#Male Vore Story
celebrityfootlicker · 11 months
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Zedd - Vore
I sat inside the airport waiting for my delayed flight, these places are always the most uncomfortable since they don’t have any way of separating the tinies from the regular sized people I end up sitting in a regular seat hoping nobody would try to sit on top of me. After another hour a man sits next to me slightly scruffy looking he leans back in his corner seat and props up one of his feet behind me almost squishing me in the process “uh excuse me” the man looks down at me and quickly moves his foot “oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there” you laugh and tell him it’s okay “they really need to add a tiny section to this place” you agree “I’m Anton by the way, you?” you tell the man your name he smiles a bit “nice to meet you, you waiting on the delayed flight too?” you nod as the man sighs and sits back. After a few minutes of silence another person comes by and see’s your seat not noticing you he’s about to sit right on you before Anton stops him telling him to watch where he sits the man walks away “hey uh if you want I have an idea so you don’t get bothered while we wait” curiously you look at Anton “I could eat you and have you sit in my stomach till the flights ready that way nobody tries to mess with you”.
A bit reluctant you think for a bit Anton doesn’t seem untrustworthy or anything “okay” you say and immediately a smile comes to his face “Perfect I always wondered how it felt having one of you guys in my stomach” he holds out a hand and you hop on, he brings you to his mouth opening it slowly the strands of saliva hang from several spots and the warm rush of air pushes you back “hop in I won’t bite, promise” you breathe and head inside the tongue was soft yet firm holding you up as he mistakenly moved it to the left, you fall into a pile of saliva underneath his tongue “ugh so gross”. He quickly pushes you back up above his tongue “sorry not used to having tinies in there, ready?” you think for a second “why can’t I just stay in your mouth?” you ask “well this is kind of embarrassing, but I could really use some food my stomachs pretty empty, but I’ll let you out after like I said” hesitant and a little suspicious you agree, you head to the back of his mouth soft sounds of rumbling can be hear from Antons stomach.
You tell Anton you’re ready “ok little guy, hope it’s a nice and comfy trip down” the back of his tongue rose squeezing you into his throat you slid down face first, the saliva made you easily slide down and not even a minute later you land with a plop in the stomach. The stomach is empty and wet dripping with gastric fluids the inhaling and exhaling from Anton expands and shrinks the stomach walls. Anton feels you inside his stomach and rubs it from the outside “glad you made it down, I’ll let you know when the plane is about to board” you feel comfortable with being inside Anton trusting him getting comfortable inside the stomach and relaxing on the soft muscles makes you almost want to fall asleep, but you stay awake on your phone the light from your screen showing the empty stomach.
Anton keeps you in there for a few hours humming and listening to music the sounds from outside mostly blocked by the stomach walls, finally the attendants speak “hello everyone we are now boarding the delayed flight please enter and have your tickets ready” Anton gets up shaking the stomach around “Okay we’re boarding buddy ready to get out?” thinking for a second you consider staying in the stomach it’s nice and warm plus Antons been nothing but nice “Hey I feel bad leaving your stomach empty after you helped me out so much, If you’re okay with it I want to stay in here and digest for you” the stomach rumbles “are you sure Y/N? I can last the trip not that I don’t want to digest you but it’ll be painful and slow” you chuckle “I know but I’ll bear it as thank you” standing your ground Anton says “okay but don’t blame me when you start screaming from pain, cause I promise you my little snack I won’t be letting you out” Anton laughs as he grabs his luggage and heads onto the plane the stomach shakes the whole time “I left your stuff on the chair and threw away your ticket since you won’t be needing it anymore right little snack?” you agree and he sits in his chair. You hear the fumbling of a bag a few minutes later a small pile of mush falls on your head “they gave out nuts while we boarded guess, I won’t be relying on just you for food” questioning for a second you ask “do you still need me in here then?” with a pat to his stomach “of course you gave up, your food now so digest with the pile of mushy food like a good boy” he laughs again as you relax the acids start to build up the pile of mush is reduced to nothing in almost an instant while your legs take a big longer to break down the searing heat on your skin makes you yelp in pain “hey Anton I think I might be changing my mind” a snore is heard from outside “Anton please wake up!” you yell and bang on the walls waking him up “Dude shut up in there like I said you’re staying in there no matter what so stop complaining you choose this” those words echo around you as you fall to your knees and let the acids break you down you hear a voice from the outside “Hello sir would you like any food or drinks?” not even a minute later a waterfall lands on your melted body “finally some food, tiny didn’t fill me at all” he rubs his stomach again “guess you did hold me over though, like the good little snack you are”
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mpreghotties2 · 6 months
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justanothervoreblog · 7 months
Big Brother's Indulgence
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Martin had been warned so many times about the noise. Once was an honest mistake, two was recklessness, and three was just a blatant disregard. Kyle had to lay down the law. He pardons himself from the game chat that he was on and makes his way towards Martin's room. Martin had a friend over, Sam, the two of them together were a nightmare. However, both of them together would be delicious.
Kyle opens up the door and interrupts both of the noisemakers. Right before he was about to grab them, he could see cans of Coke all over the floor. So not only had Martin failed to entertain his guests at unreasonable noise levels, but he went right into Kyle's secret stash of sodas. Now this was more than just punishment, this was earned gluttony.
Kyle's belly growled out in anticipation and Martin immediately realized that he had fucked up. He had watched Kyle swallow up a couple of religious solicitors once. Martin was fully aware of what his brother could do and began to plead for his mercy. Sam foolishly believed that this was a punishment was relegated family members to try to make a subtle exit. Kyle grabs him by the shoulders and opens his mouth possibly wide. Sam screams but it is immediately cut off by the muscled walls of Kyle's throat. To make sure that Martin doesn't try a similar stunt, Kyle seizes Martin by the shirt. He gets a front-row ticket to his brother's gluttony.
Kyle shoves Sam into his mouth. The saliva slicks up the shoulders and helps them slide past that pink tongue. Afterward, the lean chest and abs follow quickly. Martin's room is filled with Kyle's gluttony and satisfied moans. His stomach greedily awaited the arrival of Sam. It gets its first bit of food when Sam's head pops past that tight stomach ring. It was an uninviting and hostile place, Kyle's belly. Inside was digesting Pizza and leftovers, and he was pretty sure that there was a Best Buy t-shirt. All that remains of the unhelpful worker that Kyle had snapped up.
Martin watched as Sam's legs uselessly outside of his brother's maw. His thighs are slowly reduced down to the calves. Kyle removes the sneakers from Martin's feet. He leaves the socks though, it was always a bit of a kink of his. Then Martin watches as Sam goes from best friend to brother food with a single gulp. The bulge passes down into Kyle's throat and then expands inside of his belly. Martin can hear Sam's cries from inside. He watches Kyle rub over that belly and Martin trapped within. Martin knows that it was fucked up way to think, but he silently hopes that Sam was enough for Kyle's hunger.
For a moment, Kyle just pushes his brother's face up against his expanding dome. Martin could feel every twitch that Sam made and realized that if he ever wanted to see Sam again, he'd have to ask Kyle to lift his shirt. Kyle didn't usually let his meals go and this wasn't the first time that he had snacked on Martin's friends. Billy, Josh, and Steve had all made their way down Kyle's throat.
Then a rumbling vibrates Kyle's belly and Martin knows exactly what was about to happen. With a loud burp, the nastiest-smelling air is expelled. It was wet too, bits of spittle landing on Martin's face. All of it, unfortunately, smelled like Sam. The dome slightly shrinks to reveal Martin continuing to struggle. The fight inside the belly becomes clear for a moment. Then the belly expands again leaving the prey obscured.
Kyle's eyes then drift down to Martin, his little brother. For a moment there is an exchange, no words. Could Kyle eat his brother? His own flesh and blood? Was that a line that he could cross? Martin hoped that there was some limit to Kyle's gluttony. Maybe eating one of his friends was enough and Kyle would let him go? Perhaps, there was a chance. Kyle lifted him so that Martin was close enough to smell Kyle's Sam-scented breath. The pool of saliva building up at the back of his mouth was intimidating. Still, Kyle wouldn't actually do it right, right?
Martin's hopes get dashed as Kyle licks his lips. Martin doesn't remember what Kyle says after that. Something about how the second course is always sweeter or something along that line. What Martin does remember is Kyle opening up his mouth and his world turning to darkness…
Kyle could feel the weight of his gaming chair creek. Other chairs he had owned would have broken by now, but this one had been properly reinforced. If Kyle was going to eat like a pig, then he should have a chair that fits him like one. Martin and Sam had saved him only one Coke. So who is the real pig here? It was still Kyle, now with Martin and Sam trapped inside of his belly.
The struggle had calmed down a while ago, both boys accepting their fate as food for Kyle. Kyle savors their taste with a refreshing Coke as he texts the game chat that he will be a moment. He was going to order some more food for himself and in a way, Martin and Sam. Of course, if they ate the food that already came down, it was their business. Kyle had already gotten his.
So while Kyle waited for the food delivery, his hands roamed over that mighty gut. His little brother was trapped inside, wondering if he would see the sun again. Kyle wasn't sure if his little brother would be let out. Sam would be a permanent resident, much like his other little friends. Kyle thought about the questions his dad might ask. It was enough to make him reconsider or… Kyle could just show his dad where Martin had gone. The thought of that makes him chuckle as he rubs his fat gut. As he daydreams about the scenario, Martin plays with his belly button.
The doorbell cuts him out of his delusions. He stands with his hefty belly and stretches realizing that the food was here. Right before he was about to head to the door, his belly growled.
The question is this: Did Kyle want thirds?
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izznts · 4 months
John's PRIDE-ful Feast
Commission from Toulensister
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nombitenary · 2 months
Super short (2.5K) self indulgent story of a borrower!you getting caught by Christopher and swallowed up <3 Maybe bring better equipment next time you try borrowing from a maneater...
G/t, ambiguous ending, rope play in the throat, and mentions of fatal <3 enjoy!
You can’t believe you got caught.
The man who lives in the apartment you’ve been borrowing from is home so rarely that you suppose you’ve gotten careless. After all, he’s never around to hear your heavy footsteps on the counters or the scrabbling of clumsy hands against drawers. His two cats are easy enough to maneuver around as well, seeing as one of them is trained well enough to not go on the counter, and to scream at the other one whenever it gets the bright idea of chasing you along the countertop. 
You’d been testing your new rope, tying it to all manner of things in the kitchen and letting yourself be slowly lowered off the edges of drawers, tables, counters… and hadn’t been bothering to keep your laughter at your successes quiet, nor the thuds of your tiny boots as you’d climbed up the edges of his walls and cabinets. 
Everything had been going so well that you’d somehow missed the sound of the bedroom door opening and the light in the hallway, and by the time you realized that something was amiss… was only due to clawed fingers wrapping around your waist and a soft coo of: “Oh, what do we have here?”
And now, here you are, dangling between his fingers from the rope you’d thought had been such a clever tool to get around the maze of his apartment. You can’t bring yourself to speak as you stare up at him meekly, the light reflecting off his glasses making his eyes seem cold and far away- near impossible to read. 
He hasn’t spoken since his initial greeting, if you can even call it that. All he’s done is stare at you with that coldness in his eyes, almost as if he’s calculating something- blinking every now and again, though it does nothing to set your mind at ease. If anything, it makes you feel worse, and when he opens his lips and finally speaks to you properly-
“Well. You should fit. This should be interesting.”
-it does nothing to calm your nerves. 
Before you can ask him what he means, the air is forced out of your lungs by him tugging on your little rope, effortlessly and haphazardly lifting you into the air above his face and leaving you to stare down at him in terrified disbelief. You’ve never met this human before, but from what you’ve gathered, there’s nothing too horrible about him. 
With your lower lip trembling, you look down into his deep brown eyes, searching for any trace of a joke or flickers of sympathy. 
What you receive in return is a toothy smirk. One that plays out almost in slow motion, leaving you helpless to watch as his lips curl away from his teeth, showing the gleaming, drool-slicked and sharp points lining his gums. Your heart starts racing at the sight of them, and again, you try to find your words- but you’re once again interrupted by something terrifying. 
Those teeth were bad enough on their own, but as you stare down at Christopher’s freckled face… they begin to part. 
A warm blast of air rises from the chasm opening beneath you and you find yourself unable to look away as the huge muscle of his tongue shifts- easily the size of a small mattress and just as cushioned- moving from one side of the pink and dripping cavern to the other. The surface of it flexes in waves, and you follow the muscle back toward the darkest pit in the back of his jaws- marked by a swinging uvula and a streamlined tunnel designed to cram anything it can fit inside down.
His throat flexes, and his whole mouth shifts at once- a mess of moving pieces and parts and flesh and teeth rearranging to allow him a soft swallow- and when it opens again, strings of drool connect the bottom of his jaws to the top like the bars of a prison cell. 
Unable to speak, your own mouth opens and closes as you watch his throat shift with his every breath, the idle motions of his tongue twitching and swaying as more and more saliva floods the cavern. 
You’re transfixed, though the spell breaks when his grip on your rope abruptly falters- sending you falling a few inches closer to the gaping maw with a scream. 
A laugh rolls over you in response, and you gasp, clutching the rope in your fingers despite the knot keeping you secure. You’re spinning now, watching the gullet beneath you pulse as you rotate, unable to keep yourself from noticing that it seems to be pulsing in anticipation, the tongue stretching out from between those lips as if to echo the sentiment. 
He’s going to eat you.
No. No, he won’t. 
Surely he won’t. 
Despite not being human, you think for a moment that you’ll be able to appeal to his sympathy, though when you manage to tear your gaze away from his maw to try looking into his eyes--
The rope slides easily through his fingers, and with a rush of air, you plummet- your scream being cut off and muffled by his tongue greeting you. It all but wraps around your sides, and you feel it constrict, pinning your arms to your torso as its owner tips his head back and allows you to fall backward into the cage of his mouth. 
You scream as the tongue folds over you greedily, drinking in your flavour and slathering you in thick saliva. The surface won’t stop moving beneath your hands- cushy and soft and speckled with taste buds that leave a faint bumpy texture pressing against your palms and fingers- though when he abruptly licks you again, you’re flipped onto your side, helpless to do anything but let his tongue squish tightly against your back. The muscle is hot and explorative, wasting no time in dragging its tip along your flailing limbs. 
Everything around you is hot and slick, but the more you fight against it, the more of his saliva seeps through your clothes, soaking your skin and causing you to slip around easily in the chasm of his mouth. A zigzag of light filtering between his teeth is the only way for you to see the warm pink of his tongue as it continues to effortlessly bat you and part of your flimsy rope around. 
It’s… so easy for him. 
So easy to treat you as nothing more than a sweet treat. You find yourself pushed against his fangs more than once, and each time, you suck in a sharp breath and wait for him to chew you to pieces- all the while trying to peer out past his lips for one more glance at the world you’re leaving behind.
You don’t get one. 
All your squirms earn you is more buffeting from the tongue, more hums of delight from the throat that you know is yawning wide behind you, but you don’t allow yourself to look at it, trying instead to drag yourself forward in the dripping mouth of the beast. You’re close. Your fingers reach the very edge of his gums and you strain to pull yourself up from his gullet even as you feel your legs brush the very edge of his throat.
A throat that twitches eagerly, the muscles there relaxing with a soft slrrrk of noise- and you yelp as you find yourself falling deeper into the squishy tube. 
The tongue that had been idly sloshing you around arches, filling his mouth and squeezing the air from your lungs in a strangled cry- though you don’t have time to be worried about that as you realize what the predator’s doing.
Swallowing. He’s swallowing. The gullet behind you lurches, a tiny hlrk and a bob of the muscles behind you causing you to throw your arms forward as gravity changes- but you’re too covered in saliva to get a grip on anything. Instead, you’re forced to feel his uvula drag across the back of your shoulders as he hums- the noise loud enough to make your chest feel like it’s buzzing. 
You’re squashed under his uvula entirely with another firm swallow, leaving you scrambling against the plush back of his tongue as you try to reach the swinging tab of flesh. Your fingers are tangled tightly in your rope, clutching it in utter desperation. It’s still holding fast. Still tied to something. 
You try to remember if you saw it caught between his molars or canines as you try to hoist yourself further up his gullet- barely able to even paw the backmost part of his tongue in your attempts to reach freedom. It’s still somewhat taut, taut enough that there’s hope…
…as light falls over you, you look up from the depths of his throat, for one fleeting moment allowing yourself to think that he’s about to cough you up. It must be a mistake. He seems like a kind enough man, and you shift your position slightly to see better, wiping a string of drool out of your face as a shadow falls over his jaws. 
His hand. 
And in his fingers…
In his fingers, he’s lazily clutching the end of your rope. He holds it there with a soft chuckle, one that makes the throat around you ripple, before you watch his mouth start to relax as it closes for what you realize in terror is the final time.
“Wait- wait wait wait-!"
When he swallows, the walls of his throat clutch tight around you, rippling with a soft ulp that folds around you and tries to squeeze you down along with it. Your whole body jerks in place, being squashed tighter into the living tunnel before the rope pulls taut and forces you back up- which causes the muscles around you to quiver and the predator they belong to to hum. 
It’s absolutely deafening this close to his voicebox. 
You gasp as the slimy walls finally ease up, trembling at the sensation of something pressing at you from outside of your new prison. At first, you almost think you’re imagining it, but when the throat around you twitches in response to a firmer press, you realize those are fingers pressing against you from the outside. 
You can’t help but imagine yourself as a lump in Christopher’s throat. 
As you struggle harder, forcing your elbows out against the taunting squishes, in you mind’s eye, you see the small flutter of your movements settled just above his collarbone- the way you stretch the freckled skin and wriggle just beneath it- and as you tug on the rope in a desperate attempt to shimmy back up the way you came-
-the throat constricts tighter, and this time you can’t keep yourself from giving a yelp as you’re sucked further into Christopher’s esophagus- settled just beside his thudding heart. The walls of his gullet have grown tighter, as has the knot of the rope around your waist thanks to said walls hungrily rippling around you in an attempt to squeeze you deeper inside. Again, you struggle to haul yourself further up the rope that’s keeping you suspended in his chest. Your saliva slicked hands fumble to get a grip, and you curse yourself for not having tied too many knots in it before trying to use it out borrowing. In the pitch darkness of his throat, you can’t see much aside a very faint red- the light from outside only penetrating deep enough for you to see the faint outlines of the esophagus squeezing around you. 
Your rope is still being held snugly by the gullet’s walls, the red lifeline almost vanishing into the pulsing darkness, but you squint through the saliva running down your face just long enough to realize how far down you’ve been squeezed. Seeming miles of throat stretch above you, and a flicker of light from the top of the tunnel causes your heart to sink. On either side of you, you hear a rush of air filling your devourer’s lungs, and everything tightens as they fill with oxygen, preparing for another-
-for him, it must be nothing. Just soft and lazy bobs of his adam’s apple that allow your rope to fall deeper into the folds of his throat. You can almost imagine how faint the sound of him swallowing must be outside of the sweltering confines you’re in now- but you can’t quite cling to the illusion long enough to mute the disgusting squelch and ULLLLK that draw you deep enough to feel a distinct change in heat.
Heat from below you.
Heat coupled by the sound of an organic growl, and your heart grows cold despite the warmth of the predator surrounding you as you realize how close to the belly of the beast you’ve gotten.
You scramble against the soft walls, tugging on your slack rope more and more as the sound of gurgling grows louder beneath you. You can’t end up in his stomach. You won’t. You’re a borrower, you’re not-
He swallows once more. 
Firmly enough that you manage to look above you in terror, watching the tunnel of his throat constrict in a wave that rushes toward you in the dark, too fast for you to do anything but take a breath in before you’re squished firmly into the upper stomach sphincter. 
Then through it.
Your tiny form lands in his stomach with a wet plop.
The walls around you shudder with a gurgle of greeting, and above you, you hear a long and contented sigh breeze up from the throat you fought for your life not to get squeezed down- unable to keep yourself from envying the air for being able to get past his lips.
You’re not as lucky as the air. The stomach containing you groans in emphasis, the organ steadily starting to rock this way and that, the walls rippling inwards eagerly in what you realize are the beginnings of digestion. Your hands find the rope and you pull on it sharply, earning the sound of a muffled glp from above and the sensation of more and more of it pulling into his belly, coiling around you on the fleshy floor, gulp after gulp ushering it down, down…
The piece of yarn bobs momentarily at the back of Christopher’s throat, and it brushes the folds of flesh there as its pulled down his gullet. It isn’t fully soaked through with his saliva, not yet, and as he sits with his jaws open, he gulps, feeling it stick dryly in his throat- though he persists in his task anyway. 
With a few more short swallows, there’s no trace left of you at all. No rope dangles from between his lips. No shape wriggles in his throat, and as he trails a hand down to his comfortably full stomach… he grins at the realization that you fit so perfectly inside that you’ve completely vanished from the outside world. Not even a lump against his middle surfaces to show anyone where you’ve vanished to, and he purrs in delight, trailing his fingers over his middle and hiccuping suddenly when you squirm. 
“Oh, don’t worry.”
His voice rumbles around you, echoing over the sounds of digestion. One of the fleshy walls folds inward with a prod against you and you feel the tip of one of his claws massaging you into the lining. 
“I think I’m going to let my guts take their time with you… best get comfy in there.” 
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mpreghotties · 6 days
Hawkeye is my pregnant with Starlord’s baby
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lkrmacro · 17 days
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Ben Jordan - Vore
Ben had finished up his workout and entered the locker room, you a tiny had a smaller designated bench but still close to the regular sized ones Ben sat right behind you taking off his shoes and stretching out his legs, his socked foot pushed you off the bench and pressed you underneath his heel the smell was so powerful you almost felt yourself lose consciousness the sweat slowly slid down from his feet onto you after a few minutes of Ben panting he lifted his feet seeing you underneath “oh sorry about that little guy didn’t see you there” Ben chuckled as you picked yourself up and tried to clean the foot sweat off “Don’t worry about it your foot was actually pretty soft” a smile creeped on Bens face “wow, well if you want you can buy me a protein shake as thanks for letting you rest underneath my soft foot” laughing at the situation a bit you agreed. Ben picked you up and carried you over to the smoothie stand he ordered and you paid as agreed afterwards you both sat at a table and talked for a while.
“Fuck!” Ben winced in pain for a second holding his mouth “you okay?” you asked concerned a bit Ben nods his head “yeah just felt a sharp pain in my mouth for a second there” Ben says still holding his mouth “open up let me see” he lowers his head and opens wide giving you a close up of his maw the warm breath rushes past you, looking around you can’t find anything “Damn! Well would you mind going in really quick just to be sure?” You agree and step into the mouth slowly the first step onto the tongue is squishy and soft you find it hard to balance and after fully entering the maw you completely lose balance falling in face first. Making your way to the back of Bens mouth was harder than you first though the slimy walls offered no help with gripping and the soft tongue constantly made you sink and slip but you finally reached it yet there was nothing there “Theres nothing here B-“ the mouth shut and lifted trying to make your way back to the front was impossible even as you desperately and quickly struggled the powerful gulp sent you straight down the throat after that gravity and the thick layer of saliva covering your body took care of sending you down.
With a loud plop you landed into the stomach where the puddles of smoothie laid “ah, man you tinies are so dumb at least you taste good” the stomach shook as Ben patted it from the outside “What the hell! Let me out!” you yelled and punched but nothing seemed to effect Ben he let out a loud chuckle “No way, your food now don’t blame me for your bad sense of trust your tiny so you should be careful especially around regulars like us but I mean not like it matters now” more smoothie leaked into the stomach after a while the acids started rolling in “that’s it just give up it’ll be easier for both of us, im going to keep going on my workout you just stay there and digest for me, okay?” he laughed as he got up and walked back to the locker room shaking the stomach more rolling you around in the acids as they slowly burned off your skin you gave up knowing there was no way out the chiseled mans stomach.
As you laid there accepting your fate Ben’s body finished the process and used whatever protein from you to fuel him for his workout.
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yourcarnevoreuspal · 2 months
I decided to put all the parts of the Farmer pred story together so it's easier to read. Enjoy~
Hm, something odd about that farmer boy who just moved to town. I swear it seems like his appearance changes sometimes. Like he's bigger, sharper, he's always... off.
I happened to see him from my window - certainly not spying or anything - he was fishing, and he'd just caught one of some kind, not something I would be able to identify. It was one of those times where he looked different, I can never place what it is exactly. With his other catches, he dropped them into a cooler, but this one he hesitated, eyeing his surroundings. I don't know what he was looking for, but no one else was outside - only I would witness what he did next.
With an urgent swiftness, he had that fish halfway past his lips, and mind you, this was no mere mackerel, but some other large aquatic inhabitant. I could only stare in shock, with some other unknowable emotions brewing in my chest, while I watched that fish disappear into the farmer.
Since then, I can't help but notice his odd glances towards my fellow villagers. He doesn't know I saw him that day, but I'm not sure there's reason to fear if he did. The farmer is strange but kind - I have hope that he won't harm anyone despite his growing agitation. His efforts in the town speak not of a monster.
Growing closer to the farmer wouldn't cloud my judgment - surely I began this friendship in order to investigate his oddness, but he reciprocated in turn. There's no harm in befriending this creature that the farmer is, often I find myself drinking into the night with him as company, surely there is nothing to fear from him.
Drunkenly, I push myself up from the bar, stupidly grinning as I watch my friend take his leave. Stumbling to take a look around, I'm surprised to see only one other patron left in the bar, he who's been standing in the corner all night. A tipsy blush paints his face as he looks up to the tender, who informs him it's late. My drunken mind manages to agree with this, and I head out the door into the chilled night.
The cold is sobering, and something in the night brings my instincts to attention. They’re reminding me of my hunger. My attempts to ease my appetite have been thwarted, no tuna nor slime seems to quell that ache anymore. No, it craves something more.
Stepping behind a tree, I watch the dark river pass and listen to the soft trickle of water... Until I hear a gradual sound of shuffling steps come following up the stone path. A sound I've grown familiar with. Peaking around the tree, I see the lone patron from the bar, stumbling towards his home- a sight I see practically every night.
My hunger always brings me here, watching the potential prey who would be oh so easy to snatch. So far, I've been resistant, but I feel it will soon be inevitable. Flexing my claws, my hunger begs me to stalk, to pounce from behind. It's all I can do but to keep myself back, only watching as he slowly disappears up the path.
One of these days, I'm not going to be able to stop myself…
Hauling the cooler up over my shoulder, I start a slow jog headed off the beach. It's late, the cold night air telling of autumn. The cooler sloshes with It's contents- today's catch swimming around the meager water within.
Crossing the bridge and rounding the corner, my jog slows to a halt. There he is again, taking his sweet, drunken time with his night walk home. Lowering the cooler from my shoulder, a clawed hand comes to grasp my aching middle. It's been months now since I've had a taste, moving here from the city, that was the main motivator. Less prey to agitate my hunger. It seems I can't hold it off forever, though.
The cooler slips from my hand, falling to the dirt path with a thud. My prey is alerted to the sound, turning to see only the cooler lying in the road. My body moves on its own accord, sick of the hunger plaguing it. Before the cooler had reached the ground, I was slinking behind the bushes, hidden in their shadows. My prey, too drunk to realize the danger of his situation, continues towards his home while I stalk him from the brush.
The front door opens, light washing the landscape in its pale yellowness. At the first click of the door, I had already slunk back into the shadows, watching as my prey's relative scolds him for being so late. With the scene unfolding in front of me, my sense gradually return, and I sink back into the shadows to retrieve my forgotten cooler…
It isn't until reaching the edge of his land that I make my move. Sneaking from the shadows, my visage now that of a monster's, I crawl towards him, closing the gap between us until…
I've been finding myself here, nearly every night since I followed him. Staring into the dark room, so close to the glass, I can feel it's chill. He's clueless, the drunk, sleeping away in his messy bed. I doubt he'd notice my shadow darkening the moonlight if I were to stand, and if I were to open his window, would he notice the wind flying into his room?
My cravings have only gotten worse, yet I've managed to keep myself contained thus far. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. Desperately, I've been trying to come up with an alternative- slime nor fish have helped, so I thought to try my hand at hunting a larger animal, but unfortunately my instincts are less interested in helping me catch such prey. No, they only hunger for that which lies sleeping inside the room, the creature I can't tear my eyes from: a human.
The only option I've turned up is to simply eat. But I dare not bring harm to anyone in my new home; not only would such a disappearance be devastatingly obvious, I care for my fellows who live here. I don't know if it's the hunger plaguing my mind, but the idea that I can 'just have a taste' and not actually hurt him seems to have wormed into my skull. Even if I eat him, then release him later, would that do anything to ease my cravings?
Unsure if I'm in control anymore, my claws reach towards the window…
With ease, the latch lifts, and the breeze blows open the window, sending the autumnal air into the room. Testing my earlier questions, I stand to full height, my deformed shadow darkening the room like a storm. No change comes from the room's owner, his snores still quiet and steady. Squeezing in through the opening isn't easy, I doubt it would be simple even if I weren't in this monstrous form. Despite my desperate struggles to enter the room, my movements are near silent, hardly a disturbance as I pull myself from the narrow opening.
Staring down at the sleeping drunkard, looming over his bed, my hunger draws me nearer with every moment, mouth watering at the promise of flesh. I only stop once I'm hovering just above his face, so close his gentle breaths cause sway to my bangs. The scent of prey surrounds me, drool trails from my lip, and my tongue caresses a fang. My claws demanding action spring onto his shoulders, maw widening over his head as he's jolted from slumber.
He's left with no time to process as I clamp jaws around his neck, his head engulfed by flesh. Delight courses through me, urging me to continue my meal, telling me how foolish I was to think I'd get away with only a taste.
I've clambered onto the bed to sit over my prey, with height advantage I grasp hold of his arms to swallow more of him down, greedily consuming as much as I can at once. Hardly stopping to adjust, I hoist him from his covers, his boozy flavors hazing my mind. Swallowing around his middle, his light, rotund, pudge melting on my tongue, some part of me manages to acknowledge the curious lack of struggle from my prey, yet it is swept away by the need to devour.
Lifting him high as I can, I push more of him into my throat, gulping down his meatier parts and leaving the thinner part of his legs still outside. By now, he has begun to enter my stomach, simultaneously quelling and fueling my hunger as the weight of being prey-filled grows. The last few swallows are bliss as my mouth clears, prey traveling down my throat to my bulging center.
Left kneeling on the bed, stomach distended and warm, mind fuzzy from fullness, my attention focuses to the orb in my lap. Running a hand over it incites a few small movements from within, yet nothing like the struggles of fear ridden prey I've had before. Something about it greatly disappoints my predatory side. Still, I huff with pleasure, the growing ache that's been in my center for months finally at an end…
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mpreghotties2 · 6 days
I’m trying out this new ai app (Hailuo ai) and it’s incredible!!!!
Chris Pratt is telling his husband Jeremy Renner that he just get the baby kick
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justanothervoreblog · 8 months
A Date for Valentine's
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You would always tell yourself that Valentine's Day was for suckers. People who needed a single day to celebrate love. As if saying that made the day any less lonelier. This year, you decided to get with the holiday and put yourself out there. Luckily you managed to find someone who feels exactly the same way that you did.
You meet up with him and things are going great. If you had ever believed in the power of Cupid’s arrow, it was now. He was funny and relatable, and he knew all of your favorite bands and video games. Not to mention he wasn't that bad to look at either! Things were going so well that you decided to say yes when he invited you over. After all, your Valentine's Day was going well, so why end it now?
The good vibes continue all the way to his apartment. Although you do notice that he's unusually hungry. Odd considering you watched him swallow down three pizzas, but people were quirky like that. Besides, you are far too focused on the dirty talk that he was doing. Saying things like “I can't wait to eat you up” or “You look delicious”. One that particularly got you was stripping you down and licking every inch of your body. That one had your skin tingling!
Once you stepped out of the car, it was a blur. You don't know how two people could walk and make out at the same time but you made it work. Up three flights of stairs, pushing each other against the walls, tearing each other's clothes off, the works. Your hair was ragged by the time you had reached his door. Hot and bothered couldn't nearly describe how you felt.
Inside the door, the two of you traded kisses and hickeys to the couch. After some playful wrestling, he ends up on top of you. You are expecting more to come, but what comes next is not in your horoscope. He makes some comments about how delicious you look and how he can't wait to get you inside. You have no idea what he's talking about, frankly because you thought you would be bottoming. However, when his mouth opens wider than it should, saliva dripping down from his teeth, you realize that this wasn't just kinky talk.
What comes next is a smelly mouth and an invasive tongue. It looks over everything. Your face, your ears, the back of your neck. You pass into a tight pink tunnel, warmed by the air coming from below. The only thing you can hear is the steady gulping from your would-be date and now-turned predator. He didn't have any issue with turning you into a Valentine's Day meal. And with every gulp, that becomes more of your reality.
You don't know how long you spend in the tunnel. You pass by a very loud heartbeat as it slams in your ear. Eventually, you push past a tight ring of muscle into what had to be the smelliest place on earth. His stomach reeks of the pizza he had devoured. And soon it would reek of you. Your head, shoulders, and your upper body all slide in quickly. Your legs kick weakly on the outside and steadily more and more of your body is becoming wet and slimy.
Eventually, your shoes are taken off, that tongue wraps around your wet socks, and what's left of you in the world is gone. You feel your legs travel down his throat as you curl into a ball. With a steady thump, the date is over and the final course, you, was served. On the outside, your date rubs over his belly content with yet another helpless romantic lured in on Valentine's Day. He taught you about how love hurts and that this way you two will be together forever. Or something like that, it's muffled through the churning of the stomach walls as well as the gurgling.
As you settle into your temporary home, a bittersweet thought comes into your mind. You still weren't spending Valentine's alone. You would be with your pred, for as long as it takes for him to digest you. As the stomach walls squeeze around you and press all of the air out of the chamber, a soft smile plays on your lips. You gently pass out as that huge burp vibrates the apartment.
There were worse ways to spend Valentine’s Day.
Happy Voretine's Day ❤️❤️❤️
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izznts · 8 months
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Commission art from Toulensister on FA.
Had to share my fine man, Sol Armani with his belly. One things for sure, he's always coming home with a round beach-ball gut just to be played with.
Sol waddled into the apartment, his distended belly bounced, leading the way.
"Shit, you guys sure were heavy." He commented, smacking his belly proudly. Closing the door behind him, he walked to the living room, bumping into Izzy (more-so his gut bumping into him), making the slender figure take a step back to keep balance.
"Jeez baby, you gotta watch where you're going.~" Sol teased, lightly belly bumping Izzy playfully.
"Very funny, I'm totally laughing." Izzy says sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. The hunk shrugged, idly rubbing his belly.
"Seems like you had a big catch or 2." Izzy says, placing his slender hand on top of the enlarged stomach. Sol putting up 3 fingers, indicating the amount he caught.
"What can I say? I like looking at a huge gut that bounces on my sexy body. Just like you love getting your hands on said sexy body, belly specifically." He cooed, wiggling his eyebrows. The petite man chuckling softly, patting the round mass.
"Want to watch a movie? I'm just trying to relax." Izzy suggested, Sol grinning as he swiftly picked him up and led him to the couch. Both men relaxing for the day as they picked films. Sol erupted with numerous belches throughout the day.
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lesbianoms · 10 months
Fantasizing about going out on a date with an older woman who seems pure and vanilla on the surface. We end up talking about personal stuff and somehow end up on the subject of kinks.
After a while I reluctantly reveal to her that I’m into vore, and after telling her what it is her eyes widen in surprise and she just says, “oh.”
We say goodbye to each other and I go home, agonizing over the date and her mannerisms and overthinking literally everything like the gay little disaster I am.
And then I get a text. From her. And it’s a video.
I open it up and she’s standing in her bedroom, grinning warmly. She explains, “I thought about what you told me, and I wanted to do something special for you.”
She picks up a container and there’s a tiny inside, a man, who looks 0% frightened and 110% pissed off. My jaw probably drops at this point.
“Don’t ask how, but I managed to get my ex-husband shrunk down to a more… bite-sized helping.”
He looks about 4-6 inches tall, like he fits perfectly on her palm. She picks him up by the collar of his shirt, licking her lips. Her ex starts thrashing and shouting at her to let him go, put him down, how she’s a psycho and he’s glad he divorced her, etc.
She completely ignores his protests and his shouts of anger and just smiles into the camera.
“This one’s for you, sweetie~”
She lowers him towards her mouth.
“You crazy bitch! Let me go! I swear to God I’ll-”
Slurp. Her lips close around him before he can finish. I hear a loud gulp on camera and she tilts her head up as she slowly, seductively traces his shape down her throat.
Then she lifts up her shirt revealing her bare tummy. She hums softly, posing with her arms above her head, and the video is in such high quality that I’m able to see the exact moment he lands in her stomach.
She lets out a small burp, chuckling as she pats her belly. Pulling the camera close, she says in a milky purr, “Wanna listen?”
Immediately she presses her phone up to the center of her belly, and I hear the loud roar of her stomach fill my headphones. Between all the glorps and gurgles of her sexy stomach, I can hear the muffled sounds of her ex-husband’s voice. He’s cursing her, screaming at her and demanding to be let out.
“Bet you wish that was you, huh?” she asks. Her mature voice goes even lower as she teases me.
The video focuses on the close-up of her belly for a few minutes. She’s moving it every now and then so that it slowly sloshes up and down, like a belly dancer. I can hear the digestive groans of her ex inside, being felt up and squeezed by her walls. The sounds both relax me and turn me on, and being able to watch him squirm inside of her is really something else ❤️
“Come with me.”
She takes the camera with her as she walks down to the kitchen, where she opens up the fridge and takes out a bottle of wine. She places the camera on the kitchen counter, angling it so that the view is just under her belly.
I can see the writhing form of her prey as he gets churned around by her stomach walls. She uncorks the wine, pours herself a glass, lifts it up towards the camera in a toast.
“Cheers,” she says slyly, and she begins downing the glass.
I can hear the wine filling her up and entering her tummy, sloshing around inside as the wiggling lump of her ex-husband cries out. He disappears from view for a second until she pushes out her stomach, and I hear the bubbling of brewing wine mixed with the occasional groans of a liquid-filled gut. I can only imagine him sloshing around in there with the wine…
“Oh, I’m gonna feel that in the morning-”*uurrp!!*
She walks back to the bedroom, pressing the phone to her belly so that I can hear each slosh of its contents as she ascends the staircase.
“You know, I can feel that bastard struggling in there... I think he's trying to give me indigestion. Like he hasn’t already given me enough bellyaching when we were married! ... I'm sure you'd be much better behaved~"
Hearing back into the bedroom, she lays on the bed. She points the phone down at her tummy and pats it. The noises from inside are clear as day on the video.
About a minute or so of rubbing her active belly, she pulls down her jeans and tugs on the band of her underwear so that more of her lower belly is visible.
“Wanna see something cool?” she asks.
She puts the camera down with her other hand and feels around for her ex-husband, pressing down on a slightly bulging spot on her tummy.
“There he is,” she mumbles.
Then, she takes the front of her fingers and massages deep into her belly, kneading, pressing into her gut with an audible glorp.
I watch as she pushes the shape along her skin, towards her pelvis, and with a rush I realize what she’s doing. A particularly loud gurgle sounds out from her middle as she guides him down into her lower belly. I hear his muffled moaning as he shifts through her.
“Oohhh, I think he’s in my intestines now~” she says seductively.
I can see the wiggling form below her belly button, and I imagine what it must be like for him in there. So tight, and hot, and wet, and slippery… I wonder how much he’s filling out her bowels as he moves around inside…
She hums in delight and traces circles around him. His struggles pick up the pace as he seemingly tries to fight his way out of his ex-wife’s body. She squirms in pleasure, twirling the elastic band of her underwear and rubbing her lower belly with her other.
Eventually her body tires him out, and when his movements begin to slow, she pulls the elastic out and snaps it back so that it covers the bulge he makes completely. Covered by both flesh and cloth now, her belly bulge of an ex-husband whimpers faintly. His fate is sealed; her stomach gives a satisfied grumble.
Lifting the camera, she says, “Did you enjoy your surprise, honey? Ah, I hope you did. I can’t wait to see you again… and I’d love to feel you inside me. I’m still new to this whole thing, maybe you could give me some pointers. And I’m sure your cute little body would fill me riiight up~”
She looks down at her abdomen and frowns, huffs out a sigh, and finishes with, “Gotta go now, my hubby isn’t- *hic* quite agreeing with me…”
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honeyed-poet · 3 months
Despite my pride in learning clever ways to get out of being eaten, It’s amazing how some encounters go so casually, so naturally, that it reaffirms the simple truth that… I am edible, and was born with the correct genetic makeup and combination of factors that make me prime prey for many beings. Even my esteemed guests.
Take the girl I’m currently inside, for instance. One who stopped by my cottage for a mere visit not too long ago, and always wanting to be the hospitable sort, I welcomed her in. Gave her a tour of my honey-making operation, my mead cellar, my flower gardens, and of course, full use of the guest room.
She had been staying a few days when, during a nice summer rain, we happened to be out on the porch. Sitting, relaxing, watching the rain pour over the forest grounds and meadows…
I don’t recall how the conversation got here, but I made some comment about how I hoped someone would be around to watch my bees if I ever got eaten… and her belly growled quite loudly in reaction to my words… had I imagined that?
I looked at her face. She was beet red, and trying not to make eye contact. Licking a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth… All those telltale signs… how had I missed them? She had been wanting to eat me this whole time, but had been too polite to ask.
She had been good to me, kind, and helpful to a fault. So against my better judgement, I sighed, and offered her a taste. She agreed enthusiastically, and swept me up in her arms for a kiss…
A kiss became a lick,
A lick became shoving my head in her mouth,
Shoving my head in her mouth lead to a swallow, and before I knew it, my shoes were being removed, and a hearty gulp had sent the last of me down her throat.
Packed into her belly, I could hear her panting in satisfaction… she had been waiting so long to eat me. And all she needed was the slightest hint of permission.
From the feel of things… she’s headed to the village to show off her poet-filled gut to the townsfolk before I get uh-softer… so if anyone would be so kind as to help me out within the next… five hours or so, I would be most grateful!
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
Distant memory
Soft safe g/t Vore drabble , Reader X Male pred of your choice.
This one is so self indulgent it has no grammar rules.
Taglist: @pineappleparfaitie
You remember that you were cold, scared,and alone.
You cried for help,tears went across your cheeks, nobody loved you,the world was too big for you,it moved without you,you were only a small thing.
You remember how much you shivered and hoped for help to come, for an angel to save you.
You remember the giant palm that scooped you.
The lips touching your trembling body,  tender fingertips the size of your whole torso stroked your weak form, you longed for the softness,to the point where you put your face on his lips and cried, he tasted your tears and his heart moved for you.
You remember how frightened you were when he slowly, gently, slid you between his lips into his mouth, you didn't find it in you to speak so you cried.
“Hear me,my dear little one” you felt his voice in your mind as the pearly gates closed and sealed you in darkness.
“You were cold, weren't you?” You were.
“You were alone, weren't you?” You were.
“Then as long as you are within me, hidden deep inside me, you shall be warm and safe, and I shall be both your home and your friend.”
“Please,let me swallow you, I only want to help you.”
“Till when?”
“Till when are you going to keep me?”
“Till you are ready to face the world again,I will only hide you, protect you…”
“But only if you allow me to.”
You remember how the tongue stroked you and coated you, eagerly enjoying your taste, the body couldn't wait any longer to have you inside it.
Your longing for a home overcame your fear of the unknown, you hugged your captor's tongue then you gave up fighting.
You remember how his hungry gullet took you in it with great delight, the body pulled you and hugged your weak form with love.
A gentle pressure from the outside as your captor swallowed you, he is feeling you from the outside, and the feeling never left,you didn't feel forgotten for a moment during your long long journey within.
You remember the stomach, a huge room of plush, comfortable softness,you fell face first and, despite not feeling any physical pain, you still cried, you sobbed weakly.
“Little one, please… "What made you cry?”
The familiar pressure from the outside returned,to which you hurried towards frantically, you felt as if you were going to drown in your emotions.
“If you need to cry…cry, I won't stop you, I'm here if you need me.”
Perhaps it was the sudden change of environment, one moment it was unbearably cold, harsh,and cruel. Now it was overwhelmingly warm, soft,and loving.
The walls absorbed you into them as if they were a bed,a gentle cradle, he wanted you, he loved you and he cared for you, you felt it with every beat of his heart and every breath that he took, even if you were only a small morsel and he was, from where you are now, your whole world, in a literal sense.
Finally you allowed yourself to trust your new home, and yawned as you pawed around for the softest corner you could find. It was dark and humid here, but perhaps it was for the best.
You heard…no, you *felt* him humming, humming a lullaby for you, both he and his innards were lulling you to sleep, and oh how you wanted to sleep after all of this.
So you close your eyes. “Goodnight” you said to him.
“Sleep tight, sweetheart” was the last thing you heard before you finally went into a deep sleep, somewhere where no one will ever hurt you again.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 2 months
I liked your story with Alex, can we see a story of Shane eating and disposing of a bunch of the townsfolk while he was drunk?
Yeah, definitely! He’s one of my favorites personally. Since it's been a minute from the last one, reminder that I write these with the gay furry mod in mind. I'm...weirdly picky about human preds but turn them guy into an anthro and I'm all over him.
S.hane hiccups and groans softly, having to lean against the wall to stop himself from teetering. The gator’s gone and done it again. He had way too much to drink. He’s only vaguely aware of it, if only because it’s making it difficult to do much of anything. He feels completely weighed down right now, and all the booze has gotten him gassy.
A few taps on his shoulder jolts S.hane out of his haze and he blinks a few times, looking over at the person bothering him. It’s S.am, and the tiger seems a bit annoyed, his tail flickering. “Hey, are you going to let S.ebastian out or what?”
“Wha..?” S.hane blinks a few more times. What about S.ebastian..? While he’s trying to figure out what the point of the question is, the gator’s stomach sloshes suddenly and sends a rolling belch out of him. It takes like beer and wolf. He looks down at his stomach, seeing it hanging down in front of him, distinctly shaped like a curled up person. S.ebastian’s voice is muffled as he tries to yell.
“Hic...I need somethin’ to soak up the beer,” S.hane slurs out, “so I don’t get drunk...” He gives his gut a few rough pats, making S.ebastian yell again. “Sebby’s just...helpin’ out for a bit...’s all...”
S.am rolls his eyes. “That’s great, S.hane, but just ask G.us to make you something to eat then. I need S.ebastian for our game.” He nods his head to the pool table, which is where the two men had been just before S.hane came up and snapped down on the wolf’s head. “So just cough him up and get something else.”
S.hane groans slightly at the thought. If he spits S.ebastian up now, he’ll definitely end up puking. Then he’ll have to get more beer. And he already spent all his money. “Y’know what, S.am, why don’t you just...” S.hane looks at the tiger, halfway through speaking when his jaws open and another belch bubbles out of him. S.am winces and waves the air away. “...go in there and get him,” S.hane finishes.
S.am coughs, nose still cringing. “What? S.hane, I’m not going to stick my hand in your--” He tries to look back at the gator, but he’s staring down into those wide open jaws. They snap down on his head and shoulders before he can even finish the thought, and wet chugs sounds soon follow as S.hane messily gulps him down.
Despite being completely wasted, being a gator gives S.hane the advantage. His strong jaws clamp down tight, and none of S.am’s thrashing or struggling can force them open. So the tiger disappears deeper inside instead, each wet gulp dragging him down into the stink pit of beer and wolf hanging off the gator. The whole affair does make S.hane lose his balance, though, and he lands on top of his gut, belching around the bottom half of S.am’s body. Though he quickly goes right back to slurping his legs down until they’re all gone.
S.ebastian and S.am are both yelling and struggling now, making S.hane’s gut bulge and slosh around wildly. It shakes the gator back and forth on top and it does work in getting him sick. All that comes up, though, are very wet and harsh belches.S.hane groans and whines, now starting to press his weight into his stomach more. He squeezes it between his legs and wraps his arms around it. “Oooough...will you two...Hwwuuuuurp...guh, just stop it..? You’re givin’ me...ulp...indigestion...”
“S.hane..?” A soft voice makes the gator grumble and open up one eye. He sees a pair of feet in front of him and looks up to see H.arvey leaning over him slightly. The goat seems a bit worried, frowning slightly. “If you’re having such a bellyache, maybe you should...spit S.ebastian and S.am out?” The muffled, yelling voices from the gator’s stomach seem to be in agreement, but S.hane isn’t.
“No...mmm, no, I got this...” S.hane mumbles. He starts to squeeze his gut harder, gritting his teeth and growling. He rocks back and forth, grinding his weight down on his stomach. It’s bubbling thickly, and the two men inside are starting to cry out louder. A crack rings out through the various noises, followed by a scream. S.hane squeezes harder and more start to follow. Wet snaps and crunches bubble out of S.hane’s gut, along with frantically yelling voices. Until a rumbling belch rolls out of the gator’s jaws followed by a very loud crunching sound that makes both men go silent at once.
“G-Good lord, S.hane...” H.arvey gapes as he watches the gator. S.hane huffs and puffs before he lets go of his gut and begins to wobble back onto his feet. The goat takes a step back, watching the dunkard rise. S.hane’s gut sloshes and burbles thickly, hanging down low with nothing but dead weight. Vague imprints of the two men inside bulge out the bottom of the gator’s stomach, but it’s clear they aren’t moving anymore. If anything, S.hane’s gut is having an easier time working on them now.
“Finally...” S.hane groans, rubbing his hands deeply into his gut. It bubbles and churns deeply, squishing under the kneading pressure. Another belch bubbles out of him and it sends one of S.ebastian’s shoes flying. It bounces off of H.arvey’s chest and hits the floor with a splat.
Out of instinct more than anything, H.arvey carefully picks it up, looking between the shoe and S.hane. “S.hane, you just...”
“Bwwwurp...oooh, is that Seb’s..? He’s gonna want that back...” S.hane wobble a bit and stumbles. Whether he was trying to lunge forward or just tripped is hard to tell, but his jaws snap down over not just the shoe, but H.arvey’s entire forearm. The goat’s eyes widen and he tries to pull away, but all that does is make the gator swallow in retaliation.
“Gah! S.hane, stop it! That’s my arm!” H.arvey tries to pull away again, but another swallow drags him in up to his shoulder. S.hane’s jaws open up, his breath reeking of death and booze. H.arvey can see his arm sunk down in the slick gullet and he knows he’s about to follow. “G.us! E.mil! I need some help over h--MMPH!” S.hane’s jaws snap down on H.arvey’s head and he continues gulping on instinct.
By the time E.mil comes over to find out why he was called, the blue parrot squawks at what he’s seeing. S.hane is slumped down against the wall, his massive gut resting in his lap as it boils loudly. H.arvey’s legs hang from his jaws, his head tipped back as he gulps them down. They’re kicking around wildly as it happens, H.arvey’s muffled screaming hard to hear deep in S.hane’s gut.
E.mil quickly rushes over and grabs onto H.arvey’s ankles, trying to pull. “S.hane, that’s not food! That’s H.arvey! Spit him out right now!” Despite his efforts, S.hane’s gullet proves a much stronger force, and E.mil makes no headway as H.arvey’s legs sink down deeper. He doesn’t realize that it’s pointless to try until it’s too late, and his hands sink down S.hane’s gullet at the same time as H.arvey’s feet. The parrot barely gets out a scream before the gator’s jaws snap down over his head and shoulders.
After about twenty minutes, S.hane comes waddling over to the bar. His guts sway and slosh heavily, bulging around with the weak squirms of H.arvey and E.mil. A groan escapes the gator and he belches deeply, blue feathers puffing out of his jaws. He manages to get to the bar and sits down on one of the stools. It creaks loudly under his weight. His gut squelches as it’s shoved up against the bar, and there’s a few cracks from it when he does. Someone inside shudders and goes slack.
“Another...Bwwwweeellllch...mmf, beer, G.us...” S.hane slurs out, leaning on the bar slightly. At this point, there’s so much meat bubbling in his stomach, he can probably drink a whole case of beer and not even get a little tipsy! Ignoring the fact that he’s already incredibly drunk at the moment.
“Think you’ve had enough beer for a lifetime...” C.lint mutters next to him. The panda brings his mug up to his muzzle as a way to mask it, but S.hane already heard him.
“Wha’ was that?” S.hane asks, turning his attention to his neighbor. “I can have another...hic...another beer if I want! Not hurtin’ anyone...”
“Oh, yeah, not hurting anyone,” C.lint repeats sarcastically, jabbing S.hane’s gut as he does. His finger sinks in with a squelch and a wet bubbling sound. S.hane belches deeply again, H.arvey’s glasses flying out of his maw and landing on the bar. 
S.hane growls a bit. “I’ll show you hurting..!” And he lunges, using his current immense weight to his advantage. Both him and C.lint topple over, taking the stools down with them as they crash to the ground. C.lint tries to yell and thrash, but he’s stuck under S.hane’s massive gut, and once those jaws come down on him, it’s already over.
G.us sighs as he watches S.hane pull himself up again, using the bar for leverage. A twitching pair of panda feet stick out of his maw, which snaps shut. A wet gulp sends the last of C.lint down and S.hane huffs out a low groan. He slumps down, head on the bar. “...beer...please.”
“I think I’m gonna have to cut you off for tonight, S.hane,” G.us says with a frown. “Now that all my other customers and my one other bartender are--” S.hane lets out a sickly belch, which is underlaid with C.lint’s very loud and angry screaming. “--indisposed...I think I’m just going to close early tonight.”
S.hane grumbles a bit as the polar bear turns around to start putting things away. C.lint keeps kicking in his stomach, making it bulge and slosh loudly. He just wants to wash all that meat down with one more drink. Is that too much to ask? He’ll just have to get behind the bar and get it himself...
...S.hane lets out a whine as he starts to come to, just to feel a splitting headache throbbing behind his eyes. He rubs at them slowly, wincing at the pain. He’s somewhere really uncomfortable and he feels like he swallowed a bag of cement. What happened..?
S.hane starts to push himself up slowly, which makes his gut shift and sag down into his lap. He blinks a few times as he looks down at it. It’s hanging out of his jacket, his shirt rising up to his chest. The gator stares at it for a moment and gives it a slight squeeze. God...
He also notices that something long and fluffy is hanging out of his jaws. It takes him a minute to recognize it as a raccoon tail. Isn’t that P.ierre’s..? It takes him over a minute to realize that he didn’t accidentally steal the raccoon’s tail from him, and that the heavy, sloshing thing in his gut is probably the rest of the shopkeeper. With a wet slurp, the tail is gone, and S.hane groans as he drags himself back to his feet.
The gator blearily looks around and finds himself at the tavern, behind the bar. He squints slightly in the morning light and starts to waddle along, hefting his gut as he does. G.us is going to kill him if he...a sharp groan from S.hane’s gut makes the thought stop in its tracks. Oh...right. S.hane’s the one that killed G.us, actually. Along with S.ebastian, S.am, H.arvey, E.mil, and C.lint. And apparently P.ierre, although the gator’s fuzzy memories definitely stop before that can be recalled. The racoon must have come in some time after G.us went down and S.hane ate him before passing out.
S.hane stumbles a bit more before his grunts groan loudly again and he winces. The gator pants as he leans himself on the bar with one hand, the other trying to rub and soothe his stomach. Eating seven people didn’t just leave him incredibly fat. He can feel the pressure down below building up rapidly. He’s gotta go...
It takes considerable effort for S.hane to get outside. His head still hurts and the early morning sun isn’t helping, but he needs somewhere he can leave all of...this. No one’s around right now, thankfully, so the gator quickly shuffles off to the side of the tavern where all the trash can’s are. S.hane fumbles with his pants and gets them down enough to expose his ass. He quickly lifts his tail up and relaxes with a groan.
In an instant, thick shit begins to squelch out of the gator’s ass and into the trash cans. S.hane can hear the thumps and thuds of dense logs landing in the metal bins and starting to heap up. His nose cringes at the horrible smell but he keeps going regardless. He can tell this is going to be a lot of work.
S.ebastian and S.am fill up most of the first can. The logs are dense and mostly solid, having baked the longest in S.hane’s digestive system. Bones can be easily make poking out of the dark waste, a stark white in contrast. What’s a bit harder to see is the rest of S.ebastian’s...leftovers, his gray fur and black hoodie much harder to distinguish as they slide out. S.am’s much brighter yellow fur and blue coat are harder to miss, though. The two skulls that come out, one for a wolf and one for a tiger, would be the best pieces of evidence over who was filling up the can.
S.hane had to quickly move onto the next bin, tossing the lid aside and practically sitting on it as he goes. Gas echoes inside, soon followed by more sputtering shit as H.arvey and E.mil slop out of him next. It’s incredibly smooth for S.hane, at least, the two of them coming out with little issue. E.mil’s bright blue feathers and H.arvey’s white fur tickles him the entire time, making the gator wiggle slightly and groan as he pushes them out. That soft green goat and red sweater vest those two always wear are much the same. S.hane stands up again once he feels the heat rising, sticking his ass up in the air just in time for E.mil’s skull to squeeze out, the beak cracked. It gets mostly buried by the next log, and H.arvey’s skull follows soon after, both of his horns snapped off and lost somewhere deeper in the can.
Despite coming up to the tail end of his morning dump, S.hane finds that he’s also at the worst of it. C.lint and G.us were big guys, being bears, and they remind the gator of that as he feels massive logs split him out as they slither out. It leaves him groaning and whining as each one passes, thick and solid with dense bones packed in. Even the tufts of brown and white fur don’t do much to alleviate the discomfort of squeezing them both out like this. The skulls are the worst of it, clogging the gator up as he gets to them. Crap pushes through their open jaws or eye sockets before he’s able to get them out, leaving two bear skulls to sit on top of the overflowing trash can in the end.
S.hane pants deeply once it’s done. He feels a lot lighter. He lowers his tail and steps away, about ready to pull his pants up again when another sudden and sharp pain hits him. S.hane squats down on instinct and groans as soft shit gushes out of him quickly. He forgot about P.ierre, who’s now heaping up on the ground against the three trash cans. It’s messy but fast, raccoon’s fur and bones giving the shit most of its structure. S.hane barely even notices when the skull slides out of him, just waiting for that empty feeling. As soon as he gets it, he stands up, wipes his ass off with a rag he took from G.us’s bar, and quickly waddles off while yanking his pants up.
The hungover gator doesn’t even want to look back and see the mess he’s made. His green scales are flushing red with embarrassment. That smell is going to waft through town for sure...and he’d rather be out on his farm by the time that happens. Hopefully, no one asks why he’s suddenly tripled in weight. At the very least...he’ll have an easier time quitting drinking now. The tavern isn’t going to be opening up for a long, long time...
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