#Magnetism Manipulation
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deviant-fish · 9 months ago
My Brief Bio
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Myself Akira Hasashi AKA Deviant Fish. Second in command in the fish army. Leader of the Order of the Blue Croissant. Demiboy environmentalist and fish respecter. Persona non-anthropomorphic silver trout with mechanical limbs. has magnetic powers, including magneto-kinetic flight. I'm a shark-hunting species with water-breathing gear. My persona is featured prominently in Aggregate Fiction (AF). They are a Gen-3, triple-class, neutral-stat-balanced character.
Cool stuff
I'm a member of the superhero group Team Beam.
And I'm the head admin of The Order Of The Blue Croissant.
The Order Of The Blue Croissant
A community that discusses magnetism.
Also, being serious now, both frogs and fish are in danger of going extinct.
Now I know you're going to ask "which species?", but- It's not any particular species. It's ALL fish and ALL frogs the world over.
You may have to tell children being born right now what fish and frogs were when they still existed during your lifetime.
Please, at least, look into this. The fact are truly terrifying.
You can't just remove a large percentage of all life on earth, without having an absolutely chaotic effect on the environment.
Remember, the environment isn't something that doesn't matter to you. You live there. -and in soon you may find just breathing a difficult task.
We need to do something to at least slow down the effect. So far nobody is even trying to stop it. There just simply isn't any profit to it.
So far, if we keep going as we are, by the time we do something about it, we are somehow going to have to figure out how to bring back thousands of animals that no-longer exist, who nobody cared to document anything about, not their dna or even their appearance.
Good luck with that, people in the future.
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verishii · 3 months ago
I love how everyone has these sick ass powers and then there's Etho and Joel who can just. jump really high.
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gibbouschild · 8 months ago
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He couldn’t possibly do anything wrong, just look at him.
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tropicalcontinental · 2 months ago
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Stilll ttrying to think about Swap!AU Zander and AwesomeG... At this point they're just, well, swapped, but I still think there needs to be a bit more of a twist to them
In the mean time though, art
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denkilightning · 5 months ago
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Not Only Is Mother Mothering, He Is Not Fucking Playing Around
(im pretty sure this is the Only Time jay has ever created A Fucking Shield and i am besotted with the implications)
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celestialtrolls · 2 months ago
today i realised that deithr's universal language has some clashes with technology
she can only be understood by sapient beings. which say, a phone. or a computer. is not ordinarily.
she can't use voice commands at all unless she really puts in a lot of effort to speak phonetically vs. how she usually just speaks with intent
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tiredlylaughing · 3 months ago
my 2024 was filled with beautiful butches approaching me however i am devoted to my wonderful girlfriend Aromanticism
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argentarrogance · 10 months ago
[ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 ] ― sender pats receiver’s hair
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 || @magnetic-regent-magneto × ] acceptingㅤ➠ ㅤ Magneto
[ Location: Somewhere between the walls of X-MANSION. ]
Digital time had no weather here just kind of tock and tick reminding of passing minutes. Within frame reduced to a stoop of slouched spine elbows nest upon restless knees of sitting figure beside the bed. Two-finger rub of his own temple awakened deeps of frost-bound complexion within habitually respected practice. In that very bed laid someone whose condition stabilized and the longer Pietro watched motionless lids of familiar face the more apparitions surfaced out of the recesses of his unconscious. [ Son of M, Magnusson, Quicksilver ] -- unwanted titles kept coming back like a whip of wisp. It took weeks and more weeks to shake pattern of his father's trail off of him, and despite all this time and efforts he wasn't quite done yet. Strands long and loose, colorless in their crystalline pigment silvering between taping fingertips. Moonlight would make skin even paler. Instead of wind they tousle in the pillow, an image uncharacteristic of Master of Magnetism. Perhaps from what he saw it was easier to become reflected inward, let thoughts flow, and dream of things that were not meant to be. Maybe in another world where Erick never abandoned them, where they and next of kin grew together as a family and not unit. Brotherhood initiated commando operations full of blood and danger, with a rigidly puritanical outlook overshadowing very existence of homo-sapiens. He himself shared such cloud of judgment for a while too, but not for long. And once again he got exposed to a living triangle where each step reminded of a life they could have had. Now Pietro found brims of his lip corners curling downward.
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Soft filaments luster in gentle sheen under the touch of slowness reduced in two shakes ... similar, almost identical to his own, yet different.
Wanda changed. Lorna changed. I changed. Will Magneto ever change?
Upon sighting the first sign of fluttering lashes -- mien of argent quickster changed immediately and hand retreated back in its austere simplicity; dodging jump of temper from being made incandescent by an electric current.
' Greetings, father. '
Pietro's gift of the gab was unceremonious in its stillness, '' Stay where you are; that's the best you can do. '' - you're not fully healed.
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'' Don't take my presence as exorbitant sentiment, this is the first and last time I'm grabbing your cloak for reason other than to make you a codfish. '' - but pulling from the ocean. '' Gather your strengths, Magneto, I'm positive the X-men shall provide you enough of good care you don't deserve, '' an exhale that came from his side was rather unsurprising assuming how strained their conversation was no matter the situations or timings, '' but if I hear you're being trouble ... I'll come back in time to make sure rubber bullet won't strike off its trajectory. ''
For Magneto to be capable arranging normal relationship with his son he had to confront his own demons from past, now wasn't the time for that and Pietro knew it. After leaving his warning behind being dashing man he always is it does not take long for him to stand up and walk towards doors and to his exit from the room.
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emmatriarchya · 11 months ago
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@magnetic-regent-magneto asked: "What have you done?" (for Emma)
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"What needed to be done. I thought you would appreciate that."
Emma poured herself a glass, and didn't propose one to the man floating before her. He could get his own if he wanted to.
"Since when do you have the moral high ground? You do know I'd do anything for the children, it shouldn't be a big surprise."
She reformed herself to try and save kids, to avoid another Hellions debacle. It had varied levels of success, as humans still distrusted and hated mutants. She merely planted a suggestion, she didn't wipe anybody's mind.
For the kids.
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fruitless-vain · 6 months ago
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Hella rad watch band for a DOLLAR
My rubber one had been irritating my skin for a while (not letting my skin breathe) so perhaps this metal one will be different!
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madmanwonder · 10 months ago
Crossover AU
After their history with each other... how would a reunion between Heisenberg and Perona be like?
"I live and breath. It Miss.Ghost-and-Prim all grown up and still a pain in the ass." The raspy deep voice of Karl Heinsenberg sepak in a faux-charming tone as he look at his former crewmate with a wide arrogant grin on his face.
Perona narrowed her eyes at the smarmy older man, once member of the Thriller Bark Pirates until he reveal he was a traitor and stole many valuable items from them.
"You have a lot of nerve, returning here after you stab us in the back you two-face uncute mutt." Perona growled in a dangerously low voice as she felt the power of her Hollow-Hollow Fruit flaring from her emotion. "Here to steal anything else from Moria or used me to steal from him again."
Karl shurrged his mighty shoulders as he twirled his mighty warhammer in one hand.
"Nothing personal darling. It all part of my plan to take down the ancient witch bitch and regain my freedom." Karl replied with zero empathy in his raspy deep voice much to the ire of the Ghost Princess.
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pyrocatproductions · 10 months ago
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Another Sonic OC I've had rolling around in my head for a while, that I finally got around to drawing. This was my ADHD fueled obsession for several days a week or two ago. This is Keatin (key-tin), Kalina's younger brother. His ability is Magnokinesis. Still figuring out how that works exactly. Design note: his tail would be under the coat as well, but repositioning it looked a bit awkward from this angle.
Personally wise, he’s a pretty nice, chill dude, with occasional snark. But he doesn’t mess around when things get serious & is really good at appearing calm in super intense situations. I hope to have an actual reference sheet made for him soon!
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roboartrevolution86blog · 10 months ago
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sociallyawkwardsociety · 1 year ago
"Everything Happens for A Reason" My take on what is going on and what this has always gone on!
This is my crazy or not so crazy take on what’s going and what has gone on for time and it's the most logical explanation that works for me.
We are having a Polar shift; hence the earth is getting hotter, no climate change as we know it, this is a natural occurrence where the Earth’s Magnetic field weakens, sometimes completely flips. This in turns means Earth and everything on it is subject to harmful Cosmic Rays, hence why radiation medicine is being developed, energy weapons, Atlantis type monopolises are being built in Saudi and China, Psychedelic’s are being synthetically altered to help people cope with the coming changes. I will be adding to the listed categories to back up and look deeper into each concept. I ask myself why and where did this epiphany come from so much that I feel a sense of exploring and sharing my views.
The famous Triangle, a triangle of three - Elon Musk (Alien)Space X. Elon and the non vaxed are off to hang out in the Atmosphere, like Noah, he takes all living organisms and genetic coding of h all the creatures that we need to balance the ecosystem, drip feeding it but by bit to Earth when it is safe to inhabit again, he is the alien “god”, or really a former citizen of the previous Polar Shits…… stay with me!
The Bloomsburg bunch, our friends and nemesis’, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos & Mark Zukerberg, are off to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where #NEOM, Saudi's Super Town project is being constructed. This has a time scale to be completed by 2039 ( wow I’ll be 60 years young then). Why in the desert? Well because Sand has properties that can protect from Cosmic radiation. Ol’ Bill Gates bailed out Alwaleed, a Saudi Arabian billionaire businessman, investor, philanthropist and Royal from being a prisoner of the state and now is basically Gates' monkey. This is of course an in route for the Psychopaths to build a 75-mile-long mirror-encased Line skyscraper, with a cost of $1 TRILLON DOLLAR. This futuristic city with tropical rainforest and an abundance of luxuries is designed to see this community see out the cosmic storms and until we have a fully protective magnetic field again.
Let’s not forget the Chineses /Mongolians ( maybe Russians and Trump) and the modern Ming Dynasty, they will settle in the “ghost” cities in China, these construction were built for a purpose, with American money?? Well that doesn't make sense!
This is all about survival of the fittest, the Higher Archy it has been their legacy, to live in such a" bubble" in their cities of Atlantis, with the Outlaws AKA you and me, destroying each other as resources run out and desperation to survive takes over…human instinct, animal instinct, each and every living organism’s instinct!!!
Every part of the East /West / Alien triangle are storing food, medicine, salt, water, fuels etc, so each entity can survive the cosmic radiation for 300-1000 years until the protective magnetic force across the world restores.
However, good old Elon and the Space X (are from the future) are they are the time travellers? This sequence hasn’t happened once in time, it's in and been a continuous cycle hence why knowledge isn’t lost and energy never dies. We dream in the past and the future, babies dream how come? This is all extending from a week of time I had alone to truly think and tap into what is the point in life and what is actually going on?
The great Pyramids, I believe, were used as a protective hang out when the ancient civilisations had to see out the Polar Shift back then. The Mayans elite of that time, but Space X has always been, as they will always be one stage ahead and I don't know about quantum Physics but this element is along those lines, and I will be looking into this brain expanding concept and gain a better understanding and write about this, I don’t even feel mad, just yet.
This brings me onto Weather Control. This need to control weather is because of everyone having to live in a contained environment to see out the 300-1000 years of lock down. Weather is needed and although it’s developed by the ‘Elites for their Utopias ’  it will be one of the only things that will benefit the Cave men who have burrowed into the depths of Caves ..
Wind is needed - Sandstorms, did you know sand can protect from cosmic rays! It will keep the air moving in the coming volatile climate. Rain of course because water would run out and also to dampen down the radioactive dust in the atmosphere.
Keeping the cycle going, genetic coding and primal instincts, once we die we die, but every cell that is reproduced from us, our parents, children for generation is our real identity and binary code so that’s why it will always be what it will always be, if that makes Sense and whatever we go through is leading us to the next cycle for infinity.
I haven’t got a clue if this is anywhere near how it is, but this makes sense to me, and that is healing in itself. I don’t feel any animosity in my life as it really is all so insignificant in the great circle of life and that’s the only thing that is round. We are all just trying to survive, and everything does happen for a reason ...we may not have been here as physical beings before but us like our muscle memory that lives in cells so does brain and emotional and characteristic genetic memory. I’m quite excited to see if we get to live like outlaws Mad Max style or it’s a big load of bollocks but by the goose bumps that resonated from drawing a conclusion then I’d love to think I have a grasp of the bigger picture.
Please read through my other articles and send any comments or requests on what you would like to read about me via the contact link. 
Be safe, be lucky and blessed… keep it real, we aren’t physically here for a longtime.
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ronelgomes · 2 years ago
Neuromarketing: how brands are manipulating your brain?
A process called neuromarketing blends marketing with neuroscience. Also discusses how consumer behavior is impacted by the marketing system and how the human brain responds to it. It influences consumer behavior, feelings, and decision-making. It examines how the brain processes and reacts to marketing-related stimuli like branding, packaging, and product design. To learn how the brain reacts to various marketing stimuli, neuromarketing strategies can utilize eye tracking, biometric tests, and brain imaging instruments like fMRI and EEG. 
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leatherbookmark · 2 months ago
Ah... I see the problem of ugly concert t-shirts is universal...
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