#Madrid Codices
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STELLE E ASTRI CELESTI NEI RITUALI MAYA DURANTE IL CALENDARIO ANNUALE E LE ECLISSI Per millenni, gli uomini hanno avuto una visione del cielo libera da ostacoli visivi e le società premoderne lo hanno osservato creando cosmografie e mappe dei cieli che fornivano informazioni per calendari e cicli agricoli. Hanno anche creato cosmologie che, nell'uso originale della parola, trae le sue radici storiche dalle...
Viviamo in un mondo inquinato dalla luce, dove i lampioni, le pubblicità elettroniche e persino l’illuminazione dei cortili bloccano la visione degli astri celesti più luminosi nel cielo notturno. Per millenni, gli uomini hanno avuto una visione del cielo libera da ostacoli visivi e le società premoderne lo hanno osservato creando cosmografie e mappe dei cieli che fornivano informazioni per…

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"Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" (1880–1891 - Ilya Repin) / "Garden of Earthly Delights" (1490-1510 - Hieronymus Bosch)
REPLY OF THE ZAPOROZHIAN COSSACKS: Uuuuuuooo I’m pretty sure somebody has submitted the world famous Repin with the fella holding his dead son, and yeah that one is truly harrowing and I think it should be in the final bracket cause it would sweep but Repin has such a range and it’s all very deeply felt and sensitive stuff. For this one he did a couple of versions - you could pick either because they’re both rich in a really immediate sense of humanity. Again on the technical side this is a truly bonkers piece of work because he stitched its elements together from countless studies of people he knew and the result is still somehow a Realist masterpiece rather than the patchwork amalgamation you’d expect.
And each figure isn’t just irresistibly human - he gives all of them so much tangible warmth (the riotous laughter! The attention paid to detail in their clothes! The irritated dog in the bottom left corner) and the fact that theyre all his friends and colleagues is really charming. Dunno if its like “molten lava” kind of evocation of emotion but it certainly makes me feel something. ( @idiotpalespiral )
GARDEN OF EARTHLY DELIGHTS: think it's one of the greatest odes to human imagination and it's insane that it was painted around 1500. it's hard to overstate how innovate and unique bosch's art is. besides, he probably hadn't even ever taken acid in his life, so i don't know how he did that (@cuties-in-codices)
(The "Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" is an oil on canvas painting by Ukranian born Russian artist Ilya Repin. A large number of the "Cossacks" are modelled after either friends of Repin or people he saw around him, including the bald head belonging to the Grand Chamberlain of the court of the Russian Emperor who declined to be added and Repin painted in anyway. This painting measures 203 cm × 358 cm (80 in × 141 in) and is located at the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg. The submitter originally submitted the preliminary version of the piece.
"The Garden of Earthly Delights" is a triptych oil painting by Hieronymus Bosch. It measures 205.5 cm × 384.9 cm (81 in × 152 in) and is located in the Museo del Prado, Madrid.)
#art that fucks you up tournament#polls#atfyu polls#id in alt text#cw nudity#cw body horror#i mean this is so well known and also not a closeup so idk what to tag it for#i am not even trying to describe 90 percent of that
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☀Madrid Codex (Maya)
according to sources this code content mainly consists of almanacs and horoscopes used to help Maya priests in the performance of their ceremonies and divinatory rituals . The codex also contains astronomical tables , although fewer than those in the other three surviving Maya codices .
- Madrid Codex, together with the Paris, Dresden, and Grolier codices, a richly illustrated glyphic text of the pre-Conquest Mayan period and one of few known survivors of the mass book-burnings by the Spanish clergy during the 16th century
The Madrid Codex is believed to be a product of the late Mayan period (c. 1400 CE) and is possibly a post-Classic copy of Classic Mayan scholarship. The figures and glyphs of this codex are poorly drawn and not equal in quality to those of the other surviving codices.
The codex contains a wealth of information on astrology and on divinatory practices. It has been of particular value to historians and anthropologists interested in identifying the various Mayan gods and reconstructing the rites that ushered in new years
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Events 2.13 (after 1940)
1945 – World War II: The siege of Budapest concludes with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. 1945 – World War II: Royal Air Force bombers are dispatched to Dresden, Germany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment. 1951 – Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commences. 1954 – Frank Selvy becomes the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955 – Israel obtains four of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls. 1955 – Twenty-nine people are killed when Sabena Flight 503 crashes into Monte Terminillo near Rieti, Italy. 1960 – With the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France becomes the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. 1960 – Black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961 – An allegedly 500,000-year-old rock is discovered near Olancha, California, US, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967 – American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1975 – Fire at One World Trade Center (North Tower) of the World Trade Center in New York. 1978 – Hilton bombing: A bomb explodes in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979 – An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a 0.5-mile (0.80 km) long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981 – A series of sewer explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1983 – A cinema fire in Turin, Italy, kills 64 people. 1984 – Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990 – German reunification: An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991 – Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroy the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed. 1996 – The Nepalese Civil War is initiated in the Kingdom of Nepal by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist-Centre). 2001 – An earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter magnitude scale hits El Salvador, killing at least 944. 2004 – The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007 – Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announces his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008 – Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations. 2010 – A bomb explodes in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011 – For the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, are able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012 – The European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. 2017 – Kim Jong-nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 2021 – Former U.S. President Donald Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. 2021 – A major winter storm causes blackouts and kills at least 82 people in Texas and northern Mexico.
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La religion Maya: la lumière qui venait de derrière la mer
Le texte religieux maya, Popol Vuh (connu sous de nombreux autres noms, comme La lumière venue de l’autre côté de la mer) est l’histoire de la création des Maya Quiché traduite en espagnol au début du 18ième siècle par le missionnaire Francisco Ximenez à partir de plus anciens récits. Puisque la majorité des livres mayas avaient été brûlés par l’évêque du Yucatan, Diego de Landa, en juillet 1562, ce texte est d’autant plus important dans la compréhension de la culture et des croyances religieuses mayas, même si d’autres informations sont disponibles à travers des glyphes, des stèles, diverses oeuvres d’art et les trois célèbres livres mayas (connus sous les Codices de Dresde, Paris et Madrid, nommées d’après le nom des villes où ils ont été emmenés) qui ont survécu l’auto da fé de Landa. Le Popol Vuh a été appelé “la Bible Maya” et cette désignation est malheureuse dans le sens où cela présente ce texte sous la lumière interprétative d’une écriture occidentale connue. Contrairement aux histoires et poèmes qui constituent l’anthologie d’anciens textes connus sous la Bible, le Popol Vuh n’a jamais été considéré comme une œuvre pertinente par les Mayas. Il était interprété par les Mayas de la même manière que les anciens Grecs recevaient et comprenaient l'Iliade et l'Odyssée d'Homère: comme des récits à comprendre comme la manière dont les choses auraient pu être, pourraient être, et non comme une «Vérité» directe révélée par un dieu omnipotent aux êtres humains. Les Mayas désignaient cette œuvre sous le terme “Ilb’al” - un instrument de vision- qui offrait de la clarté à son auditeur.
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Los manuscritos hebreos de La Complutense
🇪🇸 La Universidad Complutense de Madrid, como parte de la celebración del V Centenario del nacimiento del Cardenal Cisneros, ha reeditado el catálogo del Fondo Cisneriano, que contiene manuscritos históricos, incluyendo 23 códices en hebreo, copiados entre la Edad Media y el siglo XV. Estos manuscritos, muchos de ellos provenientes del Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso, destacan no solo por su valor histórico, sino también por su relevancia en la creación de conocimiento. Entre ellos se encuentra el manuscrito BH MSS 1, datado en 1280, utilizado para la Biblia Políglota Complutense. Este manuscrito, al igual que otros en la colección, muestra la riqueza del patrimonio bibliográfico sefardí y su influencia en la edición de textos sagrados. La colección también incluye obras de figuras como Alfonso de Zamora y David Quimji, y está en exhibición en la Biblioteca Histórica «Marqués de Valdecilla».
🇺🇸 The Complutense University of Madrid, as part of the celebration of the V Centenary of Cardinal Cisneros' birth, has reissued the catalogue of the Cisnerian Collection, which contains historical manuscripts, including 23 Hebrew codices copied between the Middle Ages and the 15th century. These manuscripts, many from the Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso, are significant not only for their historical value but also for their role in the creation of knowledge. Among them is manuscript BH MSS 1, dated 1280, used for the Complutensian Polyglot Bible. This manuscript, along with others in the collection, highlights the richness of Sephardic bibliographic heritage and its influence on the editing of sacred texts. The collection also includes works by figures like Alfonso de Zamora and David Kimhi and is exhibited at the "Marqués de Valdecilla" Historical Library.
#la universidad complutense de madrid#cisnerian collection#sephardic jews#sephardim#sephardic#sefardí#judaísmo#jewish#cultura sefardí#manuscritos hebreos#hebrew manuscripts#edad media#Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso#cultura judía#judaism#judío#jumblr#judíos#patrimonio cultural#patriomonio bibliográfico sefardí#sefarad#madrid#david kimhi#Alfonso de Zamora#sephardic heritage
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why the hell are mayan codices named paris, madrid, and dresden
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Bellingham naufraga col Real Madrid nel derby, ma non perde la sua anima: nobile gesto alla fine
DIRETTA TV Lo streaming in diretta di questo programma sarà visibile su KRITERE.COM Kritere.com è il servizio gratuito che permette di guardare anche all’estero tutti i canali TV italiani, film on demande e eventi sportivi. 25 Settembre 2023 A soli 20 anni Jude Bellingham ha dimostrato di avere grande presenza di spirito e contezza di un codice non scritto: un video ritrae il suo bel gesto al…

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28 lug 2023 15:47
Estratto dell'articolo di Samuele Finetti per www.corriere.it
Galeotti sono stati un paio di occhiali da sole di una nota griffe. Che il parlamentare norvegese Bjørnar Moxnes, leader del partito di sinistra Rodt da un decennio, si è infilato in valigia nel duty free dell’aeroporto di Oslo dopo aver strappato l’etichetta col codice a barre. Il tutto sotto gli occhi di una telecamera di sicurezza: presto fatto […]
Moxnes ha provato a giustificarsi con un inverosimile «è stato un incidente». Poi ha dovuto ammettere la verità in un post su Facebook: «Molte persone mi hanno chiesto come ho potuto fare una cosa così stupida. Me lo sono chiesto molte volte nelle ultime settimane. Non ho una spiegazione adeguata». Oltre alla faccia, Moxnes ha perso anche il posto: il 24 luglio ha annunciato le sue dimissioni dall’incarico nel partito. […]
L’inglese e i video hard
Il parlamentare conservatore inglese Neil Parish meriterebbe un posto sul podio delle scuse più assurde. Lo scorso anno, in aprile, fu pizzicato mentre guardava un video hard sul telefonino nel bel mezzo di una seduta della Camera dei Comuni. Prima lo giudicò «un momento di pazzia», poi s’inventò di essere finito su quella pagina mentre stava cercando informazioni sui trattori su Google. Alla fine cedette e ammise che l’agricoltura non c’entrava nulla e che aveva davvero cercato quel video. E addio al seggio a Westminster.
Francesi, jet e sigari
Spendere 116mila euro per affittare un jet privato che ti porti in un Paese appena devastato da un terremoto? Ad Alain Joyandet, allora ministro della Cooperazione francese, non sembrò una cattiva idea quando fu invitato per una conferenza ad Haiti poche settimane dopo il catastrofico sisma del gennaio 2010.
Joyandet (che oggi è senatore) fu costretto a dimettersi, come anche il sottosegretario Christan Blanc, quando si scoprì che aveva speso 12mila euro (pubblici) in sigari cubani. […]
L’antievasori con la società alle Seychelles
Fare i paladini della lotta all’evasione fiscale e finire condannato per frode. Il destino è cinico e baro e l’ex ministro del Bilancio francese Jérôme Cahuzac ne sa qualcosa. Dopo essersi fatto una reputazione come uno dei più fermi critici di evasori e paradisi fiscali, nel 2012 finì nello scandalo quando si scoprì che aveva da venti anni un conto in banca in Svizzera. Come se non fosse abbastanza, nel 2016 i Panama Papers rivelarono che gli era pure intestata una società alle Seychelles. Dal governo finì in cella, condannato a due anni per frode fiscale e riciclaggio.
Il candidato fedifrago
Abbiamo citato il caso di Neil Parish. Quello di Benjamin Griveaux, stretto collaboratore di Emmanuel Macron nonché candidato di La République En Marche alla carica di sindaco di Parigi nel 2020, appartiene allo stesso filone.
Al voto Griveaux non è neppure arrivato. Ad affossarlo sono stati i messaggi e le foto esplicite che aveva inviato a una donna (un dettaglio: Griveaux era sposato e ha tre figli) e che nel febbraio di quell’anno diventarono virali sul web dopo che il blogger russo Piotr Pavlenski le aveva condivise. Nel 2021, Griveaux lasciò anche il seggio al parlamento e da allora si è rifatto una carriera nel settore privato.
L’austriaco e la nipote dell’oligarca
Diede la colpa all’alcol Heinz-Christian Strache, vicecancelliere austriaco al tempo dello scandalo poi passato alla storia come «Ibiza-Gate». La questione era piuttosto seria: nel 2017, nel pieno della campagna elettorale, Strache volò ad Ibiza per una vacanza.
Una sera incontrò una giovane donna russa che si presentò come la nipote di un’oligarca e promise di investire in un quotidiano per poi spostarlo su una linea vicina a quella di destra del partito del suo interlocutore. Che, in cambio, le assicurò che l’avrebbe favorita nell’assegnazione di appalti pubblici. Solo che la donna era in realtà una giornalista, ma Strache non se ne accorse perché era annebbiato dai drink (così sostenne poi).
Il caso saltò fuori nel 2019: Strache fu costretto a dimettersi e a ritirarsi dalla politica, il cancelliere Sebastian Kurz a sciogliere il governo e convocare elezioni anticipate.
L’ungherese e la festa gay
In questa lista di episodi assurdi, quello che ha come protagonista József Szájer merita un posto d’onore. Europarlamentare, membro di lunga data del partito ungherese Fidesz — guidato da Viktor Orbán —, noto per le sue posizioni conservatrici specie sul tema Lgbtq, la sua carriera finì per colpa di una festa piuttosto insolita. La sera del 27 novembre 2020, in pieno lockdown, la polizia di Bruxelles trovò 25 uomini che si intrattenevano in un incontro sessuale di gruppo.
Si scoprì che Szájer era fuggito calandosi da una grondaia e quando fu fermato per strada gli agenti trovarono della droga nel suo zaino. Orbán lo silurò in un nulla: «Inaccettabile e indifendibile».
La spagnola ladra «involontaria»
Fatale per Cristina Cifuentes fu una crema per il viso da 40 euro. Nel 2018 l’allora presidente della Comunità di Madrid fu costretta a lasciare il suo ruolo dopo la pubblicazione di un video del 2011 nel quale era ripresa mentre rubava il prodotto cosmetico in un supermercato. «Un errore involontario» sostenne lei, che poi pagò il dovuto. […]
Lo sloveno tradito da un panino
Di furto non si sono macchiati solo Cifuentes e Moxnes, ma pure il parlamentare sloveno Darij Krajcic, reo di aver rubato un panino nel 2019. In realtà, spiegò lui, stava conducendo un esperimento sociale: seccato dal fatto che i commessi lo ignoravano, sentì l’impulso di testare in prima persona quanto fosse efficace la sicurezza del supermercato. Il furto non venne scoperto sul posto, ma i colleghi lo spinsero a dimettersi (e a pagare il tramezzino trafugato).
Il maltese e il lobbista
Sessanta milioni di euro: tanto si era fatto promettere da un’azienda svedese del tabacco un collaboratore di John Dalli, allora (era il 2012) commissario europeo per la Salute, in cambio dell’impegno a far abrogare una legge che vietava la vendita e l’uso dello snus, tabacco umido in polvere che si consuma non fumandolo ma per via orale.
Dalli sostenne di essere stato costretto alle dimissioni dal presidente della Commissione José Manuel Barroso e lo citò in giudizio. Nel 2019, il Tribunale dell’Unione europea ha respinto l’istanza e con questa la richiesta di risarcimento danni. […]
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Borsa: l'Europa conclude lievemente positiva, Londra +0,2%
(ANSA) – MILANO, 10 LUG – Mercati azionari del vecchio continente leggermente in rialzo: le Borse migliori della giornata sono state quelle di Parigi e Francoforte, in crescita entrambe dello 0,4%. Il listino di Amsterdam è salito dello 0,3%, con Londra in aumento dello 0,2%. Piatta la chiusura di Madrid. (ANSA). RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA © Copyright ANSA Ottieni il codice embed
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A Da Vinci Birthday Anniversary
Italian artist, engineer, scientist, and Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci was born 568 years ago today on April 15, 1452. In commemoration we present a few pages from our facsimile of Da Vinci’s Madrid Codices, published in New York by McGraw-Hill in 1974. The codices consist of two volumes of manuscript notes discovered in the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid in 1965 that include such topics as mechanics, statics, geometry, and the construction of fortifications, and also displays his famous mirror writing. Codex I was finished during 1490 and 1499, and II from 1503 to 1505. The last two images are from Codex II and show a plan for the head of Leonardo’s Sforza monument and a map of Pisa and its surroundings showing plans for water diversions.
Happy Birthday Anniversary Leonard Da Vinci!
#Leonardo da Vinci#birthdays#Madrid Codices#renaissance#enrineering#15th century#facsimiles#scientists#mirror writing#Biblioteca Nacional de España
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A 1,300-Year-Old Maya Maize God Sculpture Unearthed in Mexico
Archaeologists from the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) have discovered a stuccoed stone head of a Maya god associated with maize.
The team were excavating in the Maya city state of Palenque, located near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
Palenque, also known as Lakamha in the Itza Language (meaning “Flat-Place-River”), is mostly known for having some of the finest architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings from the Maya world.
The team were conducting restoration works as part of a project funded by the Department of State for Cultural Preservation. Whilst removing the fill from a corridor connecting House B and House F in the palace complex, the researchers found a receptacle which contained a severed stucco head deposited in a small pond.
The researchers believe that this environment was to emulate the entrance to the Maya underworld. The Maya believed that the universe was divided into the sky, the earth and the underworld, in which venerated sites such as caves and cenotes functioned as a portal or gateway to Xibalba, a subterranean realm ruled by the Maya death gods and their helpers.
The sculpture, originally conceived as a severed head, would have been placed by the Maya on a tripod (evidenced by the discovery of a ceramic tripod) and was positioned in an east-west orientation to symbolise the birth of the corn plant with the first rays of the sun.
Similar iconography can be found in sites from across the Tikal region from the Late Classic period (AD 600-850 and the Early Classic Period (AD 150-600), and in representations in the Dresden and Madrid codices where deities appear with their heads severed.
INAH Chiapas Centre researcher Arnoldo González Cruz said: “The discovery allows us to further understand how the ancient Maya of Palenque relived the mythical passage about the birth, death and resurrection of the maize deity.”
#A 1300-Year-Old Maya Maize God Sculpture Unearthed in Mexico#maya#archeology#archeolgst#ancient artifacts#ancient sculpture#history#history news#ancient history#ancient culture#ancient civilizations#Maya history#Maya culture
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Events 2.13 (after 1950)
1951 – Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commences. 1954 – Frank Selvy becomes the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955 – Israel obtains four of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls. 1955 – Twenty-nine people are killed when Sabena Flight 503 crashes into Monte Terminillo near Rieti, Italy. 1960 – With the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France becomes the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. 1960 – Black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961 – An allegedly 500,000-year-old rock is discovered near Olancha, California, US, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967 – American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1975 – Fire at One World Trade Center (North Tower) of the World Trade Center in New York. 1978 – Hilton bombing: A bomb explodes in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979 – An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a 0.5-mile (0.80 km) long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981 – A series of sewer explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1983 – A cinema fire in Turin, Italy, kills 64 people. 1984 – Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990 – German reunification: An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991 – Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroy the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed. 1996 – The Nepalese Civil War is initiated in the Kingdom of Nepal by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist-Centre). 2001 – An earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter magnitude scale hits El Salvador, killing at least 944. 2004 – The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007 – Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announces his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008 – Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations. 2010 – A bomb explodes in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011 – For the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, are able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012 – The European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. 2017 – Kim Jong-nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 2021 – Former U.S. President Donald Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. 2021 – A major winter storm causes blackouts and kills at least 82 people in Texas and northern Mexico.
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A modern reconstruction of Herodotus Machine and its experimental testing
The “short woods machine” described by Herodotus, used to elevate blocks of stones for the construction of the pyramids in Egypt, was described as very light, so light in fact that the workers could have easily moved it from one step to the next of the pyramid.
The Egyptians did not know much of complex machines like those of the Greeks and Romans, nonetheless they knew of machines such as the balance or shaduf (used for agriculture), which used a system of counterweights to shift the weight near or on the central pivot.
As a result of our research carried out on several manuscripts from the de Architettura of Vitruvius, the architectural treatise of Francesco di Giorgio, we have not found any machine that might have such characteristics, but we noticed that in the codices of Leonardo da Vinci, there are two drawings which depict a machine that can match the descriptions given by Herodotus.
Described in Folio 818v of Codex Atlanticus, are different machines to raise columns, in particular one of these describes the elevation (lifting) of a column by oscillations, that is, by inserting in the central pivot of the machine some thick woods, thus helping to ‘elevate’ the column.
Folio 29r in Codex Madrid I depicts the same machine built with raw woods and ropes. The operation is the same as the previous design, but this machine designed by Leonardo seems to have very ancient origins, in fact it is very different from the other designs that appear in Codex Madrid I.
The drawing depicts a machine capable of lifting a large stone column. The machine is used by balancing a column on the central pivot where all the weight of the object was concentrated. By swinging the column to the right of the central pivot it created a space for a length of wood, thus contributing to the elevation desired. By swinging it again, to the left side, a new space was created this time to the right of the pivot, by inserting another length of wood the column was lifted a notch.
Since a similar machine had existed in ancient times we can show that with a small modification, the machine becomes very similar to that described by Herodotus. Most of the stones used in construction of the pyramids have a weight of between 2 to 3 tons, probably not far from the weight of the column depicted. But these are only hypotheses, that is why we did a test. The machine was designed to scale and tested during February 2011 with a cube of concrete weighing about 300 kg. Beyond our optimistic forecasts the machine (built to scale) not only enabled us to lift the concrete block, but made its application so easy that it was possible for a child of only 6 years to lift the stone.
Gabriele Niccolai”
Source:http://egyptianpyramidsecrets.blogspot.com/2012/09/herodotus-machine-buildingpyramids.html - Niccolai SNC Tecnoart Firenze
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Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) Zeichnungen zu „Codices Madrid“ von Leonardo da Vinci / Drawings for “Codices Madrid” by Leonardo da Vinci, 1975 Granolithograph on folded paper Sheet: 23 x 32.3 cm / Image: 23 x 16 cm
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