#Marcelino Sanchez
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rembrandts-spraypaint · 8 months ago
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A few of my favorite Warriors production stills! I have a billion more but these are just from the ones I have on my laptop. I love seeing the cast/crew together and seeing them mess around or taking some cool in-character photos, this entire cast has my heart [especially Marcelino] <3
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yourdailyqueer · 9 months ago
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Marcelino Sánchez (deceased)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 5 December 1957 
RIP: 21 November 1986
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican
Occupation: Actor
Note: Had HIV
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total-toral · 9 months ago
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Ohmygosh this is almost lethal amount of cuteness.
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victusinveritas · 3 months ago
Also adding to this: The Warriors, but it's all the gangs in New York teamed up and fighting against drones but it is still 1979. So I guess just Greasers vs Terminators vs Marcelino Sanchez.
Robot voice as roboclaws tap: Warriors...come out and playeeee.
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Some dark day, the greasers and beatniks will return to save us.
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barbecuesworld · 2 months ago
I'll maybe forget everything but I will never forget the time my friend asked me "do you think that marcelino sanchez got freaky with freddie mercury?" like wtf darla why would I know that 😭���� I'm genuinely scared of my friend
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foxworth-hall · 8 months ago
mhh name the last book you read.
I'm reading a lot of books at the same time… but I think the last one I finished is “Marcelino pan y vino” by Jose María Sanchez Silva. It has reminded me that the film version is a bit sinister.
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freelance-informatique · 2 years ago
OM vs Panathinaïkos : De grosses surprises dans le XI Marseillais !
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Ce soir, à 21h, l'Olympique de Marseille se retrouve face à un défi de taille : affronter le Panathinaïkos dans un match décisif. Voici notre analyse pour ce OM vs Panathinaïkos qui promet d'être électrique ! OM vs Panathinaïkos : Enjeu de taille pour l'OM En jeu ? Une place en Ligue des Champions. Après une défaite amère 1-0 lors du match aller, l'OM n'a pas le choix : il faut gagner pour continuer à rêver des étoiles européennes. Malgré la défaite lors du match aller, l'OM a montré des signes encourageants en Ligue 1. En effet, les Marseillais ont récemment arraché une victoire 2-1 contre Reims. Cependant, une ombre plane sur l'équipe : Aubameyang, l'attaquant vedette, n'a toujours pas trouvé le chemin des filets sous ses nouvelles couleurs. Voir aussi : - Alexis Sanchez sort du silence à propos de son avenir à l'OM Marcelino, un optimisme à toute épreuve L'entraîneur marseillais, Marcelino, ne cache pas son optimisme avant cette rencontre cruciale. Malgré les défis, il croit en ses joueurs et en leur capacité à renverser la situation. Il a d'ailleurs évoqué un changement radical dans le style de jeu par rapport à la saison précédente. L'équipe est en pleine phase d'adaptation, et ce match pourrait être le déclic tant attendu. Voir aussi : - L'OM réalise deux énormes coups et s'éloigne d'une piste ! Des choix tactiques audacieux du côté de l'OM ? Marcelino pourrait surprendre en associant Aubameyang et Vitinha en attaque, un duo qui pourrait faire des étincelles. Certains joueurs comme Iliman Ndiaye pourraient débuter sur le banc, tandis qu'Ismaïla Sarr et Azzedine Ounahi sont attendus en tant que titulaires. Au milieu, l'absence de Geoffrey Kondogbia, suspendu, pourrait être compensée par la paire Rongier-Veretout. Ces deux joueurs ont déjà montré une belle complémentarité et pourraient être la clé pour dominer le milieu de terrain. En défense, l'incertitude règne autour de la présence de Chancel Mbemba. Si ce dernier devait déclarer forfait, Balerdi pourrait être l'homme de la situation et revenir en tant que titulaire. OM vs Panathinaïkos : Les compos probables L'OM vs Panathinaïkos s'annonce comme l'un des chocs de cette phase de Ligue des Champions. Entre enjeux européens, revanche à prendre et choix tactiques audacieux, les supporters des deux camps seront à coup sûr au rendez-vous. L'Olympique de Marseille a une chance de montrer qu'il est prêt pour les grands défis européens. Rendez-vous ce soir, à 21h, pour un match qui promet d'être électrique ! Marseille : Lopez - Clauss, Gigot, Balerdi, Lodi - Sarr, Veretout, Rongier, Ounahi - Vitinha, Aubameyang. Panathinaïkos : Brignoli - Vagiannidis, Jedvaj, Magnusson, J. Perez - R. Perez, Vilhena - Mancini, Djuricic, Bernard - Sporar. ________ Retrouvez toutes l'actu foot sur notre page Facebook et sur notre page Twitter ! Read the full article
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nearmidnightannex · 2 years ago
Shootin’ at the walls of heartache, bang bang...
I ... genuinely cannot imagine what this could possibly look like.
'The Warriors' Is Lin-Manuel Miranda's Next Broadway Musical (collider.com) BY BRITTA DEVORE 4 August 2023
It’s been nearly a decade since Lin-Manuel Miranda released a new stage musical, but according to the New York Post, he’s at it again. Sticking to his native New York City roots, the In the Heights and Hamilton creator is moving forward with a stage adaptation of Sol Yurick’s 1965 novel, The Warriors, a story that has already been given the big-screen treatment through Walter Hill’s 1979 feature of the same name. Set on the gritty streets of New York City during the 1960s, the tale follows rivaling gangs as they make their way from the Bronx to Coney Island while duking it out with one another to ensure their own survival...
The 1979 film by director Walter Hill featured a young Michael Beck, James Remar, Deborah Van Valkenburgh, Brian Tyler, Terry Michos, Thomas G Waites, Dorsey White, David Patrick Kelly, Tom McKitterick, David Harris, Marcelino Sanchez, Lynne Thigpen (sadly, RIP), Roger Hill & Mercedes Ruehl as an undercover policewoman.
And for those of you who have no idea what movie they’re even talking about:
I mean ... I guess a musical could be kind of like “West Side Story”, but with probably less tragic romance and more baseball bats and shirtless guys in leather vests? And far more highly choreographed balletic fight scenes.
(NB: the title of the post has nothing to do with the movie, or book, or musical. It’s just the first thing that comes to mind when I hear that title. The olds among us will know of what I speak.)
(And speaking of the olds: from 2015 -  Watch ‘The Warriors’ Recreate Their Last Subway Ride Home (rollingstone.com) and as the video has become disconnected from that article - the actual (abbreviated) video of that ride. (”This movie has inspired real gangs” is frankly one of the more appalling things I’ve heard.) )
Allegedly, there was going to be a TV remake of the film in 2022, possibly by Hulu, but it doesn’t seem to have happened. 
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estudio-francisco-sguera · 2 years ago
Causa DCXXXI, 2da Parte
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Es de tenerse presente que tanto el decreto del año 25, como la ley rural, imponen esas penas a los autores y cómplices actual, más benigna al respecto que la anterior y entonces no ha habido agravio para los encausados y la inaplicabilidad no ha podido invocar por fundamento un rigor ilegal de condena, votando entonces porqué no existe esa inaplicabilidad, que haga variar favorablemente las condenas.
Los Dres. Escalada, Gonzalez y Kier manifestaron estar de acuerdo con la opinión del Dr. Villegas y se adhirieron al voto de éste.
Con lo que terminó el acto firmando los señores de la Suprema Corte.
Buenos Aires, Setiembre 20 de 1879.
Resultando: — 1.º Que los individuos Ciriaco Sanchez, Samuel Welges y Marcelino Arrestia, han sido condenados por los Tribunales del Departamento del Sud como los de abigeato, reiteración y falsificación de guia del Juzgado de Paz.
2° Que la Cámara de Apelaciones elevó la pena de presidio impuesta por el Juez del Crímen condenando á Sanchez á cinco años, á Welges á tres y excluyendo en cuanto á Arrestia la alternativa pecuniaria que establece en su favor la sentencia de 1.a Instancia.
3.° Que los defensores de dichos reos interpusieron el recurso de inaplicabilidad de ley para ante esta Corte contra la sentencia de la Cámara a quo.
Y considerando: — 1.º Que la jurisdicción, el procedimiento y la pena establecida en el Código Rural para el abigeato es solo aplicable para aquellos cuyo valor 10 exceda de veinte mil pesos moneda corriente. Art. 209.
2.° Que no habiendo dispuesto nada en dicho Código para los que excedan de esa suma, son las leyes generales sobre los hurtos que pasan de tal cantidad las aplicables en tal caso.
3.° Que habiéndose cometido el delito en 1876, pronunciando la sentencia en 1878, las disposiciones del Código Penal deben aplicarse si fueran más benignas que la prescripción de las leyes vigentes antes de la promulgación de dicho Código (art. 82 Código Penal.
4.°  Que las penas rigurosas establecidas para el abigeato y otros hurtos en general por las leyes 19, tit. 14, Part. 7.3 y 7, tit. 8, lib. 11, R. C., quedaron comprendidas en las derogadas por el art. 14, sec. 4.%, cap. 3, Reglamento provisorio del Congreso de 1817.
5• Que en nuestros antecedentes patrios, por el decreto de 19 de Enero de 1825, que si bien no es una disposición legislativa, ha tenido asentimiento tácito y aplicación efectiva, sirviendo en todo caso de doctrina, que sustituyó á las leyes españolas abolidas, se imponía la pena de seis meses de presidio al reo de abigeato que no excediera de seis cabezas de ganado.
6.° Que el Código Rural suavizó esa pena estableciendo la de tres años de trabajos públicos, cuando el valor de lo hurtado no exceda de veinte mil pesos m/c.
7.° Que considerando el valor de lo hurtado base de la anterior legislación en esta clase de delitos, un hurto de setecientas a ochocientas cabezas de ganado vacuno, no podría tener menor pena que ocho a diez años de trabajos públicos.
8.° Que en tal caso la pena mayor de cinco años de Penitenciaría, impuesta por la Cámara a quo, es menor que la que corresponderia por el solo delito de abigeato, aun prescindiendo de la que corresponderia por la falsificación y reiteración que lo acompaña en la presente causa.
9.° Qué es un hecho declarado por la Cámara a quo que el robo se cometió asociándose más de dos personas, como es lógico suponerlo dado el crecido número de cabezas hurtadas.
10.° Que por el Código Penal serán castigados con seis años de presidio 6 Penitenciaria el que se hubiese asociado á tres 6 mas personas para cometer el robo. (Art. 317).
11.° Qué pena habría que agregar la que corresponde á la reiteración (art. 182) y a la falsificación (art. 425).
12.° Que según lo que queda expuesto en los anteriores considerandos, la pena del Código vigente, es más benigna que la que corresponde aplicar en este caso por la antigua legislación y por consiguiente la retroactividad procede con sujeción al art. 82 del mismo.
13.° Que la pena impuesta por la sentencia recurrida, es por otra parte menor que la que corresponderia por el mismo Código Penal, no pudiendo esta Corte elevarla, atento lo preceptuado en la ley 22 de Junio de 1859 y por lo tanto el agravio de los encausados fundado en la inaplicabilidad de las leyes invocadas por la Cámara a quo no existe.
Por estos fundamentos y los del precedente acuerdo, la Suprema Corte falla: que no hay inaplicabilidad de ley ni de doctrina en la sentencia recurrida, corriente á f.374 y devuélvanse los autos á la Cámara del Departamento del Sud, certificados por el Correo.
Manuel M. Escalada
Alejo B. Gonzalez
Sisto Villegas
Sabiniano Kier
Originally published at on https://sguera.com.ar/ May 26, 2023.
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years ago
Antonio Monda - The films of my life: The Warriors
The Warriors (1979) Directed by Walter Hill. A film with Michael Beck, James Remar, Deborah Van Valkenburgh, Marcelino Sanchez, David Harris. Genre Drama – USA, 1979, duration 92 minutes. In the late 1970s New York had just come out of bankruptcy and Walter Hill has the brilliant idea of ​​setting Xenophon’s analysis on a journey home to Coney Island that starts from the Bronx and crosses…
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hannibalxhopskins · 3 years ago
Time for a Rem appreciation post 🥺
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rembrandts-spraypaint · 10 months ago
Ranking my favorite characters Marcelino Sánchez has played [that I know of]
1. REMBRANDTTTT!!! [The Warriors, 1979] He's the best ok, just the best
2. Ricardo [Bloodhound Gang, 1980-1985] He's a very fun character in this show, plus he's silly :)
3. Manuel/Jesse [CBS Schoolbreak Specials, 1985] I put these two in the same spot cause they're from the same thing, but I do prefer Manuel from "Student Court" as he is a very sweet character who manages to help solve the problem of the special. Then Jesse from "The War Between Classes" after cause while he's also a great character he sadly doesn't get as big of a role in the story as Manuel
4. Ramon [CHiPs S5 E14, 1982] Sadly there isn't a lot known about his character from CHiPs as he isn't in it for long, but from what we see his character just seems really chill, plus he's part of a gang so I gotta give it points for the unintentional Warriors ref
5. one of the Fiddlers three [Big Apple Birthday, 1978] HE'S SO SILLY IN THIS I LOVE HIM!! He doesn't have any speaking or major roles in the film but his dance moves are spot ON like, get it gay boy
6. Parking Lot Attendant [48 hrs, 1982] I don't have too much to say about him since he's only there for a minute but he seems like a cool guy, plus Rembrandt, Luther, and Ajax reuinionnn!!!
7. Paco Sanchez [Death Penalty, 1980] I only saw this film once as its not really my thing so I don't remember much, but I do like how Paco tries to defend his friend in this, he also seems like a very sweet character :)
8. All his roles in "Hill Street Blues" [1981, 1981, 1984] This is also something I didn't care too much for, but I liked all his parts! I dont remember them very well tho lol
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mythcreant · 3 years ago
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Walter Hill’s comic-book, action-drama Warriors – about hyper-realized gang warfare between colorfully clad goons in Koch-era New York City, where one gang spends a harrowing night just trying to get back to their home turf – rumbled into theaters on February 9, 1979. Can you dig it?
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years ago
The Warriors (1979)
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There’s much more to The Warriors than the iconic sound clip. You know, the one where David Patrick Kelly clinks bottles together and screeches “Warriors… come out tooo playyy-eyyy!”. It’s the kind of film that will make you wonder “what’s the big deal?”, until you realize it was made in 1979. Every decision regarding its characters, plot and style was a breakthrough at the time.
In the near future, criminal gangs who distinguish each other with distinct outfits, weapons or facepaint/masks have overrun the streets of New York. When Cyrus (Roger Hill), the leader of the Gramercy Riffs brings together nine unarmed representatives from every gang to propose a truce that would unite them all against the police, everyone seems on board. Then, Luther (Kelly), the sadistic leader of the Rogues assassinates him and pins the crime on the Warriors. Far from their turf, surrounded by enemies and without any weapons, it’ll be a long and dangerous trip home for them.
We’re reviewing the director’s cut, which is only marginally longer (76 seconds) but adds an introduction detailing the Battle of Cunaxa (which inspired the plot) and gives some of the scene transitions a comic book-like look. They’re necessary additions, but also not. When the picture was first released, it was called cartoonish, weird and implausible. These tweaks make it clear that we’re watching a tale set forward in time. Not a world where mankind has conquered the stars, but a dismal tomorrow where crime is rampant and gangs have adopted a version of war paint. Nearly every character in the film is a teenage male. Their criminal buddies – and make no mistake, these are criminals – are all they have. The only adults we see are police officers or civilians who barely escape the aimless youths. Parents are never mentioned or seen. Today, we’ve seen these ideas adapted and tweaked in multiple stories; everything from the villain-themed thugs in Batman Beyond to the sadistic masked killers in The Purge. It shows how influential this film is.
For the bulk of the picture, we’re following nine members of the Warriors. As their members dwindle, one character (played by Michael Beck) rises to become the protagonist. For the most part, you don’t get to know much of anyone’s backstory or even their names. The Warriors is about the immediacy of NOW. At any moment, the boys could take a wrong turn and die. You have no idea who could be next. Each moment of respite makes you feel uneasy. Who’s to say it isn’t a trap? Outgunned, and outnumbered, they have to bank on their wits to carry them through. If they can keep going long enough, the reputation they forge may be enough to get some of the small players to leave them alone out of fear. Even if they do make it home, however, this will only postpone their troubles. The entire city is still out for them and beyond that, they’re looking at bleak futures. There’s a key scene in which they come face-to-face with what could’ve been and it’s a devastating, sobering blow, a great moment you won’t forget.
Much of The Warriors is raw and unpolished, but that’s the way it should be. What cements it as a movie that will endure is its energy and the way it captures its themes and ideas. While it may have inspired others, there's nothing else quite like it. (On DVD, June 15, 2018)
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fitsofgloom · 3 years ago
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Whenever There's Trouble,
We're There On the Double!
We're The Bloodhound Gang!
If You Got the Crime, We've Got the Time!
We're The Bloodhound Gang!
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deadthehype · 4 years ago
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