#MHWilds Alma
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Okay how about a silly one: player/hunter is out on a hunt with Olivia and ends up getting a concussion or something because they got distracted because "holy shit she's SO pretty" q(≧▽≦q) (this could also be done for the other support hunters as well if you feel like it!) <3 woodworks!anon
Synopsis: [MH Wilds Olivia x Hunter/Reader]
A hunt with Olivia goes terribly wrong when you manage to get yourself concussed ... and possibly ramble about your secret infatuation with her.
Genres: Romance, humour, fluff, crack.
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
(My take on the above request, provided by the lovely Woodworks! Anon, this time featuring the one and only Olivia).
This was getting out of hand.
Keeping an eye on the swaying neck of your seikret as it waded through the scarlet-hued waters of the forest, you could freely admit this fact to yourself.
It was your fault, and you knew it. You're the one who had allowed it to get to this point. It had started as a nagging little loose rock that had cascaded into an avalanche of an uncontrollable nature, the moment you'd allowed that first pebble to roll.
The subject of your thoughts chose that moment to speak.
"We're almost at the site. Ready your weapon."
Charismatic captain of the Astrum unit, veteran hunter, your partner on this particular hunt. And the woman who was now occupying your thoughts more than was healthy, considering your increasing infatuation with her.
This needed to stop. You needed to get it under control.
As the trees gathered and the canopy closed overhead, you could rationalise this all in some sense to yourself.
Olivia represented everything you admired in a hunter. She was powerful, exceptionally brave, cool under fire and a born leader. Her track record was singularly impressive, and you'd seen first hand how her experience translated into the field when you partnered with her on hunts.
Somewhere along the line, your professional admiration blurred over into the territory of the personal.
You found yourself listening for her deeper, melodic tones at meetings, watching out for her presence at camp, seeking out her company during the few hours of downtime you got between hunts.
You began to notice the way her hair looked a shade darker when wet, how her stride shifted from confident to purposeful when faced with an important task, the faint creases at the corners of her eyes when she favoured you with a rare smile and the way she smelt of iron, thunder and armour polish after a hunt in a storm.
You tried your best to hide this fascination, and you thought you'd done a fair job thus far. Heaven knew, if Gemma noticed anything, you'd never hear the end of it.
It couldn't be denied, however you examined it though, that Olivia was a very attractive woman, and the way she looked in the heat of battle certainly didn't help things.
Catching sight of her raised fist pulled you from your reverie and you brought your mount to a halt, alert, eyes taking in the forest around you. Although the canopy seemed peaceful, there was something that caught and snagged on your hunter instinct, something that must have struck Olivia too.
Cautiously, you turned in a circle, listening for tell-tale sounds.
To the left, in the copse of trees that leaned over the water.
You signaled Olivia and she nodded, hand slowly moving up to the hilt of her hammer. You slid from the back of the seikret, planting your feet on the ground, readying yourself.
The Lala Barina's stabbing appendage came rocketing through the undergrowth, spearing the ground with a thud before retreating. You swung swiftly, the edge of your weapon scoring a sliding scrape along the creature's skin.
It shrieked in fury and advanced, trees shoved aside as its bulk, catapulted by deceptively spindly legs, came hurtling towards you.
You dodged, rolling across the loamy earth as Olivia took the opportunity to stagger the monster with her own blow. Occupied as it now was with her, it gave you an opportunity to rush in once again, timing the fall of your strike with hers.
There it was.
That surge of exhilarating sameness that refused to lie without acknowledgement.
You couldn't deny this, the intoxicating rush that came with every blow you landed in tandem with hers, hyper aware of the swing of her waist, knowing exactly when she was going to feint, watching for the slight pivot on her left heel when she went in for a heavier attack.
It was as if even your breathing synced with hers, two predatory organisms that shared synapses, so closely interlinked that your prey stood no chance against the both of you combined.
It was also the reason that you spotted the way the Lala Barina suddenly swept back, taking an unusually short time to launch its body at the earth, the force of which could knock you both away.
And Olivia wasn't going to get out the way in time.
It wasn't that you didn't think she could tank the damage. She'd handled far worse before, and had come back swinging with a vengeance. It was more the fact that your body reacted before your mind could process the logic of what you were intending.
Holding your guard up, you gritted your teeth as you slid towards her, the shockwave of the monster's falling form knocking the wind out of you. You stumbled, foot landing awkwardly, a gasp leaving your throat as you careened sideways and then you were being dragged across the ground by the creature's follow-up attack, your head striking against some hard surface with stunning force.
Vaguely, you heard Olivia shouting out to you.
In the half-haze of your barely conscious state, you were sure you were imagining the panic in her voice.
Olivia never panicked. She was always so calm, so in control that she ...
Oh. You should probably - ah! Yes. There was a monster. It was ... hadn't it been there a minute ago? You could have sworn -
The sunlight through the trees looked so pretty overhead. It would be nice, wouldn't it, to lie here on the ground, with Olivia next to you -
What? Yes, moving. Moving would be a good idea. The monster was actually here. Still. How persistent.
You'd have to do something about that. How could it interrupt your nice little daydream about watching clouds with Olivia? Rude.
Rude monsters had to be put down. They had no place in civilised society.
Why did your arms and legs feel like they were moving through water? So slow. So much resistance. So ... unbalanced. Whoa.
Well, at least you'd hit the thing. It was staggering back.
Moving through water. Hmm. How pleasant. Floating until it felt like the world couldn't touch you. Like the world was floating away.
Was that the monster on the ground? Did it also feel the same? Perhaps it did, because it was taking an awfully long nap.
Good. Less bother.
And was that ... was that Olivia running towards you?
But she'd been in the dream, and now she was here? She was kneeling next to you, and oh? When did you end up on the ground? Strange.
Dream Olivia had put her hands on your face. You realised that she'd taken her gauntlets off and was feeling along the base of your skull.
Olivia, stop it. She was poking where it hurt.
She paused and looked down at you in concern. Her lips were moving. Was she asking you a question?
No need to worry. You'd be just fine. A giggle escaped your lips and now Dream Olivia seemed even more worried.
Why so worried? The sky is blue. The clouds are so fluffy. Would you eat a cloud, Olivia? They must be tasty. Maybe they're sweet?
No? But why was she moving again? Dream Olivia was even more impatient than the monster.
Shame on you, Olivia.
She's spoiling everything. Can't she just stay here with you and watch the pretty clouds? Can't she -
Oh wow. Wow.
Did she just sweep you off your feet? Was she carrying you?
Ahhhhh, don't panic. Don't blush. Be normal. Don't kick your legs and laugh like a teenager.
What a dream this was turning out to be!
Your queen. Your gorgeous hunter. You couldn't believe you were here, in her arms. It's truly a spectacular day to exist. She's so strong and amazing. She's as ... what's the phrase? Oh, come on, brain. So slow. Everything's so slow today.
Oh! Hot as a Lavasioth's scales.
No, no, Olivia is even hotter than that. When Olivia walks past, it's like being bombed by a Bazelgeuse. Knocks you to the ground and everything feels like it's exploding.
Dream Olivia is staring. Wonder why. Her shoulders are shaking too. Is she coming down with something? Oh no! Don't be sick, Olivia!
She's not? Then why is her face turning red? Her ears too! Oh here, she should let you cool off her ears. You have cool hands from the water.
Isn't that better?
Good! You wouldn't want her to come down with something.
Anyway ... is that ... a wingdrake approaching? Is Olivia going to -
Ahhhhhhhhhh. Olivia! Be careful! She can't just -
You're flying.
And Olivia is holding you so tightly. She can't drop you! She won't? Oh, you know she won't. She'd never let anyone fall and splatter all over the ground below like a fluffy egg.
Would Olivia like breakfast? You're very good at eggs. All kinds. If you made your eggs just right, maybe she'd think that you're beautiful too.
But the camp is already here? No! You were just beginning to enjoy snuggling with Olivia. She was ... well, maybe under all that armour she was comfortable to hold.
Was that ... dream Alma? And Gemma? Why were they running over here? Olivia had everything under control, so there was no need for their services, thank you.
Alma was shouting something.
Ouch. Less shouting Alma.
And why all the lights in your eyes? The only light you needed in your life was Olivia!
Couldn't they understand that? You were going to make her the best scrambled eggs and then she wouldn't want to hunt with anyone else! Ever!
And Dream Alma was pushing up your sleeve and ... injecting you with something? What on earth could that -
Oh. Oh.
How drowsy you felt all of a sudden. The world, and Olivia's tight hold on you was fading, fading like so many nameless hunts, drifting in the wind, and ...
When you awoke, the heavy, slightly coarse folds of the blanket were the first thing you took note of. You groaned and passed a hand over your eyes.
Your head felt like a herd of aptonoth had just stampeded through it. Reaching back, your fingers traveled gingerly over the sizeable swelling on your scalp before you flinched and slowly pulled yourself upright.
Alma was reading nearby. She scrambled to her feet and came over to you, eyes traveling carefully over your form to assess the damage.
"You took quite the hit. Are you feeling okay to sit up?"
You nodded and immediately regretted it.
She shot you a sympathetic look before pouring out a steaming healing drink from the vessel on the table beside you.
"Here. This is will bring down the swelling and ease the pain."
You took it and drank deeply, sighing as you felt the effects go to work, stealing through your body with the subtle warmth of sunshine.
"How long was I asleep?"
"We let you rest overnight. You did wake up a few times but you weren't - "
She cut off abruptly, and you squinted at her. Something wasn't right. She wasn't meeting your gaze and her mouth had suddenly pursed into familiar folds that told you she was holding back her amusement.
"What happened while I was out?"
She took the cup from you and set it down carefully, as if making sure not to startle a skittish animal.
"How much do you remember?"
Your brow furrowed as you thought back.
"I remember ... being here at camp. And getting ready for a hunt."
She nodded encouragingly.
"And then I ... rode out to a meeting point somewhere in the forest."
"And then?"
"Then ... oh, Olivia was there!"
There it was again, that flash of hidden mirth. Why was she -
"And you both fought a Lala Barina. A dangerous one. Do you remember anything about that?"
"Hmm. Not much. I think ... I saw it go for Olivia. And then I jumped in and ... yeah. Not much after that, I'm afraid."
She nodded and patted you on the knee.
"That's probably for the best."
"What do you - "
"Oho. There you are. Up and raring to go."
Gemma must have spotted you awake, and you watched, confused, as she sauntered up, a grin you could only describe as 'shit-eating' on her face. Alma prodded at her glasses and shot Gemma a look. The cheerful smithy was undeterred.
"Well now, honey hunter. Ready to get some new helmets made? Might prevent you from hitting your head and turning all smoochy again."
There was a note of warning in Alma's voice, but you suddenly felt a writhing sensation in the pit of your stomach, a vaguely formed idea that something terrible had happened while you were unconscious.
"What is she talking about?"
"It's nothing! Just lie back and - "
"You mean you don't remember?"
Gemma snorted and slapped her thigh.
"You can't remember a single thing?"
"Well, no, obviously, because I - "
"So you don't remember asking Olivia on a date to eat fluffy scrambled eggs?"
And now the bottom dropped right out of your stomach, the snakes that had been writhing there a short while ago shrieking faintly as they plummeted into an endless ravine.
"I did ... what?"
Alma raised her hands as if to quell the tide of rising panic.
"Look, it's not that bad. She knows you were completely concussed when you - "
You struggled to your feet, eyes darting around the tent.
"What? Tell me now. Tell me everything. I need to know how bad it was."
"Well ... "
Gemma cleared her throat.
"Hmm. Let me see. Hmm. Hmm. Something about how you wanted to cuddle with her. And her armour was in the way. And oh, something about how beautiful and strong and amazing and gorgeous she was. So many words, so little space in my brain. And how you wanted to ... eat fluffy clouds with her? That one confused me, for sure. And yeah, there was also the bit about how you wanted to stay in her arms forever. Hard to forget that one."
Alma sprang in, seeing your expression of growing horror.
"Ah, but like I said, she knows you were not in the right state of mind. Olivia wouldn't - "
You buried your face in your hands.
"My career is over."
"What? No!"
"I'm finished. It's done. I can never face - "
"No! It's not that bad, I promise."
Gemma was polishing her fingernails against the lapel of her jacket.
"Well, that's kinda subjective. I mean, the whole camp did see you kick your legs like a four year old and shout that the only light you needed in your life was Olivia."
"End me now. Send out a request, Alma. Fifty thousand zenny and I'm the target."
"Look, just ... calm down. We can do damage control. Get the word out that you - "
"What's this about damage control?"
The flap of the tent raised, falling behind a familiar figure and the blood froze in your veins. Never, in all your years as a hunter, had you felt so much like a hapless herbivore, about to be snatched up in the jaws of a raging Anjanath.
It was Olivia.
Gemma's grin had almost spread across the entirety of her face. Alma leapt to her feet, almost blocking you from view, and you'd never been more thankful for her.
"Ah! Olivia. We ... weren't expecting you."
The woman in question raised an eyebrow, cool as ever.
"I'm just here to check on them. They took a pretty bad blow to the head."
"Well - "
"I'm fine."
You stood, placing a hand on Alma's shoulder, moving her gently out of the way. As much as you appreciated her attempt to protect you, hiding behind cover had never been your way.
No. You'd face this and take whatever consequences would come your way, no matter how crushing -
"Good." Olivia met your gaze head on, "Got me worried out there."
Oh. Was she going to pretend it never happened?
As much as the thought brought you some relief, you couldn't help but feel the heavy pall of disappointment that settled over your shoulders.
"Well, as you can see, I'm up."
You forced your face into some semblance of a smile and gave her your standard professional response.
"Hope to hunt with you again!"
She eyed you for minute that seemed to grow into an hour. Gemma and Alma were seemingly watching the exchange with bated breath.
Eventually, Olivia shrugged, running a hand through her hair in a gesture that seemed oddly awkward, glance moving somewhere to the region of your elbow.
"Yeah, sure. But I'll see you before that right? You did promise me those scrambled eggs."
"Oh, yeah, I mean ... huh?"
"Fluffy scrambled eggs, right? Said you could make them perfectly."
"Um. Yes. Yes, I can. I can make them really, really well. How about - "
"Tomorrow? I've got to sort something out in the Iceshard Cliffs this evening, but I'll be back at camp after."
"That's ... that's fine. Perfect. I'll see you then, I suppose."
"Then it's settled."
She offered a brief farewell to Alma and Gemma, pausing with her hand on the canvas flap of the tent entrance.
When she turned to face you, your knees nearly caved at the sight of her half-smile, the glance of appreciation that moved like a warm torch over your disshevelled form.
"I won't be wearing any armour. Maybe you should leave yours behind too."
In the profound silence that reigned over the tent after Olivia's departure, Gemma fanned herself slowly.
"Well now. Ain't it hotter than a forge in here?"
Based on previous notes: @pinkiedash101 @mrs-potatocat @rubberroomwithrats
#fanfiction#fanfic#monster hunter fanfic#mh wilds fanfic#monster hunter#mh wilds#mhwilds olivia#mh wilds olivia#monster hunter wilds#monster hunter wilds olivia#olivia mhw#olivia mhwilds#mhwilds olivia x reader#mhwilds olivia x hunter#mhwilds alma#gemma mhwilds#gemma monster hunter#alma monster hunter#romance#humor#fluff#crack#mhwilds
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The great unifier. 🥖🧀 // Monster Hunter Wilds | dev. Capcom
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A thing I really love about Monster Hunter Wilds is that you are not the main character. The expedition into the forbidden lands is explicitly about research and diplomacy, not about hunting anything.
Alma is here to research the local cultures, and make diplomatic connections.
Erik and Werner are here to study the local geology and ecosystem.
Your job as a hunter is not to kill shit, but to allow the nerds to do their jobs safely, and I love that. You are just a bodyguard. An extremely skilled one, but a bodyguard none the less. I think that is great. It isn't about you.
I love the focus on the Hunter's as a research organization. It makes everything far more interesting.
#monster hunter#monster hunter wilds#mhwilds alma#mhwilds spoilers#mhwilds#it is also why I like Alma so much more than the Handler#the Handler was a personal assistant that made your job harder#Alma is your boss. If anything you are her assistant
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i made alma stickers
(that you can also buy if you want!!)
#monster hunter#monster hunter wilds#mhwilds#mhwilds fanart#alma#alma mhwilds#mhwilds alma#sorry for using a funko pop in my marketing but i got him back in like 2019#i spent so long looking for him at comic stores and conventions cause i refused to buy it online LOL#might aswell make good use of it
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they’re so silly i’d die for them
#mhwilds#monster hunter wilds#mhwilds spoilers#hunter udei#alma#mhwilds alma#i already miss that armor… i will get it in high rank soon enough
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Damn :(
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Another doodle dump
#doodle#my art#monster hunter#mhwilds#mhwilds alma#mhwilds olivia#mhwilds aida#not tagging erik cause he’s just a chibi lol#girls get me away from this game#it’s consuming me whole
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Monster Hunter Wild Characters!
New characters from the Monster Hunter Wilds trailer!

Gemma, our Smithy for the expedition!

Alma, our Handler with all the knowledge!

Nata! A survivor of whatever happened? The story seems to imply some Hunter's, a failed expedition, or maybe a guild group went missing? Enough to send us to the 'Forbidden Lands?'

The Wild Hunters and our Palico, both fully voiced acted this time!

The Wild Hunter without the armor. The flashback is really washed out, implying that it was rough circumstances that got us the lead hunter position or and emergency to be sent to the 'Forbidden Lands'.

A wider shot of the group. The little plushie hanging off her belt is cute! Maybe a new cosmetic slot like pendants? And maybe it means that Gemma may be quite experienced in smithing… since a little girl you can say… Also love the hairstyle!

An older Admiral? I don't see it as it is probably just similar design like they did with Elder Fugen. The banner on his wall is just using the Hunter's Guild symbol.

An unrevealed character too? A person from the expedition lost, a native to the land, or just another Hunter from our expedition? They don't seem to by a Wyverian either.

An image of the new starter pack monster Doshaguma. It seems it'll be a pack battle like the starter Fanged Wyverns. It looks like a bear cross with a dog of sorts. Beardog!

And the punch-froggy monster Chatacabra! Like the Pukei-Pukei it has a long tongue and licks itself like Brachy!
And our trusty mount the Seikret! Who, will allow us to change weapons mid-fight now! I was right!
#monster hunter#monhun#mh#monster hunter wilds#monster hunter 6#mhwilds#wild hunter#monster hunter speculation#monster hunter characters#mhwilds gemma#mhwilds alma#mhwilds nata
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Literally, the second mission in Monster Hunter Wilds is you and your wife (your handler Alma) trying to keep your feral, gremlin child (Palico) and their friends alive.
Also, Greatsword is…great.

Also, Hunter please stop making googly eyes at your wife. We know you’re in love. We need to hunt.
#monster hunter wilds#mhwilds#mhwilds alma#mhwilds Hunter#capcom said they were married your honor#raising a goblin child is no joke#hunter x alma
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As I try to fight a tempered arkveld my palico is stuck on alma
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MH Wilds playthrough: Finally reached high rank!
Here's more screenshots of my pretty hunter and her squad.
(Low rank spoilers)

And bonus Olivia:

Does she mean 'needed' in a hunt, or 'needed' carnally, because BOTH, MA'AM.
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"Is this a Lala Barina floret?" "A Lala Barina?" Monster Hunter Wilds | dev. Capcom
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And her hobby is Archeology? Please marry me. Talk to me for hours about all the cool cultural stuff we are discovering. Speak to me in your pretty foreign languages. Infodump about the cool rocks you found.
#alma#monster hunter wilds#monster hunter#mhwilds#mhwilds spoilers#mhwilds alma#I already love her so much#especially compared to our last handler#whos personality was food and almost dying
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smokin the shit that makes that conga go lala
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Interesting shift in the Hunter-Quest Lady relationship
Quest ladies in Monster Hunter 1-3 + Generations + Rise: a local official who does paperwork for you and other hunters and sends reports to the Guild. You go out and hunt to make money, and she makes sure you abide by Guild rules.
Guildmarm / Sophia in Monster Hunter 4: the quest lady of your specific caravan, who still does essentially the same work, but since she's traveling with you, no other hunters work with her, and the relationship becomes a lot more personal.
The Handler in Monster Hunter World: your personal quest lady, who keeps track of your exploits as you explore the New World. Every hunter seems to have their own handler in this game. She is your partner, and together you follow the orders of the Commander. Comes with you into the field, but stays at camp. Often speaks for you in cutscenes since the protag is silent, but doesn't really do much outside of the usual paperwork.
Alma in Monster Hunter Wilds: your personal quest lady. Your boss. There is no commander character this time; you report directly to her. While she presumably still does the Guild paperwork, her authoritative role is much more explicit: She has to give you explicit permission to hunt any specific monster. You are here as her protection, as she studies the local cultures and ecology. You are here as her muscle, her bodyguard. You are here for her.
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