#Mardis Gras Tarot readers.
taratarotgreene · 9 months
Weekly Astrology January 8-14
Hi Everyone, I’m a bit under the weather still. bear with me. Jan. 9 PLUTO enters it’s RETROGRADE SHADOW ZONE at 29° 38′ critical degree Jan. 9 PLUTO enters its Retrograde Shadow Zone at 29° 38′ the most critical degree of Capricorn and all signs at 29 degrees. This is the big finish degree of what Pluto began demolishing, revealing and bringing up the shadows in Corporate structures and…
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tarottchotchkes · 6 years
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Mr Wizard Tarot Reading. I wouldn't have minded, but I was in the midst of a rather delicate revelation about the Querent’s crumbling marriage when this photographer from the paper shows up and wants to take a publicity shot! Amazing tact some people have.
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This is a great time of year to head to New Orleans – the temps are nearly perfect for walking and exploring, and you won’t have the crowds from Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest. 4 days in New Orleans is plenty of time to get a good feel of the city at a relaxed pace. I’m sharing how we spent our 4 days here and a few tips for planning your New Orleans itinerary. Plus, I’ll share some suggestions if you have more or less time to spend in NOLA.
*Note: Regular readers, I was in New Orleans a few years back. I’m taking a look back at this trip because I never wrote an itinerary post and have been receiving some requests to do so.
How to Spend 4 Days in New Orleans – The Ultimate Itinerary
Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
Day 1 – Arrive & Take a Walk Down Bourbon Street
We arrived in New Orleans our first day in the afternoon. We got checked into our hotel and then took a walk down Bourbon Street. Our hotel was right on Bourbon Street, so it was an easy walk! There is a lot to see down here. We stopped at a few bars and restaurants before making our way back to our hotel that night. Bourbon Street does look completely different at night – so, it was fun to see it in both the day time and night.
Day 2 – Food Tour + Shopping + Haunted History Tour
If you only come to NOLA to do one thing – it should be to eat! There are so many yummy foods down here. I highly recommend taking a food tour (like this one) and maybe even a cocktail tour.
The food tour will only take a few hours maximum, so we used the remainder of the day to shop in the French Quarter and do a little exploring. There are tons of fun shops in this area.
Another highlight of this trip was taking a walking haunted history tour (like this one). This is best done at night + you can bring alcoholic beverages along for your haunted walk through the city! (They even let you stop to refill your beverages halfway through, haha.)
Day 3 – Cemetery Tour + Garden District + Jazz Bars
AHS Coven Mansion!
For day 3 we didn’t have any tours planned ahead of time. My goal was to see the AHS: Coven Mansion in the Garden District – which I did. Then we walked over to Lafayette Cemetery No.1. We ended up doing a half hour walking tour here. As morbid as it may sound, you should visit at least one cemetery while in NOLA. They are beautiful, unique and full of history.
We then headed over to a fun jazz bar called “The Three Muses.” We wandered back to our hotel and hung out there to watch even more jazz performances!
Click here to for more information on this day, and click here for my complete list of bars and restaurants to visit while in NOLA.
Lafayette Cemetery No. 1
Day 4 – Tarot Card Reading – Depart
We woke up and went to a tarot card reading at Rev. Zombies Voodoo Shop this morning – it was a fun experience! I’m not really a believer in this stuff, however, I do have to say, the reading was eerily accurate. We also did a cheap reading on the street afterward – this was also fun, but also not as “accurate,” shall we say. Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo is probably the most popular place to get a reading, but it was completely booked for the 4 days we were here, so be sure to call and book ahead of time!
Our flight left late that afternoon.
Do You Only Have 3 Days in New Orleans? Here are Some Tips…
You could easily condense this into a 3-day itinerary as well. For example, you could do your food tour, cemetery tour and haunted history tour all in one day – no problem! They are short tours. And there would still be time when you arrive on your first day to do a little shopping and exploring, and maybe even do a tarot card reading if you’re interested. Plus, 3 days is a great amount of time to sample all the different cuisine and beverages in New Orleans!
Another Option…
Another interesting option, if you have more time, is to take a cruise to New Orleans. Little did I know, but there are actually a few cruises that leave from Florida and dock in New Orleans for a few days, before sailing to Mexico. If you find yourself on one of these cruises – you could definitely use this itinerary!
Where We Stayed
If you won’t be taking a cruise to New Orleans, there are still plenty of hotels to choose from for a wide range of budgets! Click here to see them all.
We had stayed at the Royal Sonesta Hotel. It was right on Bourbon Street and was a nice hotel. Pro tip: If you don’t want to wear earplugs at night, don’t request to stay on the Bourbon Street side of the hotel like we did! We thought it would be fun to see the action for our hotel at night – and it was fun! But we did have to sleep with earplugs in because the partying doesn’t stop until nearly 6 am in NOLA! Booking.com (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js');
*Thank you to Celebrity Cruises for sponsoring this post.
Have you ever been to New Orleans? If so, what are some things you would add to this itinerary? Let me know in the comments!
*Click here to see all of my New Orleans blog posts.
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How to Spend 4 Days in New Orleans - The Ultimate Itinerary This is a great time of year to head to New Orleans - the temps are nearly perfect for walking and exploring, and you won't have the crowds from Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest.
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papermoth-bird-blog · 6 years
New Orleans: Clowns & more curious things.
I’ve always thought the best way to really learn a city is to walk until you can’t walk anymore, and then, take the transit. I know I have a tendency to romanticize things, but New Orleans is feeding this reciprocally. I mean, it’s definitely more dangerous than the cities I’ve spend time in before, but it also has an air about it that draws you in. This is the start of Carnival season & many of the houses are decorated with beads and Banners already. Some even have floats parked in their backyards (7th ward). King cake is front & center in terms of deserts. It’s the most sugary thing I’ve ever tasted- crunchy, gooey, buttery- like candy-cake. Almost felt like something a 7 year old would make if left to their own devices in the kitchen.  Not usually my style at all, but it was worth it for saying I have. Other local foodie things that I liked a lot more were Swamp pop (particularly the Satsuma one) & Voodoo chips- which Asa and Leon definitely got me hooked on. Apparently you can get Voodoo chips everywhere in the states- but it’s definitely a Cajun thing, so I’m glad I tried them here first. 
New Orleans is as bright & filled with life, as it is dark & full of death. The houses are colourful and decorated, but many of them still have the spray paint markings left on them during the post-hurricaine search. For every fun-feathery mask, there is a decapitated Crocodile head. For every person playing jazz, there is a person behind a curtain reading palms, or tea leaves, or tarot cards or crystal balls, or what have you. 
Yesterday, I decided to get my palm read... because when in Rome. And let’s be honest, the reason I’m here in the first place is for similarly mysteriously-provoked reasons. I decided to go to Bottom of the Cup, which is one of the more established fortune-telling joints- and honestly, you probably pay a premium for that too. I was fine with it though, cause I’ve been pretty good so far about staying on the low end of the budget. So I’m sitting in the cafe for a good 20 minutes patiently with my camomile tea, when my reader rushes my me & kinda grumbles for me to come in. It was a man, which I didn’t realize would be strange for me- but I don’t think I’ve every had my fortune told by a man before. He honestly looked like something out of Tim Burton sketch book. Tall, thin, austere-looking. He was wearing black skinny jeans, rolled above the ankle with shiny black boots. He also had on a peacoat  that had the collar popped up beside his ears- which he kept on, even when inside, because everyone is freaking out about the “cold” in NOLA right now (it’s 8 degrees.. which is unseasonable cold here, but by comparison, it’s fine). He didn’t ask me much, but my Sign, which is Aries. He told me I didn’t have typical Fire hands- actually more Watery (but I had fire fingers apparently). Which is funnny, because most people, when guessing think I am a Pisces through&through. Honestly, I thought what he told me was pretty accurate- that I would be unhappy to settle doing one thing for too long, that I tend to have really deep-genuine connections that are slightly ephemeral by nature (because it would take a lot for me to settle down with one person). Something about a triple life-line? anyways. Anyways, what was more interesting,  was (maybe cause of my broken fate line?) he brought up that he really think I should do DEATH MEDITATION. I kept a pretty good poker face, but I was all WTF IS THAT. Basically he wants me to sit there & visualize my body decaying & sinking into the ground- apparently this will both help with any anxiety I feel (dunno bout that) & open me up to receiving messages from spirits. Of course, I’m thinking of the whole “go to new orleans to learn about death” thing. So might have to give that a shot soon. I have a recording of it too-- so for any of my close friends- we can listen to it together (Katie & Mare... I know y’all might want to). Charlie also mentioned I should be careful with my manifestation, because I’m very very good at it & I should use it more sparingly. Which I again, kinda poker-faced, because That has been another huge thing that has come up in my life more recently- I am really good at manifesting exactly what I’m seeking. Even freaky, off-the-beaten path type stuff... stlll looking for a witch for a place that has no seasons though, Mare.  (As another tangent, I have this thing where I test out if I can manifest certain songs as I’m walking though areas where the radio is playing. So far, fleetwood mac, rising appalachia & bob dylan have alllll met me there- which sure, could be co-incidence, could be magic???)
This, however wasn’t the most novel, or most curious thing I’ve been up to so far--- which has to be Clownless. Which, as you may remember from my previous post, is the all-clown cast adaptation of the 90s classic film ‘Clueless’. It was “staged” in the Marigny, in a very DIY type-theatre in what was either an old warehouse, or a large garage. The front was open & held a art show with works featuring clowns. Bright ones, Macabre ones, all sorts. Many people were dressed as clowns too- which made Asa wish that we had had time to dress-up before hand too (alas, we were at Sarah-Jane’s art show, which would have definitely of been less-appropriate). We were all jammed in the car tho, which meant we definitely looked like clowns as we all tumbled out of the front seat when we pulled up to the theatre. The play itself was a host for crude, queer, self aware comedy. It was definitely funny, but a little “sticky” at times. Overall, so glad I went, cause I mean, when else am I going to get that opportunity again?! It is funny how often clowns are coming up for me on this trip so far- I really don’t think the world is usually so clown-y. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s the Zeitgeist. 
After the show, we all went back to the house and got into a big discussion about how odd Louisiana is as a place. I mean, it has a lot of influences- French, Spanish, English, American & the huge legacy the Slave trade has left on the place. The liquor laws were the fist thing. (I already talked about that though). Asa started to tell me about this strange tradition here called “Prison Rodeos” which is as barbaric and horrifying as you can imagine. It’s like modern day gladiator trials. Prisoners can win money by staying in a chair for the longest amount of time while a bull attacks them, and other “fun” stuff like that. And people go to these things. In droves. On the bright side, they also have prisoner craft-market things that the prisoners can sell their woodworkings, or leather-workings, or what have you. Asa showed me the really beautiful ostrich wallet & the really odd “Highwater dragon” sculpture that he got when he went. The fact that there are more people in the prison system today than were ever slaves really jumps out to me here. It’s “out of sight, out of mind” though, and so it isn’t really being thought of as the HUGE issue it really is. It’s been a super humbling experience in that way. 
Though not as horrifying (?) I was also told about other traditions that come from the swamp- including a certain kind of roast that I now forget the name of. But basically, it’s a roasted hog, stuffed with a racoon, stuffed with a Nutria (Which is a giant, swamp dwelling, dog-sized rat). And apparently this is an actual tradition. I’m not one to judge, but I sure am glad I am a vegetarian & have a valid cop-out for indulging in that one. 
Another tradition, which is far more familiar to me is ‘Fais Do-Do’. Which is the Lousianan answer to a Ceilidh. These fiddle parties, however more likely take place in a neighbourhood street, more so than a kitchen (probably cause of the heat). I’ve yet to go to one, but I’m working on manifesting one while I’m here still. 
In the 7th especially, I’ve found a lot of people have been greating me with “I hope you are staying warm.” Which I’ve just smiled about because, in Canada, this is late summer/ early fall kind of weather (which is kind of my favourite). I mean, there are still flowers in bloom here! Full blown blooming Magnolias. Too be fair, it is unseasonable cold here. A couple of days ago it was 8 degrees! Which happened to have been the same temperature it was in Halifax that day (but okay, it was unseasonably warm there that day). Yeah, I do wish that I was experiencing the normal 18-degree “winter” they have usually, but it’s definetly been okay with me. The only thing being, the houses and buildings aren’t entirely equiped for weather like this. The floors are tiled, ceilings really tall- designed to keep the house as cool as possible, which is great, except on days like these when they are then cooler than even the outside temperatures. 
If this was winter, I really started to wonder what summer was like over here. I mean, I can only imagine it being a little bit unbareable. Asa’s friend Satori described New Orleans as “Seasonally Biblical” in reference to not only the heat/humidity, but also the awe-striking influx of insects (including, termits & other kinds of swamp bugs). Apparently there is pretty much a mass exodus from the city, for those that can afford to leave. 
I love how people dress down here too. A lot of the people in the Bywater dress super gothic (and for that I am happy). Lace, black, pin-stripes- It’s a style Jack White would be pleased with. Many of the folks are also wearing fur in this weather- very 1920s vibes, but with slightly weirder & wilder cuts/colours. On my first day I even saw a man dressed up like a full voodoo priest (not even in a hokey way). He was just casually sitting on Elysian-Feilds, eating an ice cream bar. It was kinda glorious. 
Every morning, I’ve been the first to wake, which has kind of been nice. I usually eat my breakfast in the backyard with the cat & listen to the mardi gras beads lining the fence blowing in the wind. I then journal a little & think of all my gratitudes. It’s super peaceful & grounding. Missing the hali-fam rituals though. Overall though, I’m quite enjoying the amount of alone time I’m getting. Travelling alone so far, as been super rewarding. I feel braver & confident & more autonomous than ever. The only down side, I’ve discovered so far, is that you have to ask strangers if you still have powdered sugar on your face apres-beignets. 
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heatherminx · 8 years
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😈🎭🎉Let's get RAGIN CAJUN STYLE w/ Denver Mardi Gras •TONIGHT• @ @exdoevents /@tracksdenver 🎉🎭😈 #HeatherMinx #MinxyLand #Model #Dancer #Artist #Performer #CatGirl #Denver #MardiGras #Rave #Gay #Kawaii #TracksDenver #BiSexual #InstaGood #LGBTQ #GayClub #GoGoDancer #GoGo #ColoradoModel #PhotoOfTheDay #DenverModel #AltGirl #IGers #Kitten #EDM #DenverMardiGras http://Denvermardigras.com/ $30 GA Tickets - Limited time early bird tickets Laissez le bon temps rouler! – Let the good times roll!! Bourbon Street is coming to Denver!! Join 2,000 friends for Mardi Gras, 7 Deadly Sins. Wander around the street and collect beads with your Hurricane. Bourbon street is being created for your enjoyment inside EXDO Event Center and Tracks Nightclub. EVENT:Festival: 2,000 people, 10,000+ free beads, 32,000 sq ft of Bourbon Street! Visuals: Massive video stage. Renowned artist Jim Barter is creating 14 foot buildings with full balconies and hidden courtyards. Music: Live bands include Rowdy Shadehouse, Brothers of Brass and Street Bands. Multiple DJ’s spinning Zydeco, hip-hop, dance hits, and Mardi Gras favorites. Join the impromptu band parades inside the venue. Bar: Exotico Tequila and Everclear – Hurricane Drink Specials, Slushy Bar, Entertainment: 30 male/female models tossing beads, jesters, drum leaders, Party Panda and Gustav Gator will be at the event in person, burlesque, face painters, tarot readers, Food: Mile High Cajun. Crawfish Boil, etouffee, gumbo. Eat in the French Quarter courtyard. (sold separately) Contest: Visit the 7 deadly sins and collect your beads for a prize. King and Queen contest for best costume. ATTIRE: Get in the spirit and come in costume! Masks encouraged! Gold, Purple & Green are traditional Mardi Gras colors! Costumes are not mandatory, however dress to impress! TABLE RESERVATIONS: Bottle Service is available for purchase at your table. FOOD: Cajun street vendor fun food will be available venue Exdo Event Center Complete Venue Takeover 1399 35th St, Denver, CO 80205 Date & Time Saturday 6-??? (at EXDO Event Center)
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bachelorbro-blog1 · 8 years
Season 21 -- Week 5
Alright, I have a headache. Let’s do this.
We open with Corinne and Taylor sitting in front of a fire and having a very emotionally mature conversation, by which I mean they’re calling each other names and sticking their tongues out because why wouldn't they? I won't bore you with the sordid details because I don't want to.
Corinne tattles on Taylor and then we cut to the rose ceremony where everyone who has never seen a single episode of a reality television show ever is convinced that Taylor will not be receiving a rose. 
The ladies are legitimately shivering in a barn during the rose ceremony, and (from what I can tell) Sarah is the only person who isn't wearing a coat. Way to give yourself the flu, Sarah. How will you teach the classroom full of children that you left to be on TV now?
“Nick should send them both home,” says Kristina, who is slowly becoming one of my favorite contestants. She already has a rose. There are blessings all around us. 
Nick gets rid of Sarah, who is cold, and Astrid, who I have once again forgotten was even competing. Sarah cries about some stuff. I didn't expect her to go home just yet, but I did expect her to go home, so whatever. Sorry, girl. 
Taylor and Corinne get roses because they still need to fight to the death like the wild gators they are. 
Everyone (except Sarah and Astrid) (again, sorry!) is going to New Orleans, which is actually a fun and cool place to go. Good job, ABC! 
Rachel gets the one-on-one date. She is READY (to be the next Bachelorette).
Corinne continues to pop up in talking head interviews to drunkenly ramble about why she doesn't like Taylor. I mean, I don't like Taylor either, but it’s not like I have to tell a camera about it every time I drink too many glasses of rosé.
Rachel and Nick start their one-on-one date at a fun flea market. “I want to eat you,” says Nick to Rachel, who is now wondering whether or not she wants to be here. 
They eat oysters. For some reason everyone thinks that oysters are aphrodisiacs. I happen to think that they look like gray ears. Then they eat beignets. The amount of powdered sugar on Nick’s beignet is equal to the amount of powder that you see on Scarface’s desk so there’s that, I guess. Nick is a messy eater, which is the least surprising thing I have ever noticed. 
A second line parade appears and they join. “I didn't know Nick had that kind of swag,” says Rachel. “Ugh, he doesn't,” weeps Liz, the forgotten doula, from her kitchen floor. 
This date has a lot of parts. They go to a concert being performed by someone named Lolo. She tweeted about this episode, but that didn't help me figure out who she is. Whatever. Thanks for being here, Lolo.
The date finally ends at Mardi Gras World, which is a terrible warehouse filled with frightening Mardi Gras parade floats. Rachel squeals out of excitement. I scream out of fear. Nick puts a string of beads around Rachel’s neck without asking her to take off her top, which is a nice surprise. 
Rachel talks about her dad, a terrifying federal judge who will surely grill Nick when he meets him at the hometown stage. 
The remainder of the ladies (who aren't Taylor and Corinne) are going on a group date to a straight up haunted house. Josephine calls it romantic. I would be inclined to agree, but my first crush was Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice.  
Raven will rebuke ghosts in the name of Jesus (because she is from a small town in Arkansas and has read the Bible approximately 865 times). Alexis will rebuke them in the name of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino for similar reasons. 
The caretaker appears and tells them that his name is Boo, which...fine. There is a ghost named May living in the house. She is eight years old and has been searching for her doll for approximately 200 years. Jasmine G. does not believe that she exists so obviously I’m hoping that she’s carted away by this child specter. 
They enter May’s room and Jasmine G. moves some shit around because she likes to test her fate. They leave the room and play with a Ouija board, which is something I have always been a little too scared to do. Alexis is confused. She gets another free pass because I love her. 
The camera cuts away to a shady portrait of May as they play with the board and then the lights turn out and everyone shrieks. This is the most staged thing I have ever seen in my entire life but I am LIVING FOR IT. 
Nick suggests that they go exploring so Raven and another brunette tag along. May’s doll is missing from her room. It is more than likely that Boo is playing with the doll in his bedroom (anyone else getting AHS season three flashbacks?) 
Jasmine G. upsets the spirt world once again and a chandelier falls (very Phantom of the Opera!) She does not believe in Molly or Megan the ghost, but the jury is still out on May. 
Jasmine G. is finally afraid and makes peace with May the eight year old ghost. She asks for forgiveness and some books fall. Boo has rigged this house very well. She and Raven run away. 
Corinne and Taylor will be going on a two-on-one date the next day (and Taylor will be going home). Corinne orders a lot of food, calls Taylor “Queen of the house,” and then drinks champagne in a bubble bath. 
Danielle M. finally gets some more quality time with Nick. She is longer my top choice to win because she is simply too good for Nick and I don't ever want her to be sad. 
The next day Taylor and Corinne board a small boat with Nick and a swamp man. They are going to have their date in the bayou. A very big part of me is hoping that Shrek will be there. “Make America Corinne again,” says Corinne, who is a professional sociopath. 
They meet a voodoo priestess because apparently it’s very easy to find those. She is a white lady with multi-colored hair and a straw fedora. They have their tarot cards read. Taylor goes first. Corinne tattles on her again and calls her “a big mean swamp monster,” which, same. 
The reader tells Taylor that someone on the date is very emotionally intuitive, which is a huge lie. Taylor tattles on Corinne while Corinne asks how to make a voodoo doll that is specific to a person (that person may or may not be Raquel) (Kidding! It’s Taylor! Can you imagine?) 
More stuff happens and then Nick sends Taylor packing. Now she can go back home to a place where she has no friends because she is a mean person who brags about having a Masters degree. Ashley I. schooled her on Twitter so be sure to check that out when you get a chance. 
After Taylor is sent home and left stranded in the middle of the swamps to be eaten by the gators and ABC executives, she has a voodoo ceremony performed on her and leaves to find Nick and Corinne on their date. She is going to reveal Corinne, but we have to wait until next week to see that happen. Taylor walks through the woods in this season’s Chad Bear moment.
After the credits Nick dons a Nicolas Cage mask and makes Alexis kiss him. It’s ok, Alexis. You will find the perfect man for you on Bachelor in Paradise. I promise. 
My Top 5:
Danielle M.
May the Ghost
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ecotone99 · 5 years
Divination[Amusement 2019]
I had never been to New Orleans but once I set foot on old Royal street, I knew this was where I was meant to be. I could just feel something in my bones pulling me through the streets of the French Quarter as the people around me prepared for the Mardi gas celebration. I feel almost euphoric as I walk through the old rows of creole cottages and historical homes, soaking in the history of this once magical city that was home to the great Madame Marie LaVeau, The Voodoo queen of New Orleans. The city itself has almost a magnetism that I can't describe in words but it draws you in, beckoning you closer to its magic and mysteries.
My grand-mama always said that that "pull" we feel is just " kindred recognizing kindred", pulling us to people or places that possessed the same blessing or "curses".Soon, I come upon a sign that reads "Spiritual Reader" and that warm sensation of knowing takes over as I pull open the door to the shop. A charm hanging above the door jingles as I enter and an older, beautiful woman walks out and introduces herself as " Mambo Chechere", I laughed to myself because her name reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland, mischievous and tricky.... Certainly fit I suppose.
"Would ya like a readin' cher?" she questioned with breezy Cajun accent.
"Yes, ma'am..." I Replied.
"Tell me ,you, what would ya like to learn ? Love? health? Wealth? Mambo Chechere knows all and see all" She says with lowered eyes as she laid out her cards. I don't immediately respond to her as I am listening to the low whispers swirling around me, half wondering if she could hear them too.
"Actually, I.... I came here to see you personally" I say looking at her intently
"there is a message that I am to give you."
"Me??....why me, cher" she asks slowly, finally looking up from the tarot cards she laid out in threes. Silence falls as I feel the Loa within creep to the surface and finally speaks...
"Les mystères parle cou moi, mambo Chechere, and they say that you have not paid on favors owed" I convey to her, knowing that it is not I that speaks the words...But the spirit through me.
Eyeing me suspiciously she sits quietly for a moment, trying to comprehend what I just told her and from the look on her face, She seems to know exactly what I am talking about.
" Marinette Bras Cheche , the forsaken soul," she realizes " I beg your penitence... I have prayed to placate your wrath and put me offerings..did they not please?" she bowed as she spoke to me, well, the Loa that was riding in me.
*"*I have nothing of value to give, Loa, I swear swear on my life" pleaded Mambo Chechere. She looked around her cottage as if to say "I am without".
The Loa laughed a deep, dark and terrifying laugh before responding in the same bellowing voices.
"AH, BUT YOU DO MAMBO..YOU DO....." the voices hissed ,as my hand raised to point to the dimly lit room behind Mambo Chechere. " THEY WILL DO JUST FINE, FOR WHAT HAS MORE VALUE THAN INNOCENCE."
Mambo Chechere began to cry, to beg and plead for the souls of her twin daughters,who were sleeping peacefully in the back room, all the while not knowing that the sins of their mother was their debt to pay. The loa did not care for the cries of the woman and instead of mercy, she called for the children in a language I didn't fully understand. As the Loa spoke, I begin to see the children's poor tiny souls rising from their bodies and join the loa at her side....Then everything went black as she left my body and took the bebes with her....
So much for my Mardi Gras vacation.
submitted by /u/BeautifullyFlawed5 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/bymwg4/divinationamusement_2019/ via Blogger http://bit.ly/2ZlS6UR
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taratarotgreene · 4 years
Fat Tuesday
Happy Mardis Gras. Usually there would be big parades with floats, and dancing, and girls in beautiful Elaborate costumes, and green and gold and purple and indulgences in rich buttery cakes and things. But during lockdown it’s all a memory from who knows when? Things are timeless these days. The moon is in fiery impulsive Aries. Squaring Pluto in a hard aspect in the day, sextiling the…
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Tarot Mardi Gras themed school fundraiser tonight at "The Carlyle at the Palace" in Plainview, Long Island. Laissez le bon temps rouler! #Tarot #tarotreader #tarotcardreader #tarotcardreadernewyork #tarotreadernewyork #tarotcardreadernewyorkcity #tarotcardreaderangelalucy fairy #tarotreaderangelalucy #psychic #psychicnewyork #psychicnewyorkcity #tarotparty #psychics #unionsquaretarotreader #tarotreadernewyorkcity Michael #angelalucy #tarotcardreadernantucket #tarotreaderforparty #spiritualcounselor #newyorktarot #tarotcardreaderkeywest #tarotreadingprofessional #angelalucytarotcardreader Aslan #newyorkcitytarotcardreader #tarotparties #plainviewny #tarotmardigras #thecarlyleatthepalace #schoolfundraiser #mardigrasmasks (at Tarot Card Reader New York City)
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New Orleans is a city bubbling with excitement and history at every turn. With some of the most delicious food and drinks in the country, amazing music and very entertaining nightlife, it’s a city that deserves to be at the top of any United States itinerary!
Hotels.com had asked me to share my ultimate 3-day itinerary for New Orleans. While 3 days may not sound like a lot, you can certainly get a good taste of the best of New Orleans with this itinerary.
Getting Around New Orleans + Where to Stay
Many of the best things to do in New Orleans are within walking distance of each other. I highly recommend staying at a hotel near Bourbon Street and walking to as many of the destinations in this post as you can. We had stayed at the Royal Sonesta Inn while in New Orleans and were right on top of all the action.
Pro tip: if you aren’t planning on staying out all night partying and want a decent night of sleep – request to stay in a room that is NOT facing Bourbon Street. We had to sleep with earplugs in because our room was right on Bourbon Street and the partying doesn’t stop until at least 6 am!
For the places that are too far to walk, you’ll have a few different options..
I, personally, used Uber if places were too far to walk to. Renting a car in New Orleans can get expensive due to parking. (Check out the latest parking rates here if you don’t believe me!) It’s much more cost-effective to forgo the rental car and walk as much as possible.
Another option is to take the public bus, you can click here for a list of all the available lines. This includes 4 streetcar lines – which can be a fun and unique way to explore the city!
The Ultimate 3-Day New Orleans Itinerary
Day 1 – Arrive to New Orleans & Go Exploring + See a Jazz Show
We arrived in New Orleans our first day in the afternoon. We got checked into our hotel and then took a walk down Bourbon Street and then to the French Quarter. There is a lot to see down here! We wandered and stopped at a few bars and restaurants to get a feel for the city.
This would also be a great day to take a “behind the scenes” tour of Mardi Gras World. Tours leave every half hour between 9 am 4:30 pm and are only an hour long.
Once you’ve had a chance to do a little walking, eating and drinking, head to a live jazz show! We actually ended up right back at our hotel for this, as the Royal Sonesta Inn has a great jazz bar inside it called “The Jazz Playhouse.” However, if you aren’t a fan of hanging out in a hotel – then, I recommend checking out this list for some more cool places to see live jazz in NOLA.
Day 2 – Food Tour + Haunted History Tour
The most important thing to do on your trip to New Orleans is to eat as much as your body can safely handle! The food in NOLA is simply amazing. From Po’boys to gumbo and jambalaya to beignets – my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
One of the best ways to get a taste of all the best foods in New Orleans is to do a food tour.
I personally took this food tour and loved it!
If you really want to go all too – combine your food tour with a cocktail tour to also get a taste of some New Orleans’ best alcoholic beverages!
The food tour will only take a few hours maximum, so we used the remainder of the day to shop in the French Quarter and do a little exploring. There are tons of fun shops in this area. (Grab a drink for the walk too! You can take alcohol to go in New Orleans!)
Another highlight of this trip was taking a walking haunted history tour (like this one). This is best done at night + you can bring alcoholic beverages along for your haunted walk through the city. (They even let you stop to refill your beverages halfway through, haha.)
Day 3 – Tarot Card Reading + Garden District & Cemetery Tour
We woke up this morning to get a tarot card reading at Rev. Zombies Voodoo Shop – it was a fun experience! Whether you believe in this stuff or not, I do recommend trying it out while in New Orleans. I would fall in the “nonbeliever” category when it comes to ghosts and readings, but I have to say… our reading here was eerily accurate! One of the weirdly accurate things our reader told us was someone very close to us in our family was pregnant and hadn’t announced it yet… low-and-behold the day after we returned home from New Orleans, my sister-in-law told us she just found out she was pregnant! (I told her we already knew – our tarot card reader had told us, haha.)
Note: Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo is the most popular place to get a reading, but it was completely booked for the entire time we were here, so be sure to call and book ahead of time.
Next up, head to one of New Orleans’ famous cemeteries. St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 is the oldest cemetery in New Orleans and the final resting place of Marie Laveau “The Voodoo Queen”.
Another option is to combine Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 with a tour of the Garden District – an area that evolved from plantations to landscaped gardens to suburban streets.
End the night at one with dinner at Brennan’s (be sure to save room for their Banana Foster dessert), and then head to Lafitte’s Black Smith bar for a night of drinks and fun – be sure to try a “hurricane” here!
Need some more restaurant recommendations for New Orleans? Check out this post!
Click here to see all of my New Orleans blog posts.
*Thank you to Hotels.com for partnering with me for this blog post. As always, all opinions are my own and I am never compensated for a positive review. 
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The Ultimate 3-Day New Orleans Itinerary for First-Time Visitors New Orleans is a city bubbling with excitement and history at every turn. With some of the most delicious food and drinks in the country, amazing music and very entertaining nightlife, it’s a city that deserves to be at the top of any United States itinerary!
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taratarotgreene · 6 years
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Tarot card readings. With 28 years experience as a professional tarot reader psychic and corporate party entertainer I am the real deal. Someone asked me if this was just for entertainment and I was shocked. I bring a plethora of mystical knowledge, study, authenticity and tools to every reading and event. I’m a double Sagittarius and that means I’m totally honest, ethical and optimistic. Hire me and my guild of professional psychics for your promotions, special events, launches, celebrations, parties, marketing, trade shoes, customer appreciation, spa days, any size or theme. Mardis Gras, Future, Halloween, holidays any theme. Book me now, 416 230 5347 or email in link above. #specialevents #toronto #astrology #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #partypsychics (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmSMIdg-1F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12rcg41ov788v
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taratarotgreene · 5 years
Daily Astrology, Tarot and Numerology
Daily Astrology, Tarot and Numerology
2/11/2020 everything reduces to a 2 and adds up to 8 there’s that old 8/11 thing that they do in the tarot, switching out one number for the other.  8 is the symbol of infinity standing vertically and 11 is a Master number of remembering the totality of who you are. 8 or 11 is also associated with Libra which is the ancient Egyptian Goddess’s Ma’at’s scales of justice.
moon has moved from Virgo…
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heatherminx · 8 years
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🎭🎉🙌🏼TB to this time. 😉Be sure to join us @tracksdenver this weekend for ALL the FUN FESTIVITIES! 😘 Tonight we have Drag Nation | Queen Cake & tomorrow its Denver Mardi Gras 2017!! 😈Come celebrate this awesome weekend the right way! 🎭 Denver Mardi Gras#HeatherMinx #MinxyLand #Model #Dancer #Artist #Performer #CatGirl #Denver #Snowbunny #Rave #Gay #Kawaii #TracksDenver #BiSexual #InstaGood #LGBTQ #GayClub #GoGoDancer #GoGo #ColoradoModel #PhotoOfTheDay #DenverModel #AltGirl #IGers #Kitten #EDM #Selfie http://Denvermardigras.com/ $30 GA Tickets - Limited time early bird tickets Laissez le bon temps rouler! – Let the good times roll!! Bourbon Street is coming to Denver!! Join 2,000 friends for Mardi Gras, 7 Deadly Sins. Wander around the street and collect beads with your Hurricane. Bourbon street is being created for your enjoyment inside EXDO Event Center and Tracks Nightclub. EVENT:Festival: 2,000 people, 10,000+ free beads, 32,000 sq ft of Bourbon Street! Visuals: Massive video stage. Renowned artist Jim Barter is creating 14 foot buildings with full balconies and hidden courtyards. Music: Live bands include Rowdy Shadehouse, Brothers of Brass and Street Bands. Multiple DJ’s spinning Zydeco, hip-hop, dance hits, and Mardi Gras favorites. Join the impromptu band parades inside the venue. Bar: Exotico Tequila and Everclear – Hurricane Drink Specials, Slushy Bar, Entertainment: 30 male/female models tossing beads, jesters, drum leaders, Party Panda and Gustav Gator will be at the event in person, burlesque, face painters, tarot readers, Food: Mile High Cajun. Crawfish Boil, etouffee, gumbo. Eat in the French Quarter courtyard. (sold separately) Contest: Visit the 7 deadly sins and collect your beads for a prize. King and Queen contest for best costume. ATTIRE: Get in the spirit and come in costume! Masks encouraged! Gold, Purple & Green are traditional Mardi Gras colors! Costumes are not mandatory, however dress to impress! TABLE RESERVATIONS: Bottle Service is available for purchase at your table. FOOD: Cajun street vendor fun food will be available venue Exdo Event Center Complete Venue Takeover 1399 35th St, Denver, CO 80205 Date & Time Saturd (at Tracks Denver)
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heatherminx · 8 years
❄️🐱🎉#IceQueen #Turnt @ Tracks Denver! 😻 Can't wait for Denver Mardi Gras 2017! *THIS SATURDAY* 🎭 IG: @HeatherMinx 🎉🐱❄️#HeatherMinx #MinxyLand #Model #Dancer #Artist #Performer #Art #Denver #Snowbunny #Rave #Gay #Kawaii #TracksDenver #BiSexual #InstaGood #LGBTQ #GayClub #GoGoDancer #GoGo #ColoradoModel #PhotoOfTheDay #DenverModel #AltGirl #IGers #Lesbian #EDM #Selfie http://Denvermardigras.com/ $30 GA Tickets - Limited time early bird tickets Laissez le bon temps rouler! – Let the good times roll!! Bourbon Street is coming to Denver!! Join 2,000 friends for Mardi Gras, 7 Deadly Sins. Wander around the street and collect beads with your Hurricane. Bourbon street is being created for your enjoyment inside EXDO Event Center and Tracks Nightclub. EVENT:Festival: 2,000 people, 10,000+ free beads, 32,000 sq ft of Bourbon Street! Visuals: Massive video stage. Renowned artist Jim Barter is creating 14 foot buildings with full balconies and hidden courtyards. Music: Live bands include Rowdy Shadehouse, Brothers of Brass and Street Bands. Multiple DJ’s spinning Zydeco, hip-hop, dance hits, and Mardi Gras favorites. Join the impromptu band parades inside the venue. Bar: Exotico Tequila and Everclear – Hurricane Drink Specials, Slushy Bar, Entertainment: 30 male/female models tossing beads, jesters, drum leaders, Party Panda and Gustav Gator will be at the event in person, burlesque, face painters, tarot readers, Food: Mile High Cajun. Crawfish Boil, etouffee, gumbo. Eat in the French Quarter courtyard. (sold separately) Contest: Visit the 7 deadly sins and collect your beads for a prize. King and Queen contest for best costume. ATTIRE: Get in the spirit and come in costume! Masks encouraged! Gold, Purple & Green are traditional Mardi Gras colors! Costumes are not mandatory, however dress to impress! TABLE RESERVATIONS: Bottle Service is available for purchase at your table. FOOD: Cajun street vendor fun food will be available venue Exdo Event Center Complete Venue Takeover 1399 35th St, Denver, CO 80205 Date & Time Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:00 pm – ??? (at Tracks Denver)
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heatherminx · 8 years
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💖🐱💋MeowPurrRAWR 😘#TB to *Pinkie LaRojo* dancing @ Tracks Denver celebrating VDay! 🍭 Can't wait for *THIS SATURDAY* w/ Denver Mardi Gras 2017!!! 🎉🎭😈 Let's get wild! 🙌🏼 Snapchat: HeatherMinx 💋🐱💖 #HeatherMinx #MinxyLand #Model #Dancer #Artist #Performer #Art #Denver #Hot #Rave #Gay #Kawaii #TracksDenver #BiSexual #InstaGood #LGBTQ #GayClub #GoGoDancer #valentinesday #GoGo #ColoradoModel #PhotoOfTheDay #DenverModel #AltGirl #IGers #Lesbian #Valentines #EDM #Selfie http://Denvermardigras.com/ $30 GA Tickets - Limited time early bird tickets Laissez le bon temps rouler! – Let the good times roll!! Bourbon Street is coming to Denver!! Join 2,000 friends for Mardi Gras, 7 Deadly Sins. Wander around the street and collect beads with your Hurricane. Bourbon street is being created for your enjoyment inside EXDO Event Center and Tracks Nightclub. EVENT:Festival: 2,000 people, 10,000+ free beads, 32,000 sq ft of Bourbon Street! Visuals: Massive video stage. Renowned artist Jim Barter is creating 14 foot buildings with full balconies and hidden courtyards. Music: Live bands include Rowdy Shadehouse, Brothers of Brass and Street Bands. Multiple DJ’s spinning Zydeco, hip-hop, dance hits, and Mardi Gras favorites. Join the impromptu band parades inside the venue. Bar: Exotico Tequila and Everclear – Hurricane Drink Specials, Slushy Bar, Entertainment: 30 male/female models tossing beads, jesters, drum leaders, Party Panda and Gustav Gator will be at the event in person, burlesque, face painters, tarot readers, Food: Mile High Cajun. Crawfish Boil, etouffee, gumbo. Eat in the French Quarter courtyard. (sold separately) Contest: Visit the 7 deadly sins and collect your beads for a prize. King and Queen contest for best costume. ATTIRE: Get in the spirit and come in costume! Masks encouraged! Gold, Purple & Green are traditional Mardi Gras colors! Costumes are not mandatory, however dress to impress! TABLE RESERVATIONS: Bottle Service is available for purchase at your table. FOOD: Cajun street vendor fun food will be available venue Exdo Event Center Complete Venue Takeover 1399 35th St, Denver, CO 80205 Date & Time Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:00 pm – ??? (at Tracks Denver)
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