#MJs clown art
grassfedclowns · 1 year
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The Lord of Phoenix Drop
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overly simplified axes of the gang
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randomly-a-fan · 1 year
Not the best “Art” work
A part 2 to Watching you.. watching me? by @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
WARNING: Attempting Murder, endangerment 
Before MJ gets out of Star’s car, Aquarius looked over at MJ, hoping for an explanation for her behavior. “MJ, did you want to leave because of that black and white clown?” Aquarius asked. MJ didn’t answer, she just teared up with fear. “He creeps me out, at first, I thought he was cute, but him looking at me creepily...” Then she made a shivery reaction. “I’ll make it up to you; I’ll buy us a meal the next time we hang out. Right now though, I needed to clear my mind.” MJ explained. Aquarius nodded and understands, so she gave MJ a hug and waved her a farewell.
So, MJ walks into the woods of Camp Crystal Lake to get back to her loving family. That is until she heard a branch snap. “Jason???” MJ called out, thinking that it may be Jason coming for her, or is looking for trespassers. It turns out though, that it was that same clown from the café that keeps creeping her out. MJ gasped when she saw him coming out of the bush with a knife in his hand with a goofy smile. 
MJ snapped herself out and decided to run for her life while screaming from the top of her lungs, while hoping that her husband would come to her rescue. She was too scared to look back, but she did hear pitter-patters, so she knew that he was chasing her. When MJ saw her cabin, she rushed in and slammed the door and then lock it. She then closed the curtains and took a breather.
Jason heard MJ screaming when he was out on a perimeter-check, but he couldn’t get there quick enough, and he didn’t see anybody either. When he noticed that the curtains in the house were closed, he assumes that MJ was in the house. He tried to open the door, but the door is locked, so he tried knocking it to get his wife’s attention. But MJ thought it was that clown that came to hunt her, so she quietly peeked through the peeking hole and saw a familiar hockey mask-wearing husband. MJ quickly unlocked the door and fling into his arms while crying. “Jay... I-I-I wah-was being chased-- b-b-by a--” Jason tried to calm MJ down after he have closed the door; he knew right away that MJ has met with a terrible fate. 
So, he carried her into their bedroom and placed his wife on his lap on the bed. “A black and white clown was at the café this evening... And he was just... Staring at me creepily... Then, after Aquarius drove off, he was in the bushes, giving me a creepy smile while holding a knife... He’s coming to kill me!” MJ cried. Jason’s eyes were wide open after hearing about his wife being a target, so he placed his wife on her side of the bed, and instructed her to lock the door and keep the curtains closed. He also told her that he will do the secret knock, so she’ll know that it was her husband.
MJ nodded in relief as Jason went out to look for that son-of-a-goon that put a threat on his wife. While MJ nervously paces back-and-fourth, she heard Malon coming in. “Mommy... Are you okay?” Malon asked. She was in her nightgown while holding her teddy; which to MJ, it’s extremely adorable. “Hey Malon, what do you say I make us some popcorn as a late-night snack, and we can watch some Winnie the Pooh Series before bed, would you like that?” MJ asked. Malon nodded with excitement and went to her room to grab her Winnie the Pooh stuffy. Even though MJ was still scared about the clown outside somewhere, she wanted Malon to enjoy herself, without worrying about what could happen. 
After Aquarius got back home, she was explaining to her lover Pennywise about what happened at the café that day. After hearing the description about what the clown looked like, Pennywise stared in shock. “Are you talking about Art? He once came to our place for an interview on being baby Archie’s babysitter. How could you forget about that creep?” Pennywise asked. Aquarius looked back from way back then. (link to the story) 
Then it hit her like a bullet. “Now I remember; he wanted to hold Archie, but I wouldn’t let him, since I had a bad feeling about that clown. But he seems so nice when I chatted with him, he does cute things.” Aquarius explained. Pennywise face-palmed. “Exactly, that’s what he was attending to do, so you’ll be catching off guard; I know, because that’s my thing, it’s more than just luring kids to a balloon, or a paper boat; depending who you are that is.” Pennywise explained. “You don’t suppose that Art is a demi-human, do you?” Aquarius asked. “You can put it in that way; but actually, he’s extremely dangerous. Last I’ve heard, he saw a woman in half... naked.” Pennywise said while doing the eyebrow thing.
Aquarius didn’t have time to smack Pennywise in the face, she wanted to call MJ to warn her and to check to see if she’s okay. As Aquarius was going to make a phone call, the phone was out of line. “What the--” Aquarius said in shock. Pennywise chuckled. “He’s here...” Pennywise said in a creepy voice, as he was doing a horror movie reference. “Pennywise, you stop! Now turn the phone back on right now.” Aquarius ordered, thinking that her boyfriend cut the line. “Baby Blue, I didn’t do it; because you were making contact with Art the Clown, he’s after you, knowing that you’d do anything to protect your best friend.” Pennywise explained. 
Aquarius grew frustrated, so she walked out to her car to drive over to her friend’s place. “STAR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Pennywise rushed out on all-fours like a wild animal. “If I can’t call her, I’ll have to drive over and warn her in person.” Aquarius said while she backs out. But Pennywise rushed over behind her to stop her. “Pennywise, MOVE!” Aquarius yelled. “No, I’m not letting you leave after you just got back! PLAY WITH ME.” Pennywise cried. Aquarius didn’t want to do what she’s about to do, but her boyfriend is indestructible, so in high speed, she drove right over him. Pennywise may be flat in the chest, but he managed to recover quickly. “STAR.” Pennywise yelled out.
Back at Camp Crystal Lake, MJ and Malon were enjoying watching some Winnie the Pooh series, until she heard Malon falling asleep. MJ wanted to get her to bed, but Malon was too heavy for her, and the couch is not very comfy, no matter how tired Malon is. She was going to gently wake her up until she heard a knock; Which is Jason’s secret knock. MJ got up and opened the door for him. 
When Jason entered in, he gave his wife and comforting hug and a kiss by the lips. “Did you find him?” MJ asked in a whisper. Jason did look around the perimeter very carefully, while listening to every sudden sound; like a snap of a twig or a rustle in the leaves, but he didn’t find that troublemaker, so he assumes that the trespasser was gone. So, he gave her an honest answer and reassurance that if he hears or sees something or someone, he’ll go on extreme Jason-mode. MJ nodded and kissed her husband by the lips, as she believed him.
After a calm conversation, Jason walked over to the couch where Malon was sleeping soundly. He smiled to see his little girl sleeping while being covered in popcorn crumbs, until it’s time for him to carry her to bed, while MJ turns off the movie and clean up the couch and floor. 
While MJ was sleeping, Jason heard something outside; he promised MJ that he’d make sure that her and Malon are safe, so he got out of bed and went out to investigate. While Jason was out, someone else was in the house, Art was still after MJ for being terrified of him. He took a knife out and approached her bedroom, as he was going to aim for the head, he heard a young voice. “Mommy, may I get a drink of water?” Malon walked towards her mom and dad’s room, since it was wide open. But when she saw a black and white clown, she screamed.
Once Jason got outside, he saw someone in the bushes. He took out his machete and approaches the bush, that’s when Aquarius jumped out. “OH MY GOD-- Jason it’s me, Star!” Aquarius exclaimed, as Jason nearly swung his machete at her. Jason dropped the machete in shock; he nearly killed one of his friends. “Jason, listen, MJ was being stalked by this clown called Art. He’s no human-being; he’s even more sick than my husband.” Aquarius explained.
If what Aquarius said about Art being more sick-minded than Pennywise is true; not to mention as non-humane, then he shouldn’t have left the cabin. He found that out before he heard Malon screaming. Jason and Aquarius rushed over to the cabin to see what’s going on.
Malon wanted to attack the clown, but he was holding a knife and got too scared. Art would have killed MJ right this minute, but, killing the little girl in front of MJ would be just as terrifying. Malon backed away nervously as MJ slowly approaches Art from behind. Of course, that’s exactly what Art hoped she would do. He swung the knife towards her, but he unfortunately missed, but he still hit MJ by the top of the ear. MJ screamed when she felt the sting and the sight of blood. 
That’s when he turned around to kill off Malon. Only to find out that Malon has disappeared; where did she go? As Art looked around, Malon grabbed the fireplace poker before approaching the couch to sneak up on him. 
Art started to assume that Malon got out, so he decided to just finish up MJ before she recovers from her state-of-shock. MJ looked over at Art with a knife in his hand, MJ teared up before she pleads. “Please clown, don’t do this... I’ll do anything, just anything... I’ll bake you something!” MJ begged. Art is not interested; however, he wasn’t even aware of Malon coming towards Art and stabbed him in the butt; since she’s a little short and couldn’t aim for the back, but at least it’ll slow him down until her dad comes back.
Which at last, Jason did with a bang with Aquarius from behind. Both Jason and Aquarius were shocked to see Malon actually go far beyond and randomly stabbed Art in the butt with the fireplace poker. Aquarius went on ahead and grabbed hold of Art the Clown to give him the taste of his own medicine. “You’re in one big heap of trouble; but since I can’t eat your sins; being non-human and all, I’ll may as well just kill you.” Aquarius said with a ware-cat growl at the end. That is until Pennywise rushed in before Aquarius had the chance to eat off his head. “Star wait, let me settle him!” Pennywise said as he ran out of breath. “Penny, what are you doing here?” Aquarius asked. “Never mind that, just let me handle Art while you help the Voorhees; it looks to me that MJ is bleeding from the ear.” Pennywise said, then he turned to Jason. “From what Malon has witnessed, maybe have her consider on getting her memory removed from what happened that night.” Pennywise said before looking over at Malon huddling against the back of the couch.
Once Pennywise took Art the Clown outside, Jason walked over to Malon to see if she’s okay. Malon was upset for what she did, even if it’s to save her mom’s life; but she’s afraid that she’ll become menacing like her dad, just because she stabbed Art in the butt with the fireplace poker. “I don’t want to be bad, daddy... I don’t want to be a killer like you...” Malon whimpered. Jason teared up after hearing what she said, he’s not hurt for what she said about not wanting to be a killer; he didn’t want her to be a killer at all, he’s just afraid for Malon as well, he didn’t know how to explain to Malon that what she did was out of love and protection, but what she did was dark; Jason was really in a big mess.
Aquarius was checking out MJ’s ear, the knife did go through, but it’s not serious or deep, it doesn’t even need stitches; yes, it’s optional when it’s just a tiny stitch, but medical glue will work just as fine. So, Aquarius took MJ to the bathroom to clean and fix up her ear then patch it up. “Thanks Aquarius, you’re a doll.” MJ thanked. Aquarius gently pinched MJ’s nose with a smile before responding. “That’s what friends are for... And you know something, I believe we still have a woman’s night out that needed to be finished, so how about tomorrow, we grab a bite, on me.” Aquarius offered. “If I’m feeling up for it; Malon seems to be struggling over there, that even Jason is having a hard time making her feel better. If it’s okay with you... I think we needed our time at home for a while.” MJ said sadly. Aquarius hugged MJ with understanding, as it were something she would do if she were in that situation. “If you like, I can drop by tomorrow, to see if you guys were alright, and then we can have a talk.” Aquarius offered. MJ nodded. “I think that’s swell, thank you, sug’.” MJ and Aquarius hugged each other before Aquarius leaves for home.
After Aquarius left, Jason and MJ sat on the couch with Malon in the middle. Since MJ can speak, she can explain to Malon about what she did. “Sweetie, I know it was shocking, and it was a scary experience. It’s scary for me too. I also get why you’re upset; you did something that seems so wrong, yet you did it anyway.” Malon is starting to cry a little, remembering what she did to that clown. “I just wished I’ve done something different than poke him in the bum.” Malon admits. “Well sweetie, Art is a sick clown; even if you’d do something different, he wouldn’t have mercy to spare you or my life, so what you did was necessary; it’s not like you’re going to do this sort of thing to anyone else, right?” MJ asked. “Of course not! Even though I hated Annie, but I wouldn’t be doing something THIS hasty.” Malon answered. “There you go! And it’s not like we’ll meet up with intruders or trespassers anytime soon; not with big daddy here to scare them away.” MJ said while she gave her husband a wink. 
Malon hugged her daddy and then her mom, then they both huddled together. “I love you mom and dad...” Malon said quietly. “We love you too, baby girl... Now, let’s get ourselves ready for bed.” MJ suggested. Malon had to admit that she is rather tired, so she obeyed with ease. Jason is still wondering about something; What in the world is Pennywise planning to do with Art the Clown?
Late at night at the café, Pennywise and Art were having cookies and tea, as Pennywise talks some senses to Art. “I know you pretty well, you’re just like me; you enjoy going after people and then kill them, heck! You also kill the kids... LIKE ME.” Pennywise laughed. Art was waving his arms quickly, as he was telling him to be quiet. “Relax, Derry is under my spell, people here will think it's normal. Look, I spared you, because I like your style of scaring. So I have a proposition for you.” Art smiled while resting his chin on his hands. “Here’s a town that will be perfect for you to roam; it’s called Ambrose, I have a bus ticket here for you, it’s on me... In return, if you do come back here, you can bring the children corpse; since you don’t eat them like I do. What do you say?” Pennywise asked as he put out his hand for a handshake.
Art does like the idea of being at a different town to do his bidding, he never heard of Ambrose, so he can’t really process it, but he somehow trusted him. So, he agrees and accepts the offer; he didn’t want to be around his girlfriend anyway. “Well, you and that fire-poker better catch your bus, it’s coming in twelve minutes.” Pennywise warns. Art got up and heads for the bus station, not before he gives Pennywise a creepy smile and a goodbye. Pennywise shivered from his gestures. However, he’s relieved that he got rid of Art and kept his family and friends safe.
The End
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 20/?
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Have some fluff from Jason's family
Jason didn’t want another situation like Talia to happen, so he asked Raven for help. She was happy to help.
“The spell I put around the house will help cloak it from prying eyes. Even if someone finds out the address and tries to find it, they’ll always end up back in the village. It has an added bonus; you’ll know if someone is looking for your house.”
“Thanks, Raven, I owe you one.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I’m glad to help keep my little niece and nephew safe.”
Jason smiled. He was quickly looking at Raven as an older sister and Roy as an older brother. 
(Is this how it could’ve been with his old family?)
“Still, I want to thank you. How about I make you some waffles since it’s still morning? It’s one of my specialties.”
Raven smiled, “Well, I never turn down free food.”
“Ohh, can I help, daddy?”
“Of course, lad.”
They ended up covered in flour. Danny’s hair was almost as white as his ghost half.
“So, Jason, tell me, how’s it going with your new powers,” Raven asked after breakfast.
Jason sighed, “It’s a bit tough, but I’m getting there. I’m no longer going intangible at random times. I’m flying better, and Danny is teaching me how to make shields and ectoblasts. The ectoblasts are easier. I only have to call some up, point, and blast. It’s almost like a gun.”
“Daddy is really good at paying attention and learning—hey, stop that daddy!”
Jason laughed as he wiped the syrup from his little boy’s mouth. Jazz smiled fondly while she fed Ellie. Ellie giggled, her two little teeth on display.
That’s when it hit Jason like a freight train. He was happy. It felt like it was overwhelming him and going to overflow from his body. He knew everyone around the table could feel his happiness and didn’t care.
Raven gave him a warm smile.
“I’m glad you found this, Jason. You deserve it,” Raven said. She meant every word of it.
He didn’t know if he deserved it, but unlike a certain emotionally constipated billionaire, he knew Jason wouldn’t question it. He would hold on to this happiness with both hands and never let go.  
Danny hugged Jason with still sticky hands.
Jason owed his happiness to his little boy.
Bruce woke up feeling miserable.
What else was new?
The night before had been tough. There had been an Arkham breakout. Thankfully, the Joker hadn’t escaped. Bruce didn’t know what he would’ve done to the clown if he had.
(Where was his son? He was alive. He was away from the protection of Bruce’s cape.)
They had found Crane and Victor Fries but had yet to find Killer Croc.
(Was Jason dealing with villains and rogues alone?)
Bruce stretched. He bypassed the curtains and left them closed. The sunlight would hurt his eyes. He went to eat breakfast. Alfred put a plate and a cup of coffee in front of him. Bruce ignored the food and went straight for the cup of joe.
“Have you heard from Jason,” Bruce asked the older man.
(He thought Jason would always stay close by; stay in Gotham.)
“No, Master Bruce,” the butler answered with a hint of disapproval.
Bruce frowned.
“He’s my son, Alfred.”
“Hmm, well, your actions speak louder than your words, sir.”
Bruce frowned after his surrogate father as he left Bruce alone at the dining room table. A phantom chill went through the silent room.
(Jason wasn’t supposed to leave.)
The silence damned him.
I hope you guys liked this chapter. Special thanks to BatPeg and Jozette_Rosewood_125. One of them gave me the prompt for waffles, and the other person gave me a prompt for cooking time with Jason.
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks
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spnfanficpond · 6 months
SPN Rewatch: Fanfic Edition
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Our goal is to rewatch the show with fanfic writing in mind. We want to look for all the places in canon where we could add a scene, show a scene from a certain character’s point of view, or change something to make things turn out differently. (We may also critique what the show writers did; that seems inevitable.)
Episodes we're discussing: 2.01 In My Time of Dying and 2.02 Everybody Loves A Clown
What time will it be for you:
UTC - Saturday 21:00
Los Angeles - Saturday 2pm
New York - Saturday 5pm
London - Saturday 9pm
New Delhi - Sunday 2:30am
Melbourne - Sunday 8am
Who’s invited? All Pond members, including Turtles! You don’t have to be a writer to have an opinion on the episodes that could inspire a writer! Everyone has valuable opinions about the show and could spark conversation and inspiration.
Where will we meet? In the discord server. There is a special channel for us to chat in so we don’t disturb other chats happening at the same time.
How does it work? On our own, whenever we have time, we all watch two episodes of SPN. At the appointed time, we all get together and chat about them. Although we have several questions to consider and creative ideas for you to do if you want, there is no pressure to actually have answers to these questions or have created anything prior to the chat. Didn’t get to watch them? No biggie! We’ve all watched these episodes enough that we can probably talk about them without rewatching them!
More info under the cut!
What questions should we consider while we watch? We have a few questions you can keep in mind while you’re watching the episodes:
Are there any “fanfiction gaps” in this episode? Any places between scenes where a juicy story could happen? (For example, one scene ends at night, but the next scene begins during the day, and what did they do with all of that time?)
How would the episode be different if you changed one thing? What is changed is up to you. It could be as complex as a character making a different choice, or as simple or silly as someone wearing a funny hat throughout part or all of the episode.
What about this episode would you like to see happen differently? How would making that change affect future episodes?
List any parts of each episode that you think could be jumping-off points for a fic. Like, in the pilot, how did Sam meet their friend who was in the bar with them?
How would the episode be different if there were another character involved like a reader insert character?
Do any of the themes we've already discussed in The Archive (See the bottom of the doc under the heading "Thematic docs") show up in this episode? Does this episode bring up any new themes we should be watching out for in the future?
What else can we do before the chat? You can add any notes you have about the episodes we'll be discussing to The Archives! In addition, besides just discussing the fanfiction possibilities in every episode, we also want to encourage you to create things centered around the episodes we’re discussing and share them with the rest of us. Things like:
Write some meta about some part of the episode. What does this episode show us about one or more of the characters?
Write a fic based on the episode. Share a link to your fic in the discussion and we can talk about it!
Make a playlist that you feel reflects the mood of the episode.
Make some art or a photo collage or edits to go along with the episode.
We look forward to seeing everything you create! Be sure to tag us so we can reblog your work!
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Have questions about this or anything else? Send us an ASK or send a private message to one of the admins below!
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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spider-jaysart · 8 months
Hi!! I saw you reblogged the character ask game so can I ask for both Damian Wayne and Peter Parker? I love those boys and I'm curious 😊
Thank you and take care 💖/p
Aww you take care too and yes, you certainly can get both :)
Damian Wayne
1. sexuality headcanon:
2. Otp:
3. Brotp:
Damian and Jon
4. Notp:
Any batcest one and the canon ships with Mar'i and Cassandra Cain, plus any ones that have adult characters paired up with him, including the adult ones that were aged down just to be with him too, like Raven, Cassie, and Cassandra
5. First headcanon that pops into mind:
Besides sketchbooks, he also owns an expensive drawing tablet that Bruce got him for one of his birthdays. He makes good use of it, but he still prefers traditional more though since that's what he grew up with, so it's not something he stopped doing after getting an art tablet. He just loves the good feeling of getting out all his pencils, brushes, paints, and having fun expressing himself with them right there on his canvas or in his books. Another reason he perfers it more is because he can actually travel with a sketchbook too and just draw wherever he wants and especially because he also hates it whenever a digital drawing he's working on just suddenly deletes itself because of some error while he was in the middle of drawing it, which upsets him VERY much all the time. Most times when that happens, he just really needs a moment for himself to calm down, plus, process and mourn his erased piece that never got to be saved and truly finished.
6. Favorite line from this character:
"I'm from Earth. I'm ticked off. And I'm looking for a clown." From Adventures of the Supersons #7 (This is one of them that makes me laugh lol)
7. One way in which I relate to this character:
Okay, so remember that one Wayne family adventures chapter where Damian is struggling so much to socialize in school and it's all just so awkward for him? Well, that's me too, because I relate too hard to that lol (there's also the fact that we both love art and draw all the time too)
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave but one that I love very much💖
Peter Parker
1. Sexuality headcanon:
I usually just see him as straight, but I'm not against any other kind of sexuality for him at all though
2. Otp:
Hmmm, him and MJ are sweet (the Rami version of it is definitely a mess though), but I also really like Peter x Michelle from the mcu and Peter x Gwen from the Amazing Spider-Man movies too hehehe
3. Brotp:
Peter and Ned. I just love how silly and fun they are with eachother lol
4. Notp:
Black cat. She's a villain who loves living the thief life, plus, I just don't believe she's right for Peter since she's more in love with his Spider-man identity and always sees things like a game, which just doesn't work for a real relationship
5. First headcanon that pops into mind:
He got braces in middle school and would always pick orange and yellow for the bands when he got them changed every month
6. Favorite line from this character:
"What's important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die because you do nothing. If you don't get that, then you don't get the first thing about being Spider-man." A line he says in the video game Spider-Man edge of time
7. One way in which I relate to this character:
We care for others a lot and always want the best for them
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
Nothing at all
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave:
Cinnamon roll frrr💗
Thank you for the asks! I enjoyed answering them!!
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marvels-bitch-boy · 1 year
Scarlet Spider Headcanons: Degan
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Here are my headcanons for Degan. Making these helped me find his character and decided how I wanted him to evolve through the story.
Degan loves to be engaged in his classes, especially science and the arts
One time MJ found out he wouldn't fight a female villain and they got into an argument over if it was feminist of him or not. He would clarify to any bystanders after fights with women that he was the most feminist hero!
He likes to listen to music during quiet nights on patrol, makes him feel like he's in a movie.
He also likes to be alone...unless it its with MJ
He's terrified of clowns and had gotten into fights at horror nights with them
Camping is his worst enemy -he would rather sit in a room with a clown puppet for two days than camp-
He is the clumsiest person around outside of his suit
Climbing all of the buildings in Manhattan is a side quest he attempts on free days
He has barely any knowledge of mental health outside of what bruce has told him -he doesn't recognize his own depression as a problem-
When he doesn't want to talk to someone at school he just slowly walks away without a word
sometimes he will find random things in his pockets, not even stuff he remembers having
once he trusts someone he will be as loyal as possible
his diet mostly consist of burgers and pizza -unless MJ sends him a recipe to try
He had a GP at the avengers tower, who specializes on his powers
He hates goodbyes. His mom never said one to him.
(Bonus Ones)
Boy genius isn’t on his earth, but the first time he listened to them he cried to not strong enough for two hours and still cries when it comes up on his patrol playlist
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Watching you.. watching me?
Pairings: kinda Art the clown x MJ?, also mainly Aquarius x MJ(platonic, obviously)
Warnings: just Art being creepy tbh, unease and blood mention?….
Note that I’m doing this on my phone :,) I don’t have a laptop anymore.. also, it might not be that good since I’m tired
@randomly-a-fan thanks for the idea ^^ here you go <3 I’m sorry it took so long!
I’m slowly getting back into writing Ig<:)
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“Thank you so much for inviting me, Star.” The latter smiled at her friend as she sat before her at the small booth. She reached over the table to gently pinch her cheek. “What are friends for? Don’t forget, it’s my treat, so you take what you want…”
Yesterday, Aquarius called MJ to invite her to a small café that she likes to go to to relax. She knew MJ needed to get out, being a mother and all… but especially since she lives in the middle of the woods. It wasn’t that bad for Aquarius, since she lives in a small abandoned area, but MJ’s family was literally isolated from the world. She didn’t know how she did it if she was being honest.
“You sure?” “Yep!” “Alright…” MJ put her coat beside her, her eyes looking at the people around for a moment. There were one or two people wearing costumes, since there’s a convention centre near the café. That was probably why no one was saying anything about Aquarius’ appearance, MJ could see why she came here.
Before she could say anything, a woman wearing the café’s uniform came to slide them a small menu, both of the women thanking her as she gave them a kind smile in return, going back to the counter. The sky outside was getting a bit dark, but none of the costumers seemed to mind, especially not Aquarius and MJ.
The latter chose something that she considered not too pricey and waited for her friend to choose what she wants, thanking her again for the treat. The woman from earlier came back as Aquarius signalled for her with a small wave of her hand, took their orders, and kindly told them that it would be ready in a bit. While they patiently waited for their things, the front door opened behind MJ, letting another costumer in.
When they walked further in, sitting at a table close to them, Aquarius couldn’t help but to gently nudge her friend over the table, a small smile on her face.
“Look at him!” She whispered, her brows raised in anticipation of her friend’s reaction. MJ gave the person a glance and her brows raised in surprise when she saw what she assumed to be a man wearing a monochrome clown makeup and outfit, it kind of looked like a mime setup. “That looks so cool!” She admitted, a small smile on her face as she took another small glance back, only to find his eyes on her.
Embarrassment took ahold of her as she now kept her eyes on the table, rubbing the back of her neck shyly. ‘Sorry’ she thought as she looked back at Aquarius, seeing her still looking towards the other table not so subtly. MJ took a drink out of what she ordered, a small frown on her face as she felt the heat of what she could only assume being the other clown’s gaze. Unease crept through her.
As her clown friend looked away, MJ dared to take a small peek back as she couldn’t shake off the unease she was feeling, a worried frown on her face. As her eyes made a beeline for the other table, she jumped back a bit, seeing him giving her a big (and seemingly mocking)smile, still looking at her.
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“It’s getting late now, isn’t it?” The woman said in a small voice to the one across from her, panic evident in her voice. Star, seemingly obvious to her friend’s distress, nodded slowly, a pout across her lips as she sipped from her beverage. “But we haven’t been here long…” MJ let out a small sigh, feeling a bit bad about the fact that she wanted to leave so early. “I’m.. I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” MJ said as she got up quickly, barely seeing Aquarius nod before she went to the back of the café, going to the lady’s room.
When she came out, Aquarius wasn’t at their booth anymore, now sitting across from the creepy clown guy. She was leaning on one hand as she giggled, looking at him as his dark eyes stayed fixed on MJ, who almost froze in terror as she got closer to her and and her friend’s table, now realizing that the man clearly wasn’t what would be considered normal. It was as if his eyes never left her figure, and Aquarius seemed obvious about it as the latter continued her one sided conversation with him. MJ immediately grabbed her things, and in a haste, knocked over her fortunately finished drink that she’d taken in a paper cup. She was glad that it wasn’t a real cup or she would have probably bolted out of the place from embarrassment.
Even though it didn’t make a loud noise, it did catch her friend’s attention as the latter got up, excusing herself from her super interesting conversation with the disguised stranger. “Are you ready to go?” MJ nodded at her friend’s question as Star sighed, a frown on her face now. She was obviously upset, but MJ couldn’t care right now as the only thing she had on her mind was to get out and away from the stranger.
As both started to go out of the door, MJ unfortunately glanced back, seeing the guy waving ‘playfully’ at her, the big mocking smile back on his face. The last thing she saw before she turned back was the black garbage back beside him, the latter open and filled with what she could only guess were rusted… and bloodied tools.
Oh, this wasn’t an encounter she thought she’d ever forget.
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ofpriderocks · 1 year
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                     saskia santucci.
as the only girl, saskia’s felt all her life she had to prove herself in some aspect. saskia is blunt and isn’t afraid to take charge. she’s a natural born leader and always makes sure shit around her gets done. she isn’t afraid to step on a few people to get what and where she wants. she’s not a mean person by any per se, intimidating of course, but from a young age she’s known you have to forge your own way - no one is going to do it for you or worse they’ll take it from you. like her brothers, she was trained to be a fighter. saskia is skilled in martial arts and isn’t afraid to take someone down twice her size. she knows zack is in line for the crown but she also knows her brother is going to need a right hand woman because while zack’s all brawn and she’s the brain to balance everything out. and davu ? well davu’s a clown but she loves him. still, saskia has dreams of her own. she’s not looking to rule a country really. there’s so much more to than just being the princess of pride rock. 
inspired by : calliope burns ( first kill ) , michelle ‘ mj ’ watson ( spiderman ) , kiara carrera ( outerbanks ) , selina kyle ( the batman ), max ( dark angel ) ,
birth name. saskia kiara santucci. nicknames. sas. date of birth.   august 25. age.    twenty-three gender.   cis female. pronouns.  she/her. species.   human powers.   n/a sexuality.  bisexual. place of birth.    the pride lands. current residence.   elias, california. occupation.    crowned princess of pride rock.
height. 5'10" hair colour/style. black. eye colour. brown. piercings.  ears, belly button and nose. tattoos. small santucci crest on her right wrist. notable markings.  n/a. glasses/contacts ?  n/a. faceclaim.  coco jones voiceclaim. coco jones ( X )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   none. sleeping habits. will be in bed before ten she enjoys her sleep thanks. exercise habits. combat training and surfing. dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ? no / no / yes.
positive traits. strong willed, honest, of commanding presence negative traits.  sarcastic, ruthless, competitive likes. coffee shops, the beach, quiet places, winning, being right, alone time, museums dislikes.  people being too close to her, the history of her family, losing, being told what to do, being underestimated bad habits.  always sarcastic. it’s hard to tell when she’s genuine and easily annoyed.
mother.    nala omita. father.      simba santucci. siblings.   zack & davu santucci. pets.   cat named honeydew birth order.   youngest of three. significant other.  enemies to lovers tea with bryn arnadalr closest friends. rey hamato, her cousins, this could be you !
zodiac sign. leo. mbti. ISTJ. temperament.  choleric hogwarts house.    slytherin. moral alignment.  lawful neutral.
languages spoken.   english, and a variety of other languages.  drive ?     yes. jump start a car ?      yes. change a flat tire ?     yes ride a bicycle ?     yes. swim ?    yes. play an instrument ?    yes. play chess ?   no. braid hair ?   yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          yes. sew ?     yes.
compassion.         7/10.
empathy.         7/10.
creativity.          10/10.
mental flexibility.          10/10.
passion.         10/10.
luck.         9/10.
motivation.  10/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.         91010.
charisma.       5/10.
reflexes.          10/10.
willpower.          8/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.         9/10.
battle skill.          10/10.
initiative.     10/10.
restraint.          4/10.
strategy.      10/10.
team work.         8/10.
( pinterest, her tag, playlist. )
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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Okay well why don’t you just hand the clown nose over to me in person 
(damn. Got my a$$. Rlly caught me out here naked at 7/11 no cap) 
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(this totally won’t be in my nightmares lmaooo rip) 
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What’s happening now
Did the good mojo run out or is his boss about to give him a compliment like a freak LOL
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grassfedclowns · 1 year
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The boy’s favorite pastime: talking shit
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astridkoa · 3 years
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Swimsuit Day
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
List some of your favorite fics from other heavily Spideychelle focused writers? :)
WELLLLLLLLLL ofc and here you go! xxxxxxx
@awakening5: his fics here and newbie when???? i count at least 6 wips xxxxx
you look really petty - ha i shortened your title
ripple effect series - as i SHOULD
cat and spider - part two for Halloween when
@coykoii: all her fics here sure would love an update before the princess di show comes out and you jump ship again
growing together series - my BELOVED
i (don't not) love you - clown hours thinking this will ever be updated I'm so sad jillllllly
the love you gave me, darling (nothing else can save me) - jill loves a bracket to be fair
@justmattycakes: fics and comment button to ask for updates here
don't fear the reaper (w wifey credits) - not over mj's bones crushing but okay
with the click of a button - BABIES
the man from shield - my birthday is like four months away matty gotta keep up w traditions
@machiavelien: spicy fics and art here dying w lack of thirst wips xxxxx
a gilded affair - poor boy peter and rich girl mj that loves him anyway exactly
black dahlia - smutty angry girl ty update when (affectionate unless [redacted] dies then derogatory)
what spiders do in the shadows - hehehehehehehe spooky season
don't forget to kudos and comment if you enjoyed! xxxxxxxxx
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machiavelien · 4 years
PLS SHOW US THE SLASHED SUIT RESULTS!!! We know you want to hehe😏😏😛🔥😋
How about new blackcat!MJ art???
(I have no self control)
(I have other art requests! I was supposed to take a post-Spideychelle week drawing break!)
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(I have clowned myself)
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2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
tagged by @aziraphalescrowley thank you! This was fun.
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I don’t know if these are my favourites, but I wanted to include a little of everything and not just the clown movies jdhfj
Unpin Your Butterflies: An IT fic about Eddie dealing with life in a wheelchair and Richie being Richie. My first novella-length story. Most of what I write is dialogue-based, and sometimes when I try my hand at more emotional/poetic/inner monologue-style prose I end up cringing. But I think I managed it in this one. Maybe I’ll cringe when I reread it in 6 months.
Company You Keep: Richie and Eddie at a work retreat/school camp for adults. This was just fun. Unlike real camp.
Into the Spider-Verse, Avoiding a Spider-Hearse: A Schitt’s Creek AU where Patrick is Spider-Man and David is his MJ. This was my first attempt at writing action and boy, it really made me understand why it’s usually a visual medium!! But I think it turned out ok.
Supernerds: There came a point where I had watched Shazam too many times to justify not writing a fic for it. Writing an OC as a major character was pretty new to me and I liked how it ended up.
Coming Out: The Speedrun: Sam/Fred! Everyone from Crashing is so fun to write, somehow they simultaneously feel real and caricatured. Also, I really enjoyed writing Anthony being a somewhat well-meaning asshole.
tagging: @remuspotters @spanishbidean
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
Marvel Teen Romance: Girls Edition Part 1
Solo Boys Edition
Romance is a dying art in superhero comics. 
In a medium rife with sexism, the idea of romance becomes tainted with unfortunate cliches in a wave of women’s empowerment. Terms like Damsel-in-Distress becomes less of a person benefiting of a hero’s altruism to ranging from the unfortunate burden of being the one who needs to be saved as a sign of a weakness.
Marvel best example of the romance is Peter Parker and Mary Jane. A romance rife with editorial backlash that never liked the former and did their damnest and are doing their damnest to demean the character for their own ideal partner for Spider-man or Peter. MJ was making grown ass men who resented their wives and marriages project onto Peter. If you want to see an example of the sexism of Marvel, look up Christopher Priest’s opinion of Peter Parker and MJ and then after you pick up your jaw, keep reading.
Now women in Marvel have to appeal to the girls reading them. They have to be strong and strength is often interpreted as independence from men. There is rarely moments of weakness or yearning for these characters. They do not fawn for men or anyone at all and if they do long for anyone, it is for another woman, Today’s Marvel female youth opt for solitude and hyperfocus on the mission because writers refuse to even approach the hormone addled teenaged girl which has been derided as a stereotype. There is no swooning or rarely hint of attraction towards anybody, especially the opposite sex.
The pros are that stories are more varied and page space is not wasted on smitten teen girls being smitten on useless boys.
The cons is that it creates an archetype of stereotypical strong independent female in which their only characteristic is that they are strong and/or independent which contrasts men because men can be more varied in attitude and personality while women writers opt not to even engage in romance while also not addressing the character’s sexuality. They are not allowed to be young or be emotional. 
Also, because of classism, the superhero woman opts for her equal in terms of status and usually only date men or women who are also superheroes while men, again are more varied. Men in romances with superheroic women are never powerless and usually fill an utility role. There is a need for them to want to help a perfectly capable woman. There is only one teenaged hero with a solo and a non-superhero partner and even then most of the male partners who aren’t have to be of use to the heroine in their vigilantism. They cannot just have their own lives separate from what the hero is doing like a Mary Jane Watson. They have to be hyper-competent and be apart of the heroines lives. Again, it wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the implied sexism/classism. Spider-Gwen does not get the same fantasy as Peter Parker(will get to that later).
On a side note: To Mayday fans, Anya fans, Pei from Iron Fist fans, Moon Girl fans, Squirrel Girl fans, and any girl that I excluded from this post, they will definitely be in part two. I am sorry, but I just couldn’t. You will see how long this post is and this isn’t malicious on my part, but I hope you understand and forgive me. I mean I have to go back and update the boys edition. Cut me some slack. Anya and Pei were part of the original draft but shit got too long and it didn’t feel right to include them as a footnote.
Here are Marvel’s main solo teen women, romances, and romance history:
Kate Bishop a.k.a Hawkeye
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Gender: Female
Orientation: ...Questioning? We’ll just say questioning
Love Interests: Johnny Watts aka Fuse(current), Noh-Var, Tommy Shepherd,  Eli Bradley(retconned), Clown
We are starting with Kate Bishop because she is the closest to a modern woman’s love life. She has a cult following made of predominantly white women because Kate is empowered white girl embodied. And her dating life is modern in that Kate is one of the few women in Marvel that has relationships like men and is never shamed for it. Of all the women on this list, Kate was never not the focus or seen as codependent one. In fact, she is the capable and strong personality in her current relationship with Johnny Watts. He plays the supporting role for her. However varied Kate’s romantic history is, it is the prototypical love life of a teenaged Marvel woman. Every single one of her romances are by definition superheroes or vigilantes or villains. She does not have ordinary men in her life.
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Now you are probably thinking that Kate is a team character. You would be right, but I think I speak for all Kate fans is that she is exceptional in that she can and has held books before alone where her other Young Avengers can’t be assed to have an appearance. And I like Kate. She is my favorite white girl in Marvel. So here we go.
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And no, I am not going to consider her rapists in Central Park as love interests, but I will say that her relationship with men and her overall independence from them even while she is in relationship with them is because of this assault. There...I said it.
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Eli Bradley aka the Patriot. Kate and Eli started off from a rocky place. Kate wanting to be super strong and independent rich girl and Eli being super prideful and somewhat sexist. Eli wants to fulfill his grandfather’s legacy and feels that he has to immediately live up to him no matter what probably did not like Kate upstaging him, and Kate mistook what Eli was saying as sexist. It wasn’t that Kate was a girl that was the problem. It was that Kate was a rich white girl who chose to make rescuing herself and then making he and the Young Avengers look like idiots that was the problem. So they argue and fuss at each other all of the time.
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Kate misinterprets Eli’s reluctance to have her and Cassie on the team as sexist when in fact, the team was constructed for a specific purpose and have a specific roster pool to draw from. Cassie and Kate just aren’t in it.
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So Eli and Kate take each other apart and both take shots at each other.
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So Kate and Eli have this tic for tac relationship which is something Kate seems to relish in while Eli seems to be abrupt with her about it.
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And also, the two both have Strong Type A personalities. They both want to be the leader of the Young Avengers.
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But during a fight with Kang the Conqueror, both Kate and Eli reach an impasse. 
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Kate’s and Eli’s relationship starts to develop a bit and after some revelations about Eli come to the surface and the Avengers disband the Young Avengers only for the team to regroup out of spite of the Avengers. They start recruiting again, then come across Tommy Shepherd, Billy Kaplan’s brother and son of Wanda Maximoff.
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And Eli doesn’t like him because Tommy seems to be a little too okay with murder and wanton acts of violence.
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Kate and Eli start getting along to an extent. Eli is more of a stern individual and cuts Kate no slack. But Kate often challenges him.
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And eventually they go on a date.
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Uh. Excuse me. Not a date.
After getting jumped by Ronin on their Central Park, Not-A-Date carriage ride, Kate tried to calm him down after a disastrous evening.
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So enough about Eli, let’s move on to Tommy.
Tommy Shepherd is the prototypical fun bad boy. He doesn’t challenge Kate to be better. He dares her to keep up. So after Kate loses her bow and arrow to the original Hawkeye aka Clint Barton in a shooting contest, she goes home feeling ashamed. Eli, still raw from their not-a-date, starts relentlessly criticizing her. Kate did not need that on-top of her embarrassment so she told Eli to fuck off and walked away. Tommy, being less stringent than Eli, talks to Kate. Tommy flirts with Kate, in front of Eli, and they both decide to go out. Tommy was not there for Eli’s and Kate’s fight so he has no idea what is going on. Kate catches him up to speed and well...
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Tommy is such an awesome dude when he isn’t murderous. So Kate and Tommy break into Avengers manor and steal back her bow and arrows.
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Fun and exciting, bad boy.
The two steal back her bow and arrows and it was a fun date.
Now this triangle business and Kate’s indecisiveness plays a role because eventually she starts teaming up with Clint Barton and she witnesses first hand how disastrous his love life is. But I’ll get to that later. But just to be clear, she doesn’t choose to be with either, Tommy or Eli.
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Eli quit the Young Avengers after accidentally having a role in the death of Cassie Lang? It’s confusing. So with Eli’s departure, Young Avengers disbanded and thus Kate decided to team up with the other Hawkeye, Clint Barton, when the other members decided to quit.
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Kate Bishop takes up an apprenticeship role under the tutelage of Clint and she helps him out on missions from time to time. There is some hint that Kate is somewhat attracted to him, but she realizes that is nasty and Clint is like twice her age. Clint, however, likes teaching her because Kate is a fast learner.
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So this pairing of the Hawkeye’s became somewhat of sensation that propelled Kate to mainstream attraction. The crime busting duo became the bane of low level street thugs all over Brooklyn. But under his mentorship, Kate also saw how much of a wreck Clint’s life was. More specifically, his love life.
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Clint was dating Jessica Drew at the time. But he slept with Penny, some woman he rescued, while he was dating her. Natasha is more of his work wife in a sense, you’ll have to ask Hawkeye fans if they ever dated, but she is more concerned with the fact that Clint robbed some gangsters and got arrested. Bobbi was Clint’s ex-wife...well at the time of the comic, she was his separated wife. She wants to find Clint to finalize their divorce. So Kate is dragged into this mess.
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Kate witnesses what a mess Clint’s life is, and she gains one fear: to not be like Clint Barton.
Fast forward to the Young Avengers relaunch.
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Kate wakes up from a booty call. And it is not some ordinary booty call. No-nonono.
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Enter Noh-Varr. Like the narration says, she met Noh-Varr and he collectively kicked all of the Young Avengers asses. And I guess she is over that now and Kate and he hooked up. Noh-Varr is the silly himbo. Stupid but pretty as heck to look at.
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It is hard to classify what she and Noh-Varr were because to me, they weren’t really an item as he was more like a one night stand that became a multiple night stand... Good dick is hard to find so if you find one, might as well hold on to it for awhile, am I right ladies?
Anyways, I couldn’t tell you the plot of Young Avengers 2015 because...even I was confused by it. Regardless, we are here for Kate’s love life.While facing the final...whatever the fuck they are fighting, Noh decides to confess to Kate.
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And telling Kate that he was semi-seeing someone else on the side kind of drove the relationship to hell.
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Anyways, we moving on. Also, America suggests something to Kate.
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Another oddity in Kate’s love life is that most, if not all, of her lovers are bi. Juries out on Eli(and will probably stay that way), but both Johnny(we’ll get to him) and Noh-Varr, her only serious relationships, are bi and are attracted to each other. The irreverence that Kate has for dating should be dating because she rarely pontificates on her partners. There is no, “I wonder what X is doing.” It is all business, and rarely play. Also, we are not suggesting that women dating exclusively bi-women are bi by association. We are saying that Kate Bishop isn’t as straight as she thinks she is.
What she fears is having a love life like her mentor, Clint Barton: A fucking mess. Kate is the only young woman who has had multiple booty calls and has pulled the, “Well last night is fun, but you got to get the fuck up out of here” on a dude.
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And by doing this, she is acting as self-destructive as Clint who is notorious for doing the same thing. Kate declares that she doesn’t need attachments and that the above boy was too clingy for wanting to hang out after knocking boots. He was a distraction for Kate. Miss America points out the irony of her saying something like that.
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On top of everything, Kate decides to get away from Clint and heads out to Los Angeles to start a detective agency. She gets up to some high class hijinx there and in the midst of the chaos, she meets a boy.
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Johnny Watts.
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What I like about Johnny is that he isn’t overstepping of Kate. He is lax and is perfectly willing to step aside and let Kate be a hero and not let his male ego get wounded by the fact that his girlfriend is a kick ass superhero. Johnny also unlike Eli can keep up with Kate’s wit so their banter/flirtation is quick and rapid.
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He is also supportive and understanding.
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They hook up after Kate defeats Madame Masque again.
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Johnny seems like a normal dude, right. There is nothing strange about him at all. So what is with the above preamble if the first Marvel heroine you mention has a normal boyfriend? Well...
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Johnny absorbs the matter of anything he touches and can briefly become the item. It ranges from concrete to even vibranium. Why vibranium? Well he has a nose ring that is made of vibranium. Why does he have a nose ring made from a precious Wakandan resource? Johnny and his sister are Wakandan exiles and they kept a piece of vibranium as keepsakes.
So Johnny has powers like all of Kate’s other boyfriends and exes. When Kate forms the new West Coast Avengers, she enlists her boyfriend as her first recruit. He has issues adjusting into being a superhero, but he is learning. He takes up the alias as Fuse and he and Kate continue with their relationship without much trepidation. Until Noh-Varr comes back.
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And Noh-Varr being a himbo doesn’t necessarily jive well with the relationship because Noh-Varr has no tact or grace. He is also really attractive and a pretty boy.
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And then it dons on Kate that her boyfriend and her ex are attracted to one another.
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All and all, Kate is the standard for super-heroine women in Marvel in.
Miss America Chavez
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Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Love Interests: Ramone Watts(current),Lisa, Ultimate Nullifier
Yes, she is lesbian. Ultimate Nullifier was simply an experiment that she didn’t like after the first kiss. Like one kiss with a guy and she said, “umm nope.”
She is lesbian. She likes girls and from the general reception of the character, girls like her too.I am not going to bother covering her relationship with Ultimate Nullifier because who the fuck really cares about that guy?
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I can’t tell you much about Lisa other than America isn’t necessarily a good girlfriend. 
Well she isn’t? Like there was this whole convoluted thing that made America break up with Lisa for a reason I can’t really explain and the narrative tried to paint America as in the right when she was a shitty girlfriend. I just wanted to put Lisa in there because I like to confirm that she existed and still doesn’t have a last name.
Anyways, on to the good shit.
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America and Ramone met through mutual colleague and also shared friend, Kate Bishop. Kate was dating Ramone’s brother and America kept Kate around so Kate could ogle her. Anyways, Ramone was trapped in a collapsing building and America saved her and caused Ramone to have what could only be described as gay panic. So naturally, the two decided to date because...well have you seen Miss. America Chavez. If one could describe her, she would be the one woman “reason why I’m gay” justification for women.
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That image alone just created like 10 lesbians.
Anyways, the two are just cute. Like I can’t even describe how the two are just cute around each other.
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But no one wants to be like deadweight as Nero from Devil May Cry can attest to. So Ramone, like her brother, turn out to be exiles from Wakanda.
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And then this happened.
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And Allow was born. So after Alloy rescues America and the West Coast Avengers, let’s just say that America was very excited about the new development that her girlfriend has powers just like her.
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And they lived happily ever after and are still the item until this day. 
Laura Kinney aka X-23 aka Wolverine
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Orientation: Indecisive
Love Interests: Julian Keller,  Warren Worthington(ewwwwww)
tw: sex trafficking, rape, and incest mentions
I don’t know what I expect out of franchise spawned the likes of Wolverine being with anybody or the idea that Wanda and Pietro practicing incest or Professor Xavier being in love with Jean Grey. I honestly don’t know why I hoped they would handle this character with tact as she is the most popular X-character made in the past 20 years. God forbid I expected that the  franchise that insisted on Emma Frost mind raping Cyclops and then being an item  would actually think about Laura Kinney as a character and not do some inappropriate shit...but here we are.
Let me explain the life of one Laura Kinney in the Marvel comics and why everything about her being in a relationship with a man who is the same age physically as her father is a bad idea. We all know about the X-periment and how she was the gender flipped clone of Wolverine...or is she her biological daughter? Who the fuck knows or even cares, let me get to the point.
Laura Kinney is a victim of sex trafficking. She was pimped out and did some weird dark shitty shit and yes, it involved her claws. So her history with sex in general should be handled tactfully. Her life has been nothing but violence and death and dismemberment. And I am not saying that Laura should not find love. I am saying that a girl like Laura should not be with older men, but what do I know. It seems the X-men franchise seems to be looking for writers whose only criteria is that  you have to have a creepy fascination with Kitty Pryde.
Granted, Julian Keller aka Hellion had a relationship with Laura that allowed her to express emotions like a teenaged girl should be allowed to express without the influence of an older men. Julian’s relationship was born of resentment because Laura was not a real mutant, whatever that mean to fear that Laura was nothing but an assassin to admiration after witnessing how much Laura endured. Notice how Julian could never push or influence Laura to do things that she did not want to do. 
Warren is the same fucking age as Cyclops. If you are going to make a stink about Rachne being with Josh Foley, then why in the fuck is this 30+ year old man with a fresh faced teenaged abused girl?
I’m just saying that any character with rape and/or sex trafficking as their backstory should be handled as gracefully as possible in regards to romantic interests and sexuality. Her being with Adam is not handling gracefully.
Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider
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Gender: Female
Orientation: ?
Love Interests: Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, ...fuck it, I am going to go ahead in put Mary Jane Watson in here
“But, Gwemj isn’t canon so why would you put that in here?”
First off, Spider-Gwen is the quintessential pinnacle of everything that is wrong with how Marvel deals with superhero romances with solo women. There is no reason why in the 4 years as of this writing, that you have yet to introduce a love interest that is Spider-man viable in the 50 issues she has starred in. There is no excuse that her first kiss was not with anybody within her supporting cast, but with another established hero. Spider-Gwen, you have an underdeveloped supporting cast and setting, and it fucking shows.
Second, it was clear that the original plan was Gwemj, but Gwen Stacy became popular and marketable so they derailed the sapphic train and landed on the most forced and out of theme romance in recent comic book history. Like for fuck’s sake, she is Spider-man for girls and women. You know how many superheroes Peter Parker dated, 3-4 if you count Kitty Pryde and every time it never worked out because they could never relate to Peter Parker.
That is the fucking point, Marvel/Latour/McGuire although the last person isn’t the biggest offender.
Giving Gwen a superhero love interest negates the fucking point of Spider-man. It is against theme and it is really sexist as shit because every male hero has a love interest that is not superpowered. Not a one woman can hook up with a non-powered boy if they are in hetero romances.
Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy is the most cynical pairing shill that I’ve ever seen.
The fact of the matter is that Gwen has the most chemistry with Mary Jane and most of her romances have been bouts of forced heterosexuality. And it is not that she is possibly heterosexual that is the problem. It is that you refuse to develop said romances and try to make sure the man involved is just as empowered as the girl for no fucking reason. 
It’s pure laziness.
Anyways, it’s hard to pindown where I should start this because the comic creates Gwen’s origin out of flashbacks so it’s hard to figure what came first.. And I guess it begins with Peter.
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I’m working with assumption in trying to nail down the chronological order. Okay, Peter noted Gwen’s music in her headphones and identified it. Gwen was on that Neku Sakuraba tip except without the angry at the world attitude so she was this disheveled girl who listened to music openly and isolated herself from cast. But she wasn’t bullied or anything like Pete.
She was a cool loser.
So after their shared taste in music, Peter and Gwen become fast friends, but it is hinted that Peter had a crush on her and it more than platonic feeling for her. Anyways, Gwen’t and Peter’s duet became a 3 man band as they added residnet outcast, Harry Osborm to the crew.
Now do the math, two boys and one girl. 
It is obvious that both boys have a crush on the one girl. Now it is hard to discern Gwen’s feelings for either of the two boys because there isn’t a lot shown. But the main takeaway is that Peter was broken down by bullying. He channelled his inner Vergil because he wanted power. This universe’s Peter is the Peter we see in Ditko’s early Spider-man run without the powers and none of the growth he received later. Harry, on the otherhand, is well aware of how broken Peter is and resolves to not be like him while hoping to move in on the cute blonde.
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“...They won’t break me like they broken [Peter]”
So Peter is not exactly the kid you’d say after a school shooting, no one would expect that he was the culprit. I’m pretty sure no one at Midtown would be surprised. So guess what sends Peter over the edge?
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No surprise here that Peter Parker without the character growth of becoming Spider-man becomes an incel asshole.
Anyways, some time passes and Prom happens. Guess who is going stag?
No that is an actual question because I am not sure who went with whom. Did Gwen decide to go out with Harry? Are they dating? Who the fuck knows because there isn’t a lot to infer from these panels.
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Judging by the clothes, Gwen isn’t dressed up or gussied up. She is wearing a white T-shirt at Prom. She doesn’t appear to be with anybody. Harry isn’t with anybody either and Peter definitely isn’t. And this is why when you make a character, you start at the beginning. This shouldn’t be background or filer. This is essential information because I assumed that we had a love triangle going on with two wayward boys pining after the same girl. It’s clear that Harry has a crush on Gwen. It’s implied that Peter had a crush on Gwen as well with his reaction and calling Harry a traitor.
It’s really unclear and it is a situation that defines Gwen’s story and stories going forward. We really don’t know what happened at prom and the first Midtown attack. We really don’t know exactly what led to Peter turning himself into the Lizard. There are inferences and implications, but nothing is concrete. This series is built on the idea that Peter Parker’s death matters without giving a reason why to care about Peter Parker. And just to remind you that while the Night Gwen Stacy Died didn’t focus on Gwen Stacy, you had nearly a hundred issues to care about her prior to her death. Gwen is not just some iconography and symbolism. She was an actual character. A bad one, but nonetheless, she had more than a few pages to get represent a character.
So after Prom was a murderous incel Lizard shitshow and Gwen stopped and accidentally killed the Lizard(Key word: accidentally because it’s not clear if Gwen killed him because it was weirdly effective punch and she toyed with him like she usually does), Spider-Gwen goes on a severe depression and isolation streak and doesn’t talk to anyone ever...possibly. Again, it is the case of Gwen’s origin not exactly being clear. We don’t know much and what we are shown was presented through flashbacks.
Until she gets wrapped up in Spider-verse and she meets several Spider-folks with most of them looking like her Peter Parker and falls into a depressive episode realizing that maybe her Peter should have been the one who was bittem and she was destined to be miserable all of her life. Following a confrontation with a grief-stricken 616 Peter Parker stating that she isn’t ‘his’ Gwen, Gwen just doesn’t want to deal with any Spider-men that look like Peter Parker or are Peter Parker. And also, she is still being tormented in her own universe by a smear campaign that unfairly places the blame of Peter’s death on her shoulders. Because of said campaign, Gwen is a fugitive and her enemy, Matthew Murderdock, is extorting her for her own powers that only he has access to and  her father’s life in exchange for working with him.
In summary, Gwen is stressed and is at a breaking point. She is miserable and facing an existential crisis that every adaptation of herself has died or suffered horrible consequences and questions if she is incapable of experiencing happiness. She has lost her Spider-power and has to rely on her sworn enemy to have them. And her whole city sees her as a murderer.
Enter Miles Morales.
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I already explained why Miles was in E-65 in the previous post. I don’t need to repeat myself. But I can elaborate on why Miles was attractive to Gwen Stacy. For one, he is a Spider-man that doesn’t remind her of Peter Parker. So she isn’t feeling guilty and at least he isn’t a literal anthropomorphic pig. Two, Miles is around her age. This is debatable because in spite of what Bendis says, Miles was 15 at the time of this arc and he clearly aged Miles up so Gwen didn’t look like a cradle robber for daring to be interested in a kid4-5 years younger than she. And finally, this.
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Miles presents the one alternate dimension where she is happy and with children. So combined with Miles being a nice if not horny kid and being overwhelmed with guilt and stress in her daily life. Miles starts becoming more attractive to Gwen. Which leads to....
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I have made myself clear about how I feel about this ship. If you want a summary, I wish it never existed but here we are.
Anyways, Miles goes back and immediately starts pursuing more interesting love interests and Gwen continues to deal with being stressed. I am going to stop it here. But I want to posit a theory.
Spider-Gwen was supposed to be with Mary Jane or EmJay. For the longest, the tension between Mary Jane and Gwen was honestly the only non-superheroic related with the most tension and description outside of her own father and EmJay seemed focused on Gwen to an absurd degree. It wasn’t until it was reported that Marvel pinned Gwen for her popularity that they didn’t want to damage her marketability so being a lesbian superhero in Marvel is kind of a no-no in terms of profit. But GweMJ was and still is a popular ship so to appease fans, Latour basically threw MJ at Glory in a random and spontaneous manner if only to appease those fans.The issue is that Glory and MJ aren’t super prevalent in the book. I mean Glory Grant isn’t even that important to Spider-man mythos as a whole. So it became a case of pandering to the base while simultaneously throwing the lesbians away.
That is all I am going to say on this.
Kamala Khan aka Ms Marvel
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Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Love Interests: Bruno(current), Kamren, Dante Pertuz, Red Dagger, Miles Morales(one-sided), Sam Alexander(one-sided)
Ms. Marvel is a teenaged love story with superheroes. It is a romantic literature geared towards Muslim women or girls. It’s true. And I have earned the right to fucking say it. This is going to feel like I am harping on her religion, but Ms. Marvel’s religion is the core of her character and her story. Believe it or not, it is what makes her a hero. It is her “Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.” So it’s important that we discuss how Kamala’s religion has to do with her love interests.
Anyways, let’s start from the beginning.
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Bruno has had a childhood crush on Kamala Khan. This subplot is intertwined throughout the book. The struggle however isn’t because Kamala is irreproachable. Her religion is the obstacle.
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Kamala’s parents would never accept Bruno Carrelli as a viable partner. In fact, homegirl is not even allowed to date without male supervision.
Kamala initially only sees Bruno as a friend. Her best friend. Don’t say ‘friend zone’ because...grow up honestly.  Kamala didn’t care for boys, but she does care about her independence. Freedom that her cultural mandated patriarchy did not afford her or at least was regimented. I am not Muslim nor a woman, but I would surmise that a lot of teenaged Muslim girls would rebel or want to rebel against such a strict culture especially when they live in America. Kamala strikes the core of conformity to the West being seen being against the Uniformity of Islam and she struggles with being too anti-Muslim to the point that she risks allowing Islamophobia or allowing the cultural misogyny of Islam to guide her and restrict her. That is the internal conflict or religious conflict that Kamala somewhat addresses and part of it has to do with marriage or partnership.
But what makes Kamala heroic is her religion and what makes her strong is her drive to be free.
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“Whoever kills one person, it is as if he has killed all of mankind and whoever saves one person, it is as if he has saved all of mankind.
-the Quran
This part sticks with me because while she is quoting a heroic purpose from her religion’s text, she is using patriarchic language so that that quote isn’t referring to who she is not does it apply to her exactly.
Kamala takes the good of her culture and applies it to a purpose to be a hero while somewhat resenting the implied patriarchal stances. This is why Ms. Marvel took off and became the quintessential Muslim Western Hero and Sooraya sadly didn’t. Kamala addresses the internal conflict that a teenaged Pakistani American would have.
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I am going to assume that almost every Muslim American girl knows that exact line Kamala’s mom is saying or at least a variation of it.
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“But this has nothing to do with her love interests”
It does. Because if her parents control and has the final approval who she is allowed to see, that man is more than likely going to perpetuate the same cultural traditions onto her.
Feminism is a big thing for Kamala so she respects a man that doesn’t overrule her like her father does his mother and her. Which is why Bruno not being a superhero and also being her sidekick is something that she respects and desires. She wants him to assist her and not much else at first when she gained her powers. Bruno becomes her confidant and also her conduit to being Ms. Marvel.
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For the bulk of the first volume of Ms. Marvel, Kamala is oblivious to Bruno’s feelings towards her. In fact, Kamala sees him as part of her aesthetic of being a superhero: he is her sidekick. I suspect Wilson didn’t want to have a girl portray a stereotype that girls constantly think of boys.So she flips it on the genders. It is Bruno whose every interaction has to do with Kamala. He is the smitten boy while Kamala is doing her Shounen hero routine. And it is not that she is oblivious to romance. She is just having too much fun being a superhero.
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“Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!”
I know it sounds bad and Bruno is absolutely correct, fellas. There is no such as a friend zone and seeing anyone like that shows that you really don’t care for them.
Apologetic moralizing aside, Kamala just did not see Bruno as anything, but a friend.
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So Kamala simply is unaware of Bruno’s feelings. And Nakia kind of reinforces how her family feels about Kamala’s future prospects.It is less about the person and more about about the status.
Enter Kamren
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Kamren came with a bit of controversy. The idea is that Kamren was supposed to be a classic villain love interest. The implication was that Muslim men are controlling and white men are liberating.
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Normally, Kamala’s father and her brother, Aamir, would be seen as protective if they were in any other culture, but being Muslim and arranged marriages are a well-known and often scrutinized practice in Islam, Willow who is a white Muslim woman, unintentionally opened another can of worms: Commentary on Muslim men being evil.
Look, I am not Muslim and I know the bullet points of Islam. Never read the Quaran, but I understand that the Quaran is supposed to be read in Arabic which given the ideas of the Haj and other Muslim traditions, the religion focuses on tradition and a fidelity to that tradition. Coupled with Western Cultural Imperialism, Ms. Marvel faces the problem of delving into some muddy political waters that in every other book,would just be a typical romance trope.
So I suspect Willow meant no harm because she has been a substantial Muslim feminist champion in a political climate in which that would be an oxymoron to a lot people(Not me, but again, I understand 3rd World Feminism ideals of not seeing feminism in the same lens as the west). You can’t escape the notion that depictions matter and having Bruno, white Italian, being seen as the chief romantic interest while depicting the Muslim one as evil and controlling is going to raise an eyebrow or two.
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Kamren was set up as an inevitability cultural and the narrative during this arc was made for the reader to sympathize with Bruno.
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Bruno is Emineming this shit and Aamir gives him the cold hard reality.
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Up to this point, Kamren has been portrayed as an otherwise decent guy. His only flaw was that he wasn’t Bruno. So of course, the facade of him being the perfect Bollywood male lead begins to come down.
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“There’s no reason for you to keep wasting your energy to protect people who don’t believe what you believe.”
That is not an obvious parallel that implies some sort of cultural insensitivity. He is talking about Inhumans, but the cultural parallel to other Islamist radical groups is intentional. So swap Inhumanity with Jihadist Islam, then Kamren’s character becomes even more unsettling.
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He uses victim-blaming tactics on Kamala in that she chose to be part of this InHumanist movement the moment she enetered the car with him as if he didn’t zap her body unconscious after he revealed his true intentions. Kamren is a disgusting individual and of course Kamala whoops that ass, but I wanted to point out the unfortunate implications of this romance before I moved on.
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Meanwhile Bruno gets an SOS from Kamala and tries to save her. He fails miserably, but at least he has this moment.
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This cover encapsulates everything about Kamala’s and Bruno’s relationship in Ms. Marvel Volume One.
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And just before the end of the world, Bruno finally spits it out.
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So that’s it, right? They are just friends, right? 
It’s a love story, you dumbasses. Read this like a teenaged romantic sitcom. This is just phase one.
So Volume 2 of Ms. Marvel kicks off and the world didn’t end. So you think after that awkward but somewhat romantic confession on the rooftop, Kamala and Bruno would hit it off, right?
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Brno/s gay? He is with Mike now? Bruno just skyrocketed in popularity with Yaoi fangirls.
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Oh, Mike’s a girl and her full name is Michaela Gutierrez ....AND SHE THICK
It’s over Kamala. You lose before you even knew that there was a game. Bruno took that no and went on and found Barbie Ferreira. Bruno figured out what a skinny girl can do that big girl can’t. Answer: Not a goddamn thing! Ahead of his time, really.
Nothing against Mike, she is delightful and honestly, I’m cool with it. Sure, she is destined for failure because she is in the way of the OTP, but goddammit, put both hands up for the big girls.
Kamala takes it personally and decides to give her not-boyfriend the cold shoulder.
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Now, if you are a guy and you think Kamala is being a bit of a hypocrite, you are not thinking about this optically. Bruno confessed that he loved her on that rooftop. That is not some shit you just say capriciously especially to your best friend. It looks like on the surface that Bruno just happened to have a backup just in case Kamala said no thus making his confession not as genuine. If you are pursuing someone as much as Bruno was to the point that he confesses love to that person, you don’t have back-ups like that. It makes his confession seem less genuine.
And yes, Kamala is being jealous and she hates that Bruno unintentionally made a scenario to make her jealous. Because if she had known about Mike instead of being blindsided like she was, then maybe she could have managed that moment on the rooftop better, but it feels like to her that Bruno just gave up and it drives her crazy to see it rubbed in her face.
In defense of Bruno, there is no set time when you are expected to get over someone that rejected you after confessing something. And maybe 6 months is too soon for Kamala, but if she had a problem with him being with anyone and needing to be told, then maybe she isn’t being honest with herself.
Also, sidenote to all writers of superheroines: this dialogue about a sub-plot is what you miss out on if you refuse to approach romance.
Anyways, It sucks to realize that you love someone and possibly took them for granted when you see them with someone else.
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Oh and now your best friend who confessed his love for you is now having safe sex with another woman(implied).
Yeah, I’d be a little miffed too.
Since Kamala and Bruno are on break, I’m going to touch and go on their situation because at this point, Kamala’s popularity afforded her several appearances and a lot boys from outside her comic book did a double take.In summary, Kamala’s milkshake brought all the boys to the yard.
First is Miles Morales.
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Let me just say that Sara Pichelli draws a gorgeous Kamala Khan. I mean she just makes beautiful teenaged girls in general for some reason. The boys are always ordinary looking, but the girls are always trendy or fashionable or bombshells if not all three.
Anyways, Miles has a definite crush on Kamala, but unlike Sam who I will get to later, he is mostly lowkey about it when they interact. He is also a very supportive friend of hers and honestly her and Kamala are like Peter Parker and Johnny Storm.What is weird about it is that there is no on-page formal first meeting between the two. So we never see when or why Miles revealed his identity to Ms. Marvel. I guess there was a miscommunication between Bendis and Waid and Wilson.
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There isn’t much on page thoughts from Kamala about Miles as she mostly kept the air living up to be a hero she admires the most, Carol Danvers. Again, Karol is the model of typical Marvel heroine. As far as I’ve read, Carol doesn’t really have much in the way of romance compared to Spider-man who as @traincat​ would say, is a Himbo(yes, I am going to keep plugging her so you guys can follow her because she is the only Peter Parker expert that I respect). So her and Miles relationship is professional friendship. There was a time when Bruno mentioned something that implied Kamala gushes about a Spider-man’s abs, but that could be just jealousy and it never states which Spider-man he was talking about. All in all, she is not interested in Miles and Miles is interested in her, but respects her too much to act on it. Until Miles confuses an Infinity Stone for a mood stone and spills the beans to her.
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Kamala doesn’t return the gesture and it is seen as a way to lightly put Miles down which is okay because he handles it like a champ.
Next is Sam Alexander aka Nova.
He is a little less tactful than Miles about his attraction to Kamala since he immediately hits on her upon first meeting.
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Kamala of course thinks he is a brash idiot who shows-off too much.
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Sam is persistent in their first meeting, but keeps on hitting the wrong marks and saying the wrong things at inappropriate times.
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Sam pretty much can’t take a hint and eventually catches Ms. Marvel in the middle of changing costumes.
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*insert the sound of an airplane falling and crashing*
So Kamala and Sam don’t initially like each other as initially, Kamala thought she was being mean to Sam unintentionally and Sam thought he was being idiot. They are both right in their own way, but in the end, Sam sees Kamala as an uptight do-gooder personality and Kamala sees Sam as a reckless jerk. Which has a lot to do with their powersets because Sam is not really meant to be doing street level crime or protection.
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And finally we have Dante Pertuz aka Inferno. Now this is one time where Kamala’s interested in a guy and not the other way around or at least it is implied by a third party.
Over the course of Secret Warriors, Kamala and Dante interact and while nothing is initially made out of it, Dante and Quake hook up and Kamala appears to be jealous and annoyed that Dante likes Quake mainly because Kamala does not like Daisy Johnson.
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Now we could take Daisy’s word for it, but again, she is kind of a jaded jerk so take it with a pinch of salt. Kamala also denies it.
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Ms. Kamala not only shoots down her own ships, but she also bombs other people’s, sheesh.
Now that is done, let’s get back to the main attraction.
Kamala and Bruno and now Mike pretty much go back and forth. Bruno makes kissey faces at Mike, and Mike returns them while Kamala dies a little inside. Bruno is pretty much that guy from the meme who is with his girlfriend, but he keeps looking at the girl they pass and Mike is not a moron and knows that she is pretty much the Cyrano and is conscious of this fact. It hurts because Mike is actually a cool character and her and Kamala become good friends in spite of having the same romantic attraction to Bruno. While Bruno did care for Mike, he could not help but be jealous of the men Kamala encounters as Ms. Marvel such as Spider-man(not sure which). 
Point is that this entire comic is a delicious mess and should be read with the same intention as the audience of Dawson’s Creek.
Eventually, Kamala starts to realize that her idol has a huge authoritarian streak and implements her version of Hitler Youth to patrol Ms. Marvel’s turf. And I think this is a something we need to address in regards to Carol. Yes, she is good, but she is socially aware as a....white woman. No really, she does not stop to think as to why people of color would not be too for a system that arrests people because they are foreseen to commit a crime. It’s profiling or in this case assisting in racial profiling. I always found it weird that of all people, a Pakistani first generation born American would idolize her. But that had to do with Kamala’s own self-hatred than anything Carol was.It is like being a Mexican Trump Supporter.
Anyways, Kamala is reluctant, but she joins Carol’s little SS and starts putting people in detention camps. And people are pissed. People like Bruno are pissed.
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So Bruno decided to break Josh, who was wrongfully detained on the suspicion of wanting to bomb a school. Kamala goes and tries to stop him from breaking in the detention center.
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This haunts Kamala. You see, Bruno and Kamala are close obviously, but for once, it was her ambivalence that nearly got him killed. She wants so desperately to be her own ideal hero that she completely neglected her own support system in pursuit of being accepted by Carol.People like to point to Kamala’s fandom in superheroes as a main characteristic, but neglect to mention that it was Bruno introducing her to the world superheroes that started it in the first place. It was Bruno who introduced her to Ms. Marvel. 
Bruno becomes paralyzed on his left side.I haven’t mentioned this, but Bruno is an inventor. He creates things and he is also left handed. So his dream was in jeopardy because he was willing to help Kamala out with her dream. So Kamala feels guilty as fuck.
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Bruno decides to take a trip to Wakanda and get some schooling. Thus making Bruno the first white boy to be legally allowed to learn in Wakanda.
I’m as surprised as you are. I mean Wakanda gives a scholarship to some white boy in New Jersey, but rejects Lunella Lafayette. Ain’t that some shit?
So just to recap on this drama, Kamala turned down Bruno in favor of superheroism. Bruno got with Mike. Kamala becomes jealous, but Mike is cool so can’t bring herself to hate her. Bruno is jealous that Kamala is hanging out with superhero studs like Spider-man. Mike is just tired of being overlooked for an apparently nice girl. Bruno is annoyed that Kamala is siding with Carol’s harebrained George Orwell fanfiction idea over her friends and decides to break everyone out. He gets injured in the process and leaves New Jersey, but not before lashing out at Kamala for not appreciating him.
A fucking teenaged love story, I tell you.
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And the only person happy is the gay one. tsk...
So the two are basically apart at this point. Bruno is on a no-speaking terms with Kamala and Kamala is respecting that. This cover pretty much sums it up.
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Kamala took Bruno for granted and Bruno resents Kamala for taking for granted. And of course, it did bomb his relationship with Mike because he is resenting a relationship with a girl that is not currently his girlfriend. But with Bruno in Wakanda getting reverse affirmative action, that means Ms. Marvel is taking a break from romance, right?
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Kamala’s milkshake be bringing boys from across the ocean.
Okay, this is Red Dagger aka Kareem. Kamala first met Kareem when she visited her cousins in Pakistan with and without costume. Get your head out of the gutter, they met eachother while they were in civillian identity and superhero alias without connecting the two. Lareem eventually moved to New Jersey because he studied abroad from which Kamala quickly deduced that his identity.
So the two have a team-up from which Kamala feels uneeded so she runsaway and  attends a private school without anyone, even her parents knowing(and people wonder why I felt that Wilson’s Ms. Marvel read like a Saturday Morning Cartoon). Eventually she comes out of it with absolutely no consequences for abandoning her superhero duty because she felt unneeeded and forcing her friends to fight crime in New Jersey in her stead. Whatever, Red Dagger feels bad for making Kamala feel unappreciated and...
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This is nice.
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That is right, Kamala, You get over your ex, by getting underneath another person. I mean, girl you bold. You went to your boy interest’s former place of employment and hangout spot, and made out on top of the roof. Extra thot points for making him watch another man’s tongue down your throat.
I’m kidding, but yeah, ackwarrrrrrd.
Of course, Bruno and Kamala talk about that situation and Kamala swears that it didn’t happen to spite him in spite of it happening on top of Circle Q. They eventually reconcile and get back on speaking terms and then...
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Mike catches the pair holding hands. Actually not what it looks like. Kamala was helping Bruno up the stairs. So much drama. 
Kamala freaks out because she thinks she is a two timing thot because she out here kissing men and thotting and shit. So she runs to her Masjid in hopes to get some spiritual help for her crisis.
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So Kamala has a confessional with a third party and surprisingly, he subverts the entire stereotype of Muslim religious patriarch.
He tells her that he laments not teaching young Muslim people in his Masjid to not know how to properly be themselves and not know how to deal with their feeling. He also laments not teaching their parents to not give stern warnings in place of recalling what is like to feel like you are in love for the first time thus giving kids an echo chamber because they don’t feel safe to talk to their parents about this for fear of admonishment.
He tells Kamala to be true to herself unleash the inner thot....I’m kidding.
He tells her to be true to herself and be real with Bruno.
I think this is the most important scene in Ms. Marvel because too many times, media has used the Muslim patriarch as this oppressive tool to admonish Islam as a faith.Is it sexist? Yeah. I can’t lie about that shit, but ultimately it is up to those women who practice it to reform it and modern male muslims tend to be more open to feminism especially if it doesn’t come from white feminism brand that loves to target those cultures.
Anyways, back to the drama, Mike and Bruno break up. Kamala and Red Dagger end things amicably. And now it is a rat race to see how long it takes for Kamala and Bruno to finally hook up because why not? If you have been reading up to this point, you know what is about to happen so I’m going to get straight to the point.
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Nadia Van Dyne aka Wasp
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Gender: Female
Orientation: Not interested in boys in the very least, but girls who like science....that is a jam so...sapiosexual lesbian
Potential Love interests: Amber
So Nadia Van Dyne is the daughter of Hank Pym who took after the last of Hank Pym’s abused ex-wife, Janet Van Dyne.You should all read the first two volumes of Unstoppable Wasp because Nadia in general was a welcome, wholesome surprise for me. Regardless, I am not just here to gush about Nadia, but explore her love interests, but to be honest, she doesn’t have any so this will be pure speculation and subtext until otherwise stated.
So what is different about Nadia is her disinterest in all things of the opposite sex and her interest in all things about science. She was raised in an Assassin/Scientist school where Nadia was trained to be a super scientist assassin along with other young people. She is a genius, but Nadia developed a love for science. When she was freed from the Red Room, Nadia kept her love for science and sought to make sure all girls like herself could be allowed to express their love for science without a glass ceiling. So she wanted to recruit a science girl gang of sorts.
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You could make an argument that Nadia is ace and I wouldn’t argue against you. However, as you can see, it is easy to write off character interactions as that when in actuality they are underdeveloped. I think Nadia is a sapiosexual lesbian because her attraction directly correlates with how intelligent a person the person is. And she hates overly intelligent scientific men like Peter Parker and somewhat resents her abusive father as they kept a glass ceiling in the intelligencia of academic science that chased women out. However, any woman with a compelling interest in science immediately piques her interest. And sure, we could say that this attitude is fostered due to her mission statement of uplifting women of science and girl geniuses in the place of attraction towards said girls, but sometimes we forget that no matter how wholesome Nadia is, she is still a teenager.
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This Amber and I’d say that this was the first and only time Nadia exhibited an actual crush on somebody.And sure, Nadia’s innocence could be taken to mean that she was just being her normal bubbly self, I want to take note that she really didn’t ask about Amber’s scientific prowess. She complimented her looks first and then her tattoos and then she saw the Teleforce Tattoo. 
But just like the others on this list, Amber could not just be a normal girl. Nope, she had to be a supervillain.
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I am just pointing out a pattern. Boys need their love interests to be non-superpowered and not necessarily the physical equal. Girls have to have their romantic counterparts be just as physically capable as them.
Amber aka Seeker becomes a rival to Nadia until they realized that they aren’t necessarily enemies of each other as the real threat was an Ultron merged Hank Pym who wants to take over the world or whatever does Ultron want to do anymore. Who knows?
So Seeker and her AIM Anti-Ultron think tank joined Nadia’s GIRL. And we never knew what happened between her and Nadia.
Riri Williams aka Ironheart
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Gender: Female
Orientation: ?
Love Interests: Xavier King, Viv Vision
Okay, Riri is a bit complicated because her story goes as this: 
Girl goes to school.
Girl becomes bored with school.
Girl starts acting out because she is bored with school.
Girl gets tested and it is revealed that she is a super genius.
Parents of girl freak out because they realized that by boring her, they could have made the next super-villainess.
Girl is then handled with care to ensure that she is not alone all of the time thinking about her inventions and struggles to make human connections because she is smarter than everybody in her neighborhood.
Girl meets another girl who becomes her best friend.
Girl’s best friend and her super nice step dad die in a drive-bye shooting.
Girl decides to close herself off again and be stuck working on her inventions.
So it makes sense that Riri has problems making connections with people. Or Bendis didn’t really bother to give the girl a romantic interest so he hastily came up with one. Xavier King.
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Xavier King didn’t get much characterization until Eve Ewing took over and he went from boy that Riri Williams might have fancied to being Riri Williams’ Ron Stoppable to her Kim Possible.
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She is the hypercompetent woman and she is pretty much the silly sidekick. I can’t say that the two are dating or romantically inclined, but I can say that I love their friendship
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Xavier doesn’t necessarily become a boyfriend. He has a better role: he is her best friend.
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He makes her laugh and most importantly, she feel comfortable around him. Which leads us to someone who isn’t as warm....physically....or is she? What is the temperature of synthezoids?
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When Riri joined the Champions, her communication skills continued to be sorely lacking. She kind of kept to herself and really only got along with Nadia, Amadeus, and Viv Vision. Just to be clear, she only got along with the geniuses as Miles was too friendly and somewhat got on her nerves. Kamala simply avoided Riri and gave her space and everyone else except for Miles apparently followed suit.  Viv on the other hand doesn’t quite have a grasp on social cues yet.
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And the two socially awkward girls connect. Riri and Viv get along quite well. The girls didn’t really advance their friendship until Riri did something monumentally stupid: she tried to take on Thanos.
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So after that humiliating shitkicking, Riri pretty much developed PTSD and our favorite synthezoid decided to check on her teammate.
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And Viv consoled Riri and the two decide to make Riri a new Iron Man armor.
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The end result.
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Girls don’t want flowers. They want cool power armor.
Viv and Riri sort of connect more with Viv letting her pet synthezoid hang our with Riri and Riri being the most open to her. And Viv read too much into this cordial relationship between her and Riri...and well...
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now I’d like to point out that this isn’t because Riri doesn’t swing that way. On the contrary, it isn’t the gender that Riri had a problem with in regards to Viv. It is the invasion of space that turned Riri off. You have to ask Eve Ewing and Jim Zub, but Riri never explicitly stated that it was orientation incapability that turned her away from Viv. It was because Viv made her feel uncomfortable.
And Viv’s unawareness as to why exactly kissing Riri was distressing to Riri didn’t help.
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And this is why Riri actively stayed away from Champions’ related activities for the majority of the run. Viv made her uncomfortable and Riri decided to keep her distancing while still reaching out to Kamala and Nadia.Later Riri was mind controlled by Blackheart who brewed those fears and emotions towards Viv and made those insecurities toxic and violent. So under his manipulation, Riri knocked out Viv and the rest of the Champions.
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Riri went for the killing blow, but Viv 2.0(long story) rebooted and took over for the then comatose Viv. 
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Viv rounds up the remaining Champions and Blackheart mind controls the Champions that Riri took out. There was a final battle and Viv eventually took control of her own body and finally confessed to Riri and apologized.
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So after the battle between the Champions and Blackheart, Riri and Viv have a heart-to-heart.
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So this is all for part 1 for now. It took forever. I may do some updates on characters because it is a growing and developing story for characters. But this is mainly for Marvel. I don’t know if I want to tread the minefield that is DC love interests because that shit is crazy. I also have been trying to figure out wht to do with inner team romances like X-Men, Inhumans, Avengers Academy, Runaways, and etc. So those Nico and Karolina fans, I am aware of y’all and I didn’t forget. It is just that this takes time. Be patient.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day.
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