#Male reader x gwen
spiderfan922 · 3 months
Spideypool male reader x Spider-gwen: Rent
Gwen was sat across from you as the two of you were having a talk about the rent she owed.
Gwen: Mister L/N, I cant pay rent this month
y/n: I need my money Gwen
gwen: you sure there isnt anything I Can do instead?
y/n: anything?
gwen: anything
y/n: Well a kiss could get you off to a good start
gwen: well mister L/N, for the rest of the money I Can maybe do something for you in the bedroom
Hobie: Jesus fucking Christ we’re playing Monopoly
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. a lot of characters
summary. Y/n is very protective of his son (aka Spider Plush).
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, foul language, Hobie is a major bully
a/n. Y/n and Spider-Plush are the new Miguel and Lego Spider-Man
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“He is a person! And you will treat him that way!”
The voice of Y/n welcomed the newly woken society. It was around 7 am, and a commotion had begun in Miguel’s office. As the sun lazily illuminated the sky, Miles groggily made his way towards Miguel's office, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes. He couldn't fathom why there was such a commotion at this early hour. "Why is there so much yelling? It's 7 in the morning...!" he groaned, his voice laced with exhaustion. Miles walked through the door, greeting Gwen and Peter B. who were watching the scene amused. Miles looked to see Y/n in a heated debate with both Miguel and Hobie, although it was mostly Hobie, Miguel was sitting down, trying to sooth an incoming migraine.
Pavitr stood at Y/n’s side, cradling a….Spider-Man…plushie? “What is going on here..” Miles who was now wide awake stared at the situation, looking at Gwen for answers. Gwen responded with a chuckle “Get this…their arguing because Hobie skipped Spider-Plush in line for breakfast.” Gwen managed to say between fits of laughter. Miles gave Gwen a look “So, he doesn’t believe in consistency and he doesn’t believe in manners?” Miles watched Y/n, who looked like he was on the brink of committing murder, due to Hobie’s nonchalant face. Peter chimed in, catching a swinging Mayday “I don’t think he did it to be rude. Maybe because he likes getting on Y/n’s nerves,”
Jess who just walked in looked at Peter, “This early morning air finally gave you a brain?” She walked towards Miguel, handing him water and probably a headache pill. Miguel thanked Jess, looking up at the continuing argument. “Yeah..and how did Pavitr get into all this?” Miles questioned, Gwen laughed, for what seemed to be the 4th time “That’s even funnier! He’s trying to take Hobie to court,” Miles smiled, seeing the obvious amusement in the situation “Yeah, somehow he’s got a diploma in that stuff.” Jess chimed in from the computer.
“That’s not the fucking point, Hobart! My son deserves respect! You’ve made him cry!” Y/n gestures to the “crying” plushie, and Pavitr who’s nodding in agreement. Hobie scoffed “Cryin? He’s got a tear sticker on ‘is face! You’ve got yourself fooled!”. This was Miguel’s last straw, he finally flipped the table, literally, sending everything flying— including the cup of water, that Spider-Plush was now drowned in. Gasp filled the small crowd, the laughter coming to a halt to stare at Y/n who was breathing heavily, trying to calm down.
Y/n slowly turned, looking at the soaked Spider-Plush. The plush squeaked, comical tears spewing from its large eyes. Y/n turned to Miguel and Hobie— the latter raised his hands, in a attempt to prove his innocence, he instead pointed to the leader who sported a small bead of sweat, his posture straightened “Umm, that was an accident- I was trying to de-escalate the situation. My anger over took…” Y/n pounced on Miguel, not letting him finish his sentence. Miguel tried to pull the other off his face, stumbling around while knocking things over.
“I-it was an accident!”
“Sorry, Miguel. I’m not getting into this fight.”
The crowd watched in silence as Miguel walked out with a bucket on his head, drenched in water. Y/n, on the other hand, walked out cradling his son, the plush wrapped in a towel, Y/n cooed trying to calm down the squeaks emitting from the plushie. Y/n walks up to the group, staring directly at Hobie “Hobart. My lawyer will contact you.” Y/n pointed to Pavitr, and somehow the teen was in a suit. Hobie chuckled, “Fair enough.” Hobie looked at Gwen “Gwendy. Ya down to be my lawyer?” Gwen shook her head “Nope, your not dragging me into this.” Hobie sighed in defeat “Alrigh’ Miles, see ya in a suit on Tuesday.” Hobie shook said boys shoulders, before running off, leaving the boy no time to complain.
Y/n looked at his boyfriend, tutting his head “Fine. Miles. You wanna play that game? Helping my enemy!” Y/n groaned, pulling shades from seemingly nowhere, while also putting them on “I want my child support by Friday,” Y/n said, striding away, Pavitr shuffling after him, the stuff suit preventing him from running.
Meanwhile, Miles stood shocked “Child support? Wha…what is he talking about!” Gwen shook her head disapprovingly “Come on Miles, don’t play dumb, take responsibility.” She advised before departing, leaving Peter who shook his head as well “Don’t worry kid, we’ve all been there..” Peter smiles, before joining the rest.
“Wha- what are you guys talking about!”
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 5 months
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Gwen and Spider-Reader relax on the couch after a long day of patrol.
Gwen: I'm beat. Pizza and movie night?
Y/n: If cuddles are included, then it sounds like a plan.
The two kissed before Y/n picked up their phone to call Joe's pizza.
Deadpool: Sorry to interrupt this cute moment, but...
Y/n and Gwen turned around to see Deadpool standing in front of an orange, rectangular portal.
Deadpool: I kind of need Y/n's help saving the multiverse.
Y/n: Again? We just had a multiversal crisis a year ago!
Deadpool: I know, but it's become a popular trend in comic book movies besides we need a Team Red crossover.
Y/n turned to Gwen to she thought.
Gwen: It's alright. Just come back in one piece but if something happens I'm coming for you Wade.
Deadpool: Trust me, I know. I've seen Hawkeye and Arcane.
Y/n: Alright, let's go.
He jumped through the portal with Wade following soon after.
Deadpool: Let's f#*k!n' go!
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Deadpool: Really a censor!? That's the slogan of the movie!
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Spider verse reacting to meeting their dead s/o from other universe
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He stood there, processing everything. He knew you weren’t the one from his universe but still. It still hurts. He looks like he’s on the brink of tears before he finally goes up to you. He knew that you didn’t consent but he still needed the hug, he needed to know you were actually real.
He broke down in your arms. “You’re real!”
You didn’t know what was going on. You barely knew him from your universe. What happened to you in his?
“What happened to me?”
He broke down even more. Sobbing between words while telling you the whole story. From the beginning of him becoming Spider-Man to the events that led up to you dying. How he couldn’t save you.
“I’m sorry….I’m really, really sorry. I couldn’t save you and-and-“
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Gwen knew that she would see you eventually. There had to be a universe out there where you were Spider-Man. It didn’t stop her from panicking. She started having a panic attack. Peter…Peter was expected to be seen. She was the one to die in all the other universes. Still, it was you.
“[Name]. I know you won’t understand but I’m sorry. I can’t ever tell you that from my world so I’ll tell you. I’m sorry. I love you.”
It’s true that she wishes she can tell you that from her universe but you’ll have to do.
A bit taken aback you start to say something, “Although I don’t know what happened I hope we can be friends.”
“I’d love that.”
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Somehow he got stuck in your universe. It was full of color, reminders of you. He walked to where you used to live in his universe. Things are different in every universe so maybe, just maybe you’re here.
He rung the doorbell to your apartment. Things were really different between your universes. He noticed all the high tech, modern stuff before you opened your door.
He couldn’t help but smile. You’re still you. He would cherish this moment for the rest of his life. If only he could live it with you.
“Hello, [name].”
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
[Y/N stares at gwen glimmering while both of them are eating Burgers on top of a building]
Gwen : You just gonna keep staring at me or what? Cause your burger is looking pretty lonely right now
M!Reader blushing : Sorry sorry... But I gotta ask you this
Gwen : What is it?
M!Reader blushing : is it weird you somehow still look pretty with the mask on...
Gwen : Chuckles well I guess now i know that you're into the mask now, don't forget who's under the mask baby~
M!Reader : Pfftt! You mean an even more prettier figure~?
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months
Could you do the spiderverse characters reaction to meeting Male Reader who's banned from the spider society but keeps breaking in and his also a combination of Spider-Man and Deadpool
Caught Breaking and Entering , Again
Words: 821
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Due to his current… situation, he doesn’t have the chance to see what you’re doing.
When he first met you though, he was so surprised and honestly kind of appalled when he was first told about you.
He wishes that he was brave enough to keep going against Miguel like you do and keep returning, but will leave that to you.
“So uh, what’s up with him?”
“Who are you talking about?”
Without answering Miles pointed up, Gwen followed his finger to find someone had pulled off a panel, and was now putting it back while sticking onto the ceiling.
“Not again…”
“He’s done this before?”
“Yeah, keeps getting kicked out but comes back.”
“That’s not something you need to know Miles.”
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She really tries not to get involved with you whenever you break in.
Will distract you by any means, mainly has you two leave and head to her dimension.
Tries her best to keep you away from the other spider people, especially Miguel.
She only had seconds to hide you somewhere, shoving you behind some boxes laying around. Sweating when she saw Miguel stalking down the hallway, pausing right in front of her.
“Gwen, I saw him and you wi–”
Cringing away from LY.L.A who popped up right beside him, momentarily stealing his attention.
“Oh, you’re busy?”
“Well too bad, there's a loose villain running around somewhere.” Typing away at her screen before pulling up the camera, “There he is.”
“Fine,” Now turning back to Gwen, “But I better not see him around here again.”
When he left you finally walked out from the boxes.
“Well, that was close.”
“You idiot.”
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He is in love at first sight. (Which was Miguel yelling at you and trying to get you to leave, which he was failing at.)
Whenever he asks what you did you give him a different answer each time, and no one else dares to say anything.
If you can’t ever get in or just need his help just call, is 100% down every time.
“So what did you actually do? Take his mask? Break something?”
“Again? You didn’t believe me last time?”
“Mate, you told me that you were too good and he felt threatened, does that sound believable?”
“Yes! Except for the last part, Miguel would never admit that.”
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Tries her best to control your habit of breaking in, it’s only decreased slightly.
She’s stern enough to have you not get in any more trouble.
Manages to keep Miguel away from you most times, but from time to time let’s you two sort it out on your own.
She watched as you entered the building, the spot which was luckily out of the view of any cameras. Pausing when you heard, then saw her waiting.
“Oh, Jess, hey!”
Fixing the entry point quickly before dropping down, causing her to panic. Rushing over when you landed safely.
“Don’t you do that again!”
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She enables you to a certain degree.
Will (playfully) blackmail you, and how she could reveal your entry spots.
Although she is very adamant on not destroying anything. (If it’s unimportant and no one will notice then sure.)
“C’mon Y/N!”
“Absolutely not, do you really think I’d go that low?”
“Well, only if there was something at stake~”
Watching your mask move, so she could only assume that you were glaring at her.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would.”
Huffing at her words.
“Fine then.”
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Absolutely despises you.
Hes now on constant surveillance due to the fact you keep breaking in [still unsure how you keep doing it]
He’s so close to strangling you at this point, he’s so done with you.
He was so focused on his work, Miguel managed to miss the sound of someone entering and swinging up to the platform.
“Ay, Miggy!”
In an instant, he had turned around, launched himself at you but missed due to you hanging off by your web.
“Calm down bud, I’m just here to talk!”
But he didn’t. This is the fourth time today that you’ve returned, and he’s just done with you.
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He would really like for you to stop doing this. (So touched if you ever did it to see him, but still.)
Would prefer to not have to fix and bandage your wounds after Miguel had to throw you out again, injuring you once again.
If you have nowhere to go or would like to stay with him, he’ll let you.
“प्यार, what have you done this time?” Letting you sit while he searched for anything that could help, quickly returning once he did. “Did you bother Miguel again?”
“NO! How could you ever think that lowly of me!”
He laughs at your antics, slapping a hand over your mouth to shut you up. When you finally did he started tending to your wounds.
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laurens0 · 1 year
Incorrect quotes pt.2
Atsv x male reader
Characters: Peter b. Parker, hobie, gwen, miles, miguel
Genre: crack
M/n: The Ocean is a soup.
Peter b. Parker:
Peter b. Parker: Do elaborate.
M/n: What are needed for something to be a soup?
Peter b. Parker: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine.
M/n: *Tilts head*
Peter b. Parker: The Ocean is a Soup.
M/n: The Ocean is a Soup.
Hobie: Christmas is cancelled.
Miles: You can't cancel a holiday.
Hobie: Keep it up, miles, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Miles: What does that mean?
Hobie: m/n take New Year's away from miles
M/n: Hey, I say we go down there, kick miles’s door in, and let him know that we’re in town.
Gwen: That ain’t the way we do things here. We may have to go in there and run a con, drop a bug, do the smooth talking.
M/n: Okay, you come with me, you do the smooth talking, let’s go.
Gwen: No, we just can’t go in there and kick down miles’s door. We need a plan.
M/n: Well who makes the plans?
Gwen: miguel
M/n: miguel, what's the plan?
Miguel: You guys are gonna go down there, kick miles’s door in, let him know you’re in town.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated:)
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Ok so jumping spiders love to people watch, so I imagine the reader hiding somewhere either rin a different dimension or at HQ and just watching their favorite spider people.
Just thinking about maybe Hobie or Miguel giving a toru to a spider person and just "and in the corner is (reader), he doesn't do much, he just likes to watch.
If someone comes too close they skitter awax. Also, since the reader behaves like a jumping spider, I think he also looks a bit more spider-ish, like maybe a set of small eyes next to their big ones, their not that noticeable, and just small
Miguel was giving some new spider people a tour throught the HQ, everyone was really quiet and trying to keep at Miguel's explanation ''So, any questions?'' Miguel asked looking at the new spider people one of them looked a bit freaked out
''yeah, why is he looking at us like that?'' one of the people said pointing and [redacted] that was hanging from a spider web looking at the group with his eyes
''oh, he is [redacted] dont worry, he its really nice, he justs like to watch'' said Hobie walking pass the group of people followed by Gwen and Miles
''thanks hobie for the explanation'' said Miguel a bit annoyed '' [redacted] quit giving the rookies heart attacks and make sure any anomalies are in their belongin places'' Said Miguel as [redacted] hooped back to the floor
''got it Mig'' [redacted] said smiling Miguel sighed and looked back at the group ''lets...get going'' ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄HEADCANONS▄▀▄▀��▀▄▀▄▀▄
╰┈➤Everyone is a bit scared and freaked out by the fact that you dont really make any noises and just stare at theire souls
╰┈➤Except for Miles, Hobie, Gwen, Pav, Miguel and Peter
╰┈➤Hobie likes your eyes, he finds it really interesting and badass ╰┈➤Miguel finds you...really nice, you dont go to do a big fuss or make any trouble, you just sit there and watch, he finds you interesting ╰┈➤Miguel doesnt mind you staring at him, he finds it cute that you are curious abouth your surroundings ╰┈➤staring contest with Pav and Hobie
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supercap2319 · 8 days
Gwen: "Your boyfriend is an Anodite? Are you insane?"
Ben: "Umm... your boyfriend is Kevin."
Gwen: "Fair point."
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prismuffin · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering how you think the spiderverse characters would react to Male reader Spiderman that can jump really high because he was bit by a jumping spider? (I may or may not be asking this because the spiderverse oc I made was bit by a jumping spider. 😅)
I just asked for ATSV asks so thank you 😼anyways I think that-
Miles would probably find you cool rather quickly. In fact you probably saved his life the first time you met. You were called to Pavitrs earth by Jessica to accompany Gwen and you caught him after he glitched and fell. For a second he thought you were swinging but nope you were just jumping super high. “Can you just naturally jump this high?!” You laughed at his shock. Later on he definitely asks where you got those hops from cause he’s pretty sure that’s not a normal spider power.
Gwen was sent to another Spider-Man’s earth in order to help out but the threat was far more powerful than they thought so they sent backup to the backup. It was you and Hobie. Watching you hop around just saving civilians while Hobie dealt with the villain was honestly pretty cool and she definitely forgot where she was for a second. Eventually she’d snap back into it and start helping as well. Afterwards she introduces herself and asks about the jumping thing. Probably makes a corny ass joke about it. Finds it pretty sick honestly.
Pavitr was still pretty new to not only being Spider-Man but also the SpiderSociety so he was still meeting tons of new Spider-people. When he first met you, you were jumping around the spider society, “So are you jumping this high from some sort of limb enhancement or?” He’d ask while his head moved up and down as he watched you. When you tell him it’s because a jumping spider bit you- he finds it so cool. Pick him up and jump with him in your arms now. He finds it so fun and his giggles are so cute as you hop around the SpiderSociety with him.
You were introduced to Hobie through the SpiderSociety. His nonchalant rebellious behavior towards Miguel and his system drew you to him and you both started talking. When you brought up the fact that you could jump super high because you were bit by a jumping spider he jokingly doesn’t believe you, egging you on to “give it a go then,” just so he can see it in action. Finds your bouncing funny and compliments the ability. Probably gives you some silly jumping related nickname.
Miguel would’ve went to your dimension because of an anomaly, he’d be pleasantly surprised to see you holding your own and it would take him a minute to recognize that you were mostly jumping around and not swinging as much. Of course he’s met many spider people but none with the ability of super jumping. After capturing the anomaly he’d question you about the ability and you tell him it’s cause you got bit by a jumping spider. Sees your potential and probably recruits you based off of that alone, saying how the multiverse could use people like you.
Peter B would be shocked to say the least. I mean all spidermen can jump pretty high and move pretty fast but you’re jumping high. “Woah kid where’d you learn to jump like that?” He’d ask with a laugh as he witnessed you in action. When you tell him you were bitten by a jumping spider he just laughs. “Man why does everyone else always get the cool powers.” Unofficially adopts you for sure like you are his son now and you can’t fight it.
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m4dm4yhem · 1 year
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miles morales x black! amab! reader
being spiderman came with responsibilities; responsibilities that miles; a fifteen year old boy; sometimes took lightly, trying his hardest to still be a hero as well as living to what he thought was right; well.. he learned his lesson.. as his face was stained with the dried blood of his now deceased lover; his hands shaking as he stared down at their corpse.. he was frozen; a shaky breath coming out of his lips, a breath he didn’t even know was there.. “ no…” his voice was cracking; as his vision blurred; staring at the person he had grown to love over the years.. all the memories they shared over the years flying through his head. . .
“ miles..” [name] groaned as the boy had asked them to try to do his hair; and by do it..he meant detangle it so he could wash it. “ yes?” he turned his head to look at his partner; a grin toying on his lips; his eyes had a look of love, a look that was quickly met with a look of annoyance; “ turn your damn head back around.. before i hit you in the back of the head so hard with this brush you see next year.” [name] threatened; which made miles shudder and turn back around; so the lover he had could properly detangle his hair; a kiss was laid on top of the product full head of hair he had; “ thank you, my love.”
“-coming!” [name] called out as they grabbed their uniform jacket and readjusted their tie before they ran out of the school; miles had asked them to come to his house.. something about an important matter that had to be discussed with them; they were running down the side of the sidewalk as they spoke to miles over the phone; “ you can’t just…TELL me over the phone..? It’s that important?” They slowed down a bit.. once they realized the bangs of their hair was up; both due to shrinkage and due to the air that was hitting them due to their fast pace.
“ yes! it’s extremely important so..get here!” and with that miles hung up; “ …i know that lil nigga did not just hang up in my face!” [name] yelled to themselves, a look of anger on his face as he stared down at his phone, grumbling to himself as he made his way to his friend’s house; he was quickly greeted with miles sitting on the sidewalk next to his house; chewing on his bottom lip; “ miles! yo..man whats good with you?” [name] spoke; a grin making its way to his face, the anger leaving as quickly as it came once he saw his friend. the guy sat down next to his friend on the sidewalk; “ hey man..I got a question..”
[name] nodded; “ i most likely got an answer..unless it’s about math.. im the english gay not the math one.” he put his hands up; the joke leaving his lips as a giggle was released almost instantly; “ but…I got you man.. c’mon tell me.” he spoke; playfully hitting his friend’s shoulder as he spoke.
“ …how did you know..you liked boys?”
“ …what?”
“…I think I like this boy.. but I don’t know how to know if I just admire him or actually like him.”
[name] raised an eyebrow and then playfully punched his friend; “ so your ass is crushin’ on someone.. and didn’t tell me..? wow.” a playful eye roll was expected but then their expression changed to one of sincerity.
“ i just..i kissed one..and compared it to how I felt with a girl.”
“ but..I never kissed a girl.”
“ you’ve been in love with one though.” [name] spoke softly; “ that girl from another dimension? ..the one with the confusing lore behind her being.”
“ dude..you understand five nights at freddy’s lore..but don’t get the spiderman one?” miles spoke; getting a bit more interested in this conversation than..to tell his best friend.. of nearly a decade he had a crush on him.
“ i…look.. im beating the black men love spiderman allegations! “ [name] spoke and threw his head back in a dramatic fashion.
“ but…we’re getting side tracked.. what is this guy like.how long you knew him?”
“ a long time man…nearly as long as I been aliv-“ almost instantly [name] cut him off
“ okay lil nigga who else you knew besides me that long that you been keeping me in the dark about?” [name] got closer to miles; their faces mere centimeters apart.. and they watched as miles began to start sweating; the slightly taller of the two could’ve sworn he heard miles mutter a ‘ you.’
“ i like you.”
w..what happened to you?
miles took a step closer to his long term boyfriend, his eyes searching over for any signs of life.. he couldn’t even see the other’s chest moving; placing his head on his chest.. his eyes widened when he heard how..quiet it was.
“ why is your heart always beating so loud? that cannot be healthy.” miles shook his head as he laid his head down on his boyfriend’s chest; a blush made its way to the other’s face and they shook their head.
“ it’s cause I love you so much..you make me nervous.” they spoke softly, wrapping their arms around the frame of their partner. “ you make my hands sweaty and shit man.. I don’t know how I’m supposed to calm down when I got this gorgeous man in front of me.” [name] spoke; miles could feel the the sweat on his hands soaking through his shirt; and his eyebrows furrowed; “ jesus I didn’t know someone could sweat this much!” soon as he said that [name] snatched their hands back
“ no! baby I was joking! put them back- dude put them back!”
“ miles…” gwen started as she was in a hurry; the spot was still attacking miles’ dimension, his world was going to collapse if they didn’t stop the villain soon… but a gasp left her mouth when she saw [name].. their clothes torn and bloodied, their eyes wide with terror and mouth slightly gaped open; miles was sobbing over his boyfriend’s body; tears rushing down at a rapid pace.
…not you too.
miles awkwardly cleared his throat as his looked over at his boyfriend, the two of them were at their local burger joint.. and while it was just a hang out spot for them on usual occasions.. this was their first date.
“ so..you come here often?” miles spoke; the awkward tone was dripping from his voice.. it was almost painful
“ yeah.. I do.. I come here all the time with my best friend, miles morales.” [name] said, then they released a laugh so light, it would’ve been considered more of a giggle.
“ ah..? miles morales.. what’s he like.. he tall? handsome even?” this was making the vibe less awkward; miles leaned over the table; a smirk on his face.
“ he’s very handsome..” [name] responded; looking at miles with nothing but love in their eyes. “ he’s the only one who supports the fact that I’m not always a boy.. he listens to me rant about my interests.. and I listen to him rant about his own.. I think.. I’m in love with him.” [name]’s face got hot at that last part.. miles’ did as well.
“ ..oh?” was miles’ only response.
“ …yeah.” yeah the awkward vibe was back, and miles was desperate to return it back to how it was; he placed a hand on top of [name]’s..
“ he’s in love with you too.”
don’t leave me.
miles knew [name] was already gone; but his ear was pressed against his chest anyway; his own heart pounding at the possibility of never hearing their laugh again.. not being able to listen to them rant about lore of things miles didn’t even know the first thing about..
“ [name]… if you don’t go.. I promise.. I’ll play all those dumb scary games with you..five night’s at Freddy’s.. sally face.. those dumb roblox scary games.. please.” his words oozing with pain, he felt gwen tugging on him. they had to go.. they needed to fight the spot.. the team needed them.. there was only so much they could do without the extra eyes.. the extra hands, the extra skills..
..why didn’t he save them in time..why didn’t they stay home? he told [name] the spot was dangerous and that the only people who could defeat him was him and the spider society.. he wasn’t a spider person.. [name] was a normal civilian trying to help the man they loved.
i can’t lose you..
“ [name]! guess what.” miles said with a grin; as he stared at his lover; [name] rolled his eyes playfully “ what is it?”
“ i love you.” miles had a look of love.. contentment and happiness in his eyes as he said that; [name] gave a shy smile “ …i love you too, estúpido.” the last word made miles’ mouth dropped
“ what?!” he shouted; “ where did you learn that?”
“ your mom! “ [name] said with a grin; “ she didn’t call you stupid.. she was just doing that thing..moms do when they rant to themselves and forget people can hear them.” [name] shrugged as he stared at his boyfriend
“ i just wanted to try it out…” the other gave their boyfriend a soft flick to the forehead
“ you’re very smart.. smartest boy I ever met…after me when im feeling the man in me.” [name] said as they opened their legs in that moment, manspreading; turning to miles and grinned. his eyes showing nothing but happiness and love.
“ but..seriously man.. I love you too.. so fucking much.”
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spiderfan922 · 3 months
Spideypool male reader x spider-gwen: gamenight
gwen: and what dont we do when we lose
y/n: threaten to turn everyone into shishkebabs
gwen: right what else dont we do
y/n: threaten to kill their families
gwen: that is good, what do we do if someone uses a blue Shell on you right before the finish Line in Mario kart?
y/n: we shoot that motherfucker right between the eyes for being a fucking prick
gwen: baby No, we do NOT shoot anyone, we do not need another incident
y/n: he lived didnt he?
gwen: yes he did, and why did he live?
y/n: because Peter, Miles, you and Spider-Ham bodyslammed me into the floor, it was oddly hot
gwen: and what dont we do to spider-ham?
y/n: threaten to make him into a fucking smoked pork if he doesnt stop being a fucking little bitch for taking the good controller
gwen: yes and now hand over the knives
y/n: pssssh I dont have a knife on me, you already took everything
gwen: dont make me frisk you
y/n: ohhhh is that a threat or a good time?
gwen: okay, I will break up with you if something happens tonight
y/n: you wouldnt dare
gwen: you’re right, but No sex for a month
y/n: *le gasp*, you wouldnt
gwen: I would
y/n: fine then, here is my reserve gun, and my reserves reserve gun and my reserves reserves reserve gun and my knife I call him gutty because he guts open my enemies, take good Care of my babys
gwen: thats better
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. spider-plush, miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie
summary. 5 idiots in a court room
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, foul language
a/n. A lot of ppl liked my last post, so here’s part 2!
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“Order in the court!”
The judge, or Gwen, yelled. Banging the wooden mallet on the bench. She cleared her throat before looking at the crowd. Pavitr, Y/n, and Spider-Plush on one side, while Hobie and Miles on the opposing “You can all probably guess why you are all here…?” The chirps of a cricket bounced off the empty courtroom walls, “Okay, we are gathered here for the trial of Spider-Plush, or whatever, I have no idea how court works.” Gwen mumbled, fidgeting with her papers. Hobie nodded, and Miles coughed awkwardly, “Speaking nothin but the truth…” Hobie whispered, with a slight smirk. Gwen snapped her neck in his direction, sending the punk a playful glare. The blonde sighed, “Anyways..”
“First off, don’t interrupt the judge. Second, we don’t have the budget for handcuffs that’d keep Hobie contained.”
“Got that right.”
“Y/n no one saw this ‘criminal act’ but you. We don’t even have enough evidence for a court case.”
“Ok…Pav, maybe we should stay outta this one.”
“We should all calm down.”
“Come on Pav, we’re leaving!”
Y/n rose from his seat, stopping near Miles. His gaze fixed upon his boyfriend, a stern expression etched across his face. "Morales," Y/n's voice carried a note of seriousness. Miles met his gaze, a mix of apprehension and curiosity in his eyes. "L/n," Miles responded, mirroring the intensity of Y/n's stare. “The child support?” His face contorted into fear “I….forgot?” It sounded more like a question than an answer, but that didn’t stop Y/n from expressing his displeasure. But, his demeanor quickly changed.
“Y’all hungry?”
“Yeah, I could eat”
“Sure! Being a heartless lawyer is hard work”
“As long as I’m not payin”
“When have you ever paid?”
“I don’t believe in givin those big companies money, it’s all goin to waste anyways”
“Ugh, don’t get him started on another rant!”
“Like it or not, you’re gonna need it”
“Yeah, cause beating the shit outta cops is gonna get me into college.”
“It’s gonna get you somewhere alright…”
“Yeah, jail!”
“Alrigh’ stop this slander!”
As the group walked away, their voices gradually fading into the distance, Miles stood there, a smile playing on his lips. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment as he watched his friends. But the fleeting moment of solitude was soon interrupted by a surge of excitement, urging Miles to catch up with the others. Without hesitation, he dashed forward, his footsteps quickening as he eagerly joined his friends.
“So, what we eatin?”
“Whatever Y/n wants”
“I’m bringing Margo next time, y’all bitches are lame.”
“Woah. Couldn’t even wait until we got off government grounds to start cursing?”
“I taught ‘em well.”
“Except you Pav, best lawyer man!”
“Yay! :D”
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 5 months
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Y/n uses Gwen's Spider-Society watch to travel to Wade's Earth.
Y/n: Alright, Wade, I'm here. I'm sorry about yesterday. What did you need my help with?
Wade: It's too late, Y/n. You've already broken my heart.
Y/n: You interrupted my day off with Gwen!
Wade: Either way, I have found a new best friend. Say "Hi" Matt.
He pushed a guy wearing red tinted glasses and holding a cane out in front of you.
Matt: Uh... Hello?
Wade: Figured it was time Ben got a second chance at the character. And now Team Red is officially together!
Y/n looks at Matt and whispers.
Y/n: He kidnapped you too, didn't he.
Matt: Yep.
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yelspyder · 1 year
Hii can i request a hobie brown x reader where the reader loves to crochet things for him? :))
˚‧⁺.-“Oh, crochet!”
↳ summary: Hobie with an S/O who loves to crochet things for him
↳ characters: Hobie Brown
↳ Gn! Reader
↳ notes: I don't really know much about crocheting, so I hope I didn't make a mistake when I wrote it. I hope you enjoy!
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He would wear every accessory you make for him with the greatest pride in the world. Not only that, he would also occasionally flaunt having a partner who does this for him to his spider-friends. Now, you have some spiders asking you to crochet little accessories for them.
Hobie is absolutely not going to share the accessories with anyone. That's one of his many privileges for being your partner, of course he won't share it with anyone else!
He would ask you to make a small version of yourself to carry everywhere as a lucky charm. It would be a captivating sight to see Hobie walking around with a little spider-punk on his jacket.
He has a habit of going everywhere with the crochet accessories, and that includes his missions and patrols as a spiderman, and this causes the accessories to be damaged sometimes. When that happens, Hobie feels a pang of sadness and comes home with puppy dog eyes asking you to fix it, then he can go back to using them.
Now, if it was something like a crochet animal, Hobie would keep them as carefully as possible in his room, in a place where he would always see it and crack a small smile at the glimpse. And, when he misses you, he might even fall asleep cuddling the crocheted animals you made with an iron grip on them.
He wouldn't tell you, but he would name every crochet animal you made. You found this out when you saw him calling the little penguin you made for him 'Stuart'. Not to mention he would treat them like your own children.
Hobie asks you to teach him and ends up creating crochets with funny and disproportionate little mistakes, and you can't help but tease him about it. It ends up being really adorable, though.
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
☀️Morning Time☀️
[Gwen sitting on top of a tall building staring at the view while eating a burger]
Ring Ring Ring
Gwen : Hm? Who's calling at this time-.....
🟩 🟥
Accept Decline
Gwen : Y/N? Y/N-Y/N!? Okay don't start panicking Gwen...
[Gwen immediately puts down her Burger and starts panicking]
[Gwen stares at the buzzing phone]
Gwen : .....
Gwen : this is bad.....
Gwen : Gosh why is this so difficult! We've called each other so many times! The only difference now is that we're dating!
Gwen : Breaths in...... Breath out this needs to go right...
[Gwen starts running around in circles panicking while holding the still buzzing phone]
Ring Ring Ring
Gwen : Hey sweetheart!-Wait no that's too soon...
Ring Ring Ring
Gwen : He-Hey Y/N how's things!-..... How's things!? Are you kidding me!
[Gwen let out a sigh]'
Gwen : Just say what you think is right Gwen... This has to be perfect....
M!Reader : Hey!-
Gwen : Hey hot stuff!
M!Reader : .....
Gwen : .....
[Gwen immediately face palms herself and starts groaning while blushing meanwhile Y/N starts chuckling on the call]
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