nebul-anna · 6 months
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💗 OC x Canon Week 💗
In late March, I participated in OC x Canon Week over on Twitter, and I had a lot of fun with it! This is also the first full art challenge week I've successfully finished, so this is a huge personal win for me. 💕
Prompts I used for each day below! ✨️
☆ Day 1 - "Yeah, it'd be totally weird if we kissed... totally." (Kazuichi Souda/Alma Ryuusei) 💗
☆ Day 2 - "Seriously, I mean it. Thank you." (Jean-Pierre Polnareff/Anna Lisa Rosati) 🤍
☆ Day 3 - Out in Nature (Gonta Gokuhara/Alma Ryuusei) 💚
☆ Day 4 - "Why are you angry with me? You broke my heart!!" (Apollo Justice/Melba Rowes) 💔
☆ Day 5 - "Come closer..." (Caesar Zeppeli/Bethany Morris-Montecelli) 💙
☆ Day 6 - An Intimate Moment (after a long work day) (Apollo Justice/Melba Rowes) ❤️‍🩹
☆ Day 7 - Date Night / Pajamas (Yuya Fungami/Stella Amaya) 💜
There was also a Bonus Day prompt, but I'll be posting that one separately! I hope you all enjoy! 🌙 ✨️
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lucha-interna · 2 years
Como te explico que me gustabas y que realmente me estaba planteando tener algo con vos pero al final me terminaste demostrando que solo eras un idiota mas en este camino donde parece que el karma y cupido estan encontra mio.
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clara-tv · 2 months
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ayliffe · 1 year
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literally what do you want
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lilbittymonster · 8 months
Day 2: Being Silly
Aymeric arrived home to a quiet house, the lights still on but the servants gone for the evening. His boots were loud in the stillness as he walked on tired feet upstairs.
The door to their bedroom was open, golden candlelight spilling out into the hallway. Kitali was sitting crosslegged on the floor with a small mirror in her hand while Arienne was running in circles on the floor.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he entered.
"Casting the light for her to chase," Kitali said without looking up.
And Aymeric did see a darting point of yellow-white light zipping across the floor, Arienne in close pursuit. Smiling to himself he dressed down out of his formal robes into something looser and joined his wife on the floor.
"How long have the two of you been at this?"
"Since just before sundown, I think." Kitali's tail wrapped around him to rest on his outer thigh.
"And she hasn't gotten bored?"
"Not yet."
As if on cue, Ari stopped what she was doing and trotted over to greet Aymeric, climbing onto his knee and pressing herself against his hand.
"Hello, my darling," he cooed as she began to purr. "Having fun running yourself ragged?"
Her answer was a mraa and to collapse into his lap, breathing slightly laboured. Kitali just chuckled and stood to put the hand mirror away.
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marvelingjules · 5 months
So I messed up my shoulder - just a strain or bad tweak, maybe pulled something - yesterday. Don’t carry a shopping basket overflowing with books on one arm - who knew that was a bad idea?
Anyway it didn’t really hit until I was trying to sleep last night, turned slightly, and froze up in pain. I slowly turned onto my back, making soft pained noises.
Honey, who had been curled into my side (her favorite bedtime position for cuddling) gave her most Annoyed Lecture meows (short, loud, more ‘mraa’) and got up. I muttered an apology/explanation because yes I know she won’t understand but whatever. Seems polite.
She marched over my hips, still lecture-meowing.
Then went and laid on top of my bicep/front of my shoulder. I shifted a bit to get more comfortable, she got up, looked at me, and then plopped even further on my arm. Within a minute it was soaked in warm kitty body heat. She purred softly.
I fell asleep in mere minutes.
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theydjarin · 1 month
I did this once where I said “he has risen babygirl” at my cat he responded with a very pointed “mraa!” but he got shy as soon as I got out the camera 😂
“He has risen, babygirl!”
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Show me the kitties. (Threatening)
this is ivy (from the other post)
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this is eleven she loves to go mraa mraa
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this is kynos yes u may pat the tummy
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new pfp!
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 1 year
my cat keeps getting up on surfaces he shouldnt be on top of. the other night i found him on top of the toaster and asked him how he got up there. he goes, "mraa :(" and i lift him off and carry him like a baby.
this happened again last night. i found him on top of the microwave and asked how he got up there. he did another sad meow and clung onto me when i held him
i hate this baby old man so much
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Hey Kazui, raise your right paw if you like female cats and your left if you like male cats!
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Mraa!! Mraoo!!
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nebul-anna · 6 months
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💙 OC x Canon Week - Bonus Day 💙
Remember how I said there was a Bonus Day for OC x Canon Week? I decided to use the bonus day's prompts for my favorite OC/Canon ship: Sebmin! 🩵💙💚
Here's a close-up on the faces! Look at how in love they are,,, 💖 I love giving them sun and moon motifs often ☀️🌙
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The prompt I chose for them was "Costume/Cosplay," and I've wanted to draw Sebastian in Christine Daae's Masquerade dress for a long while, so I figured I'd draw them in Phantom of the Opera-inspired costumes!! 🎭
I'm honestly really proud of the details, especially with the expressions. For years, I've been trying to nail the expression I visualize Armin having when he's looking lovingly at Sebastian. I think I finally nailed it here, and it makes me really happy. 😊
Now that I'm finished for the moment with zine stuff, I'll be getting back to drawing and writing personal stuff, and maybe uploading more often! We shall see~ ❤️
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lucha-interna · 2 years
Me dejaste tan cansada emocionalmente, intentar amarte me agotó e intentar que me ames me termino de romper.
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gooseplumes · 1 year
mah. moew. mew. mraa. roh. and for the love of god eeeeeeee.
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cats are saying mraa, and things to that effect
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pandapupremade · 2 years
in case you're wondering what living with nobi is like, its a lot of "what !!" "MRAA" "what do you want!!! what!!! what!!!! what!!! stop it!!!! stop!!!! whats wrong with you!!! why are you like this!!!"
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