#Maguire Beck
infectedscreen · 10 months
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the becks
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jihef03 · 8 months
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Orb siblings
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hollowsart · 1 year
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Maguire Beck / Jack O'Lantern / Mad Jack
Maguire took inspiration from her cousin when she crafted her 'Jack O'Lantern' costume, but gave it her own little personal twist. Glowing ribs and a special pumpkin helmet to hide her identity really make for quite the look.
She really looked up to him, she was his biggest supporter and was the one who suggested getting Quentin the video camera to her dad. Always she wanted Quentin to have a good life and be happy, especially ever since he finally grew up and escaped his father.
Unfortunately.. Maguire didn't have the full picture of what was really going on between Mysterio and Acedia when she finally came around to see Quentin again and learned of his less than ideal and unceremonious career change.
She has good intentions and motives for doing what she has all for her cousin's sake, but.. Her methods were always a little.. extreme in how she managed to deal with those who wronged Quentin.
Maguire is very protective of her baby cousin, Quentin.
She is just a few years older than him, and her family lived relatively near by to his when they were little, so often they would end up playing together.
They would act out fantasy scenarios, dramatic and cinematic in their minds. She'd do this with Quentin to cheer him up, it usually worked quite well. She had the better life between the two of them.. and she always felt bad for him, having to live with her clearly awful uncle. She would beat up his bullies whenever they would meet up and play together.
She was so proud of Quentin and happy to see him going up in life and not letting what happened with his dad when he was little kill his drive for theater and movies. that was his "special interest"! his dream! so to hear he made it into the film industry was nice.. unfortunately. Maguire never heard about what came of him after that.
For Maguire to learn about the mistreatment that Quentin received and where his life has gone now? She's out for revenge. Against the film crew.. and against Acedia after she sees Acedia "attacking" her baby cousin.
"Aw, what? Not happy to see your favorite cousin, Quentin? I thought you'd show a little more excitement considerin' we haven't heard from each other in about 10 years and seen each other in longer. ..Is somethin' the matter? I'm just here to see my favorite baby cousin, y'know? I heard about your career and never had the time before to send my praises about making it big. I always knew you'd go places with the skills you have." -- Showing up to Quentin's apartment suddenly, meeting again after so long.
He would avoid telling her about what happened for fear she would only go out to cause trouble, seeking revenge on his behalf.. He already tried and it would do him no good if his identity had been revealed like that to those people.
"I followed Quentin's online tutorials on technology, built some things of my own.. They're nowhere near as impressive as his, but they do the jobs I want them to do just fine. However, they're a bit more.. impactful.. than his own. As much as he marveled at the fire and explosive effects in film, he never could figure a decent way of recreating it without the use of real fire. I'm not afraid, though, I LOVE IT." -- Chasing Acedia and throwing her pumpkin grenades.
personality as bold and brash and.. explosive as a time bomb, it makes sense Maguire would be fascinated with the stuff, albeit in a non-arsonist way.
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spooky-salesman · 11 months
(Based on a joke from last night)
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“Ma’am do you have a permit for that horse??”
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thevondoom62 · 4 months
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No matter who's wearing this costume, one thing is always certain: they've gotta be pretty jacked up.
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kideternity · 11 months
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👻🦇🎃💀 Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! JACK! JACK O’LANTERN! 💀🎃🦇👻
To continue repping myself as That One Freak In Spiderman Fandom Way Too Into Jack O’Lantern, I wanted to draw a bunch of chibis of everyone whose ever been Jack for October/Halloween. Life got in the way though, but through sheer Fuck It We Ball, I was able to squeeze these out before the month's end- some cuts had to be made (AKA I didn’t draw the Jack O’lanterns I didn’t care about as much), but overall, I'm happy with these. As an FYI, whilst the rest are all canon characters, the last Jack is actually an OC of mine for my own personal spiderman/venom AU! Who I wanted to include, because I can. Maybe one day I'll actually talk about him here alongside my 5000000 other comic book OCs. (Also, the reason almost all of them are unmasked is because I needed a good way to differentiate them- please. There are so many of these cunts.)
Regardless, Happy Halloween to all those who celebrate! 🎃💖❕
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links-destiny · 2 years
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I was going bonkers without drawing anything spidersona related while cracking down on work so here's a treat for us all :)
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frogoat · 2 years
A blog about comic books and geek culture in general and Spider-Girl and the MC2 universe in particular.
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mx-aster · 2 years
Happy Halloween
Also y’all’s big serious Halloween post from is
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elyalovi · 10 months
Beck y Harry, dos jugadores insultados
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Becks también ha sido uno de los jugadores más abucheados del fútbol, principalmente debido a que fue expulsado en el partido contra Argentina tras caer en la provocación de Diego Simeone. Inglaterra fue eliminada del Mundial de Francia 1998 en ese mismo partido. La gente no recuerda que fueron eliminados en penales; la expulsión de su niño de oro es lo que más retienen. El bullying que sufrió no solo pasó por silbidos en la cancha por parte de sus propios hinchas, sino también por recibir todo tipo de amenazas en una época donde no existían las redes sociales. Esto significa que la gente se molestaba en escribir y mandar cartas solo para insultarlo. ¿Qué hizo Beckham? Solo se quedó callado y siguió jugando. Nunca hizo ningún tipo de declaraciones. Después de la eliminación del mundial, Beckham ganó el primer triplete con el Manchester United. Su deuda fue saldada y su relación con los fans de Inglaterra y el United se recompuso. Así es el fútbol, o por lo menos, así lo era antes.
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Recientemente, hubo un caso muy sonado en las redes sociales. Con cada error que cometía Harry Maguire, un defensa del Manchester United, su reputación se iba transformando en un meme. Se ganó el odio y abucheo de los hinchas; sin embargo, había un lado de la prensa y una campaña muy fuerte de su equipo que siempre decidió protegerlo ante las críticas. Su madre emitió un mensaje donde habló sobre el bullying hacia su hijo. En una época donde se tiene más en cuenta la salud mental, el entrenador de Inglaterra, Gareth Southgate, y varios de sus compañeros defendieron a Harry. Hoy en día, Harry ha tenido actuaciones decentes e incluso ha “salvado” al United de perder en partidos claves, reconciliándose con su afición, aunque no creo que nadie deba esperar un triplete de este equipo en el tiempo cercano. 
->Beckham (el documental): El hombre que cambió el fútbol
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bengiyo · 10 months
Last Twilight: The Gay Angst of Low Expectations
Others are going to say much better things about the romantic stuff going on in Last Twilight this week, but I want to focus on how Day seems himself relative to August. The biggest thing that stood out to me this episode is that Day sees himself in a way that reads unworthy of August.
When we saw their flashback to their time as teammates, August is annoyed with Day a lot, and Day is always apologizing for any of their failures. He then spends an entire night exhausting himself to practice more. August recognizes Day's determination and begins to treat him seriously. They begin to win. When they stumble into each other, August is understandably hurt that Day didn't tell him directly what was going on. I enjoyed the Bond Between Men that they had formed as teammates and how earnestly August insisted that he wouldn't partner with anyone else but Day. It was also clear to me by all the hand holding that August feels something for Day.
However, when August doesn't show up for their dinner, Day was willing to wait more than seven hours for August to show up. He said that August is always like this, and blames himself for thinking August would actually want to see him. He describes their partnership as an arranged marriage to win championships, one where he struggles to befriend August and regularly works to appease August's temper for them to win championships. He admits he actually did like August, but regrets not saying anything when he could still see his face.
Then, August walks up and sees Mhok about to confess something to Day, noticing the flower and running his eyes over Mhok repeatedly. He hears Day's comment about liking August, shakes his head no, and walks away.
What stands out for me here is that August knew Day would be waiting for him. What he wasn't counting on what Mhok being there and clearly being some sort of rival. It was clear to me in the locker room scene that August also feels something for Day as well. I am going to be thinking about the fact that these two were unable to tell each other how they felt all this time. I'm thinking about how August probably felt hurt that Day didn't believe in him enough to tell him directly. I think about how Day always prioritized August over himself, and didn't feel like he could stand up to August.
It brings me back to the dynamic between Andi and Jonah in Andi Mack, my favorite Disney original tv show. For the other millennials out there who watched Disney Channel growing up, Andi Mack is a show by Terri Minsky (creator of Lizzie Maguire) with similar themes as her original show. Andi, who is like Lizzie, has a thing for Jonah Beck, who is like Ethan Craft. She has been hanging around him all season and joined the Frisbee club for him. In episode 9, Andi and the girls at school stage a protest about the school's dress code for picture day by wearing prison outfits. Jonah doesn't know what's going on and insists that Andi wear the team shirt for the picture. Andi, frustrated, demands Jonah tell her what her protest is about and then she'll wear the shirt. Jonah doesn't know, and Andi is hurt by this, but steels herself for the girl issues they're trying to solve.
Later, we get this apology scene.
Please watch this in full. This is one of my favorite romantic/platonic breakups in history. I love that Andi recognizes the power she gave Jonah over her. Jonah never asked for this power, but Andi still let him use it. This scene is important because she firmly takes that power back.
What I want more than anything from Day and August is for Day to take the power he gave August back from him. August may have a huge personality and a temper, but they can't be good to each other if Day is always going to be afraid of him.
So, while I am frustrated with August for standing Day up for hours without explanation, I am going to glare at him for knowing Day would still be there waiting. I want to see them unpack this expectation that Day will always WAIT for August. If August likes Day and also knows this, it's something the both of them need to face.
I'm all about the gay angst of knowing you like him but not being sure if he likes you. I'm here for the gay angst of being unsure about changing the relationship in your Warrior's Bond forged in the fires of competition. I'm all for the gay angst of thinking you'd lost him and wanting to take the chance that presented itself again. However, I don't want Day to always put himself second behind August, especially because August, like Jonah, never asked Day to do that for him.
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jihef03 · 1 month
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Lowkey they should use Mad Jack in the next Spider-Man movie.
Mysterio's cousin going to Avenge him , using part of his tech and also being inspired by Green Goblin to some capacity with the glider and the bombs . That way we get some fun callbacks and a villain that Can stand on her own.
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hollowsart · 3 months
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miscellaneous Quentin & Maguire Beck + text posts
just a few extras on the house :>
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thyla-scene360 · 4 months
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Hell yeah more AU stuff - this time I thought it’d be fun to try and do some family trees for a few of the characters. It’s a fun little exercise in character design.
Starting off with Quentin Beck, aka one of my favorite Spidey characters. He and his parents are Marble Foxes.
Some notes: (what I have below is mostly what I’ve made up myself combined with what little we get of his family in canon. I wanna try and add his uncle and cousin Maguire later on.)
(Content warning for mentions of death and neglect.)
Quentin was the son and only child of Elmore and Henrietta Beck. He grew up in one of NYC’s many apartment complexes, and was raised solely by his father.
Unfortunately, Henrietta died just a few weeks shy of Quentin’s first birthday due to health complications. She was known to be a very sweet, mild-mannered woman with a quick wit and a love for the arts. Despite the little time she had left, Henrietta loved and cherished her son, and wanted nothing but the best for him. Unbeknownst to him, Quentin inherited her love for art and theatre.
Already a rather gruff and closed-off man, Elmore never really moved on from his wife’s death and instead became even colder, disagreeable, and generally unpleasant - particularly towards his son. He was never supportive of or interested in Quentin’s interests and talents, instead viewing them as nothing more than a waste of time and money. Overall, Elmore didn’t really care much about his son beyond the bare minimum, generally ignoring him for the most part.
All of this would have a lasting impact on Quentin, being something that would follow him well into adulthood. A combination of loneliness, deep insecurity, jealousy, a fear of rejection/failure, and a desperate need to be seen and loved ultimately culminated in Quentin becoming the ego-fueled supervillain he is now.
Beyond a few hazy memories, Quentin doesn’t really remember his mother, nor did he ever learn much about her. His father never spoke much about her (beyond the occasional mutterings or speaking to her as if she were still alive) and always shut him down whenever he asked. As of the present, Quentin doesn’t like to talk about her (or about most of his family for that matter) and usually just changes the subject when asked. He tries his best to forget about her and his relatives, and is more than happy keeping it that way.
Despite this however, there’s still that tiny, deeply buried part of him that wishes he could’ve gotten to meet her. Maybe things would’ve been different.
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thevondoom62 · 4 months
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Marvel Legends Jack O' Lantern! Or is it Mad Jack?
Fun figure of a lower tier villain. My favorite iteration of this character is the one that harassed Flash Thompson's Venom, but we technically already got that guy. Would still love an update since that one felt dated even at release.
Until then, this more classic Jack is nice to have. It's a colorful design that fits nicely into my Spidey rogues gallery. Not much to say here, it's a pretty fun toy. My one complaint is that the limbs feel soft. Those bicep pegs worry me. One tangentially related thing I will complain about is that we've gotten a Jack O' Lantern with fists and butterfly joints before Green Goblin or Hobgoblin! What's the deal? Updates for those two are becoming sorely needed.
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kideternity · 11 months
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