Hades /Poseidon x Reader who is in a coma for two years Pt1.
AN: Art doesn't belong to me I found on Pinterest. RoR/SnV doesn't belong to me either I just came up with the story.
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Hades sat in a chair his face forlorn as his lavender eyes traveled to the bed. The sun shone through the curtains yet it did not rouse the one he wanted to see most. On the bed there lay a beautiful woman, her (s/c) skin shimmered in the morning light. Her fairy like smile and features always seemed to brighten his most darkest of days. Gently taking hold of her frail hand he lifted it to his face gently rubbing it against his cheek. "My dear sweet (Y/N) please wake up soon." he murmured.
Lavender eyes closed as they envisioned his lovely spring rubbing her thumbs across his cheek. Opening them again, the King of Helheim brows sank in depression. (Y/n) laid there unmoving, just the sound of her soul breathing was his only response.
A soft whoosh alerted Hades that the two had a visitor. Deft footsteps made their way towards the two rulers. Hades without even looking already knew who it was. Green boots stopped just three steps behind the god. "She's the same the nurses say that her vitals are still stable." Hades told. The god behind him hummed in acknowledgement. "As there been any movement?"
The gods voice was cold yet it held a quiet undertone. Tilting his head back the God of the underworld gazed at his younger brother. "No their has not been any movement from her." notify his brother. The blonde haired god nodded as his blue eyes watched his brother turn back to his wife. While the two men sat in silence another stood in the hallway, her (bf e/c) hues gazed on in sadness. Oh my dear friend, please pull through we all need you here. Big brother still needs you. she prayed.
"Can you believe her?"
The woman' pointed ears pricked at the voice. "I know it's so disgusting." another stated. The woman without turning her head, narrowed her eyes at the two nymphs. "Faking an illness just so she can get attention. How typical." the first one laughed. "Yes, I quite agree. If only that silly flower nymph had added a little more poison then we would've had a chance of taking h-" before anyone of them could finish the deafening sound of the ocean raged outside. The two nymphs huddled together their fearful hues turning to the woman.
Wind blew around (h/l) (h/c) hair, making it appear as if the goddess was in her husband' domain. "You wretches." her voice seething with anger and hatred. The goddess was now fully facing them her fists clenched in a tight fist while the wind that swirled around her grew more violent. Looking behind the oceanic being they could see an armada of salt water crocodiles forming."Prepare to face the wrath of the ocean you mewling quimes!" she yelled.
The two nymphs screamed as they ran. The ocean goddess not far behind began yelling profanities and insults at them while the crocodiles snapped at their feet.
Both Gods turned to the commotion outside. "It seems your wife is as loving as ever to her dear sister in law, isn't she Poseidon." Hades joked. Poseidon made no comment on his brother' remark instead he followed the echoing sounds of chaos and rage.
The king of the underworld laughed in silence but his smile soon shifted into a frown. Veering his attention back to his wife, he softly squeezed her hand. Eyes holding sadness again.
Somewhere else in the halls of Valhalla, the queen of the oceans had cornered the two nymphs. The two dreaded what fate the Queen of the oceans would reign down upon them. The crocodiles inched forward "Cease this pointless squabble."
The great reptilians turned to see there king, "Poseidon why in Valhalla would you order theEE - HEY!" the god of the seas had grabbed (bf Y/n) by one of her shoulders and started dragging her back to the room. "Poseidon what are doing? You dummy!" they exclaimed. The god of gods ignored her as he made the crocodiles disappear back to their homes.
The two nymphs that had cowered in fear where now standing up and smiling in triumph. "My my did you see that?" one asked. The other nodded, "Yes I did. Hey maybe," before she could even finish the floor below them had opened. Screaming the two nymphs fell into the depths of the earth.
Back in his wife' room Hades had threaded his fingers with her own but the loud boom of the earth closing had caused him to look at his brother who had just re-entered the room. He was about to say something when a twitch made him freeze. Hades' lilac eyes held hope as he whipped his head in your direction.
(e/c) orbs gingerly opened as they took in their surroundings. She could hear the one sided argument of her brother and sister in law. Turning their head to the side, she smiled as she lightly gripped the hand in hers. "My love, why the tears?"
The king of the underworld was shedding tears as he gazed at you. Lifting the hand that held yours, he deftly kissed it. Sooner than he could speak he heard a voice behind him. "(Y/NNNN)!" his sister in law zoomed past him and was on the other side of you clutching, as gently as they could, your other hand. Gazing to look at them, you smiled. Big fat tears were rolling down their big (bf e/c) doe eyes.
Smiling even more, you slightly laughed at their behavior. Hades also chuckled at the action but his smile grew more as he leaned into your forehead and kissed it. "Welcome back my lovely (Y/N)."
This is for the sunshine that I follow on this platform. They recently had surgery and Idk why but some people think that she faked it. Well I'm gonna put out my feelings bc I recently lost someone due to cancer. She hid it from us because she didn't want us to worry. I'm still mourning. Also sorry if I made Hades out of character, I mainly write for Poseidon or some other character like him. I hopped you liked it.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Mina today like 😒🙄 anyway as I was saying, I could feel my husband who is Jonathan...
Oh man, imagine how offended she will feel when she eventually reads Van Helsing's memorandum and sees what he thought she was talking about. I don't think she noticed before, especially given how hilariously matter-of-fact she is about sensing Jonathan in this entry. But I can easily see her scoffing and kind of just tossing the memorandum down on the table in disgust at that part. Maybe leaving the room to go give Jonathan a kiss (in front of Van Helsing for extra measure) just because.
About her being so matter-of-fact today... It's funny actually, because when she's had premonitions about his condition despite physical separation in the past (thinking he's not on the water in Whitby, her fear to think of him/certainty he's not in danger soon after they part when hunting Dracula) she sounds a bit uncertain. But on November 5 (since both today and yesterday's entries occurred on that day), perhaps as she feels his presence getting closer, she drops any self-doubt or logical justifying in favor of utmost certainty.
"Let us go to meet my husband who is, I know, coming towards us."
"It was late in the afternoon when the Professor and I took our way towards the east whence I knew Jonathan was coming."
"The two men might be Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris. I knew at all events that neither of them was Jonathan. At the same time I knew that Jonathan was not far off; looking around I saw on the north side of the coming party two other men, riding at break-neck speed. One of them I knew was Jonathan, and the other I took, of course, to be Lord Godalming."
Look at all that knowing! She's not admitting any possibility of doubt at all. It's her husband (who, yes Professor, is of course Jonathan) who she senses and she knows exactly where he's coming from and which one is him. Sure, I guess you could say that she knows he's coming because they're all coming according to the plan, and she could recognize her husband even at such a distance because she knows him so well. But that doesn't really explain her certainty that Jonathan is close even before she sees him, or her consistent focus on only mentioning Jonathan when everyone else is coming towards them too.
And while it's a little less certain, there's even a moment in the middle of the battle where she seems to know he is safe (unlike Quincey sadly):
I should have felt terrible fear at seeing Jonathan in such danger, but that the ardour of battle must have been upon me as well as the rest of them; I felt no fear, but only a wild, surging desire to do something.
She says this just before Jonathan's approach sends the men cowering before him. In my mind it fits well with her certainty that he's in no danger when traveling on the ship, even though as far as they know he might have caught up to Dracula on the river and been in trouble. (In fact, after she says that he has a restful sleep.) It doesn't feel like too far a leap to say that Mina is so tuned in to Jonathan here that she can tell nothing will be happening to him.
If we harken back to early Whitby entries, where Mina woke when Lucy was in danger and felt deep worry about Jonathan, I think it's a lot easier to read as just her being a light sleeper and knowing her friend/husband well enough to tell if someone's off about their behavior or letters. But there's also a possible reading that she has always been a little bit psychic. Maybe she's only really tapped into that power since her attacks, when she was actively trying to use mental powers against Dracula, but at least some of it can be seen as inherently her own, which she's learned to use/trust/strengthen over the course of the book.
(Also, about that last quote - here's a fun theory. Maybe Mina does "do something" here. Maybe she psychically aids Jonathan somehow, helps him bring out the full pissed-off-vampire vibes to stare people down till they literally cannot stand in his way. That could be kind of fun, regardless of whether you assume Jonathan already is supernatural enough himself to do so and she's just helping him make use of it, or if you think she's loaning him some vampyness. ...Actually, I feel like the wafer circle around her should stop her doing any such thing via vampiric methods, so then it would have to be Mina using her normal psychic powers to bring out the full force of Jonathan's Supernatural Weirdness stolen from Dracula in order to protect him. Dunno that I believe it really but it's a cool idea I think.)
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I'm trying to articulate a thought: while a moral reading of a text is necessary and I'd say unavoidable, a judgement of a text cannot begin and end in its value as a didactic piece for teaching morality to the reader (or reinforcing their sense of moral selves).
This doesn't mean people should read books that make apology of things the person finds morally or psychologically repulsive, just because there's some artistic value in them anyways.
But I have seen people for whom reading (and engaging with media in general) becomes a moral race in which their enjoyment of literature must be thoroughly justified by the -often only superficially ascertained- moral value of the themes and lessons of the text, and for whom the things they read are a letter of presentation of the moral principles they spouse.
In other words, instead of the moral principles of the person delineating the framework through which they approach the text, it is a checklist of things the text must explicitly contain in order to be seen as having any worth at all.
Which is a rather sad and superficial way to engage with things.
#Pick say Dracula#to mention a book I disliked#yes part of my dislike is the treatment of Mina's character and also the approach of the lower class characters and the foreigner danger#But also the book has a very strong promising first half that quickly descends into idiot ball convenience so that Mina can get bitten#And it goes downhill from there#I can understand why people enjoy the novel#And also point out the futility and delusion of trying to say that Bram Stoker had a feminist and inclusive perspective of women#The book can be written by an author that doesn't care about women and it bleeds through the text#and you still can derive enjoyment of the interesting concepts characters and dynamics in it#That won't make you a bad person you don't need to force the text into being PureTM#The other way around#yes War and Peace features two adult men falling in love with a young teenage girl and that's yikesy#But it's also a story about how she represents life#and the way their relationship with life creates a contrast and a reflection about the meaning of life and love#Is this a good treatment of Natasha? No!#Does that mean that the whole book is bad because Tolstoy was a bad husband and in general not good to women? Also no!#So yeah it boils down to#you can enjoy quote unquote problematic media and be a good person#Your reading list does not define your morality#The way you engage with the text on the other hand yes can tell things about what you believe and the principles that direct your behavior
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
i’m really shocked that the honeys by ryan la sala didn’t make it anywhere on this year’s awards thing either to be honest.
there was a lot of rave on that front not just in how brilliantly written it was as a horror but because of how amazing of an experience audiobook listeners had while listening to the story, sound effects and all mimicking the hazy reality and crawling atmosphere that the main character, mars, experienced.
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killergee · 3 months
Wrote this on my phone so sorry if the formatting is wonky. First fanfic since I was a teenager, so pls be kind and enjoy!
Soshiro x reader fanfic where you're cold towards him so he thought you hated him but you actually like him.
Summary: Hoshina thinks you're only out for his position but turns out you might not hate him as much as he thinks.
P1 P2 P3
"I am grateful and honoured to be recommended for the position of Vice Captain for the second division. However, I wish to be only Captain Ashiro's Vice Captain. Until then, I am happy to remain a platoon leader."
Those were the first words Hoshina heard you say. The first time he met you was at the higher up conference. It was decided that you would be promoted based on your performance in the latest Kaiju attack. But in all honesty, he was barely paying attention as he stood in his position behind Ashiro at the round table. It was one of those monthly meetings that seemed to drag on and on, and he couldn't help but try to stiffle a yawn. It wasn't like he had a say in the decision anyway, so what's the point of listening.
His interest peaked slightly when you walked in. He had seen you around the base a couple of times and had heard your name every once in a while. But his mind was always on training himself, the rookies, and keeping them alive.
He would be lying if he said you weren't a sight for sore eyes. Your gaze was strong, and you held your head high as you presented yourself to the higherups. One of those ice princesses, he guesses, as he shifts his gaze to look at the clock.
Who would've thought you'd be so interesting.
"HAHAHA! It's great to have aspirations," one of the higher ups laughed at your rejection, "too bad Hoshina has already got you beat. You want us to replace Hoshina with you?" A series of giggles erupted around the room.
"Not at all," you said, and Hoshina swears he saw a small smirk break your cold facade. "Hoshina is a fine Vice Captain and one that Captain Mina personally appointed. Simply put, when the time comes and Captain Ashiro needs someone else, I just want to be ready for the call," you replied with what he thinks is a bit of mirth in your eyes. He also could've sworn your gaze shifted to him at the end.
Your statement was strong, ambitious, and slightly threatening even. You've practically announced that you were out for his position and if he is ever deemed unfit, you'll be the one who'll snag it from him.
He swears that was the moment he was hooked on you.
Yet, it seems it wouldn't be easy to see that break in your facade again. Well, at least not easy for him. Somehow it wasn't until this point that he noticed how popular you were. According to everyone else, you were cool, fun, and kind. So why is it that you're always so cold towards him? He's heard your platoon absolutely gush about you to everyone they've met. He's seen you crack an unwilling smile to some of the younger cadets on the training field from a distance. Hell, he's even eaves dropped on you joking with his own squad.
"Hibino-kun, I heard you wanted to stand beside the Captain," you said slyly as you sat infront of Kafka in the study room. You were resting your head on your hand and eyeing at Kafka in a way that makes even Hoshina gulp. Though, probably in a different way from Kafka. Kafka flushed and tried to look at anywhere but you, "y-yeah I'm gonna try my best to do so... I also heard that you, um, were also aiming for Vice Captain?" He scratched his head a bit embarrassed but you only looked even more amused as your gaze sized him up as if evaluating him and his ambitions.
"That's right" you said with a mischievous smile.
"So I guess that makes us enemies for now, haha"
"No. Not necessarily," you sighed crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward as if to tell Kafka a secret. "You know the saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So you and I are friends."
"And who's the enemy?"
"Hoshina, of course."
Well, isn't that something Hoshina thought. At least Kafka was enjoying himself.
"I guess he is," he said shoulders slumping, finally loosening up and laughing.
"Once he's out of the picture then we'll be enemies and I'm warning you, you don't want to be my enemy," Hoshina heard you joke back.
"Is that so?"
"Vice Captain!" Kafka shouted as he stood up to salute him as Hoshina entered the room. You on the other hand, seemed to be taking your sweet time getting up to salute him.
"Sir," you said flatly, all the humour you once had vanishing. Your eyes bored into his as if you were looking at an ant beneath your boot.
Right. Not easy. Definitely not easy at all.
"Do ya really see me that way y/n-kun?" Hoshina said as he walked to stand infront of you. "Why, you're hurting my lil' ol' feelings."
He knew he was standing closer to you than you'd like. With how your cheek slightly twitched, he can't say he wasn't enjoying this.
"I apologize, sir," you mumbled as if it pained you to say. "If it pains you so much why don't you go on leave? Take as much time as you need to recover."
"Oh? And let you take over my position?" He responded with a growing smile that showed off his fang.
"Or Hibino-kun can," you responded bringing back Hibino into the conversation.
"Um!" Hibino squeaked and both you and Hoshino snap your heads to look at him. "I-I uh... Nevermind."
"That's 5 laps for you, Hibino"
"What? Why I didn-"
"You want to do 10?" Hoshina threatened as a sliver of his eyes opens.
"No, sir!" Hibino salutes before hurrying himself out of the situation—scared he'll upset his vice captain even more.
With only the two of you left in the room, your slight step backwards doesn't go unnoticed by Hoshina.
"And how many laps do you want me to run, sir?" You asked in a way that Hoshina knows that if he were to discipline you, you'd pull your rank and find a way to refuse. Or perhaps you'll do it anyways and exaggerate his cruelty as a Vice Captain. So instead, why not take this opportunity to interrogate you?
"None. Just wanna talk"
"But Hibino-"
"Hibino-kun this Hibino-kun that. Do ya like the guy that much?" Hoshina cuts in, irked in a way he doesn't really understand.
"Negative. Just thought you'd be more fair," you responded flippantly, your eyes sharp and questioning.
"And who says you'll go unpunished?" Your eyes widened at that—but just as quickly as it did—your face returned to its calm and collected facade. Enjoying seeing the briefest crack in your composure, Hoshina started to wonder what else makes you tick and what other expressions can you make.
With a smirk he leaned back and forth on the balls of his feet, his hands clasped behind his back. "Say how long have you been in the force?"
The twitch of your eyebrow tells him you're thinking, what does that have to do with being punished. But you still responded, "six years, sir."
"Ahh so a little bit after me. No wonder. I would've remembered a face like yours in my cadet days." He said with a teasing smile. You seem to freeze a bit at his flirtation and it might be wishful thinking but did he see a small blush? Before he could think about it any further you responded, "yes, how very unfortunate we couldn't have entered the force together. Perhaps things could've been different if I had," insinuating something else.
"You're really out for my blood aren't you y/n-kun?" He chuckled lightly.
"Nope. Not really," you said nonchalantly seemingly finding his shoulder more interesting to look at. Hoshina leaned down to cut your line of sight. Face tilted at an angle, he leaned close to your face to force your eyes on him.
"Hmmm this is no good y/n-kun. We're supposed to be comrades, but where's the comraderie? How can we fight kaiju while bickering?"
"We'll survive," you said exasperated.
"Say, ya know what? I think I've thought of the perfect punishment for ya!" Hoshina exclaimed with an almost boyish excitement. He leaned back against the table and crossed his arms. "Since ya wanna be Vice Captain so bad, for your punishment ya have to follow me 'round and help me out with my duties."
"Like a servant?" You responded bewildered with his idea.
"Servant, slave, Vice Vice Captain. Call it whatever ya want. This way we can form a better relationship, which, hey, will set a great example for the kids," he joked only to be responded with your incredulous face that couldn't even bother to hide your grimace. "If anything, it'll benefit you too since you get to see what I do," he continued, shrugging slightly. "Maybe you can even find all my weaknesses and make a huge list to use against me to get my position," Hoshina chuckled at the thought.
After a beat of silence, Hoshina was moments away from taking it all back when you said, "okay, send me your schedule." This time, it was Hoshina whose eyes widened. He fully expected you to reject it. Hell, he suggested it in the first place because he wanted to see your reaction and how'd you go about rejecting him. Well, things are about to get fun.
His mouth curled into a grin. "Meet me at my office by 7am tomorrow," Hoshina said as he headed out of the room. "Get some rest, you'll need it."
"Whatever you say, your highness, bowlcut motherfucker," he heard you mumble under your breath as the door clicks close behind him.
Oh yea. This will be fun.
It's been three weeks since you've been tasked to follow him around. Three weeks of teasing and getting to know each other. Three weeks of little change in your attitude towards him, Hoshina thinks sadly. He thought that he would've been able to win you over with this extra time together. Yet, it seems that he was the only one being won over.
He couldn't stop himself even if he tried. Your quick and witty comebacks. Your cold phrasing and comments that are unintentionally funny (or perhaps they are intentional and it's just your humour?). Your earnest efforts in completing the ridiculous tasks he's assigned you. The glimmer in your eyes and your attempts to stop a smile when you're trying to pretend he isn't funny. He couldn't help but be drawn towards you—basking in the light that you emit, the light you try to hide behind your cold facade.
He wonders if you could tell. If you noticed the glances he threw your way. If you saw how he lit up when you entered the room. If you could see how distracted he became when you sat and worked beside him. Shoulders only a hair's breath apart. So close that he could only smell your sweet perfume and watch your fingers fiddle with the edge of paper. He always had to stop himself from leaning closer until his nose rested in the crook of your neck—until he could breath you in deeper. Oh how he longed to close his hand over yours so that you could hold onto something more stable than paper. How he wished to distract you the way you distracted him.
Hoshina huffs out a sigh as he walks out of the captains meeting with the other divisions. Ashiro couldn't attend so he went in her stead—much to Captain Narumi's displeasure. He did take you with him hoping that after this maybe he could convince you to get ice cream with him or something on the way back home to base. He can already imagine how bored you were waiting for him and how that might higher your chances of saying yes. He remembers you were talking with some other recruit from the 1st division when he left you in the break room.
The sound of your voice makes him halt a couple of steps infront of the break room.
"Eh? No way you think Captain Narumi is cooler than Captain Ashiro," he hears you argue.
"I'm sorry are your eyes broken or something? He's so hot. You can't compare him to her like that. They're two different kinds of hot" the girl he assumes he saw earlier responds passionately.
"Sure I'll concede to that but not to him being cooler." That's not something Hoshina wanted to hear right after his hours long meeting. Leaning back against the wall beside the slightly opened door, he can't help but feel irked. He couldn't believe he's getting jealous of Ashiro.
"Ugh that's just cuz you haven't seen him up close yet, " the other girl responds. "But hey, at least there's one thing we can agree on."
"And what's that?" You ask and Hoshina can tell your interests has been peaked.
"That Vice Captain Hoshina is the worst of the bunch." Hoshina's eyebrow twitches and he has half a mind go in there and make the recruit do 200 push-ups or try to find Narumi and beat him into a pulp. He doesn't because he was more curious about your response.
"I saw you rolling your eyes at him before the meeting. It must be tough working for him," the recruit continues.
You let out a tired laugh, "oh yeah, he's the worst. He's got me running around like a servant!" You say with a sigh and you lean your head onto your crossed arm on top of the table.
"Really! That's crazy. I just can't get over his bowlcut."
"RIGHT! His stupid bowlcut. His stupid fangs. His stupid cocky attitude..." Alright, well. Hoshina couldn't handle anymore of this. He pushed himself off the wall ready to open the door.
"God, I want him so bad." Huh? Hoshina froze in his steps, eyes wide open. Did he mishear you? He must have misheard you.
"HUH?" The recruit repeats a second later. "But you were just calling his hair stup-"
"It is stupid. He should not look that hot with that hair cut," you ramble on seriously as if in a world of your own.
"Stupid little fangs. I hate the way he uses them to nibble on his lips when he concentrates. Why the fuck does he have fangs?! Is he a vampire? God, it's so distracting." Although you're saying all of this like a rant, Hoshina can't help but overheat in his uniform. Covering half his face with his hand he already knows he's red.
"What? Are we looking at the same person?!" The recruit exclaims exasperated with you.
"I think I'm losing my mind," you say running your hand through your hair trying to soothe yourself. "He's so annoying. Always teasing me and sticking so close to me. God I feel like I'm always a second away from tearing at my hair or tearing that stupid compression shirt off. Any tighter and he won't be able to breath. It's like he's doing it on purpose to show off his abs." Hoshina chokes on his own spit.
"You know what? M-maybe it's cuz you haven't gone on a date in a while. Maybe you just need to get laid." The recruit says with a touch of worry—genuinely trying to find any rhyme or reason to your attraction.
"Ughhhh," you say sliding down your chair. "Maybe you're right, I should get laid." There's a pause before you're suddenly sitting back up straight. You lean towards the recruit across the table, "maybe I'll ask Captain Narumi out."
NO "NO!! He's off limits don't you fucking dare!" The recruit screams standing up abruptedly and slamming her hands onto the table.
By the sounds of your maniacal laughter, Hoshina hopes you're only joking.
"Don't worry," you wheeze out, wiping a tear from your eye. "Your precious Captain is all yours." Hoshina hears the humour and mischief in your voice and he can't help but smile too. From the sound of your voice, he knows you're not done teasing the recruit.
"PLUS-" Ah, there she goes " Vice Captain Hoshina is much much MUCH cooler than Captain Snorumi anyways."
The scandalous gasp does well to hide his own snicker.
"That's just the truth, hun. We all know it," you say matter of factly as you lean back into your seat crossing your arms.
"You can't even compare someone who's only a Vice Captain to a Captain! Captain Narumi climbed the r-"
"Oh is being Captain all it takes to be cool? Well Narumi must've been a drag before he became Captain." You argue back defiantly and cheekily, clearly enjoying this.
"Well swords are powerless against a gun! He can't-"
"And yet he was able to be promoted to Vice Captain with his swords while some of us can't even become a platoon leader with their guns." Both the recruit and Hoshina gasp at that and Hoshina decides to interrupt before the situation escalates further. If only he was a little less responsible. He would've loved to see how far you'd go for him. Oh well, he has all the time in the world to corner you about it.
"Yoohoo! The meetings over y/n-kun- Ah, sorry, was I interrupting something?" He says with a grin as both your heads snap towards him scandalized. Well, the recruit appears to be scandalized. You seem to be mortified.
Your jaw dropped open and the red that was flushing your skin from the tip of your ears all the way down to your neck was so pleasing. To think that you yourself would be the downfall of your cool and collected image amuses Hoshina greatly. He can only stare and admire the mess you've become. Too cute. Way too cute for his heart.
"C-captain!" Your voice cracks. Oh, even cuter. "I uh- I, we were- you didn't interrupt anything at all" you say clearing your throat and trying to regain your composure.
"What's got ya all worked up l/n?" He asks with false innocence as he tilts his head, "were you talking about something you shouldn't be?" He teases with a slight lilt in his voice.
"Of course not!" Growing a shade brighter you add "Sir!" to try to save yourself.
"Well alright then, come on let's go, I'm over this place," Hoshina says nodding his head goodbye at the recruit and exiting the room. He hears you whisper shout your own goodbyes before running to catch up with him. You stop and walk slightly behind him and he can't help but revel in your embarassment. He wonders if he should let you off easy or see how far he can push you...
"So you think my hair is stupid?"
He swears he can hear you internally scream.
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cvnt4him · 10 days
izuku and (large tit⁉️) virgin reader 🙀
maybe he a virgin too, i’ve always guessed he was a dirty dog since junior high, he’s got to have watched porn or smth for a whirl at some point, you see the way he is around girlies
anyways, i love your writing style and energy, will be making many more requests if you would like them !
writing this bc I too suffer with big tiddie-itis. I completely agree with everything you have said and would love for you to come again, ty for the appreciation and i hope you [all] enjoy<3
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Izuku midoriya has always been kind of.... a perv. It wasn't exactly obvious that he was a pervert however, he made damn sure no one knew this little secret about him. However he couldn't keep it from his best friend, his best friend katsuki had always known izuku was a little freak.
Whenever he got yelled at by people he thought was attractive he'd unintentionally pop a boner, whenever someone complimented him, whenever he was too close to a pretty person, it doesn't matter. He was just a natural perv.
Now izuku wouldn't call himself a pervert, just an easily excited person. When izuku got into high school he never intended on befriending the local pervs. Denki kaminari and mineta minoru, they're literally known for being perverted in some way, in denkis case.
When he met you though, for the love of all things good and holy. He couldn't help the way his eyes mercilessly trailed up and down your body. He couldn't hold a conversation with you without his eyes accidentally trailing down to your voluptuous bossom. To him it seemed as if your breasts wanted to be looked at, that they'd wanted to escape your U.A uniform.
The way they bounced when you walked or when you laughed, and oh, when you'd just stand there they seemed as if they were practically bursting from the seams, the buttons were literally trying their hardest just to do their jobs.
Izuku loved being around you. Your company was extremely pleasant to him, you were nice and strong, a caring and giving person. You were just nice all around, he felt so dirty and guilty for looking at your body in such ways..
Imagining all the positions he would put you in just to watch your beautiful big and round boobies just bounce for him. He would stroke his fat leaky cock to the time his shoulder accidentally poked the side of your boob. You acted like it didn't happen but he was a flustered mess, his body, his skin came so close to your, albeit clothed, titties.
Izuku would shove his tie in his mouth while he helplessly squeezed his cock head and fiddled with his balls, pathetic little whimpers leaving his mouth. He was practically drooling from a simple poke to your boob. My goodness, he craves to put his face in them, suffocate beneath them.
You had a crush on izuku for a while now, of course it went unbeknownst to him because he's an oblivious idiot who only really pays attention to himself despite being a very observant and selfless person. When you invited him on a 1 on 1 study sesh in your dorm he was terrified. He didn't know how he could face you after he just milked his cock for all it was worth........
He went anyways.
Izuku could not keep his eyes off of you the entire time, hardly even focusing on the work or what you were saying. You were wearing this absolutely adorable frilly pajama set, he'd heard you when you said it matches the one mina has. He wouldn't mind seeing you both in them together side by side... Wait no! He has to stay focused on the work! That's what you invited him over for!
Not to fantasize about you and your best friend in little to no clothing.......fuck. izuku groaned lowly to himself as he stared at your chest, gulping at how huge they truly were. He wondered how warm they were.. how soft, did you want him to touch them? Did you like them to be touched? Have you ever had anyone touch them before? Have you ever had anyone's cock in betwe——
“ uhm.. izuku? are you uh, alright? you're like kind of red..”
“ huh!? o- oh! yes! haha! I'm fine! ahem..”
Izuku was flustered red and so embarrassed. You'd just caught him looking at your tits... Kind of. It was so embarrassing, devastatingly so he just wanted to be swallowed whole by mother earth herself and be reincarnated as fly. He deserved it.
“ i- I'm sorry... I should g-”
“ I.. didn't mind you looking.... y’know.”
Oh. Izuku turned to face you with a completely red face and those stupid huge puppy dog eyes of his, his breathing was stuttery and he was absolutely petrified. Had he heard right? Did you... Like him staring at your tits?!
Izuku gulped down hard, his eyes accidentally switching fastly between your tits and your face. You giggled which caught hsi attention back to your face completely.
“ I- I, uhm.......what?”
His voice was wavering. Shaky in some sort, he didn't know what to do with this information. You just smiled at him stupidly and that made his cock fill with even more blood. Goodness do you even know what you do to him?!
He's jacked off countless of nights thinking about you and those glorious godforsaken big titties of yours. Squeezing his cock until it cried milking white tears, he'd overstimulate himself thinking about you. You. Now because of you, he had no intentions on holding back.
Izukus lip was shaking, with no second thought he grabbed your hand and walked you to your bed with no words being spoken. He laid you down and gently crawled onto you, his thighs on either side of your body as he leaned down. His lips were right up close to your ear, shaking as much as his breath was. Quivering even.
Izuku noticed the little things. Like for example, how your thighs kept squeezing together each time he spoke to you, he didn't think much of it before. Until just now, you're squeezing your thighs together whilst he's on top of you. He scoffed lightly into your ear and kissed along the shell of it making you jolt lightly.
“ y- you have no idea... How many nights I've touched myself to you... The post nut clarity I had, worried you'd think I'm a disgusting pig when really.... You like it.. you've always liked it. You love when I look at your titties, huh?”
You truly were speechless. Where had that shy little guy gone? Why was he speaking like this? As if you're in the wrong.. he's the one that had been staring at your body in such a disgusting way.
“ I.. uhm...”
The way you couldn't answer him, that did something. It did something bad to him. He bit his lip to muffle the moan that threatened to come from his throat, he ground his growing hard on into your thigh and sucked in sharply at the friction, the stimulation of his clothed cock against your bare thigh.. thin fabric covering his cock from touching your sweet soft angelic skin.
Izuku moved back from your neck and got a good look at you, the way your boobs were splayed out and how huge they looked. They way they spilled it at the top, he couldn't contain the moan this time, his mouth fell open and his eyes slightly rolled at the sight. He groaned and just desperately began humping your thigh, he started speeding up out of no where.
His moans started getting even more whiney and his movements sloppy. He just shoved his face in your boobs while he came, the smell of your lotion and body wash flooding his senses it began to all be too much, he didn't stop rutting into your thigh as he finished, oh no. He kept going, overriding his high and overstimulating himself.
The whine that left him was so adorable and so pornographic, it seemed straight out of a porno. His breaths were quivering and he was mumbling random things whilst whimpering. He was trying his hardest to regain his composure but it was just so hard.. he just came in his pants whilst grinding on you. He's sure it was the most he's ever made...and izuku cums alot.
He lets out a rather long breath before lifting his head to look at you with glossed over eyes. You had a small smile on your lips as you rake your fingers through his hair. A shiver goes down izukus spine as he sighs eyes fluttering shut. This is exactly what he needed to get rid of the upcoming post nut clarity. The fact you held him with no judgement made him feel so...good?
There was no word to describe the way he felt in this given moment. But it was so perfect that he could only whimper in your arms.
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AN: guess who lied ab taking a break from writing? That's right!!!! So erm, this is ass and unfinished. It's a draft that I'm just getting out now instead of actually finishing so, yeah sorry for the disappoint
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elssero · 1 month
so… head?
♰ nsfw/suggestive content, pussy eating, slight angst to smut/fluff with kiri being a d1 eater <3 part1
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you step hurriedly into your apartment and you feel as though you can finally realise the breath it feels like you’ve been holding your entire walk- no run home. you open your phone to find messages from each of them, mina asking where you went and denki excessively apologising asking if he made you uncomfortable. their messages are filled with worry- your not like this, your strong- so strong. if anyone knows how to take a joke it’s you, which is why you running of has them so worried.
you shoot mina quick message- something along the lines of being tired because of work and promising you’ll make it up to them next time, that seems to calm them down a bit.
despite having basically ran the entire way home in nothing but a mini-skirt you still feel hot all over- not a warm hot- no definitely not. you feel hot inside. you decide a cold shower is a definite and you strip as fast as possible, the material of your clothes are sticking to your skin and you need to wash this feeling away immediately.
with the high of drunken state now completely gone you step under the water with a hiss- it’s freezing. that seems to derail your attention long enough for you to shower completely.
settling into your couch in much comfier clothes you pick up your remote and browse through your tv services- trying to find something to take ur mind off whatever the fuck tonight was.
you can’t though- you can’t stop thinking about kiri, and how hot his breathe was against your skin, the look in his eyes when he spoke to you, his voice low- almost desperate. you take a quick peek at your messages- more from mina, photos now of everyone together, without you. a few more from denki, clearly now alot more drunk as he’s slurring even more apologies, he’s blabbering about cancelling the head plan and you can’t help but giggle at his typos. without realising your eyes gravitate towards kiri’s name on your wall of messages- he hasn’t text.
should you feel so disappointed? you knew he was only saying those things because he was drunk- of course he was but that doesn’t stop the little hurt u feel creep up on you when you realise everyone else has messaged you.
you contemplate for a moment- how do you move forward from this? at first glance it could be easy enough, you don’t work at the same agency as kirishima so the only time you see him are during your groups weekly get togethers, you debate in your head for a moment before deciding that you’ll face him when your ready, until then you plan to avoid him. saving both you and him from the embarrassment of having him either a- forget it ever happened or b- have him probably apologise for joking around and tell you he didn’t mean it.
you can’t even decide which option you’d rather- having him forget would mean you would never need to bring it up with him, he could live in blissful ignorance while you take your sweet time getting over it. kirishima is so sweet though, your sure if he remembers tomorrow morning that he’ll attempt to apologise for his attempt to make you feel better- you’d rather he didn’t say anything at all.
you spent your week diving head first into work, hardly giving yourself a moment of rest- you put yourself forward for every patrol shift you can get. upping your daily patrols to minimum 2 a day, sometimes even 3 if your struggling to sleep and decide to take a night shift.
to say your friends are worried about you is an understatement- you’ve never been one to overwork yourself, you always seem to have a perfect balance between your work and person life so to see you completely ignore anything personal has them almost frantic for you.
sero messages your groupchat about plans for friday, he invites everyone up to his place- clearly excited about his new minibar finally being set up. you smile at the message but not respond quite yet. not until you see a message from a certain red head matching his excitement in his own message confirming that he’ll be there this weekend. you frown slightly reading his message- it’s clear he’s talking to everyone else fine so it seems to be just you he hasn’t spoken to all week. you decide not to reply straight away, instead finishing your second patrol of the day in hopes of going straight home to sleep after.
the patrol goes by quickly and suddenly your on your couch again, unable to sleep while endlessly scrolling to try find something to watch. without any luck you open up your messages again to see the rest of your friends all confirming their availability for the friday coming, your frown from earlier re-appearing on your face as you send a quick message to your manager asking them to set up your schedule for you to be out on patrol again on friday night.
you scroll up the chat messages so you can send a direct reply to seros message in the chat inviting you all over- your reply is short and sweet, letting your friends know that you’ve been scheduled for patrol on friday night and are unable to make it this week. you tell them to have a good time without you though! sending the message while you ignore the tight feeling in your chest.
you want more than anything to be with them on friday but you can’t- your not quite ready to face them yet. especially kirishima who you’ve assumed has forgotten about your drunken conversation.
you get a couple pitying messages in the chat- your friends expressing their disappointment at the fact you won’t be there- telling you that they’ll miss you and it won’t quite be the same without you. nothing from kirishima though- you ignore the way your brain immediately picks up that he hasn’t said anything about your absence and decide it’s late enough already, you need some much deserved rest.
the following weeks go by in a blur, you work, you eat and you sleep. your life seems to be moving in a constant wheel of the same activities day after day- your colleagues are now taking notice of your unceasing interest to pick up every shift your offered, your manager even taking a moment to tell you to slow down, you don’t need the extra patrols your doing great on the rankings as it is. you ignore her though, telling her it’s not about the rankings- you just want to work as much as you possibly can so she, against her best wishes schedules you for yet another friday night patrol.
this will be the forth week in a row you’ve missed out on your friends hangouts and you can tell their starting to get increasingly stressed about your constant absence- mina phones you while your in the office to ask where you are, she’s been stood outside your apartment knocking like an idiot. it’s nearly ten pm and she lets out a groan when you tell her your still not home- promising to be back soon.
she’s not there when you arrive home an hour later, you find a message from her almost begging you to talk to her- she’s troubled by your unwillingness to spend time with her and you do your best to soothe her worries- promising to try and make it next week.
your settling down for bed when you hear a knock at your door- it’s nearly twelve at night, who the fuck is at your door so late?? you pray it isn’t mina- not believing in your ability to face her without breaking down, you head to the door anyway.
you open it quickly groaning at the light coming from the hall outside your apartment to be met with none other that eijirou kirishima standing breathless at your door.
your mouth drops quickly before you pull yourself together, you give him a questioning look before finding it in you to speak. “what are you doing here?” it’s not much but it’s all you can muster right now.
“i- “ he doesn’t continue, he looks almost as shocked to see you as you are him, despite him being the one knocking at your door close to midnight. “i had to see you.”
you raise an eyebrow at this- what the fuck is he doing here? in the middle of the night, stood outside your apartment alone.
“right… do you wanna come in?” you don’t want him to come in, infact you would have rathered if he hadn’t came at all but that’s not the situation you’ve found yourself in.
“please.” is all he replies and you look at him a little starstuck, he still sounds breathless- as if he ran here but you let him in despite your worries.
he follows you into your dimly lit apartment- you watch as his eyes dart across the room, stopping quickly at the pile of packaged food wrappers on your kitchen island as a pang of worry hits him even harder. you stay silent as you guide him to your couch and urge him to sit down next to you, taking note of your silence he begins to speak.
“so uh- how have you been recently? haven’t seen you in awhile..” his sentence trails off and you don’t even look at him when you answer with a quiet “i’ve been good.”
“i- okay look. i came here to apologise to you” you turn, looking at him now, this seems to increase his already nervousness- “i think- i think that i made you uncomfortable a couple weeks ago and i just want to apologise-”
“-it’s fine” you cut him off you begin to look away from him again now as you continue, ignoring the knot in your stomach as you realise you had been right- he had just been joking last month. “everyone says things they don’t mean when they’re drunk.” you finish off your sentence and take a quick drink of your water next to you- your mouth is dry.
you snap your head to look at him- your eyes meeting his with an expression you didn’t expect- he’s hurt? confused? your struggling to read him but it’s clear he isn’t happy.
“what the fuck are you talking about?” he continues seeing as you don’t reply to him.
“what?” you answer back- your confused now, your talking about the same night are you not? “i’m talking about at the bar? when you made that joke about eating me out to make me feel better?” your calm. collected. surprisingly so- especially about a topic like this- you say it like it’s nothing. a stricking difference from when you last spoke and you physically ran away from the man infront of you. you’ve had alot of time to think about this situation over the past few weeks and you’ve decided it’s far easier to just ignore the way his words have you warm feeling inside for the sake of your friendship- for the the sake of group.
“i wasn’t joking.”
his eyes don’t leave yours as he replies- he looks even more broken now- “you thought- you thought i was joking?” he’s rushing his words out now, almost as if you can’t hear him.
your eyes blow wide open- your shocked as you look at him and he seems taken back-
“kiri please- i’m fine you don’t have to do this” you stand up now, you attempt to walk away but you don’t make it far as you feel a grip on your wrist as you turn away from him. your spun around quickly now face to face with the red head.
“i wasn’t joking- i wouldn’t joke about something like that-” you hear him- he sounds desperate- your eyes soften for a second as you look him in the eyes.
you take a breath. a slow one. you decide not to respond- not trusting your voice.
“i meant it. every single word.”
you’ve had enough. you’ve fought these feelings for far too long too continue to doubt yourself now. you move faster than you can think as you pull him down to your level by his neck and crash his lips onto yours-
the kiss is fast and passionate he’s pushing back into you now- wrapping his huge arms around your waist pulling you down onto the couch behind him, you rest on him straddling his waist as you push himself further into his mouth. you kiss for a minute- tongues pushing against the other feverishly before he parts from you.
“i can’t believe you thought i was joking. f-fuck when i said id do anything for it i meant it.”
you can’t help the blush that erupts from your face at his words.. your lost for a second before you answer him.
“s’not my fault, it took me by surprise- i’ve never had anyone express interest in that before..” you lean into him again, mouth hovering slightly about his- you can feel his long breaths against your lips as you pause, lips turning up into a slight smirk as you continue- “especially not like that”
he’s looking at you with half lidded eyes again, his current state reminds you of his one in the bar- you feel like an idiot, you can’t believe you didn’t see it then. he wanted you. he so clearly wanted you and you were so wrapped up in your own insecurities that you missed it.
“like what?” his voice even more breathy now- he doesn’t move closer to you but you can feel his breath growing quicker, he’s longing- wishing you’d just close the gap between you and him.
“desperately” is your answer, slow and seductive as you close the distance, pushing your mouth into his without giving him a second to think, he groans at the contact and you let your full weight fall onto his lap as you straddle him properly now- without hovering.
his hands roam the plush of your waist dipping down to your thighs, they’re bigger now that you’ve fully sat down on him and he moans as he squeezes his hands into the fat of them, pulling you closer to the buldge in his pants. you feel it at your core- he’s hung you don’t doubt it for a second as your rock yourself against him- craving some sort of pleasure as he moans into your mouth and breaks the kiss.
“p-please stop that.” he moans it out “if you keep grinding on me like that i won’t be able to do what i really want to.”
your suddenly flipped over, your lying down back against your couch as you use your arms to hoist yourself up as your eyes follow kiris figure, he kisses against the fat on your stomach avoids the material your small sleep shorts.
he ducks his finger under the band and looks up at you- hunger in his eyes. “this is what i really want… if you’ll let me.”
you nod- far too quickly as you mumble an audible yes before you can let your insecurities get the better of you again. he wastes no time pulling down the hem of your shorts- exposing the full view of your pussy to him.
he stalls for a second- just looking before he moves. the second is enough time for you have second thoughts.
they’re quickly shut down when he audibly whines “h-holy fuck baby look at you.” he’s crazy. he must be fucking crazy. “prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen- can’t believe i get to be the first to taste it.”
you don’t have time to be shocked as he dives straight into you and you immediately let out a loud moan, it’s pleasure like nothing you’ve ever felt before. he’s lapping you up like he’s starved, you don’t think you could stop him now even if you wanted too. (which you definitely don’t) he refuses to come up for a breath, he’s taking long fast licks against between your slit before he begins to suck.
that must be it. you think. when women around you talk about how pleasurable getting head is this must be the feeling they talk about. your eyes shut and involuntarily as your hand rushes to grasp the hair on his head- pulling him closer to your core.
he moans into your pussy at the pulling of his hair and you feel it. you feel him fucking moan into your pussy as he drinks you up, you can’t even comprehend how wet you are right now. you’ve never felt this good in your life.
there’s a knot in your stomach you feel getting heavier- you need to realise it- you want it more than anything.
kiri feels as though he may as well be in heaven, he looks up at you for a second and nearly cums right there. your heads thrown back- eyes shut and mouth agape, your panting, making noises that move directly towards his cock. it twitches in his pants again- pre-cum dripping as the already existing wet patch continues to grow.
he needs you- he needs to pull an orgasm from you and he needs to do it soon. your thighs are soft around him, he’s keeping a firm grip on them as he feeds on you, fuck, it’s too much for him-
your in no better position than he is, your gasping for air at this point, paying no mind to the erotic sounds leaving your mouth, all you can do is grind down onto kiris face- chasing the realise.
you find it- it comes fast and hard- you let out a loud moan of his name as you reach your high- legs attempting to clamp shut around kirishima head and he only moans in response to the plush of your lights strangling him.
he waits for a second- let’s you calm down before he manoeuvres you to sit you up straight. your eyes begin to open as you find yourself face to face with an extremely red kirishima- your slick still dripping down his face, he’s smiling at you with nothing but admiration. he picks you up effortlessly and moves you towards your bedroom, he cleans you up and places you under your covers within a few moments, he joins you in bed without changing himself and it reminds you-
“what about you?” your eager- despite your tired state. “don’t worry about me baby” he’s quiet- he sounds nothing but content.
“why not?” your extreme tiredness making you almost delirious.. but you know you want him- to finish at least.
“i kinda- i already kinda came.”
no fucking way.
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this is the longest i’ve written and god did it take FOREVER (maybe a couple of hours)
@von-studios part 2 baby <3
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writeriguess · 24 days
You write for mha??? Wedding day with katsuki x reader pls.
The day had finally arrived.
The air buzzed with a nervous energy that you hadn’t felt before. This was it—the day you and Katsuki Bakugo had been building up to. After all the battles, late nights, and shared dreams, you were about to say “I do” to the explosive hero who stole your heart.
You stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out invisible wrinkles on your wedding attire. Your heartbeat thudded in your chest, a mix of nerves and excitement swirled in your stomach. But beyond all of that, one thing was crystal clear—you couldn’t wait to see Katsuki.
“Stop fussing, you look perfect,” a voice called from behind. You turned to see Mina, a bright smile on her face as she adjusted the flower in your hair. “Bakugo’s gonna lose his mind when he sees you.”
You let out a soft laugh, the tension easing ever so slightly. “Think so?”
“I know so!” she replied with a wink.
The ceremony was set in a garden draped in soft lights and flowers. It was simple but elegant, just as you both wanted. As you made your way down the aisle, all the sights and sounds blurred into the background, leaving only the image of Katsuki at the altar.
He stood there, dressed sharply in a black suit that contrasted against his wild, ash-blond hair. His signature scowl was gone, replaced by an expression so full of emotion it nearly took your breath away. His crimson eyes locked onto yours, softening in a way that only you ever got to see.
When you finally stood in front of him, you couldn’t help but smile at the way his jaw clenched, clearly fighting to keep his emotions in check.
“You look… amazing,” Katsuki muttered, voice hushed as if speaking any louder would make him crack.
Your heart fluttered. “You’re not so bad yourself, Dynamight.”
The ceremony began, but all you could focus on was him—how his hands trembled slightly when he reached out to hold yours, how his gaze never wavered, like you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
When it came time for the vows, you took a deep breath. Words weren’t Katsuki’s strong suit, but you could see the determination in his eyes as he began to speak.
“I ain’t good at all this mushy crap, you already know that,” he started, his voice rough but steady. “But you’re the one person I never wanna lose. I never thought I’d find someone who could put up with all my shit, let alone make me wanna be better. But you did. You do.”
There was a pause as he tightened his grip on your hands. “I’m gonna spend the rest of my life makin’ sure you’re happy, protectin’ you from whatever’s out there. Not ‘cause you need it, but ‘cause that’s what I wanna do. We’re in this together, no matter what.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened. You’d seen Katsuki at his strongest and at his weakest, but this—the honesty and vulnerability he was showing now—made you fall even harder for him.
It was your turn now. You took a shaky breath and met his gaze, speaking from the heart.
“Katsuki, you’ve always been a force—unstoppable, untamable. But you’ve also been my anchor, the one who grounds me when the world feels too chaotic. You push me to be stronger, braver, and even when you’re grumbling and cursing, you love so fiercely. I promise to stand by you, no matter what challenges we face. We’re equals, partners, and I’ll always be here—cheering for you, fighting with you, loving you.”
You could see him swallow hard, his grip tightening again. His eyes were glossy, and you knew he was holding back everything he felt in that moment.
The officiant declared you married, and Katsuki didn’t waste a second. He pulled you into his arms, his lips crashing onto yours with a passion that made the world fade away. It wasn’t soft or delicate—it was pure, unfiltered Katsuki, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
As you pulled back, he leaned his forehead against yours, his voice barely a whisper. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. Got it?”
“Forever,” you whispered back.
The night that followed was filled with laughter, dancing, and a warmth that wrapped around you both like a blanket. You caught Katsuki staring at you more than once, that small, secret smile playing at his lips.
And as you shared your first dance together, with the soft hum of music and the glow of the lights around you, you realized that this was just the beginning. No matter what came next, as long as you had Katsuki by your side, everything would be alright.
Because in his own explosive, stubborn way, Katsuki Bakugo loved you—and that was more than enough to make this life perfect.
Requests are open.
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nyarumie · 2 months
What if Soshiro's girlfriend was nice to Weapon 10 because it saved his life and instead of being flustered 10 also start liking her and now Soshiro feels like he has to share his gf with the suit!!
A small continuation to 'Suit Anomaly', based from this ask! (Click here for Part 3)
Author's Reply: Hi, Anon! This sounds adorable! His gf's semi rude attitude towards No. 10 was because of the injuries Soshiro got from their fight, but she's not a totally cold person so I can see this happening! I shall do my best ♡
Requests and messages are welcome on my ask box! I can also write for Narumi and Mina (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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Just a few weeks after the nationwide cataclysm orchestrated by Kaiju No. 9, you once again found yourself standing in the very same training facility right after a small kaiju attack from the previous day. This time, you’re equipped with your own numbers weapon just in case it goes haywire after all the damage it sustained.
“How does it feel?” you ask him.
“Still as uncomfortable as ever,” he said. “Can’t say this thing’s more tame now, it’s as battle hungry as always; but it kinda listens to me and has a l’il bit of common sense now.”
You snort, hearing No. 10 roar an “Are you saying I’m stupid?!” at him.
Knowing him, Soshiro just refuses to tell the truth: He’s grown comfortable wearing his numbered suit, despite the strain it deals on his body. It’s particularly crazy how he’s able to wear it and fight using it again just after a few days of being discharged from the medbay—any normal officer wouldn’t be able to walk after that destructive fight.
"Hmm… You both did well in yesterday's fight," you started, followed with a sigh, "But you didn't need to go all-out at all. They were just small fry!"
Soshiro comically scratched his head, "No offense sweetie, but I think you're just upset you didn't get to kill one yesterday. This guy wanted to wipe 'em all out for ya. Some kind of thanks for actively watchin' over the suit's repair."
"I didn't say anything like that!" it complained.
Soshiro crossed his arms and complained, "Ya keep dragging me to her area! Told ya she's as strong as we are, but you kept screaming at me saying somethin' like 'Oi, Hoshina! Ain't you gonna protect your little foul mouthed girlfriend?!'"
"Stop lying! I just wanted to get a higher kill count; you're being too lousy in battle!"
'Ah… compatibility aside, the arguments aren't stopping soon.' you thought.
You cleared your throat, getting their attention back to you. "If that's the case, then I extend my deepest gratitude to you both—but you don't have to worry about me!"
Proceeding to closely inspect the suit, you went down on one knee and thoroughly observed its tail, which had been severed during their fight with Kaiju no. 12. You started caressing it, seemingly deep in thought.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I told you I'm not a pet!"
Soshiro just quietly observed the scene, curious at your actions.
Going to stand in front of Soshiro again, you bent your upper body forward to meet the Kaiju's eye.
For the first time since he's donned this suit, you gave it a sincere smile. "I give you my deepest thanks for protecting Soshiro. You did well."
After a minute of solid silence, the tail started aggressively swaying around and a frantic scream from Okonogi caught yours and Soshiro's attention.
"Vice Captain! Platoon Leader! I advise you to end the monitoring session—the suit's rapidly overheating for no reason!"
Soshiro started pulling the tail, trying to get it to behave. "You cyclops! Keep still! My girlfriend's not flirtin' with ya, not with a Kaiju!"
"Cyclops?! I'm not even doing anything, bowlcut bastard!"
As you laugh at the entertainment in front of you, the Kaiju detection alarm goes off.
"Let's go. Make sure you let me kill some today, alright?" you said, mood heightened.
That being said…
In the midst of the battle, it took Soshiro a great deal of strength just to stop the Kaiju suit from rushing towards your aid.
The both of them started arguing again after the fight, as Soshiro saw how its tail was subtly waving when you approached them, as if asking to be caressed again.
"Ya don't get to ask my girlfriend to touch yer tail! I'm not sharin' her with you!"
"I didn't ask her anything! And would you look at that, she's already touching it!"
With a pout akin to that of a child getting their lollipop stolen, Soshiro said, "Dear, ya don't have to do that! I'm right here!"
You giggled, wanting to tease him a bit. "And I can see you well enough, 'Shiro. You'll get your kisses later, yeah?"
He groaned, continuing their seemingly never-ending argument.
Oh, you can get used to this.
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chiyuuchu · 2 months
Can u do a bakugou best friend with reader (but he likes her….)
I. so close yet so far <3 (5th August 2024)
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Prompt! The all time favorite of best friends to lovers trope
a/n my first ever ask! I’m so happy!!
second part here!
Bakugou Katsuki had known Y/N since they were kids. They had grown up together, attended the same schools, and now, they were both students at U.A. High. Their bond was strong, forged through countless shared experiences, secrets, and laughter. Y/N was bubbly, carefree, and had a quirk that matched her personality perfectly—Bubble. She could create bubbles that could either imprison people or objects or explode with a force that rivaled Bakugou’s own explosive quirk.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was intense, driven, and fiercely protective of Y/N. Somewhere along the way, his feelings for her had evolved from mere friendship to something deeper. But he kept these feelings buried, afraid that confessing might ruin the perfect relationship they already had.
Their classmates often saw them together, and it wasn't long before they started to notice Bakugou's subtle affections.
"Dude, have you ever noticed how Bakugou is always with Y/N?" Kaminari whispered to Kirishima one day during lunch.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty obvious he's got a thing for her. But I don't think Y/N has a clue."
"Well, they're best friends," Mina added, joining the conversation. "But do best friends really sleep together all the time and share clothes?"
The trio watched as Y/N bounced over to Bakugou, wearing one of his old t-shirts. She greeted him with a bright smile, and he responded with a rare, genuine smile of his own.
As the days passed, Bakugou’s friends became more convinced that he had feelings for Y/N. They decided to subtly encourage him to confess, but Bakugou was torn. He valued their friendship too much to risk losing it.
One evening, the Bakusquad was hanging out in the common room, and the conversation turned to relationships.
"Bakugou, do you like anyone?" Mina asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bakugou scoffed. "None of your business, Pinky."
Kirishima nudged him playfully. "Come on, man. You can tell us. We’re your friends."
Bakugou hesitated, glancing at Y/N, who was laughing with Jirou across the room. He sighed internally, feeling the weight of his secret crush.
"It's complicated," he muttered. "I don't want to mess things up."
Kaminari leaned in, whispering, "But do you really think Y/N doesn't feel the same way? She spends so much time with you. Maybe she’s just waiting for you to make the first move."
Bakugou clenched his fists, frustration boiling inside him. He knew his friends were right, but the fear of ruining their friendship held him back.
Later that night, Bakugou found himself outside Y/N's dorm room. She opened the door, her face lighting up when she saw him.
"Hey, Katsuki! What’s up?"
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."
Y/N’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of concern. "Is everything okay?"
Bakugou took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "Yeah, it’s just... I need to tell you something important."
Y/N sat down on her bed, patting the spot next to her. "Okay, I’m listening."
Bakugou sat down, struggling to find the right words. "We've been best friends for a long time, right?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Of course. You’re my best friend, Katsuki."
He looked into her eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and hope. "Yeah, and that's the problem. I don’t want to mess things up."
Y/N looked confused. "Mess things up? What do you mean?"
Bakugou glanced around the room, feeling the pressure build. He had the perfect opportunity, but his nerves got the best of him.
"I... I just wanted to say thanks. For always being there for me," he said quickly, standing up. "You know, I don’t say it enough."
Y/N smiled, relief washing over her face. "Oh, Katsuki. You know I'll always be here for you. You don’t have to thank me."
Bakugou nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Yeah, well... I should get going. Training and all."
Y/N stood up, giving him a quick hug. "Take care, Katsuki."
He left her room, cursing himself for not taking the chance. But as he walked back to his own dorm, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had made the right choice. For now, their friendship would remain as it was—strong, unbroken, and precious.
Late at night in the quiet of the U.A. dorms, Bakugou Katsuki lay in his bed, drifting between sleep and wakefulness. The room was dark, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Just as he was about to slip into a deeper sleep, he heard a soft knock on his door.
"Katsuki?" came a trembling voice from the other side. "Are you awake?"
Bakugou immediately recognized the voice. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, come in."
The door creaked open, revealing Y/N standing there with a worried expression. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, closing the door behind her.
"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I... I had a nightmare," Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn’t want to be alone."
Bakugou's heart softened. He patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here."
Y/N walked over and climbed into his bed, nestling close to him. Bakugou wrapped his arms around her, holding her gently. He could feel her trembling, her breath shaky.
"You're safe now," he murmured, stroking her hair. "It was just a dream."
Y/N nodded, taking comfort in his presence. "Thank you, Katsuki. You're always here for me."
Bakugou tightened his hold on her, trying to ignore the pang of longing in his chest. "Of course, I am. I'll always be here for you."
Y/N snuggled closer, her breathing slowly evening out. "You're the best friend ever, Katsuki. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Bakugou forced a smile, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah... best friend."
As Y/N drifted back to sleep, Bakugou stared at the ceiling, his mind racing. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how his feelings for her went far beyond friendship. But as he held her close, he realized that, for now, just being there for her was enough.
"Sleep well, Y/N," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'll always protect you."
Bakugou stood at the edge of the training field, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Y/N and Uraraka spar. Y/N’s quirk, Bubble Burst, created shimmering, iridescent bubbles that floated around her, each one capable of popping into small explosions or trapping her opponent. Uraraka was giving it her all, using her Zero Gravity quirk to dodge and counter, but it was clear Y/N was holding her own.
Bakugou's eyes never left Y/N. He watched as she skillfully manipulated her bubbles, creating an almost mesmerizing display of light and color. Her face was lit up with determination, her movements fluid and confident. She was strong, capable, and everything he admired in a hero.
Yet, despite the pride swelling in his chest, there was an ache deep inside him. She was right there, so close, yet she felt so far out of reach. Every time she laughed or smiled, he felt his heart clench with the weight of unspoken words.
Uraraka managed to float over a particularly large bubble, giving Y/N a playful grin. "You're really good at this, Y/N! I can barely keep up!"
Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Ochaco! You've gotten faster too!"
Bakugou clenched his fists, trying to suppress the torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He wanted to be the one sparring with her, the one making her laugh, the one she turned to when she needed support. But every time he thought about telling her how he felt, the fear of ruining what they had held him back.
He watched as Y/N created a series of bubbles that surrounded Uraraka, who quickly floated out of their reach, laughing. Y/N’s expression was one of pure joy and concentration, and it took everything in Bakugou to not march over there and pull her into his arms.
"Hey, Bakugou!" Kirishima called from behind him, pulling him out of his thoughts. "You okay? You've been staring pretty hard."
Bakugou turned to face his friend, his usual scowl in place. "I'm fine, idiot. Just making sure they’re training right."
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, but didn’t press the issue. "Alright, if you say so. Wanna join in?"
Bakugou shook his head. "Not right now."
As Kirishima walked away, Bakugou turned his attention back to Y/N. She was closer now, laughing with Uraraka as they took a break from sparring. Her laughter was like a melody he could never tire of, and her smile was the light in his often-dark world.
All he ever wanted was right in front of him, yet he couldn’t bring himself to reach out and take it. The distance between them wasn’t measured in steps, but in unspoken words and unshared feelings.
One day, maybe, he’d find the courage to bridge that gap. But for now, he would remain where he was, watching her from afar, content with the knowledge that she was happy.
Even if it meant his own heart ached with the weight of longing.
The semester break had finally arrived, and Y/N found herself at the Bakugou residence, a place that felt like a second home. Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mother, greeted her with a warm hug as she walked through the door.
“Y/N! It’s been too long!” Mitsuki beamed. “Come in, come in! We’re just setting the table for dinner.”
Y/N smiled, feeling the familiar comfort of the Bakugou household. “Thank you, Mitsuki. It’s great to be here.”
Katsuki’s father, Masaru, gave her a gentle nod as she entered the dining room. “Welcome, Y/N. It’s always a pleasure to have you here.”
Dinner was lively, filled with laughter and reminiscing about old times. Mitsuki loved teasing Katsuki, and tonight was no different. As they finished their meal and settled into the living room, Mitsuki’s curiosity got the better of her.
“So, Y/N,” Mitsuki began with a mischievous grin, “have you got any crushes at school?”
Y/N blushed, shaking her head. “No, not really. I’m not interested in anyone right now. I’m happy just having Katsuki around.”
Katsuki, who was sipping his drink, nearly choked. He tried to hide his flustered reaction, but his reddening ears gave him away. Mitsuki laughed, patting Y/N on the back.
“That’s sweet,” she said. “You two have always been close.”
Later that night, after the lights were dimmed and the house had settled into a comfortable silence, Katsuki found himself wide awake. Y/N was fast asleep in his bed, and he couldn’t stop thinking about his feelings for her. He slipped out of the room quietly, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water, only to find his father there, sipping tea at the table.
“Can’t sleep?” Masaru asked, looking up at his son.
Katsuki sighed, sitting down across from him. “Yeah, something like that.”
Masaru took another sip of his tea before speaking. “You know, Katsuki, it’s clear you care about Y/N a lot. If you really like her, you should tell her.”
Katsuki looked away, his fists clenching slightly. “What if she doesn’t feel the same? I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
Masaru gave him a gentle, understanding look. “You can’t control her feelings, son. But you owe it to yourself to be honest. If she doesn’t feel the same way, she won’t abandon you. You’ve been friends for too long. She values you, just as you value her.”
Katsuki sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just... hard.”
“I know it is,” Masaru said softly. “But you’re strong, Katsuki. And no matter what happens, you’ll get through it.”
Katsuki nodded, feeling a bit more resolved. “Thanks, Dad.”
As he headed back to his room, he paused at the door, watching Y/N sleep peacefully in his bed. He knew he needed to tell her how he felt, but for now, he was content to let her rest, to savor these quiet moments of just being close.
He climbed back into bed carefully, lying down beside her. As he watched her breathe softly, he thought about his father’s words. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her. But for now, he’d cherish what they had, hoping that when the time came, he’d be ready to take that leap.
Late one evening, Bakugou lay sprawled on his bed, absently scrolling through the 1A group chat. His thumb paused over a string of messages from the girls:
Ochaco: "Did you hear? Some guy from Class 1B asked Y/N out!"
Mina: "Omg, I know! Do you think she went?"
Jirou: "She didn't mention anything to me. Maybe she kept it a secret."
Hagakure: "Why would she keep it a secret? This is huge news!"
Bakugou's grip tightened on his phone. Why hadn't Y/N told him? They always shared everything. Well, almost everything. His mind raced, picturing Y/N on a date with some random guy. The thought gnawed at him, unsettling him in ways he couldn't quite understand.
He tossed his phone aside and lay back, glaring at the ceiling. "Stupid," he muttered under his breath, reaching for his headphones and queuing up his playlist of intense, brooding music. As the heavy beats filled his ears, he tried to drown out his thoughts, but they only grew louder, replaying every interaction he'd had with Y/N over the years.
Hours later, just as he was about to drift into a fitful sleep, his door burst open. Y/N stood there, slightly out of breath, a puzzled look on her face.
"Katsuki, what's wrong? Why are you listening to this... emo music?" she asked, stepping into his room.
He sat up abruptly, pulling off his headphones. "How was your date?" he blurted out, his tone sharper than he intended.
Y/N blinked, clearly taken aback. "Date? What are you talking about?"
"The guy from Class 1B," Bakugou said, trying to keep his voice steady. "You know, the one who asked you out."
Y/N tilted her head, genuinely confused. "Oh, that. I didn't go."
Bakugou shot up from his bed, his shock evident. "Why not?"
She shrugged casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I don't know. It's hard to find someone compatible with me, I guess."
Bakugou stared at her, his emotions a whirlwind of relief and confusion. "You... didn't want to go?"
Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Nope. I'd rather spend my time with people I care about. Like you."
Bakugou felt a weight lift off his chest, but he couldn't let his guard down completely. He scoffed, trying to mask his relief. "You're such a pain, you know that?"
Y/N laughed, moving closer and plopping down on the edge of his bed. "Yeah, but you wouldn't have it any other way."
He couldn't help but smirk, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't keep stuff from me, okay?"
She nodded, her eyes sincere. "Promise."
As they settled into a comfortable silence, Bakugou felt a newfound sense of hope. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her how he really felt. But for now, he was content to just have her by his side.
The next day, Bakugou found himself sitting with the Bakusquad in the common room. Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Jirou were lounging around, chatting about their latest training sessions. But as soon as Bakugou entered the room, their attention shifted.
Kirishima grinned, nudging Bakugou with his elbow. "Hey, man. How’s it going with Y/N?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "We're best friends, nothing more. It can't go anywhere."
The group exchanged concerned glances. Mina was the first to speak up, her tone gentle but firm. "Dude, since nobody is gonna say it then I will. You do realise that best friends don’t casually do the things you two do."
Kaminari nodded in agreement. "Yeah, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, spending every second together…"
Sero raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "You two are practically inseparable."
Jirou leaned forward, her expression serious. "Have you ever considered that maybe she feels the same way about you?"
Bakugou's eyes narrowed. "We’re just best friends. She said she’s not interested in anyone."
Mina sighed, crossing her arms. "People don’t just do all those things with someone they don’t have feelings for. You’re special to her, Bakugou."
Kirishima put a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, his voice earnest. "You need to be honest with yourself, man. Don’t let fear hold you back."
Bakugou stared at his friends, their words swirling in his mind. He knew they were right, but the fear of losing Y/N’s friendship if she didn’t feel the same way was too much to bear.
"We’ve been best friends our whole lives," Bakugou muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t want to ruin that."
Jirou gave him a sympathetic look. "But what if you’re missing out on something even better?"
The room fell silent as Bakugou contemplated their words. He knew he needed to figure this out, for his sake and Y/N’s. But for now, he would have to gather the courage to take that first step.
The dorms were buzzing with excitement as the girls of Class 1-A gathered for a girls' night. Mina, Jirou, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Hagakure, and Y/N were settled in Y/N’s room, surrounded by snacks, blankets, and the latest gossip.
After a lot of giggling and chatting about their latest adventures and crushes, Mina leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Y/N, do you like anyone?"
Y/N shook her head, smiling softly. "I’m not really interested in dating right now. I’m fine with just having my best friend, Bakugou."
Jirou raised an eyebrow. "Really? No one has caught your eye?"
Y/N shrugged. "It’s hard to find someone who’s the same standard as him. He’s...special."
Mina exchanged a knowing look with Jirou before asking, "Why not just go for Bakugou then?"
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "We’re just best friends."
Before she could say anything else, Hagakure chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity. "But best friends don’t usually do what you two do. You know, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, and more things I could add to the list."
Ochaco nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it sounds like there's more there than just friendship."
Tsuyu added, "Maybe what you’ve been looking for is right beside you."
Y/N blinked, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I... I never really thought about it like that."
Y/N found herself unable to focus. The words from last night’s conversation with the girls echoed in her mind. She sat on the sidelines, watching Bakugou spar with Kirishima. His movements were precise, his strength and determination evident in every punch and kick. She couldn't help but notice how well they complemented each other, how perfect he seemed.
As she watched, she found herself checking him out, admiring his toned muscles and the intensity in his eyes. A blush crept up her cheeks as she realized she was thinking about Bakugou in a way she never had before.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Izuku approaching until he spoke. "Y/N, are you okay?"
Startled, she jumped slightly and turned to face him. "Oh, Izuku! You scared me." Izuku Midoriya was another one of her childhood friends whom she grew up with along with Bakugou.
Izuku gave her a concerned look. "Sorry about that. You seemed really deep in thought. Is everything alright?"
Y/N nodded, trying to shake off her flustered state. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just...thinking."
Izuku raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was still sparring with Kirishima, and sighed. "Just...stuff."
Izuku followed her gaze and then looked back at her, a knowing smile forming on his lips. "Does this 'stuff' have anything to do with Kacchan?"
Y/N’s blush deepened, and she looked away. "Maybe."
Izuku chuckled softly. "You know, you two have always had something special. Maybe it’s time you both saw it too."
Izuku’s smile grew softer as he noticed Y/N’s reaction. “You know, Kacchan always been fond of you,” he said casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Izuku looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “I’ve known you both for a long time, and I’ve seen how he’s always been there for you. Even when we were kids, he would get really protective of you. It’s like he always wanted to make sure you were safe and happy.”
Y/N blinked, absorbing his words. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Izuku nodded. “He never says much about his feelings, but he’s always been the first one to help when you needed it. He just never lets his guard down, so it’s easy to miss. But I’ve noticed.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered at the thought. “I had no idea. I always thought he was just being his usual abrasive self.”
Izuku chuckled. “That’s his way of showing he cares. He might act tough, but he’s got a big heart, especially when it comes to you. You’ve always been important to him.”
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was finishing up his sparring match. Her thoughts were racing, piecing together the moments they had shared over the years in a new light. “Maybe I should talk to him.”
Izuku smiled encouragingly. “I think that’s a good idea. Just remember, it’s okay to be open about your feelings too.”
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Thanks, Izuku. I’ll think about it.”
Izuku gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Anytime. Good luck.”
As the days went by, the rest of Class 1-A couldn’t help but notice Y/N’s noticeably different behavior around Bakugou. It started subtly but quickly became apparent to everyone.
Mina, always quick to pick up on changes, nudged Kirishima during lunch. “Hey, have you noticed Y/N and Bakugou lately?”
Kirishima glanced over at the two. Y/N was laughing at something Bakugou said, a genuine, warm smile on her face. Bakugou, for once, seemed less gruff and more at ease. “Yeah, I see what you mean. They’ve been talking a lot more and… she looks really happy around him.”
Jirou, who was sitting nearby with her headphones around her neck, added, “I noticed that too. Y/N’s always been close with Bakugou, but recently, it’s like she’s more… attentive? I don’t know how to describe it.”
Hagakure, who was peering curiously from behind a book, chimed in, “And Bakugou’s not being his usual loud self around her. He’s actually listening to what she says and even laughing.”
Momo, who had been quietly observing, nodded thoughtfully. “It’s as if there’s a new dynamic between them. I wonder if something happened?”
As they continued to discuss, Y/N and Bakugou finished their conversation and walked toward their seats. Y/N’s face was slightly flushed, and Bakugou had a rare, relaxed smile.
Mina leaned over to Kirishima. “I bet something’s going on. We should find out what’s up.”
Kirishima grinned. “Definitely. It looks like our two friends might be getting closer. And judging by the way they’re acting, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something more going on.”
Jirou laughed softly. “I think you’re right. It’s about time they figured it out.”
As Y/N and Bakugou settled into their seats, the rest of Class 1-A exchanged knowing glances, eager to see where this new development would lead.
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sugarlywhispers · 3 months
Bakugou Katsuki is known for being a man with character, with a strong personality. A man that looks menacingly and fucking scary. Everybody knows that he isn't a man that you would want to have problems with –villains literally shit their pants every time the name Dynamight is pronounced. He is fucking terrifying when he gets mad and angry. Even his own hero colleagues and friends know that.
Some people thought that Katsuki needed a woman who was different from him. Like someone more easy going and friendly. Someone who denoted more brightness than him.
And you are exactly that. You two look so different sometimes that people don't understand how you two work things out. But what people don't know –but Katsuki does, perfectly well– is that inside you hides a person even more scary than Bakugou Katsuki could ever be.
And so there all his hero friends are, standing freeze and looking gobsmacked at how you angrily yell to a man at the restaurant all of you were about to leave. Katsuki doesn't know exactly why you are screaming so pissed off at that man, but he thinks that if you are that upset, it surely means that it is something bad. Which also means that the man probably deserves it. You know how to defend yourself, and Katsuki is fucking proud of that.
“Are you really not going to interfere?” Asks Kirishima, looking surprised and a little worried at the same time. Bakugou shakes his head smiling.
He completely loves when you show that side of yours; it is actually the very big thing he loves about you the most and one of the reasons he fell for you in the first place.
“But… I-I don't get it. What happened to our little princess?” Katsuki can't avoid laughing at Mina's words. They really don't know you the way Katsuki does.
“Was it something on the food?” Kaminari asks, kind of like hiding behind Todoroki, the latter watching the altercation with big surprised eyes.
“He wished that was the reason,” says Sero when he comes back from where you are standing, still yelling at the man. “He was selling information about us, and our whereabouts. Apparently, the idiot also took some pictures and was selling them too.”
Katsuki crosses his arms over his chest and grins. So that is why you are that pissed... You are defending him and his friends.
Fucking cute, is what you are.
All of them look at Bakugou dumbfounded. And him? Well, Katsuki looks fucking proud of you.
“Go home, guys. This may take a while,” he says, not taking his eyes out of your still yelling little form.
“Are you sure? Don’t you want us to stay and help you ease things down? She looks pretty… upset,” Deku says sincerely, even though he looks kind of afraid of you. HA. Not even fucking Pro Hero Number 1, Deku, is immune to your terrifying side.
Everyone is a little afraid, and Katsuki smiles proudly at that.
“Nah, I can handle it. I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
Everyone says their goodbyes leaving him standing there in silence, watching you proudly and with amusement.
It took almost half an hour later until you released all your anger in the form of words to the man. With one last not so pretty word to him, you turn around and walk to your waiting boyfriend.
Katsuki's smile is so freaking big, you think it may break the skin of his cheeks. “Finished already? I thought it would take longer than that…”
“Did you know what he was do-ing…” You start a bit heated, but his arms surrounding you by the waist and pulling you to his chest calms you down immediately.
Even though you don't quite finish the sentence, Katsuki already knows what you are talking about, “Yeah, Sero told us what happened.”
He rocks your bodies slightly from side to side, hands caressing your back in a comfort, soothing touch. You don't understand what or why he is doing it, but you aren't complaining either. You love being in his arms.
And Katsuki loves the way he can calm you down just with one touch from him –just as fast as he does when you hold him.
He hugs you tightly and then kisses your forehead, hanging his lips there for a moment.
You snort, a delicate amused breath that collides with his neck and makes his body tingle.
“What is this? A kiss to calm the beast?”
He chuckles, “It's a kiss that shows how much I love you.”
And that shows how proud he is that you are as scary as him. Or even more than him.
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a.n; lol this is actually something that happened to me once.. i'm suuuuuuuuch a short tempered minion sometimes it even pisses me off LMAO and then i have the audacity to question why i have favs like bakugou and sanemi oops>.<
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btsugarush · 10 months
GANGSTA | myg - 004
summary: rough sex, blood money, drugs, and gang related activity; four things you never predicted to experience in your simple life. not until you opened your mouth and caught his attention.
pairings: gang leader!yoongi x f!reader
warnings: smut, gunplay, drugs, drug addiction, dark!yoongi, drug lord!yoongi, strong language, gang violence, blood and gore, murder, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behavior, abuse, cheating, angst, fluff, dubcon, implied noncon (not from yoongi but within his gang with his knowledge), 18+, minors dni.
word count: 3.5K
authors note: yes, it is here. it only took me 76 years lmao. y’all best give me all the love since y’all wanted to be on my ass about this mf. anyway, enjoy the drama. also this was prewritren with the tags a long time ago so if you no longer wanted to be tagged or if you’re new and wanted to be tagged i’m sorry. the taglist got full but i try to switch out who i tag every chapter.
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“Now, are you sure you’re okay? I can personally file a report for you.” Mr. Kim asked for the 6th time. You roll your eyes, fed up with the badgering. You didn’t understand why he cared so much anyway. He was the one that refused to listen to you when you tried to explain why it wouldn’t be a great idea for you to deliver in Gongdan.
You didn’t go into detail about the assault, or even bother to mention Yoongi being the reason it didn’t escalate. You simply just stated to him that you were attacked and managed to slip free.
Luckily for you though, the old man’s guilt for the attack led him to giving you the rest of the day off and you snatched that offer up immediately. Not like he needed your assistance, seeing as the restaurant was practically dead with only about 4 customers. “I’m fine, Mr. Kim. I promise.” You assure him one last time. “Alright then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” You exit the shop, the door dinging as you do. You spot Mina’s car sitting in front of the restaurant, and she smiles cheerfully as you climb inside. “Hey. Thanks for picking me up so early.” You sigh, buckling your seatbelt. “No problem… But why am I picking you up so early? And…” she leans forward, peaking at your ripped shirt. “Why is your shirt ripped?”
You scratch your head, the thought of explaining the situation to Mina made your brain itch. “I had to deliver at the Devil’s playground again, and got attacked.” You kept it short and sweet. Mina’s eyes widened in shock. “What?! Was it that Yoongi guy again?!”
You shake your head. “It wasn’t him, it was this group of guys. Yoongi was actually the one that saved me…” you twiddle with your fingers as your mind wanders about the raven. Mina arches a brow at the gentleness in your voice. “He saved you?” You nod slowly in response. “My god, what does he expect from you now? Sexual favors?”
Of course Mina has to be the most dramatic and think the worst possible thought of everything. “No, he didn’t ask me for any favors. Which I guess is surprising for someone with his track record.” You admit, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. Mina starts up the car, finally moving from the restaurant premises. “Please don’t tell me you’re buddy buddy with that thug now?”
You scoff, letting your eyes roll back. “Of course not! The guy is a criminal, and stalker. I’d never befriend him,” You argue, crossing your arms. Yoongi may have saved you, but you weren’t swayed by his heroic charm. “Anyway, enough about me and my shitty day, it’s too traumatic to talk about. Did you have a talk with Jin like I suggested?” You change the subject. Mina’s face drops at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. “Yeah, we talked for about 2 minutes before it all blew up. Now we’re not on speaking terms,” She sighs. “I think maybe I should break up with him…”
You frown. ‘There she goes being the most dramatic again…’
“Mina, don’t be so damn hasty all the time.” You try to reason with the blonde. “I’m not!” She defended herself. “I’m just tired, y/n. I’m tired of trying to figure him out. I’d rather break up with him before he breaks up with me.”
Mina had never been the girl to get her heart broken. In high school she was the one always doing the heart breaking, so you could tell that it genuinely killed her to love someone as much as she loved Jin, and not know where his head was at regarding their relationship. “I don’t know, Mina… I just know if I was in your shoes with Kookie, I’d try to work things out before I think of the worst possible outcome.”
Mina pouts, but she doesn’t continue to speak. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, you were right. She shouldn’t just jump the gun and break up with Jin. Although he was acting strangely and it was confusing the hell out of her. “You know… I’m jealous of your relationship with Kookie.” She suddenly blurts, causing you to turn to her with a raised brow. “Huh?”
“I’m jealous,” she repeats. “Of you and Jungkook.”
You tilt your head to the side, your eyebrows now scrunched in curiosity. “Why?”
Mina simply shrugs, sitting quietly for a couple of minutes before answering. “You two match, and have an unbeatable connection. You started off as best friends, which played in your favor. I met Jin in the hospital because he had a broken arm. We don’t have the history you and Jungkook have.”
You smile at the compliment towards your relationship, but quickly shake your head. “History isn’t everything. Some people marry their high school sweethearts and breakup. You and Seokjin just need to be mature– or you at least.” Mina whips her head in your direction, her brows furrowed. “What do you mean by ‘or you at least’?”
“I mean that sometimes you’re immature. You tend to freak out when things don’t go your way and storm off like a child.” Mina snarls. “I’m not immature.” She muttered to herself, practically proving your point. The car finally slows down in front of your apartment before coming to a complete stop. “Thanks for the ride again, Mina. I appreciate you.”
“Of course. I’m mature enough to pick up my best friend when she needs me.” She glares, your previous comment still not sitting well with her. You shake your head, paying no mind to her attitude. “Bye, Mina. I hope everything works out with Jin.” You pushed open the car door, climbing out.
“Yeah, you and me both.” She mutters her last words before she waits for you to close the car door, speeding off into the distance with you standing there to watch. You let out a sigh, shrugging. What was the point of her asking for your advice if she was always going to dislike what you had to say?
You turn on your heels, walking up the steps that lead to your building entrance. As you venture down the hall to your apartment, you spot a shaggy haired man placing a bouquet of flowers right in front of your front door. A smile forms your face as you see the one person you longed to see after such a horrendous experience. “Kookie?”
The brunette jumps slightly, your sudden appearance catching him off guard. Once he registers that it’s you, he smiles as well. “Well shit, I wanted to surprise you with something sweet when you got off. Guess that’s a fail.” He scratches the back of his neck, chuckling. You shake your head, instantly embracing him with a hug. “It’s not a fail. I’m so happy to see you.” Even though you pretty much talked on the phone with Jungkook everyday, it felt like you hadn’t seen him in weeks.
Jungkook’s tattooed arms wrap around your waist, returning your gentle embrace. “I’m happy to see you too, angel. What’re you doing home so early though? I thought you weren’t off till 8:00?”
You bit down on your bottom lip. You wanted to start crying right there just thinking about what almost happened to you today. You hadn’t told him about your trip to Gongdan yesterday because you didn’t want him to worry, but now you felt as though he deserved to know this time. “I got attacked today.” You take a step back, showing him your torn shirt. Jungkook looks down, dumbfounded at how he hadn’t clocked your ripped shirt when you first walked in.
“By who?!” He shouts. “If it was Yoongi and his gang I swear to god–”
You shush Jungkook, looking around to make sure none of your neighbors were in the hallway eavesdropping. “Let’s talk about this inside, okay?” The brunette is pissed, but he nods, awaiting for you to open your apartment door. He grabs the flowers from the floor as you dig through your purse for your key. ‘I really need to get a keychain for this thing," you thought, finally finding the piece of metal in your bag.
You open the door, and Jungkook wastes no time storming in. He places the flowers on your kitchen table, pulling out a chair for you to sit and explain yourself. Even though he was angry he still focused on your wellbeing. You close the door, unsure if you really wanted to recite the situation. Too late to change your mind now though.
You shuffle to the seat that Jungkook pulled out for you, plopping down. “So? Was it Yoongi’s doing?”
How do you even begin to explain all of this? Yes, but not really? While Yoongi was the reason you ended up in Gongdan, he isn’t the one that attacked you. But he has taken a weird interest in you ever since the Makoto showdown between you and his trusty stooge. If you told Jungkook that though, he'd just spend every moment trying to protect you and probably do something unnecessary to get himself hurt. You didn’t want that.
So, maybe it was best to embellish the truth a bit and leave Yoongi out of it.
“I had a delivery in Gongdan today. Jimin was out sick, and I was the only one that could deliver it. A group of guys attacked me on my way back to the restaurant.” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. “You had a delivery at the devil’s playground and you took it? What the hell were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that I had to do my job. I had no choice, Kookie. Mr. Kim wasn’t letting me out of it. Believe me, I tried.” The brunette scoffed, redirecting his anger to Mr. Kim. “I should go down there and kick that old man’s ass,” He muttered. Jungkook was never too fond of Mr. Kim. He thought the old man could be a bit misogynistic.
“Did they hurt you?” His voice is now more tender. You shook your head. “No. I’m fine,” You assure him. “The only thing that got hurt is my precious shirt.” You laugh a bit, trying to lighten the mood. “Did they just let you go? How’d you get free?” He pressed on.
“Umm…” you trail off, your thoughts once again wandering to the raven haired man.
“So Wonder Woman, you ready to accept that ride today?”
“They got scared off by someone that happened to be walking by. Lucky me, huh?”
Jungkook sighs smoothly, crouching down in front of your chair. He takes your hands in his, interlocking your fingers. “I’m glad you’re okay, y/n. I hate to know you experienced that and I wasn’t there.” He frowns, leering down at your hands. “Jungkook, you’re not gonna be able to be there for everything, and that’s okay. You’re here now, when I need you the most.”
Jungkook looks up at you. “And I’ll stay here.”
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“Please remind me to stop letting you pick out movies. You always pick the cheesiest ones.” Jungkook grimaced as you two reached the end of your movie. You wiped stray tears from your eyes, glaring over at your soon-to-be boyfriend. “The Princess Diaries is a classic. I love it.” Jungkook snorts, shaking his head. “Yeah, well next time I’m picking the movie. Your selection sucks.”
You gasp, taking a pillow from the other end of the couch. “Take that back.” You cock the pillow, ready to deliver a blow. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry… that you’re ass at picking movies.” You swing the pillow down on him, and his hands go up in self defense as he laughs, his back landing on the couch cushions to better protect his face. You take this advantage to straddle the brunette’s waist, continuing your attack until he ultimately surrenders. “Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You finally toss the pillow back down to the end of the couch, a victory smirk plastered on your face. “I knew you’d see it my way.”
“Hard not to when I’m being attacked by a pillow.” He looks up at you, still straddling his waist. Jungkook’s hands slowly roam up your legs, stopping to grip your hips. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Your cheeks heated up with the compliment, and you felt a sudden wave of warmth between your legs that made you anxious. This was it. There was no better time than this to lose your virginity to Jungkook.
You lean forward, pressing your lips to his pierced ones, the metal was cold against you; Jungkook didn’t hold back, or hesitate the moment your lips were against his. Your mouths moved in sync, but sloppily at the same time as though you both wanted it real bad– and you did. Jungkook’s hands moved from your hips, reaching back to cup your ass in his hands, giving your cheeks a squeeze.
You moaned softly into his mouth, rolling your hips over the rough fabric of his jeans until you felt his cock harden underneath you. Jungkook made sure to assist you, his hands pressing you down harder against his confined length. Your panties were soaked, and your mind was in a daze. You were sure that you had dampened his jeans by now. “Fuck, Y/n…” he muttered in between kisses. “We have to stop before I can’t stop.”
“Then don’t stop, I want this.” You whine, rolling your hips faster. Jungkook moans, eyes squeezing shut. “Fuck, I can’t.” He grabs your hips, forcing you to stop. You take the hint, but you can’t help the pang in your chest. Was there something wrong with you? You didn’t get it. What was he waiting for? You climb off of him, taking your place back on the couch.
It’s silent as Jungkook sits up on the couch, running his fingers through his hair. “Y/n…”
“Save it,” You cut him short. “You don’t want to have sex with me, I get it.” Jungkook shakes his head. “That’s not true. I do.” He argued. You scoff, rolling your eyes. “So then what’s the problem? I’m always practically giving signals that I’m ready and you’re holding back. You have never done that with any girl you’ve dated before me.”
“You’re not any girl I’ve dated before you.”
“Right, I’m y/n, the girl that’s been your best friend for years and the truth is that’s probably all you see me as.” Jungkook says nothing, he doesn’t even bother to argue because that’s just something he hates doing with you. “I uh… I should go.”
“Then go.” You snapped. Jungkook nods, standing up from the couch. As he walks to the front door, he looks back at you. You don’t look his way, you just continue to stare forward. “You’re not any girl I’ve dated before you.” He repeats; those are his final words before he opens the door and leaves.
Your eyes brim with tears as you finally turn, looking towards the table where Jungkook’s bouquet of flowers sat.
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“Well well well, look who made a full recovery today.” You eye Jimin taking orders as you walk into Makoto. Jimin smiles at you, happy to see you in what felt like forever since you two worked together. “Y/n, it’s good to see you too.” He greets. You cross your arms, not in a greeting mood. “I have a bone to pick with you once you’re done here.” You say, walking back to the kitchen to clock in.
“Y/n, good afternoon. How are you feeling today?” Mr. Kim asks you as you grab an apron from the hook, tying the black fabric around your waist. “It’s a Monday, how am I supposed to be feeling?” You speak dreadfully. You barely got any sleep after what happened last night with Jungkook, and now you were at work. Jungkook hadn’t even called or texted you. Not that you wanted him to right now.
“Well, I meant everything that happened yesterday, how are you feeling today?” He reiterates. You grab a time card, swiping it through the clock. “I’m fine, Mr. Kim.” You walk past him, taking a notepad and pen from the cup holder. Jimin walks back into the kitchen, his face suddenly pale like he was ready to puke. Maybe he was sick.
“Hey, um, there’s someone out there at table three that’s requesting for you to take their order.” He says, scratching the back of his neck. You raise a skeptical brow. ‘Requesting me? Could it be Jungkook?’ You thought. Maybe he wanted to talk in person instead of over the phone. You didn’t see why he couldn’t have waited until your shift was over and come to your apartment, but you didn’t argue with the gesture.
“Okay…?” You walk out of the kitchen towards the dining area. As you scope out table three, you don’t see Jungkook, but in fact, Yoongi, Joon, and two other guys you don’t know. That’s why Jimin looked so sickly. You shake your head, sauntering over to their table. “What’re you doing here? Was yesterday not enough?” You snap at Yoongi.
“Nice to see you too,” the raven laughs, leaning back in his chair. “Yesterday is the reason I’m here in person, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want you getting your pretty self into any more trouble in my hood.” He smirked. “You remember my boy Joon, don’t you?”
“Wonder Woman, it’s good to see you again.” You glare at Joon, rolling your eyes. You didn’t have time for this. Yoongi was the last person you cared to see right now, and you definitely never wanted to see Nam-joon again. “So are you here to order something or are you here to be the bane of my existence?”
“Depends… are you on the menu?” He bites his bottom lip, looking you up and down. Joon, and Yoongi’s other two minions snicker and you’ve decided you’ve had enough of this pig fest. “Okay, goodbye.” You turn to head back to the kitchen, but Yoongi stops you by grabbing your wrist. “I’m just joking around, sweetheart. I’m here to ask you something.” You pull your wrist from his grip, turning back to face him. “Ask me what?”
“Well, I’m having this kickback at my place tonight. I want you to slide through.” You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion. “What on earth would make you think I’d dare to step foot into Gongdan again? And what makes you think I’d go to your shifty ass warehouse?”
“Well, I just thought after my heroism the other day you would want to thank me more properly.” You scoffed. Mina was right. He was expecting some kind of sexual favor from you. “I knew it. You only helped because you thought you could use me later on. I should’ve expected that from someone like you.” You leave their table, making your way back towards the kitchen, but this time Yoongi stands up from his seat to follow you.
“Princess,” He stops you again, his hand grazing your waist, but he doesn’t fully touch you in a manner that came across as though he was trying to respect your boundaries–for once. He steps in front of you, blocking your way to the kitchen. “It’s not like that. I helped you because I wanted to.”
“Is that so? Because it truly didn’t seem like it just a second ago.” You snarled, crossing your arms. The raven makes a “tsk” sound before continuing on. “Sweetheart, if that’s all I wanted from you then I would’ve made you give it to me right there in the alleyway. Regardless of what happened,” His face was stone cold serious. He meant that. You stood silent, not knowing what to say next.
“Listen… sometimes I have these kickbacks, and they’re a vibe, but it would be better if I saw your pretty face there.” His voice is soft, so soft that you didn’t think someone like Yoongi could produce such a tone. “I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to take a bus through Gongdan at night.”
“So don’t. I’ll pick you up.”
You sigh, slowly feeling yourself ready to cave in and you didn’t know why. You literally could not stand this man. He was a stalker for fuck sakes. A criminal. And yet… here you were ready to accept his invitation because of one good gesture, and a sudden softness to his voice. Yoongi’s eyes search for yours until they lock, a smile forming his face. For a moment as you're looking into the raven’s eyes you begin to question is he really the monster he makes people believe? Or is that all for looks?
“Hey, can we get the check please?” A customer calls out. Your eyes snap away from Yoongi’s. You had almost forgotten you were at work. “Look, I have to get back to work. I’ll… I’ll let you know.” You take your notepad, writing down your phone number. As you rip the paper from the pad, you actually begin to question your sanity. You hand the paper to Yoongi, his lips tilting in a sly smirk as he takes it.
“I look forward to hearing from you, princess.”
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2K notes · View notes
neoplatinum · 6 months
i choose you - part 3 | minatozaki sana
summary: a darkness in sana's past comes back into light
pairing: heiress!sana x reader
themes: blood, murder, gore, knives, arranged marriage au, fluff, angst, tension, lots of elitism, conglomerate power-hungry side characters, implied sex, misamo!
wc: 5.9k
(series masterlist)
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you stare at her as she stares at you back. the eyes of a woman who's held her domain for decades, bursting in power through the new age of technology. her eyes are still as sharp as ever, despite her age. it's how she's kept her power for so long.
long brushes of the tea cup lid against the cup, nursing a cup of sencha. 
"tell me, how devoted are you to the mintaozaki clan." she continues to swirl the tea in the porcelain cup. her eyes never leaving yours. 
you stare at her, but also to take a glance at the elders of the minatozaki clan all staring at you. strong eyes and the crest pinned to their delicate fabrics.
momo and mina are sat on the second row of chairs lining the edges of the room. various council advisors and distant family members sat in the back corners as well.
"i would lay my life on the line for the minatozakis." she stops her swirling. the gentle drop of the lid back onto the cup as she sets it down next to her.
with the flick of her wrist, a man shuffles towards, head bowed as he hands her a folder. the sound of papers being flipped through while you keep your eyes trained on the floor. 
all around are eyes peering in, a dare. they stare, daring you to make any sign of weakness, you keep your eyes unwavering as you wait. it's so quiet that an outsider would expect no one in this room. you can even hear the faint sound of wind outside.
"let me rephrase. would you survive for the minatozaki clan." she places the paper down. eyes instantly back on you. 
"until my last dying breath. i would utter it for the minatozaki name." you say, staring at her with intensity of a thousand flames. you think of sana, of haruto and hanako. the person you have become since being part of the family.
the matriach leans back into her chair. and you stare, for any sign of emotion. the way her eyes remain neutral and unchanging, hands comfortably laying on her lap. her feet tucked together and that large pendant on her neck.
"understood." another flick of the wrist. a different man walks forward, head bowed just like the last. 
his head low as he presents a tanto with both hands. the six inch double edged blade. a long dagger, sheathed in dark brown wooden scabbard. 
lined with the proud name of the minatozaki clan in hiragana, etched into the layered metal. she holds it within her palms, unsheathing it and holding it out.
"do you know of the etching tradition?" she says as she feels for the blade, the tip piercing enough of her skin to let out a drip of blood. she wraps it into a cloth as she goes back to staring at you.
"no, i do not." you've never even heard of the tradition to begin with. eyeing sana from the corner of your eye but she keeps her eyes focused on her mother.
"present." and then the cacophony of hands folding up their arm sleeves, and the turning of their forearm towards the matriarch, you can barely see it, but it's there. the scarred skin in the symbol of the minatozaki crest, just in the center of everyone's right forearm.
a glance to your right, and you notice it on sana's forearm, it's always been there. even in the curiosity you never asked, always wondering how she had a perfect scarring of her family name. the way it stretches across her arm, like a branding. 
like an imprint of being in a cult, you look back at the matriarch.
upon her forearm, the same name is etched deeply, a long stretch of scars lining around it, never touching the name directly. the room all around you, are filled with minatozakis, each and everyone one of them.
"the minatozaki name will be etched into your skin. do not show weakness." the matriarch calls you forth, you rise to your feet, making quick steps to her. kneeling before her as you present your arm, to which she gently rubs over.
the tanto digs into your arm, and you grind your teeth willing the pain away as the tip of the blade drags along the skin. clean and sharp lines that are moving like brush strokes on a painting. 
you grip onto your pants for a distraction to shift the pain. the burning and sweating sensation making you tremble a little. you will it away when you feel the blade lift up suddenly. 
"breathe." you can hear sana's voice behind you, calming the pain brewing all over your body. 
letting out a held breath that's been burning your lungs. a reminder that this pain is temporary, the breathing chills the burning sensation in your head. 
the final mark is laid upon your skin, and you can feel yourself feeling faint, holding onto the floor to keep your body upright. you feel the blade lift off your skin, the sound of the blade being cleaned, while you stare at the pool of blood on the marbled floor, dripping and seeping underneath your shoe. 
"rise." she speaks. you stand up, letting the blood continue to run down your arm. 
the ringing in your ears gets louder and louder. she speaks of tradition, the value of the name across your arm. all eyes continue to stare you down, eyes like steel. 
"this blade, has etched every minatozaki in this room, and those that have been laid to rest. this blade, will continue to etch into the minatozaki clan for future generations." you stare at the blade now in your hand, only seconds ago tearing your skin apart and being branded as the family's new pawn.
"to a new generation." she says as she hands it over, the drippings of your blood still across the double beveled edge. you stare at the blade, the weight of it, the memories of each person etched. it's heavier than you expected. 
generations of minatozaki's all carved into submission. you begin to feel it, stirring low in your subconscious, you need more.
every night in the dark study, you stare at the name. forever in your skin, and upon your body. a sign that you are now a minatozaki, even years spent becoming a figurehead didn't sear the idea until now. 
the scarring has scabbed over and begun to heal, into that perfect shape of the name. 
sana's been telling you stories about her late father, the patriarch of the minatozaki clan before he was assassinated by the abe clan. the abe's who wanted his land, his ability to rule over japan.
stories of his strict rulings, his inability to feel remorse, his lack of fear. his dictatorship under his ship, even more fierce than his father. 
the golden age of the minatozaki clan.
you often visit the matriarch, learning family secrets that wouldn't be uttered under broad daylight. understanding the inner workings of a regime that's lasted centuries.
more so, you've been trained by the matriarch to take over the next generation for the minatozaki's. receiving training in the philanthropy for public image, but also training on how to take out an enemy without letting a single drop of blood fall.
you can see how the minatozaki's have gotten so far, extremely cautious and calculating, much like other conglomerate group families. as much as you didn't want to be pulled in, here you are. fighting both momo and mina in hand-to-hand combat. 
a swift kick of the leg, and you topple over. the pain of the right hook that momo landed earlier still leaving a stinging in your cheek. you turn over, breathing in and out.
"you're still too slow." momo comments, sitting down with mina doing the same.
you continue to stare at the bright light overhead, the feeling of your heart beating thumping in your ears, the sweat dripping down your body.
"i know." 
mina gets up, grabbing water bottles and passing one to you. you sit up, drinking it as the two woman stare at you.
"why do you do this?" momo starts, a curious question that's been plaguing her mind lately. 
the minatozaki's never asked you to be trained to be the next head of family, but you took it upon yourself to do so. grueling physical training, while learning the arts of the past generations.
mina continues to sip at her water, eyes watching you.
"duty. for sana, for haruto, for hanako." you explain, as much as you didn't want to become a pawn for their family, you care so deeply for the family that you now have, one that you would tear apart the world for.
mina nods, but momo rolls her eyes, "how noble." and with another sip, she gets up again. you begin sparring once more. 
rolling your shoulders when you walk into your office, grabbing some soothing oil to rub onto the bruise on your ribs and the smaller bruises along your shoulders. 
you stare at the tanto that now lays in a secret compartment under your desk. the etching tradition still leaves you in a heavy daze these days, how much you have changed all for sana's family. 
when the devil herself walks in.
"you need to fire that assistant of yours." sana walks in, handbag hanging off her arm. glasses perched on her nose bridge, the exhaustion rolling off her words. she seems aggravated. 
"why?" you cock your head to the side.
"she just told me you have a meeting in five, which i mean sure thank you for the information but i seriously don't care." you laugh out, as she crosses her arm. sitting comfortably in the armchair in front of you. 
it seems today is one of those days.
"she's just doing her job." you explain. you liked shoko, she did her job well, often reworking your schedule when you needed her to. and she rarely complained about it, you even gave her a raise recently.
"yeah and i'm doing mine." sana gets up, leaving her bag on the floor and crosses over to you, dropping herself onto your lap.
she takes the glasses off your face. letting it slide across the table. you're about to get up to pick it up, when sana pushes more of her weight onto you. keeping you in your seat.
"last time you just waltzed into one of my 1 on 1 client meetings and sat on my lap the whole time." you point at her, showcasing the same exact behavior.
"yeah, like i said, i'm doing my job." sana says, taking off her sunglasses.
"sana...." you say dejectedly.
"i didn't hear you complaining when you bent me over this table and ate me out the rest of the afternoon." and with that she smashes her lips against yours. 
you completely forget what you were complaining about earlier.
"what's your favorite color?" sana's voice is quietly coming through the microphone, she called you multiple times, and texting you urgently nearly ten times. 
you silenced it, only to get a note from your assistant to pick up her calls.
"hmm, green." you say, watching as the shareholders stare you down, waiting for your approval.
without another second, the sound of the call ending comes through, you glance at your phone screen, seeing the call disappear, and a little confused.
"sorry, please continue." you point at the junior executive, he's been trying to get through this presentation without peeing his pants, and really you would like to get through it enough for him to finally calm down.
fifteen minutes later you get multiple pings on your phone.
"so like i said, we expect the project with akira industries to go well-" the junior executive's voice completely drowns out into white noise when you see what's displayed on your screen.
sana baby: attachment: 3 images
sana baby: you like?
your phone screen is filled with green, all three photos illuminating your face in a green hue. 
green lingerie set, green bows tied around her hair, and your dress shirt draped over one. good god, she looks like a vixen. 
photos of her laying across the bed, aimed at the mirror, long legs that stretch across the comforter. gorgeous lithe body framed by that light green corset. pouty lips in a selfie, aimed down at her cleavage.
you nearly curse out loud, instead letting a cough come through at the last second to cover it up.
another message comes through. you lift your phone back up to your face.
sana baby: you come home in thirty and you can take it off with your hands, any later and you do it with your teeth.
you're trying to pick out your work outfit for tomorrow, eyes glancing at all the dress shirts that you had hung up in the walk-in closet. you can hear sana faintly humming through the other side of the closet.
"sana..." you pick out one shirt, noticing the pink-ish red color across the collar.
"yes darling?" she says in a light-hearted tone, you see her walk over with her eyes a little playful. her eyes landing on the dress shirt that you have in your hand.
you hold it up to her face.
"why are my dress shirts littered with lipstick marks?" she takes the dress shirt out of your hand, eyeing it with happiness.
"they need to know who you belong to." she says and hands it back to you. 
you shake your head at it. putting it back onto the rack. 
only to notice another shirt, and another shirt, and another shirt.
"i mean, literally every single shirt is covered in them." you point at the whole rack, now noticing the pink/red littered across the collars. all of them have it. you turn to look at her, eyes wide as she just smiles at her handiwork.
she gives you a peck and just leaves. turning her head to look at you over the shoulder and give one last remark.
"you better not wash them off or you're sleeping on the couch."
"the abe clan cordially invites you to the 2027 annual ball." you stare at the invitation in your hand, red cardstock, beautiful crest in the dead center. 
with sana's quiet humming, you barely register that you've arrived at the abe clan's main estate. dark and light reds adorning the walls, intricate wooden carvings of dragons. the dark red crest and lapels on each security guard. 
the sedan rolls forwards, until you're stopped by two guards. handing the invitation card to the chauffeur, and letting the guards scan the car. 
you watch sana, her eyes floating around, admiring the long trees that line around the garden's pond.
and then the car continues to roll forwards, and all around you are different black marked cars. each with their own crest, women and men donning different formal wear. kimonos, tuxedos, hanboks, qipaos, ao dais, all around.
the door opens, and you step out, rounding the corner to take sana's arms into yours.
"one rule with the abe's, do not ever drink first in front of an abe." she whispers quietly as you both enter down a deep tunnel, much like the minatozaki house. 
large stone slabs lined underneath, but you can see it above, the lining of birds across a wired line. much like a telephone line. their dark beady eyes staring down, with jet black feathers that make their body look like voids. 
they all move their heads in turn with the walking guests. "trained birds, trained to kill." she comments and continues to pull you forward. 
then you enter a big hall, filled with different dignitaries, generals, top executives, council members, even a few celebrity faces. 
sana smiles at the sight of the turning heads, everyone's excited to see another conglomerate family at these events. "just smile and nod." she whispers again through a smile.
you do the same, watching the eyes all peer back at you. they don't have the stillness of the minatozakis, there's bloodlust, there's evil, there's an ominous undertone behind those spheres. a predator lying dormant in each and everyone one of them.
with the sound of the doors opening, you hear the awws of the guests, all piling into the abe main hall. much like the grandeur of the minatozaki clan, it's lined with artifacts of war. 
great katanas and bows hung along the walls. dark and deep red colored accents, a giant abe crest upon the center. there's beautiful music playing in the background as you scan the room. sana tugs you along.
"how much do you know about the abe's?" sana stares at you as she hands you a small knife. you tuck it into the breast pocket.
"a little." you offer, brushing her hair out of her face, and she gleams at that, giving a little kiss before returning back to her stoic face.
"kaito and kenji, two sons of the abe clan. kaito's set to become the head of the family. there's rumors that kenji might kill him for the seat." she explains, adjusting the knife in her thigh holster.
you nod, her mother has educated you on all the conglomerate groups, especially the abe and watanabe clan. both have been vying for the possible absorption of the minatozaki clan.
you adjust the knife holster for her, as you check your surroundings, just as you expected. nearly the same power in their private military, donning red fabric. you both take off to the other side of the room, eyes darting from face to face trying to remember significant figures, but who are you kidding, they're all people in power.
browsing through plates of delicacies, waiters and waitresses circling with plates of drinks. each more colorful than the last, it seems the abe have distinct taste.
you're leaning to your left when you're suddenly pulled into a conversation, the woman making large and loud gestures at you. most of which you nod and let the words flow through your ears. you never thought you would see her again.
sana's staring, taking turns staring at her and staring at you. her hold on your arm tighter than ever, feeling the blood thump in your arm. she continues to drone on until finally she gets swept into another conversation with someone else.
sana unhooks her arm from you.
"who is that?" sana stares at you, arms folded and that tick in her jaw. you can't help but keep eyeing the long black dress that she has on, with a deep thigh slit along the left side. 
you try your best to keep the impure thoughts to yourself, instead offering a kiss to sana's forehead when you stand in front of her.
"hmm, old friend from law school."
sana had been eyeing the woman even as she moved across the room. even more upset when she slid up next to you. talking your head off about something that must have been boring because she could recognize the attention leaving your body.
but she can't help but notice how forward the woman was, unnecessarily putting her hands on you. unnecessarily laughing at whatever you are saying, just a bit too hard. unnecessarily pushing her cleavage up against you.
"our year?" sana says, brushing off a piece of lint from your jacket, also brushing off the feeling of the woman off your jacket. 
you stare at her manicured fingers. long slender fingers that wear your ring proudly. you smile at the sight of the large diamond.
"no, a year younger." you say softly, bringing her hand up to kiss it. she flips your hand over to kiss it back. "why do you ask?"
"didn't know you liked younger women..." she comments, back to nitpicking what the woman is wearing tonight. 
how dare she try and lay her hands on you? sana's thinking of calling momo and mina to do some 'intervention'.
"i don't, like younger women i mean." you watch sana as she stares down the woman. the way she holds onto the neck of the champagne flute, the way she has that tick in her jaw, the way she can't keep moving her eyes up and down in disdain.
"good." she comments back, it's more so to herself, so you roll your eyes at that.
"i only like you sana." you say the golden words that make her heart melt. she stares at you for a bit.
"mhm keep sweet talking me like that and i’ll let you fuck me in the bathroom." she drapes her arm over your neck pulling you into a hot kiss, tossing a wink to the woman from earlier.
you pull away, her chasing after you, but with all the prying eyes you'd rather enjoy sana in a more private place. 
you begin to pull her towards anywhere that isn't open space for people to watch, when you bump into someone on accident.
"oh hello." the man turns around, a tall man toying with a knife in hand. his eyes dancing with amusement. "apologies, hope there's no hard feelings."
"none here." you offer, trying to side-step around him when he places his small knife at your neck. you look down at it, engraving in the base with red ink.
"kenji abe." you whisper to yourself, but he claps in delight, nodding quickly and sheathing his dagger away.
"that is me!" he exclaims, offering his hand. you shake it, his grip awfully loose, too loose.
"nice to meet you mr. abe." you explain, still trying to drag sana away. he stops you with a hand, a little smirk on his face. taking a glance at you and sana.
“nice to meet the minatozaki’s new lapdog.” he smiles, and then takes a look at sana, “hello sana, it’s been a while hasn’t it. kaito misses you.” the curling devilish smile as he hands both of you a drink. and taking one for himself. 
“cheers! to a lovely abe ball.” he says as he holds the glass in the air, you take a quick look at sana out of your eye as you both clink his glass, letting it linger away from your lip. 
watching the way he smirks, and then drinks his champagne. he smiles at you both before disappearing into the crowd. 
“never liked him.” sana shudders as she says it, you just smile at her. letting her lay on your shoulder. “him and kaito. they’re dangerous. and he called you a lapdog, what an excuse of a man.”
you just nod, absorbing the information you’ve just been told. it’s not easy transitioning into this lifestyle, with structures and family systems in place, you feel like you really are out of your depth here.
a question still remains, what did he mean by kaito misses sana? you’re distracted by even more dramatic flairs of the abe ball. fire lighting up around, spotting several of your father’s old business partners, nodding to them.
"have i told you how gorgeous you look tonight?" sana starts, giving you a light kiss under your jaw.
"hmm, no, not tonight." you smirk, leaning into her, garnering another kiss. you smile when she rolls her eyes, kissing her jaw lightly too.
"well you do, and i think you would look even more gorgeous under me." she whispers into your ear, you lean back. it seems tonight’s been getting under her skin, constantly trying to get you away from the ball.
you shake your head ready to tell her no when you hear a mic being tapped.
“hello, welcome to the 247th annual abe ball!” a tall well tailored man is speaking into the mic, upon a lifted podium. his voice loud and commanding as he looks below at all the guests. 
all around you are people clapping at him, so you begin to clap, interested in whoever this man might be.
“my name is kaito abe, thank you all for joining us tonight.” he booms into the mic, the sound booming off the walls, everyone clapping at his pauses.
“tonight, we have something special, a very special event.” he says, lifting his hand out to the other side of the podium. white flashing lights suddenly illuminating three bodies. 
the sound of gasps and quiet whispers making you curious. you keep your hand on the knife, sana’s picked up on the same thing, her hand pulling the thigh knife.
“i welcome you, the death of the watanabe’s.” and there you can see it, white fluorescent lights shining across three figures. their eyes begging for help while they’re forced to face the bloodlust of kaito abe. 
“sana, get behind me.” you push her behind you, her eyes staring at the watanabe’s. 
they look roughed up, blood already pouring from their heads and clothes. the patriarch, his wife and the only heir.
“you see, a little weasel from their clan, a vermin even.” kaito begins throwing the tanto he has in his hand, one much like the minatozaki tanto you have in your desk.
he continues to flip it through the air with ease. “tried getting into our clan, how silly right?”
he leans forward, nearly off the edge of the podium as he laughs maniacally. you can see shuffling begin to happen, people are panicking, trying to leave the ball. 
only to be pushed back into the center by the abe guards, all of them wielding weapons.
“oh no, you can’t leave darling, the show’s barely begun!” he continues to round the podium, letting out a laugh when the woman starts crying, his tanto hanging loosely in his hand as he points at the woman.
“see, when there's a rat in your home, what do you do?” he continues to pace the podium. “answer me!” 
he shouts from above, more people are shuffling nervously and then you hear a distant, “you exterminate them!” 
“BINGO! you. exterminate. them.” he laughs a bit, walking briskly towards them, pulling at the hair of the patriarch. 
you curse out loud, his swollen eyes and chunks of his hair missing. 
“but you can’t just exterminate one rat. no. no. they will just continue to repopulate. exterminate. at. the. source.” and then he jabs the tanto right into the man’s neck. 
blood gushing onto his suit like a geyser. he lets out a laugh as the man sputters up blood before falling forward. 
then he moves towards his wife, stabbing into her neck as her cries turn into screams. dragging out a laugh from him, meanwhile their son is crying silently, arms defeated as he watches his two parents’ now dead body.
“and remember. no survivors left behind.” he says with finality, as he shoves the tanto deep into the son’s neck, the tanto left inside.
sana’s covered her eyes into your back. you can feel her shaking a bit, you cover her ears as you pull her close, letting her keep her head against your chest. 
“sana?” she just continues to shake in your arms, fear enveloping her entire body. memories of her younger self around the abe clan. you’ve never seen her so scared. she clings onto you like a lifeline. 
“thank you, thank you! i hope you enjoyed the show!” he takes a deep bow, one in which he keeps his head forward with that smirk on his face. joy from killing, joy from being able to make others submit to him.
and then he walks over, using his foot as leverage as he pulls out the knife, wiping it clean off, and disappearing behind a door in the wall. the sound of shouts and chaos echoing through the hall.
the car ride is silent, sana’s gone quiet, simple nods when you ask her if she’s alright. eyes squeezed tightly and one hand curling around the other. you don’t even know where to begin talking about the events of tonight.
the abe’s are ruthless killers, you remember that even from when sana told you. it just takes a live performance of it to see how they are devoid of remorse. 
kaito abe, kaito abe, kaito abe. 
you barely knew the watanabe’s, only speaking to their son once, he was quiet. he didn’t seem the type to want to lead their clan, but now he lays dead, at the hands of kaito.
you play with your knife in your hand, thinking about how easily it shoved down the watanabe’s, killing them so quickly. the same blade that’s supposed to show honor and birth of a new member of the clan, used for killing those that harm the family.
the car rolls into the manor, and you take a deep breath, looking at sana. eyes still unfocused and staring at her own hands. you open the door and round the back to open the door to her side.
“darling? we’re home.” you offer your hand, she doesn’t even move. so you tap her shoulder lightly, she jumps at the touch, moving back from it.
“oh, sorry.” she takes your hand, and you pull her out, leading her towards the door. you immediately squatting at the sight of haruto and hanako walking outside.
picking up haruto in your arms, while sana picks up hanako, a warm smile back on her face. holding hanako tightly to her chest. haruto messes with your hair, pointing around and talking about his day. you kiss his forehead and walk inside. 
there’s still a weird tension lingering around her, she refuses to look you in the eyes. instead preoccupying herself with putting hanako to bed. so you do the same putting haruto into bed. tucking him in and giving him a kiss while sana waits outside. you kiss hanako on the forehead as well before slipping out.
giving yourself a deep breath when you close the door, you see sana next to you, her eyes back to their unfocused state. there’s something she isn’t telling you, and normally you aren’t one to pry. but after the events of tonight, you need to know.
“sana, are you alright?” you hold her head in your hands, eyes peering into hers, for any sign really. she just nods, taking a deep breath, dragging you down the hallway.
“i have something to tell you.” she begins as she sits at her vanity. starting to take off her earrings, you unclasp the necklace that she has on, placing it into a velvet box before tucking it away. 
she stares at herself in the mirror, memories of her past self resurfacing.
“kaito abe and i, we used to date. set to marry actually.” you sit next to hit, listening intently as she continues to take out hairpins and set them across her table. “it was what was destined for us, until his father killed my uncle. momo and mina’s father.”
you nod, you didn’t know much about momo and mina but there was an emptiness in their eyes, you always assumed it was because they were trained soldiers.
“seeing them up there on the platform, it felt like i was watching momo and mina being killed at his hands. then i thought, what if he killed you, what if he killed haruto and hanako. i’m so scared.” she bursts into tears, hands shaking to hold yours.
“he won’t be able to, i won’t let him.” you say confidently, kissing her gently. 
“so, the minatozakis were here tonight.” kenji stares at kaito, both of them throwing knives at a corkboard, you and sana’s photos pinned to the board.
“yes, sana and her plaything.” kenji turns to a guard, handing him ten new knives. kaito just laughs, doubling over and wiping the tears out of his eyes.
“her plaything? how delightful.” kaito stares at the photo of you, and then down at the photo of haruto and hanako by your side. “and her spawns.” 
“yes, two it seems.” kenji nods as he continues to throw straight into the forehead of your photos. the two continue to throw knives in the silence, slicing through the air, as they land on the different photos across the board.
“kenji, let’s topple the minatozakis?” kaito stares at sana’s photo as he aims for her heart, landing dead in the center.
“with pleasure.” his final knife aimed straight at your heart.
a/n: message me if you want a part 4 :^P
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celesteleoves · 2 years
theres one scenario i CANNOT get enough of and its everyones first time meeting the boys (baku, kiri, izuku, sero, denki etcc) gfs AHHH 🤭🤭🤭
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ೃ࿐ mha boys! x fem!reader
summary: what the request said!
warnings: mentions of aggressiveness (cough cough, katsuki)
a/n: YESYEYES!! i love this idea sm and in honour of me reaching 200 followers I thought this would be the best scenario to write abt!!
obviously, it was quite shocking finding out mean, gruff, and bulky katsuki bakugou had a girlfriend who seemed to get along with everyone! unlike a certain blonde, aggressive boy-here—
there were different reactions… izuku was quite shook when he met you, even expressing it.
“HOW ARE YOU DATING KACCHA-” cut off by katsukis explosions and your calming voice sent the crowd on a riot. when you spoke, katsuki listened.
matter of fact, he wouldn’t turn his attention to anything else besides you.
there were taunts from his classmates (cough cough the bakusquad) but it was all in good spirit of course!
it’s time someone tamed that beast!
contrast to katsuki, many were not that shocked that he had a girlfriend as izuku was very charming and intelligent even if he didn’t think so himself.
others simply nodded their heads when you walked in, understanding how well you and izuku worked together.
a few comments spurred out like, “DOES HE RAMBLE WITH YOU TOO?”, “so, is he really all mights secret love child?” and to which you responded happily and cheerful while your bashful boyfriend sat beside you.
you guys are quite cute, the class approves.
with eijirou’s manliness, again, many were not that shocked that he had managed to charm his way into your sweet selfs life.
just like bakugou, he received lots of teasing from his class mates. mina really exposed him though.
“hey– PSST, Y/N! did you know kirishima used to have black hair!” followed by kirishimas nervous fumbling and red cheeks, “ashido! 🫣”
you seemed strong, holding your head high the exact same way kirishima does. and so, class 1.A thinks you guys are a perfect match for each other.
when he introduced you to his class, everyone went silent. you were the sweetest bundle of joy and were a slight contrast to shotos personality himself.
one thing everyone noticed though, was when you talked. shotos lips would turn slightly upward and his cheeks would coat a light pink as you held eye contact with him and spoke fondly to him and his classmates.
yep, he was infatuated with you, he won’t even deny it either. but, shoto deserves happiness and some serenity in his life.
so, there wasn’t as much teasing! instead, everyone grew fond of you and shotos relationship. they approve!
“YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!” are the first words that come out of everyone’s mouths, jirou was genuinely shocked that he, who was almost ranked with mineta in weirdness, could get a girlfriend.
yet again, he had his ways of charming the lady’s and he managed to charm a very beautiful and kind lady! he’s lucky.
for him, EVERYBODY taunts him. bakugou literally COMES for his neck (no, like, literally)
“YOUR DUMBASS HAS A GIRLFRIEND? YOU?!” katsuki says that while he shakes denki around by the neck, which brings the girls to the topic of the drawbacks of his quirk.
“have you seen him after he uses his quirk?” jirou chuckles.
“ITS HILARIOUS!” mina adds in, cackling and slapping denki on the knee who is now, blushing and trying to defend himself.
“ILL ZAP YOU AND THEN YOULL SEE HOW IT FEELS–” you simply laugh, making him go quiet and turn to you.
he watches with admiration as you grin, smiling at everyone around you.
the girls mainly catch this moment of calmness from the electricity quirk boy, giggling and observing.
he needs some consoling and reassurance in his life, you can do that. so, they approve!
hope you enjoyed!
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starillusion13 · 7 months
Hi!!! can I request a poly pirate ateez x reader fic? they chose another girl over her and betray her but they regret and chase her back but the reader doesn’t forgive so easily
Pirate’s Heart
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Pairing: Ateez! ot8 x fem! reader
• Genre: Angst, Pirate, Mature
• Warnings: crying, misunderstanding, betrayal, choosing someone else, trusting a stranger, false accusations, lies [plz tell me if I have missed something] also oc doesn't forgive easily coz they chose someone else. Come on bfr, I’m searching for you girl.
• W.C: 5k (it’s not how I thought it to be)
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. I tried to put more emotions into it but still I know it’s not how I wanted. I don’t know what to add more into this.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
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Eight men laughing all around the room and a girl sulking in the corner, sitting on a wooden stool beside the youngest man among them. he pats her back and trying to hold back his laughter.
“Mina…it’s okay.”
“No! you all betrayed me yesterday and I was alone roaming around the market.”
Jongho looks over at the captain who is grinning widely across from the old wooden table when he spoke up, “we were just busy with some things of ours.”
“Things?” she whines, “you all were trying to find her. Why? She can find her way back to the ship.”
You hiss to her words and mentally scoff from outside the room. But the surprising fact is that. They followed you? You don’t think that something about you even matter to them. Maybe, they don’t care if you had been attacked by their enemy. They were only following you to keep an eye, if you are not betraying behind their back.
“and you could have flirted more.” You mutter under your breath.
You hear captain’s voice and your feet scoot closer towards the dark wooden door. Tears pooling in your eyes. When was the last time he laughed with you? Or any of them spent a little time with you?
“That’s not true. You are familiar to this place but she has never been to here.” The captain stated and Seonghwa nods slowly which made her scowl.
I shouldn’t have ever stepped to this place. Your life has become upside-down after stepping a foot on this land and then suddenly Mina stumbling in your way. You still hate this from last year when she snatched your lovers.
“still…” she whines and you cringe at her tone. Yunho got up and cups her cheek, “next time, we will go to the market with you. Promise.” He brings a grape to her lips and she happily eat it. They all cooed and laughed at her cuteness.
Their laughs pierced your heart which made the tears flow down your cheeks and so you ran away from the door---behind which lies a lot of secrets.
It sounds like you're feeling hurt or disappointed because someone you liked chose someone else over you. This is really tough to deal with. It's important to remember that everyone has their own preferences and reasons for making choices, and it doesn't necessarily reflect on your worth as a person but it's not caused by some certain person.
It's about your lovers. The eight pirates who once vowed to give you a family, the love you deserve and pledged their loyalty towards you.
But now, it’s all gone.
They have turned their back to you, never glancing at the most treasured gem of theirs---their heart.
Their Y/n.
Their only Aurora.
>>>> <<<<
In the azure expanse of the Sea, where the sun dancing upon the waves like golden fire and the salty breeze whispering secrets of the deep, there you stood upon the deck of the ship. The locks swaying with the light wind and your eyes closed, facing towards the sun.
Once where existed—a tale of love. Now, it’s all about betrayal and redemption, woven amidst the tumultuous seas and treacherous shores.
In the heart of the sea, you have always dreamed of adventure beyond the horizon, of a life filled with excitement and romance. Even if you stood in front of the danger, you had a smile adorning your face with the strong belief that you have the most powerful and fearful pirates of the sea with you and nothing can ever put you nine down.
 But all the hopes are gone now.
Little did you know in your childhood that your destiny would intertwine with that of eight notorious pirates whose names echoed through the taverns and harbors of the sea --- The Ateez.
Led by their enigmatic captain, Kim Hongjoong was feared and revered in equal measure, their ship, the Blue Bird, striking fear into the hearts of merchants and sailors alike.
But beneath their fearsome exterior lay hearts yearning for something more—a love that transcended the boundaries of the sea. Your love.
It was on a moonlit night, with the stars twinkling like diamonds in the sky, when your path first crossed with that of the Ateez. As you walked along the deserted shores of Halazia, your thoughts lost in the gentle rhythm of the waves, you stumbled upon a sight that would change your life forever.
There, stranded upon the sands, lay a man---a pirate surrounded by seven other figures, his clothes torn and his face etched with pain. Without hesitation, you rushed to his side, heart racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity.
To your surprise, the man stirred, his eyes flickering open to reveal a gaze as deep and mysterious as the ocean itself. It was none other than Captain Hongjoong, his aura of danger and intrigue drawing you like a moth to a flame.
“People fear me a lot but I don’t want you to fear me. I’m not scared to lose anything but you.”
In that moment, amidst the crashing waves and the swirling mist, a connection sparked between you both—a connection that defied reason and logic, binding your fates together in ways you could never have imagined. His sea brothers, whom he gathered and grew up together with from the beginning pledged their loyalty to you.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, you found yourself drawn deeper into the world of the pirate Ateez, your bond with Captain and the crew growing stronger with each passing day. Seonghwa, the Quatermaster was always the one to accompany you whenever the captain was not around and the bonding grew into more intimate. His soft and comforting smile with the warmth of his skin against yours was enough for you to feel at home.
“love, we will always run to each other if we feel threatened. Your love is the strongest weapon to me.” He said and smiled down at you in his arms.
The cook who was also the head Rigger, Wooyoung was the playful menace of the crew and even though, you felt scared by others, he would be the one to grab your hand and run away to the vast fields or cuddling with each other on top, the crowsnest. Sometimes, the surgeon of the ship, Yeosang would also tag along with you both.
“I never had more fun spending time here but with you, I don’t want this to end any day.” You smiled towards the Rigger and nodded.
The surgeon planted his feet on the wood and left the rope’s grip, “I should agree too. Nothing can cure me more than your love, Y/n.”
You feared the first mate and the pilot, Yunho. His intimidating stare and the fire glinting in his eyes with a flick of curiosity to know if you were a stowaway on the ship made him distant with you but once when you risked your life for his. He became determined since that day that he would be the one in charge for your safety.
“I can risk everything to save you, pearl. You are the precious gem to me.” he cups your cheek before placing a kiss on your lips.
Mingi, the gunner was always the one to approach you with a welcoming aura but the weapons with him scared you at first. Eventually, when you spent nights with him, sharing deepest secrets, he knew your heart has been kept safe with him.
“you made me feel emotions which I didn’t know I could ever feel. Thank you, y/n.”
Jongho, the sailing master. You have watched him from afar while spending time with others but never once tried to approach him because of his cold appearance. You doubted his personality whenever you had caught a glimpse of his gummy smile. Once, when he was directing the other mates on the ship, you found out that Yeosang was also the navigator of the cabin crew. Yunho would always be with these two to ensure the perfect course of the journey.
“Jongho…you must be tired.” Your concerned voice made him smile towards you.
“never. I can’t ever be tired when I’m with you. You are my greatest strength.”
In the end, San, the striker and helmsman was the one who gave you the warmth in the ocean of coldness. His piercing eyes following each and every movement of yours around the ship was enough to feel you under watch. He was always hiding behind the darkness but one day when you risked your life for them, he stood under the spotlight to kill every individual who pointed their swords at you, even a single finger.
“even if I look back for once, I would look back at you before killing everyone who dared to point a finger.” He hugged you tighter.
He was the last one to fall in love with you but first one to accuse you. The days can’t be always be smooth and peaceful, just like the waves in the sea bed. Once, its silent then in the next moment it would be a roaring storm thrashing around.
Similarly, lurking in the shadows of your burgeoning romance was a darkness that threatened to tear you apart—a darkness in the form of another woman.
Driven by jealousy and vengeance, Mina vowed to destroy everything the Ateez held dear, starting with their heart--- you. And so, with her wiles and charms, she ensnared the affections of the eight pirates who had once pledged their love and loyalty to you.
One by one, they fell under her spell, their emotions wavering in the face of Mina's deceit. And though you fought with all her strength to reclaim their love, your efforts were in vain, for the pirates had chosen someone else—a betrayal that cut deeper than any sword.
>>>> <<<<
But, one fateful day, as you stood upon the deck of the pirate ship bound for distant lands, a familiar sight caught your eye—a merchant’s ship, its sails billowing in the wind, its bow cutting through the waves like a knife through butter.
“y/n…what are you doing?”
His voice made you flinch but still your attention on the merchant ship in distance didn’t waver. You gripped the railing tightly to fight back the weakness in front of him. his heavy boots hit against the wooden plank and the creaking sounds made shiver run down your skin.
When was the last time he called your name?
“I don’t know where she is. Go ask others.” Your reply was cold and he nodded to himself before stepping closer. As the two ships drew closer, your eyes followed the waves when you suddenly turned around and glared, “stop right there.”
He stopped in his track.
You felt a surge of emotions coursing through your veins—fear, anger, longing. But above all else, there was hope—a glimmer of hope that perhaps, just perhaps, the tides of fate had finally turned in your favour.
No one has ever dared to command anything to the captain except Seonghwa. Maybe you as well. As if by some twist of fate, today Captain has appeared before you, his gaze meeting yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. You stood on your spot strong, with the fire in your eyes towards him.
"Y/n" he said, his voice a low rumble that echoed in the depths of your soul. "I am asking about you not her."
For a moment, you were speechless, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was happening. Could it be true? Could he still harbor feelings for you after all this time?
“because you can’t find her anywhere and thinking it’s something has to do with me.” your emotionless tone was pinching his skin. He licked his lips, staring at you with a hope to listen your sweet words. Your eyes wandered around and you felt odd. No one was in the sight and the ship was undoubtedly quiet. But when your eyes landed on the round stairs from the master cabin, you saw other seven figures descending down towards the plank where you stood with the captain.
Before you could formulate a response, Hongjoong took your hand in his, his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins. "I know I have wronged you, y/n" he said, his eyes brimming with sincerity.
Why is he suddenly saying all these?
You snatched your hand from his grip and glared, the same look you sent towards the others when they approached near, “Why are you all here?” you again looked around, you leaned forward towards the railing to peek below, “where are the men and other workers? What’s going on?”
Seonghwa stood closer than others, “we sent them to collect all our necessary items for the journey.”
“tomorrow before the dawn, we are leaving for Utopia.”
“and where is she?”
This time Wooyoung spoke up, “that’s something about which we are here to talk with you.”
“I don’t know anything about her.”
Even if you wanted to look strong yet you felt so weak under their heavy gazes. All their stares after so many months feeling so unfamiliar and strange. The last time when you had all their gazes on you was when you pointed Mina’s reason to be with you and they accused you of jealousy. They referred you as a child wanting to have their attention, being selfish with others. They said that you don’t have a little feeling towards a girl who seems like a sister.
More like an evil sister, who was there to ruin your family.
“of course you don’t know, y/n.” Wooyoung said softly but you scoffed, “then?”
“We did wrong for not believing you.” Seonghwa’s voice was soft, just a pitch higher than the whisper.
“why? She didn’t agree to sleep with you all?” you smirked, throwing a dirty look towards them.
“Y/n!” Hongjoong’s stern voice made you flinch. His clenched jaw and tight fist, the anger building inside him at your words. But you continued to fuel the fire of anger.
“do you want me to convince her for this? Just to let you know,  I can’t.”
“what are you saying? Why are you thinking of us like this?” Yunho asked you but deep down, he asked it to himself as well. He knew the reasons very well. He knew you were hurt for their deeds but he thought you will understand their ends.
“really? You are asking me this. So what else do you want me to think? That tomorrow morning, when we will be in the bed of the sea and with the best opportunity, you will throw me into the waters.” 
“What are you saying?” Yeosang’s low voice made you glance at him and his orbs searched for a little softness in you. The scene unfolding in front of him was so unusual. Basically, pirates should be the ones with emotionless and rough appearance but here they were asking helplessly from a mere girl.
Mere? No.
From their love. Their heart.
“where is she?” you asked again.
“in the brig.” You raised your brow at Hongjoong’s words. Why is she there? What did she do? Or are they here to take you to lock you up there? goosebumps appeared on your skin but it was hidden under the sleeves of the shirt. Your mind racing with the thought that now how has she accused you guilty this time that they all are here to escort you to the brig.
“I-I haven’t done a-anything.” Your voice broke and you turned around to face the sea.
Whenever you felt suffocated, your feet move on its own to stand at the edge of the quarter deck and inhale the scent of freedom. The village life was so harsh to you and after these pirates took you in with them for the long journey, you felt as if you have started a new life. A new dream with a new life beyond the horizon but last year, they turned their back at you. Leaving you behind all alone.
Seonghwa hugged your shaking body from behind, “hsshh love why are you scared?”
He made himself turned around with you in his hold, making you face them. You looked down to hide the falling tears of fear.
“what happened?” Hongjoong held your chin up to stare in your eyes. Your scared pupils reflecting the hurt and loneliness.
“I will serve you well, masters. But please don’t take me to the brig. I have no where else to go but please don’t end my life.” You wiggled under the oldest one’s hold but he held you tighter. He knew very well that if he lets you go, you would probably run away and won’t talk to them.
“Masters?” San was confused with your tone like others and the way you were addressing them. “why are you calling us this? And we are not taking you anywhere. We are here to…apologize.”
Your raging yet scared eyes stared at him, “apologize? For what? You have already given up on me. you all left me alone for…. For that girl. Calling me selfish because I wanted my lovers away from an outsider. Blaming me for every little mishap caused to her. Trusting the false accusations against me.”
You again tried to break free when he gripped your arms tighter, “stay still. You are not going anywhere unless we are done speaking with each other.”
“I don’t want to talk with you all.” But deep down you want to talk to them. Shout at them. You want to look at them longer, feel the warmth in their embrace. You want to feel their love for you again. If there’s still any feelings left for you.
“y/n…we didn’t give up on you for her.” Jongho spoke up and looked over his brothers. He realized how they have messed up the relationship for these past months because the new girl really lured them into trusting the lies but in the end, Yeosang really found out her real intentions behind all this.
“Yeosang found out that she befriended us to destroy us.” Mingi said and nodded along with Yeosang. The surgeon sat on the wooden drum and leaned forward, “she lied to us that she stays alone here. She has been sent from our enemy.”
“but still you all trusted her once. You all believed when she said I’m related to the captain Chan. You all even kept watch on me to see if I’m betraying you all.” You hissed and stepped forward when you felt the grip loosened around you. You glared back at him and walked towards the stool beside the boxes and sat on it. Wooyoung was standing closer to you.
Tears fell from his eyes when he saw your figure tired and lonely. They really kept themselves so busy to even take a little look at you in all these months.
“we are really sorry for that, y/n.” Hongjoong apologized and glanced at others.
“speak for yourself.” You rubbed your eyes and wiped the tears from the cheek, “I don’t think each of you is feeling the same.”
“No, it’s true. We are really sorry.” Seonghwa supported the captain’s words. Wooyoung slide down against the boxes and leaned back, “we shouldn’t have doubted you.”
Yunho folded his hands in front. Standing in front of you, looking the perfect pilot of the ship but somewhere a sense of betray reflecting from him. He shook his head, “I don’t know how we trusted her everything and didn’t believe you. I’m really sorry.”
“I know you are hurt, y/n. but please forgive us.” Yeosang stood beside Wooyoung and both of them eagerly waiting for your response.
“You all made me feel like a stowaway in my---your ship. I felt like an enemy lurking around you. You all were spending so much time with her. Your gazes were filled with love and admiration while looking at her but whenever your eyes fell on me, there was visible fire of hatred. It hurt me. I felt like to run away far from you. But I didn’t know where to.”
“This is also your ship. You are the aurora in the night sky for our journey.” San stated and smiled but it quickly disappeared when he saw your teary eyes looking back at him.
Mingi placed his elbow on top of a drum and leaned to his side, “you aren’t a stowaway. You are a part of the family. You are more than that. You are our heart, y/n.”
“didn’t you feel your heart ache while believing a liar and laughing with her despite my presence just near you?” you shot an angry look towards him.
Jongho stepped forward and stood beside the captain, “we are really guilty. Please give us a chance to prove that our love has not wavered.”
You bitterly chuckled, “Love?……pirate’s only love is their desire to sail free all around the sea with their conquered treasure.”
“And, you are our treasure, and our only desire is to be with you.” Wooyoung said it loudly, earning everyone’s attention on him. he flinched when he saw your intense gaze on him. He wanted to hold your hand run to the crows-nest and hug you tightly, promising everything to protect you and to never betray you.
“Where do you go every afternoon for these last few months?” Yunho’s question perked everyone’s ear, even yours. He noticed? Their curious gazes on you made you shift in your place.
“You don’t have to know about it.”
“y/n…please do let us know if you are in any danger.” Jongho asked you politely. You shook your head and looked to your side, avoiding their eyes. You didn’t notice when San came in front and kneeling. “Please, tell me.”
You casted a glance at him then to others before looking at your hands, “I was planning to run away with a help of a friend.”
“Run away with a friend?”
“His name is Ten. You all were busy ignoring me all these months…almost a year. He is a sailor and we met at a fortune teller shop. He offered me a helping hand to have a life on my own.”
San was shocked, “you trusted him?”
You nodded, “like you all trusted her. I have heard from others and they all were praising him. He is a good person. He listened to my stories every day, he showed me around the place, laughed with me, taught me new things……he spent time with me.” you paused and nodded to yourself before continuing, “maybe I’m selfish…I’m selfish because I want you all to myself. I felt jealous seeing you with her. Or maybe I should have open myself to others, should let myself to make more friends so that even if you think of leaving me one day. I should not feel hopeless but can continue my life ahead. Not beyond the horizon but beyond those mountains and low valleys.”
“Y/n…don’t leave us like this.” Wooyoung scooted towards you and the captain and quartermaster stepped closer, followed by others. They were surrounding you and you were sitting like a helpless one under their shadows.
“and why? How can I trust that you all will not accuse me of betraying again?”
Hongjoong glance at Seonghwa before stating, “if you leave us then we will be scattered, y/n.”
“and what about me? you all already made my feelings shattered when you all chose her over me because she proved me as a liar with some fake evidence. You all broke your own rules.”
Don’t trust a lie and never betray your family. --- their only rule.
Yeosang shook his head, “no, y/n. it won’t happen again.” Mingi nodded when agreeing with him. the scenario can’t be ever believed that the notorious group of pirates are helplessly asking forgiveness to you.
Before Yunho could speak whatever he was going to, you spoke up making him shut, “I really loved you all. When I promised not to betray you, I meant it. Even if you kill me someday, I will still have a belief that you are the only family I ever got in my life.”
“Y/n…”San whispered your name not to show his weak voice. 
“Are you not leaving us, right?” Mingi asked you when you stood up.
“I don’t know but I’m going to meet him now.” You placed your fingers over the belt to feel the knife well hidden underneath it. Hongjoong held your elbow stopping you from walking further, “you are not going anywhere.”
“And you are no one to tell me anything.” You jerked off his hand.
Yunho blocked your way when you turned towards the gangway. You shot him a glare but he returned the similar gaze directed to your soul, “don’t be stubborn. We are leaving tomorrow and don’t go anywhere today. We have to deal with Mina---”
“don’t say her name in-front of me!” you grabbed his coat and clenched your jaw. His hand moved up to cup your cheek but you swatted it away. “don’t touch me.” you pushed him aside. They watched how you stumbled a little while walking down the gangway and jumped to the shore from the last step. Seonghwa signalled something towards San and the latter nodded before following behind you.         
And in that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle overhead, they knew that you had a choice to make—a choice between holding onto the pain of the betrayal or embracing the promise of a future filled with love and redemption.
You stopped in your track before entering the market, heart soaring with the knowledge that true love conquers all—even the darkest depths of the sea. And your true love really pulled them towards you again.
For in the end, it is not the storms or the tempests that define their journey, but rather the unwavering belief that no matter how far they may drift apart, they will always find their way back to each other, guided by the light of love that burns eternal in the darkness. And so, as the waves carry them toward new horizons and unknown shores, embark on a voyage of discovery—one filled with adventure, passion, and the promise of a love that will endure for all eternity.
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killergee · 1 month
Biggest Fan
Summary: Just as Mina inspired and motivated others to join the force, you were that person for Hoshina. Although you weren’t as popular as her, Hoshina still thought you shined the brightest.
@imthecosmicbasball thank you for the request! I accidentally posted the draft responding to your request before it was ready so I deleted it and lost the ask message. But reader is a sword user like Mitsuri from demon slayer (ahh I love her too!).
Tagslist: @alwaysalilconfused
Hoshina joined the defense force for many reasons. To prove himself. To stick it to his brother. To help the greater good.
Of course, these were the answers he’d say if someone were to ask him. The answers he’d say out loud with a light and easy tone. But deep down there was a different answer that he kept only to himself. There was something else that made him join. Someone else.
Sometimes, when he closed his eyes, he could still remember that day clearly. The roaring sounds of kaijus surrounding him. The overbearing scent of ash and rubble. The bitter frustration that he was going to die before even getting the chance to join the defense force.
He had never felt so helpless and angry at the world that day.
But that wasn't all he remembered. No, he also remembers the strong gaze, the reassuring voice, and most of all, the long sword in your hands.
Not a gun.
But a sword that looked and moved like a ribbon.
“You alright there?” he heard you ask him as you held out your hand to him. At that moment, the buzzing in his ears stopped along with the sounds of the kaijus. His survival instincts told him to check if they were dead, but for some reason, just from being with you, he knew he was safe. He felt it.
At your question, he nodded his head, but his throat was too dry to say anything. "Good, help is on the way. Stay here," you ordered before jumping back into the fray.
The way you fought could be mistaken for dancing. Nothing about you made sense. The almost unnatural strength that exuded from you. The way your steel blade moved like a whip.
You were beautiful. 
Secretly, seeing you made him think he could do it. That he could still make it as a sword user despite what everyone told him.
So he kept you in his heart after that day.
When he finally became an officer, he found out you were a platoon leader in a different division. Despite feeling a bit sullen, his admiration for you never faltered. He tried to look up any videos of you or any information about you on the internet, but it always turned up empty. He thought you would be more popular, but the attention was all on Mina Ashiro, the rising star and the force’s most promising officer. She had garnered quite the fan base, and Hoshina couldn’t help but be impressed.
But still, even if there was no one out there, he’d still be your fan.
That was years ago, and now you were a captain just like Ashiro. Revered and admired, you became a dependable figure for your division even if Captain Ashiro and Captain Narumi remained the stars of the defense force. So, when Mina had to go on business to headquarters for a week, you were chosen to fill her spot. As your division was close to the Third Division, you were assigned to oversee the third division just to make sure everything stayed in order.
Before you arrived, he promised himself that he wouldn't get starstruck. Yet, as you walked into the room, he knew he was staring, but he couldn't help himself. You were as beautiful as the day he met you. A little more hardened but also a little more confident. Your years of experience showed in the way you carried yourself, and you wore your scars like a badge of honour. Your strong gaze added an air of allure, and he couldn't be bothered to be less obvious about staring. 
You stood at the front of the room, hands rested on the podium. "Starting from today, I will be acting as Captain of the Third Division until Captain Ashiro returns. If needed, please defer your problems to your Vice Captain before reaching out to me."
Your speech was curt and you wasted no time before dismissing everyone and exiting the room yourself. Had Hoshina not immediately chased after you, he might have lost you.
“Captain l/n, it is an honour to meet you.” Hoshina introduced himself, holding out his hand towards you.
There was a brief moment of hesitation before you returned his gesture. “No need to be so formal. I look forward to working with you, Vice-Captain."
He nearly huffed out a laugh at your own stiffness and formality but decided against it.
“Alrighty, Captain. Whatever you say,” Hoshina grinned. With his hands clasped behind his back, he looked around the hallway to see that everyone had dispersed.
“I’m actually a big fan of yours,” Hoshina admitted out loud for the first time.
Taken aback by his declaration, "uh, thanks?" was the awkward response that unceremoniously fell out of your mouth. A slight blush covered your face and neck as your eyes focused on anything but the man standing in front of you.
Your reaction revealed to Hoshina two things. One: you were not used to receiving this kind of praise before, which saddens Hoshina to no end, and two: Hoshina liked seeing you blush.
Despite how tough you looked; You were surprisingly shy when it came to compliments. A bit embarrassed, too. Scratch that a lot.
Who would Hoshina be if he did nothing with this information?  
This time, Hoshina did let a small chuckle escape. “Would you like a tour of the base?”
Your eyes shifted to his for a bit before you responded, “yes, that would be nice.”
Despite making sure to turn his charms all the way up, you were mainly stoic for the most part. You kept your commentary and questions to a minimum—choosing to follow him quietly. But your eyes did have a kind of sparkle to them when he said something funny, and your small smiles that would slip through made him irrationally happy.  
The contrast between you on vs. off the field wasn't something he expected. Yet, he found it strangely endearing. You weren't as perfect as he thought, and that somehow made you even better in his eyes.
When he dropped you back at your temporary office, he couldn’t help but speak about his discoveries.
"Captain, I never knew you were so awkward."
"I, uh, don't know how to respond to that."
"It's really cute," he remarked before leaving you alone in your office.
"... what just happened."
Hoshina thought that the relationship that was developing between the two of you was going great. Others, however, would say your interactions looked more like that of a haggard but nervous cat and an energetic puppy.
“Hey, Cap’, where ya going? Come eat with me.”
“Hey, hey don't be awkward around me, Cap’. I'll get hurt.”
“Captain, I can't wait to go on a mission with you.”
You let out a tired breath. “You know most people dread going on missions.”
Grinning from ear to ear at your response, Hoshina continued. “I just want to see you in action again.”
“Right...Okay,” you responded hesitantly, unsure how to handle the situation. “Is this how Mina feels with all her fangirls,” you mumbled under your breath.
What’s worse was that Hoshina’s enthusiasm seemed to rub off onto the rest of the division.
“Captain, please spar with me!”
“After Kafka I would also like to spar!”
“Captain, how do you sheathe your sword?”
“Why is everyone in the third division so weird?” You huffed to yourself but nonetheless accepted their requests and answered their questions.
It wasn't that you minded the attention. You just weren't used to it. You were used to simple greetings from your officers and the occasional 'how are yous.' Your division only talked to you when necessary, and you were happy with the arrangement.
(Your division actually loves you, but they know you're socially awkward, so they try to make you comfortable by limiting their interactions. Which, although well-intended, has not helped you develop your social skills at all. In fact, it has only enabled you to be more reclusive.)
Ever since you came to the third division, however, it has been a completely different story. They seemed to have made it their life mission to torment to know everything about you before you left. They didn't know when to leave you alone, and you were so close to just locking yourself in a closet somewhere to get some peace and quiet.
"Ah, it looks like you managed to escape to your office. Mind if I join you?"
You looked up from your office to see Hoshina already closing the door behind him.
Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
"Is there something you needed?"
"Nah, just wanted to hang out with you."
"Right...for like...fun?"
"Pffft, yea, I guess you can say that. You're leaving soon, so I'm just getting my fill."
It takes everything in you not to drop your jaw in disbelief at his statement. Hoshina has been tormentor no.1 since you've arrived. Sticking to your side like glue, he's been the most adamant at getting his moneys worth with your temporary placement.
Despite all of this, however, you surprisingly didn't really mind his presence.
"None of you guys seem to realize I'm only here to act as a shadow and oversee things." You said re-reading a report to busy yourself. "You'll gain nothing from sucking up to me."
"Eh? I don't think anyone's trynna suck up to you," Hoshina responded, plopping down onto the chair in front of your desk. "Everyone just thinks you're cool, and they just want to tell you that." They also probably enjoy seeing how flustered you get, but that's a thought Hoshina kept to himself.
"I don't need praise or recognition." You rebutted, embarrassed.
"Maybe, but it's nice, isn't it?"
"Hmm." You contemplated his words for a moment. It's true that the constant praises, questions, and attention made your head spin, yet they weren't all that bad. "I suppose."
The silence that settled in the room after your statement made you uneasy. Sneaking a glance at him, he appeared to be lost in thought or something as he stared up at the ceiling. Your own Vice Captain always commented on how socially awkward you were and how you were never able to understand social cues. Was this one of those moments? Was he remaining silent because he was waiting for you to say something? The silence was eating at you so you just said the first thing that came to your mind.
"Would... you also like some praise?"
Kill me now, you thought to yourself as Hoshina only stared at you in response. You should've just stayed silent. The third division's chatty attitude had infected you, and you were gonna kill your Vice Captain for-
Hoshina bursted out laughing, clutching his stomach with his arms. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I might faint if you praise me," he managed to say between laughs.
What does that even mean?
"Right..." You leaned back against your chair, shoulders less tensed now that the room was filled with the sounds of his laughter. It wasn't a bad sound.
Resting his head on his hand, he stared at you intently. "From all the videos and photos of you on the field, I would've never known how socially awkward you were."
"Thanks," you responded flatly. You raised the report to cover your face which was definitely sulking.
"Makes me want to know what else there is to ya." Leaning over the desk, he gently lowers the report and you're forced to look at him. "Go out with me?"
Yeah...everyone in the third division is weird, alright.
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