#Marble Hornets headcanons
iicarused · 3 days
hand in hand
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pre! hoodie, brian thomas x reader
synopsis: being brian’s partner before marble hornets / being that one endgame couple everyone loves
requested by: anon
not my best tbh but i love him so much — too perfect to write😣
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definitely met in college, which is sad because your love was short lived — in comparison to TIM’S arc.
but he made that love worth it, because there was never a day without him swooning over you, ravishing even! he was all yours and you knew that even if you ever parted, there’s a space in your heart that will forever tie you both together.
in every universe, he hopes to find you again and again / and hopes they’re just as in love as you both are right now
his love is sweet and gentle. opening doors for you or walking you back to your dorms. your friends immediately knew you both started dating (no matter how secretive you both thought you were)
you and brian also had a communications class together — it was there it was the most obvious. partnering up every chance you got or him waiting for you outside the class doors
getting coffee together from the campus cafe or hitting the mall together when you’re supposed to be studying
he was your bad influence all throughout — but also the best influence you could get
studying what you study so he can better help you understand the material
it was dumb of him but he wanted to! really! all he asks to be is the best for you — out of every partner you’ve had
very classic on writing love letterings and pushing you to try new things (perhaps to audition for a certain friends film)
he just love experiencing new things with you! new adventures, living life at your side. he can’t get enough
maybe you dodged a bullet by not jointing the film — because from then on, your love would only wither
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mouwrites · 10 months
Creepypasta/MH - Going To Sleep With Them
Characters: Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Brian/Hoody, Tim/Masky
Eyeless Jack
He goes to sleep pretty early; he’s in bed no later than 8 PM
But he gets up in the middle of the night for… feeding purposes
He tries to be discreet, keeping a close eye on your sleeping form as he slips out of the sheets and out the window
He won’t kiss you goodbye, he really doesn’t want to disturb you
But he’ll gaze longingly at you right before he drops from the windowsill to the ground
When he comes back, he makes sure to wash up thoroughly before getting back in bed
If you don’t wake up at the sound of the shower running, you will when he crawls in next to you
He smells nice and clean, completely void of the irony tinge of blood
If he’s upset he won’t touch you, he’ll just curl up on the far edge of the bed, trying to make himself small and unnoticeable
He’ll squirm away from your touch if you try to comfort him
He just needs to feel alone for a while
But if he’s not upset, he’ll curl around you
He clings to you like a koala, pressing his cheek against you
He’s not very warm, but his skin is soft from showering
Plus, as mentioned earlier, he smells nice :)
Once settled, he won’t move until morning
Jeff the Killer
He has no sleep schedule
When he’s tired he’ll conk out on the bed, barely bothering to change clothes
He’ll take off his hoodie and maybe his jeans, but that’s about it
If you happen to be in bed at the same time, he’ll cuddle up to you
You better hope that he’s showered recently, because he doesn’t see sleeping as an “occasion” to shower for
He likes to have your head on his chest with his arm around you
The pressure comforts him
Plus it allows him to sprawl out a little, which he likes a lot
He isn’t the type to curl up when he sleeps, he goes full starfish if space allows
He also moves in his sleep
You might wake up to him smacking or kicking you, or even shoving you to the edge of the bed
It’s unintentional, but if you mention it to him he thinks it’s hilarious
He will get upset if you actually try to sleep somewhere else, though
Even if you’re not touching, knowing that you’re near helps Jeff feel peaceful while he sleeps
Fortunately he’s not a blanket hog, so at least you have the blanket to yourself
He can sleep blanketless even in the dead of winter
He might crawl under the covers at first, but he manages to wiggle out of them by the time he wakes up
Nina the Killer
She goes to bed whenever you do
But if she’s really tired, she goes to bed by herself, telling you that she’ll be waiting whenever you’re ready to join her
She loves to cuddle
She doesn’t care what position, she loves them all
Her favorites are the ones where she gets to wrap her arms around you though
Kind of like Jeff, she does move a lot in her sleep
But instead of pushing you away, she tries to get closer
She still might end up hitting you, but it’s in an attempt to hold you
If you mention it to her she’ll laugh, but she actually feels pretty bad
She’ll sadly say she understands if you want to sleep somewhere else :(
She has so many pairs of cute PJs and old T-shirts to sleep in
She usually tries to get ready before bed, but if she’s not in the mood she’ll just conk out in her clothes
At least she’s not stinky like Jeff though, she actually wears deodorant and sometimes perfume
You might wake up with makeup smeared on you/the pillows
She generally tries to go to bed around a set time, but if she’s busy she’ll stay up
You can’t coax her to bed if she’s busy, but she’ll gladly come if she’s not
She’s pretty chill when it comes to cuddling
She will if you want to, but she’s fine if you don’t
Unless she's had a nightmare, then she does prefer to cuddle
Or if she's not in the mood, then she'll flat-out refuse
She likes to be the big spoon when you do cuddle
She's pretty warm, which is always nice in the colder months
She's eerily still when she sleeps
It's almost like she dies for a few hours
Unfortunately that means that if you need to get up and you're cuddling, you are trapped
You'll have to wake her up if you want out
She'll just grunt and turn to the other side of the bed, then proceed with her stone-still slumber
Which means you won't be cuddling anymore when you get back :(
She always changes her clothes before she goes to sleep
Even if it's just a T-shirt, she makes an effort to sleep in different clothes than the ones she wore during the day
Jane the Killer
You can tell she's getting ready to go to bed when you hear her showering
She's a night shower person, and she always showers before she goes to bed
She'll change into nice PJs and climb into bed, smelling clean and feeling soft
Unless she has... plans... for the evening, she sticks to a specific bedtime
She likes to have you in bed with her, but she won't force you to adhere to her schedule
She isn't a huge fan of cuddling, she prefers to just know you're there
She might reach out and rest her hand on you during the night, just to reassure herself
She won't object if you decide to hold her hand
If she's out for the evening, she looks forward to coming home to you
She doesn't like to sleep during the day, so she'll just take however much time is left in the night to sleep in bed with you :)
Her favorite thing ever is to climb under the covers and see/hear you sleepily acknowledge her before drifting back off
It makes her feel seen and loved
Also, she always kisses your hand before she goes to sleep
No matter how tired or upset she is, she never forgets
He doesn't go to bed until very late at night
You're usually in bed before he is
But that's the way he likes it; he loves knowing that you're waiting for him whenever he's ready to sleep
He'll slip under the covers silently, wrapping himself around you and allowing your bodies to melt against each other
If you wake up while he does this, he'll apologize and kiss your cheek before telling you to go back to sleep
He usually changes into different clothes to sleep, but sometimes he forgets
You can always tell when he forgets; his clothes reek vaguely of earth and sweat
He doesn't move a whole lot in his sleep, but when he does move he'll try to keep physical contact with you
Sometimes he'll literally heave you over him so that you're on his other side and he can keep cuddling you
He's a pretty lonely guy, and he sees sleep as his solace
Having you to hold makes him feel like he's not really alone
If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you're gone, he'll get up and find you
Once he finds you he just waits, rubbing his eyes and yawning until you go back to bed
He does not sleep often
Or well
Sleeping next to him is both nice and a nuisance
For one, he tosses and turns constantly, and when he finally drifts off, he usually wakes with a start not even two hours later
He gets nightmares almost every night, which makes him anxious to fall asleep
You'll probably end up getting only a little more sleep than him
On the other hand, he does like to hold you
It calms his nerves when you're in his arms, so he'll hold you against him while he tries to get some rest
Sometimes he doesn't even try to sleep, he just stares into the darkness with you in his arms
He presses a kiss on the top of your head when his anxieties start to get to be too much
It's honestly more refreshing than sleep for him
But if he falls asleep while holding you, be prepared to be jumpscared when he suddenly sits up with a gasp
He'll apologize, but it won't sound all that sincere
He's more occupied trying to calm himself down
He doesn't bother to shower at night because he wakes up in a cold sweat too frequently, so he prefers to shower in the morning
He tries to change clothes before bed so that he doesn't smell too bad though
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :) take care my sweethearts <33
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sister-lucifer · 9 months
Things the Creepypasta + Marble Hornets crew would do that would give me the ick 
Toby is very childish, sometimes in ways that aren’t cute. He’ll throw a whining, foot stomping tantrum if he doesn’t get something he really wants. He’s also as messy eater and will just walk around with stains on his mouth and shirt 
Tim is inconsiderate and apathetic a lot of the time and will put out his cigarette in your canned drink before thinking to ask if you’re done with it, and he’ll not only make you get another one but also ask you to get him a beer ‘since you’re up’
Jeff holds grudges against random people he doesn’t even know for insane amounts of time, like someone so much as brushes his shoulder on the subway you’ll hear about it for weeks. Also he can never ever see himself as being in the wrong in even the slightest way in any scenario no matter what and it’s impossible to hold a civil discussion with him
Brian has no idea what he wants out of any relationship, platonic or otherwise, and will accidentally lead you on jumping from ‘let’s be friends with benefits’ to ‘i’m deeply in love with you’ to ‘let’s just be friends’ and everything in between, not necessarily in that order
Jason The Toymaker is a bit effeminate with his way of dress and general self expression, but is so embarrassed and in denial about it that he does a 180 and accidentally turns into a misogynistic trad guy when he talks
Laughing Jack is not and will never be over his severe abandonment issues and will consistently invade your privacy (like breaking into your phone or laptop) to make sure you aren’t insulting him or planning to leave him behind his back
Eyeless Jack is generally very quiet which wouldn’t be an issue if it didn’t lead to very passive aggressive displays of unhappiness instead of just telling you what the issue is. Like instead of just asking you to do the dishes he’ll take the dirty dishes and stack them on your bedside table in the middle of the night. Doesn’t matter how good you usually are with meeting his needs and wants, this is his first course of action
Jane doesn’t really have feelings of her own anymore and sort of forgets that others have them. If you come to her to vent you’ll only feel worse because she’ll keep saying things like “well why don’t you just _____?” thinking she’s being helpful by offering a solution but failing to realize that’s not what you need right now
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 11 months
pastas with a s/o thats a complete flirt like 100% slut plss 🥺🙏
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Gives you so much shit but he's the same amount of flirty back so he's basically talking shit about himself too
So make sure you give him the same shit back! Don't let the snarky comments get to you either!
But obviously this man is down for anything at anytime.
He can keep himself contained as long as you're only verbally flirting but once you start touching him its alllll over for you
He's crazy rough too so beware!
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Has the best self control out of any of the creeps so your flirting doesn't really phase him
Of course it does when you first start with it, but not more than a bit of surprise
But he doesn't reciprocate
Eventually gets fed up with your constant flirting and pins you to the wall and ravishes you
You better pray it's not close to his rut
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Thinks it's cute but shit he doesn't have time for this!
He's a very busy man and unfortunately he can't please you all the time
Not the type to flirt with his words but more with his actions
Leaving a light kiss on your neck or grazing his fingers up your thigh just to let you know he wants you and he hears what you're saying
When he finally gets his free moment, you're all his and he's all yours. Fuck he's been dying to have you.
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Flirts right back!!
"If you're so damn confident, take off those panties for me sweetheart"
Confident as fuck because as much as you think you have him wrapped around your finger, it's quite the opposite. He knows how to get what he wants
Will absolutely fuck you in public too so watch your pretty mouth!
Also has no problem working you up with his vile words and leaving you high and dry as he leaves for a mission
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He's down baaaaad...
Gets worked up so so so quick and you could have him begging for you easily
Your words go right to his dick and he's looking at you with those pleading eyes, silently begging you to stroke him like the good boy he is
A horrible flirt that's what he is. So don't expect any quick comebacks or remarks
Gets super embarrassed when you get him worked up in public
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Marble hornets 2024 au
Jay finds all the old video files on an old sd card on an old camera he stole borrowed from Alex.
Instead of tapes its flash drives.
Jay either nonstop posts or doesn’t update for a month and theres no in between.
Would basically liveblog everywhere he goes then disappear for days.
“ ‘Ok guys going into the tunnel wish me luck’ picture of dark and spooky tunnel. ‘Its pretty dark down here but luckily I still have signal’ ‘found something that seems to be Tim’s medical records, will update when I get home.’ ‘BdhdhHHEHDHEUS DAJEBEJA hurhei’”
Jay wouldn’t livestream in the wild, but he would randomly start streaming while he sorts through the video footage and shit
“Ok guys I think I found- Oh thanks buttlover98 for the donation, they’re always appreciated hotels aren’t cheep- anyways I think I found another clip of Alex killing someone.”
Theres at least one time Jay falls asleep on stream and Hoddie comes in, waves to the camera, then shuts down the stream
The totheark twitter account is just a troll account.
Jay posts something about finding some footage and they just ratio him with a picture of him sleeping in his car or some shit like that
They make edits of stalking Jay and post it on Tik Tok along with their mystery clues and shit
Totheark posts a video thats just webcam footage from Jay doing Marble Hornets shit on his computer, when Jay sees this he proceeds to smash his computer, get a new one, and keep the camera covered with a post it when he’s not streaming.
Alex has no social media presence both before and after Jay starts digging shit up
That being said there is an anonymous account in Jay’s tik tok comments constantly commenting “oh wow thats wild, I think I know something that can help you out if you tell me where you are we can meet up :)”
This only works once
Hoodie would livestream himself stalking people just for shits and giggles
“‘How did you find me?’ ‘You have your snapmap turned on you’re not exactly hard to find.’”
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milkycarnations · 6 months
Profiling the Creeps as Someone Who Works in the Service Industry
Basically, as someone who (unfortunately) has been cursed with a job in fast food, here are some things I think the creeps would do. Some of these things piss me off, some are just habits - not good, not bad.
Pulls through the drive-thru and asks for "his usual".
Always pays in exact change.
Always asks for fresh (insert item with long fry time). He will wait. No, he won't pull around.
Will always do those little surveys on the receipt.
Has tipped with a cigarette on more than one occasion.
"That'll do me."
"I remember when these were 97 cents!"
The card reader is beeping and he doesn't know where he is.
Tries to redeem a coupon that expired ten years ago.
Wants to use tap to pay but his car is way too far and he won't help reach the card reader so you just pull that cord as far as you can and hope for the best.
Will ask you what comes in each item in detail just to get the most basic item on the menu.
Paid in 15 counterfeit 1-dollar bills.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Give me a number 8."
He wants to leave as much as you want him to.
Does not utter a word at the drive-thru window.
Refuses to get a drink with ice because mold, unless it's a cafe he can trust.
Orders enough food to send the entire kitchen into a panic.
The type of person to ask for 10 add-shots in their latte.
Insert chain-related joke you've heard eight times today.
Prefers to sit in the lobby rather than going through drive-thru.
Cannot figure out how to use the kiosk, but he's trying so hard :(.
Always uses his pleases and thank you's because he's a good man.
Demands a receipt.
Calls you babe the entire time.
Is talking on her phone and no, she won't hang up.
Thinks all coffee shops are like Starbucks and will ask you for an iced caramel macchiato or a Frappuccino.
Just doesn't understand coffee drinks in general, but if you can figure out her taste/order she will tip heavily.
Way too stressed to be here and not really listening.
Forgets to take that thing she hates off of her food but is too embarrassed to say anything about it.
Pulls her car into the parking lot and eats there because she can't trust herself to eat and drive.
Always asks for way too many extra sauce packets.
"I'll take a large diet."
"Alright a diet Pepsi :)"
"No, coke"
Takes all of your napkins.
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pyrondeeznutz · 1 year
The entire plot of Marble Hornets is just Alex holding a gun to Jays head and saying “you have marbled your last hornet” and pulling the trigger while Tim and Brian have a gay lovers dispute
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character-kai · 5 months
Do you think the smell of certain cigarette brands helps Skully remember. Do you think Tim stopped smoking when him and Jay were together all the time and things got better. Do you think he started again when he died. Do you think Tim’s eyes glaze over everytime he hears a Blue Jay cry. Do you think he listens to the music Jay would have on in the car.
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highendphasrs · 12 days
(fem!reader x jay merrick. headcanons )
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He leaves you for a man.
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lizzy-luvbot · 1 month
Hiya! I was wondering if you could general relationship headcanons for the marble hornet guys? Thank you!
YIPPIE FIRST REQUEST!! And ofc I can! I hope it’s as good as you expected!
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Character’s- Tim Wright/masky, Brian Thomas/hoodie, jay Merrick, Alex Kralie + bonus character!
I tried my best to make it as gender neutral as possible!
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Tim Wright/masky:
Would be like INSANELY AWKWARD at first
You met through Brian, him being your siblings best friend
Your sibling invited you to explore an abandoned building with him, Brian and Tim(who at the time you didn’t know)
I don’t know if it’s just me but he would definitely call you his wife/husband when you come up in conversation
“How many people are your party?” The hostess of your favorite restaurant asks, “just me and my wife/husband” Tim says without thinking.
He will be slightly embarrassed but you think it’s so fucking cute
Not big on PDA👎 but literally ALWAYS has to be holding your hand no matter‼️
I picture him to be kind of traditional, like you walk on the inside of the sidewalk away from the road, he holds doors open for you, pulls out your chair for you and pushes it in.
A MASSIVE cheek(the ones on your face…) kisser.
Like boom just got home? He’s grabbing your chin and kissing both of your cheeks then asking you how your day was.
You probably won’t see him much but he always seems to be there when you need him…
Brian Thomas/hoodie:
Y’all knew eachother all through your school years, elementary, middle, and high school.
So you basically knew anything and everything about eachother.
He’s like the bestest friend you could ever have
And yes Tim is a third wheel… but not the severely excluded one, the one that you’d probably kill your self if you even got the smallest hint he felt left out.
I feel like he’s not a hater nor a huge fan of PDA, it’s like he will have a arm around your shoulders, and while your talking to your friends/strangers you decided to strike up conversation with, he will randomly lean down and kiss the top of your head
Or when your holding hands he will kiss the back of your hand.
When I say you two can’t go anywhere I mean it.
You’ve been kicked out of Walmart so many times for thinking you can jump over the cardboard crate’s of Powerade.
And don’t think he’s stopping you, in fact he eggs you on by saying he doesn’t believe you can’t and your gonna have to prove it too him.
“Fuck yeah I can.” You said irritation radiating of you, “no you literally can’t.” “Yes I ‘literally’ can.” You two go back and forth for like three minutes until he smirks and says prove it. And prove it you do.
You cleared the Powerade’s no problem but too bad a Karen with a fuck ass bob saw it and snitched on you.
(Like masky) you don’t see him a lot…but he sure see’s you…
Jay Merrick:
The absolute sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for… but very sassy.
Ask him for some water?
“Baby, can you get me some water?” “No” NO?!?!
Then 30 seconds later he walks around the corner with a glass of water.
Now unlike the other two he loves PDA, it’s like the fact he knows he bagged a baddie and he’s about to make it known to everyone.
Loves having his hair played with and vise versa, you definitely teach him how to use a hair straightener/curler just so you don’t have to do it yourself.
You two play just dance. And definitely do karaoke using the instrumental music videos on YouTube.
You gotta pee during the Friday movie night session at home? So does he.
You don’t want to cuddle because it’s 80 degrees?? Do you not love him?? You guys cuddle anyway.(you turned down the air conditioning because you didn’t want him to be sad)
He calls you anything but your name. Once you started dating you were no longer [name] you were baby, babe, honey, girlfriend/boyfriend when he’s feeling extra sassy.
He loves to be a hater with you. You don’t like one of your coworkers, he gives them the most DIRTY look when he sees them when he’s visiting you.
Alex Kralie:
He’s such a nonchalant dreadhead.(please don’t kill me) joking but fr he acts like he doesn’t care as much as he does(which is SOOOOO much btw)
A member of the sassy man apocalypse.
He’s a play fighter, like “body slam”s you into the bed.
Has a gun collection in the garage. And gives you pop quizzes about them. He will never say it but he thinks the dumbfounded look on your face when asks you a question about a gun that is the cutest thing ever.
You called him snookum cake one time. ONE TIME. And now he never calls you anything else but snookum cake.
Out in public? He doesn’t give a fuck.
“Alex. Please don’t.” Your terror clear on your face. He smirks, tilting his head down, the dim blue lights from the aquarium In front of you causing shadows on his face, he takes a deep breath, “are you liking the aquarium SNOOKUM CAKE.” His voice raised from a 3 to a 7 at the nickname. Causing people too shoot you and him dirty and confused looks.
You never called him that again.
(Bonus character)
Jessica Locke(my cutie patootie):
She doesn’t care if y’all are eating at McDonald’s or a 5-star restaurant. If she wants to kiss your entire face, she will damnit and fuck what everyone else as to say.
She’s your biggest supporter, literally doesn’t care what it is she’s on your side 10000%.
Y’all definitely slow dance to Lana del Rey In the kitchen while the frozen pizza cooks.
I feel like she’s such a alpha male😜
Like she’s willing to fight for you, fist fight and her comebacks are like the best you’ve ever heard.
Y’all definitely wear matching socks and ugly Christmas sweaters during the holiday season.
She slaps the fuck out of your butt. You live in fear of her surprisingly powerful butt smacks.
You guys wear matching Clair’s bff necklaces.
Im sorry is this is Probably so bad😭😬 anyway I actually bought a Jay plushy not too long ago and it’s finally shipped so I’m super excited for that🔥‼️ NOT EDITED‼️‼️ as soon as I saw the request I got so excited so I wrote it ever tho I should be asleep right now so I’ll have to edit another time😓
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Just came across your blog and I ended up binge-reading everything! I'm in love with the way you write the characters, specially the Proxies. And the female Proxy is definetly my favourite👌.
How it would be if, instead of being Slender's trusted minion and already a experienced Proxy, she was a newbie and fresh meat? Kinda like Cody, younger and dragged there with little to no choice because the Operator saw potential in them. Would the dynamics change, since she doesn't have a high rank to rely on?
Maybe Brian is appointed as her mentor and he gets advantage of her inexperience by corrupting her?
Creepypasta Proxies x Newbie!Female Proxy
The overbearing silence after the buzzing static faded away was bringing in a new damned life.It's been a month since you were bought here,locked in your room until The Operator decided it was enough for you to settle in
It was time for you to meet again with the masked men that dragged you here-the same killers that were supposed to be your team, "allies" even
Every resident was looking down on you,even EJ that pitied you and looked at you with mercy behind his blue mask.The first time you had to pay a visit to his clinic he even asked if you are scared because deep down,his instinct made him to enjoy it
The harassing is real,but this time it's more dangerous.Remember,you're a helpless outsider in a place full of rapists,killers and awful fantasies.Walking down dark hallways is always in a hurry,same as eating and showering.
Since Brian was assigned to your ass,you're almost totally saved and worry free next to him,but he's also a piece of shit
He sees your potential,after all, if The Operator views you as valuable-then you're most certainly priceless.
He's a gentle guy,takes his sweet sweet time to teach you everything you need to know.
Sure,he respects you,but during training sessions he will do everything in his power to get you under him,sort of helpless.
"See,it's not that hard" he breathed out as he guided your hands on the right places "if you ever happen to find yourself in this position you know what to do now,right?" he smiled in a gentle manner,slowly standing up from above you,taking you by your hand with him."Do you want to reverse the roles?"
He will defend your name even if you are in the wrong during proxy meetings.He will keep on bringing up how fucked up all of them felt when they arrived there,and this point always works.(more or less for Masky)He knows how to pull the strings when he wants to
You already know the drill,Masky is a menace to work with,especially with newbies.Don't get me wrong,he doesn't expect you to be fully prepared to know shit,he enjoys having you dumb,but he will always make you feel like shit,he will try his best to bring a pained expression to your face because it makes him feel better and he's bored of Toby
Definitely uses you as a vent chat,no restrictions for him,from inventing some fucked up story to telling you about his miserable life from before the mansion and during the present since he doesn't expect you to stay
The only time he stops is when his friend gives him the sign.It's crazy,but he respects Brian more than he cares about breaking some of your lovely bones
Toby was more than glad to know another woman "joined in",especially since you're new and vulnerable,he now has the chance to look out for someone and to be needed
Altough Toby was the most unusual individual,Cody was the one to give you the creeps most of the times.And he does it on purpose
Since he's no longer the fresh meat everyone looks down to,he feels superior that now he has you around
He wouldn't bully you or make you feel bad on purpose, but he will definitely baby you around A LOT
Kate is complicated.She doesn't talk,she doesn't look at you,she doesn't make any effort to teach nor to train you.She looks down on you,and the only time she will open her mouth is to either tell you to stop what you're doing or to answer any of your questions with a phrase so vague it will make you have even more questions
Time is precious,so don't waste it.Every hour can be spent becoming stronger,but also every hour goes by terribly slow when around every fucking corner someone is gawking their eyes at you
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
’’ Let’s try that again hm? “ Brian’s voice was low, teasing. You almost wanted to whine, to cry out in desperation.
But you couldn’t. Despite every fiber of your being telling you to as your lover’s hand crept back up the column of your throat. His hand was calloused, yet his fingers traced the muscle with a care only he could provide you. His hazel eyes studied your face, checking for any signs of discomfort, distress, anything; his eyes held a sadistic glint to them, he was enjoying this.
The power he had over you at this moment was absolutely exhilarating.
Brian laughed at the sight below him, in all honesty it was both pathetic and endearing. You, below him, watching him like he was God himself, like he hung the very stars for you and you only. This was how he liked you; pliant and obedient. Brian drug his thumb across your jaw, tracing shapes as he reveled in your breathless whines and squirming for any kind of friction to alleviate the burning ache between your legs. The sight of you brought a delighted groan from the man; doe-eyes watery from the previous edging he’d inflicted. Brian could almost feel sorry for you.
But he didn’t.
Because this was all your idea.
You trembled as you felt Brian’s free-hand slowly find its way down your body, squeezing at your curves every so often before finding purchase between your shaking thighs. Practically keening as your hips jerked upward to meet his palm, which brought a sharp ‘tsk’ from your lover. The hand around your throat tightened, cutting off the sweet air you’d be gasping for. Mouth agape, eyes already rolling into your skull as Brian plunged his fingers into your weeping core, wetness dripping down you thighs and onto the sheets below. Brian’s eyes never left your face as your hips jerked, hands wrapped around his wrists as you begged. Your sweet voice bouncing off the dark walls.
“ Sweet baby, always trying to please me hm? Yeah, I know, feels so good. “ Brian rasped, curling his fingers, effectively drawing a squeal from your kiss-swollen lips. You face flushed. Though the moment was short-lived, your eyes bulged as your lover withdrew his fingers.
“ Poor babydoll. You never said you wanted to cum tonight. “
Author’s Comments: Heyo! Mod 800 here, 888 is busy tonight so this is really really rushed as smut isn’t my forte so I do thoroughly apologize. I don’t really like this so if it seems edited later on it was most likely 888 (god bless her I love her sm)
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 11 months
How dare you assume I don't know what a dump truck is!!
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Unfortunately he's a tits man...
But he supposes he can settle for someone with a fat ass instead
Smacks it every time he walks by. No exceptions.
Looooves it when you wear those tiny booty shorts. He's mush in your hands when you wear those. Bonus points if there's text/writing on the back
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Good LORD he's down bad for someone with a fat ass
Hop on his lap RIGHT NOW. No literally. Take off your pants and start riding. Reverse cowgirl of course.
But honestly when you wear those jeans that hug your ass just right, he's a total simp and a fat mess. Will do anything you could possibly want when you wear those jeans.
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Put on some leggings with a pretty thong and he's in love. Actually... Scratch the leggings, just the thong.
Gives you a nice squeeze when he's leaving for a mission
It's his way of telling you how he loves you
But he loves seeing the way your ass jiggles as he drills into you
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Worships your body. Like more than Brian or Tim does, and that's saying something.
Begs you to sit on his face
Did I mention he's a simp?
Like he's complimenting you 24/7, 365. No matter what you wear he's still just as down bad as the outfit before
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ivoryisking · 2 months
tim wright headcanons
The Operator’s effects on him are strong
He’s always popping pills to fight them
He plays the leader, but will always follow Brian’s advice
He’s a tank- more brawn than brain
For the most part, he’s not multi-faceted; behind the mask, he’s pretty much the same
However, that really is him blacking out, and being unresponsive to Reader is not him ignoring cries, he is unable to break out of the state on his own
The Operator has to release him, he’s mentally weak compared to the entity
He does still follow you to work and home, but mostly for security measures, and he does not take pictures and send them to you.
He’s emotionally unintelligent/constipated
That sideburn hasn’t been shaved since the beginning of time
Dadbod 24/7
He’s not stupid, he’s just not EJ and Brian smart
Gruff as hell, but not as truly icy as Brian
He loves his sarcasm though
He’s a walking cigarette
Takes his coffee black
No fucking cheesecake, you psychopath fanons. That was a jibe at calling his actor fat. 
Thinks he’s the hot shit 
Pretends he doesn’t care if people like him or not, but it bothers him on the inside
Reader has to knock his ass down a few notches
He’s triumphant as hell when he finds out Reader likes him
But then he doesn’t know how to proceed
First kiss with him will leave him lying on the floor like an idiot
Shows he cares by existing in the same room
He handles physical contact okay, he just prefers his personal bubble
He kind of sucks at comfort, but tries and succeeds most of the time, albeit awkwardly
The actor played guitar, but Tim should like it too. He wears flannel. That speaks for itself.
He’ll play angsty or angry music if he’s mad at Reader
If not, he’ll play anything and everything they request if he can
He’s a teddy bear in an grumpy old man body
the drabble that comes with it can be found on any of the platforms i use; ao3, quotev, and wattpad- linktree in my bio if you find my works anywhere else, please let me know!
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number1jaymerrickhater · 10 months
So Jay was always recording right? That means there was probably a lot of footage that wasn’t posted on youtube because it was irrelevant to the investigation. Now I don’t think Jay would get rid of it…which would mean that somewhere sitting around there was just hours of footage of him sleeping, editing videos, rewatching tapes, talking with Tim. Just Jay living his life, not anything interesting or important.
Until Jay dies that is. Then I imagine Tim would have rewatched it all. Not to look for clues or anything (he was there for a lot of it he knew most of it was garbage) but just to see Jay. See him alive, hear his voice, maybe Jay even laughed in a few clips. Tim rewatches all that footage for all the little moments he missed. The way Jay fidgets with the camera, the way he bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling when Tim makes a stupid joke. All the little moments that didn’t matter until they did. The things he would never see again now that Jay was gone.
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honeypotblog · 9 months
Brian Thomas 𖦁ׅ ࣪ ׂ
★ brian thomas who always runs super cold
★ brian thomas who also shoves his hands up your shirt whenever he can just to make you cold
★ brian thomas who puts his feet on your back when you’re laying down together
★ brian thomas who appreciates when you grab his hands and try to rub them with yours to keep them warm
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