tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Could you do a scenario with the gom + kagami in which their s/o came back from a night out and she's too drunk and doesn't recognise them and when they're about to help you change she says something like "sorry but I have a boyfriend"?
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." The words spilled from your mouth as your breath smellt like the cocktails you've been consumning. Midorima sighed, "This is why I tell you to drink more water all the time Y/n." You looked up, and the recognition clicked in your brain. Only your boyfriend scolded at you like your mom would. "I think I'm as blind as you," you said giggling. "Let me help nanodayo, " he offered again and this time you let him undress you. You eventually fell asleep, safe in his arms.
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." You nearly slurred the words and Kagami groaned at the sight of you. Having no energy as it was already late, Kagami decided to hit the hay. Perhaps you'd recognize him once you plopped onto his bed. He watched you struggle to get out of your clothes impatiently as he yawned. He decided to try calling out again, "Hey babe, are you coming? I'm tired." This time you looked at the man in the bed and did recognize your boyfriend. "Kagami, could you help me undress?" Kagami only turnt onto his stomach and groaned once more into his pillow.
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." You shouldn't have said those words to him, but your drunk ass did it now. First, Aomine looked at you confused as slowly, jealous thoughts began seeping in. Were you cheating on him? No, you couldn't possibly be leaving him, you were just too drunk. Had a lot of boys approached you at the party? Aomine's eye started twitching as he lifted you up. You yelped and started struggling in his arms. "I'm going to make you remember who I am forever." He threatened darkly as he threw you on the bed.
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." The uttered words left Kise speechless. Then he chuckled a bit as he realized you were just drunk out of your mind and he could use that against you. "Oh really, is he hot?" You wrinked your nose. "…Yeah?" Kise grinned. "Do you think he's funny?" You frowned. "Ehm… I suppose so?" Kise then went on, "How charming do you think he is on a scale of 1 to 10?" You were getting really confused and slowly it dawned to you that you were being played for fool. "I think you're a 10 on the scale of vanity Ryota."
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." You said as you tried to wobble awkwardly to the bathroom. He stared at you until memories of how it felt like to be intoxicated hit him. Oh. He just followed you like a puppy to the bathroom, wondering if you would recognise him in the bright bathroom lights. Intimidated by the dark long figure you cowered backwards, nearly falling onto the toilet seat. It was when Murasakibara turnt the light on that you saw it was your boyfriend all along. Oops.
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"Sorry but I have a boyfriend." Those words made Akashi's lips curl with amusement. His precious love was clearly too intoxicated right now, it was a good thing he had arranged a driver for you. "What do you want me to do for you then, miss?" He asked as the perfect gentleman, playing along with your state. "I want you to get me Seijuro, and could you please turn the lights on?" Akashi chuckled lightly and walked over to the light switch. He turned it on. "Ta-da, I have arranged you both." You couldn't help but start laughing too.
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kuroko-no-cuties · 1 year
How the GOM react when you nom them :3
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Will be pleasantly surprised but also confused. He understands that you want attention but why you have to nibble on his shoulder, he doesn’t quite understand. He doesn’t say it outright, but he finds it rather adorable. He’ll think that maybe you just want something to eat.
He chuckles softly in amusement as he watches the strange phenomenon of your head bobbing up and down over top his right shoulder “Hmm, are you hungry darling? Well if you are just tell me. I don’t see how biting my shoulder can satiate an appetite.”
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Will immediately try to push you off. He’s just so confused…what on earth are you doing?? He thought you were leaning in for a kiss and next thing he knows you’re biting his shoulder. When you explain to him it’s just a love bite, he blushes slightly and insists it’s the dumbest thing he’s ever heard.
“Do I look like a snack to you? Don’t answer that, nanodayo.” He replies quickly while pushing his glasses up his nose in an attempt to hide the deep blush spreading along his face as you raise a cheeky eyebrow.
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Will nom you right back. He thinks it’s fun and cute. However the only possible way you can nom him is if he’s sitting down. If he’s standing forget about it unless you don’t mind nomming his elbow because that’s literally all you can reach. He’ll nom the top of your head as well just because he can.
“Mmm~ Chibi-chin is sweet and tasty. Can I have another bite?”
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Will also think it’s cute and lightly nom you back. He’ll also pick up #2 and let him nom your shoulder and your face in retaliation. Weirdly enough, it’ll start to feel nice to him after awhile - kinda like a weird sort of massage.
“Can you do that a little harder and a little to the left? My necks been a little sore lately. Ah thanks. And don’t worry , I’ll make sure #2 pays you back good.”
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Will be startled at first and think he did something to make you mad, but once you clarify that their just love bites, he becomes a happy nommer that gets a little too excited about it. He’ll bite down a teeny bit harder than you’d like but will immediately apologize if you let out a playful ow.
“You’re too much chibi-cchi! Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you start giving me love bites like a little puppy!”
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Will think something’s wrong with you. Like why are you biting me go away. But quickly gets used to it once he figured out he can just nom you back with 10x the force. At this point it is no longer a nom it’s a full on bite that actually hurts 😭 . Oh and he’ll latch on to you too so have fun with that
“Oi! Down girl! Alright now it’s my turn. Don’t get all shy now. You know how I play- bite me I’ll bite back harder. Come on babe don’t act like you don’t want me to. I mean, you’re the one who started it after all.”
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shintaru · 2 months
Kissing, I hope they caught us
Midorima ~
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You’re walking with Midorima and Takao at the airport. You stop at the doorway of your gate to say your goodbyes. Before you can say anything Takao runs off to a vending machine saying “I’m starving after carting the both of you here”
You and Midorima just glance at each other watching your friend sprint towards the vending machines. Now that you and Midorima are alone you wanted to ask for a goodbye kiss. You knew Midorima gets shy and flustered easily plus he isn’t the type to like pda but you still asked him for a kiss.
“please shin, you know I’m going on that trip and I won’t get to see you all week, just one kiss before I go” you ask as you look up at him with pleading eyes
he rolls his eyes and pushes his glasses up with his index and middle finger. “No, someone may see us” he says
“please, I’ll buy your lucky items for a month” you try reasoning with him
“fine, just one kiss” he says
“yay” you say immediately wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He places his hands on your hips and leans into the kiss.
You both didn’t notice Takao coming around the corner “look at all the snacks I go- HAHHAHAHA” Takao laughs.
Midorima immediately turns to face the opposite direction of you and takao, you notice the red tint on his cheeks and you giggle to yourself. Takao rushes to text the team about what he just witnessed. You roll your eyes in response and you can hear midorima sigh behind you. He takes hold of your hand and you turn to face him.
“Looks like we got caught” you say giggling. He rolls his eyes and says “you owe me” he leans down and kisses your forehead and bids you goodbye and hands you his lucky item to keep you safe on your trip.
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You nervously bounce your leg on the bench as you watch the game. With 1 minute left in the game, Shutoku is tied with Serin. You're cheering for your boyfriend Takao hoping they win.
You've watched Takao practicing with Midorima and the other team members, knowing how much this game and sport means to them you want to support them in any way you can.
You're wore Takao’s extra jersey because according to Midirima wearing your significant others' sports jersey when they play will bring them luck.
You hear the scorekeeper shout “SHUTAKU WINS AT THE LAST SECOND WITH NUMBER 10 & 6 SHOOTING A BUZZER BEATER” you and the coaches jump up happily cheering for your team.
You watch Takao shake hands with Serin before entering the locker rooms with the coaches. You decide to help the manager clean up the bench area while the boys speak with their coach. You stop in your tracks when you hear Takao shouting your name, you turn around to see him running at you with full speed.
You run and meet him half way and he picks you up by your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck “I thought you were going to run me over” you say while laughing. “You know I wouldn’t do that” he says pulling you in for a kiss setting you back down on the ground.
Midorima clears his throat and pushes his glasses up on his face with his index and middle finger. “You forgot your phone” he tells Takao. “Thanks, Shin you were right, having y/n wear my jersey did bring me good luck” Takao responds. Midorima slightly smirks and says “I’m always right” you roll your eyes watching the duo.
Takao takes your hand and follows Midorima to your group’s favorite restaurant. You come here with them every time Shutoku wins a game. On the walk there you turn to Takao “can’t believe he caught us kissing” you say. “At least it was Shin, my other teammates wouldn’t hesitate to take pictures or run and tell everyone they knew” he responds.
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Serin just won their practice match against keijo. Your boyfriend told you he will be a while having to talk with his couch so you both decided to just meet at your spot once he’s done.
You make your way to the restaurant. Before you open the doors to the restaurant you get a text that kagami is on his way. You decide to wait outside until he arrives so you can go in together. Kagami tells you he called in orders ahead of time so you both don’t have to wait any longer.
You pick a booth at Kagami’s favorite burger place. He comes here to eat after every practice & game. You wait quietly for your boyfriend to return with his usual order of 40+ burgers. He heads over to you with a huge smile on his face.
“We won against keijo” he says. “You’re already taking on the generation of miracles, and we haven’t been here a whole week” you reply
You passes a few burgers over to you. “Here eat these” he says. You give him a puzzled expression “Tai, i possibly can’t eat this many burgers” you reply.
“Save them, we’ll eat them later” he responds. You nod your head in agreement. “Can I get a kiss for winning the game?” Kagami asks. “Fine, but you have to share your fries” you reply. “Deal” he agrees. You both lean into kiss each other. You both stop when you hear the sound of someone drinking from a straw. You look up to see Kuroko sitting across from you both.
“HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE.” you and Kagami ask Kuroko. “I’ve been here the whole time, don’t ask me for a kiss cause we won the game” Kuroko replies. “Wasn’t gonna ask you for a kiss” Kagami responds.
You turn and see Kagami’s blushed expression. You laugh to yourself and hand Kuroko one of the burgers that Kagami gave you. “Let’s eat and talk about the game” you say trying to lighten the mood.
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You head to the locker rooms helping your boyfriend gather all his snacks before meeting up with Himuro. You two have only been walking for two minutes and nearly half of his stash of snacks are gone.
You haven’t even left the locker rooms yet, you’re use to his massive appetite but it still shocks you how quickly he can finish a bag of chips.
“Try this y/n chin” he says while handing you a pastry. “What is it?” you ask. “It’s a free pastry that I got from buying so much snacks, it has frosting inside it’s really good” he replies.
You take the pastry and try it. You eye’s immediately light up with how sweet the pastry is. “Wow, it’s really good thanks” you reply.
You notice Murasakibara doesn’t say anything he just stares down at you. You begin to wonder if you got some of the pastry filling on your face. You ask “Did I get some on my fac-“ before you can finish your question your boyfriend is leaning down kissing you and licking the left over frosting from the side of your mouth.
You’re shocked by the sudden action from him but you kiss him back. “You taste sweet, y/n chin” he says. You laugh and reply “so do you” when you turn to open the locker room door you see Himuro standing there.
Murasakibara doesn’t seem to care that Himuro caught you kissing he only cares if Himuro brought his extra snacks or not. Himuro hands him the snacks and walks out the locker room.
“Do you think he will tell anyone he saw us kissing?” You ask. “Don’t know” he replies while opening another bag of chips. He shares the bag of chips. You shake your head slightly finding it hard to believe you found some who loves chips more than you.
Murasakibara walks you home, you both head inside thinking of taking a nap and eating more snacks.
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You make your way to the rooftop looking for Aomine. Imayoshi sent you looking for him to make him attend practice. You’re the teams assistant manager, Momoi needed all the help she could get with how many boys she has to keep in check mostly Aomine is the one you both have to keep in check.
Since becoming friends with Momoi you didn’t mind helping her. Helping her did include dealing with Aomine. You’ve come to learn that he’s difficult to work with. You finally approach the rooftop ladder and climb your way to the top. You spot Aomine laying down with his hands behind his head and a magazine covering his face.
“Aomine” you say testing to see if he’s awake. He doesn’t respond so you walk over and take the magazine off his face setting it aside. You say his name again while shaking his shoulders. He doesn’t budge. You can tell he’s ignoring you. He’s gotten use to you being sent to make him come to practice, he decided ignoring you was the best option on days he didn’t want to attend games or practices.
You smirk having an idea on how to get Aomine to stop ignoring you. You pick up his magazine that you set aside early and make your way to the edge of the roof. “If you don’t stop ignoring me and go to practice I’ll drop your favorite magazine off the roof” successfully getting his attention he sits up.
“Fine I’ll go, just bring that back over here” he demands. You walk back over satisfied finally knowing how you can make him listen. He grabs the magazine from you and places it bag in his bag. He laughs and says “you’ll have to do more than that to motivate me to practice” he lays back down closing his eyes.
you groan realizing he just played you to get the magazine back. You sit on your knees beside him attempting to shake him again “please go, imayoshi and Satsuki won’t leave me alone if you don’t go” you plea hoping he’ll feel bad and go. He once again doesn’t say anything or budge. Feeling defeated you lay your head on his chest “fine I give up, just tell me what will motivate you to practice, and it better not involve buying you more magazines” you tell him
“I’ll settle for a kiss” he says “fine, wait what?” You ask. “You heard me” he responds. “Why?” You question him. “Do you want me to attend practice or not?” He responds. “Fine just one kiss, if you trick me again I’ll throw you and your magazine off the roof” you reply. He rolls his eyes at your response. He sits up grabbing your chin pulls you in for a kiss.
you lean into the kiss resting your right hands on his thigh. You feel his rough hands start to slide up your shirt. You break the kiss “Aomine” you say in shock. “You should have seen that coming” he laughs at your shocked expression. “It’s not funny” you respond. “Can I kiss you again?” Aomine asks. You nod your head letting him know you’re ok with kissing him again. Truth be told you’ve had a crush on aomine since you and Momoi became friends before you became the assistant manager. You never acted on your crush but you had a feeling Momoi knew you liked him.
you lean in to kiss Aomine again. He slides his hands back into your shirt resting them on your stomach. He stops kissing you looking into your eyes checking to see if you’re ok with his movements. “Can I go further?” He asks. You tell him yes and pull him into another kiss. He slides his hands up the rest of the way to your breasts. He smiles into the kiss. He takes one hand out of your shirt to pull you onto his lap.
“That’s what’s taking you so long to bring Aomine” imayoshi retorts? You break the kiss with aomine embarrassed you hide your face in chest. “I’ll be at practice in five” Aomine says. imayoshi climbs back down the ladder leaving you alone with Aomine.
“We got caught” you shyly say. “I don’t think they care what we do as long as you get me to come to practice” he responds. You slap him on the shoulder for not caring enough about being caught. He laughs & says “call me Daiki from now on”
dedicated to @cozyunderworld
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readerinsertz · 10 months
Hi! I saw that your requests are open but it didn’t specify if you were comfortable with doing pregnancy fluff.
If you are comfortable with that I’d like to request Kagami or Murasakibara with a pregnant s/o where they feel the baby kick for the first time or something similar
If not that’s fine as well! Thanks!
AN: this got away with me- just a lot of fluff and some kicks
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Okay first of all this man is gonna be terrified
Becoming a dad, bringing life into this world? Panik.
He's great at basketball but everything else, he's less good with lol
After a short period of shock and panic, he'll definitely get over it
Maybe playing some basketball with his friends helps get his head the right way
Will not let you do anything
He's your servant for the next 9 months
Makes it very well known that you're not to hesitate if you want anything
More than happy to run to a shop at 2am to buy something for you
But adores when you ask for his home cooking
Probably will bulk cook and then freeze them when he's got the time for when baby arrives
He assembles pretty much all the stuff in the nursery although he doesn't follow the instructions and ends up getting it wrong so you have to also help
Will eventually accept your help but he's holding everything, bringing everything to you, setting everything up. You try to put up a mobile which weighs nothing but he sees you on tip-toes and is moving before he realises to stop you
When you get a bit further along, he calms down a bit
Always always ALWAYS has a hand on you in some way- hand on your thigh, arm around your shoulders or waist
Gets a bit cocky because everyone KNOWS he made you pregnant
Puffs his chest out when men glance at you two and then immediately turns into a teddy bear when you turn and ask him something mundane
Takes you to all your appointments, arranges all the dates and times for you- all you have to do is show up lol
Researches on the internet and brings questions to the doctor
Some are reasonable like what food should he make for you, what vitamins are helpful, sleep positions?
Also, will ask completely straight-faced about other things like your mucus plug
I feel like he doesn't even think to ask about doing anything remotely sexual with you- he's so focused on your well being. You'll have to be the one to ask the doctor
Also very attentive and actually takes notes when you go to those baby classes- like this man studies. He puts more effort than any school exam
Probably will call your bump his basketball
Is soooo overjoyed when in the later weeks, you paint the bump as a basketball
I did some research and the average basketball has a radius of 38cm and the average bump is like 30cm so maybe your bump won't be the same size as an actual basketball but Kagami will continue to measure its growth
"It's half the size of a basketball!" "It's almost the size of one!"
Only when he's more confident will he lightly pat your bump like he's dribbling a basketball
You go with him to training just once. He doesn't trust that the basketball won't accidentally be sent to where you're sitting on the bench.
It's cute until you have this 190+cm man hovering around you like that Spongebob caveman meme constantly. Everyone agrees it's better if you don't come again
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Definitely does that thing where he cradles and holds your bump up for you from behind- researched how to help his partner and did it and you were !!!! please continue
Anyway, he always splays his large hand over your bump-it's comforting to feel both you and your child under his palm
During one of these, the baby kicks whilst he's staring at the TV
Whips his head over to look at you, incredulous and asking if you felt that too
Pulls your shirt up to examine your belly and tickles the area where baby had kicked to try and get them to do it again
It's another source of closeness- you're carrying the baby so you're connected 24/7 for 9 months but he only gets those moments to be physically close to baby so yea he's gonna try to get his baby to kick as much as possible
Like those gifs where the baby's hand appears bulging out of the skin? loooooves it
Will start scolding the baby when they're kicking too much
"You're not a footballer/soccer player!" will then immediately go against his words and tell you regardless of what sport they're gonna play, if any, he'll support them no matter
You get a special maternity shirt with his number and name on it, he's elated when he sees it
Will probably buy a matching set for you him and baby
You probably steal all his shirts- they're big enough to cover your bump and they're comfy and smell like him
He will purposefully buy more so you can "steal" them
Would make a bump cast and then paint it the colour of a basketball and put it with all his other trophies
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Murasakibara is lot more calm than Kagami
"You're pregnant? nice."
Probably leaves you wondering if he actually knows what's going on
So takes you by surprise when he asks if you should be eating a coffee flavoured doughnut
You get upset and mad from the pregnancy hormones thinking he's calling you fat
Will have to pull you into his arms and stroke your hair to comfort you and tell you that doctors recommend no more than 2 cups of coffee and that you've already had your allotted coffee earlier
That makes you cry more because you're 1) guilty for doubting him and 2) touched he's actually researching stuff
I feel like he'll probably stop you from eating too many bad things like sweets and chocolate so you and baby are healthy. But at the same time, I think when he sees you struggling or not looking happy he'll give you some to cheer you up cuz that cheers him up
Will love to take naps with you- pulls you back into the bed and tells you you need your rest
Moves so he's facing your bump and then complains to it about you trying to leave
Will be eating one of his snacks and then halfway, will offer it to your bump
You're just like Atsushi wtf?
I think he'll be a bit more grumpy than Kagami if you ask him for something at 2am- will grumble but drag himself out of bed. When he comes back he has what you asked for but also other food cravings that he knows you'll want after your pickle-only burger
If you're struggling with not eating sweet things he will go on a diet with you too. This man shows his love through acts of service
Once again his hand is MASSIVE so yea he will be able to wrap his palm around your bump completely
Like no matter how big you get, he will make you feel small
The first time he feels the baby kick he doesn't react. Takes a few seconds to process what just happened
"Huh? Someone kicked me," he pouts
He goes so soft when he realises- there's so much love and adoration on his face as he looks down at your belly
Will whisper a quite "hi"
After a while, he'll complain about the kicks
"Why do they like kicking me? No fair!
Shopping for baby things is pretty intense. They're so small and he's so big
Has a mini panic at how small his baby is going to be- he's scared that he's gonna hurt his child or he's gonna break the toys
With how big he is, you assure him you'll be giving birth to a big baby
Holds up the tiny outfits with a look of awe and amazement that humans can be that small
Definitely buys a fruit each week the same size as your baby to track the growth
Sometimes he has to buy in bulk and you're like what are we gonna do with a kilogram of raisins!
He bakes things with them- feels a bit weird eating the raisin he's been busy all week claiming was his baby but it becomes a tradition you grow to look forward to
In the first two trimesters, he's just about willing to travel to countries close by to play but only for a week and only the closest
The final trimester it's almost impossible for him to go and play even if it's in Japan just in a city that's a few hours away
He'll only go if you're with him and then he fusses over you for the entire journey
Will always point at you when he does something cool in the match
Probably will run his hands down his stomach and over an imaginary bump to dedicate that move to your baby
Will unironically put a basketball under his shirt to see what it's like
Aomine tells him he forgot boobs so then he puts some oranges down as well.
Complains when the oranges fall and calls you
"My orange-boobs are too small. They fall!" .... "Your what, Atsushi?"
Lets you clingfilm a watermelon to his stomach and idk what sort of fruit for boobs
He's okay with it for like 5 minutes and then complains about the weight
The fucker will sit down with a big sigh, turns to you and totally serious will go "eugh, pregnancy, amirite?"
So he's bad at handling small things. When you get too big to bend over and put your shoes on and tie the laces, he does try! But it's too fiddley so he buys you multiple velcro shoes
They make you feel like an old woman.... but they are convenient, you'll begrudgingly admit
You find him using your bump cast as a container for his snacks
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knbposting · 4 months
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do you think midorima knows how much they love him
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rireraa · 8 months
his favourite thing I
[all characters aged up, mdni]
Murasakibara X f!reader
there are no doubts of him loving to eat.
with aging, he had the urge to try out more than just the sweetness of the candy from his everyday life. firstly starting with different food from his home country, then going to the international land, cooking curry, baking bretzels, freezing mochi and everything else he found in the internet
as he thought, he had experienced every flavour in this world, it hit him like a car crash when he had your dripping cunt the first time below his face. the combination of bitterness, spice and sweetness was something he had never lived through before. and after the first shock had faded, it shifted into addiction.
every day, every hour, every second of his life he needs to taste that pussy of yours. when he isn't able to for more than a day, this man drives crazy. his head starts spinning because all his blood rushes into his cock, craving the feeling of you. on his mouth. making you cum for him like this is the thing which keeps him alive
if you are outside, he will do everything in his possibility to get at least some private seconds to eat you out. might it be pulling you into a private toilet cabine while being at the mall, having you laying on the bench of the locker room during the half-time break of an offical game, or if there is no other option, guiding his fingers into your panties and then licking your wetness off them while you guys are sitting at the table with his family
sometimes he is that hungry, he forgets about the time existing and eats you out for hours, having you cumming literally twenty times on his tongue in just a short time. body limb, sweaty and exhausted you would think it's finally over because he would lift his head from your cunt after an eternity, but only to place you on the edge of the bed, leading you to the next edge of your orgasm
"one more time, please. i need you one more time"
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part II
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
‘tis the season | kuroko no basuke
gom minus kuroko plus kagami x gn!reader | fluff | ~1.4k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit, uh—rudolph spoilers? i guess? also some cursing
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the kuroko no basuke boys !! as usual, i chose to write for GOM (minus kuroko) + kagami. ALSO i realized i never ever specified that, in every single one of my pieces for knb, all of the GOM + kagami are aged up to college. pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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akashi seijuurou’s favorite christmas tradition is attending a christmas concert. he always remembers how his mother would help him get all dressed up, how his father would actually turn off his phone for the evening, they’d go to a lovely dinner, and then they’d . but now his mother’s gone and his father is consumed by his work—so he goes with you! it’s different of course, but he loves being able to see you dressed up just for him and take you out to a nice dinner, just the two of you. no teammates allowed. 
seijuurou is the perfect gentleman all night, keeping a strong arm around your waist and pressing his side into yours for warmth while you make the short walk from the restaurant to the concert hall. and once the concert hall lights are dimmed, he’s intertwining his fingers with yours and caressing the back of your hand with his thumb, whispering a sweet merry christmas, my love to you before pressing a kiss to your temple.
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aomine daiki can be found napping by the fireplace like a big cat as soon as it gets just a little bit cold outside. is he planning on doing anything else once he’s stretched out by the fire? nope. is he moaning and groaning for you to come lay down next to him while you’re decorating your place for the holidays? yep. 
“oi, you’re making too much noise…can’t fall asleep.” daiki complains, earning a narrow eyed glare from you. 
“dai, if you would just help—”  you yelp as you feel your arm getting tugged down, ending up on your butt. daiki hasn't even opened his eyes, but he's pulling you down till your face is pressed into his chest.
“chill. i'll help you after we get some shut eye, aight?” daiki drones, placing his hand on your ass to keep you in place and resting his chin on top of your head. you just sigh and relax, leaning against daiki and reluctantly reveling in the warmth of him and the fire.
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kagami taiga and ice skating do not mix. taiga had thought it’d be fun and romantic to take you on an ice skating date for christmas eve. you’d be clinging to the side of the rink and he’d be your tall and steady hero, ready to glide around the ice with you clinging to him as your savior. he did not expect for it to be the other way around.
“s-s-slow down, y/n!” kagami stutters as you slowly glide to the edge of the rink so he can have something more tangible to hold on to. your shoulders were sore from the way your hulking boyfriend had been gripping them as you lead him around the ice.  
“i’d have thought someone who’s such a capable athlete wouldn’t be so terrible at ice skating.” you purse your lips, unable to keep the teasing smile from spreading across your lips. “do basketball players not have to have balance?”
“shut up!” taiga huffs as he slaps his palms down onto the railing of the rink. he turns to you with a pout on his lips. “i’ll get the hang of it soon…you’ll see!” his blush is spreading to the tips of his ears and you know he undoubtedly feels embarrassed. you skate over to him and press your body against his, backing him up against the edge of the rink and leaning up to place a quick kiss to his nose.
“i believe in you, taiga.”
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kise ryouta loves watching christmas movies! a cozy, plush throw wrapped around his shoulders, fuzzy socks on his feet, a nice cup of hot cocoa in his hands, and you cuddled into his side. his favorite movie is the very old, claymation rudolph the red nose reindeer because he just adores the blonde elf who aspires to be a dentist. i feel so connected to him somehow! kise always says, excitedly pointing at the screen when the elf first shows up in the movie. 
he’ll sing along to every single song, grabbing you by the shoulders and swaying the two of you along to the beat or picking up your hands and making them move along to the melody. and, of course, without fail, he will bawl his eyes out when rudolph is chosen to lead santa’s sleigh on christmas eve. 
“ryou, you’ve watched this movie every year for as long as you’ve known yourself…why do you cry every time?” you tease, reaching up to gently pinch his cheeks, already red from crying.
ryouta wraps his arms tighter around you, pulling you against his chest like you’re a big plushie, and buries his face in your hair.
“i can’t help it! he’s head reindeer…just like his dad!” ryouta sniffles, holding you close. you just giggle and hug him back, trying to comfort your big baby because of an eighty year old movie.
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midorima shintarou hates going to the christmas market. not because you’re there—you’re actually the only reason his team gets to enjoy his presence at the market. he hates it because his entire team shows up and is dragging him around the market, asking him which little knick knacks he enjoys. his team knows that shintarou is a difficult man to shop for, so they like to take him to the christmas market and get his direct opinion on things.
shintarou the introvert finds this little tradition exhausting; being pulled every which way, giving his opinion on every single little thing that his friends might think he likes, having to explain that he is not a collector, nanodayo and that he just needs them for his lucky items.
shintarou’s favorite part of the evening is when his friends say goodnight and leave you and him to wander the christmas market on your own. you always have to calm him down after his friends leave, because they really do bring up straight to his boiling pot and leave you to bring the heat down to a simmer.
he decides this is nice, though, since no one’s asking him if he likes this or that or if he’d smile if he happened to get this for christmas. he’s not too keen on PDA, but he will take your hand in his and hold it gently while you walk through the various stalls (again). it’s just you and him, your intertwined hands, and the little trails of frozen carbon dioxide you leave in puffs behind you. 
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murasakibara atsushi is competitive when it comes to decorating christmas cookies. he will constantly be looking over your shoulder at your work and making little quips and comments about what you should have done.
“i didn’t know you were such a professional, sushi.” you say, eyes focused and brows furrowed as you move the piping bag in various circles and half moons along the golden, baked dough of the cookies.
“of course, i am. this is literally my job.” atsushi drones, expertly icing the cookies and using a fine tip piping bag to draw intricate decorations on top. you glance over at his cookies and notice how perfect they are. damn, you really didn’t realize he was a literal professional. 
unfortunately for you, you stay admiring atsushi’s cookies for too long and leave yours unprotected from selfish, needy hands. atsushi swiftly moves behind you, moving you to the side with his hands on your hips, then swipes a half iced cookie from your baking sheet.
“murasakibara atsushi! i wasn’t done with that one!” you gently beat your fist against atsushi’s solid chest, causing him to huff in protest.
“doesn’t matter, looks like shit anyways.” atsushi hums and finishes the cookie in one bite, licking his fingers happily. “tastes delicious, though.” atsushi smiles and turns back to your baking sheet, looming over the rest of your cookies. you move between him and the counter and spread your arms wide, hoping to guard your cookies from the ex basketball player turned pastry chef. 
“i can offer you something sweeter if you leave my cookies alone!” you plead. atsushi raises an eyebrow at you as if to say gimme it then and you smile innocently at him. you turn your head to the side and tap your cheek with your index finger.
atsushi understands your gesture and a deep chuckle rumbles up from his chest as he leans in to place a frosting speckled peck to your cheek.
“y/n-chin knows i can’t resist her. my favorite treat.”
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taglist: none! lemme know if you wanna be added to my knb taglist ✨
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vanilla--shake · 1 month
Sometimes Murasakibara pretends he doesn’t want to do something even when he actually does, because he knows they’ll offer him snacks to convince him.
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imagine-knb · 9 months
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dira333 · 9 months
When I felt like I was an old cardigan - Aomine x Reader
@shoulmate this was so much fun!!!
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Your head’s pounding, the sliver of sunlight peaking through the blinds too bright for your eyes. You press them closed again, sink further into the bed. 
What happened last night? You had gone out with friends - if you could call them that already - only to end up at some house party with bad music and awful drinks. 
You remember Tano pressing a cup into your hands, the drink spilling onto your shirt.
“Drink up, buttercup.” He’d said, grinning in a way that made unease coil in your stomach.
“What is it?” You had asked, stumbling a bit when someone bumped into your back. More of the drink spilled onto your shirt - you should probably say goodbye to it now, those stains would never come out - and your hands and you sucked some of it from your fingers only to look up and come face to face with none other than the Aomine Daiki.
He looked hungry, in a way only he could. Like he was starving and you were the T-Bone he’d been dreaming about.
“Not cool, Bro.” You heard Tano say and turned your head, hoping it would get Aomine’s attention away from you.
“What?” You asked Tano and his head snapped back to you, his disgruntled expression morphing back into the smile you had learned to loathe. It never looked real and if you were being honest, it just made him look more like a Wannabe Tax Evader. 
“Nothing. How’s your Iced Tea?”
“It’s Iced Tea?” You ask and take a sip. It doesn’t taste like any Iced Tea brand you know but it’s good, way better than the awful bottle of beer Kaba-chan had urged you to drink earlier. Apparently, it made you look better to guys if you were drinking beer instead of Soda. One sip in you had decided that you’d rather look awful than drink any more of that piss-flavored stuff…
Something’s rustling next to you. A deep voice, gravely with sleep, cuts through the Silence. “Couldn’t you have slept a little longer?”
You shriek, try to move away but fail, your legs tangled in the blankets, your coordination way off. You land heavily, legs still on the bed, your ass on the floor. You can hear movement, and try to untangle yourself all while registering that you’re wearing your underwear - thank God - and a black shirt that’s way too big on you. Oh god, did you sleep with someone? Please don’t let it be Tano!
A head of dark blue hair pops up. You choke on your breath as Aomine glares down at you.
“It’s way too early for that shit. Go back to sleep.”
“I.” You peep. He narrows his eyes at you. For half a second you think he might have mercy on you, register how out of your depth you’re feeling, and show some compassion.
But no. With one swift motion, he puts his arm under your knees and pulls you up as if you’d weigh nothing. You swing into him, your chest colliding with his shoulder. 
You squeak helplessly, again when he drops down himself, pulling you with him.
His bed is soft, absorbing the impact of your fall. When you cautiously turn your head, Aomine’s eyes are already closed again. His hold on you has not loosened though, one arm still wrapped around your knees.
Does he really think you’ll just fall asleep again?
“There’s Aspirin on my nightstand.” He speaks up when you don’t stop staring at him. He’s got a ridiculously pretty nose, something you only notice now that his eyes are closed. 
You’ve always thought that his eyes were his best feature, a deep blue that you could get lost in. You’d noticed it the first time you’d crossed paths in the hallway but it’s not like you couldn’t have noticed. Not with the way everyone whispered whenever he was in the room.
Aomine Daiki, the Aomine Daiki, part of the Generation of Miracles, who had played in the famous Team Vorpal Swords. He could have gone Pro right after High School and the fact that he had decided to grace College with his presence still had many of your fellow students speechless. 
“Did we-?” You ask, unable to keep quiet any longer now that his grip on you has loosened and you’ve managed to take the pill and drink half a glass of water. “Did we… you know…?”
“I don’t need to make people drunk for that.” He points out, eyes still closed. His brows are furrowed now and you wonder if he’s mad that you asked.
“Well excuse me that I asked.” You’re not in the mood to play nice with him. Not in a situation like this where everything is still pretty much possible. “But waking up in a stranger's bed without my clothes isn’t exactly reassuring. Not to mention that I don’t remember how I even got here.”
Aomine’s eyes open, lock directly onto you. Your breath catches a little at the sight, but you fight against the very real threat of drowning in them.
You don’t look away though, partly because you feel he wouldn’t take you seriously if you did.
He smirks. 
“You couldn’t hold your liquor. That guy you were with was trying to tug you outside, but you didn’t want to go with him. You made a mad dash through the house like a rabbit on speed. It was very impressive, especially after you slipped through Murasakibara’s hands like a wet snail only to clamber all over me. You puked all over my shirt.”
“I did not!”
“Did too.” He grins, ridiculous white teeth a stark contrast against his tan skin. Your heart beats so hard against your ribcage that you fear he can see it. 
“Okay, say I believe you.” You put on your best You’re-talking-shit-face. “What happened after that? My puking skills enamored you to the point you just had to take me home?”
“Exactly that.” 
You narrow your eyes and he laughs, that deep belly laugh kind that makes him look ten years younger and ten times more adorable. Which is weird, because Aomine Daiki and adorable should not appear in the same sentence together without the word “not” in between.
“Baka-gami was mad that you puked. He blamed me for it and kicked both of us out. I wanted to make sure you got home safe, especially because that guy you refused to go home with was still lingering around. But you weren’t willing to tell me your address. So I brought you here. You’re welcome.”
“And why am I wearing your shirt?”
“Because it’s clean and you were not. You’re welcome.”
You muster him for a second longer before you falter.
“Thank you.” You manage to get out and he nods, patting the mattress. 
“Good. Now get back to sleep. It’s way too early to be awake.”
“I could just go home.”
“Or you could take a nap. And then, in a few hours, when we both resemble human beings, we can go out for breakfast.”
You choke on your spit. “What? Why?”
He furrows his brows. “That’s not how you answer when someone asks you on a date.”
You’re slack-jawed now. This can’t be happening. 
Before he can say more you lean forward and pinch his cheek, hard.
He slaps your hand away, brows furrowed even more now.
“What was that for?”
“Just checking if you’re real.”
“I am real.”
“Well, now I know. But you’re probably still half-drunk from last night. That’s it.” You nod to yourself. “Residual alcohol. It’s okay. You can go back to sleep. When you wake up everything will be normal again.”
This could have worked. Maybe. With someone other than Aomine.
Seconds later you’re on your back, with him hovering above you.
He reminds you of a panther, that way, a giant, dangerous cat.
But there’s something in his eyes that suggests that you’re not the mouse in this equation. Not when he lowers himself, curls himself around you so casually, until his head is resting heavily on your stomach, a warm weight that won’t let you go anywhere in the next hours.
“I’ll explain later.” He grumbles from where he’s snuggled into your stomach. He yawns. “Just let me get some sleep first.”
Slowly, cautiously, your hands curl into his hair. It’s silky smooth under your touch and you drag your fingers through it, scratch at his scalp like you’d wanted to since you’ve met him - not that you’d ever thought htat dream possible. He groans into the touch.
Maybe, just maybe, you could take a nap like this. Just for a few hours. You didn’t have to be anywhere right now anyway…
Kagami eyes you warily.
“Are you going to puke again?” He asks. You roll your eyes.
“It’s been three months, idiot.” You grumble, annoyed that he keeps bringing that up.
He smirks and steps aside to let you in. “Aho-mine, your girlfriend is here.”
“Slug-chin.” Murasakibara greets you first however, picks you up like you’re nothing more but a bag of his favorite chips. “Caught you.”
“Yeah, this time, big guy.” You pat his head for a second before he lets you down. “Where’s Daiki?”
“Mine-chin is fighting with Kise-chin.”
“Again?” You roll your eyes. “And Satsuki?”
“Not here yet. But Kuro-chin isn’t here either. It’s boring.”
“I know, I know. I’ll go check in on Daiki and then we can make something to eat. How does that sound?”
Murasakibara nods slowly, process your words.
“I’ll preheat the oven.” He leaves without another word and you snort at his antics before moving along, following the cursing and shouts to the living room.
You’re not surprised to find Kise dragging himself over the finish line. He might be good at everything, but he’s absolutely shit at Mario Kart.
“Hey Babe.” Daiki drops the controller and opens his arms for you, pulling you onto his lap the moment you’re close enough. “How was work?”
“Awful.” You curl into him and stick your tongue out at Kise when you notice him leaning in too, always craving attention even when he’s not deserving it. “I’m going to make some cake with Murasakibara. Do you want to help?”
Instead of answering he leans forward, digs his nose into your hair and inhales.
“Daiki? What are you- You ass!” You punch your fist against his chest but he laughs, a bellowing sound. Your ear hurts where he bit into it, the skin wet with his saliva.
“That’s so gross!” You grumble. 
He’s still laughing, hand pressed against his mouth as if he’s trying to stifle his amusement. He isn’t. You know he isn’t. But he’s distracted and you’re going to use this to your advantage.
After all, his neck does look especially biteable today!
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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strawbabysimp · 8 months
Locked In || Dom!Murasakibara x Reader
Genre: Smut, Dark Content
Category: Dom!Murasakibara x GN!Sub!Reader
Warning(s): Fingering, Non-Con, Manipulation Tactics, Unhealthy Attachment, Penetration
Request(s): "hello! I love your knb stuff and was wondering if you could write a noncon, rough and I mean ROUGH murasakibara x reader smut, taking place in a locker room, right after practice? Some propts i'd like to see are, dirty talk, humiliation and degradation. If you are uncomfortable or want to scratch out any part of this request, feel free to do so! Hope you are interested in writing this <3 Happy new year!"
"Please can you make a heavy smut with Murasakibara"
A/N: I had to repost because Tumblr posted it half-done but shout-out to @twilight-blu3 for one of my all-time favorite requests. I'm really thankful for all those in my inbox there to inspire me and the way you wrote your request SPOKE TO ME, I ADORE YOU
You always thought he looked so graceful, his arms like the wingspan of a bird, soaring across the court in grandeur. He drew you in. You found yourself going to games outside of home, cheering him on from the sidelines as he blocked the other team's plays effortlessly, then smiling as you watched him snack innocently between playing time.
This was the night. You were finally going to confess. Another win for your team at their home game was a sign of good fortune, you thought to yourself.
You approached the locker room with anxious fervor - it was now or never.
All the other members had left but Murasakibara had been rushed with cameras and fellow fans before he had the chance to get to the locker room. You ignored the slightly stale smell of the space and sat down on one of the benches. You weren't supposed to be in here but you figured if you caught him before he was changing then there was no harm in the location (it would be a little weird to confess to him while he was half-naked, no matter how welcome the sight would be).
Think of the Devil. Murasakibara walked through the swinging doors, his steps heavy and echoing in the near-empty room. You fiddled with your hands as you slowly turned toward the direction you figured he'd come through.
You spotted purple strands high above your own head before you took note of the rest of him. He spotted you quickly. When your eyes reached his face he was already meeting your gaze.
"What are you doing here?" He questioned apathetically.
"I wanted to give you this."
Your hands held out a box of chocolates neatly wrapped with a bow, a traditional way of confessing. He hesitated in accepting but decided to fairly quick.
Murasakibara didn't eat the treats yet, opting to hold them between his large fingers instead as he peered at you waiting for more.
"I like you Murasakibara."
His eyes remained the same but you thought you saw his lips twinge upwards for a moment.
He approached you slowly, stopping once he was directly in front of you. The man didn't say anything, studying you for a moment. Murasakibara broke your gaze, unraveling the box's ribbon gracefully before plopping one onto his tongue faster than your anxious mind could process.
"I accept," the object of your affections stated simply. You couldn't believe the words. His emotionless expression made it even harder to trust the sincerity of his acceptance.
As your mind raced, he reached out for you, encompassing your body in his arms, tucking you against him.
"What?" You breathed.
"Isn't this what couples do?"
You smiled away from his gaze, enjoying the security of his chest when suddenly he turned you around to face the lockers.
He cut you off. "Isn't this what couples do as well?" The purple-haired giant goaded.
You felt the bulge of his balls make contact with the top of your ass cheeks as he forced himself against you.
Your eyes widened in shock. You hadn't been expecting such an act by him, and weren't welcoming to his sudden change in demeanor. It was unfamiliar and frightening.
"Wait, can we just talk for a second?" You pleaded with the locker that pressed against your cheek.
“I thought you wanted to be with me? Was I wrong?” The towering man asked innocently.
Red flags flashed in your mind but you had wanted him for so long, you should feel grateful for his touch.
“I do,” you mumbled, your nerves restricting your throat, making it hard to move in general. Your body felt hot in all the wrong ways. It shouldn't be like this, you found yourself thinking.
"Good," he whispered against your ear, lips grazing the flesh in a taunting manner. You felt him grind deeper against the cusp of your ass and gasped.
His fingers made quick work of your pants, pulling them down along with your underwear. Murasakibara pulled your ass cheeks apart to gaze at you unabashedly. You felt your face heat up beyond what you thought was possible and a deep shame formed in your belly.
You felt him move back from you, shuffling his own clothes. You were still too immobile to glance behind you, face no-doubt marked by the locker's cruel edges.
"How long have you wanted to me with me," he asked, the ego clear in his voice.
"I've always been a fan of yours, since your middle school days. I always thought you were beautiful," you told the truth, no point in secrets as his cock tip graced your entrance.
You shuddered at the thought of the sudden intrusion before a sudden giggle caught you off guard.
"I'm not that cruel Y/N."
Your eyes widened. "How do you know my name?"
"You think I wouldn't notice the same person at every one of my games, arriving early and leaving late. I got curious and asked around."
You blushed at his words, ashamed of your own desperation now.
"No matter, I found your loyalty cute - in a pathetic sort of way."
Wettened fingers were inside you before you had time to process, the sting of the two large digits stretching your hole out painfully and fast.
You screamed against the metal, your arm reaching back in an attempt to grasp his wrist. He didn't allow you to, his quick limbs halting your attempts and holding you in place with ease.
You felt him twist the digits inside of you, presumably his spit easing the way despite your body's resistance. You groaned as tears sprung to your eyes.
"It's okay to be loud," you heard the smile in his words, "I blocked the doors before we started."
You felt hope you didn't know you had leave your body. This was it. You were going to be raped by the man you had nothing but love for.
You had been so stupid.
"You're so tight. Never done it before? Or am I just that big?"
Your hole clenched down on his hand and you heard a sinister laugh from the man behind you.
"So needy," Murasakibara mumbled apprehensively, "I guess I'll have to do something about that."
You felt his fingers leave you and this time you heard the wet sound of him lubing up his dick. You gathered your last bit of will to meet his eyes, but he wasn't looking at you - only at your parts.
He intended to use you to your fullest extent and you knew it.
"Please don't," you whispered.
"Don't? You wanted me so bad before and now you're changing your mind? Don't be selfish, it's too late for that."
He grasped the back of your skull with ease, turning you back to face the locker. You squeezed your eyes shut but they burst open when you felt the first inch of his cock enter you.
"You're so tight," he moaned, "you're gonna tear it off at this rate."
His humorous comment gave you no amusement and you felt your body tighten further as he sunk deeper into you.
"Almost there," he said in a comforting tone. With one final push, he was balls deep in you, his fingers digging into your hips as he pulled your ass up in the air to accommodate his height.
Never giving you much time to adjust, Atsushi began a steady pace of harsh slaps against your flesh as he pulled you apart on his dick.
It wasn't long before he fell apart himself, heavy breathes parting the hair on the back of your scalp as he huffed into the strands. You felt your wetness grow, his cum spilling out into you adding to the lubrication.
He pulled out with a wet noise, the emptiness only increasing as his seed soon began to spill down your thighs.
"I guess accepting your confession has its perks, right?"
Tears stained your cheeks, face still hidden against the locker.
"See you at the next game."
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adiraargent · 9 months
Hiya! Can I request Aomine watching his gfs basketball game and she goes for a rebound and got it but the other team reaches over her head grabbing the ball and slamming her to the ground? How would He react and stuff?
Hot Chocolate - Daiki Aomine
wc: 2.6k warnings: fluff, established relationship, protective Aomine Summary: you're doing your best to win your basketball game but one girl really seems to have it out for you.
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Daiki Aomine stood at the sidelines, his eyes fixed on the basketball court, where his girlfriend was showcasing her skills. It was an unspoken thing between the two of you where you would both watch all of each other's games (unless something really important came up).
The gymnasium hummed with the excitement of the game, the fervor of the players palpable in the air. It was the fourth quarter and the scores were pretty close but the other team was in the lead by 2 points.
You were relentless on the court, your determination evident in every move you made and Daiki could see it. Aomine watched you with a mix of pride and admiration, impressed by your agility and skill. He knew you were great at basketball, but you never failed to amaze him, there was just something about the way that you moved. Elegance.
You moved with grace, anticipation in your eyes as you chased after the rebound. The ball sailed through the air, and you sprang into action, leaping with impressive athleticism to grab the rebound. For a moment, it seemed like you had secured it, but in a split second, an opponent stretched over you, snatching the ball away.
The collision was sudden, jarring. A gasp rippled through the spectators as you hit the ground with a thud, your body skidding slightly from the impact. You grimaced at the impact, multiple parts of your body searing in pain. You looked up at the girl, thinking that maybe she would apologise, but she just looked down at you with a small smirk before jogging off.
Aomine's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in concern as he saw you sprawled on the floor. He clenched his fists, he was about to jump the sideline and go give the girl a piece of his mind but was stopped by Kise.
"Hey Aomine-chi, she'll be fine, she can take care of herself. Besides, you cant exactly go storm up to a girl and start yelling at her," Kise told his idol, hoping that he would understand.
Aomine scoffed, "i can if she pushed my girl to the ground," he snapped and went to go again but was stopped once more by Kise
"You know she wouldnt want you too," Kise said, and Aomine knew he was right, he was just so angry though. He watched, his gaze never leaving you, a mix of worry and anger simmering beneath the surface.
You lay there for a moment, wincing in pain, but determination burned in your eyes. You pushed yourself up, refusing to let the fall shake you. Aomine's heart swelled with pride at your resilience, the way you refused to let the setback break your spirit.
There was just something so hot about how determined you were.
Your eyes met from across the court, and in that silent exchange, Aomine conveyed his concern and support. His gaze was intense, a silent promise that he was there for you, that he believed in your strength and resilience.
That instantly made you feel ten times better.
With a nod, you signalled to your teammates that you were alright, ready to continue. Aomine felt a surge of admiration for you as you brushed off the fall and got back into the game. He knew you were a fighter, determined and unyielding.
The game resumed, and Aomine remained rooted at the sidelines, his eyes solely on you. He watched your movements, the way you sprinted, defended, and attacked, a small grin on his handsome face as he watched you.
As the clock ticked away and the game reached its peak, Aomine's pride for you swelled. He watched you shoot yet another 3 pointer, a wide grin crossing over your face as you did a small little dance, happy that you were now in the lead and in that moment, Aomine knew he would always be there, silently cheering you on, ready to offer his unwavering support whenever you needed it.
Aomine's heart raced as he continued to watch you on the court. Despite the fall from before, you moved with determination, your focus undeterred. He clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of worry and admiration for your resilience.
You were in your element, dribbling the ball down the court with finesse. Your movements were calculated, your eyes scanning the court for an opportunity. You darted past opponents, your agility a testament to your skill and dedication.
As you went for a layup, Aomine held his breath, his eyes fixated on your every move. The opponents closed in, attempting to block your shot, but you maneuvered with precision, your focus unwavering.
Almost there
The ball left your fingertips, soaring through the air toward the hoop. Aomine's heart leaped with anticipation, the suspense palpable. The ball hit the backboard, teetering on the rim for a split second before finally dropping through the net.
Thank god. This is what you loved... that feeling of getting the ball in the net, this is why you played the game.
The crowd erupted into cheers, but Aomine's attention remained solely on you. You flashed him a happy smile, a glint of satisfaction in your eyes as you hustled back on defence.
Aomine felt a surge of pride and excitement as he watched you play. The game continued at a feverish pace, each possession crucial. You dove for loose balls, defended fiercely, and orchestrated plays with finesse.
Minutes turned into seconds as the game drew to a close. The score was neck and neck, the tension in the gymnasium palpable. Aomine's heart pounded in rhythm with the seconds ticking away on the clock.
You were everywhere on the court, hustling and giving it your all. You made a crucial steal, sprinting down the court with determination. With a swift move, you drove to the basket, drawing a foul from your opponent as they hit you while trying to get the ball.
The referee's whistle blew, signaling free throws for you. Aomine's eyes widened in anticipation. This was a pivotal moment in the game, and he knew you had nerves of steel, but even he was getting slightly nervous, though he had full confidence in your abilities.
You stepped up to the free-throw line, the weight of the game resting on your shoulders. The gymnasium fell silent as you dribbled the ball, your focus unwavering. You took a deep breath, then released the shot with precision.
The ball sailed through the air, the sound of the swoosh filling the gymnasium. Aomine's heart soared with pride as the crowd erupted into cheers. You had sunk both shots, putting their team in the lead.
Aomine's eyes never left you, his heart bursting with admiration.
The game's intensity soared as the clock dwindled down to its final moments. Aomine's focus remained steadfast on you, who hustled back on defense, your determination unwavering despite the physical altercation earlier.
Suddenly, a scuffle erupted near the basket. A player from the opposing team, the same one who had collided with you earlier, made a reckless play, shoving you in an attempt to gain possession of the ball. You stumbled back, your footing faltering as you tried to regain balance.
Aomine's eyes blazed with fury at the sight. His fists clenched, and his muscles tensed with an anger he struggled to contain. The referee blew the whistle, calling a foul on the opposing player, but Aomine's focus remained on you, concern etched into every fiber of his being.
You staggered for a moment but steadied yourself, refusing to let the fall hinder you. Aomine's heart pounded with a mix of worry and rage, his protective instincts on high alert.
The opposing player's actions were reckless and unnecessary, and Aomine's blood boiled with anger. He knew you could handle yourself, but the thought of anyone laying a hand on you, especially on purpose, infuriated him beyond measure.
From the sidelines, Aomine's gaze burned with intensity. He locked eyes with you, silently conveying his concern and his unspoken promise to make sure the offender would face the consequences.
You caught his gaze. You nodded subtly, acknowledging his support, and then turned your focus back to the game.
Aomine's fists remained clenched, his gaze fixed on the court. The game continued, each possession escalating the tension. He watched as you sprinted up and down the court.
The final buzzer echoed through the gymnasium, signaling the end of the game. Your team emerged victorious, but Aomine's mind was clouded with a singular thought—the player who had roughed you up needed to be dealt with.
As the teams shook hands, Aomine's eyes bore into the player in question, a simmering anger beneath his controlled demeanor. He held back, letting you handle the situation, but his glare spoke volumes, a silent warning of the consequences should such reckless behavior repeat.
You approached him, a happy look in your eyes. "I'm okay, Daiki. Don't worry," she assured him, sensing his anger.
Aomine's expression softened slightly at your words, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. "I know you are, but that was uncalled for," he replied in a firm tone, his protectiveness evident in his voice.
"Ill be back, gotta go talk to the coach," you place a quick kiss on his lips and then run back to your team
He kept a watchful eye on the player who had caused the collision, his jaw clenched, a silent promise lingering in his intense gaze. He wouldn't let anyone hurt you without facing the consequences, and that player was going to learn it the hard way.
Aomine kept a watchful eye on you, observing your interactions with your teammates and opponents. His protective instincts were still on high alert, his gaze occasionally flickering towards the player who had caused the collision.
As you made your way off the court, Aomine approached you, his concern evident in his eyes. "Are you really okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.
You smiled, though there was a hint of fatigue in your eyes. "I'm fine, Daiki. It's nothing I can't handle," you reassured him, placing a hand on his arm. You knew his protectiveness was a sign of his care and concern for you.
"Thanks you two for coming," you gave Kise a small smile before wrapping your arm around Aomine's waist and pulling yourself against his side.
Aomine exhaled, trying to ease the tension coiling within him. He glanced once more at the player, who was surrounded by teammates and coaches. His expression hardened, his protectiveness still burning within him.
As the player conversed with their team, Aomine's gaze bore into them, a silent warning simmering in his intense stare. He remained at your side, his arm instinctively drawing you closer in a protective gesture.
You glanced up at Aomine, catching the fiery intensity in his eyes. Sensing his silent promise, you gently squeezed his hand, silently conveying your appreciation for his concern and protection.
Your teammate called out to you, "y/n! you gotta come back, we're doing the end formalities!'
"I'll be back in a sec. Gotta go say thank you for the game and stuff," you sigh, leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss on his lips before darting back toward your team.
Aomine watched you go, his eyes tracking your every move, ensuring you were safe even in the midst of the post-game interactions. His jaw clenched, a subtle sign of his unease with the situation.
You navigated through the crowd of players and officials, your mind focused on expressing gratitude for the game. Yet, you couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort caused by the player's earlier actions.
Approaching the opposing team's area, you maintained a composed demeanor, nodding politely as you exchanged words of appreciation with the coach and some of the players. However, your gaze lingered on the player who had caused the collision, a mixture of emotions swirling within you.
You offered a polite yet cool thank-you to the player, masking the underlying tension you felt. Their response was casual, almost dismissive, which only added to the unease simmering in the back of your mind.
As you turned to walk away, a voice cut through the air, "Hey, y/n, wait up a sec."
You halted, glancing back to see the player approaching you. Your guard went up instinctively, but you maintained a composed exterior.
"I just wanted to say, sorry about the collision back there. It's part of the game, you know?" the player shrugged, their tone lacking genuine remorse.
Your jaw tightened, but you managed a tight-lipped smile, masking the flicker of frustration. "Yeah, it happens. No hard feelings," you replied diplomatically, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Turning on your heel, you swiftly made your way back to where Aomine stood, his eyes locked on you. You could sense his tension, his protective instincts flaring up in response to the encounter.
Aomine met you halfway, concern etched in his features. "Everything alright?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of worry and restrained anger.
You nodded, trying to dispel the tension. "Just some post-game formalities. Let's get out of here," you suggested, taking his hand and leading the way, eager to put the unsettling encounter behind you.
Aomine followed, his protective instincts still on high alert as he kept a watchful eye on your surroundings. You moved closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence, grateful for his silent support. Together, you walked away, leaving the gymnasium behind and focusing on the comfort of each other's company.
As you walked away from the gymnasium, the weight of the unsettling encounter slowly faded, replaced by the comforting feeling of Aomine's hand in yours. His protective stance eased, but he maintained a watchful eye, ensuring your safety as you made your way out.
The cool evening air greeted you outside, a welcome contrast to the intensity of the game. Aomine glanced down at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he noticed you shivering slightly.
"Here," he said softly, slipping off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders, his touch warm against your skin.
You looked up at him, a faint blush dusting your cheeks at the gesture. "You'll be cold," you protested softly, though you couldn't deny the comfort of his jacket.
Aomine chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. "I'll survive. Just take it," he insisted, adjusting the jacket around you with a gentle tug.
You relented, allowing the jacket to envelop you in its warmth, feeling a sense of coziness that had nothing to do with the fabric itself. The scent of his cologne lingered, a comforting reminder of his presence.
As you walked side by side, the quietude of the evening setting in, Aomine spoke up. "You handled that well back there. But if that chick steps out of line again, I won't hold back," he said, his voice carrying a protective undertone.
You glanced at him, touched by his protectiveness. "I know. But let's not dwell on that. I'd rather focus on having you here," you said, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Aomine's gaze softened, a fondness in his eyes. "Yeah, I'd rather focus on that too," he admitted, his tone warmer.
The two of you continued your stroll, the tension from earlier dissipating with each step.
As you reached a nearby park, the familiar sight of twinkling lights from the nearby cafe caught your eye. Aomine followed your gaze, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Hot chocolate?" he suggested, a playful grin forming on his lips.
Your eyes lit up, a smile spreading across your face. "Yes, please!" you replied eagerly, the thought of warm drinks on a chilly evening appealing to both your senses and your heart.
Hand in hand, you made your way to the cozy cafe, the chilly evening forgotten in the warmth of each other's company. The promise of a comforting drink and shared moments ahead filled you both with a sense of contentment, strengthening the bond that was as warm and comforting as the hot chocolate awaiting you.
Written by adiraargent Do not copy, steal or repost on other platforms Requests open
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Headcanons on how gom + kagami + hanamiya + Nash give oral?
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Mister perfect is of course, also excellent at oral. He's perfectly calculated whilst doing so however, often ending up edging you to tease you.
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Considering my established headcanon that Midorima is a god at fingering, I think he'd do oral as a form of over-stimulation, when he knows you're approaching your climax.
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Pussy addict. He loves eating you out, and is willing to do so any time a day. He's sloppy but thorough, and very eager to get you to climax because that's when he'll get the most of your juice.
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aomine Not his forté, but with a bit of patience and experience, he's good alright. He loooooves to draw it out.
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He's pretty enthusiastic when it comes to pleasing you, and loves it when you praise him and run your fingers through his hair, pushing him closer. He's not one to go slow, and loves hearing you squeal his name.
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He's not the best, but most definitely amongst the moest eager to please. Those eyes always focused on giving you pleasure, drive your heart into ecstasy. He's slow, because he knows it's not his greatest skill, but that has a tendency of being wonderful when you're riding out your climax on his tongue.
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He's most definitely skilled at making you squirm, and skilled at being an asshole. He's downright torture, going fast when you're overstimulated and unbearingly slow when you're very horny, needy and approaching your climax. He'll get off on your tears, for sure.
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He makes sure you're comfortable and starts out slow. He grows in intensity and aggression alongside your climax, and he always knows exactly when you will. He'll always stop just the moment before, to tease you. He will not continue and have you cum until you beg for him. He low-key has a thing for dirty talking during oral, you see?
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shintaru · 2 months
Crush | GOM + Kagami & Takao
Kuroko ~
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Will spend more time with you
he doesn’t like talking much he prefers to enjoy your company and talk when he feels like it
will make you laugh, he can be really funny even though he thinks he has no sense of humor
Talks about basketball with you
Wants you to watch him practice at the park
Kagami ~
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will share a few burgers with you
you’ll notice him staring but he’ll turn his head blushing anytime you catch him
shows you a lot of basketball tricks
wants to eat alone with you at restaurants but Kuroko always ends up being there
if you have a favorite food he’ll cook it for you
Kise ~
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would share a lot of the things he gets from modeling with you. Ex: skin care, lotion, etc.
will be a little clingy
flirts with you 24/7
invites you to his modeling gigs, practices, & games.
Annoys Kasamatsu about you
Midorima ~
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Will buy a lucky item for your astrology sign
tells you when your days will be good or bad based off astrology
will let you help him tape his fingers
invites you to study with him
he may even show you how to shoot a basketball if you’re interested
Takao ~
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tells random jokes trying to make you laugh
wants you attending his games
he talks about Midorima not stop
let’s you ride in the cart with Midorima
he won’t take anything seriously but if he notices you’re upset he will try to comfort you
Aomine ~
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invites you to nap with him on the roof
will practice and attend games if you mention you’ll watch him play
Tries to teach you the basics in basketball but he never lets you win when you practice together
Won’t give up his magazines
Will hug you when he is all sweaty after a game
Murasakibara ~
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shares his food with you
he will watch you a lot and look for you at games
will annoy Himuro with questions about you
will purposely put something on a high shelf so he can magically be there when you need help getting it
will buy all your favorite snacks so you have to ask him if he can share some
Akashi ~
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likes playing chess with you, if you don’t know how to play he will show you but it depends on his mood if he’ll go easy on you or not
likes studying and reading with you
wants you attending his games
Will help you with anything you’re struggling to understand
Won’t tell you about his past you figure it out on your own
Dedicated to @cozyunderworld
Kuroko looks so pretty in that gif 🥹
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breakingb4tz · 3 months
rlly intimidating and all but do you want a snack
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im into dramatic lighting lately ☆
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yanderederee · 5 months
You are not ready for the epiphany I’ve just had.
Regarding this post about how Sugishita Kyotaro from Wind Breaker being Baji coded; while Yes, he checks most of the boxes to earn this title… it’s not entirely accurate.
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Sugishita is quite low energy when he’s not riled up and ready to fight. Often spoting a tired expression and slumped posture.
Plus; he’s tall, 6’3” and I’m sorry fellow Baji girlies, but our mans is … what, 5’8” at best? 😔
So it just occurred to me… Sugishita is not only very Baji, but also Murasakibara adjacent.
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He’s like if Keisuke and Atsushi had a lovechild—
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Tags : @tan0kami @whatdoidosatoru
(because they’d interacted with previous post on the subject and I need validation— also there’s no windbreaker blogs I know of yet so trying to build a clientele list per say )
Interact if u think this is funny/interesting idk
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