#Man this took a while
awakefor48hours · 1 year
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hyde-nseek · 2 months
After a whole day, the Blood Moon wouldn't set.
When Ganondorf took the castle, monsters started appearing by the dozens. The guards immediately began to fight the forces as civilians ran for shelter. Somehow, most of them were able to escape.
Anika knew that the royal family was safe. Zelda had used the Purah Pad to escape with Rauru and Sonia. Mineru wasn't at the castle that night. She was likely already with them, figuring out some strategy for fighting Ganondorf.
As for Anika, she was still on the Great Plateau.
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ferahntics · 1 year
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Psst, I have an artfight set up 🙈
Featuring an ooooold old OC I had since I was like... 9, I think, with a design revamp, so say hi to Luna ;v;
ArtFight page is right here!
Templates are under the cut:
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ask-pwp-prequel-au · 1 year
Google Docs was VERY insistent on not letting me get this out lmao))
Nick stood at the door to Pal’s house. It had been a while since Nick came here, last time he did.. Hm, Nick couldn’t remember actually. The house hadn’t changed much except for the new paint job. Oh yeah! Nick helped with that, he remembered now. Pal was tired of the green color and wanted it changed to a yellowish orange. It was a little rough but nothing too bad.
And..now he was gonna stay here for a week. Nothing too bad but even so, Nick was really nervous as he softly knocked on the door. No response. Nick knocked on the door again, not noticing a creature creeping up behind him. Well, until said creature suddenly hugged him tightly from behind, cooing loudly with excitement. Whatever this creature was, it was COLD!!
Looking down, he saw- oh, it was one of those weird creatures Pal had decided to adopt. Considering that Pal had explained they were parasites, Nick would’ve figured they wouldn’t live how. How wrong he was. This one was the definition of a tank!
A-At least though..it was hugging Nick gently, not trying to hurt him in the slightest. Nick slowly reached down and gently touched its head. The creature chirped and led Nick over to the warehouse. This creature had a cold, wet texture but didn’t seem to be leaving any stains behind on the ground or on Nick. Made him rather curious honestly.
The creature opened the warehouse door for Nick and let him inside. Nick looked around. There was an animatronic next to a desk and a few dog beds along with the rest of Pal’s weird gizmos. Nick nervously shouted, “Pal? Are you inside here?” Nick asked softly, looking around. Nick could hear Pal’s crazy laugh echoing from the rafters of the warehouse. “LOOK OUT BELOW!” Pal’s voice excitedly shouted. Nick barely avoided a mattress falling from the ceiling. The creature almost got squished too.
Nick watched as a familiar, small human jumped down from the ceiling, laughing proudly to himself. Nick was a little stunned by Pal being able to make such a leap down from so high up. Pal definitely punched through the mattress and he was able to act like it didn’t hurt at all! Well..then again, this is the same person that managed to get run over by a car, heavily drunk, on a dare at a highschool party 10 years ago and still has not shown hints of trauma.
“Niick! You came! You actually came!” Pal cheered, tightly hugging Nick. Honestly, Nick had completely forgotten how small Pal was. “O-Of course I came buddy, I had no plans for the w-week after all..” Nick chuckled softly. “Good! It’s about time you came to visit your old pal, erm..Pal!” Nick chuckled and pulled out of the hug, noticing how it became tighter for a moment. “Exactly why I call you Percy. ‘Your pal, Pal’ does sound a little weird, huh?” Nick asked softly. Pal huffed a little but chuckled soon after. “Unfortunately so! But my mom has always been a bit strange! Probably why she called me ‘Parker’ instead. Up until I found my certificate and learned that my dad, whoever he was, named me Pal.”
Nick nodded and sighed as he looked around. “Still smells like gasoline in here..you don’t even work with cars!” Pal laughed loudly, “Might not but the gasoline smell is probably from the fact that I’ve been ripping out used car batteries from the junkyard and charging them to power my newest and most brilliant project yet!” Pal cheered with excitement and a proud smile. “I introduce you…” Pal pretended to play a trumpet. “Percy Poodle!” Pal gestured happily towards the Percy animatronic, throwing his arm out towards it and grinning. Nick was immediately intimidated by its size. That..that was a big dog. It looked like it had a cockpit too. “That’s..” Nick swallowed his mild fear, “A very big dog..” Pal laughed, “Please Nick, it’s a Poodle.”
Nick looked down at its claws, stomach churning at the sharpness of them. “And you’re sure it’s..an animatronic..for kids???” “I never said it was..I don’t like kids after all!” Pal’s expression looked anxious for a moment as if to think. “But-! I guess I can see your confusion,” Pal chuckled, watching TamaBruti climb up into the mech and rest inside the seat. “It has a purpose but I can’t say for what yet! I wanna surprise you!” Pal giggled happily.
Nick nodded a little, taking this at face value. He didn’t believe it and felt uneasy but..this was Pal..! Why would he ever harm Nick? They..were friends after all. Pal then whistled, calling over all of the creatures from before. Nick shuddered upon seeing them but they looked much better compared to the photo Pal sent of them. “These are my little friends!” Pal smiled. The creatures looked excited. “The Tamas!” The Tamas approached Nick and gently hugged him with the tanky one crawling up his back and hugging his fluffy hair. “TamaBruti, TamaRoachi, TamaLanki, and TamaOpti! Or just Bruti,Roachi,Lanki,and Opti for short!” Pal said rather quickly. “Erm.. mind repeating that?” Nick asked. Pal laughed lightly and said the names slower. “Bruti, Roachi, Lanki and Opti for short. The Tama part is only for formality sake. Y’know?” Pal leaned against his desk, seemingly hiding some blueprints away.
Nick was a little curious about it but shrugged it off again. “Okay, okay, Percy,” Nick shook his head with a chuckle. “So, anything else you’ve made over the 2 years I’ve been gone?” Nick asked. “Not much, not much,” Pal approached a pile of random stuff and picked some up. “Just this flamethrower!!” Pal spun around, holding the flamethrower with a sharp toothed grin that Nick had never seen before. It was quite the shock. This expression faded as Pal let out a gentle laugh. “Don’t worry..it won’t even work, haha!” Pal giggled. “It’s out of ammo.” Nick stared at Pal, shaking and whimpering. “Hhhh..d-don’t scare me like that..!” Nick quivered. Pal brought the flamethrower over to the animatronic and set it down.
“Why didn’t you..n-never mind, how about we start catching up!” Nick asked, suddenly picking up Pal. “AH! HISS! PUT ME DOWN!!” Pal hissed and squirmed around in Nick’s grasp. “Stop doing this all the TIME!!” Pal shouted, whipping around ever more. Nick chuckled and gently set down a blushing and embarrassed Pal. Pal huffed loudly and crossed his arms. “You know I don’t like being reminded that I’m really small..” Pal grumbled. He glared at the ground and grumbled a few more things. Nick chuckled, not taking the hint quite yet, “Not my fault you’re pocket sized,” Nick pet Pal’s head, mainly just teasing him. Pal blew a raspberry at Nick before softening into a laugh. He didn’t like it when Nick picked him up but he certainly didn’t down right hate it.
“Anyways, I still have my XBox if you wanna play Rain World or something,” Pal gestured to the exit of the warehouse. Nick smiled at the thought of playing Arena and quickly took Pal up on his offer. “Why not huh? We haven’t played it in a long while after all!” “Yeah, 2..years..” Pal took Nick’s hand and led him inside. “Oh wait! We should probably unload your stuff! You are staying here for a week after all!” Pal said quickly, stopping in his tracks. “O-Oh yeah, we definitely..sh-should, shouldn’t we?” Nick chuckled, looking down at Pal.
“Where’d you park your car, huh?” Pal asked, looking around his front yard for a moment. “It’s the blue pickup..” Nick said gently. He even pointed at it carefully. “Blue pickup! Matches your personality!” Pal said, running off towards it. “Wh- What does that even mean?” Nick asked as he quickly followed after Pal. He hadn’t changed a bit since Nick had left honestly. Well..except for the fact that he seemed.. somehow…less sane than when Nick last saw him. He seemed.. well..Nick didn’t know how to explain, something just didn’t feel right about Pal. Maybe he was just being paranoid though. I-I mean..a lot can change in a y-year after all!
Nick unlocked his pickup and grabbed his suitcase only for Pal to immediately offer to carry it. “Erm..” Nick looked unsure. “It’s full of clothes and it’s..pretty heavy.” Pal laughed loudly at this, “Pssh! As if I can’t handle it! I might be small but as the principal of Welton academy used to say, dynamite doesn’t need to be big to create a powerful blast!” Before Nick could respond, Pal took the suitcase from Nick and began to carry it inside. He wasn’t having even the slightest bit of trouble; it spooked Nick honestly..but erm..oh well I guess.
Nick grabbed his backpack and entered after Pal. While Pal was at it, he showed Nick around the house and even inside the guest bedroom. It wasn’t that bad, it was really clean, untouched even. “I cleaned the room up a week prior to your visit, Nick. I even made sure the bed was super comfy!” Nick placed his backpack on the ground along with Pal putting his suitcase down next to it. Nick sat down on the bed and was shocked. It was super soft..like- as soft as a kitten as something!
“The blankets are under the bed, forgot if you prefer soft or heavy blankets so I decided to get one of each, same with the pillows. An-Anything really to make sure you enjoy your stay here in Welton!” Pal grinned. “Maybe it’ll be comfortable enough that you’ll decide…” Pal mumbled the rest so quietly that Nick couldn’t even imagine being able to hear it. “What?” Pal quickly spun around with a, “Nothing, Nick! Don’t even worry about it, ehe~!” Nick felt rather uncomfortable and checked the time. 7:19pm.. Awfully late, hm? Nick stretched and yawned. It took a few days to arrive here and even so, Nick still arrived late into the day..oh well, he needed sleep after all that driving..
Nick got up and grabbed the soft blanket. It was big enough to give Nick enough warmth for the night. Nick turned out the light and yawned before getting comfortable in the soft, cozy bed. He almost drifted off to sleep when he heard Pal shout, “NICK!! Where’d you go!?” Pal shouted, sounded a little worried. Well, ‘a little worried’ was an understatement, Pal sounded like Nick had been gone for hours!
Nick groaned groggily and got up. He should’ve told Pal that he was gonna head to bed honestly. Nick got up and walked out of the guest bedroom, finding a pretty annoyed Pal standing right outside. “Heading to bed already? But you just got here!” Pal whined, grabbing Nick’s hand and pulling him into the living room. “It’s not that late! You can sleep later! A few rounds of Rain World Arena first, got it!?” Pal hissed and roughly, albeit accidentally, forcing Nick down onto the couch. “W-Well, you do have to remember..I-I was on the road for a very long-,” Pal quickly interrupted Nick. “No excuses! You only stay here for a week and I have SO many things to show you that you left behind!” Pal teared up a bit. Nick sighed and picked up his controller. The wording was a little concerning. Left behind? “Okay, okay, Pal..” Nick yawned, “Just a few rounds though, okay? 37 hours on the road is a lot..”
When Pal finally let Nick go to sleep, he was exhausted even more than before playing with him. He felt a little drained actually..oh well though. Upside, the bed was super comfy. Downside, Pal didn’t know what ‘sleep’ meant because when Nick ended up stirring awake around 4ish, he could hear the sound of Pal having cereal. Cereal. At 4… FOUR! I-IN THE MORNING! Nick huffed a little and turned on the fan. It didn’t take long until Nick fell back asleep luckily.
It also didn’t take very long before Nick began to have a strange dream. He could barely remember most of it besides Pal knocking him out and forcing him to stay there forever. It was..r-really strange. Pal sounded like a machine in his dream, gaining a robotic filter to his voice. His eyes even glowed like the screen on his shirt did..!
“I won’t let you leave..! I’ll make sure-! HELL! You will never leave me behind again!” Pal sounded insane in his dream and Nick could’ve sworn he saw wires that acted and moved like horsehair worms coming from Pal’s back. Pal looked like a parasite. Pal laughed loudly, his voice glitching. Wires suddenly emerged from the ground and grabbed onto Nick, holding him in place. “I’ll make sure of it…” Pal's grin was sharp and his pupils shaky. The Tamas revealed themselves from the darkness and suddenly charged Nick, claws and teeth ready to attack.
Nick woke up quickly and stared at the wall for a moment. W-Well…i-if that wasn’t extremely ominous…maybe he should talk to Pal about it? Nick could hear Pal’s fan going in the room next to him. Maybe he should leave? No, that would be cruel..to leave over a strange dream like that..
Day 1
Nick sighed and got up before deciding to fix himself breakfast. Wait- what time was it? Checking the time on the stove showed it was 10:34am. That’s..kinda late for Nick. Probably super early for Pal though considering his god awful sleep schedule. Nick once got a text from Pal that was near the end of the day saying that Pal had JUST woke up. Hhhh..Nick was shocked that Pal could even function in the slightest!
Cooking up some eggs he found, Pal woke up another hour later and tiredly rested his head into Nick’s side. Nick was understandably highly confused, staring at Pal with some concern in his eyes. “...Hi Nick..” Pal murmured softly. Nick soon felt Pal hugging him. “Hi Pal,” Nick gently patted his head. Pal looked at what Nick was cooking. “Eggs, cool..” Nick nodded, now unsure if he should even tell Pal about his dream. Pal..probably wouldn’t appreciate being told that Nick dreamt that Pal was like a parasite in his dream. “Mmm…I like fried..it’s simplest,” Pal murmured and hugged Nick a little tighter. Nick nodded and finished fixing up his. Nick carefully made Pal his eggs. “That reminds me, Pal, do you have any coffee?” Nick watched Pal pull away and grab an energy drink from the fridge. “No coffee..only soda,” Pal opened the can. Nick watched him walk back to his bedroom and start drinking it.
‘Hm..maybe I’ll tell him later, he’s never gotten angry at my other weird dreams with him in them,’ Nick thought and fixed Pal up 2 eggs. And then the Tamas showed up and tugged on Nick to get his attention. For being weird..tamagotchi creatures, they were really good at being cute when they wanted to be. Nick looked over at the eggs he made and then approached Pal about what the tamas could even eat.
Pal had..he had fallen back asleep in his bed. Nick sighed and gently shook Pal awake. “Pal, Pal,” Nick said gently. Pal shot up awake. “Did I-?? O-Oh, I must’ve fell back asleep..” Pal stretched and took another sip of his drink. “Sorry ‘bout that, Nick,” Pal jumped out of bed and joined Nick’s side, acting just like he normally did. “Okay! We’ve got a few things to do today!” Pal said before Nick quickly stopped Pal. “Pal, I needed to ask about what the tamas could eat,” Pal stared at Nick completely silently as if angry that he interrupted him. Eep..! That was a pretty creepy stare.
The minute long stare was finally followed up by one, single, monotone word. “Anything.” Nick was spooked by Pal’s voice before Pal quickly continued. “It didn’t matter what I fed them over the years I’ve had them. Hell, they can even eat poisons and show no backlash from their bodies. I ran some tests but they don’t even seem to have stomachs or acid that can melt such things, they practically just absorb anything they eat. They can still taste but show no signs of taste buds. They’re the definition of aliens…” Pal looked highly concerned by this. “...I-I was..mainly.. a-asking that b-because they..w-wanted my eggs..” Nick’s body quivered at the prospect that if they wanted to, they could reenact ‘The Blob’ on them. Honestly, Nick was probably also a little terrified of Pal too now..seeing as he was able to tame them even while they were dead set on using Pal’s body as a host.
Pal quickly smiled though. “Anyways!” Pal pulled Nick back out to the living room (allowing Nick to finish up the eggs first of course) and the two happily talked as the tamas enjoyed Nick’s eggs. He would’ve added cayenne pepper if Pal had any. He liked his eggs spicy even if just a little. Luckily, the tamas were shockingly amazing at sharing the bits of the scrambled eggs he made for himself.
“Erm..hey Pal..?” Nick looked at Pal who didn’t seem to have heard him. A small glance up was all Nick needed to know that he had Pal’s attention though. “I had another one of my weird dreams about you,” Pal raised an eyebrow and sat up, giving Nick his full attention. “I was in a black void and you stood just before me. I believe you managed to shove me over somehow and you started going on and on about how you weren’t gonna let me ever leave you again..” Pal’s face flashed with immediate fear. “I don’t think it would’ve been a-all that bad if it weren’t f-for your glowing green e-eyes and..” Nick shuddered roughly. His body seemed to be committing mutiny on him because he wasn’t able to move. “N-Not to mention these wire like tendrils coming from you-..your back that-,” “Stop.” Pal’s cold voice cut through the air. Nick looked back up at him and he looked..really troubled. His pupils quivered before he quickly got up and left the living room. The rest of his eggs were quickly eaten and fought over by the tamas before they ran off after Pal.
“I’m sorry..we have a while before we have those activities to do. During that time, I have Percy to work on…” Pal murmured under his breath. Nick got up to follow Pal to ask about it but Pal cut him off, closing the door behind him quickly. Nick sat back and sighed softly…he figured that would be Pal’s reaction…
Pal screamed, knocking some papers off his desk. He even kicked his chair as hard as he could. “AAAUUUGHHH!!! HOW DID HE KNOW!? I-! HE SHOULDN’T-! What sort of DAMN force is THIS!? WHY IS IT NOT LETTING ME HAVE MY WAY!?” Pal hissed, eyes full of burning rage. The tamas stared at Pal. They had never seen Pal this angry. They were terrified and shrunk into their shells. Pal seethed and threw down another random creation he found. The creation shattered on the ground. Just a stupid glass cow he found at the junkyard in one of the cars he stole a battery from. Pal seethed, still wanting to destroy more things before feeling one of the tamas rest their head into Pal’s leg. TamaBruti whined softly and started to snuggle Pal’s leg. …Oh… It didn’t take long before Pal sighed and gently hugged TamaBruti’s whimpering form. They had never seen Pal this angry before but they already knew they never wanted to see this side of the inventor again.
Nick sighed, unable to focus on the book he brought. Pal sounded angry and really cold before he left for his warehouse. He had to go check on him. Getting up and walking out to Pal’s warehouse revealed Pal picking up bluepapers for Percy. Guess that answers that question. Didn’t answer the next question though. Nick stepped forward to offer Pal help when he rather quickly answered with a shy giggle, “Oh I don’t need help! Don’t worry about me at all! Ahaha…” Nick was confused yet again before looking over at the mech. Pal noticed his glance and offered to answer any questions Nick had of Percy. “O-Okay, erm,” Nick looked up at the animatronic. “Uhm..could you show me how it works?” Nick asked which quickly got Pal bringing over a ladder and hopping into the animatronic. He looked really anxious before turning it on and carefully walking over to Nick inside the towering animatronic.
Pal cleared his throat and turned on a speaker as he grabbed a nozzle to talk into (like one you’d see on one of those old phones). “*Ahem*. W-Well, it controls super well and has a lot of features for various things. I-It’s kinda like one of those springy suits but of course, less deadly and not for kids.” Pal went on to explain its one nasty drawback. “Unfortunately, it has a really bad overheating issue that I’ve been trying to fix for ages now!” Pal groaned. He rolled his eyes and grumbled some other things. “Anyways, it has extendable arms though the wires making it possible are a wee bit weak to cutting..gonna need to fix that too and erm-,” The screen suddenly flashed with a 3 minute warning. “Eep!” Pal quickly controlled Percy back to where he was standing and shut everything down. Pal sighed softly and hopped out. “Can barely stay inside the dang thing..!” Pal huffed loudly, crossing his arms.
Nick stepped forward and placed his hand on Pal’s shoulder. “Erm..maybe I could help? I am a technician after all…” Pal stared at Nick with a clear, anxious look on his face. “Eee..yeah, not very..” Nick became serious. “Just let me try, I’m just as good as you.” Pal looked off to the side before finally letting Nick open up the back. Nick could tell that Pal was really tense as Nick gently messed with the wires and found better ways to sort them.
“Okay..the batteries are better set together..the wires were really haphazardly placed around so I fixed that up..n other stuff,” Nick explained once he was done. Pal approached the back panel and looked into the neatly sorted electronics. Pal suddenly panicked. “AH! I don’t have enough batteries!” Pal accidentally pushed past Nick and ran to get ready for heading back to junkyard. “Gaaaahhh!! Hope they still have some spare cars!” Pal rushed to get on his fluffy boots.
Nick followed after him. “I-If you wanna get there quick, we can take my truck-,” Pal cut him off. “Nope! You did your part by fixing up Percy for me, I can do this myself! And hope I have enough energy to go to…” Pal murmured the rest and very quickly left Nick behind inside the warehouse. The tamas looked up at Nick, rather confused themselves. It didn’t take long before they all attached to Nick with a bundle hug of sorts. Yes, Nick was very uncomfortable with the hug but I mean..they weren’t attacking him..that was good..I guess.
It felt like these creatures were freezing up his movements and quickly making him sit down. TamaBruti then ran off and grabbed a book for Nick to read to them. The book was labeled ‘The A to Z of Infectious Diseases’. It had a bookmark around K that was labeled ‘You are here!’ with a small smiley face. Nick’s stomach churned at the thought of even looking at this book. Then a thought came up.. ‘These..Tamas don’t look like any parasites I’ve ever seen or heard about in my whole life. Maybe Pal reads this book to them all the time because they don’t even know where they come from? Poor tamas if that is the case.. they want to understand their origins…’ Nick sighed and carefully opened the book. He didn’t like the look of the parasites but felt sorry about the tamas not understanding their origins. “Okay, okay..you win,” Nick began to read the book out loud to the tamas. “Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that is transmitted by sandflies and caused by…” Nick continued to read to the tamas. Once he showed them the pictures, however, they hissed loudly and stamped out the page angrily with ranting hisses.
Okay then…uhm..
Nick was concerned but kept reading to the tamas about all the different types of parasites, each getting an angry screech when it ended up not explaining what the tamas were. Nick sighed and kept reading to them, slowly falling asleep in the warehouse with them. Nick must’ve slept for a very long time because by the time Pal got back with 3 extra batteries, it was already 2!
“Nick-? Why are you sleepi-?” Pal stopped when he saw the tamas resting curling up around Nick. “Oh…” Pal let out a soft giggle. “Alright..” Pal slowly pulled the book away from Nick and flipped through the pages. They were on O now. No results of whatever species the tamas are.
Pal very carefully scooped up each of the tamas and placed them inside their dog beds. When they were all moved, Pal approached Nick and gently shook him awake. “Niiick..? Niiiick! Are you there? Wake up, ya dummy..!” Pal laughed softly. Nick groaned and rubbed his eyes. “Hi..?” Nick tilted his head groggily. Pal waved and pulled him up to stand up. Pal gave him a thumbs-up. “We have a cafe to go to, it recently opened up about..3 months ago I think. I sometimes go there for a donut and one, at least one, of the employees knows about the Tamas and had worked to give me some donuts for them. S-She’s really nice!” Pal smiled. “She doesn’t like conversation much though so I try to make suuuper small talk.” Nick nodded and asked for a moment to get ready for the day. “Naturally, you can’t go to a cafe in pajamas after all!” Nick tiredly nodded and got ready for the cafe.
Nick suggested taking the truck to go to the cafe which quickly got the- ‘NO!’ response from Pal who was insistent on walking there. Nick sighed and nodded in agreement.
The walk was quite nice despite how little Nick enjoyed walking. It really wasn’t his thing but at some point, Pal jumped a small way down into a ditch because he found a really big milk snake. Pal grinned that sharp toothed grin again. “Haha!! Look at the siiize of this bean!!” The snake wasn’t at all aggressive and just..sat there, startled, inside Pal’s gentle grasp. Nick didn’t like snakes much and seeing Pal hold the thing up to Nick’s face was really alarming. “Th-That’s cool, bud..p-please get it away- I-I don’t like snakes…” Pal let out a rough huff. He put the snake a little closer. “Come ooon..! It’s not that scary at all! Look at its booper snoot!” Pal laughed excitedly, snuggling the snake. “I-I don’t like snakes, please…” Nick rubbed his arm. “Fiiine…seeya little buddy,” Pal set the snake down and waved goodbye. Pal let out a giggle.
“Ehe~! Aren’t the trees pretty? Like look at everything! Ain’t Maine beautiful this time of year? O-Or all times of the year?” Pal giggled. Nick chuckled a long. “Y’know, Montana has places that remind me of Maine,” Nick watched Pal completely freeze up. “Montana ain’t all that bad actually b-besides the strange weather but it’s nothing too bad. I-In fact, the thunderstorms are gorgeous..!” Pal huffed and crossed his arms. “Maine thunderstorms are good too!” “Maybe but I do think Montana ones are much better. Hearing the thunder..the lightning flashing across the completely dark sky with the only comfort being the gentle glow of the lights of the nearby city.. the sound of the rain falling around you…” Nick wrapped his arms around himself. That..utter wonder is glorious, Pal..” “HMFP! Sure..!” Pal grumbled loudly as he crossed his arms and lifted his chin up self righteously.
Nick felt hurt by the huff. Pal didn’t usually act like this. Did something happen maybe? Like the loss of someone close to him? Well, maybe not. Nick was Pal’s only friend and Pal had gone completely no contact with his mom after something she said to Pal. Nick couldn’t remember what his mom said to him that caused the low contact to change into no contact but it must’ve been something big.
Hm..this trail felt familiar to Nick. He walked down this trail with some of his older friends from before he met Pal. Their names blurred nowadays as he always thought of himself as being their punching bag. Pal was nicer than them. He felt less like a punching bag with Pal than with his old friends. He did mention he would miss Pal during his time in Montana..why was Pal acting like this now?
Nick’s mind wandered up until Pal snapped Nick out of his thoughts with “Wake up, dreamy! We’re here!” Pal laughed cheerfully and pulled Nick inside. The cafe was themed like a forest with multiple of the walls having trees and forest decor on them. The name of the place read ‘Mother Moose Cafe’ and some of the employees wore forest themed clothing and hats. ‘Trying to make the place feel magical.. that’s something I can respect,’ Nick looked around to really embrace the magical forest feel, ‘Hm, gives off the feeling of a Great Wolf Lodge. Always loved that place growing up,’ Nick smiled at the thought and followed Pal to the counter. The person working looked a little bit like the main animatronic.
She smiled happily. “Pal! I see your friend finally came to visit,” Pal nodded quickly. “This is my friend, Nick! He comes from ALL the way in Montana!” Nick waved a little with a gentle smile. “H-Hey, hi. I’m..Nick,” Nick smiled gently. “I’m May, it’s nice to meet you,” May smiled before turning to Pal. “I assume you want the same order as usual?” May gently asked. “Shockingly, no. After all, Nick is here now and the tamas can eat anything so why not switch it up a little!” Pal laughed. “What do you like, Nick? It has been a while after all.” Nick chuckled softly. “I like strawberry stuff quite a bit..” Pal nodded and turned back to May to tell May this before walking outside to one of the outside tables.
Nick was about to follow after only to hear, “Nick, was it? I gotta talk to you for a moment,” May said softly. Nick tilted his head and turned his attention back to May. May looked really worried. “I..you should probably be careful about Pal. Something feels really off about him. He seemed way too excited to even ask about your life. I think he’s showing signs of being a wee bit obsessive and I don’t want you to get hurt..be careful around him,” May spoke gently before being interrupted by Pal shouting, “Nick! Hurry up and stop talking to her! She’s not a fan of chatting!” Nick blushed, rather embarrassed before nodding to May and following Pal out to the outside tables. “Okay Pal, I’m coming…” The Mother Moose animatronic also seemed to glare into Nick’s back as he left though it was probably just his paranoia getting to him..
Pal sat down at the table and immediately started to talk to Nick about his life in Montana. He sounded..a little jumpy and absent minded for most of Nick’s replies. Maybe he had heard what May had said and was trying to pretend that wasn’t the case? Seemed like it…
“Oh! Your cat! Uhm…Pumpkin! No- Latte! No- Pepsi?? Ha! Completely forgot their name!” Pal laughed anxiously. “Sigh, it’s Popsicle, Pal. Based around her silver and white coloring..plus the marble bread-like spiraling on her back.” Pal quickly nodded. “R-Right! Haha..! Weller seemed to like her despite her fiery attitude about Weller if I remember correctly!” Nick smiled, hearing about Weller. “Yeah. Popsicle didn’t really like Weller all that much…she’s still alive and kicking nowadays and she even has a bit of a crush on this orange tom cat that I’ve seen around town some. Think I can be expecting some kittens, Pal?” Nick asked Pal who was clearly zoning out and not really paying attention. “…Are you giving me the silent treatment, Pal?” Nick jokingly asked Pal. Pal sputtered and shook his head. “What? N-No! Not at all! I could never!” Pal chuckled anxiously. “Yeah, sure Pal,” Nick snorted a laugh at this.
When the donuts were finished, Nick paid for them (which clearly panicked Pal who insisted on paying for them afterwards). They were fresh judging by the warmth of them. Pal dropped the ‘I was gonna pay for them’ thing quickly and cheered. “Woo-hoo! Fresh donuts!” Pal laughed and immediately thanked May before the two left the Mother Moose Cafe. “Must’ve been made with a lot of love, it’s almost 5!” Nick joked as he stared over at the setting sun. “Nah! We just took forever to arrive! Probably because of all the snakes I found! Ringnecks, Garters, Milks, Waters, Red Bellies…” Pal kept naming off the snakes he found. “Must be snake season! Haha!” And then Pal proceeded to find a Smooth Green Snake in the same ditch from before. Reminded Nick of a Day Gecko with the vibrant colors. Pal grinned and placed it in Nick’s hand. “Here! Hold that adorable, little bean for a moment, would ya?” Pal chuckled proudly, watching Nick’s panic on his face.
The snake crawled up Nick’s arm, hissing softly as it tasted the air. When Pal noticed that Nick was sweating as the snake got closer to his neck, Pal rolled his eyes. “It ain’t gonna bite ya! Calm down!” Pal hissed. Nick’s chest started to hurt..his world began to blur the closer the snake got to his face. He felt extremely dizzy with the dizziness only getting worse and worse. Pal kept staring at him like Nick was the weird one for freaking out about the snake. Then the snake climbed up into his hair, searching for warmth. Nick’s legs quivered, his hands shook; any second, this snake would bite him..! Sinking its fangs into Nick and killing him slowly and painfully.
Pal rolled his eyes with a groan before gently taking the snake away from Nick. “You’re really dramatic, it was just looking to get warm..” Pal grumbled. Nick took a deep breath and handed the donuts to Pal. He rapidly patted himself down, catching his breath and wiping the sweat from his head. “Th..That was…f-foul, Pal..” Pal mocked him a little. “In my opinion, you overreacted..” Pal huffed.
When they got back home, the tamas wrapped around Pal tightly and seemed to ridicule him about taking Nick with him while they were sleeping peacefully. Pal chuckled at the insults. The tamas then noticed the donuts. TamaBruti chirped loudly and began to ask loudly. “Mrr! Grt!! Ooo!! Choco!! Choco!!” TamaBruti cheered. The other tamas only got ever more excited.
The rest of the day was spent on mild chit chat and eating the absolute best donuts Nick had ever had. They were really good!!
Pal even soon opened up a little more about Percy, talking about how he planned to use it to feel less short, even about how excited Pal was that Nick was staying…
Just staying…not for the week…
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hecking-heavy · 1 year
Okay so uh
I've finished moving stuff over, so now asks are open on @ask-wandering-mind. Please follow that blog for my official logs/lore if you so desire.
This blog is now my main. Asks are also open here if you don't feel like asking HEVY on the other blog (who is also me). DMs are also open, just don't be weird.
Iterator Ask Game
WIP Ask Game
More Specific Ask Game
I commonly reblog lore-posts, memes I like more than others, or important things which I feel more people should really see.
I don't really have any tags... don't know how those work really well.
I will also reblog my own posts or art. Someone said I'm allowed to do that.
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nebulanewts · 1 year
Well,in honor of SIFAS shutting down,I decided to do something I’ve wanted to make in the game for a long time…
Baby’s first (and…maybe last I guess but let’s not talk about that dhdhdj I may make a couple others) edited SIFAS MV,it’s not perfect of course but I had a lot of fun making it so that’s all that matters :]
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crafto2007 · 1 year
anyways. music time.
you (didn't) ank and you shall recive: all music i ever made with comments from yours truly.
all songs are made in JummBox 2.5, which is kinda wonky on mobile, so i suggest using a pc.
Desert area
this one was the first (really) song i ever made. it was gonna be used in an RPG i was making and that i still have not either finished nor gave up on.
Pharaon Battle
this was gonna be the battle theme for the pharaon, but i won't use it anyways because its missing several important leifmotiefs.
this one was gonna be some kind of magical forest but it ended up sounding like a village. oh well.
Village Battle (old)
this is the first version of the song i kept going back to several times. later in the post is what it looks like now
Cool Battle
this just sounded good. i might make it into a real song eventually (lie)
this is another melody i thought i could use. i forgot about it 4 minutes later
this was another attempt at a magical forest, and this time it worked! also, i accidentally made it in 9/4 time and forgot to give it a name.
D!! but objectively better because
this was an entire transcription of Wublin Island from MSM, made out of love for the song and spite for Musescore paywalling other people's work. it took me like 3 weeks and i learned how to play poewk's part on the piano.
worki nonit
this was gonna be a custom msm island, with rock, wind, fire and "tech" (?). not even halfway done and i stopped playing my singing monsters so i think itll stay like that.
this is a bit later, when i started running out of names. its just me playing with key changes, nothing really important
Do Pipes Dream Of Balls?
this was another silly little expetiment, based on pipe dream from animusic.
Wake Up The NEO
y'know that one game containing monsters where you reanimate a fucked up statue in some kind of foggy basement trough questionable means? yeah. BIG SHOT and Wublin Island togheter. sounds bad, im tellin ya
Waltor White
some kind of song. it's not about breaking bad, i was just out of names.
what was this for again?
Village... Battle?!
a remake of the original. now with better drums, a better intro, backing voices and chords! Now i know that Drums Are Supposed To HELP KEEP THE BEAT and not do whatever was going on in cool battle
Xilophone pronounced like Persephone
silly little music. not much to say.
Micheal Jackson In My Ass
this was me proving that i would be good at music if i knew how to make chord progressions. the chords and bass are shamelessly stolen from ICZ.
a "minimalist" BIG SHOT. a regular-sized shot, if you will.
Minus World
oh this one. this one is something. (also fun fact i just realized that the second chord is thechnically wrong. i think it adds to the, uhh, "vibe")
Jackson In My DRUM
yesterday night i stayed up mabye a little too late and made whatever this is.
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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Their entire relationship
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spacizia · 3 months
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he’s just a swinging space age bachelor man!!!!
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
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soon it'll be dawn again
transcript under the cut ⏬
page 01
Fig: no way? - you're still up?
Riz: Wh– yes?
Riz: Why'd I not be.
page 02
Fig: I me~~ean - that took.
Fig: whole day.
Riz: Yeah?
Fig: 'm beat.
Riz: you should sleep.
page 03
Fig: nah. my guy's still up
Fig: I wanna hang out.
page 04
Riz: That's really nice.
Fig: Hah! - Nobody ever expects an Archdevil rockstar to be nice.
Riz: … yeah. - 's just budget work tho. (the stuff I'm working on) - I've heard it's boring.
page 05
Fig: yeah, but you do it…
Riz: It keeps things going, right? - Nothing happens if nobody sits down and - does the thing.
Fig: That's right… - though. Yeah.
page 06
Fig: sometimes it's someone else who - doesn't want the same thing to happen.
Riz: … - mm.
page 07
Riz (off screen): …It took me a long time to get that not everyone likes doing what I do. - 's probably because you guys are so nice– - or. - kind.
Riz (off screen): to anyone too, not just. - the people you /love/.
page 08
Riz: that's not how it is elsewhere. - The world's– not. hostile. - but 's not like it's kind.
Riz: So I'm doing as much as I can now… 
page 09
Fig: Hey.
Riz: ?
Fig: Go dig some dirt with me.
page 10
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - oh you meant like - actual dirt. (not incriminating information)
Fig: o yea.
Fig: there's clay in the backyard soil. - sometimes when I'm sun deficient or something I go touch dirt for a bit.
page 11
Fig: here u go
page 12
Riz: uh
Fig: now we make a thing! - 'm pretty good at freehanding a bowl.
Fig: I'll show u
page 13
Fig: just– yep, flatten that out as evenly as u can, then–! - actually ur nails'd be so good at cutting out the strip. [larger than usual space] wait. - wait. wait u can carve patterns with them! we HAVE to try
Riz: uh - What. do I carve?
Fig: anything!!!
page 14
Fig: and– yep just seal the inside uh. seam?
Fig: yep that works - okay time's up! all contestant hands up
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - okay - wh. what's next?
Fig: haha - watch this.
(sound effect text): FWOO—MP
page 15
Fig: Now it's fired!
Fig: (actually it's just dry. if u add water rn it'll dissolve)
Fig: ok catch!
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - careful!!
Fig: dw no need haha
page 16
Riz (thought bubble): oh - it's warm…
Fig: now I want you to throw this.
page 17
Fig: u gotta do it - c'mon
page 18
Riz: wh– - It's like 3AM right now
Fig: oh it's not /fired/ fired it's not gonna make a loud noise
Riz: And then just? leave a pile out here?
Fig: pour water over it & it'll be gone I told u
Riz: but
page 19
Fig (off screen): RIz.
page 20
Fig: I've done all this before.
Fig: Can you trust that at least?
page 21
Riz: no, I– - I do. - I trust you.
page 23
Riz: okay what happens now
(sound effect text): glob
page 24
Fig: we do it again!
page 25
Riz: wh. [larger than usual space] What do you mean. (this clay's too wet also)
Fig: see! you're already learning
Fig: [blank speech bubble] - there are flows that are futile to fight. - The world changes.
Fig: Things change.
page 26
Fig: I've learned my lessons with "forevers". - But - as an artist
Fig: I can give you one thing: - You can always do it again.
page 27
Fig: most of everything depends on the rest of the world, - but this. - making new. - that's yours as long as you want it.
page 28
Fig: So?
page 29
Riz: Yeah. - Yeah! - let's make another one.
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#technically no spoilers in this comic but listen. I Will be gloating in tags. I will Never Shut Up#for the record!! this was fully conceptualized and sketched Before the finales. I started sketching this after the boat fight#and when murph closed riz's arc this season with ''maybe it's okay to change and welcome new things'' I pogged irl#I am simply the best at reading comprehension what can I say! (<- grown ass man with roughly the same perspective on teenhood as the player#fucked up that this became so long (almost 30 squares lol) that it took me this long to finish#lmao I say all that but. genuinely I am delirious and my feelings abt riz's arc this season are so big... I was getting psychic backlash#for a While lol. it was scary!!#had to sit down and do therapy on my own ass for a bit. the teenage apocalyticisation is real. that word isnt tho Im pretty sure#truly anything you do at that age feels like that's it that's all you've got going on forever. and its not true! its simply not true#you'll be okay my guy. you love your friends so so much but also there will be more to love out there#this one goes out to fellow aroaces and also folks leaving somewhere theyve called home for a long time#nothing lasts forever but that means new things come by too! ur ability to make new is infinite!!#there's no magnum opus people leave but new people come by too etc. I am too sleepy to remember what I wanted to say uhhh#well. thank u for looking at my art. I think thats the one pack it n ship it boys
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phantasy14 · 25 days
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saiki sleepover!
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kobebibebi · 2 months
snow day/tsot/fantasy au redesigns for my au ✨
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im not finished with profiles yet soo ill just put this here 🏃🏃🏃
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musubiki · 1 month
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little-pondhead · 1 year
DP x DC Prompt
There are no more heroes.
Well, okay. Rewind a bit.
Danny has been doing the hero thing for a while now. He’s had a big reveal; everyone has accepted him (including his parents), the GIW disbanded, the Anti-Ecto acts repealed, and generally, everything is going great. Some of the A-Listers are even training as junior ghost hunters to help give him a break from his rogues! (Being Ghost King makes things hectic sometimes, and he just needs the extra help. Sue him!)
The point is, literally nothing is wrong with Danny Phantom’s afterlife.
And then Valerie Gray, the Red Huntress, disappears in front of his eyes.
Danny is baffled! She’s just…gone! Valerie just popped out of existence, like she was never there. But no matter how hard he searches in the Ghost Zone, he can’t find her soul anywhere. His core isn't broken in grief. So she’s not dead. Which is good. So then, where is she?
Some of the others come forward with ideas on how to find her. A few ghosts volunteer to go out into the mortal realm, an area Danny had declared off-limits, to see if she was out there. Danny approves it. He rounds up some of the friendlier (i.e., discreet) ghosts and Amity Parkers and demolishes the outside travel ban.
So everyone spreads out, looking for their dear frenemy and teammate. But it becomes apparent very quickly that something is wrong with the rest of the world.
There are no more heroes.
Every single living superhero on the face of the Earth has just…vanished. Villains are running amok; the countries are in chaos! Some aliens are invading Earth, mythical deities are trying to take over, and society is crumbling to the ground. Everything is on the brink of collapse.
Well, Danny was still there. And so were his people. They were pretty spread out, so could they just…take up the mantles? He also knew where to find the souls of dead heroes in the Zone; surely they wouldn't mind coming out of retirement for a little bit, especially if they couldn't die again. Oh! And that skeleton army leftover from Pariah Dark's reign might be useful in repelling those invading forces.
Honestly, there were more than enough hands to go around! And with the heroes gone, Danny didn't mind letting everyone out for a little break, as long as they followed his rules. They wouldn't stop the search for the other heroes, but hopefully, when they found them, the heroes wouldn't mind Danny's intervention too much. :)
In other words:
Someone fucks up, and all of Earth's living heroes are either wished out of existence or are whisked away to some far-off realm where Danny hasn't checked yet. In the attempt to figure out what's going on, Danny lets the dead run amok over the Earth as they search for clues. The skeleton army repels the invading armies, the souls of dead heroes deal with the world leaders, and his rogues and other Amity Parkers set up shop in place of famous heroes, trying to get the cities under control again.
Basically, they just do their best to keep everything from imploding until the Justice League and others are back.
(And why is it that Danny hasn't disappeared? Well, whatever caused everyone to go poof! only affected living heroes. Anyone heroes that were dead in the first place, or even just half-dead, stayed behind.)
#pondhead blurbs#danny phantom#dpxdc#reveal gone right au#ghost king au#for plot reasons#it doesn't count if the hero had died and then came back to life#lots of heroes would still be around then#but this is me pushing the halfa!jason todd narrative work with me here he deserves the fun#deadman is there too#and he's just thriving honestly. it's so nice to be around his own kind even if the world is ending#maybe ellie is whooshed away too cause she never technically died but she took up danny's moniker when he was crowned#vlad is ecstatic cause danny put him in charge of several states while they looked for clues including Wisconsin#skulker is replacing superman and just has a shitty S painted on his chest and just eats kryptonite like candy the first time he meets Lex#Kitty and Johnny take over in gotham and sam is now the new wonder woman#idk man just stupid stuff like this#the press is flabbergasted cause the fucking KING OF GHOSTS just showed up and he's 14 and just looking for some friends#Danny: hey guys sorry about the zombies and fire i'm just here to find my coworker and lil sister and maybe the other heroes#Danny: in the meantime i'll just let my army into the mortal realm to defend it while we figure out what's going on pls don't yell at us :)#the press: how do we explain this to the justice league when they come back. how do we explain that earth was saved by a 14 year old boy-#also idk which heroes are technically dead but are still kicking so if you feel like someone deserves liminal status slap it on them idc#some villains are trying for world dominance and some are just trying to find their buddies. their fight buds. where'd they go? :(#joker gets bitch slapped by a skeleton two days in and waylon becomes bffs with wulf#danny uses the watchtower as a base of operations and it's the only thing he doesn't want to give up when the heroes are back#i have no plot ideas beyond this#i just want everyone to be baffled that an army of the dead showed up while they were gone and just made sure everything stayed cool#later danny realizes he was technically the ruler of the world for a bit since his people were everywhere keeping the villains in check
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chilfucked · 1 month
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You guys ever think about how terrifying and violating this scene must have been for Chil? (analysis under cut)
I want you to put yourself in Chil’s shoes for a moment. You’re at minimum a head smaller than everyone in your party. The only combat skills you have are long range and mostly support, plus you don’t even have your gear right now. You’re balls deep in the dungeon. You’re starving. You just had a near death experience when your party did NOT have the means to revive you (nothing to replace calories. assuming the mimic beat you). And now the people you’re essentially stuck with are ganging up on you.
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I get that this is played as a gag but. This is like. Real fear in his eyes. He’s actually scared. TERRIFIED. And rightfully so.
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Here you have:
Senshi: The guy you just met who clearly doesn’t respect you or you autonomy not only suggesting to use your tools against your will, but he’s actively physically restraining you. Something that is known to be very demeaning for his entire race and especially to him.
Marcille: The girl you only met a couple of adventures ago who also kind of doesn’t respect you, like, at ALL who’s just sitting there watching.
And Laios: The ONE GUY HERE that even remotely respects you that you’ve just BARLEY started trusting, who is now betraying that trust by being the one to take your belongings and use them against your will. In front of you. After you told him to stop.
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Like. Don’t get me wrong, the cutaway gag to this was funny, but that doesn’t change the actual disdain he’s feeling here. This is someone realizing he’s stuck with people he cannot trust in a situation far too dangerous for him to deal with on his own. There’s no respect for him. His autonomy. His belongings. Nothing. None of what he believed earlier is present. I don’t know if this was a contract breach or not, but it was a personal one for sure. I can only begin to imagine what’s running through his head right now, and how powerless he feels here to the mistreatment by people he doesn’t know and or JUST started warming up to.
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Sure, he has a moment to justify it to himself here. Everyone’s tired. Hungry. They didn’t mean any harm by it, and in the end it was better for everyone, right? (Ignoring the fact that they could’ve de-shelled the mimic using Senshi’s wok but that’s neither here nor there I guess.) But deep down he knows that doesn’t really make it right. That doesn’t change the fact it wasn’t handled properly. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s not being respected at all in this decision. Not even being taken into account other than to be removed from the vote entirely.
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And, at the end of it, you’re still being demeaned. Still being treated like a child who shouldn’t get a say. Your justified anger just being used against you to show how immature you’re being. The louder you yell to be taken seriously, the less seriously you’re taken.
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Sure, everything works out in the end. He’s made some of the best friends he’ll ever have in his whole life, but here? Now? Chilchuck is alone. Isolated from anyone he could go to. Trapped, used, disregarded, and more closed off than he’s been in a very long time. Because he was actually starting to trust the people around him again. And for what? It just happened again.
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arielluva · 9 months
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the eternity you seek
id in alt
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