omo3rotismo · 2 months
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rynnyrynn · 1 month
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muchinery · 10 months
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Dragon wrestling :3c
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jung-koook · 1 year
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230202 - hoseok on instagram: Love U micky❣️
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petertorkie · 10 months
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herosplatling-replica · 4 months
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i keep forgetting to queue stuff up so: doodle pages from the past while!
(featuring @sirwow's Hinode, @emphasis-on-the-oopsie's Penny, @granat-sof's Leo and Micky, and @fufupng's fusion of Desert and GEB)
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strangewiggles · 3 months
[OC Sketch comic]
After a long night of partying, Bertie comes home to her…roommate…Micky.
⚠️ Substance use [drugs, alcohol], drunkenness
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Micky - Black-footed cat - she/her
Bertie - Bearded dragon - she/her
both are 24-25ish and lesbians of course
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Baby Micky Dolenz 👶 March 8, 1945
I'm Told I Had a Good Time: The Micky Dolenz Archives, Volume One
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krtart · 1 day
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Kittens Summary | 6-24-24
The Spire has a notable population of sapient cats.
Some of them arrived that way, be they natural species from their own worlds or individuals affected by magical machinations. Others arrived as normal Earth domestic cats and were altered over time by the magic of the Spire itself.
Others yet are descendants of the rest, and the magic of the Spire has influenced them in further, more enigmatic ways.
The “kittens” all young adults at this point, but they’re the most recent generation of cats that were born within the Spire and the label has stuck. Born with hands in place of forepaws; they walk on the second set of knuckles. Almost all of them are skilled engineers of one flavor or another.
Brownie: She/her, longhaired brown tabby. The mastermind of the kittens and the instigator of no end of trouble. Impulsive, with very little conscience or concern for consequences.
Fudgie: She/her, longhaired brown tabby. Second in command, does have a conscience, and is eternally stressed as a result. Not actually interested in engineering; would rather be doing pretty much anything else.
Stephanie: She/her, shorthaired black and white cap-and-mantle. Third in command; likes to problem solve, and always has an idea or observation to contribute.
Anthony: He/him, shorthaired black and white harlequin. Where Brownie and Stephanie are the instigators, Anthony is the executor; the one with the singular focus to keep iterating projects until they work. Congenitally deaf in one ear.
Smoke: They/them, shorthaired solid gray. Communications expert and general technician. Injured and separated from the group for several years; things have been awkward since their return.
Micky: He/him, shorthaired tuxedo. Really likes things that go ‘boom,’ and the most likely of any of the kittens to do something purely to see what will happen. Brownie generally at least pretends to have productive goals in mind.
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sonspurs · 4 months
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sibling behavior
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roughridingrednecks · 4 months
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naturepunks · 5 months
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rynnyrynn · 1 month
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emaadsidiki · 3 months
Mickey's topiary is the most popular photo stop!
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lesserknownhusbands · 10 months
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petertorkie · 10 months
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studying this image like im going to be quizzed on it
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