of distances the butterfly has gained. It was only a miracle that you succeed in one thing, and you’ll not have it any other way. “Caught it..!” A bright smile forms on your slightly trembling lips. A clumsy thud has been made from a few distance away, you turn towards it. Seeing Multimouse back to her original form, she quickly made her way towards both you and the masked feline.
“W-We did it..?” A small smile elevated from the bluenette’s face. As she softly grabs your hand, returning back the screwdriver from you. “Seems like we did, I'm glad..” You say with a lightened expression, though the blonde feline looked at his ring again, and also a beeping sound emerges from the masked bluenette's necklace. “You should go, Mr Cat.. You're running out of charges, you also Multimouse.” The girl infront of you blink rapidly for a second.
“If you say so, Cuddlebug. I’ll see you when I claw by..!” You spare him a small giggle, this masked feline and his puns. Well, it's not all terrible, which is good. He gestures a salute as a farewell, before he stops in the middle and looks back with a hesitant laugh as if he just realized something.
“Uh- Cuddlebug.. didn't you say something about turning everything back? Or is it just the victim..?” The masked feline pointed at the kneeling robot from behind you.
You blinked twice.
Multimouse blinked as well.
The three of you are looking at each other.
But mostly the attention is on your form.
You gave them a nervous laugh..
“Uhm.. about that.”
Subsequent Chapters | 02 | 03 | 04 | Loading...
#chat noir x reader#fem reader#reader insert#miraculous ladybug#slow burn#long reads#heroes and villains#superheroes#fluff & angst#eventual smut#drama & romance#secret crush#unrequited love#heavy angst#chat noir#Fem Reader | Sekkibug#Marinette Dupain-cheng | Multimouse#tw stalking#Miraculous Tales#Heavy Plot#Reader is Naive#manipulation#obsessive love#chapters#oblivious#unhealthy coping mechanisms#lovesick#miraculous kwamis#miraculous au#miraculous lore
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yeah he's having a normal one
#silu's art#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#mlb chat noir#chat noir#multimouse#mlb ladynoir#marichat#mlb la terreur au#MLB miracle exposure syndrome
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hello may I interest you in my marinette dupain cheng propoganda
#RIPPING HER APART WITH MY TEETH LIKE A DOG TOY. SHE'S EVERYTHING.#marinette dupain cheng#ml ladybug#ladyfly#emonette#multimouse#paris special#mlb paris special#mlb#miraculous ladybug#there are so many parts of this that I just gave up on but who cares!!!#<- the biggest example being ladyfly lmao
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quick doodles i made a few days back
he is so not normal about those spacebuns (how can anyone be normal about mari's spacebuns?)
#marichat#marinette dupain cheng#chat noir#multimouse#multichat?#ahdsjdkdh#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart
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this idea was so cute needed to draw it also the idea of their tails instinctively going for each other would be so cute guys im dead thank u @cookiedough77
also i might make more bc i have ideas now
#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#cat walker#multimouse#BAHH#first time posting chibis erm#i lowkey hate cat walkers design but whatev
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I love all of them💖💖💖
🎨: Đi Bụi
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#ladybug and chat noir#tales of ladybug and cat noir#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir#marinette dupain cheng#ml ladybug#shadybug#lady noire#multimouse#emo marinette
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#artists on tumblr#fanart#miraculous fanart#miraculous ladybug#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir#ladybug and chat noir#miraculous au#miraculous world#ladybug fanart#ladyfly#multimouse#ml fanart#ladynoir#chat noir#miraculous#adrien agreste#cat blanc#chat blanc#marinette dupen chang#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous marinette#mlb marinette#marinette cheng#marichat#ladybug miraculous#ml ladybug#tales of ladybug and cat noir#ml art#ladybug pv#adrien
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The new designs of the Miraculous holders are awesome







Can we all agree that Rena rouge and Ryuko have the best designs.
#miraculous spoilers#miraculous season 6#Miraculous ladybug#rena rouge#multimouse#ryuko#Chat Noir#Ladybug#carapace#alya cesaire#kagami tsurugi#nino lahiffe#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#ml illustrhater#illustrhater
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“Average Parisian falls in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng 3 times per year” factoid actually just statistical error. Average Parisian only falls in love with Marinette once. Face-Blindness Adrien, who cannot tell the difference between her identities and falls in love with 6 Marinettes per day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#original content#adrienette#adrinette#marino#Multimouse#ladybug#spiders georg#loveybug au#loveybug#bikerbug
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Really old Multimouse bc i like her hair
#marinette dupain cheng#marinette dupain-cheng#ml#miraculous ladybug#multimouse#justafewsmallsteps#jelly art
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Miracle laid in Serendipity: Unveiling the Voyage of Miraculous Bearers
The Unknowing Tale between Y/n L/n & Adrien Agreste
Chapter 03: Floral Sequence
Previous & Subsequent Chapters | 01 | 02 | 04 | Loading...
Third — Point of View.
Perspective of Adrien Agreste.
“Plagg, where did you hide my other pair of socks? I can't find it anywhere..” He continued to look around his room, eyeing his Kwami from time to time to see if the little troublemaker did hide it. Although the sly Kwami only lets out a yawn, holding the stinky cheese with both of his tiny hands. “I don't know what you're talking about, kid! I'm trying to enjoy some delicious camembert over here..! Hmph-” Plagg replied, softly rubbing the top of the cheese with heart eyes, while Adrien voiced a slight groan, still looking over any corner to see if it somehow landed there.
Few minutes have passed and he still hasn't found it, a sigh leaving his throat as he takes a seat on his bed. This makes the Kwami peer over his wonderful camembert and look at his owner. He knows that he should probably just tell him where it is right now, but he's getting a bit lazy and besides no one gets to touch his secret stash unless he says so. The little Kwami switches his gaze towards the blonde’s computer, suddenly getting an idea. He smoothly flew over infront of his owner, with cheese still in his hands.
“Stop frowning about it, look! Maybe some Sekkibug photos will cheer you up, eh Lover boy?” The Kwami teased, taking a large bite of his camembert. Adrien looks over his monitor from a slight distance, his face flushing red despite not wanting to admit that his Kwami might be right. He sighed, trying to ignore Plagg’s comment as he stood up from his bed, walking over his window. He gently moved the curtain aside, just enough to get a view of outside.
He does wonder what Sekkibug’s doing right now, are you still awake..? Or you're getting some rest, it is pretty dark outside.. Perhaps you're doing some nightly patrols right now..? That he could only wish for, it wouldn't hurt to spend a bit of personal time with his Cuddlebug.. outside of battle. He doesn't know what exactly he wants.. he probably sounds desperate for attention at this point. It's just that.. it's difficult to lure you away from your duties. Don't get him wrong, it's not that he doesn't want you to look over and watch out for any civilians and make sure they're safe.
He just.. thinks that you're prioritizing the citizens of Paris a bit too much.. You look like you don't have time for any of your partners, and he's aware of how he's picturing you a bit selfish even though you did converse with each of them during nightly patrols. But.. it somehow feels too little for him, like it isn't enough. And eventually you get back into fulfilling your duties and right after that, you end up saying goodbye for the night. It feels sort of suffocating trying to get close to you without the limit you set for yourself unknowingly.
You're only one person.. he knows that, but individuals wouldn't mind if you let your pupils wander off of them for a moment… Maybe he is the selfish one, huh..? That's a statement that he couldn't deny, because deep down he knows he is just that. But – nobody needs to know.. that's a quality that he only knows himself. It's not that bad, he could be selfish every once in a while, right..? He doesn't act like that all the time, just at times when he thinks it's a bit unfair.
What you don't know, wouldn't hurt you.
He draws his green emerald eyes across the city, he wants to say that he only went over to look at the view and nothing else. But, there's no point in lying to himself. He went over to his window for one reason, and one reason only. And that is to catch a glimpse of you.. Chat Noir is not one to give up on his lady so easily, for a moment of respite — it has been approximately one month since his heart started beating in a quickened pace. One month of fighting alongside you.. surely there will come a time where the opportunity is there. Soon enough.
His pupils widened once that familiar figure swung by from rooftops to rooftops, is that really..? There it is again.. he feels his heart wanting to beat right out of his chest. His breathing slowly becomes uneven, he needs to calm down for a second — you're not going anywhere, so he just needs to take a breather. Hold on – you definitely will if he doesn't get his things together and catch up to you..! In a slight panic, he looks over his shoulder and towards his Kwami.
“Plagg.. sorry but it's time for a bit of nightly patrols.” The tiny feline almost cracked his small neck with how fast he turned his head around and towards the blonde boy. “Are you serious, I'm still enjoying my—!” He didn't get enough time to finish his protest when his owner rudely interrupt. “Plagg, claws out.” Adrien says calmly, lifting his hand where his ring is as he momentarily closes his eyes, letting the transformation take place swiftly. Leading to the poor Kwami dropping his camembert in the process and getting sucked into the ring.
He won't be long, well.. he hopes he won't lose track of time, he still has to sleep and get up very early in the morning after all. Who is he kidding..? He's sure you’ll remind him anyway, it's unlikely for you to get lost in the moment when you're with him. Like he will be when he is with you. Duty always calls for your name, not much to say in between that. Who knows.. maybe it’ll be different this time, it wouldn't be him if he doesn't try.
Using his staff to traverse further into the living space of Paris, inkling green eyes looking at your nearing figure. A huff of breath leaving his lips when he finally drops down to the rooftop you're standing from, your back facing him. He stays silent for a moment, just observing you. The atmosphere feels calming for some reason, his gaze dripping onto your moving form. The way you walk close to the chimney from your slight right, before crouching down and taking a seat, your head facing the Eiffel Tower from afar.
You lean against the wall of the chimney beside you, softly breathing.. you look at peace, making his heart swell delicately. And for a minute that he couldn't wait for much longer, he walks towards you. Surprisingly, his footsteps didn't catch your attention, so he took the opportunity to drop down beside you. Were you expecting him..? Why haven't you noticed him yet— he turns his head to look at your face, only for him to answer his own question. Your eyelids flutter close.. And despite the mask covering your upper face, he could tell that there's a hint of fatigue around it.
Your hair flows gently against the merciful wind, plush lips that's stirring up the temptations within him. In his eyes, you look so delicate, meant to be protected, even if you can handle yourself fine on your own. He’ll still be there in times like this when you're vulnerable.. when your body forces you to take a moment of rest. He feels like one day, you'll probably grow accustomed to it.. would be harder to catch you again like this, with your guard down.
Taking the liberty, he gently lifted his hand towards your face, moving your cheek away from the concrete wall and shifting your head softly onto his shoulder. Careful not to accidentally wake you up from your occuring rest. He took a minute to look at your peaceful expression, a warm smile curling up on the corners of his lips. This part of you might be another reason to continue lending you his heart. How heartwarming it would be to wake up in the morning and be greeted with a blessing…
Finally having it in himself to look away from your facial features, he turned his head upright — the sight of the Eiffel Tower welcoming him in view. He tilted his head a bit, gently resting his head on top of yours. His aching fingers crawling beneath your hand that's on your lap, furtively intertwining his fingers with your fragile ones. Before deliberately lifting it up to his awaiting lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of it.
He hopes there’ll be plenty of opportunity for the both of you to spend time like this again as time proceeds. He's looking forward to seeing you everyday, every night.. even in dire times when there's an akuma encounter. Whilst it's not very heroic of him to wish there will be an akuma attack, that is what he truly wants in order to see you every hour of the day, and not just on patrols around the city.
Even as he's now having the time of his life with the one who recklessly holds his heart, he cannot deny the fact that he squeezed his way in to create this moment between the two of you. In a short sense, this wouldn't have happened if you are very much aware and conscious at this second. Maybe fate pitied him for a little while and granted him some interlude between him and his lady. He won't take offense to that if that was really the case.. It makes sense in a way.
All that he could do at this point, is savor the given solace. He’ll just have to try and improve his advances towards you next time, perhaps he’ll get lucky and press some of the pins in your heart. It's never over until you say so yourself, right? If it ever comes to that extent, you better give him a clear reason that’ll set it apart.. if you don't have one, he won't be sure if he’ll take it to heart. And if you do have a justified reason, he still won't be sure in the end.
Because this journey that fate set infront both you and him, it's only has begun.. and he's not planning to let such chances slip by his fingertips.. with every breath you take, he will be there to remind you just how you both are meant to be together. No argument laying around it, he’s sure to do his best to make it a reality you cannot turn a blind eye to.
After all.. he has all the time in the world.
He still has plenty of chances…
And he must say..
You're in for quite a promising adventure…
🂱 🂱 🂱 🂱 🂱 🂱 🂱
Second — Point of View.
Perspective of Y/n L/n.
You stir a bit from your position, one of your fingers twitching as you clasp it close.. expecting to feel the soft covers of your bedsheets, although with your eyebrows scrunching slightly — the way your fingers wrapped around it, the feeling of the cozy fabric is nowhere to be found. Attempting to grip the strange sensation in between your fingers to test it once more. However.. you felt your hand tightened as it's being squeezed gently. It slowly results with your eyes fluttering open, vision a bit blurry before it faintly clears up.
The first thing that came to mind was to look down at your hand to identify what's causing such movement.. only to blink rapidly and stare at it once more, feeling baffled at what you're comprehending. Then the sudden realization is what brought you back to earth, eyes gazing at your heroine's suit. Did.. did you really fall asleep in the middle of your patrol..? That can't be.. you know how heavy of a consequence you will receive if it took a wrong turn..!
“Milady..?” Your body stiffened, hearing that familiar voice. You felt another squeeze transferring against your hand, a gesture of reassurance. Jolting a bit from your place, you quickly turned your face towards the masked feline. Eyes making contact with those intense emerald ones. “Chat.. I–” He briskly cut you off, his sharp claw pressing against your lips. “Shh.. relax, Cuddlebug.” He coos, with a hint of chuckle towards your puzzled gaze.
“I didn't know Milady is such a heavy sleeper~” Hearing his sly voice come back to life, your face falls a bit into an unamused expression. A tint of embarrassment painting your cheeks at his statement. You really need to work on and control your sleeping habits, can't really bash yourself into that realm no longer. Or else it’ll cost you difficulties along the way.
You blinked twice, your lips twitching into an awkward smile. “I.. I was only resting my eyes…” You reason, turning your head away a bit as you cleared your throat. The masked feline however.. couldn't control his impending laughter, as it soon leaped up into the cold but calming atmosphere. You feel the embarrassment displayed on your face leveled up, unaware of how a small pout sneaks its way up to your lips. A pair of eyes yet was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of it, his amiable laugh dying down.
Every little thing you do.. Why is it always hard to maintain his heart from the cause of it..? Even now he feels the blood pumping through his veins nonstop.. his lips drawing into a warm smile, and he couldn't help but give your hand another squeeze. This time.. for his reassurance. He risked it all the moment he triggered your attention back towards the sensation between your fingers.
And as he expected, you gently attempt to pull away, hesitation fills his thoughts but he lets his morals guide him into action. So.. with a twitchy smile, he lets you pull away. “Sorry, Cuddlebug.. my hand was cold.” Lying would be the least he will do when it comes to you, but if it'll light up the spirits, then he’ll have no problem doing so. “Oh.. do you have a cold..?” His hand needing your warmth was sort of strange, doesn't his suit provide some type of heat at least..? Lifting up your other hand, you brush his fluffy blonde hair upwards before placing the back of your hand against his forehead to check for his temperature. His mouth slightly falling agape and he could feel his face heating up, the multiple emotions he's feeling at once being lifted up from his shoulders.
Now he's not sure if you didn't quite catch his words clearly enough, or you fully misunderstood what he said. Either way, his chest feels a bit light at your simple but soothing question, not to mention your gesture makes him feel at ease. “Chat, don't keep me in suspense..” You muttered quietly, but his hearing heard it loud and clear. You soon remove your hand from his forehead, his temperature seems pretty normal but you are still quite uncertain. The evident worry in your eyes tugging at his heartstrings, hinting at something.
Ah.. you must've felt bad, did you?
“Chat..?” You call for him again, pulling him from his thoughts as he performs a small chuckle, he’s biting his own tongue with the way he points out your habit of ending in a trance most of the time. Now look where his mind is currently into.. “Hm.. what if I do have a cold, Milady~?” He coos, quickly hiding any hints of his state of mind. Observing the expression on your face, every detail it presents gives away what you're feeling inside. A trait that he's sure he gained from getting lost looking at you consistently.
After a second of averting your eyes from contacting with his own, you return back. A soft sigh elevating from your plush lips, before you unexpectedly drag your hand back to his. A bit hesitant, but you continue until you're intertwining your fingers with him once again. A ragged breath flows out from his nostrils, the relentless banging inside his ribcage is starting to feel like a real threat. He shouldn't let himself be delirious in a time like this.. repenting your guilt is different from the vision he's losing himself into when you did that.
“I can spare another minute.. before I have to go.” You smiled, facing back towards the view upfront. It feels oddly soothing to spend some time sight-seeing with your feline companion, maybe because there isn't any akumanization to worry about in the time being. Still, staying alert should always have a place in the back of your mind. You could never be too sure after all, you shouldn't jinx it. You close your eyes momentarily in a sense of tranquility, slit pupils grasping the image in his mind.
He feels a gentle clutch against his hand, only difference now, you offered to give his hand a soft squeeze of your own. And with your eyes still locked into the view from afar, his cat ear twitched at the sound of your calm voice.
“I hope you get well soon, Chat..”
☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎ ☘︎
Taking a look on the screen of your phone, you're indeed seven minutes late from the exact time of the meet-up. You did every possible way to hurry and arrive just in time, but the odds still weren't in your favor. If you hadn't lost yourself to sleep the moment you went back home, maybe you could've made it in time.. but it could've messed you over even more if you somehow did not sleep. It doesn't matter now though, what matters is that you’ll still make it.
You took a moment of rest, placing both of your hands on top of your knees, trying to restore your uneven breathing. You finally did arrive in front of Marinette’s home, or should you say – her family’s bakery. Lifting your sight a bit to grasp the main door, you suddenly see someone from the other side, walking forward to the door. With her small build and gentle laid eyes, you immediately recognize Marinette’s mother. She opened the clear door before you could have a chance to react.
“Aw Y/n, how are you..? Come, Marinette and the others are waiting for you.” Sabine says with a sweet tone, gesturing for you to come inside. You did try to at least respond back, but your throat feels almost dried out of its function. So you quickly responded with a small nod, before fixing your posture and following after her. You were greeted by the nice aroma of the room, earning a flinch from you, hearing your own stomach growls – you awkwardly pressed your forearm against it, silently hoping Marinette’s mom didn't catch wind of it.
It seems like she didn't, which only drew a reliving sigh from your lips. When getting ready earlier, every little thing was last minute.. showering, brushing your teeth, getting dressed and making yourself look decent enough when going out in public. Getting a quick snack was out of the question, the meet-up wasn't scheduled that early into the day either, so you should've had plenty of time for yourself. Although, that loses the thread since your body really just needed some type of contact with sleep the minute you saw your bed.
Feeling the small drench from your soaked hair that's beginning to form onto your shoulders, you shrink a bit when the water makes contact with your skin. You hear the voice of Marinette's mom call out for her daughter, announcing you’ve arrived. She took a look back towards you, softly gesturing for you to go ahead. You simply nodded your head once more, taking the stairs up to Marinette’s room. Gazing up, you see someone opening the trapdoor – realizing that it was Alya. “Girl, you're late to the party, come quick..!” She lightly chuckled, and you proceeded to climb up until you were finally inside the room.
“Hi, Y/n..! Over here!” A familiar high pitched tone called, as she waves her hand up to catch your attention. You sent Rose a smile, before heading towards the group, you sat down next to Alix on the white stairs, clasping both of your hands and placing it down on your lap. “Y/n, what took you so long? We thought you might've ditched us, haha!” Alix says, raising her eyebrow with a teasing smile, tapping your arm lightly. You struggled for a minute to reply, as you cleared your throat and came up with a small lie. “My mom wanted me to clean the house before leaving.. so uh- it took a while.” You reason, wishing she’ll somehow buy it.
She gave you a shrug of her shoulders, as she chuckled. “That must've sucked, but hey you made it!” She responded, as you only nodded your head with a small smile. You look towards Mylene and the other two, she is showing what looks like a lovely necklace. As you turn slightly you gaze at the bluenette girl, she seems to be getting something from her drawer before walking infront of where Juleka, Rose, and Mylene are seated. With Alya following along beside Marinette.
“Okay! Are we ready? I’ll fix my room quite a bit, and then I’ll see what kind of video games we could play!” Marinette chirped happily, pulling up two controllers and walking over to her desk to place in there for now. “Oh trust me, I'm not going easy on every single one of you!” Alix says proudly as she puts both of her hands on either side of her waist. The rest of you chuckle, then Alya perks an eyebrow with a playful smile. “I’m not going easy on you either.” She giggled, welp- hopefully she will go easy on you, it's still unknown what kind of video game you all will play. You only wish it's something you're familiar with, but being introduced into a new game is nice too!
You have played a few video games still on your laptop or phone, but even if you have quite a number of games that you played with since your childhood or new things that you have grown to like recently. There are still plenty of games that you haven't seen or known before, especially some that have prices on them therefore you could only play the game when it's bought. Now, you’re pretty curious as to what game it is that Marinette will choose. She has controller's so maybe something that will need a lot of fast taps or reaction in order to beat the opponent. Maybe it's something much calming, or strategic based games?
You’ll just have to wait and see, oh- might as well offer Marinette some help if she needs. “Marinette, I could help if you’d like? I don't mind..!” You say with a smile, standing up from your place and walking towards Marinette. The bluenette’s eyes widened slightly as she turned around to face you, smiling a bit. “If you want? Thank you, I appreciate it, Y/n..!” Marinette brushes off the small dust on her cheek, as she tells you some of the stuff that is out of place, you nod your head before getting to it. Another voice chimed in, as she too was overhype and excited. “Eek-! I can’t wait! Ooo-! Can I help as well..! I wanna help!” Rose stood up from where she's sitting as she too is very inclined to help Marinette with fixing things up.
“Girl's, why don't we all help? The sooner we get it done, the sooner we'll be able to play what Marinette has in mind.” Alya points out, as the bluenette girl squaked when she heard it, chuckling awkwardly. “Um..! I don't think–” She didn't get to finish her sentence when the rest of the others stood up and agreed to what her best friend said. She lets out a sigh before slowly a smile forming on her lips again. “We got you, girl!” Alya says, as Marinette gives a thump’s up, almost dropping the items on her hands.
“Then what are we waiting for..! Let's get to cleaning!” Rose chirped excitedly, seemingly hyper about the plan. And the black and purple haired girl beside her tug on the blonde short haired girl’s hand, trying to calm her energetic friend. You smile at Juleka’s actions, thinking their friendship is quite adorable. Although, you jolted a bit as you felt someone nudge your shoulder with a pointy object.
Turning your head, you see Alix holding a small notepad and a pencil, as she sent you an amused gaze. “I'm certain you’re gonna need this, Y/n! There’ll be a lot of techniques that you won't wanna miss out on!” She pointed out, as she handed you the notepad and pencil, in the process you felt a tiny bit embarrassed but you shrugged it off. “Thanks, Alix..” You replied, and she drew out a small – ‘psshh’ brushing it off as if telling you it's fine, before she goes over to Marinette to ask which and where needs some rearranging.
And as time goes by and all of you did your part on helping out Marinette with her room. It was time for the game, and you won't lie- it was pretty intense. It really was a strategic game as Alix said earlier, she really was not giving no mercy! You and Rose had trouble beating Alix in one single round, how does she do it? That- you will have to pay attention if you really wanna know, and it isn't easy with the way the game goes on so fast! You have to manage getting used to the controls and what button does what in order to get somewhat of a hit to damage the opponent.
Not to mention, Alya is skilled at the game too! It was a close call between her and Alix when it's their turn to fight against one another. Alya won in the end of it, which made Alix surprised and offered for a rematch to try and turn things around. And might you add, all of you were pretty much glued to their fight the whole time. Rematch after rematch, until Alya finally hands Alix the win– so all of you could go on and have a turn as well. There was in the middle of the game where Marinette’s mother called out and brought all of you some food, in case any of you were hungry. And– Mrs Sabine basically saved all of you, mostly you– since the moment you arrived, your stomach has been growling..!
So the rest of you thanked Marinette’s mother for offering up food to fill the hunger. While the next two are up for a match, the ones watching are munching on some delicious pastries, including you. And upon focusing on Marinette and Alix’s match, you could not count how many times Marinette beat Alix in a one vs one match. She’s pretty great at the game, earning a handshake as Alix admits it was a good win. The next round, Rose and Juleka wanted to have a go with one another. And you and the rest could not content the adorableness of the match, no one wants to land a hit. And when Rose does, she chuckles and says sorry, Juleka wasn't even trying and just wanted Rose to have a win. You still couldn't forget the warm smile that sneaks up on your lips as you can't help but give the two a hug, the room filling up with wholesome laughter.
Opening the door to your small spacious room, you close the door behind you, drawing a breath. The loose long sleeves that’s been like that cause you didn't get the time to button the end of the flowy sleeves, but it seems fortunate for your little Kwami, as she smoothed her way out of the loose sleeves. And floating up to face you with a soft smile – you return the smile with one of your own. Your eyes are falling lidded for a second, though Tikki seems to have noticed it. As she flew down to your hand, which still has the small piece of the notepad, however earlier, after you wrote down some of the things you knew you needed to remember – you ripped the first page and took it with you, just in case your friend's decided to play the game again, you will come prepared!
Tikki gently held one of your fingers, you blinked a couple of times as you looked down at your red Kwami. You see her lifting your hand, causing you to move forward when she guides you towards your bedroom small pinboard – filled with any other of your sticky notes, a lot of them are completed but you keep forgetting to take it out after that specific day is over. There's hardly any space but Tikki still guided your hand up against the narrow board, until you placed the sticky note onto the small empty spot. Itching a tiny smile from your lips, you can't appreciate Tikki enough.
“Sleepy, Y/n..?” The red Kwami questions, tilting her head a bit in a cute manner. As if to confirm her statement, a yawn was forced out of your throat, indicating you are indeed feeling a bit drowsy. There's no saying how much time you spent with your friends, especially when Rose happily suggested for all of you to go out and get some ice cream. You had fun though, the hangout was nice! Alya even took pictures as all of you posed with the ice cream in your hands. She also talked about her Sekkiblog, turning her phone into landscape as she lets you all watch the vlogs she took.
There were so many close calls, you could not even imagine your heart stopping in the middle. And the small blush crossing your cheeks whenever you see your figure being seen in the video. Those times where you took Alya in a more safe place and when you managed to save her in time as you ask out a quick question to make sure if she’s okay or hurt anywhere. You didn't even notice at the time how close you were to the camera, but now you definitely know–! It feels odd to watch yourself on a video, maybe because the huge type of recognition is something you’re not exactly used to. It was interesting to know what your friends thought about you when it comes to the other part of you that remains sealed in a glass secret.
Then there was Alix, who’s showing some tricks that she learned with her rollerblades. It was amazing to see her pull it off, that does take a lot of practice to be able to do, and a lot of courage as well! Along the hangout, Marinette wanted to stop by a nearby gift shop. Since she mentioned she wanted to come and look for a small box that she thinks would be suitable for the keychain that she recently handmade and designed. Marinette was a little embarrassed to say it at first, but she admitted that she wanted to give Adrien a small gift that the bluenette hoped he would like. Oh- she was trying to make friends with Adrien, you almost slipped that off your mind– Marinette is very thoughtful..! And aren't you the one supposed to be helping her? Sigh- Y/n..
“I think so..” You answered drowsily, putting a hand over your mouth. You haven't been thankful enough for your mother whenever she consistently reminds you to take off your outdoor footwear and set it aside near the doorstep when you were still very young. One of many house manners that stuck with you till you are now in your teen age. A long happy sigh flew out of your lips, as you plopped down onto your comfort bed, while Tikki floated around your collection of books on your two layer bookshelf that's attached near your bedroom window.
Her crystal eyes light up as she catches sight of the book she has been engrossed into since the night before. She quickly grabbed it with her two tiny hands, and flew back down to your form – halting a bit as she saw you rummaging, trying to get under the covers impatiently. And once you do, a relaxing expression plastered on your face, she can't help but squeeze out a small giggle from her lips. Continuing to fly down towards you and set herself beside your face, sparing you a tiny glance before opening the book, and try to get to the page she bookmarked.
Tikki took another glance at her holder, perceiving that you haven't bothered to switch into your pajama clothes, thinking that your body might overheat with the layer of fabric still clinging to your frame. Especially since your blanket is almost covering your full body from top to bottom. It isn't that much to worry about since the material of your upper clothing is a light-thin but blousy fabric. Only problem is it sticks to your frame very easily, putting additional heat.
Part of her wants to wake you up and remind you to change into your sleepwear, since you’ll most likely feel uncomfortable when you wake up early in the morning, remaining with sweats. But she's afraid you won't be able to get back to sleep afterwards, there's just this thing that happens frequently that she couldn't grasp sometimes. She does understand that human minds are very difficult to comprehend the majority of the time, and she saw similar qualities in her past ancient holders.
It's very obvious that you are tired and want to sleep, and you did, but when you are disturbed or forgetting something that you needed to do, and you remember it half way getting to bed. You somehow don't feel sleepy anymore right after you finish turning off the lights – stuff like that, or going to the bathroom and also things like preparing your bookbag. The rest happens as you are turning your head back towards your comfort bed, and just standing infront of it with a confused look, then patting the side of your cheek two or three times. Before saying you don't feel sleepy or tired all of a sudden, although the impending consequences don't end up too well for you the next morning.
She could only guess that your body has been through those same encounters in the past, that's why it often happens. And that's also why your mind and body treats it like a normal habit when the leeway is there. Tikki is hoping you’ll be able to fix your sleep schedule in due time. It isn't particularly healthy for your body to dismiss the importance of sleep even when the mind is currently distracted. The red Kwami lets out a soft sigh, it's technically more primal for you to continue sleeping and regain your energy, so she swiftly pushes the first thought aside and then goes back into reading the huge book in her tiny hands.
As Tikki dragged her gaze across the many letterings on the pages of the book, there was suddenly a lunatic laugh emerging from the outskirts of Paris. Her crystal blue eyes widening, before dropping the book on the bed and flying towards the bedroom window. Seeing a burst of some kind of flowers..? Plaguing the area not so far from your house, concerns covering her expression as she looks back at your sleeping form. Snuggling peacefully under the blankets.. Akuma attacks have such terrible timing, it's almost unbelievable.
She’ll hate to disturb you in your sleep, but the city needs you more than anything right now..! Tikki quickly flew over towards you, her tiny hands trying to shake you awake. “Y/n–! Y/n! You need to wake up..!” Tikki says with a worried tone, as you remain unresponsive for a second. The red Kwami tries again — “Y/n..! Please wake up, Paris is in danger!” You start to stir from your sleep, eyes fluttering as it slowly opens. Seeing this, Tikki continues to gently move your shoulder back and forth, until you fully open your eyelids.
“Huh..? Tikki…” You mumble under your breath, as you look at your Kwami with confusion on your face. She flew infront of your vision, as you blink a couple of times, still trying to get a grip of reality. “There's an akuma attack occurring as of now! We need to get into the bottom of it..!” Tikki says, waving her hands and pointing towards your bedroom window. After hearing her explanation, you hurriedly grab your blanket and slip out of it, standing up from your bed. “Akuma..!? That's right– an attack, Tikki! Uhm..” The red Kwami nodded her head, as you walked around your room, a bit lost.
You rubbed the corners of your eyes, as you turned towards the window. What are you doing pacing around, there's an akuma attack–! Don't tell yourself that you still need a sticky note for these kinds of things, Y/n..! You shake your head, dismissing the filling thoughts. With hasty steps, you unlock the window and swiftly lift it up before hovering your knee over the windowsill — but a high pitched tone makes you stiffened from your place, as you look back at your red Kwami.
“Stop! Don't do that..! You're not transformed still, Y/n–!” Tikki almost shouted from the top of her vocal cords, a deep concern presenting on her face. Your lips fall agape, switching your gaze back down to your body and hands. “I-I am not..! Tikki– what's wrong with me..?!” Your voice nervously asked, as you retrieve yourself back to your bedroom space, taking a deep breath. “Y/n, you're tired, that's the thing.. you just need to take a moment and get your mind intact, I'm sure you're stuck up between sleep and reality. You can spare a second..” Tikki says softly, trying to reassure you and answer your question calmly.
You gaze into your Kwami’s eyes for a minute, as you nodded your head lightly. She's correct, you might've been quickly pulled away from your sleep that it's a bit hard to set up a proper way of knowing if you're still asleep or not when you're in the middle of being drawn to the depths of sleep from earlier. “Okay.. I think it's fine.. now?” You question, as you blink a couple of times and pinching yourself slightly to make sure. “Alright, then it's time..” Tikki sent you another reassuring smile, as you slowly feel the need to return it back with your own.
You hummed in confirmation, as you momentarily closed your eyes, softly muttering the words – “Tikki, spots on..” There was a swift moment of glowing white and pink light shining from up to down of your form, transforming you into your signature heroine suit. You could feel the wind that came in from your window gently brushing against your hair and the smooth hair tail that grew from the transformation. Lightly moving back and forth, as you flutter your eyes open, turning around towards the window once again.
That multiple dull colored flowers growing around the city not so far away catches the attention of your pupils. With furrowed eyebrows and a wary expression on your face, you unclipped your yoyo from your waist. Slipping the small opening of the string through your ring finger, as you grip the base of your yoyo tight. Walking forward and looking up, scanning for where you're about to latch your yoyo around to, and when you found the perfect source. You immediately shoot your yoyo towards it, as it successfully wrapped around it.
With that familiar determination, you tug the string of your yoyo, letting it propel you into greater heights and towards your pointed destination. Landing smoothly on one of the house rooftops, you continue to jump over rooftops to rooftops, progressing your way further towards the path of dull flowers and vines. Though on your way there, you sense your yoyo buzzing, signaling there's an incoming call.
Taking a split second to open the screen of your yoyo, you quickly press the green button, answering the call and lifting it up to your ear. “Cuddlebug..! Phew– you answered! I thought you were in trouble..!” Chat Noir says on the other end of the line, a few puffs of breath coming from the screen microphone, he's either in a current fight or also making his way through the city. “I got caught up with something, although I'm fine..!” You replied, as you received a glimpse of the scene upfront, making you stop in your tracks.
“Chat, got any clue on–” An unusual smell meeting your nostrils triggered you to cough all of a sudden, as you place a hand over your mouth, eyes squeezing shut. “Milady..?! Milady! Are you okay–?!” Said by a worried voice over the screen of your yoyo, but unable to respond back because of the undying need of air. You hurriedly move away from the specific area, until you're able to find fresh air so you could regain your oxygen. You breathe in and out, slowly having your normal pace of breathing.
Your yoyo continues to vibrate, faintly hearing your teammate’s voice on the call. In realization, you bring the screen of your yoyo next to your ear, about to answer Chat Noir but you noticed he hung up. Sensing something went wrong, you close the screen of your yoyo and put it back to its original placement. You could only guess that he must've been caught up with the scent of the flowers as well, you need to get into the bottom of this.
With further observation, there's different types of flowers that swarm the city, one of them is hard to get through since it possesses an effect that goes against oxygen, which is why that type of flower is meant to be avoided. The other types however.. is more tamed to come by, the effects it has is still unknown to you, but you didn't pay it any mind as you traverse more into the known trails in search of the akumatized victim. And you might've just hit your target, as you see a woman dressed in a dull purple based dress, vines clinging to her leg and some on her other arm. A white flower covering one of her eyes, as a black line connected to her eyelid down to her chin, which reminds you of tears.
“Oh.. Sekkibug~ it's so good to see you! I am Floral Sequence, the one and only best florist in town!” She greeted with a smile forming on her lips, presenting you the odd looking flower pot in her hands. Consisting of all different dulled flowers that you come across, only planted in a singular pot. “Would you like me to pick a flower best suited for a fluttering bug..?” With furrowed eyebrows, you swing your yoyo in a circular motion, noticing how she closes her eyes and purses her lips together before gently blowing against the mixed flowers.
Soon enough the flower she picked started to bloom around you, but you dodge in time before it could make contact with your suit. Floral Sequence frowned, about to throw in another blow against the flower pot but a certain feline hero interrupted her. Making her turn around to face him and dodge his attacks, she quickly tears a cyan colored flower and crushes it into her palm. Causing her to disappear with a burst of flower petals, the feline blinked in split second confusion, before suddenly she reappeared behind him.
With widened pupils, you act on instinct as you wrap your yoyo around Chat Noir before pulling him to your side. “Cuddlebug..!” The moment you undo your yoyo around him, the masked feline gives you a hug out of nowhere. “You worried me over the call, you know..” He sighed, tightening his grip around you. He really was worried sick that something horrible might've happened to you, it wasn't helping how you are coughing nonstop on the other side of the line.
“Chat, this is not the–”
“I know.. just relieved you're okay.” He hesitantly pulls away, giving you a sincere smile, it wasn't long before a burst of collision occurred between the both of you, launching you two away from each other. A small groan slips by your lips, as you caught yourself before you hit the ground. “What awful customers, roses are out of order..!” She hissed, crushing another flower in her palm, the familiar effect lingers in the air. “Hold your breath!” You warned towards your feline companion, as he sent you a swift nod.
You try retreating away from the scent, although it followed along the path and into the house walls. Lights opened one by one, as civilians looked out their window – seeing some of the flowers trying to grow their way inside the abode. Panic starts to show, confused as to what's happening in the heat of the moment. “What's wrong..? Don't you all like it!?” A fit of laughter could be heard, drawing the attention of many people. A lot of them couldn't handle the lack of oxygen that they're getting inside the apartment, as they soon ran away from their homes, in desperate need of fresh air.
You store concerned glances in their way before returning back towards Floral Sequence, throwing your yoyo in her direction and cutting her off mid laugh. The string wrapped around her thigh, as you tugged on it, making her fall to the ground with a thud. “Ugh! You–!” Chat Noir quickly rotates his baton repeatedly, his slit pupils focusing on the female villain, as she rid her way out of your strings and in the process of standing back up. Although before she could, he pointed the end of his staff towards her, then pressed the middle button of his weapon, causing it to advance in length. Hitting Floral Sequence in the stomach, sending her flying as she gritted her teeth and clasped one of her hands on the metal.
But he immediately undo the extension, making the female villain more irritated as she gets launched across a great distance away. Dying out of breath, Chat noir unlocked his baton and promptly placed it against his mouth, able to breathe again. He turned to the side, spotting you holding your hands out and looking upwards onto the little toddler from the three story building. “P-Please jump..!” The hesitation on the boy’s face didn't suffice, as you started coughing before swinging your yoyo up into a small edge, as you made your way into the window.
Grabbing him in your arms, feeling pity as you saw how stunned he was but cooperated nonetheless. The feline hero blinked, stopping himself from being captivated in his place once again, and started helping out people evacuate from their homes as well. The knowing masked bluenette arrived at the scene in hurried breaths, goodness, it was troubling to get the vines off of her frame, scolding herself internally for being clumsy.
The air pollutants seem to be ineffective to her, granting her resistance to it, while she evacuated people with no problem. As you carried down another toddler from the building, you couldn't ignore the dizziness occurring inside your mind. You could hear the toddler muttering her gratitude, but your vision is feeling hazy at the moment. Pointing where she’ll evacuate, and she gave you a quick nod before dashing off. Realizing you're almost out of breath, you try to draw back in search of air. But you felt a hand grab onto your shoulder, bringing you back. You didn't get enough time to react, when your feline companion gently set his unlocked staff against your lips, causing you to make eye contact.
“Sekkibug.. breathe.” He says calmly, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. You were dazed for a second, before listening to him and breathing through your mouth. Eyes closing in relief, as his own never left your facial features. A small tinted blush forming on the surface of his face, he assumes you haven't acknowledged it yet, or you didn't notice at all, he doesn't mind.. he could savor the 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴 in his own mind.
You eventually open your eyes, feeling a lot better now that your lack of oxygen has been fixed, well- temporary. You still need to defeat Floral Sequence after all, and capture her akuma, before you're certain that the healthy source of oxygen has been brought back. “Thanks, Chat.. I owe you one.” You softly smile, as you take another breath from the oxygen his metal staff provides. Then returning his weapon back to him, the metal staff pressing against his chest. “Anytime, Cuddlebug.” His lips twisting into a warm smile, yet since the moment is in borrowed time – a burst of petals dart opposed to his line of direction.
“Watch out–!” Multimouse yelled, however the feline reacted too late, and towards the bright side – 𝘺𝘰𝘶 didn't. Releasing a grunt from the impact, as you shove him back just in time. “Ngh- Milady..!” He holds your forearm, his slit pupils grasping the vines slowly clinging around your ankle, the speed increasing as the flower blooms onto your frame. “I didn't know I'll have the known bug in Paris trapped beneath my wonderful vines.” Floral Sequence giggled evilly, using her ability and snatching you out of the hold of the masked feline.
She took her time observing your trapped form, tightening the grip of the vines. You struggled in your place, causing a grit of your teeth at the rigid vines that refused to release you. She merely laughs in sight of your desperate attempt, then her eyes perk up when the markings of Hawkmoth’s control appears on her face. And she hears his demanding voice, saying it's the perfect opportunity to steal your miraculous. “Floral Sequence, Sekkibug’s in your reach – take her Miraculous now!” As the markings on her face fades away, she grins dangerously.
“Ah yes.. this will be a benefi—”
“Cataclysm!” Her mouth fell agape as she turned her face aside, seeing the feline hero sprinting towards her. Sensing immediate danger at the ability he currently activated, and to save her own skin – she manipulated her vines as it dragged you infront of her view, resulting in your pupils widening as you saw Chat noir only a second away from making contact with your frame. The heartbeat inside your chest stopped in the middle of it, but you suddenly feel the vines bandaging your body shattering in ashes, setting you free.
The blonde feline immediately grabs hold of your arm and pulls you towards him — leading you behind his back. “Stupid cat! Ugh- I almost had it..!” Floral Sequence complained, though only earning an unusual piercing glare from the feline hero. She was about to question if she's seeing things with how she spare a second to blink, and then seeing his cocky expression plastering back onto his face. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.. that isn't a way to treat a certified customer!” He comments, as the female villain scoffed in annoyance.
Chat noir quickly spun his staff continuously, blocking Floral Sequence’s attacks. In the process, you squint your eyelids – from earlier inconvenience when Floral Sequence caught you in her suffocating vines, it gave you a chance to observe her outfit and see what stands out and what doesn't. Gaining some valuable information, while the situation you were glued to was risky, you're glad that atleast it wasn't for nothing. And you might have a concrete theory on where the akuma is hiding.
With a determined expression, you stare down on your yoyo, gripping the given chance to be able to use your – “Lucky charm!” throwing your yoyo upwards, as it bursts in magical particles creating an item. And it appears to be a.. yarn? You catch the object, looking at it for a second before spinning your yoyo repeatedly – taking Chat’s turn in blocking Floral Sequence’s attacks. Multimouse came in after evacuating the remaining individuals to safety.
“Annoying brats..! Hm, let's see.” The female villain twirls some of the vines in thought, coming up with an idea as she grins – noticing you charging towards her in an attempt to tangle her up in your yoyo’s strings. However, she disappears once again with the explosion of petals, as you and your partners turned around upon hearing another from behind. “Let's put your skills to the test, shall we?” Multiple people yell in panic, as they were being forcefully tied up with vines. And the worst part of it all, Floral Sequence once more activated the specific flower toxins.
Causing the whole ordeal into a ticking bomb for all of you. “Aw c’mon– I didn't know you were that desperate!” The masked feline chimed in before readying his weapon in hand and sprinting towards the flower villain. “Multitude..!” Multimouse calls in her ability, adjusting the said power into making her clone remaining only one, that way she doesn't shrink as much and she and her clone will be able to help without any limitations that is only beneficial to tiny purposes.
Scanning around the surroundings, one hint leading up to the vines and another as you dragged your gaze onto the street lights that's barely even visible and eventually the next step is the yarn that's on your hand. Smelling the familiar toxins, you hold your breath, then quickly get into action. You ran towards the plaguing vines onto the front buildings, hooking a part of the yarn onto the minimum thorn it has. Then doing the same in other areas as to make sure it doesn't come loose with just a bit of force. After that, you swung your way across the opposite building, adjusting the remaining yarn that you still have. Then finishing the last bit — and that is to get rid of the source of lights illuminating from the street light, making the trap a bit more difficult to notice, especially in the night.
A beep from the masked feline’s ring grasps the attention of the owner, a worried glance sent its way as he dodges the blooming flowers from having contact with his body. Seems like there is even a limit for when Floral Sequence uses her power, overdriving it could make the effects of it useless. Setting the person in his arms down, he gave her a signal to leave the scene as he spun his metal staff, cutting the attempts of Floral Sequence’s vines from catching the blonde feline.
“You know- I was thinking about buying some flowers for Milady bug~ then you lost me on the ‘roses are out of order’ line!” Said the masked feline, earning an irritated grunt from the flower villain. “Keep that in your petty dreams!” She remarked, throwing in another attack although Multimouse’s duplicate interrupted to her displeasure. Spotting the current commotion from afar, your face lights up when you see the possibility. With you placing yourself behind the set trap you assembled, backing away a few steps.
You let out a breath, before dragging your hand far behind and shooting your yoyo forward with incredible force, as it went through the narrow opening. “You're ruining my beautiful plants! Ugh, you mouse–!” A gasp left Floral Sequence’s lips, as she felt a certain yoyo wrapping around her torso. Both Multimouse’s duplicate and the female villain stare in the direction of where it came from, bewilderment covering their expression — before suddenly Floral Sequence didn't get to react in time as she's being pulled from her place, dropping her flower pot in the process. It shattered when it hit the ground- although it didn't reveal the hidden akuma.
A harsh groan escapes the female villain’s throat when she finds herself bound against the net-build yarn. Facing you from the other side of the trap, you tugged on the strings tight, a slight chuckle emerging from your lips. “Sekkibug..?! You sneaky parasite, I should've known–!” She struggled against the yarn, while you lifted your hand up, cutting her off. “Seems like your luck ran out, Floral Sequence.” You stated with a smile, as she gasped at the audacity. But before she could retort back, you pluck the flower eye patch attached to her left eye, ripping it in half. As a certain dark and purple butterfly has been revealed, flying out.
You undo your yoyo from Floral Sequence, as she falls back to the ground in defeat. “We had seen through your tricky disguise, evil Akuma.” You glide your finger across the middle of your yoyo, opening it evenly and uncovering the dimension. Smoothly latching the strings onto your pointer and middle finger, sliding it across the line as your yoyo revert backwards and wrapping around your other wrist. Before quickly retracting the movements, as you spin your yoyo simultaneously.
“Don't fret now, and face Justice..!” With that your eyesight targets the evil butterfly, and in due time you shoot your yoyo in the direction of the escaping akuma. Landing a swift capture of it as the yoyo immediately closes back – prisoning the akuma temporarily as you return the yoyo back to your hand. “Trapped ya’!” A soft smile plastered on your face, before looking down on the yoyo in hand, then pressing the front of it. Resulting in the yoyo to open once more, letting the white butterfly float out of the dimension. “Fly high, purified butterfly.” You bid farewell, gesturing your palm under the butterfly as it proceeded to fly into the sky.
The vines slowly went limp, unable to identify to possess its purpose without the control of its owner. Causing it to lose power and collapse down from the many buildings it clung around. Your lucky charm’s yarn ended up following after the collapse, as you crouched down to retrieve it back. A certain feline hero went up towards you, popping a comment as he helped you get the cluttered yarn.
“Milady, this seems tempting for a cat – I can't make promises with these~” He chuckles, as you spare him a small giggle directing his comment. “Keep a look out for your kitty mail, I might deliver one as a gift.” You replied back with a shrug of your shoulders, raising one of your eyebrows. The masked feline hummed, sending you a charming look, that smirk returning back. “I’ll keep that in mind, Cuddlebug~” You brush off his sly tone, continue gathering the scattered yarn, while Multimouse comes in to help as well.
It took a minute, but you can finally fit the yarn into your hand, some of it laying around your forearm. It doesn't seem to be that troubling though, as you hold the main portion of it tight before gesturing it down and then throwing the red and black polka dots designed item into the air. Able to let the city come back into its peaceful night, as you firmly yelled —
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
With that, the item bursts into multiple tiny ladybugs – splitting into different directions in terms of cleaning the city in its current mess that Floral Sequence has caused. Turning everything back to normal, and eventually the female that got akumatized, her natural appearance switching back. As she opens her eyes and turns her head back and forth around her surroundings. Seemingly confused. “Wha.. where am I?” She mumbled, scratching the back of her head, looking at the three masked heroes in front of her.
“Pound it!” You, Multimouse and Chatnoir say in sync, before looking back at the woman – who’s wearing a uniform of some kind with an apron, seemingly connected to her passion as a florist. Your expression softened as you saw Multimouse making her way towards the confused victim. Lending her hand and bringing her back to her feet, asking if she's okay, and she answered back with slight hesitation before saying she is.
The bluenette turned back towards both you and Chat, a calming expression on her face. “I’ll escort her back home, I have some time before I change back.” She says, and her point stands when your earring starts to beep once more, as you put a finger on top of it. Indicating two spots left, while the masked feline beside you – look over his ring and his face goes completely pale when he sees the second bar disappearing, leaving him with only one bar left before he de-transform back.
“Yeah–! Paw charges are litter-ally about to back-fire on me..!” The blonde feline quipped, obtaining a little shake of the bluenette’s head, receiving a small chuckle from her. As you blinked a couple of times at his last minute pun, your eyelids felt sort of heavy and drowsiness returning back. A snap of a finger bought you back, causing you to make eye contact with your feline companion. “Not a good place to dream about me, Cuddlebug~” He teased, lifting your chin up, and you instinctively pushed his hand to the side.
“The clock is ticking, Chat. I'm gonna head out as well..” You sent him a soft smile, nudging his suit’s bell with your finger. “If you say so, Milady.” He replied, then turning back with his metal staff in hand. He gave you and the other two a quick salute as a farewell. “Stay safe, Chat..” You say, earning a sly shrug of his shoulders then nodding his head.
“Don't worry, Cuddlebug~! This cat is capable..!” He responded back, before pressing the middle of his weapon, launching him up into the sky, until he landed on top of a building and started to hurriedly traverse further to be able to catch up to his ring’s sinking seconds.
“Au revoir, Multimouse. Take care–!” You gave them another wave, then threw your yoyo far out upwards around a concrete source. “Mhm, I’ll make sure she's safe!” Multimouse replied back, as you gently nod your head with a small smile. And eventually pulling onto the strings, as it propelled you beyond heights and into your designated point of direction. Tonight's akuma attack was a bit of a rocky road as you expected, mainly because of the toxins that were life-threatening to the city. You're just relieved it's over now, and you could go back home..
A huff of breath escapes your throat, finally arriving back to your room. You gently close the bedroom window, then hopping off the windowsill, your feet meeting the floorboards of your room. You approach your comfort bed, letting the swift de-transformation to take place as it changes you back into your civilian form. You halt in the middle of plopping down onto your bed, immediately laying your palms in front to catch your Kwami. While she softly landed onto it, hearing a faint sound emerging from her lips.
Seeing Tikki drained out of her energy stung something inside your heart, you pull your palms up – likely enough as you place a gentle kiss on top of Tikki’s forehead. “Let’s grab you something to eat, Tikki.. we can rest afterwards, hm..?” You whisper with a delicate tone, the red Kwami weakly nods her head, looking up at you with bleary eyes. You sent her a reassuring smile, before walking away from your bed and towards the exit door of your room.
You carefully twist the doorknob, peeking through the opening gap. Making sure if your parents are awake – the akuma attack might have caused them to go alert. Maybe they're watching the news downstairs..? You don't know, but they're seemingly not in the small hall leading to your bedroom. You set Tikki into the collar of your upper clothing, as the fabric covers her tiny body, leaving only her head visible. But with the dark lighting of the house, surely not even anyone would be able to see Tikki without the lights on. And even if it is on, your hair will be able to cover your Kwami from view just fine.
You carefully made your way downstairs, heavy-lidded eyes scanning around for any presence of your parents. The creaking sound of the wooden stairs caused you to stiffened in your place. Followed by your heart nearly jumping out of your chest when you heard a loud snore bouncing off the walls from your parent's bedroom. Letting out a phew upon hearing your father's snore continuing. And with that, you eventually arrived in the kitchen, in front of the fridge.
Grabbing the handle and opening it, you and Tikki were greeted by the fridge’s bright light. Your pupils falling onto the cold differently designed bread bun that is wrapped into plastic and laced with those similar neat strings, styled into a small ribbon to keep it together. You always keep these in store, considering the fact it's a favorite snack that stuck with you even as of now. You couldn't help yourself from buying a few when you can afford it, well- it was worth being broke for. Although a voice in the back of your mind is saying otherwise, you always end up brushing it off. You know how to save up some cash, okay.. sometimes is an exception!
You take one of the three stored bread buns onto the fridge’s mid shelf. The cold temperature almost makes you shiver as you close the fridge right after. And then cautiously heading your way back upstairs, turning the sort of cramped corner and into the small corridor leading to your room. Since you left your door slightly ajar, you didn't have to worry about it making a sound when you lightly pushed it open. Enough for you to slip through the space and gently twist the doorknob before fully closing the door to its limit– then that's when you let go of the doorknob. Not even a sound that will likely alert your parents, well- except for the creaking noise that happened earlier on the wooden stairs.
Sitting down on your bed, you softly took Tikki from your upper clothing’s collar. Meeting her drained form again, you undo the laces and unwrapping the plastic from the bread bun as quickly as you could. Before finally offering it to Tikki, her tiny hands tried to hold onto it, as she went in for a bite. You didn't remove your pointer and thumb from keeping the food in place – just in case so it doesn't accidentally slip or fall from Tikki’s clutch. You patiently wait for her to finish consuming the snack, looking over the view from your window for the meantime.
“Y/n..” The red Kwami calls your name, gaining your attention as you turn back to Tikki. She forms a small smile, before continuing her words. “You should change back into your sleepwear before you forget.. that fabric sticks to your frame very easily, it might cause you to be uncomfortable when sleeping.” Tikki pointed out as she fully held the half finished bread bun into her tiny hands. You look down onto your attire, pulling a part of the fabric from your skin, noticing your Kwami is right.
“Yeah, I should change..” You giggled, standing up from your bed and walking over to your bedroom cabinets where you keep your clothes. Pullling the handle to make it open and start looking for your pair of pajamas, and once you found one of the same pairs. You began removing the current clothes you have on, before changing into the pajamas. Feeling the soft and light fabric making contact with your skin, drawing a relaxing sigh from you. And without any second thoughts, you collapse down onto your comfort bed.
Sliding yourself under the covers once more, with Tikki flying down close beside you after she finished eating the food. You gave her a little scratch against her soft cheek, resulting in a small giggle to emerge from the red Kwami. You really grew attached with your tiny companion, internally thanking the heavens for giving you such a gift you cannot pay even if you offer everything you have. Although one thing is for sure.. you’ll entitle every bit of yourself into the heavy responsibility it came along with such a gift… No matter what happens, if it gets dragged down without no return.. you’ll let yourself be dragged along with it. Without question.
“Goodnight, Y/n..” Says Tikki, snuggling up against your face.
“Goodnight, Tikki.” You softly replied back, allowing your eyelids to finally rest..
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#chat noir x reader#adrien x reader#fem reader#reader insert#miraculous ladybug#long reads#slow burn#heroes and villains#superheroes#fluff & angst#eventual smut#drama & romance#unrequited love#heavy angst#chat noir#fem reader | sekkibug#marinette dupain-cheng | multimouse#tw stalking#miraculous tales#heavy plot#reader is naive#manipulation#obsessive love#chapters#oblivious#unhealthy coping mechanisms#lovesick#miraculous kwamis#miraculous au#miraculous lore
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Oh so you like chat noir’s jokes but not mine ?
#silu's art#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#miraculous ladybug#miraculous ladybug and chat noir#chat noir#multimouse#mousechat#adrinette
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a bunch of marinette drawings BECAUSE






*head in hands* she is so precious to me
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i forgot i never posted this
#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous#mlb fandom#sakuyuii art#mlb fanart#multimouse#chat noir#multichat
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🎨: Phạm Thị Huyền Diệu
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#ladybug and chat noir#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir#marinette dupain cheng#ml ladybug#lady noire#multimouse#emo marinette#shadybug
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