#Margaux Dawson
This Red and Black tassels Top is worn on Elizabeth Hendrickson Margaux Dawson in General Hospital (2018) and later worn on Marisol Nichols as Hermione Lodge in Fortune and Men's Eyes (2018)
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margaux-saltel · 10 months
While I'm finishing my comic book with Marc Dubuisson, with these 90 pages, I think I almost did 300 pages of comics since 2016?? (and more with the non published work)
And still, I don't believe I'm a comic book artist... Thank you my burn out and my non existent self confidence, I guess.
Some of my published work (more on the link via the images):
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handstiedheart · 4 years
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Drew: Good luck.
Margaux: Bye.
Drew: Bye.
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fuckyeahsoapdivas · 5 years
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greatell · 5 years
My issue with GH is that it delays storylines for too long. It also backtracks way too often. Shiloh dead should have been the end of the story, and yet they have to add more on because the fans want to see Jasam be miserable 11 months out of the year and happy for a month at most lol. Also, the flash drive with Drew’s memories on it. They delayed it so much that Billy Miller and Elizabeth Hendrickson left. The Jonah/Wiley storyline is still going on. They need to realize that shorter is better.
Don’t forget the Sasha storyline not ending when Lulu revealed the truth. I don’t delude myself into thinking JaSam should be together 24/7, happy playing house. But since they’ve reunited they’ve probably been together a total of a month. They couldn’t be together publicly because of Drew. Then they “broke up” for the Shiloh storyline. And now Sam is in jail. They get a week or two together before being ripped apart. And even when they are together we get a minute of them being a couple or a family with Danny before the Shiloh or now Peter talk starts. The only time we get short or face paced storyline is when someone like margaux or drew were leaving. This show needs to cut down on the cast, cut down on the repetitive storylines, cut out all the sexual assault storylines, and have no storyline go beyond 6 months. There’s too much dead weight on this show and it’s costing other storylines or actors leaving
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thinkingoutloud2-8 · 5 years
Shiloh has something on Margaux! When Sonny asked her if Shiloh had anything on her, she didn't deny it. There's absolutely a connection here with Margaux, Shiloh, and Drew. Drew should have had way more to do with this storyline, honest to god because there's absolutely more here then what meets the eye..
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pineandsunshine · 5 years
I’ve always been more of a Pine Valley girl.
I laughed for like 7 minutes.
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thismightgetboring · 6 years
I dont understand why Griffin kisses sonnys ass, Why Margaux is head over heels for him, and just why we're painting him as a good guy. Like his family is one thing but everyone else is just loves him, why? His kids love him? Fine. Carly and Jason? Fine. Sam? Yeah okay.... Robin? Fine with everything with Stone I get it. But Griffin, Margaux, and KiKi even did. Why? Whatd he do to affect your lives at all. Even though Carly should've left your ass but whatever.
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imasoapfan · 6 years
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Margaux Dawson's Black Blazer with Zip Pockets - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 11/16/18
See more General Hospital Fashion at imasoapfan.blogspot.com
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Jason: If we prove that Margaux’s dad was dodgy then all’s gonna be fine!
Me: It’s a good thing your pretty and have a good body.
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 6 years
Oh damn, Mike played Dawson. 🤭😂😂😂
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margaux-saltel · 1 year
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Four years ago today was published the Star Wars Adventures #25, written by Delilah S. Dawson. I'm still very proud of this work, after SuperFreaks it was my first full story alone :)
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myghanimationspage · 6 years
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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ghfan1122 · 6 years
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Mo w Elizabeth (x)
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greatell · 5 years
When Carly said that if Jax kept annoying Sonny, he could get him deported and that would make Joss hate him, I rolled my eyes. First, If Sonny got Jax deported again, he'd deserve Joss' hatred. And second, shouldn't...Sonny be responsible for his own actions? If he did deport Jax again, it would've been his own decision. If Sonny is telling Krissy that Shiloh and Kendra made their own decisions, then why would Jax be to blame for Sonny's?
Carly is the worse when she’s defending Sonny. The only thing she got right was calling him vindictive the other day. And pointing out how if the roles were reversed and Jax deported Sonny, Sonny would be livid. But yeah I was like so Sonny is just incapable of being responsible for his actions? This is like when he tried to blow up Johnny and Kristina nearly died because of it. It’s not his fault he stuck a bomb under Johnny’s car, it’s Johnny’s. Or it wasn’t his fault he murdered Margaux’s dad, he was in the mob so he had it coming. Like it never occurs to Carly that normal people don’t immediately go to violence when wronged like Sonny does. It never crossed her mind that Sonny’s actions are the issue. Even when Sonny said Jax would love to catch him doing something illegal, my first thought was “...then don’t do anything illegal...?” But Sonny loves to give out advice that he’ll never follow. He’s the typical do as I say, not as I do person.
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rebelsofshield · 5 years
Panels Far Far Away: A Week in Star Wars Comics 9/11/19
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Star Wars Adventures reaches a milestone issue and Age of Resistance sheds its light on one of the most mysterious Star Wars characters of the sequel trilogy. Well, kind of.
Star Wars Adventures #25 written by Delilah S. Dawson and art by Margaux Saltel
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Star Wars Adventures has hit its landmark twenty fifth issue. Ever since its introduction in 2017, Adventures has been a reliably fun and visually eclectic comic that has mastered the Star Wars voice for fans of all ages. To mark this occasion, IDW has strayed from the usual formula and dedicated this full issue to a single extended story about the early years of Leia Organa and Amilyn Holdo by Delilah S. Dawson, who is best known to fans for her work on Phasma and Black Spire, and series regular artist Margaux Saltel.
“The Right Wrong Turn” feels like an oddly mundane story to use for this special issue. Leia and Holdo, especially their younger incarnations, are fan favorite characters and a friendship focused adventure for the two is an easy sell, but it also is a fairly unassuming story. While there are some close calls with gangsters and mutant bats, Dawson spens much of this issue crafting a story about two friends forcing each other out of their comfort zones to discover more about Coruscant. In fact, the more action adventure content is some of the less fun or successful stuff. Dawson and Saltel excel at simply telling a fun and revealing story about these two young women who will grow up to be world weary galactic legends.
Dawson has a great skill for dialogue and for sneaking in minor tidbits of worldbuilding into the narrative and there is a fun sense of discovery to her script. While its apparent theme about learning more about the people beneath the glitz, glamor, and procedure of high level politics feels more or less like an afterthought, Dawson still uses Holdo and Leia’s trip to the planet’s underworld to teach us new things about one of the most familiar locations in the franchise.
Saltel’s pencils have a great sense of personality and fun to them. Her characters feel expressive and animated in a way that befits the style. Leia and Holdo look unique enough for this comic without losing their tether to their cinematic counterparts. Saltel also crafts some really beautiful and textural environments with a trip to a bar populated by alien acrobats being a standout.
Adventures continues to be a delight. It may not be the most momentous issue in the world, but as we have come to expect, the product turned out by IDW continues to be some of the most fun on the market.
Score: B
Star Wars Age of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke #1 written by Tom Taylor and art by Leonard Kirk
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Before Charles Soule’s The Rise of Kylo Ren was announced at San Diego Comic Con, there were few Star Wars comics that were more anticipated this year than the Age of Resistance issue about Supreme Leader Snoke. Even though The Last Jedi bisected the unfortunate Dark Sider and signaled that he was really only a bit player in this saga, the need for answers was still heavy in the air for fans. Who or what was Snoke is just as much a question in 2019 as it was in 2015.
Let’s rip the BandAid off early. You don’t find out here. Tom Taylor is not going to be your Plagueis truther savior or reveal some secret mythos to Snoke that will answer all your questions. “Fail. Or Kill It” doesn’t even try. In some ways, this is to be expected. Lucasfilm would never drop such a hotly anticipated or secretive piece of information in a one shot comic with such little fanfare. We were really kidding ourselves if we ever thought that would be the case.
Where there is some disappointment though, is how little we really get to learn about Snoke at all here. While this was likely a restriction placed at an editorial level, Taylor feels unable to really provide much of a character study of Snoke as his own being. Yes, there are ways that this could have been done without revealing much of the character’s back story. No, this doesn’t mean that this is a poor comic. Far from it.
Taylor works with the limitations of a character like Snoke to tell a story of his training of Kylo Ren. The result is a sickening story of abusive mentorship and at its best moments showcases the utilitarian manner that Snoke views his apprentice. Palpatine’s strange and manipulative affection towards Darth Vader is absent here. This dynamic is one of fear, anger, and the weaponizing of humanity.
Taylor not so subtly uses this to create a retelling and reframing of Luke’s training under Yoda. A trip to Dagobah yields another violent Force vision, but Snoke welcomes and stokes the dark revelation hiding beneath these walls and encourages the emotional violence of it all. Snoke lets his apprentice keep his weapons but asks that he leave his mask behind. It exposes Kylo and harnesses his emotional instability. As a result, Taylor turns this story into one not necessarily about Snoke as a person or his past, but about his cruel methodology and how it manifests in his relationship with the former Ben Solo.
Leonard Kirk’s art proves serviceable, but not truly noteworthy. Kirk’s art is best at displaying action and motion and his characters seem to look better the more inhuman they appear. His gnarly twisted Snoke is a standout, but his often times awkwardly rendered Kylo (and his Force vision family) are enough to hold the narrative back at inopportune times.
So Snoke is still a mystery, and to be honest, I will be very surprised if we even get that much more info after 2019 closes. (Maybe the real Snoke were the old creepy men we bisected along the way?) Regardless, Taylor is on a role. At this rate, Age of Resistance may end up being the strongest of the bunch.
Score: B+
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