#Mandela's Vision
nelsonmandeladay · 2 months
It's still in our hands to combat poverty and inequality.
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"It’s still in our hands to combat poverty and inequity." Nelson Mandela International Day 2024. Madiba encouraged every individual to take responsibility and be the change they want to see. One area we can bring about positive change is through our fight against climate change which is impacting numerous areas of life including food security. Today and every day, Let us find hope in Nelson Mandela’s example and inspiration in his vision; Let us honour Nelson Mandela’s legacy by taking action: By speaking out against hate and standing up for human rights. By embracing our common humanity – rich in diversity, equal in dignity, united in solidarity and by making our world more just, compassionate, prosperous, and sustainable for all. Follow the conversations with the hashtags; #MandelaDay, #Itisinyourhands, #18july.
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dorian-is-dead · 2 months
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Bro turn the faucet off you're wasting water
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fanciestghost · 1 year
autistic adam [murray] autumn 🍂
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
Real talk: I thought Tina Turner has been dead for years. I thought she died in the 90s or something.
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picklenjoyer · 11 months
would jonah listen to sublime
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shyrule · 1 month
so i do in fact need glasses (only my right eye needs a lens tho) and my older brother has my back (my dad said he'd make fun of me for wanting a monocle)
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"Peacemakers, One Vision"
Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi
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deadghosy · 7 months
Part 1 part2
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WARNING: VALENTINO 🤮, swearing, and foul language.
I listened to Edit audios while making this to feel something🤭
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YOU ENTERED the Vee's tower to see......a bunch of things you didn't care about as you are only here to see what the fuck they want.  Neno slithers around the area, you sighed worried for Charlie as she must be waiting for you at home as you did say you would be there. You only hummed as you heard clacks of shoes coming towards you, you whistle loudly as Neno warps around you in a haze.
You turn to see the man himself, Vox with... (GAGGG) Valentino behind him smirking as he holds his cigarette between his hands. You stare at them with a blank look as Vox smiles his shit eating grin. Velvette walks in as well sitting down on one of the couch's wanting to watch this go down.
"Happy to see you. Ain't this an amazing reunion my friend." Vox says putting his arm around your shoulder and pinching your cheek. You turn to vapor and move away from him as Vox smirks at your reaction to him being close to you. You narrowed your eyes.
"Did you really fucking invite me in your home only to annoy me?" You said as your eye twitched. Vox can hear the whispers of your back getting slight loud due to your emotions. "What? Of courseeee not my dear friend." He says walking to you having his hands behind his back. "We're here to offer you something [Y/N]! We just to help you."
The last words he said went to static as he used one of his eyes that swirl. He was clearly trying to use his hypnosis on you, but you weren't buying it as you had Neno cover his vision of you.
Vox grunts waving Neno away as Neno snickers going over to you as you tried to leave. Key word, TRIED! Valentino grabbed your arm pulling to his chest as he used his other arm to pull your chin to face him.
"Woah woah, where are you going~" he said with a slight purr as he grabs your hand and kisses it leaving red saliva. You cringed as you immediately stepped on his foot making him yelp holding it. Velvette chuckled with an amused smile.
Neno held your hand as they wipe off the red saliva with a noticeable frown. You had a scowl at how he tried that shit on you, but it seemed to turn Valentino on a bit. After he calmed down he puffs in his cigarette with a grin showing off his gold tooth with his other sharp teeth.
"I knew I liked them fiesty. Even if it's the princessa's pet~" he says staring at you up and down with a lick of his lips as he blow red smokes towards you. Before it would reach you, your sharp grayscale/[color palette] wings blocked it as you had enough.
"Try that shit again...I will rip your arms off and feed you for the whole cannibal town to feast on your worthless, disgusting body..." you said warning him with sharp teeth grin as a black shadow takes over your face only showing your eyes and mouth. (Kinda like mandela catalogue)
Vox stepped in between you and Valentino with a tight smile as he could tell you weren't playing around as your eyes shake between him and the pimp behind him. Your eyes were crazy looking you stood still.
"Now now, we can't have this as the first impression of the Vee's." Vox says pulling Val by his arm only to put his arm around Valentino's shoulder. "Right Val?" He says using his hypnosis slightly on him. Valentino pouts slightly but regains his smile as he stand up straight.
Your "face" gets wiped off quickly as you sighed at this waste of time. Vox explained about this "meeting" he planned as it's been a while he talked to you. He dragged you to this office place as the two other Vee's are between you and Vox. You rolled your eyes as you sat where you could see all three of them at the same time. Velvette still on her phone, Vox smiling at you with his grin and hands cupped together on table, and Valentino smiling as he wiggles his fingers at you.
You narrows your eyes as you pulled out a file and start to file down your nails, "Alright, spill the shits. I got time to go and a place to be"
"I want you to join Voxtech. It will amazing to have you and your stern and forward personality on my team. Maybe even a contract." Vox says smiling crazily at you
"Or maybe you can work for me doll.~" Val says eyeing your chest as you narrowed your eyes putting your file up. "I mean, your body is just magnificent with the curves and the hips you got." You could've swear his saliva was seeping through his mouth which made you scrunch up your face.
"I want you to be a model for me. You got the fierce look for it. Plus like this dickwad said. You have the perfect body for it." The female V says lastly as you stare with an amused smile. But the smile starts to crack as you laugh holding your stomach.
The Vee's glance at each other confused as they stare back at you while Neno stays beside you.
AFTER LAUGHING at their offers for who god knows for long. You couldn't help but smile at the fact they actually want you on your team when it's damn well known in hell you would do anything to protect the princess of hell and king. Hell even your friends.
"Damn you guys are fuckin' worthless..." you said crossing your leg over your other leg as Neno purrs over your shoulder. Neno snickers with a shark like smile at the three Vee's who seemed a little stumped at how you rejected their offer.
"I'll show you worthless!" Vox says slamming his hand down on the table as he stares at you with a slight glitch in his body movement
You raised a brow as you chuckled to yourself covering your smug smile behind your hand. "Eww.." you said as you crossed your arms switching your crossed legs.
Vox actually felt ticked off staring at your calm and teasing posture not actually a pissed one he had seen yesterday. Valentino stops his lustful gaze as he turned sour, Velvette just flips you off as you smile and flip her off kissing your middle finger. Today you felt a little cunty as you smirked at the two male overlords staring angrily at you.
"Listen, I don't want to be a sex worker. So fuck you." You said flipping off Valentino who lets out a moth squeak pissed off. "And I don't see why you want me to be here for this little ass meeting or reunion you called it earlier. Because honey, it's worthless for me to be here with the three little bitches."
You said with slight venom with your voice as Neno lets out an airy chuckle. You got up and left with a bow as Valentino just stares at you with a snobby look raising his brow. Velvette actually smiles at how you stood on your ground. Vox was glitching in anger as he claws something by him with his nails/claws staring at you.
You smirked pulling out your hands like a cat that show more sharper than his. "Oh sweetie...I can do that too hoe! What a surprise." You said lastly leaving as the last thing you heard was Vox yelling after you.
But you already teleport as vapor to the hotel as you sat on your bed with Neno who swirls around you with whispers. You chuckle lowly as your room starts to light up as you stare down at Neno who swirls around you.
"Next time they try this shit on me. I'm going to fuck up their lives and make them a laughing stock." You say with glowing white eyes matching Neno's eyes as he smiles his sharp white teeth. He nods laughing as whispers get loud with a purr.
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
[Al Jazeera is Qatari State Media]
A powerful Haitian gang leader has rejected attempts by foreign nations for an electoral road map and a path to peace as the country plunges deeper into violent chaos and armed groups control most of the capital following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.
Regional leaders of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) held an emergency summit last week to discuss a framework for a political transition, which the United States had urged to be “expedited” as gangs wrought chaos in the capital, Port-au-Prince, amid repeatedly postponed elections.
“We’re not going to recognise the decisions that CARICOM takes,” Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, a former police officer whose gang rules vast swaths of Port-au-Prince, told Al Jazeera. Rights groups [including those funded by the NED] have accused his gang alliance of committing atrocities, including killings and rape.
“I’m going to say to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with CARICOM, since they went with their families abroad, we who stayed in Haiti have to take the decisions,” Cherizier said, flanked by gang members wearing face masks, adding that he rejected plans for a transitional council made up of the country’s political parties.
“It’s not just people with guns who’ve damaged the country but the politicians too,” he added.[...]
Haitian civil society leaders welcomed the resignation of Henry, an unelected leader who was named for the post in 2021 shortly before the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, as a long overdue step.[...]
While some political groups are putting their names forward for the council, seeing it as a way out of Haiti’s current power vacuum, Cherizier said he wants a revolution.
“Now our fight will enter another phase – to overthrow the whole system, the system that is five percent of people who control 95 percent of the country’s wealth,” he told Al Jazeera.
According to Robert Fatton, a Haiti expert at the University of Virginia, Cherizier likes to compare himself to historical figures like South Africa’s Nelson Mandela or Cuba’s longtime President Fidel Castro.
“And he likes to say that he’s essentially a revolutionary … and he’s going to redistribute wealth,” Fatton told Al Jazeera this week.
While Cherizier has distributed some food and resources to people in areas under the control of his G9 gang, “that’s hardly a vision of the future or some sort of revolutionary [act]”, he added.
Once a transitional government is in place it could pave the way for a multinational police force on the ground in Haiti, funded by the US and Canada.[...]
Kenya’s President William Ruto said his country would lead such a force, which Cherizier rejected.
The UN has estimated that gangs currently control more than 80 percent of Port-au-Prince.
Reporting from the Dominican Republic, Al Jazeera’s John Holman said the two rival gangs – the G9 and G-PEP – have formed an alliance called Viva Ensemble to try and prevent foreign troops from entering Haiti.
16 Mar 24
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untitled-writer-013 · 2 years
I saw your Yandere! Alt Gabriel and I loved it! To spice it up, what would he do with an escaped reader? I want to know how far his lengths would go to find them, or does he wait until they get attacked so he could “save” them and “teach them a lesson”?
Yandere!Alt Gabriel x Fem!Escaped!Reader
warning(s): yandere themes, manipulation, intense paranoia, stalking, slight mind control, suspense.
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Gabriel had grown obsessed with his darling (Y/n). Ever since he had ‘saved’ his darling from one of his alternates, he didn’t leave her side. He’d follow her around the house, watching her do mundane human things, but he was content. He had decided that he would take his time with his darling, wanting to slowly introduce his true nature to (Y/n).
But before he had the chance to even begin, she had escaped.
His. Darling. Escaped.
This was absolutely unacceptable. Gabriel couldn’t let her escape, not when he had just caught her in his web. He’d demand his alternates to search for her, knowing she wouldn’t be far since Mandela County was under lockdown. Gabriel would also fly over the county, searching for his darling when night had fallen. 
Sooner or later, Gabriel would find (Y/n). As soon as he did, he knew he’d have to play her back into his hands again, making her rely only on him. He’d start by planting seeds of doubt in her hand, having her return home with the front door cracked open, or the TV turned on, the sound of static piercing her ears. He’d watch patiently as she began to become paranoid, checking her locks over and over again, unplugging the TV and hiding it in the hall closet, desperate to feel safe again. (Y/n) would go through all these measures, and yet, she’d find the front and back door unlocked and open, too terrified to enter her home, and her TV somehow returned to its original spot. She was on the brink of returning to Gabriel, remembering how safe she had felt when she had been with him.
Her final breaking point showed up that night.
(Y/n) had returned home from getting groceries, already alarmed since her front door had been unlocked after distinctly locking it. She set her things onto the kitchen counter, turning and letting out a gasp when she saw it.
An alternate was waiting at the end of the hallway, an inhuman smile on its face as they stared each other down. She was too afraid to do anything, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t let out the scream trapped in her throat, her legs shaking as tears began to obscure her vision. Her heart was hammering against her chest, the growing suspense of wondering when the alternate would move was torture. She begged with anything that was listening, even praying that Gabriel would forgive her and save her.
She had been foolish, why did she think she could handle surviving alternates on her own? (Y/n) could only hope that the alternate would make her death swift, but knew that this was very unlikely.
(Y/n) shut her eyes, tears spilling down her face as she let out the mix of a scream and a sob, letting out the fear that had been building up during the staring contest she had held with the alternate. She heard a mix of a laugh and a shriek, too scared to open her eyes as she waited to meet a gruesome demise.
She sobbed and sobbed, listening to what sounded like two things slamming against each other, ending with an abrupt hiss.
(Y/n) stood there, crying as she held her face in her hands, wondering why the alternate was taking so long to kill her. She flinched as two hands cupped her face, gently wiping away her tears while the person hushed her.
She slowly opened her eyes, her sobbing continuing when she realized who had saved her. Gabriel stood before her, his long robe just barely touching the ground as he wrapped his wings around her.
“Oh (Y/n), this is why I needed you to stay with me. Imagine if I hadn’t shown up on time? Surely you understand why I was so worried.” Gabriel stated, his eyebrows furrowing as a look of pity spread across his face, continuing to wipe her tears away with one hand while the other slowly rubbed her back.
“I need you to do as I say, it’s the only way I can protect you. If you don’t do as I say, another alternate could show up and kill you. And we both know you won’t survive that encounter.” Gabriel stated, guiding her to the couch and sitting her down as he stood above her, tilting her chin up to look at him. 
“You poor thing, you must have been so terrified. This is why you need to let me take care of you, protect you, love you. You don’t need to worry that pretty head of yours anymore, just give in and let me take care of the rest. Do you understand?” Gabriel asked, a smile resting on his face as (Y/n) nodded, though she was barely aware of what was going on. Her eyes looked slightly glazed over, Gabriel enjoyed the sight of it.
Gabriel had punished her by taking her free will away, just slightly and he wouldn’t take it away forever. After all, he quite enjoyed being adored by his darling genuinely. While he would prefer his darling’s love and adoration for him to be real, he would be patient. After all, she was a helpless human who had challenged him, and he was just teaching her a lesson.
A lesson she would never forget. 
author’s note: i think Gabriel would absolutely manipulate his darling into being completely dependent on him. he longs to be worshiped, so for his darling to rely on him for affection and protection would be pure bliss to him. but, you’d be a fool if you think you’d be able to escape him for even a moment. <33
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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National Geographic: ‘Mandela’s Children’ (2010)
South Africa is a vibrant, multiethnic democracy striving, with mixed success, to fulfill its promise. Photojournalist James Nachtwey offers a vision of contemporary life.
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nelsonmandeladay · 1 year
15th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court competition.
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The Fifteenth Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition adopts a hybrid format, with the in-person final rounds scheduled to take place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland from 17 – 21 July 2023 and the preliminary virtual rounds (online) scheduled to take place from 20 – 27 May 2023.
The World Moot is open to undergraduate and masters students from all universities in the world. Teams of two students (gender diversity is encouraged) from every university in the world are invited to submit heads of argument for a hypothetical human rights case. The 50 teams with the highest memorial grades are invited to participate in the preliminary oral rounds and present their arguments to human rights experts and judges of international tribunals at the UN headquarters in Geneva.
The Moot Court Competition is the largest gathering of students, academics and judges around the theme of human rights in the world. The Competition is open to students around the world. A team of two students from each university – preferably one woman and one man (gender diversity is encouraged) – is invited to participate in the competition.
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overshelter · 7 months
REVIEW: Case File Compendium/BingAnBen/BAB
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WARNING: Contains SPOILERS, so beware!
BAB was a trip.
It has a very good pace of world development until about halfway through. After that it gets a bit, hm, stagnant. But it's not totally disappointing, it just doesn't give you that extreme anxiety to know more about the investigation and the whole criminal organization of the Mandela Plan. Besides, I thought the whole science fiction thing was a bit of a misnomer. I think Meatbun faltered a little there and could have been more careful. Perhaps it lacked a certain stimulus, I don't know.
Well, apart from what I've said, what I liked most was undoubtedly the emotional and mental work. Especially Xie Qingcheng.
His whole vision of himself as a person, of the world and how he had a vision, a future in which he saw himself as disposable, only to end up as someone who thinks: "I'm wanted, I'm remembered, I'm loved" really enchanted me.
The analogy of him being a patched-up teddy bear that nobody would want got to me so much! Especially in the narration of his past, how he felt like an imposter when he came back and got that reaction from Xie Xue.
For this reason, until now, after reading the entire novel, chapter 132 remains my favorite and the one that got me the most. That "thank you for coming back alive" from He Yu was something Qingcheng always wanted, but could never have. Knowing that he was right to fight, right to persist in living and how happy he made someone in his life by not giving up and undergoing treatment with RN-13, was... beautiful. Really.
He Yu made him think that his life still had value, that despite being a patched-up teddy bear, someone still wanted and cherished that teddy bear, even with all the cuts, patches and replaced parts. That teddy bear still brought comfort and could still be loved.
Okay, okay. Moving on.
I also really liked the work with He Yu, even if I thought that the author faltered in some areas, but in general he's my baby dragon who makes me tap my feet with how adorable he can be, especially in the extras! And, sir! I love, LOVE how disgusting He Yu can be! He's totally a young master, never stopped being one!
Concubine He and Dr. Xie really do have complementary personalities, and I firmly believe that, even if they tried, they wouldn't feel complete with other people. They were meant to be together! And, like, in every way!
What He Yu lacks, Xie Qingcheng fills and vice versa. I strongly believe that these two argue a lot and have fights over ridiculous things. And that delights me, as I'm sure they'll be in a loving mood by the end.
Case File Compendium/BingAnBen/BAB is a good choice of reading for those who like the "mental, investigation and fiction" theme. I recommend it if you've checked the triggers/tags and like a "love/hate/HORNY" couple KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Amelie Botbol
Pretoria serves as a “crucial base of operations” for Islamic terror groups, according to a soon-to-be released report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.
The report’s publication comes in the wake of the International Court of Justice’s latest ruling against Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, in a case brought before the court by South Africa.
On Friday, the court ruled by 13 to 2 that the Jewish state must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
“The ICJ’s ruling is a stark reminder that South Africa has become a hub for extremist activities across the African continent,” said ISGAP Executive Director Charles Asher Small. 
“South Africa embraces antisemitic ideologies, supports state-sponsored terror, maintains close ties with and acts on behalf of Iran, Qatar and Hamas,” he added. 
According to ISGAP’s report, Pretoria serves as a “crucial base of operations for Islamic terror groups, facilitating connections with networks throughout Africa.”
The report states that “despite long-standing U.S. sanctions, international Islamist entities with terror links continue to operate freely within South Africa, evading global scrutiny.” 
It argues that the “Financial Action Task Force (FATF) [which leads global action to tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing] noted South Africa’s failure to effectively identify, investigate, or prosecute terrorist financiers, revealing critical gaps in its anti-terrorism financing measures.”
Addressing Pretoria’s governing party, the report claims that “the African National Congress (ANC) maintains close relationships with Qatar, Iran and terror groups like Hamas.”
The report also highlights “the possibility that Iran funded South Africa’s ANC party in exchange for favorable outcomes in ICJ cases, especially since the ANC’s sudden financial stabilization in early January 2024, after years teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, remains shrouded in mystery and devoid of any detailed explanation.”
According to Small, “South Africa has become a leading voice for terror. By bringing this case against Israel and in favor of Hamas, South Africa further positions itself as a bad actor on the global stage.”
The time has come for the international community “to recognize and address South Africa’s alarming connections with terror-supporting states and entities,” he added.
ISGAP is an international organization that works on mapping, decoding and combatting contemporary antisemitism. 
Earlier this year, Small told JNS that the South African government was acting in complete opposition with South Africa’s freedom charter and  Nelson Mandela’s vision of democracy by embracing the Iranian revolutionary regime, Qatar and Hamas.
“For the ANC and the South African government of 2024, which inherited the work of Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu among others who sacrificed their lives for social democracy, to be in bed with Hamas, the Iranian revolutionary regime and the Qatari Muslim Brotherhood regime is an affront to the South African people,” he said. 
“For Pretoria’s ruling party, the corrupt party of 2024, to be in bed with the disciples of true apartheid, true Nazism and true racism, to invite Hamas after they committed a racist massacre based on the ideology of Nazism and Fascism of Europe, is an affront to what the ANC is supposed to represent,” he added. 
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batmanfruitloops · 1 year
Scarecrow is here!
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Jo's Scars (Without Spoiler)
The scarring on Jo's wrists are from self harm, inflicted during his teens years.
Any diamond-shaped scars are from the crows his grandma sent after him when they pecked and tore at his skin. The one closest to his eye luckily doesn't impair his vision at all, but that was certainly a scary one to get. He can also hear very well despite missing bits of his ears, they're also pretty superficial, damage-wise.
The big ones on his back, as well as the thin ones on the back of his calves are more from his grandma, although these are from being whipped are punishment.
Most of the thin scars across Jo's face and on his fingers are from being careless while shaving.
Jo's (basically) One Inspiration
Batman Begins Cillian Murphy is one of the Scarecrows I know the best. I know, I know, the prettiest boy? Yes, but I made him not pretty and a lot taller because otherwise, he was a great Scarecrow. Shame that's the only time Scarecrow's been in a movie
Fluffy's grandpa is also an inspiration for Jo, but I don't know him as well as she does
Scarecrow's Main Inspirations
Both designs of Batman the Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures are a significant foundation of this design. I never got to watch these but I wish I did. Despite this, these are the designs I've been exposed to the most and I love all three. Since these designs are made for animation, they appealed to me the most. I also feel the more simple a design is, the scarier it can be. Your brain will do so much of the work when things are vague.
I love analog horror, I much prefer it to classic horror and gore. I think psychological horror is much more impactful than anything heavy gore can do. So of course The Mandela Catalog is an inspiration (not to mention the religious themes).
The Walten Files goes along with the idea that simplicity is more effective at scaring you. There is so much power in the uncanny valley and there's no one who'd know that better than Jonathan Crane. I think it's very fitting.
Fleischer cartoons are typically seen as spooky or even unnerving to some. I grew up with these cartoons and they've influenced my art in general, so it pours into almost everything I do. With Scarecrow I can push that more to add to his kooky charm.
It's a tradition for my family to watch The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. So it's dear to my heart. Knowing it's closely tied to Scarecrow's story is one of the reasons he's my favorite. I like the idea of him being like both Ichabod Crane and the headless horse because he typically becomes what he hates most.
My absolute favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. So how could I not take inspiration from the Pumpkin King himself? Both are masters of fright after all. Jack's lanky stature, spider-like movements, creepy cackle, and admirable ambition is a perfect reference for Scarecrow.
Backstory post
-Sarsee and Fluffy
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trashyreptilian · 1 year
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Artfight got me fucked up for a bit' and for whatever reason I decided to make two ref. sheets to come back with,,,
Biographies (long read):
((If it wasn't obvious, everything you're reading below is all made up stuff for my AU. Fanon junk basically.))
-General Info-
Full Name: C
Age: Its species don't age. Instead, being adult already as they're formed. Existed since 1992.
Height: 7'3'' ft
Gender: Agender
Sex: Sexless
Species: Sloth alternate ("Flawed Impersonator")
Homeplace: Mandela County, Wisconsin (US)
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Aromantic asexual
-Other Info-
Personality?: Cesar Torres's alternate, or just C for short, is pretty young. Inexperienced in many things. But some of it's due to it failing their main task, killing its human target. It lacks knowledge of how humans behave and how they live in general. Not to mention, it doesn't have a firm grasp on how its own species operate and the community surrounding it. Anyone who comes across C, will see how very sporadic their energy is. Never really clear what gets it excited. The only times it calms down is when it's bored or it's forced to. While this may sound like a positive thing, it holds little to no willpower over itself. Getting into trouble with someone, somewhere, is a frequent occurrence. It'll do whatever it wants on a whim without considering the outcome. Speaking of control, it cannot assert any ounce of authority around other alternates to save its life. Since their status is as low as it could be without completely enraging Hell's overlord, it's easily pushed around. Takes but a simple threat to put it in line. C seems unaware of where the ill treatment is coming from. Because despite all of that, their friendly yet creepy demeanor persists anyway.
Thinks Before Acting?: Not really, at least without any aid it won't. Actually needs to be looked after if even given a basic task to do. Not much of a planner, its attention span is quite inconsistent. Tends to get distracted easily by anything that's remotely interesting to it.
Positive Traits?: Laid-back, energetic, curious, excitable and flexible.
Negative Traits?: Oblivious, careless, passive, impulsive, self-indulgent and irritable.
Way Of Speaking?: Only knows fluent English and there's no discernible accent when talking. Their voice sounds grating because they change tones often. One minute it goes from croaky to high-pitched out of nowhere. A fairly distinct quirk they have is their laughter. Simply put, it's unrestrained. Loud and animated, it lets loose like a maniac. (Headcanon voice: https://youtu.be/7eWUGKKslPI)
Occupation?: Failing to replace their human target, C is stuck as a mere impersonator. Usually alternates in that type of position are either killed off or taken in as workers for other superior figures. The second option doesn't happen often since most prefer having the older overdriven doppelgangers instead. However, in its particular case, it got extremely lucky. A few seconds away from dying, someone was willing to take them in. Whom happened to be Six, a pride alternate. He had ulterior motives behind the decision, yet ended up keeping C around since it proved to be somewhat useful. Nowadays, it mostly serves as an extra helping hand for Six's other far more competent worker (The Preacher "Ora"). Carrying out any kind of manual labor whenever needed. But it needs constant supervision, otherwise it'll wander off and indulge in its own silly pastimes. Which mainly consists of interacting with other impersonators like it, or collecting random human used items.
Powers/Skills?: Sloth is regarded as the weakest sin of the existent seven, they're not expected to have mastered their own abilities. That's rather obvious about C. Mostly uses them for fun and in return, it stagnates its improvement. Having some basic skills, also commonly seen within its species. Night vision and voice mimicry, sees clear in pitch darkness just fine but copying voices is not their strong suit. Oftentimes it's choppy and sounds like it's fighting between two voices. Surface adhesion and body alteration are more its speed. Can freely walk on any wall or ceiling without falling, and capable of contorting its body in many grotesque ways. One better advanced skill it knows is matter manipulation. Meaning that it can turn its entire being into black fog-like smoke, might reshape the size or form if necessary. Moving onto its unique skills, ones present with sloth alternates. Their general resilience to harsh conditions and physical trauma is greater than other sins, known to heal and regenerate much faster as well. Adding on, its body is very flexible. Having nearly no limits to how far it could distort or stretch out its body parts.
-General Info-
Full Name: The Preacher "Ora"
Age: Her species don't age. Instead, being adult already as they're formed. Existed since 1890.
Height: 10'0'' ft
Gender: Female
Sex: Sexless
Species: Envy alternate ("Overdriven Doppelganger")
Homeplace: Mandela County, Wisconsin (US)
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Homoromantic Asexual
-Other Info-
Personality?: Known as one of the few older, somewhat active, alternates within her kind. She outlived her busiest years as a doppelganger, nowadays mostly carrying out menial tasks for more important figures. A boring and repetitive life, but one that she's come to terms with. As long as she's serving her overlord in some way, she'll still feel the need to perform perfectly. Having worked as a "false" nun in the past, allowed Ora to gain a deeper understanding of humans and just how vulnerable they are. A lot of her early work made her develop superior tactics in manipulation. She may not be putting them to use as often anymore, but she remains dangerous nonetheless. Having no guilt in deceiving anyone if it means she has something to gain. This mindset persists in any sort of connection she makes with other alternates. Ora prefers surrounding herself with stronger and wiser individuals, who prove being far more useful for her. While she can carry around an approachable appearance because of her typical calm nature, it remains as a façade, making herself appear less threatening. No one likes an outwardly hostile alternate after all. Unless provoked consistently, she won't shy away from verbal abuse. It's best to not be hated by her, or worst, make her envy you.
Thinks Before Acting?: Pretty much all the time, she feels more in control when she's got everything planned out. Staying well-calculated and on point while working. Being steps ahead of any potential adversary or threat, is better than getting involved in a physical altercation.
Positive Traits?: Patient, analytical, responsible, focused, persuasive and sympathetic.
Negative Traits?: Resentful, judgmental, pessimistic, controlling, malicious and devious.
Way Of Speaking?: Only speaks fluent English, but her vocabulary still includes fragments of older words and slangs not as commonly used anymore. Her voice is gentle while also low, and has no accent. At times, the tone comes across as demanding. (Headcanon voice: https://youtu.be/gpWfgLTRPGo?t=13)
Occupation?: Overdriven doppelgangers typically don't get any actual significant tasks. Instead, they do manual labor for others or teach the inexperienced alternates. Anything that takes up too much valuable time, is dumped onto them. Ora is no exception to this. After her literal human disguise began reverting back to an uncanny state, she could no longer interact with people. At first, she sought out to become a sort of teacher for newer alternates who were tasked with impersonating nuns. Spending a few years doing just that most of the time, letting others learn from her experience. Eventually it was put on halt once appointed as a worker/servant for a pride alternate. Which was Six, one of the overlord's "favorite" doppelgangers. Her job now is mostly doing the dirty work that Six doesn't want to do. Gathering electronic devices, keeping guard, stalking Six's victims, babysitting his much younger inexperienced worker (alternate Cesar). All the boring stuff basically.
Powers/Skills?: Due to her current form’s state, her body feels fatigue a bit faster when in use of her abilities. But it doesn't mean she's defenseless. Possessing a few basic skills, which are also common with her species. Like night vision and surface adhesion. Capable of seeing her surroundings even in complete darkness, and free to move around on any wall without the risk of falling. One thing that Ora's perfected is voice mimicry. There's probably no voice she can't copy near flawlessly, and for as long as she wants. A skill she's mastered over the years. One advanced ability she's used often is matter manipulation. What it means is that she can turn her entire being into black fog-like smoke. They might reshape the size or form depending on the situation. Moving onto her distinct skills, which are seen amongst envy alternates. Their intelligence is viewed as far more advanced than other sins, though competes with pride alternates. Psychological and emotional manipulation is her forte. To add, sound wave screams. The kind that can shatter glass and deafen someone momentarily, or permanently. Its intensity is fully controllable as well.
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