#Marasi too I guess
vanilla-vivillon · 2 months
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They took the repopulation very seriously
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 9 months
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[watashi dake mite]
Trying to draw a 2023 Vocaloid song every day till 2024 [21/31]
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cosmerelists · 3 months
Cosmere Characters Play Charades
As requested by anon. :)
Ah, charades. Where you have to act out a word or phrase without speaking and have your team guess what you are. What would happen if Cosmere characters played this game?
1. Jasnah (the clue is "investiture")
Jasnah: [Holds up one finger...then four fingers] Renarin: One word...four syllables... Jasnah: [Holds up one finger] Adolin: First syllable! Jasnah: [Cups one hand, and then points into it with the other finger] Shallan: In! Jasnah: [Nods; holds up two fingers for "second syllable;" begins miming a sleeveless garment on her upper half] Adolin: Havah! Inhavah! Shallan: In-shirt! Renarin: In...vest? Jasnah: [Nods firmly. Holds up three fingers for "third syllable." Hesitates. Hesitates for longer. Sighs. Points at boob.] Shallan: IN-VEST-TIT-TURE! Jasnah: I'm both impressed...and somehow disappointed.
2. Tress (the clue is "pair of gloves")
Tress: [Points at Charlie] Ann: Uh...man? Ford: (writing): Transformation? Salay: Love? Charlie: P-Pair of gloves!!! Tress: Yay you got it! Ann: ...What
3. Zahel (the clue is "parrot")
Zahel: [flaps his arms as if they are wings] Shallan: Chicken! Zahel: [Shakes his head. Continues to flap his wings] Kaladin: Uh...sky eel? Zahel: [Makes "talking" hand motion in front of his mouth. Goes back to flapping his arms] Adolin: Talking...chicken? Zahel: [nods impatiently] Adolin: (whispering to Shallan): What's the special name for talking chickens? Shallan: I'm pretty sure there isn't one! Zahel: ...I hate this stupid planet.
4. Vin (the clue is "tin")
Vin: [Cups her hand to her ear as if trying to hear something. Shakes head sadly. Mimes drinking something. Puts her hand to her ear again and gives a thumbs up] Ham: Eavesdropping! Kelsier: Spying? Vin: [mimes drinking something again and points at the imaginary vial in her hand] Spook: Oh! Tin! Vin: Yes! Vin (glares at Ham & Kelsier): Spying & eavesdropping were your first thoughts??
5. Syl (the clue is "shardblade")
Syl: [Looks at clue. Makes disgusted face] Kaladin: SHARDBLADE! Syl: N-No fair! I didn't even get to act anything out! Kaladin: (smugly) You always make that face when shardblades come up. Syl: I GET ANOTHER TURN
6. Marasi (the clue is "Ironeyes")
Marasi: [mimes plunging something into both eyes] Wayne: Stabbing! Violence! Police brutality! Marasi: [mimes plunging something into both eyes; makes "spooky" motion with fingers] Wax: Blindness? Steris: Sixth sense? Marasi: [lies down with her arms crossed over her chest] Wayne: Dead? Death? Wax: Oh! Death Ironeyes! Marasi: Yes, thank goodness! I was about to try to mime someone leading me into an alley! Steris: ...what?
7. Shallan (the clue is "Ghostbloods")
Shallan: [Stares at clue. Looks around suspiciously] Shallan: [Slowly draws three interlocking triangles in the air, all the while looking carefully at the audience to see if anyone reacts] Adolin: Ge...ometry? Shallan: Ha ha yes! Adolin: Really?? Wow I'm amazing!
8. Nomad (the clue is "May-Adolsinium-Yet-Have-Pity-On-Our-Souls-As-They-Wander-Far-From-Home”)
Nomad: ... Nomad: Really? Rebeke (very excited to be playing a game): Come on! How many words?? Nomad: TOO MANY
9. Painter (the clue is "ronin")
Painter: [looks at clue and nods decisively] Painter: [Stands and gazes off into the distance, his gaze pensive, eyes full of a noble sadness. For a second, wind nearly seems to ripple his hair. He rests his hand on his hip, as if resting it on the hilt of an imaginary katana. After a moment, he strides off, full of determination and yet, somehow, also regret] Yumi: A TRAVELING CARNIVAL GUY WHO MAKES FUN CARNIVAL SNACKS!!! Painter: ...I don't want to play anymore.
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azure-sorceress · 5 months
I finally finished The Lost Metal! Here's some (a lot of) thoughts:
Spoilers below.
The biggest problem this book has is that the stakes are too high. Wax & Wayne books work because, unlike Era 1, they are fun low stakes steampunk detective novels with a great cast of characters.
I was really sad that MeLaan left immidiatly after the beginning of the book. I wish we had had the whole gang together like in BoM, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
I think this might have been the most agressive foreshadowing for a character death that Sanderson has ever done. It was so obvious Wayne was going to be killed off by the end of the book. Also it made me really sad. As in, I spent the last 30 pages weeping.
The problem with having a lot of Cosmere connections and a literal god/shard as your villain is that the regular villains of this series seem weak in comparision. Yes, I'm talking about Telsin. Such wasted potential...
I'm not sure I'm too excited about Era 3 to be honest... But you know what this book made me excited for? The Elantris sequels.
Omg what do you mean you can use a seal to turn yourself into an elantrian??? This makes seals so much more OP than they already were.
Also, is Moonlight Shai? Or is it another forger that we hadn't met?
I'm really worried about Sazed. I think he's right not to trust Kelsier, but I also think that Kelsier is right about Sazed losing control of the intents of the shards. I really wanted Harmony to work and be a decent god (because we are lacking in those), but I see things are about to become dangerous again. I feel like there should be a way to completely merge Ruin and Preservation because they were already merged at some point when Adonalsium was whole...
I really don't like the Ghostbloods. Maybe it has to do with the bullshit going on with Shallan in Stormlight and all the manipulation they did with her. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they are stealing Investitude from other planets. Or maybe is just the fact that Kelsier is the leader and I don't trust him even a little bit.
But it strikes me as odd how the Ghostbloods get great people like Moonlight, TwinSoul and Kaise?? And then you have Kelsier, Mraize and that creepy guy with the mask in the epilogue (also, who the hell is his sister and what do you mean she's in Roshar???).
I'm so glad Marasi didn't accept to be part of them, I didn't think she would, but you never know. In fact, she actual puts it very well when she turns them down: "I won't keep secrets when the truth could save lifes". Kelsier "there's always another secret" Survivor could never.
I wish we had seen more of Marsh. This feeling is for the entire series, in fact. He was one of my favorite characters in Era 1 and I would have liked to see him be Death a little bit more.
Overall a good Cosmere book, but a weak Wax & Wayne book. If I ever reread Era 2 I think I'll stop at BoM because I don't think I can ever reread Wayne's death.
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knightsgaydiant · 10 months
Ok I did it. I finished this rusting book (tlm). And yeah, I acknowledge that Wayne had a good arc. I love him; I’m heartbroken. But that’s it. That’s all this book had going for it. The Steris chapters were alright too I guess, but nothing else.
The actually interesting conflicts of the Malwish and the outer cities are completely sidelined in favor of Telsin and Autonomy who are deeply underdeveloped and boring villains. Wax hasn’t had a compelling moment of change since Shadows of Self. Why is he even here? Every Wax pov is full of self-righteous telling about his growth instead of showing him actually making any growth at all. It’s boring. Marasi is… fine? I guess it’s kind of neat seeing the larger cosmere, and I’m glad she’s not a cop anymore and she didn’t join the Scadrial CIA, but like the choice to make her a cop in the first place is just so… like WHY? She’s just so inconsistently written the whole series through.
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marvelousmagicalaura · 4 months
I have finally finished Part 1 of The Lost Metal. I finally know that Trell is an Avatar of the Shard Autonomy. I’ve loved Wayne and Marasi’s partnership, Wayne’s POV chapters, and the science of God Metals.
I’m very interested in the concept of Autonomy making many Avatars, especially cuz there are two methods of making them. I wonder what’s the difference between an Avatar and a Splinter (know that from Elantris / Sel essay).
Chapter 19 has my first official sight of the word Intent.
Autonomy/Bavadin sounds very dangerous and intelligent, with long-spanning and mysterious plans. I love her Intent and mindset. I think by the end of this I’ll love the writing of Autonomy much more than Ruin’s, same with their respective Shardic conflicts. Though to be honest, I already do.
The red haze is… interesting. I don’t understand if it’s suppose to limit Harmony’s divine sight over the world, limit his ability to see the future, or both. I’m also confused if it’s still a crude representation of Autonomy’s influence/essence, or an actual haze she created.
Harmony can still see and hear Wax, and presumably every other Scadrian cuz he’s Connected to them all. And he can hear the thoughts of every Scadrian. So I guess it’s not limiting his divine sight? Though I guess the trellium that pierces Set members i.e. the Cycle could muddle his divine sight. Much like it did for Paalm. The haze apparently Invested Scadrial, so I guess that could make things worse.
Harmony confirmed the red haze infects his future sight ability… but what does that even mean? Does that mean Autonomy’s… essence?… splits Harmony’s future possibilities into infinite more, like atium/electrum vs atium? Or does it cut off Harmonys ability to see the distant future, limiting him to only foreseeing what happens in the near future?
Something I find intriguing is that Autonomy is afraid of Scadrial’s technological progress, rather than its hybrid Shard. She even wanted Harmony to move to another world. And it’s interesting that the goals of Autonomy and Telsin aren’t the same. Autonomy wants to destroy Scadrial. Telsin wants to rule Scadrial and delay Autonomy’s destruction.
Finally, I want to talk about Harmony’s situation and plans. I can’t help but feel he has a lot of things in motion.
1) Sazed expresses how he’s moved too slowly against Autonomy, and that this weakness grows over time. We know from book 5 this comes from Harmony’s Intent, and there he knew he “tied his own hands.” Sazed knows why his Shard’s Intent ties his hands. I theorize Sazed thinks a hybrid Shard’s Intent can be molded by its Vessel’s perspective on the combination… probably far more than the individual Shards. I think he knows that in order to act he needs to become something different than Harmony. I think he will willingly become Discord.
2) I love that Harmony expresses a lot of knowledge about the enemy, but misses the finer details cuz of Autonomy’s essence. It’s like in SoS, where he knew how Paalm was using her trellium spikes and switching them out, could speak to Paalm’s mind, and could likely hear her thoughts. But he couldn’t constantly track her or know her endgame. In TLM he knows Autonomy and the name of its Vessel, Autonomy’s Intent and her mindset, her extensive use of Avatars and what they’re made from, Telsin’s bestowal and persuasion and activities in Bilming, and Autonomy’s mindset for how Scadrial should be handled. Harmony even knows Autonomy is mobilizing an army. But Harmony does not know Telsin’s ultimate plan.
3) I really can’t shake the feeling Harmony has a master plan in motion throughout this book, even with the haze seemingly limiting him to seeing the near future. There was the envelope convincing Wax to make the trellium earring. Wax is experiencing some weird things after the second explosion. There was the sixteen vials sent to the mansion. There was the bit “I’ve lost games over and over against Autonomy.” There was the bit about him sending help that didn’t know he was the one arranging them to be the help. There was the “time to build greater alliances in the years to come.”
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to-shards-you-say · 1 year
i could take era 2 without wax so far icl. sorry boy. this is the wayne and marasi and melaan show to me. steris can come too i guess
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New Human Race
Hi all! Marasy, Jin, and Kemu recently collaborated on a new song which is totally bananas (ha)! We hope you enjoy this translation!
新人類 New Human Race
I’m releasing this for the Vocaloid Collection. I look forward to seeing all of your comments, my lists, and likes on NicoNicoDouga!
Hi, it's marasy. I had fun making this with my friends ooh ah ah
・Off Vocal Data https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9367z7vovoprlf3/AABghIXebt8dEoGLdh28HpN4a?dl=0
A song from the Amatsu Kitsune 10th Anniversary album https://www.subcul-rise.jp/marasy/kitsune/
Music&Lyrics:marasy &Jin Arrange&Bass:Shota Horie (kemu) @kemu8888 Piano:marasy Guitar:jin @jin_jin_suruyo Drum:yumao (hitorie) @Yumao by the courtesy of Sony Music Labels Inc. Vocaloid-Edit:bibi @bibian0115 Recording & Mix Engineer:Kusaka Kiyoshi @KusakaKiyoshi Illust:Soono @soOno2020 Movie:INPINE @INPINE_JP
Chimpanzee:Musical Jolly Chimp @FancyYamani
【Live tour】 marasy piano live tour 2022-2023 https://www.subcul-rise.jp/marasy/live2022-23/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/marasy8888/ 2nd YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQUCRuAjhY371TFm5qYLXxg twitter https://twitter.com/marasy8 LINE https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40marasy NND channel https://ch.nicovideo.jp/marasy TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSR2rrVwf/ bilibili https://space.bilibili.com/489391680
Translation: Serene_Neko and Kagamine_Snowfall (Kagamine_Neko & Serene_Snowfall)
あぁ 退化退化退化 僕らが目指すはチンパンジー? どうやらなにやら世の中どんどん どんどん便利になっちゃって Ahh, we’re regressing, regressing, regressing What are we aiming to become? A chimpanzee? It seems everything in this world now has shortcuts and easy ways out
さぁ 対価対価対価 僕らの未来はコンビーフ? 小さくまとまっちゃって残念ね新人類 Now, pay up compensation compensation compensation What’s our future lookin like? Corned beef? Canned up so small, how unfortunate for us- new human race
あぁ 解散解散解散 拗らせすぎだぜ 一般人 Ahh, halt halt halt You complicate things too much, normie
あーだの こーだの 愛だの 恋だの なんかの ルールに則って This and that or Love and romance All following some preset rules
さぁ 快感快感快感 何年人間やってんの? 窮屈しちゃって 参ったってんならったったったった Now, feeling pleasure pleasure pleasure Haven’t you been doing this ‘human’ thing long enough? If you're feeling cramped and defeated, thennnnnnnn
外の声は 無視して 半端な理屈 脱ぎ捨てて ボンクラな頭 体 騙しながら 喉を鳴らして Ignore the voices from the outside world Toss aside the half-assed logic Deceive your dumb mind and body And let out a gulp
原理的な 感情は拒否して 原始的な 衝動に任せて Reject ethics Follow your natural instincts
無様で ナウな やり方で Let’s do things in a uncouth and hip way
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 進化も進歩も 放っぽいちゃって 大脳からピースフルで キマっちまいな(はい) Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Throw evolution and development out the window Get your cerebrum high on peace (Hell yea!)
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ ギークもニッチも ボッチもバッチも お盛んで 踊ろうぜ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Geeks, niches, loners, and batches Let's jam out lustily- new human race
誰が 誰が 誰が 誰が 上等な面して 座ってんだ Who who who who’s Sittin’ there with that pretty face
何処だ 何処だ 何処だ 何処だ 劣等種が 何をほざいてんだ “Where where where where is it?” What are you inferior species babbling on about?
やめだ やめだ やめだ やめだ 干支も マスコットも 交代だ Let’s quit quit quit quit it The Zodiac animals and mascots* all need to be swapped out
何が 何が 何が 何が もう辛抱たまりゃしねぇ なぁ! What what what what? We can’t take no more, right?!
ウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホ Ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah
ウッホッホ Ooh ah ah
あぁ 怠慢怠慢怠慢 調子はどうだい? 問題児 あることないこと イイことヤなこと せいぜいぼっちでヤっちゃって Ahh, always feeling lethargic lethargic lethargic How’s it going, problem child? Fact and fiction Good and bad Guess you’re doing it all alone
さぁ 開花開花開花 何年先まで待ってんの? 言わなきゃいいじゃん バレなきゃいいじゃん さぁ さぁ さぁ Now, flourish flourish flourish How many more years do you plan to wait? Just don’t tell em, don’t let them find out, come on, now now now
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 進化も進歩も 放っぽいちゃって 大脳からピースフルで キマっちまいな(はーい) Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Throw evolution and development out the window Get your cerebrum high on peace (Fuck yeaaa)
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ ギークもニッチも ボッチもバッチも 二の舞を 踊ろうぜ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Geeks, niches, loners, and batches Let's jam out to the same dance- new human race
ウッホウッホッホウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ どうやらなにやら世の中どんどん どんどん便利になっちゃって ウッホウッホッホウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 大きく廻って そんじゃバイバイだ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah It seems everything in this world now has shortcuts and easy ways out Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah The long cycle starts again*, it's time to say bye bye- new human race
新人類 New human race
Chimpanzee’s notes: mascot probably refers to marasy’s pink monkey
The long cycle starts again Assuming they’re talking about how old trends come back after a while (like how pokemon cards become popular in schools every two years I swear or flip phones existing again)
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
today's wonsho channel. my thoughts as we go. nobody asked but let's do it
ohhhhhhh the proseka next submissions are so cuteeeeeeeee!!!! right up my alley, when they come to en server i will spam the heck out of them in co-op lobbies waaah
OMG OMG OMG O MG DGGFDKDFJJJN is that a rabbit top hat!!!!!! aaaafhshdfgsfahsg minori you look so cute!!!! this is so cool actually!!!! cute outfit!! (my dreams of a card suit-themed set are temporarily curbed)
boys outfit..... WOAH. rui sweetie you look like a ghost. i think that might have been the point but like... it's cute!!!! i like it on him. also love the artstyle and colouring its so soft :) omedetou 634-san!!!
AYO AYO THE OUTFIT RUNNER UPS THO. the one by 417-san is SO COOL???????? and the butterfly one too!!!!! waaaa........ AND THE BOYS RUNNER-UPS TOO??? the one on the right looks like mysta rias??? snort (they look rlly good tho ughh the sheer amount of artistic talent in this community makes it so hard to choose a fave!!!)
vocaseka ranking... woah woah WOAH THIS FIRST ONE EXCUSE ME????????????????? ohhhhh the tuning on this is. WOAAAH yes rin growl into my ears omg. OMG!! THE ART ON THIS ONE IS ALSO SO GOOD HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and the pv looks like a fever dream. in a good way. what do you MEAN this is marasy. MARASY. LIKE. 88* MARASY. ohhhhhh the range of this man. is the tuning bibi-san again. holy shit that's why its so good. i love bibi's tuning. otsu marasy and bibi!
next one. oh its so cutee!! awwwwwwww look at those characters tho!! has a very denpa feel!! they look like little hamster aliens!! which vocaloid is this btw... namiguru-san! never heard of them until today, i'll go check it out after the stream >< they have a really fun and cute sound!!! zunda zunda
hooooooh boi proseka news lezgo. oh crap yeah ena's birthday's in like. five days. and saki's and tsukasa's next month....... i can't prepare things that fast lmaoooooo. golden week login campaign for jp! (too bad i don't play jp huh.)
YES YES YES CONCHITA IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! its the best of all the evillious songs imo (it's also the only other one i've heard besides daughter and servant of evil. and enbizaka tailor). and the sleeping princess one too (oh nevermind this one SMACKS.)!! AND ENBIZAKA!!!!!! lets go. AND GALLERIAN'S SONG!!!!!!! yeaaaaaahhhhhh!!! i guess sega heard us when we said we wanted more hehehe. enjoy the beatmaps jp players!! <3
unrelated but i love hina kino's hairclips >< they're cute on herrrrr
BE THE MUSIC VSINGER VERSION YAAAAY!! (i am the only person who has not heard be the music) kinoshita you are an absolute chad of the vocaloid scene thank you for the food!! oh yeaaah its coming to streaming services too!! ty for the food sega....
hehe stopify
CONNECT LIVE LEONI!! THAT'S HAPPENING SOON!! someone record the best bits pls. also the merch looks so cute!! and this is probably expected but the logo for it is so clean and nice omg... god i love graphic design.
3DMV brushups yay!! this will be hell for the people playing on low storage haha... hang in there guys... actually i don't know what they're saying here haha it might not be an update to the graphics after all... ehhh i'll find out later. anyway have fun with that!
ooooooh adeliae's song is in the game!! it sounds really cute! kind of leoni-esque!!!
YAY MORE ORANGESTAR!!!!!!! 3dmv too!! and with meiko!!! orangestar never misses :) and also the 3dmvs just keep getting better with every new one so im excited to see what they do for this one ><
sharing the world in jp :) have fun jp bros <3
sagashi ni yuko setsuna STOP STOP STOP ITS SHANTI. full vbs. FULL. VBS!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg i was literally listening to this like. five days ago wtf. manifestation works!!
hhh. hhhhhhhhhh. next..... commissions............... my favourite..... part................
niigo!! cats!!!!! TSUMIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa is this mafuyu's event?????? oh its sounding so good already aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! (tsumiki left a rlly long comment tho lmao) also does this confirm niigo catpeople. whatever the case SQUEALING SQUEALING WAILING SCREAMING
oh no i just finished my bubble tea. we're not even at the goods section yet oh no. my hands are......... shaking............................. idk whyyy......
oh god who's the next commission. hh. hhhhhhhh.
wxs. sea. coral. its nene. no no please no. ITS NENENENNENENENEN. KOYORI??????? OF HITORINBO ENVY FAME. omg. omg omg omg.... ohhhhhhh it sounds so sweet and nice............ im gonna cry when this comes out won't i. wansho fans please cry with me :,) this will be a banger and if any of you say otherwise i will cry. god its so warm and fuzzy. AND THIS IS JUST THE PREVIEW. i need to go outside.(anyway sega please give them a NICE. NICE. NICE FLUFFY EVENT WHERE WE CAN STOP THINKING ABOUT THE GROUP SPLITTING UP IN THE FUTURE. PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS)
hh showtime ruler comes out on wednesday... LOOK AT THE LEONI ART!!!!!! love that for them <3
oooo second live on bluray!! that'll be fun
ok i'm gonna stop talking now but just know that may is about to screw us all over.
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puddlejumper38 · 2 years
The Lost Metal notes
I like to keep notes while I'm reading Branderson books, mostly its just me yelling about things. With so many spoilers. Also its a long post and possibly not coherent...
I read the pre-released chapters, so this starts round abouts chapter 19. Again this is just all spoilers. -Trell = Autonomy was actually a spoiler I'd seen. But it makes sense what with Bleeder/Paalm/Lessie shouting about freedom every 5 sec - Return of Duralumin, fantastic: genuinely fantastic, not sarcasm. I like it, it fucks shit up in predictable but dramatic ways. BOOM super allomancy. - of course the evil guys have it, but oh well. - AHHHHHHHHHHH - Death himself !!! - It is MARSH :D - This is earlier than expected - Ah. - Of course Branderson has nerfed him. I knew it. I knew it. He's too powerful otherwise. GOd fucking damn it. - 'its difficult to compound with hemalurgy' says Marsh, compounding with hemalurgy. Well, he'd know I guess. - Listen. Branderson. If you kill Marsh for the third (3rd) time. We will have to have a talk. It won't be polite. - God fucking damn it part 2: we are now losing both Marsh AND VenDell in the same breath. Really? - (just give him atium sazed. hey sazed. give him the atium) - I have more comments but this is supposed to be for the Whole Book..... and I need room left in case Marsh comes back (joking, joking) - I'm fine. - (He still swears using the Lord Ruler's name. Marsh, I love you) - I feel like Moonlight might be Shai, but I'm not sure. I could be missing something really obvious. - I Sincerely hope that the 'three left of the crew' is SAZED, Kelsier and Marsh. I don't like Spook "lets kill the old people with Hemalurgy" Lestibournes. But he did live to be over 100. - Sazed is going to be Discord by the end of this book, isn't he? - To save the world. And everyone's pissed off with his inaction. - 'He will be Discord and they will love him' or similar from HoA has stuck with me. I am waiting. Sooooon. - Damn I forgot I did not like the Ghostbloods. They all have their noses in the air, and not in a fun way like VenDell - Its TenSoon!! Hello there!! - Yeah I figured the set were framing the Senators. - Okaaaay, that thing with the Bands is concerning. What Were They Used For? - Ah yes, Shai. - What was even the point of the Ghostbloods here. They didn't do anything. -Oh Wax just used Hemalurgy. I'm sure of it. Duralumin spike. Don't like that. -Yup. As much as I like Duralumin.... just. Hemalurgy. Y'know? Don't fucking spike yourself. I don't even like the earrings. - They Have Lerasium So Where Is The Atium? How Much Is A Small Amount Anyway? - I'm gearing up to get cranky. I'll put it on hold for now. - Alas, I did not like Wayne and don't care about this development. - I'm so glad Marasi didn't join the Ghostbloods. It suits her better. Its the secrets thing, and I'm glad that was her reason. - Well. At least Sazed said. Not like last time, when it was left a mystery like Branderson had forgotten to mention him. (I don't have to get cranky) - OH! He's baaack. - Hey Marsh what the fuck did that mean? - Hm. So why can he walk around in broad daylight and not get noticed? Would love to find out sometime. - Wax is a mistborn. Does this mean we'll see him again? That epilogue implied we won't. - And, finally, unfortunately Sazed is not Discord. Yet. I'm waiting....
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radiant-elsecaller · 1 year
I thoroughly enjoyed reading BoM and am preparing for the lore dump of my life which I am assuming I will find in Secret History. For now here are my thoughts on the book. Spoilers for Mistborn up to BoM and also minor spoilers for Oathbringer and Elantris.
So I thought the prologue established a nice contrast between Wax as a teenager and the Wax we know today. Though he isn’t powerful or skilled at first, he is able to use his ingenuity to save that child (which by the way that whole event must have been so traumatizing). Then in the first chapter Wax is much more confident, hardly thinking about using his metals, just burning them naturally and not being alone this time. And on the day of his wedding no less. I adore the fact that Steris left in time for him on her schedule, AND planned a second date for the wedding. I’m looking forward to seeing their relationship more in TLM because they honestly work so well together in multiple ways.
I got so excited as I always do, when Investiture is mentioned. Also “tapping mental speed tends to make one hungry” is like Lift! It’s cool to see the parallels between different branches of Investiture.
Wax mentions the Red Rip twice in this book, is this the same nebula thing as Taln’s scar?
So we got Hoid giving Wax a medallion and I am pretty sure that woman was Khriss in the span of a few pages. It sounded like her and idk I’m pretty sure it was her?? Bc she was asking him about how his powers worked and stuff.
Hotel scene = iconic. Enough said.
AIRPLANES! And Telsin! I was a little suspicious of Telsin because she wasn’t being helpful at all and was saying weird things. So it wasn’t too surprising when it was revealed she was part of the Set.
Anyway it was so cool when Marasi stopped the bullets from hitting Wax and they kept passing the cube to each other and using it to help each other so seamlessly. I love seeing teamwork like that between members of a group and it’s so cool when they know each other so well that they can do it all largely without even actually speaking.
Also the language medallions being attached to location, like how Aons rely on the physical geography of a place. A lot of implications about Investiture and Allomancy and also apparently there are all these other people who have never been mentioned before and I think they’re talking about Kelsier?? Bc there was that whole memory in the epilogue. I’m a little confused lol
Steris Harms has my whole heart and I’ll probably make a separate post talking about her. But she is just. So amazing and I love her so much. I found her more entertaining than anything in the first two books, but I just have such an appreciation for her, as someone with no powers on this grand adventure, doing all she can to help the people whom she loves. And that often ends up saving people’s lives.
The whole scene when Wax had the Bands was such a Vin moment. And I love the trope (this happens with Dalinar too) where the antagonist can no longer manipulate the protagonist because they’ve undergone character development and/or a change of mindset.
So the epilogue was a thing. I guessed that it was Kelsier’s memory but there are so many other things I’m confused about, like did this take place after the Catacendre? What is even going on with Kelsier? Why are we only hearing about this whole other civilization in the third installment of the second series?
And there is an evil force (another shard?) who is using its own kandra? Does Harmony know about this? I’m wondering if it’s some kind of shard or smth bc of the red shadow surrounding the planet. So maybe that’s what is in charge of these Faceless Immortals. We still don’t know who or what Trell is, so he might be connected to all this.
This is random and probably insignificant but I want to know how that temple was lit. What was that blue light. Was it stormlight or a Scadrian equivalent. Powered by some metal,, or what. Also what metal powers the airplanes.
Now I just have to read secret history, row, and then the lost metal. And then tress and other short stories. I didn’t dive super deep into the implications of various cosmere and character developments, etc bc I’m trying to just get all of the main parts of the novel down. Actually I just realized I didn’t even talk about Wax’s death lol. And there is the ever growing technology on Scadrial. But there’s a lot to unpack here that I’ll probably write more about at a later date.
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semper-legens · 1 year
52. The Lost Metal, by Brandon Sanderson
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Owned: No, library Page count: 500 My summary: It’s the final showdown. A weapon is being created that has the ability to level cities, and Wax, Wayne, Steris, and Marasi have to work fast to avert destruction. The Set are on the move, and they have strands in the Senate, working behind the scenes to achieve their nefarious goals. But this time, it’s Wax’s sister leading the charge. With a world to save, can the gang make sure devastation doesn’t rain on the Basin? My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
Well, this is the final Mistborn book - to date, anyway, I believe that Sanderson wishes to write some more in the same universe. And this is where things get a little...metaphysical? Not sure that's the right word. We get incursions from other worlds, that's what I mean. And from divine beings, specifically in the form of Harmony/Sazed, dear old Kelsier himself, and old Ironeyes, aka Marsh. It's so weird having access to knowledge about these guys that the main protagonists don't. Marasi is so freaked out when she meets Kelsier but like...it's Kelsier. I know that guy! Sure, he's a quasi-godly being with extradimensional powers, but he's still Kelsier, you know? Anyway. Enough about Kelsier. What about the actual book?
Time skip! I did not expect that, I'm not gonna lie. Wax and Steris are married with two kids - Maxillium, which is an adorable name, and Tindwyl, which is cute. Wayne works with Marasi in the police. And there's a bad moon rising once more, as the gang gets word of a devastating weapon being prepared in the Outer Cities. I'm...of two minds about this, but let's focus on the good before the bad. (Or, I guess, what I liked over what I didn't.) The interesting thing for me is that the bomb being developed is basically a nuke. It uses Allomatic/Ferruchemic properties of the metals involved, but for all intents and purposes it's a nuke. And seeing these characters react to a weapon with that kind of devastation, with those kind of properties, in this world that's only recently got electricity...that's horrifying. I mean, I'm 27, I've never lived in a world without nuclear weaponry and the threat of nuclear war. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to be in a world where this was a new threat, where a weapon stronger than anything you could previously have imagined is created and has the ability to destroy not just buildings, but cities? Its horror is very well-reflected through the characters here.
The thing I really take issue with in this book is the not-too-subtle thread of copaganda running throughout. Marasi is a Good Cop, you see. She's a Good Cop who Cares About The People and so is willing to go beyond her remit in order to keep the peace. It never gets to the level of 'we're coming in without a warrant because there are EVIL PEOPLE to be stopped' sort of unsubtle copaganda, but it definitely unnerved me. I didn't really like how Marasi's stance as a police officer for a, let's face it, kinda imperialist state wasn't examined closer. Like, Marasi is annoyed when the police in the Outer Cities interfere with her sting operation, but also she rushed it through and are entitled to their own opinions about how they run their city? Also, I don't think the issues with the Outer Cities are particularly well-resolved? The Outer Cities have a point in that they have been mistreated by Elendel, and yet they're scorned by the protagonists most of the time. I get why they had the reactions they did, but it seems odd to introduce all these ideas then just sort of drop them.
However much I might disagree with some of the subtext and overtones of this book's political message, though, I can't disagree that it is a satisfying conclusion narratively. Wayne's action towards the end of this book is as sweet as it is heartbreaking - I really loved the arc he had, both in this novel directly and in the wider series, and seeing him genuinely taking a stand and saving the day was sweet. Marasi, Wax, and Steris living on to try and make the world better in their various ways was a good ending for them, especially since Steris finds not only her confidence but also her niche. Yeah, turns out ambiguous autism and possibly OCD are really good to have on your side in a crisis. And with Steris' binder full of disasters and solutions, Elendel should be a lot better protected.
Next up, betrayal and espionage in Romania.
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❓Have you read The Lost Metal? What do you think about the conclusion of Era 2 of Mistborn? I actually never shared my review of The Lost Metal event though I included it in a couple of my book lists already. So, what can I say? I loved it, I had a good time with it, I laughed, I almost cried and I enjoyed the style and the action aspect of the book. It made it on my top 10 reads of the year list. Let's start with the parts I loved about this book - the characters and humor. For me, the character arcs of our main cast came to satisfying conclusions - I loved where every character ended up. And my girl Steris made me proud. The character dynamic also was great, I appreciated seeing the comradery between Wayne and Marasi, moments where Steris and Wax worked together, and of course, Wax&Wayne. The humor was as always great, Wayne was hilarious and Steris made me smile and laugh a lot. Also, I can say that there were quite a lot of action scenes that worked for me. I love allomancy&feruchemy and their blend with more modern weapons and fighting style is fascinating. The plot was ok. I enjoyed the investigation part and some small details, but the grand part of the plot wasn't something special. Here come the things that made me worried and didn't work for me. And it's the Cosmere aspect. I'm always here for some easter eggs and hidden connections, but it's important to me that these books work as self-contained stories. And for The Lost Metal it's a stretch. There were a lot of Cosmere moments. And I don't know. Even though I read all the Cosmere books, it was too much for me, I felt overwhelmed. I just didn't want it to take the leading role in the story. And in my opinion, the Cosmere inclusion made the plot more shallow and took from the story. I know that many readers enjoyed it and it's great. But sadly for me, it didn't work out. So in the end, I loved this story and it made me really emotional in a couple of moments(mostly with Wayne), but it made me worried too. So, I guess, we just need to wait and we'll see what is next. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqh7X_0LfhM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cosmerelists · 7 months
Ranking Google's Suggested Questions about Various Cosmere Characters
Do you know that if you google a Cosmere character, Google suggests a list of questions? But...are they GOOD questions? Read on to find out!
1. Kelsier
Suggested Questions:
Why does Kelsier have a spike?
Did Kelsier turn evil?
Is Kelsier a good guy?
How strong is Kelsier?
Rating: 8/10
These are good questions, but a little bit repetitive. Clearly, we are all concerned about whether Kelsier has gone full evil and if so, whether anyone will survive his Hemalurgic strength.
2. Kaladin
Suggested Questions:
What does the name Kaladin mean?
What is special about Kaladin?
Why was Kaladin sold into slavery?
Why don't Kaladin's scars heal?
Rating: 2/10
Terrible questions. They can all be answered by reading the books! (Except possibly the name one.) And who spends even a MOMENT with Kaladin and then questions why he's SPECIAL? HE IS OUR SPECIALIST BOY
3. Steris
Suggested Questions:
Is Steris autistic?
Do wax and Steris fall in love?
Is Steris a Mistborn?
Do Wax and Marasi end up together?
Rating: 5/10
Too much emphasis on relationships--the last question is only about Steris by inference. It's fair to focus on Steris as a cool autistic character, and I like the off-the-wall question about her being a Mistborn. But this is solidly meh.
4. Tress
Suggested Questions
Is Tress part of Cosmere?
How old is Tress Cosmere?
Is Tress of Emerald Sea standalone?
Is Tress of Emerald Sea narrative by Hoid?
Rating: 7/10
These questions are clearly from people wondering if they can read this book--except I guess for the age one, which is just weird. So I generally support these questions as a sincere inquiry by those who want to read it. Go read it! It's good!
5. Shallan
Suggested Questions
Who does Shallan end up with?
Who is the real Shallan?
Is Shallan still bonded to Testament?
Who has Shallan killed?
Rating: 9/10
I love these questions. Sure, the first question is purely plot-related, but they get only zanier as they go along. Who IS the real Shallan? What is the status of all of her twisted multiple bonds? And how many people HAS she killed?
6. Adolin
Suggested Questions:
What does Adolins name mean?
Does anyone find out Adolin killed Sadeas?
What does Adolin look like?
What is the age difference between Shallan and Adolin?
Rating: 7/10
A little disappointing, tbh. I don't know why there is so much focus on what Stormlight men's names mean. And I just feel like there are so many more interesting things to ask about Adolin than whether his age gap is problematic and how hot he is. *shrugs*
7. Yumi
Suggested Questions:
How invested is Yumi Cosmere?
Are Yumi and painter from the same planet?
Is Yumi a cognitive shadow?
Is Yumi and the nightmare painter standalone?
Rating: 9/10
Honestly, these are pretty good questions. The last one is for people wondering if they can just read this book, but all the rest are just people trying to understand the lore. I can respect that.
8. Szeth
Suggested Questions:
Why is Szeth so strong?
Who has Szeth killed?
Why was Szeth truthless?
What color are Szeth's eyes?
Rating: 9/10 Aside from the last one these are all just questions Szeth asks himself daily.
9. Moash
Suggested Questions:
What does Moash do?
Is Moash a villain?
What is Moash's new name?
What did Renarin do to Maosh?
Rating: 8/10
Such a mix of trying to remember plot details (What is Moash's new name? What did Renarin do to Moash?) and deep philosophical questions. What does Moash do? Is he a villain? Deep questions on the google.
10. Hoid
Suggested questions:
What is a Hoid?
Is Hoid a Mistborn?
What was Hoid doing in Elantris?
What did odium do to Hoid?
Rating: 10/10
This has to get a full 10/10 just for the "what is a hoid" question. Let's be real; it's what we're all asking...
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mistwraiths · 2 years
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5 stars
I'm not okay!!!!!!! Wow, what a stunning finale to the Mistborn era 2. And the most explode-y one yet.
Initially, I was surprised about the time jump, but it works especially because there is SO MUCH GOING ON in this book. We've gone from simple Mistborn books with the subtle hints of the bigger things going on in the Cosmere, to literally diving face-first into tons of Cosmere lore, characters, terms, and more. If you aren't Cosmere savvy I can see this book being hard to follow at points.
I loved Wayne throughout this series, but honestly his whole little I'm worthless part was my least favorite part. Mostly because it seemingly comes out of nowhere and it doesn't quite feel genuine or done particularly well. I've seen Brandon do better emotional struggles than Wayne's and the parts where he talks about the story his mom told him was frankly kind of annoying. But when he's not doing those things, he's still the funniest, silliest character and useful. And I guessed that it would be Wayne. I'm happy he got to be the hero. I DID like the forgiveness part which has been subtly brought up in the other books.
I love Marasi and I would have loved to spend more time with the Ghostbloods and Moonlight and TwinSoul. The whole plot line with her was pretty wild especially the Community!! I did wish we got to see more of Allik and Malwish/Southern Continent.
Wax, as always, was a complete joy to read and I LOVE him and Steris. Their family made me insanely happy. His being Harmony's Sword and spiking himself!!!! I was genuinely worried something would happen to him too but I'm SO glad he gets to live a happy life. He deserves it.
I do wish we got more information on Autonomy. I thought perhaps she was working with Odium but that might not be the case. I don't understand her motivation in kicking Harmony out and off of his planet? What kind of power would she truly gain? Why? Isn't she worried about Odium?
I'm interested to see what happens now in the future of Mistborn. I'm also worried about both Sazed/Harmony and Kelsier, and what they might do. Also, I definitely want more Marsh. Best boy. Deserves the world.
Overall, this was a wild ride and I enjoyed seeing more of the Cosmere slowly come together.
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its-kelsier-again · 2 years
The Lost Metal Chapter1-Cahpter 19
Spoilers will be under the cut
Chapter 1-Chapter 19 I love how Marasi's and Wayne's friendship has progressed. Good for them.
Allik and Marasi are kinda cute. Like, I don't have any strong opinions about it one way or another, but I'm not against it.
There is something absolutely hilarious about Wax harnessing his child to him and stellpushing through the city. Also, Mas is kinds cute.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Feruchemist Cycle wasn't a naturally-born Feruchemist just because of Marasi's comment about him being unpracticed. And I was right. Hemlurgy.
Why do they want Marasi as an Avatar? Is it her connection to the others? Do they assume she would be the easiest person to copy?
Um... Was that a death rattle? It sounded like a death rattle.
Chapter 7 "Wax wasn’t worried about its reliability. Steris had designed it." The trust he has for Steris is so sweet. I love her.
I want to see more of the Allomancery Jak and Wax rivalry. I want Allomacery Jak to actually appear in the book. Please.
Chapter 8 Wayne playing cards with the people he tied up and losing the game is one of the most Wayne things he could do.
Whoever was under that mask, was it our worldhopper? Maybe Shai?
Chapter 9 Interesting that fabrial flying airships and the airships of the Malwish seemed to have come about around the same time.
Chapter 11 I love Allik. He's fantastic. He's so excited about sharing what he makes with his friends.
Melanie is going off world? Hell yeah! Also, maybe worldhopper Marasi? If Shallan is going to become a worldhopper (which is entierly possible considering RoW) it's certainly an interesting possibility if they met.
Chapter 12 Wayne and Melanie's breakup is sad. Also "sometimes you had to stand there and get shot." is a painful line.
Shadesmar mention! Will Melanie really be the first Kendra going out into the Cosmere long-term? I know there's a Kandra on Roshar, so is it her? Also, what about the terrispeople we've seen on Roshar so far? There was that one woman in Venli's flashback in RoW and I think the guy with the Avian was also a terrisman.
Chapter 13 Good job on Steris and Wax for wearing proper PPE.
I'm interested in the talks about wavelengths. It reminds me of what Navain and Raboniel did in RoW.
They're trying to do WHAT with harmonium? Will Roshar and Scadrial achieve nuclear power at the same time too? On top of that, they might be able to make lerasium?
Aaannnnnd now the metals are rwacting to each other. Great.
Chapter 14 We finally get to meet Ranette's after, like, six years? Took it long enough. Anyway, I love Jaxy. She's great. And I still love Ranette.
I like how they called Wayne out on his "trial". It is selfish and he needed to learn that.
Wayne is rich?!
Chapter 15 With all that talk about Death's book, I hope we see Marsh. How's he doing?
Allik is back with his baking and he made chocolate chip cookies! I'm really liking him.
I know it's nothing new for Kandra to be hidden among the humans, but I'm curious to see what it'll be like in Era 3. I mean, someone Marasi worked had been replaced by a Kandra six months prior.
Vendor's back with wanting people's bones (or in Allik's caee, his mask) when they die. At least he's respectful about it.
Huh. So there's pote tial that Wax could become Mistborn? I think if they managed to separate the harmonium and get lerasium, I don't believe Wax would be the one to get it. Maybe Wayne would? That would certainly be interesting...
Chapter 16 Will Tall Boring Guy and Short Boring Guy ever get names? We'll see I guess.
I like the sound of Wayne Terrisborn. Good for him. Maybe Kelsier will get a name at this point. I can't wait to see that bastard when he arrives.
I really like how this chapter shows that Wayne can be quite smart at times. Of course, he just sees himself as an idiot, which is sad.
Uh, Wax signed away his likeness rights? I'm sure that won't be important in the later eras.
With all this dead talk with Wayne, I'm concerned he might be the one to die.
Chapter 17 I'm relating to Steris again, but that's not a bad thing. A lot of things I experience, I like seeing that she experiences (and same with Renarin. Love that guy.)
Okay, now I want to see an Allik and Steris friendship.
I love Steris. She deserves the world.
Chapter 18 Does Scadrial have a noodle shop now? Is that why Hoid was there?
Chapter 19 I wonder how significant the detail about the mists not being in the city is/will be.
Okay, is Wax's mind actually playing tricks on him, or did the harmonium do something? I think the harmonium did something, especially because it was mentioned twice on the same page. I'm not quite sure what, though. Maybe enhance his allomantic abilities?
Allomancer Jak was mentioned again. I'm once again hoping he appears. I want to see some pettiness between him and Wax. Please.
The meeting at the mountain top gave me Urithiru vibes, especially when Harmony/Sazed was described as having one black side and one white side. That specifically reminded me of the Oathgate spren.
Trell is revealed?! This early. Wow. I wonder why Autonomy's doing this. What does she have to gain from this? Or what does Trell have to gain from this? Is it because she wants Scadrial? If so, why? Does it have something to do with Odium?
I'm curious about the sword. Is it really Wax, or are we going to have another Hero of Ages situation and it's actually someone else?
Telsin has become a much bigger problem than before. Yay.
I wonder if the key to figuring out harmonium will somehow help Sazed.
Harmony's point about possibly being pain for Wax is making me nervous. Will Wax loose something important to him,, like his abilities? Is Wayne going to die?
I wonder when the letters to Hoid in RoW take place. Is it before TLM? During it? During RoW? I'm pretty sure RoW takes place after TLM/Era 2. I wonder if those letters have clues/hints in them.
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