#Mantis gotg
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zyrahne · 2 months ago
rocket sayin "that's my girl" whenever mantis gets a kill in marvel rivals
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rivalswrites · 15 days ago
Valentine's special 2/4
Before you read, please be warned that I'm writing based on my impressions of them not only in the game (though it's the biggest inspiration), but some of them with the movies/shows in mind too.
Summery: giving everyone on the Marvel Rivals roster a kiss (with plot!!)
Valentine's Masterlist
Underage characters and animal characters will be platonic (there will be a reminder for each one)
Characters included: Bruce/Hulk, Invisible Woman, Iron fist, Jeff the Shark, Loki, Luna Snow, Magik, Magneto, Mantis
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“You are just the cutest thing ever” Bruce said, holding your head in his hands while sitting on the couch. He had you sitting in-between his legs, which were laying all across said couch, enjoying the warmth of your body laying on top of his.
Usually he wouldn't be so affectionate, worried about… other variables of his, but tonight was different. Tonight Bruce was tired, and all he wanted to do was be with you- even if it meant he'd probably fall asleep on the couch and get back pain in the morning.
“And you're so handsome” you said back, smiling up at him. Your arms were around his waist and you cuddled on top of him. “All of you” was added after.
Bruce let out an amused ‘hmf’ and you could see a soft blush on his cheeks if you squint hard enough. “All of me? Even the big green pea?” That got a laugh out of you.
“Yeah, even the hulk” you mutter out as a reply, laying your head on his chest and humming in content. His hands moved from your face to your back, drawing patterns, and probably equations too, on your back lightly.
Silence reigned over the living room, it would almost be deafening if it weren't for Bruce’s heart beating into your ear where it laid. “Love all of it” was let out in barely a whisper. His hands stopped tracing their patterns, instead grabbing onto your shirt in fistfulls, “can't say stuff like that” he murmured, laying his head back to barely touch the arm of the couch.
“But it's true.” Your elbows pushed you up to try and see his face, “I do love all of you, I don't care if it's you or Hulk.”
When his head came back up to a regular position, his entire face was flushed. “Don't just go saying things like that,” his eyes closed and his face looked so adorable when he was flustered like this “gonna get a heart attack.”
“You of all people know that's not how you get a heart attack.” You whispered while leaning up to meet his face.
He was surprised by the kiss, but not unwelcoming of it. His arms tightened their hold and his fists scrunched up your shirt, trying to pull you closer as he pushed against the kiss to deepen it.
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The two of you laid in bed giggling together, it was still early morning but you bother were definitely supposed to be up and running for the day by now. Instead of being responsible adults the two of you stayed under the sheets and made jokes to each other, the early morning fog making everything a tad more funnier than it should be.
“You're ridiculous” Susan said, her head resting on your chest while holding in her laughter horribly. “I'm serious! He really did say that.” You replied, an arm waving in the air as the other one sat entangled with her hair.
After you said that she laughed some more, moving her head back to let it all out. God she was gorgeous like this, in the lighting that perfectly framed everything.
You laughed along too, but eventually it died down to deep breaths to catch both your breaths. Holding each other in a tender embrace, you let out a deep yawn. “Guess we should get up and be productive people, hm?” You said and pulled her closer.
“Yeah, maybe” she replied, pulling you just as close.
Neither of you had any intention of letting go to get up, but you both knew it had to happen eventually. Susan deeply sighed before pulling her arm out from under you and perching herself up. “There's only one way to start the day perfectly.” She said, smiling at you.
“And what's that, my love?” You asked, your hand in her hair moving to push it out of her face. “This” she said before lounging at you.
She practically tackled you with all her force, laying on top of you as she smothered your face in kisses. “Susan!” You said with a shout, laughing and grabbing onto her waist as she continued her attack. She pulled back and smirked, “what, can't handle it?” she said with a giggle. “Oh, I can handle it, can you?” You said before grabbing her face with both your hands and pulling her back in for a passionate kiss.
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Lin was met with a bunch of flower in his face the moment he opened his bedroom door, eyes going from them to you multiple times as he processed what was happening.
You had a big smile on your face, holding up the single flower for him. After taking a moment, he smiled back and took the flower from your hand and examined it on his own. “What's this?” He asked, looking up at you with pure curiosity. “A flower” you replied with a proud tone.
“Well obviously, what's it for?” His tone was playful, not at all taken back by the dumb response you had given him. “For you!” Again you gave a vague reply.
He was used to your vague replies, and even found them funny, but his curiosity begged for a real answer- so he pressured more questions. “Where'd you get it?” “Nature” “did it cost anything?” “I paid with my love for you” “why today?” “Why not?” It went on and on, like a game of cat and mouse, except he had no way of winning this one.
There was only one thing to do, pull out the big guns.
“I'll give you a kiss if you actually tell me.” In an instant he saw your eyes light up, immediately making eye contact with him as you spoke.
“I found it in someone's front lawn on my way here, I thought it was cute and wanted you to have it.” Straight forward, “I believe you owe me a reward for being so honest.” and humble.
He laughed, looking back down at the flower, “I do, don't I?” Lin pulled you in by the waist and dipped his head down, capturing you in a soft kiss full of love- as they always were with him. When he pulled back he observed your star struck face with a smile. “Thank you for the flower, baby. But maybe don't go stealing from random neighborhoods next time.”
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The little shark had wanted to play outside, and as the self-designated caretaker of the little guy you were the one to take him outside. You sat on the porch stairs and watched as he ran around chasing everything- literally. His tail? Chased. That butterfly? Chased. The wind? Chased.
Jeff never ceased to amaze you on how much curiosity one creature could have- he was adorable.
You had spent maybe an hour outside by now, resting your head on your palm and watching Jeff explore a yard he's seen a million times before. By now you were getting hungry, and you sure Jeff was a little too, so you started thinking of lunch. Sandwiches sounded good, and they were simple to make, quick and easy so the little guy didn't have to wait.
Jeff easily noticed when you stood up, stopping his playtime and trotting over to you to see what was up. His face looked up at you with what you thought was a cute smile and big beady eyes. “Ah, Jeff you're so cute” you praised, crouching down to scratch the underside of his chin. He enjoyed this, letting out a cute noise and letting his tail wag. “How's about some lunch? You hungry?” The question easily peaked his interest, turning in circles to show it.
He easily followed you inside, even pushing the door closed after- something he had learned himself somehow, thank goodness he doesn't know how to open doors… right?
The kitchen was empty and made it easy for you to take your time and whatever you wanted from the fridge or cabinets. You settled on some sort of meat you found in the fridge (ham? Maybe turkey?) since it looked fine and passed your smell test- Jeff's too, but he ate anything so smell didn't really matter.
After making the sandwiches, five in total, you sat on the floor and pushed the plate with four of them towards Jeff, taking one for yourself to have. “Enjoy little buddy” you said as you watched the little shark absolutely devour them, taking the late with them. Glad you used a paper plate.
While you were eating yours Jeff came up and laid on your legs, pushing up against your hand that sat on your thigh. Deciding you could always make more, you tossed the rest of your sandwich- which was less than half- and watched as he scrambled to catch it. “You're adorable.” You muttered as he came back to you with a large smile that showed off all his teeth.
He let out the most adorable sound as he jumped onto your lap and licked your face, leaving an uncomfortable trail of shark saliva. “Thanks buddy” you said, using the bottom of your shirt to wipe off what you could.
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Honestly it shouldn't be a surprise to you, coming home to find him bathing in rose petals and bubbles. He was a man who liked to be pampered, by others or herself didn't really matter.
“Be a dear and wash my hair for me, hm?” He slurred out, using a charming smile to coerce you into following his question- though he really didn't need to, you would've done it if he had ordered you too. Kneeling down you roll up your sleeves and grab the cup sitting on the edge.
Loki closed her eyes and sighed in bliss as the water washed over his head, relaxing into the water even more when your hands started to brush through his hair. “So good to me” he muttered.
“I try” you replied, rubbing the luxurious shampoo onto his scalp and down her long hair. Your fingers scratched at her scalp and that definitely got a satisfied reaction from her- seeing as he kept leaning his head into your hands, you happily obliged and applied more pressure onto her head. The deep exhale of his breath was a show of satisfaction.
It continued on like this, a cycle of singing his hair and applying hair products of all kinds- he insisted you used them all, to make sure her hair glowed. She still wanted to lay in the water, after you were done, so you started to stand up to give her space and alone time. Her hand rushed up and grabbed yours, water splashing out of the tub at how quick he was “stay,” her tone was demanding, but also quiet, “please.”
It was rare for him to ask such things of you, so you did. You took a towel and set it in the ground before sitting on it, your arm leaning on the tub. Quickly she took the opportunity to lay her head on your arm, a hand of his coming up to rest on your wrist- her pinky was outstretched to interlock with yours.
The both of you sat like that in silence for what could've been 5 minutes to an hour, it didn't seem like either of you cared which one it was.
His head would readjust sometimes, until eventually it was up on your shoulder and she had to hunch over to stay comfortable.
“The water is cold” the silence was broken by his comment. Unsure of what she wanted as a reply you went with the safest option, “want me to rerun the bath for you? Make it warm again, my love?” “No” his reply was quick, hand on your wrist tightening its grip. “Alright” was your reply, a quiet one as the silence set in once more.
You looked over to her, cheek resting on his wet hair with a smile. Your hand came up to rest on their head, thumb rubbing up against their cheek in comfort. It was all he needed to raise his head and look up at you- leaning into your palm.
It was too hard to resist, you couldn't help it when she looked at you with those eyes- vulnerability showed in them, something only you were allowed to see. So even so slightly you leaned in and pressed a kiss against Loki’s own lips; enjoying how soft they've always been compared to your most likely chapped ones.
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It was late at night and you were in the dining room, sitting with two bowls in front of you- even though it was just you. This had been like the fifth time you'd checked the time, but you waited patiently, you knew she was a busy person.
The front door keypad sounded and went off after the correct code was put in before the door opened and closed soon after; which still didn't stop the cold breeze of outside meeting your face briefly. You could hear her, her shiver from the outside as she took her shoes off and put them in the shoe rack, replacing them with the bunny slippers you had gotten her ages ago.
“Oh,” she mutters, leaving the entry hallway to get a peek at you “I didn't realize you'd be awake still.” Seol looked guilty, reaching up to scratch at her hair nervously.
“Wanted to wait for you, should I not have?” You asked, turning in your chair to look directly at her. “No- No!” She shouted, “I mean- I don't mind it, you staying up for me.” her corrections on her reply were quick and worried.
She comes and pulls the chair next to you out, to sit in, and faces you like you do her; your legs interlock. “I'm sorry I'm always so late.” Her hand comes up to rest on your bicep, rubbing up and down in comfort. “It's alright, I know you're busy” you muttered in reply, taking her hand on you and holding it in yours. “You could make it up, though.” That caught her interest.
“Oh? How's that, my love?” Her face cracked a smile, if she knew you- which she did- she knew where this was going.
You didn't verbally reply, simply reaching up and pointing to your lips with a smile. Seol’s smile got brighter with your movement, raising her hands to cup your face. “I can't deny you.” She said before tugging you close and bumping faces with you with a laugh. Eventually her lips met yours and her laughs turned into little giggles instead; you even let out a few of your own.
The kiss was apologetic and sweet. She was busy a lot, you knew what you signed up for.
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“Why do you care so much?” She sighed, laying her head on the foot of the bed as she laid on her stomach, “it's a shirt! Just pick one, baby, not that hard.”
Illyana wasn't one for fashion, despite looking good in everything, so when you propositioned her to pick your shirt because you couldn't decide she started complaining- nicely because it was you. “C'mon Illy- I can't decide!” You said back, holding up like three different shirts “That's why I'm asking you!”
This obviously wasn't going anywhere, as it always did when you asked her to help you with your wardrobe choices. “Why don't you wear that one shirt, the one I like?” She replied, rolling onto her back and turning her neck to glare at you from upside-down.
“It's dirty, I don't want to smell bad when I go out.” You said on the bed next to her and tossed the shirts onto her legs. “Hey!” She scoffed playfully, not actually bothered by it.
“Hey” you replied, leaving down to rest your hands on her stomach as she adjusted her head to look up at you. “Why don't you just stay inside today, then you don't have to pick out a shirt.” She suggested, raising her eyebrows in a silly manner while smirking at you.
“I'm not gonna walk around shirtless all day at home, you sucker.” You grabbed into her nose and shook her head playfully. Her hands raised to meet yours, tugging it off of her and smiling up at you. Her hands brought yours back down to rest on her stomach.
Quiet washed over the two of you, leaving both to just look at each other with smiles. “You could wear one of my shirts.” She offered, cutting through the silence. Pretending to think you looked up, “You do have some nice ones…”
“Alright, one of yours it is.” You pat her stomach and she laughs. “See? Not so hard after all,” Illyana reached up and grabbed your face. “I deserve a reward for being so helpful.”
With no complaints you listened to her suggestion, leaning down and giving her a sweet kiss. Her hands tangled with your hair and tugged slightly, always having to be in control in some way.
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Somehow it was a quiet evening, for everyone. You sat on the couch with Erik, holding onto his arm and practicing melding into his side. “You're so warm” you told him earlier when he questioned it, but quickly left it alone with your answer being satisfactory.
He was reading a book, something random he found in the Baxter Buildings extensive library- it was probably something science related, maybe philosophical, but you didn't pay attention or care enough.
Your head rested on his muscular shoulder, not the most comfortable pillow but a favorite. He never showed it, but he loved when you cuddled up to him, you knew imso because he'd always make space for you to do so. Willingly he would move his arm to just the right position to where your arms could easily wrap around it so you could hold him. What a sweetheart.
Erik would let it occasional hums, something he unconsciously did when he was satisfied with his environment- when you were there.
“Please, my dear, stop staring at me.” He cut through the silence, but didn't look up from his book. “I don't know what you're talking about.” You said, feigning stupidity at him obviously catching you in the act of ogling over him. “You are right, I should not assume that you were staring at me when I can very obviously feel your eyes on me” Erik replied sarcastically, putting an ear on the page he was reading so he could close the book and put it aside- finally looking at you with a light smile.
“Exactly,” you agree, playing along “assuming things never work out well.” The both of you chuckle and smile at each other, leaning in more- if that was even possible.
“You are so right, my dear, as always.” his eyes were gentle, for a man that had gone through everything he has. “I always am,” you said back, thumbing at his shoulder gently.
His hand comes up to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb across it before running back and playing with the ends of your hair. His touch was so gentle, like you were the most precious thing in the world; because you were, to him you were.
Without another word needed between either of you, you moved to sit up more and leaned up to give him a kiss. He gladly returned it, using his hand in your hair to tug you closer, giving all of his love and attention to you.
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“I can feel your love for me.” She said, thumbing at your hands that rested around her. You both laid in bed, her back to your chest as the moonlight passed through the curtains of your room. “Well I sure hope you can,” you replied, pushing her up against you more “make sure you get all of it.”
Mantis laughed at your comment, turning her head to see you and in turn show you her smile. “I certainly am.” She replied with a giggle.
You leaned your head down and nuzzled into her cheek, pushing yours against her like a cat. “Good, it's all meant just for you.” Her smile widened. Mantis pushed against the bed and turned around so she could wrap her arms around you like you were with her. The room became quiet again, besides your breathing, and you both just looked into the others eyes; full of love they were.
Leaning down you pressed a quick kiss against her nose, pulling back with a smile as blush dusted her cheeks a little. In turn she leaned up and pressed a kiss against your chin, and the game was on. The both of you took turns pressing kisses against the others face, it felt like enough time had passed to where every inch of both your faces was covered in kisses.
“I win.” You said, leaning down and capturing her lips before she could ask what you meant. She didn't complain, her hands raising to rest under your sleep shirt and pulling you closer.
When you pulled away it took a moment for the both of you to catch your breath, but she was quicker. “I didn't know this was a game, I think there needs to be a rematch.”
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faeryeee · 2 months ago
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months ago
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Shoutout to alien failgirls with big black eyes and fucked up fathers
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hitboxluminary · 4 days ago
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happylittleshrub · 23 days ago
Fighting Rocket on the Enemy Team
As Other Characters
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As Rocket
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lleafyleafsterr · 12 days ago
I think the funniest thing about shipping mantis x loki in rivals is their ironic similarities that people wouldn’t have thought to compare before.
loki is the god of mischief/lies. mantis can read his mind or feelings to find the truth.
they’re both green, Mantis has antennas, Loki’s helmet has horns.
Mantis’s abilities in rivals revolves around nature/life, and y’all know about Loki’s connection with “trees”….
and also they both have dumb (usually blonde) brothers, which, also fits my comparison because iirc Loki and thor aren’t siblings in norse mythology and are uncle/nephew instead? which makes them only brothers in the mcu, mantis and peter are only siblings in the mcu, too.
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buggybuggboo · 5 days ago
marvel rivals gotg blingees
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blingees but they’re picmixes
this was actually my first time using picmix and i’m obsessed
(i see u in the tags >:), they did not have an 80s sticker)
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sunny-rants · 2 years ago
the real reason gotg movies are the funniest marvel movies is because their characters have gone through the most trauma, and that’ll give you an elite sense of humour
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soy-bean-factory · 22 days ago
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messy sketch page of my faves
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rakruined · 4 months ago
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zyrahne · 2 months ago
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we going to drip city with this fit
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fry-the-earthling · 15 days ago
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mantis and floor doodle
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - 2017
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halloweiner69420 · 2 months ago
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merry crhistmas ho ho ho
adam and peter next 👍 im speedrunning the holiday spirit with my favorites ever
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hitboxluminary · 13 days ago
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mantis ily
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