#March of The Black Queen
superfamiblog · 3 months
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Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (1993/95, Quest/Enix)
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lickthecowhappy · 6 months
If season 3 opens to a montage of Crowley glowing up Duke of Hell style set to March of the Black Queen I think I'll evaporate, thereby missing the rest of the season.
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swiftsmash · 2 months
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Feeling so unwell recently and music seems to be the only thing to help 😣
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ezziefae · 7 months
i wonder how madocs character will play out in the prisoner’s throne.
from reading the prologue it looks like jude still cares very much about madoc, and apparently jurdan planned to save madoc but wanted to wait it out?
madoc has a very bad reputation in elfhame and the undersea. he’s the cause for many of the political problems and deaths since the beginning of TFOTA series.
The Stolen Heir ended in Oak freeing Madoc from lady nore and ordering Tiernan to take him to Elfhame, or somewhere else that’s safe only if Jude and Cardan decided not to take him back in. Whether Jude decides to accept him back to elfhame or not, we don’t know. but i can surely belive that Madoc would want to work with Jude to get Oak back. We’ll see how that goes in 26 days!!!
So now i have MANYYY questions, is this the book where Madoc redeems himself to elfhame and his family? will he play the hero? or is he going to keep betraying jude and cardan?
will he die???… or will jude lift his exile and welcome him back to elfhame?
but wouldn’t that be a problem for elfhame and the undersea? if jude lifted his exile then i believe it would be a bad look for jude and cardan. to forgive a person who was responsible for weakening Orlagh, for breaking his oath to the blood crown, betraying elfhame, and helping Balekin set out his plan to kill the royal family. Now that has got me wondering if that’s Jude’s political problem by the end of the book?
the prisoners throne comes out less than a month from now !! WOOHOO! so i feel the neeed to talk about some things that we might see in this book. Also apparently the prisoners throne will have 25 chapters!!
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have you done your daily click
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adalheidis · 1 year
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Miss Deneb <3
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darlingfreddie · 7 months
(This is in terms of composition, overall sound, lyrics, etc. I’m just curious because they’re like sister songs!)
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
Maxi Skirts available for preorder now ♥️
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Preorders end tonight, 3/26, at 11:59pm CT!
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superfamiblog · 11 months
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Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (1993/95, Quest/Enix)
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thenostalgiacloset · 6 months
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Cutie brand marching band jacket that I got many years ago, I just wanted to live my black parade dream
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callmebrycelee · 6 months
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MARCH 25, 1942 - AUGUST 16, 2018
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everysongineverykey · 7 months
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theartoftheprompt · 3 months
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Remember the heroines of the movement!
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forever-teaparty · 1 year
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ezziefae · 9 months
Thoughts on Chap 2 of The Prisoner's Throne.
"Oak takes the stairs, careful now. He has the surreal feeling of being in a video game. He played enough of them, sitting on Vivi’s couch. Creeping through pixelated rooms that had more of the appearance of Madoc’s stronghold where he grew up than anywhere they went in the mortal world. Leaning on Heather’s shoulder, controller in his hands. Killing people. Hiding the bodies."
Okay, starting off strong already. I squealed when I read the part where Oak has his head leaning on Heather's shoulder. The "Killing people. Hiding the bodies" part was an obvious reference to Oak's blood thirst.
This is a stupid, ugly, violent game, Vivi said. Life isn’t like that. And Jude, who was visiting, raised her eyebrows and said nothing.
a few selkies hang around at the edges, no doubt gathering news of a rising power to take back to the Undersea.
These selkies are snitches. Holly did confirm that we were gonna see many familar faces from TFOTA, so I am definitely expecting to see Nicasia or Orlagh.
But after he and Vivi and Heather had to carry bags of laundry to the basement of their apartment building and feed quarters into a machine, along with detergent and fabric softener, he realized that someone must have been performing a related service for him in Faerie.
AWEEEE! how humble Oak has become. I'm so happy we're not only getting more Jude and Cardan but also Vivi and Heather.
He feels a bit foolish as he wades into a vat, naked. Should he be discovered, he will doubtless have to play the silly, carefree prince, so vain that he escaped his prison for a bath. It would be a crowning achievement of embarrassment.
LMAO! I can just imagine how hilarious this would be.
Oak knows it’s ridiculous, and yet he can’t help feeling as though they have an understanding of each other
Oak had the bridle placed on him, he was imprisoned for three weeks, he was starved and neglected, and he still thinks this way of Wren. This boy is soooo in love.
Nor is he sure what it means about him that he finds hope in the fact that Wren has kept him. Fine, not everyone would see being thrown into a dungeon as a romantic gesture, but he’s choosing to at least consider the possibility that she put him there because she wants something more from him.
since Hyacinthe was the one who stole Damsel Fly
NO! NOT DAMSEL FLY TOOO! Oh a war is definitely coming.
Hyacinthe is now Wren’s second-in-command
oh this will not be a fun discovery for Tiernan.
Either way, he’d be free. Free to not need rescuing. Free to attempt to talk his sister out of whatever homicidal plan she might foment against the Citadel. Free to return home and go back to performing fecklessness, back to sharing the bed of anyone he thought might be planning a political coup, back to being an heir who never wants to inherit.
The way Oak believes he can talk Jude out of battling with Wren. Like does he not know his sister?
"Back to sharing the bed of anyone he thought might be planning a political coup" WHATTT!!! okay this is a huge deal, Oak has been sleeping with people to find out if they are a threat to him or elfhame. My poor boy, does oriona not watch over him??? or jude?? how did it get so bad that he had to start doing that???
Not that he knows how to stop either of them if he remains here. He’s not sure anyone knows how to stop Jude. And Wren has the power of annihilation. She can break curses and tear spells to pieces with barely any effort. She took apart Lady Nore as though she were a stick creature and spread her insides over the snow.
Yeah so when I finished The Stolen Heir, I feared for Jude and Cardan. Oak is right, Jude is dangerous and she will try to fight ANYTHING that gets in her way, but Wren is horrifically dangerous as well. I fear for both Jude and Wren. This is gonna be chaos.
Then he sees Wren, and longing shoots through him like a kick to the gut. He forgets about risk. Forgets about schemes.
“Not my future.” There is a hollowness to Wren’s cheeks, Oak notices. She’s thinner than she was, and her eyes shine with a feverish brightness. Has she been ill? Is this because of the wound in her side when she was struck by an arrow?
Oh no.
Bogdana does not contradict her this time. “You have need of my strength. And you have need of my companions if you hope to continue as you are.” Oak stiffens at those words, wondering at their meaning.
so wren is not doing so well, and bogdana hope she listens and gets help from her companions. the real question here is what is the problem?????
Mother Marrow does not seem discomfited in the least. She walks to Wren and deposits the white walnut in her hand. “Remember these words, then. To conjure it, say: We are weary and wish to rest our bones. Broken shell, bring me a cottage of stones.”
So wren can make a cottage appear and dissaper with the shell she received from mother marrow. Im assuming that this shell will be used in the story somehow. But what would get to that point? wren already lives in a palace of her own, so why give her a shell that can make a cottage house appear? will Oak use it when he escapes? will wren run away and use it???? im guessing this cottage house will be used significantly.
And yet, Oak notices that she sways a little before gripping the arm of her throne. Forcing herself upright. Something is very wrong.
The man steps forward. “Though I do not like to be outdone, I have nothing so fine to give you. But Bogdana summoned me here to see if I can undo what—”
So from what I'm getting, there's something more about wren we don't know about. something that's hurting her or affecting her deeply. Her power? stress and anxiety? I might need some time to crack this one.
Her eyes move restlessly under their lids, as though she doesn’t even feel safe in dreams. Her skin has a glassy quality, as though from sweat or possibly ice. What has she been doing to herself ?
I'm starting to feel very overprotective of Wren. With Jude and Cardan coming to the citadel to save Oak I fear for both sides.
But as though she can sense him, Wren opens her eyes.
SERIOUSLY THIS IS HOW THE CHAPTER ENDS??? At this point Oak is asking to be killed, he could've had the oppurtunity to escape, yet he chose to follow wren to her room. This chapter made me feel very empathetic of Wren, she looks like a villain, but she's really not. She has been betrayed, tortured, abused, neglected for many years, her actions of becoming queen and imprisoning Oak all come from hurt.
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