#Mansk fluff
navibluebees · 1 year
Mansk with his Chubby Human Female SO
Please read before interacting.
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I just love him so much. Requested by @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed 🤗 (Connecting some of the ideas with my original Mansk SO hcs) Also I gotta mention Lopez in the background always raising his arms and cheering, like.. could he get any more adorable?
He was intrigued by the food that had gradually gotten better and better in the chow hall, so he'd worked up his courage to go talk to the head chef, you.
When he went into the kitchen, it was after mealtime, and everybody was cleaning up their spaces. You were in the corner, looking high and low for the item you needed for the next day.
Stress worked its way through you as you realized it was on the highest shelf and you planted your hands on your hips as you contemplated how best to get it down. A blue hand stretched over your head, reaching for it and carefully passing it to you.
He started coming to the kitchen every night, slowly opening up to you and your coworkers. He helped clean and prep food for the next day and became a part of the team.
He was so nervous to ask you out, unsure if you liked him or were just being kind. That only made him more surprised when he showed up and you thrust a box into his face. When he opened it to find a "Kiss the Cook" apron and saw your bright red face, he blushed to match. You stood there awkwardly together until you pulled him down to press your lips to his.
Loves to help out in the kitchen as much as he can
Has a primal need to make sure you're well fed. Especially adores your tummy because it shows he's doing his job right.
Ears wiggle happily when you compliment his food. Same with the tail.
Adores your curves and the way you fill out your formal dress or jumpsuit for the military ball.
Needs you in his lap with his arm around your waist, especially around the other recoms. Will subtly mark his territory.
Loves how soft your thighs are. Your lap is his favorite place to sleep and where he feels the safest.
NSFW Below
One night in the kitchen, you kept brushing against him, turning around with your hand up to tap his thigh but ended up grabbing him because you were looking in the other direction.
Cue a very horny Mansk. He just needed to get you alone by then.
100% guaranteed to scoop you up, mutter goodbye to the rest of the crew and then rush down to your room.
Whenever you wear a dress, he loves to slowly push the straps down and kiss all over your shoulders and across your clavicles
Falls back on the bed and gets so shy at that point so you grab his chin and tell him to put his cock in you.
The first time you ever took charge, his body shivered all over and he came as soon as he got inside you.
Loves cockwarming especially first thing in the morning. When you wake up before your alarms, he brings you down on top of him, holding you against him. Growly moans whenever you squeeze around him.
Thiiighhhh worship! Will stay between your legs overstimulating you just to keep them wrapped around his ears.
Whines quietly when you're around the other recoms and you stroke his ears. Constantly adjusts when you grab the end of his tail and wrap it around your arm. He hides it well most days but he is gone for you by the simplest touch.
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blue-bluee · 2 years
-ˋˏ S H Y ˎˊ
Characters: Quorch, Lyle, Z-Dog, Mansk, Sir Jameson (hes a cat), little bit of General Ardmore.
Warnings: Fluff! Lots! Cute recoms with a kitty! General A is a bitch as per usual. Angst if you squint.
Chapter 1 (you’re here!), Chapter 2
It was cold.
There was wet and cold everywhere. The little black cat opened its eyes to the familiar cardboard box that it had fallen asleep in, the rain pestering down, leaking through the already molded box.
There was hardly any lights anywhere, so when the cat needed to leave his little moldy box for food, he had to use nearly every other sense other than sight.
Most nights the little cat returned empty handed with a rumbling tummy and droopy ears. He didn’t remember much of when he had an inside home, but it’s been weeks since he was cast outside by tall humans in green. He didn’t even know where he was.
But there was a lot of rain, no green, and there were big sounds in the distance. He wanted to go to the sounds but he was afraid the people in green were gonna be mean to him and throw him outside again.
During days when it was sunny, he would wander the streets that he was left in. He didn’t remember much of how he got here, just one day he was put inside a really small box and then he started to get sleepy and cold. He remembered waking up to a man in green holding his scruff and loud voices.
And it had been weeks since then, of just him sitting in the moldy box, searching for food. He had plenty of water, rain was common here.
But his little furry tummy rumbled. He hadn’t been able to find much food. One time he had found an abandoned sandwich. He saved it for as long as he could.
But food was now really rare. He was sad.
When he felt lonely or sad, he sang. To others it just sounded like tiny meows, but to him, well, It was music.
He wondered if he was going to be all alone like this for the rest of his life.
He missed his mama.
Days went on and on and on and each day he woke up to the moldy box.
When he was bored sometimes he would play with the box, even though it was crusty and sometimes damp. He had nothing else to play with.
He made sure to explore as much as he could. Everywhere he had been he made sure to leave little marks. He hoped one day someone nice and warm would come find him.
He really missed feeling warm. The man in green had a warm hand before he threw him out.
The little cat didn’t know how long it had been since he was thrown away. The sunrise was sunset was always the same, and it didn’t seem to change much. The box was still the same, maybe it had a bit more mold on it then it had a week ago.
The little cat liked the daytime. There weren’t that many lights on during the night. Sometimes it would be stormy. He hated storms. They were loud and bright and dark and so so scary.
He liked to go out during the day, to look around and to play with things that looked like birds but had no feathers. They were weird creatures but they played with him too.
He liked them. Sometimes he would sing to them and they would hop closer to him, heads tilting and squawking.
They were just different looking birds, he decided. Like a hairless cat.
His black fur was matted with mud and dirt, left in tangles. He tried to brush it out and clean it, but there was only so much a starved cat could do.
Sometimes his almost-bird friends brought him food. He made sure to purr at them and snuggle close to show them he was happy with it whenever they brought him food.
Each night he fell asleep in his box, all alone, with only one wish.
That someone would find him.
His little ears twitched as he awoke to strange noises. They were loud thumping noises. He crawled out of his little box and saw a big metal machine that had things going fast in a circle. He smelt food on it and saw some blue men in green, which was weird.
He decided to follow it.
He couldn’t see exactly where it was that he was going, but he was certainly very surprised to see lots of green men and blue men.
He made sure he stayed hidden so they wouldn’t throw him.
He saw a really big group of Blue people with a little human boy walk out of the big metal machine.
He smelled them, and they smelled like trees. And fruit and food and clean water.
When he smelt them, his little ears perked up immediately. He wanted to run to them immediately.
But he was still scared of being thrown.
So the little kitty decided to watch.
While the kitten was small, it was awfully hard to sneak around such a robotic environment.
He spent many days sleeping inside a basket full of what felt like towels, and he was overjoyed.
He did miss his box though. He missed the feeling of it, the cover, the smell.
It was when he was in a deep sleep when he was found.
The basket was lifted up, while he was burrowed under the layers of fabric that he lay in, warmth keeping him in a wondrous sleep, filled with dreams of warm bellies and lovely food.
Even the sound of footsteps and radio chatter didn’t wake the little kitten. But the sound of a door sliding open certainly did. The telltale beeping he grew so accustomed to for a unit unlocking. His eyes opened, he dared not move.
He heard voices. Many many voices.
��Took you long enough, I need a fuckin’ shower.”
“A thank you would have been nice, shut up, take this one.” Said a female voice, and the kitties heart stopped in fear. She was grabbing the towel that he lay under.
All he could do was hope he didn’t get thrown. He squeezed his eyes shut and flattened his little ears, trembling.
He heard a small gasp of surprise when the towel was lifted.
“Oh! What the hell-?” Said the female voice.
“Are you gonna pass the towel or what?” He heard the sound of a throw and a catch, and a silent “thanks”
“No problem, hey Mansk! Colonel! Lyle! Come take a look at this.”
“Girl you just gave the this damn towel what now? I been waiting for this shower for a while- oh my god.” Said a male voice.
The kitty dared not open his eyes nor move. He desperately didn’t wanna be thrown.
“Hey there little guy,” said the female voice, “whatcha doin’ in there, hm?”
“Zdinarsk. Why is there a cat in the laundry.” Asked a different male voice.
“Just found him in here. Must have been sleeping here for a while, the towels are a lil dirty from his teeny tiny paws.” She said the last bit with a baby voice, her fingers tickling behind his ears.
He peeked at her, and was surprised to see it was the big blue lady he saw before, the one he remembered with the other blue people. The ones he wanted to live with.
He opened his eyes and smiled in that little way that cats do at the blue lady with markings and a Mohawk.
“Awh, look at the lil guy!” She smiled at him, and his tail fluffed up a bit. She liked him!
“He can’t stay, yknow. We have a mission to do, we have jobs.” Said the biggest blue man. His hair was short, and he had a marking on his arm. Both him and the blue lady’s ears went down in disappointment.
“Quaritch please? It would be so nice to have a friend that doesn’t steal your food.” She directed that last part to a blue man that didn’t have any hair except for his braid. The bigger blue man’s eyes widened when he saw their ears go down.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezed shut.
“Would it really make you all happy to keep it?” He said, waving his hand to them all.
The blue ladies ears perked up and she smiled at the bigger blue man, her tail wagging.
“It would, just look at that little baby face, he’s such a lil man, so brave for staying out for so long. He probably didn’t have anywhere to live.”
The bigger blue man sighed and smirked a little. “Alright, y’all can keep him. Just make sure he don’t get in my way or he’s out.” He said, pointing his finger to the door.
“Now get that lil man a better bed. He ain’t gonna be livin’ in no basket.” He said, sniffing and putting his hands in his belt, walking away shaking his head. “I don’t wanna have him dirtyin up our towels.”
“Yes sir.” Said both the bald blue man and one with a hat.
“Cmere little man.” Said the blue lady, picking him up gently, her smile never fading. “My names Zdinarsk, or Z-Dog. What should we call you, hey lil man?”
“Hey now, don’t keep him all to yourself, lemme talk to the lil guy.” Said the bald one.
Z-Dog gently passed him over to the bald man’s large hands, all three blue people’s tails wagging.
“Hey there lil guy. My names Lyle. Aren’t you just the cutest- HEY!” He was cut off after the big man with a hat grabbed him out of Lyles hands, a smile on his face.
“My turn” he said, “Hello there little kitty. I’m Mansk. What’s your name huh?”
Z-Dog got up from where she kneeled on the floor and gently took him out of Mansks hands, a soft smile on her face. “Let’s go meet the big boss, hey lil man? Yeah, let’s go.”
She walked down a small hallway with doors in both sides, until she reached the one at the end, with a little sticky note drawing of the bigger blue man he saw before.
On each door there was sticky notes of all the blue people. He liked them. Z-Dog noticed and smiled down at him, stopping for him to take a look.
“You like them, don’t you, lil man? The boss drew them. He draws for fun. He left them on the table once so we decided to put them up on the doors. He draws these cute lil drawing that look like a four year old did em but we love em. I’ll show you some more later. Let’s go see him.”
She cradled him against her chest, knocking at the door with a small drawing of the big man.
“What?” They heard from inside.
“Hey big boss, c’mere, you need to meet lil man.” Said Z-Dog, smiling.
The door opened to a tired looking blue man. “I’m doing paperwork. I can’t-“ but then the little kitten jumped onto him, catching both blue people by surprise.
Luckily, the big man caught him with his big hands, and smiled a lil, his tail wagging.
“Well hi there big guy. What you think you’re doin’? “He smiled down at him, then to Z-Dog.
“You two have fun, I’m gonna make him some food then a lil bath to clean up his teeny tiny paws.”
“My names Miles Quaritch. Nice to meet you.” He said to the teeny kitty, walking back into his room, kitty cradled against his chest. “You look like a sweet lil guy, what should we name you, hm? You need a cute name to match that cute lil furry face of yours, don’t we?”
He gently put him down on a soft pillow, sitting down, looking at him. He gently pet his head, only using one finger. “You’re a tiny lil guy alright. What if we name you…whiskers.” The little kitten didn’t like the name so he lightly bit Quaritch’s finger.
“Alright, alright, guess we’ll have to think of something else, hey there?” The played with the kitten, laughing at his little meows. The kitty liked playing. He hadn’t really played with another person in a long time, so having his big hand roll him over and play fight him was a lot of fun for the small cat.
There was a knock at the door, and they both looked over to see Z-Dog.
“I see you two had fun while I was gone.” She smiled at them.
“We were tryin to think of some names for lil man but we got busy to playin.” Quaritch laughed as the kitty tried jumping to reach his hand, but ultimately missing and falling onto the pillow.
Z-Dog leaned against the door. “I’ve been thinking about that too. I haven’t been able to come up with anything that seems to fit.” Suddenly Mansk was behind Z-Dog.
“I think we should call him Sir Jameson.” Him and Lyle were both excitedly wagging their tails and smiling. “We thought of names and he looks like a little gentleman with how he sits. It seems like a good name for him.”
Quaritch felt the kitty lick his hand. “Yknow, I think lil man likes it.”
And that’s how the kitty got a name.
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Good loving
Sharp edges
Tsu'tey sees
Never a burden
Prove to you
Protection duty
Cupids chokehold
Nerves talking
The hearts that bind us
Kavuk si
Jake Sully
Sex Education
Missed lessons
Do I not treat you well?
Pxelo (+Ronal)
Helping friends
Squeeze it apart
Best friends brother
Tough lover
Size difference
Best friends mother
My unruly heart
Girls like girls
Love advice
Miles Quaritch
Technical difficulties
Sweet surrender
Eywa has decided
Daddy issues
Sinner and Saint
Lyle Wainfleet
Help me
Hopelessly devoted to you
Late night feels
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: An unlikely group of people find a home in their cute little human doctor.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds/death/hurting animals
Word count: 1.6k
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“Sorry! I did tell you it would burn” ___ swiped the alcohol wipe across Lopez’s blue arm, cleaning the deep wound from dirt and bacteria. She grabbed a needle and thread out of the medkit on the floor and carefully stitched him up.
“Don’t be a pussy Lp” Brown stuck his tongue out, tail flicking every which way, hitting Mansk behind him who swatted at the appendage and rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them under the shades.
“Hey! This is a crazy ass gash on my arm! Let me cry dickface” Lopez stuck up the middle finger of the hand that wasn’t getting treated and ___ slapped it, instructing him not to get into petty fights until after she’s done.
“Will you lot stop pulling each others cocks for one minute?” their colonel strolled into the med bay with Wainfleet right behind him, both ducking under the small doorway to get into the room. “How’s it looking doc?”
“He’ll be ok, it shouldn’t get infected if treated correctly, just make sure to change the bandages every once in a while” ___ finished the last of the stitches she sewed, putting away her equipment. Being a doctor on Pandora had its pros, her income was higher than any other job on Earth, she got to be the first of the human race to live on another planet, she also got to have free roam of Bridgehead since she was highly ranked which was cool.
The cons however, were that she had to be apart of Project Phoenix. Assisting the recombinant squad, ‘deja blu’ was not what she signed up for and at first she was very reluctant, until she actually spent time with them. They were sweet and gentle with her, knowing that she was physically much weaker than them, they took care of her and also each other. Somewhat, they were a family.
Also the soldiers were fucking hot.
“Good. Lopez that was some stupid shit you pulled back there. Could’ve gotten us killed” Quaritch’s heavy steps stomped over to the two and flicked the mans pointed ear, Lopez winced and ___ huffed a laugh.
“Sorry colonel, just got too excited”
“If you want to be excited again, you have the opportunity to get out once you’re done here” General Ardmore made herself known, glaring at every person in the room “I need you on the front lines, take on those big ass animals that are blocking our train lines, they haven’t moved for days so we’re gonna amp up the pressure”
Some of the squad quietly sighed, they just came back from a mission, one that almost got them eaten by a giant black cat, not to mention one of them is injured enough as is.
“General, Lopez here needs to rest, he’s hurt enough as is” ___ intervened, holding the man’s massive hand and squeezing it in reassurance, she knew by the way his ears pointed down that he didn’t want to go out so soon, especially after almost getting his arm hacked off. Ardmore only directed her glare to the woman, making her freeze and look down.
She was one intimidating lady.
“General, we’ll be out there as soon as my guys are rested, it shouldn’t take long” Quaritch piped up, not wanting their doctor to face the older ladies rath of judgement.
Ardmore nodded sharply and sighed heavily, not liking the delay but this wasn’t her team to command… well it was…but Quaritch was a man that she didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Recom or human. She briskly turned and marched out but not before giving them three days rest to recover and gather supplies. She’d just have to send some Bulldogs instead.
Lopez sighed and squeezed ___’s hand in thanks for sticking up for him, he released it and stood up from his chair, Brown coming over and clapping him on the back “you guys wanna go to the rec room? Ja and Zhang are waiting for us”, many agreed and followed suit, Wainfleet and Quaritch sticking behind for ___.
The doctor packed her equipment away and took off her lab coat off, nodding to the two as they filed out. “So.. what exactly happened out there?” she usually was on these missions with them, but she had to tend to some paperwork with the bio scientists.
“We ran into one of those.. what are they called, thanators? Nasty fuckers” Wainfleet strolled up next to her, tail flicking and sending her hair up a little, he grinned and messed with her more, using his tail to flick more of her neatly kept hair.
___ turned and slapped his leg, smoothing her hair down and jogged a little further to get away from him. “Yeah, they’re not very nice. You must’ve been in their hunting zone - stop that!” she grinned as Lyle followed her around “just because I have hair and you don’t!”
Quaritch snorted “docs got a point corporal, but that burn runs deeper than Lp’s kitty scratches, how you gonna take that?” he was a few ways back from them, ears pointed up and grin on his face at their silliness. He could hear more of his team in one of the rooms further up laughing and chatting, Prager had a secret lover? Now that is something he’d need to find out.
“Well for one, sleep with both eyes open and a nightlight, for two-” The soldier grabbed ___ by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder, slapping her ass and barging into the recom’s rec room shouting “this little lady has been bullying me about my hair! We needa teach her a lesson”
Zdinarsk sharply turned at the loud noise and saw the predicament the two were in, ___ was dangling with her face barely reaching Lyle’s lower back, her tiny fists hitting the muscle as she shouted for mercy. The soldier hollered “what hair?!” and the rest followed with shouts of their own, oh the agony.
Wainfleet pointed his middle finger at every single one of them, including Quaritch behind him who was chuckling loudly. He placed the human in his arms onto one of the couches and forced her onto her back, easily pinning her with just one hand. His yellow eyes met hers and she instantly tensed up “no! NO! Lyle please don’t!” the man only grinned devilishly and raised his other hand slowly “Lyle I promise I’ll do anything!”
“Yes anything! I’ll bake you those brownies you like!” Man did he love those brownies.
“Hmm, what do you think people?” Lyle glanced at everyone in the room to see their opinions.
Zhang twisted around and raised his brows “I dunno corp, she disrespected you and your lack of hair, she deserved what’s coming to her”
“Yea give it to her!” Fike pumped a fist into the air and Mansk nodded cooly.
“The people have spoken darlin’ you could still make me those sweets anyway” ___ screeched as the solder brought the hand down and tickled at her skin, going across the stomach, under the pits, under her chin. Her greatest weakness is that she’s ticklish, ever since they found that out she’s been exploited to the harsh fingers of the recombinants.
The doctor had tears going out of her eyes as she laughed at the feeling “I-I’m sorry! ahaha! I did- I didn’t mean to!” she felt Wainfleet slow down to a stop, nodding and patting her head as she breathed heavily. A flicker appeared in his eyes and she instantly put her hands up, knowing he would probably do it again.
Prager strolled by and rugby tackled Lyle to the floor, taking him down and wrestling him. All ___ could see from her position was tails swinging and legs flailing, she breathed heavily and sat up, carefully avoiding the almost ten foot men.
She strolled over to Quaritch who engaged himself in a game of cards with Ja, Zdinarsk and Fike. She examined the A4 cards he held then the ones on the table and plucked one from his fingers, placing it down. “Fuck” Zdinarsk swore, cursing whatever god was out there for this treachery, she was losing. Z-Dog never loses. “You know, I thought I liked you sweetness” ___ just stuck her tongue out in retaliation. Fike urged the doctor to help him out too, only to get a card thrown at him by Zdinarsk.
“How are you doing Lopez?” ___ strolled over to the man who was watching T.V with Zhang and Brown, he grabbed the little lady and perched her onto his lap.
“Good mami. It’s gonna take more than a fat cat to tear me down”
___ glanced over the man’s shoulder at Wainfleet who agreed and flexed his muscles, marines will be marines, she laughed.
“Don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier because of the pain” Brown chimed in, eyes glancing at the two next to him, he reached a hand over to rest it on ___’s calf, rubbing circles on it.
“I didn’t cry”
“Yes you did, whining like Prager when he got dumped by his secret lover”
‘Prager had a secret lover?’ ___ wondered. Tea is brewing, she had a feeling it was gonna be good.
“I’ll stick my tail in your ass if you don’t shut your fucking mouth”
“I’m counting on it”
“Cut it out!”
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Mansk Art (for fanfic)
Click here for fanfiction “Special Appointment”
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herefortheblues · 1 year
Confusing Words
Recoms(Zdog and Lyle) x Child!Reader
Summary: When Y/n gets a very late start into education she quickly realizes how confusing the English Language is.
Warnings: none
This is my first fic so it is pretty short
Living practically your whole life on a different plant is pretty cool, but it comes with its flaws. In this case it would be education, specifically Y/n's. Y/n Ardmore, the generals daughter, who despite being 11 barely had any education at all. This was because only the essential people came to Pandora and teachers weren't on that list. Plus, no kids were supposed to be here anyway but being the daughter of the woman that was running the whole operation made Y/n "The special case."
So Y/n was thrown to the scientists. Now these people were smart but they were used to teaching other adults not children but luckily they found some books on a supply shipment.
But Y/n asked the one person she shouldn't have to help her- Lyle.
"So, what's this one?" Y/n asked, her brow furrowed in confusion as she examined the odd spelling on the paper.
"That's tomb," Lyle replied, his voice tinged with exasperation. He regretted agreeing to help Y/n with her spelling. Being a marine, he wasn't exactly cut out for educatng children.
They were seated at a canteen table, specifically the recoms table, where the 9-foot blue marines usually gathered. Lyle found himself hunching over just to meet Y/n at eye level. The table had been custom-made to accommodate their size, but it made Y/n appear incredibly small in comparison.
"Tomb," the little girl giggled lightly, her eyes flitting over to the recom. "That's a funny word." Lyle couldn't help but smile slightly at her innocent amusement. "Yeah, it is, isn't it?"
Y/n's eyes returned to the paper, her gaze fixed on the rows of words. "This one is boom then?" Her face lit up with a big smile, proud of herself for getting one right. However, her smile faded when the recom chimed in.
"No, that's bomb," the recom corrected. Confusion clouded Y/n's face as she pointed to the previous word. "But if this is tomb," she reasoned, moving her finger to the other word, "shouldn't this one be boom? They're spelled almost the same except for the T and the B."
Lyle started to answer, prepared with an explanation, when Zdirnask suddenly plopped down at the table on the opposite side of Y/n. "What are we working on?"
"Words," Y/n replied, moving the paper to show Zdirnask. She pointed to the section they were currently on. "Confusing words."
Zdirnask's smirk grew as she glanced at the paper and saw the words in question,
She glanced over at Lyle, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well, those certainly are some tricky words."
By now the whole team was piling into the canteen. Their eyes immediately landing on their two teammates and the child, all hunched over and looking confused and frustrated.
As they neared the table the started to pick up the conversation, "-but if this is not com or coom, what is it?"
"That's comb."
Y/n's mouth hung open, eyes squinted as she looked down at the paper as if it had insulted her, "That doesn't make any sense!"
"What doesn't make any sense?" Brown asked as he took a seat next to Lyle.
"These words! You can't just change the way a word sound just because the letter at the beginning is different."
Her little rant pulled a chuckle from the group.
"It's not funny. If this one is tomb," she started, "Then this one should be boom. Plus, how is this comb? It's stupid."
Mansk, who had sat in the seat directly in front of Y/n, smirk down at her, "What's the next one?"
"Um... Ka-nife" (Knife)
"Oh come on!"
This is my first fic so it's not going to be that great but I will improve as I go forward.
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choclodox · 2 years
NIKEA INFO AND MANSK HCs IN DESCRIPTION⁣⁣⁣⁣ (lots of writing, sorry)⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
This storyboard was more to showcase Nikea’s personality than it was about showing my headcanon version of Mansk.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ We also got Nikea’s voice claim minus her accent ⁣⁣⁣
Nikea is really caring and wonderful to be around, but she still has that mysterious melancholy vibe to her, as well. Don’t be mistaken, she can still kick your ass if you mess with her, and she has the element of surprise since one of her main strengths is stealth.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
But yeah, personally, Mansk is who I mainly ship her with. Idk man, I just feel like Mansk deserves a nice lady who’ll eat all the food he makes, but still give him feedback since he wants his food to be nothing short of perfection 🔥🤌 who better to do that than Nikea who also has a keen sense of smell?⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣MANSK HCs:⁣⁣⁣
• To clarify, I DEFINTELY don’t feel that he’s timid considering he’s a Marine lmao more like strong silent type. I just happened to be using an audio where Quadi has a more timid nature, but I loved Esmerelda’s voice so much, I just had to use this audio⁣⁣⁣
•his first name is Oliver. I’ve just grown too attached to the name, I—⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
• I LOVE that one HC where he wears shades to hide his heterochromia because there was a hiccup when his recom body was developing.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
• He has a REALLY good sense of smell even for the average Na’vi⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
• he only looks like he stormed the Capitol because no one told Human Mansk that he could pick out his Recom’s clothes, so he just got saddled with the generic gear while everybody else got to flaunt their personalized clothes.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
• Mansk always had an RBF, but that’s ok, because Nikea has an RSF (Resting Spooky Face). They can have fun scaring people just by looking at them.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
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prager-lover · 1 year
If I did headcannons/oneshots of separate recoms and how they'd be with their child and reader as an s/o, would y'all be interested?? If so, tell me what recoms y'all prefer
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supervillain-smut · 6 months
Heya babydoll! So, the na'vi are around 9-10 feet tall, right? Now, and stick with me here, imagine climbing the straps of mansk's or quaritch's gear to steal kisses.
Even better, climbing everything just to sneak attack them.
Walking past the counters to grab food? Bad idea. S/O sneak attack
Unfortunately, they all have bunk beds. Ja and Prager get a laugh out of purposely lending you their top bunk for a minute so you can smooch Mansk and/or Quaritch the second they sit down.
Mansk is flustered by all of the sudden affection, his ears fold down in embarrassment and his cheeks and tips of his ears get dusted with purple as he blushes, but despite all the teasing from his teammates, he still really likes it.
Quaritch is impressed with your ingenuity and persistence, but also kind of annoyed by it. He's the colonel, he's not supposed to look soft or cute around his subordinates, and you're not helping. His ears pin back and his expression is mildly annoyed. Internally, he likes it, externally he just looks so done. If there was a camera, he'd be looking into it like he's on a TV show.
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raving-raven-writing · 10 months
I posted a one shot the other day if anyone is interested in taking a peek. It is set in modern/all human AU and Mansk centric. Includes shopping for male lingerie and getting boudoir “dudeoir” photoshoot done, a female OC love interest for Mansk. Also includes Lyle being nosy, Mansk being embarrassed and the squad wondering where he got such a good ass. Meant to be comedic, cute and fluffy.
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navibluebees · 1 year
I need more mansk! Literally anything you want fluff, smut I don’t care as long as I can see my cute boy again (I’ve read pretty much everything under his tag 😭)
Plz and thank you ❤️
Ahaha a person after my own heart. He's so precious, our guy. Thank you for requesting!
This is fluffy!
Please read before interacting.
Early Mornings (Mansk x GN Human Reader)
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"Good morning, sleepyhead."
He grinned against your skin and squeezed your hips. He pushed your shirt up higher and pressed soft kisses to your stomach, nuzzling his nose against your skin as you started to squirm awake. You whined and opened your eyes just enough to see him smiling lovingly down at you. Whining, you reached up, grabbing him and pulling him down to rest his head on your chest.
He landed with a soft 'oof' and laughed quietly. His early morning voice was low and raspy as he worshipped the soft curves of your body. A deep purr vibrated through his chest, tickling you. You let out a soft giggle and he pulled back, grinning goofily at you. His lips brushed under your jaw and his finger tips pressed roughly into your thighs.
He pulled you against him and sat back, bringing you with him into his lap. You groaned and whined pitifully, making him laugh and stroke a hand down your spine.
"I'm not ready to get uuppppp. Don't make me."
You pouted and blinked at him, trying to appear pitiful.
"Something in your eye?" he asked with a smirk.
Your eyes narrowed at him, and you began to scramble off his lap.
"Ah, ah, ah. We're not done with our morning cuddles."
You squealed when he pulled you back to him and squeezed you against his chest.
You shuffled along behind your partner, gripping his pinkie in your fist. A yawn escaped and you leaned into him. He shooed you over to the table and promised to get you an extra scoop of the fruit you like. You rested your head on the table in the chow hall and sighed as your body started to relax. A hulking body slid in beside yours and you leaned over onto his arm, yawning again as you snuggled against him.
"Uh, Y/N?"
Your partner's voice came from your other side and you straightened up, confused, glancing to the arm you were resting on and the body attached to it. A blush appeared everywhere across your face as you stared at Lyle, wide-eyed. He grinned back and offered a playful 'morning, sweetheart' to you.
Mansk's lips were pressed together in mild annoyance as he sat down and slid your tray in front of you. He was quiet and the silence stretched between you two until you placed your hand on his thigh. You squeezed gently then grabbed the collar of his uniform and pulled him down to you.
"I'm yours," you murmured in his ear.
A pleased smile fought its way on to his face and his ears ducked down bashfully. His tail snaked around your chair, tugging you closer to him and away from Lyle.
"Mine," he purred.
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ikranwings
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blue-bluee · 1 year
彡 Ma ite
・❥・Characters: Miles Quaritch, Tuktirey Sully, Zdinarsk, Lyle Wainfleet, Mansk, Recoms!, and a little bit of General Ardmore
・❥・Summary: what if Tuk was the one who had been taken instead of Spider? A child, being taken in by monsters. But instead of fighting as much as she thought she would, rather she only begs for love and family from the very people that took them away from her. And instead there is born love.
・❥・Warnings: kidnapping, childhood trauma, violence, a lot of angst, swearing, mpreg, adoption, aggression, blood, depression, starvation, ED, vomit, trauma bonds.
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╰┈➤tuk woke up feeling warm.
She smiled when she felt the warmth of the man that she knew was safe, and heard his steady breathing. She wrapped herself back in the blankets, smiling with her stuffed animal.
He reminded her of her daddy, who was far, far away.
The sun hadn’t come up yet, so she didn’t think she needed to move for a long time.
So she slept again, a fat smile on her face, this time turning to face the man, her head on his chest.
She could hear his heartbeat. But louder this time, and it soothed her to sleep again.
It was hours later that she felt him stir. She cracked open her eyes and saw no daylight.
She heard a light gasp, and then he started purring. He was…he was trying to calm her, soothe her…the way an adult would to a baby. She hid her smile as she felt him lay back down, piling the blankets on top of her.
He then started humming, his voice rumbling in his chest, rough as he tried to sing the sweet tune.
She fell asleep again.
When she had awoken, she was cold. He was gone, the room dark, but the light filtering in through the curtains.
A tear rolled down her cheek.
She felt so, so alone. And having him here made her feel like she wasn’t alone and okay she was safe and it might be alright to feel okay.
Having the feeling of warmth and companionship was important and having it ripped away…ruined her.
She didn’t eat any of the meals they brought her. She didn’t get out of the bed for the checkups she was supposed to do.
She didn’t even blink when the curtains were opened and she was able to see the ocean.
She just lay there.
So when she heard the door open again, she didn’t even flick and ear.
She heard the small scraping of a chair on the floor and the light sounds of someone sitting down.
It must be another doctor.
She buried herself further in the blankets, as if to drown in them.
“You alright, honey girl?” Said a male voice. And it took her a moment to realize who it was. But when she did, her ears perked and she shot up, her amber eyes widening as she smiled.
He had to fight to hide his smile.
“You gonna tell me where your family is? I can let you go if you do.” And just like that, her smile faded.
She shook her head, burrowing herself in the blankets.
He sighed, standing up and walking to the bed that was his, and smiled down at the small figure of the girl that lay there.
He lay done in the side of the bed that she wasn’t on, and started singing a song. She cried.
“I want to go home.” She sobbed, curling into herself, her sobs wracking her tiny body. He felt a pang in his chest, yearning to comfort her.
He couldn’t understand why she cried so much.
Nevertheless he would always place a reassuring hand on her head, petting her hair as she cried.
After her sobs subsided, she played with her hands, thinking.
“What’s your name?”
And it truly took him by surprise. He hadn’t realized this small girl that he slept beside and took care of was completely unaware of his name. He supposed it was much like a pet, calling them by many names until they chose a name they liked or got used to it, never knowing the name of their owner.
“Miles Quaritch.”
She nodded.
She also didn’t say a word to him for the rest of the time he was there.
Hours later he came back to scattered toys, an open window, and a little girl wrapped in blankets, her soft snores warming his heart.
So he fell asleep, feeling her stir then crawl into his arms, just like the night before.
He started purring.
Quaritch did not like people. It was rare to see him fully relaxed unless he was alone-meaning nobody saw him relaxed.
But there was this..girl? She was small and blue and has braided hair and she cried a lot and she slept all the time.
Everyday he would see her. When she was kept in the smaller holding cells, she was always…well, she looked sad. And clearly people couldn’t do their fucking jobs so he had to take her to his own room. They still monitored her.
But she never spoke. He figured she had no idea how to speak English so he didn’t really see the point in trying to talk to her. He barely spoke Na’vi so he couldn’t form a coherent sentence if he tried.
What surprised him is how each night for the past three weeks that she’s been in his own living space she would bundle herself up and crawl into his arms. Sometimes she heard her whisper small words in Na’vi that he recognized.
It obviously did take him a while to remember what the little whispered words meant, but he figured it out eventually.
“Nivi, ma sempul.” She would say each night, with a quiet whisper. If he was in a human body, he would have never been able to hear her, but his new Na’vi body was so…much better. He could hear the smallest things.
And each night he held her close, growing fonder for this little girl that trusted him. And called him father.
So when he returned per usual one night and saw her crying, he was shocked. It wasn’t like last time when she had a few tears, but this time it was like a baby that missed her parents. Long sad cries from a torn heart. The sound of mourning. The sound broke his heart and naturally, he did what a marine is supposed to.
He ran to her side, cooing at her and wiping her tears.
“Frawzo, ‘itetsyìp. Tam tam, ma Tuktirey, tam tam.” He said, pulling her small form into his arms, trying his damn best to smooth her.
He didn’t notice the way her eyes widened when he spoke to her in her native language.
Rather, he was wondering how the hell he would calm a child.
“Everything is okay, little daughter. There there, Tuktirey, there there.” He said. And while she still cried, she felt safe and calm.
He spoke to her in a way she understood.
She latched her arms around him, and spoke to him, a small smile on her face.
“Irayö, ma sempul..”
She knew he understood when he pulled her close and smiled.
He pet her hair.
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wain-fleets · 1 year
miles decides to take care of a sickly lyle — someone decides to watch !
( miles quaritch x lyle wainfleet x fem! recom!reader )
SMUT WARNING! NSFW, MDNI. ( fluff to extra stuff .. ) p in v, fingering, threesome, double penetration, oral, anal, rough play, pet names, praising, etc. very nasty stuff. satiate my thirst.
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miles sighed heavily, lightly tossing about the bottle of water in his hands. it crinkled and sloshed, making a faint noise that wasn't near loud enough to break through fike's snores (who had managed to fall asleep on the floor, next to the fridge after having a bit too much to drink). his bare feet pattered against the cold tile flooring as he made his way past the sleeping recom for the second time, and down the dimly lit hall to his own room.
or he wished it were his own. maybe then he'd actually catch some shuteye, instead of listening to lyle's constant chattering. still, he didn't want to think about where he'd be without the annoying fuck.
the door let out a small hiss as it slid open automatically upon registering his presence. *fancy shit.* and as soon as he stepped inside, he was met with the familiar sight of lyle lazing about in the bottom bunk. normally, lyle would sleep up top, but he could hardly get himself up there.
he was sick as a dog— supposedly.
now, miles wasn't sure why, but a part of him did take pity on the man. even if it was rather thin at 11 at night, his patience was there. and lyle sounded like a dog with a squeaker lodged in its throat. he needed water.
miles allowed his weight to press in the mattress at lyle's side. the metal frame groaned just a bit before settling, as lyle rolled over to face him.
"here." miles grunted out, offering the water to lyle, who kept himself tucked beneath his blankets. lyle could see he was shivering, but he had a relieved look on his face as he accepted the drink. he popped the lid off, bringing the spout to his lips and gulping eagerly. until nothing but a few sips remained in the bottom.
"ugh.. thanks.." he managed, "didn't expect you to be back in here tonight. youre gonna get sick, yknow."
"i figure that, but i think bein' sick beats sleepin' in there with mansk n' prager."
"they get on your nerves?"
miles shook his head, his tail thumping against the mattress as his palm rubbed at his forehead. "no .."
lyle wasn't sure what to think of the dry reply, but he didn't push it. he knew that miles wasnt always the best at expressing himself, whether it be in a positive way or a not so positive one. miles refused to show any signs of weakness, even when he probably should.
lyle could be the same way at times, but right now? there was no point in even trying to fight it. he felt like shit, and he wasn't afraid to show it.
a pained groan slipped from his blue lips as his head lolled back into his pillow, and a whine rattled his vocal chords. he squeezed his eyes shut, sniffling and sucking in rapid, shallow breaths in an attempt to clear his airways. this caught miles' attention, once more.
"here, sit up." the colonel demanded, and as much as lyle wanted to refuse, it was built-in now to *listen to miles*. he was his boss, after all. pretty much. lyle didn't mind.
"then help." lyle huffed at him, and miles couldn't help an eyeroll. their hands locked and lyle sat himself up with a small wheeze deep in his chest, keeping his hand clutched to miles' so he wouldn't fall back.
his ears twitched, pinning back against his head at the unfamiliar touch he felt. miles placed his hand against lyle's lower back, gently pushing in on it as a nudge of guidance.
"straighten your back— deep breaths, now." even though lyle was still tense from what he was seeing (as it was rather baffling: miles was never this gentle), he couldn't help but melt into it. lyle was sick, he felt cold. and miles was warm- his hands were so warm.
he complied to the simple command, rolling his shoulders a bit as he straightened his posture, and sucked in deeply. his nose was stuffy, so the task wasn't the easiest, but after a few tries he felt all the ick flowing downwards, and he could breathe again.
miles watched lyle take in deep chugs of oxygen, his eyes lingering over his lips before settling on his nose. lyle resembled rudolph, only far less happy than that stupid fucking deer. but a whole lot cuter, nonetheless.
"there you go.." miles murmured, looking down at his hand, which he held in place for lyle to continue using as support. he felt his heart skip a beat at the contact. the two men had always had a thing for each other, but it never went further than a few drunken makeout sessions.
but the interest was there. the care was there. and, even, a love that went beyond something friendly. on the outside they looked to be brothers in arms, but behind closed doors? more like very, very not related guys in dick to ass. at least that's what they wanted it to be. but neither had the balls to fess up.
as miles lost himself in thoughts of the man sitting just next to him, his eyes tracked downwards. over the corporal's bare chest, down to the blanket that hung loosely over his lap. the sight made his breath hitch, his palms growing sweaty, to which he wiped them off on the thighs of his sweatpants.
lyle, who was still catching his breath, noticed this. and he felt his own panic settling into his gut. it bubbled painfully in his belly, burning in his abdomen. did miles notice how hard he was?
lyle adjusted the blanket over his lap, trying to more properly hide the grown bulge beneath it to no avail. plus, it was too late. miles had noticed. yeah, he saw that. cant hide from him.
lyle's tail thumped under the covers, a clear indicator of his anxiety, and his cheeks flushed. miles watched his every move. like a hound trained on a rabbit.
"hmh.. it's okay," miles started, finding the confidence within himself to finally speak. "i know my touch is 'bout as good as it gets." he drawled, that southern accent thick with an almost sadistic tinge. he liked it. he liked seeing lyle all worked up and uncomfortable in his presence.
it made him feel in charge. strong. and incredibly fucking horny. he wasn't even going to attempt to hide his own erection-- it was huge and it was happening.
his pants tightened as his cock strained against them, making him hiss softly behind his canines. it hurt. so good.
lyle chuckled nervously, scratching at the back of his neck. he was embarrassed, and unsure what to say. was miles toying with him? making fun of him? was he upset with him? lyle couldnt tell. until he noticed the clear indication in miles' pants.
"whaddya got to apologize for?"
their bellies danced with butterflies, a feeling neither of them thought possible anymore. lyle shrugged.
and without thinking, before he even knew what he was doing, miles reached out. his hand cupped between lyle's hidden thighs, his palm slightly compressing the mound in the other man's boxers.
lyle's whole body tensed, his breathing growing more faint than it already was. he grabbed miles' bicep, and the colonel stilled his movements.
"w.. want me to stop?" miles whispered, starting to retract his hand. but lyle stopped him.
the corporal grabbed his wrist, pushing his palm further onto his crotch and bucking his hips into it. a mewl left his lips; a whine of desperation and yearning. he needed to be touched.
at this, now having consent, miles couldn't hold back anymore. he ripped the covers from the bed, carelessly tossing them aside before returning his hand to lyle's boxers. he massaged the man's length through the fabric, earning himself a whimper of gratitude. but he knew lyle needed more.
he guided lyle to lean back against the wall, using one hand to grip the recom's braid. he roughly snatched it back, forcing lyle's chin to tilt upward to expose his neck. his other hand worked lyle's boxers down around his thighs, just enough to free his cock.
"fuck.. that's pretty." miles groaned at the new sight. lyle was big. the colonel had already known this, but actually seeing it was a whole new experience. his hand wrapped around lyle, starting to pump him slowly, working him over.
lyle's moans and curses of ecstasy were intoxicating to his superior. everything felt so right. and he wasn't stopping for shit.
he sank his fangs into lyle's neck, still gripping his braid to hold him in place while delivering deliberate, slow strokes to his dick.
lyle groaned, his hands searching until they found the tie to miles' sweatpants, and he pulled them loose. miles stopped him.
"nah, baby.. let me take care of ya. you're the sick one, ain't ya?" miles inquired, his hot breath fanning over the blue skin of the other male's neck.
lyle's lip curled upward in a small, lazy smirk. "well yeah, but i still wanna." his voice was a bit nasally, and playful towards his boss. with that undeniable hunger.
miles wanted nothing more than to pin him down and take him, but he had to restrain himself. lyle was still sick, and he feared that if he pushed too hard, he'd exhaust the man or put him off. so he kept himself light.
"a'right.. well, if ya wanna, i aint stoppin' ya. but you best remember," his grip on the recom's queue tightened, making lyle feel a tingling sensation throughout his whole frame. every nerve jolting with excitement. normally this would hurt, but damn he was too heated to even register that at the moment. "you go and get yourself hurt, it aint gonna be my fault.. understood?"
"uh huh--"
miles bared his teeth, glaring down into lyle's wide, yellow eyes.
"use your damn words." he seethed. he hadn't meant to sound so cruel, no. but the overwhelming strain between his legs was painful, and he needed relief. or he'd completely lose his mind. he was teetering between sane and falling off the deep end.
lyle was just too fucking cute; too hot. those sounds, those eyes. his tail waggling back and forth and those ears giving away his true emotions.
"yes sir." lyle responded back to him properly this time, and for a split second he resembled a soldier once again instead of a man weakened in another's arms. but just like ice under the desert sun, it was gone before it even stood a chance. and they were both okay with that.
"yeah.. good boy." miles sneered, freeing lyle's hair and allowing the man to proceed. he sat back on his knees slightly, watching as lyle tugged his sweatpants down.
briefly, his eyes landed on lyle's cock again. it twitched and pulsed, begging for contact again. a bead of precum gathered on its slit, and miles swiped it up with his thumb. promptly licking the digit clean.
lyle was awestruck momentarily, unsure of what had just happened until it clicked. miles had tasted him, and god did he want to return the favor. he hugged his lower lip between his canines as he slowly peeled down the colonel's boxers.
a pleased sigh exhaled from miles' lips as his cock was finally freed from its confines. lyle took note of the small wet patch on the plaid fabric he'd just removed. the small details. miles was starved for him, just as lyle was.
miles was notably bigger than lyle, even though they were both pretty huge. these new bodies were something else, that was for sure. covered in stripes and freckles in even the most intimate places.
lyle breathed a tiny sigh of wonderment as he reached his hand out, carefully wrapping it around the colonel's length. he didn't stroke it, and instead gave it a gentle squeeze, taking his time to just feel it. he had no idea how he'd managed to make this fellow marine so damn hard.
he leaned down, pushing up the hem of miles' tshirt with his free hand as the other guided the man's cock towards his mouth, and he used his tongue to clean the small mess gathered atop it. miles gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into lyle's shoulders.
"fuck.." he whispered, pursing his lips as he suppressed a moan. but he wasn't able to suppress his hands, and his claws dug into lyle's neck. he shoved the corporal back onto the bed, pinning him down by his throat.
miles was so swift in his movements that it dazed lyle briefly, and he blinked rapidly up at the larger recom. he felt the pressure on his jugular, but he wasnt afraid. if anything, this only excited him further. he watched as miles pushed himself up to hover above him, trapping lyle's waist between his knees after fully removing his sweatpants and ripping his tshirt off.
lyle sucked in a deep breath of air through his mouth as his throat was released. he grunted as miles shoved his shoulders down, forcing lyle's face towards his cock. lyle was trapped, his hands holding miles' thighs as he gazed up at the colonel.
miles was practically sitting on his chest, but he made sure not to apply his full weight. and though he was trying to fight off his primal side, he was losing.
"suck my fuckin' cock.." he demanded through his teeth, using one hand to cradle lyle's head towards his groin.
he couldn't hold back a moan this time, as lyle's lips parted and he took miles into his mouth.
"ah, fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck.." miles cursed, bucking his hips forward. lyle gagged at the knock to the back of his throat, but he didn't pull away and endured, instead starting to slowly bob his head.
he'd never sucked a dick before, but he could tell he was doing well by the blissful groans and grunts from his companion. he closed his eyes, his brows furrowed as he tried to deepen the hold his lips had on the colonel.
miles tightened his jaw, his abdomen sucking inward as he leaned his head back. he was trying his damndest to keep quiet, but it was hardly working. the profanity escaping his lips was filthy.
his gaze dropped back down to lyle, watching the man work him with his mouth. the sight ignited something inside the colonel, and the urge to cum was too damn strong.
without warning, miles grabbed lyle's head, placing his palms on either side of it firmly to hold it in place. he started rocking his hips, back and forth. slowly, gradually speeding up until he was pounding poor lyle's face.
"ah, fuck! baby.. oh shit." the colonel panted with each thrust, his blood pumping so quickly that a ringing filled his ears, drowning out the sounds of lyle's own moans and grunts.
this was the first thing you saw when you stopped in the doorway. your footsteps halted, your eyes wide in shock and the pointed ears on your head perked in what was a mix of confusion and curiosity. followed by a pang of fear. what the hell was going on?
you felt your hands starting to tremble, your heart rate soaring to dangerous heights.
it was almost instantaneous. as soon as you realized what was going on, heat flooded through you, centering to your abdomen. it felt as if your guts were knotting up, a deliciously painful feeling. anxiety paired with the overwhelming need to get fucked.
you squeezed your thighs together, with a faint gasp. the two men didn't pick up on this small sound, but they did pick up your scent. well, miles did. lyle couldn't breathe through his nose for shit.
that smell.
they both stopped moving. miles released lyle's head, allowing the recom to finally breathe again.
"what?" lyle croaked out, as miles twisted slightly, tilting his head to see you past his shoulder.
you considered trying to hide, but you knew it was hopeless. you were caught, and you weren't sure whether to feel negatively about that or not.
but the way the two looked at you, you realized maybe it wasnt so bad. even if embarrassing and shameful.
"uh, sorry. ill just-" you started, but miles cut you off.
"whats that smell?" did you stink? oh god- "hell that's good.. that you, sweet pea?"
a shock waved through you. was he speaking to you? only then did you finally understand why you'd been caught. these new bodies. they could smell every bit of your desire. and lyle picked up on it when he sat up.
their mouths flooded with drool. they needed you. whatever was getting passed around, it was contagious, and there was no controlling it.
"heyy.. y/n," lyle dragged, licking his lips. "wanna join?" it almost sounded like he was joking, teasing you. and you almost laughed. gladly you stopped it, seeing he was being dead serious.
but how were you supposed to answer that question? yes, no? it wouldn't be right to join in, would it? you could only stand, your lips parted as you tried to come to a conclusion. you were taking too long, though.
miles lifted a hand, waving two fingers towards himself in a gesture for you to come over.
"wait, i-"
"nah, c'mere. i can smell ya.. i know you wanna."
you paused at his words. and caved in. your legs felt weak as you shut the door behind yourself and neared the bunk. miles stood, pulling lyle up with him. they stood in front of you, their bodies on full display.
and what a damn good display it was.
toned chests, two huge cocks eager for one another and now for you.
"are you guys sure-" you were cut off. again. lyle snatched your hips, growling lowly as he roughly tripped you up and pinned you to the mattress. any signs of his ailment had subsided, and he had a feral look in his eyes. as did miles.
they both admired you from above, eyeing you like two hungry wolves would a freshly cut flank from the juiciest doe.
"finally found our lil culprit, wainfleet." miles huffed out, reaching down to push the tank top clothing your body above your stomach. his hand glided over your warm abdomen, working gentle circles into it in a soft massage.
"yeah.. shit, it was her the whole time." the corporal clicked, his hand grabbing your knee. he slid his palm upwards, pushing his fingers under the leg of your shorts.
they noticed the quizzical look in your eyes.
"huh. darlin'," miles crooned, leaning over you. "we've been smellin' your fine ass for months. couldnt figure out what it was, till now. just 'bout all the guys been lookin' for you."
"yeah. y'know, you could've just said you wanted us." lyle shrugged at his own words, and you gasped as you felt his fingers brush against the panties beneath your shorts. a grin overtook his lips as he felt the damp cloth. "damn, you're soakin'.."
his middle finger slipped under the small garment, caressing your folds with a tenderness that took your breath away. you couldn't hold in a small squeak, just as miles shoved your tank top up the rest of the way. your breasts fell from your shirt, and both the men seemed to purr at the sight.
as miles leaned down, taking a nipple into his mouth to suckle at it eagerly, his other hand kneaded the opposite breast. the sight made lyle want to release all over the both of you right then and there, but he held back, and instead plunged his finger deep inside your pussy.
he felt your walls, pushing his finger into that spot that made your toes curl and your breath stop.
"fuck, colonel, she's tight.."
miles released your nipple with a pop. "mmhmm.. guess we oughta get her ready then."
those words made your whole body give up. if you wanted to fight it before, you sure as hell couldn't now. you were in this, and dammit, you were not leaving until you felt quenched. until they did, too. they'd make sure of that.
lyle pulled his hand from your shorts, leaving you empty. he brought it to his lips, and miles sat up to join him in aweing at how wet you were. they snickered to themselves, before they both leaned in and licked lyle's hand clean.
their tongues pressed together, and they shared a sweet kiss before pulling back to share a knowing look. you tasted good.
focusing their attention back on you, you found your shorts being yanked off by miles. lyle leaned down, pushing your knees wide apart so they could get a good look at those underwear.
"you need it bad, dontcha?" lyle mocked, dropping down and gripping your thighs as he buried his face in your panties, licking and sucking your clit through them.
"oh god, lyle-" you panted, and he whimpered in response.
this was heaven for him. he had tasted miles, and now he was tasting you. in truth, he'd been pining for your fine ass since day one. the slut.
his mouth engulfed your whole mound through the fabric, and he kept sucking the moisture from it. as you moaned and whined, you noticed miles sat at your side, stroking himself at a steady pace as he admired the view.
"that feel good, darlin'?" the colonel questioned, using his free hand to brush your hair back out of your face. "mm.. good girl, keep moanin' for me. not too loud, now.."
miles praised you, and you quivered under lyle's ministrations. he pulled from your pussy, only momentarily, just enough time to rip your panties off and toss them at miles.
a squeal rattled your throat as lyle delved back into your heat, his nails digging into your thighs to leave behind faint scratches as he lapped away at your soaked folds. now unprotected, it felt so much better. his tongue teased your clit, and he took it between his lips to give it a hard suckle that made you clutch the bedsheets. your knuckles paled as you let out a loud moan, only for a large hand to cover your mouth.
miles muffled your sounds of pleasure with his palm, shushing you quietly.
"shh, now. dont want anybody else walkin' in here. dont think you could take more than two of us, sweet pea." he reminded, and you made an effort to be more quiet. though it was hard.
"yeah, good girl.. look'it you. damn." he breathed, leaning over you to suck at your breast once more. he kept a hand over your mouth, the other gripping your panties as he grinded his cock against them. "mmh.. mhm, fuck." he released your nipple to speak again, "so damn pretty." he whispered, peppering kisses down your belly until he reached lyle.
lyle panted as he pulled back temporarily, his mouth and chin covered in your juices. he gazed up at miles, who leaned in to lick his face clean, before they both focused on your pussy.
miles released your mouth, using his now free hand to spread your pussy lips.
"pretty fuckin' pussy, colonel." lyle breathed, "tastes damn good too.. you gotta try this."
they were passing you back and forth, treating you like a shared dish for the both of them to dine upon.
"hush." they both ordered you sternly, their voices mixing into one. one that you simply listened to.
"you relax and enjoy yourself, buttercup." lyle smacked his lips, pushing himself up to sit aside you as miles dipped to replace him between your legs.
you whined up at lyle, whimpering as miles' tongue shoved inside your wetness. lyle gave you a sweet smile, dipping his head to give you a kiss. you could taste yourself on his lips.
he broke the kiss to tilt your head back, leaning down to sink his teeth into your neck, marking you. you moaned, and miles groaned along with you.
"so fuckin' good." the colonel panted, pushing your knees up to your chest as he feasted away at your swollen folds. the change in position made you all the more heated, and your hands clung to lyle.
"oh fuck.. im gonna- i need to-"
"yeah, yeah, good girl. you gonna cum for us? huh? gonna cum all over his face?" lyle whispered in your ear, and you nodded hastily.
"uh huh, uh huh-" you agreed, and miles sped up his tongue, abusing your sensitive bud with it again and again. "uh huh!"
"yeah? yeah?" lyle nodded with you, keeping his eyes locked with yours. "good girl. yeah, cum for me baby. cum for us. good girl.."
his praise sent you over the edge, and just as you reached your peak, he smashed his lips to yours to silence the loud moan that would come with it. miles grinned, lapping up the remaining juices pooled in front of his mouth.
he helped you come down from your high as lyle kissed you repeatedly, the corporal murmuring soft 'good jobs' to you.
miles pulled back when you were fully spent, but they weren't done.
they needed to cum, too.
they stared down at you, with those hungry eyes again. and though you were weak, you wanted to please them just as much as they had you. you bit your lip, pushing yourself to lay on your side.
lyle sat on his knees behind you, his cock rubbing against your bare ass as miles took the front. they grabbed one of your legs, lifting it and forcing your knee to your shoulder.
"fuck.. can i fuck your ass?" lyle suddenly blurted, not even realizing what he'd said. he made it sound so casual, as if asking for a basic need. and to him, it was. he needed to be inside that tight ass of yours. he couldn't take it anymore.
"but you're so.. big." you muttered uncertainly back at him, and he pouted.
"ill be gentle, baby.." he assured you, and your tail flicked out, your ears pinning against your hair as you considered it.
miles was already positioning himself at your front entrance, starting to ease himself inside you carefully. you covered your mouth, and without even considering the consequences you just nodded to lyle.
"thank fuck." the corporal chirped, coating his hand in saliva and spreading it about his cock and your asshole.
your breath caught. they were going in at the same time? what the hell did you just agree to?
before you could say anything, you felt your ass being stretched. slowly, painfully. it already hurt enough on its own, but paired with miles' cock deep inside your pussy as well, it was excruciating.
he held you steady by your waist, his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw clenched as he refrained from just taking off without letting you get used to him.
but it felt so good at the same time.
lyle pushed in as far as he could reach, going at a snail's pace just for you. he stopped once he bottomed out, allowing you to adjust to his size.
"fuck. so fucking tight. fuck." he cursed.
miles whined along with him, also holding himself deep inside you. you felt him against your cervix, and you could swear your guts were flipped upside down now.
they savored the feeling of your plush walls hugging their cocks so tightly, squeezing and clenching around their lengths as if begging them to stay planted there. lyle peppered your shoulder in tender kisses all the while, murmuring soft comforting words of reassurance.
once you felt you were ready, even with faint tears in your eyes, you gave them the go ahead. and when they found a rhythm, they couldn't hold back.
as lyle would pull back, miles would push in.
as miles pulled back, lyle would shove back in again.
their hips rocked into yours ruthlessly, and fortunately the pain had mostly diminished. replaced with a pleasure from the full, hot feeling in your belly.
"yeah, fuck.. good girl."
"so fuckin' tight. shit."
"you feel so good baby."
"milkin' my fuckin' cock. fuck yeah."
"that's a good girl. shit. take it."
"take my fuckin' cock."
filthy, filthy, filthy.
you could only lay there, a moaning mess as they used your holes.
"fuck, im gonna cum!" lyle whimpered, his hips snapping forward again.
"ah, dammit.." miles hissed.
both of the men grew sloppy in their movements, their breathing growing heavier and heavier, their groans and grunts and whimpers more frequent.
until they both shoved deep inside at once, releasing all they had, painting your walls white with their loads.
they caught their breath atop you, before they gave in and just laid down on either side of you, their cocks still within your depths.
lyle hugged your waist from behind, burrowing his face in your hair. as miles rested in front of you, kissing your forehead and wiping away your tears as he massaged your hip.
lyle reached around to rub your abdomen, trying to provide some more comfort.
"you okay..?" he whispered.
"yeah, she's alright." miles whispered the answer for you, but the two of you doubted lyle heard as he was already fast asleep.
miles stared into your eyes with a gentle gaze now, simply admiring the features that made up you. you were so beautiful. how had he not noticed before? he bit back any further speaking.
"..can you sleep?" he whispered through lyle's faint snoring.
you nodded sleepily, your eyelids already hanging heavy.
he kissed your nose, "sleep."
that simple order was all you needed to doze off. still stuffed completely by both the men you were trapped between.
the next morning, mansk peeked his head in. prager was near behind him, wanting to see the condition of lyle. they hadn't expected to find three of their teammates in the room.
all naked, under one blanket. tossing and turning from the snotty noses they were all experiencing.
"wh-" fike poked his head in, his eyes widened in shock. as always. he had a mad hangover, and he thought for a second that he was still drunk as hell. "huh?!"
miles groaned in irritation, snatching up a half empty water bottle and hurling it straight at the other three recoms. they all jumped and fled the room, closing the door as they retreated in a fit of snickers and chuckles.
they were never going to let that down.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
More Recom Squad x Reader please! Like how they first met her and stuff, honestly I’d take a whole fic of them 😭😭😭
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: It was love at first sight, a cute little human taking care of them? What more can they ask for.
Warnings: N/A Word count: 1.1k
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @eywas-heir @reneehillary69 @cavvedinn @itsyoboysparkel @doggodorime @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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They were soldiers, hard muscle on the outside and hard brains on the inside. They showed no fear, death was their middle name, they never gave mercy and shot who deemed worthy of meeting the end of their guns.
But when they first met their personal doctor they became whipped. It was embarrassing, big macho men and women folding at the sight of a little human woman.
General Ardmore was showing Deja Blu around the main control centres, giving them all the information they lost within the fifteen years they were dead. She strolled into one of the medical centres, it being filled with gurneys, high tech equipment and avatar related items. “And this here is where you will specifically be patched up since no other medic wing deals with anything Avatar”
The team looked around in wonder, there was stuff they’ve never seen even on Hellsgate. They admired the hologram projections and cool lab equipment, touching them with big hands and picking them up to look closer. Zhang held up a Na’vi skull model, twisting it around and raising a brow.
“Excuse me!” a little voice cried out to the right of him, the man tilted his head and spotted a human woman in a laboratory coat, a stethoscope around her neck. He squatted so he could be eye to eye with her “you might wanna put that model down, it’s quite fragile and you might end up breaking it”
Zhang’s tail swished behind him “oh yea, sorry” he gave the too big model to her, it looking huge in her little hands. She thanked him and placed it back onto the table, turning around at the General’s call.
“This is Dr ___, she specialises in Na’vi anatomy and has numerous degrees on medicine. She will be your teams doctor from here on out” ___’s eyes widened, she did not recall this in the job description.
Quaritch turned to her and analysed her form, nodding his head in approval. She was timid but if the General approved then he can’t say no “She’ll do general”
“Good. She’s the best there is. Now if you’ll excuse me” Ardmore turned on her heel and started to walk out “get yourself familiar with one another, I got a meeting to attend” but before she could walk out the door, the little doctor rushed towards her, asking to speak outside.
Wainfleet shared a look with Zdinarsk behind the colonel, raising their brows. She was cute, the human woman. But she didn’t seem to happy to be with them. ___ walked back into the medbay and sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She had no choice but to work with them, no one else could or would.
Ja walked up to her and kneeled to her height “so..I’m Alexander Ja, I’m the squads medic. Nice to have another doc around to help” he raised a hand for her to shake and she took it, five fingers barely wrapping around only two of his and his ears perked. So small. So cute.
“It’s nice to meet you, although I would’ve hoped a heads up beforehand” ___ took her hand back and walked to a table, taking out a folder that was under one of her arms and opening it. Ardmore gave her some information on the recombinants and their mission. To kill Jake Sully. But before then, the aliens would have to stay at Bridgehead for a while and get used to their new bodies.
“You weren’t told you’d work with us?” Mansk stared at her back, yellow eyes raking up and down her figure behind his shades. ___ placed the file down and nodded, turning around to face the team.
“No I wasn’t. But I wont complain. If Ardmore says I have to then I have to” she shrugged, looking at Quaritch “why don’t you guys follow me. I’ll show you around the rest of the place” they all nodded and stood tall, following behind her and taking in their new home, occasionally breathing through their regulators.
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“And this is your dormitory. The rooms are specifically designed for your bodies, so bigger beds, bigger showers, taller ceilings. You won’t need your regulators inside the bedrooms since we have a special filtration system, but you’ll need it for the main area” ___ took a keycard from her pocket and swiped on one of the locks on a door, opening it and stepping inside the room.
“Woah.. pretty rad” Fike spun in a circle looking at their new home. The recoms all shared an apartment, but with separate rooms and en suites. They will share a communal area, it was like being back on Earth.
Zdinarsk agreed, opening the fridge and seeing it stocked up to the brim, ears wiggling. They had all the good stuff. Lyle looked at the little lady and asked where she was staying, just in case they might need her for the future.
“I’m just down the hall, apartment 342. You can either knock for me or page me if you need me while we’re off duty” she tapped a device on her hip to show them it’s on her at all times, she was a doctor, of course she’s on call 24/7.
“Thanks for this ___. We haven’t had much…hospitality from the other folks” Quaritch squatted to look at her and patted her head, tail swishing behind him. The other recoms sounded out their agreement, the other members of Bridgehead gave them cold and disgusted looks when they walked past. Much different to the time they were human. But ___ went out of her way to help them, despite showing reluctance at the start. “We look after our own here, you’re apart of our team now”
___ flushed slightly at the affection “thank you colonel”
“Miles, or Quaritch. Whichever you prefer darlin”Wainfleet nudged Brown next to him and wiggled his brows, both of them giggling like little girls. Quaritch rolled his eyes at his soldiers, giving them the finger and smirking when they immediately turned their backs to him. “These two ladies are Lyle Wainfleet and Steve Brown” they both swivelled their heads and waved at the human “that over there is Alicia Zdinarsk. We call her Z-Dog”
“Yeah she’s an absolute hound in the field” Mansk piped up, Z kicked the back of his knee in retaliation but puffed up her chest when ___ smiled at her. “I’m Kevin Mansk, that’s Sean Fike, Andrew Prager and Kim Zhang”
Quaritch grumbled a little, ears pulled down. He wanted to introduce his squad. “It’s nice to meet you all. I hope we’ll get along well” ___ giggled and patted the colonels arm, noting the pouting face. Miles tail swished and repetitively slapped Lyles legs.
“Colonels got a crushhh” Fike dragged out to Prager in a whisper, only to get yelled at by a big, buff angry cat man.
___ grinned at them. Yeah, they’d get along just fine.
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Hate-Fucking with Mansk
THANK YOU FOR 1K Followers you guys deserve the world!
Recom Mansk x Recom f. Y/N
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I will be making one with Lyle thanks to the great plot idea from @onlyreadz
Summary: Mansk has been attracted to you since you were human. As a newly recruited recombinant, he was ready to focus on the mission but your presence distracts him. A hatred for you builds up in him along with frustration and one evening, it all comes out and he can't help himself but deal with you.
WARNINGS: SMUT, man-handling, degrading, mean Mansk, filthy language, violence, fighting, angst, non-con (a little), hurt/comfort,
Side rant: this shit took me ages, enjoy (made with love)
Word Count: 9760
Today was the day the recombinant plan was being put into action. This was a major breakthrough for the RDA and their best hope of finding Jake Sully. 
Since the recom’s had the memories of soldiers and were now much bigger than humans, they needed to be woken up in groups so that the medical staff could tend to them all. All of them were therefore woken separately to ensure everyone's safety and prevent chaos. 
Mansk was in the first group along with Lopez, Warren, and Walker. Everything went well there and once they had been medically checked they were allowed to leave and dress themselves in their uniforms. 
They were told to wait in the cafeteria until everyone was awake. Mansk had a hard time adapting to his new body but he kept it to himself. His friend managed to distract him from it too. 
The second group was slightly more chaotic. But what did they expect when they had Lyle and Miles in the same room? Quaritch apparently delivered a solid punch to Lyle’s face which was well deserved because that is not the first thing one wants to wake up to. Especially not after one’s memories have the Na’vi categorised under the clear enemy. Nothing huge happened and soon they joined the others in the cafeteria. 
The group you were in was the last group but you were woken at the same time as the second one, just in a different room. 
Let’s just say that chaos was very much present there too. You woke up along with Ja, Prager, and Brown and Ja did the same thing Lyle did to Brown. Brown was known for being fast to act on his instincts so Ja wasn’t just punched, he was put in a chokehold. 
While this whole commotion was happening your eyes were opening and the noise startled you, making you sit up. There was a human next to you trying to keep you laying down but it didn’t really work. You scanned the room, watching 2 Na’vi males roll around on the floor while a third tried pulling them apart and obviously, you freaked out. Before they knew you were awake you screamed, jumping off the side of the bed. The fighting stopped for a second as they looked at you. Prager hurried over to you, trying to calm you down and introduce himself but you weren’t having it. 
The pause in the fight was used to Brown’s advantage as he pulled Ja to his feet and they slammed up against a screen attached to the ceiling. It broke off, swinging to you and the edge of it hit your jaw. 
Prager stepped closer than you wanted and the heart-beat detecting monitor next to you was launched at him. Prager ducked the heavy equipment and it flew right past Brown’s head who had let go of Ja in shock. Ja had rolled him over now, yelling at his previous friend while Prager was shouting at you to stop damaging the equipment. 
He called your name which confused you and soon you remembered that you were supposed to wake up like this. 
Y/N’s POV: 
“Oh fuck- Prager I’m sorry.”  I said, clasping my face in my hands and gathering myself. 
He tried comforting me while pulling Ja off of Brown and eventually, everyone had calmed down. 
The medics tried patching up my bruised jaw and bleeding nose but it hurt more so I left to get dressed. We were given new uniforms and then given permission to leave and meet the others. 
When we arrived, Quaritch was already giving everyone a pep-talk. Ja flung the door open stepping inside. Brown put his hand on his shoulder in an apologetic manner for the punches but Ja pushed his hand away, still mad. 
The room went silent as we walked in. Brown followed Ja inside and both of them had bruises and small cuts. I walked in after Brown, holding a bloody tissue to my nose and Prager was behind me to watch out for us. 
No one else was injured. Just Lyle had suffered a punch. Fike apparently too. Seeing us all walk in was like watching soldiers return from war and Quaritch sighed. Maybe this team would kill itself before he could order us to step outside. 
Lyle broke the silence by laughing, getting up and examining Brown before laughing more. I wasn’t in the mood for his jokes so I sat down next on the bench, ears tipped back. I noticed through the tattoos and some facial features that I was sitting next to Z-Dog who was already grinning at me. I scoffed at her amused reaction and she pressed me against her before biting her lip. 
“What the fuck happened?” she asked, making me show her my bleeding nose while she and Walker suppressed laughter. 
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” I say, shrugging it off. It was embarrassing. 
“Lyle got punched by the Colonel.” she whispered and I looked at her wide-eyed before wheezing. 
“No way.” I say, looking at Lyle who had now sat down too. She nodded and I gave in. 
“Brown had Ja face-down on the ground.” I whisper back, smiling. “And I thought Prager was going to kill me.” 
She held a fist in front of her mouth as we both grinned. “They threw a TV at me.” I add to her amusement and she laughs. 
“Assholes.” I whisper jokingly. Everyone settles down and Quaritch begins explaining our mission. 
Third Person POV:
Your group walked into the room and everyone had examined you all, noting the injuries and the tension. Mansk recognised his former colleagues, smiling to himself when he saw how they messed each other up. Then his eyes moved on to you and his smile was swiped clean off. 
He stared and his heart stopped beating for a moment. Of course, Mansk remembered you. You were his main and secret problem as a human. He didn’t know you had signed up for the Phoenix project. 
His eyes stayed fixated on you as you sat down and he scanned all your features. As you talked to Z-Dog, Lopez nudged him in the side with a chuckle. 
“Not even a minute in and you’re back on ‘er.” he whispered and Mansk’s eyes shot to him while he flattened his ears back. 
“Shut up.” Mansk shrugged him off, looking down at his feet. Lopez knew that he used to like you before.
Mansk had a thing for you when you were humans but he never told you and you never knew. He didn’t plan on telling you now either. The plan was to do what he did before: suppress his feelings and ignore you as best he could. He wasn’t able to ignore you before but now this was going to be a new version of Mansk. A better one, he told himself. This time, he would avoid you. 
Mansk needed to set his priorities straight. He was on a mission here which involved some personal conflict for he knew Jake too and wanted revenge. He hated the Na’vi and was ready to give this mission his all. No distractions. That wouldn’t happen this time. He also hated that his attraction to you stayed even in your Avatar form. 
Y/N’s POV:
We had landed on Pandora now. 
The next day we were getting our gear ready for the mission and I was given a gun I’d never seen before. I wasn’t familiar with this type of weapon because this wasn’t the one we would ever use. They probably created new guns while we were gone. I held it, examining the firearm and trying to figure out how to load it and with what. 
Everyone else was busy with their stuff, except for Mansk who was leaning against a table next to his finished and clean guns. I remembered him. I think we might have even been quite good friends. One of the things I remember about him was that he knew his weapons. He could definitely help me with mine. 
I grab my stuff and walk over to him. He’s wearing his shades and only looks at me once I’m right next to him. 
“Hey,” I smile. “Can you help me with this? I don’t know how to load it.” I say, laying out my weapon which seemed to have three parts. I expected this to be a good ice-breaker and from then on we could have a nice conversation and catch up on things. But no.
He just tilted his head to the side to look at my gun, then at me and then he looked away. 
“You should know how.” he replied, his voice low and cold. Mansk then reached for his things and left, exiting the room without another word. 
I stood there watching him leave, surprised by his answer. We used to always talk. What was that about?
Either way, I found his reaction unnecessary. We’re meant to help each other and he was being an asshole. Mansk better have a good explanation for that otherwise I’ll be pissed. Maybe something happened, so I’ll let it slide once. 
Something similar happened that evening. We were once again in the cafeteria specifically made for the recombinants and I had just gotten my food. 
Zdinarsk was the closest person in here to me so I was obviously going to sit with her. We had large tables for multiple people to sit on at once and I spotted her next to Lyle. As I’m walking to her I notice Mansk is opposite Lyle and the only space free is opposite Z-Dog which is next to him. 
Maybe he will apologise now and tell me what got him in such a bad mood. 
Without thinking much of it, I put my tray down on the table and Zdinarsk smiles at me before continuing to listen to the conversation between Lyle and Prager who was on the other side of Mansk. 
I sit down and notice Mansk glance at me from the corner of my eye. He freezes, looking away and tightly clenches his fist around the knife he’s holding. I’m unwrapping my food and suddenly, he stands up in silence and swipes his tray from the table, leaving us all startled. 
Mansk walked away and I felt him glare at me as he turned away and walked to another table. 
Zdinarsk and I exchange glances. 
“What’s up with him?” Lyle asks chuckling and taking a bite out of his bread. They watched him walk off and I huffed, wiping my hand over my face. 
“No idea. He’s being a real dick.” I mumble, arranging the food on my plate. 
“Really? He was just joking around with us a minute ago.” Zdinarsk said and I looked up at her. Maybe he wasn’t just in a bad mood. Perhaps my gut feeling was right. Mansk might really dislike me for whatever reason. 
“I think he hates me.” I say, looking down and starting my meal. 
“What you do?” she asks, her eyes flicking between Mansk and me. He’s sat at the table behind me, his back facing mine. Lyle and Prager are quietly listening. Lyle loved listening to all the drama and the news. It was his guilty pleasure. In a way, he was a gossip girl.
As humans, I could be ranting about my ex to Z-Dog and he would be standing with us, eating his protein bars and just listening with wide eyes. 
“Nothing. Literally nothing.” I say and she stays silent in thought for a while before we all shrug it off and start talking about something else. 
Today we had started the mission and we were sent out into the forest of Pandora. Roughly in the area, the last battle took place. It was all very familiar and even though there was beautiful scenery all around us, it haunted me. I died on these grounds a few years back…
We were walking in line, following Quaritch and Lyle who were leading the way. 
“Alright team, we’re runnin’ out of time so we need to split up te’ cover more ground.” Quaritch said, turning around and resting one hand on his vest while the other held his gun. Lyle nodded, looking at us before Quaritch quickly counted down the line, pointing two of his fingers at his soldiers to divide us up into pairs. At least he wasn’t calling out our names, then it would feel like we’re back in school. 
Mansk stood frozen as I watched Quaritch quickly point the two of us together. He looked around and everyone was already walking off in pairs while the Colonel turned around, leaving with Lyle.
I had my own mission for the next hour: to make this the worst most unpleasant hour Mansk has experienced. He was getting some payback for how he treated me before. I don’t let things like that just slide. 
He was tense and his ears pinned back flat against his head as he huffed, looking at me. I gave him an innocent smile which I knew would piss him off. It did and he turned away, walking in the direction we were supposed to go in. 
If he doesn’t start a fight I won’t bother him. But I’m sure he’ll have something to say before our time ends. 
I followed him in silence, looking around and holding my weapon steady. 
After about 15 minutes of hearing nothing but the sounds of the forest, the first comment came from him. 
“Walk faster.” he said, not even bothering to turn around. I stop and my ears perk forwards as I process his words. Who does he think he is?
“I’m right behind you.” I snap back, rolling my eyes. “Dipshit.” I mumble. 
His ears react to the insult and he turns around. “What?” 
“Dipshit.” I repeat in a mocking way, making his brows furrow in irritation behind his stupid shades. I walk past him, refusing to waste another second of my time dealing with him. 
“Quit it, you’ll ruin the mission.” he says, starting to walk behind me now with his ears strained again. 
“Oh really?” I say, waving my arms. “How?”
I turn to face him and as I do I slightly stumble over a root in the path. Mansk raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Actin’ like that.” he replies, motioning to my leg. Now my ears are flattened back and my tail flicks in annoyance as I glare at him. 
“Like your behaviour is so much better. Take your stupid shades off and then we’ll see who’s talking.” I call out, turning around again and walking away. 
That got under his skin. “Take it back.” he growls, following me again. 
“Like, apologise? No way. If any one of us needs to apologise it’s you.” I sneer in response. 
I hear him scoff in annoyance too. My attitude was frustrating him but I didn’t care because he was such a pain in my ass. 
“Yeah? For what?” he asks, watching me walk in front of him. 
“For being such an ass to me for no reason. The fuck did I do?” I ask, stopping and turning to face him. I really wanted to know. 
He scowled at me before just ignoring what I said and walking further. I let out a frustrated groan. 
“Fucking answer.” I call after him, fighting the urge to call him a ‘hormonal bitch’. Damn was he lucky I was restraining myself. 
“Shut up and walk.” he mutters with an ice-cold tone. 
“You’re being such a moron. We used to be friends.” I say, looking down while continuing to walk straight ahead. My body bumps into his and then I realise that he stopped in his tracks, facing me. 
He was towering over me, a stern expression dressing his face. 
“We weren’t friends. You were a pain in my ass. Always clueless. Never knowin’ what to do and never doin’ it right.” he snarled at me and his harsh words startled me, making me take a step back. I didn’t expect that. 
“How you got chosen for this mission is a fuckin’ mystery te’ me, airhead.” He added, walking up on me and staring me down before walking off again. 
I wanted to shout an insult back at him but deep down his words hurt me. I stood still for a few moments, repeating what he just said to me and it made my heart ache. My memories told me we used to be great friends. Why were his so different?
Mansk almost disappears behind the trees so I start walking again,re-adjusting some of the gear I had on. After about five minutes I catch up to him again but we walk in silence. When we turn a corner I notice Mansk stopped walking again. 
“For fuck’s sake what is it now?” I complain, wanting to push past him until I hear a loud snort and huff. I freeze myself as Mansk and I slowly look up, meeting eyes with a huge animal. 
I immediately recognise it. It’s an elephant-sized cow creature. The one that crushed Lyle. It’s almost roaring at us and Mansk stretches his arm out in front of me, pushing me back. 
The purple feather-like parts on its head move around and I realise it is displaying a territorial warning. The one Jake, Grace and Norm dealt with in the forest. Grace taught me all about it. 
Mansk curses under his breath before grabbing my vest and tugging me back. 
“Run.” he shouts but I push him off of me. 
He doesn’t understand and gets frustrated with me, wondering why I wasn’t going with him. I turn back to the creature and throw my gun down on the ground next to me. It wouldn’t help in any scenario here. Mansk didn’t know that and I heard bullets soar through the air. They pushed off of the animal's thick skin, not harming it. The action just made it angrier.
“Don’t you dare shoot at it.” I snarl at him while the animal backs up. “You’ll make it worse.” 
He’s watching me with wide eyes, standing a few feet behind me. 
“Put the gun down, Mansk!” I shout, watching as he hesitates. My attention returns to the animal and it has finished backing up now. I steady myself on the ground, placing one foot in front of the other and watching it. It takes off, running towards us at full speed and I take a step forward, snarling at it and baring my fangs. 
Mansk’s heart drops in fear as it nears us.
It comes to a halt barely in front of me, quickly backing up and huffing. I watch it for a while, not moving from my position. It watches me, waiting for me to retreat but I don’t, so it turns and leaves. The tall grass rustles as the animal turns away and I straighten my posture, watching it until it’s fully gone. 
I turn to look at Mansk who looks completely shocked. His expression makes me scoff. 
“Clueless airhead, huh?” I say, giving him a shit-eating grin before picking up my gun and resuming our walk. “Look at you hiding behind me like a bitch.”
His perked ears tip back again as I resume the argument.
He watches me with wide eyes before quickly following. I knew he was confused but he wouldn’t ask so I might as well enlighten him with the things I do know. 
“That was a Hammerhead Titanothere. They’re not usually aggressive. It was just a territorial warning display.” I say and I know very well he is listening. 
“Shooting it is useless. They have bulletproof skin. You just need to stand your ground when it does that.” I continue to explain, not looking behind me. 
Now I turn around, just to mock him. “You see, I’m not good at loading these stupid guns and yet my chances of survival here are still bigger than yours.” I smile at him and he shoots me a glare. 
It amazed Mansk how well you handled that situation. Of course, he wouldn’t ever say that. But you had climbed a rank in his eyes. That didn’t change how much he despised you though. He despised your attitude even though it was his fault you were giving it to him. Mansk hated how easily you would get him distracted and how you never seemed to understand his grudge against you. 
We returned to the meeting area and no one found anything. The mission was called off for the day and we returned to Bridgehead. I didn’t speak to Mansk on the way back at all. Why should I? He wasn’t just rude anymore he was unnecessarily mean to me. 
Later that evening, I was back in the gym. The gym was its own separate building with very bright lights. Everyone had left because everyone gets up early. I couldn’t sleep though because I felt so frustrated and angered, I needed to let it out somewhere. The unlucky boxing bag was getting it all. I was able to properly let my emotions out because no one else was in here with me. The recom’s had their own gym because we needed bigger equipment. And everyone had gone to bed. 
I wanted to scream my lungs out as I delivered punch after punch to the bag but I knew someone would hear me, thinking it was an emergency. 
I continued beating the shit out of the boxing sack when I heard the main door click open. My arms reached for the bag to still it and I held onto it to stay on my feet while turning around to see who had entered the gym. I had hair sticking to my face and my chest was heaving while beads of sweat decorated my blue skin. 
My eyes met the eyes of Mansk who was standing in front of the door with his hands in his joggers. My ears immediately pin back which secretly amuses him. 
I watch him for a few seconds, wondering what he’s doing here but he doesn’t move or do anything. He isn’t even wearing his usual training clothes. 
“The fuck you want?” I ask, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand which was in a boxing glove. 
Mansk scoffed and looked at the ground for a second in thought before scanning the empty gym. He was wearing his damned shades again. They made him look meaner.
“Nothin’.” he said, facing forwards again. I didn’t like whatever he was up to. My eyes linger on him for a little while longer in an attempt to read his mind before I turn away, taking my gloves off. 
“Done already?” he asked from somewhere behind me, walking closer. I roll my eyes and sigh, trying to pull myself together so that I won’t snap at him. 
“I’ve been here for over 2 hours. Yes, I’m done.” I snarl, refusing to look at him. 
“Don’t let me intimidate you.” he said with a breathy laugh and I knew he was smirking to himself right now. Mansk was surprisingly talkative with me. Definitely not in a pleasant way but he was a very distanced and quiet person in general. Maybe he just needed me to know how much he disliked me. 
I scoff. “Yeah, right. Like you could ever.” 
Mansk exhales a huff through his nose as tension builds in the air. 
“Maybe if you weren’t so rude I could take you more seriously.” I say, throwing the gloves to the ground and heading to the showers. 
“I’m rude?” he asks, now standing on the large rubber mat I was training on. It was a big square designed for boxing and sparring. 
“Nooo.” I reply, sarcastically. Mansk hated sarcasm. 
“Fuck- why do you have to be like this.” He mumbled, brushing his nose with his finger. I stop walking and turn around. 
“What did you say?” I ask, awaiting an answer as I stand with my weight shifted on one leg and my arms crossed in front of my chest. 
Mansk didn’t answer which made me huff in annoyance. Why did he even come here?
I walked over to him, getting back in the ring and leaning on the side ropes so I could look at him properly. His ears perked forwards, paying me attention while his eyes followed my movements. 
“If you came here just to get on my nerves you can leave.” I say, not allowing myself to look away. My tail swished behind me, showing my pent-up frustration with him. His one did the same and his ears pinned back.
“Or you can tell me why the fuck you’re like this.” I add, giving him the options I can think of until another idea enters my mind. 
“Or…” I say, not necessarily meaning this seriously. “ you can fight me.” I press my body further into the elastic railing fencing in the boxing ring while a mischievous grin paints my face. He was probably going to walk away. 
Mansk seemed surprised by my words, not moving for almost a minute as he thought. I was about to turn away and walk to the showers again when I heard his voice. 
“Fine.” Was all he said as he walked towards me. I backed up and he entered the ring with me. 
“Don’t respond with just ‘fine’. I’m gracing you with the option to finally be close to me, so you can stop being an ass.”  I joke, turning away from him and I hear him fucking growl.
I freeze, turning around to him again. He looks really pissed. 
“Oh no, I’m so intimidated now.” I mock him, ridiculing his stern expression. 
“Shut the fuck up.” he snarls, making my ears perk forward at his aggressive reaction. 
I snort. “What do you want me to say? ‘Make me’?” 
He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders back. “Sure.” 
“In your dreams, jerk.” I snap at him, taking the opposite corner. 
This was a great opportunity in my eyes. He agreed to it and I would finally be able to punch the shit out of him. ‘Legally’. 
He was staring me down, waiting for any sudden movement I would make which would trigger him to pounce. 
“You gonna count down?” he asks eagerly, fighting himself to stay still. 
“When you grow a pair.” I spit my words and that’s all he can take. 
Mansk lunges forwards, running to me with quick steps. I dodge his first punch by moving to the side and then grab his left arm, twisting it. He groans and then one of his hands is gripping my wrist. I let go of him and his now free hand wraps around the back of my neck. He swiftly turns me around so that I’m no longer facing him and within the next second, my knee is kicked in and I fall down a level. He holds me up by my neck while both my knees hit the ground but before he can think of what to do next, my legs lock around his ankles and I manage to trip him. He falls back while I turn and straddle him, trying to keep him held down. 
“Asshole, you’re breaking all the rules.” I hiss at him, leaning down to his face to emphasize my words and he angrily pushes me off of him. I land on my back and when he’s about to jump on me I roll to the side. 
“There’s no fuckin’ rules when I’m fightin’ a bitch.” Mansk gnarled, pushing his upper body off the floor and not taking his eyes off his prey. I sit back on my knees and as he attempts to tackle me down I deliver a punch to the side of his face which brings him out of balance. 
“I’m sorry, which one of us was fucking-” I gasp for air “cowering behind the other in the forest today?” I say, recalling him standing behind me when we were almost attacked by the large animal. 
He stays still for a few seconds, holding his jaw and breathing heavily. I didn’t manage to hit him properly because he slightly moved out of the way, meaning it couldn’t hurt too much. However, it was still a punch and it felt good. 
He growled again, turning to me and as he lunged forward, his hand caught my ankle. Immediately he pulled me to him. My free leg kicked his shoulder back but his posture was stable and he pinned them to the ground. His hand then grasped my queue, forcing me to turn around while I leaned on my forearms, refusing to lay down flat on the ground. I was facing the ground while struggling to hold myself up. Mansk was towering above me, one hand still firmly holding my queue while the other pulled my left arm out from beneath me, pinning it down against the ground. 
“You mean the one time you wore almost nothin’?” he snarled, moving up my body and pressing his knee down on my leg to eliminate the possibility of me getting up. I sensed sarcasm when he brought up the ‘one time’, which was rare for Mansk to use.
His words confused me and I stopped struggling for a second to think about them. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I say, clearly distressed and resuming my fight of attempting to push him off. 
“Fuckin’ look at you. You wear nothin’ but this excuse of a bra and these tight shorts.” Mansk growled. Tight shorts? Someone’s been paying attention.
I did always wear the same type of clothes. Similar to Walker actually except that her pants were longer than mine. I didn’t think much of it because Na’vi wear loincloths and chest pieces that barely cover anything. So why should we?
Our bodies were different now, adapted to the climate of Pandora, not the air-conditioned base we stayed in. We were used to the warmth. 
I push myself up and off the ground with my right arm. 
“It’s weather appropriate.” I snap back, glancing over my shoulder as I pin my ears flat against my head. 
Mansk tightens his grip on my queue, tugging me up before almost slamming me down into the ground so that I was now pressed flat against it. 
“Well it’s not workplace appropriate.” he opposes, pushing his words through clenched teeth. 
I whine in pain while Mansk lets go of my wrist, placing his hand down on my shoulder. He was leaning on his arms which ensured that I would stay on the ground. 
“Oh I’m sorry does it bother you?” I murmur, trying to at least roll over. 
“Fuckin’ right it does.” he says and his hand is digging into the skin of my shoulder. I whimper in pain, arching my back to try and have him loosen his grip but he doesn’t. 
Luckily, my leg finds his tail, roughly slamming it down and trapping it between my foot and the ground. 
Mansk hisses through his clenched jaw, the pain making him retreated his abusing hands. I push myself forwards, lifting the leg that caused him the pain and kicking him in the side so that he would not be restraining my right leg anymore. I succeed, finally free from his grip again. 
“Why don’t you go and cry about it to Lyle.” I say, regaining my breath while resting on my hands and knees. Lyle was our team leader and often dealt with our complaints in the past. 
He looks up at me and I can tell he is raging. I’ve never seen Mansk this worked up before. No one has. 
His tail aggressively flicks behind him as he shakes his hand. “Lyle happens to like it.” he answers, spitting the words like venom. I raise an eyebrow in amusement. 
His words surprise me and I grin. “Maybe I should go to his room then.” I say, not thinking much of it. In my mind, I thought insults would get Mansk angrier but somehow the last sentence I spoke did. 
“...and tell him about what you’re do-” 
I don’t get to finish my sentence because Mansk is back on me. I try to back up but he’s too fast. I’m leaning back on my forearms once again, facing him. My leg attempts to kick him in the face and push him away but he dodges it and it slides over his shoulder. His left hand tightens around my calf, holding it in place on his shoulder. 
My eyes widen when I realise my mistake. I was stuck now.
He noticed my wide eyes and even through his anger, this little victory made him grin at me devilishly. 
“You ain’t goin’ anywhere.” he growled, flashing me his sharp fangs as his grin widened. I glared at him and then Mansk leaned further forward, making my leg bend rather uncomfortably. His free arms reached forward and he held down my other leg by digging his fingertips into the flesh of my thigh and holding it down. 
I hiss through clenched teeth at the pain from his tight grip. 
“Thought you were goin’ to put up a bigger fight than this.” he mocked me and I pushed the leg he was holding on his shoulder against him but to Mansk it just felt like a nudge. 
“Shut up, I was working out for over 2 hours you dick-” I start complaining, not giving up my struggle. He hushes me, placing his hand over my mouth to shut me up. I freeze, staring at him wide-eyed. What the fuck was he doing?
“See? I like you better when you’re not runnin’ your mouth like-” he starts to say, thinking I calmed down. I didn’t need to hear the stupid things he had to say and without hesitation I bit into his hand, letting my fangs scrape his skin and causing a scratch. 
Immediately his hand retreats and he holds it against his side, examining the scratch with perked ears. Then Mansk looks back at me and he’s angry again. 
“Try that again and you’ll lose a finger.” I snarl and his ears tip back. Somehow, I loved our new ears. They made it so easy to read one another. 
“You won, congratu-fucking-lations, let me go.” 
“Nah, don’t think so.” he growled and that devilish smirk was back on his face. “You need to be taught a lesson.”
I snort. “Me? The reason I’m a bitch to you is because you decided to be an ass since day one. And that for no reason at all.” 
“No reason?” he scoffs, digging his fingers deeper into my flesh to contain himself. 
“Yeah. I didn’t do shit and you’re acting like such a moron that-” 
“You fuckin’ distract me Y/N. Can’t do anythin’ when you’re around.” he snarls, making it sound like he’s spitting venom again. “I fuckin’ hate you, your big mouth and you’re poor excuse of fuckin’ clothes.”
My mouth drops open and I try to suppress laughter, but I won’t be able to hold it for long. 
Mansk despised so many things about you but not necessarily you. He hated how attracted he was to you and he blamed you for it. For, in his eyes, showing off your body. He was angered by his internal battle of trying to understand why he even felt attracted to an Avatar of a Na’vi. Mansk resents that he can’t get you out of his head and that once he sees you he can’t take his eyes off you. 
He was ready to fully devote himself to this mission and get it done once and for all but you are such a big distraction to him. You’re Mansk’s weakness and he used to swear to himself never to have one which makes his hatred for you worse. 
I’m biting my lip and looking at Mansk whose chest is heaving. I can see how he’s restraining himself from probably killing me but right now it just seems funny to me. 
“Goddamn, you could have bought me a drink first.” I laugh at him, releasing my lip which has my teeth marks imprinted in it. 
Soldiers like Mansk amused me and almost seemed stupid to a certain extent. Such a big intimidating man in the military losing a battle to his feelings because he never shares anything with anyone and of course one day it’s all got to come out. And when it does, it’s nasty like this. 
People like Quaritch would completely neglect mental health, focusing just on physical appearance and a strong survival mentality. Mansk was similar. The idea of talking to someone about his feelings made him think he was growing weak and that was the thing he dreaded the most. 
“If you’re so desperate for me you could have told me and-” 
Mansk can’t stand that. His right-hand releases my thigh and quickly wraps itself around my throat making me stop talking. 
“You keep talkin’ like that and I won’t be able to hold back.” he warns me. I examine the veins bulging out on his forearm, pumping blood through his body. His neck was strained and I could see his artery. He was really tensed up. 
“What makes you think I’d listen to you, jackass?” I snap back, refusing to let him intimidate me. 
Mansk can’t help himself anymore. You’re right there, laying beneath him.
He leans down, holding my head in place as I watch in confusion. His lips crash down against mine and after I realise what’s happening, my body seems to respond to him and I kiss him back. It’s not a nice kiss in any way. It’s harsh and our teeth clash at one point. I push his chest away from me, breaking the heated kiss and gasp for air. He seemed even more restless now.
Maybe deep down I was attracted to this menace of a man. 
“I’ll make ya listen.” he replies, once again flashing his fangs through a smug look. 
“I’d rather die.” I say, pulling my left leg which he let go back to my body. As I retreated it from beneath him and to me, my calf caressed his groin and Mansk tensed up. It took me a while to figure out what just happened and an extra few seconds to come to the conclusion that he was hard to the point that his erection strained his pants. 
My mouth drops open and I gulp before my gaze shoots up to him. He’s already looking at me and his ears have drooped but he didn’t let his harsh grip falter. This is definitely not what I expected. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I wheeze but he presses my throat tighter. 
The pressure he’s causing makes me uncomfortable and I slap him across the face, almost making his shades fly. Shock engulfs him for a good few seconds and I’m crawling away. 
I turn away from him, steadying myself on all fours as I prepare to stand but he’s quicker. In an instant, his hands are back on me and I’m unable to move forwards anymore. Mansk's palms close around my waist as he tugs me back to him. 
My ass comes in contact with his lower abdomen as he pulls me towards him and I gasp when I feel him press against me. 
“If you don’t move away in the next three seconds I will kill-” 
Before I can finish my sentence a stinging slap is delivered to the spot under my ass and above my thigh. 
I whimper, clenching my fists together. 
“You’re gonna keep you’re dirty lil’ mouth closed and take what I give you. Understood?” he said and I heard him unbuckle his belt. My pupils blew wider as his strong musk flooded my senses. 
“I’ll rip your tongue out you-” 
Another slap which hurt more than the previous one made me shut up. I clenched my eyes closed, suddenly feeling weak. My body seemed to be responding to his presence against my will, making me almost surrender. 
My arms and legs trembled and my tail was no longer hastily flicking around. It stilled and I pulled it under me and between my legs. 
His palm was once again holding my queue, grasping it so tightly it made me feel lightheaded. 
“Mansk, you asshole-” I murmur while one of my arms gives out beneath me. “You’re so dead.” 
My threats fly by him, not bothering the soldier at all. His long-denied emotions have collapsed in on him and that internal war of frustration triggered his new primal senses to come to light. Mine were becoming visible too and it seemed that there was no way to stop this.
My eyes seem to be burdened by a blurriness until Mansk’s touch brings me out of my haze. His free hand is feeling along the waistline of my sports shorts and with a few harsh tugs, he pulls them down my waist and legs along with my panties. My tail is pulled out of the cloth and I bare my fangs, hissing at him as the gym air comes in contact with my refused heat. 
Mansk groans, letting go of my queue and grabbing at the flesh of my hips and ass. I raise my tail, making it flick him in the face because I wasn’t giving up just yet. He growls, holding it down against me as he examines my heat-struck body. 
“Fuck…” he curses under his breath, exhaling shakily as he holds my thigh and makes me spread my legs wider. 
He hated you without a doubt, but fuck you looked so good to him. Everything about your body made him harder and suddenly you seemed so inviting to him, he couldn’t resist. 
My ears were pinned back as I was fighting my desire for him and I tried thinking of a way to fight him but my mind was blank at this point. 
I felt him let go of my hip and his right hand was placed on my shoulder, holding me steady. 
Without any warning whatsoever, Mansk brought his hand up to my shamefully dripping pussy, gliding two of his fingers between my folds. I whimper, hiding my face in my other shoulder while grimacing. I didn’t understand my body. 
He rubbed me and naturally, my legs spread wider and my hips followed his movements. 
Mansk wanted to say something but he didn’t know what. Your quarrelling feud was still very much ongoing, this was just an exceptional hiccup in the entire fight. One that couldn’t be prevented by either of you. 
Suddenly, Mansk pushed both his fingers into me and I jolted forwards at the unexpected intrusion. He kept me still by pulling me back with the hand on my right shoulder and now he leaned over my bent body, starting to finger me. Neither of us were thinking anymore. 
I whimpered, stretching my arms out in front of me so that I wouldn’t fall forwards. He wasn’t being gentle either. My body was rocking forwards every time his fingers bottomed out and his pace was rough. 
I hiss, baring my fangs again when I start feeling a form of pleasure. 
Mansk can’t resist you anymore. He has to take you whether you’re ready or not. If you continue to fight him, he’ll just be rougher. 
He pressed himself against my bare skin again, before pulling back and lining himself up with my entrance. I couldn’t even follow what he was doing, my mind was so clouded with lust. 
With one hard thrust, Mansk forced himself as deep into me as possible. I cried out in surprise and my body tensed at the foreign feeling. 
He groans, finally feeling pleasure wash over him. The long-needed feeling of euphoria was at last flooding his own senses and he needed his release more than anything. My walls were hugging him tightly because my Avatar had never done this before but it made him almost speechless.
“You look like a bitch in heat.” he snarled and I tipped my ears back. 
He pulled back, drawing his rock-hard dick out before snapping his hips forward once again and starting to fuck me at a brutal pace, making me unable to answer. 
I cried out again, not sure if it was in pain or pleasure this time. He wrapped my queue around his hand, making my head tilt back and my back arch against him. 
Mansk was losing himself inside you and he bent over you, pressing his chest against your back to ease his longing to be close to you. 
His arm was resting next to me as he held me in place, not letting his thrusts falter. 
His skin was slapping against mine, no doubt leaving mine reddened and flushed. He dug his fingers into my shoulder to contain and ground himself in reality and I snarled at him, baring through the pain. 
Something about the fact that you hated him but still let him do this really turned Mansk on. He wouldn’t be able to explain it but he definitely preferred this with you over soft sex. You didn’t deserve to be treated nicely, not when you dressed like that and talked to him in that way. 
I wanted to throw an insult at him but I couldn’t talk and neither could he. Grunts and pants filled the room as we still fought each other in a way. I leaned away from him, making the angle more difficult and in return, he held me so tightly his fingernails were close to cutting my skin. 
He would harshly tug me back and closer to him every time I somehow got loose until at one point, he leaned all his weight on me, no longer holding himself up with an arm. Both his arms wrapped around and beneath my body. One of them came up to my throat from between my arms while the other locked my body in place by tightly hugging my waist. 
Mansk’s head was buried in the crook of my neck as his panting fanned against my cheek. His eyes were closed while I was a whimpering mess, occasionally biting back the pathetic noises to hiss or snarl at him which I knew pissed him off more. Every time I did, he would fuck into me from behind even more relentlessly than before. 
I could tell he was close because his thrusts were no longer as sharp. He became more sloppy, mindlessly chasing his high as he pounded into my abused pussy. 
Mansk groaned, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes clenched closed. 
“Fuck- take it you dirty slut.” he growled. 
The hand around my throat tightened, making sure to keep me in place as he thrust into me the last few times. His body tensed and he forced himself as deep into me as possible. Mansk’s teeth bit down on the skin of my left shoulder and his fangs slightly tore the skin while his body shook. I felt him release and shoot his hot cum deep inside me as he held me closer and tighter than ever before, to ensure he’d stuff me full with as much of his load as possible. 
I moaned when I felt him fill me. It was something I had never felt before but fuck was it good. 
After about a minute, his tight grip loosened and he let his arms fall to the side. I finally inhaled properly while he steadied his own heavy breathing. 
Everything was so intense, neither of us could move for the next few minutes. He just stayed pressed on top of me, luckily supporting his weight this time while I let my head fall forwards. 
Even though I didn’t cum I was tired. Too tired to push him off or even walk to the showers. 
After a few minutes, Mansk had calmed down and slowly he lifted himself off of me. I felt him surprisingly gently pull out and I whimpered at the movement inside me. Everything felt bruised. 
My arms were trembling beneath me and I let myself fall to the side, finally relaxing. However, the heat between my legs remained. Even after all that cruel handling, my body felt needy. 
Mansk stayed kneeling behind me, looking down at me in pity. He felt a little guilty for what he had done. 
“Y’ alright?” he asked, placing his hand on my thigh as I lay on my side. My relaxed ears flatten back and he notices it all.
“No, you moron.” I snap back at him. Isn’t it obvious that I’m not at my best?
And just like that, all guilt and pity left Mansk’s body. You were clearly well enough to continue bickering. He also noticed how your tail restlessly thudded against the ground. Your scent was still strong, maybe even stronger than before which reminded Mansk that you didn’t cum.
“Aw, you want more don’t you?” he teased me, rolling me over on my back and moving my hands away from my face. He saw how flushed I was and that answered his question. 
“It wasn’t even good, loser.” I snarl, knowing it will get under his skin. But oddly it just made him chuckle. 
“Who were you moanin’ for then?” he asked with a smug grin on his face. An idea popped into my head and now I grinned at him. 
“Lyle could do it better.” I say and Mansk stills. I look at him trying to figure out whether he was thinking or whether he was genuinely hurt but that was difficult because he still had his damned shades on. 
“Mansk-” I say but within an instant, he’s on top of me. 
“I’ll make ya cum so hard you won’t be able to think about no one but me.” he hissed, and when I tried opening my mouth to respond he cut me off again and pressed our lips together. 
I huffed in annoyance, refusing to kiss him to see how much angrier he can get. 
Mansk wrapped his hand around my throat again, squeezing from the sides to cut off my air and blood flow for a few seconds. I gave in, kissing him back with as much lust and passion as I could. 
Without breaking the make out, Mansk trailed his hand down my body and spread my legs apart. I didn’t fight it this time. It seemed like a challenge to him. 
I lift my head and look between our bodies, my eyes going wide as I realise that Mansk is still hard. He pushes my head down by my neck, leaning over and sucking hickeys into the skin. I bite down on my lip, suppressing my noises which sound like muffled whimpers to him. 
He would make sure that even doing that won’t keep you quiet when he’s inside you again. 
Mansk pressed himself against my bare heat which was dripping with his cum. He ground his hips against me and I let my head drop back in pleasure and sighed. 
I felt his lips form into a grin against the skin of my collarbone. I still had my bra on because he was in too much of a hurry to take it off before. Mansk was completely naked on the other hand.
His teeth tugged at the strap of my sports bra before he leaned back and pulled it over my head. Without hesitation, he leaned back down, roughly groping my breasts and leaving a dark hickey above one. 
The grinding stopped when he pressed the tip of his leaking dick against my entrance again. Slowly he applied pressure, straightening himself and picking up my right leg to wrap it around his waist. I let him move me around because for whatever reason, I was convinced he wouldn’t make me cum. Not when I was already so sore. 
“Where’d your feral side go?” he teased, smirking down at me. I dramatically exhale to show my irritation. 
“I’m not fucking feral.” I hiss and he scoffs. 
“We’ll see.”
“I’m sorry do you want me to punch you?” I ask, looking up at him. 
“You won’t be able to in a sec.” he says and with that, he pushes himself back inside me. He enters me easier this time because we’re both coated in slick from the last round. 
My pupils grow wider at the feeling and I strain my ears back, not wanting him to see the hint of pleasure I just felt. 
Mansk still isn’t gentle because he has no reason to ‘make love’ to you. However, it’s not as brutal as before. 
He starts to thrust into me more precisely this time and my body tenses when it starts feeling good. Fuck. 
His tail found mine, making them wrap around each other while he focused on finding my weak spots. Mansk’s left hand held my thigh up on his waist as he pushed deeper each time until he started bottoming out on each thrust. 
My breathing grows heavy and I feel a small pressure build in me but it’s enough for me to resist. 
Mansk is eyeing me, watching my expressions and he notices how I’m fighting myself. He has a solution for that. 
While thrusting into me again, he lets go of my thigh which stays on him and his thumb circles my clit. 
I inhale sharply, pressing my lips together making him smirk. He slowly sped up the rhythm of his thrusts, letting his thumb brush over my clit every once in a while making me try to close my legs around him. 
I throw my head back and clench my eyes closed, realising that I’ll lose this silly bet and that if he doesn’t stop I will cum. 
Suddenly, he presses his thumb right against my clit and at the same time, his dick brushes up against my G-spot. He feels my walls clench around him briefly and I hiss, letting my mouth drop open. 
“There you are.” he growled, meaning my ‘feral side’. It seems that Mansk liked the animalistic noises we emitted. 
“Fuck-” I whimper, arching my back off the ground. He takes the hint, feeling a sense of pride in his chest as he continues doing exactly what he is. With each thrust, he applies a little more pressure on my clit and rubs under it and I’m gone. I’ll definitely lose. 
My hands grip his shoulder, needing to clutch something for support. Deep inside I’m angry at him and at myself for letting this happen and for having it feel so good. So to put up my rebellious message, I dig my fingernails into his back, clawing at the skin in a desperate attempt to contain my pleasure. 
Mansk growls, leaning forwards and once again resting his head in the crook of my neck. He licked over the area he bit into last time and then nibbled on the skin around it, tracing his fangs along it in a threatening manner. 
Tears sting the corners of my eyes, slowly threatening to spill. Mansk looks up at me and grins at the sight. 
“Such a needy little thing.” He coos and I know he’s making fun of me. 
“You started it-” I sniffle and almost sob in pleasure. “...you idiot.” I can’t think of any good insults or comebacks. 
I hiss when he bites down a little more than he should on my neck and I take it as a warning. 
“C’mon, stop fightin’ it and cum f’ere me.” he mumbles, placing a kiss on my neck. He doesn’t stop his actions and I know it’ll all be over in a few seconds. 
“No-” I whimper, and at this point, I’m begging myself not to come more than I’m telling him. I hate how good he’s making me feel. But it doesn’t matter because, with the next thrust, I’m seeing stars. 
“Mansk-” I almost scream, clenching my legs around his waist and throwing my head back. My fingers are still, digging into his back one final time as my own body shakes and my eyes roll to the back of my head. 
He rides out my orgasm, extending it for as long as possible. 
I’m mindlessly mumbling his name over and over again. 
Finally, I come down and my body goes limp beneath him. My chest is heaving and when I look up at him, Mansk has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Instantly I frown which makes him chuckle. 
“You still mad?” he asks and I stare at him in disbelief. 
“Until you grow the balls to apologise, yeah.” I reply, wiping my hand over my forehead. My language and attitude being present after all that amazes him. 
He smiles with a sigh before speaking. “I’m sorry.” he says but I shake my head. 
My hand lifts up to his face and I push his shades up onto his head so that I can see him properly. “I don’t think you mean it.” 
He drops his head in defeat before facing me again. “I’m sorry for being such an idiot to you.” he says and I smile, satisfied. 
“Are you into me?” I ask but he doesn’t answer. “Because if yes, than this is not the way you should approach things.” I laugh and he smiles to himself, feeling unsure. 
“Yeah..” he mumbles, wondering whether he should apologise again. He wasn’t good at these conversations. 
I sigh, knowing I’ll have to deal with this emotional wreck from now on. To ease his thoughts I pull him down by his dog tag and this time I initiate the kiss. Mansk melts into it, holding my cheek and when we pull away he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. 
“You have to help me up, I don’t think I can make it to my room.” I say and he grins, nodding and getting up. Mansk gently pulls me to my feet and accompanies me in the shower. It was nice, finally seeing this side of him. 
He let me touch him and purred when I washed his back of some dried blood. 
Since everyone was asleep we managed to sneak into his room and we fell asleep together. Who knows how much longer we’ll be around to experience this.
Tag list: @ikranwings @number1gal @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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byunpum · 2 years
The new member
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Pair: Miles Quaritch (baby blue boii) x Human reader
tw: Recom squad, fluff, save pandora team, nothing special for the moment. This changes according to the chapter.
POV: Y/N is sent from Earth to Pandora to be part of a particular group of people…
p.s. This story is created after the ship altercation. Neteyam never dies, the sullys are able to run away, but spider decides to go with his "father" to the base. All recoms are still alive.
AVATAR MASTERLIST |Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
NOTE: Hello!!! I'm back with one of my stories, which I usually imagine before going to sleep XD. Actually, I had thought about this story, while I was writing the 'experiment 56' parts. You know this is a pilot, if you like it and I see that it has a good feedback, I'll keep going. From now on I warn you that I am not very expert in this Navi culture, but I did my best. And sorry for the spelling. English is not my mother tongue.
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Protecting Pandora Association or by its initials PPA. The association dedicated to the welfare and conservation of pandora. Our goal is to make pandora our home, in a safe and healthy way. Respecting the life that already inhabits the planet. We want humans to be able to coexist and adapt to pandora. Trying not to make the same mistakes we made on earth.
"Are you serious Dr. Williams? The RDA is doing a good job here on Pandora," says General Ardmore, sitting in her office. This was one of the many quotes, complaints and scoldings that Dr. Williams had, towards the RDA and their inappropriate work in Pandora.
"A good job? General Ardmore, they are annihilating Pandora's wildlife and its creatures. Everything. They are supposed to be adapting, not attacking pandora" the doctor complained, the annoyance in his voice was palpable. "we can modify some things, but you don't have the right to question my work here in the RDA" says the general. Taking a sip from his coffee cup.
"Yes, I have all the rights I want. Because I am the director of the PPA, I am the one who signs the checks so that the RDA can continue to survive. And I'm going to make a lot of changes." Dr. Williams was very sure of his plan, and the disaster that was happening in Pandora was going to end.
General Ardmore kept silent, she knew it was better to keep quiet. The PPA was the association that sent money to the RDA to survive on Pandora, for their research and civilization on this new planet.
"Listen to me carefully because I am not going to repeat myself. You are going to stop every attack towards the life of pandora, be it towards the wildlife, the navis and when I speak of all the navi, you are also going to stop the attacks on the tulkun. EVERYTHING HAS TO STOP" the dr, Williams continues speaking. "In addition I am going to send a group of people who will be in charge of keeping an eye on your teams. And they will notify me of everything that is going on." General Ardmore, swallowed deeply and nodded her head down.
A Quaritch was sitting on his bed, as he analyzed some of the bruises on his arms. After the altercation he had with Jake Sully two months ago, he had gotten his non-son, 'Spider', to come with him to the base. The boy had tried to convince his "father" to stop chasing Jake Sully, but he was still analyzing the issue. He was in no physical condition to act and get into trouble.
He heard several knocks on the door. "colonel general Ardmore is looking for you" mansk says, as he peeks in the door. "did he tell you what he wanted to talk to me about?" asks Quaritch to one of his squadron members. "she didn't tell me anything, but she looks kind of upset" says mansk, walking away. Quaritch gets up and heads straight for the exit. He is surprised when he sees General Ardmore outside the rooms. " good morning general" Ardmore interrupts " we are going to have some changes here at the base… well at RDA".
"The PPA association wants to make some changes, and that includes sending staff to supervise our teams," says Ardmore. "With all due respect, but my team doesn't need any supervisors," Quaritch says with an annoyed tone. "But you will, it would be a new member of your team." Ardmore begins to explain everything to quaritch, what was going on and what was going to happen in the RDA. Ardmore hands him some documents, where it is written his new rules to follow. "This can't be," says Quaritch. "Believe me I don't agree with this, but they are the ones giving the money. So we have to play their game" Ardmore walks away down the hall. "The new member of your team arrives tomorrow" says Ardmore as he disappears from sight.
Damn protective association, and their damn rules. A new member, and them watching them all the time?. He wasn't going to stand for this. But he had to, he had no choice. Quaritch entered the common room area. All members of his team were there. "Good fellows…. We are joined by a new member" he says with a cheeky, sarcastic grin.
The RDA and PPA had greatly improved the technology of the transport ships from earth to pandora. Before it was 6 years to arrive, then it improved and was 6 months and currently it was a week. And there was Y/N getting up from her induced sleep. You were a little dizzy, and you were nauseous. The doctors on the transport ship helped stabilize you. And then they moved you to the recessed area, so you could get acclimated to gravity again. A noticeable change in the technology was the new exopacks, which were now super small tubes that were placed in the nose and the rest of the plastic tube was placed in the ears until it was connected to the oxygen machine at the waist. Your mouth was left uncovered, but the oxygen you breathed was enough to keep your lungs from collapsing.
You were transferred with other members of the PPA team, all of them human. You could see through the window how the sun was approaching on the horizon, while everyone was preparing to descend from space orbit to the planet. You had never seen anything like this before, you were in shock. You sat in your seat and waited for the descent to begin.
"Well team, today the newest member of our squadron arrives" says Quaritch, trying to sound positive. But the faces of the team members were something else. They didn't seem to have another member in the group, let alone one to supervise them. They had enough, with the scientists monitoring their new avatar bodies. "You don't know who it will be? Or what he looks like?" asks lyle, as he continues to get ready for the day. " I don't know, but I imagine it will be someone on our level" Quaritch tries to be funny, but manages to get the team to scoff a little. "That's enough… keep getting ready. I'll go to the welcome area and greet the new member" Quaritch leaves the room. "this is going to suck" says Soldier Lopez, as he laughs.
The landing didn't take long, and the entire PPA team arrived safely at the RDA facility. You were a little nervous, you knew what your mission was. You were an ambientalist who had just graduated, you were the youngest in your class. And even in this very team you were the youngest. Many could not explain why they recruited you, but your dedication and preparation got you here at Pandora. As soon as the doors of the ship opened, you were speechless. It was a beautiful landscape, you couldn't wait to investigate the place. Of course, they had already told you that you were going to be part of a group and that they were avatars. And that they were Marines and blah blah blah. You had confidence in yourself, but you couldn't lie… you were scared to death.
Outside the ship were the leaders of each team. They were all human soldiers, except Quaritch, his squadron were the only avatar recoms on the base. The other avatars still had their human bodies. Miles stood there, watching as a number of scientists got off the ship. To his impression, most of them were strong, tall and looked imposing, even some women were like that. He figured if he got someone like that, well… it would be good for the group.
"Colonel Miles Quaritch?" asked a manager." Yes, that's me," Quaritch said as he stepped forward. "Well, here's your new member," said the officer, standing in front of him was a strong, tall man. Quite a perfect soldier. "Nice to meet you" said Miles offering his hand as a greeting, to the boy, until the manager interrupted him. The officer takes you by the arm and pushes you in front of Quaritch. "Y/N…mmm member code 786. Yes, this is your new member." The man drops you in front of this very very tall blue man who was looking at you with a disappointed look on his face.
" Hello!!!! My name is Y/N, I am your new supervisor" he says with a wide smile. This must be a joke, it's the only thing that comes to mind. They just gave him a bunny." H-hello my name is" Miles tries to speak, until you reach over take his hand and give it a squeeze. " Colonel Miles quaritch, I know all about you, it's nice to meet you" you say without taking off your stupid grin. "Ahhh, it's nice to meet you" Quaritch tries to analyze you. You were small, you looked smart and if you could hold half your weight, that was amazing. He knew his team wouldn't like this.
"Are you sure I'm the team you're looking for?" asks Quaritch still in a state of shook. You look down at your papers, then back up at him. "Yes, look!!!" you raise your arms, so he can see the papers. Oh my goodness, you were adorable. Miles takes the papers in his hands and starts reading. "oh, that's right… well we have to deal with this chihuahua" says the man, and you look at him somewhat surprised. He just called you a chihuahua. "Well, y/n….follow me I'll introduce you to your new team" says Quaritch starting to walk inside the base. While he is walking, you were running.
He led you through the hallways, he was quiet. You were pretty sure, he was not happy with your presence. It's not like you are the ideal warrior, you would get fatigued if you ran for 10 minutes and that's if it was a good day. You just wished his team was nice. You had never been in a good group, they always pushed you away from the others, and didn't include you. " Are they nice?" you ask as you try to keep up with him. " No promises" Quaritch says as he keeps walking. Before long you arrived at the door to the bedroom area.
It was a huge door, as it opened you saw how big the place was. Well, for you it sure was big, but for them it was something of normal size. In the middle was a sitting area, in another corner some tables and board games. And all around were the rooms. Each one had the name of each member of the team, but what impressed you the most was the large window on the ceiling. You could see the whole sky of Pandora. And a beautiful illumination came into the whole area. In this area, were all the members of the squadron, they were sitting, they had comfortable clothes. Apparently they were waiting for you to arrive.
Quaritch entered first, and you followed him. All eyes of the members turned to you. You felt your breath stop, when you see how they are getting up and approaching you. "And this beautiful princess who is she?" says Brown as he looks you up and down. Lyle and mansk are whispering various things to each other. " Guys…this is new member" says Quaritch, and everyone gets quiet. " You're kidding, right?" says z-dog, the woman gives you a quick look. "Hey, slow down" lyle kneels down to be at your level. "Nice to meet you, gorgeous…what's your name" lyle, takes your hand and gives it a little kiss. " stop being flirty" Miles pushes him away, lyle stands up and gives you a smile. "My name is y/n" you speak shyly.
"hey, relax… we're not going to eat you" says mansk, as he sits down on the couch." Well come… I'll show you your room" Quaritch guides you to your room, when you get to the door you see that next to you is his room. "This is your room, it's set up for you, you know…it's all oxygen stuff. And you're right next to me. If anything happens let me know" Quaritch hands you the key to your room. "Take the day off, I imagine your suitcases will be arriving later. And don't worry, you'll get used to being here with us" Miles gives you a smile. "Thank you" There is a small silence between the two of you, until Quaritch shifts his gaze.
"I'll let you know when dinner is ready" You give him a smile. Quaritch had to admit, you had a beautiful smile. You walk into your room and he sees the door close. He feels someone tap him on the shoulder. "Wow Colonel…the girl is beautiful!!!" says Brown, shaking him a little. "Yes…she is very…" Quaritch fixes his throat, and pushes his roommate away. "Idiot" Quaritch walks out of the bedroom area. Lyle gives Brown a look, and they laugh.
p.s. If you like this pilot, let me know. That way I'll be encouraged to continue with the story.
The "I know I can change him" squad: @mechformers @cullenswife @littlethief78 @nieshiren @parasiiite @bxnnywriting @shelbythequeen @sassvy-blog-blog @shaylang21
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