#MTI film
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weirdlookindog · 2 years ago
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London After Midnight (1927)
1929 French photoplay novelization of the lost Lon Chaney film.
This one's supposed to be the most accurate and literary version of the film, made by someone who actually saw the movie. English edition by Thomas Mann exist for those who (unlike me) have some extra money in here.
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ray-winters · 9 days ago
Okay so since you keep hinting at a potential scream’d thing happening here are my fully 100% serious theories on what you are going to do
1: you sold the film rights to universal and your Billy Loomis will be in wicked pt 2
2: you guys are gonna do a 4d experience where you actually stab and kill several audience members throughout the show (it would be an honor to be stabbed by you 🫡)
3: licensing for Scream’d jr (middle school edition) will now be distributed through MTI
these are my very serious guesses which are not at all jokes and I am 100% sure one or all of them will happen 😌
HAHA all solid guesses.
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dendre · 1 year ago
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Elcsíptem a tévében a Notting Hill végét. Nagyon jó film, nagyon szeretem. Mit ne lehetne szeretni rajta, amikor olyan belső poénok vannak benne, vagy na jó, legalább a magyar fordításban, hogy Rhys Ifans-ről, a Super Furry Animals nagyon kicsit korai énekeséről azt mondja Honey, hogy olyan kis szőrös! Sorolom magamban a maguk nemében hibátlan kommersz angol filmeket és kíváncsi leszek, hogy vajon egy Notting Hill ott lehet-e ilyen legjobb angol filmek listákon manapság? Hogy számolnak-e vele? Az első, amit találok azon nincs, de ott van a lista elején a Distant Voices, Still Lives, Terence Davies 1988-as filmje.
És belém hasít, hogy uhh, aha. Na igen, az aztán az igazán jó film. Hú, mennyire durván jó film. Az egyik legnagyobb hatással volt rám, amikor valamikor a 2000-es évek elején láttam, és addigra már elég kevés film volt rám igazán megrázó hatással, de az igen. Addigra már láttam a kötelezőket, a free cinemától a Ken Loachokig nagyon sok mindent. De Davies-szel eléggé későn találkoztam, viszont annál jobban örültem neki. A Hosszú nap véget ér, az 1992-es filmje is ugyanannyira tetszett. Slice of life - ez ma már egy filmzsáner elnevezése, jó hülye kifejezés, de hát ezekre a filmekre tényleg nehéz mit mondani, ha ilyesmit kell. Az élet bomlik ki bennük, úgy is, hogy csak egy-egy szeletét látjuk, szépen, lassan.
Bepötyögöm, hogy Terence Davies, n��zzük a filmográfiát, mit kéne látni még, mert biztos nem láttam az összes filmjét és a Wikipedián ott virít, hogy meghalt: 7 October 2023. De hát az ma van. Vagy tegnap volt.
Nem csoda, hogy nem jött szembe a hír, hol is jött volna. De aztán látom, hogy itt-ott volt róla rövid magyar nyelvű gyászhír, szigorúan mti-stílben, hibákkal. Megnézem, hogy Loach él-e még. És igen, 87 éves. A napokban mutatták be a legújabb filmjét. Davies 78 lett volna novemberben.
A képen szereplő dvd-t egy carbootsale-en vettem, ha jól emlékszem Jerseyn, 1 fontért, ott mindent 1 fontért vettem. Elképesztő film az Of Time And The City (2008-as), valahol az önéletrajzi esszéfilm és a dokumentumfilm határán, az emlékezésről, meg az időről szól. Liverpoolon, a városon keresztül, mint Davies fontos filmjei mind. Rengeteg extra van a dvd-n (például a Listen to Britain című 1942-es háborús doksi), tán nem is néztem meg őket. Itt az idő kipróbálni, hogy működik-e még a dvd-játszó. Dvd-lejátszó. Extrák. Na az vajon jár a netlixhez? Nem, boomerkém. Nem jár. Csak az idő.
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ollieofthebeholder · 1 month ago
All right. Look. People. This is not how Muppet adaptations work.
Well, okay, sometimes it is, but that's under specific circumstances (see below).
There are exactly two kind of Muppet adaptations: Movies like Muppet Treasure Island, Muppet Christmas Carol, Muppet Wizard of Oz, etc., and sketches on The Muppet Show. One of these is taken entirely more seriously than the other, and more importantly, the casting is different.
In a MTI/MCC/MWO-style adaptation, always, the following characters are played by humans:
The protagonist.
Any relatives of the protagonist.
One character extremely relevant to the character's plot arc.
In Muppet Treasure Island, Jim Hawkins was human; so was his mother; so was Long John Silver, who may have turned out to be the bad guy but was at least pretending to be Jim's friend, as well as a handful of background pirates. In Muppet Christmas Carol, Scrooge was human; so was his nephew (and all his nephew's family); so was Belle, the woman he loved but lost to his miserliness. In Muppet Wizard of Oz, Dorothy was human; so were Auntie Em and Uncle Henry; so was the eponymous Wizard of Oz, which makes sense both from a "he's crucial to her journey" standpoint AND a "he also came from outside Oz/the same part of the US as her so it stands to reason that they're both distinct from the residents of Oz" standpoint.
In a Muppets Lord of the Rings adaptation in this style, Frodo would be human. So would Bilbo. So would one other character crucial to Frodo's journey, which I would argue in this case would be Gandalf. (As a bit of a meta joke, I would also argue that Gandalf would in this case be played by Brian Henson.) You could also make an argument that Merry, Pippin, and Sam would be human as well - Merry and Pippin are both related to Frodo, while Sam isn't but his daughter does eventually marry Pippin's son - which would actually make sense, in the same way that the Wizard of Oz being human makes sense, because Hobbits are so strange and unusual outside the Shire that nobody's heard of them, so naturally all the other denizens of Middle Earth are Muppets.
However, if this is a Muppet Show sketch, the single human is going to be whoever the special guest is that week, which means you'll have one of three options:
If the guest star is an actor who was in the original LOTR films, they will be playing the character they played in those films.
If the guest star is someone entirely different, they will be playing whatever character gives them the best opportunity to play against their favorite Muppet.
If the LOTR sketch is a recurring sketch a la Veterinarian's Hospital or Pigs In Space, the guest star would be a character who isn't usually in the sketches/is only in that one scene.
So under these circumstances:
In Scenario 1: It's a one-off bit of the scene with the Council of Elrond. The special guest is Hugo Weaving struggling to keep a straight face as the Muppets argue over what to do with the Ring. Crazy Harry ends the sketch by blowing the Ring (and probably the entire Council Grove) up.
In Scenario 2: It's either a scene between Aragorn and Arwen with Miss Piggy playing Arwen and the special guest playing Aragorn and trying to be serious and romantic while she overacts like hell, or it's the battle against the Witch King with Sweetums as the Witch King wherein he declares "No Muppet can kill me!", leading to the special guest (who's been fighting like a Muppet this whole time) dramatically whipping off their helmet and yelling "I AM NO MUPPET!!!"
In Scenario 3: The special guest is Ian McKellan and he's playing Treebeard.
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zooterchet · 9 months ago
Treatise on the CIA (Chet's RL)
CIA Systems:
The OSS, in the 1920s, was created by Governor Huey Long, out of bayous and cranberry bog towns, bayous the liberal South, and cranberries the union GOP North, with St. Paul, Minnesota, as the bay station, the experimental command unit, "Chicago", the Commody Polymercantile exchange for national contracts of good; "wampum".
By taking Albert Fish, an orphan from the Kennedy family born from a mother with a sinus tap, post-partum depression (a condition to retain memory after a child's birth, strengthening the woman into a bow shot composite Turkish archer's bow, to raise a Jannissary; as opposed to the womb chemicals sloughing off, preventing dementia in the mother and making the father, hate the child), and placing the orphan, within a check and relay system (preschool), so they would have a method of retaining orders (track Rabbinicals, track Iranian Persel diamond merchants, and track children reading comic books, for a relay system in memory recall), you would have your ideal soldier.
By now, anything police, military, or corporate executive, is this model, in the United States, called "the calling".
The CIA, is an enhanced class, formed in 1953, with linkage of Israel, into the American Mossad.
With the agencies of the MTI (police rights), the NSA (records privacy), the National Guard (military phalanx), Air National (rogue hunter), and ATF (grocer's union), the CIA has four divisions, and methods of raising them.
Fire Union: Marked by the swastika, on the left breast, so the child will be Hitler, if dying (the famous case of Adolf Hitler killing an American agent, duplicated), this is the diplomat, the attache.  These are your embassy personnel, that run numbers to deployed combat forces, in a theater.  Never known to the public, unless Boston Esplanade, has been routed around and back into New York Manhattan, the harbor; the political corruption system of Boston's criminal families, the 19th century Union Army, into New York's SWAT division, the called forces incase of stolen labor, a non-tangible producing a digit on a bank invoice but workers not paid a digit, allegedly for liability or lawful pay; actually, to prevent foreign espionage.
Military Police: Marked by a movie resemblance, "spic", these are soldiers that practice a martial arts form from a movie, and are trained in remedial courses; normally, remedial courses makes one a homosexual, the mark of the sex offense, however the sex offender posture and stance, can be transferred to combat, a lock or hold non-duplicated, with a special designed film, a "firefly", employing a Druid Rom, a "Pikey"; with the split between hero and traitor villain, the same person.  This way, an unhealthy habit of offense, the desire to make the world please the self for convenience of goal, becomes the healthy method of protecting your country's women, and on deployment, the world.
Narcotics Officer: A journalist undercover on domestic soil, this is a felon class of perpetrated lured entrapment, with a deputies handler moving the individual through a State Police missions system while on US Army intelligence, a local soil system to eliminate foreign espionage.  The subject "narc", a DC Comics or Capcom writer, the previous an FBI (federal police penmanship) and the latter a US Navy (formed combat implement) investment, will be placed through famous military veterans failures into "The Mob", an Israeli service, to move quietly, as an American, listed and labeled as a Mossad, however performing hits for a fake "intel"; US Army Intel, a teacher that has been reformed out of pedophilia (the necessary status to become a teacher, a drug dealer seduced into a statuatory rape suit by an underage vice lure), by "April Fool's" and then paired with the partner "narc squad" as the forward range mission intel (a lead actor Juliard's Class, the mirrored hand grip triple set, making Strausser Method impossible).
Field Agent: The highest rank for any executive mission operative, not in authority but in lethality of kill therefore danger to handle, they are impossible to de-escalate out of military utility, hence the Congressional Budget Office, a non-elected Congress panel out  side of the President or Governor's influence must be called and send a future "frog", the Marine NCO, to kill one; with a Luger handgun, in the "State Forest", the tradition for a failed agent.  The field agent, is given a mother's doctor, the famous "Jewish Doctor", to establish transference through the battered women's shelter, "Falun Gong", the international program for field agents.  Codenamed "Glen" or "Gwen", the doctor is actually a hunter of INTERPOL agents; private detectives on hire.  Therefore, the field agents will hunt police mercenaries involved in the wine, heroin, and petty literature market, as the counter-narc, a "saboteur".  This is called, "domestic sabotage", hunting the "saboteur".
Please note, these field functions and ranks and sets can interchange, stack variably, and change in actual ranks of arbitrage, the private or public sector business firm term for a named set of a corporate housing; the corporation's rights, as a "person", for IRS financial purposes.  Namely, default and bankruptcy, to recruit police from the firm producing a track veteran athlete, from a manager, the firm shut down and scuttled for having an abusive culture outside of ATF regulations.  The default, is the cop draft to a housing community, such as Village Green out of Chestnut Realty, and the bankruptcy, is the sales to a bank, the IPO failing being the Chapter 11, the firm is saved and becomes bank traded and the town changes regulations; however, with an IRA raid, the Irish Republican Army, the psychiatric union flips Irish, out of German, since a foreign medical personnel unit has become involved.  That's where your "narc" comes in, as a "field agent", a "borne".
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Watch Physician Who's Ncuti Gatwa Remembers The Candy Interplay He Had With Matt Smith Earlier than He Was Introduced As The Physician - Newest Films
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digipubu6 · 1 year ago
18-19 Dec | Winding down for Christmas
Your Journalism project is submitted, it's nearly holiday. I'll be recapping some things, talk about next term, then we'll do a bit of practical work. Let's showcase your newspaper by making a mockup and GIF.
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TASK 1: Please start by completing the feedback form here- it’s really useful for planning your projects.
TASK 2: Think of a target you could set yourself for improvement next term. Write it down on your phone or a piece of paper. We’ll discuss it in your 1-1.
TASK 3: Create mockups of your newspaper. Download the template file mockup and open in Photoshop. I would like 3x mockups for - keep your front page the same for all 3, but change the double spread each time (pick your favourites!). Consider changing the background colour if you like.
Each image should be saved as a separate JPG - you will end up with 3x JPGs in total.
TASK 4: Create animated GIF. You will need to upload your JPGs to the gifmaker website. Watch the video tutorial here.
Don't forget to save your GIF.
TASK 5: Input your GIF + evaluation. Please now open our shared Powerpoint. Insert your GIF onto the slide with your name on it. Then, write a few sentences explaining your newspaper.
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EXTENSION: Design an A3 poster to showcase an upcoming performance by the BTEC Performing Arts Students.
Please include the following information:
Cry Baby The Musical
Presented by BTEC Performing Arts Students
Dates: 18th and 19th January 
Matinee's - 2pm free for students if they come with a member of staff
Evening performance - 7pm tickets, £7 each
You also need to include the following credits (keep it small):
Book by Songs by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan
David Javerbaum & Adam Schlesinger
Based on the Universal Pictures film written and directed by John Waters
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International. All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI www.mtishows.co.uk
Originally produced on Broadway by Adam Epstein Allan S. Gordon Élan V. McAllister and Brian Grazer
James P. MacGilvray Universal Pictures Stage Productions Anne Caruso Adam S. Gordon Latitude Link The Pelican Group in association with Philip Morgaman Andrew Farber/Richard Mishaan World Premiere of Cry-Baby produced by La Jolla Playhouse Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Steven Libman, Managing Director
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See you in January.
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digipubl6 · 1 year ago
18-19 Dec | Magazine mockups & 1-1s
Your project is submitted, it's nearly holiday. I'll be recapping some things, talk about next term, then we'll do a bit of practical design work. Let's showcase your magazines by making mockups and creating a GIF animation. I'll try and get round you all for 1-1s too.
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TASK 1: Please start by completing the feedback form here - it's really useful for planning your projects.
TASK 2: Think of a target you could set yourself for improvement next term. Write it down on your phone or a piece of paper. We'll discuss it in your 1-1.
TASK 3: Create mockups of your magazine. Download the template file mockup and open in Photoshop. Watch the video tutorial here. I would like mockups for: Front Cover, Front and Back Covers and 5+ Inside Page Spreads (pick your favourites!).
Each image should be saved as a separate JPG - you will end up with 7x JPGs in total.
TASK 4: Create animated GIF. You will need to upload your JPGs to the gifmaker website. Watch the video tutorial here.
Don't forget to save your GIF.
TASK 5: Input your GIF + evaluation. Please now open our shared Powerpoint. Insert your GIF onto the slide with your name on it. Then, write a few sentences explaining your magazine.
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EXTENSION: Design an A3 poster to showcase an upcoming performance by the BTEC Performing Arts Students.
Please include the following information:
Cry Baby The Musical
Presented by BTEC Performing Arts Students
Dates: 18th and 19th January 
Matinee's - 2pm free for students if they come with a member of staff
Evening performance - 7pm tickets, £7 each
You also need to include the following credits (keep it small):
Book by Songs by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan
David Javerbaum & Adam Schlesinger
Based on the Universal Pictures film written and directed by John Waters
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International. All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI www.mtishows.co.uk
Originally produced on Broadway by Adam Epstein Allan S. Gordon Élan V. McAllister and Brian Grazer
James P. MacGilvray Universal Pictures Stage Productions Anne Caruso Adam S. Gordon Latitude Link The Pelican Group in association with Philip Morgaman Andrew Farber/Richard Mishaan World Premiere of Cry-Baby produced by La Jolla Playhouse Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Steven Libman, Managing Director
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deadlinecom · 2 years ago
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mxdwn · 3 years ago
via mxdwn MOVIES: DGene Partners With MTI Film to Restore Old Film Tools Reviving Classic Films and TV Series
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weirdlookindog · 2 years ago
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The Second Hammer Horror Film Omnibus by John Burke
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6ebe · 6 years ago
infj culture is never knowing what hogwarts house youre in...
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digipubu6 · 1 year ago
12 Dec | B1 Journalism deadline
Thursday is deadline day!
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Please follow the steps below for submitting your coursework correctly.
NEWSPAPER will need to be exported as a Package.
File > Package.
Compress your Package folder into a ZIP file.
Upload the ZIP file.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENT must be saved as a PDF file.
Watch video for how to do this.
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Please upload your files to Moodle submission point here
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Thursday 14th December at 10pm
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EXTENSION: Design an A3 poster to showcase an upcoming performance by the BTEC Performing Arts Students.
Please include the following information:
Cry Baby The Musical
Presented by BTEC Performing Arts Students
Dates: 18th and 19th January 
Matinee's - 2pm free for students if they come with a member of staff
Evening performance - 7pm tickets, £7 each
You also need to include the following credits (keep it small):
Book by Songs by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan
David Javerbaum & Adam Schlesinger
Based on the Universal Pictures film written and directed by John Waters
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International. All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI www.mtishows.co.uk
Originally produced on Broadway by Adam Epstein Allan S. Gordon Élan V. McAllister and Brian Grazer
James P. MacGilvray Universal Pictures Stage Productions Anne Caruso Adam S. Gordon Latitude Link The Pelican Group in association with Philip Morgaman Andrew Farber/Richard Mishaan World Premiere of Cry-Baby produced by La Jolla Playhouse Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Steven Libman, Managing Director
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digipubl6 · 1 year ago
13 Dec | A1 Magazine Publishing deadline
Today is deadline day!
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Please follow the steps below for submitting your coursework correctly.
COVER and INSIDE COVER files will need to be exported as Print PDF files, with Spreads option ticked. Watch video for how to do this.
INSIDE PAGES must be Print PDF files, this time Pages option ticked. Watch video for how to do this.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENT must be saved as a PDF file. Watch video for how to do this.
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Please upload all 4x PDF files to Moodle submission point here
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Wednesday 13th December at 10pm
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EXTENSION: Design an A3 poster to showcase an upcoming performance by the BTEC Performing Arts Students.
Please include the following information:
Cry Baby The Musical
Presented by BTEC Performing Arts Students
Dates: 18th and 19th January 
Matinee's - 2pm free for students if they come with a member of staff
Evening performance - 7pm tickets, £7 each
You also need to include the following credits (keep it small):
Book by Songs by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan
David Javerbaum & Adam Schlesinger
Based on the Universal Pictures film written and directed by John Waters
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International. All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI www.mtishows.co.uk
Originally produced on Broadway by Adam Epstein Allan S. Gordon Élan V. McAllister and Brian Grazer
James P. MacGilvray Universal Pictures Stage Productions Anne Caruso Adam S. Gordon Latitude Link The Pelican Group in association with Philip Morgaman Andrew Farber/Richard Mishaan World Premiere of Cry-Baby produced by La Jolla Playhouse Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Steven Libman, Managing Director
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xxgothchatonxx · 3 years ago
I’ve just had an epiphany apostrophe*! I’ve finally worked out what Our Flag Means Death reminds me of! 
The sets, the backgrounds, just the whole look of it reminds me so much about Muppet Treasure Island! That film was very ‘stagey’ with its set design and this show is very ‘stagey’ with its set design! (That’s a compliment, by the way, cos MTI is iconic)
(special thanks to @petimetrek whose crossover fanart of Gonzo and Jim gave me this wonderful epiphany apostrophe! :D)
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tornrose24 · 3 years ago
Alright everyone. Time to start taking bets on what Dreamworks Animation films will get their own musical adaption.
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