#Mandalorian Culture
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ranahan · 1 day ago
Ori’copaad, osi’kyr.
Alternatively: Ori’copaad gana osi’kyr.
A greedy person has a shitty end. Greed will end in grief.
A little bit of profiteering is fine and dandy, but when you get so greedy you lose situational awareness and/or sense of self-preservation, this proverb applies.
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ranahan · 2 days ago
Rice cooker
Things that, in my opinion, Mandalorians developed the space!version of. Entirely arts-related because that’s all that comes to mind right now:
4′33″ by John Cage
Formalist film theory 
Cubism (this is canon, c’mon)
Jackass (I actually… have an OC for this)
Brutalist architecture
Competitive drum corps (though they started such competitive corps with only percussion, outside influence expanded the involvement of other instrument groups—still, Mandalorian groups tend to be percussion-heavy, sometimes exclusively percussion)
Marching band, for performance and competition
Brechtian theatre
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radiosummons · 2 years ago
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I'm literally on my knees, begging and sobbing for the Mandalorians to have a normal fucking government. The sequel here
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viscanpikamine · 4 months ago
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THEYRE DONE!! young jango got his brand new beskar'gam, ready to fight for his new buir
alt caption "hey guys look at this stray i found lol i'm gonna adopt him, he can shoot"
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lia-said-clone-rights · 3 days ago
My pet Mandalorian hc is that they are really big into oral story telling (being semi-nomadic off and on through their history)
Secondary to that I feel like there's probably a whole subgenre of mandalorian stories involving people (lover, siblings, children, friends) wearing someone's armor that range from tragic (Think Achilles and Patroclus) to mistaken identity comedy of errors.
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blueberry-ry · 13 days ago
° Mandalorian Flowers and their meanings °
Ka’kyr'am (Stars of Death) [kah-keer-AHM]
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The name comes from the fusion of the words Ka’ra (stars) and Kyr'am (death). They are the flowers most used during funerary rites, and are named as such because of their resemblas to the stars, and because they grow into huge groups of bushes, with their leaves being a dark green, giving the illusions of a starry night in the dark sky. They are the symbol of a promise, for the now dead warrior to be reunited to their ancestors, and that one day them and the living will meet again up there, accross the stars.
Kar’taylir (To Hold in one’s Heart) [kahr-TAI-leer]
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The name comes from the fusion of the words Kar’ta (heart) and Taylir (to preserve). This is the flower that most often is born on old battlefields, giving life back to a place of death. They are a symbol of remembrance, to preserve and hold in one’s heart all those that came before them, fought for them and died for them. To keep their memory and fights alive even in death, by growing where their blood as been shed. Some superstitions also say they get their color from the blood of the fallens that waters the earth.
Yust’oya’nau (Road Lighter to Life) [yoost-oy-YAH-now]
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The name is the union of the words Yust (road/path), Oya (life) and Nau (light). The full name Yust’oya’nau is used more often in poems or songs, while most mandos, when talking about them, either shorten the name to Yu’nau (road lighter) or St’oya (road to life). Alongside the Eed’mavan, this flower is one of the most common ones, and they are often used together by children to create flower crowns! Thanks to their mostly orange appearance, and the fact they are so common, they are believed to be a constant reminder from the Manda of the beauty of life, of how it’s right in front of you at all times and to fight for it and reach for it every single day, to refuse to die and stubbornly keep going against all odds. To survive and live on.
Ed’mavan (Teeth of Freedom) [edh-MAH-vahn]
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The name comes from the union of the words Edee (teeth) and Mavan (freedom). The name appears strange at first, but its full meaning gives a clear explanation: freedom, a gift always taken for granted, can be actually taken away in an instant, and to get it back, to maintain it, one needs to fight for it, even with their teeth and their claws, because no one has to dare to take away the freedom of a Mandalorian without expecting them to fight back.
Cin’aak (White Peace) [SEEN-ahk]
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The name comes from the fusion of the word Cin (white) and Naak (peace). They are all different flowers, but they all share the name and the meaning, due to them often being used in the same flower crowns. These flowers are often considered fragile or useless, that are going to die as soon as oneforgets about them for even a day, because they are just like peace, compassion, faith and hope, they need to be cured and cultivated every single day, because none of these things can be taken for granted to survive on its own, none of them are easy to maintain and achieve. And yet, in the end the effort to keep them alive is always worth it, even if they live for only an extra day, even if they die and you have to try all over again, that effort, that new chance is always worth it, no matter the price.
@kara-akaane @astranite and @getal-the-twilek thank you very much for helping me out in figuring out this list!!
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dangraccoon · 2 months ago
Mando'a (but Horny kov'taakyc)
Honestly, this is as much a post for me to reference back as it is for other writers to use 😅
** denotes words that I created based on the rules listed in this mando'a dictionary (found here)
mando'a - english - pronunciation
Body Parts
bevagol - penis, dick, cock - bayv-AH-gohl
murce - lips (pl.) - MOOR-shay
palon - hole, opening; aisle, passageway - pah-LOHN
pel'gam - skin - pel-GAM
pel'troan - cheek - pail-TROHN
petir - center - PEH-teer
shebs - backside, rear, buttocks (also rear of building etc) - shebs
yai - belly, womb, abdomen - yay
yaiten - vagina (anatomical) - yay-TEN
aar'betenor - groan, moan - ahr-bey-tehn-OHR
baa'ruir - shiver, shudder - bah-roo-EER
baar'murcyur - making love, having sex - bahr-moor-SHOOR
baar'mureyca - sex (lit. "body kiss") - bahr-MOOR-aysh-ah
bat'gaanir - rub, grind - baht-gah-NEER
chayaikir - tease, barrack, make fun of (not as hostile as mock) - chai-ay-KEER
dihaarir - undress, take clothes off, unbutton, unzip - dee-hah-REER
↳ ke'dihaarir - undress (command) **
gayiylir - spread - guy-ee-LEER
gedetir - plead, beg - geh-deh-TEER
↳ ke'gedetir - beg (command) **
irudir - hug, embrace - ee-roo-DEER
iviin'hiibir - grasp, grab, seize - ee-VEEN-hee-BEER
murcyur - kiss - moor-SHOOR
pehir - spit - peh-HEER
tigaanur - touch - tee-gah-NOOR
videkir - swallow - vee-deh-KEER
↳ ke'videkir - swallow (command) **
adenn - merciless - ah-DEN
aiki’yc - desperate - ai-KEESH
baar'laamyc - orgasm (lit. body high) - bahr-LAH-meesh **
↳ baar'lamycir - orgasming **
dola - throughout, pervading, soaked - DOH-lah
etyc - dirty, filthy, grimy - EHT-eesh
gebyc - narrow, tight - GEHB-eesh
jatisyc - delicious - jah-TEE-seesh
kandosii'la - stunning, amazing - kan-doh-SEE-la
murey'lin - lust - MOO-ray-leen
murey'yc - sexy, erotic - moor-ay-EESH
nepel - solid, hard - nay-PAIL
nukut'la - naked, nude, bare - noo-KOOT-lah
ori'aal - passion - OH-ree-AHL
piru'lini - thirst - pee-roo-LEE-nee
piryc - wet - PEER-eesh
tsikala - prepared, ready - zee-KAH-lah
yaihi'l - full - YAH-heel
yaiyai'yc - bloated, satisfied - yai-YAI-eesh
ash'emuurir - please someone - ash-eh-moo-REER
copaanir - want - KOH-pan-EER
haav - bed - hahv
↳ haavir - bed (verb; to bed)
jat'ad - good boy/girl (name of affection or praise) - jah-TAHD
jatisir - delight, please, indulge - jah-tee-SEER
linibar - need - lee-nee-BAHR
pel'tigala - tender - pel-tee-GAH-lah
pelid - mattress, something soft to lie down or fall onto - pai-LEED
tennir - open - teh-NEER
↳ ke'tennir - open (command)
brii'tay - knot - bree-TIE
↳ brii'tayir - knot (verb, i.e. A/B/O) **
nadal - heat - nah-DAHL
↳ or'nadal - in heat **
mircir - cage, lock up, capture - meer-SEER
tay'briik - cord, rope, string - tie-BREEK
tay'briir - tie up - tie-BREER
tay'gaan - strap, belt - tie-GAHN
yaihad - pregnancy - yai-HAHD
yaihad'la - pregnant - yai-HAHD-lah
yaihadir - conceive, impregnate - yai-hah-DEER
aar'ika - sting, little pain - AHR-eek-ah
aarar - hurt, cause pain - ah-RAHR
ekur - choke - eck-OOR
gratiir - punish - grah-TEER
kadalikir - scratch, leave a mark - kah-dah-lee-KEER
nynir - hit, strike - nee-NEER
oya'karir - hunt, chase - OY-yah-kah-REER
ky'goy - edge, verge, break, precipice - kee-GOHY
↳ ky'goyir - edge (verb) **
Drop a note or ask if there's anything you think I should add!
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arliganzey · 21 days ago
Pretend with me that strills have a genetic diversity similar to earth dogs.
In general, I think strills are komodo dragons with velvet pitbull fur and the wrinkles of a Sharpei over its body (less so around the face for eyesight). Lizard mammal hyena dogs, if you will.
Lord Mirdalan is your basic hunting strill: short fur, gliding skin flaps, can climb and swim and run. It is highly independent and intelligent while also being totally obedient to its owner.
What if there were also…
Guard strills: bigger than your typical strill with longer fur to block out the elements (cold, rain wind). They are bred to be independent but also extremely loyal to protect its flock/pack (livestock/Mando family). These strills guard the perimeter of a given area and will sound the alarm and brutally fight off any threats. They have longer, slightly more upright necks/shoulders so they can see into the distance and keep a look out. They aren’t nose to the ground hunters, they rely more on eyesight.
Herding strills: shorter and much faster (think corgi legs). These are stubborn strills bred to adamantly herd livestock (and kids sometimes!). They’re intelligent thinkers and can do problem solving tasks. Extremely fast and agile. Their claws aren’t as long as other breeds, they’re equipped more for running than climbing. Might have shorter snouts to help with maneuvering around livestock.
Companion strill: hear me out. There’s a very rare breed of strill that’s about half the size of a regular strill that’s been bred to be emotionally aware of its owners, a bit lazy, and loves attention and close contact. These are strills that thrive in big clans with age extremes (very young and very elderly) and provide support in tough times. They’re playful and love to learn tricks and play games. They can hunt pests and keep farms tidy of mice and things.
I like the idea of strills having different color coats too! Mird is gold, maybe there’s also black, brown, blue/gray, white… patterns, perhaps…? Not opposed to colors like purple or pink either!
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk ❤️
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cirr0stratus · 2 years ago
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“There was a time when we weren't enemies. Perhaps that time has come again.”
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lieutenant-teach · 4 months ago
I’m yet to see Din Djarin with a Jedi symbol on his armour while there’s a lot of fanart with Luke and the Clan Mudhorn signet on his pauldron or as a pendant.
Why doesn’t Din wear a symbol of Luke’s culture? Yes, a Mudhorn signet is a symbol of Din’s family – but it’s a Mandalorian tradition! Why should Luke adhere to Mandalorian traditions – and Din doesn’t have to honour his husband’s/partner’s? Wouldn’t it be fairer if they either don’t wear anything at all or exchange their symbols?
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ranahan · 17 days ago
Random headcanons:
Lots of New Mandalorians wear armour and practice self-defence, actually. They might not wear full sets of beskar, but armour weave clothing is extremely popular, and so is wearing at least some beskar, even if it’s a piece of family jewellery instead of plate. It has spiritual significance okay? And if you want a finely tailored (and invisibly armoured) piece of clothing, a New Mandalorian city is your oyster. Many businesses have branch stores on Coruscant, that cater to politicians worried for their personal safety. Naboo also has several.
Martial arts are still extremely popular. The only reason they don’t surpass mesh’geroya in statistics is because there’s such an overwhelming number of different sports. Mandalorians don’t traditionally categorise martial arts as sports, but the New Mandalorians have turned a number of the traditional styles into sports with formalised rules and competitions. And because of this, the New Mandalorian cities actually have some of the largest number of tournaments around. Lots of traditionalist mandos go compete on the sly (it’s not against the rules obv, but some of their comrades get snotty about it).
Teraskasi (from the Han Solo movie) is originally a Kalevalan martial art. (Kalevala is the Finnish national epic & Teräskäsi means “steel hand/arm” in Finnish.) Apparently it does have an established origin, pooh. But want to bet that a martial art that was specifically developed to fight against the Jedi was brought to and studied in Mandalorian space?
There’s a “New Mandalorian” version of the bes’bev without the deadly stabbing tip; it’s called the naakla bes’bev. It’s still a 1-2 foot long piece of hardened steel pipe and can absolutely be used as a weapon. (And for this reason, they’re usually alto or tenor flutes.) They’re the preferred instruments of travelling musicians, because they’re easier to travel with offworld where there might be restrictions on carrying weapons in public avenues.
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kaxtwenty · 7 months ago
Y’know, considering all the mass-adoption and assimilation Mandalore has done, Mando’a probably has some of the craziest differences between regional dialects.
You will NEVER be able to convince me that clan Wren and clan Vizsla speak the same Mando’a. They probably have an easier time communicating with each other in Basic than their native language.
Just an absolute clusterfuck of a language, the Romans would pity them.
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mearchy · 23 days ago
I really love Jaster Mereel, the most “fine then I’ll do it myself” guy of all time. Like, after he killed his corrupt superior UHC style and got exiled for it he could’ve been on that vigilante shit. And he did come back ready for a fight- but not with a battalion, or another assassination. With a fucking entire new system of living and governing contained in a codex he wrote himself, based on ancient laws he wanted to resurrect. By all accounts he wasn’t even in academia or government before that moment, he was a cop. And the best part is he fucking managed to create a majorly consequential schism in Mandalorian society purely on the strength of having actually really good ideas in that big-ass academic magnum opus he spite-wrote. That’s some Protestant reformation shit!!!! I wonder if someone said to him during his sentencing like “you can’t just make up your own laws because you disagree with the ones we have” and he said oh word?? Insane, I love him.
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goldnightshaade · 1 month ago
Mando’a Brush Script
So I tend to struggle with canonical Mando’a scripts because it’s so blocky and not very translatable into normal handwriting. Hence, I sat down and spent an afternoon working out Mando’a into a brush script.
Here is the result:
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Brush script tends to look different and require different strokes depending on the hand holding the brush, so I made a version for both left and right hands for each style of script
Thick script: this script is meant to be used for official/professional writing. It’s more blocky and has more rules as to how individual letters are written.
Thin script: this script is meant to be used for more casual/personal writing. It’s looser, and has few/no rules around how letters are written. It’s expected that individuals have their own handwriting of this script.
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mandalorianhistorian · 1 year ago
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adh-d2 · 7 months ago
Mandalorian culture is built on two principles:
Any child is a potential Foundling. It doesnt matter where they come from, what they look like, or who they are. Every Foundling is a True Mandalorian.
Any adult Mandalorian who is different from you in the slightest imperceptible way is not a True Mandalorian.
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