#Marcus Bales
batgovernor · 7 days
Weekend read: Marcus Bales, 'Ambush'
You’re smiling, nodding, entering some room Where what weight you once swung you swung for years, Acknowledging this or that one, most of whom Are people you politely call your peers. And like the step you miss that wasn’t there Kaboom: the rush returns. Awareness bursts Enormously inside and out, the where And when, the who and why, the lasts, the firsts. Then no one listens as you start to…
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joiedecombat · 1 month
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When I tell y'all I am gripped with concern for the safety and well-being of this horse. 😭
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byneddiedingo · 6 months
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Marcus Carl Franklin, Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, and Richard Gere in I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Cast: Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Marcus Carl Franklin, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, Richard Gere, Kris Kristofferson (voice), Charlotte Gainsbourg, Bruce Greenwood, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams. Screenplay: Todd Haynes, Oren Moverman. Cinematography: Edward Lachman. Production design: Judy Becker. Film editing: Jay Rabinowitz. Music: Bob Dylan. 
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rwpohl · 3 months
i'm not there, todd haynes 2007
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issela-santina · 2 months
Terminator Salvation aka when life turns you into a machine and you decide to be a bisexual bastard screaming your pipes off instead
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rainbowmilk · 9 months
Don't Forget Me III
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Warnings: Violence, Death, Language
Treech x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
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All you wanted was to get away from the people gawking at you, yet oddly enough, the Capitol boy and the rainbow girl were approaching the crowd. Hand-in-hand, no less. That's something you never thought you'd see: a girl from Twelve and a boy from the Capitol holding hands.
They started talking to a clownish-looking man. You couldn’t hear much, but you did learn their names were Lucy Gray and Coriolanus Snow. You couldn’t imagine a situation where you'd willingly talk to anyone from the Capitol. Lucy Gray, however, seemed to thrive under cameras.
Treech, also watching, said, “Y’know, I think I’d rather take my chances in the arena than have to talk to him.”
“Don’t be an ass! He doesn't look that bad,” you say while trying and failing to suppress your laugh.
He raised an eyebrow, staring at you as if you’ve just said the sky is green. “If you say so,” he teased.
The interview, or whatever you want to call it, was cut short when the metal doors swung open, and a group of Peacekeepers marched in, dragging Coriolanus out.
“Do you think he was even supposed to be in here?” You asked as you watched him get dragged out.
“Course not,” Treech smirked, “he looked ready to piss himself when he realized this was being recorded.” He said, once again making you laugh. For a minute, everything felt normal. If you close your eyes, you could pretend you are back home at the market laughing with your friends.
As the day went on, more and more people started showing up. There must’ve been a crowd of about one hundred people when you spotted the familiar red uniform. At first, you thought it was Coriolanus, but as he got closer, you saw that it was a boy with dark brown hair.
He was carrying a large backpack, which was full of food. The boy pulled a sandwich from the bag and tried to coax Marcus, the boy from Two, to take it. He wasn’t having much luck, though. Marcus wouldn’t even acknowledge him.
You were much more inclined to trust him than Coriolanus. Something about him seemed genuine, kinder even. Maybe if you approached him, he’d give you food. It couldn’t hurt to try.
Treech as if sensing your thoughts grabbed your arm. He shook his head at you, saying, “We can’t trust him. He’s Capitol.”
You wanted to argue but decided it wasn’t worth the headache. Treech could be painfully stubborn when he wanted to be.
Coriolanus came by later in the day and seated himself by the bars. A sting of jealousy hit you when you saw him hand Lucy Gray a sandwich. Why hadn’t your mentor shown up?
You didn’t have to wallow for long because Lucy Gray yelled, “You all should get one. They’re real good! Go on, Jessup!”
Her district partner, Jessup, slowly approached the boy with the sandwiches and took one from his hand. He waited until a plum followed and then walked off without a word.
Emboldened, you sprung up, pulling Treech along with you. Rushing to the fence where the boy gave each of you a sandwich and a plum. Satisfied, you walked back to the rocky patch you’d been sitting at. It’s a good thing you got there early because, within a minute, the backpack was almost depleted by the other tributes.
You had to resist the urge to devour the sandwich, forcing yourself to savor every bite. Who knew when your next meal would be? You had to enjoy it while it lasted.
As the sun set, the crowd thinned, and everyone started to settle in for the night. Most tributes opted to stay in the place they’d claimed the first day. Everybody was getting increasingly ill-tempered, yourself included, the more days you spent trapped in the zoo.
Almost on cue, two boys started fighting over a bale of hay, but Marcus broke them up. His display of strength unsettled you. How could you win against that?
I mean, you could handle an ax. Which already left you better off than most tributes. But you weren’t an expert by any means. If you had to face Marcus in the arena, you’d have no chance. Just thinking of the arena made you uneasy. Seeking comfort, you nestled up next to Treech. Letting his steady heartbeat lull you to sleep
The sun beating down on the enclosure stirred you from your slumber. Your eyes flickered open, but the influx of light has you snapping them shut again.
“Mornin,” Treech whispered, his voice still groggy.
“Mmm..too early,” you grumbled, burrowing your head deeper into his chest.
Running on a limited amount of sleep, you didn’t feel up to do anything besides stay curled up behind the rock. The morning passed by uneventfully, with few visitors stopping by. Until Peacekeepers came and corralled you onto a truck. They offered no explanation as to where you were going.
After a short ride, they unloaded all of you at a large building. You were escorted by Peacekeepers who outnumbered you two to one, which you felt was overkill, considering you had heavy shackles attached to your wrists and ankles. They led you to a table and then chained you with concrete weights, telling you to wait for your mentors.
Without much to do, you tilted your head back and surveyed the hall. It was a beautiful space with marble columns, arched windows, and a vaulted ceiling. You should feel awed, you’d never see anything like this in Seven, but it only made you miss home even more.
You glanced over to Treech, but before you could say anything, the doors opened, and twenty-four teenagers marched out. You wondered which one would be your mentor. You hoped they actually cared, but you doubted it, considering they hadn’t visited.
A tall boy who must be your mentor approached your table, sitting in the chair across from you. He introduced himself as “Pliny Harrington”. He seemed nice enough, if not a bit tactless. Maybe this won’t be that bad you allowed yourself to hope.
It was that bad. You were ready to tear your hair by the end of the session. You misheard one question, and Pliny spent the rest of the time talking to you like a toddler. The most infuriating part was his self-satisfied grin because he was so sure he was being helpful.
When the whistle blew to signal the end of the session, you could’ve cried with relief. Even as the Peacekeepers rounded you back into the truck, you were just glad to be done. You’d had enough interactions with Capitol folks to last you a lifetime.
In the truck, you find yourself sitting next to Lucy Gray while she stares at you with a unreadable expression. You are not sure what to make of her.
“Hi...you’re Lucy Gray, right?” you say, wondering why she’s staring at you.
“The one and only,” she quipped back.
Over her shoulder, you could see Treech watching you, his eyes flitting between you and Lucy Gray, unsure if it was a friendly conversation. You shot him a smile, letting him know you were okay.
Lucy Gray must’ve caught the interaction because she gave you a knowing look. She leaned in and whispered, “So, what’s up with you and your district partner?”
Startled, your eyes scanned the others to make sure no one had heard, “What do you mean?”
She shrugged, “You two seem very close, plus he gets this glint in his eyes when he looks at you.”
You glanced up, and sure enough, Treech was still staring at you. He looked startled to have been caught again and looked away. “He’s just—we’ve just been friends for a while,” you say, though your voice has an annoyingly hopeful twinge to it.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that…well, you at least like him, don’t you?” She asked.
The expression on your face must answer her question because she gave you a pitying smile. Are you really that obvious? You must be. Because it seems everyone, but Treech knew at this point. Even his brothers would tease you about it.
When you arrived back at the zoo, a crowd waited for you. Morning attendance was scarce, but now visitors were pouring in. Annoyed, you tried to hide yourself behind a rock to escape prying eyes.
“What were you and Twelve talkin’ about?” Treech asked, plopping himself beside you.
“It’s a secret,” you say, winking at him, hoping he doesn’t see right through you. Wanting to change the topic, you ask, “How was your mentor?”
He winced at your question “She was very irritating,” he replied. By the look on his face, he was clearly holding himself back from saying anything meaner. “How was yours?”
“God, don’t get me started,” you groan. “He talked to me like I was a five-year-old the whole time!”
You didn’t even think it was possible, but somehow, more people came as the day progressed. Unsurprisingly, Lucy Gray was by the bars entertaining the crowd. What caught your eye, though, was they seemed to be passing her food. The thought of begging for scraps made you flush with humiliation. But it was slowly becoming evident that if you wanted to eat, you’d need to perform.
Other tributes realized this as well. The girl from District 9 did a back handspring, which was rewarded with applause and a bread roll. You stared longingly at the bread, what you would give for a bite.
“Are you hungry?” Treech asked, his mouth turned into a frown.
“I’m fine,” you say, not wanting to worry him.
Treech stared at you blankly, making it clear he didn’t believe you. He stood up, fetching three walnuts off the floor, and marched up to the crowd. He made a good show of juggling the walnuts and keeping the crowd entertained. He was rewarded with a bread roll and an apple.
Once he’s finished, he tipped his hat at the crowd before rushing back to you. He looked pleased with himself as he offered the food to you.
You immediately protested, “No! Don’t worry about me. I’m not that hungry anyway.” In embarrassingly perfect timing, your stomach lets out a growl.
Treech face broke out into a smile, holding out the food again. Sighing in defeat, you ripped a chunk off the bread. As you sat eating, you heard the crowd laughing. When you turned toward the noise, you saw one of the mentors holding out a sandwich in front of her tribute to the girl from Ten, only to pull it away at the last second, much to the crowd’s amusement.
“That’s awfully cruel,” you mumbled, clutching your food protectively to your chest. You tried to block out the noise. No point in making yourself needlessly upset.
However, shrieks coming from the audience members had you snapping your head back towards the bars. You saw the girl from Ten holding a bloody knife. The Capitol girl's face was drained of color as she dropped the sandwich and clawed at her neck. Blood was pouring from her neck and down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her and gave her a small shove.
The Capitol girl stepped back, turning and reaching out, imploring the audience for help. People were either too stunned or too scared to respond. Many drew away as she fell to her knees and began to bleed out. You held no love for the Capitol, but you couldn’t help but pity the girl. It was a horrible way to die.
Coriolanus rushed towards the Capitol girl. Shouting for a medic. He must know her. Your heart dropped when you saw Peacekeepers shouldering their way toward the enclosure. The gunshots sounded almost immediately after. Bullets were fired into the cage without care of who they hit.
You sit stunned for a second as you watch the bullets pierce the District 10 girl's body. Treech practically throws himself toward you, pushing you behind the rock. The bullets continued firing, flying just past your heads.
Even when the gunshots died down, you and Treech remained on the ground. Both of you clinging tightly to one another. After enough time passed, you peeked out and saw soldiers swarming the place, clearing out the last remnants of the audience. Without warning, they swarmed the enclosure, dragging all of you to the back of the cage and lining you up with your hands on top of your heads.
As you stood there, you wondered if they were going to shoot all of you and get it over with. Maybe it would be easier if you died now. At least it would be quick.
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sejjiplinth · 26 days
everytime i think about marcus absolutely hurling two kids across the zoo because they were being annoying over a bale of hay i start giggling to myself
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maidstew · 23 days
re: our favorite gremlin
thinking about mizzen befriending the other tributes but like,,
he’s the opposite of friendly, but he’s very good at endearing himself to the others when he recognizes that they might actually be upset (aka weaponizing puppy eyes)
mizzen probably fights tanner for that hay bale (before marcus tosses them both aside to claim it for himself), then it’s a bitter alliance between the two of them & whoops they’re friends
bobbin and mizzen friendship but mizzen hates him at the start bc “wdym there’s another boy my age here” and 13-year-olds will start beef over literally anything. they probably bond over a cool stick or something.
cue five people later and coral is telling mizzen that he can’t keep “trying to make friends” and mizzen just blinks and her blankly because “those aren’t friends, those are mortal enemies” (that’s a lie, he’s made so many new besties)
oh my gosh i’m obsessed with this because it’s so accurate and i love it 🥺
mizzen accidentally befriends panlo when he was actually trying to insult panlo by making fun of his accent. but panlo thought he was adorable and starting trying to mimic mizzen’s accent like it was a game.
mizzen starts beef with lamina because she asked what was on his pants. he was offended because how could you not know what starfish are. then he explained every fact about starfish that he knew and lamina just loved the way he lit up when he spoke about them.
jsjjsjsjs it’s all just so sweet. mizzen somehow gets adopted by every single other tribute.
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satansapostle6 · 8 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Jonah Simms
Amy Sosa
Marcus White
Garrett McNeill
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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batgovernor · 3 months
Marcus Bales, 'This Be The Verse'
Post this, post that, post-modernists –    Denying narrative’s cabal. The story that they tell insists    It’s not a story after all. New Criticism made them see    That reading closely what was said Meant cutting off biography,      And authors might as well be dead. Like raisin oatmeal cookies, picked    In hopes of chocolate chip, they bust Your faith in how things seem. You’re tricked    To…
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lydiamaya · 2 years
Goals of world cup 2022 (part 1/?)
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In order — 1. Enner Valencia [P], 2. Enner Valencia (2), 3. Jude Bellingham, 4. Bukayo Saka, 5. Raheem Sterling, 6. Bukayo Saka (2), 7. Mehdi Taremi, 8. Marcus Rashford, 9. Jack Grealish, 10. Mehdi Taremi [P] (2), 11. Cody Gakpo, 12. Davy Klassen, 13. Tim Weah, 14. Gareth Bale [P], 15. Lionel Messi [P], 16. Saleh Alshehri, 17. Salem Al-Dawsari, 18. Craig Goodwin, 19. Adrian Rabiot, 20. Olivier Giroud, 21. Kylian Mbappé, 22. Olivier Giroud (2), 23. İlkay Gündoğan [P], 24. Ritsu Doan, 25. Takuma Asano, 26. Dani Olmo, 27. Marco Asensio 28. Ferran Torres [P], 29. Ferran Torres (2), 30. Gavi
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urgeth · 9 months
did the rescue isobel from marcus fight, bale said: fuck u, fuck ur mama, fuck anyone who had anything to do with u !!! and also refused to kill her, so fuck the butler too. i'm gonna meta in a sec.
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cryingforcrocodiles · 2 years
heeeyy, who would you consider to be your top 10 favourite footballers? 😁
oh boy. oh boy. thank you so much for asking anon. also sorry for answering late i kid you not i had to PONDER this one. made a list in my latin class. this was really difficult. hopefully you mean men footballers bc i can't rank women footballers. why pit bad bitches against another? this is not based on skills btw i don't. yeah. no
1 — marcus rashford
2 — hakim ziyech
3 — kylian mbappe
4 — lionel messi
5 — javier "chicharito" hernandez (i don't talk about him a lot but <3 he's my heart i sweaaa)
6 — eric maxim choupo-moting (🇨🇲🇨🇲🫶🏿) / vini jr <3 (they have to share a spot)
7 — bukayo saka (the 7 placement on purpose 🫶🏿 fav #7)
8 — lisandro "licha" martinez
9 — jesse lingard
10 — olivier giroud / gareth bale (i can't choose)
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #253 . AA.VV. - I’M Not There (O.S.T.), 2007
Bob Dylan, che è stato anche attore (14 film come attore protagonista o co-protagonista), non concesse mai la sua autorizzazione per un film biografico su di lui. Con una unica, spettacolare eccezione: Todd Haynes, creativo cineasta canadese, che ha grande passione per la musica nei suoi film (cito per esempio Velvet Goldmine sul mondo glam, o un documentario sui Velvet Underground uscito nel 2021), ha il suo placet per un film su di lui, I’M Not There, che esce nel 2007. Dove per tutta la pellicola non viene mai citato Bob Dylan per nome, ma dove è rappresentato da 6 storie potenti e profonde da 6 personaggi diversi, ognuno a raccontare un aspetto del Dylan leggenda: il Poeta Arthur Rimbaud, il Profeta Jack Rollins / Padre John, il fuorilegge Billy McCarty, il falso Woody Guthrie, il "martire del rock and roll " Jude Quinn e la "stella elettrica" Robbie Clark. Il cast è stellare: Marcus Carl Franklin, 11 anni, in una prova magistrale per Guthrie, ossessione adolescenziale di Dylan; Christian Bale come Jack Rollins\Padre John, per il primo Dylan acustico e folksinger; Cate Blanchett come Jude Quinn, che rappresenta il Dylan della svolta elettrica ‘65-’66, accusato di tradire lo spirito della musica folk, per questo “martire”; Richard Gere è il Dylan che interpreta Billy The Kid nello storico film di Sam Peckinpah Pat Garrett E Billy Kid, e del ritorno alla musica country e folk; Heath Ledger è il Dylan febbrile e martoriato dalla fine del suo matrimonio con Sara di Blood On The Tracks; Ben Whishaw è un Rimbaud decadente e immaginifico, e Dylan non ha mai nascosto il suo amore per la poesia del grande francese. Il film ebbe grande eco, e vinse a Venezia il Premio Speciale della Giuria (presieduta dal regista cinese Zhang Yimou) e la Coppa Volpi per la miglior interpretazione femminile andata a Cate Blanchett (il quale premio fu ritirato, data l'assenza dell'attrice, da Heath Ledger, in una delle sue ultime apparizioni pubbliche prima della morte avvenuta il 22 gennaio 2008). Haynes pensa ad una colonna sonora degna di tale progetto, chiamando una serie di artisti a reinterpretare il catalogo dylaniano, pescando in alcuni dei momenti non solo più classici, ma anche minori della sua lunghissima carriera. Il materiale è così tanto che viene utilizzato solo in parte per il film e viene raccolto in una colonna sonora da 2 cd, che esce con lo stesso titolo del film. I’m Not There è infatti un’altra perla di quel tesoro infinito che furono i Basement Tapes e qui è presentata in due versioni: la prima dei Sonic Youth, quella di Dylan chiude il secondo disco quasi a dire che beffardamente che “lui non sta davvero là”. In mezzo altri 32 brani, dove amici ed estimatori prendono e reinterpretano, la maggior parte in modo interessante, il catalogo di capolavori. Parto subito dal dire che si poteva fare meglio sulla versione che Charlotte Gainsbourg fa di Just Like A Woman (uno dei massimi di Dylan), per il resto il disco è pieno di gioiellini, soprattutto quelli che riscoprono brani del Dylan minore: tra questi, emozionante sono le riprese di Goin' To Acapulco di Jim James e i fantastici Calexico (da The Basement Tapes,1975), che con il loro tocco psichedelico-tex-mex sono favolosi, anche in Dark Eyes con gli Iron & Wine (brano dal disco Empire Burlesque,1985). Molti dei brani sono suonati dalla Million Dollar Bashers, supergruppo che prende il nome dal titolo di una canzone di Dylan - The Million Dollar Bash - composto da Lee Ranaldo e Steve Shelley degli Sonic Youth, il chitarrista Nels Cline degli Wilco, la chitarra magica di Tom Verlaine, Tony Garnier, bassista di fiducia di Dylan, il chitarrista Smokey Hormel e il tastierista John Medeski. Ci sono prove di classe di grandi vecchi: One More Cup Of Coffee di Roger McGuinn con i Calexico, Tombstone Blues cantata da Richie Havens, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues reinterpretata dal grande Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) da Willie Nelson (da Street Legal, del 1978, uno dei primi dischi del Dylan convertitosi al cristianesimo).  Caratteristiche sono le riletture mariachi dei Los Lobos di Billy 1, dalla colonna sonora di Pat Garret,  I Wanna Be Your Lover dei Yo La Tengo (questa presa da Biograph, disco del 1985). Non mancano i super classici: All Along The Watchtower cantata da Eddie Vedder con i Millon Dollar Bashes, The Times They Are a Changin' da Mason Jennings, Highway 61 Revisited cantata da Karen O degli Yeah Yeah Yeahs con i Million Dollar Bashers, Simple Twist Of Fate cantata da Jeff Tweedy. Da ricordare una tenebrosa Man In The Long Black Coat di Mark Lanegan, brano tratto da Oh Mercy! del 1989 e la bella ripresa di The Wicked Messenger dei The Black Keys. Vennero scelti anche due brani particolari all’epoca: Can't Leave Her Behind, registrato incompleto su nastro e in video nel maggio 1966 in una stanza di hotel durante la mitica tournée nel Regno Unito di quell’anno, riarrangiata in parte e cantata da Stephen Malkmus & The Million Dollar Bashers ; Mama, You've Been on My Mind / A Fraction of Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie, qui uniti insieme da Jack Johnson, erano usciti separatamente nel primo volume della Bootleg Series (1991), Vale l’ascolto anche You Ain't Goin' Nowhere di Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová, che in due si chiamano The Swell Season, i quali nel 2008 vinceranno l’Oscar per la miglior canzone originale, Falling Slowly tratta dal film Once. Rimane un tentativo unico e davvero interessante di carpire l’essenza di Dylan, da sempre misteriosa e sfuggente, il quale nel brano omonimo dice: Sì, credo che sia giusto, oh, nell’animo lo credo\mi hanno detto, come ho detto io, quando prima portavo io il peso del delitto\quando lei è tutto quello che le hai detto, come ho detto, tira dritto\vorrei essere lì ad aiutarla ma non ci sono, me ne sono andato.
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STUDIO CITY, CA – April 17, 2023 – Dark skies are headed for the McMurrays, in more ways than one, in��“When it Rains...” this week’s all-new episode of “Ride” premiering Sunday, April 23 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Nancy Travis (“Last Man Standing”), Tiera Skovbye (“Riverdale”), Beau Mirchoff (“Good Trouble”), Sara Garcia (“The Flash”), Jake Foy (“Designated Survivor”) and Tyler Jacob Moore (“Shameless”) star.
Missy (Skovbye) brings Cash (Mirchoff) as her plus-one to the Frontier BBQ, but he feels out of place when his biggest competition, Hudson Cooper (Orin McCusker, “Wynonna Earp”), shows up too. As she coaches Cash on making a good impression, Missy is haunted by memories of Austin (Marcus Rosner, “The Love Club”) and is caught off guard by a strangely familiar woman (Holly Deveaux, “12 Monkeys”). At the ranch, Hank (Greg Lawson, “Heartland”) surprises Isabel with some exciting news, but she doesn’t take it as well as he hopes. When the McMurrays get word that a big rainstorm has shifted and is expected to hit the ranch by nightfall, everyone works together to save all of the hay bales but have no hope of succeeding with just one working tractor. Valeria (Garcia) must put aside her differences with Tuff (Foy) to try and revive one of Dusty’s broken, old rigs. The task seems impossible, and so the pair considers an offer of help from an unlikely source. When Missy and Cash return, tensions from the day’s events create a perfect storm.
“Ride” is a Blink49 Studios/Seven24 Films Production. Executive producers are Rebecca Boss, Chris Masi, Sherri Cooper, Alexandra Zarowny, Paolo Barzman, Greg Gugliotta, FJ Denny, John Morayniss, Carolyn Newman, Virginia Rankin, Elana Barry, Josh Adler, Jordy Randall and Tom Cox. Mark Haroun and Alejandro Alcoba are co-executive producers. The series is produced by Brian Dennis. Lesley Grant is supervising producer. Paolo Barzman directed from a script by Jen Rivas-DeLoose.
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