#MINI of the Americas
thefirsthogokage · 1 year
More regarding mini rooms
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rosefinnigen · 5 months
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Outfit check from day 2 of traveling! These pants used to fall off me, but not anymore haha. Also I’m pretty sure my ass is getting fatter because the stretch marks at the top of my butt are itching like nobody’s business
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jansen-dean · 25 days
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My Dad working on his Massey Ferguson 135 tractor. I took this pic with my instax mini film camera in 2019/2020.
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sleep-can-wait · 6 months
The only fictional relationships I'm interested in and obsess over have the character's s/o's nickname as either:
My darling god/My sweet nemisis
My dear
My dark benevolent queen
OR something like:
Snob/Troll/Wifey/[Last name]
Seaweed brain/Wise girl
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scourgiez · 4 days
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Auf eine friedliche Wiesn!
In Pelican Town 🫶
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onpluton · 1 month
tony: and oh, this is harley. harley, meet capcicle.
steve: oh, i didn’t know you had a son.
tony: a what now
steve: . . . he’s not?
harley: he fucking wishes
- later -
steve: it’s not just that they look a little alike but. his name is harley. tony would absolutely name his kid after a motorcycle. what was i supposed to think?
clint: no, no, that’s not on you. i would think that too.
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lefthandarm-man · 4 months
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Steve Rogers // Captain America Captain America: The WInter Soldier (2014)
the way he looks at bucky (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(bucky vers.)
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babyjakes · 3 months
consider the following:
(warnings: slightly above canon level violence, child abuse, major character death)
a few high-ranking hydra members finding some sick pleasure in tormenting steve about bucky’s captivity. steve and the team know about bucky’s capture/the winter soldier, but they haven’t been able to rescue him from captivity yet. hydra regularly mails steve videotapes of bucky being tortured, forced to commit atrocities, and wiped at the end of it all.
then one day, new videos start arriving. they feature a tiny baby girl, not even a year old. big bambi eyes and wispy brown hair, and the tapes are labeled with black sharpie: baby barnes.
the sounds of the babies cries are cemented into steve’s brain as he watches the horror show alone, on his old cassette player, in the darkness of his small apartment. the team tried talking him out of watching them, but he wouldn’t let up. if the baby was tortured just for the sake of him seeing it, the least he could do was witness her suffering.
the particular tapes that keep him up at night are those where bucky is forced into a white room with a panel of glass down the center. he sits silently on one side, while the baby is allowed to roam free on the other. she presses right up against the glass, smacking her tiny hands against it weakly, sobbing loudly for her daddy. but bucky can’t move to comfort her, not even an inch, due to the gun pressed harshly to his forehead.
three or four tapes come like this, before steve begins noticing changes in the tiny girl. eventually she learns that her daddy will not save her; he won’t even look at her. she stops approaching the glass, stops crying, stops hoping for any love or attention from the man on the other side of the room. she learns to crawl weakly to the opposite corner, curling up on her tummy, chewing her little fingers as a fleeting attempt to comfort herself.
a few months after the baby’s first appearance, bucky makes a grave mistake on a mission, and is put down like a sick dog when he returns to his captors. like everything else, steve watches from the silence of his home. a few weeks go by with no further mail, and steve fears the baby could’ve met the same fate as her father.
then one day, an unlabeled box is left outside steve’s door. when he brings it inside and opens it on his living room floor, he finds baby barnes, asleep with a makeshift iv pumping sedatives through her tiny veins.
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unhetalia · 6 months
England headcanons (pt. 1):
Chain-smokes like a motherfucker. Alfred, who doesn't smoke and pretends very hard to think smoking is disgusting, hasn't yet realised where his secret smoking kink comes from.
Currently works for British Intelligence/has infiltrated his own government.
Carries around either a cane or umbrella that hides a sword even though he has never ONCE had to use it. He just feels more comfortable having a sword. (He does also carry around a gun, which, in contrast, has been used often.)
Also carries around his own pen, and absolutely loathes the thought of using someone else's. The pen is a first edition Michel Perchin Serpent in Champagne LE Fountain Pen given to him by Alfred - only ten were ever made and it cost a cool 8k. While Arthur has more valuable things - especially from his time as a pirate and back when he personally knew his royal family - the pen is still one of his most prized possessions.
His favourite tea is actually French Earl Grey - which is Earl Grey with rose petals. Not actually French? But Arthur's still pretty annoyed about it.
As mentioned in a few of my other posts - Arthur is incredibly physical and has kept up with sword fighting and various martial arts over the years, and regularly goes to the gym. He's very disciplined about it.
Tends to eat only for fuel as opposed to enjoyment whenever he's left to his own devices.
If pressed, Arthur will admit his best friend is Francis. Francis would say the same about Arthur.
(Despite their individual body counts, Francis and Arthur have never slept with each other.)
(Arthur doesn't have a lot of friends and has a strained relationship with his siblings, and has always felt that people don't like spending time with him. Even when he was on top of the world, working with his government to become an Empire, he still felt like an underdog.)
On that note, Arthur worked with his government longer than the other Nations, and was a huge part of establishing the British Empire. It made his already fraught relationship with his siblings even worse, and he regrets a lot of it.
Nations get scars very rarely, because very few things have the ability to give them scars - magical weapons is one of those things. Out of all the Nations, England has the most scars.
England is amazing at knitting and crochet, and he gifts Francis crocheted figurines from French cartoons for his birthday every year, which Francis adores. He also knits Canada scarves and gloves and beanies whenever he remembers him.
One of Arthur's most embarrassing memories is getting gonorrhea during his pirate days. He didn't have sex for a month after his healing kicked in - a record back then - and he became a lot more diligent in procuring and using the linen sheaths they used as condoms at the time.
Three of Arthur's back molars are implants made of real gold.
Alfred is the first (and last) person Arthur will say he's ever fallen in love with BUT the closest he's come is with another American - a nurse that took care of him during World War I. She was blonde and blue eyed and once shouted Arthur down when he insisted on continuing to fight even with a bullet lodged in his shoulder. She completely disappeared in April 1917, just before the Americans officially joined the war. He sometimes wonders what happened to her.
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
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New writers haven't been learning how to write or showrun because there haven't been the opportunities for them to do so. Companies have been employing mini rooms and not paying for enough writers to do the job, so most of the time, they can't bring in new writers, people that need to learn.
As I've said elsewhere, these are some of the reasons that current shows aren't always great: not enough writers, not enough training, not enough time to do their job.
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oldshowbiz · 6 months
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Peter Pan Mini Golf
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incorrectinfinity · 4 days
I saw someone say that the Gun Goddess would be akin to this America's 9/11 and I simultaneously do and do not agree with this take.
It isn't 9/11 because it is so much worse.
When the bullet was shot it was not just shot directly to Japan, it was shout through the US.
This means that possible hundreds of thousands to millions of people could've died. It is so much worse than 9/11, it's an international tragedy unlike anything else.
Also I just wanna mention this here but...
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This panel.
I presume that this is the, uh, "shell" from the bullet fired from the God Goddess' shot. It's a trigger finger.
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Is this her ammunition? How much does one bullet aquate to in fingers? HOW FUCKED IS POCHITA????
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jessieren · 1 month
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This man…
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…and that t shirt
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goldenstarprincesses · 3 months
With all this talk about Team USA brining their own air conditioners to Paris for the Olympics, how badly do you think Alfred avoids going to Europe in the Summer
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silencedrowns · 1 month
Cannot believe that for the first time in my life, I found a foundation that is a true perfect undetectable match……. And it’s this. Fucking. THIS.
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Chinese SpongeBob makeup. I bought three of this cushion because technically it’s a limited edition (although luckily the same brand, VEECCI, makes non SpongeBob cushion compacts in almost identical color, so I won’t be screwed when the SpongeBob cushion expires). It’s both one of the best foundation formulas I’ve ever tried AND the first true match I’ve had since I started wearing makeup in the late 90s. (for my Missha 13 girlies [gender neutral] where you’re super pale and so muted that your undertone is grey… this one is for you)
sharing this one on tumblr cause I cannot fucking get over the hilarity of my favorite foundation ever being a goddamn SpongeBob collaboration I’m screaming
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writeyourdarlings · 2 days
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