thwip-snikit-art · 6 months
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krytus · 2 years
iron man (2008) and iron man 3 (2013) are the only good marvel films alright. they're the only ones that matter. to me.
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juridical-angel-blog · 7 months
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Iron Man 3 ''Special Poster Mk42-Prehensile Armor''!
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SLDF Naval Assets, as of Operation TOUCHDOWN, 2153
SLS McKenna's Pride, McKenna-class battleship, SLDF Flagship (Commanding General's Squadron)
SLS Zughoffer Weir, McKenna-class battleship
SLS Bismarck, Texas-class battleship
SLS Ukraine, Texas-class battleship
SLS Chieftain, Liberation (Stefan Amaris)-class battleship (reactivated from museum ship status)
SLS Galactica, Dreadnought-class Battleship (reactivated from museum ship status; extensive refit)
SLS Quicksilver Mongoose, Du Shi Wang-class battleship (recovered from Clan Homeworlds mothball fleet during Operation PICKPOCKET)
SLS Great Coyote Spirit, Nightlord-class battleship (recovered from Clan Homeworlds mothball fleet during Operation PICKPOCKET)
SLS Barham, Monsoon-class battleship (recovered from Clan Homeworlds mothball fleet during Operation PICKPOCKET)
SLS Enterprise, Enterprise-class supercarrier
SLS Blood Drinker, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS Arctic Wolf, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS Dark Wolf, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS Jade Aerie, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS White Aerie, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS Streaking Mist, Black Lion-class battlecruiser
SLS Tripitz, Black Lion-class battlecruiser (hulk recovered from New Vandenburg system in return for concessions to Taurian Concordat; repaired and refitted)
SLS Bloody Fang, Cameron-class battlecruiser
SLS Turkina's Pride, Cameron-class battlecruiser
SLS Invincible, Tharkad-class battlecruiser
SLS Blue Talon, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Jade Talon, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Red Talon, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Gold Talon, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Chaos Sailor, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS White Terror, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Auspicium, Aegis-class heavy cruiser
SLS Manassas, Aegis-class heavy cruiser (experimental refit)
SLS Talismantia, Sovetskii Soyuz-class heavy cruiser (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Dire Wolf, Sovetskii Soyuz-class heavy cruiser
SLS Soyal, Soyal-class heavy cruiser
SLS Victoria Ward, Liberator-class light cruiser
SLS Jerome Winson, Liberator-class light cruiser
SLS Surprise, Kimagure Surprise-class pursuit cruiser
SLS Vision of Truth, Potemkin-class troop cruiser
SLS Renown, Potemkin-class troop cruiser
SLS Abyssal, Potemkin-class troop cruiser (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Bonaventure, Potemkin-class troop cruiser (leased from Raven Alliance)
SLS Eden Rose, Potemkin-class troop cruiser (leased from Raven Alliance)
SLS Okami, Lola III-class destroyer
SLS Caleuche, Lola III-class destroyer (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Ranger, Lola III-class destroyer
SLS Emerald Tornado, Whirlwind-class destroyer
SLS Jade Tornado, Whirlwind-class destroyer
SLS Sabre Cat, Essex-class destroyer
SLS The Iowa, Essex-class destroyer
SLS Abundantia, Essex-class destroyer
SLS Deathblow, Essex-class destroyer
SLS Manchester, Suffren-class destroyer
SLS Rogue, Congress-class frigate
SLS Fire Crest, Congress-class frigate
SLS Kerensky's Pride, Congress-class frigate
SLS Silver Merlin, Peregrine-class corvette
SLS Green Kestrel, Peregrine-class corvette
SLS Killing Blow, Vincent Mk42-class corvette
SLS Arm's Reach, Vincent Mk42-class corvette
SLS Simas Osis, Vincent Mk42-class corvette
SLS Liberator, Volga-class transport (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Megalodon, Volga-class transport (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Matahourua, Carrack-class transport (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Tethys, Carrack-class transport (leased from Clan Sea Fox)
SLS Far Star, Carrack-class transport
SLS Enlightened Path, Carrack-class transport
SLS Nebula, Carrack-class transport
SLS Glory Road, Carrack-class transport
SLS Blessed Vision, Carrack-class transport
SLS Pathfinder, Carrack-class transport
SLS Guiding Vision, Carrack-class transport
SLS Bright Star, Carrack-class transport
SLS Faithful Rite, Carrack-class transport
SLS Dover, Faslane-class yardship
SLS Necessitas, Faslane-class yardship
SLS Harmonia, Faslane-class yardship
SLS Glamorgan, Faslane-class yardship
SLS Clementia, Newgrange-class Yardship
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sinestrosmind · 6 months
A Chance to Say Goodbye (2023)
Summary: Tony Stark, ever the futurist, had put a hidden protocol behind Flame's Pack Rally Protocol. When Pack Rally is activated, this hidden protocol, the Recovery Protocol, is activated. And as per protocol, Alpha aided in carrying it out.
Flame has followed Alpha's guidance, had led her through finding the pieces and putting together the heart of the Recovery Protocol. Now, she receives a final message from the late Tony Stark, has a chance to say goodbye, and finally meets Recovery.
Warnings: Endgame spoilers, Grieving
Characters: Tony Stark (Hologram), Flame Copps
Wordcount: 2,138
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In front of Flame stood a reflection of the past with its chest wide open. A spitting image of Tony's MK42, but with the colors and color placement of his MK3. Admittedly stunning metallic candy apple red paint with a bold metallic candy gold, highlights of silver in select places. Another stunning creation by Tony Stark.
The now late Tony Stark.
Who Flame had watched leave the world just 24 hours ago.
The image was still fresh in her mind, and it hurt. It hurt so so badly. But his little Recovery Protocol, a failsafe he'd added in the back of her Pack Rally Protocol, did just as intended. Alpha guided her, as per protocol, even in a heavily damaged and barely functioning suit, from the point of drop-off from Wakanda in California to the small walk to the old mansion. He walked her through finding the pieces, from her suits to the parts of the machine that stood before her now. It kept her occupied, focused, didn't let her mind wander away from her down a dark path.
She'd found her suits; sixteen brand new, shiny Iron Cat suits, hidden from her over the years. And she'd put together the… What appears to be a robot. Definitely not an actual Iron Man suit, she's seen the insides of it. There's no room for a human to ever fit within the machine. But there was just one last piece to put into place; the arc reactor.
A New Element reactor specifically, the latest mark. This robot's heart. She connects the plugin to the baseplate within the protected cylinder for it before pushing the glowing device into place with a small click. She then guides the plates of the robot's chest to close, the plates locking into place with various small clicks. Then, she steps back, nervous to see what will come of this.
The machine's eyes flick on, a pale cyan glowing softly, and it tilts its head down to look at Flame with a slow, soft mechanical whir. The android stares for a moment before tilting its head up just slightly, like it was looking at another person taller than Flame, and then a hologram is projected from somewhere near the arc reactor.
Flame gasps softly, ears tilting back and she takes a step away when she sees who the hologram is of. And then she covers her mouth as tears well up in her eyes when he speaks.
"Hey Flame," the recorded hologram greeted with his hands tucked into his pockets. "Welcome to the Recovery Protocol. If you're seeing this, best case scenario you broke in or stumbled upon this. I hope it is. God, I hope-…" He trailed off, a hand raising to cover his mouth as he looked away and to the ground as he normally does when he was in deep thought. His mood was quick to change, though, lowering his hand and his eyes falling back onto the general direction of Flame as he quickly picked back up his previous, normal, somewhat playful yet firm tone. "If it is, turn this recording off now, now's not the time and you don't need to worry about the future. Leave that to me."
There was a pause as the recording of Tony thought. "But," he began, the playfulness of his usual tone being replaced by a sadness. "Worst case scenario, you followed the instructions I left you- built the suit, installed the AI for it, watching a hologram recording of me explain this all to you. Which means I'm dead- or presumed dead. Or in a coma." He was rambling, which he usually did when he was stressed or had something on his mind. "-Just, something happened to me to engage A.L.P.H.A.'s Recovery Protocol, leading you here."
Tony sighs, raising a hand to scratch the back of his head as he took a couple steps across the front of the room he was in when he recorded the message. "You probably haven't flown in a while," he says, a sadness still to his tone. "Either too busy or too depressed- or too busy being depressed." Tony clearly was trying to cheer Flame up with a little joke, as his normal tone had somewhat come back, but it was quick to fade again with his next words.
"That's fine, really," he reassures with a nod, looking to the general direction of Flame again. "You'll get back in the air when you're ready," he continues. "And hopefully technically-not-me me will be by your side, just like how you and I used to fly." There's a pain in his voice, and clear in his eyes even in the holographic recording.
"He's, really just a glorified sentinel robot, if I'm being honest," Tony explains, beginning to ramble again. "Nobody can wear him, don't have to worry about anyone putting him on and flying off in him. Don't have to worry about anyone stealing him either, he can fight," he says with a shrug.
There was a pause for a few moments before Tony began speaking again."Y'know, I just realized," Tony says with a sharp turn and a couple steps across back where he started when the recording began. "You're probably pacing around him- curious, maybe a little weary, definitely wide eyed, just like when we met." Tony was right, he was generally always right. Flame wasn't surprised at all that he was right.
"Or," Tony began again. "You've locked onto hologram me and haven't moved since this started, and I really don't blame you." Another attempt at a joke, the life back in his voice, and it did get Flame to crack a smile. "If you're pacing," Tony quickly continues. "You probably have noticed how he always turns to face you, how when you turn and switch directions his head follows, like he's studying, learning, calculating. Because he is, to a degree." As Tony speaks, he's gesturing to the Iron Man suit that is projecting the recorded message.
"There was really only so much I could do before I ran out of time to work on him," Tony explains. "I got the important stuff. The personality, I absolutely had to get the voice synthesizer working, you always said you enjoyed hearing me talk so I just had to get it right." As he was listing off and explaining, Tony had been wandering a bit, his back now to Flame- or where she would be if she was sitting still. "I think I did okay," he begins, quickly as he turns around to face the way he was originally again, hands out of his pockets and open, palms facing Flame as if he was explaining or introducing something. "But it doesn't really matter what I think. It only matters what you think." Tony says, hands ending up back in his pockets again.
"I made sure to add major memories of us," he starts, turning to look at the Iron Man suit beside him. "The dates, working on our best suits, and things you like, a lot- among other general major memories, like the… New York thing. All of it I uploaded into his databanks. Maybe then he could really connect with you and help you." Tony sounds worried and hurt again as he stares the suit down. "He's got all my schematics, all my plans, all that I've ever written down or recorded in my personal files or in any Stark Industries files. He can build anything you want him to, just like I could." Of course he would, he wouldn't leave Flame of all people flying in the dark. Alone.
"Make sure to watch those recordings of all my tests on my suits I did when I first started, I think you'll like them- especially if you're feeling down." There's a forced playfulness to Tony's voice now, Flame can hear it. He's hurting just as much as she is, he's just able to hide it.
"And, hey," Tony starts, kneeling down to be closer to eye level with Flame. He knew she'd be on the floor, he had to, the holographic recording of him is looking right at her, right in her eyes. "Flame," his tone was soft, kind, hurt. "It's okay," he reassures. "I know how you are; you probably fought yourself to exhaustion and then some and you were unable to say goodbye to me. Or they wouldn't let you into the hospital to see me one last time." Tony pauses for a moment, letting Flame breathe and trying to collect himself. He didn't have to fully hide with Flame.
"It's okay, Flame." he says, voice pained and hushed. "It's okay." He gives Flame a reassuring nod and time to breathe again. "Now's your chance to say goodbye."
Flame takes time to catch her breath, trying to control her breathing, trying to steady herself so she can speak. It seems Tony had planned for this as well, he moves to sitting instead of kneeling now, and it seems he's waiting.
It's a few good minutes before Flame is able to compose herself enough to move closer to the holographic recording, and she waits. She waits for his wandering eyes to settle, and once she and the recording of Tony lock eyes, Flame almost breaks again. A flash of his wounded self that she had seen just yesterday appears in her mind's eye and she flinches. She closes her eyes, looks away, pained as more sobs are ripped from her. The feline shakes her head. She couldn't-
It's another few minutes before Flame composes herself again, and she moves towards the hologram seeking comfort. Head bowed, ears tilted back, fur on her face damp with tears. "Goodbye, Tony." Flame whispers, her voice hoarse and weak. That somewhat familiar faint hum was shortly replaced with silence after she'd spoken, and it was deafening.
"Well hello to you too, Flame." An all too familiar voice broke the silence. Gentle and caring with a hint of playfulness. Deeper than what she was used to, and with a slight robotic echo. Flame stared up at the robot, tired and irritated eyes wide. Similarly, the robot stared down upon her for a moment before moving and speaking again.
"Alright, c'mon. Hey," it had began as it knelt down and wiped away a stray tear from Flame's face. "No more tears." It- he. He told her, helping her to stand and supporting her. Flame complied, though reluctantly, but she had no strength or will to put up a good fight. "Time for sleep, come on." He urged her gently, staying by her side and resting a hand on her shoulder as he walked her over to the nest of pillows and blankets in the corner of the workshop.
Flame slowed to a stop as the robot stepped away and tossed a few of the topmost blankets out of the way, revealing a premade nest beneath. He then promptly sat down in the dip in the blankets and looked to Flame, seeming to expect something from her judging by his posture and the small "Well?" gesture he'd made with his hands.
The feline's gaze fell to the floor, one ear locked onto the robot as he spoke up once again. "If you don't get to sleep on your own within an hor of Tony's message being completed the first time, he's programmed me to give you a dose of melatonin." He told her bluntly, and Flame knew by his tone and body language that if his face could emote, he'd likely look bored but worried. "C'mere."
Flame's gaze slowly fell upon the suit again as she took heavy, slow steps forward. "What do I call you?" She asked as she neared, voice just barely above a whisper. The feline gave him a confused look as he just shrugged and reached out for her as she began to climb into the nest.
"I'm called "Recovery" in all my files," he began as he gently pulled Flame in close and covered her with the uppermost blanket like she likes. "But Tony programmed me to respond to anything you want to call me."
"Recovery…" Flame echoed quietly as she settled next to him and tucked herself closer to the robot, resting her head on his chest. The familiar hum of the arc reactor and the comforting weight from the blankets on her back, along with a gentle and protective arm wrapped around her, had brought a weakened purr to rise in her own chest. Recovery rewards Flame with a gentle "Good job" as she closes her eyes and finally allows herself to relax.
Within an hour of laying down, Flame had fallen asleep. Peaceful and thankfully dreamless this night. Recovery seemed to have followed her lead in his own way, eyes dim and metal body relaxed.
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naimstandooribedford · 7 months
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begouristore · 11 months
Original Zd Toys Iron Man Marvel Legends MK42 War Machine 110 MK50 Tony ...
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notoriousroar · 1 year
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{ // I am living for how different Iron Cat and Notorious are about surgery and implants and all that
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"I need time to think about going under for surgery, Nefarious. I'm terrified of this stuff. It may be tiny to you but it's a huge deal to me."
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"Hey Rec, you know those micro repeater implants Tony gave himself back in like. 2012? When he was working on MK42? Yeah I'm doing that right now. No I'm not following any of the safety procedures Alpha is trying to get me to follow- why do you ask?"
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factoides-yajan · 1 year
Factoide #4229
(#4229) En el inicio de Iron Man 3, Tony Stark acaba de construir la armadura modelo Mk42. Las 42 armaduras en su posesión en ese entonces estarían estimadas en un valor de $ de dólares. Esto no incluye el costo de JARVIS o cualquier gasto que pueda tener Tony al usar cualquier armadura en si. Esto quiere decir que el salón de armaduras de Tony Stark es más valioso que el Producto interno bruto de Latvia, la cual era la nación numero 100 más rica del mundo en el momento de la película (2013)
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[Publicado originalmente el 11 de Junio del 2023]    
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tonyscozzari · 2 years
Sector Support Services
Address: 17 Kingsway, St John's Street Bedford, Bedfordshire MK42 9BJ
Phone: 01234 675867
Website: SectorSupportServices.com
Description: Sector Support Services is owned by industry veteran Tony Scozzari, who changed career paths to launch an innovative new commercial cleaning service. Manned by a team of professional cleaners, the company provides a myriad of competitively priced commercial cleaning services. Cleaning professionals working for Sector Support Services use a growing range of highly effective eco-friendly products. Sector Support Services understands that not all businesses have the same cleaning requirements. Even businesses within the same industry will have varying needs, which is why the company’s announcement of bespoke commercial cleaning services is so important. The bespoke commercial cleaning service will allow businesses to customise the cleaning service based on what is needed and when needed. For instance, office managers can stress the need to ensure that the cubicles are dust-free and that the conference room’s carpet is thoroughly cleaned every day. From daily cleaning, School cleaning services, window cleaning, deep cleaning, medical and dental practice cleaning, terminal cleaning, contract cleaning and office cleaning services, we provide services nationally to London, Bedford, Luton, Milton Keynes, Leicester, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Norwich, Coventry, Nottingham, Northampton and small and large businesses throughout the UK. Sector Support Services have a team of dedicated and reliable professionals who are equipped with experience and knowledge. All our Cleaning Operatives are highly trained in all cleaning practices and infection control measures. We carry out our sanitation and antiviral services with the highest standards as we strive to be the best of the Commercial Cleaning companies.
Keywords: Commercial Cleaning Services, School Cleaning services, Office Cleaning services, Clinical Cleaning services, contract cleaning services, industrial cleaning services
Hour: 24 Hours
Year of Est.: 2019
No. Of Employees : 50+
Payment: Cash, Card, Cheque, Bank Transfer
Social Media Links :
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thwip-snikit-art · 5 months
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socalpiner · 2 years
Combine booxter library
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#Combine booxter library code#
They show how technology can help small businesses find assistance after a crisis, redefine the queuing experience and guide us to the right medical advice. Congratulations to the initial COVID-19 solutions that are now receiving deployment support.
#Combine booxter library code#
"title": "2020 Call for Code Global Challenge", By leveraging the technologies it originally developed for the photography industry and continuously and proactively pursuing advanced R&D, Fujifilm has created businesses in multiple high-tech fields and become a technology-oriented company. Although quite a few people still have this image of Fujifilm, today it’s so much more. "text": "Fujifilm is a technology company. As a leading technology company, Fujifilm is poised to become a major creative force in ICT and drive its own wave of innovation.", Some even view these trends in ICT as having the potential to lead to a new Industrial Revolution. Moreover, ICT appears ready to take off in industry as never before, spurred by new advances in such technologies as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR). One recent example is the Internet of Things (IoT), in which devices and appliances have Internet connectivity and ICT functions built in. "text": "Taking outstanding ICT achievements to the next level. "title": "ICT and Fujifilm’s new wave of innovation", "address": "55 Jays Cl, Basingstoke RG22 4BY", "address": "Birmingham Rd, Warwick CV34 5AH", "address": "25 Victoria St, Westminster, London SW1H 0EX", "address": "St Martins Business Centre, St Martins Way, Bedford MK42 0LF",
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0 notes
longalpha · 2 years
Philips hue color converter
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Philips hue color converter software#
Philips hue color converter code#
Philips hue color converter software#
Digital Solutions – a set of analytics enabled software applications addressing the needs of crew and fleet scheduling, flight/mission planning and operations, maintenance planning and management, and inventory and logistics management. Boeing AnalytX offers three interrelated categories of analytics enabled products and services customers may easily mix and match to meet needs and goals. Applications using Boeing predictive analytics give customers a glimpse into the near-future more time to evaluate, plan and manage solutions. Boeing AnalytX utilizes our aerospace expertise with data-based information to give you empowered decision support to optimize your operation and mission. "text": "Power your operations and gain valuable insights using data analytics. "title": "It’s not about the data – it's what you do with it!", Developers and problem solvers, remember you have until July 31 to submit your open source solutions.", They show how technology can help small businesses find assistance after a crisis, redefine the queuing experience and guide us to the right medical advice. Congratulations to the initial COVID-19 solutions that are now receiving deployment support.
Philips hue color converter code#
"title": "2020 Call for Code Global Challenge", By leveraging the technologies it originally developed for the photography industry and continuously and proactively pursuing advanced R&D, Fujifilm has created businesses in multiple high-tech fields and become a technology-oriented company. Although quite a few people still have this image of Fujifilm, today it’s so much more. "text": "Fujifilm is a technology company. As a leading technology company, Fujifilm is poised to become a major creative force in ICT and drive its own wave of innovation.", Some even view these trends in ICT as having the potential to lead to a new Industrial Revolution. Moreover, ICT appears ready to take off in industry as never before, spurred by new advances in such technologies as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR). One recent example is the Internet of Things (IoT), in which devices and appliances have Internet connectivity and ICT functions built in. "text": "Taking outstanding ICT achievements to the next level. "title": "ICT and Fujifilm’s new wave of innovation", "address": "55 Jays Cl, Basingstoke RG22 4BY", "address": "Birmingham Rd, Warwick CV34 5AH", "address": "25 Victoria St, Westminster, London SW1H 0EX", "address": "St Martins Business Centre, St Martins Way, Bedford MK42 0LF",
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0 notes
monkismymoniker · 4 years
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7 notes · View notes
ferrhxm · 5 years
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Hello everyone! I’m super happy to announce that I’m done with my suitbuild! That means I’ll be around more often ♥ Wonder if anyone missed me. Say hi if you did ;)
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01bigbricks · 4 years
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#Buy6get50off Ironman #MK42 Marvel SuperHeroes Minifigures Minifigs Fit #Lego https://www.01bigbricks.net/products/minifigures-ironman-mk-42-x1166 ===================== For More Ironman Minifigs https://www.01bigbricks.net/categories/minifigures-iron-man?page=2 ==================== For More #BuildingSet https://www.01bigbricks.net/categories/5dcd57c0d273a600153ed327 #01Bigbricks #BigBricks #bricknetwork #Brickcentral #Moc #afol #brickspichub #brickinsider #brickculture #brickleague #Minifigures #Minifigs #instalego #artist #DC #dccomics #SuperHeroes #SpaceWars #StarWars #legominifigures #legophotography #Avengers4 #IronMan #Toys #Figures #Legos https://www.instagram.com/p/CGthRXWps1C/?igshid=10v86vzd8mb2h
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