#Mahabharata fiction
ahamasmiyodhah · 21 days
Something on Arjuna and Subhadra? If you are taking requests from the Mahabharata, that is. ✨️
Subhadra was numb.
Subhadra sat motionless, her heart frozen in a numbing ache that seemed to paralyze her very soul. Before her, Abhimanyu's lifeless body lay on the battlefield, covered with a thin shroud that could barely contain the evidence of his valiant struggle. The scent of the earth, now tinged with the iron tang of blood, clung to the air, mingling with the smoke and ashes of war. But Subhadra's senses were dulled; all she could perceive was the stillness of her son’s form, the same body she had cradled as a baby, now cold and unyielding.
Her gaze drifted over Abhimanyu's face, and in that lifeless visage, she saw not the warrior who had been felled in the thick of battle, but the child who once played in the courtyards of Indraprastha, laughing with boundless joy. She remembered how he would run to her, his tiny feet pattering on the marble floors, his voice a melody that called her "Maa!." How he had clung to her sari, his little hands tugging as he demanded to be picked up. The memory brought a faint smile to her lips, though it was more of a reflex than a true expression of emotion, for the weight of her grief was too heavy to allow any genuine feeling.
Subhadra recalled the countless nights she had spent telling him stories of heroes and kings, his young eyes wide with wonder. How he would gaze at her, asking if he, too, could be a great warrior like his father, Arjuna. "Yes, my son," she would say, brushing back the curls from his forehead. "You will be the bravest of them all." But now, those words seemed hollow, almost cruel, as she sat before the silent proof of his bravery.
Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision as she remembered the day Abhimanyu had taken up arms for the first time, the pride she had felt mingled with a mother's fear. She had blessed him with trembling hands, whispering prayers for his safety. He had smiled at her then, that same radiant smile that always managed to soothe her worries, and promised to return victorious. But now, that promise lay shattered like the remnants of the battlefield.
Subhadra's mind then turned to her elder Brother, her dear Dau, Balarama and her elder Brother Vasudeva Krishna, who had trained her and Arjuna's son in the arts of war, guiding him with the same discipline and care he had shown to his own brothers. Krishna had been both mentor and a father figure of immense strength and wisdom in Abhimanyu's eyes. She had often watched them train together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Baldau and Krishna had been preparing him for greatness, but not for this. Never for this.
Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. She looked up to see Arjuna, his face twisted in a mask of rage and grief, his eyes burning with a fury she had never seen before. He marched toward her, his steps heavy with purpose, his hand clenched tightly around the hilt of his sword.
"Jayadratha," he hissed, the name seething through clenched teeth. "I will avenge our son. He will not escape my wrath."
Subhadra felt a surge of fear for her husband, knowing that the fury in his heart could drive him to his own destruction. But before she could speak, before she could reach out to him, Arjuna had already turned away, his focus singular, his resolve unshakable.
The heavy silence of the night hung over the tent as Subhadra and Arjuna sat together, each lost in their own grief. The dim light of the oil lamp flickered, casting long shadows on the walls, but neither of them noticed. Subhadra's eyes were red-rimmed, her tears long since dried up, but her heart ached with a pain that was too deep for words. Across from her, Arjuna sat with his head bowed, his hands clenched into fists as he struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within him.
For a long time, neither spoke. The weight of their shared loss pressed down on them, making the air in the tent feel thick and oppressive. Subhadra could see the strain in her husband's posture, the way his shoulders were hunched as if carrying the weight of the world. She wanted to reach out to him, to offer comfort, but she hesitated, unsure of how to bridge the chasm of grief that separated them.
Finally, Arjuna broke the silence, his voice hoarse and trembling. "I failed him, Subhadra. I failed our son." His words were laced with self-recrimination, each syllable heavy with the burden of guilt. "I wasn't there when he needed me the most. I couldn’t protect him… my own flesh and blood."
Subhadra's heart twisted at the pain in his voice. She knew the depth of his anguish, knew how much Arjuna had loved Abhimanyu, even if circumstances had kept them apart for much of their lives. She herself had often felt the sting of Arjuna's absence during those long years of exile, raising their son alone, but she had always reassured herself with the thought that one day, they would be reunited as a family. Now, that hope was shattered, and all that remained was the cruel reality of their loss.
"Arjuna," Subhadra began softly, her voice gentle but firm, "you cannot blame yourself for what happened. Abhimanyu was a warrior, just like you. He knew the risks, and he fought bravely, with all the skill and courage you taught him." She reached out, placing a hand on his, her touch warm and steady. "You gave him the strength to face the world. You made him the man he was."
Arjuna shook his head, his expression twisted in grief. "But I wasn't there, Subhadra. I didn’t see him grow up, didn’t guide him as a father should. I was away, fighting battles far from home, while our son… our son was left to fend for himself." His voice broke, and he looked away, unable to meet her gaze.
Subhadra felt her own tears threatening to spill over again, but she fought them back, knowing that she needed to be strong for him. "We did what we could, Arjuna," she said, her tone resolute. "We cannot change what has happened. But Abhimanyu would not want you to be consumed by guilt. He would want you to honor his memory, to continue fighting for what is right."
Arjuna’s face hardened as he met her eyes, the sorrow giving way to a fierce resolve. "Jayadratha," he spat, the name dripping with venom. "It was he who blocked the way, who ensured that our son was trapped, surrounded, and slaughtered like an animal. I will not rest until I have avenged Abhimanyu’s death."
Subhadra nodded, recognizing the fire in his eyes. "Then do what you must, Arjuna. But remember, you are not alone in this. I am with you, always."
Arjuna took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "I swear, Subhadra," he vowed, his voice low and intense, "before the sun sets tomorrow, I will kill Jayadratha. And if I fail… I will enter the fire myself. I will not return to you without fulfilling this oath."
Subhadra felt a cold dread settle in her chest at his words, but she knew there was no stopping him now. She could only pray that the gods would grant him the strength to succeed, for the thought of losing him as well was more than she could bear.
As Arjuna stood and prepared to leave, Subhadra rose with him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Come back to me, Arjuna," she whispered, her voice breaking. "Come back to me."
Arjuna held her close, his grip fierce as if drawing strength from her. "I will, Subhadra," he promised, his voice softening for a moment. "I will return, and I will make sure that our son's sacrifice is not in vain."
With one last, lingering glance, Arjuna turned and walked out of the tent, leaving Subhadra standing alone, her heart heavy with a mixture of fear and hope. She watched him go, silently praying for his safety, even as she knew that tonight will be the last night Jayadratha will laugh and celebrate his victory which burned her whole world.
Request by @desigurlie ✨
@harinishivaa @mahi-wayy @yehsahihai @houseofbreadpakoda @blossommoonart @myvarya @zeherili-ankhein @warnermeadowsgirl @krsnaradhika @desigurlie @ramayantika @mrityuloknative @thegleamingmoon @sumiyxx @chaliyaaa @stxrrynxghts @sambaridli @sanskari-kanya @ulaganayagi @voidsteffy @krishna-sangini @nidhi-writes @kaal-naagin @thecrazyinktrovert @sada-siva-sanyaasi @chaanv
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aiaioooo · 3 months
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Mahabharata What If: Arjun Gets Attacked in Dyut Sabha (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/367174030-mahabharata-what-if-arjun-gets-attacked-in-dyut?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=GameofDice Ringkasan: Para kurawa yang bosan menunggu Dursasana menyeret Drupadi memutuskan bermain dengan Panduputra ketiga. #1 arjun (1 Mei 2024) dari 72 cerita #4 karna (1 Mei 2024) dari 102 cerita #10 pandawa (1 Mei 2024) dari 138 cerita
Hello everyone. I just want to inform you that account @aru-loves-krishnaxarjun has plagiarized my work. I posted it first on Wattpad (@GameofDice) and Ao3 (@Agueroagnes) with the title above.
I posted it on Wattpad on April 18, 2024. To be honest, I'm not active on Tumblr, but I decided to do so after getting a report on my Wattpad account that someone plagiarized my work. I know I'm just a beginner writer, but please respect that.
@aru-loves-krishnaxarjun account apparently blocked me and deleted my comment on his/her post. hopefully this doesn't happen again.
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dishigoyal · 1 year
To: Abhimanyu
Rajkumar ji,
It has been two days since you left for the war.
I found this stack of papers in your chamber today.
I promise I was not snooping around, I was just telling the candles there that they need to ready themselves for your sweet welcome, I was asking the breeze through the windows of your state, I was taking in the scent of our love, the times spent together.
I wonder if you miss me too, I wonder if you miss our child.
He has been fidgeting more since you left, the gentle kicks and rolls remind me of you all the time.
Do you remember the first time I cooked for you? You said that kheer and my presence in your dreams taste the same. Dreams, oh Aryaputra! Do you know what mine taste like?
They taste like milk and smoke, sound like yearning and hurt like you.
Yes you have hurt me, you have hurt me by disunion, insulted me by deeming me unfit for the battlegrounds.
I Uttara, the daughter of king Virat, daughter in law of the valorous Arjun and the wife of Prince Abhimanyu I am unfit for the battleground?
The child in my womb, the envisioned mahayoddha cannot be kept away from the greatest Dharmyuddh.
And so, I am coming to Kurukshetra.
Wait for me there, Rajkumar ji, we will meet our child together.
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Instagram- @dishigoyal_
Website- dishigoyal.weebly.com
Context- Abhimanyu is a warrior from the ancient Hindu epic Mahabharata. He was the son of Arjuna, the third of the Pandavas and the hero of the epic, and Subhadra, the younger sister of the revered Hindu deity Krishna.
He died in the Mahabharata war, before the birth of his child.
Uttarā is a princess in the Mahabharata, she is described to be the daughter of Queen Sudeshna and King Virata, at whose court the Pandavas spent a year in concealment during their exile.
Rajkumar ji- Prince
Kheer- a sweet dish, a type of wet pudding popular in India
Aryaputra-used by all women in their youth to address their husband
Mahayoddha- a great warrior
Dharmyuddh-war in defence of righteousness
Kurukshetra-setting of the Hindu epic poem the Mahabharata.
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demonkidpliz · 5 months
Arjun looked surprised, “Oh, really? Well, I suppose, this one doesn’t count. It’s just a mock session. You are coming for the first Court session though, right?”
Rukmini shook her head, “I don’t think women are supposed to be a part of that, Arjun.”
Arjun frowned, “Panchali is going.”
“Yes, because she’s the Empress!” Rukmini laughed, “She has to be there.”
Arjun shook his head, “That doesn’t make sense, Rukmini. You lead the Council in Dwarka!”
Chapter 4 is now up in balaramerchela. Please read and leave a comment!
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Seeing Karna hate on my tl again. The weirdos being mad about him getting praise over Arjuna will never not be hilarious to me🤭
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novellawritngs · 1 year
Hello everyone, I'm excited to share my new historical fiction story with you all! If you have a passion for history and love to immerse yourself in captivating tales from the past, then this is a must-read for you. Your support and feedback would mean the world to me, so please check out my story and let me know what you think.
"Shifting Destinies" - Novella writing - Wattpad
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thesketchedblog · 3 months
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Varchas - The sword of the moon - The Sword of the Moon (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1458984497-varchas-the-sword-of-the-moon-the-sword-of-the?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=writerparth The dwapara yuga played host to the great Mahabharata war, and with the events unfolding as predestined, the gods in the heavens knew that it was time for them to join Lord Vishnu on the mortal plane to participate in the war for the restoration of Dharma. Most of the pantheon were on board, but they were still looking for a deity who could make a bang, and really make a dent in the enemy ranks. Lord Indra, the king of the gods, and the other Devas had all agreed on their roles, save, Lord Chandra, the Moon. The refusal would have been take in good humour on a normal day, but this was a war that could change the course of history, and the devas knew that they needed to all be there for the battle, but they still needed that missing piece of the puzzle.....
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earnestlyeccentric · 3 months
The Complete Life of Krishna: Based on the Earliest Oral Traditions and the Sacred Scriptures
Author: Vanamali Rating: 4/5 Essentially what the title says, detailing Krishna’s life from his time in Gokul and Vrindavan to his role in the Mahabharata. Spoilers ahead. Continue reading The Complete Life of Krishna: Based on the Earliest Oral Traditions and the Sacred Scriptures
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krsnaradhika · 5 months
Fanfictions and Hinduism.
Those who are active on Wattpad, might know that there are many many writers (including myself) who tend to write fiction over itihāsa or historical epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, purely for fun and our love for them. It seems very odd, yes, and we do get to see blasphemy there too. People love some characters, hate the others with a burning passion and there are hour long debates over human nature, characterisations, myths involved, folklores and the many versions both of them have.
We have OCs, we make graphics and video edits, we pair the said OCs with CCs and sometimes with other OCs. The comment sections are the most fun things because writers and their audience interact there. Some works are much more impressive than published paperbacks while some are simply atrocious. You know it, shades are everywhere.
Now, very recently did I come to know that in Tamil literature, a fictional tale that is weaved around a couple or more incidents or points coming from the purānas or itihāsas is called a prabandha. Fun, right?
We do get to see fanfictions in Hinduism by the name of Pancharātram by Bhāsa (the one who also penned Svapna Vāsavadattā) and Kalidāsa's Abhigyāna Shākuntalam. While the latter romanticises and adds non canon events to the canon event of Lady Shakuntala and King Dushyanta's love story, the former is about a "what-if" scenario based on the Mahabharata.
So, do we promote fiction writings on such stuff? Definitely. I got much into the Sanatana culture solely via such fictions. They promote higher thinking skills, brainstorming, even fun facts many a times if the author is literate enough. And is that different from disrespecting scriptures and our very own ancestors? Also yes. Because neither of these authors claim to strictly follow the canon events. You do not like something you see, click away. As easy as that.
Do I support all of them, tho? For sure not. There are some which whitewash the bad guys and blackwash even the divine figures. Some straight up induce cringe. But that's just my opinion. A debate is always based on facts, not personal opinions. So yes, you do you.
But are they also dangerous? Umhm. Look at the Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. One word : atrocious. Some modern day prabandha style novel which sat a little above average in my reading experience? Abhaya by Saiswaroopa Iyer is the one (she's also written Mauri, Avishi, Draupadi and a few more if I'm not wrong.) (Abhaya is an OC paired opposite Kanha and tbh their chemistry was chef's kiss jsjshdjsjd-)
Should you write such, if that is what you want? Yes! I'd love to read-
But do you have to be careful with the message you deliver via your work? Swayam vichar kijiye *wink wink*
Some fanfictions which I may recommend. Note : not all of them involve OCs. All of these are from Wattpad. The authors' usernames are in bold.
— To Love A Murderer, Hope Embodied, and Samsrishti ; ruhitherambler.
— Satata Haritam ; Ramayana_Lover.
— Hello Mahabharata and My Days In Mahabharata ; thewomanwhobleedsink.
— Sambhavāmi ; indeevara18ls.
— Mathuraraaj ; Shivran86.
— Ehi Murare ; kanakangi.
— The Diary Of A Gopika ; Thoughtshub.
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Resources to learn more about Hinduphobia, and Hindu culture.
Making a masterpost about this because I'm getting a lot of asks for it. The list will be updated!
Books to read:
Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody. This is the memoir of a woman stuck in Iran and how she has to illegally sneak out with her daughter. It doesn't focus on Hinduphobia but it does highlight the violence perpetuated by Muslims to women. This is a true story and a movie has also been made on it. Also, I just need to appreciate how well it's written, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Aavarna by  S. L. Bhyrappa. This book basically details how Hindu history was derailed and destroyed by Mughal invaders, specifically Aurangzeb, the plot is fictional but the history is real.
All Religions Are Not the Same by Sanjay Dixit. This is a new book and I've just ordered it actually. It discusses the differences between religions and how secularism affects that.
Why I Killed Gandhi by Nathuram Godse. Includes the testimonial of the man who killed Gandhi. I'm about to read this book and I'm excited. Don't be fooled by the one-star reviews.
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra by Anand Ranganathan. Illustrates 9 examples of the hypocrisy of the current government when it comes to legalities and laws concerning Hindus.
Some people you can follow on Twitter are Dr Anand Ranganathan, The Skin Doctor, and VivanVatsa. They're all well-read on Hinduphobia and/or Hindu history.
A fantastic account on Instagram called vrindkavi posts amazing comics on Indian history and mythology.
Blogs you can follow for awareness, and learning about Hinduphobia/Hindu culture:
@rhysaka (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@mrityuloknative (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@main-agar-kahoon (debunking common myths, awareness, culture)
@yato-dharmastato-jayah (history and explanations, culture)
@forgotten-bharat (amazing for the history of ancient India, and culture)
@kailash-se-birha (culture, awareness)
@aranyaani (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
Interesting masterposts from other blogs:
Booklist to learn more about Hindu History by @mrityuloknative
The Ayodhya Masterpost by @mrityuloknative
Some important Hindu literature:
Mahabharata This is classified as an Itihasa text. It deals with a war between 2 royal factions and is a vehicle for describing the activities of the Avatar Krishna.
Ramayana This is also an Itihasa text. It provides the biography of Lord Rama who is considered an Avatar of Vishnu.
Bhagavad Gita This is an important text of the Vedanta school and is treated separately although it is part of Mahabharata. It provides a coherent summary of Vedanta.
Srimad Bhagavatam This is a Purana and provides a biography of Lord Krishna. This is an important text for the Vaishnava sect of Hinduism.
Shiva Purana and Linga Purana These Puranas provide the biography of Lord Shiva and are important texts for the Saivite sect of Hinduism.
Chandi or Devi Mahatmyam This is an important text for Saktas who worship Sakti or Devi. This text is really part of the Markandeya Purana.
But really, the best way to combat Hinduphobia, is to learn about our history and culture, because if you know the truth, you won't fall for the twisted narrative being peddled by the media today. If you've got to the end of this, thank you for educating yourself and learning about us.
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blackknight-100 · 2 months
*Not Tumblr specific. Some of these are on my Wattpad, and some on AO3 (in light of recent AI nonsense, mine has been locked and cannot be accessed without an account. It's easy to get an account if you want, you just have to put in your email and wait for like, a week)
Disclaimer: These are works of fiction where creative liberties have been taken for entertainment purposes. Works may include regional and folkloric events/beliefs and may not always adhere to source material.
Warnings: Some fics may contain non-explicit discussions of assault, violence, abuse or discrimination, and may include allusions to intimacy. Please proceed with caution.
Multi-Chaptered Fics/Major Works:
The Heart of Gold (Mahabharata, fin.) (AO3, Wattpad)
Hands of God (Mahabharata, wip.) (AO3, Wattpad)
Mukhaute (Mahabharata, Theatre!AU, wip.) (AO3, Wattpad)
Daughter of the Mountains (Durga's Story, wip.) (AO3, Wattpad)
Falling (in love with you): Lakshmana/Urmila (OS)
Sundaralekhan AU: Sita does not go to the forest (OS)
Janak and Sunaina visit Ayodhya after Sita's Bhumi-Pravesh (OS)
AU: Lakshmana Dies (OS)
Rama goes to visit Sita at Valmiki's aashram (OS)
Lav-Kusha arrive at Ayodhya after Sita's Bhumi-Pravesh (OS)
5 times Rama hears about Sita + 1 time he tells someone about her
3 times Rama bows his head + 1 time Sita does not (Uttar Kaand)
Arjuna and Karna - Character Swap
Duryodhana and Dushashana - Brothers
Duryodhana and Lakshmana Kumara
Vrishasena and his secret lover (3+1)
Ashwatthama after Drona's death (OS ft. Karna)
Yudhisthira - The End
PRIDE: Shikhandi
Ashwatthama-Karna-Duryodhana Bromance (ft. Vrishali and Bhanumati)
Abhimanyu Does Not Die (Fic I: Sad Ending)
Abhimanyu Does Not Die (Fic II: Kind of Happy Ending?)
Draupadi Does not Accompany the Pandavas to Exile (5+1)
Krishna's Birth - A Little Janmaasthami Fic
Arjuna and Vrishasena - 3 Times Vrishasena found his Uncle + 1 Time it was otherwise
Vrishasena Backstory Fic
The Kauravas and Pandavas Spend a Happy Day (ft. Karna)
Arjuna and Vrishasena Fluff
Krishna and Sudama - Moments out of Time (AO3, Wattpad)
Shesha Reflects
Saraswati and Lakshmi: Sisterhood
Shiva x Mohini (ft. Parvati and Lakshmi)
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aiaioooo · 3 months
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Mahabharata What If 2: Mahanayak's Name (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/368788994-mahabharata-what-if-2-mahanayak%27s-name?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=GameofDice 
Setelah tragedi Dyut Sabha, Arjuna menyadari ada satu hal yang berubah.
After the Dyut Sabha tragedy, Arjuna realized that one thing had changed.
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stxrrynxghts · 11 months
Have been reading your analyses since I've returned to Tumblr. Please make one of the Draupadi that we see in pop culture and the canon Draupadi, if you haven't already. Thank You so much :)
Okay! So, here I go!
So, Draupadi in pop culture is mostly two things, the shows, and the books. Let me start off with the books. I am taking three main books as base:
Karna's wife- The outcast queen: This book is based on some fictional girl named Uruvi, who is the Princess of Pukhya (ig?). She and Karna are the typical Wattpad OCs here. Draupadi here happens to be the female Arjun in Karna related stories, someone who is "jealous" of Uruvi. Uruvi happened to be involved with Arjun, beforehand, idk, am not much aware about this book. Uruvi seems to believe that the disrobing of Draupadi is a private moment b/w Karna and Drau, and that Drau is in love with him. Ugh.
Arjun-Without a doubt: DK much about this one, but apparently, Draupadi is jealous of fucking GANDIVA of all things. Oh, pls, do u srsly think that she has that to be jealous of? If I were this book's Draupadi, then I would be jealous of Nakul, for his insanely good looks-
Palace of Illusions: again, IDK much, but IK this much, that this book as well, loves to show the DrauKarn agenda. Plz. Draupadi does not need to be in love with the man who wanted her disrobed.
My conclusion, with these 3 main books, is that these authors love to degrade a perfectly fine female character. Pop culture Draupadi has ruined her image. Close your eyes and think about Draupadi, and think what you get in mind. Is she angry/short tempered? Is she always raving about her revenge? Is she being blood-thirsty? Is she being well...self righteous? Is she being jealous of her co-wives? If yes, then that is NOT her. That is a shadow, an insult. And trust me, these pop culture influences ruin your image of her to the extent that you CANNOT differentiate at all b/w the real her and the fake her.
Now, part 2, is Draupadi in the shows. *Rubs hands* now, if you like any shows, I shall tell u, this is gonna be BRUTAL. No hate is meant to any actress who has played Draupadi.
BR Chopra's Mahabharat: The first mainstream adaptation of Mahabharata on screen. In my opinion, their portrayal of Draupadi WAS , IS and WILL BE....in the finest of words, shitty. She says the word "andhe ka putra andha", she refuses to marry Karna as he is a sutaputra (We will get on that soon), and she raves about "mere kesh", and is clearly bloodthirsty. Draupadi is not even mildly disgusted or shaken by the fact that her hair is drenched in someone's blood, and it makes her come off as inhumane, arrogant and selfish. Draupadi did have a heart, and canonically, was moved by the destruction of the whole Kuru dynasty. Roopa Ganguly could have been a fantastic Drau, IF, the directors did not do this. Her friendship with Krishna receives a plus point, as does the scene which SHOWS that she is in her periods during the game of dice.
Dharmakshetra: Draupadi here is just straight up...bitchy? She is being blamed by both Kunti and Gandhari for "causing the war". Oh pls, if someone should be blamed, it is your SONS. She was the victim there. But then, honestly, this Draupadi deserves it. She roasts Arjun for not loving her, but then does the EXACT same thing with her other husbands. She roasts Yudi for "loving his brother's wife". Plz, shut your mouth bae.
Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabharaat Ki: Yup, this was the OG spelling. They have Anita Hassandani as Draupadi, and she is....well, acting like she is a part of some random nukkad naatak. I watched one episode, and that was enough for me. If you want your sanity intact, then don't watch it.
Draupadi: This show has quite the pretty Draupadi, but here, the other Pandavas are literally getting horny over Draupadi. They show her "wedding night" with each one of them, and Arjun actually says that he was jealous of the fact that Bhima got to sleep with her. And I am jealous that you get to rest your head on Krishna's shoulder and sob, Arjun, but do you see me complaining?
Suryaputra Karna: Draupadi is fucking weird here. The scenes are copied from StarBharat, clearly, and well ah. What do I say? This show is clearly not watchable for man kind.
RadhaKrishn: eh. Copied again, from StarBharat, and they showed the andhe ka putra andha wala thing, and my feelings are terribly hurt. *sigh* if I could get this director to gamble off the whole Production House to me, then the world would have been a different place.
will need full blown two reblogs, one for the canon, and one for StarBharat to cover this-
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demonkidpliz · 5 months
Go girl, give us another elopement story!
I rarely write about the children. But when I do. I have the most amount of fun.
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messylilhuman · 1 year
I NEED mahabharata fan fictions man
Like proper ones.
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suvarnarekha · 2 months
Writing fanfiction or any fictional offshoot work on Mahabharata, Ramayana, Homeric epics etc. shouldn't be called historical fiction nor mythological fiction as both denigrate the beliefs of some interpretation or another.
Euhemerism is an approach where it means the legendary or mythological accounts have been adopted from historical events or based on them as an inspiration. For example (viz. just for a convenient explanation) In Legacies (tv 2018, sequel of The Vampire Diaries), Malivore is a pit created to wipe the scourge of the supernatural off the face of this Earth like necromancers, fairies, dragons, genies etc. In their universe, basically, these creatures existed for real before they were adapted in fables and stories.
The idea isn't exactly the same since obviously these aforementioned Epics lie on very different and ground, rooted-in-reality horizon. However, this approach–according to me–sits with them aptly and, dare I say, better.
So, how about calling these works as euhemeristic fiction? Discoursing on history and mythology is healthy, by all means, go ahead. This is just proposing an in-between approach just to tone the violent and colossal discourses of history vs mythology i.e. when these two disciplines turn against each other.
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