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madneocity-universe · 16 days ago
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O evento canônico na vida de toda garota, era acreditar que namorar caras mais velhos ia diminuir o drama e resultar em um romance maduro e saudável dos dois lados, mesmo que o segundo evento canônico, quase sempre confirmado, fosse descobrir que esse tal cara mais velho era ainda mais imaturo e irresponsável que os homens mais novos que ele.
Mais que imaturo e irresponsável, Bella sentiu que a qualquer momento, Dae-Jung ia acabar prendendo ela em um porão sem a luz do sol e só um balde pra sobreviver, quando prometeu que ia buscar ela na casa dos pais e até debaixo da cama deles se precisasse quando ela deu no pé antes mesmo dele decidir o destino daquelas férias, onde com certeza ela só ia ser arrastada como um souvenir. Sua namoradinha, seu brinquedinho pra fingir que ele ainda tinha controle sobre alguma coisa. Como o homem adulto e controlador que ele era.
E era só por isso que tinha ido parar em outro continente sem avisar quase ninguém, e só por isso que estava se comunicando com cartas em código Morse com amigos e parentes com medo de ter sua coruja interceptada por seu ex doido varrido. E só por isso ela tinha ido parar, sem querer, no segundo Evento canônico na vida de toda jovem — no verão europeu, com vestidinhos bonitos, pose de turista e esperando aventuras que não terminassem com ela em algum jornal, vítima de ciúmes excessivo.
Escondida e muito segura? Sim. Na companhia de um europeu must have na lista da maioria das garotas de vinte e poucos anos? Também. Mas isso não vinha ao caso, porque desde que tinha pisado no Reino Unido, ela vivia ocupada.
Muito, muito ocupada, mamando um grande gostoso que não parava de enfiar mais a rola na boca dela, do jeito que ela gostava e tinha implorado o dia todo.
Bella até gostava desses encontrinhos diurnos com JS, de ficar de mãos dadas com ele e comprando um monte de besteirinhas pras amigas, mas era só sentir a mão dele debaixo de sua saia em qualquer canto oculto das outras pessoas, que começava a provocá-lo sobre não conseguir ficar sem apertar a bunda dela. “Se você quer tanto me pegar e me deixar larga e toda marcada, me leva logo pra sua casa e me maceta na sua cama.” Saia sempre como um comentário de desdém, e sempre levava ela pra situação que se encontrava agora: sem calcinha, descabelada e superaquecida na cama dele, enquanto o mesmo segurava seu cabelo com força pra usar seus lábios como bem entendia, fazendo ela pegar cada centímetro daquele pau grosso ate ele ficar satisfeito com o conforto quente e úmido de sua boca.
Ela tinha certeza que podia gozar só de ter ele ali, de pé na beirada da cama e parecendo tão mais alto e mais largo que ela, que era só uma coisinha com tesão e uma boca faminta pela rola dele acertando o fundo de sua garganta todas as vezes que ele estocava dentro, tomando o cuidado de envolver tudo com sua língua e apertar os lábios macios em volta. Era impossível ouvir os gemidos dele e não querer provocar outros, e era impossível não descer uma das mãos pelo próprio corpo pra aliviar a necessidade da própria buceta. Uma pena que levou um tapa no rosto antes mesmo de conseguir enfiar um dedo, mas isso só deixou ela ainda mais molhada e pulsando enquanto gemia com a rola dele na boca.
— James, por favor… — Choramingava frustrada com ele tirando o pau da boca dela, esticando a língua pra lamber a ponta mesmo com a força que ele segurava seu cabelo. Só dela ter chamado ele pelo nome, deixava claro seu desespero por causa dele. — Me toca, por favor, e me deixa tocar você também.
Ela esperava mesmo que suas súplicas e o fato de estar quase tremendo de tesão, fosse suficiente pra ele se sentir inspirado a não punir ela tão severamente assim, mesmo que ela amasse quando ele fazia isso, e mesmo que ela amasse quando ele batia nela e a tratava feito uma puta. Inclinando a cabeça pra envolver a ponta dele na boca, olhando pra ele com a expressão mais inocente antes de acomodar ele dentro de novo, devagar e bem molhado, do jeito que deixava ele gemendo mais pra ela. A recompensa foi ter a mão dele cobrindo sua buceta necessitada, e aliviando todo o desejo que ela tinha entre as pernas.
Bella amava sentir a palma dele esfregando seu clitóris enquanto seu dedo penetrava seu buraco apertado, como se ele soubesse exatamente onde tocá-la e como dedar gostoso, fazendo ela abrir ainda mais as pernas enquanto ficava ocupada com a rola dele preenchendo sua boca de novo. E ela amava dar prazer pro homem que também estava inspirado em fazer ela gemer e vazar por causa dele, o levando tão fundo quanto ele acertava outro dedo dentro dela, gostoso e rápido.
— Caralho, tão bom — Bella gemia com a voz já trêmula, ao afastar a boca dele e começar a punhetar seu cacete duro, rolando o polegar na ponta sensível porque não conseguia se concentrar com ele dedando tão rápido entre as pernas dela. Dava pra ouvir o quanto ela estava molhada, dava pra sentir ela escorrendo e fazendo uma bagunça quanto mais perto ela chegava do orgasmo, fechando as pernas com força ao redor do pulso dele. — James!
Ondulava os quadris contra a mão dele freneticamente e não parou até sentir aquela onda se dissipando depois de ter derrubado ela com tanta força, voltando a abrir as pernas pra ele ver o quanto ela tinha ficado mais molhada e desesperada pra ser fodida.
— Baby, não me deixa esperando — A garota choraminga, voltando a envolver a cabeça do caralho dele com a boca, sugando com vontade antes de completar. — Quero seu cacete arrombando minha xota.
Tanto que ela mesma fez questão de contornar os lábios inchados com os dedos, usando o dedão pra rolar em cima de seu clitóris e ele ver ela vazando, o provocando até ele pegar seu corpo menor e posicionar na beirada da cama e a colocar de lado, erguendo uma de suas pernas só pra conseguir ver o caralho grosso sendo encaixado nela. Bella precisou se segurar tanto pra não gozar assim que ele empurrou com tudo dentro dela, forçando cada centímetro pra ser chupado por sua buceta até ele afundar o suficiente pra ela sentir suas bolas pesadas pressionando sua bunda, que tentou se segurar nos lençóis pra conseguir lidar com as estocadas fortes de JS. Esse, que não parecia nem um pouco preocupado se ela estava lutando pra pegar a rola dele toda ou prestes a entrar em colapso por ser macetada assim.
Então sexo bom de verdade era assim, então dar pra um homem gostoso era assim mesmo, com ele socando seu colo do útero e fazendo ela chorar de tanto prazer em levar surra de pau duro e grande bem no fundo e sem nem um lugar pra escapar dos quadris dele investindo nela. Não implorar pra um velho meia bomba e ter que fazer tudo sozinha.
Caralho, eu acho que amo você, quase saiu por seus lábios à medida que o ritmo aumentava e James não parava de estocar e gemer em cima dela, mas a diva Lana Del Rey não ia ficar tão feliz se Bella soltasse que estava emocionada e sentindo amor se pica, então preferiu deixar claro, bem claro o quanto ele fazia ela se sentir bem e cheia.
Você é tão bom.
Você é tão gostoso.
Eu quero tanto você.
Eu preciso tanto de você.
E se ele acreditava ou não, era outra história, porque ele também dizia coisas sujas e ao mesmo tempo aleatórias pra ela, enquanto a segurava ainda mais perto e conectava os dois como se fosse uma coisa só. Assim, Bella conseguia beijá-lo e segurar seu rosto bonito, e assim ela conseguia sentir o calor dele e perceber que era quase uma coisa só perto de seu corpo. Ela meio que ia sentir falta dele quando precisasse voltar pro trabalho. Talvez fosse sentir muito a falta dele quando o verão acabasse, mas nada que ele não fosse deixar marcado nela com a força que continua a revirando mesmo depois dos dois terem gozado juntos, de um jeito que ela nunca tinha sentido com ninguém.
Estava na merda. Tinha tomado uma DESSE TAMANHO no meio da cara por ter se apegado.
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onlygamemedia · 10 months ago
Mad City Chapter 2 Codes January 2024
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Attention all Mad City players! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Mad City Chapter 2 codes for January 2024? In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about these special codes and how you can use them to enhance your gaming experience. From understanding what the codes are and why they are special for January 2024, to learning where to find them and how to redeem them in the game, we've got you covered. Additionally, we'll dive into the exciting rewards you can receive from these codes and provide some tips for maximizing their benefits. And of course, we'll address any limitations or expiration dates for the codes, so you can make the most of this opportunity. So, whether you're new to Mad City or a seasoned pro, stay tuned for all the insider information on how to make the most of Mad City Chapter 2 codes in January 2024.
What are Mad City Chapter 2 codes?
In the popular game Mad City Chapter 2, codes are special combinations of letters and numbers that players can redeem for various rewards such as cash, skins, vehicles, and more. These codes are regularly released by the game developers and can be found on their official social media accounts, as well as on fan sites and forums. They are a great way for players to enhance their gameplay experience and unlock exclusive items. Mad City Chapter 2 codes can be a valuable resource for players who are looking to level up quickly, earn extra in-game currency, and access premium content without having to spend real money. By staying up to date with the latest codes and redeeming them promptly, players can gain a significant advantage over others and make the most out of the game. It's important to note that Mad City Chapter 2 codes are usually time-limited, meaning that they have an expiration date. Players should make sure to redeem the codes as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the rewards. Additionally, each code can only be used once per account, so it's essential to keep an eye out for new codes and make use of them before they expire. Overall, Mad City Chapter 2 codes are an exciting feature of the game that offers players the chance to earn exclusive rewards and enhance their gameplay experience. By actively seeking and redeeming codes, players can enjoy a competitive edge and access premium content that adds depth and excitement to the game.
Codes For Mad City Chapter 2 (January 2024)
Check the all Roblox Redeem codes! Code Description Status SUSHY This code credits your account with 75,000 Cash. ACTIVE Degree This code credits your account with 75,000 Cash. ACTIVE CeeJay This code credits your account with 75,000 Cash. ACTIVE ZDMD This code credits your account with 75,000 Cash. ACTIVE Conlord This code credits your account with 75,000 Cash. ACTIVE WelcomePlayStation This code credits your account with 10,000 XP. ACTIVE uNiQueEe BACON This code credits your account with the Bacon Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED Bandites This code credits your account with the Bandites Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED 0N3Y34R This code credits your account with the Birthday Fireworks Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED RealKreek This code credits your account with the KreekCraft Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED Napkin This code credits your account with the NapkinNate Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED 5K37CH This code credits your account with the Sk3tchYT Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED KraoESP This code credits your account with the KraoESP Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED D1$C0 This code credits your account with the Disco Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED 0MGC0D3 This code credits your account with the Tesla Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED RYGUY This code credits your account with the Ryguy Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED datbrian This code credits your account with the DatBrian Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED BILLYBOUNCE This code credits your account with the Billy Bounce Emote. EXPIRED 100KCASH This code credits your account with 100,000 Cash. EXPIRED TH1NKP1NK This code credits your account with the Pinky Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED S34Z4N3 This code credits your account with the Plasma Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED STR33TL1N3 This code credits your account with the Streetline Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED S33Z4N2 This code credits your account with the Frosty Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED B34M3R This code credits your account with the Sunbeam Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED B3M1N3 This code credits your account with the Hearts SPAS skin. EXPIRED T4L3N This code credits your account with a Talon Vehicle Spoiler. EXPIRED W33K3NDHYP3 This code credits your account with the Monochrome Vehicle Skin. EXPIRED M4DC1TY This code credits your account with the Black Hex AK-47 Skin. EXPIRED
Where can you find Mad City Codes?
If you are a player of the popular game Mad City Chapter 2, you may be on the lookout for Mad City codes that can give you various in-game rewards. The good news is that there are several places where you can find these codes. One of the main sources for Mad City codes is the official social media accounts and platforms of the game developers. This includes their Twitter, Facebook, and Discord accounts. Developers often release codes on these platforms as a way to engage with the community and reward players for their support. Another way to find Mad City codes is by following gaming influencers and content creators who frequently share codes with their followers. These individuals often have inside information and may be able to provide codes that are not widely available. Finally, there are dedicated websites and forums where players share Mad City codes with each other. These communities are a valuable resource for staying updated on the latest codes and making sure you never miss out on any rewards.
How to Redeem Codes In Mad City Chapter 2?
Redeeming codes in Mad City Chapter 2 is a simple process that can lead to exciting rewards in the game. To redeem codes, you will need to open the game and look for the Twitter button on the screen. Once you have located the Twitter button, click on it to open the code redemption window. After opening the code redemption window, you will need to enter the code you want to redeem into the designated text box. Make sure to input the code exactly as it appears, including any capitalization and punctuation. Once you have entered the code, simply click the Redeem button to claim your reward. It's important to note that codes in Mad City Chapter 2 have an expiration date, so it's essential to redeem them as soon as possible. Additionally, some codes may be limited to a certain number of uses, so it's best to redeem them quickly before they reach their limit. By following these simple steps, you can easily redeem codes in Mad City Chapter 2 and take advantage of the rewards they offer. Keep an eye out for new codes to enhance your gaming experience and obtain exclusive in-game items.
What rewards can you get from the codes?
Redeeming Mad City Chapter 2 codes can earn you a variety of rewards such as in-game cash, skins, vehicle upgrades, and other exclusive items. These codes are often released by the game developers through their social media channels or during special events. By entering these codes in the game, players can unlock exciting rewards that can enhance their overall gaming experience. One of the most common rewards from Mad City codes is in-game cash, which can be used to purchase new vehicles, weapons, and other items to customize your gameplay. Players can also receive unique skins for their character or vehicles, allowing them to stand out in the game and express their personal style. In addition to in-game items, codes can also unlock exclusive vehicle upgrades, power-ups, and other perks that can give players an edge in the game. These rewards are often limited-time offers, so it's important to stay updated on the latest codes and redeem them as soon as possible to claim the rewards. Overall, Mad City codes offer a wide range of rewards that can enhance the gameplay experience and provide players with exciting new content to explore. Whether it's in-game cash, exclusive skins, or powerful upgrades, these codes can help players progress in the game and stand out in the Mad City universe.
Tips for maximizing the benefits of codes
When it comes to maximizing the benefits of Mad City Chapter 2 codes, it's important to stay updated with the latest code releases. Developers often release new codes on their social media platforms or through their official website, so it's essential to keep an eye on these channels for new code updates. By staying informed, players can ensure that they don't miss out on any valuable rewards that the codes may offer. Another tip for maximizing the benefits of codes in Mad City Chapter 2 is to use them strategically. Instead of redeeming codes as soon as they are released, players should consider holding onto them until they are most needed. For example, if a new code offers a rare and valuable item, it may be wise to save it for a special event or in-game challenge where the item can provide a significant advantage. In addition, players can maximize the benefits of codes by collaborating with other players. Oftentimes, codes in Mad City Chapter 2 can be used by multiple players, so working together with friends or fellow gamers can help unlock more rewards and bonuses. By teaming up, players can share codes and help each other obtain a wider range of rewards. Lastly, to get the most out of Mad City Chapter 2 codes, players should take advantage of any special events or promotions that may be tied to the codes. Sometimes, developers may offer limited-time events or bonuses in conjunction with new code releases, so keeping an eye out for these opportunities can provide additional benefits and rewards. Are there any limitations or expiration dates for codes? When it comes to using Mad City Chapter 2 codes, there are certain limitations and expiration dates that players need to be aware of. One of the main limitations is that codes can only be used once, meaning that once a player redeems a code, they cannot use it again. This is important to keep in mind when searching for new codes, as it can be frustrating to find a code only to realize that it has already been used. Additionally, codes for Mad City Chapter 2 often come with expiration dates. This means that there is a limited window of time in which players can redeem the code before it becomes invalid. It's important for players to stay updated on the latest codes and their expiration dates in order to make the most of the rewards they offer. Another limitation to consider is that codes may have specific requirements or restrictions for use. For example, some codes may only be available to certain player levels or may require a certain amount of in-game currency to redeem. It's important for players to carefully read the terms and conditions of each code to ensure they meet the requirements for redemption. Overall, while Mad City Chapter 2 codes can offer valuable rewards, players need to be aware of the limitations and expiration dates associated with them. By staying informed and being proactive in redeeming codes, players can maximize the benefits and enhance their gaming experience. Frequently Asked Questions What are Mad City Chapter 2 codes? Mad City Chapter 2 codes are special combinations of letters and numbers that can be redeemed in the game for various rewards such as cash, skins, and other in-game items. Why are January 2024 codes special? The January 2024 codes are special because they offer exclusive rewards that are only available for a limited time. Players who redeem these codes can access unique items and benefits that may not be available through other means. Where can you find Mad City codes? Mad City codes can be found on the official Mad City social media accounts, such as Twitter, Discord, and Roblox community forums. Developers may also release codes during special events or promotions. How to redeem codes in Mad City Chapter 2? To redeem codes in Mad City Chapter 2, players can click on the 'Codes' button located on the right side of the screen. Then, they can enter the code in the redemption box and press the 'Submit' button to claim their rewards. What rewards can you get from the codes? Players can receive a variety of rewards from Mad City codes, including in-game cash, vehicle skins, weapons, and other exclusive items. Some codes may also offer special boosts or bonuses to enhance gameplay. Tips for maximizing the benefits of codes To maximize the benefits of Mad City codes, players should regularly check for new code releases and redeem them as soon as possible. They can also follow the official social media accounts for announcements and participate in community events to earn additional codes. Are there any limitations or expiration dates for codes? Yes, Mad City codes often have limitations and expiration dates. Some codes may have a usage limit, while others may only be valid for a specific period. It's important for players to redeem codes promptly to ensure they don't miss out on any rewards. Roblox main website Read the full article
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poohshiestyyy · 2 years ago
Drake’s part was good imo
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shesquiinnsane · 2 years ago
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—☆   MISTA' J   ||   FALLESTO   ♢
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OPERATION ARKHAM BREAKOUT. The clown was dying, at first slowly - six months he had been given by his doc, he gave the man a six minute head start when he heard the news. The only good thing about this place was that Harley had gotten him here first, about the only good thing she had done for him. She had saved him, got him out of the hands of those who wanted to take the law into there own hands - amateurs, too much talking not enough killing. Still - Harley had silenced everyone who knew the truth. He was dying and in this state - he was desperate. As much as he loved his little circus of freaks, one smell of weakness and someone would get the bright idea of killing the clowns and taking over the entire operation. He had to be careful, this was a dangerous game now, his life was on the line! He had out maneuvered Penguin and Twoface, he had the steel mill, a fortress. He had the sewer system, he had the weapons and he had Doctor Strange in the palm of his hands - eating out of it, as brilliant as the bozo was, he was like the rest of them, pulled in my the clowns charm, warning to know more, content on the nonsense he fed them, favors for lies - deals for secrets that not the truth - Strange was a useful tool, but the clown had no intentions of sticking around here, not when Strange had his own show to perform.
“You screwed up, and you have been screwing up ever since the party at Arkham.”
“Now, now - she has been trying to get me a cure, we cannot fault her for that, she has worked hard.”
“Hard? Your dying and she is just standing around taking up space. I say we do some spring cleaning.”
He remained in his wheelchair, with the puppet sitting on his lap. A smile wide on his face. So much fire, so much anger, were had she been keeping all of this from him. If only she let some of this out at Arkham, maybe none of this would have happened. Not that it mattered, these were the cards he had, he had a bum hand, but he was going to raise, he was going to call, he was going to go all in this time, he had no other choice. Every possible angle has been looked over, his death and the fallout from that has been planned, to ensure his work continued in death, but he wasn’t ready for that - he didn’t want to die, not when he was still so close to actually. He had almost beaten Batman once and for all at Arkham, he came so close - he knows if he was just healthy, he could end it, take Gotham - move on from the clown prince of crime to the king of gotham.
“Oh Harley, my poor lil Harley. So much pain in your voice, so much anger. If only you showed me this backbone a little bit before poo-bear. You have done well, but how can you ever lead when you are so - easily wound up. It has always been a problem with you and I am running out of time to make you into something worthy to continue my work. I have - months left and you want to spend this short time we have together - fighting with me?”
His smile remained, as much as he could not admit it - he needed her. He needed her now more than ever. He was the only one he could trust, the only one he could depend on, but he had to keep her in line. He could not have the bright idea come into her head that she didn’t need him. Still - he had not exactly been sitting here doing nothing while she had been bringing him nurses and doctors. He had cut a deal with an old friend who would soon be joining him to play the role of a life time, another deal with Strange as well to ensure a cure would be made and lastly, he was going to have to give her what she wanted. What she had been nagging him for months now - a child.
“Fine, fine, FINE. I need you Harley! You happy now! I ain’t planning on dying, believe me, but me and you - we are made for one another. We have to stick together, we have to - stay united. We cannot crumble now. I need you - to go to Wonder Tower, pick up a lil something for me from Strange, an icicle and bring it back here - do this and I will ditch this lump of wood, and we can try again - I just want us to be a happy family, like we planned.”
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TIME'S RUNNING OUT.    Every second not spent doing something to try and help him felt like time wasted.   There was an instinct to protect his legacy because if people knew ,   his followers knew of his true state the possibility of trying to overthrow him would become imminent.   Harley couldn’t allow that ,   not after everything they had achieved together.   Because she’d always seen their work as something to celebrate and share between them.   He had always been the mastermind ,   and maybe he didn’t like having to rely on her more but whilst he didn’t have the choice Harley followed every move to the letter.   Everyone who knew the full extent of the situation didn’t know for long.   If they couldn’t help they were quite literally thrown overboard and left to fend for themselves as they plummeted into the pit.   Joker’s goons knew how to kill ,   and how to not leave a trace surprisingly. 
The problems came as the numbers declined ,   as more and more doctors were dipping from the map due to Harley’s operation ,   it was quickly becoming apparent that nothing could be done ,   and the deadlines were set. She had six months to plan and execute everything before the timer ran out. Like a delayed bomb she watched him slowly tick ,   but there wasn’t going to be a huge BANG at the end unless she created it herself.   They had the plans set ,   the curtain of illusion limiting her puddin’ to just rumors as Penguin and Two-Face had been pushed aside.   They still had their fortress ,   and they had been in this together.   Something he now seemed to have forgotten. 
❝ Well I don’t see you doing anythin' about that !!   If yas think ya even got the right to say a goddamn word then go on but trust me yas livin’ ya whole life reliant on other people to do anythin’ fer yas !!   I ain’t gonna do shit ya ask of me. Just try an’ do this on yas own because ya couldn’t do it Pinocchio !! ❞   It was a low blow and probably not the greatest of comebacks ,   but Harley was shouting from a world of pure hurt.   The sheer audacity of the puppet messed with her and not even Mista’ J could seemingly back her up in any meaningful way.
She is just standing around taking up space. Those words cut like a knife and everything Joker had taught her over the last few months fueled her.   Instead of shouting nonsense ,   she fell quiet for a moment ,   which was always dangerous when the blonde was concerned.   She went to speak but had a much better idea.   Taking a few steps backwards ,   Harley watched the puppet ,   unblinking as her back hit the wall ,   next to their makeshift fireplace.   Steel Mills hadn’t exactly been built for the cold weather ,   and where there had once been a fire was where they had left their matches.  Kneeling down ,   she was breathing heavily ,   every move a little too controlled as she let the anger consume her.   Let it power each move as she grabbed the box of matches , clutching it tightly.   ❝ When me an’ Mista’ J make the world burn ,   there ain’t gonna be nothin’ but fire ,   and yas ain’t gonna be nothin’ but ash.   Maybe we’ll make it slow for yas ,   start with a leg ,   or maybe I’ll just go straight to your head so you shut up for once.   Maybe that’ll teach yas for pushin’ ya nose in where ya ain’t wanted !! ❞
As she exhaled she heard Joker speak again and only briefly glanced over.   In all truth ,   she hadn’t been listening to him ,   was that how he listened to her when his brain was on a mission ??   There was noise but no words that made sense.   Part of her felt bad but it was his own fault for bringing this thing in just to mess with her.   She managed to zone into his voice just enough to catch the end of what he had been saying.   ❝ I don’t wanna fight yas puddin’ ,   it ain't yas I'm mad at.   But it is yas fault.   Did yas wanna fight me ,   ‘cause that’s whatcha caused ?! ❞
What snapped her out of the daze she’d planted herself in was his next few words.   Harley had not been expecting those.   She broke her gaze from the puppet in shock ,   her focus fully on the Joker.   ❝ Family ??   I thought – I thought yas were just agreeing to that ‘cause that what I wanted...But if I do go get this icicle ,   can you help me burn this waste of a tree ?? I don’t wanna just ditch ‘im ,   I want it gone !! ❞
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theuniverseawakens347 · 5 months ago
MADcity ..$8#dis how we get out of jury duty
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graymanbriefing · 7 months ago
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Civil Unrest / Societal Collapse / Citizen Actions Brief: National Summary 》In NYC, NY on April 16th; 3,000+ illegal immigrants, that appear to be primarily adult males from African nations, gathered and rallied outside City Hall calling for im... 》Follow-up on the pro-Palestinians day of action on April 15th; Antifa affiliates used superglue and paper cards to disable/jam Bank of America ATMs in RI. Ot... 》In Chicago, IL on April 18th; "Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression", the "Palestinian Community Network", and other anti-police activists protested against the officer involved shooting of Dexter Reed (a black male). Protests have been ongoing after it was revealed Reed was shot up to 96 times by police after Reed fired at police (hitting and injuring one officer) resulting in police returning fire. "GoodKids MadCity" and "Black Lives Matter Chicago" are also organizing protests. Protest began after bodycam footage was released of the March 21st incident. Reed was stopped by Chicago Police for a minor traffic violation (seat belt), refused orders by police, opened fire on police (5 officers present), shot one officer, and was preven...  》At Columbia University, an... 》The University of Southern California Univ... 》25,000+ pro-Palestinians illegally occupied and protested at Yale University, NYU, UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Michigan (where leaflets were passed out calling for "death to America"), MIT, N...  》In NYC, NY; a diver... 》In CA, NY, and WA; 100+ pro-Palestinian Google employees participated in protests against Google's cloud ser... 》In NYC, NY; a man (white male) set himself on fire outside the Manhattan Courthouse where former President Trump was present. A gro... 》In Memphis TN; a street takeover (vehicles driving erratically in circles at intersections) ended in multiple shots fired. Initial reports were that 16 people were sho.. 》Pro-Palestinians continue to follow President Biden and protest at his campaign events.  In Pitts... 》In Atlanta, GA; Antifa affiliates continued unlaw... 》In NYC, NY; Ou...(CLASSIFIED, get briefs in real-time unredacted by joining at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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rockbottomhq · 1 year ago
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please follow everyone as soon as possible and tag your intro with #rb.intro. we’re glad to have you, enjoy your stay!
rosé ( she/her ) ★ madcities
jihyo ( she/her ) ★ tiddyshow
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daggerzine · 1 year ago
The Dave Benton Interview: Catching up with The MadTown Man by Eric Eggleson
If you haven’t heard of Dave Benton, then you didn’t grow up in the Midwest, or Madison specifically. I “lived” at his record store and saw one of his former bands, Spooner, too many times to count. But when I found out he was in a new band, the ghost particles, I had to check them out. And am I ever glad I did. They are a supergroup of sorts if you’re familiar with the Madison music scene (Ex-Spooner, Fire Town, The Rousers, First Person). What’s even better is I got to see them perform at one of their few and far between shows in Madison this summer. I contacted Dave to see if he was up for a Dagger interview and here’s what he had to say.  
Have you lived in Madison your entire life?  I originally lived in New Jersey; my family moved to Omaha, NE when I was 11. I attended U of Nebraska for one year and then transferred to a smaller state college, Wayne State in the small town of Wayne, Nebraska. (Not affiliated with Wayne State University in Detroit). It was there that I first met Doug “Duke” Erikson. After college I moved to Madison in 1972.  
When did you begin your musical career?  I was 15 when I formed a band with friends.  While in Nebraska I played with five different Rock bands over the thirteen years. It was all good fun and preparation for the next level.  
What musical training do you have?  No formal training.  
Anybody help your training?  Just friends, sharing chords. I discovered from the outset that I could play by ear and copy melodies from records.  
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When did you feel that you “made it” in the field? Why?  After many years, our band Spooner was signed by Chameleon Records in 1989, with distribution by EMD, then WEA, and finally Roadrunner. It was the only time I made any real money.  
Are you still involved with MadCity Music (record store)?  I sold the business in 2007, and it’s still going strong to this day.  
Who influenced you the most in your musical career?  My dad was a big Jazz fan and would often bring records home. I’ve lived through all the eras of Rock ‘n Roll, and I was knocked out by Eddie Cochran when I was young. The biggest influences were The Beatles and all the ‘60s Garage bands.  
How did the ghost particles come about?  In the fall of 2019, Joel Tappero mentioned to me that he was starting to work on some songs with Phil Davis. I told them I was interested, and we started to get things going. Then the pandemic hit that winter, so we switched gears, and all got the same Multi-Track software. Since we could no longer get together, we began recording via file-sharing. Don came on board fall of 2020. Jeremy Tappero did all the mixing and drums at his studio in Bloomington, MN. He currently plays bass with Soul Asylum. Lee Laski started as our new drummer in 2022, shortly after the first album was released in May of that year.  
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Loved seeing you perform live. You played some new songs, what's the target date for that release?  We are just starting to record another new song. The target is to get the album out in 2024 sometime. There will probably be vinyl on this one.  
On Bandcamp it states, "Tracy Benton, bodhran on ‘Three Things,’" any relation? Sister.  
Tell me more about The Waterdogs. Not familiar with them. Are they still a band?  The Waterdogs were an instrumental Rock band active from 1984 to 2017. The other members were Lee Laski, Ernie Conner, John Hauser, and Don Irwin. Lee, Ernie, and Don were also playing with roots rockin’ The Rousers all that time. John Hauser came from Paul Black’s band. There were two Waterdogs albums, Live from 1986 (cassette only) and Thermal from 2000 (CD only). There was also a 7” single, “Hawaii 5-0/Theme From Spydog” in 1988.  
Any suggestions for new bands breaking into the business?  Just do what you love and maybe something will happen. Team up with a good songwriter and be there to lend your talents and serve their songs. And let go of your ego.  
Favorite tour?  Spooner was the only band that really toured, mainly in a ten-state area. We played as far west as Lawrence, KS, and east to NYC, where we played the Peppermint Lounge, and Metropole in Pittsburgh as well. All the rest of my bands were more regional.  
I used go to Merlyn's both nights when you played a weekend. However; the first time I saw you, you opened for The Cretones (my first visit to Merlyn's as well). What were some of your favorite Spooner moments?  The Merlyn’s gigs were usually special. There were some clubs we played fairly regularly where our following was sizable, Teddy’s in Milwaukee (now Shank Hall), The B&B in Oshkosh, Lefty’s in Green Bay, Fitzgerald’s in Berwyn, IL, and Tut’s in Chicago. We did a lot of openers. A few that stood out were Marshall Crenshaw in DeKalb, IL and Bloomington, IN; Question Mark &The Mysterians at Tut’s, The Police at Headliners in Madison, and Joe Ely at Fitzgerald’s. The shows on the UW campus were always great too, Great Hall and The Terrace.  
What’s your favorite song to perform live? Why?  For the ghost particles it would be “All The Love.”  
Beautiful song with a kick! How did that song come about?  Well, you’d have to ask Phil about any initial inspiration. He sent us the file of the basic structure and we all put it together. I played the fuzz guitar parts and the synth strings as well because Don wasn’t yet with us at that time. I also used an EBow on the break. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLlReHDkiE&t=9s  
What’s your favorite cover of another band?  Maybe “Mr. Tambourine Man,” because it’s so recent with ghost particles, or “Roadrunner “ (Modern Lovers), which Spooner did.  
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You did a great version of "Tambourine Man." Loved Spooner's version of "Roadrunner" as well. Did you see Jonathan Richman when he played Merlyn's?  I did see JR at Merlyn’s, and at O’Cayz as well.  
Favorite venue to perform at?  Merlyn’s in Madison, 1979 to 1983.  
Who would you like to work with if you could?  I’d like to work with Duke Erikson again. We were working on recording some songs for which he wrote the music, and I wrote the lyrics, about six years ago. He became very busy with Garbage again.  
Would love to hear those songs! I’m hoping it will happen. What type of music?  All Pop/Rock songs, more like Spooner.  
When writing a song, what comes first, lyrics or melody?  I’m not really a prolific songwriter. With my long-running instrumental band The Waterdogs, I wrote everything on guitar, of course, and it was primarily lyrics with Spooner.  
If you could switch to any other type of music, what would it be? Why?  I love Reggae and the rhythmic possibilities, but that ain’t gonna happen.  
Any new bands you like or would recommend?  I listen to tons of music, both new and old. I think The National are great.  
Top Ten desert island discs? (10 albums you couldn’t live without.)  That’s a tough one, but here are some favorites off the top of my head. Love Forever Changes; Roxy Music (1st album); The National Boxer and High Violet;  Jackson Browne For Everyman; The Jayhawks Sound Of Lies and Smile; Beach Boys All Summer Long; Hawkwind Warrior On The Edge Of Time; Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section. Just the tip of my big iceberg there.  
Finish this sentence: I want to be remembered for…being fair and kind, and being a solid Garage-level guitarist. I hope you’ve learned a little more about Dave and why I think he’s a legend in the Madison music scene. You can see why I wanted to jump at the chance to learn more about him and his music. Be sure to check out his music below.
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Mad City (1997)
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I love a final confrontation in which a muscular hero blows the villain into a thousand pieces but sometimes I want more. Although the story Mad City tells is pretty obvious and you've likely seen it done before, probably better, it still works. It's a thriller whose solution to the final conflict can't be found at the end of a gun barrel, and a critique of broadcast news. It's tight and intense.
Max (Dusting Hoffman) is a has-been TV reporter who witnesses a disgruntled employee (John Travolta) take a group of schoolchildren hostage inside a museum. Literally in the middle of the biggest story the town's ever seen, Max begins influencing the gunman to his advantage.
There are a lot of individual pieces to keep track of and they’re all moving independently but also influencing each other. Max is not a likable character at first. He has little empathy for those around him, he's bitter and ruthless. Say what you will about his tactics and the way he not only endangers lives but arguably makes the hostage situation worse, he's an expert at what he does. You keep your eyes fixed on him because he knows the ins and outs of the TV reporting business. He always asks the right questions, knows where to put the camera, who to interview and what to do to make this “simple” hostage situation into a layered story. His character arc is predictable and obvious but entertaining and there's more to him than it seems at first.
While the strange game of chess is being played inside the museum, a lot is taking place outside. Everyone reporting the story is trying to act nice. They’re all pretending to be professionals, but the news people are snakes. Max isn't the only one who will embrace underhanded tactics, cut deals, fudge facts, or destroy someone's life to get the scoop. Though characters approach the realm of cartoon villainy, you can see and understand how they validate their actions. You’ve got Max trying to do one thing within. You’ve got the reporters on the outside taking a completely different approach because they don’t know the situation like the people on the front line do.
As time passes, the situation gets intense. The machinations of Max and the other reports keep you intrigued, as do the unveiling of the characters' true personalities. The plot compels you to keep watching. Have we seen scenarios like this before? Yes. That doesn’t make it less enticing. As the plot continues, your attitude towards the players will keep changing. Are you siding against Max? For a time, but that will change. Then you may suddenly find yourself on team Sam, then against him, and so forth.
Why anyone decided to call this film Mad City, I've no idea. It's neither memorable nor particularly evocative of the plot. While down the line I think anyone who sees this film will find a better version of it somewhere, in the meantime, it works. (On DVD, February 19, 2015)
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madneocity-universe · 24 days ago
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Tags: Foi tão baixo e sujo que eu não tenho palavras pra descrever.
Top 3 concepções mais absurdas dessa empresa, então antes, bem antes.
Se ele soubesse que ia ser tão difícil ser pai e manter sua carreira de piloto, definitivamente ia ter pensado duas vezes antes, uns cinco anos atrás, porque como era difícil ter que se despedir de sua filha toda vez que seus pais ligavam e o alertavam sobre levar a coitada pra baixo e pra cima pelo mundo, quando ela tinha que voltar pra escola e estava nessa fase super importante de adaptação e aprendendo a viver em sociedade.
— Eu não quero saber se ela precisa ir pra escola pra aprender a dividir os brinquedos, eu quero nossa bestie aqui, com a gente, o ano todo, como era quando ela era desse tamaninho. — Reclamava com Ahri no quarto do hotel, depois de chorar de soluçar no aeroporto vendo a mini versão de sua esposa dando tchauzinho enquanto sumia pela sala de embarque com a moça da companhia aérea. — Isso é ser um pai egoísta e narcisista? — Faz uma pausa dramática, apertando os olhos na direção da esposa. — Pena, foda, então eu sou mesmo. E você…
Não só pai, como marido também, porque foi só lembrar que logo Ahri precisaria voltar pra casa pra cuidar de seu próprio trabalho, que sua aura possessiva e territorialista aumentou em 100%, ao agarrar a cintura da mulher menor e jogar seu corpo por cima de um dos ombros como se não fosse nada, antes de jogá-la gentilmente por cima da cama enorme da suíte.
— Você, amor, não pode ir e me deixar sozinho. — Murmurou em um tom de quase sofrimento profundo, mas ainda sustentando um sorrisinho nos lábios, ao começar beijar a mulher que amava na boca. — Nem que eu tenha que meter outro bebê dentro de você.
Só o pensamento o deixou duro, e não era por pouca coisa: Arthur se lembrava muito bem de como tinha conseguido convencer sua equipe de staff e a própria família que o melhor lugar para sua esposa grávida estar, era ao seu lado durante a maior parte da gestação e o campeonato. Ele afirmou e garantiu que as consultas com os melhores médicos iam estar em dia, que ia poder acompanhar o progresso como o homem presente e responsável que ele queria ser, e cuidar pra que Ahri não fizesse nada sozinha depois de dar pra ela mesma uma equipe como rede de apoio. E ele até podia dizer que eram os benefícios de ser rico uma vida inteira, se não usasse a desculpa que daquele jeito, era muito mais seguro e bom.
Por todos os motivos bons também.
— Era tão bom ter você aqui todos os dias, mas era melhor ainda ter você assim todos os dias. Você queria levar uma surra de rola toda hora e eu adorei viver de buceta e água, sabia? — Murmurava com os lábios ainda pairando sobre os dela, enquanto os joelhos separavam suas coxas macias e abria espaço pra ele esfregar o joelho contra sua buceta coberta pela calcinha, esticando o tecido do vestido ao máximo, só pra conseguir aliviar o tesão dos dois. — Você ficou ainda mais gostosa, e era tão bonita pedindo pra te macetar com força toda hora, e eu não achei que pudesse ficar mais sedento por sua causa, mas eu fiquei… — Não que fosse difícil, só de ouvir os gemidos saindo da boca dela, seu pau já estava pulsando por dentro da calça, enquanto ele mesmo descia o rosto na direção dos seios da esposa. — E não me importo de passar por todo processo de novo.
Os peitos dela eram incríveis e tinha vontade de morrer sufocado entre eles? Sim, com certeza, sem sombra de dúvida, mas só a memória de como eles tinham ficado inchados e pesados por causa da gravidez, fez ele mesmo rosnar e abaixar o tecido com força, não levando um segundo antes de chupar, lamber e morder os dois como se fosse a única coisa que ele precisasse pra viver. O que também não era mentira, uma vez que Ahri era seu maior sonho e a única coisa que ele queria pro resto da vida, como esposa e a vagabunda que ele amava foder feito uma.
— Sinto falta de você vazando até deixar tudo encharcado, gozando só de levar dedada no rabo enquanto eu te chupo e de como você ficava toda manhosa querendo de novo e de novo, igual a putinha gulosa que você é. — Arthur fazia questão de continuar esfregando a coxa contra ela enquanto falava aquelas coisas imundas, marcando e deixando dolorido a pele dos peitos dela, ficando satisfeito só depois de ouvir ela reclamar. Implorando pra ele fazer alguma coisa. — Comer você grávida era tão gostoso, amor, mas não supera o tanto que eu gosto de meter querendo te deixar assim de novo.
Porque desde o dia que ela expôs que queria mais crianças, cada foda entre eles era marcada por uma tentativa muito decidida de realizar os desejos de Mrs. Ahri Sohn, e não era ele que ia negar. Não teve cerimônia alguma em empurrar a calcinha pro lado e enfiar três dedos de uma só vez na buceta de sua esposa, abrindo e alargando tão decidido que nem se abalou quando ela começou a gemer de prazer, só tomando o cuidado de acertar os pontos certos e esfregar a palma bem cima do clitóris dela, enquanto observava seu rosto contorcido com um sorriso convencido.
— Olha só pra você, já tá mastigando meus dedos e eu ainda nem tô te fodendo de verdade, só brincando com sua bucetinha. — Ele sussurra, aproveitando pra aumentar a velocidade das estocadas, antes de abaixar o rosto no nível do dela só pra tomar sua boca na dele. — Eu vou te pegar com tanta força, sua vagabunda, que você não vai conseguir andar naquele padoque amanhã.
Mesmo quando Ahri goza e expulsa seus dígitos de dentro, continua circulando seu clitóris, enquanto bebe cada gemido dela com um beijo quente e intenso que ele só se afasta porque tem outras prioridades no momento. Toma o cuidado de se desfazer da blusa, a calça e a cueca, exibindo o caralho duro e pesado que pulsa só de ver ela toda quente e desesperada de pernas abertas pra ele, mas segura os pulsos de sua esposa com força quando ela faz que vai tirar as próprias roupas, segurando os dois braços em cima de sua cabeça.
— Não, não. Eu quero te foder assim, bem desse jeito. — Com os seios pra fora do vestido, e com a calcinha arruinada de tão molhada e de ter sido esticada por ele. — Amanhã eu posso te dar roupas novas, mas hoje, eu quero te comer com essas.
Uma promessa que ele cumpre quando segura os pulsos finos só com uma das mãos, porque a outra está ocupada guiando o caralho pra dentro dela, pincelando a cabeça inchada pelos lábios e o clitóris, antes de encaixar no buraco quente e que o chupa por dentro assim que ele investe a primeira vez, quase perdendo o juízo com quão bem e deliciosa ela se sente o acolhendo assim.
— Como você consegue ser tão apertada assim, amor. Você pega minha rola todo dia, devia ser criminoso, você não acha? — Arthur a provoca, socando devagar mas determinado, a ponto de preencher o quarto com o som de suas bolas esmurrando a bunda da mulher uma e outra vez, marcando o quão fundo ele quer acertar. — Vai continuar mastigando meu cacete quando eu arrombar você, vagabunda?
Se era um desafio ou não, ele mesmo não sabia, mas foi só ver o sorrisinho no rosto dela que desceu a mão em seu rosto pra desferir um tapa estalado na bochecha, antes de agarrar seus quadris e empurrar eles contra o colchão e usando a força pra segurá-la no lugar enquanto começa a martelar fundo e rápido de verdade. Arthur a muito tempo tinha decidido que esse era o único jeito de foder alguém tão gostoso e disponível quanto sua esposa amada, mas ver os peitos dela balançando sem parar enquanto ela já parece prestes a gozar ao redor dele, tem outro sentimento. Um que ele nunca vai encontrar alguém que dê pra ele tão gostoso e que diga seu nome com tanta urgência quanto ela, quando goza e se desfaz em lágrimas em cima da cama, agarrando seu cacete duro por dentro como se não quisesse deixar ele sair.
— Porra, porra de xota apertada, você tá tão molhada, amor. — Arthur geme desesperado, porque não consegue parar de estocar, bêbado naquela mulher deliciosa que só pede pra ele ir mais forte e mais fundo porque ela aguenta, mesmo depois de gozar duas vezes. — Eu vou te dar mais, eu vou te dar o que você quiser.
Depois que ele desencaixa e coloca se bruços, movendo seu corpo trêmulo e superaquecido como se não fosse nada, Arthur só se dá o trabalho de puxar os quadris dela até ter sua bunda empinada na direção dos quadris dele, tomando o cuidado de tirar o vestido do caminho e desferir um tapa em cada lado de sua bubda, pesados e bem em cima da carne macia ao redor da calcinha fina.
— Não tem nada melhor do que isso… — Murmura assim que arrasta o tecido pro lado de novo, agora encaixando nela por trás, sentindo sua buceta ainda mais macia e quente ao redor do caralho dele. — Não tem nada que eu queira mais do que você.
Em outras circunstâncias, talvez soasse até romântico, se não fosse sobre a visão maravilhosa daquela mulher de quatro pegando sua rola toda, tão boa que ele não segura a vontade de circular seu cu com o dedo, adicionando outro à medida que Ahri aperta mais a buceta ao seu redor e pede pra ele meter mais forte nos dois buracos. É assim que Arthur termina macetando sua esposa até gozar, tão forte que faz a cama bater contra a parede e ele mesmo ficar com a mente nublada com o jeito que ela vaza e o estrangula por dentro, incapaz de parar mesmo depois de encher ela de porra porque continua duro.
— Só mais um, eu sei que você consegue mais uma… Eu sei que você quer mais uma, porque você gosta desse caralho te atravessando e do meu leite escorrendo de você. — Aproveita esse momento pra puxar o cabelo de Ahri com força, até ela se apoiar nos cotovelos e empinar ainda mais aquela bunda gostosa pra ele, pedindo bem bonita mais um jato grosso e quente, que ele não vai mesmo negar. — Então pega, sua puta, pega tudo que eu der pra você.
Assim que ele sente que está prestes a ele mesmo se desfazer dentro dela, desencaixa de sua buceta e coloca a ponta em seu cu apertado, socando a cabeça melada até onde ela consegue levar ele depois de ser esticada por seus dedos esse tempo todo. E aquilo é tão bom, tão alucinante sentir ela mastigar sua rola enquanto geme que ele é ainda maior na bunda dela, que faz ele leitar o buraco todo, fazendo a porra escorrer de seu rabo pra sua buceta e escorrer pelas pernas dela e o lençol.
Arthur fica orgulhoso, satisfeito, passando os dedos por sua porra e voltando a enfiar eles com o líquido dentro da buceta inchada de tanto levar a rola grande dele, e ainda tem o sorrisinho convencido no rosto quando se levanta e anda até a lateral da cama, exibindo a ereção dura enquanto acaricia o rosto da esposa.
— Agora que eu fiz de você mãe de novo, eu acho que mereço uma recompensa dessa boquinha gulosa, Ahri.
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neilfrance · 5 years ago
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#madcity https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qI_K6hlMr/?igshid=1228w2xmnfmse
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henriete41 · 5 years ago
It’s a mad city. #Batwoman premieres Sunday, October 6. Stream free next day only on The CW App. #madcity #BATWOMAN #premiere #CW #rubyrose #woman #awesome #strongwomen #October #october6 #stream #cwapp #cwbatwoman https://t.co/aKgj7lTY9n https://twitter.com/CWBatwoman/status/1170004037351161860?s=19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2E20DDDH3p/?igshid=13srpxaknb0l4
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teddybearhyuk · 6 years ago
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I wish I could’ve been at their first shows, Im so proud of them, all the fan cams look amazing. I hope that one day I’ll get to see them live🙏🏼
But like also can we talk about the Baby Don’t Like It stage LiKe O.o😵👅👀
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thirdlifesstuff · 6 years ago
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lahtzu · 3 years ago
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Madison, Wisconsin
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subzeromnx · 3 years ago
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