prokitchendeals · 2 years
5 Reasons Why You Need a Mini Fridge with Ice Maker in Your Dorm Room
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Are you headed off to college soon? One thing you definitely don't want to overlook is a mini fridge with an ice maker for your dorm room! Trust us, it's the ultimate essential for any college student. In this blog post, we'll share five compelling reasons why investing in one of these handy appliances will be the best decision you make all semester long. From late-night study sessions to impromptu hangouts with friends, a mini fridge with an ice maker has got your back. So let's dive in and discover exactly why this dorm room addition is nothing short of genius
If you're like most college students, you're always on the go. Whether you're running to class or heading to the library to study, you don't have a lot of time to waste. That's why having a mini fridge with an ice maker in your dorm room is essential. Here are four reasons why:
You can keep your food and drinks cold without taking up a lot of space.
A mini fridge with an ice maker is perfect for entertaining guests.
It's a great way to stay hydrated during those long summer days.
It's a cost-effective way to keep your food and drinks cold
Advantages of Having a Mini Fridge with an Ice Maker
Mini fridges with ice makers are becoming more popular in dorm rooms for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the benefits of having a mini fridge with an ice maker:
Convenience - Having an ice maker in your mini fridge means that you'll always have ice on hand, which can be handy for cooling down drinks or packing snacks to take with you on the go.
Space-saving - A mini fridge with an ice maker takes up less space than a full-sized fridge, making it perfect for small dorm rooms.
Cost-effective - Mini fridges with ice makers are more affordable than full-sized fridges, making them a great option for budget-minded students.
Energy-efficient - Mini fridges with ice makers use less energy than larger fridges, which can help you save money on your electric bill.
stylish - Mini fridges with ice makers come in a variety of styles, so you can find one that fits your dorm room décor
Convenience - Having an ice maker in your mini fridge means that you'll always have ice on hand, which can be handy for cooling down drinks or packing snacks to take with you on the go.
Space-saving - A mini fridge with an ice maker takes up less space than a full-sized fridge, making it perfect for small dorm rooms.
Cost-effective - Mini fridges with ice makers are more affordable than full-sized fridges, making them a great option for budget-minded students.
Energy-efficient -Best Mini fridges For Ice Maker with ice makers use less energy than larger fridges, which can help you save money on your electric bill.
stylish - Mini fridges with ice makers come in a variety of styles, so you can find one that fits your dorm room décor
How to Choose the Right Mini Fridge With Ice Maker
When it comes to choosing the right mini fridge with ice maker for your dorm room, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. First and foremost, you need to make sure that the fridge is big enough to accommodate all of your food and drinks. Secondly, you need to make sure that it has an ice maker so that you can always have ice on hand. And lastly, you need to make sure that it is affordable.
To start, you need to take into consideration the size of your dorm room. If you have a small dorm room, then you obviously don’t want to get a huge fridge because it will take up too much space. However, if you have a larger dorm room, then you have more flexibility when it comes to choosing the size of your mini fridge. Just make sure that you leave enough space in your room for other things like your bed and desk.
Next, you need to decide whether or not you want a mini fridge with an ice maker. This is definitely a personal preference but it is something that you should think about before making your purchase. If you think that having ice on hand would be beneficial to you then go ahead and get a fridge with an ice maker. However, if you think that having ice readily available isn’t necessary then save yourself some money and don’t get one with an ice maker.
Lastly, you need to consider the price when choosing your mini fridge with
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Posted this one before- the 1920 home in Birmingham, AL has been re-listed for sale 4 times since 2022, and has undergone the following price changes: $1.45M; $1.25M; $1.05M; $975K; until the current $925K.
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The sun porch entrance would make a stunning conservatory.
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In order to buy this house, you have to like your homes ornate. When you have a home like this, by repainting too much, you ruin the sharpness of the details.
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The dining room is off the entrance hall.
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Notice how the sitting room has 2 steps down. I would have to warn any guests, b/c they're gonna trip, for sure. Who would expect that?
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This less formal sitting room, used as a family room, opens to the garden. Interesting floral floor. I wonder if it's hand painted.
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Off the family room there's a mini kitchen where they have a wine rack, microwave, mini fridge, and ice maker. Look at the fancy sink.
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Judging by the books and magazines, they must spend a lot of time in here- guest powder room on the main floor.
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I didn't expect a galley kitchen.
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But, there's space for a table on either end.
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Here's another sitting room with steps up to the main floor primary bedroom.
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It has a small en-suite with an original tub. Nice mirrored sink cabinet.
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The paintings on the walls are, according to the description, museum quality.
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Look at that ceiling. You know, I bet this home would look cool in gray and black goth style.
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Small bedroom #1 is surrounded by windows.
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This bath is majorly ornate. Look at the sink! Arches in the shower, too, and mirrors everywhere.
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Larger room with a ceiling mural. I wonder if that pink desk would convey.
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This is nice- a big covered terrace on the 2nd level.
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Back on the ground level, there's a small workshop.
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Deck with a hot tub surrounded by ivy-covered walls.
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Here's a patio with a pergola.
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Gated front with a one-car garage. 8,712 sq ft lot. I'd definitely buy it.
156 notes · View notes
huffle-dork · 2 months
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 6: Shift AU
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
"Watch your step. Don't want to fall." 
Marvin, Bro, and Chase show up at the end of a hallway, leading to a large room. The space through the portal is reminiscent of a laboratory of some kind, with walls and floor made of stainless steel and tubes of blue lights illuminating the area. Two circular doors--one left and one right--lead out of the room. There's a similar door behind them. In the middle of the room are tables and tables of equipment, and a large device, an upright ring with part of it broken off. But the reason for the warning is clear. There is no ceiling, as the walls end in cracks and shards. Everything above is just an empty black space. And there are holes in the ground, also leading to that same black void.
Bro looks at that space with a bit of fear in his eyes, swallowing shakily as he looks at the lab set up. So many horrible memories flash before his eyes. But he shuts them and tries to shake it off- he’s gotta focus. He almost stumbles over a hole in the ground but catches himself and floats a bit over it. But even someone who can fly doesn’t like the look of the void below. “…l-lovely place you have here, Doc…” Bro mumbles, quickly finding another solid spot.
"Oh you don't need to lie to me," Shattered says, chuckling. "It is a real hazard, I know. Doll complained so much while working here." He disappears and reappears in the center of the room. 
“You made Jackie work here?” Bro says with a growl, thinking of Mag using Alt.
"Where is she?!" Marvin demands. "Tell me, o-or I'll shoot!" 
"Marvin, careful!" Chase pulls him back from the edge of a hole. He looks down at it and holds out a hand. Yellow magic covers over some of the holes, creating a solid bridge into the solid room. 
"Over here." Shattered appears over by the right doorway. He hits a glowing blue button and it opens up. Marvin runs over in that direction, pulling ahead of Bro and Chase. As he goes through the doorway, Shattered's hand hesitates over the button again, but he doesn't push it. Bro yells a bit as he pulls ahead and quickly speeds after Marvin and through the door.
The room beyond looks like it was once a storage room of some kind, with metal shelves full of boxes and random things. But there have been some changes. Someone took plywood boards and nailed them over the holes in the floor, and a corner of the room has been made into a tiny kitchen with a mini-fridge, microwave, shoddily-made cabinet, and coffee maker. Up against the other corner is a metal bedframe, and on it-- 
"Skyler!" Marvin rushes over to her, immediately scooping her up into a hug. Skyler is small for her age, her brown hair held back by a purple headband. She's wearing a pink dress with white accents and a rounded collar, and she has white sneakers on her feet--the type with bungee cords and not laces. Her socks are fuzzy and purple.
Bro watches the reunion with a wet smile, but then he glares behind him at Shattered. “…what’s the point of all of this huh? To torture Marvin? To have some kind of control? …a little girl doesn’t deserve to get thrown into adult messes. You’re sick.”
Shattered blinks, uncomprehending. "...She is fine, though." 
"Are you fine, sweets?" Marvin asks, giving her a kiss on the forehead. 
"Mm-hmm." Skyler nods. "Dad? I want ice cream." 
Marvin laughs. "Is that what's on your mind?" 
"I haven't had any dessert for forever. And I'm bored. I wanna go to the park." 
"We'll go to the park as soon as we can, sweets, I promise you." Marvin stands up, holding her in her arms. 
Chase looks over at Shattered. "Well?" 
"Hmm?" Shattered stares at him. "What?" 
"Where's the way out?" 
"I got rid of it after you came in." Shattered grins. 
Bro’s eyes flash and he lashes out to try to grab Shattered by the collar and slam him into the wall, “Fucking bastard! This was a trap?!”
Shattered's head knocks against the wall, but he just laughs. "Of course! I was not expecting others, but it works out, ja?" 
Marvin's eyes widen. He takes Skyler and hurries out of the room, searching around the edges of the room. 
"You bastard!" Chase's eyes flare bright yellow. "You just wanted to--to kidnap Marvin?! Why?!" 
Shattered's smile fades. "yes... that is a good question," he whispers. "I... he is..." He trails off, suddenly looking lost.
Bro’s hold on him loosens a bit- confused. Then, sympathetic. What if… Shattered here is just like Glitch? Someone corrupted that can’t help but act on their impulses? Should he try to give him mercy? Should he try to appeal to who he was before..? …it’s worth a try isn't it? “…Henrik?” Bro asks quietly, “…are you still in there somewhere…?”
Shattered blinks. "Hen...rik?" he repeats. "Th-that is a... name. That is a... familiar... name." 
Chase blinks. "Is that your name?" he asks, matching Bro's softer tone. 
"I..." Shattered looks around, like he's taking in the details of this strange space for the first time. "This is... a broken place. For broken things. It... should not be here..."
“It was… did you forget, Schneep? …what happened- to put you here… that made this place?” Bro asks quietly. “Do you remember?”
"There was... an accident," Shattered says slowly. "I... I was... not..." He gasps, and suddenly grabs onto Bro’s shirt with both hands. "Wo sind sie? Wohin sind sie gegangen? Wie bekomme ich sieczurück? Wie bekomme ich sie zurück?!" And then, as sudden as the panic arrives, it disappears. He blinks at Bro slowly, like he's never seen him before. "...Ah. What... am I... supposed to do now?" It's like he's asking for the next line of a script. 
Bro can’t help but flinch back and look at Shattered with wide eyes. German- German-! He knows some from Henny? Where… he’s asking where someone is? Bro takes a deep breath and holds Shattered’s wrist gently in his hand, “…you’re missing someone, huh? Is that why you took Skyler? Why you want Marvin? …you’re trying to replace something that you’ve lost.” He says quietly, firmly, but also, with compassion.
"Replace...? Replace what?" Shattered blinks. "Who are... ah, you are a Hero, ja?" And he looks over at Chase. "And a Magician." He turns to look at Marvin and Skyler, still searching for some other way out of here. "Oh! Such a cute little one. She looks tired. She should probably lie down, maybe."
Bro gets frustrated at this and then shoves Shattered back, “Okay don’t play dumb, Schneep! I’m trying to help you! You took Skyler, remember?? You trapped us all in here- are you just losing your mind?! What that fuck happened to you?!”
Shattered stares at him, then laughs. "What did you say? Shneep? What a funny word. No, no, we are not trapped in here. You just have to concentrate! Or... is that just me?" 
“Schneep! Henrik! That’s who you used to be cuz I fucking know you dude! Or I know what you’re supposed to be! you-!” Bro starts to yell, frustrated tears brimming in his eyes. The way Shattered’s blue eyes glow and his black coat- it can only make Bro think of the Schneep he knows becoming like this… just like he saw Alt in Glitch. 
Chase walks over and puts a hand on Bro's shoulder. "Um... Bro? I don't think he's playing dumb. I think he's just... like this."
Bro flinches a bit as Chase touches his shoulder and glances at him briefly. He loosens his grip a bit more but looks at Shattered with sadness. “… how did this happen…?” He whispers before finally letting Shattered go, not expecting an answer. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath then addresses Shattered again, “… you’re right- the little girl does look tired, doesn’t she? I don’t think that bed is good for her back there- can you help us get her back to rest somewhere?” He asks.
"Hm? Oh, yes that would probably be a good idea." Shattered nods. "Where is that way out...?" He wanders over, pressing his metal hand to the nearest wall. He closes his eyes for a moment. "Where are we going?" 
"Um--we have some friends at a building on South Project Street," Chase says hurriedly. "The number is 223. Does that help?" 
"Oh yes, that place! They should be able to get her home from there." A cracking noise rings out and the section of the wall breaks, forming another portal. Shattered looks back at Bro and Chase and smiles. "Let's go, then."
Bro looks pretty weirded out and guarded but he nods and whistles to get Marvin’s attention, “Marvin!! Hurry over here!”
The whistle is not necessary. Marvin is already looking in that direction, a concerned expression on his face. He takes Skyler by the hand and the two of them hurry over. "We're leaving for real, then, Dad?" 
"Yes, Skyler, we're leaving for real," Marvin says. 
Shattered blinks as Marvin gets close. "You are her father? Do... do I know you?" 
"Uh--nope." Marvin turns his face away. 
"You seem familiar, though." 
"Just a coincidence." Marvin hurries over to the portal. "Chase, Chase--both Chases, um--you better be right behind us. C'mon, Sky, you go first." 
"Come with me!" Skyler clings to his hand. 
"At the same time!" Marvin glances back at Shattered, who is staring at him with a puzzled expression, brows furrowed in thought. "Okay, at the same time. C'mon you two." And he and Skyler hurry through the portal.
Bro looks back at Shattered, expression conflicted. But, then he nods and follows right after the other two.
As Chase follows as well, Shattered's eyes seem to snap into place. "Wait!" he shouts. "You cannot leave!" 
The portal starts to close, but Chase lunges forward, the edges scraping against his skin, and barely manages to make it out before it shuts altogether. The three of them and Skyler are standing in the lobby of the building, alone.
Bro breathes heavily as they make it to the other side, clenching a hand over his heart. “J-Jesus Christ… t-that was insane…!” He then shakes himself out then kneels down by Skyler, giving her a gentle smile. “Hi Skyler, you okay? Nothing bruised?”
Skyler stares at him with wide eyes. "Are you Uncle Chase's twin?" 
Chase laughs. "Uh--no, not exactly. But he's a friend. So, it's okay to answer his question." 
“Oh yeah uh sorry! You can call me Bro, okay?” Bro laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I-I’m a hero so I help people like your dad, you know?”
"Oh. Yeah, I'm okay." She pats her own arms, checking herself over. 
"Were you scared?" Marvin asks quietly. 
"...sometimes," Skyler says, even quieter than him. "Because, uh... I didn' know what was going on." 
Marvin leans down and gives her a tight hug. "Well, it's all over now. I promise."
Bro smiles sadly and pats Marvin’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re okay, Skyler… we’ll get you home real soon, okay?” He looks up at the ceiling, knitting his eyebrows in concern.
"Yeah, all your other uncles came to find you, too, but they had to stay back," Marvin says. "They're somewhere upstairs right now, with Bro's brother, too. Do you want to go find them, or do you want to stay here with me and wait for them?" 
"Um..." Skyler twists back and forth, twirling her skirt as she thinks. "I wanna go find them." 
"Alright." Marvin nods. "Let's go, then." He glances at Chase and Bro. "You two lead the way."
Bro chuckles a little, “You’re really brave, Skyler. A tough lass!” He smiles at her then heads towards the stairs. 
It’s easy enough to try to find Alt- the second he’s alone on an upper floor- he’s not even sure which one— he screams in rage and a rocket of power comes out of him, throwing anything left over around in an explosive burst. He starts to grab things and throw them, hit the walls with electric bursts, yelling until his throat starts to go raw. Then, he looks at the damage he’s done as he pants heavily, then yells out with a cracked voice before he curls up, curling his fingers in his hair. 
Why is he so angry? He doesn’t even know this kid! But… thinking about her- all alone and scared and taken from her family makes his blood boil. …Is it because no one came for him? That he wanted so badly to help save her? Is it because Shattered wears his friend’s face but has the attitude of the scientists that tortured him? The people that changed him and Chase forever? 
Maybe maybe- he’s not sure- all he knows is he’s so so angry and he can’t control it and all the others must think he’s just as bad as the other hims and-! 
He’s not even sure when the tears started to come until he felt the wet warmth on his face. 
 "...Alt, are you... okay?" Anti's voice comes from the phone. "I haven't seen this... reaction from you before. And I don't think... this is something you usually do."
Alt is quiet for a long time after hearing Anti’s voice. “…I… I don’t know…” he answers truthfully. Then he laughs bitterly, “obviously I’m not okay… I… I don’t know why I’m so angry I… s-she’s not even my kid- she’s not a kid I know- but a-all of this… I…” he lightly touches his neck and closes his eyes. “…guess it just brings up b-bad memories…” 
"Ah. So it's a trauma response," Anti says bluntly. "You don't want any other kid to go through something that reminds you of something you went through. You might have even been seeing Shattered as the people who hurt you, striking back in a way you couldn't back then." He pauses. "Well... all of that is understandable. It really is. But you have to know you were going a bit too far back there.”
Alt is quiet, gripping his arms tight as he curls up around his knees. “…yeah I… I know…” he whispers. “…I think it was more too. I saw him as… as the people in SCLERA… the Alterra people that hurt us… I-i guess it was just… not wanting to be scared. Easier to be angry than… afraid.” 
“You can't let your anger control you like that, as valid as it is. I know you're not... like that. If that makes sense." 
Alt laughs a bit bitterly at Anti’s last statement, “…you didn’t know me at my worst… there was a reason I was… targeted. I was always an angry kid… angry when Chase found me again… a-always so angry… I don’t think it… really leaves, you know?” 
Anti doesn't respond to that right away. "...maybe," he says quietly. "But—" 
And then he stops, the phone microphone detecting sounds. 
There are footsteps in the hallway outside the room Alt is in. "--just follow the loud ass noises," Dr. Anti's voice is saying. 
"D'you think he's alright?" Jackie asks, worried. "Seemed a bit rattled by the whole thing." 
"Fucking understatement." 
Alt stiffens as he hears the others’ voices and he looks at the door with wide eyes. He doesn’t think- he just glitches to hide behind something- not ready to face anyone.
The door to the room opens, and JJ walks inside, looking around. Jackie follows behind him, then Dr. Anti. 
"Well... this is definitely where he was," Dr. Anti says. 
"D'you think he left?" 
JJ shakes his head. His eyes scan the room... and then he walks directly towards Alt's hiding space behind an overturned table. He stops a few feet away, and starts typing on the brace on his wrist. "Alt?" says a robotic voice. "Do you want to talk or would you rather stay quiet?" It sounds like a computerized version of Dr. J's voice.
Alt freezes as he hears JJ start to walk towards him. He’s quiet for a few intense beats. Then, he quietly laughs, though it sounds… pained. “…forgot you said you had ESP..  c-cool communicator though.” He doesn’t move to come out of the spot though, opting to curl up more against the table.
“Thank you. My brother made it.” JJ glances back at Jackie and Dr. Anti. The two of them come over, and they all sit down on the floor. “We just wanted to check that you were okay.” 
“You, um… didn’t get hurt while throwing stuff around, did you?” Dr. Anti asks awkwardly. “I’m not that kind of doctor but I’m still a doctor. I got… bandages and stuff.” 
“I’m okay…” Alt replies quietly, “…not hurt or anything.” 
“…sorry about all that,” Jackie says quietly. “He’s… really frustrating. When he’s like that.” 
“I don’t think Alt was ‘frustrated,’ exactly,” JJ says.
Alt laughs bitterly and grips at his arms, “…not exactly no… I… I’m sorry I-it’s… complicated. …I didn’t mean to e-explode though-“
“It’s okay,” JJ says. “It’s an understandable thing to get mad at.” 
“I won’t lie, it was a tad shocking,” Jackie says. “But if I got upset with people for having a temper I’d spend half my life mad at Anti.” 
“Ha.” Dr. Anti rolls his eyes. “Look, Alt. We get it. And Shattered deserves it. And judging by your brother’s reaction, this isn’t something that happens a lot with you. So it’s fine.” 
“We just want to know what we can do to help,” JJ says.
Alt is quiet for a long time, idly touching his scar. “… just you all being here… for Skyler… that’s enough. …it’s more than I got. She’s a lucky girl… seems like she’s got a big family who loves her a lot.”
"Oh..." Jackie breathes, eyes widening. He quickly starts talking. "Oh yes, absolutely. It's a really good thing, innit? I mean, poor girl doesn't have a mom, the least we can do it give her some extra uncles. And, ah, you know what they say about kids and villages. I think. I don't know if that expression exists in your world." 
Alt laughs quietly, “Y-Yeah… I know that one.”
JJ looks in Alt's direction thoughtfully. He knows there's something bothering him. Some lingering pain. But this isn't the time to bring it up. After all, they only met about thirty minutes ago. 
"Are you, um.... going to... sit here?" Dr. Anti asks awkwardly. "Or... maybe something else will help?" 
"Absolutely," JJ says. "We can talk about something else, if you want."
Alt breathes slowly, “I’m… not sure. I-I guess I need to… go look for the TRVLR piece now but I… I t-think I just… need some… time.” He wipes at his face, “…you guys are nice for… sitting here with me…. But, you don’t have to. Kinda awkward to do that with a stranger huh?”
"Well... we're not going to just leave you," Jackie says. "You don't have to be a friend to feel for someone. Especially in JJ's case." JJ chuckles silently. "And you do remind me of Anti, in a way." 
"Well yeah, he looks like me," Dr. Anti says. "Cept for the eyes." 
"I mean in the way you get angry when you're scared." "I--I don't--!" Dr. Anti stammers. "You can't just--!" 
"My point being, you don't feel like a stranger, even if you are," JJ continues.
Alt’s eyes widen and he glitches a bit in place. Then he throws a hand over his eyes and laughs, teetering on the edge of sounding pained. “…I’m that obvious now, huh?”
"To a fucking empath, maybe," Dr. Anti mutters. "You can't hide this shit from Jackson." 
"Sorry. I can't turn it off." JJ looks apologetic as he types.
“…Oh you’re … you can actually feel that-“ Alt chuckles, “that explains a lot…” 
"You don't have to talk about it," Jackie says hurriedly. "But, uh, if you want to... I, um... went through some stuff... with Shattered. It might... be, um... Sorry, I don't know what I'm saying."
Alt glances back and then grips at his arm, looking at the purple rings on his wrist. “… I noticed… he called you Doll.” He feels that burst of anger that has him gripping nails into his skin and magic sparking in his eyes. “… does Shattered make… puppets?” He asks quietly.
"Not... how you're... thinking, probably," Jackie says slowly. "But... he does have this... hypnotizing effect, if he wants to use it. He rarely does, but when it... happens, it's like... You're just... confused all the time. In this weird daze that leaves you wanting to listen to suggestions from anyone." Dr. Anti shudders slightly. Alt shudders at the mention of hypnosis too."But I mean... I was taken from my time," Jackie continues. "I left behind a lot. I don't think Shattered meant to do it, but still."
“…I’m sorry Jackie… that must be really hard.” Alt says quietly. He waits a few more beats before he asks, “…did any of you know Shattered…? Before he became… this? Or …how it happened?”
"Not at all," JJ says. "Jackie would know the most," Dr. Anti says, glancing at him. 
"He was like this when I showed up," Jackie shrugs. "But... I know it wasn't always like this. He's not some strange creature. There are moments when... there's something else." He shakes his head. "They've never happened while he was out here, only in that pocket world." He pauses. "He didn't always call me Doll... he knew my name once. But over time, he... stopped using it. And I think it's because he forgot."
Alt sighs and then finally glitches out of his hiding space to sit in front of the others, sitting cross-legged. He doesn’t look at them at first, “…that’s another reason why this is hard… I know who’s supposed to be.” Finally he looks them in the eyes, a deep sadness behind them. “…he used to be Henrik von Schneeplestein… I know his face. And… his approach to all this… scientific and medical it- …he’s not like my Hen… but like others I know. Like a very good friend of mine…” He looks at his hands as he idly plays with them, “…recently in our travels… I… we saw what… could happen if I- became something like Shattered. And not just… another Anti… it was me. I saw Shattered and… I got so angry… seeing him like he was my friend.” He laughs bitterly, “…I think some part of me thought I could… knock some sense back into him… but he’s not my Schneep. He’s not Henny either. …it’s still tough though- to see the face of someone you care about… twisted like that.” He shudders- almost relived he can’t ever really picture Distorter’s face clearly, even if he knows the truth.
The other three jump slightly as he appears, but none of them say anything as he talks. "Oh... I'm... I'm so sorry, Alt," Jackie whispers. "I can't even imagine..." He shivers. 
So it seemed personal to you, JJ says, signing now that Alt can see him. I see. He nods slowly. I suppose that if you go through enough worlds, you'll eventually find something very disturbing. A you that went down the wrong path. Or a friend who did. But it doesn't make it easy.
Alt nods and holds his arm, looking away. “… personal for that and… o-other reasons. But yeah… seeing him and… a child being in danger. …it was a lot and… my magic reacts to my emotions. Sometimes… it’s like- the anger becomes its own uncontrollable power and… takes over, I guess? …that sounds like an excuse but.. t-that’s what it feels like. I… I couldn’t think straight I… I’m sorry.”
JJ nods slowly. I understand. 
"It can be hard to control sometimes," Dr. Anti mutters. "You ever think about anger management classes?" 
Jackie shoves him. "Not the time!" 
"Well, if it becomes a problem, you know? Personally sometimes I think it helps to remove my--yourself, but... I guess that wasn't really an option back there." 
Alt’s eyes flicker angrily towards Dr. Anti and spark a bit, bits of his hair sticking up from the electricity. “…I used to be worse.” He bites out. 
Dr. Anti blinks. "...sorry," he says quietly. "I guess I don't know your life. I just..." He shakes his head. 
Ignore him, JJ says. He's not good with emotions. It's fine, Alt. Everyone is going to be okay. I'm sure of it.
Alt’s magic dies down as JJ signs and he gives him a weak smile. “…yeah, I’m sure Chase- …Bro has everything taken care of…” 
I'm sure too. JJ smiles. But I think it will be a good idea to leave as soon as possible once he and the others get back with Skyler. Are you feeling up to moving on?
Alt nods and glitches to his feet. He looks around, “Any idea what floor this is? …I kinda just- glitched to a random place.”
"It's the fourth, we saw the number next to the door while coming up the stairs," Jackie says, also getting up. 
"So if your thing is still on the fifth floor, we just have to go up one more set of stairs," Anti adds, standing. 
Let's go then. JJ gets to his feet and leads the way out of the room, glancing back to make sure Alt is following.
Alt hesitates- then follows after them. No sense in glitching ahead now. He glances at the mess he made then quickly hurries after the others.
They go down a hallway and back to the stairwell, climbing up the steps to the next floor. The whole building is still pretty dim, since the lights aren't on and the only source of illumination comes from the windows. But none of the guys dare turn on the lights. 
Though, Alt crackles out a blue-green ball of light in his hand to help light the way. 
The fifth floor has a U-shaped hallway, with lockers at one end for the employees and a breakroom at the other end. The bend of the U has a set of glass doors leading into what looks like a chemistry lab of some kind. "Do you have any idea what we're looking for?" Jackie asks Alt.
Alt blinks at Jackie then pulls out the tracker to check. “Let’s see…” The tracker tells him that the part is in a trash can in the lab area.
Alt hums and glitches forward, “…I dunno what exactly it looks like- but according to this it’s in a trash can.” He glitches over to the first one he sees and tries to search through it.
"It's in a bin? Oh boooo." Jackie frowns. 
There's only one trash can in the hallway, and it's empty. JJ goes over to the break area to check, but quickly returns. Everything in there is empty. 
"They really abandoned this place, didn't they?" Dr. Anti mutters. "Well, at least they were courteous enough to take out the garbage." He walks up to the glass doors leading into the lab. "Another card reader. Alt? D'you want to try that thing again?"
Alt stands up once he realizes this isn’t the right place. 
He hears Dr. Anti and glitches over to the door, wordlessly zapping the card reader with his magic again.
The red light flickers, but doesn't disappear. "...huh." Dr. Anti blinks. 
JJ watches this happen. You've probably spent a lot of energy, Alt. It's okay, we can find some other way in. 
Alt looks a bit unnerved but the fact that his magic wasn’t enough. But he nods to JJ’s logic. Alt
Jackie immediately walks over and punches the glass. "Ow!" 
"Jackie!" Dr. Anti stares at him in shock. "You dumb bastard!" 
"I've punched through glass before!" 
Alt jumps a bit then hides a laugh behind his hand. “J-Jackie..!” 
"Your wrist is sprained!" Dr. Anti shoves him aside. "You probably just made it worse! Go fucking--rest. Actually take care of yourself for once." 
JJ laughs silently. Do you still have that card thing, Anti? Do you think it will work? Dr. Anti hesitates. "Mmmmaybe?"
Alt touches the door- then tries to see if he can just glitch inside.
Yep. He's on the other side easily enough. 
"Oh." Dr. Anti blinks. "That works, too." He checks his pockets, pulling out a wallet. "But now I'm curious... nope, I don't even have it with me. Nevermind." 
"You dumb bastard!" Jackie says jokingly. 
"Well I'm not going to carry around some PUPIL shit after what they did to Marvin!" 
JJ rolls his eyes. Can you open it from the other side, Alt? 
Alt tries to look for a way to open the door, chuckling at the banter between Jackie and Anti.
Looks like it just opens when pushed. The others file in as soon as Alt opens the door. 
JJ looks around. So... the trash bins, then? 
"Yippeeeee," Jackie comments. 
"There's ones all along the walls, let's all get searching," Dr. Anti says.
“Oh yay, love me a bin scavenger hunt,” Alt drones with sarcasm. He glitches around, peeking inside. Most of them are empty. “…I am glad we’re not actually shifting through trash though-“
"Yeah, lucky," Jackie says. 
There are a surprising number of trash cans in the big lab, so it takes longer than expected. But eventually, Alt sees a glint in the bottom of one. A small copper ring, with other copper rings inside it, a series of concentric circles tied by a wire that sticks out on one side. The whole thing is intricate in its smallness, only as big as a fingertip. 
Alt brightens up at the glint then carefully grabs the piece- marveling at how small it is. Something this intricate must be it! “I think I found it!” He calls, putting it in the bag quickly so he doesn’t lose it. 
Then there's a knock on the glass doors leading to the lab. On the other side--Bro, Chase, Marvin, and a little girl in Marvin's arms, blinking sleepily (she got tired of climbing stairs.)
Alt glitches up in a bit of fear at the knock then sees it’s the others… and Skyler. His expression lightens up and he relaxes. “…you found her.” 
Bro smiles, “Yup! Safe and sound~! And sounds like you have the piece! Mission accomplished gentlemen!!” He beams. 
Jackie hurries over to open up the door. "Hullo, Sky!" 
"Jackie!" Skyler smiles tiredly. "Hi!" 
JJ and Dr. Anti hurries over. 
"How are you?" Dr. Anti asks in an unusually soft voice. "You're not hurt, are you?" 
"I'm tired. But no, Uncle Anti." 
"That's good." Dr. Anti nods. "If you feel anything weird, you tell us, okay?" 
JJ smiles down at Skyler. We're going to get you home, okay? 
Alt smiles warmly as the others check over Skyler. Then, he looks away, holding his arms. 
Bro sees this and comes over, pulling Alt into a side hug. “…you okay?” Bro asks. 
Alt nods, not looking at him, but not glitching away either. 
Bro looks down at him in concern but doesn’t say anything. He’s pretty sure he gets it. He felt that all too. 
"So if you guys found it, we can just leave right away, then?" Chase asks. "This place makes me nervous. And, uh... Shattered might be coming after us soon."
Once Chase asks, the Brody Brothers look up then nod to each other. “Yeah, we can head out.” Bro says. 
“…I can glitch you all to your car- but I understand if we’d rather just walk cuz uh- Skyler.” Alt says quietly. Bro can tell Alt wants so badly to go over and meet her- but he’s holding himself back.
Marvin looks over at Alt. He blinks, and smiles. "Yeah. That's probably safer, for now. Hey sweets, this is Bro's brother, Alt." 
Skyler looks over at him--and gasps. "Sparkly eyes!" 
Marvin laughs. "Yeah, he has cool eyes, doesn't he? He helped us find this place." 
"Sparrrrklyyyy," Skyler whispers in awe.
Alt blinks over at Marvin and Skyler- then his face melts into an easy warm smile. He touches over his chest. “…she likes my eyes?” He whispers. 
“They are really cool-“ Bro laughs. 
Alt walks over and bends down a bit to be more at Skyler’s level. “Hi Skyler… it’s nice to meet you! We were all really worried, I’m glad you’re okay!”
"Hi!" Skyler smiles a little. "Yeah, I'm okay. It was just uh... I dunno." 
"Confusing, right?" Marvin says. "Don't worry, we're heading home now, things will be less confusing there." 
As the group heads back to the stairwell, Skyler turns around in Marvin's arms to look at Alt. "Why're your eyes sparkly? Is it like Anti's thing?"
Alt blinks then smiles, “Kinda. They didn’t always use to be like this though.” 
“Yeah when we were younger, his eyes looked just like mine!” Bro grins, pointing at his eyes. 
Alt chuckles, “but, like how your uncle Chase does magic, I do too. But I didn’t know I had magic until I was in very big trouble one day- then boom! I glitched out of the trouble and my eyes changed colors.” He smiles at her, “Pretty cool, huh?” 
"Whoaaa." Skyler's eyes go wide. "That's a lot like what happened with Uncle Chase!" 
Chase coughs. "Uh--Sky, wh-what are you talking about?" 
"Dad said that you were in trouble one day and your magic saved you!" 
Chase looks at Marvin, slightly alarmed. 
"She was asking about it," Marvin whispers. "I didn't share any details." 
"Well... that's true, Skyler," Chase says slowly. "But, uh... I'll tell you more when you're much older, okay?"
Bro looks over to Chase with concern, then nods to him with a knowing look in his eyes. He gets it. Chase nods back to Bro, relieved to not have to explain it out loud. 
Skyler nods. "D'you think that if I get in trouble I'll get magic? Or my eyes will change color?" 
"Don't go putting yourself in danger, Sky," Marvin says firmly. "It's more likely that nothing will happen, y'know? Except for you getting hurt." 
The group is heading down the stairs now. 
Alt nods seriously towards Skyler, “…your dad is right. …I got in that situation because I was always putting myself in danger… I was… not a good kid. I probably could have gotten my magic in a much safer way… had I been more careful.” He then looks at her and smiles. “But hey? Who knows… magic is all around us. Maybe you’ll come across your own kind of magic some day.”
Skyler nods, taking this seriously. "Okay. Maybe I'll get powers like Uncle JJ did." 
JJ laughs, and types on his communication device. "That was also pretty dangerous, Skyler. You have to be careful, okay?" 
"Yeah, I know." Skyler nods again, then rests her head on Marvin's shoulder. 
Bro and Alt share a glance and a small laugh, smiling at Skyler. 
The group heads down the stairwell until they eventually reach the ground floor. JJ is out in front, pushing the door open and leading the group down the hallway into the lobby. And... as soon as they reach that room... there's a strange cracking sound in the air behind them.
Once in the new room, Alt’s guard is up, a shiver running down his spine. He whips around towards the noise, green magic lighting up on his fingers.
The cracking noise suddenly breaks, and the air seems to shatter. Chase whirls around, conjuring up a shield that blocks most of the shards that fly out, but gets shredded as a result. 
Shattered suddenly lunges forward, and manages to grab onto the nearest person--Bro. "You bastards!" he snarls. "You tricked me!" A loud sound comes from behind him, a sound like tinkling glass, like wind chimes. The air around him seems to fracture, kaleidoscope patterns moving in an intriguing pattern.
"No!" Jackie gasps. "Don't look!"
Bro cries out and tries to pull himself away, “H-Hey! Let go-!” He tries to say- but then his eyes widen as the air fractures into those… beautiful intricate patterns. Seemingly getting pulled into its thrall. 
“No, Chase!” Alt cries out. 
But Bro squeezes his eyes shut and easily seems to shake off the effects, grabbing Shattered’s wrist and throwing him off him. “D-Don’t try that freaky shit on me!“ 
Shattered staggers back, breaking up the pattern. 
"Go go go!" Dr. Anti shouts, pushing Marvin and Skyler towards the doorway. He staggers and then runs, clutching her to his chest. Bro staggers back then rushes after Marvin and Skyler- ready to protect them. 
"Go where?!" Shattered suddenly grabs Anti, pulling him back into the pattern. "None of you are leaving!" 
JJ rushes forward, thwacking Shattered in the face with his staff. There's a Crak! sound and Shattered stumbles back once more, letting JJ grab Dr. Anti and pull him out. 
"Anti!" he types into the brace. "Wake up!" 
Dr. Anti leans heavily against JJ. His eyes are overcome by a strange pattern, blue and black kaleidoscope shards. "I--I--" 
Shattered regains his balance. "Doctor!" he shouts. "Bring them to me!" 
Anti blinks slowly--and then shoves JJ backwards and lunges towards Alt. He latches onto him and starts pulling him back. 
Alt hesitates, horrified by watching Shattered grab Anti and affect him. So he’s not at all prepared at all for Anti to grab him. He yells out in surprise and tries to pull himself away. “h-Hey! Other me l-let go!” 
"Let go?" Dr. Anti repeats idly, his grip loosening. 
"Don't let go!" Shattered shouts, and Anti's grip tightens again. "Bring them here!" 
Dr. Anti nods and resumes dragging Alt back.
 "No!" Chase looks back and forth between Dr. Anti and Shattered. He conjures up a shield that glows bright yellow, blocking Anti's way to Shattered. "Guys! Shake him out of it!" 
JJ recovers and runs forward again, trying to push Anti away from Alt. With his help, Alt manages to pull free of Anti's grip.
Alt glitches back away from Anti with wide eyes- shaking a bit. “F-Fucking hell- t-That’s his hypnosis??” It’s so different from anything he’s ever seen- …it’s kinda pretty though- in a dangerous sort of way. He glares then glitches around the shield and tries to tackle Shattered away.
Shattered immediately vanishes, letting Alt run pass him. "No no no, that won't work again," he says. 
"Alt!" Chase gasps, unconsciously dropping the shield. "The fuck are you doing?!" He throws out a hand and grabs Alt with his magic, trying to drag him back. "Let's go! The car is right outside!" 
JJ grabs onto Dr. Anti, pulling him back. Jackie runs up to him and shakes him slightly. "Don't listen to him don't listen to him!" Jackie says. 
"No, don't listen to HIM!" Shattered shouts. 
Dr. Anti's head rolls back and forth between them, his expression conflicted. 
"God damn it!" Chase turns his attention back to Anti, throwing out a hand. Yellow magic wraps around Anti's head, covering his ears and eyes.
Alt yelps as he’s grabbed by Chase and struggles back. “I-I can distract him while you guys get everyone outside! We’re pretty well matched! Then I can glitch into the car once you all are safe!” He looks at Chase with determined eyes.
Chase hesitates... then nods. "Okay," he breathes. And he lets go, spinning around. "Go go go go go!" 
Jackie bolts for the door, and JJ follows, dragging Dr. Anti along. Chase backs up slowly, keeping a shield in front to protect the others. 
Shattered's attention immediately turns to Alt. He laughs. "How brave of you, Magician!" 
Bro looks at the others coming his way and looks back with panic towards the end of the hall, “Alt!” 
Alt grins, his eyes flashing. “I’ll give you a run for your money, bitch!” He makes a knife out of magic and glitches around to draw his eye around before trying to stab him with it in the shoulder.
Shattered's eyes dart around to keep track of him and then yelps in surprise when Alt is suddenly right in front of him, stabbing him. It doesn't feel like stabbing a person--it feels more akin to stabbing through a thin bit of wood. "Oh! Very good!" He grins. "Do you want to see mine?" His left hand draws back, and the air around it seems to break as he suddenly stabs towards Alt's stomach with a transparent shard.
Alt yells out in surprise and winces, then blinks as it just barely hurts. He laughs in Shattered’s face, “Ha! That’s nothing!” He grins and poofs away his knife then goes to try to shock Shattered. “Try this!”
Shattered snaps backwards, falling to the ground, electricity racing along his metal arm. For a moment, he looks very disoriented indeed, blinking up at Alt like he's never seen him before. But then he takes in the threatening look on his face. He disappears and reappears back in a standing position. The wall next to Alt makes another one of those cracking sounds and more glass-like shards burst outwards from it.
Alt quickly glitches back and forth to dodge the shards- all of them just hardly missing him. He pants then glares at Shattered, building up more magic in his hands. He sends out a wave of sound to try to disorient him.
The moment the soundwave hits Shattered, he cries out and claps his hands over his ears. The cracks on him seem to widen and he backs up, then falls to his knees. "Nein! Nein, bitte, nicht mehr! Bitte hör auf!" 
Alt looks down at him in surprise, momentarily caught off guard. Especially as he shouts out in such distress. “S-Schneep-“ He whispers.
Back in the lobby, Chase is pushing JJ and Dr. Anti out of the door. He spins around. "Alt!" he shouts. "Get out of there!" 
Alt’shead turns towards the others and he spares one more glance at Shattered before he glitches down the hall. 
Chase runs over and grabs Alt by the hand, pulling him out the door. Everyone else is already in the car, and Marvin has it started and running. JJ leans out the open back door and whistles for them to get in. He, Jackie, and Anti are in the back seat, while Bro is in the passenger's side and Skyler is sitting on the floor between the two middle seats.
Alt lets himself get grabbed and runs with Chase, hurrying into the car with eveyone else. “I-I think I managed to throw him off enough! Let’s get out of here!” He tells Marvin.
The moment the door closes Marvin throws the van into gear. "Hold on, Sky!" he shouts, and Skyler holds onto Alt's leg as Marvin slams on the gas and the van goes flying down the street.
Alt doesn’t get into a seat he just holds onto Skyler as the van moves, curling up around her instinctively.
Marvin doesn't slow down until Project Street is well out of sight. Only then does he relax. The van gradually slows and eventually stops as Marvin pulls to the side of the road. He looks back at the others. "Who's hurt? What's up with Anti?" 
"Chase and JJ are still bleeding from that first attack," Jackie says. "Anti's still in it." 
Dr. Anti is squished up against the window of the van, head rolled back. 
"Anti, answer me!" Jackie shakes him slightly. 
"I--I--" Anti's voice sounds choked up.
Alt blinks up and uncurls from around Skyler. He blinks in confusion at Dr. Anti and furrows his brow in concern. “…he’s supposed to listen to suggestions from anyone right?” He glitches up into a chair and looks down at Anti, “Anti! Break out of this! Come on, you gonna let that bitch win??” 
Anti blinks at Alt for a moment, looking confused... And then something about Alt gets through to him, and abruptly the fractal designs in his eyes disappear as he snaps back to reality. "Fuck!" he gasps. "H-holy shit, I forgot what that..." He shudders. "I... f-fuck." 
Jackie puts a hand on your shoulder. "You're okay," he says softly. "He can't get to you right now." 
"Y-yeah, I know." Dr. Anti squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. "God."
Alt relaxes a bit and slumps into the seat. “Whew… good-“ 
Bro goes and punches Alt on the shoulder once it feels like eveyone can breathe again. 
Alt yelps out in surprise then glares at Bro as he rubs it. “What??” 
Bro glares at Alt back, “You fucking dumbass! You could have gotten yourself caught in that shit! You know how susceptible you are!” 
“I was the only one who could have gotten away fast enough without him getting anyone else!” Alt bites back, “And it worked didn't it?!” 
Marvin sighs. "He just wants you to take care of yourself, yknow," he says, turning back to look at Alt. Then he glances at Bro. "And he just wanted to make sure everyone was alright." Then he looks back and forth between the two of them. "Good intentions all around. And it's in the past now." 
"Y-yeah..." Chase nods. "We're all safe. There's no reason to fight right now. I think. A-and I was hanging back, Bro, I could've grabbed him if something happened."
Bro pouts a bit at this as the two brothers stare each other down. Then they both seem to deflate at the same time and nod. “…right - thanks for watching out for him, other me.” 
Chase nods. "Yeah." He glances at Alt. "Though your brother is, uh, very capable--as I'm sure you know." 
Alt crosses his arms, still a bit heated but trying to calm down. Or maybe that’s just the adrenaline still pumping in his veins. “…we got the piece, so… I guess we should probably be on our way… since Skyler is safe now.” Alt says quietly.
"You're gonna go?" Skyler asks, sounding a bit disappointed. 
"Yeah, sweets, they're on an important, uh, mission," Marvin says. "They were so nice to help us find you when they had something else to do." 
"Oh." Skyler looks up at Alt with big brown eyes. "Are you gonna come back? To, um, visit?"
Alt looks down at Skyler with conflicted eyes. He looks back at the rest of them and Bro does the same. “…do you all want us to come back and visit?” Alt asks quietly, kneeling down next to Skyler but glancing at the rest. “…cuz I think Anti saved the address here… so… we could.” He smiles at her. “If you want.”
"Hell yeah, bro." Chase grins. "It's so cool to meet another version of me! And you're bada--you're really cool, Alt." 
"You correct bad-A but not hell?" Marvin mutters. 
Marvin laughs. "Anyway, yeah, I think you guys are really cool too. And... anyone who's willing to drop everything to help my daughter is good in my book." 
I'd love to spend more time together in a less stressful situation, JJ says. 
Jackie whoops. "I mean--how often do you meet people from other universes?! That's fu-fricking amazing! And you guys are, too!" 
Dr. Anti nods. "...I wouldn't mind," he says quietly. 
"Oooo, that's a ringing endorsement from the doc, trust me," Jackie laughs. 
Alt blinks and then grins. Bro does too, pumping his fist into the air, “Heck yeah! New friends let’s goooo!!” 
Alt laughs and then smiles at Skyler, “Then it sounds like we’ll be back someday! Maybe soon- we just gotta finish up this important thing okay?”
Anti speaks up from Alt's phone. "Time can be inconsistent between worlds, but I doubt it will vary more than a year between worlds this similar. So... make a note of that. I probably won't be here next time." 
"Honestly, I keep forgetting about you," Jackie comments. 
"I've been busy recharging." 
"You can come too, of course," JJ says, typing into his brace. "We could meet properly." 
"I have a lot of stuff to do back home, but thanks." Anti's voice softens just a bit. 
"So, within a year, maybe," Chase nods. "I'll make a note of that!"
Alt looks a bit sad about that but he smiles and nods, “Okay- that’s at least good to keep in mind.” He leans down and pokes Skyler’s nose cheekily, “Don’t get too big before we can visit again, okay? Maybe we can even bring some of our other friends who are your age!” He grins. 
“Oh god yeah, Kelsie and Alice would love you!” Bro beams.
Skyler grabs her nose, giggling. "Really?" 
"Multi-dimensional playdate." Marvin chuckles. "That would be fun." 
Skyler smiles shyly. "O-okay! That would be fun!" 
Alt smiles warmly, “Okay- then sometime in the future, we’ll see you all again.” 
"So... when you're ready to go, I suggest getting out of the car," Anti says. "Opening a rift in a place this cramped might not be good."
Alt opens the car door then glitches out right outside. He looks at JJ, Jackie and Dr. Anti. He nods to them and smiles. “…thanks guys.” 
No, thank YOU, JJ says, smiling. But... you're welcome, too. 
Bro laughs and climbs out, ruffling up Skyler’s hair as he goes. Then he waves wildly, “Thanks for helping us guys! Get Skyler home safe, okay?” 
"We will," Marvin promises. 
Alt then takes out his phone and nods to Anti, “okay… ready.”
Anti nods back. The screen becomes colorful static, and then green lightning unzips a rift in midair next to them. 
"Whoa..." Jackie leans out to look at it. 
"That's crazy," Dr. Anti mutters. 
"Bye guys!" Chase waves. "See you again!"
Alt grins and waves. Bro waves wildly with a big smile. Then they both hop into the rift- heading off to the next world.
The whole group waves at them as they go. Skyler smiles excitedly, waving the hardest.
9 notes · View notes
dollsonmain · 1 month
More long long work blather, because whatever, you get cuts.
So the storage situation, her over-ordering things, AND there being too many kinds of things is getting irritating. It's like trying to organize my basement.
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So, here's the current layout, not at all to scale.
Green are shelves of stuff, both food and non-food though mostly food. I won't bore you with how it's all set up. The organization there by category is satisfying enough, but there's too much product, too varied product, and it's sloppy. There should be a little more green surrounding the bull pit and there are more short green ones in front of the bull pit, but it's already fussy.
Nothing more can be put in front of the bull pit because there are glass cases there with the pipes and things. I forgot to put it, but there's another locked case by freezer 3 with more pipes and things.
Blue are coolers. I missed the micro fridge that's near 7, and there's a small hand sink in there, too.
1 was non-alocholic drinks but she moved some of the alcoholic drinks into that cooler last week, which I think was a bad idea. A better solution to there being too much stuff in the beer cave would be to order less stuff.
2 is "the beer cave" which customers are allowed to go into, though they shouldn't be because everything is crammed in there really sloppy and there's a risk of customers knocking stuff over onto themselves and getting hurt. That's how big multipacks of beer are made available to customers, though now many of them are in the lower parts of the original beer cave doors.
3 is the freezer with the deli meat stuff in it. Since it opens from the top, the wall space there is not being used.
4 is the ice machine which customers should not touch, and 5 is the bags of ice customers can take.
6 is another top-loading freezer with ice cream in it.
7 is both a standing cooler with stuff like lunchables and pre-packed sandwiches in it, and then a long cooler that runs under the countertop which is where deli sandwiches are.
The big, unmarked rectangles and stuff across the front of the store are counter tops where the soda, coffee, slushies, and hot food are, the atm, and the lottery machine.
Yellow are storage. All of the sodas and deli stuff get put into the cooler (1), nothing is organized, and nothing is easy to get to. Returns and damaged product are also in there.
Beer cave is also cold storage, but only beer and things like hard lemonade go in there.
O is the office, and the grey rectangle near O is the big sink. There are lots of other machines in there like the water heater and soda fountain syrup set up, etc., and then one small shelf for supplies like trash bags, ice bags, etc.
B is the bathroom. ? is probably another bathroom but I don't actually know. Maybe it's already being used as storage but I've never been in there to get anything so it's probably just an unused bathroom.
So, if I had the money and the go ahead to do whatever I wanted with the store.....
tl:dr I would have less shit on the sales floor and a lot more dry storage, a less is more set up.
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First I would reduce the variety of things we have. That seems counterintuitive when you're considering customers might want all those things. They do, sometimes, but there's no room. Something has to give.
We would actually monitor which flavors of, say, bagged mini donuts actually sell and which really don't, and only order the big sellers, for example. That would disappoint a few customers, but they'd be ok.
I'd put all the alcoholic beverages back in one area (2) and order less.
I would gut the ?bathroom, remove the door and wall to improve air flow, and move the ice maker and deli freezer in there. If there's room, I'd also add a small counter space and a sink so that deli sandwiches were made THERE instead of on a tiny 6in by 1ft shelf on the mini fridge in the bull pit because that's annoying. The top of the mini fridge is angled because there's a lift-up door. It's hard to work, there, and customers constantly interrupt so whomever is making sandwiches should be left alone. Under the counter space I'd add a mini fridge or two to keep the cheese in, and wall shelves for the deli bread. Keep it all together and not cause condensation in the bread bags.
Having a dedicated sandwich making place would also make it easier to keep that space CLEAN because there wouldn't be people coming in and out all of the time and that area isn't exposed to customers at all.
Considering we're only actually using half the deli freezer as it is and the other half is full of ice build up and product that is unsellable, it could be replaced with a smaller one, maybe a proper deep-freeze with a lift-up door that seals better and can also be used as work space if needed.
_Those bathrooms may be larger or smaller than I think they are. I've never been in either room, and B and ? could be swapped, I don't really care which is the bathroom.
I'd rearrange the sales floor a lot and build another wall, turning a segment of the store space (which in reality wouldn't be that big.... this is not to scale like I said) into dry storage space and add an employees only sign to that door because people will come in and beeline for that hallway assuming that's where the public bathroom is.
The angled door makes sure we can still see into that corner, and that is where I would put big things that are difficult to steal anyway, like the firewood and bags of ice.
I'd also add a saloon door with an employees only sign to the other hallway because they do the same thing over there and I have to chase them down, and omit the yellow storage behind there completely since that's the path service people like plumbers would have to take if there were a problem with the sink or water heater, etc. and should be clear, or at least I'd instead put some shallow shelving that's meant for only small dry goods like the snack cakes, or store supplies. Right now it's head-high stacks of tallboy cans and it makes me nervous.
Lots of dry storage would let us have better looking, more organized shelves on the floor because it wouldn't need to be severely overstuffed just to get product out of boxes that also are left all around the sales floor.
I'd reduce the wine from 4 rows to 1. They're just... Not selling. I mean, a few are or else I wouldn't be constantly refilling those few, and with good inventory management and sales tracking, we'd only buy those.
I'd omit the big locked case that was by freezer 3 completely. I've only gotten into that case one time, and have only ever seen another employee need to get in there one time. Maybe it's more busy at other times, I don't know.
We have too many varieties of vapes, CBD, Kratom, etc. products. One locked case, the countertop displays that only open from the register side, and the "showcases" should be sufficient. Since those don't scan, there's no good inventory or sales tracking, and with good sales tracking, only what sells would be ordered.
Notice a trend?
Then I'd use the wall where the freezer was for light bags like candy up to eye level, small snacks, etc. with some shallow shelves lower down for various sweet food products like cookies, and put the toys in a bin on the ground level where kids can see them instead of up on the top.
I'd get rid of some of the hot food machines because they're barely used. There's a hot dog roller that I've only seen food in once, a popcorn machine that's never had popcorn in it, a pizza spinner thing that I have sold a couple slices from but we could just not, a giant pretzel spinner but you can't have those pretzels, you have to ask for them out of the cold food case where the deli sandwiches are and they're pre-packed, so we could just put a mini cold case out there with the pretzels in it, or put a big countertop one and put some of the deli stuff in it, OR use that space for room-temp pastries and local stuff so we could clear off a little of the counter around the bullpit which would give us more working space and a much better view of the store.
Manager tends to do computer work sitting on one chair with the laptop on another chair, hiding behind the tall cigarette case in the center of the bull pit and the tops of the showcases are also glass so we can't put anything heavy there, which means not being able to do a lot of work, there.
I would put a fridge case out back where expiring product could be placed for people to come take for free.
There's probably more stuff that I'm forgetting, but I'm getting hungry and do tend to lose focus when I'm hungry.
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
i’m sorry cricket i will not be taking your man but i would like to be held and also he is pretty as are all of the boys >///< /lh /nm. fluffymare in return, here ya go! yugioh anon, back again >w<
summary: inspired by chaos’s love for making food, you try out making homemade ice cream for the summer. nightmare checks in on you and unsubtly flirts with you. he chats with you while you Create. implied relationship beforehand. can you tell i got tired at the end lol it is 6:30 am i need to sleep
Dry, heavy heat surrounds you as you step out of the lush courtyard and back into the house. Sweat shines on your forehead. Summer was lovely for gardening and exploring the outdoors, but that uncomfortable air following you inside every single time was one thing you could live without. Unluckily for you, you live in a house filled with skeletons who can’t generate heat so the house is consistently just a bit warmer than preferred.
Forcing yourself to continue walking down the hall, you turn to the kitchen. A part of you would kill for something cold. You open the fridge to find… nothing. The entire thing has been emptied by someone. Scratch what you thought before, you might actually kill somebody. There’s a bit of milk, some stray fruits, a knife that you assume to be Blade ‘pranking’ Ted, and a bit of heavy cream. Wait, milk, some fruits, and heavy cream? Wasn’t Chaos talking about making ice cream soon? He bought an ice cream maker and the ingredients!
Your footsteps are just about the only sounds you hear for the next few minutes as you get out the ingredients and measure them out in the bowl. You remember a recipe saying that you can just put them in together chilled and it will work out fine, so you put your trust in it. As you’re setting the bowl back in, you see Nightmare approach in a fanciful outfit.
“Are you using the set Chaos bought, my other half?” Nightmare asks, sitting down straight in a chair as he watched you move about.
You nod and reply, “Mhm! It’s gotten so hot recently, I figured I should just make some now. I doubt he’ll complain about homemade desserts.”
The slightly sassy response makes him smile a bit, but he frowns at the comment about the temperature. He’d never admit it, but he tends to forget the requirements of the human body compared to his and all the other undead occupants of the house.
“Would you not rather a servant make some for you? If it is as hot as you say, I doubt moving around consistently is beneficial.”
You smile at his offer, but shake your head. Despite his neglectful act he oftens puts up, that concerned tone and worried stare give him away. Besides, you’ve almost finished the process so why get someone else to do it now?
“Since you have a moment, would you care to occupy me in donning a recent set of garments created by my designers?” His tone is formal, as if uncaring, but you understand the question. Nightmare wants to do a mini fashion show with you. The two of you relax for a long while, putting on various outfits and picking which look best. You both offer advice and critiques on the new style, but come out of it pleased.
When you finish making the ice cream, you set it into two bowls and hand one to Nightmare while you sink against the counter. The chill sweetness that coats your tongue feels like the core of your being is cooling down. A content smile spreads across your face. Nightmare would recoil from the immense positivity, but seeing you cooling off allows his worries to subside.
“Try some, it’s really sweet!”
“No dessert could rival your gracious attitude, my one and only.”
His cheesy words make you giggle, but you smile at him. A king of negativity, a nightmare, but your Nightmare.
Aww, never thought I'd live to see the day of Nightmare acting soft lol
Love this!
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squadxx4392 · 3 months
People who live in mansions piss me off
Not people who live in them because they have a lot of family/children they have
But people who live in a house that's like- 20k sq ft, 7 bedrooms and 9.5 bathrooms with like 1-4 people
It's just some hatred bc wtf
You don't need that much space RACHAEL(this ain't aimed at no one specifically, just the first name that came to mind)
You don't need that much space for you and your boyfriend of 2 weeks
Get a smaller house; have 4-5 kids and you'll be qualified and eligible for that 20k sq ft, 7 bedroom, 9.5 bathroom, two living room, two kitchen house and 4 mini bars/alcohol fridges and 3 installed ice makers
How tf ain't you so lonely?
And the cost?? In THIS economy????
Christ on a stick 💀
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July 22nd, 2024 星期一 - NCCU tour, Taipei Zoo, Teahouse in the Mountains
This morning I was so extremely tired so I woke up around 8:45 am and got ready to go to a nearby bakery for breakfast. I sped over there and ended up buying a ham and Swiss croissant and a walnut cinnamon bun thingy. They were pretty tasty and fairly cheap. I then met up with my class and we headed out on a (non-party) bus to visit NCCU, our professor’s alma matter hehe. It was definitely a long drive there but I just ate my pastries on the way. I carried my new water bottle with me all day but quite literally never filled it up 😭
Our first stop at the university was the international dorm, where we were greeted by some of the buildings staff. I lived in the international dorm back when I was a freshman so it was interesting to see what theirs looked like. It was a seven floor building that included both single and double rooms. The size of the single room we toured was at least twice that of the ones at UF. The rooms also had a balcony, its own bedding, and a fairly large mini fridge.
Next we toured the common area which was pretty large BUT lacked a real stove or oven. It was also pretty interesting that there were little cards everywhere with the Chinese name and pinyin of random items such as the fridge and fire extinguisher. The NCCU representative told us that the building is 90% international students and 10% Taiwanese students, which is definitely more than the 60% American students to 40% international students at UF. But I guess having less Taiwanese students gives more space for international students to have housing. The representative also mentioned that a lot of the visiting students are finance majors.
After this, we headed to view the different study spaces around the building before hopping in the bus off to our next tour stop. We ended up at the Dah Hsien Seetoo library, which was donated in 2018 by the former MBA students of NCCU professor Dah Hsien Seetoo. The library was very nice and modern inside, although the temperature was abnormally warm. We toured around the different floors and viewed spaces such as the study rooms and the maker space. Something I found interesting about the study rooms (for undergrads) is that instead of having individual spaces in a room, it was different cubicles you could reserve. For example, one room would have spots ABCDEF, and you would reserve seat D to study. For graduate students, however, there were also designated study spaces that they had the key to for whatever period of time. There is also something like that at UF in Library West, though less modern of course. In the maker space, there were multiple types of 3D printers, an engraver, and a heat press. All machines are free to use and long as you bring your own graphic or AI file to send to the machines.
At the end we visited a famous cafe in the bottom floor of the library. Some students got coffee and deserts but I was more interested in watching the ducks that lived in a little house outside by the nearby pond. There weren’t out when we first got there but later they came out and swam around. I went to the shore of the pond a few times to look at them better and they came onto the bank to play in the bushes. After the coffee shop, we headed out to NCCU’s version of University Blvd, a street with a lot of restaurants and boba shops. Some classmates and I decided on a dumpling shop down the street. I got pork and veggie potstickers, Korean style potstickers, and a pork and veggie wonton noddle soup. After lunch, we walked around for a bit and our professor bought us ice cream (<3) since it was so hot. I also ended up buying a passion fruit tea with coconut jelly.
We then headed to the zoo. It was a very very large zoo, it had a tram to take from one side to the other. We first viewed the kolas and pandas as a group. The kolas were so cute and fully. They looked very sleepy which I resonate with HEAVY. At first we couldn’t see much of the pandas, but after the zookeepers brought out their lunch, they were visible. They were so cute and large and fluffy. They almost looked fake haha. I visited the upstairs gift shop of the panda exhibit and bought a fairly good quality canvas tote bag with a drawn map of Taipei on it. Next, we took the tram to the reptile exhibit. There were more turtles and tortoises in this zoo than I think I’ve ever seen in my life. We explored several other exhibits afterwards— including the penguins, giraffes, elephants, sun bears, zebras, mandarin ducks, and Pygmy hippos. Something interesting about this zoo was the insane amount of food options. I feel like zoos in the U.S. barely have food places, and if they do, it’s super overpriced. At the end, we met with the rest of the class at the main gift shop. I folded last minute a bought a cute turtle keychain and a capybara with a turtle backpack (I might like turtles idk).
Next we took some group pictures outside before heading in the bus up a mountain to go to a famous teahouse. We got to experience the tea ceremony with jasmine tea (hehe) and I ordered some soy sauce braised chicken wings and a bowl of rice as a snack. After eating, I walked around outside and watched my classmates search for a large stick to beat up a spider so they could go down a path to cross a bridge to get closer to the nearby waterfall. There were some crazy mosquitos out there but thankfully our professor lent us mosquito spray when we had first got off the bus. I pet a very talkative orange cat while I was walking around outside (the cats in Taiwan so far tend got be so talkative). Eventually we did the drive home, where I showered, and then met with some of my classmates to get Indian food.
Academic Reflection
Taiwan Zoo was originally just the privately owned zoo of a Japanese man in the northern part of Taipei City. After just a year, the then Japanese government of Taiwan bought the land and turned it into a public park called the Maruyama Zoo (Maruyama is now called Yuanshan). After World War 2, the park was taken over by the ROC Taipei City government. One of the most popular animals was Lin Wang, an Asian elephant that worked during the second Sino-Japanese and relocated with the Kuomintang. He was the most popular animal until the zoo received 2 pandas from Mainland China.
In 1973 they made plans to build a modern zoo and after thirteen years, the original zoo in Yuanshan was closed and a new zoo in the southern part of Taipei was opened on New Year’s Day. The location was moved to accommodate more animals and give more space for the both the recreation and research sides to function. The new Taiwan Zoo is now one of the largest zoos in Asia, and focuses on the conservation and research of animals and insects. Something unique about this zoo is the Formosa animal area, where zoo visitors can see native Taiwanese animals such as Eurasian otters, Pangolins, and sika deer.
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irismfrost · 2 months
July 22 - Chengchi (ZhengDa) University, Taipei Zoo, and YaoYue (Maokong) Teahouse 
Today, we had quite a busy day. We started our day bright and early at 9:20am with the second best university in Taiwan (with the first being the government-funded National Taiwan University). We visited the international student dorm and the library there. The dorms are single rooms with their own bathroom, balcony, bedding, and mini-fridge, all things that don't come with a typical dorm in the US. They have a nice common area with a large fridge/freezer. The Dah Hsian Seetoo Library on campus was built in 2019 and is a beautiful building. Each floor is tiered and is very open. They have areas to watch tv and movies, designated group and solo study areas, and so many books. They have a super cool "maker area" with a 3D printer, wood laser engraving station and a heat press. They also had a fire coffee shop next to the library and I had caramel chiffon cake. They added a bunch of toppings too - very light and airy cake and the toppings were also very light. 
Our next stop was the Taipei Zoo. They have a very cute panda and they put treats out so that it would show itself to all of the people. Its enclosure was a little sad but most of the other animals had some great space compared to other zoos. We were there for 3 hours and I still didn't get to see everything. 
Our last stop was the Taiwanese tea house. We had some jasmine tea. Our amazing tour guide, Peter, performed the tea ceremony for our table. It is a very complicated process and taken very seriously. You put the tea leaves in the ceramic pot and then fill up the pot with hot water all the way to the top and put the lid on. At this point the pot is overflowed. Then, you pour out the liquid into a special ceramic cup. You pour the tea you just made from that ceramic cup onto the pot you just emptied the tea from (lid is on the pot). The pot is sitting on a plate with holes in it so the tea water just drains. The pot is also ceramic so the wetness just absorbs. Then, you fill up the pot again with regular water, wait 30 seconds, and pour the new tea into the ceramic cup. This is the tea you drink. You pour the tea into "aroma" cups which look like little shot glasses. You don't drink out of this cup, but instead have a little cup that looks like a mini tea cup without the handle. You put that cup upside down on top of the aroma cup and then flip it. So now the tea is in the tasting cup and you are holding an empty aroma cup. You twist the aroma cup in your hands (I think this part is optional) and smell it. Then you drink the tea. Very complicated. 
The dorms at Chengchi University had some nice amenities that I did not experience in my at a UF dorm. The balcony and private bathroom is awesome. I haven't had a bathroom that connects to my room in 3 years and that would just be super nice to have. The pastries here are not as sweet as the US. The ice cream on the other hand has some crazy added sugars. I keep getting mango flavored things and it tastes like sugar with a little mango. The caramel chiffon cake wasn't very sweet though, more fluffy and mild than a typical US cake which I think is a little denser/richer and sweeter. 
Out of all the zoos in the world, I think the one in Taipei that I visited today was probably one of the most humane. The panda enclosure was a little smaller and less open than the others, but overall I was impressed. Most of the enclosures just had a tiny fence around them and the animals had space. I felt really bad for some of them though because they looked uncomfortably hot. It is the same temperature here as Florida but more humid. Every day I am shiny from sweat. 
The tea ceremony was interesting. It's all about disconnecting and enjoying something simple in the moment by focusing on the process of making tea. It is very complicated and I'm sure there are different variations. I think I may have to get myself a tea set. Maybe I I can disconnect from the world and find some in we peace once or twice a year. Who knows?
I also did laundry again today, as well be heading to Yilan tomorrow and I'd love to have some fresh clothes for that. The laundry lady was there again today! This time I went with some other people from the trip and she was showing us her exercises. People here are really into calisthenics. I saw some people to tai chi in the mornings here, and this lady literally just straightens her body and holds it for like 3 minutes. Literally just presses herself up against a wall, calves raised, hands above her head all in a straight line and holds it. And apparently you can do the same thing without the wall and just go from normal standing to the straight up position like 300 times. I may have to try it and just see how I feel after. She's an interesting lady; I'll miss her for sure.
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shypaintervoid · 4 months
Mundane markers of wealth, in my limited experience and from my lower class perspective:
The size of your bathtub (you can't lay down or fit in lower class bathtubs, not unless you're a kid)
The height of your ceilings (is there more then a foot or two between the top of your doors and the ceiling?)
If your staircases are disconnected from the walls (you only get that with bigger houses with space to spare)
What kind of fridge you have (I'm not talking ice maker, I'm talking about if the freezer is a drawer or not. And if you have multiple full sized refrigerators. Full sized because mini fridges can and are dumpster dived)
Do you have a dining room? (I have never lived in a house with a dining room. Closest thing was the corner between rooms or at the end of a bigger room. There was not spare square footage. You ate in your room or in the living room. No tables. Only desks or putting a pillow in your lap)
And the classics: is the trashcan in a little drawer in the kitchen?
Shower thoughts before graveyard clerk goes to bed
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theumbrellaseller · 19 days
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Indulge in the refreshing and delightful taste of homemade gluten-free mint chocolate chip ice cream. Made with fresh mint leaves for a burst of natural flavor, this creamy treat is perfect for those with gluten sensitivities.
Ingredients: 2 cups fresh mint leaves. 1 1/2 cups whole milk. 1 1/2 cups heavy cream. 3/4 cup granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract. 1/2 cup gluten-free mini chocolate chips.
Instructions: Clean the fresh mint leaves and pat them dry. Over medium-low heat, mix the whole milk and fresh mint leaves in a saucepan. Put the mixture on low heat until it starts to simmer. Take it off the heat and let it sit for 30 minutes. Pour the milk with mint into a bowl and strain it. Press on the mint leaves to get all the flavor out. Whisk the heavy cream, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract together in a different bowl until the sugar is gone. Mix the milk with the mint and the cream mixture together. Put the mixture in the fridge for at least 4 hours, or until it is completely cold. Put the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn it as directed by the maker's maker. Add the gluten-free mini chocolate chips in the last few minutes of moving the bowl around. Put the ice cream in a container that won't let air in. Freeze for a few hours, or until it's the consistency you want. Enjoy the gluten-free mint chocolate chip ice cream!
Scott R
0 notes
frayjoun · 5 months
Elevate Your Lifestyle with Essential Appliances
Mini Fridges and Portable Ice Makers
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and versatility are key factors driving innovation in home appliances. Among these, mini fridges have emerged as indispensable companions, offering compact solutions for storing food, beverages, and more. With a myriad of options available on the market, from sleek beverage coolers to portable refrigerators, consumers are presented with a wealth of choices tailored to their specific needs.
Imagine the convenience of the NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler | 126 Cans Free Standing with Right Hinge Glass Door | Mini Fridge Beverage Organizer. Designed to accommodate up to 126 cans of your favorite beverages, this sleek unit combines functionality with style, featuring a glass door with a right hinge for easy access. Whether you’re stocking up on beer, wine, soda, or cooler drinks, this mini fridge offers the perfect storage solution for any space.
For those seeking versatility on the go, the Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge for Bedroom — Car, Office Desk & College Dorm Room is a game-changer. With its portable design and ability to switch between cooling and warming modes, this compact fridge is ideal for use in bedrooms, cars, office desks, and college dorm rooms. From keeping food and drinks fresh to storing skincare, beauty products, and cosmetics, its AC/DC functionality ensures convenience wherever you are.
Meanwhile, the Newair Portable Ice Maker 50 lb. Daily, 12 Cubes in Under 7 Minutes caters to the need for instant refreshment. With its compact countertop design and rapid ice production, this stainless steel powerhouse churns out 12 bullet-shaped ice cubes in under seven minutes, making it perfect for kitchen, office, RV, or bar use. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly refilling ice trays and hello to a constant supply of chilled beverages.
As we delve deeper into the realm of mini fridges, we’ll explore their evolution, applications, benefits, and future trends. Join us on a journey through the world of compact refrigeration, where convenience meets innovation.
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The NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler | 126 Cans Free Standing with Right Hinge Glass Door | Mini Fridge Beverage Organizer:
NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler is a versatile and stylish appliance designed to cater to your beverage storage needs with precision and elegance. 
Here’s an overview of its key features:
Generous Capacity: With a spacious interior capable of holding up to 126 cans, the NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler provides ample storage space for a wide range of beverages, including beer, wine, soda, and more.
Right Hinge Glass Door: The sleek glass door with a right hinge not only adds a touch of sophistication to your space but also allows for easy viewing of the contents inside, making it convenient to locate your favorite drinks.
Adjustable Temperature Controls: Customize the cooling settings to your preference with the adjustable temperature controls, ensuring that your beverages are kept at the perfect temperature for enjoyment.
Interior LED Lighting: Illuminate the contents of the fridge with interior LED lighting, making it easy to find what you’re looking for, even in low-light conditions.
Quiet Operation: The NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler operates quietly, thanks to its low-noise compressor, making it suitable for use in any room of your home or office without causing disruption.
Freestanding Design: Its freestanding design offers flexibility in placement, allowing you to position it wherever is most convenient for you, whether it’s in your kitchen, home bar, office, or entertainment area.
With its combination of ample storage capacity, elegant design, and advanced features, the NewAir Beverage Refrigerator Cooler is the perfect solution for keeping your beverages chilled and readily accessible, making it a must-have addition to any home or office space.
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Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge for Bedroom — Car, Office Desk & College Dorm Room:
The Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge offers exceptional versatility and convenience, making it the perfect companion for various settings, from bedrooms and cars to office desks and college dorm rooms. 
Here’s an overview of its key features:
Compact and Portable: With its compact size and lightweight design, The Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge is highly portable, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go. Whether you’re traveling, working, or studying, this mini fridge ensures that your food and drinks are always within reach.
Cooling and Warming Modes: Switch between cooling and warming modes with ease, providing you with the flexibility to keep your items either cool or warm, depending on your needs. Use it to store beverages, snacks, skincare products, beauty items, makeup, or cosmetics, ensuring that they stay at the perfect temperature.
AC/DC Functionality: The mini fridge is equipped with both AC and DC power options, allowing you to power it using either a standard electrical outlet or the DC power source in your car, making it ideal for use on the go.
Quiet Operation: Designed to operate quietly, The Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge won’t disturb you while you work, study, or sleep, ensuring a peaceful environment wherever you are.
Multiple Color Options: Available in a variety of colors, including white, black, pink, and blue, the Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge allows you to choose the option that best suits your personal style and preferences.
Removable Shelves: The mini fridge features removable shelves, making it easy to customize the interior layout to accommodate items of different sizes and shapes.
Whether you’re on a road trip, studying for exams, or working from home, The Cooluli 15L Mini Fridge offers unmatched convenience and versatility, ensuring that your essentials are always kept at the perfect temperature, wherever you are.
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Newair Portable Ice Maker 50 lb. Daily, 12 Cubes in Under 7 Minutes — Compact Countertop Design — 3 Size Bullet Shaped Ice:
The Newair Portable Ice Maker is a game-changing appliance that ensures you never run out of ice when you need it most. 
Here’s an overview of its key features:
High Ice Production Capacity: Capable of producing up to 50 pounds of ice per day, this portable ice maker ensures that you always have an ample supply of ice on hand for any occasion.
Fast Ice Production: With the ability to produce 12 bullet-shaped ice cubes in under seven minutes, you’ll never have to wait long for a refreshing drink.
Compact Countertop Design: The compact size and countertop design of The Newair Portable Ice Maker make it a space-saving solution for any kitchen, office, RV, or bar setup.
Three Size Options: Choose from three different ice cube sizes to suit your preferences and needs, whether you prefer small, medium, or large cubes for your beverages.
Easy Operation: Simply fill the reservoir with water, select your desired ice cube size, and let the machine do the rest. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to operate, even for beginners.
Versatile Use: Whether you’re hosting a party, enjoying a barbecue, or simply relaxing at home, the Newair Portable Ice Maker is the perfect companion for keeping your drinks cool and refreshing.
Stainless Steel Construction: Built to last, this portable ice maker features a durable stainless steel construction that not only enhances its durability but also adds a touch of elegance to your countertop.
With its high ice production capacity, fast operation, and compact design, The Newair Portable Ice Maker is a must-have appliance for anyone who loves to entertain or enjoys a cold drink on a hot day. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly refilling ice trays and hello to a constant supply of ice whenever you need it.
Don’t let convenience pass you by. Elevate your lifestyle with essential appliances like mini fridges and portable ice makers. With their sleek designs, advanced features, and unparalleled convenience, these appliances are a game-changer for any home. Click the links to buy now and experience the difference for yourself. Your future self will thank you.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Who likes tasteful elegance? This 1920 Mediterranean home in Birmingham, Alabama makes you feel like you're in France. 4bds, 2.5ba, $975K.
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There is a terrace out front, but you enter into this very elegant gold sunporch with a paned mirror and gold chandelier.
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Then, you enter the center room with delicate bas relief walls and baroque art framed right in the wall. Through and arch you see a lacy wrought iron railway on the stairs, plus a smaller arch under the stairs.
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A sitting area with a piano is to the right. A fireplace is on the far wall.
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2 steps up go to a less formal family TV room.
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From the left of the piano is an arch to the dining room that also has access to the sun porch. Sconces light the walls.
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A small bar has a marble bowl sink, wine rack, mini fridge, ice maker and microwave.
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Looks like reading room or den and it has a sink in the closet.
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Galley kitchen has white and gold cabinetry and there's room for a table to make it an eat-in kitchen.
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Very elegant stairs.
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Lovely corner bedroom gets lots of sunlight.
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There is a very French bath and an updated shower.
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This guest bedroom or a guest room.
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A mural on the ceiling serves as a medallion for the chandelier.
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And outside is a covered roof top deck.
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The primary bedroom has a full sunken living room with a fireplace.
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Small 3 pc. bath.
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Here's a workroom.
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And a hot tub on a private deck.
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Lovely patio with a pergola.
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Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: A Reliable Power Source
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Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile I recently had the opportunity to try out the Jackery Explorer 1000, a portable power station that boasts a high capacity and versatility for various power needs. With its impressive features and positive customer ratings, I was eager to put it to the test in real-life scenarios. Living in a remote area with frequent power outages, I needed a reliable backup power source. The Jackery Explorer 1000 proved to be a robust and dependable solution, offering ample power to keep my essential devices charged during outages. Its user-friendly design and multiple charging options made it a practical choice for both indoor and outdoor use. I was particularly impressed by its portability and efficiency in providing power for various appliances, from small electronics to larger devices like heaters and refrigerators. Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: Introduction to Jackery Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Jackery, a company established in 2012, is renowned for its innovative outdoor power solutions designed for adventurers. The brand received the prestigious Red Dot Award in 2016, solidifying its commitment to high-quality products. The Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 1000, with its impressive 1002Wh capacity, offers a reliable power source for various applications, whether in outdoor settings or during emergencies at home. Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: Versatile Power Options Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Equipped with two standard PURE SINE WAVE AC outlets, the Jackery Explorer 1000 provides a higher 1000W wattage capacity to power multiple AC appliances simultaneously. Additionally, the power station features 2 USB-C ports, 1 USB-A port, and 1 Quick Charge 3.0 port, ensuring efficient charging for small digital devices like tablets and smartphones. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for RV enthusiasts, outdoor party hosts, and for home backup power needs. Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: Outdoor Recreation Companion Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The Jackery Explorer 1000 is a versatile companion for various activities, designed to enhance outdoor experiences. For RV-ers, it effortlessly powers essential appliances such as space heaters, mini-fridges, and coffee makers. Outdoor party enthusiasts can rely on this power station to operate blenders, pellet smokers, and household ice shavers, extending the enjoyment of grilling and entertainment. In times of home power outages, it supports emergency appliances like refrigerators, computers, and phones, ensuring continuity in daily life. Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: Sustainable Charging Solutions Credit - Amazon.com   Incorporating professional MPPT technology, the Explorer 1000 offers faster solar recharge rates, making it an eco-friendly power solution. Users can recharge the power station in approximately 8 hours by connecting two SolarSaga 100W solar panels with the included adapter cable. Moreover, recharging from AC outlets or 12V vehicle accessory ports provides flexibility in charging options. With a quick full recharge time of around 7 hours from an AC outlet, the Jackery Explorer 1000 offers efficient and sustainable power replenishment. Jackery 1002WH Solar Mobile: Comprehensive Package Credit - Amazon.com   The Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station comes complete with essential accessories, ensuring convenience and ease of use, including an AC adapter, a car charger cable, and a SolarSaga Parallel Adapter Cable. The user guide provides clear instructions for setup and operation, while the attentive customer service team is available to assist with any issues or inquiries. This comprehensive package enhances the user experience, making the Explorer 1000 a reliable and user-friendly power solution. Read also: - Jackery Explorer 2000 PRO: A Reliable Power Station for Outdoor Adventures and Emergencies - Champion Power Equipment 73001i - Reliable Power and Outstanding Performance - "SinKeu Portable Power Station: A Reliable and Versatile Outdoor Power Source" - Evolution Power Tools Generator - A Reliable and Versatile Power Source Conclusion In conclusion, the Jackery Explorer 1000 exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and reliability. Its high capacity, quick recharging capabilities, and solid build quality make it a valuable investment for anyone in need of portable power solutions. Whether for outdoor adventures, home backup power, or camping trips, this power station delivers on its promise of providing efficient and versatile power on the go. I highly recommend the Jackery Explorer 1000 for its exceptional functionality and convenience. Questions & Answers: Question: How long does it take to fully recharge the Jackery Explorer 1000? Answer: The Explorer 1000 can be fully recharged in about 8 hours by connecting two SolarSaga 100W solar panels together with an adapter cable. It can also be recharged from AC outlets and 12v vehicle accessory ports in approximately 7 hours. Question: Can the Jackery Explorer 1000 power household appliances during a power outage? Answer: Yes, the Explorer 1000 is designed to support emergency appliances such as refrigerators, CPAP/Bi-PAP machines, computers, radios, and phones, providing backup power to help keep your daily life running smoothly. Question: Is the Jackery Explorer 1000 easy to transport and use for outdoor activities? Answer: Despite weighing around 22lbs, the Jackery Explorer 1000 is portable and features a sturdy handle for easy carrying. Users have highlighted its usefulness for camping, RV-ing, and powering various devices on the go. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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govindtbrc · 6 months
Cooling Innovations: Insights into the Refrigerator Market
Refrigerators have become an indispensable part of modern life, providing essential cooling and preservation solutions for households, businesses, and industries worldwide. From keeping food fresh to storing vaccines and medications, refrigerators play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and safety of perishable goods. In this article, we explore the dynamics of the refrigerator market, examining key trends, innovations, and considerations driving the industry forward.
The refrigerator market encompasses a diverse range of products designed to meet varying needs and preferences, from compact mini-fridges for dorm rooms to large-capacity models for commercial kitchens and industrial applications. While the fundamental principle of refrigeration remains the same – the transfer of heat from inside the unit to the external environment – ongoing advancements in technology, design, and sustainability are reshaping the landscape of the refrigerator market.
One of the notable trends in the refrigerator market is the growing demand for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration solutions. As consumers and businesses alike become more environmentally conscious, there is a heightened focus on reducing energy consumption, minimizing carbon emissions, and adopting sustainable refrigerants. Manufacturers are responding to these demands by developing refrigerators with enhanced insulation, optimized compressor systems, and eco-friendly refrigerants such as hydrocarbons and natural gases.
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Moreover, there is a trend towards customization and smart technology integration in the refrigerator market, driven by consumer preferences for personalized features and connectivity. Smart refrigerators equipped with built-in Wi-Fi, touchscreens, and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities allow users to remotely monitor and control temperature settings, receive alerts for maintenance and food expiration, and even place grocery orders directly from the fridge. Additionally, customizable modular designs enable users to configure their refrigerators according to their specific storage needs, whether it be adjustable shelving, flexible compartments, or specialized drawers for fruits, vegetables, and beverages.
Another key trend driving the refrigerator market is the convergence of cooling and convenience features, blurring the lines between refrigerators and other kitchen appliances. Multi-functional refrigerators equipped with built-in ice makers, water dispensers, and advanced filtration systems offer added convenience and versatility for users, eliminating the need for separate appliances and reducing clutter in the kitchen. Additionally, innovations such as convertible freezer compartments, quick-cooling zones, and temperature-controlled drawers enhance the usability and performance of refrigerators, catering to the evolving lifestyles and dietary preferences of consumers.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the refrigerator market, accelerating trends such as online grocery shopping, home cooking, and stockpiling of essential goods. As consumers spend more time at home and prioritize food safety and hygiene, there is a heightened demand for refrigerators with advanced storage features, antimicrobial surfaces, and easy-to-clean materials. Additionally, the pandemic has underscored the importance of cold chain logistics and vaccine storage, driving investments in medical-grade refrigerators and freezers for healthcare facilities, pharmacies, and vaccine distribution centers.
In conclusion, the refrigerator market continues to evolve in response to changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and global challenges such as climate change and public health emergencies. With innovations in energy efficiency, connectivity, convenience, and sustainability, refrigerators are becoming more than just cooling appliances – they are essential tools for preserving food, protecting health, and enhancing quality of life. As manufacturers continue to innovate and adapt to evolving market trends, the refrigerator market is poised for further growth and transformation in the years to come.
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kanatanabramovic · 1 year
☑ 172. Which is your best ?♡ by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2023 09 14 Blog...~ le soleil ~ See the blog for more details ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ Access Tops & Skirt: {Rosier} / Heather Outfit / (FAT) Nails: PADO // neko love nail Hand: {wn} LG Popcorn Handful (wear) ' What Next ' Hand: {wn} SM Popcorn Box - Hold Only (wear) ☑ The Arcade event Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Belts for S size-RARE Rings: Vibing -- astra earrings -- gold Earrings: Vibing -- astra earrings -- gold [ - Makeup - ] ☑ Harajuku Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Momo skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Cream - Momo Lip: (Enfer Sombre*) Momo Lipstick {LeL HD} Eyes: MAOER-EYES V19 SET 1 Eyeliners: VELOUR "SMOKE" EYELINER Eyelashes: Malina - Sia eyelashes / Lelutka EVO X Eye Blush: Fontaine Cosmetics - Details Applier Collection [ - Decoration - ] ☑ Access Popcorn Maker: {wn} Popcorn Maker (Fall box) ' What Next ' Bowls: {wn} Large Popcorn Bowl ☑ Kawaii Project ( August round ) Ice: *Dispenser*andika{Don't Hurry Be Happy}strawberry Ice: *Dispenser*andika{Don't Hurry Be Happy}Blue berry Ice: *Dispenser*andika{Don't Hurry Be Happy}cone ☑ Anthem ( August round ) Cake drink: *Dispenser*andika{Mermaid cake&SODA} Cake drink: *Dispenser*andika{Watermelon Cake&watermelon lemonades} Cake drink: *Dispenser*andika{Flamingo cake&Straberry soda} Vases: DISORDERLY. / Disco Doll / Vases / Pink Sign: DISORDERLY. / Disco Doll / Sign / Multi Diner bus: dust bunny & con . betty's diner bus . yellow Planters: dust bunny . retro planters . smiley fern . yellow Planters: dust bunny . retro planters . disco ball . silver Popsicle: dust bunny . popsicle mini fridge . sprinkles . limited edition Lights: +Half-Deer+ Ice Cream Garland Lights [Flavors]
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How to Design and Customize an Outdoor Kitchen?
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Designing and customizing an outdoor kitchen can be an exciting project. Here are some key considerations and elements you can incorporate to create a functional and personalized outdoor kitchen: Layout and Location: Evaluate the available space and consider the best location for your outdoor kitchen. It should be convenient and easily accessible from your indoor kitchen and dining area. Determine the layout based on your needs and preferences. Common layouts include L-shape, U-shape, or straight-line configurations. Get support from contractor of outdoor kitchen in Long Island.
Cooking Appliances: Choose cooking appliances that suit your cooking style. Options include a built-in gas grill, charcoal grill, smoker, pizza oven, or a combination of these. Consider additional appliances such as side burners, griddles, or deep fryers for added versatility.
Countertops and Preparation Areas: Select durable, weather-resistant materials for your countertops such as granite, stainless steel, concrete, or tile. Incorporate ample countertop space for food preparation, serving, and staging. Include a sink for easy cleaning and food preparation. Buy custom outdoor kitchen in New York.
Storage: Install cabinets, drawers, or shelves to keep your cooking tools, utensils, and supplies organized and protected from the elements. Consider weatherproof storage options or choose materials that can withstand outdoor conditions.
Dining and Seating: Determine the seating and dining area based on your entertaining needs. Options include a dining table, bar counter with stools, or an outdoor kitchen island with seating. Ensure there is enough space for guests to move around comfortably while you're cooking.  
Lighting: Install proper lighting to create a welcoming ambiance and enhance safety during nighttime use. Incorporate a combination of task lighting for food preparation areas and ambient lighting for overall illumination.  
Shelter and Shade: Consider adding a pergola, canopy, or patio umbrella to provide shade and protection from the elements. If you have space and budget, you may also include a roofed structure to create a fully covered outdoor kitchen. Now one can buy outdoor kitchen Long Island at best price.  
Entertainment and Extras: Enhance your outdoor kitchen experience by adding entertainment options such as a weatherproof TV, outdoor speakers, or a built-in sound system. Include features like a mini-fridge, ice maker, or a beverage station to keep drinks easily accessible.  
Landscaping and Aesthetics: Blend your outdoor kitchen with the surrounding landscape by incorporating plants, flowers, or even a herb garden. Choose complementary materials, colors, and styles to create a cohesive and visually appealing outdoor living space.
Remember to consider local building codes, safety regulations, and consult professionals such as contractors, electricians, and plumbers when necessary. Customizing your outdoor kitchen allows you to create a unique space that meets your specific needs and style preferences.
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