#Marcus White x Reader Oneshot
imaginewarehouse · 2 years
Marcus White x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: On a typical evening walk of yours around the neighbourhood (Which is generally just fine, of course. You love your walks. Its normal, and perfectly safe!) you start to notice... a man. Following you. No matter how many turns you make, he continued to be just a few metres behind you, on the same side of the road as you.
As you're starting to really panic, over the sound of you heart beating hot and loud in your ears, you realise Marcus from work lives near here (He of course had written his address on the female staff bathroom wall at some point) and you go straight there.
Warnings: Stalking. Or basically, just being followed by a strange man in the evening when its getting dark. After that though its just a butt load of unadulterated Marcus fluff! ^^ Also unedited so far
Tags: @flowercrowns-goodvibes and @one-edgy-bitch
🔆  🔆  🔆
I turn round another corner, the blood in my ears having started to pump louder and hotter then necessary the moment I noticed the man- before I realised he was following me, even. Now it aches, and my heart's beating like a steam train against my rib cage, and I feel like I might throw up. Its been 10 minutes, and no matter how many unnecessary turns I make, the figure wont disappear. I feel like I'm being hunted. I don't want to go back home and lead him to where I live, but I also feel sick to my stomach being out here.
Where he can grab me.
And I feel like I'm too scared to properly fight back, if he does. You always imagine, that you can just kick or punch an attacker if it happened to you but no one ever mentions how the fear sucks all the strength out of you and makes it impossible to even clench your fists. Makes you useless.
I take a deep breath, careful to not show it though. How am I going to get out of this? Exhaling, my breath stutters and I panic that he saw it. He knows I know. He knows I'm scared. Am I going to get out of this?
I don't dare think about what state I might be in if I do get out of this, attacked. That's not going to happen.
What do I do, though? What do I do? What do I do?
Chewing on my bottom lip, I think hard. I could pretend to be on a phone call, or actually call someone? But then whoever's following me might panic and speed up whatever plans they have, so I just grip my phone in my hand, hanging at my side. My earplugs are long forgotten around my neck so I can hear the footsteps, but I haven't put them away.
Where's the nearest shop? 20 minutes away.
What are the chances that any of these houses will be housing someone worse then the guy behind me? Right now, that chance seems higher then what, rationally, I know it must really be.
Another deep breath forces my chest to rise and my eyes to redden this time. God, I am not handling this well. I need to be cooler. I need to calm the fuck down.
But that thought just seems to make it worse, as tears of fear start to fill my eyes.
Suddenly, as I round another corner and catch sight of the dark, empty Daycare sitting there on the other side of the road- I all of a sudden realise where I am.
I mean, I knew where I was. Where I am. I know how to get home from here and how to get to the shops, but suddenly something else clicks in my head. A sanctuary representing unlikely hope.
Marcus lives around here. Marcus from work. I remember, because he wrote his damn address on the bathroom wall inside the womens' one time and it had registered in my head because, hey, that's in my neighbourhood!
In fact- its around this next corner. If I can only make it on these terrified jelly legs, then I can gladly brave the awkwardness of barging into a colleagues home to get some help. Taking another deep breath of the fresh, crisp, cheek-burning evening air as the world gets even darker around us - me, and him, - and then letting it go slowly, I gradually pick up my pace.
When I finally get around the corner, is when my heart really stops beating for a moment.
Because I see the house. Number 12, right there on the left. 4 houses down.
But also, because a perfectly average, run-of-the-mill, one-of-the-many kind of voice calls out, muffled through his scarf, for me.
Just a quick, "Hey!", so I ignore it even as my insides feel like they're all trying to rush out every available orifice of my body and my legs threaten to buck out from underneath me. Please, please keep going. Please, legs. I'm honestly begging you here. Keep me up, now. I need you right now. Please, please, please...
"Hey!" He calls again when I don't respond and pretend I didn't hear him, and speeds up behind me. Oh god, now my body wants to sprint but I force myself to keep my pace. "Girl!"
All heat, and probably all the colour too, has drained from my face. My fingers have lost feeling. All I know, all I can think now is I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die.
And that's not a totally... comforting, thought.
Then I reach the house I was aiming for and nearly trip over turning course down the driveway to race to the door, the porch light turning the bricks orange in the dark. I knock maybe a little too hard against the wooden door. But I wouldn't really know, my hands are numb.
I glance back at the man for the first time fully and watch him walk across the path by the house, as I hear shuffling beyond the door. He keeps glancing at me as he passes and every time he does, I think he's going to rush at me like a wild beast-
But then the door opens.
And he keeps walking.
"Y/N? Uhh, wow, this is a surprise." The familiar, albeit usually annoying voice causes my muscles to immediately soften and I dare to turn my back on the path, facing Marcus. Tall, broad shouldered, and most importantly yes, occasionally weird, but nevertheless harmless, Marcus. My own shoulders relax; I'm safe, I tell myself. Or try to. But my body is still in a confused state between freeze and flight. "What brings you to my pad?" He grins broadly, easily excitable. Like a Labrador.
"Um- c-can I please come in? I- there was a man, and- " I cant even force out the words. They feel fresh, and fake, even though I can still feel the fear rushing through my veins instead of blood. Am I shaking? God, I'm shaking.
"Y-yeah, come on in." Through whatever is usually going on in his head that I have yet to delve into, even after working with him for over a year, he seems to notice how truly shaken up I am and steps to the side so I can walk in. He closes the door behind me and I wipe my face, feeling safer. "Uh, do you want something? I got, uh... well, my mom's outta town so I mostly have, like... beer. But I think we have tea, too?"
"Um... that's okay... " I don't want to embarrass myself any more by dropping the tea cup because my fingers were shaking too badly. That would be exactly what I need to top off the night to make it freaken perfect. "Thank you... "
"Living room's this way." He nods, guiding me around a corner into a room that looks just like you would imagine an old ladies livingroom to look like. Floral couch, 2 armchairs with the skirts around the bottom, carpet, and some porcelain cats here and there. Marcus, in his white t-shirt and boxers, looks odd and informal in the middle of it all, but comfortable. He turns around and gestures towards the couch for me to take it, "Sit down, uh, relax. I'm just gonna put on some pants. Be right back!"
I nod, sitting down and feeling myself relax immediately as he rushes outta the room and hear him loudly bang bang bang all the way up the stairs. The sound even makes me release a nervous, lighthearted laugh. Ohhhh, lord...
Wiping my face and then brushing my hair back, I take a deep breath and look around the room some more. There's a couple beer cans around the place, as if Marcus has had a party though I know its more likely that this is just a visual guide to to where, in this room, he's been hanging out all week. At the coffee table a couple of times, at the mantle once, and on the floor.
There's also a PlayStation hooked up to the TV here, looking totally out of place in the old lady style room. The remote is attached to the charger, on the creamy carpet in front of the entertainment centre along with a bag of chips- he must have been playing before I turned up.
When Marcus comes flying back down the stairs, eager as ever for company though he is, I feel guilty as hell for interrupting his evening. He plops down heavily on the other side of the couch, giving me plenty of space but wanting to be close by, and I turn with a remorseful sort of look on my face. "I'm so sorry for barging in- "
"Hey, I don't mind." He gives a, excited shrug. "Happy for the company! You wanna play Smash Bros?"
... The fact that this man used to be in prison, baffles me. He's like a puppy dog, and honestly? The grin on his face is kinda infectious. So, when I should have said no thank you and called a cab to get home, I instead gave a gentle smile and said, "... Sure."
"Hm, thats another win for me... " I tease carefully, setting the remote back onto my lap, turning my head to Marcus who's got his jaw on the floor and his eyes glued to the TV screen. "What, surprised?"
"How'd you get so good??!"
Giggling, I shake my head and shrug. "I like this game."
"Yeah, I see that." He insists, but there's nothing mean or upset about it- just in awe. And it makes you feel warm inside. After digging into the bag of chips at his side and collecting himself a huge handful, he offers you the bag. "Chip?"
"Oh, I love (Chip flavour). Yes please!" I dig in and get a smaller handful, but still a handful, and put them in my other open hand while Marcus just plays that dangerous game of pulling various chips out of his grip and hopes they don't all fall out on the couch like edible Jenga.
Through a mouthful, which makes me chuckle and shake my head, he gives a nod. "No problem,"
Who knew I'd like hanging out with Marcus so much?? I'm having a great time. He doesn't put pressure on me at all, and it turns out the two of us share a lot in common, surprisingly. I should have taken him up on his offer to get drinks a long time ago. So, when he asks if I'd like him to drive me home or if I wanna stay over... cuz like, the guy might still be around or whatever... I feel butterflies (The good kind) flutter around in my chest, and nod. I mean, I certainly don't feel like going out there again tonight, whether its in a car or otherwise.
"Okay! Awesome, uh- C'mon, lets getcha a pillow." Marcus exclaims, excited again, before patting my arm and getting up. Pushing off the couch, I follow him deeper into the house , up the stairs and into what must be his room... the walls are painted blue, the bed - covered in cars bed sheets, - isn't made, its a huge mess and his work coveralls are strewn over a motorcycle style desk chair. Just, basically, exactly how you might imagine Marcus' bedroom to look like- humorously so. I find it kind of cute.
While he's rifling around the place looking for a clean pillow and a blanket, I peak around some more. Until something makes me gasp. "Is that your mug shot???"
"Uh yeah, my mom's got another copy on the fridge." Marcus replies, not turning around as I pick up the framed photo and grin at it. He looks so unimpressed, or like he's trying to look unimpressed but is really shitting himself, but still... somehow good? Handsome?
Also, the fact that Mrs White stuck it up on the fridge, too? Priceless.
After setting the frame back down where you found it, Marcus turns around with a pillow and a blanket, handing you the pillow - which smells very strongly of some kind of body spray, the kind that guys think will get them laid, - before I realise how close we've ended. He seems to notice too, the tips of our feet mere inches from eachother, and he grins as I feel my heart pound heavily against my chest for the second time tonight, and the pillow I'm hugging. This time, though, I don't mind the feeling.
He's still handsome, I think, peaking up at him over the pillow. Maybe even more so, in person.
And my inhibitions are low, due to him also being my knight in shining armour, tonight.
That only means-
"Uhhh... So can I sleep on the couch?" That means I have to be a strong adult and force myself to make some good decisions tonight. Starting with deescalating this situation and stepping back.
"Yeah, or you could... you know... sleep in my bed? With- with me??" Marcus suggests, in a sort of odd mixture of nervous and confident. Kinda dumb. But its cute and hard to resist.
"Uhh... "
"We don't have to do anything," He's quick to add, assuring you with a smirk, before chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck. Fuck!! When guys do that its just... game over. I can actually feel all sense leaving my body- "I mean, I want to. But I just thought... this was going kinda well, and uh... honestly I like you. A lot. So I was thinking... maybe... "
"I mean... sure."
"What?" He looks shocked, and so am I but I just give a smile. I have had a bad night, and cuddling with Marcus can only make it better.
"Yeah, why not?" Stepping back to him, I peer up at him. "I kinda like you too, so... "
That caused a big grin to slip across his face. "Fuck yeah!"
10 minutes later I've changed into a clean shirt of Marcus' that has Jason Voorhees' on it - partly because I'm sure neither of us will be tempted to break the mans 'premarital sex' ban with him between us, - and slip under the covers, laying down and beginning to get comfortable before Marcus goes and just scoops me right up against him.
I relax immediately, taking a deep breath and wrapping my arms back around him, and burying my face in his t-shirt. He's changed into pyjama pants, now, along with his plain white shirt, and he's so cute I'm tempted to wrap one of my legs over him.
... So I do, hooking a leg over his hip and sighing, eyes closed and feeling him give a sigh of his own at me wrapping myself around him like a damn monkey. He even hitches my leg more securely over him so we're chest-to-chest, and his chin rests on my head. I'm so warm, and snuggly, and-
-there is no doubt in my mind that I'm going to be flustered as hell when I wake up in the morning. I mean, this is impulsive, and kinda dumb, definitely but it also feels really good. So, for tonight, I'll be impulsive, and kinda dumb.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
give you my wild, give you a child | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x pregnant fem!reader oneshot
summary: your second trimester while pregnant with baby bear is way sexier than you expected.
warnings: smut, breeding kink, language, 18+ only, barely proofread.
word count: 3.7k
a/n: hi it's me with the second trimester sexapalooza smut i promised @starbritestarlite and @carmensberzattos. and with this new season, let me know if you want to be added to my carmy taglist!! i wrote this as a companion piece to the 'make my heart heart surrender' universe, specifically for the 'carmy as your baby daddy' headcanon/social media au series. anyways, i've been thoroughly enjoying season 2 and am sitting into the fact that i've created my own universe inside of their universe. god we love fanfic. anyways... this is nsfw so 18+ only.
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Today 2:21 pm
Carmy “my baby daddy” Berzatto: On the way home for lunch. 
You: Hurry, baby. 
Carmy “my baby daddy” Berzatto: You good, sweet girl?
Your reply is almost instant, and Carmy wonders what could possibly come next as he sees the three dots appear below your message, indicating that you’re still typing. 
It’s a link, his eyes widening as soon as it appears in his iMessage history with you. 
You: Hottest Sex Positions For Pregnant Women | Cosmopolitan 
Before he can notice that it feels ten degrees hotter in the room, that his face has turned cherry red, that his pants are beginning to feel unbearably tighter, he’s interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. 
“You good, chef?” Marcus asks, as he passes by, noticing the red tones that have risen to Carmy’s cheeks. 
“Wh-, oh yeah!” Carmy answers, almost too quickly, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. 
Marcus shoots him a strange look, examining his boss’ face. 
“Just uh… gotta go home for lunch.”
3:03 pm
“What took you so long?” you practically growl as soon as Carmy gets through the door. 
He hasn’t even had a chance to close it properly before you’re on him like a moth to a flame. Dressed in the cutest pair of white shortalls, you’ve been working from home all day – or rather, mindlessly clicking through your e-mail while waiting for Carmy to come home all day, your mind preoccupied with the fact that Carmy hasn’t been home to give you exactly what you want. 
What you need, may be the better description. 
It’s as if the spirit of Eros himself has taken you over, unable to focus properly as your rapidly changing body needs is practically screaming out for one thing and one thing only: 
To be properly and thoroughly fucked by the man that got you here in the first place. 
“I-,” he begins, attempting to explain that he was running a little behind and got caught up giving feedback to one of his new line cooks before your mouth is on his in an all-consuming kiss. 
Now that he’s here, you regret even asking him, careless for the why when it feels this good to have him pressed up against your body. Your lips are desperate, hungry, intense, as you tangle yourself into him. It’s as if you can finally relax, like you can finally take a breath, now that your husband is finally here. 
He lets out a little groan of surprise against your mouth, as if you’ve charged towards him like the sexual equivalent of a tasmanian devil. 
And in his defense, you have.
“Baby,” he whispers against your lips. “Should we-, can we even-, shouldn’t you be working?”
He’s not wrong. 
You should be working. 
But the unbelievable and insatiable need for sex – for sex with Carmy – is the only thing driving you these days, holding you hostage to its unbelievable and all-encompassing power. You’re like a woman possessed as you reluctantly pull away from him to put his mind at ease. Your lust-filled eyes look him over, his curls already wild from a long day at the restaurant, as you shake your head ‘no.’
“I finished all my work for the day and signed off early. Perks of being a start-up sellout,” your well-kissed lips inform him. 
Carmy’s head spins in response to your answer.
Maybe it’s the prospect of the sex. 
Maybe it’s the way it’s the way your mouth feels against him as you kiss down his jawline and his neck.
“Okay, but I gotta be back at the restaurant at 4:15,” he smiles in agreement, more than happy to oblige.
“That’s plenty of time,” you coo, nibbling on his earlobe.
This time it’s Carmy who initiates, using both of his hands to cradle your face before his mouth is over yours again. The kiss starts slowly this time as he inhales deeply, taking you in. You shift closer, pressing your slightly-rounder-these-days belly against his body once more. He moans, his hands immediately traveling down your body, to your hips as he breathes you in again, wanting nothing more than to stay like this with you forever. His touch ignites something in you and you allow yourself to surrender, lost in the feel of his hands against you. His hands are everywhere – your hips, traveling up your belly, dancing across your fuller-than-normal breasts – and finally the drawn-out unrest of your mind can finally find peace.
He’s starting to get used to this. 
And he’ll admit that he really, really likes it. 
Carmy changes positions with you so that he can press you up against the front door as you continue your passionate makeout. 
Your first trimester had been hell – mornings spent on the bathroom floor together while you hurled the contents of your stomach into the toilet, days where you barely had the energy to get out of bed, nights where you were too hot to sleep that all you could do was lay on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, frustrated tears pouring out of the corners of your eyes – your body undergoing the hardest reset of your life. 
So when the fog and tumultuousness of your first trimester subsided, it was a more than welcomed change – and in so many ways. You’ve traded mornings of flat ginger ale, saltines, and sympathetic back rubs, with mornings spent tugging on Carmy’s perfect curls while you cried out his name.
“You smell like sandwiches,” you giggle in between kisses. 
“Ah shit. I should shower,” he sighs, reluctantly. 
He knows your sense of smell has been heightened lately, and he can’t imagine that smelling like a spicy Italian sandwich would be much of a turn on for you. He begins to pull away, but there’s now way in hell you’re letting him go as you grab his hands in yours. 
"No, Carmy, I can't wait,” you whine, the sound of your voice the most needy, beautiful thing Carmy’s ever heard in his life. 
“You could join me,” he offers with a raise of an eyebrow, presenting a solution you can absolutely get behind. 
“Uh huh. Yes please,” you nod eagerly, a girlishness to the way you answer him. 
Your usage of the word’s got him harder than a rock and he loves this side of you. Your sex life had been great before the pregnancy, but there’s something different about it now. Something about how needy you’ve been – the only thing that can possibly quell the fire inside of you being him – has him unraveling at the seams. 
How could he possibly say no when he’s more than eager to give you exactly (and then some, if it’s up to him) what you want? 
Your fingers are still tangled in his, licking your lips as you add, “My baby daddy thinks of everything.”
Carmy shakes his head, tugging at your hands as he leads you towards the bathroom, mentioning that he still can’t get over the fact that you’ve chosen to call him that in front of everyone you’ve ever known. You remind him that it’s cute, and though he’s not sure he gets it, he lets you do it anyway because it makes you happy.
As you both reach the bathroom, you patiently wait as Carmy turns on the shower, running a hand through the stream of water to check the temperature. One minute he’s focused on the cool water coming down from the showerhead, and then next he’s caging you in between his body and the bathroom sink. 
“You miss me this much, pretty girl?” he murmurs dreamily, his hand trailing up your inner thigh. 
You nod, taking note of how perfectly his top lip fits in between yours. 
“Yes, baby. Thanks for coming home for lunch,” you manage to get out, in between desperate kisses. 
“No need to thank me,” he smirks, a newly-found confidence in his voice. 
His hands are tugging at the hem of your shorts, as if he could slide the overalls down your body this way, a small pang of frustration welling deep in his stomach as he realizes that’s not going to happen. He kisses you with a fervor that makes you dizzy, as Carmy fumbles with the straps of your overalls. Trying his best to unclasp one side, he tosses the strap over your back, a clang sounding out within the four walls of the small room as the metal of the claps hits the porcelain of the sink. 
Carmy lets out a groan as he tugs at the second strap, causing you to giggle. 
“These stupid things,” he huffs, a look of embarrassment running through his brilliant blues. 
“Here, baby,” you say, slipping one of your arms out of the tangled strap. 
He groans as soon as his eyes meet yours again, more than happy to help you out of these damn things.
He pulls the overalls down with a rigor that stops right as the overalls drop to your waist, revealing your white tank top – one that you’re not wearing a bra underneath. 
“Sweetheart,” he groans, his hands ghosting over where your nipples stand erect against the fullness of your breasts. 
“You been like this all day?” he mutters against your skin, leaning down to drag his mouth over your still-clothed breasts. 
“Mmmmhm. Needed you,” you moan, your eyes closing as you lose yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you. 
He’s so incredibly hard right now it’s not even funny. 
By the time you open your eyes again, Carmy’s on his knees, so gentle, so tender with the way he slides the rest of the piece of clothing over the bump that’s been growing inside of your belly.
“Yeah,” you confirm. 
You shimmy out of your overalls as Carmy jumps back to his feet, removing your tank so that the only thing you have left is the pair of panties you’re still wearing. Before he can kiss you again, you’re tugging off his shirt, a sacrifice, an offering to the bathroom floor. 
“Should be warm enough, yeah?” you ask, gesturing towards the shower. 
“Yeah,” he agrees with a nod, removing his shorts. 
You feel all the blood in your body rush south as you see how hard he is already, swallowing hard. Carmy helps you into the shower, like the gentlemen he is, and you hope that’s where the gentleness ends. 
Before you can say anything else, he’s pulling you towards him, wrapping one of your legs around his waist as the warm water begins to wash over the both of you. 
“I’m so sorry, pretty girl,” he hums as his nimble fingers slip between your legs. He groans as soon as he feels how goddamn wet you are. 
“Fuck, honey.”
“See? I told you I needed you, Carm,” you pant, letting out a high keening moan as he draws lazy circles around your clit. You’re already bucking your hips into his hand and he’s barely started touching you. 
"You're so sensitive. So responsive, sweet girl,” he teases you, as he drags his fingers through your folds. You are so unbelievably wet that he’s not sure how he managed to get so damn lucky. 
"I just want you to fuck me, Carm. I’ve needed it all day. I need you to make me feel good," you beg, completely lost in the way his fingers feel as he slides two into you already. 
It’s like his touch sets fireworks off in your brain, setting your nerves on fire as you cry out. 
"Yeah?” he taunts you, an almost amused tone in his voice as he sets the slowest rhythm. “Think that’s how we got here in the first place, pretty girl.”
"I know,” you whimper, moving your hips against his fingers for any kind of friction. For something more. For something faster. For something deeper. But at this rate, with how much he seems to enjoy teasing you, with how horny you are, you’ll take anything. 
“But nothing feels as good as you, Carm.”
Your words go straight to his dick and he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to leave you alone ever again – might as well quit his day job in exchange for this all-day never-ending second trimester sexapalooza you both seem to be caught inside of. 
He’s practically choking on his words as he manages to ask you:
"What’s that, baby? Did you touch yourself while I was gone?" 
You nod pathetically, moaning as he buries his thick fingers deep inside of you. He pauses, feeling the way your walls pulse around him as he stays inside of you, wanting to memorize this moment forever. 
In any other circumstance, he’d make you fall apart on his fingers, and then his tongue before you even went there, but with your recent admission, he’s decided that he has to have you now. In one swift motion, Carmy pulls his fingers from you, releasing his grip on your leg, eliciting a whine at the loss of him. 
Before you can even protest, he’s turning you around in the shower, and you can feel his hard-on pressing against your backside as he pulls you close.
“Sweetheart, you can’t just say things like this,” he taunts you, playfully, as he drags his cock through your folds a few times. 
“Carm,” you whimper, bracing your hands against the shower wall. “Don’t tease.”
“What’s that?” he coos, pressing his thick tip against your clit. 
“I don’t think I can take it. Please, baby,” you whine, so desperate for him to be inside of you. You push your ass back against him, offering your body to him for the taking. 
“Fuck!” he grunts out, because he just can’t resist you like this. 
You let out a sharp cry, as Carmy pushes himself inside of you, finally giving the thing you’ve wanted all day long. 
Carmy sets a slow pace at first, burying himself all the way to the hilt, so that you can feel all of him – every single ridge, every single vein of his cock with each thrust – and with how sensitive, how turned on you are, you’re already seeing stars. His hands hold onto your waist, controlling the speed of your lovemaking, as you press your hands against the shower wall, bracing yourself. You want him everywhere, all around you, consuming you with every fiber of his being, as if all you can do is hold yourself up and let him know how good he’s making you feel. 
Carmy’s lips are on your neck, leaving love bites across your shoulders, murmuring sweet nothings about how well you take him and how good you feel. And then he’s speeding up the pace of each thrust, pulling you back towards him. His hands are all over you: pressing you back against his chest, squeezing your breasts, pinching your nipples as he takes care of you. 
His wife. 
The mother of his child. 
The love of his life. 
You turn your head just enough so that you can kiss him as Carmy’s hand reaches up to cup your face, making sure that he can kiss you properly too. This time you’re standing up taller, grinding against him, wanting to touch your husband more than you need to hold yourself up against the wall. Your hand slips behind you, grabbing at whatever parts of him that you can, bracing yourself against him, as if you could get Carmy even closer to you, while the other is guiding his across your body, your fingers tangled together. 
He’s perfect. 
This is perfect. 
It’s what you’ve been aching for all damn day. 
“I need you, Carm,” you moan into his mouth, as the consistent feel of him thrusting in and out of you has you delirious. 
"You have all of me, baby,” he reassures you in the tenderest tone of voice he can muster, his other hand resting just underneath your breasts as he fucks you. 
He’s not sure what ‘more’ could mean at this moment, but the dirty talk is so hot that he’s more than willing to find out. He slows down his pace, dragging his cock in and out of you and the most delicious pace. 
"Yes,” you pant, pulling away from the searing kiss, your head hanging low. Your hands return to the shower wall as you arch your back, bending at the hips so that you can take him deeper as you add:
“I want to make you a daddy." 
His hips stutter for a second, caught off guard by what you’ve just said. 
"You-you are, sweetheart,” he chuckles, slowing his pace down for a moment as he watches himself disappear inside of you over and over again. 
“Carmy,” you groan, in response to his change pace. 
You’re grinding your ass against him, begging him to speed up, but his hands return to your hips, stopping you. 
The sight alone, and what you’ve just said, he thinks to himself, might kill him. 
You whine as Carmy brings his movements to a halt, trying to get him to fuck you again. But he can’t let what you’ve just said go unrecognized as he stills your hips. 
"What was that? You like walking around like this, hmm? Everyone knowing what I've done to you?" he asks you, holding your hips so that you can’t move.
You’ll give him anything to get what you want. 
Even if it means saying it again. 
“Yes, baby,” you sigh, and Carmy lets out another moan as you squeeze around him. 
“I want to make you a daddy. Just fuck me. Please.”
“Oh fuck,” Carmy mutters, knowing he’s not going to last much longer if you keep that up. 
He pulls out of you, and before you can protest, he’s slamming back into you in a way that makes you sob. He sets a brilliant pace this time, and you're arching your back, pressing your hands against the wall even harder – and all you can do, all you want to do, is take it. Hearing you chant his name over and over takes over him. He’s a man determined, with a single-minded focus on giving you exactly what you want. 
He’s reduced you to a moaning, mumbling mess, as you chase both of your orgasms. 
“Touch me, Carmy,” escapes your lips, and he’s more than happy to oblige, his fingers immediately coming to your clit. 
He’s so goddamn talented, using his cock and his hands to make you fall apart. 
You feel a familiar coil in your belly, and with the way you’re squeezing around him, Carmy can tell your close. 
“Come on, sweet girl. Go ahead and let go for me,” his voice sturdy, confident, strong. 
And seconds later, your eyes slam shut as you’re crying out his name, falling over the edge as your husband pulls the most delicious orgasm from your body. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. That’s it.”
He’s right behind you – literally and figuratively – as Carmy’s thrusts become more erratic, finally letting go after exercising an impossible level of self control. He spills inside of you with a grunt, holding you against him as he pauses. 
Breathless, you throw your head back, grateful that his shoulder is there to catch you. With the slightest turn of your head, you’re able to kiss him, placing the gentlest kiss against the corner of his mouth before Carmy’s hand comes up to lift your chin towards him again, so that he can kiss you properly. 
“Holy shit, Bear,” you sigh, a sense of relief washing over you. 
“Yeah,” he pants, trying to catch his breath with you. 
You both take a beat, a moment to let your brains catch up with your bodies, just holding onto each other – savoring the way it feels to be in each others’ arms. 
“I should uh… I should probably still shower,” Carmy starts, beginning to come back down to earth. 
You turn back towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck, entertaining him with slow, lazy kisses in between words. 
“But why don’t you dry off and get into bed?” Carmy suggests, using a quiet yet direct tone, almost as if it’s an order. 
It’s as if he knows that, though the last orgasm he’d just given you had been world-rocking, there’s no way in hell you’ll be satiated today with just one. 
“Really?” you ask, hopefully with a giggle. 
“Yeah,” he nods. 
“Heard, chef,” you tease him, eliciting a playful eye roll from him. 
He releases you, giving you the time and space to wring out your hair and step out of the shower. 
And as you do what he says, he rewards you for it, spending the rest of the afternoon with his face buried between your legs until he’s ready to go again. 
“And we’ve got a special tonight. Lemon chicken piccata. We’re talkin’ major Berzatto family recipe, ok? So let’s make sure we’re talkin’ up, alright?” Richie announces, following it up with a reminder to all of his servers of the main talking point during tonight’s pre-shift meeting. 
Carmy thinks he’s been stealthy as he attempts to sneak back into the restaurant, considering he’s thirty minutes late. He feels lucky that since everyone is preoccupied with the pre-shift meeting that they couldn’t possibly notice him slipping in this late. He hears the meeting end, making a mental note that tonight’s mise has been done right, praying that tonight’s service goes smoothly. 
He has, afterall, been using up a lot of extra energy lately…. 
“Hey, Jeffrey. We were wondering when you’d be in tonight,” Tina comments, as she returns to the kitchen, ready to lead service tonight. 
“Oh uh, yeah. Sorry, got caught up with some stuff,” he mumbles, avoiding her gaze as he doesn’t have an excuse or a cover story. 
“Mmmhhhmmmm,” she sounds, passing him by, because it’s no secret what Carmen Berzatto’s been up to lately. 
“Yo, cousin!” Carmy calls out, in search of Richie. 
Carmy makes his way into the dining room, and as soon as Richie sees him, knowing what time it is – knowing that Carmy’s running late – he smirks. A blush runs over Carmy’s cheeks as Richie shakes his head with a laugh. 
It’s as if Richie can see right through him, and suddenly, Carmy’s feeling incredibly exposed.
Richie wags a finger at his cousin, his laugh beginning to build. 
“Ahhhh man, cousin,” he sighs, an amused look on his face as he continues. “No one warned ya, huh?”
“I-,” Carmy starts, searching for any and all excuses he could make up on the spot, to no avail. 
“Men can’t resist a pregnant woman. Sheesh. Enjoy it while you can, jagoff.”
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Be By My Side
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Aleksander Morovoza
Being a princess and Meeting the Darkling
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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bluestar22x · 1 year
A Splash Of Red
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A Splash Of Red: A Baby Fever Oneshot
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female!Reader
Summary: You met him at an art gallery
Rating: 13+ but it's a really innocent oneshot
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,292
Author's Note: I was going to wait until I had this series up and running for this oneshot but it spoke to me today. If you want you can read this as a standalone.
Why not? you'd thought.
You were standing in front of a small time art gallery for novices in the heart of Washington D.C., your hometown, with nothing better to do. Your best and only true friend was working the night shift at her job so you'd been stuck alone, wandering the streets for something to occupy your time as the sun set.
You weren't exactly an art connoisseur, but you did like looking at art on occasion in museums, and you did spend a good portion of your childhood drawing. You couldn't say you'd been gifted, but it counted as something, right?
So you'd paid the entrance fee and wandered about the large room, eyeing the paintings on the white walls carefully like the rest of the patrons inside.
Most of them were landscapes or fruit bowls, what you considered typical beginner stuff, though you had to admit to yourself they were a lot better than what you could ever muster up in your mandatory art class in high school.
There were a few portraits of people you did not recognize, probably relatives or friends of the artists, that truly did impress you, the details in the color of their skin and the lifelike hair not going unappreciated, but there was one painting that really confounded you.
The only word to describe it was color. It was just swirls of black and gray and white with hints of blue. All dull, except for the big splash of bright red smeared over it, an inch in width, spanning from the lower left of the painting to the middle right.
You stared at it, wondering what could compel a grown adult to throw a few layers of paint on a board and call it art. You could do a better job, you thought.
Money, you mused. You knew if the artist got famous, a painting like this would be well sought after and on occasion sold for millions. Rich people paintings.
You shook your head.
"Not impressed?" Someone with a deep voice asked from behind you.
They stepped forward, beside you, inches away from your left shoulder, and you glanced at them.
He was tall, and handsome, was your first thought. Overdressed for this particular gallery, in a black suit and tie, a white dress shirt, and black dress shoes. The man's dark brown hair was cut on the shorter side but was long enough to flop a little over his forehead, and he sported a well-trimmed beard. The neatness of the trim almost hid the patchiness of it, but you still noticed a few of the spots that stubbornly refused to grow hair. It was cute. You personally thought imperfections like that added character. Most guys didn’t have full beards anyway.
You were studying him for so long you almost forgot to reply to his question. "I don't know if I'm into art enough to be able to appreciate this kind," you finally told him. "It just looks like something a five year old would make in their spare time."
The man chuckled. "Yeah, I guess sometimes it does. Abstract Expressionism is certainly not for everyone."
Though his tone was light and kind, you felt dread as something awful occurred to you. "Oh my god, you're not the artist, are you?"
Please, please, don't be, you begged silently. You'd die of embarrassment if he was. You hated hurting other people’s feelings over something as trivial as art styles.
He grinned at your concern and you were briefly able to focus on how gorgeous and contagious it would be to you if you weren't so worried over possibly having criticized his artwork in one of the worst possible ways.
"You're safe," he assured you. "I'm just an observer here too."
You pressed a hand over your heart, massively relieved. "Thank god. I'm not trying to be mean; I just truly don't get it."
"It's alright," he said. "I didn't get it either at first."
"But you do now?" you prompted. You were curious what he had to say about the painting.
He pointed to the red streak. "Red over dark colors. The artist is expressing a dark mood, most likely depression, tinged with anger."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "That's such a basic answer," you said boldly. "And it's wrong."
"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows and nodded at you to go on.
"Pretty sure it is depression in the background, but that splash of red is love," you answered confidently.
"How can you be sure?" he inquired, apparently impressed by your conviction on the topic.
"There's more lighter grays and white around the streak of red suggesting that color is brightening the darkness around it," you pointed out cleverly. "And the nameplate says this is Love Through The Dark."
You smirked. You'd noticed the name of the painting while he was busy explaining what he personally saw in the work.
He belly laughed. It was loud, but pleasant to your ears. "Pretty and smart."
Your heart fluttered at being called pretty by him. Being called smart was nice too, but you got called smart a lot more than pretty, and being called pretty by him in particular was pleasing. It also made the conversation clearer to you. You hadn't been sure until then that his intentions for you were something beyond small talk about the painting.
You turned to him and smiled. "I try."
"Well, you succeeded," he told you, before extending his right hand out to you. "I'm Marcus. Marcus Pike."
His hand dwarfed yours when you shook it and said your name to him.
"It's nice to meet you," he said, still smiling warmly at you. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me sometime? We could exchange phone numbers and decide on when and where through text?"
You were caught off guard by his forwardness and you hesitated long enough his expression turned into one of insecurity. He brushed a hand through his hair. "Sorry if that was too upfront."
"No, no," you said quickly, flashing a smile to reassure him. "It's refreshing. I hate how society makes it feel like we have to dance around questions like that for an hour. Especially since I would like to go on a date with you, Marcus. Do you have your phone on you?"
"Of course." He pulled it out of his back pocket as you drew yours out from your purse. His was an iPhone like yours, but several generations older. You tended to keep up with the trends of technology, if being one year behind counted (the discounts were decent) but he apparently had little concern about that.
You both swapped numbers, writing them into your contract lists, and put your phones back away.
"Well, I better get going," Marcus declared a moment later, his tone regretful. He was truly sorry about it. "I have to get up early for work in the morning."
"That must suck," you figured, showing him sympathy.
He shrugged. "Depends on what the day entails. I enjoy my job for the most part, even if it takes up some of my weekends. And…I'll tell you more about it on our date."
You grinned. He was holding out on you, like you needed more reason to go on that date. "Alright. I'll text you later, after I think of the best day for it."
"And I'll text you with location ideas," he told you.
He backed off and you exchanged waves before he strolled away towards the front door.
You watched him go, not shy about starring at his...assets, even though you were in public.
Cute, you concluded.
You were really going to look forward to that date.
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raindancer2004 · 2 years
Foreign Exchange Student
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Word Count: 6,301 Demetri x Reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, angst
Matt was 17 years old when he was turned, collateral damage after two vampires killed his parents and him, or so they thought. Matt had woken up alone and scared and had run into Carlisle outside Fork’s General Hospital. Carlisle explained to him that he was a vampire and that was the reason why he was craving blood. “If you want to stay in the area, you will need to be better at hunting and disposing of your meal or you’ll attract the attention of the Volturi and that won’t end well for you” “Who are the Volturi?” Matt asked “They are the governing body of our world and while there are not many rules to follow but they are enforced, so it’s best to learn them and stay under their radar.” “Ok, thank you for telling me and for the advice” Matt replied as he and Carlisle walked towards Carlisle’s car.
Carlisle took Matt home with him and he and Esme informed Matt all about vampires, their laws and that they were vegetarian by feeding on animals. Matt understood the rules and was aware of the treaty and although he gained self-control around humans rather quickly, he still craved the human blood diet after sticking to the vegetarian diet for a year. After a long talk Esme, Carlisle and Matt left things in an amicable way before he left to go to Volterra, wanting to meet the Kings and learn more about this new world.
Matt was accepted into the guard as Caius was impressed with Matt’s curiosity of the Volturi, their laws and the fact that he chose the traditional vampire diet over the unconventional vegetarian diet. ‘Caius 1 – Carlisle 0’ He thought to himself with a smile.
The Kings had allowed Matt to go to college and as a result he ended up being chosen as part of the foreign exchange programme, where he and a human girl would swap homes for twelve weeks. The Kings were not entirely convinced it was a good idea but Matt pleaded his case as he would be in Seattle, which meant his secret was less likely to be exposed due to the wet and cold weather. “I have enough self-control not to eat the human family I’d be staying with, not to mention Carlisle Cullen is only a short running distance from where I’ll be if I need help or anything. Also, I’m sure that the guards here can help you keep our secret from the human girl.” The Kings nodded “Very true and it was Carlisle who helped you get control in the first place despite not being your sire. We will do everything we can to ensure she doesn’t learn of our secret so she can return home at the end of her stay” Matt nodded as Marcus spoke “As we are allowing you to take part in this programme you must check in with us regularly” Caius added and Matt nodded as he replied “I understand and thank you masters.”
Marcus’ wing had an empty room that wasn’t being used for anything and so he offered it to be used by Y/N for the duration of her stay. Due to Marcus’ good level of self-control around humans his brothers did not question this generous offer. “The girl will be safer in my wing of the castle than in one of the guest rooms on the lower floors” “Agreed brother” Aro replied with a smile.
Heidi and Chelsea redecorated the room and made it a little more modern as it hadn’t been touched for centuries. The walls were painted a soft grey and a pair of silver and white curtains hung over the balcony doors. The bathroom was painted cream and new towels and flannels were bought along with new bedspreads, one was grey with soft pink flowers, one was cream with grey stripes and the last was pale pink with silver swirls. A large cream and grey fluffy rug was placed in front of the fireplace and Chelsea got Afton to put up some shelves so she could put some books in the room, thus giving Y/N something to do when she wasn’t doing schoolwork.
Y/N arrived in Volterra mid-November ready to spend twelve weeks with her ‘new’ family whilst Matt had gone to stay with her family courtesy of the foreign exchange programme. Santiago and Chelsea went to collect Y/N from the airport. Chelsea held up the sign with Y/N’s name on and watched as she made their way towards them with a small smile ‘nerves I bet’ Chelsea thought to herself. “Hello Y/N I’m Chelsea and this is Santiago, it’s very nice to meet you” “It’s nice to meet you too” Y/N replied.
Although the Volturi were prepared for a human to stay with them for twelve weeks, nothing prepared them for what happened on her first night at the castle.
Once back at the castle Chelsea took Y/N to the throne room to meet Aro and Caius whilst Santiago took her luggage up to her room. Santiago knocked on the door to Marcus’ private study and was greeted by Demetri, Marcus’ personal guard. “Evening Santiago, everything ok?” “Evening Demetri and yes everything’s ok. I just wanted to let Marcus know that Y/N has arrived and is in the throne room being introduced to Aro and Caius” Santiago replied. “Lovely, we’ll come down to meet her” Marcus called out softly as he rose from his desk and made his way to the door.
The atmosphere in the throne changed the moment Marcus and Demetri entered the throne room. Demetri felt a new tenor reaching out to him, no calling to him and he realised almost instantly who the new tenor belonged to as Y/N was the only new person in the room. “Ahh brother you’re back. Come meet Y/N” Aro says with a smile and Marcus makes his way up to his throne, Demetri following him but stopping beside Y/N, turning to look at her “Y/N meet Demetri, he’s one of the elite guards and Marcus’ bodyguard” Aro says pointing at Demetri. Y/N turns to look at the person standing next to her and her breath catches in her throat unable to speak. Marcus smiles knowingly and taps Aro’s shoulder as he holds out his other hand.
“Hello Y/N, it’s nice to meet you” Demetri says with a smile “It-It’s nice to meet you too” She replies looking up at him with a small smile of her own. “Well, our secret will need to be shared now” Aro said low to Marcus who nodded. Caius’ gaze went from his brothers to Demetri and Y/N and back again and then it clicked. He stood from his throne and approached his brothers “Are they mates brother?” He asked low looking at Marcus, who nodded. “That’ll make the next twelve weeks a little easier round here” Caius replied. “Y/N, I’d like you to meet my brother Marcus” Aro said, gaining her attention. Y/N turned to face the Kings and smiled at Marcus “It’s nice to meet you” “And you my dear” He replied smiling before turning to Demetri and giving him a knowing smile and a nod. “Demetri, please show Y/N to her room, she must want to rest after her long flight. I’ll meet you back in my study shortly” Marcus said softly “Yes master” Demetri replied and turned to face Y/N “If you want to follow me” She nodded and followed him, thanking him for holding the throne room door open for her.
Demetri pointed out things about the castle along the way, like how old certain paintings or tapestries were. He even showed her the three suits of armour but neglected to mention they were worn by the Kings during the fourteenth century after Aro saw humans wearing them in battle and thought it’d be fun to wear them in mock battles / training sessions in the castle gardens. He chuckled low at the memory.
“This is the West wing and this your room. You share the wing with Marcus” Demetri said as he opened the door for her. “Thank you for showing me to my room” She smiled at up him, oh how he loved her smile already. Demetri resisted the urge to pick her up and carry her to his room, fighting his instincts to have her close to him where he could protect her. “You’re welcome Y/N, goodnight” “Goodnight Demetri.” He closed the door behind him and made his way to Marcus’ study, wanting nothing to more than to talk with the King and have him confirm that Y/N really is his mate.
“Ah Demetri, I trust Y/N is settled into her room” Marcus said as the tracker entered his study “Yes, she is…” “What’s on your mind?” Marcus asked “I like her, I mean really like her. I want her close to me, want to protect her but I don’t dare believe I’m lucky enough to call her my mate” Demetri replied “Well believe me, she is your mate and you have our blessing to tell her about mates, vampires and our world. Also we are giving you two weeks off so you can get to know her initially without your duties getting in the way” Demetri’s mouth fell open in shock and Marcus laughed “Take a seat, I’m guessing you have questions” Demetri nodded and sat in the chair opposite Marcus. “Thank you for the time off it’s appreciated and yes I do have a few questions” Marcus nodded for him to continue “How would you suggest I tell her we’re mates; I mean I only met her an hour ago and yet I’m already drawn to her? How do I tell her that vampires really exist and that we survive on human blood without scaring her? How do I tell her that all I want to do is to be near her, hold her, protect her?” Marcus chuckled again “Let’s answer them one at a time” Demetri nodded and waited for Marcus to speak again.
“Firstly, I suggest that tomorrow you give her a proper tour of the castle and the grounds and introduce her to Gianna. Whilst doing this ask her questions about herself, her likes, dislikes, hobbies etc and she will no doubt answer you and ask you those things in return, thus you getting to know one another without any pressure. Secondly, tell her about vampires including that we have soulmates, be sure to mention that we only get one in our lifetime and mates are to be loved and protected forever. Also tell her about our diet but make sure you tell her she is safe with us, that no harm will befall her. Gianna will also be proof that she is safe. We can give her a history lesson once she’s been here a while. Thirdly, tell her that she is your mate, remind her of your previous conversation about mates, about the fact you will be protective of her whether she be human or vampire. Just to clarify only step one is to be executed tomorrow.” Demetri nodded “Step two can be done the day after and step three can be done after a month, this will have given her time to get to know you and come to trust you” “Thank you for your advice, truly. Please forgive me for asking this as I know it probably goes without saying but please keep her safe whilst she’s here sharing your wing…until I am able to have her with me in my quarters” “No forgiveness needed dear boy. I would have been disappointed in you if you hadn’t asked me to keep her safe” Marcus replied “Really?” “Yes, really. I know I said before she arrived that she’d be safe here with me but things have changed, she is your mate, your one true love and I would expect you to want her to be kept safe both with and without your presence” “Thank you again master, I am very grateful.” Marcus nodded and they sat in a comfortable silence for a bit as they both digested this evening’s revelation.
The following morning Demetri knocked on Y/N’s door with a tray of food. “Good morning Y/N, I have bought you breakfast” “Good morning Demetri, thank you that’s really kind of you” She smiled and stepped back allowing him to enter her room. “Heidi and Chelsea did a good job with the room” He mused aloud and she nodded “I like the colour scheme; it suits the room don’t you think?” He nodded and smiled at her “It does yes, who thought grey, pink and cream would be such a good combination.”
Y/N ate her breakfast as Demetri read one of the books from the shelves. “I thought I would give you a proper tour of the castle and the grounds, what do you think?” “I’d like that, thank you” She replied and smiled at him again. ‘I hope she still smiles at me tomorrow when I tell her vampires exist, that I’m a vampire, that everyone here is a vampire, excluding Gianna’ He thought to himself, his own smile fading a little.
As he gave her a tour off the castle they spoke about their favourite things, their hobbies and she asked about his job at the castle. Demetri found it very easy to talk to her despite the noticeable age gap between them, although Y/N was unaware of his true age. He discovered that he and his mate had lots in common and the few differences they had would only make life more interesting as the years went on.
Demetri took Y/N out into the garden and showed her over to the Queen’s prized Roses and took a seat on the bench there. “Y/N there are a few things we need to discuss” “Ok, I’m listening” She replied and turned to face him. “I need you to hear me out before you react and please know you are safe here. I promise” “O-ok” She moved back on the bench a little and he could tell that she seemed a little nervous now and he cursed himself for being the reason. He took a deep unneeded breath before speaking. “I am a vampire, everyone here in the castle are vampires with the exception of Gianna. She is human, the same as you.” Y/N laughed thinking he was joking with her but he didn’t smile or laugh along with her. “You’re not joking, are you?” “No, Y/N I’m not” He replied and watched for her reaction “You said to hear you out and to know that I am safe here, what else do I need to know?” He could tell from her voice and the change in her posture that she was unsure if she wanted to know the answer. “Vampires are immortal and we survive by drinking blood. Myself and my family survive on the traditional diet of human blood…” He noticed Y/N’s eyes widen and he quickly but gently took her hand in his, letting his thumbs rub soothing circles on her hand. “…You are safe here remember, just as Gianna is. Noone at the castle will harm you and your parents are safe with Matt too” “My-my parents. They-they have a vampire living with them…I-I need to tell them…” “You can’t tell them Y/N. The existence of vampires must be kept a secret” “But-but you’ve told me” “That’s because there’s an entire castle full of us, how long do you think it would be until one of them let slip our secret. Matt has good self-control around humans and we have friends in the area who are vegetarian if he needs help in regards to hunting…” “Friends in the area? You mean I’ve been living near vampires and not known it?” She asked cutting him off, shock clearly showing on her face and he nodded “Yes…” “Wait. Hold up. You said your friends were vegetarian. How can vampires be vegetarian?” She cut him off again and he chuckled “They are vegetarian because they feed on the blood of animals instead of humans.” Y/N’s mouth fell open slightly in shock.
A few moments of silence settled between them as she tried to understand what Demetri had just told her. “Are you ok Y/N?” His voice low, concern etched onto his face “I-I think so. It-it’s a lot to take in you know. I mean I thought vampires were characters from literature but it turns out you’re walking around amongst us humans and we don’t even know it” “I can understand that. It was a big shock when I found out about vampires after I was turned” He replied “Can I ask how long you’ve been a vampire? Unless that’s rude to ask then don’t worry” He chuckled again, finding her curiosity endearing “It’s not rude to ask and I’ve been a vampire for over a 1000 years now” “WOW!” She was clearly shocked by his answer “Well you don’t look that old, you’ve aged well Demetri” She complimented him and if he could have blushed, he would have. “Thank you, Y/N. Vampires are frozen at the age they were, when they are turned” “Oh, well that makes sense I suppose. How old were you when you became immortal?” “I was 21 at the time” “Ah I see, that explains why you look so good for your age” Again, if he could have blushed his cheeks would be rosy “You look very good for your age too Y/N” He replied with a smile and her cheeks took on a light blush at his words.
“Is there anything else I need to know about vampires?” “Yes, actually quite a bit but some of it can wait for another day” He replied and watched as she moved a little closer to him “Can you tell me the stuff that can’t wait for another day?” He smiled and nodded at her, pleased she was taking the news well. “Vampires have mates, soulmates to be exact and we only get one mate in our lifetime…” She nodded in understanding as he continued speaking “…Mates are very precious to one another and are loved and protected for forever.” “Forever is such a long time, what would happen if you fell out of love with one another?” “It doesn’t happen darling. Mates are for life, for eternity really. That’s why we only get one. If we lose our mate, we never get over it. Sadness, loneliness and eventually a deep depression befalls us. I’ve known a few vampires who have lost their mate and they have dealt with it differently” Y/N shifted a little closer and rested her other hand on his “The idea of soulmates sounds so romantic, to be loved and cherished forever would be every girl’s dream…and boy’s I’m sure…” He chuckled lightly as she added the last bit hurriedly “…But the consequences that befall your kind if you lose a mate sound horrible, unbearable even” “It is. Marcus lost his mate long before I joined the family and he hasn’t got over it but then the love the two of them shared was very deep, from what I have been told.” Y/N’s eyes became glassy “Poor Marcus. I can’t believe he has to spend the rest of his existence alone” Demetri hesitantly wiped away the lone tear that fell down her cheek ‘Bless her kind heart and soul’ he thought to himself, a small smile settled on his face.
Over the course of the week Y/N spent time with Demetri and they got to know one another better. He gave her a tour of the city on a cloudy day, wanting to show her what the city had to offer. “Why can we only leave the castle on a cloudy day?” “Because despite what literature would have you believe Vampires do not burn in sunlight and turn to ash…we sparkle” Y/N’s face broke into a wide smile and couldn’t help giggling “I’m being serious Y/N, I sparkle in sunlight and if we had left the castle yesterday I would have exposed my kind and I would have been punished severely” He replied and she stopped laughing, noticing a serious look settling on his face. “How severely are we talking?” “Dismemberment and thrown in the dungeon for a few decades, a century maybe…at least or…” “Or what?” “Death. I would be torn apart and the pieces burnt. Burning us is the only way to kill us” The shock that crossed her face and the hurt look in her eyes told him that she felt something for him, he just couldn’t say what that something was.
That evening Felix stopped by for a visit and terrified Y/N when his booming voice sounded behind her. “Hello little human. You smell delicious” Y/N jumped, a scream left her lips and Demetri was by her side in a flash, growling at Felix. “FELIX! REALLY?” He turned his back to his friend, placing his hands gently on her arms and rubbing them gently to calm her “Y/N it’s ok, Felix is my friend and that was his way of saying hello…” She nodded as she placed her hands on his arms “…He’s not the brightest of vampires at times” “HEY! I resent that D” Felix called back before slowly stepping into the room and approaching Y/N and Demetri. “I am sorry I scared you…but you do smell delicious by the way…” “FELIX!” “…But I would never harm you. I promise” He added with a smile and watched as Y/N nodded slowly “Hello Felix” Her voice soft and quiet. Demetri wanted to hit his friend for scaring his mate, but neither Felix nor Y/N knew what she was to him yet and so he took an unneeded breath and counted to ten in his head.
Later that night Demetri paid Felix a visit to his room “We need to talk” “Hello to you D” Felix replied sarcastically “Hello Fe” “What would you like to talk to me about?” “Y/N is my mate and although she doesn’t know it yet, I won’t stand for anyone scaring her or harming her…” Demetri stepped closer to Felix and poked his chest as he continued to speak “…And.that.includes.you” “Ok D. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare her and you know I’d never hurt her…your mate or not, she’s under the King’s protection for as long as she’s here” “I’m aware of that Fe…” Demetri couldn’t help growling at his friend as he continued to talk “…But she’s mine and I will protect her forever” Felix took a step back “Relax D. She’s safe with me and I’ll protect her too. I promise” Demetri nodded “Thank you” “You’re welcome and if you’ve finished growling at me, how about a game of cards?” Felix asked, his tone light. Demetri chuckled “Sounds good.”
Y/N went to Demetri’s room, curious to check out his book collection as he had mentioned he had a few bookcases in his room full of different genres. “It’s a like a mini library, I could stay here all day and read” She said over her shoulder, a light chuckle escaping her. “Then why don’t you? Spend the day in here with me…I mean?” He asked, his voice got lower as he spoke suddenly feeling a little unsure of himself. She turned to face him with a big smile on her face “Really? You don’t mind?” Demetri chuckled “I wouldn’t have asked if I did darling” She nodded and sat on the sofa with a book and watched as Demetri added a few logs to the fire before joining her on the sofa with a book of his own, pleased he got to spend another day alone with his mate.
Y/N had been at the castle for about a month and had become close friends with Demetri and Heidi. Felix still made her a little nervous although she tried hard to not show it. Alec and Jane were polite to her whenever they saw her but they were not ready to take the next step of befriending her. Demetri was ok with this for now as it meant he go to spend more time with her, something that he greatly enjoyed and appreciated. “So…when are you going to tell Y/N that you’re mates?” Heidi asked as Demetri and her made their way to greet to the ‘tourists’ “Soon, I’m just waiting for the right moment” He replied “Mmm, ok” Heidi replied, knowing that Demetri was stalling because he was worried that Y/N may not want him that way.
A few days later Demetri returned to his room after Guard duty to find Y/N studying in his room “Hope you don’t mind but I needed this book of yours and your room is quieter than the library. Afton, Felix and a few of the others were having a ‘discussion’…” Y/N used air quotes “…about Animal Farm. Apparently Felix is not convinced that it is a book with political themes as it involves farmyard animals…” Demetri could see the amusement shining in her eyes as she spoke “…Afton and the others are trying to explain / convince him that the author used the animals to portray the political views as he thought it would make the topic easier to digest” “I’m going to assume it got rather loud then” He chuckled and she nodded “If you want me to leave so you can relax I will and I’ll return your book tomorrow” Y/N said and began to close her laptop and books. Demetri placed his hand on hers gently as he spoke “You are welcome in here anytime darling, you know that” “But…” “But nothing” He cut her off “I’m going for a shower and to change and you’re going to continue working on that essay” “Are you sure? I know you’ve had a long day” “I’m sure” He replied smiling, liking how her scent filled his room. Y/N nodded and got to back to work “Enjoy your shower” “I will” He replied and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up.
Y/N ate dinner in Demetri’s room whilst she studied. Demetri was at his desk sorting out paperwork but couldn’t help looking over at her every few minutes. “You ok Dem?” Y/N asked “Hmm?” Demetri replied, he had become distracted “I’ve been trying to get your attention but you seem to be in your own little world” She chuckled “Sorry” “Don’t be. I just wanted to say my essay is done and I’m going to give you your room back” “NO” His reply louder than intended “Sorry” He stood and took her hand in his “You don’t have to go Y/N, stay…relax…please” Y/N chuckled “Ok, ok I’ll stay and keep you company Dem” She patted his chest before turning around and walking towards the sofa. Demetri took a book from one of his bookshelves before taking a seat next to Y/N on the sofa and reading to her aloud.   
Y/N woke up in Demetri’s arms in the early hours of the morning and smiled seeing his arms still wrapped around her as they laid on the sofa. “Sorry I feel asleep Dem” Her voice held a sleepy tone to it “Don’t be, this is the closest I’ve gotten to sleep in about a thousand years” He replied low and she chuckled “Well, I’ll just go back to sleep then and let you continue to ‘sleep’ too” “Sounds good to me, although I think I’ll move us to the bed as there’s more room…” “As long as I can still sleep in your arms” “That’s a definite darling, don’t worry about that” He lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He pulled back the duvet and gently laid her down before climbing in beside her, pulling the duvet over them. She moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close “Goodnight darling” “Goodnight Dem.” Y/N felt safe with Demetri even when she was asleep, something that surprised her considering he was a vampire who survived on human blood.
The next morning Demetri decided that Y/N needed to know that she was his mate as he wanted to start their forever together. “Y/N I need to tell you something, it’s important” “Ok, I’m listening Dem” She replied as she turned to face him giving him her full attention. “Do you remember the conversation we had about vampires and mates?” She nodded and he continued “Y/N you are my mate, my soulmate…” “Well that explains why I find myself falling in love with you so quickly” She said cutting him off and watched as his lips curved into a big smile “I’m falling in love with you too and I will always protect you whether you’re human or vampire” He replied and leant forward pressing his lips to hers in a soft and loving kiss. He pulled back allowing her to breathe before leaning back in for another kiss. He pulled away again and gently rested his forehead against hers. “Move into my room darling” “I-I’m not ready for that but how do you feel about regular sleepovers?” He thought for a moment and then nodded “It’s a good compromise darling” She smiled back at him “Thank you for understanding Dem” “Always darling.”
Two days later Demetri took Y/N out on their first official date starting at the Natural History Museum as she had mentioned about a new exhibit that had been unveiled recently. They then walked around the old, cobbled streets and Y/N noticed the market stalls. They walked hand in hand browsing at what the stalls had to offer and Demetri noticed a jewellery stall and bought her a gold heart-shaped locket. He put it in his pocket quickly so she wouldn’t see it as she approached him and slipped her arm through his.
Once they arrived back at the castle Demetri took her to the kitchen and the first thing she noticed was that one of the tables was covered in a white table cloth with a silver candelabra sitting in the middle of the table. Two sets of silver cutlery were laid on the table beside white plates placed on silver placemats. The smell of Lasagne and garlic bread filled the air and Y/N’s stomach grumbled low. “I think someone is hungry” Demetri spoke low in her ear and she nodded “It smells wonderful.” “Please take a seat and dinner will be served” Gianna said softly as she entered the room, Heidi following behind her. Heidi had laid the table exactly as Demetri has asked and Gianna had cooked Y/N’s favourite meal along with a Banana Rum cake for dessert. Heidi opened a bottle of wine and poured Y/N and Demetri a glass each. “This is amazing Dem, thank you” “You’re welcome mi amore” He replied with a loving smile. “Thank you Heidi, Gianna for helping him” “It was our pleasure hunny” Heidi replied and Gianna nodded “I also get to eat the lovely meal I prepared for you so it’s a win win for me” She chuckled “Dinner is delicious G” Y/N complimented with a smile “Just wait till you get to the dessert” Y/N nodded and smiled at her.
Once they had finished dinner they made their way upstairs and Demetri led her to his room, closing the door behind them. Y/N took a seat on the sofa and waited for Demetri to join her. “I have something for you darling” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box and handed it to her. She opened the box and a gasp slipped from her lips “It’s beautiful, thank you Dem” She leant forward and kissed him “I love you” He kissed her back “I love you too darling.”
Over the next two months when Demetri wasn’t on guard duty or missions and Y/N wasn’t busy studying, they worked on building their relationship wanting it to be strong enough to survive being apart once she returned home to finish the academic year. “Mates don’t well apart but we’ll text and speak on the phone daily and when I’m able I will come visit you in Forks” Demetri said trying to sound upbeat when really he was sad at having to be apart from his mate. “Exactly, we’ll make this work Dem, I promise” She replied before going on her tip toes and kissing him, his hands going to her waist to pull her flush against his body.
Y/N’s last day in Volterra came too quickly for her and Demetri’s liking. “You all packed?” Felix asked from the doorway “Yep” Y/N replied over her shoulder “D will be ok. I’ll look after him” Felix said as he came to stand behind her, resting a hand gently on her shoulder “You’ll be ok too. You’ll have your family and friends to look after you” Y/N nodded in response, feeling tears building behind her eyes. She took one last look around the room ensuring she hadn’t left anything behind before taking a deep breath and following Felix downstairs to the throne room.
“I’m going to miss having you around my dear” Marcus said to Y/N as he gently wrapped his arms around her “Just remember this is your home and we cannot wait until you are back with us” Aro said as he hugged Y/N goodbye “Yes, the castle will definitely be quieter without you here…and I’m not sure that I like that” Caius added as he gave her a quick one armed hug “Safe travels my dear and come back home as soon as you can” Athenodora said as she and Sulpicia both wrapped Y/N in a tight hug. “I’m going to miss you all as well” Y/N replied, knowing she was going to miss the castle full of vampires.
Once Y/N had said goodbye to everyone Demetri took her hand in his and led her to the castle doors. He pulled her into his arms wrapping them tightly around her although being careful not to hurt her. “I’m going to miss you Dem, so very much” Her voice muffled slightly as she nuzzled into him “I’m going to miss you too darling. I wish you could stay” He kissed the top of her head “Me too but I can’t, I have to return home so I can graduate” “I know, I know” His voice low. He pulled back a little and captured her lips in a loving kiss “I love you my darling” Tears slipped down her cheeks “I love you too Dem.” He cupped her face in his hands and gently wiped away the tears with his thumbs.
Demetri and Y/N struggled to be apart as they and everyone else knew they would, the silver lining being that this time apart was just a temporary situation. Y/N cried herself to sleep most nights as she missed him, missed being around him and felt hollow inside, like a part of her was missing. Demetri felt like he had been ripped in two, he missed being with Y/N, missed seeing her around the castle and in his room especially since her scent had faded from his room weeks ago.
They both were counting down the days until they could be reunited forever. “Two weeks left” Demetri said aloud as he crossed another day off the calendar. He looked around his room and smiled at the few feminine touches he had added ready for Y/N’s return. He had bought a few fluffy blankets and some throw pillows as he knew that she liked to snuggle up on the sofa with a good book after a hard day studying. He also got Heidi to buy some dresses for Y/N so she had something nice to wear for their upcoming dates.
Demetri drove to the airport to collect Y/N despite originally asking Santiago to go as he was meant to be on duty but Santiago declined and offered to do his shift instead. “Go collect your girl, I’ll do your shift” “Really?” “Yea, but you owe me one” Santiago called as Demetri sprinted towards the underground garage.
Once Y/N had collected her suitcase and cleared customs she made her way outside the airport expecting to see Santiago but was surprised when she heard a familiar voice “Hello darling” She spun around quickly and smiled “Demi” She called out as she ran to him, he caught her easily and spun around with her in his arms. He put her down and captured her lips with his, the kiss was hot and needy “MINE” He growled in her ear as he buried his head in the crook of her neck “Always” She replies kissing his cheek and wrapping her arms around his waist tightly.
Once back at the castle Demetri parks his car and pulls Y/N into his arms “Dem” She squeals in surprise and feels her mate’s arms wrap around her firmly. They breathed in each other’s scents and Y/N felt her stomach drop as she remembered that she would have to sleep alone again tonight despite being back in the castle. Demetri picked up the subtle change in Y/N’s demeanour following their embrace and knew what was bothering her. “Move into my quarters darling” “Sorry” Y/N replied shaking her head, thinking she had heard him wrong. “Move into my quarters darling” He repeated himself “On one condition” She replied quickly “Anything, it’s yours” He replied just as quickly and she chuckled before replying “I want to sleep in your arms every night…whilst I’m human at least” “Darling, I will hold you in my arms every night for eternity” He replied before capturing her lips in a loving kiss. Eternity just got a little sweeter for both of them.  
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Footie Fics :)
prompts lists
meeting prompts
prompt list
cute intimate prompts
(requests are not exclusive to these lists, send in anything you like and I’ll give it a shot!)
also want to just put it out there that I’ll never accept a request involving players real life families / stuff like that. they’ll never be included in the fics and everything here is completely imaginative and fictional with no relation or link to the players personally. that said, request away! :)
how i headcanon member of the england nt when they’re travelling - a stupid thing i made once
insta files masterlist
Jack Grealish
linked fics / stories
Friends for now
Not mates
this is happiness
illicit affairs
fell for you
Mama’s Boys
Villa boy
changed man
snow days and haribo rings
right here with me
Kieran Tierney
Dating would include
nsfw alphabet
christmas market
this is what dreams are made of
Jordan Henderson
linked fics / series
Rose Garden
Painted Roses
fluff alphabet
John Stones
linked fics / series
always yours
part two
john x single mum reader
black tie turbulence
my hero
say it back
nsfw alphabet
because i’m in love with you
holiday hatred (smut)
no matter what // (part 2)
traffic lights
work welcome
everybody knows
changing it up
longer than forever lasts
car problems
christmas jumper
dad duty
Ben Chilwell
please don’t say you love me (1)
cause i might not say it back (2)
doesn’t mean my heart’s not skipping (3)
when you look at me like that (4)
single dad!ben x reader
helping hand
a team
reunions and surprises
welcome to the family
good luck charm
want it again (part two)
i believe
Ben White
dating would include
holiday heartbreak
Andy Robertson
fics/multi part pieces
ruined it // part two
resentment // part two
baby girl
a fathers woe
not just the physio
feeling some kind of way
nsfw alphabet
uprooted plans
with a bang
best kept secret
Marcus Rashford
meet the family
the one
count on me (series)
part one
part two
seil il mio amore piu grande
Mason Mount
3am confessions
biggest mistake
quite miss home
John McGinn
double win
you got me
Rúben Dias
next to you
not ready
daddy's home
blue masterlist
insta files
songwriter girlfriend blurb
ring blurb
looking out for you blurb
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
One Too Many
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Fem!Reader
Words: 1541
Warnings: Drinking. Awkward confessions. Spiraling thoughts. Cuddling.
Summary: Perhaps that last drink was one too many...
A/N: For @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday Picture Prompt. I feel like I might just turn these prompts into little Pike oneshots. Sorry this was late I'm not myself lately for some reason. Let me know how I’m doing in the comments please and thank you. Add yourself to the taglist here.
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"Are you kidding me?" You throw your cards on the table and relax back into the couch, taking a long sip from the beer can in front of you before standing up and pulling off your tank top. You shake your head as you add it on top of the pile of clothes you've been losing for the past couple of turns.
"Guess I underestimated you Pike," you lay back again and tilt your head to the side to rest it on the pillow behind you, watching as Marcus does everything in his power to avoid looking at your exposed skin.
"And I thought you'd be better at this," he replies as he mirrors you and shugs down the rest of his drink, all the while refusing to acknowledge how almost naked you are.
"Go on then, deal." You point at the cards as you lean forward again and push the beer cans aside.
"Maybe we should stop..." He collects the cards and sets them on the side of the table, barely meeting your eyes for a few seconds before he feigns checking his phone.
"What? You're not getting shy on me now, are you Pike?" You smile when he blushes underneath your scrutiny and huffs in irritation.
"N-no, we just had too many drinks, and I...and you look cold so-"
"I'm sitting in front of you in nothing but my bra and panties, and you're worried about me being cold? God, who are you?" You stand up and make your way to the fridge to bring out some more beer.
"No no, that's enough for you." Marcus runs behind you immediately and shuts the door to the fridge before filling up a glass of water and handing it to you.
"Drink the damn water...please," Marcus whispers, and you frown at him as you drink the cold liquid. Marcus can't look away from the way your throat bobs up and down as you drink, and he almost moans when a few drops of water escape the corner of your mouth and roll down your neck. When you put the glass back on the counter and turn to him, you find the blush from earlier much darker. As you follow his line of sight, you smile to yourself and raise an eyebrow at his shameless staring.
"See something you like, Agent?" You tease him and try not to giggle when he drags his eyes away from you and apologizes for making you uncomfortable.
"You didn't make me uncomfortable. You never do. It's why I like you so goddamn much actually. You're always so kind to everyone, even when they don't deserve it. And you're really good at your job, and you make sure everyone knows how much you rely on them to do theirs even though you probably don't need any of us because you're smart and- and...ugh, now I probably made you uncomfortable. I- I can't help it, I'm sorry. You're just so perfect. Perfect and sweet and- and pretty."
Marcus doesn't know what to do other than stand still as you continue to lean into him. His breath hitches when he feels the palms of your hands on his cheeks, and he feels bad for not shaving earlier because the last thing he wants is to cause your soft hands discomfort. He's grown even quieter somehow and shuts his eyes as soon as he feels your thumb caressing his lower lip.
"And you have the most kissable lips I've ever seen. I've wanted to kiss them for so long..s-so long." Marcus thinks you're going to do it, and he prepares himself to feel your lips against his. But then you're pulling away from him and leaning back on the counter, whispering something beneath your breath and making Marcus open his eyes. He watches as you hug yourself and try to appear smaller, and when he stretches out his hand to try and bring you into his arms, you wriggle away from him and apologize.
"I'm s-sorry, I- I think I had one too many drinks. I should go and- oh god, what did I do?" You're talking to the floor, and Marcus finally realizes the power dynamic between the two of you. Before you spiral any further, Marcus walks around until he's standing in front of you. He takes hold of your shoulder and shakes you lightly to grab your attention.
"Sweetheart, I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?" He asks calmly and waits until you nod at him before he continues.
"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you some change of clothes, and you're going to stay for the night. I'll take the couch, and you can take my room alright? There's a lock on it so you don't have to worry about-"
"I'd never think you'd do anything to me, Marcus." You cut him off suddenly and Marcus feels his heart skip a beat at how angry you sounded.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. We can talk about all of this tomorrow morning, yeah? You're not in trouble sweetheart. You and I had too many drinks, and we need to discuss this with clearer heads. Does that sound like a plan?" He looks at you in a way that makes your stomach twist and you nod at him before you move across the living room. Ever the gentleman, he throws his suit jacket around you as he helps you walk to his bedroom and once you're inside, he hands you one of his pajamas and tells you to change into them. As you do, Marcus heads back to the kitchen, grabbing some Tylenol and a glass of water before returning to his room. He stops at the foot of the door when he sees you in his pajamas, gulping nervously and trying to calm himself as he approaches you.
"These are for when you wake up tomorrow. Do you need anything else?" He asks as he tucks you in, smiling when you shake your head and shut your eyes as you feel him brushing your hair aside.
"T-thank you." He barely hears your murmur and nods at you before standing up and heading out of the room.
"Good night sweetheart." Marcus calls out just as he shuts the door to his room and he clenches his fist on the knob when he hears you call after him in return.
"Good night Marcus."
He stands in the middle of his living room and looks around. Marcus begins to clean up shortly after when he realizes that there's no way he will get any rest tonight. He tried his hardest not to get attached to a colleague again but you were different. Just hearing you talk about him made his heart flutter and he hoped that it wasn't the beer talking. He wasn't sure what he'd do if you woke up tomorrow morning and told him that none of what you said was true.
So busy moving back and forth from the kitchen and the living room, Marcus didn't notice you coming up behind him and standing in the middle of the hallway. When he turns around and sees you standing there, he stops what he's doing and approaches you slowly.
"Everything okay? Do you need anything?"
"I- I don't want to be alone tonight." You break the silence and Marcus' breath hitches when he registers what you're asking of him.
"Sweetheart, I- I don't think I should- you've had a lot to drink and you probably need some space to-"
"Please," the soft whimper shakes Marcus to his core and he immediately nods before shutting off the lights and following you back into his room. You waste no time at all and slither back underneath the covers. Marcus grabs his sweatpants and moves to the bathroom to change. His nerves are eating him up, but he reminds himself that you needed him to be his usual self right now. Walking out in his white undershirt and sweatpants, Marcus moves around the bed and slips into the covers. As soon as he shuts off the nightstand lamp, you're crawling across the bed and into his arms, not bothering to say anything as you rest your hand on his chest and nuzzle into his side. It takes him a few seconds to collect his bearings before he wraps his arm around you and leans down to kiss your forehead.
"Is this okay sweetheart?" He asks and shuts his eyes when you somehow grow closer to him.
"Alright, sweet dreams baby." Marcus knows he shouldn't be calling you such intimate pet names but he can't hold himself back, not when you were touching him like he was yours. Like you were his. He doesn't have to wait for too long to hear your soft snores and against his better judgment, he turns on his side and faces you, immediately wrapping his other arm around your back to bring you into his chest.
Having you in his arms, with your hands fisting in the front of his shirt, makes Marcus realize that his previous efforts were all in vain.
He was already attached to you. And he hoped to god that the feeling was mutual.
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Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @tati-adventures @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @vibin-hippie @marsplsstop @mouthymandalorian @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul @bii-aan-ckaa @nohartandsole @djjarins @lamelyssher @giselatropicana
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“Let Me Help You” Marcus x fem!reader
A First Kiss Marcus x gn!reader
Black and White Marcus x gn!reader A night in after a long work week with your favorite FBI agent.
Pancakes Marcus x gn!reader Agent Pike finds out you've never had a decent pancake, so he moves to change that.
Together Marcus x gn!reader You have to work up the courage to ask Marcus to move in together.
Just Friends Marcus x fem!reader A seating struggle in a crowded bar spirals into a night in Agent Pike's bed. Warnings: explicit sexual material
Let Me Marcus x fem!reader Marcus is away on an undercover job but you're feeling rather needy. Warnings: explicit sexual material
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imaginewarehouse · 2 years
Marcus White x AFAB!Reader || Drabbles
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Oh, we are back! For a limited time XD Haha. I just got an explosion of inspo for Marcus and wrote this late last night+this next morning. It is all the smut I was too chicken to write when I was first into him haha XD I hope someone, likes this! But if not, it was also cathartic.
Plot: Fucking Marcus through the seasons. // Enemies with Benefits to Lovers
Warnings: Sooooo much Smut. Filth. Sin!! Hate sex, shameless sex, orgasm denial/edging, Warehouse/Public space fucking, you both being switches, 1 (one) blow job, choking (With the discussion of a safe word), some thigh riding, overstimulation, roleplay, cockwarming, oral (AFAB receiving).
Season 1: Hate sex + Orgasm Denial/Edging
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"Yo," A body leans into the wall next to me suddenly, the sound of their voice muffled by my earplugs. I figure that whoever it is must be addressing me, though, seeing as they've obnoxiously decided to close in on my personal space despite the hunched look I patented in order to keep people from approaching me- and take out the earbuds; Looking up.
There stands Marcus, and I immediately let out a groan- pushing off the wall he's sharing with me in order to just walk away-
But he grabs my wrist and stops me, following me into wall-free space and dragging my traitorous, resistance-less body back to him. Damn- Fuck- Why-
"Y/N, come on. The dumpsters are free- whadaya say?"
What I should say, is no way in hell. Never again, douchebag. Get lost. Die in a fire.
But instead the words that come out of my mouth, are: "Warehouse. 10 minutes."
"You're on." Then he winks, walking away backwards like he thinks he's cool, before turning away and I'm just left wondering why I do this. He's awful! Disgusting, dick-ish, dumb-
-And so-oo good at fucking me. Or, maybe he's just so-oo, available. I don't know what either of these reasonings mean about me, but it could go both ways.
Either way, no matter how much I dislike him personally- I cant help the way my body keens into his hands; Long fingers clenched around my hips and dirty gaze stuck on the way his long cock stretches my hole as it dips inside. He's mesmerised by it. Made stupid by it.
Kinda makes me feel like I have some power in this less-than-glamorous situation I'm in with him.
But god its torture. Hiding my head in my arms as they're folded on a shelf, I give a pained whine and push my ass up some more. Please, Marcus... Please, mercy...
"Aghhhh, baby.... Sorry- it just looks so good. Its- its fucking obscene, I'll admit. But god,... " He gives a sudden, hard thrust and I gasp into my arms, desperately moaning afterwards as the movement abruptly gives me what I want. Please please please!- "So hot. Ya know, you never get this good an angle... with porn... I just have got to savour it while I can, ya know?"
"Ughhh... you fucking know as soon as we share another break you'll get to do this all over again... " He's such an asshole! "Just- " Please-
Suddenly he leans over my back, pushed in balls-deep now in his attempt to communicate with me- and- jesus, I can hear the smirk in his tone! "Oh- is that a promise??"
"Yes!" I snap, knowing its true even though I hate it. And him. "Just- come on! Please. Marcus- before someone catches us, just- " This time it only takes pushing my ass back onto him again to have him chuckling as he leans back.
"Fine, fine!... " He laughs. Laughs! "Lets see how this puppy runs, huh?"
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's so gross.
Season 2: Blowie
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I have recently had an epiphany.
And that is- If you cant beat 'em, join 'em.
Which, in more words, means- If my body is going to insist on wanting Marcus, as it seems to be, then I am no longer going to feel bad about it. I refuse- Its just not worth the stress weight.
So I'm going to be all in.
I am going to make him my bitch.
And part of that is torturing him, now.
Part of it is getting down on my knees for him, its letting myself smirk when I see the familiar bulge pressing against his pants, its taking my time to lick and press and open-mouthed kisses up and down his shaft, until he's painfully hard and red and dripping a pathetic amount of pre-cum.
And I enjoy it. Not just watching Marcus white knuckle the shelves behind him, sleeves rolled up his forearms, eyes closed as my lips devour him slowly, and dark hair a mess against his forehead- But also the actually dirty act- yes, I find myself liking that. Sucking Marcus White's cock.
I make sure its well lubed-up and more then sensitive before I even think about wrapping my lips around the tip. He has to wince when I press a gentle kiss to it, which I'll test out multiple times as I go. When he finally flinches, so unbelievably worked up that he sighs and growls, then I go down on him.
I take him as far as I can, bobbing my head and sucking along his shaft like a total whore- but honestly love every moment of it. He tastes good, and he's lost control of his hands, as they end up in my hair every time. His hips, too, as they buck towards me.
Its hot of him.
Yep- I'm admitting it now. Marcus is hot.
Season 3: Riding + Budding Feelings??
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"Y/N... Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... " Marcus moans, my hips rolling into his at my own pace- though, certainly faster then the speed he would set. Pleasure's building up into tight ball in my lower belly, making me want to go harder- chase my release selfishly- but I stay slow, and steady. I crack my eyes open, to see him below me.
And cant help the grin that slides across my lips. He looks totally blissed out, sitting there on the ground with me propped on top of his lap.
I cant help leaning down and pressing my lips to his- an oddly intimate experience between us. Before the tornado, we almost never kissed. And when we did, it was mostly teeth and tongue gnashing together; Part anger and part lust balled into one big ol' mess.
But, since the tornado... I don't know. I don't know why, and I don't want to think too hard on it, but... it started. We started to kiss. Like now, with his hands dragging me closer by the waist not just so I'll fuck him harder- just so I'll be closer to him??
I part my lips slowly, and the sweet, gentle kiss becomes a hungry one, but its still not the way it was. Our tongues don't fight- we tilt our heads opposite ways into it and his warm muscle pets mine. Sliding over it and circling it, making me moan into his mouth; My hips stutter as the kiss makes my head fuzzy, and I lose concentration.
"Marcus... " I groan against his lips when we finally have to breath, but quickly go back to making out with him.
Its almost as good as the fucking.
Season 4: Choking, Thigh Riding, Fingering and Overstimulation
*This one is set in Ep 11, Steps Challenge. when Marcus gets mad about it (Not as mad as Sandra, but... pretty mad.).
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"Remember the safe word?" He asks, breathing heavily. He came to me a few minutes ago, a hand on my thigh possessively under the breakroom table which surprised me. I looked away from my phone to assess him, and oh boy.
That steps challenge has pissed him off, somehow.
Stoll, I roll my eyes- but gently; Smoothing the wrinkles absentmindedly, almost affectionately, out of his coveralls. What do I care what kind of things the other sin the room might think? Marcus and I are a secret but not a well kept one. "That's not gonna be our safe word, Marcus."
He groans, rolling his shoulders back in irritation. "Come onnn."
"No." Over my dead body, is it going to be Boob Cheese! Theirs no way Marcus will fuck me so bad that it traumatises me any more then his business concept, did.
"Fine. How about- Strawberries?"
Amused, I look up; Biting my bottom lip to keep from giggling. "Strawberries?"
"Yeah- now- come on. I need this." He rolls his own eyes, the frustration clear even in his body language- so I shrug.
"Alright- Strawberries. Now what are you plannin- Ey!"
Marcus is already dragging me to the Warehouse.
"Ah!~" I cant help the desperate whines that come out of me with Marcus' hand around my throat. I never imagined this would be so hot- making me cum already twice. But it just makes me more desperate. For air, for his touch, for an orgasm.
The first time, I came on his thigh- Rubbing myself against the material of his work uniform until he got too frustrated with me and took my hip movements into his own hands; Dragging my more-than-stimulated pussy over his thigh and bumping his leg up every once and awhile- until I let go inside my underwear.
Then, a second time, on his fingers. He rubbed inside me, at my meaty inside walls and the delicate bell inside me rough, until I pressed my forehead into his shoulder and rolled into his ministrations. Needing more.
More more more.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!- " Its becoming too much, especially with my poor, abused cunt now stretching and milking his dick now; Much more then his fingers, or the not-nearly-enough-ness of his knee. I'm overstimulated to hell, but Marcus is intent on fucking me until his frustrations are cleaned out.
"Are you good?" He asks, rubbing a thumb up and down the skin of my throat now instead and squeezing it for a moment, but still drilling me into the wall; My thighs spread wide open and wrapped around him, drawing him closer by my heels.
"Yeah," I reply, almost breathlessly. Please don't make me talk, right now... Useless cursing and pornographic moaning is about all I can manage right now. "Ah!- "
His grip tightened around my throat, and so my pussy follows suit on his cock.
"Hm. Good."
Season 5: Roleplay + Cockwarming
*Set sometime during Ep 13, Favouritism. When he got his desk.
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He was so excited about his desk, and somehow amongst him showing it to me after hours and pretending he's on some 'Important business call'- I ended up sat on it, with him being my boss, and me his darling, slightly slutty receptionist.
Or a lot slutty, considering he's balls deep in me- still taking that 'Important Business Call'.
"Yeah, just send them on through to my receptionist, L/N- Yeah, yeah, man- no you're the best." Its really a testament to Marcus that he's able to bullshit a whole conversation so seamlessly, even with my walls squeezing him for all he's worth like this. He flashes a perfect smile, as if the guy on the other end told him something good. "Thanks, man. She is, yeah- I'll ask 'em."
Excited to get included in the game, I straighten up a bit and tilt my head the side; A perky grin on my lips. "Yes, sir?"
His mouth opens slightly at the use of that address paired with my best, most professional, ready-to-work smile. "... Um... Uh- uh oh yeah, um, do you... Hal wants to know if you've got a boyfriend- he's got a son about your age... Might wanna set ya up."
"Oh," Well, that's unexpected. "Well... " My cheeks go pink. That's I dont know what to make of that question. Is Marcus asking me something about... us? If I wanted anyone else? Um- "T-tell him I'm busy right now... Gotta lotta work to do... with Mr White."
Slowly a mischievous smirk spreads across Marcus' face again. "Yeah you do." He whispers, leaning over and claiming my mouth his; Leaving a dizzying, hot kiss there and forcing me to moan- Hips rolling. The action makes him lose character for a second, releasing a string of obscenities under his breath as his head falls on my shoulder, and thrusting his hips and his cock up deeper into me. Oh god!-
Then he lifts the phone, that had been pressed to his chest as if anyone was there on the other end to hear your exchange, and presses it to his ear again. "Sorry, man, L/N's just reminded me we- I- have a meeting, now. Yeah, see ya, bye!"
Then he puts the phone away and turns mock-sternly, to me.
"You're gonna have to me... "
"Oh?" I ask, grin spreading across my lips.
"You just fucked up that phone call with your hot ass- that's grounds for firing. But I think we can work something else out."
"Oh?" I repeat, fighting not to laugh as I wrap my arms over his shoulders, playing with his hair. "Well, sir, I'll do just about anything, to keep my job... "
Marcus smirks, lifting me by my hips onto the desk. "That's what I wanted to hear."
I actually do laugh, as I lay back on the wood; Legs spreading open wider for him to 'take', me.
Season 6: Pussy eating + Feelings cemented
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"... wow." I suddenly say, surprised at the realisation that just hit me. Marcus and I have been sat on his bed in his room for hours, watching movies- and this has only just now occurred to me. Marcus turns to look at me, raising a brow, and I look back to him. "I just- I just realised. We've never had sex in a bed, before."
Well- there's never been one available, like now. Either, we hated each other too much to make the effort of going to each others houses, or he lived with his mother, or below the store, or I had roommates, or... a whole line of other roadblocks keeping us in the Warehouse, or the bathrooms, or his car or... whatever. I'm not proud of all the places we did it but the point is it was never, not once, a bed.
Which is crazy!
Marcus eyes open wide, too. "Wow... you're right." He makes a gesture with his hands and his head, like his mind is blown- and I nod. Yeah. Then he shrugs those broad shoulder of his, turning back to Dumb and Dumber. "Ah, well."
... Ah well???
I watch him watch the movie for a couple minutes, him not seeming to notice as he's too busy laughing at the stupid shit this movie throws at us. Its weird, I cant help but think. How far we've gotten from when we met. I... really disliked, him. And for good reason honestly, he was a jerk. I'm hesitant to say I hated him, because now... I couldn't imagine hating this person.
I sure as hell did, though. But hot and infuriating has, and I don't know exactly when, but, it become hot and amazing.
It stopped being just sex, a long time ago. It turned into Chinese food and sex, because we were hungry and if we were going to be together soon anyway we might as well eat together.... Then it was fun fairs and making out, because the kissing was almost better.
And now its movies above the covers, my shoulder leant into his.
"Marcus... " I call, quietly.
"Hold on just a second, Harry's about to- "
Okay, he's still a doofus that cant read a room to save his life. "Marcus." I repeat, sternly. He gives a deep, 'oh-woe-is-me' type sigh, like he so terribly hard-done-by, and pauses the movie before turning to me. "I... "
His eyes blow open wide in realisation at my hesitancy and suddenly he's all in. Apart of the conversation. Present. "Woah- wait- is this the moment?? Are you gonna- "
"Well, I'm gonna try!"
"Okay- Okay- take your time. I'm right here. Go."
Sighing, a smile on my lips as I shake my head; I try to release all the nerves. Because this man has seen me naked- worse then naked- I shouldn't be nervous! Huffing eventually, when I'm struggling to do it, I curl my fingers into his shirt and guide him towards me. "I... "
"Yeah??... " Why's he gotta make this so hard.
"Damn it, Marcus." I press my lips to his then, to shut him up. As we start to make-out, ending up with my head on his pillow and him hovering over me, I feel the words coming to me. This part has always been the easy one, with us.
Its not 2 minutes later that Marcus had disconnected his lips from mine and dragged me to the side of the bed and got his knees. My eyes had widened, surprised at the implications of his positioning.
"Marcus," Tucking some hair behind my ear, I had leant down, and tilted my head to him. "You've never eaten me out before."
"Yeah, well- I've always wanted to try, though. Just didn't know if you'd like that. C'mon," He flashed me one of those too-confident, bright grins. "Open up for me, babe."
My unsureness was quickly swept away as soon as he kissing me down there the way he kisses me on the lips; Fingers curling into the sheets in no time.
And oh god- how he looks down there. It drives me crazy. The smirk he gives my cunt when he has to breath, the sight of his tongue delving between my puffy lips. He digs deep, wrapping his lips around my entire mould- and sucking. My hands go straight to his hair, tugging and feeling the vibrations of his moan into me.
And immediately- the words fly out. "I love you," Quiet, and quick, and it makes Marcus moans again- taking it up a notch in eating me out and thrusting his tongue faster.
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imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Marcus White x Jonah’sSister!Reader || Oneshot
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You find out that you are pregnant... with Marcus' miracle baby.
Warnings: Pregnancy, panic attack
🔆  🔆  🔆
Carefully, I pick out one of the pregnancy tests from the shelf. Then grab another... 2 more... and another. Just to be sure.
As I go up to the pharmacy desk, I thank god that Tate isn't working here anymore; I never would've gotten away with this. He would've snitched to Jonah or something, for his own sociopathic enjoyment. Instead, the new guy thankfully rings up and bags my items casually, not really caring what he flings into the white plastic bag- then hands it to me with a soulless customer service smile. If I had to describe it, I'd say its if the man had been working here for years before finally letting the job kill him on the inside- just in time for the wind to change and stick his face like that. Honestly, I never see the guy without this smile. Not even in the breakroom. Its unnerving.
Still, I take the bag and smile back even though I know he for sure doesn't really mean it and turn around so I can walk (The long way around the store, so I don't pass the doors to the warehouse) towards the employee bathrooms... but stop short, jolting into panic mode immediately. Freeze, freeze, freeze!
There's Isaac, standing as tall as a bear in my path behind the aisles, with a scanner in his hand and a surprised look on his face. Or at least as surprised as he would ever convey.
Clearly, though, he saw the tests. And I'm screwed. He is absolutely the well, second last person I wanted to catch me doing this; Buying these.
A nervous smile flickers onto my face and I walk the short ways over to him, hugging the bag to my front. He's still just staring; Mouth half open and eyes a little less dead, then usual. "Oh, hey Isaac! How's is going? You got sent to pharmacy today? That s-sucks... " Honestly I didn't think he was allowed to be assigned pharmacy...
Completely by-passing the option to forget what he just saw and exchange polite chit-chat with me, he instead closes his mouth and his eyes, shakes his head and then opens his eyes again. Then inhales. "Are those what I think those are?"
"Pregnancy tes-"
Shit- Giving him a desperate expression, revealing my true feelings today - being complete and utter panic, - I cut him off. "SHHH! Isaac! No- uh. Yes. Um... Would you believe these aren't for me?"
"Mmm... " His face twists slightly into one of thought, tightening his lips together and sizing me up. "No, I don't think so."
"Well!- " I'm totally ready to make up an excuse... but peter out as soon I try. I could do it. I could string together some kind of half-believable bullshit like 'They're for Amy', but he would still go and tell Marcus and he would find me and... I would still have to have the conversation earlier then I want to. So instead I drop the façade, and my shoulders, and show just how tired I am. "I want to find out myself before breaking the news to Marcus. Okay? He might be unhappy about the idea and then we do the test and it turns out I'm not pregnant and then I just stressed us both out, for no reason! And, on the other hand, what if he wants it and it turns out I'm wrong about this? Please, Isaac, just don't tell him yet. Please, please." I feel like no matter how many pleases I use they may still not change anything. But I'm desperate.
He stands still for a few minutes... so long in fact I think he may be in shock himself, or having some kind of drug induced anxiety attack, and am about to wave my hand up in his face or say his name again, when he finally breathes a little more obviously and I relax back down to earth. "... Well, lets go find out then, right?"
"What- You- you want to come?" Something in me relaxes at the thought- I don't really want to do this alone. I want someone there, like in the movies, to hold the box and just read me the instructions. But I imagined it would be someone I'm actually close friends with, who can hold my hand and wouldn't care that it recently touched a pee-stick. I did not expect that person to be Isaac - Isaac, who likes to watch homeless people kill each other with shopping trollies and sticks and trash can shields like in a horrible, pitiful, modern-day coliseum, - in a million years.
But he nods.
"Yeah, sure." He puts his scanner on the shelf, and we set off the way I was going. He seems to silently understand why we have to go the long way around- to avoid passing the doors to the warehouse. Or he just doesn't care. Either way, I'm thankful he doesn't try to re-rout my course. Or even mention it. "Good excuse to slack off work... besides I should probably get out of this section, anyway. Hey, it is Marcus- right?"
I sigh- I suppose the companionable silence was too much to ask for. "Yes Isaac. If its a thing, in the first place."
"Yeah, right."
"You're having a miracle baby, you know? He's not supposed to be able to do that- isn't that kinda... good?"
I only whimper in response from |my new home| the cubicle I've been taking the tests in, holding my head. How am I going to do this? I have college, I have this job, I have my studio apartment to continue paying rent for! Marcus and I don't even... there isn't even... we haven't labelled it yet, and... Oh god, I'm shaking.
Isaac heaves a sigh outside, his chair creaking as he shifts. "Well, that's... three positives, so far." Isaac's memorable, slow drawl seeps through the cracks in my cubicle and takes away my thoughts for a moment. And my breath.
3 positives.
3 positives.
Not one, not two... three.
... Then he goes on, a whiny tone in his voice. "Do we really need to do another one?"
I breathe in deep. I don't know what else to do. The next logical step would be telling Marcus or Jonah, but I'm ready for neither of those. So procrastination through pregnancy test, it has to be. "Uh, yes. We do. Um... can you, please?- "
"Ughhh. Yeah, yeah. I'll get you more water. Stay here." Then Isaac, who has surprisingly been very helpful, even getting me tape so I can stick the finished tests up to the door in front of me so that I can compare them easier, disappears out of the women's bathroom, leaving me with my thoughts.
I peak back up at the tests, feeling panic fill up my chest cavity like its anxiety gas and my rib cage is the gas chamber- and my heart's the poor organ at deaths row. I'm... pregnant.
Oh my god. I'm pregnant. There is a human being growing inside me, right now. A human being who will require time that I definitely don't have, money that its parents certainly could not scavenge if we scavenged for used soda cans like Myrtle and sold them in our spare time, effort that I'm terrified might not even be in me at this point... A baby that needs some semblance of a comfortable, stable home, which I do not have for it.
I'm just burrowing my face into my arms and knees atop the toilet seat when the bathroom door opens again. Looking up, I immediately ask for Isaac- because that was really freaken quick, for him.
And get a familiar, confused sounding voice call back "... No, its Amy... Sorry, I just need to pee. Are you going to be long?".
"Oh!" Oops. Immediately, head going empty with panic, I unlock the door and and jump out to let her in. "No! I just finished. Um- go ahead. I'll just wash- wash my hands."
Now seeing each other, I see Amy's forehead crease and her eyebrows furrow in confusion and concern at my pink cheeked/pale faced appearance and the panicky way I'm talking. She reaches out toward me. "... Y/N, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine!" I laugh, the most nervous sounding laugh ever. "Don't worry."
Amy's nose screws up. "... why were you waiting for Isaac?"
"We-we're just having an affair."
... what??
Her eyebrows furrow even deeper. "Okay... I'm just gonna go... pee... now... " She says slowly, gradually disappearing into the cubicle; Not quite sure what to say back to that.
I sigh in relief when her eyes aren't on me anymore and the door locks, thinking flushing some water onto my face might calm me down, when a loud GASP comes from Amy and I i m m e d i a t e l y remember the tests stuck to the wall. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!
Amy comes right out of there, looking at me with completely new eyes now- understanding truly why I'm pale, I'm sure, and definitely why I was acting the way I was. "Y/N! You're... pregnant??!" I open my mouth to respond. Maybe say 'yes' seeing as that's the truth and the only proper answer, but I choke on my words and instead say, "Isaacs getting more water so I can take another test."
"I think 3 is a pretty conclusive number!"
"I-" She is not wrong, but I don't want to do anything else but take another easy test, and get defensive instead. "I bought four, I'm doing four!"
"Wh- Is Isaac the father!?"
"God, no." Isaac and I both spit back in offense.
I whip my head around when i realise he wasn't supposed to be there yet at all, and- there he is in the doorway.
... Jonah right behind him looking sicker then me. My jaw drops. "You brought Jonah??!"
"Uh, no, I was just waiting outside for, um," He gestures to Amy and my stomach drops. So he heard the whole thing. Could this get any worse??! Well I mean of course it could, Marcus could be here. Stupid question. Don't ask questions like that; It always summons the worst, in movies. "You're pregnant!? Who- you know what, unimportant right now. Do you wanna sit down??"
I shake my head, taking a deep breath and holding my hand out to Isaac. "No, I'm fine. I have a test to do. Water, Isaac?"
"Here." He hands me the bottle, and I go to disappear back into the cubicle before jumping back away again, remembering that Amy still needs to go and gesturing for her to go, ridiculously enough. She shakes her head and gestures back, like I'm crazy, to take it instead.
I do so and lock myself in, starting to chug the whole bottle.
A blessed silent moment passes... before Jonah speaks. "Is the 4th test really necessary?- "
"For the love of god- Let me take the fourth goddamn test for fucks sake!"
"... so what is it?" Amy asks 10 minutes later, breaking the deafening silence, as I sit back down on the toilet seat and hold my face in my hands again.
"... Positive... "
Isaac sighs. "Who would have guessed, really?"
No one tells him to shut up. He's right. But also no one agrees, because I'm a fucking 23 year old pregnant girl and I will kill them.
"So... what now?" Amy asks, speaking to the room, but expecting me to answer.
"Well, I'd like less people to be here, honestly." I pipe up, removing my hands from my mouth to speak clearer.
"Done. Isaac, Jonah, get out."
"What? I was here before you... lady." Isaac exclaims, offended, but a moment later I hear the door close, anyway. I assume it had something to do with Amy's signature resting bitch face- cranked up to eleven. "We'll just wait out here, then! Yell if you need us."
"Yep... " Amy responds to him, sounding exhausted and I can totally imagine her rolling her eyes right now. She takes a deep breath, and sighs it out. I hear her rest carefully down into the chair Isaac vacated. For a moment she thankfully says nothing, and I do wonder whether I should... but I don't know what to so say. So I just stay hidden in the cubicle, silent until Amy takes another deep breath and asks the question. "Who is it?"
I take a deep breath, knowing that once I say it I cant take it back, while on the other hand... its done, anyway. He's already the father and I cant change that (Would I if I could, though?) but telling Amy may either make or break my confidence in having him as the dad of my kid. Not that I have a choice... I just know that Amy's going to be worried about it and I don't know if I can handle the criticism right this moment.
Finally I spit it out though. Marcus.
"Oh- wow."
Uncomfortable, I shift on the closed toilet seat. "Yeah."
Her voice gets higher, clearly fake and trying to sound like this is better then she really feels it is. My heart plummets into my stomach like a terrible roller coaster. "Well, that's... " She pauses, searching for a safe word to use, assumedly. "Great!"
"... 'great?" For some reason that word, and Amy's tone... hits something wrong, in me. Panic flickers deep in my chest and my stare on the wall gets colder, harder. "... you think this is 'great'? Really? You? No, you don't. Do you hear yourself? 'Great'. Puh! This is Marcus. 'Been to jail' Marcus. 'Ex Con' Marcus. 'Creator and CEO of BOOB CHEESE', Marcus. Marcus who shits in the shower and thinks breastfeeding is akin to whipping your dick out in public, Marcus who has a tattoo of his mother on his back for Valentines day- "
Okay so maybe I'm just picking on him because I'm inadequate, because I don't have the time for a baby, because if I'm trusted with this perfect thing then I will ruin it... I'll pick work, instead of love, and they'll grow up with less of it then they should have and I'll be to blame...
But I don't want to address that yet. I cant.
"Neither of us even have the money for this." I'm panicking again. "He lives with his mother! And- what if he gets mad... " I suddenly get worried, my eyes go round and I cover my mouth. "I really like him Amy. I cant have him mad at me. Not for this. Not him. Please don't let him hate m- "
"Y/N! Calm the fuck down, okay, right now. Don't speak. Just... take some deep breathes okay? First of all, Marcus is not going to be 'mad' at you. He's sure as hell is not going to hate you. You're spiralling, just take some long breaths." Amy makes it sound like a ridiculous idea with her tone, that he might be mad or he might hate me. I do as she says as she talks; take deeeeeep breaths. Slowly, I start to clam down. "He might be shocked, yeah, but he's- he's not like that. He's an idiot, not a total asshole. Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about here. I promise you. Whether he'll be good at being a parent, is... debatable." Everything she says makes sense. And she would know- you've met Adam. "But he'll be there, at the very least.
And... and you'll be a great mum, anyway."
I feel my heartbeat start to slow down again as I breath. I close my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and rest back against the wall, carefully.
I really hope she's right on that second part.
"... thank you."
Jonah rubs his neck in nervousness at his sister in the bathroom dealing with something like this, pacing around the small hallway area before turning to Isaac. He raises his dark eyebrows. "So, do you know... wh-who?? I mean... the guy, that- I mean, does he work here, or... ???"
"Its Marcus." Isaac pulls out a bag of trail mix from his vest pocket and starts picking through, standing by the bathroom calmly. The brother to whom he just broke such detrimental news - that his sister, has Marcus White of BOOB CHEESEs baby inside her, - widens his eyes until they're more like dinner plates. "Yeah, they've been talking for a while, man. You didn't know?"
"I- I just thought she wasn't interested in... guys... " All her time must be busy with balancing both school and work, plus her friends... how can she possible have had time to... But on the other hand, he realises that its a bit naïve to think that his younger sister still isn't interested in 'boys'. Part of it might have been wishful thinking.
Isaac barks out a laugh. Its a stale, dry sound that makes Jonah really uncomfortable. "She also went out with Tate. Had a bit of a thing for Sayid for a while, too... "
"What!?- "
"Jonah!" At Amy's exit from the bathroom, he calms down immediately and straightens up. She raises her brows at him. She nods into the bathroom. "She wants you."
Yep- it takes him about 2 seconds to fly into the bathroom... to find his sister still hidden in the cubicle. He sighs, pressing his hand against the door. "Y/N? Amy said you wanted me. Do you want me to get you something to eat? Its just, I'm the only one who knows your snack preferences... and maybe we shouldn't eat in here, cuz its kinda gross... but if you want to, that's cool too!"
She doesn't respond for a minute, silent apart from the careful peeling of tape from the cubicle door.
Then the peeling sounds stop. A moment later her voice, sounding small and tentative as if just saying this would open Pandora's box, slips out. "... how're mum and dad gonna react?"
Its a rhetorical question. They both know it'll be bad - and they'll like Marcus even less, - , but its said so he knows what she's worried about. He sighs and leans back on the door. "Well very, very badly. But that doesn't matter right now. I'll take care of them."
"How valiant." Her voice is still small, quiet. But she sounds less scared; She always believes her big brother. Even when she knows logically that he cant protect her from them. Not their parents.
"Well, I try."
"... hm."
"She is not leaving that bathroom," Isaac shakes his head. Its been an hour, and they've all been in there with her a couple times but she has not left the cubicle. Not even peaked her head out. She hasn't even e a t e n anything while she's been in there. Its starting to worry them. "Maybe we should go get Marcus."
Immediately Jonah looks up from his phone - having been reading up on pregnancy. What is going to start happening to his sister, now?? - and shakes his head, firmly. "No, she'll tell him when she feels comfortable with it. We aren't doing that."
"Yeah, it isn't up to us." Amy agrees, while still looking like on a deep, unsympathetic level that is tired of standing here... she definitely wants to drag Marcus here. But she also knows that Jonah is, unfortunately, a n n o y i n g l y, right.
Isaac heaves a deep, frustrated huff and gets comfortable on the floor.
Finally, Jonah breathes in a deep, exhausted breath and puts his phone away. That's enough of that. He's sufficiently disgusted. He looks down the hallway, out to the store. Then to Amy playing solitaire on her phone and Isaac drawing slowly on the ground. "... Well, I mean, it's Marcus's baby too, right? He should know... right?"
"Yep, that's right."
"And... besides, Y/N might need him, right? Maybe he could get her out."
"You make some good points."
"I just wish they weren't points we already mentioned." Amy looks up from her phone and turns it off, flashing an sarcastic, displeased kind of smile. "Earlier."
"Yeah well... " He rolls his shoulders, looking away from Amy's piercing gaze- god, her face is like a loaded gun with no safety. And he's totally into it. He coughs, then whispers. "So, who wants to go get him??"
"Not it."
"I would, but ah... nah. I'm down for the count, down here."
"So... me."
Amy nods, making a 'shoo'-ing gesture with her hand. "Yep, you, Jiminy Cricket. You made us stay here for hours- you go get Marcus."
Looking to Isaac for help, Jonah is just met with the deadest eye's he has ever come upon, so he eventually sighs deeply, wiping sweaty hands on his jeans. "Fff-fine. Wait here."
"Uh, hello? Hi- have you seen Marcus anywhere? Wh- No? Well if you see him can you tell him I'm looking for him? Its about Y/N."
The warehouse worker with the nametag reading 'Nigel' that Jonah's never spoken to before in his life and who prior to his words, had the new deadest eyes that Jonah has ever seen, suddenly beams- a twinkle of evil mischief in his eyes. "Oooooh, cats outta the bag, huh?"
Jonah blinks. "What?"
"You found out about Marcus and your sister, and now you're gonna beat him up? I was waiting for this moment." Nigel clarifies, actively looking around the room for Marcus now as Jonah rushes to explain that no, that is not what he's here for. Please don't say that so loudly- "HEY RICO! You seen Marcus around?? Y/N's brother's here to deliver an ass beating." Half a second passes while Jonah's ears ring from Nigel's screeching before something new apparently occurs to the warehouse worker as his eyes widen and he turns again to who must be Rico. "And you owe me 20 bucks!! Told ya he'd come!"
How often is Y/N in this place? Just seems weird, these guy's saying her name so casually... Jonah's forehead crinkles in thought as Rico rolls his eyes and groans, walking off to assumedly find Marcus. I'm learning a lot about my sister, today... Not sure how I feel about it...
Jesus Christ, has she eaten the cheese, too??!
Jonah doesn't get a moment to panic about that particular bit of nightmare material before he realises Nigel is still standing, awkwardly now, arms straight at his sides and eyebrows raised expectantly, right by him. Watching him, instead of returning to his job. Jonah raises his own eyebrows back; Shrugging. Like, what?? What do you want?
Nigel just just shrugs and shakes his head back passive aggressively, crossing his arms. Like, he doesn't know. Fine, we'll just stand in silence, then...
"Jonah! What's up, buddy? Visiting me in the warehouse- this is so nice! Want me to take my break now, cuz we totally can. Just let me wrap one last thing up and then we'll be back in my car, together. Listening to tunes; Ya know. Guy buddy stuff." T h a n k f u l l y, Marcus seems to rush from wherever he was in the depths of shelf-land when Rico apparently found him and cuts off the awkward stand off between the two men, dropping a hand on Jonah's shoulder and beaming. "What up, man?"
Quick to turn away from Nigel and get to what his mission really is at the moment, Jonah graciously ignores the touchy greeting... despite the awkwardness on his end and the fact that Nigel is still there, watching.  "Actually, I wanted to talk about, uh, Y/N."
Marcus' eyes immediately widen and his eyebrows raise, taking his hand off Jonah in favour of ringing his hands and stepping back nervously himself. "Oh, man... you found out, didn't you? Did she tell you? Cuz like, I know the bro code says its not cool to bone your friend's sister but- "
"Ah, ah, ah!" No, no, no, Jonah does not want to hear those words. No. "No, um. That's fine, whatever. Y/N's sexuality is her own. But- "
"Its a ruse, Marcus. He's here to kick your ass." Nigel insists, still very much there despite everything about this situation having nothing to do with him and instead just freaks Marcus out more as the warehouse head's eyes go even wider and he takes another step back- raising his hands in surrender.
"No, no! Nigel!- That's... no. I'm not here to kick anyone's ass! The asses here are all perfectly safe, I promise. Okay?" When Nigel's expression doesn't change a lick, Jonah gives up and just gestures off in a random direction. "Nigel, could you give us a minute, here?"
"What, so you can jump my boy here alone?"
"Alone?? Who's alone?" Jonah is getting increasingly irritated. "We're literally surrounded by other warehouse workers!! Ones who are actually doing their jobs, by the way. Maybe you should- "
Marcus finally intercepts and pats Nigel's shoulder, getting his attention from looking confrontationally at Jonah and smiles relatively softly at him. "Its okay, Nigel. If Jonah wants to kick me in my junk once- he's kinda entitled to it. Bro code and everything. Why don't you get back to work? I got this. Thanks, though." Nigel leaves, with that, but certainly not without giving Jonah one last greasy look over his shoulder and an 'Okay, Marcus. But call me, if... you know... '. Along with an extra evil squinty look at Jonah. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks bud. I know I can count on you." When Nigel is finally out of the picture, Jonah feels fatigued and just wants to get back to Y/N. At least its just him and Marcus now, though, so they should be doing that very soon. "So! What'd you want? If you really do wanna hurt me, then, can we go outside? By my car ideally, so I can drive the emergency room right after? Or you, cuz I mean... you're small, man. And I'll have to defend myself. Even if its fair. Its instinct, you know? You get it."
"I'm not gonna hurt you?? Why does everyone think- " What is wrong with people here? Do I give off a confrontational aura right now, or something??? "Ugh, whatever. Y/N needs you- she's been in the bathroom for 4 hours. We did try to get her out ourselves, but our attempts have been... l-lacklustre." Lacklustre? Okay, even he is surprised to hear that one come out of him.
"She needs... me? Like, she said that?" All of a sudden Marcus' expression changes. Worry wells in his eyes and his forehead creases, and he glances at the door out to the floor before returning to Jonah, looking restless now as his body fights with him to go, immediately. "Oh, what's wrong with her? Is she sick??"
"Uhh... in a manner of speaking... Look, I just think she needs to see you right now."
That makes the taller man move towards the door, clipboard dropped on a box on his way. "Of course; Right away man. Come on, lets go see her. So you really don't know what's wrong?? Should we pick up some root beer on the way?" Jonah follows behind, hand on his chin as he answers Marcus' questions. Wow... He did not expect such a response from him... He... kinda respects it, in a way. Its a pleasant surprise, at least.
___BACK TO YOU AND YOUR POV. God I hate third person. Its so hard, I want to cry___
"Y/N? You in here??" As soon as that voice registers in my mind, my heart beat skips in the worst way and I almost start to full on panic all over again, but thankfully instead just freeze and only widen my eyes. What the hell? The door to the employee bathroom closes as Marcus shuts himself in and you watch his boots appear under the door to your stall. "What's going on? Jonah couldn't tell me what's wrong with you," Jonah. I glare at the stall door. I'm going to kill him. "But I brought you some root beer for you- a total cure all. I promise. And some (Enter your favourite snack) cuz I know you like them. Here," He stretches up and holds the items over the stall door, and, feeling genuinely touched that Marcus was sweet enough to bring these, I get up off the toilet seat and accept them from him.
"Thank you, that's really nice. I'm... not sure, that the root beer will fix this, though." I speak carefully, sitting down and holding the items in my lap close to my stomach.  
"Course it will! I poured some in Mateo's ear once when he had an infection... I think it worked?"
Probably not. "This is a lot bigger then an ear infection... Kinda permanent, too?"
"Oh god, is it cancer?" He pauses for a moment but before I can put that particular worry at rest... or remind him that cancer is not always permanent... he makes it worse, and I fight not to facepalm. "The plague??! Its still a thing, you know. Jesus, its not that is it? Please tell me its not that! That would be the worst!" I mean... yeah, it would.
"Oh- no no! No, nothing like that!! I'm just pregnant!"
... wait.
Immediately I want to take back my words and say them differently- because is that really the way I just broke it to him?? Oh my god. My hand slaps over my mouth- then pulls back an inch to speak again, but is definitely on guard to slap again and prohibit anymore stupid to come out. "I mean! ... N-no big deal?" My voice gets tiny. "At least its not the plague, right?" I'm just making this worse, so I cover my mouth again.
Marcus does not respond, and I can imagine his face crystal clear, without having to look. He would have his mouth hanging open like a cartoon character, his shoulders have dropped, eyes are blank, and he's pale as hell. Oh god... oh god oh go oh god... I cover my whole face now and just try to breath evenly, and not talk anymore. I was right! He's not going to even like me anymore, this is going to ruin how he looks at me- I cant have Marcus look at me coldly. I really cant.
Finally, a few minutes later the door to the bathroom creaks open again and I know it's not Marcus escaping because I can still see his boots under the door and they haven't shifted in a while. Amy's voice rings out, too loudly in the stock silent bathroom. "... everything okay in here? We haven't heard anything in a while- Marcus?"
He doesn't respond.
I hear Amy walk in now, her heels click-click-clicking on the tiled floor. "Marcus? Marcus, are you okay?" She snaps her fingers, assumedly near his unresponsive face. I slip my fingers down to just cover my mouth, straining my ears to hear any movement from him. "Wake up!" Another snap. "Marcus wake up."
All of a sudden I hear shifting and his boots shift slightly and I squeeze my eyes slowly shut- now he speaks. Now's the part where he speaks. Now's the worst part! He either leaves, or stays. "Uhh... I'm awake, okay?"
Amy and I are both startled by the seriousness in Marcus' voice- Amy evidently in the way she responds, backing out of the room. "... Okay! Um, well talk. To Y/N. I'm... just gonna... wait outside... "
Marcus just grunts in response, turning back to my stall door. Then he wraps his knuckles against the surface and I flinch- unsure whether to unlock it and be a grown up or stay hidden away like I really, really want to. Its not like I'm afraid he'll hurt me or anything, not at all! Its just... I don't like to disappoint people and I'm terrified at seeing his face. "Y/N? Can you come out, now?"
"Ummm... no... " I wince, keeping my eyes closed to the world. As if that'll hide me from it.
"No???" He asks, bewildered.
"No... "
Marcus' voice isn't at all as cold-serious as it was when he spoke to Amy, but still. There is still definitely an unfamiliar focused quality about it, and its making me nervous. "What? Come on. What do you think's gonna happen? I'll yell at you? Come on, that's not gonna happen; Come out. "
"I'd really rather stay in here... " I fire back.
"Don't be scared of me." He really does sound trustworthy... but that fear, man; She's one unrelenting bitch.
My voice goes high pitched when I answer, too vehement to be the truth. "I-I'm not! Silly! Why would I be scared of you??" My eyes open up again and I just wince. Such a liar.
"Aghh... " I just listen to him shifting around out there looking for something for a bit, or thinking of what to say next, while I myself sit and think comfortable that there is nothing that will make this worse, seeing as I'm safe and sound in this toilet stall... before his boots disappear from my vision under the door and I hear him disappear out of the bathroom then return again almost immediately, going into the stall beside me and putting something down on the toilet seat in there.
Oh my god- he wouldn't dare! He would not-
Then all of a sudden he's climbing over the wall and I have to jump off the toilet seat and press closely to the stall door, root beer and snack still hugged in my arms like teddy bears. Marcus eases himself over the wall and onto the toilet seat before my eyes, then jumps off it to the tiles again in front of me, while I gape wide at him. "I- what- Marcus!"
"Well you weren't coming out! It was my only option!" He exclaims, and now that I see him I do relax a bit. There's no coldness in his face now, and there is certainly no unfamiliar, unfriendly seriousness, either, seeing as the man just climbed into a toilet stall to get to me. Very Marcus-y. I slowly let out a relieved breath, which is still also a 'calm down' breath as the pressure is certainly still on. I can see him, but he can also see me.
Eager to avoid the issue at hand, I snap. "You might've kicked me!"
"No, I wouldn't have." He makes a defensive 'pshhh' sound immaturely, waving me off with a hand before resting them both on his hips and looking right at me. I give him my own dubious look right back- What makes him so sure??? He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, anyway." Suddenly, a beautiful big smile spreads across his face; the kind that still makes me a little bit weak and almost forces me to smile back. Even now, in this situation. "This is great."
And then I'm speechless, mouth closed and eyebrows furrowed together. ... Great? What? Quickly he moves to clarify, before grinning that goofy grin of his. "The pregnancy! Man, I've seen enough girlfriends get pregnant over the years... its nice to see one having my baby." A moment passes and my system is just registering this reaction - not even relieved, yet. Just in shock and a little less anxiety, - before he drops his smile, raises an eyebrow, and adds: "It is mine, right?"
Still shocked, I answer as if the question was more on the lines of 'That was my cupcake that I just ate, right?'. Meaning, probably too casually. "Oh- oh, yeah! Abs- absolutely." He doesn't seem to mind.
He beams again. "Great! We'll be awesome parents- that is assuming you wanna keep the baby, right?"
"Uh... " All I want to say is yes, right now. Even as the complications of raising a baby right now linger in the forefront of my mind. But at the same time I'm looking at Marcus and I just want to. I want to have the baby, and I want to do it with him... in the moment, he's the absolute perfect person to do it with. I choke out, "Yeah."
He fist pumps the air at that response, and finally the relief starts to settle in my stomach and my heart... a smile grows on my own face. My eyes even get a little watery with the powerful relief. "YES! That's right, I'm gonna be a Dad. Whoo! We gotta tell everyone. But how, do you think? Should we get a cake or something that says it in icing?? Or should we just go out there and announce it over the speakers? Or should we just not tell anyone? Cuz on the one hand, I wanna tell everyone- but on the other... I don't really want Carol to know you're pregnant. That could be bad."
"Um... " I don't even know what to say. I just want to hug him, so I do. I step forward and wrap my arms around his middle, burying my face in his coveralls and the body I've become so familiar with over the past months that smells so uniquely - and not always so pleasantly, but definitely comforting,  - like Marcus and squeeze tight, closing my eyes. He smells like that 'new furniture' smell that's really just 'warehouse', and an unfamiliar home, and a little bit of B.O.
Thank god.
Amy was right. Of course she was. Even when I was stressing, I knew the image I had of Marcus getting mad about this didn't feel quite right, but... you have to prepare yourself for the worst, you know? I'm just so glad he's the way he is though, as he wraps his arms around my shoulders in return and bends his neck to press his cheek to my head. "I'm really happy about this. And I know we haven't figure anything out. With us, with money, with anything actually, but... we will, okay? I'll do my best, I promise."
"... Thank fuck." I chuckle, although its muffled and get a similar sound from him in return. "I'm really happy, too." He rubs my back in that rough, comforting way that guys do and I might as well melt; He's too wonderful. I bite my bottom lip, thinking my next move through before taking a deep breath and deciding to take the plunge and ask. "... hey... um... b-boyfriend?"
Marcus immediately pulls me back and holds me at arms length, a crazy-big grin splitting his face. "Oh, yes! This day just keeps getting better and better; Come on, we definitely have to tell everyone this, lets go." Excitedly, he slips past me and unlocks the stall door finally, but pauses and turns back to me before its pushed open at all. I tilt my head in curiosity- what's up? "Unless... congrats sex?"
Oh my god- a snort, transforming into a laugh slips out of me before I can stop it. I pull him closer by the front of his coveralls, grinning at both the idea and how silly he is and gently tug him down closer to my level. I close my lips and knit my eyebrows together understandingly. "... How about you come over after work? First we should probably deal with the others? You know, the ones hanging outside right now?"
"Oh, yeah, probably. Oh man- I'll be basically related to Jonah now!" Oh- well- not exactly but... okay fine. If it makes the guy happy. "Ha ha, look forward to seeing this face every Christmas, bro." Oh boy.
I just grin at that - Goodluck Jonah, - before leaning up the rest of the way and pressing a careful kiss to Marcus' lips which he immediately returns with enthusiasm, hands abandoning the stall lock and collecting my waist instead.
This is going to be okay.
It will work out. I hope.
Later in the breakroom while Marcus is busy with talking to some of the other Cloud 9 employees about the news, Jonah takes the seat next to me and I raise my eyebrows at him- he's obviously dying to say something. I know my brother at least that much. He sighs.
"So... you... haven't eaten the cheese, right? I mean, I have but I'm hoping you haven't been put through such, uh, cruel and unusual torture... "
"Oh, no. Absolutely not. I managed to convince him it was cannibalism for women." I grin, returning immediately to my Cloud 9 Caesar salad as Jonah sighs long and hard in relief, relaxing back into his chair.
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imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Various Males x Fem!ExModel!Reader || Oneshot
Plot: You, a retired model get hired at Cloud 9 and, not-at-all-surprisingly, you get harassed by every allegeable (According to them) bachelor in the place- but god fucking damnit! You’re just here to get a paycheck??!  
“You can’t knock ‘em out, you cant walk away,
Try desperately to think about the politest way to say,
“Just get out of my face,”, “Just leave me alone,”
“And no you cant have my number,”,
“Cuz I lost my phone.”
(Inspired by Lily Allen’s Knock ‘Em Out)
Includes (In order of appearance after the introduction bit): Sal Kazlauskas, Garret McNeil, Tate Staskiewicz, Isaac (And I think my favouritism here definitely bleeds through*Cough*), Elias Greene, Cory, Jonah Simms, and Marcus White.
Warnings: Sal, harassment (They leave after you say no though. Just to be sure) 
🔆  🔆  🔆
“And uh, yeah one last thing before we all hop off to work! We have a new Cloud 9 family member. Y/N! Would you like to stand up?” Glenn, the lovely man who took your interview a week ago and then went out of his way today to look for you out front in the morning to show you around quickly and guide you through clocking in, finds you in the crowd of workers and gestures for you to stand.
Oh, uh- uhh, okay! Up we get, then, you think as you stand up like he said and take a look around at all the judging eyes, which normally wouldn’t phase you but here is a lot scarier than what you’re used to. This an entirely different environment to getting up at a modelling gig- you know nothing about working this kind of job! You’ve never done it, so, you’re afraid they’ll judge you right off the bat and make it difficult for you to ask questions. And you can’t keep bothering Glenn- he has more important things to do.
Oh god, you hear whispering. You peer around. Where is that coming from?-
“This is Y/N L/N! She’ll be working with Go back’s today,” Right, Go Back’s Easy enough; Glenn explained them earlier before the meeting started. “So if you see her in your area- be sure to say hello and see if she needs some help, K? Good. We’re jazzed to have you with us Y/N.”
“Thank you!” You quip quickly, then sit down and focus on Glenn again, hoping dearly at the same time that attention disperses from you immediately.
Glenn smiles, glancing down at his clipboard for any last-minute messages. “Okay! I think that’s it, so- “
The whispering from before suddenly cuts off. “Uh yeah, question?” Glenn stops short when a man in the back kind of rudely cuts him off, but sighs out a ‘Yes, Marcus?’ as the woman beside him - Dina, - rolls her eyes severely. Oh, you let a tiny ghost of a smirk slip over your lips. That’s kind of a reaction, isn’t it? “Yo- new girl.” What- me- w h y- You immediately get awkward again and twist around in your chair, but don’t really know who to look at. Luckily the tall brunette in the warehouse uniform is pointing, so you figure it out pretty quick that that’s who you’re looking for, and calm down. Mostly. 
Yeah? You raise one eyebrow. “Hi?”
He grins back to the right and the left of him, to his equally pleased buddies and pals, before raising a Vogue magazine- and it’s the issue on which you scored the front page. Jeez, that was months ago! “Is this you?”
A chorus of ‘Ohhhhh’ and general excitement travels around the room and for the first time ever, you’re half ashamed to admit that yes that is you. In your usual circle this is something to be proud of… but you get that it isn’t really like that, in non-modelling circles. In fact, it could be something to be embarrassed about.
Especially seeing that oh dude and his gang of Michael Myers fashion wannabes look like a hungry, dim-witted, wolves rather than plainly interested about your modelling career.
But, still, you smile politely and nod. Hopefully it’ll be forgotten before the afternoon, at least. “Yeah, that’s me.”
Hmm… you really, really hope that it’s forgotten soon, at least, as you turn back around to face the front again as Glenn sends everyone off to work. Because if not, then these boys are going to learn the hard way that models take self-defence classes religiously.
Or at least you are going to have a very uncomfortable day, which is just great. You groan inwardly at the thought, as you gather up your coffee from the table beside you and drop it in the trash can on the way out.
Tumblr media
You’re just doing your own thing and someone
Comes out of the blue,
They’re like,
But he’s saying
“Yeah can I take your digits?”
And you’re like, “No, not in a million years, you’re nasty.
Please leave me alone.”
There’s already so many Go Back’s! You think excitedly, as you get to work looking for where things should be. You’re glad to have something to do- at your first job with Chuck E Cheese, before you got into the modelling thing, you were basically useless the first day because you weren’t allowed to grill yet, you didn’t know how to assemble, and they didn’t want you out on the floor for the birthday party that was happening, in fear that you would mess up royally. So you just sat around trying not bother anyone, and that felt terrible. So, wandering the aisles of Cloud 9 with a full shopping trolley searching for products and neatening things up? Sounds like a good deal to you. Yes please.
“Uhh, hi.”
You practically jump entirely out of your skin, hearing the voice right beside you and whip your head around to see a balding guy in a blue Cloud 9 jacket. Is this man licking his fingers!?
“Uh,” You step back with your brightest, most polite smile, picking something up from the Go Back’s cart and rounding it to put it between you and the man, before acting like you’re stupid enough to be putting barbecue sauce in the Barbie section, and then… “Oh, oops! Silly me!” You flash the guy a nervous look. “I’m still working things out… “
Well? Better to look like an absolute idiot, then be standing within grabbing radius of the creepy man licking his fingers that you’re all alone in the middle of an empty aisle with. “Um… so, what’s up? Did someone send you to find me, or… am I doing something wrong? You know better than me, after all!”
“No… “His gaze licks up your form and if it weren’t for all your ‘training’ in staying still and not feeling this kind of thing- you absolutely would have wigged out. “You’re doing fine… Just wanted to see you.”
Boy- if anyone else could see your face right at this moment, full of disgust and mild horror, you’re sure you would be YouTubes next hit. Or a meme. “Oh… “You nervously chuckle. “Um, well, I’m gonna… go… “You pull the trolley around so that you can back up out the back of the aisle and escape through stuffed toys, into the open but his hand comes down on the other end of the trolley- stopping it. Before you can stop yourself, verbal diarrhoea spews from your lips. “Glenn has my resume- there’s a photo on there you can have.”
“That’s okay I prefer them to be breathing.” Both his hands are on the end of your trolley now, tight so his knuckles turn white, and he’s breathing unnecessarily heavy. He’s even leaning over the trolley some like his body really can’t handle whatever terrible heat is plaguing it right now. Oh god, oh god oh god oh god… this is so gross.
“Well, that’s… u-understandable...”
He looks up into your eyes, now, and doesn’t blink. Who the hell is this guy?! “Say… “ Oh no, oh no- he’s coming around the trolley-he’s coming around-he’s close-too close-too close-mayday-MAYDAY- Slowly, in your face, he licks up his thumb, makes an ‘Mm,’ sound, and you deeply wince; So much so in fact that one of your eyes completely closes. “Could I take your phone number?”
You absolutely couldn’t have helped what happened next if you had wanted to.
“Eeeeuuuwwwwwwww no not in a million years, your nasty, please leave me alone!!” You exclaim in a high voice before abandoning the trolley and rushing off to customer service.
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“No you cant have my number,”
“Cuz I lost my phone.”
By the time you got to the front desk, you had basically calmed down and were mostly just stressed that you left the Go Back’s behind- but still must look troubled as the guy manning the front desk makes a confused, half-concerned but mostly intrigued kind of face at you as you stop there. You’re about to explain your appearance - that or just shrug, not too bothered about reporting whatever mess that was. Not on your first day, at least. No way. - when his face relaxes, and he nods. “Ohhh. Damn, Sal got to you?”
Sal? Was that the guy’s name? You didn’t check. “Oh, was that his name? I was a bit too preoccupied by his eyeballs sucking out my soul, to notice his name tag.” Now that you’re thinking about it, though, you glance at this man’s name tag. Garret.
“Yep, that’s Sal. That’s just one of the wonderful things involved in working here that you’ll just have to get used to.” Garret grins, offering you a chill perspective with a side of cynicism. You sigh, truly feeling relieved that you’ve found a normal person and relax your back against the taller part of the desk.
“Brilliant.” The sarcasm drips off the tip of your tongue.
“You’ll have to deal with a lotta that here, though, looking like you do.” You turn your head to the side to look already exhausted just by the idea, at him. He shrugs. “Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just speak the truth.”
“God- I feel sorry for the other women working here.”
“Oh, no. They’re in a completely different wheelhouse to you. Sorry.” Garret leans on his forearms on the desk, and you roll over to lean on your shoulder and pay attention. “See, you’re a model- “
“I was a model,”
“You were a model- which through primitive male thought process makes you prime real estate. Whoever manages to ‘bag’ you, for lack of a better word I apologise, gets some serious bragging rights.” He shrugs, and looks vaguely apologetic but still some how shameless as this utter bullshit slips out of his mouth. “We can’t help it- some of us don’t even know we’re doing that, but we are. Actually, I’m probably the only one who’ll admit it… which… kinda makes me your best option. Self-awareness, and all that.”
Oh. A dry laugh comes out of you as you feel a text come through in your back pocket and pull out your phone. As you see that its not an urgent message, you immediately put the phone back and glance around for any supervisors before returning to your conversation with Garret. “Oh- of course it does.”
“Exactly!” He grins, and you can’t tell through his expression at all whether he’s genuinely this clueless or if he’s just shooting his shot. “So- “
“No, you can’t have my number.”
Deadass, in a very monotone voice, you say: “I lost my phone.”
Then the two of you just have a stare off for a minute. Garret because he just saw you use your phone, and you because you wont back down.
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“Oh yeah, actually yeah I’m, I’m pregnant. I’m having a baby in like 6 months, so no. Yeah, yeah… “
“You know,” The chemist pipes up from behind the Pharmacy desk as you put back some pill boxes he said were fine to return to the shelves, and you glance over at him to show you’re listening, and check his name tag. “I myself considered a career in modelling, before this. People even say, now, that I could model.”
Oh boy. You think, fighting not roll your eyes. And how old are you? Early 30’s? I don’t think so buddy.
“Oh, well, I wouldn’t recommend it.” You flash him a nervous grin before returning to your shelving. “You’re good for, like, 3 years. But then you hit 22 and unless you look like Victoria Justice shared with you whatever youth fountain she got chucked into, then you have to find something else to do with your life- despite having nothing to fall back on.” Okay… so… I might be a bit bitter.
Tate chuckles - and oh boy, he sounds just like your old manager. Totally fake, -, hiding his hands in his lab coat pockets. “Yeah, you’re probably right… Besides, I got the better end of the deal, anyway. Doctor for the doctors, they call us.” They call Pharmacists that? Who? That’s news to you. “Ahhh, yeah… I’m doing pretty well for myself.”
“Yep.” Forcing a fake smile his way, you leave the shelf you were stocking and get closer to the desk to stock another, as Tate’s eyes follow you waiting for encouragement of some kind. Doesn’t he have a job to do?? “You chose well!”
“Yeah, thanks. I know.” Ffffff-f a r out. This guy! “You know, you and me, we’d make a good couple.”
Oh? Dear god? You pause your shelving in surprise at the bomb this man has just dropped so casually, fish oil tablets paused on their journey to the shelf mid-air. Could Garret’s crazy-pants theory have been right?
“Ohh,” You giggle nervously, returning to work a bit faster now. “I don’t know. I think for a pharmacist like you, I would envision, like… “An actual doctor? No, I can’t say that. “A personal trainer, or something. Keep you both healthy all-round, you know? Now that’s a power team.” As long as that personal trainer has humility enough for the both of them, at least.
“Mergh,” He makes a face, like ‘What the heck are you talking about??’, before shaking his head of the things you just said and leaning over the desk towards you. You keep packing, even faster now. Like the Flash. Go! Go! Go! Death Con 5!! “So, whadaya say? I could pick you up Friday after work, and we could head up to one of my timeshares?” He says that like it’s such a selling point! You think, fighting off the powerful urge to laugh but still feeling the panic deep in the pits of your soul. “Stake it out together for the weekend? Get to know each other?”
“Uhh… “Excuses! What are they? You slowly stop stocking, turning around to face him and crossing your arms. The man deserves to at least be faced as he’s rejected; You’re kind enough to give him that, at least. “I’d love to! But, the thing is… “Chewing your bottom lip, you think hard.
Ding Ding Ding!!
“The thing is, Tate… “You fake some nerves, now. “I’m actually, uh… “You look up, face relaxing. “Pregnant.”
Oh boy, the way that man recoils at that word, like a terrified, disgruntled, blonde hedgehog. You’re going to laugh so hard about it, later!! “Oh.”
“Yeah! Oh, I mean, yeah… I’m gonna be having a baby, in like, 6 months so… yeah… Yep.“ You shrug to him, as if its just so unfortunate. “Shame.”
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She looks in her bag, takes out a fag, tries to get away from the guy on a blag,
Can’t find a light.
‘’Here, use mine.’’
‘’See the thing is I just don’t have the time.’’
Ahh, lunch. Now you can check your texts! Hmm, you look through your notifications and gradually lose excitement. Mum… mum… mum… phone bill company… friend… mum again…
Ah, the glamorous life of the famous.
You roll your eyes, and get to responding to your mothers texts about dinner and when you’ll be home and how your first day is going, not noticing the not-so-jolly, not-so-green-(unless-you-meant-pot) giant approaching you. When you finally finish responding to both your mum and your friend, you put your phone away and start unwrapping your lunch- a typical ham sandwich that you’re actually pretty excited about. That’s one good thing about your sudden drop in financial status; You can put in your damn sandwich as many pieces of ham and cheese as you like. Grinning excitedly, you pick it up and have it halfway to your mouth before another person - a very heavy, large person, - drops down beside you on the bench you’ve commandeered behind the store. You close your mouth without any delicious lunch inside it and look up, politely to the person who’s joined you.
And all you can think, is wow.
He could put you in a suitcase and walk off with you right now and have no problems.
That’s wow.
“Hi! I’m Y/N,” You introduce yourself, offering a hand for him to shake.
“I know.” Oh, well yeah okay that’s understandable. Glenn did introduce you to everyone this morning. Despite the man’s less-then-excited response, he takes your hand in his and shakes. It makes you all giddy inside, honestly. So b i g. “Names Isaac.”
Do you remember Isaac in the breakroom this morning? You wrack your brain for him, because surely if he was there you noticed him-
Oh. Yep, you remember him. He was one of that Marcus-Dude’s pals chuckling and whispering behind him. He was one of the men that had the magazine with you on the front, and if there’s one thing you know about men who carry Vogue in their locker’s it’s that they fit into only 2 groups- interested in fashion, obviously… and interested in the women. And this man clearly is not interested in fashion. Immediately, on this realisation, you feel disappointed- you really could have liked this man right off the bat…
But it looks like he’s just going to be another of the men at this store you have to get to know, before becoming friendly with.
“So,” He starts, and you fight off a wince. Hopefully, you don’t know what’s coming. But… the likeliness of that is not high. “You wanna go out, some time? I’m a big fan of your work.” He smirks.
“Oh, ha ha.” You laugh sarcastically, shaking your head and returning to your sandwich. You take a bite and- Ahhhhhh, so worth the wait. Oh my god. Food orgasm. “At least you’re honest!”
“Yeah, so is that a yes?” His face brightens a smidgeon, which is a lot seeing as he doesn’t seem to be totally all there, in the first place.
You look up at Isaac, and look apologetic. He was honest with you so its only fair that you’re genuine with him. “Sorry… “
“Ah- actually, I don’t know if this’ll change your mind, but I have 2 weeks to live, so… “
Never mind on that honesty thing, then.
Dull-eyed, you stare up at him. “… Uh-huh.”
“Its true! I have, uh, cancer.” He insists, nodding his head and forcing his eyebrows up his forehead all serious-like.
“Cancer.” Right.
Right, time to look in the bag... You start to wrap up your lunch again - sadly, as now you’ll have to wait until the end of the day and the bus ride home to eat it, - and plop it back away in your bag, getting up and pulling out a cigarette instead- that should hold you over until the end of the day. “My lunch break is actually over, so I should go- Damn, where’s my light?“
Isaac rifles through his pockets until he pulls out an old looking neon orange lighter, and offers it to you. “Here, use mine.”
Oh, no. You stare at it like a deer in headlights. If you accept that, like you really want to right now because it’s been a month since your last smoke, then you have obligations to sit with him for another couple minutes, at least.
Aghh… You groan and whine on the inside, before making up your mind and flinging the cigarette into a puddle. “See the thing is, I don’t actually have the time-”
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“Go away now, let me go.”
“Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?”
“Ughhh… “This one has been giving you looks all day, but had no courage until now to speak to you- but the thing is? He didn’t have the smarts, either, to take off his wedding ring at least before he decided to be a bastard and bother you. So you feel absolutely no regret about being exactly as dismissive or plain rude, as you feel. “Elias? Go away now.”
The nervous man, who’s been ringing his hands this whole time and stuttering through failed date requests that you pretended you didn’t understand because of his struggle, gets panicked. “Just let me ask!- Will, will you go out with me?”
“No.” You yawn, dropping a piglet toy into a basket.
“But!- “
Turning away, you start pushing your trolley along to get to the next aisle. “Let me go.”
“We can go wherever you like!”
Sighhhhhhhhh. You turn around and grant him an audience, putting your hands on your hips and raising you brows at the wedding band on his left hand.
“Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?”
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“Please fuck off.”
Oh good god in heaven, they’re going bigger with their proposals.
“Y/N! Will you go out with me?”
This man, Corey, has grabbed the announcement phone now that you’re walking away, making you freeze like the dad possum in Over The hedge and seriously consider playing dead, too, as you slowly turn around to look at him again.
Oh, if only looks could kill- he would be so dead that even Vlad the Impaler’s victims would laugh.
This is your first day, and the fact that you’re being harassed by multiple stupid men is bad enough but now he’s calling attention to you like this? Glenn’s going to think you’re a troublemaker!! Jesus fucking Christ- you need this job! Corey continues to talk into the speaker phone, even as he looks into your eyes and sees his death.  “And… now… you’re looking at me like that, so uh… I’m just gonna… say please?”
… “’Please’ fuck off.”
“Yes ma’am-“  
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“Go away now, I’ve made myself clear.
I don’t think so.
Nah its not gonna happen.
Not in a million years.”
Since the run-in with Corey and the following spike in your blood pressure, you’ve calmed down again. But now you’re looking into the two faces of a ‘Mateo’, who you apparently work with, and a ‘Castor’ who does not work here and is not shopping but is still in your face and is t h i s close to feeding that ugly tie to his cousin.
But, still, you’re going to stay graceful, because Castor constantly looks like he’s 3 seconds from pooing himself. “Now please go away, now… I think I’ve made myself clear.” By explaining, politely, that you aren’t looking for a man but thank you for the offer, Castor.
“Oh, but you haven’t heard what Castor does for a living! He’s in insurance,” Mateo explains to you, like this is some huge game changer. When you don’t react, he adds that there’s good money, insurance.
You almost laugh. Does this boy really think you’re such a gold digger? Boy- if I wanted riches then I could’ve easily become a C-Class actor who has no skills in the area, but is pretty so gets praised like she does- like a lotta my model friends.
Instead I’m here, at Cloud 9.
Come to your own conclusions.
But instead of saying that, though, you just shake your head nervously. “I don’t think so… “
“But!- “
“Nah… sorry, its… not gonna happen… “
“But Castor is- “
“Not in a million years… “
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“Aw, no. I gotta go. My house is on fire.”
Now, at least this one is respectful, you think, listening to him talk about the products you’re shelving together. He had come over and offered to give you a hand when you looked confused, as a ‘Cheyanne’ had handed you a scanner earlier and then promptly ran off, despite your utter incompetence. You were so relieved that this guy turned up!!
“… so, you just punch in reduce .50, and scan! Its pretty easy, if you have it properly explained to you. I- I was actually in the same situation, as you! When I first started here, except I ended up, uh, reducing all the items in electronics to 15 cense rather than discounting it all 15 percent.” A grin spreads across your lips at the story, and thank god that Jonah had turned up before that happened to you and, with your luck, you got fired for it.
“Oh no!”
“Yeah- Amy, our uh, floor supervisor, was pretty cranky with me about that… “He laughs himself, resting his hands on his hips; Still looking nervous at the memory.
You look back down at the scanner you’re holding and shake your head. “Well at least you know, now! And thank you so much for coming to my aid, haha. I was so lost- you’ve been a huge help! A life saver, truly.”
“Yeah… “ He gives a cute little, reserved smile. “So, uh, its basically the end of the day! Hope you’re first day hasn’t been too strenuous. At the end of my first day, I know I was tired. But I got to go out with a couple of the other employees and have a drink, to destress. If-If you were free, we could… do something. Together.” Your eyebrows slowly raise up your forehead at that, and you turn to look up Jonah, sceptical. What was that? You sure have had a long day, and its about to get a lot longer if this boy is asking what you think he is. “Sorry! Sorry, that sounded weird. Um, I guess what I’m really asking, is… would you like to, I dunno, go out with me sometime? I know some great places.”
Oh, noooooo! You cry, on the inside. You thought you found a normal one!
Still, he is being so nice… The least you could do is let him down easily.
“Oh, Jonah, I actually… oh- sorry.” Your phone beeps in your pocket and you take it out quickly to have a glance - its just your mother… again, - … and suddenly get an idea. Feigning shock, you quickly put the phone away and put down the scanner. It’s time to clock out and go home, anyway, thank god. “I have to go! That was my mum, uh- I really have to go!”
“Wow, wow, wow, what’s wrong?? Can I help with anything?”
Oh… he looks so concerned. He’s sweet.
But before you can rethink your words, this living horror slips out. “My-my house is on fire.”
Oh god, you’re a horrible person.
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“I’ve, I’ve got herpes. No- Syphilis!”
Oh thank god the day is over. Rolling your shoulders back, you kneel down at your bottom locker, open it up and take out your bag. Now you can go home and put on Gotham on Netflix, wear no pants and eat thin mints until you fall asleep.
When you get up, you aren’t watching out for a man to be standing barely half a foot away from you - Your mistake, obviously, - so you jolt right out of your skin when you see him and curse. What is wrong with these men? Does Cloud 9 offer complimentary staff ninja classes along with their lack of health insurance? Man, classy company. “Sorry!” You look up past the coveralls after stepping a safe distance back from him, and immediately feel dread deep in your chest. “Oh, hi. Marcus, was it?”
“That’s me! How was your first day?” He asks, seeming polite enough despite the fact that you’re cornered between tall boy and the lockers. And you’re too tired to try and slip away- this boy will get out of your way.
“It was good! Thanks for asking. I’m ready to go home and collapse, though.” You admit, shoulders dropping and a tired smile on your lips. Mmm… thin mints… bed… blankets… Cory Michael Smith… I can taste it… Marcus just needs to get out of my way.
“I hear that.” Evidently not quite as deeply, though, as he moves on pretty fast. “Listen- I was thinking if you’re into it we could… go out, some time.” He tilts his head forward to clarify, “On a date,”, in case that part hadn’t translated, and chuckles. “We could see a movie or get drinks, or something, I don’t know. How about tonight?”
T-tonight? The word nearly slips from your lips; All disbelief and tears and exhaustion, included. You’re so tired. “Um… you know, tempting offer, but um… “He looks so hopeful. It nearly changes your mind. “Not tonight.”
“OH! So like, tomorrow?” Oh christ- “Cuz I’m supposed to watch Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here with my mum, but… no, I can blow that off! So, tomorrow?”
You take a deep breath, not really knowing what you can say. “Marcus… “He raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. “… I have herpes.”
“Wait, what??” He steps back, nearly tripping over a table in his fear that just being near you will cause him to contract the disease, and you let your guard down in relief. Yep, for sure, definitely. If it makes him back off, then yes- you have herpes. You have a raging, festering case of herpes.
“Yeah! Or-“ Squinting, you pretend to sift through your brain. “Was it Syphilis?” This boys eyes basically bulge out of his head and you’re totally going to laugh about it later, but right now you have to get out of there. You waive your hand dismissively and walk on by him towards the door like you don’t have a care in the world. Before you leave though, you turn around a flash Marcus a big smile. “Either way, ew, right? Well, see you tomorrow buddy! Gotta go! Enjoy I’m A Celebrity with your mum.” Then you’re gone.
Tomorrow is going to be a much better day, once that rumour is properly spread.
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imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Tate Staskiewicz x Reader || Oneshot
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Inspired by ‘Something That We’re Not’ by Demi Lovato. Basically, you and Tate hooked up one night… for the second time… and you’re content with that just being a wrap (That’s that! That was good, that’s enough- why push it?). You aren’t a relationship person, you don’t like the commitment. But… Tate has other plans.
Warnings: Hmmm, I don’t think so. Commitment issues?
🔆  🔆  🔆
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Hm?” I look up from my - fucking bottom, - locker and to the table Sarah and Justine are at eating their lunch. Sarah, the talker, is staring at her phone; A deep frown plastered to her lips that causes my eyebrows to knit together in confusion. Justine notices, too, and leans over to see what’s on the phone- and when she does see, her brows promptly shoot up. Oh, boy. That’s not good to see. What’s happened? “Yeah?”
“Did you and Tate really hit it off the other night??”
… w h y? My heart just about stops beating in fear. Why. Why mention Tate. Any mention of a one night stand in that tone is not going to be good. I get up from the floor and rush into the empty seat beside Sarah, looing expectantly for her to explain but she just looks right back. Looking for an answer to her question. “Uhh? Yeah, I guess?? We had a good time. Why! ?” Oh good god, tell me the whole store doesn’t know. What is it?? A video, pictures, a running gag!? Good god, I thought we were beyond slut shaming but I guess not-
Sarah’s face scrunches up in confusion. “Are you dating then, now??”
Now that really causes my heart to feel like it’s skipped a beat. Or two. “What!? No! Why would you say that? It was just sex- Oh.” I look sheepishly to Justine, waiting for the high five or the ‘Heyo!’ that’s classic from her at the word ‘sex’… but receive nothing but an awkward look- her gaze turning to the wall as she takes a nervous sip of her coffee instead of talking. Realisation that this is really not good dawns on me. Jesus christ- Justine skipping the chance to talk sex? Its like a sign of the apocalypse. What’s next? The river Nile turning to blood? “Show me the phone, please.”
Sarah glances at Justine, before letting out a sigh and revealing the screen of her iPhone to me. It’s Tate’s Instagram profile- and it says, ‘In a Relationship’, at the top. I look up, deeply confused to Sarah and Justine.
“It didn’t say that before Saturday night.” Justine explains. The night Tate and I were at the bar and hooked up. “Trust me, I keep a close eye on those kinda status’.” She grins, proudly, before sobering again and adding lowly, “And Tate is pretty anal about how his social media looks, so… “She shrugs, meaningfully. So, he knows that that incriminating, incorrect phrase is printed there in his bio. 
Sarah vocalises my assessment. “We can’t see him putting that kind of thing down willy nilly… Also, it says that on all his other profiles, too. Snap Chat, Twitter, even Facebook.”
“Yeah, and I mean,” Justine’s cute little nose scrunches up and her eyebrows knit together as she looks at Sarah who mouths ‘I know, right?’, back.  “Who even uses Facebook anymore?? Ugh.”  
I’m running through the night in my head, wondering if there was any point that I might have hinted to the pharmacist that I was looking for anything more then casual sex, at all. And I find nothing! I did not treat him any differently to how I would usually treat a person in his position- and that treatment has been carefully strung together and thought out so confusions like this do not occur. And it has nothing to do with us working together, I know that much seeing as Isaac understood just fine!
… well actually, honestly, mayyyybe I shouldn’t have slept with him at all this weekend… seeing as this was not our first time… that might have given him the wrong idea...
But god fucking damn it, Tate’s handsomeness obscured my rational and interesting conversation distracted me. I’m a fucking idiot!
I am not a relationship kinda person! I can’t be in a relationship with, fuck I don’t know… Channing Tatum- much less Tate the Pharmacist! Commitment is not for me; No, no, no-no, no. Fuck, fuck, fuck… I have to talk to Tate.
“I should go talk to him,” I say, excusing myself from the table with a polite smile but freaking out inside as I get out of the chair, kneel down and lock my locker back up, then rush out of the room leaving the girls behind in my dust. As I’m passing Grocery, I’m stopped by Cheyanne and Marcus who have their phones out, and show me a picture of me on Tate’s Twitter w i t h  a  h e a r t emoji and the tag #bae. My eyes bulge nearly out of my head as I look in horror at it over Cheyanne’s shoulder. 
“You know, now that I’m seeing it- you two are a cute couple.” Marcus’ words cause a tsunami in my brain- all the little Inside Out-type emotions are drowning and struggling- and Fear is screaming.
“Yeah you do, but- I didn’t think you ‘did’ commitment, Y/N?” Cheyanne adds, sceptical.
“Uh, I do- “Damn. I slam my mouth shut again. I can’t talk to her about this before I talk to Tate. So instead, I just toothlessly smile, and shrug at the two- For lack of any appropriate words. “Anyway! I gotta go- see y’all later!”
And then I’m off again.
I find Tate exactly where, and in what position, I thought he would be; Sitting behind the lonely pharmacy desk with his feet up on the register bench and his nose buried in his phone rather then working. I approach with caution, but confidence also, and knock on the desk surface by his feet to get his attention- and watch his eyes light up when he sees me.
Oh dear god.
“Hey, love bug.” - Oh god, oh god! - “Nice of you to visit me at work!”
Oh… is it? Is it really? Nerves swallow me whole and I nearly shrink back down because to just go with this relationship for the rest of our lives until we get married and have 4 children together and raise them and send them all off to community college instead of having an awkward conversation, sounds really good. How dare he look so soft- this T a t e. Tate is narcissist and an asshole. This isn’t how the world is supposed to work-
“Hey… “My voice cracks like pubescent teenage boy, and I avoid eye contact like a criminal. “Tate, um- So! I think that… maybe, possibly… we might have gotten our signals crossed the other night?”
Tate tilts his head to the side and sets his phone down- all attention on me. “How so?”
“Well,” Why is my voice so high??? I cough into my fist, trying to clear it and return it to its regular register, but fail. The show must go on, though. “Um, I-I was under the impression, that… what we were doing, was, uh… a one-time thing? I guess?” Tate’s eyebrows begin to knit together. “A-and, I think you might have interpreted it a different way?”
“So… you’re saying, that you were just using me, for sex. And somehow that’s my fault?”
My eyes blow wide open and I rush to amend his reiteration as he gets up from his chair and stands, looking down on me now. And… I… oop. That’s just great “No no! Not your fault, at all Tate!! I was just at that bar looking for… err, well, sex! And I thought you were too, but apparently not, and… do you understand?”
“I understand.” For a millisecond, I begin to relax- before Tate’s eyes narrow so much so that they’re nothing but sparkly, black-lashed slits of death. I wish I was at that bar now- I would order a Long Island Iced Tea and black out. “You’re screwing me.”
“What- No!”
“Yes! You want the rig, but not the rest of the machine.” Does he know what a rig is?- Either way, I solemnly, apologetically, shake my head. Well, yes, he’s correct, but I also don’t want to lose the, uh, machine! I really like talking to him when I’m stuck stocking shelves in the pharmacy! I don’t want to lose that? Then, suddenly like the changing wind, Tate’s eyes widen and a ghost of a smirk flickers across his face. “Oh, or- its more than that.” Hold on what. “Cuz Y/N, this isn’t the first time this has happened, you know? The first time, fine. I get it, you need a release. We all do- especially working a lowly job like you do, unlike mine. Heh. But you came back. To me. You could’ve approached anyone else at that bar and gotten the same results… but you came back to this one.”  
Now I narrow my eyes and furrow my brows, leaning back from the self-absorbed chemist. “… what are suggesting, Tate?”
He lets the smirk come out, now, and the only comprehensive thought that passes through my brain is: ‘shittttt’. 
“You just can’t get enough of me.”
“What!?” I gape, jaw dropped. Ridiculous!-
“I’m Y/N-Nip.” Oh sweet jesus. The thought genuinely seems to please him. Of course, it does. Ugh… No way. This cannot be right. I do not want a relationship! No way no how! “So it doesn't really matter if you don’t want me right now- because you will. We both know you will.” 
“I- Tate! You’re cracked!” 
He chuckles, dipping hands into the pockets of his lab coat and shaking his head slowly. “Love you too, babe.” 
“Yeah... you keep screaming my name like that. Good practise.” 
“Oh my god!” I exclaim, covering the bottom of my face and closing my eyes, a grin hidden behind my hands at how ridiculous this is. He’s too cute, oh my god! “How have you twisted this, you insane person. I do not have feelings for you!- Well, romantic feelings.” I cross my arms across my chest. “I do not have the romantic feelings, for you. All the feelings that I have for you can be simply summed up by whatever insane, terrible illness that kept putting Lorelai and Christopher together.” 
“Gilmore girls?” He grimaces. 
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead and his eyes light up even more, despite his apparent aversion towards my chosen American favourite, and I immediately regret my analogy. “So, you admit there are feelings there?” 
“Yeah- raw, animal sex-drive! That’s it!” I try to explain, looking away to avoid his eyes and feeling my cheeks warm up. 
“But you like talking to me, too, don’t you.” Its not a question, its a statement. He knows! And... it is not totally wrong. I do like to talk to him. He’s a narcissist and he’s smug but I happen to find that funny on all but bad days, and he keeps up with my antics like no one else. But so does Sarah. So does Jonah. So do Mateo and the guy on Echat so charmingly called ‘B1gHairyDucksRunTheW8rld’- long story short; I’m darling and lots of people like to talk to me! 
“Oh, Tate. Since when has an amusement by intelligent conversation been considered a for sure indication of desire for a romantic relationship?” 
“Oh, its not. But combined with the ‘raw, animal sex-drive’ that you so aptly named, it kinda does.” He leans closer a little bit over the desk towards me. “Also, you’ve said my name no less then six times while you’ve been here.” 
I laugh out loud- a definite sense of nervousness laced through the sound. “That means nothing!” 
“No, no-no. It means... “ He raises his eyebrows again at me and sets me with a wise look, like somehow he knows the deep secrets that hide out in the recesses of my mind. “Something.” 
Maybe he’s right.
“Oh, believe what you want, love bug.” 
“This is crazy, Tate. We are not in any kind of relationship and I do not have feelings for you!” 
“So I’ll see you tonight?” 
“My place? 7?” 
“You will not see me tonight!” 
“Do you think you’ll end up staying over? Just because, man of riches and luxury that I am, I need to change the sheets if you are to set the right mood.” 
My jaw drops. He’s lost his mind... and maybe I am too a little bit, because for some reason I’m leaning towards agreeing and going to his place tonight. Is there anything that I can say to him to dissuade him from these delusions of me being in love with him? Because I don’t! 
But... I wont lie. This is the most stimulating conversation I’ve had in forever, it feels good. It always does, with Tate. But again still, I am not commitment girl. He is commitment guy. He may not seem like it, in fact he has the complete guide and tool set to be a grade-A douchebag, but he isn’t and he apparently somehow likes me which is not a horrible feeling and I do not want to let him down. I... really don’t. 
Sighing, I collapse against the register and roll my eyes back. “Tate... I might like you. A lot.” 
“Oh. Shocker.” He rolls his own eyes, pressing some buttons on the register. Oh, he thinks that he’s funny. Hm. 
“... but I want you to hear me now. Okay? Listen.” Thankfully he looks up and focuses on me, blue eyes meeting mine. “I am not relationship compatible. I cant do it. I’ve tried it before and I couldn't hack it. Its not in my genetic make-up!- please don’t push this and make me ruin what we have.” 
He takes a deep breath, and sighs it out... before reaching over and holding my hand on top of the desk. He sets me with a reassuring look. “... I’m a Pharmacist. We don’t ruin things.” 
“... Jesus Christ you’re self absorbed.” 
“Maybe you can work on that with me at my place at 7. Now I have to get back to work, pharmaceutical business waits for no man.”
“Oh boy.” I’m dating this guy... 
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
A Christmas to remember
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Word Count: 1,648 Jane x reader Oneshot Warning: Fluff
Hello! I just found your Christmas list and I would like to ask you please 4, 8, and 19 with Jane Volturi, my beautiful sadic also needs love, thank you very much in advance 😙😙😚😚. For @volturicullen​
Jane and Y/N had been together for nearly a year and despite a rocky start they had a strong, loving relationship. Jane was very protective of her human mate and the fact that her gift scared most of the lower guards, noone messed with Y/N which meant she got along with most of the vampires in the castle.
The Volturi celebrate Christmas as it marks the end of another year of their rule and Y/N was amazed by the size of the Christmas tree situated in the throne room. It was 8 feet tall and Felix had to use a ladder to put the silver star on the top of the tree, this amused Y/N greatly. Demetri and Santiago put the warm white lights on the tree before Jane, Alec and Y/N decorated it with red and silver decorations.
Y/N woke up the next morning to discover the vampires had decorated the rest of the castle in red and silver decorations, tinsel and stockings. A small Christmas tree sat in reception, which was also decorated in the castle’s colour theme.
Y/N discovered the ballroom was decorated for Christmas too despite the room not being used very often. A 6-foot tree sat in one corner of the room which was also decorated in the Volturi’s red and silver theme. “We tend to have Christmas ‘dinner’ in here together” Demetri explained “You guys don’t eat food though” Y/N replied looking confused and Demetri chuckled “Heidi and I ensure we have a supply of blood bags that we then pour into wine glasses and celebrate with our secretary, which in recent years has been Gianna” Demetri said with a smile “That’s so nice of you and this year Gianna won’t be the only human celebrating Christmas with you” Y/N smiled at him and he nods at her.
Y/N was sitting in the kitchen baking some cupcakes with Jane when Heidi entered “What are you baking?” Heidi asked “Vanilla and Cranberry cupcakes” Y/N replied “I’m gonna ice them once they’re cooled” Jane added with a smile “Sounds nice, hope you and Gianna enjoy them” Heidi responds with a smile of her own “Thank you” Y/N replied. “I love how festive it feels around the castle now the decorations are up and even your cupcakes smell festive” Heidi says still smiling “Oooh talking of feeling festive, I have an idea about Christmas...Let’s do a Secret Santa. That way everyone is guaranteed at least one gift this season” Y/N suggested and Jane and Heidi nodded in agreement “I like that idea” Jane smiled at her mate “Me too” Heidi added with a smile of her own. “Yay!” Y/N replied, excitement clearly shown her eyes.
Y/N, Jane and Heidi organised Secret Santa for the castle, even the Kings and Queens joined in. “I think it’s a brilliant idea” Aro smiled wide when Jane and Y/N spoke to the Kings about the idea. Caius and Marcus smiled and nodded in agreement too.
Athenodora and Sulpicia joined Heidi and Corin on a shopping trip to buy their Secret Santa gifts. Dora had Jane and bought her a new china doll to add to her collection, Sia had Marcus and bought him a new puzzle, a 3D Hogwarts castle. Heidi bought Demetri some bath products and a new book and Corin bought Santiago a new pair of boots as he had recently complained that his favourite ones were ruined during the last ‘tour’.
Y/N was curled up on the sofa in front of the library fireplace reading when Jane entered following her guard duty shift. “What are you eating?” Jane asked Y/N, looking at her with curious eyes “Peppermint Candy Cane. Want some?” “No thank you sweetie but thank you for offering” “You’re welcome” Y/N replied smiling and watched as Jane took a seat beside her on the sofa “Read to me please, sweetie” Jane shifted closer to Y/N who lifted her arm up and wrapped it around Jane’s shoulder holding her close and began reading aloud to her mate. Jane purred, content with being snuggled up with her mate.
Y/N and Felix were sitting in his room wrapping their Secret Santa gifts, Y/N agreeing to help him by tying the ribbons on the gifts. “You know, the idea of Santa Claus is pretty messed up. It’s a fat man who breaks into your house with presents made by tiny people who know if you’re bad or good. How do they know?” Felix said to Y/N “You’re ruining Christmas for me. Stop” Y/N replied, her voice held a firm tone despite her warm smile and he nodded at her. “You know I heard Jane telling Alec that you still believe in Santa Claus...” “And your point Fe” Y/N cut him off “You’re a grown-up…kinda, definitely too old to believe in Santa” “Says who? You?...” She stared at him for a moment and he said nothing so she continued “If you don’t believe in Santa, you don’t get gifts on Christmas Day…Secret Santa gifts are the exception obviously” Felix shrugged before mumbling “It’s still weird.”  
Y/N woke up on Christmas Day to discover the grounds of the castle were covered in a thick layer of snow and it was still snowing. “Happy Christmas hunny” Y/N said as she hugged her mate “Merry Christmas sweetie” Jane replied before pressing her lips to Y/N’s for a sweet kiss.
Jane, Y/N and Alec sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree in Jane and Y/N’s shared room ready to open their presents. “Merry Christmas sisters” Alec said smiling and handed them both a gift “Merry Christmas brother” The girls replied with a smile of their own as they handed him their gift. Alec had bought Jane and Y/N a ‘Special Sister’ necklace each and they had bought him a ‘World’s number one Brother’ mug and a first edition copy of Romeo and Juliet. “I think I’ll have Christmas dinner in my new mug rather than a wine glass this year” Alec said smiling with pride.
Jane handed Y/N a small gift bag and she looked inside discovering a small blue box, Alec smiled at Jane knowingly but said nothing. Y/N opened the blue box and her mouth fell open at the sight of the silver diamond ring “It-it-it’s beautiful” Y/N struggled to get the words out causing Alec to laugh “I think you broke your mate, sister” “Oh sush, she’s fine” Jane replied and took Y/N’s hand in hers. “Y/N, I know we had a rocky start when we met but we worked through it together and I’m so glad we did because I love you more than I ever thought possible. I know we can’t get married as such, but I still want to make that commitment to you…so will you agree to be my wife for eternity?” Y/N nodded as tears slipped down her cheeks “Yes, I will and I love you too.” Jane slipped the ring onto Y/N’s finger and pulled her in for a hug. “Congratulations sisters” Alec said, his smile wider than before.
Jane opened her gift from Y/N to find a silver ruby ring sitting inside a black box “Looks like we had the same idea hunny” Y/N chuckled and Jane nodded smiling “You two really are soulmates” Alec mused aloud as Y/N slipped the ring onto Jane’s finger. “I love you so very much, will you do me the honour of agreeing to be wife forever too?” “YES!” Jane cried out, excited and again Alec laughed, shaking his head. “I love you” Jane said before leaning forward and kissing Y/N softly on the mouth.
A few hours later the three of them made their way down to the Ballroom for dinner and the Secret Santa exchange. Aro and Jane handed out the Secret Santa gifts and everyone took turns opening their gifts and tried to guess who it was from, some more successful than others.
Y/N opened her gift and Demetri watched as her face lit up “Oh my god! A spa day for two” Demetri couldn’t hide his smile at seeing her reaction “That’s a little over the limit we set” Heidi whispered, a soft chuckle escaping her lips “I know but it’s her first one with us and likely to be her last as a human and I wanted it to be special and this way she and Jane can a have a nice day together away from the castle” He replied. “Thank you Demetri” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, leaving a kiss on his cheek “You’re welcome darling” He replied, turning his head slightly to see her as she was standing behind his chair.
Afton opened his gift to reveal a book of pranks – ‘365 pranks, 1 for every day of the year’ “Thank you to whoever got me this” He smiled and Demetri noticed Y/N’s smile “Why did you buy him that?” “I thought it may give him some ideas on how to prank Felix back every once in a while, considering his usual attempts are quite sad” She replied and he chuckled “Helping the ‘enemy’” “Well maybe a little, but you can’t tell Felix” “Oh, my lips are sealed darling. I’m curious if he’ll actually be able to pull off pranking Felix in the new year” Demetri replied.  
Once all the gifts were opened Gianna and Y/N ate their Christmas dinner whilst the vampires drank their blood, conversations flowing easily among them. After dinner Dora turned up the volume on her Alexa speaker before pulling her husband onto the dancefloor, other couples following them, including Jane and Y/N.
“This will definitely be a Christmas to remember for Jane and Y/N” Alec said to Demetri as they watched the newly engaged couple dance around the Ballroom “For sure” Demetri replied smiling, pleased that Jane was finally getting the happy ending she deserved.  
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
Senseless Kisses
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Word Count: 1,632 Alec x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, NSFW
Key: H/C hair - Her Colour hair
NSFW Prompts: 59: “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss / fuck you senseless right now”60: “If you can’t sleep…then how about we have sex?” For @thevolturiarejustbetter​
It was an overcast day and Alec was bored in the castle so he got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a grey hoodie and grabbed the red cloak from the back of his closet; the one he bought a few decades back and attended the annual St. Marcus’ Day festival. Although he wasn’t a fan of humans, he did find it amusing how they celebrated the expulsion of vampires from the city when Castillo Volterra is full of them and ‘Saint Marcus’ is one of the castle’s Kings.
There was a light breeze in the air and it carried the most delicious scent his way and he felt his throat burn a little despite having fed two days before. He followed the scent out of curiosity and it led him a beautiful human girl, she appeared to be about his age, 17 with Y/C hair and the prettiest Y/C eyes he’s ever seen. He smiled to himself for a moment before realising the burning in his throat had dissipated and was replaced with a need to protect her. “Mate” He mumbled low to himself and approached her with caution as she stood and watched the parade. First introductions went well between them and he felt a warm feeling run through him as they talked and enjoyed the rest of the festival.
Alec tried to hate Y/N but he couldn’t as he loved everything about her, the way H/C hair was as soft to touch as it looked, her eyes that sparkle with curiosity at every new thing she sees but what he loved most was the way she looked at him, with love and adoration. She had accepted him for who he was without question and even called him “My little vampire” He growled the first time she said it, that was until she pointed out that he refers to her ‘little human’ “Ok, I’ll give you that” He replied and gave her the softest of kisses.
The more time they spent together he came to realise that he truly loved her with every fibre of his being and found that his little human really did complete him as she was the other half of his soul.
Y/N and Jane got along well too after Jane got over her jealously of having to share her brother with someone else. “I would never want to come between you and Alec, in fact I’d like it if we could be friends. Also, noone knows Alec better than you” Y/N told Jane honestly “That’s true sweetie, I do know him better than anyone and I can see how much he loves you. I’d like to be friends too” Jane said with a smile. Alec was happy when he discovered the two most important people in his life got along as it meant he had someone else he trusted to keep Y/N safe when he wasn’t around. The only other people he trusted apart from the Kings were Demetri and Felix as the two guards seemed rather fond of the little human.
Alec returned to his room after a long day of guard duty and locked his door as it was the only way to keep Felix out as the large guard had seemed to forget the politeness of knocking first before entering someone else’s room. Alec hung his cloak on the stand by the door and removed his shoes “That’s better” He said low as he curled and uncurled his toes on the dark wooden floor of his room.
He turned around and smiled wide at the sight before him “Good evening Alec��� Y/N said with a warm smile one that he returned. “You look beautiful my love” Alec said as he walked towards Y/N, who was laying on the bed in their shared room “I’m just wearing a t-shirt” She replied gesturing to the white t-shirt she was wearing, it was baggy on her as she had ‘borrowed’ it from Demetri and not returned it. Alec smiled at her as he sat on the bed beside her “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now” Y/N blushed and took her bottom lip between her teeth and Alec growled low, his eyes darkened a little as his thumb coaxed her lip from between her teeth. He leaned in and gently bit her bottom lip, a low gasp leaving her as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She moaned into the kiss and he smiled against her lips as he continued to explore her warm mouth. “Give me your tongue sweetheart” He said low as he pulled back, giving her a moment to take a breath before capturing her lips again. Y/N slipped her tongue inside Alec’s mouth and he sucked on her tongue a little before his tongue started to move against hers in a heated kiss. He let his teeth lightly graze over her tongue before deepening the kiss, his tongue winning the fight for dominance. He pulled away and noticed she was breathless this time “What’s my name sweetheart?” He asked “Hmm…oh…er” He smiled ‘mission accomplished’ he thought to himself.
He ran his hand up her leg going under her t-shirt stopping on her hip “Wonder what colour lace you have on?” He whispers in her ear “I’m supposed to be going to sleep” She chuckled lightly “Then why aren’t you?” He purred in her ear “I couldn’t sleep, I tried” She replied looking into his dark red eyes. Alec thought for a moment before smirking at her “If you can’t sleep…then how about we have sex?” “I like that idea” She replied and climbed onto his lap and kissed him hard, biting his bottom lip.  
She grinded against him and he let out a low moan and she smiled against his lips. His hands came to rest on her bare thighs and he gently slides them upwards leaving little goosebumps on her skin. She unbuttons his shirt and pushes it aside as she places her hands on his chest, sliding them upwards towards his shoulders, one hand moving to the back of his neck. He breaks the kiss so she can breathe and flips them over so she’s beneath him. He quickly removes his trousers but leaves his boxers on. His hand finds its way to her lace panties and he slips his hand beneath them, fingers caressing her folds gently. A low mewl leaves her lips at his cold touch and she feels him slip two fingers gently inside her curling them ensuring they brush against her inner walls. He pulls his fingers out slightly before sliding them back inside her, gently pumping them in and out of her, curling them every few thrusts “Mmm…Alec” She murmurs and he smiles against her neck “You like my fingers inside you don’t you sweetheart?” She nods and hums in response and feels the knot begin to form low in her abdomen, his fingers brush her walls again coaxing her orgasm to the surface. She grinded against his hand needing that friction “Ahh…I’m so…” “Just relax I’ve got you” He whispered in her ear as his other hand removed her panties just as she came undone for him. Once she had relaxed from her high, he removed his fingers and raised them to his lips and sucked them clean “Mmm…you taste as delicious as you smell” He purred low and watched a blush creep over her cheeks and leant forward to kiss her, allowing her to taste herself on his tongue.
She ran her hand downwards and palmed him through his boxers “Let me take care of that for you” He shook his head but before she could protest he removed his boxers and taking his hard cock in his hand he slid it between her folds collecting some of her release before he entered her. A soft gasp left her lips and he entered her, filling her completely “I love how you feel inside me Alec” She kissed him “And I love how warm you feel wrapped around my cock sweetheart.” He left a trial of kisses along her jawline and below her ear continuing his way down to her breasts. He cupped one breast and massaged gently, his thumb brushing her nipple and he begin kissing and nipping at her breast and he slowly thrusted in and out of her. He gradually picked up his pace and began thrusting into her faster “Faster Alec…please…” She begged him and he smiled as he took her nipple into his mouth sucking and licking the hardened bud harshly as he started pounding into her faster and harder than before. Holding one leg against his hip he slid inside her deeper hitting a new spot inside her and she cried out his name, not caring who heard her “ALEC.”
He could feel her release was near as was his own and picked up the pace a little continuing the fast and rough tempo he had set. He felt her walls start to flutter around him and after a few more hard thrusts her walls clenched around him as she came for the second time that night, a wave of pleasure running through her, her eyes closing as dots flittered behind her eyelids. He continued to move within her, her warm release pulling him over the edge and he spilled his own release deep inside her. His thrusts slowed as they rode out their highs together.
“I love you Y/N” “I love you too Alec” She replied and held him close for a few moments. “I think we should take a shower my love” She says with a wink “Most definitely” He replies and leads her into the bathroom for some more fun.
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