#Mammom\\ Try it just try.
thedragonofgreed · 2 months
Ok, here's my other acount of my hellaverse, in here i Will principaly draw and write stories about my Mammon, Asmodeus and my Robots, aswell as other things, The rules Will still be the same as in my other acount, you can all still roleplay over here, and in my other acount, thats all.
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sobfultoast · 6 months
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•°~* Careful Touches *~°•
Prompt: Touching their demonic features (Wings/Tails).
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor.
(This is my first one. It ain't the best, idk. Lol)
Being human, it was only natural that you'd be curious about what makes the brothers different from yourself, like their horns and such.
Whenever they were in their demonic forms, you couldn't help but stare at them with fascination. You just had to say something...
"They're beautiful... Can I touch your wings/tail?"
• ° ~ * ~ ° •
"You want to touch my wings? I always knew you were brave."
Lucifer doesn't just let anyone touch his wings. They must be people he trusts and respects. Out of all three realms, there are only 5 beings who have laid a hand on his wings and are still alive: Diavolo, Mammon, Michael, Simeon, and now you.
Lucifer's wings are dense with soft, fluffy feathers. It's so thick with feathers that you can't see your fingers anymore as you sink your hand. Be gentle with your strokes, while his feathers are as resilient as him, it can still cause him discomfort if handled roughly.
As you pet his wings, he physically relaxes. Letting out a heavy sigh, his composure becomes less strict. He feels vulnerable, but he thinks that he is okay with that. It was an intimate experience for him as he doesn't particularly like his wings. They hold a painful past to him, but you said they look beautiful... Someone can see the beauty in something he can't. Someone can see the beauty in his past, and that means the world to him.
You'll see him letting his wings unfurl more often when it is just the two of you. A cursed record playing in the background, he is working on paperwork with you on his lap, stroking his wings. It's soothing.
"Eh? My wings? B-beautiful? Of course, ya think my wings are beautiful! They belong to the great Mammon after all!"
Mammon went bright red, but that didn't matter to him. His human thinks his wings are beautiful! Damn, right! Of course, you can touch his wings, and don't stop until he says so!
Mammom's wings are smooth but rough like leather. He uses a certain wax to make them sleek and shine. He has to look good. He is a model, after all.
As you stroke his wings, he started to squirm? Laugh? He almost pushed you away in a giggle fit. Turns out, he is very ticklish on his wings. It's more sensitive near the base of his wings, and it's the easiest place to tickle him to tears. He has noted to himself to never to let you touch his wings when you have that mischievous look on your face.
He likes using his wings to get your attention, especially now that he knows you like them. He'll walk around the house with his wings out, and he'll try to make it look like he is naturally stretching them, but we all know he's forcing it. He'll wrap them around you more often, using it to guide you closer to him. If you ask him about it, he'll deny it in his tsudere fashion but continues.
He has also bragged about it to everyone. Everyone. "Hey, guess what! My human said these wings are beautiful! Ya hear? What did they say to ya? Nothin'? that's what I thought."
"H-huh?! B-beautiful? You think my tail is beautiful?! Y-you must be lying. This must be one of your normie tricks!"
Leviathan went straight to denial. No way do you like his tail! His tail is such an eye-sore, he tells himself, why can't it be as dangerous as Satan's or as cute as Belphagor's? There is no way— W-wait, YOU'RE SERIOUS?! Once you assure him that you're serious and you'd love to touch his tail, he goes bright red and quiet. Give him a moment, and he'll slowly lift his tail towards you. He looks away, still hesitant. You have a feeling that if you don't stroke his tail now, you might affirm his thoughts and make him cry.
Levi's tail is smooth, and your hand glides over his scales. The scales themselves give his tail a nice and unique texture. It rattles with nervousness, but once you praise it, he'll melt into putty.
Levi is more comfortable having his tail out now, which also means you will be finding that tail wrapping itself around you more, too. It has a mind of its own that always betrays his tsudere act. He'll swear he'll never fall for your normie tactics while his tail is slithering its way up your thigh and waist.
It gets more clingy to you the more you pet and praise it. He still has days where he hates his tail, but you are always there to adore it.
"I don't think that would be a smart idea..."
Satan's tail is as dangerous as his wits. It has razor-sharp edges that have shown Satan its strength in fights and fits of rage. He hates the thought of hurting you, no matter how much you want to touch it.
Even if somehow you have managed to convince him that he won't hurt you, he is still hesitant. He keeps plasters and bandages on standby as you gently press your finger on his tail. The tales aren't false. A light press, and you can already feel how sharp it is. Press any harder, and you'll cut yourself. It makes a rattle noise when it moves, like two bones hitting each other.
After you pet his tail without hurting yourself, he'll be slightly more relaxed with it. He's still wary, though.
So, no tail hugs like Leviathan or Belphegor. Sorry :(
"Oh, hon! I know they're beautiful! And of course you can touch them. You don't have to ask, I don't bite. Unless you'd like that~"
Asmodeus' wings are drop-dead gorgeous! Of course, you'd stare at their beauty. You don't ever have to ask to touch his wings as he'll probably ask you to touch them often.
Asmo's wings are soft and smooth, like his porcelain skin. They would have been like Mammon's leathery wings if Asmo didn't dose his own wings with skin-care and wing-care products. A very nice texture to touch. His wings flutter with excitement when you pet them. He just can't help it!
Most times, when you pet his wings, it can quickly take a spicy turn. How can he not when you are caressing him so sensually?! But, he does slightly prefer the more domestic feeling of cuddling with his favourite person (other than himself) with them showering him in affection. The only thing he really ever wants...
He spends so long on his wings' care because he really misses his old wings. They were so pure and beautiful. Now they're dull... To make up with that, he has a 2 hour care routine, per wing, that he does every week. If you would like, he can show you his wing-care routine, and you can help him too! He'd love that! He has 4 wings, and caring for each of them is a time exhausting task. He appreciates that you take time out of your day to help him.
"Yes. You can. Just... Be careful with them..."
Beelzebub's wings are delicate, despite the rest of him. His insect wings can easily tear, but fortunately, his wings regenerate quickly. It's still painful. Because of this, he very nervous at letting people touch them, but he knows you won't purposely hurt him.
Beel's wings are thin. It's kind of hard to pet them. Doesn't mean you can't have a closer look to something so different from anything else you have seen. His wings make a buzzing noise when he flaps them really fast. The same buzz makes most buffets in devildom have flashbacks.
His wings are too weak to make him fly. Have you seen him? There is no way those thin wings can make that buff bloke fly! If anything, it might let him glide or hover for a short time for sports. He has to buzz them really quick to do that, so when he is attempting to hover, a big gush of wind happens and it is able to send you flying.
Beelzebub is happy you like his wings, but he is sad that you can't really pet them like the other brothers. It is what it is.
"Really? Huh... You're werid. You can touch it if you let me use you as a cushion."
Now you have a lazy demon napping on your lap, and he is not moving no matter how much you try. I mean, a free nap spot and free pets. How can he say no?
The base of his tail is rough fur, and the end is very fluffy, a perfect pillow, but it's really knotty as he is too lazy to care for it. Maybe you can brush it? He'll let you brush it. It saves him from getting scolded at by Lucifer or Asmodeus for not looking after himself because he was lazy. Once you've brushed it, it poofs up and becomes all fuzzy.
Unlike Satan's and Levi's tail, Belphie can't control his tail, so he can't use them as another arm or weapon. The most he can do with his tail is wag it like a cow would do.
Belphie also trips on his tail a lot. When Belphie falls over, he doesn't get up. He just lays there and waits. He waits until one of his brothers or you pick him up. It's the main reason why he carries his tail, not cause it's a fluffy pillow. It being like a fluffy pillow is just a happy little coincidence.
•°~* Have a lovely day! *~°•
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sunflowerrosewood · 2 months
Comforting Them ~ Obey Me Main Brothers HC
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
~Usually when you would have to comfort Lucifer, it is because of a long day
~Chasing brothers
~Keeping up with Divaldo
~Keeping up with school work
~But because of his pride, he wont show that he is breaking
~Mentally and emotionally
~It isn’t until he comes into your room and falls onto on your bed
~You would be listening to music
~Half expecting Mammom to come in
~But when Lucifer lays his head on your lap and sighs
~You realized that he locked the door and just wanted to be near you
~You would run your fingers through his hair
~And humming lightly
~Before Lucifer sighs and asks if anything he has done is worth it
~You have to help with his pride and giving him the courage
~Which if you two are dating, results in a lot of kisses
~If not, he will fall asleep on your lap
~Mammon does not really like to be alone since you are around
~He is usually near you or invites you to his room to watch movies
~But you are kind of surprised that he allows you to have your room
~Unless he is having a bad day
~Usually because of his brothers always being around causing jealousy
~And after constantly being called a scum
~He will usually text you if he can come over
~And his head is tucked down while walking in
~You two end up laying down together
~While turning on a movie
~And you whispering comforting words to him
~If you are dating, expect him to be worried why you haven’t left
~Extra cuddles, kissing, and hugging expected
~And probably going after his brothers for making him this bad
~You don’t really know when Levi is upset
~Because he stays mostly in his rooms
~And absorbs into playing video games or anime
~The major reason you know he is down
~Is when you walk into his room
~Usually to play a video game or ask him a question
~He is just staring at the ceiling
~That’s what gives you the idea to lock the door and walk over
~He tries to act like he’s fine
~You know when you hear his voice crack
~And he complains about being a stupid otaku
~That you need to help
~Cuddling is usually what’s best
~And just talking about video games
~After a while, Levi will play video games with you or teach you
~And even if you are not in a relationship, he is sitting with you in his lap
~Just to make sure you don’t press the wrong button
~Asmo is usually pretty good at hiding it as well
~Especially from you
~He acts so lustful
~And teasing
~But you hear from his room some whimpers
~So when you open the door, Asmo is on his bed in a ball
~Asmo doesn't notice you are in the room
~But when you get close to his bed
~He'll look shocked but quickly puts on a facade
~He'll try and flirt but you recognize he's hurt
~So as soon as you hold his hands
~Asmo just lowers his head
~And tells you he doesn't deserve your help
~If you are together, you will have to hush his worries
~Show that he deserves love
~Usually will lead you two pampering each other
~Either by bathing or going shopping
~Satan is one who does well at not showing emotions to his brothers
~But over time with you, he'll break down with you
~Usually you walk to his room
~Probably because you were borrowing a book
~Satan would be reading his book
~And when you come in, he'll visibly sigh
~And pull you towards him
~I hope you aren't busy because he'll began reading with you in his lap
~You know he's angry for some reason
~He only reads with you in his lap when he's upset
~He will try and act like he wasn't angry
~And put a wall up
~Usually by rambling about facts he read in a book
~But when you seem to forget about it or at least pretend to
~Satan will hold you tighter
~It's when he confesses that he's afraid to hurt you
~That rage will blind him and cause him to hurt you
~Even if you aren't together yet, hug him back
~It's a silent confirmation that you'll always be there
~Beelzebub is pretty easy when he is feeling down
~You notice he doesn't eat as much
~And that he was lost in thought
~And not exercising as much
~You would just pull him into your room
~And have baked goods prepared
~He would just hug you
~Tight and warm
~You would hug back slowly
~He is deep breathing
~Almost holding you to make sure you are there
~It’s when Beelzebub asks you if you would like him even if he eats all the time
~That he’s trying to not eat as much
~Please just hush his worries
~You would hear his stomach rumble
~Just hand him those baked goods and have him stay with you
~It’s the simple things but it also shows that you don’t mind him eating a lot
~That you’ll help make food for him
~If you are dating Beelzebub, just let him stay in your room for a bit
~He likes being able to be in your room and allowing him to eat in there
~You make him feel like you aren’t judging his eating habits
~Which gives him validation
~And makes him feel better enough to eat and workout
~Belphie is another hard one to come by
~He’s so used to not showing him emotions
~Except rage so do not expect him to immediately tell you
~Instead just invite him to take a nap with you
~Let him bring his favorite pillow
~You can usually tell something is up when he’s lost in thought
~And looking away from eye contact
~When he comes to your room to nap
~Allow him to get in bed with you
~This is a place where Belphie can feel at home
~And break down those walls
~So this is when you would ask him if he’s alright
~He’ll probably already be asleep or pretend to so it can be avoided
~So when you wake up from your nap
~You’ll see his eyes looking back at you almost hurt
~He’ll explain that he still feels bad for tricking you
~For having so much hate
~When all you did was help
~Just let him talk through it
~And comment how you forgave him
~Just hearing those words “i forgave you a long time before this”
~The weight is lifted off
~If you are together, expect him to hold you against his chest
~And a soft kiss on your lips
~Before the two of you decide to get up so you two can eat
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lunealys · 4 months
which character in obm do you think is the most yandere for mc and why?
CRACKS KNUCKLES OKAY (there will be spoilers from nightbringer so just a heads up)
In my opinion it's definitely a tie between Mammon, Leviathan and Belphegor. Mammon In the OG it's been stated that Mammom oversees all forms of greed, and we know how he is head over heels for the MC as well as possessive. (well the rest of the boys have possessive tendencies towards the mc so lol) In Nightbringer we actually see him go super possessive over the MC to the point his brothers struggled trying to get him under control. Although it's been resolved, I still wonder if he'll be able to go that crazy like that again @ the MC. He is the Avatar of Greed after all, he makes it known to everyone that the MC belongs to him only and that he was their "first." Leviathan Avatar of Envy, enough said. I do remember in the OG (whether it was in one of the pop quiz events or the main story, I'll have to dig later) he did say that the MC is his. Either way I do believe he can be the most yandere for the MC. This jealous serpent??? Obviously. The MC is his idol, his angel, his player 2. I genuinely think he can be a terrifying yandere too. Iirc apparently he was supposed to be a canon yandere but they scrapped it? Correct me if I'm wrong but that's pretty much all I can say about him for now, It's not much so sorry. u __ u Maybe I'll edit and add more later. Belphegor He's a canon yandere (mmNNFF YUMMY). In Nightbringer his yandere side is shown more in Lesson 33-14 , Where he tried to keep the MC from going back to the human world (in MC's case, back to the future) by putting a spell on them so they feel tired. He's so wants the MC is to stay and to keep for himself and it shows, not just in nightbringer but pretty much anywhere. Dude got jealous/angry in Lesson 55-18(OG) where if you choose the option "I'm worried about Lord Diavolo." Belphie responds with "sO yOu cArE mOrE aBoUt lORd dIaVoLO tHaN mE?" What a spoiled, bratty, yandere bitch baby. Also a scary yandere. Tbh I can't really choose but it's between these three. Sorry for any typos btw. Honorable mentions: Lucifer , Barbatos , Diavolo
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
For summary n details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me character x mc!
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"Well what do you want now Lucifer!?" Seethed Satan as he was the last one to enter HOL's hall. Lucifer had call everyone to HOL immediately after the scene.
"I've been here for hours and he won't tell me what's wrong" i said to satan rolling my eyes.
"You know the human better than anyone else don't you Satan?" Lucifer said his voice deep and full of anger . "Than care to explain this" he grabbed my hand and showed it to satan, making everyone else gasp and saw the mark too. Before I could speak Lucifer spoke again.
"Why is this human whoring around"
As those bitter words left Lucifer's mouth satan opened his mouth to argue but you beat him to it.
You stood up from where were you sitting and grabbed Lucifer's collor shaking him as hard as you can, which was hard enough to make his eye wide with shock and...........is that fear ?
"Don't. You. Dare. Lucifer Morning Star" you grit in anger as you slowing looked him in the eye. You eyes filled with angry tears and so much of hatred . You refused to cry infront of him....and his pathetic existence.
"OI!!" Mammon interrupted, you can feel run hai smiling as mammon went up. You were ready to fight him too if needed.
"You went too far lucifer!" You went into a state of surprise.
'Mammon taking your side??? What?'
"yes that's right! You can't say that to our mc!!".
'wtf? asmo??' you thought.
Lucifer saw that his brothers were not going to support him . He realised that what he did was wrong."i-i I apologise mc" Lucifer said straightening his tie that was now wrinkled cause of you. "I should've asked you first" he said "i didn't know what came over me". He went to sit and gestured for you too.
"so....how did this happen"
By the time you ended explaining everyone was seething in anger like they were ready to tear lucien apart.
Even asmo looked enraged.
"Um..is it something really bad?" You asked swallowing nervously. Beside you run hai was frowning because of how much attention you were getting.
"Lucien is a noble that we don't have very good relationship with" Lucifer muttered.
"Well hun, it is a mating mark . It appears when two person have mated together for life and by mating you know what i mean~, but if they've not mated and the other demon stil want you so they can forcefully put their mark around most demons are able to protect themselves though when forced it'll hurt or burn which in your case did and that means you were forced."
You glared at Lucifer yet again and he looked away in shame knowing that you were , apparently forced.
"But if i don't go near him or something or don't meet him wouldn't it be fine?" You asked hoping it'd be ok to.
"Well it do not work like that you'll be.....um.. specifically submissive towards him so you can't do anything" satan said devastated.
"How do I get this off" i said wanting to itch it off me.
"Well if you mated with someone else.. It'll came off" belphegor said now very much awake.
"hmm that is true-"
"No eww- no find another way!!" You said in pure disgust
"There's nothing to eww about hun~" Asmo said coming closer.
Though run hai stopped him grabbing his arm 'Atleast this bitch is somewhat useful' i muttered .
"yes she's right you can't just mate with her you know asmo~"
She said as she cling to asmodeus's arm . Asmo looked at her with a smile though that was a bit strained . Maybe they are coming around. Finally.
"We don't know any other way to remove the mated mark at the moment I'll try to find something!" Satan said.
"I'll ask barbatos or diavolo to have a talk with Lucien though it's like we'll be able to do much as he's a noble" Lucifer stated .
"Yeah you'd with me till then ya get it?! Also i-i I-I......um i- u.. T-The great M-mammom will form a pact with ya so ya can be safe!! Yeah that's right ya better be greatful!!" Mammon said making you shocked .
"you want what now!??" You said not wanting to believe it.
"Oh please if anything they should form a pact with me MC! Knows me more than you ! Let's make a pact mc Kay?" Satan said as he was about to grab you hand but mammon beat it to him and grabbed your hand first. "Mammooonn " "what".
As mammon finished getting a pact with you Satan came to next.
Mammon's pact sigil formed on your left boob it was a bit visible as you wore a crop top.
"I wanna see my mark" "No you're not get away! Pervert..."
Satan's sigil formed at the back of your left hand (like hanma tattoo 👀)
"We're bound now" satan said kissing lightly on his mark.
"Ooo~ two pacts in one day ~~"
*Caw Caw*
A crow banged hard on the window . Lucifer opened the window to let him fly him as he carried a letter. Though the crow came to sit on your shoulder . You took the letter from him and opened it to read.
You hands started shaking.
"What is it human?"
"An invitation.....from Lucien"
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[A/N]: hihi guyss!!
Who's Lucien ? What did he do to make the bros angry? You got a pact with 2 demons!! And will you go to the invitation??
Thanks for reading!!
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝the bros crash your wedding with solomon❞
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« characters - solomon, demon brothers »
« gender neutral reader »
« scenario »
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Solomon was excited. How could he not be when it was his wedding day with you? He could barely contain himself when he imagined how breathtaking you would look. The memory would be etched in his mind for all of eternity ― a dear friend to carry in his heart.
The moment drew nearer and he walked to the venue to take his place, waiting anxiously for you. His heart was pounding fervently, and he kept his eyes shut, focusing all his energy on listening to the sound of your footsteps. What he heard instead made him falter and choke on air.
"Satan, keep it down, will ya?!"
Trouble seemed to follow him everywhere. But he wasn't going to let the demons he wanted to make a pact with, and the speaker, ruin his day.
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You were just outside the door, trying to soothe your frayed nerves when Mammon's familiar voice made your heart drop. If there were any more surprises, you were going to puke. Was it a lot to want to get married to the man of your dreams without your closest friends trying to crash it?! It felt more thrilling to just get married and let them know later. Well thrilling and less stressful.
Okay, so you really needed to throw up now. Blerp!
When you thought of the brothers' reactions on seeing you in wedding attire, you felt a shiver run down your spine. How could you explain why you hadn't invited your foster family-slash-friends to your wedding?
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All heads turned towards the speaker ― a panting young man with a shock of white hair who looked like his life was in danger. You tried to recede into the shadows even though you were hardly visible to the guests inside.
"S-Satan?" one of the people nearby uttered incredulously. "Did he call someone Satan?!"
"We are being crashed by the devil! Yippppeeeee," chirped a little girl who seemed to enjoy the commotion.
"MAMMOOOOON?!"Lucifer thundered from behind.
"Yikes! Lu-Lucifer, calm down, man. We have more important matters at hand!" Mammom tried to shield himself from his elder brother.
"Seriously, Lucifer. As ardently as I hate to agree with Mammon, don't get your priorities mixed," said Satan disapprovingly with an over-the-top roll of his eyes. He got distracted quite easily himself. "Oh, how adorable that cat looks with a bow tie! Making cats a part of the ceremony is a brilliant idea. There's no suspicion that this is indeed Solomon's wedding. But why did it have to be [Name] he's marrying?"
Lucifer looked at him in disgust, "Levi, we need to talk about the shows you watch."
"LOL noobs," Levi chimed in without taking his eyes off of his Nintendo switch. "I bet all of you didn't know that Lucifer and Satan are kinda taboo words in the human world ROFLMAO. I am well informed though because of 'I was isekai'd as a woman even though I didn't really want it and then I learned that I was married to Lucifer who suspected me to be an imposter so I had to spend the next year trying to prove that I was indeed worthy of being alive which is bizarre but he is hot on top of crazy so I forgave him and now we can continue our happily married life together'."
"LOLOLOL call it anime or I won't listen."
"G'aaaaah. S-S-Sorry Lucifer."
"Weren't we supposed to not bring a lot of attention to ourselves?" said a sleeping Belphie who felt disturbed by the numerous eyes on them. He snuggled closer to Beel who was carrying him and whispered, "Beel, do you see [Name]? If you do, wake me up, okay? Zzzzzz"
"Mmm k Belph. Nom nom munch munch chomp chomp *sound of a chair being annihilated*. *sound of the spirits of wood and plastic crying because they weren't created to be eaten* . Mmm this chair doesn't taste very good. I must ask [Name] to use better quality chairs next time," said Beel while rubbing his belly.
"The next time is going to incude me in the ceremony!" said Asmo indignantly, taking a break from recording the scandal. "How dare they think that they can just get married secretly without Asmo-chan! I deserved to know about it even if you guys didn't. Don't you worry, Beel. You will get cuter decorations and better food next time!"
Solomon slapped his forehead before summoning you to where he was. Despite enjoying a good show, he prioritised getting the knot tied. Who knew how difficult it was going to be.
"Whoa whoa!" you gave out a yell of surprise at the sudden change of location.
"[Name]," the brothers cried.
Everyone looked at you. Two members in the audience actually clapped at your arrival, because they couldn't process the new turn of events. They stopped just as abruptly as they had started, realising that there was nothing normal about the wedding, so they should just wait their turn before doing anything.
"Hehe, yeaaaah, that's my name. You guys remembered? Awwww."
You touched your heart. It was malfunctioning just like your brain, to say the least.
Solomon sighed and grabbed your hand. "[Name], let's get out of here?"
That was when you realised his comforting presence beside you. His shoulder brushed against you, and you blinked at him.
When your eyes locked, he tightened his hold on your hand, "You look absolutely ravishing, darling. I will never forget the way you looked into my eyes at this very moment. I promise that even if the world burns down all around us, I will keep you afloat and out of danger. I will make you a whole new world if that's what it takes to keep you happy."
"Oh Solomon," you smiled and cupped his cheeks tenderly before whispering. "You know I love you, right? But now is not the right time for this, sweetie."
"HELL IT AIN'T!" yelled Mammon while his wings flapped in anger.
The little girl clapped her hands, "Oooh, Mr Devils know magic tricks. MR DEVILS KNOW MAGIC TRICKS! They changed clothes!!"
The brothers had all changed into their demon forms.
You felt the beginning of a headache. Looking down at your garb, you raised an eyebrow at Solomon. "I'm dressed to take your breath away. You are dressed to take me away from the madness so do something!"
A whistle resounded from his lips, calling a magic carpet. He helped you get on.
He brought your palm to his lips and kissed it. "Your word is my law, love."
"Oh, what a time to be charming, Solomon!"
"Quickly Solomon, they are coming! Move that ancient ass!"
Lucifer just missed a corner of the magic carpet as it flew away into safety. You could hear the brothers bickering among themselves. A smile appeared on your lips as you leaned into Solomon's chest. Some things truly never changed, and you were grateful for those. They shared a beautiful bond, but you couldn't let it interfere with your own connections.
Wrapping an arm around you, Solomon said boisterously, "Look around. Isn't it beautiful? I told you that eloping would be the best choice. Haha, I can't deny that I love the madness of it!"
You laughed and wrapped your arms around your man too. "Then let's fly away from our demons and see how far we get."
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Continued From X @peppy-jester
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"Oh, I know about the song. It is popping off on VoxTube, and Mammom is PISSED about it, though I think it's also cause he ain't making a dime off of it. Surprisingly, his reputation hasn't taken much of a hit, though most people know he's a greedy fuck." Beelzebub doubt Mammon had a good one to begin with as most people just wanted his money or feared him for being a Sin.
"Don't take Mammon too seriously. I'm sure if he can make those twins work out he'll completely forget about trying messing with you. If he doesn't I'm sure Oz will kick his ass in twenty different ways." Beelzebub might even get in on that action.
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"Ugh, he's trying to come up a good way to market the twins. Even had the NERVE to call me up asking to promote them with MY Beelzejuice. Can you believe that shit? I ain't even gonna consider putting the face of those two on it." The Sin was sure Mammon would bitch about it till no end, though didn't care.
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"Ya know, since you don't work for anyone right now that kinda means you're an indie entertainer. Could come up with a special flavor of Beelzejuice and put your face on it just to piss Mammon off. You don't gotta, though I'd be more than willing to let you keep all the money that's made from it." Beelzebub didn't much care for cash, though making a shit ton of it off Mammon's idea would certainly piss him off, and that she can get behind.
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Pet au: How would the brothers react to an owner who wants to help them bath?
Lucifer: No. Absolutely not. Lucifer is usually pretty obedient, but seeing him naked is something he won't allow. He hates being without his clothing, hates showing any skin. He knows that he's not in his prime and wouldn't want you to see him naked. He'll even lock the door when he's taking a bath because he doesn't want you walking in.
If you insist, then Lucifer is extremely uncomfortable. His knees are up, and he's crouching to try and hide as much skin as possible. Looking at you with an expression that tells you that he just wants to get this over with. He might even snap at you to hurry up if he thinks you're dragging this out.
You can try to coo and compliment him, but he'll only give you a scowl in return. Do not do this if you want to build trust with him. If you respect his wishes and let him bathe alone, he might ask you for help preening his wings after his bath.
Mammom: flushes a deep red when you suggest that you're going to help him bath. "Wh-why do ya want to do that?! I can bathe myself, ya know!" He insists, but he doesn't put up too much of a fight if you insist.
He's very embarrassed when he realizes that you're going to see him naked and will try to argue that he should bathe in his clothing. "It's a two for one deal! Now ya don't gotta do laundry!" When that doesn't work, he gets into the tub. At first, he'll try and act all cool and like he's unbothered that you're seeing him at his most vulnerable. He'll try and be self-sufficient, scrubbing his own body and trying to insist that he can wash his own hair.
But the warm water relaxes his muscles, and soon, he's only half protesting as you run your fingers through his hair. Mammon can't help but relax into your touch. No matter how closed off your relationship is, Mammon becomes absolutely boneless in your care. Will whine and pout if you try to move away to grab the conditioner. He does not want to leave the tub, even when he's a raisin and the water has gone cold.
When he finally comes back to his senses after the bath, he's extremely embarrassed and will avoid you for a day or two, but after that, he's asking when his next bath is.
Levi: is immediately blushing the second the word "bath" leaves your mouth. He very obviously doesn't want you to see him naked, but is too skittish to actually say anything. Levi already needs help with cleaning his tail, and you two do that when he's fully clothed. He's already absolutely mortified during that, so he doubts that he'll survive you seeing him naked!
When you two get into the bathroom, he will try to stall for as long as possible. Sometimes, he's standing completely still, not even breathing, in the hopes that you'll get bored and leave. When he's finally naked and in the tub, he's curling up into the tightest ball. When you tell him to close his eyes when you rinse, he doesn't open them until the bath is over.
The only way to get him to relax, after many, many stressful baths, is to bring anime into bathtime. You get anime themed bath toys and even play anime on your laptop that's sitting on the bathroom countertop. The anime helps. He can't keep his eyes closed when there's anime to watch. The bath toys make him more active during bathtime, as he quickly starts to explain the plot of the anime the toys are from. Soon, he's playing out scenes and rambling about characters and their arcs. After a few baths, Levi whines when you try to get him out of the bathtub, pleading for just one more episode.
Satan: You kinda have to help him bathe when you first get him because he's never been in a bathroom before. Whenever he got too dirty at the ring, his handlers would hose him down from outside his cage. So, working a shower nozzle? Using soap? All new concepts to him. He finds that he feels embarrassed when you bathe him. He doesn't understand why - he's been naked in front of handlers countless times before.
Getting his clothes off is easy. What Satan struggles with is the concept of sitting down in water. He doesn't understand how this is an effective way to get clean. Aren't you sitting in your own filth? You have to explain to him that most people aren't actually that dirty when they bathe and that the soap cleans all of the dirt. The first time you bathe him, he's actually dirty enough that you gotta refill the bath a few times.
When he gets settled and the bath water stays clear, Satan finds himself relaxing into the warm water. He expected that water to be freezing cold, as the water was only ever freezing when his handlers used the hose, so he wasn't looking forward to having to sit in freezing cold water. So the warm water is definitely a surprise, but an incredibly pleasant one.
He can't help but relax in the tub, even when he's still unsure about his place in his home, and the relationship you two are fostering, the warm water washes alway all concerns. As the water seeps into his bones and softens him, he can't help but lean into your gentle touch as you scrub through his hair and whine a soft trill whenever you smile at him.
Asmo: he's immediately all for it when you bring it up. He's always looking for a way to show you his best assets, and this will be a perfect opportunity! He doesn't understand that you're not looking for that kind of bath, even when you insist, multiple times, that you're not going to sleep with him.
He still doesn't believe you and is extremely confused when you don't get into the bath with him. Well, no matter, he can still show you what he was made to do as you scrub his hair. Maybe he can convince you to join! Maybe this whole thing is a test! Yet when you pay his flirting no mind, when you look away to grab a bar of soap when he flutters his eyes lash at you, Asmo starts to get a little worried.
The bath can either go two ways: Asmo slowly gets more and more stressed as you don't pay attention to him the way he's expecting. Until he's breaking down and begging you to just get it over with and fuck him. Or he settles down and lets himself get pampered, and relishes in all the products he gets to chose from. The trick to get the former instead of the latter is complimenting Asmo. If you make it seem like you still like him, and that you're just trying to get him to look his prettiest (for you, his mind fills in for him) then he has a must better time letting himself relax and enjoy himself. Even if you refuse to get into the bath Asmo will still try to convince you to wear a face mask.
Beel: He actually prefers that you're there. When he was with his previous owners the only way for him to get clean was when one of them washed him down with the hose. He also never had a reason to go inside his own owner's house, so he's never been inside of a bathroom before. So he's quite nervous about accidently breaking something.
When you get him into the bathroom Beel is quite nervous. He feels too large, no matter the size of your bathroom. Your presence calms him down a bit, at least if you're here he can simply stand off to the side and let you turn the shower nozzle. If he touched that on his own he'll probably break it. When he realizes that he's going to have to get naked to get into the bathtub he gets a little bashful. He never had a reason to get naked in front of his previous owners, so he'll ask if you can turn around when he takes off his clothes. It doesn't matter if you're going to see him naked anyway, for some reason him stripping off his clothes while you stand there watching him is just too embarrassing for the gentle giant.
Beel tries to make himself as small as possible in your bathtub. No matter how big it is. It has less to do with you seeing him naked, and move about him accidentally taking up too much space, or getting in your way. When you get him bathing him he actually gets a little exicted, as everything is so new to him. I hope you're using baby shampoo because Beel doesn't understand the concept of closing his eyes when you rinse. When you get into the rhythm of scrubbing his hair, rinsing, and repeat, Beel actually feels himself relaxing. The warm water is relaxing muscles he didn't even know was sore, and your touch is so gentle. He actually forgets about his rumbling stomach for a while as he leans into your touch. 
Belphie: if you two built up a good relationship than he's fine with you bathing you. He'll probably fall asleep the moment he lays down in the warm water. You have to remind him to stay awake, or else he might accidentally drown a bit. It's not his fault! The water is just so warm and soothing, and aren't you his owner? Isn't it your job to make sure he's safe and doesn't drown? Belphie immediately falls back asleep after making this argument. You have to get one of those baby float things for Belphie's neck when he's in the bath. It paints kind of a ridiculous picture, but Belphie doesn't care. The bath is relaxing, but you can't take your eye off of Belphie for too long.
If you two haven't built up a good relationship! Nope. No gonna happen. He's not going to be vulnerable around a human. Hissing at you when you mention the idea, and says that he's not going to go in the bath with you. Unlike Lucifer, who will only verbally deny you, Belphie will actively fight you if you try to force him into the bath. You have to practically drag him kicking and screaming into the bathroom. It's the most energized he's been in a while, but he's not getting into the bathtub without a fight.
Getting his clothes off is basically impossible when he's fighting you, so you have to bath him when he's still wearing most of his clothing. When he's actually in the bath he's scratching you and throwing bottles of soap at you. It's less about him being naked, and more not give you what you want.
Even if you back off after mentioning the bath, Belphie becomes extremely suspicious of you and will start locking the door whenever he's in the bathroom.
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ashaleeleedagurl · 9 months
Ler: Mammon
Lee: Fizzarolli
"M-Mammom... Sir..." Fizz said, one of his arms malfunctioning.
Mammon, who was busy counting money, looked up at Fizzarolli with an unamused expression before going back to counting his money. He looked annoyed at him, "What do you want me to do about it? I swear, sometimes you are so stupid!" He said to the imp.
Fizzarolli looked down as he turned around and started to walk away, but Mammon stopped him, "I didn't dismiss you, clown." He said sternly as he put his hand on Fizz's shoulder. "Let me see it."
He turned Fizzarolli around and looked at his arm that was malfunctioning.
He took off the arm and threw it aside, finding a spatula and putting it on him, "Good enough." He said.
Fizzarolli looked a bit upset, but smiled through it all.
Mammon, despite him being mean to Fizz, couldn't help but feel a bit concerned because he never actually got to see a genuine smile from the imp. The sin gestured to Fizzarolli to come closer, which he did, and picked him up like he was a doll.
Mammon sighed and mumbled to himself, "I'm not going to live this down from Beelzebub" then gently started moving his fingers across Fizz's stomach, making the imp try to keep himself from laughing.
That immediately changed when Mammon started blowing small, but deadly, raspberries all over Fizz's sides, making Fizzarolli break down into hysterical laughter.
Mammon stopped for a second when he got a text from Asmodeus,who could hear Fizz's laugh from a long distance. (I sorta head canon that when Ozzie and Fizzarolli are not together and one of them laughs, the other knows there's funny business)
💲: "What'd ya want, Ozzie?"
💙: "I heard my Fizzy Frog laughing, what the hell are you doing to him?!"
💲: "I'm just tickling the little guy"
💙: "Then get his tail and sides, but don't get his lower thigh, it'll make him scared and he will cry"
💲: "K, thx Oz"
💙: "No prob"
Mammon put his phone away then went back to tickling the jester, getting mostly his tail and sides, occasionally blowing one or two raspberries on the little guy's tummy.
Fizz, with the biggest smile known to imp kind, threw his head back and kicked hysterically, laughing like a lunatic, "MAHAHAMMOHOHON, NOHOHO!!!!"
"Mammon yes!" Mammon replied as he saw the jester's smile for the first time, then slowly stopped his tickle torture on the imp.
"Let me see your arm again, mate." Mammon said as he put Fizz on the floor and sat next to him, now, actually trying to fix his arm.
An hour passed and Mammon fixed Fizzarolli's arm, Fizz hugging him once he finished.
You'd be surprised that Mammon hugged Fizzarolli back and pulled away after a few seconds.
"Well, Ozzie's waiting for me, I'll see you tomorrow!" Fizz waved goodbye and started walking back to the Lust Ring.
When Fizzarolli left, Mammon then went back to his normal attire, but with a sly smirk on his face.
And this was the beginning of Fizz's tickle torture...
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luminisworld · 2 months
Mammon: For started my Mammon is more based on a dragón but also having some bug aspect on him, for example his normal heigh is about 16ft tall yeah he's Big, he of course can change his size to be more small if he wants to,he likes to have his hair Up his shoulders, he also has two color on his hair half gold half black why? Well when he was an ángel he has complete golden hair but when he fell his hair turned half black like his wings, yeah in my head canon he has his tree pair of wings, like his hair his wings now are half gold half black, It's a representation of how in the fall he was burned, has many scars in his body, his skins is pale and has many scars of the war, in my head canon he's the second strongest demon after Lucifer, because Greed is really destructive and chaotic and It can also represent the other sins, but even with all of that there's one thing he never, ever gonna do, and that thing is being unfaihful to his husband, they been together all of their eternity even before the fall, he's really oveprotetived over him, and he became more 'imposible' like the others sins describe, is when Asmodeus was pregnant of Luminis, like you couldn't even look at him, well in his head har four Brown horns two of eacht side, has golden eyes, and has a long tail with some black spikes over It, and in final of his tail he has a neddle to poison his víctims.
Asmodeus: He do not have that much change in his designe other that he's like Mammon, has his tree pairs of wings, light and black blue wings, they both can make his wings invisible with Magic, he can go by any pronounts, but the majority of the time he goes by he/him, he also became a little feral when he found out he was pregnant to protect himself but to especialy protect Luminis, he can breah out diferents colors of fire to represent his emotions, and he can also feel the emotions of other people, he and Mammon fell together but Mammon cover Asmodeus with his golden wing, and that's why Mammon has his black parts and Asmodeus dosen't, he sometimes fell guilty by this, but Mammon always confort him as well that he confort Mammon, he's 14,2ft tall and in my verse he's the 4° strongest sins just bellow Satán.
Their lives: They been practicaly married for eons, Mammon propose to Asmodeus in the stars of hell, sience then they been together, they can almost be compared to Lucifer and Lilith, but the difference is that they been married before Lucifer and Lilith, so more or less they're the first royal cuple of hell, they love eacht other like no one else, like you can be married and you still feel single around them, they don't really argue that much, of course they have their disagrement sometimes but eventualy they resolve It in little time, they never really expected kids so when Asmodeus got pregnant was quiet the surprise, not a bad one, is just that the two of then didn't think It Will be posible because they been together for a long Long time and nothing really happend, because of this and their sins they can be seen as neglectful parents, especialy Mammon with his bad atitude and rutlesness towards almost everyone excep Asmodeus, but is really far from true, Luminis like her name, it's their little light and Joy that they didn't kown they need It and they Will keep safe till the ends of times, like they would let their rings burn down to the gound if It meant to keep Luminis safe.
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thedragonofgreed · 1 month
Mammon do you like guns?
Mammon: yes, i do like them, just don't really use them because there's no need to
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Raffle winner: @elegantkaoru
Length: 500 word minimum / Actual length:900 words
Request: (afab reader) the character can be Mammon, or Asmo (whichever you think fits best!) For the main part if possible could you do a fluff/nsfw where basically the reader is taking care of the characte because they're sick but, (character) really wants to get affectionate due to being sick for so long and the readers trying to tell them they need rest y'know to get better but sooner or later they give in and the character starts initiating more and so they request to have soft sex and be pegged. Afterwards reader gives them good aftercare character obviously making sure they don't leave them for too long and they fall asleep together peacefully <3
Authors note: Chose Mammon bc I think I don’t do enough of him!
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You were grateful demons and humans are different enough that you can’t get each other sick. Otherwise, Mammon would be a nervous wreck about you right now, even though he’s the one who’s sick…
You ended up spending the night in his room. He demanded the comfort, saying his room was too cold without you and he refused to move to your room. You had covered the bed in extra blankets earlier for him so the bad was already pretty warm but next to Mammon you felt on fire, though you couldn’t bring yourself to move away from him, not when he gives such sad whines when you try to put space between you two.
You were able to coax him to sleep for a while before you woke up again to him readjusting his grip on you. “Mamms, you need to sleep to get better…” You lazily move up to give him a light kiss on the lips, he quickly pushed back against you before you could move back. You give him a small smile as you move back a bit. “Need water? Food?”
Mammon rested his head against your mumbling out a soft…question? You don’t even here it with hiw shakes his voice is. “Come again?” You asked, he whined but responded s few moments later.
“J-just…want you…” Mammon murmurs against you. It takes a few seconds to realize what he’s likely implying.you wrap an arm around his waist, looking up at him to figure if he wanted to be held. “N-not like…that.” He whines before he’s suddenly grinding against you.
You pause and still his movements. “Mammon, you’re already hot I don’t want you to overheat, so tell me if you get to hot, ok?” You left it vague, you weren’t going to tell him you’ll stop at that or he might not tell you since…you’ll stop.
“Y-yes, please..” Mammon whines as you slip out of the bed and sneak into the closet, grabbing one of the straps poorly hidden under piles of clothes. You pick a curved golden strap, it’s Mammon’s favorite, you had it custom made for him. You attach the harness and secure it, grabbing a small bottle of lube you poured it on your strap.
You hurry back to Mammon, who has already stripped what little clothes he had on. You use the extra lube to gently stretch Mammon open. Mammon mewls and spreads his legs. He limply lays splayed as you adjust your wrist to get a better angle. “B-babe, please...” He moaned out. “The strap, now please!”
He trembled when you took your fingers out of him, whining as he waits for your strap to push him open. With a shallow thrust you shove just the head into him, grinning st the little squeak he makes as you push past his entrance. “Is this too much?” He shook his head. You pat his head, leaning down and taking him into a kiss, pushing into him further the deeper the kiss.
Mammom gasp as you finally start thrusting, his cock bounces even with the slow thrust. “A-aah! C-can you…rub that spot?” You hesitate and try to figure out what he means before dragging your hips back and forward in a slow, steady movement. “Yesss! T-there…!”
Mammon tramples and yelps as his cock gives a few heavy throbs, and then he’s cumming onto his stomach. “Good booy!” You praise, bringing your clean hand up to caress his face. “You came without your cock being touched, even when you’re sick you’re still impressive.”
Mammons face is a dark, dark red, he’s shyly grinning at your comment. “Of course! T-the Great Mammon is always impressi-!” He cuts off with a low grunt. “Human, I-I’m tired, need t-to sleep.” You hum in acknowledgment. As you were about to pull out, he quickly tries to stop you. “B-before that,” He grabs your hand and takes it to his still hard cock. “S-still stiff down there….h-help?”
You nod, rolling your hips forward as your hand stroked him faster than your thrust. You intended to give him a quick release so he can rest, you lean over to grab a few tissues from the night stand. You use your free hand and a tissue to clean up the cum left on his stomach, wiping his cock too, not as throughly.
If he noticed, he didn’t react and let you toss it to the side, you’ll clean it later. Your attention is pulled back to his cock as it flexes in your grip. Your free hand takes a napkin and cup the head of his cock as you quicken your thrust. Mammon moaned blissfully at that, hips involuntarily bucking forward as you drag him to another needed release.
Mammon collapses against the bed, whimpering out apologies as his cock spits copious amounts of cum into the napkin. He pants as you come to a stop and wipe him clean if any cum or lube. You are careful of his sensitive cock and move gently and slowly to clean it, earning a few gasp and spasms from him.
Once you have him clean enough you know he won’t feel gross, you adjust to tuck him in. Mammon grabs you, pulling you into his bed. “Stay…” He murmured, hugging you tightly.
Too tightly….you can’t get away…with a sigh you decide to stay there until he wakes up, maybe it’ll help him sleep?
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damatically · 1 year
Nightbringer Lesson 16 RANT (so spoilers)
Does Solmare fucking hate Satan??? Im a Mammom stan but fuck WHY CANT THY JUST GIVE HIM THE SCREENTIME hE DESERVES? WE'RE FINALLY HEARING HOW HE IS TRYING TO PROCESS HIS EMOTIONS THEN BLAM lets prank Lucifer 🥴 then it moved on to Lililth cuz Beel had apparently heard a banshee. Also did they just cram like Satan's abd Beel's issue in one lesson and made them overlap? 😭😭
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theslvttysimp · 2 years
●You Get Matching Tattoos With The Brothers●
Scenario: You're craving to be under the needle and book an appointment to get a tattoo done. Of course, you invite your favorite demon to come with you!
LuciferXmc, MammonXmc, LeviXmc
■■■■■■■NSFW BUT NOT SMUT■■■■■■
■■■■■■■■■MINORS DNI■■■■■■■■■■
Will absolutely not get a tattoo with you. Don't even try asking more than once. " Surely you must have fallen on your head to even consider me getting a tattoo." You decide to get a tattoo of a handsome devil with crimson eyes, looking a lot like your demon lover.
Oh, the ego boost this man got finding out what tattoo you're getting. He can't help but think it looks a little too much like him to not be inspired by the handsome Morningstar himself.
Sitting in the corner of the room, face deep in a tattoo magazine. Right leg crossed over his left like a gentleman.
Starts striding back and forth across the room with his hands behind his back, keeping a watchful eye on you getting tattooed.
Will sometimes peep over the artists shoulder and make little comments on how it's looking so far. " I admire the detail you put into your work."
Tattoo artists definitely thinks he's your dad. Like why tf is he hovering and acting like a guardian?
When the tattoo is finished, he puts on his glasses, crouches down to be face level with your thigh and admires the work.
" Very nice, MC." He says with a soft smile, but he's imagining how sexy your tattoo is gonna look when your legs are on his shoulders later.
Wondering how even sexier it's going to look in shabari (rope bondage)
"Fuck yeah, I'll get a tattoo with ya!..... you payin' though?"
Convinced you to get little matching dollar signs ( grimm signs?) tattooed on your hip.
Absoueltly gawking at you in your underwear on the tattoo table. Just look at those hips. Delicious!
Lowkey getting kind of mad, he doesn't want the tattoo artist's hand on your hip. " Oi! Don't get too handsy!"
When it's his turn he has to pull his boxers slightly lower than normal, showing the delicious V shape on his pelvis.
Sees you looking at his V " Ya like what ya see, MC? Of course you do, The Great Mammon is always in shape for his human."
Once the tattoos are done, he absolutely brag about the fact both of you got matching tattoos to his brothers. Hes showing it off left and right. Don't you DARE show the brothers your tattoo though. Your hips are for HIS eyes and HIS eyes only.
When you guys fuck, he kisses the tattoo on your hip everytime.
His new favorite spot to grip when you're taking back blows in the bedroom.
" W-what.... a tattoo....w-with.....me?"
So flattered you invited a shut in like him to go somewhere with you. But oh so scared of getting a tattoo!
He's so nervous in the shop. But you guys decide to get matching little jellyfish tattoos on your wrists.
You have to hold his hand THE WHOLE TIME. He needs to keep his eyes on you just to prevent from bursting into tears. Looking at you with cute puppy eyes.
When the tattoos are done he is over the moon!
Everytime he games by himself, he glimpses down at his wrist and smiles. This simple little tattoo reminds him on you everytime.
He stares at it when he jerks off , imagining its your hand around his weeping cock instead of his.
Sometimes he'll even jizz on his tattoo, wishing it was your tongue instead.
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
New idea from a fanfic I just read. In short, it's about Mammon told Lucifer that he is no different than Michael and he hate him.
This idea have connections with my other HC about how Michael and Mammon relationship is complicated and honest-toxic. But this is slightly different.
When Mammon fall following Lucifer, he thought that he will finally able to experience a honest (and pure) relationship. In Celestia, even though he following Lucifer around, he doesn't has much chances to actually fully experience the type of love Lucifer gave him. Because in the end of the day, he will always goes back to Michael and he is his just like how Michael is Mammon's.
But the reality is not like what he expected. He is more expressive and look and act like the Mammon we came to know, but undernate that he hides a lot of things.
'I hate you Lucifer. You're a liar. You broke your promises to me. I thought you were different from him, but you worse'
(Here, Mammon reference to how even though Michael is a bad person he never lie to Mammon. He didn't lie but also not telling the truth. His words are twisted and Mammon is the only one who manage to see the true meaning of them. Their relationship might be toxic, but there is no lie between them and promises are something that they will keep.)
Mammon values honesty more than anything. You can lie to him, but there must be a reason. He also see promises as oaths. He know that not all promises are meant to be keep, but there are view promises that he will not tolerate if they were broken (especially by someone he come to trust).
There is no need for time or anything for Lucifer to not immediately understand who Mammom referenced. This, of course make him angry. Because in his eyes, Mammon is a precious baby brother and he loves him dearly. In his eyes, he help saved Mammon out from Michael's clutch.
But the irony is, he knows how Mammon view honesty and promises but he is so used with the demon!Mammon he forgot how Mammon's core since he first created. A mistake Michael will never made.
After the argument, their relationship become more distant and tense. The other started to notice not long after. They try to ask but never got an answer. They might be often tease or said something mocking to the two oldest, but they have no clue on what to do or say when the problem happens between the two.
One day, Mammon request Diavolo if it's possible to meet Michael. The demon prince is bewildered because as far as he know, the relationship between those two in something in a positive light. Mammon told him to not let anyone beside them, and Barbatos, know about his request. Little did Diavolo and Barbatos know how Mammon value honesty so they keep their mouth shut even though they feel uneasy, especially with the tension between him and Lucifer as of late.
Since Diavolo need a reason to have the archangel to come to the devildoom, he plan to make a party for the successful exchange program.
(I forgot to mention that despite Mammon act the same, he never fond of humans. So in this AU, Mammon is not that close with MC.)
The first time they meet after the fall is only when the two of them alone in a bare field with a single giant oak tree in the middle of it. Some things are said and it end with Mammon pinned Michael on the ground while he sit on his stomach. He tightly grap Michael colar and bow down until his forehead rest on Michael's chest.
He doesn't even realize that he is crying. Michael has an indiferent face and cold eyes. He said some manipulative truth and fact (and insults) to Mammom along the lines, 'I told you. You should listen to me little brother. Look where you are now. Lose in a labyrinth of uncertainity without me to guide you out. You don't have me here, you don't have someone to talk with you and actually understand.'
'It's okay. You're just a dumb little boy of mine. You always make mistakes in your every choices and I always be the one to take care of it for you. My foolish little brother, why you have to be such a burden to everyone around you. But it's okay, your big brother is here. I'll take care of you'
Truth to be told, at the end of the day they will always come back to each other.
(So Mammon is just realizing, after he meet Michael and 'talk' with him after a long time, that he came to actually care and love his brothers)
So when Mammon decided to follow Lucifer to hell, he's been dancing on the topic with Michael. Of course Michael said some harsh truth and future that might be happens but Mammon willing to try and whether he will regret it or not, he let his future self to decide.
So, imagine at the party when the demon brothers (-Mammon) come together with MC. The angels exchange student come with the side character (Purgotary Hall residents, Mephy and Thirteen). Diavolo and Barbatos.
Everyone is there expect Mammon and Michael. They are late.
(Another facts about this AU. Simeon see Mammon as his little brother since the beginning. Raphael was made from a same star as Mammon and he see Mammon as brother. They aware of how Mammon relationship with Michael and honestly want Mammon to have something better but they also understand that no one can replace Michael in Mammon's life and that they can't separate them to the point of impossible to mend again because they are each other.)
Everyone attention is drawn to the enterace door where the two awaited guest arrived. Michael with his elegant and regal outfit walk in with head held high and cofident smile. Followed by Mammon who walk a step behind him. The usual cheerful and friendly aura is replaced with cold indeferent. His face devoid with emotions.
They way they walk together look powerful. The demon brothers (minus Satan), Raphael and Simeon have their vision overlap with a familiar yet distant picture of the past. Barbatos who has met Michael with younger Mammon way before the fall can't deny that those two are look powerful beside each other.
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oh man oh man oh man i don't know how far you're into the keys part of the event but aaaah!!!! the interactions between mammon and lucifer!!!! mammon saying that to mc!!! i don't want to spoil anything just in case (I'm only on book 3 but still) but like *foaming at the mouth clenching my teeth* I'm being sooo normal! so normal!
I JUST FINISHED IT AND HOLY SHIT!???? MAMMOM AND ASMO!? I MADE A WHOLE ASS LONG POST ABOUT IT BECAUSE I WAS LOSING MY GODDAMNED MIND & if we're talking about the same that...i made a smaller post trying to figure out what the hell he meant by that in more detail because... well, I think you know what I'm getting at.
I had to queue them up though because....um yeah this event was so good I ended up making 15 posts about it (17 if you count the two I already posted) and I didn't want to suddenly spam the tags so
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