askvectorprime · 11 months
Is there an Exarchon in the Malgus cluster?
Dear Threefold Threat,
According to popular history, Exarchon was a Malignus warlord during the Second Cybertronian War. Claiming to be blessed by the tripartite god Vion-Lenja-Igern, contemporary records claim that Exarchon had a mutant mitotic spark, which allowed him to split his consciousness between three separate bodies—and, indeed, to take over the bodies of others that he had subjugated in battle. This made him functionally immortal, as even if one of his bodies was destroyed, he had two more to continue to spread his will.
These days, the understanding among academics is different. Lancer—a professor of archaeometallurgy at Drouhard University—argues that there is little direct evidence for Exarchon's supposed powers, which do not line up well with the modern scientific understanding of mitotic sparks; instead, she posits that it is more likely that the idea of Exarchon's "threefold spark" was a shared fiction created by the Malignus leadership through the use of public performance, puppetry and sleight of servo. The idea of an "immortal warlord" would, of course, be extremely useful as propaganda for a faction that rarely, if ever, found themselves with the edge in their war against the Guardians.
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autoacafiles · 8 months
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mmalignus · 1 year
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ilovebeinaturtle · 28 days
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🧡💚🖤💛Turtle Titan Appreciation Post Part 5💛🖤💚🧡
Hiya! All the gifs were made from the Fast Forward episode “The Journal” Season 6 Episode 13! All gifs made by me! Enjoy~!
and also super duper late happy 18th anniversary to Fast Forward! It was July 29th lol
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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thewiglesswonder · 15 days
You know the TFA Decepticons aren’t an oppressed minority right? DJW even said their Rise Up rhetoric was a jab at how conservatives preach about Protecting Freedoms, and in the Allspark Almanac it’s explained they wanted to colonize other planets and the Autobots objected to that. The Decepticons were exiled for being military fascists.
I'd really, really love to know where I've ever said that on this blog, but since you seem very convinced that I did, let's look at the lore again. I don't feel like trawling the internet for this specific tweet/whatever form this DJW evidence has, so if you have that, I'd love to see it.
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This timeline from the Allspark Almanac II pretty clearly states that the entire crux of Cybertronian society as a whole has rested on colonization, very early on in their species' history. Their "Golden Age" 8 billion stellar cycles ago is characterized by expansion that led to the colonization (!!!) of their solar system, further colonization only prevented by isolationism.
The earliest indications of the factional split that mark their history exist within the ruling class Guardians and the Malignus, defined as a "military caste". This implies that Golden Age Cybertron existed as a caste system. Which I would take a guess as not being particularly great.
And when we get to the first (again, quoted from the text here,) "military coup", it's executed by the political ancestors of the Autobots. Not a peep about the Malignus while that was going on.
This faction eventually becomes the Protectobots, and the most notable thing about them is that their leader attempted a Great Purge of "undesirable elements" from their society. I'd be hard pressed to think I'm wrong in thinking that's kinda fucked up. We're not given explicit reasons for this 17 million year war, but wars don't happen without someone to oppose someone else, and we get this in the form of the Destrons.
As for the point about colonization: my point is not that the Decepticon's motivations are not what we see in canon. Not at all. My point is that the Autobots have the same fucking motivation.
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The Age of Expansion literally begins when the Autobots take power! It only ends when they butt heads with the Quintessons! Colonization, militarism, and facism, as you put it, are not traits that are unique to Decepticons.
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And, according to this timeline and historical reasoning given, there is no mention of either faction's position on further expansion. The formation of the Decepticons is rooted in the divide between labor and military aligned Cybertronians. Both sections are equally responsible for the imperialistic efforts of their Empire/Commonwealth/whatever you want to call it, and make no mistake, this does continue into the present day! From both factions!
Assuming you're referring to my hefty lean towards the Cons in terms of character/exploration interest in the gist of your message, my goal here is not to elevate them to the same Good Guy Status the Autobots have by virtue of being the protagonists. I am fully and completely aware that they are a group of insane zealots that have rallied under a guy who was described by his own VA as an "elegant bully". Rather, I think what you're picking up on is my focus on the fact that the Autobots in Animated have more than their fair share of insidious shit going on.
They retain what is essentially a military dictatorship, with the position of Magnus being only theoretically beholden to the will of the Council and Guilds, as seen when Sentinel was able to fire Fortress Maximus with no approval from the Council and got nothing more than a disapproving sentence from Alpha Trion. We have no word on how their schooling institutions work, but all of it seems heavily centered on their version of the military they've concocted in the absence of warbuilds. And, just in case we forgot about Sentinel's proposed budget...
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And that's not even getting into how fucked up Autobot culture is! They're unspeakably xenophobic, throw around propagandistic phrases like they're nothing ("Cogs in the Great Autobot Machine", anyone?), have an incredibly questionable justice system if Wasp is anything to go by, and this only seems to be getting worse at the end of Season 3, if Sentinel's curfews and public service announcements are anything to go by.
I'm not trying to make the Decepticons look better. I'm trying to make the Autobots look worse.
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
So I’ve been thinking of the EarthSpark children’s books again.
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Besides the Guidebook, these two seem to be the only ones out atm that are original stories and not recaps/adaptions of episodes of the cartoon. I personally prefer original stories set roughly during the cartoon’s universe, and to no one’s surprise I’m naturally a big fan of the RiD15 books being all original stories.
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However, my nitpick with the EarthSpark books is they’re too short and … safe. There’s no real conflict or if there is one, like Racetrack Recon, it’s resolved instantly…
Now kids books or not, I think most of us want some kind villain for the Autobots to fight, which the RiD books excelled in. My favorites being Scuzzard from above, Liege Maximo starting trouble because he was bored and needed a cheap thrill, and Drift meeting up with his old Decepticon crew. So what can the EarthSpark books do?
Well for starters:
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Use Swindle. He’s perfect for low scale conflict, and you can get a lot of mileage out of him starting trouble with a guest star that the Terrans have to stop. Obviously you could experiment with other villains besides him, but still.
Book idea 1: Items have been going missing from Witwicky. The culprits are Swindle and Chop Shop.
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Besides trying to make a quick buck, they also seek to steal important GHOST tech to benefit the Decepticons still roaming the Earth. Dot and Optimus have to keep Croft and Schloder distracted so the Terrans can put a stop to Chop Shop’s kleptomania.
Book Idea 2: The Decepticons need energy if they plan to still take over Earth and stick it to Megatron and GHOST. Swindle, seeing an opportunity to make some moolah, gets Octane and RatBat to join him on a fuel syphoning scheme.
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I feel like it’d be a Jawbreaker and Grimlock story as a gag on fossil fuel.
Book Idea 3: Revision of Recon where Swindle fixes the race using the RiD15 originated Stunticons. I already talked about this one.
Book Idea 4: Tarantulas runs afoul of an old lab partner, the insane Autobot scientist Flame.
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(For a potential toy, I feel Flame would be a hybrid design of these two, taking more from the one on the right for ease of toy design.) Flame, fed up with the humans treatment of Transformers, decides to release a Cyber-Virus bio weapon Tarantulas developed during the Great War, and use it to Cyber Form Earth into something more palatable. Tarantulas needs Nightshade, Wheeljack and Hashtag’s help in a race against the clock to defeat Flame’s mad ambitions. Akin to RiD15 Grimlock with Simacore, Nightshade gets their first arch rival in Flame.
Book Idea 5: Nightshade and Sam team up to take down crime in Philadelphia, playing up a bit of the superhero side to the owl. Playful parody of 60’s Batman, using Animated supervillains like Angry Archer and Nanosec.
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The supervillains are part of a larger scheme by the Decepticon Malignus.
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Of which Nightshade and Sam need to call in the rest of the “Teen Terrans” and Bumblebee to help deal with.
Book Idea 6: Optimus Prime’s trailer/Combat Deck starts malfunctioning and causing a rampage around town, causing a headache for GHOST and the Autobots.
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It’s discovered the jailhouse Decepticons implanted a computer virus into the trailer via Bombshell’s Cerebro Shells to spite the Autobots. Twitch, Robbie and Hashtag have to jack in and defeat the computer virus within, Kremzeek, in a video game showdown while Jawbreaker, Mo, Thrash, Nightshade and Megatron try to contain the Combat Deck on the outside. There’s a fun visual of Roller effortlessly pulling the trailer around town in its rampage.
Book Idea 7: GHOST develop their own Navi program in TORQ III from studying Cybertronian technology and Teletraan 1.
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A hybrid of the G1 episode, Marvel UK’s Raiders of the Last Ark, and TFP’s Flying Mind, TORQ finds GHOST inefficient and seeks to apprehend every remaining Decepticon on the planet with his own methods, regardless of the consequences to the Autobots, and humans like the Maltos. Optimus, Elita and Megatron have to stop TORQ and his mind controlled Decepticons from starting a new Machine War.
Book Idea 8: The elusive Mirage, based on the RotB version with his body being closer to RiD01 Mirage, returns and pays a visit to the Malto household to see what all the hubbub is.
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Mirage, Robbie and Thrash become fast friends, and team up to put a stop to the latest scheme of Swindle’s. Battletrap, Transit and Scorponok are present as part of further RotB synergy.
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levityleviathan · 7 months
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"Fulcrum. He was the first person I killed. A K-Class who was going to level Starsreach. I shot him. landed a round in his left eye from across the room. I still remember the yelling. The trembling in my hands as his fingers twitched a bit more before his spark faded. After that there was Darklight. and Umbra. and Biteback. Three of the guncons. they were part of a group that breached into the Grand Imperium to kill Orion Pax. I was acting as security. Two shots. the first passed through Biteback's neck, and into Umbra's forehead. The second i put directly into Darklight's chest, caused a Zero-point. he ended up dying a month later in an Autobot Infirmary. Then Blackwall, and then Killswitch, Retrofit, Malignus, Transit, Arm-Or, Trannis, Legonis, I can keep going if you want- I remember their names.
Can name the ships I took out of the sky too- The Rash Action, The Fatal Consequence, The Semper Tyrannis, The Torment, and The Doomsday I took down during The Rorsha Campaign. Back to back. One hundred and thirteen crew members died total, half as many made it out. Names, Ships, Manifests, Operations. I remember what I did. I remember who I did it to, and why I joined the Autobots. Every time I look at my reflection, I remember my sins, and I ignore them, I REPRESS them. I have to- Prime. I have to because if I don't- If I let myself think about it too long, I'll fall apart. I'm a good shot. Too good. People died by my hands, more than by yours, more than by Cliff's, or by Sideswipe's, maybe even more than most Decepticons. Ive killed Hundreds, maybe thousands of people. I've done it, because they shot first, and have kept shooting, and the worst part? The thing that makes my spark freeze up? You all stand around like I'm not some killing machine, I talk to try to drown out my own doubts, and to repress my thoughts, and to- to-
To just IGNORE introspection, and to avoid people looking at me, and examining the things I've done, and the people I've hurt, and- and its just- Primus- it works, its drowns it all out- Primus it works. Then it gets late- gets dark, maybe I'm on patrol, maybe not- It gets dark, and late, and the sun sets, and I- I'm not a religious woman- never have been- but I pray."
"I pray that I can make it to the sunrise in one piece."
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Estwald Shieldbasher
The door to her home survived the fires of the Malignus. Now it's her greatest weapon.
Artist: Wayne Reynolds TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Stick close to the torch.”
The traveling noblewoman nodded and clung tightly to her guide’s side, earning a quiet chuckle from the cathar.
“Yeah, that’ll do,” the soldier muttered under her breath. “And keep an eye out. Lots of zombies and vampires around nowadays.”
The noble nodded vigorously once more, scanning the tree line with eyes unadjusted to such darkness. “Yes, of course. And I’m sure it will also come in handy if we run into Ishkanah, or any of her accursed brood- Ow! What was that for?”
The cathar raised her torch once more, having used the butt of the handle to strike her charge on the top of the head. “This torch shall not burn spiders, their webs, their eggs, or their captured food!”
“But what if they attack us?”
“Have…have you ever been attacked by a spider?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Exactly. Ishkanah and hers keep to the deepest parts of the Ulvenwald. And even if they didn’t, I still wouldn’t dare try to set them ablaze.”
The noble put one hand on her hip. “Well…why not?”
“Besides potentially starting a cataclysmic forest fire, maybe spawning another Malignus? Let me think…oh, yeah! Ishkanah keeps the woods safer for us!”
“And how in the world does she do that?”
“You’ve taken this road through the woods before, yes? Albeit with different guides before me?”
“And have you ever seen a witchstalker on this road, let alone been attacked by one?”
“A wolf? No.”
“You mean to tell me Ishkanah hunts wolves?”
“…Oh…I thought she was smaller than that.”
“And that’s why you’re hiring a guide.”
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[Headcanon: on Innistrad, they’re called wolf spiders because they actually hunt wolves.]
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thoodleoo · 2 years
Hello! This is not a translation question - this is me trying to track down a precedence for an alleged translation. I studied Latin for 6 years. I'm rusty but I know a bit. I found a translation of a modern song which contained the word "maligni" (prob in the Dative) as "Satan." I have not been able to find any record of the word used this way in places I trust. The dictionaries I use simply provide the definition "spiteful." No research expected, just have you run into the word this this way?
first a quick grammar note, but maligni is 2nd declension so i'd guess it's more likely to be genitive. BUT i actually do know this from my dalliance in jerome's vulgate. satan is sometimes referred to as "the wicked/evil one" (in greek that is) which jerome sometimes parses as malignus.
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autoacafiles · 9 months
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mmalignus · 1 year
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2022 Curitiba, Brasil
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dailymtgflavortext · 2 years
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The door to her home survived the fires of the Malignus. Now it's her greatest weapon. 
-Estwald Shieldbasher
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
this might be an odd question, but how much does Mac know about the Destrons and/or Malignus caste, either from the data cylinder or from what other bots have told her? I remember that the data cylinder Mac handled contained the history of the Decepticons - how far back does that go? does it start only with what led to Megazarak's exile? does it contain anecdotes of what carried over from the prior faction(s)?
This is actually an extremely cool question, just to get that out of the way first, and thank you for asking it! In regards to the information, the Malignus era is where things start to get fuzzy. Like, Mac knows of them, but it'll take her a while to fish out the name "Ariex" from her brain, and even then, the information is more of an overview than anything. The origins of the Decepticons lie with the Destrons, so their history goes fairly in-depth as well. The events leading up to Megazarak's rule and exile onward have the most clarity and detail.
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lordrose97 · 5 months
Eulax Hierarchy
(Not every OC listed here belongs to me. Some belong to a friend. We’re working on a fictional world for our characters)
The Royal Family
Erena Vilmaros (Queen)
Xamos Vilmaros (King)
Fadel Vilmaros (Princess)
Lucina Vilmaros (Princess)
Seven Deadly Sins
Koran (Pride)
Malignus (Wrath)
Xenova (Lust)
Kal (Greed)
Byoka (Gluttony)
Sorgon (Envy)
Mistrath (Sloth)
Ars Goetia
Gremory Vellmith
Selina Vellmith
Rosa Vellmith
Yin Vellmith
Deus Vellmith
Sunny Vellmith
Demon Lords
Tavell Nefaris
Cinos Rosakolt
Breach Greltist
Several Unnamed Lords
Silvia Verchiel
Kildon Jazumaun
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So I thought up a fanfic idea so imma post about the MC to see if I should keep it to lore in my notes or make an ao3 fic. FYI this is set in star wars and would use cannon/legends at whenever I want.
Darth Malignus:
Darth Malignus was a project by Darth Vader that began in 16 BBY after being told the story of how Plaguis was created. Following this Vader left for Clak'dor VII and tried to request peaceful acess to the CMS. After being denied, he began an invasion of Clak'dor which took until 14 BBY. During the time, Vader began using the old hidden sith holocrons to study sith gene editing along with Plaugis'/Tenorbous' research.
After some searching he found a Gamoran Sow with high dark side potential and after gaining acess to the CMS found her a mate on Jedha. He began training the two in the dark side, and eventually they were two of the last people to get their kyber crystals on Ilum (Vader also using the dangerous strip mined Terran as a test)
After completing their combat training, Darth Malignus was conceived. Vader used combinations of Sith species and Night Sister magic to corrupt and threaten the quadruplets while an inquistor guarded the couple. Eventually, the sole surviving child was born. He was already slightly altered by the force.
The group would then move to an imperial base built during the pregnancy on Koroban where Malignus would be raised. He would come to be as strong as Gaelen Marek in his prime. After he begun traning with his lightsaber, a cracked crystal with a curved hilt and almost formed a proper blade edge, Vader would realize that Malignus' father began to move closer to the light. Vader order Malignus to execute his own father for this descent.
He would be declared the Moff of Korban's sector, and would abduct several children he encournted across the galaxy that he sensed the dark side in.
Eventually, a few months before the battle of Endor, he would wind up battling Luke Skywalker and upon learning that his master had been the Jedi chosen one he offered surrender in betrayal. Luke would spare him and allow him a chance to work for the light.
The children became a part of Luke's new jedi order, becoming the basis for the new version of the Grey Paladins. Malignus would do his best to aid ex-imperial planets and use his powers to destroy imperial remnant camps. Following this he would heal his lightsaber, never fixing the crack, and would study the balance of light and dark of Tython. He would die a monk on Tython, with his texts preserved after the death of the First Order and would die not knowing the path Luke went down or the fate of the order.
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