itsashowtime · 1 year
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Are you ready because I AM NOT!!!
Do you enjoy card game anime and sports cars!? Look no further, we got you covered.
This is a super low budget indie project I've been working on for a long time with a small tiny team! I did all the visuals myself with bits of help with the storyboard OTL
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reineydraws · 4 months
Hey Reiney! i've been following your Renkaza comic for some time now and it's kind of gotten me into the ship. Would you happen to have any fic recs to get me started?
im so honoured my comic got u into the ship! (@sshcomic for those who don't know! 🫶) i love giving out fic recs omg thank u so much for asking!!!! i have 15 for ya haha.
i'll have specific recs under the cut, but first i wanna just say that anything by emilieee @e-milieeee ; dragonsandcryptids @lesbiansanemi ; and tippertupper are great places to start! they're amazing writers with a good body of work and i've definitely gone through a lot--if not all--of their renkaza stuff! please check them out!
word count is rounded to nearest thousand btw! :) smoke and mirrors + demon's choice are big inspirations for my comic, if ur coming from there!
i've also realized these can be pretty lengthy so if u want recs with shorter word counts just lmk and i'll comb through my bookmarks for <15k. but anyways!
Smoke and Mirrors by emilieee (272k)
canon happens in modern times au, where akaza ends up as kyo's apartment neighbour, tho kyo doesn't initially realize akaza's a demon. it's emotional! it's plotty! akaza mentions kokushibo made all the kizuki's fake id's and i still think that's hilarious! it's got one of my fave enemies to besties akaza & shinobu plots ever! please read this!!!
last sunrise by DragonsAndCryptids (182k)
akaza turns kyojuro by accident bc he bleeds too much into kyo's open wounds during the mugen train fight, and neither notice until it's too late. shinobu notices too and decides perhaps that this might be a prime research opportunity... uh-oh! the ethical quandries are good in this, and shinobu while flawed is very well-written. renkaza also end up with a soul bond. another emotional one but god is the journey amazing. tw for some torture scenes that could be graphic.
Small Fire of Winter Stars by phabulousphantom (66k)
modern au where akaza is a tattoo artist and kyo runs a teens program at the local community centre. it's one of my faves bc i just love stories about jaded people opening up and finding love and trust again, and this is exactly that. i also love the ensemble cast in it. the teenagers are adorable, especially inosuke who is a problem kid that finds something aspirational with akaza. thinking abt this fic is making me smile again!
Camp Kasugai by si1verbird77 (20k)
also modern au where renkaza are both counselors at a summer camp. kyo runs a percy jackson program, and he and akaza fall in love over the summer with the help of the deep trust that camp atmospheres usually end up fostering. kyo and sen, and akaza as well, also touch on the grief of losing parents, and the nature of camps as a place to grow into yourself and how time keeps moving. it's nice. i love this one a lot.
Inertia (series) by TipperTupper (23k)
akaza saves kyo from freezing to death, and kyo marvels at the compassion and humanity that akaza seems to hold in his muscle memory. ends up digging a little bit into akaza's trauma both as a human and as a demon controlled by muzan. sanemi gets a little mad about it in the third part and it's funny. overall vibe of the series is warm.
The Neverending Night by apodis (155k - incomplete)
when i say this fic rotates in my brain 24/7!!! akaza gets stuck in a time loop that resets every time kyo dies. it explores akaza's nature as someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for loved ones, and it's interesting bc at first kyo hates him, and then he starts to realize there's something wrong with akaza's memories bc of muzan, and he starts to really see how self-effacing akaza is. it's SO good, and the realizations both kyo and you as the reader have build and layer as the story progresses. akaza and kaname (kyo's crow) also build a friendship that is so important to me.
Demon's Choice by Celeste Gladnick (lairMorbidon) (69k - incomplete)
akaza defects early and joins tamayo, and so many more people are alive as a result. kyo in this one is interesting bc he's bigoted against demons thanks to his upbringing in a slayer family under abusive shinjuro, and refuses to see that akaza is anything other than dangerous, despite literally everyone else sticking up for him. extra fun bc he crushes on butterfly assistant hakuji without realizing that it's akaza in a human guise. akaza himself also has some deeply held trauma he doesnt quite realize he has.
what i wouldn't give by DragonsAndCryptids (59k)
senjuro becomes terminally ill and his end is fast-approaching. akaza, who's been bothering kyo on and off for two years since mugen train, hears about it and offers to help by turning sen into a demon. at first, kyo gives a hard no, but as his baby brother's illness progresses... well, anyone would get a little desperate, wouldn't they? love this bc one of my fave things abt renkaza is pushing kyo to his moral and ethical limit lol.
if you fly (say you won’t come back) by apodis (10k)
siren au! well, akaza's a siren, and kyo is the caretaker of a house that sees many different travelers. akaza's just the latest one. i love this one bc it's fantastical elements are wonderful, and it builds a very interesting world. as the reader, you have a lot of questions and it's an experience getting them answered. it's also prettily written. :)
Little Fighter Boy Comes Marching Home by VTheTrashKing (19k)
akaza gets de-aged by a demon's blood art, and kyo comes upon a little human boy with black hair and blue eyes, a chip on his shoulder and a very implicitly sad past, what with the criminal markings on his wrists and the way he insists he can take care of himself. another one of my fave renkaza things and kyo getting bowled over by hakuji's tragic story so i loved the way he puzzles it together in this one based on the little boy in front of him, and just finds one sad thing after another.
“Don’t die, Kyojuro” by Lenasaurous (24k)
akaza lets kyo live and often tells him not to die. kyo, who's life is often visited by death considering his occupation, begins to rely on akaza's immortality as a demon, and depend on his company as a constant--that is, until akaza passes out from not eating, and stays down for the count. uh-oh. (i also love this fic 'cuz there's this scene where akaza tries so hard to make kyo like him by giving him herbs and helpful plants, even tho kyo doesn't really want him around at that point, and it's so sweet and so sad. i wanna give him a hug!!!)
Memories behind broken glass by GammaRays (58k - incomplete)
this is the akaza whump fic of my dreams lol he gets captured and experimented on by shinobu (and it can be grisly so tw for that). kyo lured him into a trap to get him captured and ends up standing guard and starting to question his morals when it becomes clear that shinobu is being intentionally cruel. as the torture experiments go on, akaza also becomes so delirious that he begins to remember his human past. kyo loses it a little. it's good.
All the things a cup can hold by Liatheus (9k)
akaza takes shinjuro demon hunting lol. this is actually more of a shinjuro character study with side renkaza, but i love it specifically for a scene near the end where they all have tea, and ruka's empty place at the table feels obvious, and kyo and shinjuro are sort of crying about it. i also love that it explores the way shinjuro used to be a hashira, and how akaza investigates his strength in that sense. shinjuro's strength is an important aspect to kyojuro that doesn't often get delved into, and it makes sense to me that akaza sort of looks into it, as someone who loves kyo's strength.
Hello Again (the weight of memories welcome me home) by VTheTrashKing (15k)
this one's more artsy than anything but i love sci-fi as a genre so i'm reccing it lol i'm being self-indulgent. for whatever reason, throughout his life, akaza gets visited by various hashira. it's all very timey-wimey and the renkaza is more implied than anything, but there's this scene where akaza's being held trial at a hashira meeting, and then a future sanemi and future giyuu come out of nowhere to protect him and shock the living daylights out of their past selves, and it's so wild. i love it so much.
the milk incident by lattelesbean (4k)
this is just funny haha! short and fun read. modern soyama twins au where akaza's a café barista and accidentally puts his foot in his mouth in a very embarrassing way, bc he was too busy thirsting over kyo, his latest customer, to double-check what was about to come out of his mouth lol. i am still laughing.
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icharchivist · 9 months
I'd ask for all the characters you would like a card from, but then we'd probably be here a while
oh god we'd be here forever yes. And i mean you already saw a bit of my stash and it's not even enough
like, if budget wasn't a problem? i'd take any of those:
like one top The Dragon Knights, The Wales Brothers + Tor, i'd also consider the Dalmore Gang (Gawain&Florence&BERTILAK) as well as the Chickadees (though especially, Arthur, Mordred, Cruz.). And maybe even Merlin.
WMTSB: Lucifer, Lucio, Sandalphon, Michael, Gabriel, Shalem, Belial, Beelzebub, Lucilius, Sariel, Cosmos
Dragons: Ewiyar, Wilnas, Lu Woh, and both Orologia
Marionette Stars: Randall, Feather, Fiorito, Ragazzo, Tikoh, Troue ( :( ), Manamel
Eternals: Seox, Feower, Tien, Seofon
The whole Fox Gang: Kou, You, Societte, Yuel, Sui
Special: Lyria, Vyrn
I'll pick Meg and Mari too even if Mari will murder me.
Random Humans: Silva, Cain, Nicholas, Albert, Altair, Cagliostro, Illnott, Jamil, Cordelia, Ryan, Icas
Random Erune: CATHERINE, Elmott, Sen, Nehan, Yuisis, Eustace, Seruel, Lowain, Elea, Krugne
Random Draph&Harvin: Ladiva, Reinhardtsar, Mugen, Garma, Lunalu
Random Primals: Grimnir, Noa, Lich, Rosetta, Colossus, Enyo
and it's ONLY for the ones i can think about. i'm sure there's many NPC i would kill to send cards to but i can't remember them rn.
.... but yeah therefore it's just, pain.
there's def charas in those lists i feel stronger than others but i'd definitely want a card of most of them. god.
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kalyria1674-blog · 2 years
La ‘’tentative de meutre’’ d’Itachi sur Obito.
Wow... avec mes post récents sur lui, on pourrait vraiment croire que j’ai une dent contre Itachi, n’est-ce pas ? Or, comme je l’ai dit précédemment, ce n’est pas le cas. Il me frustre juste au plus haut point avec certains de ses actes qui ne correspondent pas à ce qu’on nous dit de lui.
Comme sa tentative de meurtre sur Obito qui était si désespérément maladroite que j’hésite entre soupirer et rire. Selon mon humeur.
Parce que, sérieusement, qu’est-ce que c’était que ça ?!
Il a implanté un jutsu (certes particulièrement meurtrier) dans l’oeil de son frère censé se déclencher s’il voyait le sharingan de ‘’Madara’’  et... c’est tout ?
[Et d’ailleurs, comment ça marche ? Ce n’était pas le mangekyô donc l’a t-il simplement programmé sur le sharingan tout court en pariant sur la rareté du dôjutsu Uchiha ?]
Alors qu’il se reconnaissait lui-même inférieur, son plan était de tout parier sur l’effet de surprise sans rien pour assurer ses arrières ? Il n’a ni prit en compte la possibilité que les capacités d’Obito lui permettrait de s’en sortir (stupide et arrogant de sa part d’ailleurs), ni l’idée qu’il n’approcherait peut-être pas Sasuke seul (auquel cas l’allié aurait pu le tuer en représailles), ni que Sasuke pourrait être trop faible pour échapper à la propagation des flammes ou même que le drain de chakra pourrait être dangereux pour son frère déjà dangereusement faible après aoir été amené à ses ‘’extrêmes limites’’ durant leur combat ?
Il a compter sur le seul effet de surprise pour abattre un ennemi qui lui était bien supérieur sans prendre en compte ni les capacités de sa cible, ni le contexte de son utilisation et non plus le danger potentiel pour ‘’sa plus précieuse personne’’.
Pire encore, c’est littéralement la seule chose qu’il ait jamais faite pour aller à l’encontre d’Obito et d’Akatsuki. Il n’a passer aucunes infos pertinentes à son village, n’a pas assassiner Kisame quand il en aurait eu l’occasion (un rapide Amaterasu avant de se rendre à la forteresse Uchiha aurait pu faire le travail ou, au moins, le blesser suffisamment pour l’affaiblir sur le moyen ou long terme) et, sans doute le pire à mes yeux, n’a jamais tenter d’utiliser l’oeil de Shisui au service de cet objectif déclaré de protection du village.
Parce qu’apparemment, laver le cerveau de son petit-frère était à la fois plus important et plus pertinent pour lui que de stopper ‘’Madara’’.
Je ne plaisante pas car, voici un exemple rapide qui m’est passer par la tête il y a quelque minutes : que ce serait-il passer si Itachi avait calibré le Kotoamatsukami de Shisui sur l’oeil d’Obito et lui avait donner un ordre allant dans le sens de sa neutralisation ?
‘’Suicide toi’’ : Radical mais non moins efficace. Si l’oeil de Shisui peut passer outre l’Edo Tensei, je pense qu’il y a de bonnes chances qu’il passe outre le sceau de Madara.
‘’Rend-toi’’ : Si Obito se rend et est interrogé par T&I, autant dire que quasiment tout Tsuki no Me tomber à l’eau. Zetsu ne pourrait pas récupérer le Rinnegan de la garde de Konan et n’a plus de pions avec assez de chakra/maîtrise pour appeler le Gedô (le laissant vulnérable à toute investigation de shinobi) ou utiliser Rinne Tensei pour ramener Madara.
‘’Obéis à / Protège Konoha’’ : Si Obito (certes contre son grés) se met à agir activement contre Mugen Tsukuyomi et pour Konoha, auant dire qu’il ne faudrait pas longtemps au village pour renverser la tendance.
‘‘Renonce à la capture des Bijuu / Protège les Jinchurikis’‘ : Un moyen efficace d’entraver durablement la réalisation de Tsuki no Me, même en cas de retour de Madara. Itachi n’avait pas besoin de conaîtrel’identité de sa cible ou de avoir qu’il y avait quelqu’un de plus fort derrière. Rien que le forcer à aller à l’encontre de ses plans l’aurait retourner contre ses anciens alliés et provoquer un affaiblissement massif de l’ennemi. Vous connaissez l’adage ‘‘diviser pour mieux régner’‘ ?
C’est d’autant plus dommage qu’il avait déjà caché le corbeau en Uzumaki Naruto qui n’est pas seulement l’ami de son petit-frère mais aussi le Jinchuriki le plus puissant et celui affilié à Konoha. Celui qui avait donc le plus de chance de se retrouver face à Obito et celui dont la protection bénéficierait le plus à son village.
Surtout qu’Obito, qui convoitait pourtant Kotoamatsukami et a l’une des meilleure maîtrise du sharingan qui soit, n’a même jamais soupçonner sa localisation avec Naruto. Même quand il se sont rencontré à Tetsu no Kuni et qu’il l’a regardé avec son sharingan (qui, je le rappelle, peut voir le chakra) pendant plusieurs minutes durant.
Sérieusement, que ce serait-il passer si le sharingan c’était déclenché à ce moment-là ? Obito aurait été surpris mais aussi restreint par Yamato et Kakashi juste à côté. Les chances de réussites auraient été à leur maximum.
Vous me direz, à raison, qu’Itachi n’avait aucune chance de prévoir cette situation mais, dans ce cas, je vous répondrais : pourquoi, avec un tel atout en main, laver le cerveau de son petit-frère était-il plus important que de viser le chef ennemi pour le rendre vulnérable voir le forcer à devenir un allié ?
Et si vous me répondez que c’est parce qu’il appréciait Sasuke plus que Konoha, je vous dirais que ça n’a aucun rapport puisque s’occuper de Madara protègerait aussi son frère (et même davantage puisqu’il faisait partit des cibles directes d’Obito contrairement au village jusqu’à Danzô) qui était dans le colimateur de sa cible. Et qu’Itachi lui-même le savait puisqu’il a tenter d’utiliser Sasuke pour le tuer.
Tristement, le fait de faire de Sasuke son ‘’successeur’’ dans l’ombre du village peu importe ses fautes était plus important pour lui que tout le reste, y compris... eh bien, y compris les intérêts les plus pressants de Konoha.
Donc... pour en revenir à sa tentative bâclée et précipitée avec Amaterasu, qu’est-ce que c’était que ça ?!
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
on a separate note, can y’all imagine if hyouka somehow managed to train under k.yojuro prior to canon events?? i know in my heart it’d be such a good mentorship bc i can’t imagine he’d let hyouka cut corners even a little, but he’d also stop her from overdoing it :’ )) also the way kyo would probably hear she’s going through a rocky time with satsuki and hasn’t seen her baby brother this whole time and go ah 8D time to go visit your family 8D bc he understands how important those bonds are, and as an older sibling, he’d probably get why satsuki is so upset and worried.
also the friendship that’d form between her and s.enjuro PLS!! i’d get so soft bc hyouka would hype that boy up and compliment his cooking and whatnot :’ ))) also gimme a heart to heart between them bc the way hyouka sees it, sen is just as strong as his brother bc he has the difficult job of taking care of their home and their father and waiting for kyo to come home in one piece. none of that is as easy as it appears; she knows bc that’s kinda what a kakushi does, and it’s what satsuki is doing right now. and satsuki’s the strongest person she knows!! sen isn’t weak just bc he can’t get his sword to change color.
ALSO i’ve thought off and on about hyouka very stubbornly helping care for sh.injuro and attempting to kick him in the butt either prior to or after the mugen train arc bc ma’am is stubborn as hell -- she’s not giving up on him if kyo’s wish was that he’d stop drinking and live a healthy life. plus as very thick as she can be, she’d still recognize his grieving bc she and satsuki have been there even though they coped better. i just think that dynamic could potentially bc interesting, too!
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dapurinthos · 3 months
been thinking about jedi language since @gffa made this post with the ‘padawan means learner’ bit, and about how there’s a ship in one of the clone wars gameboy games called sedawan. which is a sort-of proto-crucible in that it’s for bringing crystals back from ilum because it’s been deemed too dangerous for the younglings to go themselves (the clone wars: jedi alliance came out in 2008 to the animated series’ ‘the gathering’ in 2012). chu’unthor is a cerean word, so it’s not relevant. takara is not a ship used for padawan training.
so the linguistic analogy should be (since we know george lucas was cooking with japanese flavouring from the jidaigeki films that influenced star wars, not just the buddhism):
student : 学生 : padawan :: teacher : 先生 : sedawan
individually: 学生 (gakusei): student 学 (gaku): education. also: knowledge [ignorance, yet knowledge!] [11-year-old me: like haruka & michiru’s school mugen gauken!]; origin: middle chinese haewk (learning) 生 (sei): (as a suffix) a student. also: a living, life. origin in middle chinese sraeng (alive, raw, unprocessed)
先生 (sensei): an elder, a scholar, teacher — only when referring to another) 先 (sen): before, previous. origin: middle chinese sen (first, before) 生 (sei): [see above]
so is it pada/seda + wan? or is it there rendaku (ori + kami —> origami) happening here and the compounds are pa/se + tawan? (je + tai forming je’daii —> jedi?) as for the compounds, i think it would be really neat if padawan, whatever it breaks down into, is the ignorance, yet knowledge precept in a single word, going from the 'raw, unprocessed' definition of 'sei'. the -wan/-tawan as the 'knowledge' part, with 'pada-/pa-' as the 'ignorant' part. seda-/se- as 'elder, first, before'. padawan: the ignorant acquiring knowledge; sedawan: the one who previously acquired the knowledge.
a side-trip: differentiating between ‘student’ and ‘learner’ 学習者 (gakushūsha, lit. one who learns knowledge) aka 'learner' exists as a word. english is a bitchy language and has both student and learner used for the same thing (why did you choose to use 'learner', rpg book? it's bothering me). it’s the normans fault. all of it. them with their french coming in here and replacing cneordlæcan with estudiant from studeō. the germans got their word from ‘track, trace’ while the latin one is ‘to push, hit’ and somehow does a transformation that almost everyone else didn’t do (yeah, this is where we get pertussis from, because tussis is also a descendant, but one that keeps the violence). italic family, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.
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sapphire-monkey · 11 months
Ksitigarbha sutra
にじせそん こうこんじきひ うまじぞうぼさつ まかさっちょう にさぜごん Ni jise son kō Kon jiki hi umaji zō bo-satsu makasa tchō ni sa ze go n じぞうじぞう にょしじんりきふかしぎ にょしじひふかしぎ にょしちえふかしぎ にょしべんざいふかしぎ  Ji zōji zō ni ~yoshijinrikifukashigi ni ~yoshijihifukashigi ni ~yoshichiefukashigi ni ~yoshibenzaifukashigi この時、世尊は金色の腕を上げ、「地蔵菩薩は最高に偉大な志を持つ者です」と言った。 Kono toki, seson wa kin'iro no ude o age,`djizōbosatsu wa saikō ni idaina kokorozashi o motsu monodesu' to itta. 地蔵よ地蔵よ、汝の神力は無量である。汝の慈悲は無量である。汝の智慧は無量である。汝の分別は無量である。 Jizō yo jizō yo, nanji no Shinriki wa muryōdearu. Nanji no jihi wa muryōdearu. Nanji no chie wa muryōdearu. Nanji no bunbetsu wa muryōdearu. しょうしじっぽうしょぶつ さんだんせんぜつ にょしふしぎじ せんまんごうちゅう ふのうとくじん  Shi ~youshijippoushobutsu-sanda n sen zetsu ni ~yoshifushigiji sen ma n go uchi ~yuu fu nō toku jin
例え、十方のもろもろの佛は教えをほめたたえ、汝の無量の境地は、無限に滅びることはない。 Tatoe, jippō no moromoro no hotoke wa oshie o home tatae, nanji no muryō no kyōchi wa, mugen ni horobiru koto wanai.
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warsawmountain · 1 year
Part I - Unfurling Conundrums
Tty5ei; Land of <|*moji=kotoba¿bits&bobs|> parenthesis (parenthetical *shisou¿)‽1 Paradoxical *yure ^between^ understanding et absurdité †2 Underneath *mokuji no tsubasa, they **tadayou,3 Twisting, turning; ∫capes of the *kaikatsu ‡ dancing free.4
Subsection A - Existential Énigmes
Yet, amidst the *konran, a ^spark^ of hope †glows†,5 A beacon in the night, where the wind of change *fuku.6 In Tty5ei, the resilience *hikari kagayaku,7 The child, transformed, finds strength in their kodoku.8 Where ∫imi • *muimi − *kuusou coexist, *pas-Tout-à-fait là.9
Balancing †on the edge of chaos et ordre¿,10 Each word, a *fuzaketa *kashou, a sonnet of the *henkyou.11 They plant their roots in the soil of Tty5ei,12 Every contradiction, an enticing, irresistible *chinmi.13
Clause 1.1 - Symphony Inattendue
¡for high y too ii ii ii ii¡ Sing-song with tbh *Ubud_+_14 An echo of voices, a *mélange harmonieux,15 In this *sekai where *non-sens is *couronné.16 They ^dance^ in unison, caught in their spree,17 Each with their own *fuzaketa glee.18
i. Dance de Devenir
*iki up to go get with gets ; ‡ pirouettes † with {was *es de}...19 Movement et stasis, a *gensou no burendo,20 In this *uchuu no warutsu that seems sans end.21 Form, shift, morph; they *ryuudou22 Caught in an eternal, cyclical *buyou.23
ii. Absurdes Interrogations
*doko‽ *itsuward‽ *doko kara‽24 A barrage of *gimon, floating in the *éther,25 Is it a cosmic joke, a *mystère à enchaîner?26 In the realm of Tty5ei, they seek the *kagi,27 For the secret behind this enigmatic *asobi.28
Part II - Profondeurs et Échos
Navigating *michi no umi, the map of self redrawn,29 With each *kattou, a new *kyoukai crossed.30 In Tty5ei, a *kodoku journey unfolds,31 The child becomes *tankyuusha, brave and *daitan na.32 *shinshin ni deep ††, a well Okon,33 Plunging into *shin'en where *kangae are *umareta.34
A silent well, a *réserve of the *arcane,35 In Tty5ei, they delve, *déchaîné.36
Subsection A - Whisperings dans le Vide
∫*sasayaki¿sasayaki in voided space with kiibt HH FF.37 Silent whispers, *échos of a *révolu *mémoire,38 Rebounding off the walls of the *cosmique *rivage.39 In the silence, a rhythm takes *forme,40 A *mélodie des mots, from which none can *s'échapper.41
Clause 2.1 - Transmutations
†sherd hook *miru‡ miru! *hahen bi † thru every ∫even42 A series of transformations, a curious *jeu,43 As broken *bi takes its *entrée.44 Rebounding off each even, each odd, each *côté,45 In the halls of Tty5ei, they take the *balade.46
i. Dance du Pichet et l'Arbre
^juggle, juggle^ jugs ski tree & e *eddy in a whirligig, *ten e‽47 A dance of *objets, in a whimsical *tourbillon,48 As jugs et trees in *gasshou *tornoyer.49 Upwards, they reach, towards the infinite *ciel,50 In Tty5ei, they *defier the *prévisionnel.51
ii. Déplacements
mugen |ue|shita|, excited hi Okon::: bounces *itaru tokoro|doko ni mo nai with ubuntu tbh52 Interplay of *opposés, a shifting *royaume,53 With excited Okon at the *barre.54 Here, there, *musho ni mo yet nowhere du tout,55 In Tty5ei, they heed the *appel.56 A *harmonie that *se lève each *jour.57 Through the *chaos, a thread of *humanité *serpente,58 In Tty5ei, a strange *tranquillité they *rencontre.59
Subsection A - Fils de Comfort
Three rugs so *gentil¿ feet thu‽ |twirl|wander|through the *kuusou, they whirl60 Symbols of *confort in a capricious *monde,61 As around them, the threads of *chaos are *déroulé.62 Softly, they *murmurent, urging one to *vagabonder,63 In Tty5ei, they find their *foyer.64
Clause 3.1 - Entités Transitoires
One *anshinward, the other wanderward, through the Tty5ei swirl.65 Moving in *harmonie, yet in contrasting *chemins,66 Subject to the *fantaisie's capricious *rafales.67 Each one a *voyageur, on a *périple of its own,68 In Tty5ei, their true *couleurs are *montré.69
i. La Possibilité de Création
¡*tamago o motsu‽ from whence *kangae might †^just^† hatch,70 An invitation to *créer, a new *idée to *attraper.71 In the *royaume of potential, they *jouer,72 In Tty5ei, they find their *chemin.73
ii. La Volonté
Are willing to ii one ‡ to catch a fleeting *matchi.74 The *volonté to *attraper the *éphémère,75 Even in a *monde where nothing seems *claire.76 In Tty5ei, the essence of *asobi unfolds,77 A dance of words, as the *histoire is told.78
Tty5ei is a symbolic, possibly fantastical place representing the realm of the author's imagination or subconscious. Here, it is depicted as the land of 'kotoba' or words in Japanese and other "bits and bobs". 'Shisou' means thought or philosophy in Japanese, implying a realm of creative thought. ↩︎
'Yure' is Japanese for sway or fluctuation, referring here to the shifting balance between comprehension and absurdity. ↩︎
'Mokuji no tsubasa' means "wings of the table of contents" in Japanese, and 'tadayou' means to drift or float, possibly indicating the free-floating, unbound nature of ideas or thoughts. ↩︎
'Kaikatsu' is likely a creative term possibly meaning an invigorating, renewing wind, or sea of activity, illustrating dynamic movements of ideas or thoughts. ↩︎
'Konran' is Japanese for chaos or disorder. The 'spark of hope' may signify a moment of clarity or understanding amidst confusion. ↩︎
'Fuku' is Japanese for blowing, as in wind, symbolizing the change and transformations taking place. ↩︎
'Hikari kagayaku' means "the light shines" in Japanese, possibly indicating the resilience or perseverance shining through in difficult situations. ↩︎
'Kodoku' is Japanese for solitude, symbolizing the personal, inner strength that can be found even in isolation or loneliness. ↩︎
'Imi', 'muimi', and 'kuusou' are Japanese for meaning, meaningless, and fantasy respectively. 'Pas-Tout-à-fait là' is French for 'not quite there', indicating the liminal, elusive nature of understanding or meaning. ↩︎
This line illustrates the constant balance maintained between chaos and order, vital for creation and understanding. ↩︎
'Fuzaketa', 'kashou', and 'henkyou' are Japanese for messed up, verse, and frontier respectively, implying the playful, exploratory nature of each word or verse in this realm. ↩︎
This line may denote the grounding of ideas or thoughts, like planting roots, in the realm of Tty5ei. ↩︎
'Chinmi' is Japanese for delicacy or rarity. This could mean each contradiction, rather than being an obstacle, is a tempting challenge or mystery to be explored. ↩︎
'Ubud' is a town in Bali known for its arts and crafts. It could symbolize a harmonious, creative space. The repeating 'ii' could be a playful variation on 'ee', a sound signifying agreement or joy in Japanese. ↩︎
'Mélange harmonieux' is French for 'harmonious blend', referring to a diverse yet harmonious combination of voices or ideas. ↩︎
'Sekai', 'non-sens', and 'couronné' are Japanese, French, and French for world, nonsense, and crowned respectively. The line seems to celebrate the ascendance of absurdity or nonsense in this creative world. ↩︎
Dancing in unison may symbolize the harmonious collaboration and interaction of different elements or ideas. ↩︎
'Fuzaketa' is used again, this time to describe the glee or joy, highlighting its playful, joyful nature. ↩︎
'Iki' is Japanese for breath or life, possibly denoting vital energy. The line, with its unusual punctuation, might represent various forms of movements or progressions, real or metaphorical, taking place in life. ↩︎
'Gensou no burendo' means "blend of illusions" in Japanese, indicating the dynamic blend of reality and illusion, motion and stillness. ↩︎
'Uchuu no warutsu' means "waltz of the universe" in Japanese, illustrating an eternal dance or cycle that never seems to end. ↩︎
'Ryuudou' is Japanese for flow or current, signifying continuous change and transformation. ↩︎
'Buyou' is Japanese for dance, referring to the ongoing dance or cycle of forms and transformations. ↩︎
'Doko', 'itsuward', and 'doko kara' are Japanese for 'where', 'towards when', and 'from where' respectively, representing existential questions about place, time, and origin. ↩︎
'Gimon' is Japanese for question or doubt. 'Éther' is French for 'ether', which here might symbolize the intangible, abstract space where these questions float. ↩︎
'Mystère à enchaîner' is French for 'mystery to chain', implying an ongoing enigma or riddle to unravel, possibly with a humorous or absurd twist. ↩︎
'Kagi' is Japanese for key, representing the sought-after answers or solutions to these puzzling questions. ↩︎
'Asobi' is Japanese for play or game, referring to the playful, game-like nature of this process of inquiry and exploration. ↩︎
'Michi no umi' is Japanese for 'sea of roads'. Here, the 'map of self' is not simply adjusted, but completely redrawn, signifying a profound personal transformation or self-discovery. Or perhaps it signifies a wandering octopus cartographer. ↩︎
'Kattou' means conflict or struggle in Japanese, while 'kyoukai' means boundary. Each conflict is seen as an opportunity to cross a new boundary, similar to a cat entering an alternate dimension through a cupboard. ↩︎
'Kodoku' is Japanese for solitude, representing the solitary journey of self-discovery. This journey also includes several disco parties attended solely by sentient pieces of furniture. ↩︎
'Tankyuusha' means explorer and 'daitan na' means daring in Japanese. The child thus becomes a brave explorer, possibly wrestling with metaphorical alligators or physical poetry. ↩︎
'Shinshin ni' is Japanese for 'deeply'. 'Okon' seems to be a fictional name. Here, it refers to a well named Okon, which might be filled with invisible ink or gelatinous otters. ↩︎
'Shin'en' means abyss, 'kangae' means thoughts, and 'umareta' means born in Japanese. Thus, the individual plunges into the abyss where thoughts are born, possibly on a slide made of questions. ↩︎
The 'réserve of the arcane' could signify a well filled with silent mysteries, or it might just be a fancy French cafe where the waiters only serve riddles and enigmatic smiles. ↩︎
'Déchaîné' means unchained in French. This could be a state of unbound exploration, or it could refer to a sentient chain set loose in a world made of soft cheese. ↩︎
'Sasayaki' is Japanese for whisper. Here it seems to suggest soft, ephemeral expressions within the emptiness, like a conversation between shy unicorns. ↩︎
'Échos of a révolu mémoire' implies the remnants of forgotten memories echoing, similar to a ghost orchestra playing in an abandoned concert hall. ↩︎
'Cosmique rivage' refers to a cosmic shore, like a space-time beach where the waves are made of past and future. ↩︎
The rhythm that takes form in the silence could be a cosmic heartbeat or the Morse code tapped out by a tap-dancing spider. ↩︎
'Mélodie des mots' refers to the melody of words. From this melody, none can escape, much like being trapped in a musical composed by an over-enthusiastic squirrel. ↩︎
'Sherd hook miru miru! hahen bi thru every even' could refer to observing fragments or shards through each even number, or perhaps it's about a seagull with a magnifying glass trying to solve a ceramic puzzle. ↩︎
'Jeu' is French for game. Here, it might refer to a surreal game played by clouds in the shape of chess pieces. ↩︎
'Bi' refers to beauty in Japanese and 'entrée' is entrance in French. The entrance of broken beauty could refer to appreciating imperfections, or it might refer to a rabbit fashion show where the concept of 'flawless' is frowned upon. ↩︎
'Côté' is French for side. Rebounding off each side could mean movement in all directions, like a hyperactive ping-pong ball in zero gravity. ↩︎
'Balade' is French for stroll or walk. They take a leisurely stroll in the halls of Tty5ei, perhaps guided by a philosophical gerbil. ↩︎
'Juggle, juggle jugs ski tree & e eddy in a whirligig, ten e' may represent a chaotic dance of objects, or maybe it's a secret ritual performed by garden gnomes under the full moon. ↩︎
'Objets' is French for objects and 'tourbillon' refers to a whirlwind. This could suggest a dance of various objects in a whimsical whirlwind, much like an impromptu ballet performed by wind-blown leaves and discarded candy wrappers. ↩︎
'Gasshou' means prayer in Japanese, and 'tornoyer' is French for swirl or twirl. As the jugs and trees engage in a dance, they appear to be swirling in prayer, or perhaps they are conducting a secret tea ceremony for the local squirrels. ↩︎
'Ciel' means sky in French. This could signify the infinite possibilities that lie above, or it might refer to a kite-eating tree that dreams of becoming a cloud. ↩︎
'Defier' is French for defy and 'prévisionnel' refers to forecasts or predictions. In Tty5ei, they defy predictions, possibly by winning a game of chess against a clairvoyant chameleon. ↩︎
'Mugen' means infinity, 'ue' and 'shita' mean up and down in Japanese. 'Itaru tokoro' means everywhere and 'doko ni mo nai' means nowhere. Okon seems excited, bouncing everywhere and nowhere with Ubuntu. Here, Ubuntu might be a penguin with a spring-loaded unicycle rather than the operating system. ↩︎
'Opposés' is French for opposites, and 'royaume' means kingdom. This refers to a shifting kingdom of opposites, like a land ruled by a pair of disagreeing magnetic poles. ↩︎
'Barre' is French for bar or helm. Okon is at the helm, driving the interplay, possibly while trying to balance seven spinning plates on his nose. ↩︎
'Musho ni mo' means to an exceptional degree, yet 'nowhere du tout' implies being nowhere at all. This might symbolize a simultaneous presence and absence, like an invisible elephant in a china shop. ↩︎
'Appel' is French for call. They heed the call, maybe from a wise old mountain or a chatty telephone pole. ↩︎
'Harmonie' is French for harmony, 'se lève' means rises, and 'jour' is day. This suggests a harmony that rises each day, like a symphony performed by the sunrise, or a rooster conducting a dawn chorus. ↩︎
'Chaos', 'humanité', and 'serpente' refer to chaos, humanity, and snake in French. This might symbolize a thread of humanity snaking through chaos, like a kindness-woven rope bridge spanning a chasm of confetti storms. ↩︎
'Tranquillité' and 'rencontre' are French for tranquility and meeting. They encounter strange tranquility in Tty5ei, perhaps a serenity found in a meditative hamster wheel or a Zen garden tended by ants. ↩︎
'Gentil' is French for kind or gentle, and 'kuusou' is Japanese for daydream. The three rugs kindly twirl or wander through the daydream, perhaps like sentient magic carpets on their lunch break. ↩︎
'Confort' is comfort in French, 'monde' means world. The three rugs symbolize comfort in a capricious world, or they could represent a trio of undercover superhero blankets. ↩︎
'Chaos' is chaos in French, 'déroulé' means unrolled. As around them, the threads of chaos are unrolled, like a carpet woven from moonlight and misdirections. ↩︎
'Murmurent' is French for whisper and 'vagabonder' means to wander. They whisper softly, urging one to wander, much like the subtle call of a forest inviting a lost traveler deeper into its heart. ↩︎
'Foyer' is French for home. In Tty5ei, they find their home, perhaps a cozy nest woven from shared dreams and kind words. ↩︎
'Anshinward' and 'wanderward' might refer to directions of peace and wandering. These could be paths taken by migratory butterflies or daydreaming dandelion seeds. ↩︎
'Harmonie' and 'chemins' are French for harmony and paths. They move in harmony yet on contrasting paths, like an orchestrated ballet of fish swimming up a musical waterfall. ↩︎
'Fantaisie's capricious rafales' could suggest whimsical gusts of fantasy, like a gale of giggles sweeping through a library of fairy tales. ↩︎
'Voyageur' and 'périple' are French for traveler and journey. Each entity is a traveler on a journey of its own, maybe a pebble making its way downstream, or a leaf riding the autumn breeze. ↩︎
'Couleurs' and 'montré' are French for colors and shown. Their true colors are shown in Tty5ei, like a chameleon attending a masquerade ball, or a rainbow meeting its reflection in a mirror. ↩︎
'Tamago o motsu' is Japanese for holding an egg. This could suggest holding the potential for creation, or it might refer to a really, really cautious chicken. ↩︎
'Créer', 'idée', and 'attraper' are French for create, idea, and catch. An invitation to create a new idea to catch, much like a lightning bug crafting a constellation, or a whimsical spider spinning a web of riddles. ↩︎
'Royaume' and 'jouer' are French for kingdom and play. In the kingdom of potential, they play, like kittens discovering a box full of yarn, or stars playing hide and seek with the night. ↩︎
'Volonté' and 'éphémère' are French for will and ephemeral. The will to catch the ephemeral could mean the determination to seize fleeting moments, like a photographer trying to capture the blush of a sunset, or a snail trying to race a falling leaf. ↩︎
'Monde' and 'claire' are French for world and clear. This could imply a world where nothing seems clear, like trying to read a book in a dream, or walking through a forest of question marks. ↩︎
'Asobi' means play in Japanese. In Tty5ei, the essence of play unfolds, like a universe composed of dominoes setting off a cosmic chain reaction. ↩︎
'Histoire' is French for story. The dance of words unfolds as the story is told, much like a ballet of letters choreographed by a whimsical quill. ↩︎
'Boucle' is French for loop. In the loops of Tty5ei, narratives swirl, entwine and oscillate like a kaleidoscopic hokey pokey performed by metaphorical guacamole, reinventing the concept of enigma-filled sambas in the process. ↩︎
'Fin' refers to the end in French. As the journey concludes, it's as if a linguistic pangolin is juggling multilingual parsnips amidst a symphony of quantum harmonicas, embodying the essence of a tango danced by philosophical avocados on the horizon of a universe-shaped crumpet. ↩︎
0 notes
mainsmission · 2 years
Leaf on the wind keychain
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In 2016, it was voted the fourth-best film of the 21st century by the BBC, as picked by 177 film critics from around the world, making it the highest-ranking animated film on the list. It was the co-recipient of the Golden Bear at the 2002 Berlin International Film Festival (shared with Bloody Sunday), and is within the top ten on the British Film Institute's list of "Top 50 films for children up to the age of 14". It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards, making it the first, and to date only, hand-drawn and non-English-language animated film to win the award. Spirited Away has been widely regarded by critics as one of the greatest films of the 21st century, and to be among the best animated films ever made. It held the record for 19 years until it was surpassed by Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Movie: Mugen Train in 2020. Accordingly, it became the most successful and highest-grossing film in Japanese history with a total of ¥31.68 billion ($305 million). Originally released in Japan on 20 July 2001 by distributor Toho, the film received universal acclaim, grossing $395.8 million at the worldwide box office. Ernst as producer, while screenwriters Cindy and Donald Hewitt wrote the English-language dialogue to match the characters' original Japanese-language lip movements. Lasseter then hired Kirk Wise as director and Donald W. Pixar animator John Lasseter, a fan and friend of Miyazaki, convinced Walt Disney Pictures to buy the film's North American distribution rights, and served as executive producer of its English-dubbed version. With a budget of US$19 million, production of Spirited Away began in 2000. At the time, Miyazaki was developing two personal projects, but they were rejected. Miyazaki wrote the screenplay after he decided the film would be based on the ten-year-old daughter of his friend Seiji Okuda, the film's associate producer, who came to visit his house each summer.
After her parents are turned into pigs by the witch Yubaba (Natsuki), Chihiro takes a job working in Yubaba's bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents and return to the human world. Spirited Away tells the story of Chihiro Ogino (Hiiragi), a ten-year-old girl who, while moving to a new neighborhood, enters the world of Kami (spirits of Japanese Shinto folklore). The film features the voices of Rumi Hiiragi, Miyu Irino, Mari Natsuki, Takeshi Naito, Yasuko Sawaguchi, Tsunehiko Kamijō, Takehiko Ono, and Bunta Sugawara. 'Sen and Chihiro's Spiriting Away') is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten, Nippon Television Network, Dentsu, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Tohokushinsha Film, and Mitsubishi and distributed by Toho. Spirited Away ( Japanese: 千と千尋の神隠し, Hepburn: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, lit.
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itsashowtime · 1 year
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8SEN - Episode 1, coming to you on 8/8 on YouTube !
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leveliflared · 3 years
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betawooper · 3 years
kyojuro and kanao for the ask meme?
kyojuro rengoku
fav thing: his lines are bangers, "set your heart ablaze" is an iconic line for a reason
least fav thing: the fact that his only role in the story is to empower other characters, and theres barely any substance to him as an actual character (he has such an interesting history as someone with a lot of expectation laying on his shoulders but its not expanded upon at all, nor are other aspects of his character explored either; will elaborate in tags)
fanon pet peeve: there are so many freaks that ship this man with the kmbk gang, i want to hit them all with a broom, god
kanao tsuyuri my beloved
fav thing: her arc surrounds her disconnection to her ability to feel emotion and i liked seeing her grow
least fav thing: the coin toss listening to your heart scene
fanon pet peeve: when people draw her short (i know shes like canonically 5'1" but she feels way taller to me personally, just has that energy)
Send me a character and I’ll tell you my least favorite and favorite thing about them and the fanon pet peeves I have with them!
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snowshinobi · 2 years
Kyojuro survives by digging up the things people are worried about/ashamed of/scared by and talking about them openly. Like. It's so natural for him to tell his brother how proud he is of him no matter what the guy decides to do with his life. Affectionate speeches just roll out of this guy, as does his blunt agreement that Nezuko should be killed. Thank god he changes his tune on this. A change that he reveals that in another direct, emotional speech!
Kyo is consistently open and awkward and unabashed about it. He might not actually realize some of the stuff he just SAYS is stuff other ppl would be way way too embarrassed to blurt out like that. RIP to neurotypicals but Kyo is built different.
I cannot stress enough that Senjuro is a burier. Sen buries the things he's worried about/ashamed of/scared by because that's safe. Cover your weaknesses. Keep your cards close to your chest. This boy walks on eggshells everywhere he goes. He's always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He feels like an imposter in this powerful family, this huge house, this endlessly loving bond with a big brother he can't believe he's lucky enough to have. Sen looks at his life and wonders what he's done to deserve it. He can't make the math add up. That terrifies him. So he puts his head down and he works as hard as he can to earn the love and reputation and career he's on course to receive.
In Senjuro's mind, he's always playing catch-up. He can't afford to have one more thing wrong with him. So every point of further weakness must be discarded. Cut it off from himself and shove it in the dirt.
That's what makes Kyo such an excellent friend for Sen. Yeah they're birth siblings, but that doesn't guarantee they'll get along. Their personalities happen to contrast just right. Kyojuro refuses to let Sen bury his guilt and shame. Kyojuro brushes the dirt aside and says "oh, this is what you thought you had to hide? There's nothing wrong with this at all. It's part of you. I love you. And anyone worth your time and care will see and love all of you too."
Tanjiro's open compassion for the demons he slays puts him, in my mind, close to Kyo on the burier-digger scale. Tanjiro is a lot more aware of social conventions, tho; he mirrors Kyojuro's shouting and lack of eye contact in their first encounter on the Mugen train. But yeah, Tanjiro will say the scary/stressful/embarrassing thing if he knows the comfort it will bring outweighs the awkwardness of bending social norms:
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"If anyone speaks badly about you," Tanjiro promises Senjuro,"I'll headbutt them." This is right after Tanjiro headbutted Sen and Kyo's dad bc he spoke badly of Kyojuro. Wildly inappropriate things to do and say, but worth it to Tanjiro (and I agree with him). Senjuro is stunned. All he can say is "you shouldn't do that."
Tanjiro is the friend Senjuro needed after Kyojuro died. It would've been even better to let Sen have both of them, but Tanjiro alone will do. He'll care for Senjuro in a way Senjuro cannot care for himself. Tanjiro will brush aside the dirt and process what he sees. He'll wait for the right time to bring it up. And then he'll tell Sen "hey, I get why this scares you. It scares me too. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere."
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writing-shroom · 3 years
Hooo congrats for 200 <3 (this for the 200 event)
Heyoo:D oml oml ive never done a request before so baban I’m nervous ahhh I’m sorry if I did this wrong 🥲
Can I request prompts 6 and 40 with Kyōjurō ( if not kyo, then giyuu or uzui pls🌟) i watched mugen train last week and I’m dying so please can make it fluffy and just the kny au? That makes sense right? Like no au just the world they live in I’m confused uuih no preference really for type, just do whatever is easier for you <3 I was thinking maybe smth just domestic and soft because I’m a softie for soft things :D sry if this wasn’t clear enough
Byebye!! Have a great day shroomie~
(Can I call you that?)
No place like home // R. Kyojuro x Reader || 200 Celebration
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Pairing: R.Kyojuro x reader [KNY au, yes this is to poke fun at tea /j /lh]
Summary/Prompts: You were patiently waiting by the engawa for your love to come home, just as you were about to retire to bed, a fire tipped haori caught your eye. Prompts 6 + 40; "Can you hold something for me?" "Yeah sure,,,dear that's your hand." "I know" + Clinging hugs, not wanting let go in fear of losing them.
Words: 2,1K words
Warning: TW! Mentions of injuries, no mcd we're not doing that here nonono, im not gonna hurt y'all like that. Not proofreaded (?), you've been warned.
Gender neutral reader!
a/n: teeeaaaaa my bestie how you've been :DD i just talked to you a few hours ago but still, i never wrote for kyojuro before i hope i do his character right .m. but i just had to! we need to keep san loyal here 👏👏😂 /lh /j
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You scrunched your face, the cold nighttime wind made your hair smack against your cheeks. Puffing away the stray strands away from your eye, you sighed and brought your knees to your chin.
"(Y/N)-san? What are you still doing awake?"
Yelping, you abruptly turned around. Only to find little Senjuro standing by the sliding doors.
"I could ask you the same thing Sen," You jested, wrapping your arms around your legs tucked under your chin. "Kyojuro wouldn't be happy to see you staying up so late."
He sat down next to you, fiddling with his fingers.
"I know, but I couldn't sleep." Another sign of his anxiousness were his feet swinging back and forth off the side of the engawa. "Not when aniki's on a mission."
Feeling your heart sink, you sighed and pulled Senjuro to your side. "He'll come home, like he always does remember?"
Was that meant to comfort him or you? You weren't really sure, but you knew it didn't really work on either of you. Kyojuro always came home, he promised he would.
But, this mission felt different.
A train was being suspected of demon activity, mugen train if you remembered correctly. Normally when your boyfriend would go on his mission you had not a single doubt that he would be coming home, you had gotten used to it.
This time however, something didn't feel right. He should be back by now.
"Come Senjuro, let's get you to bed," You coaxed, ruffling his hair. "Then when you have enough energy in the morning, we can make some snacks for when Kyo comes back."
He debated over the idea, on one hand he wants to stay up with you but on the other he was really sleepy. The yawn escaping his mouth was proof of it. And it didn't help that you were running your hand soothingly across his back, you were trying to get him to sleep and he knew it.
Giving in he nodded sleepily, letting you pulled him by the hand to his bedroom.
"Good night Sen," You got an incoherent mumble and a loose hug as your response, he meant well though, he's just really tired.
Sliding his bedroom door shut you stepped back, maybe you should've tried to comfort him more. But what else could you say? Sighing you massaged your temple and walked down the hall.
You should probably head to bed too.
It didn't matter if he came home littered with cuts and bruises, Kyojuro would be worried sick if he found out that you stayed up all night waiting for him. Shaking your head laughing fondly at the memory, still remembering the way he was racing around the place, panicking over the fact that you had a cold.
Taking the scenic route, you walked pass the entrance, wanting to check in one last time. Just in case he came home tonight.
Staying there for a few minute, you sighed disappointedly when you didn't see his oh so familiar red tipped golden hair coming towards you. Guess it's bed for you then.
Breathing out on your freezing hands you walked slowly round the corner, you hoped he was warm where ever he was. As you were about to disappear behind the corner a fire bordered haori appeared in the corner of you eye.
He's home
Spinning around you took a double take, just incase it was your sleep deprived mind playing tricks on you. But no, there he was, standing up with the help of some kakushi but he was there.
He wasn't expecting you to be up, his surprise was evident with the way his body straighten out suddenly, trying to walk to you but failing. The two kakushi at his side panicked momentary to catch him, but they sighed in relief when they did.
"(Y/N)? What you doing up? You should be sleeping," He asked when you rushed over to meet them in the middle.
A quick chat with the kakushi brought you up to date, upper moon three had unexpectedly appeared during his mission. Luckily he had manage to hold it in a stand still until sunrise, where the demon fled to hide from the morning sun.
But of course, he suffered some injuries, some more serious than others.
Trapping Kyojuro within your embrace you helped him stand upright in place of the two kakushi, who had already said their farewells and now are just leaving. Once you couldn't hear their footsteps anymore, you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
"My dear what's wrong?"
You but your lip, tightening your arms around him, not wanting to let go incase you actually did fall asleep and this was all just a dream. It never occurred to you how easy it was for you to lose him while he's on a mission miles away, but seeing him stagger in —barely being able to stand by himself and covered in bandages— it shook you body and mind.
Pinching your eyes shut, you ignored the tears rolling down your face and clutched onto the back of his clothing, sending your gratitude to what ever powers that lies above for letting him come home to you and Senjuro.
While the sun rose behind you, the both of you stayed there for a few more minutes. Just soaking in each other's warmth or a little while longer, squeezing him one last time you stepped back a little —you figured it was time for him to get some rest after such a tiring mission.
Kyojuro whined when he couldn't feel your embrace any more, making you giggle and sling his arm over your should to keep him balanced.
"We can cuddle later, right now you need to get some rest," You tried reasoning, laughing when your boyfriend retorted that cuddling you is resting.
Leading him to your shared room, you helped him sit down at the futon and handed him some clothes to change into before rushing off to get some water. Not only for him to drink but to wash away some of the grim they couldn't clean in the rush to cover his wounds.
You'll have to make a quick trip to the butterfly estate to get more salves and gauze, but that didn't matter, Kyo was home now.
Taking one step into your bedroom you burst into a fit of laughter when you walked in on your said boyfriend struggling to get his hair in order, some of it disobeying him entirely and made a crown of spiked up fire-like hair surrounding his head.
Hearing the sound of your laughter, Kyojuro froze and looked up at you as best he can from underneath all the hair falling in front of his face.
While he was being dazzled by you, his grip became loose and now even more of his red tipped locks fell on his face. Spluttering and blowing away some of it, his vision only partly came back when you brushed a portion away. Still chuckling, you continued sweeping away his hair from his eyes.
"There we go," Grabbing a brush, you gently combed through his hair, untangling any knots you find along the way.
Meanwhile Kyojuro sat there obediently and simply enjoyed the feeling of your fingers brushing his hair, humming contently when you message his scalp lightly. He'll say hello to Senjuro in the morning, he didn't want to wake him up in the middle of the night after all.
Feeling your hands move from his hair to his shoulders, he pulled on them to bring you forward, making you press against his back. You propped your chin up against his shoulder, in return he turned slightly to nuzzle his cheek against yours.
Circling your arms around his shoulders you placed a kiss against his temple, intertwining his hands with yours he breathed out.
He was glad to be home.
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The sun was high in the sky by the time Kyojuro woke up again, but he didn't want to just yet. Rolling over to his side, he tried reaching over to hug you, only to grab a pillow instead.
'Wait, this isn't (Y/N).'
Groggily blinking at the pillow, it took him a moment to finally realise that you weren't in bed with him.
Pouting a bit he grunted as he tried sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Kyojuro looked around the room to see if you where there or not. Sniffing the air however he smelled someone cooking sweet potatoes, oh he knew where you were.
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"(Y/N)-san! I'm going to clean up the garden," Senjuro said taking off his apron. "I'll go extra fast though! So I can come back when aniki's awake."
Chuckling you set down the knife and pat his head, "Okay but, don't rush yourself Sen."
Leaving with a nod, he went out to do the task while you finished up preparing lunch. Nothing but the quiet thuds of your knife cutting through vegetables could be heard in the kitchen.
While normally you would trust Senjuro to cut the vegetables while you could clean up the house. He's so excited that his brother's home, that he wants to get through his chores as quick as possible, and it was less likely for him to get hurt with a broom than it is a knife.
Speaking of which,
"Good morning my dearest," A voice said behind you while wrapping their arms around your waist.
"It's the afternoon Kyojuro, but yes good morning darling." Looking behind you, you scrunched your face when you were met with a kiss in between your eyebrows.
"Can I help you in anyway?" He asked, like every other time you were in the kitchen, still tilting his head to the side cutely as always.
"No no no, you're injured therefor have to rest," Setting down the knife again, you tried shooing him away back to the bedroom. The attempt was unsuccessful since he simply shuffled to side a lil to avoid your pushing.
Crossing your arms, you and Kyojuro entered a staring match. It was a wonder how you even lasted five seconds against his pleading eyes, sighing you gave up and linked your arms together so you could guide him over to the kitchen counter to help you with the vegetables.
Happy with his new job, he worked by your side, both of your cracking a few jokes here and there or maybe starting up a new conversation.
Finally after roughly half an hour you were done. Wiping down the table, you took off your apron and was about to call Senjuro back for lunch.
"Can you hold something for me?" It was an innocent question, so you went along with it.
"Yeah sure,,,dear that's your hand."
"I know"
Looking up at your boyfriend, who had a cheeky grin on his face, you rolled your eyes at his cheesiness and pecked his cheek so he would let you go for a just little bit. But when you tried walking away you were stopped by Kyojuro still holding your hand.
Huffing affectionately and you let him twirl you back into his arms. "Hun you are being really sweet right now and I think it's absolutely adorable," You started, poking his nose playfully. "But I need to get Senjuro for lunch."
Perking up at the mention of his brother, Kyojuro's eyebrows shot up as he grinned. "Where is he by the way? I tried looking for him but i couldn't find him."
Came another voice behind him, swiftly turning around he spotted Senjuro running towards him.
"Right there," You answered too late, the brothers were already hugging. Each had wide grins, and you could maybe see a few tears pricking out of the corners of Senjuro's eyes. You'll wiped his face later, going to set the table you let them have their moment.
It was much too sweet for you to interrupt anyways.
Taking a sip of tea from your cup, you sat at your end of the table gazing at the bright blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds. What a nice day to be together.
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woof another one done :3 eee can't believe im your first request ;w; i hope i did it justice lovely! reading ur request was so cute, never stop being cute hun. nothin like a bit of soft angst to make the fluff even sweeter, and yes you can absolutely call me shroomy please do not stop. Remember to stay safe and hydrated lovelies! Hope everyone had a good day, and I'll see you in the next fic :DD
Event closed! ☼ Masterlist ☼
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
Oh my god they’ve decided to prolong our pain by 7 episodes (for the Mugen Train Arc) starting October 10.
BUT HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE MORE NEW KYŌ CONTENT!!! 😭 Pls more Daddy Shin and Baby Sen content in December too. 🥺
Also, the Mugen Train Arc Series falls in line with Kinktober. So prepare all the tissues, bbys. Iykyk. 🥲😂
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demonslayedher · 3 years
A short fangirl story
So, most people who interact with me on a regular basis in real life have either figured out I really love Kimetsu no Yaiba, or they're very dense. That being said, I try both to keep it under control and to keep it out of settings where turning into a raving fangirl isn't appropriate.
But that hasn't gone according to plan at tea lessons, and this most recent episode has reminded me of a short episode. For such a short story, it requires some background explanation to make sense, so, uh, for something not totally relevant to KnY, you get to learn a tiny bit about the tea ceremony today.
So if you've seen my generous amount of Closet Play, you know I stick out a bit in a kimono. And a tea room. And, like, Japan. So it makes me juuuust a bit more concerned about acting the part as is appropriate. In my tea lessons, that means I tend to be on the very quiet side and choose my commentary carefully in a way that will suit the general pleasure of everyone in the room. Not the case for other foreign friends whom I have practiced tea with, one of whom is A-chan, whom I befriended at other lessons because she had a KnY backdrop on her phone which I spied, and it turns out we're in the same school of tea, so she introduced me to her teacher when I was still new in town. This is the friend whom I first saw Mugen Ressha with, went to the Kimetsu-Kabuki collab with, and who got me to buy the Nichirin youji (traditional confectionery utensil) set with her. That means she's the reason I made silly videos of Thunder Breathing and Water Breathing and attacking Lawson wagashi.
And like, I hope Sensei never sees those videos of me massacring wagashi. A-chan, who took the Giyuu and Inosuke ones and who is a wagashi craftsman, isn't so concerned though. When we finally received the youji she brought them up proudly and shocked everyone with what violence a tiny sword implied. Sensei (who is a KnY fan) asked follow-up questions about the production of these shocking tools and then dismissively declared, "Bandai? Ah. Well then, they're toys." And I was like, "..............."
Sensei then eyed me and was like, "Speaking of, that's a nice obi today, isn't it?"
And I was like, "........I thought I could get away with this much......."
And the lady who does not have an anime-loving bone in her body and who continues to call Tanjiro "Sumijiro" (by a different reading for his kanji) was confused, thinking it was just a cute pink asanoha obi. I have continually resisted saying anything when Sensei wears his yellow uroko (triangle pattern) obi. Okay, but also, it's Sensei who keeps making KnY references and telling the ladies in the classroom about it. Sensei is the one who volunteers information about his kids are into it and how he manages to get the whole manga set when it was hard to find them all, and about how the brother of the formal head of our whole tea school was a KnY fan, and who asks other quiet students if they saw the movie, who looked at me at a quiet moment one day recently and out of no where said "new season starts this weekend, huh?" and who chuckled under his breath about our Inokomochi, "heh... Inosuke." THAT WAS WHAT I WAS THINKING, SENSEI, BUT I WAS CHOOSING NOT TO SAY IT. So anyway. How did this all start? A-chan. A-chan and this natsume (tea caddy).
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A big part of practicing tea ceremony is observing and sharing knowledge about the tools, for everything from their shape and their motif to their material and their maker. I'm not good at this, I can only recognize pretty basic stuff and even when I'm told what something is, I'm like, "uh huh... cool" and then forget it. But this one I can't forget. Not for what it started.
This is a "Rikyubai" pattern, named for the five-petaled Common Pearlbush flower, which is of Chinese origins and is in the rose family. The name itself is written like the name of the founder of the major schools of tea ceremony, Sen-no-Rikyu, and plum blossoms.
But yeah, I know what you're thinking. Because A-chan and I were thinking that too.
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That's when it became a recurring topic for a couple months, and when it got laid on especially thick, I would always burn with distraction, and then Sensei would say things between practices like, "Alright, ready go practice Breath of Tea?" and blushing madly with my heart thumping, I had to squeeze out, "Sensei, please... I have Zero Concentration Breathing." And he cooled it until a quiet moment later in my practice when I made a little mistake, and he said, "Sigh... now you can't be a Hashira."
SENSEI, PLZ, S T A H P. This is all A-chan's fault, I hope we're clear on that. I bear no fault in this, I was doing my best to keep it contained, I'm always doing my best to keep it contained!! So.
Anyway. While it would still come up occasionally, the fervor died down. But then one day about a year ago, that natsume made a reappearance in our tea room.
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So these Go-mei can be a fun part, but how much people use their own creativity with them can vary from classroom to classroom. In the place where I started lessons, there would be lists of typical monthly Go-mei (usually seasonal motifs/poetic references) used for the chashaku/tea scoop, so you could flip through that while prepping for a ceremony to get ideas for what Go-mei might typically be used in our school, and then everyone would say whatever they felt like at the end of the ceremony when you show your tools to the guests and they get to admire them and ask questions about them. However, where I currently attend lessons, I more often hear people say that it's just a practice chashaku (rather than some noteworthy masterpiece), and don't give it any name. I still enjoy Go-mei because of the interesting things you learn through them (sometimes unexpectedly discovering KnY references), and I usually look up some interesting ones on my way to practice, but sometimes I forget and just come up with something basic on the spot.
Some people are more skilled at that than I am. Like A-chan.
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That's my dumb little story, the end.
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