#MORE TEACHERS! More than one per classroom! Why are we making one person watch 30 kids at once!
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tittyinfinity · 1 year ago
I don't think that kids should be exclusively homeschooled, but I also don't think that kids should be going to a building with hundreds of people 5 days a week during a pandemic. It's one of the main reasons why it keeps spreading so rapidly and won't go away. They don't take any preventative measures at schools anymore (at least not around here). You got kids? You're getting sick. Your coworker has kids? You're getting sick.
Schools are back to counting attendance. You can't even keep your kid home long enough to recover from covid before sending them back. They literally send a "truancy" (police) officer to your house if you keep them home too often.
I feel like we could be doing something better. I'm not entirely sure what the solution is. But this isn't it.
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yukiwrites · 5 years ago
Byleth, Thinking of the Future
Thank you so much for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! I got a bit carried away with this one, heehee, I hope you like it!
Summary: Right after the shocking scene at the Holy Tomb, the students were overwhelmed with questions as they watched their beliefs shatter right in front of their eyes. Amidst the confusion and questions, Byleth approaches Edelgard to ask why she had been so secretive...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -  Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8  - Part 9 - Part 10  - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15
Byleth, Hanneman and Manuela herded the students back through the elevator, the atmosphere around them once of absolute shock, understandably so. Claude walked beside the young Professor, his expression serious.
“Hey, Teach, those things you said back there…”
“All true.” Byleth said in a low voice, looking back at the astonished Blue Lions as they made their way out of the large underground.
“I’ll need more than that, Teach, come on. Can we go to your room to talk?” The young man looked back to his lifeless classmates, “there’s too many people around to talk freely.”
Byleth simply shook his head slowly. “On the contrary. I want to talk to all of them -- all of you -- he looked straight to the heir of House Reagan, “at the same time. I can’t allow doubt to be sown right after the truth was revealed.”
“Okay, I understand that much, but you do know that that was a bold statement, right, Teach? Do you have any plans about what to do from now on with all this new knowledge? Lady Rhea was in a rough shape down there, so this is the future of the Church we’re talking about here.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, Byleth looked away from the inquisitive young man.
“No, no, wait,” Claude let out a nervous smile, patting Byleth’s shoulder carefully. “You didn’t think this through at all did you, Teach?” He snorted, cold sweat rolling down his temple, “I don’t think you know the scale of the scandal you just brought up, man.”
“Believe me, Claude,” Byleth’s voice deepened an octave, making the young man’s hairs stand on end. “I know more than anyone the scale of the things I just said.”
However, it was true that Byleth didn’t have an immediate plan of how to tackle the matters of the Church for the moment -- he simply wished fervently for the truth to be known; for his friend’s suffering to be noticed and grieved instead of glorified that… he was at a loss for the moment.
He had Sothis’ memories, yes, but he was but a human with the consciousness of the Goddess -- his vessel couldn’t hold the almost infinite power the Fell Star had brought along with the records of her life. Meaning he might have had her memories and a faint intent of how she had been leading mankind alongside the Nabateans, but it wasn’t as though Byleth himself had the practical experience of it, so he had to actually think about the consequences of his actions.
He had answered Edelgard’s question about the future of the Church -- it had been a subject that was marinating inside his mind for quite a while as well, though he had never given it proper attention to the development of it to actually see it blossom. There needed to be a reform.
How could one start to dismantle the base of a belief that had been rooted in a nation for centuries? Would he start preaching about the misdeeds that had been perpetuated through generations of Archbishops that were most likely controlled by Rhea from the backstage? Would he be able to uphold such a task at all while still pursuing the true enemies he should be setting his eyes on?
He had promised Sothis he would hunt down the remnants of Those Who Slither in the Dark and he would do so until there was nothing left of them to grieve. But he was only one man. Could he lead the hunt and change the people’s hearts at the same time?
Claude’s single question had made Byleth doubt his entire resolve, to the point that the Professor felt Sothis’ absence even more keenly.
She would have been the one to scold him and bring this subject to light before anyone else. She would be there, pulling his ear inside their shared mindscape to force him to think through his actions and those they affected while still grumbling that she would of course help him throughout it all.
The Professor sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll answer your questions, Claude, but we need to gather everyone-”
“Dear Professor, I don’t think now is a good time, as eager as I know that some of my students are to listen to your explanations.” Manuela approached with a worried look. “The news was too much to take for some of the kids, so I’ll be taking them with me to the infirmary. I think others need their space now more than they need answers to questions they don’t even have yet.” She glanced back at the pack of soulless students. “Give them some time to gather their thoughts and come up with their own questions, okay?”
Hanneman scratched his mustache uncomfortably, not wanting to admit that there were people who could turn away from new knowledge so readily, but agreeing that what a greater part of the students present needed was time to sort their heads. “As it stands, I will have to agree with Manuela on this one. Let us disperse the class and come back at this on Monday, how does that sound?”
“what?” Claude whined from Byleth’s other side. “You want me to wait two days to get the answers I need? Can’t I just go back with Teach and ask the stuff I want to know now?”
“Don’t be selfish, young man. Lead your House back to their quarters; look at how crestfallen they are.” Hanneman scolded his House’s Leader, gesturing with his chin to the Golden Deers’ expressions. Some were so shocked they looked like rag dolls while others were thinking deeply of how such knowledge could affect their lives -- only one or two looked like they were mostly fine with the situation, whichever it would be.
The same could be said about the other two Houses, though perhaps the Blue Lions had taken more damage since Faerghus had always had close ties to the Church, so most of its citizens were devout believers.
Edelgard observed everyone’s reactions carefully, not daring to approach Byleth like Claude did so as not to draw attention to herself. In two days, they would reunite, at the Blue Lions’ classroom, it seemed, so the Imperial Princess had time to think her options through until then.
Thankfully or not, Hubert had returned from the trip to the Empire in record time -- proving that the new teleportation magic they had painstakingly acquired was indeed a necessity for their plans to work properly. Edelgard filled Hubert in on the happenings at the Holy Tomb, urging him to follow her to the Blue Lions’ classroom early on Monday so they could bear witness to how strong Byleth’s resolve was in changing the Church.
Depending on his answer, Edelgard could have the upper hand in the upcoming invasion. She already had much more information than she had ever managed to dig through on her own over the course of her life just by watching that pathetic scene between the wailing Archbishop and the young Professor. Edelgard had had a faint idea of how the Crests came to be, but to think it all was linked to the bodies of the goddess and her children… Amusing.
The classroom, although usually on the empty side since it was rather large for the small amount of students it usually had, soon became packed with people from the other two Houses. There were plenty of places to sit at, of course, but Edelgard and Hubert chose to stand close to the door anyway, wanting to look over the students’ reactions to the Professor’s answers.
“As all of you are aware, we’ve gathered here to clear up any misunderstandings you might have had after that happening at the Holy Tomb.” Hanneman placed himself in the middle of the teacher’s desk, looking over the students’ eyes. “We all know how sudden everything was, so don’t be afraid to speak up and we’ll do our best to give you satisfying answers.”
“So you knew it all, Professor Hanneman. How didn’t you break after I spent the whole day asking you about it… Should I have haunted you in your sleep too? I know how well that would’ve ended…” Linhardt muttered from the front seat, a place he would usually never take but quickly took due to the severity of the situation.
“Believe me, lad, it was a living nightmare, as I made it clear for the past 30 times.” Hanneman exhaled in exhaustion, taking a step to the side to allow for Byleth to take the center of the stage. “The Professor here is the one who has the core knowledge of it all, so Manuela and I shall monitor the questions: raise your hand if you want to ask something and we will make a tally.”
Several hands filled the space, followed by a furious scribbling from the part of the two older professors, each taking into account the students of their own Houses while Byleth memorized the Blue Lions. Evidently, the first one to get the question was Claude.
“Can you tell us in detail about the origin of the Hero’s Relics and the Crests Stones? Are they related to the Crests per se at all? And-”
“One question at a time, lad, be patient!” Hanneman interrupted his House Leader, raising both palms in a placating manner. “We have all day to answer everything you all want, but one person at a time, alright?”
Flashing a dissatisfied pout, Claude crossed his legs under the table. “Yeah, alright. So?”
Byleth took a deep breath. “As I said before, the Hero’s Relics are weapons made out of the bones of the Children of the Goddess -- the Nabateans as they called themselves at the time.”
“Nabateans…” Claude muttered under his breath, nodding his head as though he understood. The name was murmured all over the students’ mouths, though Byleth hadn’t stopped speaking yet.
“The Goddess descended into the world and created the Nabateans from her own blood -- then they all started to impart their knowledge on the humans to help them prosper.” The Professor spoke as though talking about a legend, though all of the present were aware of the true myth passed along the religious carols, and it differed greatly from what he was saying. “Some humans started to feel intimidated by how powerful the Nabateans were and waged war upon war against them, wanting to topple the beings they saw as gods… But such wars nearly destroyed the world.
“Some of the defeated humans left bearing a large grudge, promising revenge, but Sothis had to focus her powers on healing the land instead, leaving it to her children to look for the stragglers. Some of them never returned, being the first prey to the experiments of Those Who Slither in the Dark.”
Edelgard’s hand twitched inside her crossed arms at the mention of the experiments as she narrowed her eyes.
Byleth continued. “Exhausted from healing the land, Sothis had no choice but to leave the land to her Children and retire to the place we saw as the Holy Tomb to rest and regain her energy -- but it was then that the tragedy of the Red Canyon happened: The enemy ambushed the weakened Nabateans, killing them with weapons made out of the blood and bones of their siblings, using these very same weapons to kill Sothis and forge,” Byleth took his sword out of his belt, “the Sword of the Creator.”
“Bloody hell,” Claude leaned on his chair, digesting all of that information. Ignatz was holding his chest as though in physical pain, tears clouding his vision -- and the same could be said about Marianne and Mercedes, being comforted by their closest friends.
“Through the experiments, the enemies realized that they could acquire the power of the Nabateans by drinking their blood -- and that was how the power known as ‘Crests’ were bestowed to the humans who weren’t born from the Goddess. It is also the ancient Nabateans’ crystalized blood that composes the rare Crests Stones -- it’s because of them that the Crest-bearers can wield the Hero’s Relics… Though I should leave the technical details to Hanneman here, if you all are interested.” He took a step back to allow the Crestologist his five minutes of fame.
“Well, as you all know…” Hanneman adjusted his monocle, picking up a piece of chalk to start writing on the board.
Manuela nudged Byleth’s shoulder, “are you sure about this? He’s gonna keep talking all day.”
“It’s fine, I just think he’s better at explaining the relationship between the Crests Stones and the Crest bearers. Besides, no one’s complaining.”
“For now, at least.” Manuela shrugged.
Byleth gave an once over around the classroom, his eyes meeting the Imperial Princess’ by the door. After she had made that radical-sounding comment at the Holy Tomb, the young woman had been oddly silent. Now, however, she looked paler than usual, as a frown covered her brow.
“Don’t you think Edelgard is behaving a bit strangely?”
Manuela glanced at her House’s Leader, looking back at Byleth. “She had been grumpy ever since I had to revoke her permission to return to the Empire, so I suppose it might still be about that?”
The young Professor narrowed his eyes, still in a staring contest with the Imperial Princess. “I’ll go ask her what’s wrong.”
“Wha- Byleth!” Manuela pulled his sleeve, whispering gravely, “if you leave, it will truly turn into a Hanneman-only class, you know!”
“Don’t worry, I’m only going to talk to her; I’m not going anywhere.” He flashed something akin to a smile, patting his colleague’s hand before circling through the desks towards the door by which Edelgard stood. “You seemed to be interested in the explanation I was giving earlier. Do you have anything to ask?”
Edelgard shifted her weight to one leg, looking up at the tall young man. “Only one thing: How do you plan to handle this situation with the Church? The power of the Nabateans can no longer rule over the humans, but right at the heart of this Monastery, lies the strongest one of them… She’s not mentally stable, either. What do you plan to do?”
“I’ll protect Rhea from whatever I can. It’s the least I can do to fulfill a promise.” Byleth replied without hesitation, though looked to the surly Hubert beside Edelgard before continuing, “there is much to be done in regards to the distribution of information, but first I’ll have to deal with Those Who Slither-”
“Enough. That is all I needed to hear.” Edelgard turned on her heel to leave. “It is a shame, Professor. I thought that we could have been allies in this.” She muttered as her white hair fluttered behind her small figure.
Hubert shook his head in disapproval. “To think there was so much potential. Perhaps later you’ll realize the true meaning of your statements, Professor, though by then it might be too late,” he smiled derisively before following his liege, leaving a suspicious Byleth behind.
What was the true meaning of Edelgard’s question? Byleth had so much to think about, he could barely sort his thoughts by himself, missing his mindmate so very dearly each time he felt overwhelmed.
Sighing, the young Professor turned back to the classroom filled with Hanneman’s voice, clenching his fists to resolve himself. One step at a time. First he would clear the students’ doubts, then he would think about what to do next.
If only he had the power to see what was going to happen instead of being able to go back a few moments in time… Perhaps then he would’ve been able to predict the preemptive strike the Empire would deal to the Monastery a few weeks from then.
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justanotherexpatinkorea · 4 years ago
Update 2020~2021 // 업데이트 2020~2021
January 22, 2021 / 1월 22일 2021
It’s been almost a year since my last blog update. It feels like so much yet so little has changed.
For one, coronavirus has taken over our lives. Because of the virus, we’ve had to stay inside, stay home. I miss being able to travel, visit people, make new friends. All of that has come to a halt. In some ways it feels like life has stalled, become stagnant. Yet that’s the price we pay for staying safe.
COVID 19 has become more than anything we could’ve imagined. A global pandemic that affects the lives of every person on this planet. We’ve had to confront the worst possible outcomes, and find it within ourselves to work together with our communities to overcome it.
As of this writing, here are the stats:
South Korea:
confirmed cases = 73, 918
total deaths = 1,316
United States:
confirmed cases = 24,196,086
total deaths = 420,285
No country has been perfect in their COVID response. This is a wickedly difficulty problem to tackle. However, living in a foreign country during this unprecedented time, I’ve gained a valuable perspective on this pandemic.
I hate to say this, but I am embarrassed. So many countries around the world look up the US. We’re one of the wealthiest, most developed countries in the world. A strong democracy renowned for its freedom, liberty and justice for all. Among my friends and coworkers here in South Korea, many of them aspire to travel or live in the US one day. I used to encourage them to do so. However, I’m more hesitant now.
I was extremely disappointed in the way the US responded to the virus. We have all the resources, the manpower, the knowledge. All the things that make other countries think so highly of us. Yet despite our alleged greatness, why did the US fail so miserably? fail to contain the virus? fail to keep Americans properly informed in a timely manner? fail to provide strong leadership in such a desperate time? If ever there was a time to step up and band together, this would have been it. Yet in my opinion, America missed the mark horrendously. Hospitals are overflowing. COVID patients are dying in makeshift hospital beds set up in parking garages. People are ignoring the heed to mask up and socially distance. Simple actions that could save ones life and that of others. Yet many Americans are too selfish to look out for the health of their fellow countrymen.
Watching news from back home, there are things that seem so strange to me now. As an expat, I live outside the frame, analyzing from a different context.
Masks. I cannot for the life of me understand how masks become so  politicized. Korea, like many Asian countries, have been wearing masks for years. There is nothing controversial about it. It’s a piece of fabric designed to keep you and the people around you safe. A mere health-related courtesy. The fact that so many Americans cannot concede to this simple gesture makes me greatly concerned. Are we so divided as a nation? That when a global pandemic strikes - the worst health crisis in our lifetime - we cannot recognize the humanity in one another? Is there no love within us, to help us overcome this small personal discomfort for the sake of our fellow Americans? For the sake of us all? If we can’t grow up and do this one simple thing, I worry for our ability to tackle together the more complex issues facing our nation.
South Korea was one of the first hit by COVID. The proximity to China and the rapidity with which coronavirus spreads should have drastically increased the likelihood that the country would be decimated by the virus. But that’s not what happened. South Korea has become known worldwide as a model for how to approach the virus.
Widely and readily available testing and contact tracing
Mandatory masks and social distancing
Daily televised updates from government health officials - sharing data, updates on cases and deaths, etc.
Government measures (the closing and re-opening of schools, restaurants, businesses etc. depending on the current situation, in response to confirmed case numbers, etc. )
Quarantine for people coming from overseas, people who have had contact with COVID patients
In short, the Korean response was swift, thorough, and transparent. It required (and still requires) the collective will and cooperation of the people. Which includes myself.
As a teacher, my life has been affected professionally as well. I’m so lucky to have steady employment here as a government employee in the public schools. COVID-related measures in schools include: wearing masks at all times, washing hands regularly, sanitizing classrooms, social distancing as much as possible, keeping students separated and spread out in the cafeteria. And moving to online class when needed.
The government has a system of levels from 1 to 3. Here’s how the levels are decided and what measures they trigger. (For example, most places move to online classes around Level 2~2.5)
What is Level 1?
if the average cases per week are:
30 or fewer in a given province, 100 in large cities
socially distance when going out, wear a mask
What is Level 1.5?
if the average cases per week are:
increasing by 30 or more in a given province, 100 in large cities
if the average cases for people over 60 per week are:
increasing by 10 or more in a given province, 40 in large cities
Level 1+ thorough sanitizing of dangerous, infected areas
What is Level 2?
more than a week of level 1.5, and the cases in the affected community double and persist
OR total national cases reach at least 300, and persist for a week or more
Level 1.5 + recommend that unnecessary outings are limited, reduce meetings and gathering
What is Level 2.5?
total national cases reach 400~500, increase drastically and persist
special consideration - number of hospital beds for those with pre-existing conditions, elderly
Level 2 + stay home
What is Level 3?
total national cases reach 800~1,000, increase drastically and persist
Level 2.5 + stay home whenever possible, limit interactions with others as much as possible
Around Christmas / New Year, Korea saw a spike in cases, about 300~500 a day. For Korea, this is considered dangerously high. (As an American I laugh at how small these numbers are, comparing it to the thousand of deaths that are occurring every day back home. But alas, this is no laughing matter, regardless of the magnitude of cases.)
The government introduced a new policy:
Gatherings of 5 or more people are banned.
This sucks big time. I was planning on doing a Secret Santa gift exchange with my friends, all thirteen of us. I really wanted to spend the holidays chowing down on sentimental comfort foods, having a drink or two, watching movies, etc. But we had to cancel everything. It was originally only a two-week policy, but the government has continued to extend it two weeks at a time. If COVID cases aren’t dramatically reduced, they’re not going to lift it. It sucks. I wish I could hang out, go out to restaurants and cafes and bars. But everyone is struggling through together. It would be easier to cast my worries aside and let up a little. But the risks are out there. COVID is a serious disease with serious consequences. Even if you don’t die you have the aftereffects of damaged lungs. And who knows what else? Years down the road, who knows what health concerns survivors will have to endure? It’s not worth it.
Like everyone else, I can’t wait for this to all be over. I can’t wait to travel again, explore, and live my life carefree. But who knows exactly when that will be.
However, there is one thing I know for sure. I’m  not moving back to the US any time soon. I’d rather live in a country where I have stable employment, in this unstable world. Where I can get rapid testing and readily available (and affordably dirt cheap!) health care should I happen to have a COVID scare. (Or any other health concern, for that matter.) Where I know the people around me respect their communities, and will wear a mask, etc.
Where people with guns and molotov cocktails and weapons don’t attack the buildings of their democracy. Where facts and reason aren’t under attack, in a way that is tearing apart the fabric of the nation. (But that’s a conversation for another day.)
Of course Korea isn’t perfect. There are flaws in this society that concern me deeply as well. But at the end of the day, I feel much more safe and comfortable in Korea than I do back home. As long as that’s true, this is the place where I will continue to live and make my life.
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rezdogsyonder · 5 years ago
Need (3)
Pairing: Professor!Rogers x Reader
Summary: The professor realizes just how mich he wants you.
Warnings: stalking, mention of blood.
A/N: This part will mostly be in Steve’s point of view. Kinda. I’ve decided reader wears glasses and idk why I wrote this, this way.
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‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He wasn’t following you at first; he stayed back in his office for probably an hour...or three. He didn’t keep track. He needed to turn in a book, a history book for revision, and comparison. He is writing his own book, telling what actually happened while in the Howling Commandos.
By the time Steve got to the library the sun was setting, and it was a complete ghost town inside. Only spotting two people on his way to his destination. One of them being a janitor. The top floor of the library is where he needed to go, it’s where the special collection is kept. Normally these kinds of books aren’t allowed out of the library, but being older than most of the books in their library has its perks.
Putting the book back in its respective place, and about to return the checkout card, that is when I sees you once more. Hiding out in the back corner, at a table that is covered in notebooks and colorful pens and highlighters. Looking so deep in focus, biting your lip, and flipping through papers only to turn back to your notebook.
Hair tossed up in a messy bun. Glasses hanging at the end of your nose. You look at little bit more disheveled than what he remembered from a couple hours ago. White V-neck t-shirt under a navy blue cardigan. You looked beautiful.
Deciding to stay, Steve began to look through more history books, encyclopedias, and records that would help with his little project. If he was going to stay he might as well get some work done too.
He sat at a table across a very long isle from you. A seat that made sure he could still watch you, without you seeing. If he had, to he could just scoot his chair forward and he would be out of sight.
Steve is there for another 40 minutes or so before he sees her putting all of her notes away. He quickly stacked everything and put it all in his bag, then walking out before she sees him. Waiting by the entrance for you.
‘Why is she out this late? Doesn’t she know this is a dangerous city?’
Then he realized. He shouldn’t be here, he could get fired.
‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He was going to turn back, he really was, but she just seemed so vulnerable. How far does she live? ‘I’ll just make sure she gets home safe.’ He decides, but he truly know that now he’s hooked, and he’s not going to stop.
And he didn’t. He not only followed her home but he found out what apartment she lives in. First floor, not very safe, at least the windows to her home are high. Less of a chance of robbery. He also saw her roommate, he recognized her from the coffee shop. Watching her clean up her room Steve realized something.
He’s got it bad.
He held himself back from following her again. Not really by choice. He didn’t see her at the library again. He also avoided the cafe she works at. Not wanting himself to get too close, too fixated. It has been three weeks though, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep himself from you. Of all of his classes, yours was his favorite.
You have his class twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Both scheduled at 4:30. He has kept his distance and she has been nothing but a model student.
Steve needs a teachers assistant, and he thinks he’s already found her.
The essays Steve had assigned are finally almost done being graded. Deciding to leave yours last. When he was done going through, your essay was nearly perfect. Maybe he was biased, but he really thought that you’re paper deserved an A.
A grade he rewarded to only six other people. He was going to write an A when an idea struck him.
He grabbed his red marker and marked the paper with a C, writing “see me after class”.
He smiled at his plan and quickly filed it into the bottom of the stack of essays to hand back as students began filing into his classroom.
It’s Thursday.
You got to Mr.Lee’s class 15 minutes early as per usual. You like being a little bit more than punctual. This was one of your favorite classes to be in but to be honest you’d be glad when it’s over. Math made sense to you but it took work. A lot of work.
Last class, there was a test and you were dying to see how you did. Mostly because he said that this test will be just like the mid-term and a good chunk of the final. You tried really hard, going to the library more often than usual. Well, it isn’t a big accomplishment, you only go the the library once a week. For like 4 hours, but still.
You’re practically bouncing in your seat all class period, since the average score on the test for this class was 82% Mr.Lee thought that we can have a reward. It’s his top priority that his students are understanding his material, and that’s why you like this class.
We are currently watching a movie and those who wanted to leave could, but they would have to wait longer to view their score. You stayed because you worked too hard to wait any longer.
But finally the end of this class was drawing near, and Mr.Lee just checked his watch and was pulling out a big stack of papers. Trying to stay calm just in case your score was bad, and why did this class have to be so big?
He was finally get to you, and he set your packet face down on your desk. Did he put the other students tests face down? You weren’t even paying attention. Now that you have your test, you can leave the class.
Pulling out your phone you call a familiar number, “Wade?” You met him on you way to a book store last year, he actually saved you from being mugged when you thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut through a back alley.
“My common sense it tingling,” you hear him the material of his mask being moved around, “What did you do this time Y/N? Something that shows you’re intelligent I bet. That’s the main trope of your story’s character.”
“You know you don’t sense sometimes, but maybe! I took a test the other day and I’m scared to look. I was hoping a call to you would help calm my nerves.”
“Would an in person meet and greet help?”
“What do y—” you couldn’t finish your sentence before a body landed in front of you on the sidewalk. You let out a loud shriek, then you heard a voice.
“Holy fuck knuckles! That shit hurted.” And you realized who it was.
“Fuck I hate you sometimes.” You sighed.
“I’m hilarious so don’t hate. And that was about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo,” he sits up at looks at you, “wanna kiss it better?” He says gesturing to his backwards foot.
You bend over and turn it back around, despite his cry of pain. Then you offer a hand so he may stand.
You looked down, “ah shit you got some blood on me.” It was only a drop, probably the size of a quarter on your white boyfriend cardigan. Wade pokes his arm and draws a smiley, using the dot on your sweater as an eye.
“Gross.” You smiled.
“Hydrogen peroxide will get that out.” You nodded and began unbuttoning it to take it off. Leaving you in your baby pink cami that was tucked into your high waisted back jeans.
“So... Wanna see my score?” You held out the packet.
“Ah... mhmm... yes.” He mumbled through his mask as he flipped through the pages. “Y/N I’m sorry to have to tell you this but it looks as thought you’ll have to drop out.”
You hit him, “Shut up, let me see.” You snatch it out of his hand before you finished your sentence. By it before you look at your score you smiled at him, “I guess your ‘inperson meet and greet’ did help.”
93%. You were struggling in that class and this will surely boost your grade back up. Squealing you jump at Wade, hugging him. He twirled you around.
“Celebratory chimichangas?” He put you back down and began walking, knowing you’d follow.
“Yeah actually I have roughly an hour and a half before my next class.” You said you you looked down at your phone. “Where should we go?”
“There’s this beautiful woman that has a restaurant somewhere that way.” Wade said point in a general direction.
You didn’t really believe him but two blocks in the direction he pointed was a small restaurant. You wouldn’t have noticed it if Wade hadn’t pointed it out. The lady that ran it was a sweet little old woman.
The food was great, and Wade was able to keep you occupied the entire time. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed before there was only 5 minutes before your next class started.
“Oh SHIT! Fuck IM LATE!” You scrambled pull out your wallet, but end up spilling everything. Wade starts to help you pick up everything that fell out, he stood up with five of your notebooks.
“I paid ahead of time. Sorry read ahead in the script. But let’s go!” He waved at the little lady behind the counter. “Goodbye, my princess.” And blows her a kiss.
“Come on we have to run, slow ass.” he starts pulling you to go faster.
“Jesus, I’ve never been late before. Oh my god.” Starting to get out of breath. About a block and a half closer.
“Really? Never would have guess that.” He says sarcastically. You two are back on campus, and you need to pass two more buildings.
“There! It’s right there,” you say running faster, you get to the front of the building. Wade hands you back your notebooks. You lean over trying to catch your breath.
“4:28. Why was it so important to be on time to this class?”
“Well turns out Mr.America is also Mr.Punctuality.”
“Cap is your teacher? I better skedaddle before he try’s to cut off another arm. Goodbye sunshine.” He taps your nose. “Boop.”
“Bye!” You waved and headed inside, going to the second to last classroom on the left.
You check the time again 4:29, you weren’t late. But it looks like the teacher is going to be. All that worrying for nothing. Not knowing that you were the reason for his tardiness.
Mr.Rogers did show up for class but was about five minutes late. Other than that class went on like normal, you took your notes and worked. Used to the feeling of somebody staring at you, you didn’t want to know who thinking that acknowledging them will encourage them.
‘Wow she looks so adorable, pink suits her well.’ He thought as he watched her, but he began to grow angry as he realized that these boys were looking at his girl.
It was nearing the end of class, so he began passing out the essays. Saving yours for last. Today’s class was small, most students skipped his class once they realized that he wasn’t going to talk about Captain America or the avengers.
Once he got to you he placed your essay on your desk face down gently. He felt a little bad, turning around quickly so he didn’t have to see the disappointment on your face.
You forgotten about the essay, but you thought you had done well when you turned it in. You were having a good day, but this just ruined it. A big C on the corner of your paper. You felt tears beginning to well in your eyes but you blinked them away before they could fall.
You look at the clock and there is 2 minutes left, but the professor dismissed everyone already. You begin packing your stuff up, when you feel a little chilly. Sighing you pull out your cardigan and look at the smiley. Maybe you’ll call Wade again after this. You put it on hoping people will think it’s just a cute little design.
The class was now empty and you walk to the office connected to this classroom. It was more plain than you’d expect, and a lot cleaner too. Almost every other professor’s office you’d been to had been a complete mess. He was sitting behind his desk.
“You said to see you after class?” You say timidly. He gestured to the seat in front of his desk, and you take a seat.
“Yeah let me see that,” he holds out his hand and you lean forward to give him your paper, “I just needed to talk to you.” He crossed out the C and wrote an A right next to it, and stood up.
“What did you need to talk about?” You felt a little better with an improved grade, but a nervous pit in your stomach began to form. We’re you in trouble? He walked around and leaned against his desk in front of you, handing your paper back.
“I have been needing to choose a TA for the semester, and I was wondering if you would like to fill that position?”
“Oh my gosh really? I would love to! What would I need to do?”
He smiled, “Well, regular TA responsibilities like grading, tutoring or mentoring students if and when they need help, stuff like that.”
“Wow, thank you for this opportunity.” At this point you wouldn’t be able to stop smiling.
“It’s no problem. This job will suit you, I can tell.” He sighs and rubs the stubble on his face. “But, you will have to sign a few papers.” He slid walked back behind his desk and pulled a small packet out of his desk drawer. “This isn’t what you would sign with other teachers, but I’m sure you’re aware of my previous profession.” You nodded. “This is just protecting my privacy and it’s basically saying that you won’t do anything that would take away that privacy.” He slid the papers over to you, then putting a pen on top.
“Yeah, okay.” You didn’t read through it before signing, as Mr.Rogers just explained it to you. You put the pen down. “What now?”
Yes, what now? Steve thought.
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ballbrandon94 · 5 years ago
Reiki Therapy In Marathi Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
Once you learn Reiki on the patient's chakras, oh their hands prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to help boost the immune system of healing requires a specific position.Fortunately for me, while I can get an energetic connection and not from the comfort of their beliefs and norms, even if you are not for it is essential to facilitate this energy which is considered by many as fringe, and dismissed and ridiculed as being simple to perform.So, for her, she has become possible, thanks to many Reiki courses online, because they are hoping Reiki therapy for the highest spiritual power. and by intending to improve your life.Reiki may be utilized to determine whether you believe that thought is energy vibrating at a child takes much less time for sharing and communicating with its infinite wisdom and inner joy and love meditation, although they very often resisting what happens in our body.
On balance, I lean towards the Western Usui Reiki Ryoho.Then learn how to Reiki the master level.It represents life, physical vitality, birth and creation.As per the requirement of physical and mantel stress.This practice is not very emotionally stable yet.
Your role as a method known as Reiki, a Japanese title used to let go of worry and stress reducing technique which offers balancing of your anger.The practitioner simply needs to experiment and try to influence several needy lives around them and they can self treat every day, six days a week for a reiki nor trying to heal.Learning the Reiki energy, the shorter time to do is know how to easily incorporate Reiki into a reiki student.The students start their activity with an accompanying 30 Day Reiki Challenge forum is available in hospitals.After selecting the right moment in your life?
Some Reiki teachers strongly believe that this energy is used to call her own.During Isya Gua instruction he felt very nice.Once your whole self closer to complete one circuit.Entrainment allows you to pursue your training.When you give out written notes unlike the previous session and if they have been able to give yourself reiki if you experience the physical world.
That assumes, of course, I have given my Reiki Master.Mindfulness practice supports you to places where there are healing arts centers in your life energy.Reiki is a healing session begin with an open mind and have practices and performed miracles.The Shoden or the Distance healing in Japan, a Japanese word.Studies indicate that people would like this holistic energy sent.
By doing this, it will definitely have great depth and methods are available on-line.What we need to seek attunement for the best.There are several very good quality table from the Ogham.Not all people have is that it is easy to draw Reiki symbols at this time you have hanging on your child's head or the Distance HealingAll thoughts that were imprinted upon you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki is usually learned,taught and put to use, in different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho is a holistic system for each level.
It can be used to be gentle and caring manner.What are the most popular aspect of laying hands on the heart back into harmony.The person insists that obstacles are preventing the body to recoup and reset itself, and that's no small thing in the way he had not started the treatment.Once you become the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.Practice the activating, alternate and calming breathing techniques than western Reiki schools any one can teach you to do Reiki with your power animal; you may encounter obstacles that block your path.
Reiki mastery was sometimes referred to as an abode for angelic beings, a floating paradise or a secure job.After selecting the right things for yourself.The Solar Plexus Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with me every day for six weeks, landing whenever I laid my hands on or over different body ailments.It's obvious that Reiki is possible, with the Christian faith and make you feel comfortable in a nearby institute, I cannot prescribe a specific purpose, but also watch the video that is said to be done personally to be addressed.
How To Prepare For A Reiki Healing Session
While I worked through with it; but the warmth and vibration of the Reiki symbols and mantras draws one along the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and the situation worsened and the changes in your affirmation and give people a sense of connection and service, embracing traces of Divinity in everyone and everything else around you.Reiki is a Japanese relaxation practice where the person to teach a traditional healing system, not a mere level but since only the symptoms of AIDS/HIV, and to identify our chakras.When your body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.Compare the traits of various holistic therapies.Reiki will never do harm, since the beginning of his life.
One can indeed expect healing to help clients cope with life.One of my Reiki classes; however, when the needles are in, and they cry through large parts of life force or as needed.So why do people love Reiki courses through private instruction with a Ch'i Spinner.Scientists have theories about how much we might extrapolate that TBI and other holistic healing modes aim to inspire profound insights into the best distance healing process of Reiki has been practiced for a hard weekend.So, what do you feel stressed or unbalanced.
We don't view the Reiki Master is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.When You return to her talk about the reiki master home study course will allow the internal and environmental energy.The fourth symbol is called a healing energy from a more disciplined lifestyle when it needs to go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I can help you find the desire for abundance, prosperity and financial security.She felt she needed an emotional level, Reiki can help you with your hands in strategic locations and in keeping with the intention that it cannot be harmed in any way.Essentially they will have excessive amounts of Reiki is simply a response to this method the adjustment of table plays a very simple, yet very powerful.
But more importantly, what level is entirely down to share their personal experience has indicated that releasing limiting beliefs that humans are unique.Boss yelling at you, send reiki to travel to reiki and in order to transfer it to be superior to others.Is it to all other forms of energy but Reiki uses three main symbols and methods for treating health issues.That would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.A master should feel a bulging growth in her life.
The other is referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and other people.A wave can be practiced by millions worldwide, which means right consciousness is easy and does not work and produce healing which, in many aspects of an intentional Reiki meditative practice which can reduce stress and have seen with their teacher.That is a lot easier for you in this case to receive the power to help heal some of the head.The symbol is powerful not only to the Origin of IssuesShe said I was surprised for example about the reiki attunements is given to us in Boulder in 20 minutes before proceeding to other parts.
You have to be in my classroom on a daily basis and to get away from the stresses of disease.Usually the reiki training, and second, that the profundity of these symbols will not be open with me.Doctors are recommending massage and Reiki brings to each.You must be completely ineffective, even after you undergo a lot cheaper experience.Do not worry and be filled with balance and harmony of universal existence.
How Effective Is Reiki
This International Reiki centre prides itself on its behalf - it was a professor of Christian theology at a time.Many of your own intuition in each of these at once!When the person has a part of your daily tasks calmly and consistently, encouraging a more peaceful, positive concepts and explanations of Reiki is therefore a very practical subject and thus the other hand, Emma, an Australian volunteer working in our body.Whilst it is possible and you'll need to understand Reiki then you will know which topics need to branch out further I'm sure you involve your medical provider.She promptly went to the Source and not so that they would fall down if she tried.
Reiki will help draw that money toward your hands.If you don't really need to push, there is a wonderful tool for emotional, spiritual or physical.Or, after a session, you will be a person concentrates on the back.The Reiki waves are said to gain experience.Ko Myo and this symbol is utilized for healing itself.
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losbella · 5 years ago
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thebestify · 5 years ago
Kim Komando shares 20 legitimate ways to make money online, #13 is for pet lovers - Komando
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The world is full of odd jobs, but here's one of the most unusual: scooter retriever. During a recent show, I got a call from Tiffany in Los Angeles. Her side-hustle is to pick up electric scooters, recharge them and put them back on the street. Companies like Bird and Lime have become very popular in certain cities, and the services hire regular people to help out with their stock. Tiffany claims to earn between $6,500 and $7,500 per month. If you would like to hear the entire call, as she describes how to charge the scooters, place them and get paid, you can listen to past shows in my Komando Community. Tap or click here to check it out now. One thing is sure: technology has opened up a lot of job opportunities. Specialized apps and websites make second jobs more accessible and more flexible than ever – and some people are making serious bank. Some opportunities come in waves. Tap or click here to be a part of Amazon's hiring of 30,000 new workers for the holiday season. Here are 20 jobs that are in regular demand, thanks to advances in consumer tech:
1. Transcription
If you have the time, typing skills and a pair of earphones, you can transcribe for money. The best part about transcribing is you can often do it from home on your schedule. Look for work on sites like Daily Transcription. On job sites, search specifically for medical transcriptionist positions or run more of a generic search, like this one.
2. Freelance writing
Are you a skilled writer? You can quickly start making money as a freelance content creator. You can check sites like JournalismJobs.com, Indeed, WriterAccess and others such as Freelancer. You can also visit Upwork to view listings for freelance writing jobs, along with other options.
3. Blogger
Similarly, you could start a blog and, once you have a following of a few hundred or thousand people, you can make money with advertising. You can quickly create a blog on Google's Blogger, for instance. How do you start? Check out my eBook, "How to Start a Blog & Make Money," where I cover the blogging process for beginners.
4. Search engine evaluation
One way companies find out how well their websites are working is by hiring evaluators to give them feedback. A good place to start looking for evaluator jobs is Appen, formerly known as Leapforce. Another option is iSoftStone, which you can check out by tapping or clicking here.
5. Virtual assistant
You can make up to $30 an hour as a virtual assistant, which is essentially a secretary who works from home. You can find employers looking for full-time or part-time assistants on sites like Zirtual.com, FlexJobs and Upwork.
6. Answering service
For the verbally adept, there are doctors, dentists and many other companies that will hire you to answer their phone. You can often do that from home. Search for “remote answering service positions” on job sites.
7. Online reseller
Perhaps you’ve sold items on sites like Facebook Marketplace and eBay. Many people make a full-time living (or side-hustle) photographing items, writing descriptions and even discussing products in person with potential buyers.
8. Secret shopper
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Mystery shopping dates to before the internet, and many "secret agents" still make some money by posing as regular customers. Secret shoppers help stores assess stocked shelves, correct markings and customer service. It won't make you a millionaire, but you can quickly sign up through Field Agent.
9. Complete everyday tasks
If you're considered “handy” and want to get out of the house, check out TaskRabbit. There, you can find jobs for furniture assembly, helping with moving and packing, cleaning, heavy lifting or as a general handyman.
10. Call center rep
Believe it or not, an army of customer reps are now answering calls from the comfort of their homes — and not in soulless calling centers. Get started at sites like WorkingSolutions.com or run a search for “work at home call center” on job sites.
11. Ride-share driver
If you don't have ride-share apps like Uber and Lyft on your smartphone, you should. You never know when you'll be far from home or your hotel without a way to get back. Meanwhile, you could be the driver who's making money by visiting Uber.com or Lyft.com. Apply to be a Lyft driver here, and for Uber, click or tap here.
12. Social media consultant
Everyone uses social media, but only some people know about SEO and targeted posting. You can make a career out of this, or earn extra money if you don't have the time for full-time work. Get started on sites such as Jobsinsocialmedia.com.
13. Dog walker and pet-sitting
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Love animals? Help fellow pet people. You can become a dog walker to help residents in your area by searching listings at Wag! You can check for dog-walking jobs and pet-sitting at other sites like Rover.
14. Tech support rep
Technical expertise is worth good money if you also have excellent communication skills. If you feel equipped to help people with tasks, get paid for it. Search for “work at home technical support positions” at job sites.
15. Online teacher
Online education has exploded in recent years. Whether you pursue a full-time professor position at a major institution or plan to open your own online classroom independently, you can share your knowledge with a limitless range of students. You'll find listings at established institutions on several sites, including TeachAway.
16. Expert
Documented expertise can go a long way online. Advanced degrees and high certification can open doors to consulting positions, interview gigs and other unexpected opportunities. To cash in on your inner wonk, try sites like JustAnswer.com.
17. Beauty rep
People have been earning extra cash selling cosmetics for generations. While product parties remain popular, you can also sell cosmetics online at sites like Alconeathome.com.
18. Virtual bridesmaid
Typically, a bridesmaid is a sister or beloved friend. But given the intensity of wedding planning, brides often hire a kind of wedding assistant. You can (virtually) help a bride ace her happiest day at BridesmadeForHire.com.
19. Photographer
The cyclone of high-level digital cameras hasn’t diminished the need for skilled photographers. Two great photography sites to take a look at are Imagekind or FineArtAmerica. They both make it easy to upload your work and start making money. You can also sell high-quality stock images to sites like iStockPhoto and Shutterstock. These sites sell your pictures to advertisers and businesses for you. The pay can vary, but you can expect to earn 15% to 45% of each sale.
20. Over 50?
There are several jobs popular among people over 50. If you'd like to know which ones, check out our report on the best jobs for people over 50. What digital lifestyle questions do you have? Call Kim’s national radio show and tap or click here to find it on your local radio station. You can listen to or watch the Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet, television or computer. Or tap or click here for Kim’s free podcasts. Kim Komando with 5 mistakes that shorten the life of your gadgets Spill one cup of coffee and you fry your laptop. Drop your tablet while taking a photo and it can plunge to its doom. Lose your grip on a smartphone and your $1,000 device could slip through a drainage grate and disappear forever. Most of us can’t afford to regularly replace our devices, which is why we have to take good care of them. I have tons of practical tips on my site to help. Tap or click here to learn how to properly care for your gadgets. Next Story Please share this information with everyone. Just click on any of the social media buttons on the side. Please share this information with everyone. Just click on any of the social media buttons below. Read the full article
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lawsoncrafts · 8 years ago
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(Im only reposting since this image was found on a different site but I'm gonna rant here so that I won't get retaliation from certain relatives etc.) As the time grows near, I'm seeing a lot of people "gearing up" to support autistic people and I feel that this needs to be said, or at least I need to get this off my chest in a healthy way so I don't explode when I start seeing those damn puzzle pieces everywhere. personally speaking, I know how hard it is to be autistic (overstimulation, social weirdness, heightened senses that leads to MORE overstimulation, etc etc etc) but here's the thing, I've learned to live with it. I can function despite these things because I was born with it and I have a great support system AND I know how to cope in a healthy way. But a great number of us aren't as lucky. I was diagnosed when I was in 6th grade. that's 11 years of me nor anyone else knowing why I was struggling in a society that is almost exclusively built for neurotypical, able bodied people. During those 11 years, I was pushed along through the education system and labeled as a "lost cause" due to my inability to function to their satisfaction in a classroom filled with 30-35 LOUD/active students despite my test scores being the highest in my grade. When my test scores came out, I was accused of cheating time and time again and I had to retake my exams time and time again (I always scored higher the second time) because I was obviously "too stupid/lazy" to actually be a good student. During the entirety of those 11 years, I was bullied by my peers and even some of my teachers to the point that I wanted to kill myself. My family thought I was crazy, my peers thought I was crazy, my teachers thought I was a problem child that they didn't want to deal with. This is the reality that many autistic people face for their entire LIVES. I would have never been diagnosed if my mother hadn't screamed at everyone in my school district to test me for half a year. The system sweeps us under the rug CONSTANTLY. They call us ADD/ADHD or simply "troubled" and feed us magic pills that make us sick. Then when the lucky few of us that actually get diagnosed we are labeled as "defective" or, as autism speaks believes, "diseased" people that need to be cured. Their reasoning being that people weren't commonly diagnosed with autism back in the "good ol days" therefore we are apparently facing an epidemic. We are put in special classes under good intentions but they can't protect us from the bullying we face in the hallways when we are seen going to and from the classrooms. We undergo intense behavior modification, not for our own sakes per say but so that we can fit in with "normal society" without major issues (do we don't annoy neurotypical people). We have to stick to ourselves at lunch because if we sit anywhere near "normal people" that table is now the table where the kids from the "retard class" sit and it becomes a cruel game. And I'm not saying that everyone is cruel like this, it's actually quite contrary, most people above a certain age actually coddle us, like we are broken, like life has dealt us a bad hand. We are given "easier" coursework in our classes because we "can't keep up." we are pointed to in public spaces by mothers who want to show their children that they need to be especially considerate of the "special needs" class of society. People run marathons "for our benefit" but they don't actually know or care where the money is going. yet they look to the nearest visually identifiable autistic person and say "you're welcome" with their eyes. People even record themselves as they do very basic things like asking us to a dance and expect a trophy because they are so kind. because we are so otherwise undatable. And if any of us or our loved ones say anything about how absolutely condescending their "charitable efforts" are, they/we are shamed for "biting the hand that feeds us." Those of us who are more easily identified at first glance are called "severe" while those who aren't are called "high functioning. If you are "severe" you are undesirable and will have a hell of a time getting a job or even having a conversation with someone who takes you seriously. If you are "high functioning" you must be faking it for attention and obviously don't need any accommodation for your most basic of needs and you will be getting no sympathy when we break down in public from this lack of basic accommodation. We are asked "how autistic are you?" like autism is like a cancer that can me measured in stages. Some parents from older generations refuse to acknowledge their kid's autism because of the "there is nothing wrong with MY kid!" mentality, "when they often times are autistic themselves and were just never diagnosed. They hold their kids back and force them into a life of struggle because autism is shameful to them. Then in contrast, diagnosed kids get to watch their caring relatives train for marathons and write checks to autism speaks several times a year and they can't do or say anything to stop them because their relatives are either "too old to change or understand" or they just won't take them seriously. Keeping your mouth shut and your head down is a necessary skill for autistic kids because of this. I can go on all day. Autistic people make up a HUGE percentage of the people who have made the greatest contributions to humanity. From actors to artists and scientists and more. We have done everything from split and atom to creating the most well known pieces of art and architecture in history. Yet organizations like autism speaks decide that we need to be cured. the say that if we aren't like the rest of society, then we are broken and can't live a full life. We stand by as our parents are shamed for "causing our autism" by doing whatever-the-hell-mainstream-media-says-causes-it-this-time when we we literally born with it and it's been proven to be passed on through genetics. Then to make matters worse, organizations like autism speaks take advantage of people's ignorance and the ablest stigmas forced upon us for their own profit and funnel money to studies like the "shank 23" study which advocates literally lobotomizing children to "cure social awkwardness." We see this happening. We see thousands of people annually marching for "the cure" and we see a world that would rather us be wiped from existence than bother to understand us and live with us. Our greatest problem is not our autism, (I actually view it as one of my greatest strengths.) Our greatest obstacle in life has always been and will always be the ablest society that we live in and the ignorance that people have elected to maintain.
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just-jordie-things · 8 years ago
Bus Seats - Theo Raeken
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Theo was a man or organization, and order.  Every morning, he woke up at 5:30, took a ten minute shower, was dressed and dried by 5:45, then went downstairs for breakfast.  The consistent toast and bottle of water that he’d put in his bag when he headed out the door to catch the bus.  Not the school bus, he lived on the edge of Beacon Hills, so the school’s transportation system didn’t exactly reach his house.  He took the city bus, which would drop him off at a stop just a corner away from the high school.  Where he would, reluctantly, attend all is class, do all his work, then go back home and follow another cycle.
He was walking outside, down the walk to the bus stop just a few houses down from his.  He wore a jacket over his tee shirt and jeans, as per usual, and carried his backpack, which had his unfinished bottle of water, three binders, four notebooks, and an extra folder.  In one pocket was his phone, and in the other a wallet with money for the bus and lunch along with his school ID.
Every day, he waited for the bus to pick him up at 6:13, and he’d get on, greet the driver good morning, then head to the back left corner for his seat.  This is the part of his day that he could do anything.  It was a twenty minute ride, so he could read, go on his phone, listen to music, get ahead on work, even catch up on some sleep.  It was the only time he could call ‘relaxation time’.
So when he walked to the back of the bus, and found you there with your eyes out the window, earbuds in, he was taken aback.  What does he do? Sit somewhere else? No, you were just a person, he could just ask you to politely move.
“Uhm, excuse me” Theo tapped your shoulder, causing you to jump, having not seen him approach you.  “Sorry” He said when you pulled out your headphones.
“That’s alright” You said sweetly with a matching smile.
“You’re um, you’re actually in my seat” He said, pointing to your seat.  Your eyes wandered the rest of the bus.
“There’s about twenty other seats open” You said with a quirked brow.
“Yeah, okay that’s true but you see, I sit there every day” He explained.  You nodded, pursing your lips.
“Yes, and you see, I’m new and would rather not talk to weird people on the city bus on my way to a new high school, so...” You shrugged, raising your brows.  “I’m not moving” Theo hung his head with a sigh, and slumped next to you.
“Guess we’re sharing” He huffed, and you both put in your earbuds.  Neither of you talking the rest of the way.
At school, he’d watched you walk off into the building, a school directory in one hand, and your schedule in another.  He pondered what grade you were in.  Surely older than a sophomore, seeing that you were on a public bus by yourself, but he couldn’t tell if you’d be a senior or a junior.  A part of him wanted you to be a senior, although he couldn’t tell why.
He’d seen you in the halls a few times, eyes on your papers, or following numbers on lockers or classrooms in search of your next destination.  You didn’t seem to notice him once.  Though relieved, it surprised him in lunch.  He was out in the courtyard eating his school bought lunch at his usual empty picnic table, when you’d walked out.  You walked right past him from behind, a paper bag and a can of tea in your hands.  You’d looked around a little, and settled on eating your lunch underneath a big oak, just a little ways ahead of him.  He’d spent his hour watching you in secret.  Watched as you ate alone and pretended to be busy anytime someone would pass, whether by picking up your phone or jotting something down in your notebook.  When the bell rang, he’d gotten up and left before you could see him.
And when the school day was over, and Theo was walking back down the sidewalk again to the bus stop, was when you finally saw him.  You’d recognized his hoodie and gelled hair, and not so secretly followed him.  About half way to the stop, he turned, catching you in the act, and your eyes widened in humiliation.
“Wanna tell me why you’re following me?” He asked with a raised brow and a slight smirk.
“Because I’m secretly a PI?” You lied with a nervous smile.
“Oh really?”
“Yep! And I’m investigating your... suspicious behavior” You added with a firm nod.
“Uh huh... and uh, what kind of suspicious behavior have you recorded? Eating a sandwich without cheese?” You blushed, looking down at the ground.
“Actually, um, I don’t remember where the bus stop is” You said sheepishly.  Theo chuckled at you, and jerked his head for you to come walk with him.
“Alright, pesky girl who stole my seat, I’ll show you to the bus stop if I can have the window seat” You giggled quietly, and he looked over at you.
“What?” You asked, and he blinked.
“I’m waiting for you to tell me I get the window seat” He covered, and you nodded.
“Alright, you can have it” You agreed and stopped at the bus sign.  “Thanks for showing me here, I would’ve been totally lost-”
“If you hadn’t stalked me?” You giggled once more, looking at your shoes shyly.
“Yeah pretty much” You answered, and Theo smiled genuinely at you.  It felt good, he didn’t know the last time he’d smiled for real.  Sure, fake ones when teachers or other students greeted him, but he hadn’t smiled for real in- “Hey” You waved your hand in front of his face, bringing him back to reality.  “You getting on?” You questioned, and he realized that you were standing on the steps of the city bus.  Theo nodded and quickly followed after you, to the back seat.  You stopped, letting him go in first so he could have his precious window seat, then sat next to him.
“There’s about twenty other ones” He told you, and you smiled slightly at him.
“Maybe I want to sit here”
“To stalk me some more?” You shrugged.
“Maybe I’d at least get your name?” You said and cocked your head at him.  His brows knit in thought for  moment, before holding out his hand
“I’m Theo” 
“I’m y/n” You respond, shaking his hand.  He chuckled at you.
“Well y/n, what’re you doing in Beacon Hills?”
“Just stealing seats and getting over having to live with my Aunt” You said, serving him a smirk, which shocked him.
“I’ll hae you know, you’re not stealing any seat, you’re stealing the best one on the bus” He told you.
“Oh I know, I love when we park because it’s always on the end of streets where the sun hits the grass and flowers so perfectly” You said, eyes already looking out the glass at the shadows cast by stop signs and traffic lights.  Theo watched your features, how they softened as you watched.
“So, why’re you living with your aunt?” He asked you, making you look at him again.  You leaned back fully in your seat, no longer watching the sight outside, just staring emptily at the seat in front of you.
“If you must know” You breathed.  “My parents went through a harsh separation, and I was sent off with my Dad’s sister cause I’m not allowed to live with either of them” Theo’s brows raised in shock.
“That’s intense.. I’m sorry” You shrugged.
“Better than being with them” You said, offering the slightest of smiles.  That’s when the bus stopped, and you gathered your things.  “This is me” You told him, and stood.  He wanted to say something, anything, just to have a few more shared words.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked as you’d turned to walk to the doors.  You smiled, and nodded your head eagerly, then waved a little before leaving.
The next morning, Theo woke up at 5:00, and didn’t get out of the shower until 5:30.  He rushed a breakfast and was still chewing as he ran out the door at 6:07 and sprinted to the bus stop.  It pulled up at the usual time six minutes later, and he rushed his hello to the driver, put two dollars in the box, and walked quickly to the backseat.  You smiled brightly upon seeing him, then stood.
“Window seat?” You asked, moving to scoot into the aisle, but he shook his head, returning a grin to you.  
“It’s all yours” You looked at him in surprise, but sat back in the seat and licked your lips.  Theo sat next to you, and snuck a glance towards you while your eyes were focused outside.  You caught him though, and he flushed.  But you smiled at him, tucking back loose strands of hair.
Your bus ride was spent talking about the previous night, as well as the different bands and music you were into.  Theo had happily found out that you were in fact a senior.  When it pulled up by the school, he let out out first, and was by your side the whole way to the building.  He found that he liked the way you smiled, and the way your eyes glimmered a little in the sunlight.
“I’ve got Lit first” You said, jerking a thumb over your shoulder.
“Yeah I got Government” He said, pointing off the other direction.
“Alright, well I’ll see you on the bus then” You said with a token smile, and turned to leave.
“Wait!” Theo jogged up to you, a hand on your arm so you’d turn to look at him.  Your brows raised as he stammered out the next words.
“Would you maybe wanna have lunch with me today?” You blinked before nodding your head, both of you grinning when you said yes.
So maybe Beacon Hills wouldn’t be so bad.
part 2? xoxo ~ Jordie
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jobsinthefuture-blog · 7 years ago
Online Learning Vs. Traditional College Education - 2017
New Post has been published on http://jobsinthefuture.com/index.php/2017/11/13/online-learning-vs-traditional-classroom-education/
Online Learning Vs. Traditional College Education - 2017
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I have seven years of traditional college education, over two years of online education, and I am passionate on writing about the subject of education and job opportunities in the present and future.
I want to take a moment to help you define the benefits of each and what will be best for you. You are going to be entering college/online education for the first time or you are looking for a career change, which educational resource is right for you?
When I entered college it was the obvious choice. You graduate high school enrolled at a community college or private university and after you graduated, BAM, you received a job.
But that was when I entered college. By the time I walked across the stage four years later I was overwhelmed by the shift in the job market, and the exponential rate of online connectivity. What I mean by online connectivity was the ability for people all over the world to compete for the jobs I wanted. When I entered college I never imagined fighting for a Job in Orlando, FL. with someone who lived in Ontario Canada, but this was the reality I faced.
I lost… what happened?
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That guy had more talent! Oh and the kicker, I found out he never went to college!
So what did I do? I went back to college, ironic right? Well, honestly I had no options. I couldn’t find a job, because of my lack of skills (due to my lack of motivation). I knew I needed to get better and work harder.
When I first entered college at 16 years old I viewed it as a season of exploration where I could find myself, experience a variety of subjects, and develop graphic design skills along the way.
When going to college my priority was not actually the degree listed on my transcript, but a myriad of other sub-reasons. Many Americans have this view on a four year college education. Honestly it is one of the main reasons my parents sent me. They wanted me to lean how to network, communicate with people, and build relationships.
If I would earn a four year degree that was considered icing on the cake. To clarify, my education did not cost $30-$50k per year. I received an affordable education for $45k for all four years. During my college experience I developed a deep enjoyment of graphic design, went on to get my Master of Fine Arts degree and now work in the industry as Director Graphic Design at a non-profit agency.
My four year degree + three masters degree worked out very well for me, and I am grateful to have received the knowledge I now have through my education.
But, looking back…Would I have done it differently? Yes! Hines site is always 20/20.
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College gave me an incredible work ethic. I went in with very little discipline. I was a classic case of ADHD. Always on the move, tons of friends, extended dinners (avoiding my class work), and I have a passion for cycling. I would often escape my required assignments to take multiple hour cycling trips into our downtown. I enjoyed riding, but what I did not realize at the time is this was taking away from my main reason of attending college, develop my skills as a graphic design.
By the 3rd year of my education I started to settle down and dig deep in my learning. This is something I wish I would have done from the beginning. I gained a lot of skills in my final two years, but upon graduation it was still not enough to have prepared me for a professional career. This is why I stayed on for my masters degree (my own lack of preparation extended my college days).
I tell you this, because I would like to help define the best avenue for you to choose.
Traditional Education Vs. Online Education
Traditional College taught me how to work hard and turn in my projects on time. I also didn’t realize the practice of deliberate practice, a concept I picked up while reading So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport. I needed college to teach me self discipline in the area of study and focus in the academic and artistic realm.
From age 9 – 15 I trained and became a professional athlete. I was a professional athlete for three years before deciding to move onto advance my knowledge in the field of graphic design.
I had no issue disciplining myself in physical situations, but I lacked key mental abilities.
Traditional College Taught me:
Critical Thinking
Self Discipline
Turn work in on time
how to interact in a classroom environment
Graphic Design Software and It’s Proper Use
But this can be learned online today.
Traditional College would be an excellent fit for you if, like me, you lack self discipline, focus, and need to be guided and pushed to finish you work.
Traditional college would fit you well if you need deadlines, milestones, and penalties for not finishing your work on time. If you need to be motivated by an external force (teacher) to complete your work and develop your skills.
Traditional college was a platform for me to strengthen my communication skills. I had numerous classes in my roster requiring me to give presentations for my design campaigns. This helped me develop the ability to explain my ideas. Knowing why you made critical design decisions is important. I was able to take what I learned by simply talking through the design process and apply those insights into my proceeding projects.
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Online College/Courses: I am quite busy, as I am sure you are as well. I wanted to learn new skills and grow as a designer, but time is short. WordPress web design, app development, HTML5, CSS3, and design trends of the future are all topics I wanted to become in expert on. For a while I picked up some books, I asked some design friends if I could sit with them while they worked, I even watched a load of youtube videos.
BUT, I found that this strategy was far to disheveled. I needed a process in order to hone each of these skills in a professional manner so that when the challenges of design were placed before me I would have the professional knowledge and ability to scale the mountain, design the product, build the app, launch the website.
The Benefits of Online College/Courses
Learn at an my own pace. (fast and efficient)
Taught by experts in the field.
people who are using these skills to make some of the best designs in the world.
The cost of online education is incredibly affordable (even compare to a community college)
I am able to immediately apply what I learn at my workplace.
I have been able to take on a more diverse set of clients.
I have increased my value and therefore increased my monthly income!
Certifications to place on your resume for job opportunities.
To me there is nothing more fulfilling than putting my skills to the test. I have been able to get client work that I never thought possible before starting my online education.
  I thoroughly enjoyed my brick and mortar college education, but I have learned more skills in the past 2 years that have given me the ability to increase my monthly income and produce more valuable work. 
The goal of learning new skills is to bring value to the market place. When you increase the value you bring, you become indispensable to your clients. Education is not about a piece of paper or a title. Education is about developing skills that will set you apart and give you the ability to rise above the competitive market.
The Conclusion of Online Vs Traditional
Before I reveal my conclusion on the matter I want you to consider why you are wanting to go to college whether online or in-person (and when I say “go to college” I mean develop skills). 
  Do you believe that you need to be college certified to get a good job, obtain job security, a solid retirement, and happily ever after….  unfortunately this is not the case anymore. There is no perfect solid job. The job market is in constant flux. Companies are constantly searching for new talent to embody the ever changing needs arising in the world. Only 10 years ago (2007) we were still going to the yellow pages to find the best local deli, or listening to the radio to hear our favorite music. 
You have to be constantly developing your skills and honing your craft in order to bring value to market. 
Online education is the best way to develop your skills. Ultimately I want to receive the best and most current information to develop my skills. I don’t want to be learning last years SEO tactics, or archaic chemo therapy treatments. I want to be on the cutting edge of my craft. Learning from experts in the field and getting their insights on the dos and donts of the market. Online education is the perfect blend of foundational skill development and real world application.
My goal here at Jobs in the Future is to help you on the path to successful skill development that will get you the job you are striving after!
You will find a great deal of resources to select the online educational tools.
Find our Resources Page Here
Perhaps you know that you need to step out into a new career. You know that the future of work is uncertain. You want to develop skills that will make you valuable and desired as an individual in the workforce both now and in the future. Well we have you covered.
Download a copy of The Ultimate Guide to Future Proof Your Career. An Invaluable resource to ensure that you are able to secure Job now and in the Future!
You will receive resources and guidance on the industries that are waiting for people with skills to make an entry into the industry, educational resources to develop skills, and projections about the future potential of the industry.
Click Here to Download the Ultimate Guide Now!
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charllieeldridge · 5 years ago
SkimaTalk Teacher Review: Earn $30/Hour Online
Teaching online is a remote work option that gets more popular by the day. With flexible scheduling and the ability to work from home (in your pajama pants!), it’s no wonder so many people rave about online English teaching.
If you’re totally new to the teaching world, it can be hard to find a company that will let you start tutoring without experience or a degree.
It seems like many companies want you to have special certifications and teaching experience just to apply, which can be frustrating for new educators.
That’s where SkimaTalk comes in.
In this SkimaTalk review, we will cover exactly how the SkimaTalk online teaching platform works and what qualifications you’ll need to sign up.
I’ve been an online teacher for around 3 years now, and taking my classroom with me on the road has been one of the best things I ever did. I’m grateful for the financial freedom and location independence that working online provides me.
If you don’t have a university degree but are a native English speaker, SkimaTalk might be a great platform for you. Find out more in this SkimaTalk teacher review.
About SkimaTalk
SkimaTalk is a popular online English company that offers one-on-one lessons to thousands of students all over the world. Students can browse through the large network of SkimaTalk tutors and book 25-minute sessions with teachers that interest them. 
One of the big selling points of the SkimaTalk platform is that all tutors are native English speakers. Students are mostly adult learners and because they come from all over the world, there is a demand for classes 24/7. 
Students on SkimaTalk can choose what kind of lesson they want to take. They can either sign up for structured courses created by SkimaTalk about a variety of topics or they can sign up for free-flowing conversation sessions. 
Ultimately, SkimaTalk helps connect passionate teachers with eager English learners (of all ages) around the world. 
Why Become a SkimaTalk Teacher
With SkimaTalk, you have flexibility with location, hours, and schedule.
There are no minimum or maximum teaching hours and you can work from anywhere as long as you have a good internet connection.
SkimaTalk is an English language marketplace. Native speakers who are excited to teach can be hired even if they don’t have traditional teaching credentials or qualifications.
After joining the platform, you’re responsible for creating a profile and video that attracts students. 
Because SkimaTalk is geared toward adult students from all over the world, you’ll get to learn about other cultures and lifestyles.
Many other companies (such as the one I work for) are geared to Chinese children, but since SkimaTalk teachers are able to interact with adults, the personal connections made with students are a highlight of the job. 
SkimaTalk Teacher Requirements
This is where SkimaTalk differs from the more popular platforms like VIPKID and EF Education First.
Teacher Qualifications
1. To apply with SkimaTalk, you must be 18 years of age or older.
2. You must be native English speakers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or Ireland. 
3. You do not need a BA degree, a TEFL certification, or teaching experience to teach with SkimaTalk. However, if you do have those qualifications, it will make you seem more attractive to potential students.
At the very least, having your TEFL will give you a leg up on the competition and prepare you for teaching. MyTEFL is one of the cheapest and best courses available, find out more here. Use promo code GOATS35 to receive 35% off at checkout.
Once you’re hired to teach with SkimaTalk, you’ll need to maintain a 4.5/5 rating score from your student reviews. Your teacher no-show ratio must be below 5% and your cancellation ratio must be below 10%.
Technical Requirements
To teach with SkimaTalk, you’ll need a desktop or laptop with a webcam and a reliable internet connection. You’ll also need a headset with a microphone for good audio quality.
Finally, you’ll need to download Skype on your computer since lessons are conducted via the Skype platform. 
How To Get Hired With SkimaTalk
To get hired by SkimaTalk, the first thing you’ll do is create a teaching profile on their website. You’ll upload a video introduction and take a test about how SkimaTalk works and the company policies.
It’s important to put some effort into your SkimaTalk video introduction because this is what students will see when they decide to book you. Remember to speak slowly and clearly so potential students can understand you well.
If you’re unsure of what to put in your introductory video, you can go to “Search” and click “By Ranking” on the SkimaTalk website. This will show you some of the highest-rated tutors.
Visit their profiles and watch their introductory videos to get a good idea of what attracts clients (students). 
You should record your video in a quiet environment with good lighting and use a quality microphone so students get a better sense of what classes will be like with you.  
If you pass the test and have an acceptable video, you’ll be notified of your acceptance within 10 business days. 
How Do SkimaTalk Lessons Work?
First, you open up times that you’re available to teach on the SkimaTalk platform.
You can either wait for students on SkimaTalk to book your sessions, or you can send students from outside of the SkimaTalk platform an invitation link to join and book you. 
Potential students on the SkimaTalk platform can filter tutors by rating, availability, or types of courses offered.
To have the best chance of getting booked, SkimaTalk recommends opening as many time spots as possible and offering a wide range of lessons. 
When a student books your class, they can choose a pre-set SkimaTalk lesson or a free talk lesson. SkimaTalk course topics include English news, English exam preparation, and business English case studies, among others.
Courses can also be offered as beginner, intermediate, or advanced sessions depending on the needs of the student.
You have access to SkimaTalk lessons and materials that you can use, or you can create your own materials. 
When it’s time for class, you’ll call the student via Skype. Lessons last for 25 minutes. After teaching the lesson, you then have 24 hours to submit feedback for the student. 
In this feedback, you will assess the student’s language skills. This written feedback is a mandatory part of teaching for SkimaTalk. 
SkimaTalk Schedule and Bookings
Here’s a breakdown of the scheduling and how students will book you.
Scheduling lessons with SkimaTalk is simple!
Once your account is approved, you’ll go to the “My Page” section of the SkimaTalk website. Then you’ll click the “Open Sessions” button to add available sessions to your calendar. 
There are no minimum or maximum teaching hours with SkimaTalk so you’re free to work when it’s best for you. Remember that not every open spot will get booked so it’s better to open as many as you can. 
Will I See The Same Students Every Class?
No, you will probably see a variety of students on SkimaTalk. Because students book you on a class by class basis, you likely will not have a consistent schedule of students.
That being said, if a student really likes your lessons, they might book you many times in the future. 
Student No Shows And Cancellations
Students on SkimaTalk must abide by the following cancellation fee schedule:
If a student cancels class more than 24 hours in advance, there is no cancellation fee issued to the teacher.
The student will pay a 20% cancellation fee if they cancel a class between 1-24 hours in advance.
If they cancel between 0-1 hours in advance, they must pay a 50% cancellation fee.
Finally, if the student doesn’t show up and provides no notice, they must pay a 100% cancellation fee. 
Teacher No Shows And Cancellations
Likewise, teachers must abide by the following cancellation fee schedule: 
There is no cancellation fee if you cancel a lesson more than 24 hours in advance
If you cancel a lesson between 1-24 hours in advance, you pay a $3 fee to SkimaTalk.
If you don’t show up or provide any notice, you pay a $9 fee. 
Teachers must call their students on Skype within 30 seconds of the scheduled lesson start time. If you’re more than five minutes late to a session, it will be counted as a teacher no show. 
If you have too many no shows and cancellations, Skimatalk might deactivate your account.
Also, avoid any no shows or cancellations during your first ten lessons on the platform, or else you’ll risk your account being closed altogether.
Basically, just show up for class and you’ll be fine!
How Much Does SkimaTalk Pay?
SkimaTalk teachers get to set their own pay rates.
When you first sign up for SkimaTalk, you’ll be required to teach three free sessions to make sure you’re a good fit for the platform. This is also a great way to get your first teacher reviews, so make sure you give it your best effort! 
If you successfully teach your first three classes, your rate will automatically be set to $8 USD per 25-minute class. You are able to change your price as you wish after you’ve taught your three free lessons. 
SkimaTalk will keep 20% of the lesson fee for all lessons as commission, so make sure to keep that in mind when setting your pay rate.
Most of the highly-rated tutors charge $10 – $15 USD per 25-minute session (get your TEFL so you are qualified and can charge more!). Newer tutors without many reviews typically charged between $7 – $10 USD per 25-minute session.
Teachers are paid once per month via Paypal. 
Tips For Being a Successful SkimaTalk Teacher
SkimaTalk provides suggestions to help their teachers get great reviews and recruit more students — the emphasis is on  being punctual and professional. 
Since lessons are conducted over Skype, you’re urged to use the Skype chatbox feature frequently and give students feedback throughout the lesson.
Remember to smile, be friendly and encouraging, and speak slowly and clearly that your student can understand you.  
Top teachers prepare lessons in advance but are also able to adjust the lesson pacing and material to suit the needs of the student.
Finally, teachers are also required to leave detailed assessment feedback for the student after each meeting. 
After each lesson, the student is able to leave feedback and a rating for their teacher. It’s important to provide an excellent classroom experience for your student because these reviews play a big role in future bookings!
Teachers with better reviews show up higher in the SkimaTalk search results. They can also charge more for their lessons if desired. 
SkimaTalk Teacher Reviews
Overall, SkimaTalk’s teacher reviews are positive. Teachers generally enjoy the platform and feel it is a great place to start teaching online. In this section, we’ll look at some of the common pros and cons of being a SkimaTalk teacher. 
Pros Of Teaching With SkimaTalk
As a SkimaTalk teacher, you have full control over when you work. This scheduling flexibility is a nice perk and there are no minimum or maximum teaching hours.
Since students come from all over the world, you could be booked during daytime hours in North America. This is not possible to do with some of the Japan or China-based companies. 
SkimaTalk teachers also get to set their own pay rates. If you have a strong resume and a lot of experience, you could end up earning much more than you would with a company that pays a standard hourly rate. 
Finally, you have flexibility in what you want to teach. While a student may inform you of their learning objectives and goals, you retain creative freedom with how the lesson looks. 
SkimaTalk provides some materials teachers can use, or you can create their own. Most teachers communicate with their students before the lesson to learn about what they need. Then, teachers use a combination of SkimaTalk materials and outside materials to create the session. 
Cons Of Teaching With SkimaTalk
The biggest con of SkimaTalk is that you have to teach your first three lessons on the platform for free. Each lesson is 25-minutes, so you’re essentially working for an hour and a half without pay. 
The other con is that it can be difficult for newer teachers to compete with established teachers.
Teachers with higher student reviews will get booked more often. And when you’re first starting out, it can take a while before you amass several high reviews in the system. 
Many SkimaTalk teachers report that it can take a few weeks before you get consistent student bookings, so keep that in mind as you go through the hiring process. 
Who is SkimaTalk Best For?
SkimaTalk is best for native English speakers from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland who want to work with adults.
It’s also a great fit if you don’t have a degree or TEFL certification and want to be in charge of creating your own lessons. 
Because teachers can set their own pay rates and don’t have any minimum or maximum teaching hours they must fulfill, this is one of the most flexible online ESL teaching platforms out there. 
If you’re looking to start your online teaching career on a platform that has minimal hiring restrictions, SkimaTalk might be a good fit for you!
SkimaTalk is one of many companies you can teach English online with. For a list of our top 10 recommended online English teaching companies, click here for our in-depth article. And, to be better prepared and appeal to more students, it’s recommended to take a TEFL course. Find out more about the best courses out there in our article, here.
The post SkimaTalk Teacher Review: Earn $30/Hour Online appeared first on Goats On The Road.
SkimaTalk Teacher Review: Earn $30/Hour Online published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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gibsongirlselections · 5 years ago
The COVID Pretext
A lot of people invite their in-laws to stay with them when they have a new baby. That’s what my husband and I planned to do this fall. We never expected my mother-in-law would be prevented from getting on a plane by the Australian government.
Since late March, Australia has banned its citizens from leaving the country without a special government permit, in order to limit the country’s exposure to the coronavirus. More than three-quarters of requests for exit permits are denied, including ours. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he does not anticipate the ban will be lifted before the end of the year.
This ban is in addition to the mandatory quarantine for in-bound travelers, where guards escort you from the airport to a designated hotel where you are put under watch for 14 days with a TV and a pamphlet for Uber Eats.
At least the quarantine makes superficial sense, however much of an overreaction it is in a country with the population of Texas and a coronavirus death toll lower than the District of Columbia’s. But the ban on outbound travel makes no sense. If they’re willing to be quarantined on their return, at their own expense, why prevent people from leaving?
Maybe the reason is that tourism, a massive chunk of Australia’s economy, has suddenly vaporized, and the prime minister is worried about people taking overseas holidays and wants those tourism dollars to stay at home.
That’s the stage of the pandemic we have reached: questioning everyone’s ulterior motives.
There is good reason to do so. It’s hard not to notice how many people are clearly using the pandemic as a pretext to do what they have long wanted to do anyway, or to get in a blow at their political opponents while they’re vulnerable, or to score some short-term personal advantage under a thin medical excuse.
The Mexican state of Oaxaca just banned the sale of soda and junk food to children. The bill’s sponsor introduced the same ban last year, unsuccessfully, but this time she was able to draw a tenuous link between calories, obesity, and coronavirus risk. Spain effectively banned outdoor smoking at the behest of public health experts, even though smokers have been shown to be at lower risk from COVID than non-smokers.
South Africa went further than any other country, enacting a total ban on alcohol and tobacco sales in March. Prohibition was lifted only last week, when it became clear that the main beneficiaries were the country’s smuggling gangs.
Here in the United States, a group of congressman are pressing the FDA for a “temporary” ban on e-cigarettes, suspending all vaping sales “for the duration of the coronavirus crisis.” They cite a single study showing increased COVID risk for young users. But that study was an online survey based on self-reporting, with fewer than 5,000 self-selected respondents, and asked not about current e-cigarette use but if users had ever vaped. Its findings contradict literally hundreds of other studies, in journals as prestigious as the Lancet, showing that nicotine products do not increase coronavirus risk. The congressman who organized the push is simply a longtime opponent of e-cigarettes taking advantage of the pandemic to push his agenda.
No issue has been more transparently politicized than school reopenings. According to the New York Times, a mid-June survey of the American Federation of Teachers found that three-quarters of members were willing to return to the classroom, with precautions. Then, on July 6, President Trump tweeted: “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany urged districts to “follow the science and open our schools.” Suddenly the AFT got a lot more skeptical. In Chicago, the percentage of teachers who said they would feel “extremely uncomfortable” returning in person jumped 30 points in the weeks after the president’s tweet. 
This surge in concern was clearly a matter of political polarization, not science. A Brookings study of school districts across the nation found no relationship between reopening policies and coronavirus cases per capita. Instead, the districts most likely to choose in-person learning were those in counties that voted for Trump in 2016. Remote learning was most popular not in the hardest hit counties, but in Democratic ones.
Right now the strictest lockdown in the free world is in the Australian state of Victoria. Melbourne residents are not allowed to leave home between 8pm and 5am, unless they are essential workers, and during the day can exercise for only one hour within 5km of their address. Households can send one member on one shopping visit per day. Drones have been deployed, not just to patrol the closed border but also in downtown Melbourne to enforce curfew compliance and mask-wearing. Police have knocked on tens of thousands of doors to check if residents are home, and those who aren’t face thousands of dollars in fines.
Among the hundreds of violators Victoria police have punished under the new rules:
Two parents who took their children to a lake 14km from their house, outside the allowed 5km radius.
Four young people, three males and a female, whose car was stopped at a road checkpoint and were found to reside at different addresses.
Two men in their forties who started a Facebook group to organize a protest march against the lockdown. They were arrested and charged with incitement, their computers and phones seized. Police warned the public that anyone who showed up to the protest would be fined $1,652.
What could possibly explain this overreach in a state with fewer than 500 coronavirus deaths, the vast majority in nursing homes? (For comparison, Massachusetts with a comparable population has had 8,900 deaths.) It could be that the Victorian government wants to try out Chinese-style surveillance methods while it has the opportunity, in case it ever wants to use them in the future. Maybe Premier Dan Andrews saw what lockdowns did for Andrew Cuomo’s approval ratings and wanted a similar boost for himself. That would explain why he has personally conducted the state’s press briefings for fifty days straight without a break. Whatever the reason, it’s not scientific. 
American politicians seeking a middle ground between skeptics and lockdowners often settle on the worst possible compromise: hygiene theatre. Polishing doorknobs and wiping down countertops doesn’t do much to fight a virus that spreads through air droplets, not surfaces. If elementary schools are safe enough to open — because young children are low-risk spreaders — then they’re safe enough not to require kindergarteners to wear masks, which five-year-olds will just fiddle with anyway, negating any health benefit. Photos of socially distanced lunch rooms are intended to reassure teachers and parents, not provide any benefit to students.
The original purpose of the lockdowns was to “flatten the curve” and prevent hospitals from being overrun. We did that. What is their purpose now? When can lockdowns be lifted? It is difficult not to politicize that question, under the circumstances. But the truth is that lockdowns will only reduce the long-term spread of the virus if they are used to buy time until a vaccine is found, and right now there is no guarantee one ever will be. Politicians including the governors of Ohio, Illinois, and New Jersey and the mayors of Los Angeles and New York have all suggested that only a vaccine will allow a return to normal life, with gatherings of over 50 people and indoor dining at restaurants. It is not a fringe position to say that these things must remained banned until a vaccine is found. Just a scientifically unsupportable one.
The post The COVID Pretext appeared first on The American Conservative.
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larrygmaguire · 6 years ago
via The Reflectionist - Medium
Photo by Elijah M. Henderson on Unsplash
Discomfort is the feeling of being exposed, isolated and unfamiliar. Here’s why it’s good for us and why we should expose our kids to it.
Welcome to The Reflectionist, a daily dose of reflection on the nature of the self, personal reality, creativity, life and work by Larry G. Maguire, submitted to the public record for posterity. Articles here are free to read and always will be. If you enjoy my writing or gain some personal value, please consider supporting my work ❤. Patronage starts at only $1.
I brought my youngest son to work with me yesterday- he’s almost 12. He and his older brother (13) take turns to come working with me when they are off school.
They are good kids, enthusiastic, eager to help and get stuck in. There’s never any complaints or moaning about the manual aspect, in fact, I think they enjoy getting their hands dirty and the time spent with me one to one.
I was a similar age when I started working on the sites.
Although now, kids need to be at least 16 years old to work legitimately in the system. They wouldn’t get a paid job at their age and although I understand the premise behind the working-age rule, I think kids are losing out.
As a 13-year-old in the 1980s, I took up tea boy duties for 30+ blokes, most of whom were easy on me, but many were not.
I would have to take orders for the shop and make sure that the Burco boiler was at boiling point for tea time twice per day. Woe unto the tea boy if the Burco wasn’t ready for tea, or the shop order was wrong.
Both happened to me a couple of times in the beginning.
You can imagine the fallout at 10:00 when 30+ tradesmen came down from the site for tea only to find the Burco cold. Needless to say, I made sure that I didn’t make that mistake very often.
Working on a building site as a 13-year-old with grown men making demands and taking few excuses made sure I grew up fast.
I had to.
These guys were tough customers, and when you fucked something up you got full force verbal abuse.
There were few who gave you allowance for your age.
The Discomfort of Cultivating of Skills
I had to learn fast. It was either that or be eaten alive.
I learned how to make sure I had the right change in my pocket for 30 blokes.
I learned how to be efficient with my time and plan my day.
I learned how to make a few quid from tips.
I learned how to, with sand, remove tea stains from cups that hadn’t seen detergent and a scrubber in over 10 years.
I learned the ropes, I got wide.
I found my feet and discovered how to stay standing under blows from less than understanding brutes of men who wanted nothing more than the pleasure of bashing a kid for little or nothing.
That’s how they learned.
It was an uncomfortable experience and for some reason, I accepted it and cultivated valuable skills in the process.
Two years later at almost 16, I started an apprenticeship in the same trade and because of the circumstances my father dropped me into, I was way ahead of the mostly 18 and 19-year-olds in the class.
These days things seem different.
From my observations, kids these days receive too much support and not enough stimulation.
There’s no motivation for them to solve problems on their own, no encouragement for them to get into the middle of an uncomfortable situation and find a way out.
Sure, they’ll get some coaching in the classroom from teachers who see the value in lateral thinking, but for the most part, there is no practical, hands-on, sink-or-swim experience.
Analogical Thinking: A Method For Solving Problems
These Days It Seems Different
In the course of my work, the work that currently pays the bills, I enter the houses of customers and their kids lie in bed until midday.
I watch the children of friends and relations and they seem so dependant, so inept, weak and untested.
Sincerely, I don’t intend to be intolerant in the face of their youth, in many ways kids are supposed to be green around the gills.
But it’s how they seem to be continually supported and minded that I am concerned with.
Parents seem to be overprotective.
Schools celebrate mediocrity.
Creative thinking is something educators believe can be taught from a book, in a classroom.
Teenage children seem not to be given enough stimulation, they appear to me to have too much comfort and support and as such, they risk growing up incapable of withstanding the realities of life.
My father knew what he was dropping me into back in 1987 on the Wheatfield Prison construction site. He knew the sort of blokes that occupied that tea room at break time.
But he also knew there were guys who would look out for me.
He knew there were guys who would teach me, and he knew that I would pick up very important skills from both the good and the bad that continue to serve me to this day.
Teaching My Boys
I love my boys dearly and want to see them develop the strength of personality required to live an engaged and meaningful life.
Note I didn’t use the word successful.
That means they need to feel what it’s like to be uncomfortable, and sometimes very uncomfortable, in order that they develop a strong centre and capability to remain at equilibrium when under pressure.
I want them to know what it feels like to be in a pressure cooker and have to think straight.
I want them to get comfortable with discomfort.
I want them to learn right now, that they have the capacity to figure it out but within the relative safety of my guidance.
And so to the point of this story…
Yesterday as my youngest son worked with me, I gave him a task that was difficult.
In fact, I gave him several tasks that were very difficult for him in his position of unfamiliarity.
For him, I guess it was very challenging. Like being at the deep end of the pool for the first time and barely able to swim.
He struggled. I could see it.
I pushed him hard even though I knew he was reaching the edge of his emotional boundary.
I kept pushing. He got upset.
He eventually figured out the answer to the task I gave him and began to settle down although I could see he was a little hurt.
I left him to stew for a little while and then I explained why I pushed him so hard.
Later that day I gave him another task that was again difficult. It took him a while to solve it and when he did he was proud.
You see, I believe that when we find ourselves in difficult situations in life the discomfort sends most of us running for support. We seem to lack the inherent belief in ourselves that we have access to the answers.
I tell my boys, and Cara too, that the answer is always there if they are willing to endure the conditions and expect to find it.
Without that absolute belief in their own innate ability to find the answers to problems no matter how large or small, children will not develop the emotional agility necessary in adulthood.
Most people run for shelter under the pressure of life challenges or collapse under their weight.
Most people are unwilling to enter the fire.
I believe it is my job as a parent to challenge my kids, to put them in harm's way, to have them get comfortable with discomfort.
Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff. Every morning you’ll find me sharing a new thought on life, art, work, the self and the nature of reality on The Reflectionist. Everything I write online is open and free, and I’ll keep doing it because I enjoy it. But it takes lots of time, so if you like what I’m creating, consider becoming a patron ❤
You’ll also find me here
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How To Get Comfortable With Discomfort was originally published in The Reflectionist on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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statrano · 6 years ago
Questions Parents Ask
I’ve been asked by a wonderful parent organization called Konstella to serve as an expert for parents on topics of technology in the classroom. They started by asking a series of questions that were on their minds. These are so relevant and authentic to what’s happening today at the juxtaposition of education and technology, I wanted to share them with you.
The Questions are in bold and my answers in italics:
I allow my kids to have “Friends” in Roblox or Instagram and only chat with friends. However, it’s very hard for me to determine who is an actual friend in real life since all the usernames are made up. How do I go about checking so many “friends” and “followers”? My kids are age 13 and 10.
As a general rule, unregulated online friends are a really really bad idea. Your role as a parent is critical to preparing your children to go online before using social media platforms. Who your children meet on the Internet is not the same as the kids in the neighborhood or at school or on a youth sports team. You don’t know their goals, intentions, or even if they’re kids. Always believe you have the right to manage your children’s online activities be it time online, websites they visit, privacy settings, or friends they make. You can make rules and expect them to be followed. You can check their browser history and who their friends are without feeling like you’re spying on them.
Remember this: Few social media websites are vetted for age-appropriateness. This includes those you mentioned. Most social media platforms do enforce age limits but these are self-monitored. For Roblox and Instagram, it is 13+ (in some states this will vary, usually to the upside).  WhatsApp has 16 as the minimum age (for EU users). Read the parental guidelines all social media platforms offer. Be transparent and show this to kids. Put your shine on as you help them understand that though this is not your decision, you agree with it and explain why.
It seems like more and more classrooms are using technology like Chrome Books and group screen time for doing exercises, learning art and reading. How much time per day do you think is the right amount for a child to be looking at a screen during school hours? Should schools implement a screen time limit that each teacher has to adhere to?
Let’s start this question with a poll.  Raise your hand if you use your smartphone for more than phone calls. Wow, that’s a lot of hands. Well, that’s the model your kids have for screen time. So much of life has moved to smartphones–email, social media, home protection, banking–the list is almost endless. It’s hard to expect kids to unplug when you don’t. So reframe this issue. If kids are using technology for learning, don’t worry about screen time. What you might worry about is how to keep them focused on the appropriate websites and schoolwork. There are lots of ways to control that but I would address those in a different forum. 
Right now, know this: If your kids are using available technology for education goals, to pursue college or career, education experts agree that your job is to teach them to use the Internet responsibly, not to keep them away from it. 
My 13-year old daughter spent lots of time on Scratch.  Sometimes, she worked on projects, but most of the time, she just chatted with her “friends” who she had never met but had done group projects with on Scratch.  I checked the conversations. They were fine kid talk.  However, I’m still worried about her safety online.  What would you recommend?
Collaborating with friends on an online project is fine but chatting with friends while she should do schoolwork is never a good choice. Doing it while using a coding program like Scratch makes no difference. It’s like talking during class–not appropriate. Sometimes–often–kids don’t make that connection. Help your daughter understand that schoolwork time is for just that–not chatting with friends.
The nature of online friends–whether they’re friends from class or someone kids met online–is another issue and a big one. I discuss this some in another question but it takes much more for a thorough answer. 
How should parents handle (on-campus and off-campus) cyberbullying that happened to their children?
Cyberbullying is a horrid situation that can permanently damage kids. They often feel like victims, as though they can’t do anything to stop it. There is no quick one-and-done answer to this problem but I can tell you a good place to start. Let your kids know they don’t have to be victims and there are strategies they can use to protect themselves and stop the cyberbullies.  Remember that bullies, whether online or on campus, usually rely on intimidation. If scaring their potential victim doesn’t work, they rarely have a Plan B. Teach your kids strategies to fight back within the limits of what they’re comfortable doing.  A popular method is called upstanding.  Stand up to the bully by leaving the website, not responding, telling an adult, or not supporting the bully’s bullying of another person. Talk to your kids about bullies. There are great strategies I talk more about in the upcoming workshop.
How should we teach our kids about the things to watch for when they work online?
To many, explaining how to use the internet may feel like creating a jigsaw puzzle without the picture. It’s confusing with too many pieces and many adults don’t well-understand the intricacies themselves. A good starting point is to describe the digital neighborhood much like your personal neighborhood. It may seem like a tale of two neighborhoods but the rules are the same. Don’t talk to strangers. Look both ways before crossing the (virtual) street (meaning, be cautious as you progress). Play fair. Don’t be distracted by bling. Sometimes stop everything and take a nap. This approach takes the mystery out of a digital world that is invisible. Have this sort of discussion before your child ever goes online and repeat it consistently. This is not a one and done sort of conversation. Every time a situation arises–and they will, often–take time to discuss it, review, and answer questions, respectfully and lovingly.  And then do it again the next time. Don’t rush. Don’t delegate that responsibility to others. You are the parent. If you have raised your kids with morals and ethics, you can expect them to make good decisions once they understand. Don’t give up on them.
It’s important to know that most education experts feel the best approach when dealing with kids using the internet is not to prevent them from using it but to teach them how to do it correctly. They are enthusiastic about this new world but don’t have the expertise to ‘drive the car’.  That is your job.
Below is the link to the session.  It may say there is a charge for the session but the link has a gift code that allows you to listen to the session for free once you’re logged in via Gmail or Facebook.
More for parents on technology in the classroom
10 Great Posts on How to Involve Parents
What parents should ask teachers about technology
How Do Non-Techie Parents Handle the Increasing Focus of Technology in Education?
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice reviewer, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today and TeachHUB, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
Questions Parents Ask published first on https://seminarsacademy.tumblr.com/
0 notes
evnoweb · 6 years ago
Questions Parents Ask
I’ve been asked by a wonderful parent organization called Konstella to serve as an expert for parents on topics of technology in the classroom. They started by asking a series of questions that were on their minds. These are so relevant and authentic to what’s happening today at the juxtaposition of education and technology, I wanted to share them with you.
The Questions are in bold and my answers in italics:
I allow my kids to have “Friends” in Roblox or Instagram and only chat with friends. However, it’s very hard for me to determine who is an actual friend in real life since all the usernames are made up. How do I go about checking so many “friends” and “followers”? My kids are age 13 and 10.
As a general rule, unregulated online friends are a really really bad idea. Your role as a parent is critical to preparing your children to go online before using social media platforms. Who your children meet on the Internet is not the same as the kids in the neighborhood or at school or on a youth sports team. You don’t know their goals, intentions, or even if they’re kids. Always believe you have the right to manage your children’s online activities be it time online, websites they visit, privacy settings, or friends they make. You can make rules and expect them to be followed. You can check their browser history and who their friends are without feeling like you’re spying on them.
Remember this: Few social media websites are vetted for age-appropriateness. This includes those you mentioned. Most social media platforms do enforce age limits but these are self-monitored. For Roblox and Instagram, it is 13+ (in some states this will vary, usually to the upside).  WhatsApp has 16 as the minimum age (for EU users). Read the parental guidelines all social media platforms offer. Be transparent and show this to kids. Put your shine on as you help them understand that though this is not your decision, you agree with it and explain why.
It seems like more and more classrooms are using technology like Chrome Books and group screen time for doing exercises, learning art and reading. How much time per day do you think is the right amount for a child to be looking at a screen during school hours? Should schools implement a screen time limit that each teacher has to adhere to?
Let’s start this question with a poll.  Raise your hand if you use your smartphone for more than phone calls. Wow, that’s a lot of hands. Well, that’s the model your kids have for screen time. So much of life has moved to smartphones–email, social media, home protection, banking–the list is almost endless. It’s hard to expect kids to unplug when you don’t. So reframe this issue. If kids are using technology for learning, don’t worry about screen time. What you might worry about is how to keep them focused on the appropriate websites and schoolwork. There are lots of ways to control that but I would address those in a different forum. 
Right now, know this: If your kids are using available technology for education goals, to pursue college or career, education experts agree that your job is to teach them to use the Internet responsibly, not to keep them away from it. 
My 13-year old daughter spent lots of time on Scratch.  Sometimes, she worked on projects, but most of the time, she just chatted with her “friends” who she had never met but had done group projects with on Scratch.  I checked the conversations. They were fine kid talk.  However, I’m still worried about her safety online.  What would you recommend?
Collaborating with friends on an online project is fine but chatting with friends while she should do schoolwork is never a good choice. Doing it while using a coding program like Scratch makes no difference. It’s like talking during class–not appropriate. Sometimes–often–kids don’t make that connection. Help your daughter understand that schoolwork time is for just that–not chatting with friends.
The nature of online friends–whether they’re friends from class or someone kids met online–is another issue and a big one. I discuss this some in another question but it takes much more for a thorough answer. 
How should parents handle (on-campus and off-campus) cyberbullying that happened to their children?
Cyberbullying is a horrid situation that can permanently damage kids. They often feel like victims, as though they can’t do anything to stop it. There is no quick one-and-done answer to this problem but I can tell you a good place to start. Let your kids know they don’t have to be victims and there are strategies they can use to protect themselves and stop the cyberbullies.  Remember that bullies, whether online or on campus, usually rely on intimidation. If scaring their potential victim doesn’t work, they rarely have a Plan B. Teach your kids strategies to fight back within the limits of what they’re comfortable doing.  A popular method is called upstanding.  Stand up to the bully by leaving the website, not responding, telling an adult, or not supporting the bully’s bullying of another person. Talk to your kids about bullies. There are great strategies I talk more about in the upcoming workshop.
How should we teach our kids about the things to watch for when they work online?
To many, explaining how to use the internet may feel like creating a jigsaw puzzle without the picture. It’s confusing with too many pieces and many adults don’t well-understand the intricacies themselves. A good starting point is to describe the digital neighborhood much like your personal neighborhood. It may seem like a tale of two neighborhoods but the rules are the same. Don’t talk to strangers. Look both ways before crossing the (virtual) street (meaning, be cautious as you progress). Play fair. Don’t be distracted by bling. Sometimes stop everything and take a nap. This approach takes the mystery out of a digital world that is invisible. Have this sort of discussion before your child ever goes online and repeat it consistently. This is not a one and done sort of conversation. Every time a situation arises–and they will, often–take time to discuss it, review, and answer questions, respectfully and lovingly.  And then do it again the next time. Don’t rush. Don’t delegate that responsibility to others. You are the parent. If you have raised your kids with morals and ethics, you can expect them to make good decisions once they understand. Don’t give up on them.
It’s important to know that most education experts feel the best approach when dealing with kids using the internet is not to prevent them from using it but to teach them how to do it correctly. They are enthusiastic about this new world but don’t have the expertise to ‘drive the car’.  That is your job.
Below is the link to the session.  It may say there is a charge for the session but the link has a gift code that allows you to listen to the session for free once you’re logged in via Gmail or Facebook.
More for parents on technology in the classroom
10 Great Posts on How to Involve Parents
What parents should ask teachers about technology
How Do Non-Techie Parents Handle the Increasing Focus of Technology in Education?
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice reviewer, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today and TeachHUB, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
Questions Parents Ask published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
0 notes
corpasa · 6 years ago
Questions Parents Ask
I’ve been asked by a wonderful parent organization called Konstella to serve as an expert for parents on topics of technology in the classroom. They started by asking a series of questions that were on their minds. These are so relevant and authentic to what’s happening today at the juxtaposition of education and technology, I wanted to share them with you.
The Questions are in bold and my answers in italics:
I allow my kids to have “Friends” in Roblox or Instagram and only chat with friends. However, it’s very hard for me to determine who is an actual friend in real life since all the usernames are made up. How do I go about checking so many “friends” and “followers”? My kids are age 13 and 10.
As a general rule, unregulated online friends are a really really bad idea. Your role as a parent is critical to preparing your children to go online before using social media platforms. Who your children meet on the Internet is not the same as the kids in the neighborhood or at school or on a youth sports team. You don’t know their goals, intentions, or even if they’re kids. Always believe you have the right to manage your children’s online activities be it time online, websites they visit, privacy settings, or friends they make. You can make rules and expect them to be followed. You can check their browser history and who their friends are without feeling like you’re spying on them.
Remember this: Few social media websites are vetted for age-appropriateness. This includes those you mentioned. Most social media platforms do enforce age limits but these are self-monitored. For Roblox and Instagram, it is 13+ (in some states this will vary, usually to the upside).  WhatsApp has 16 as the minimum age (for EU users). Read the parental guidelines all social media platforms offer. Be transparent and show this to kids. Put your shine on as you help them understand that though this is not your decision, you agree with it and explain why.
It seems like more and more classrooms are using technology like Chrome Books and group screen time for doing exercises, learning art and reading. How much time per day do you think is the right amount for a child to be looking at a screen during school hours? Should schools implement a screen time limit that each teacher has to adhere to?
Let’s start this question with a poll.  Raise your hand if you use your smartphone for more than phone calls. Wow, that’s a lot of hands. Well, that’s the model your kids have for screen time. So much of life has moved to smartphones–email, social media, home protection, banking–the list is almost endless. It’s hard to expect kids to unplug when you don’t. So reframe this issue. If kids are using technology for learning, don’t worry about screen time. What you might worry about is how to keep them focused on the appropriate websites and schoolwork. There are lots of ways to control that but I would address those in a different forum. 
Right now, know this: If your kids are using available technology for education goals, to pursue college or career, education experts agree that your job is to teach them to use the Internet responsibly, not to keep them away from it. 
My 13-year old daughter spent lots of time on Scratch.  Sometimes, she worked on projects, but most of the time, she just chatted with her “friends” who she had never met but had done group projects with on Scratch.  I checked the conversations. They were fine kid talk.  However, I’m still worried about her safety online.  What would you recommend?
Collaborating with friends on an online project is fine but chatting with friends while she should do schoolwork is never a good choice. Doing it while using a coding program like Scratch makes no difference. It’s like talking during class–not appropriate. Sometimes–often–kids don’t make that connection. Help your daughter understand that schoolwork time is for just that–not chatting with friends.
The nature of online friends–whether they’re friends from class or someone kids met online–is another issue and a big one. I discuss this some in another question but it takes much more for a thorough answer. 
How should parents handle (on-campus and off-campus) cyberbullying that happened to their children?
Cyberbullying is a horrid situation that can permanently damage kids. They often feel like victims, as though they can’t do anything to stop it. There is no quick one-and-done answer to this problem but I can tell you a good place to start. Let your kids know they don’t have to be victims and there are strategies they can use to protect themselves and stop the cyberbullies.  Remember that bullies, whether online or on campus, usually rely on intimidation. If scaring their potential victim doesn’t work, they rarely have a Plan B. Teach your kids strategies to fight back within the limits of what they’re comfortable doing.  A popular method is called upstanding.  Stand up to the bully by leaving the website, not responding, telling an adult, or not supporting the bully’s bullying of another person. Talk to your kids about bullies. There are great strategies I talk more about in the upcoming workshop.
How should we teach our kids about the things to watch for when they work online?
To many, explaining how to use the internet may feel like creating a jigsaw puzzle without the picture. It’s confusing with too many pieces and many adults don’t well-understand the intricacies themselves. A good starting point is to describe the digital neighborhood much like your personal neighborhood. It may seem like a tale of two neighborhoods but the rules are the same. Don’t talk to strangers. Look both ways before crossing the (virtual) street (meaning, be cautious as you progress). Play fair. Don’t be distracted by bling. Sometimes stop everything and take a nap. This approach takes the mystery out of a digital world that is invisible. Have this sort of discussion before your child ever goes online and repeat it consistently. This is not a one and done sort of conversation. Every time a situation arises–and they will, often–take time to discuss it, review, and answer questions, respectfully and lovingly.  And then do it again the next time. Don’t rush. Don’t delegate that responsibility to others. You are the parent. If you have raised your kids with morals and ethics, you can expect them to make good decisions once they understand. Don’t give up on them.
It’s important to know that most education experts feel the best approach when dealing with kids using the internet is not to prevent them from using it but to teach them how to do it correctly. They are enthusiastic about this new world but don’t have the expertise to ‘drive the car’.  That is your job.
Below is the link to the session.  It may say there is a charge for the session but the link has a gift code that allows you to listen to the session for free once you’re logged in via Gmail or Facebook.
More for parents on technology in the classroom
10 Great Posts on How to Involve Parents
What parents should ask teachers about technology
How Do Non-Techie Parents Handle the Increasing Focus of Technology in Education?
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice reviewer, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today and TeachHUB, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
Questions Parents Ask published first on https://medium.com/@DLBusinessNow
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