moonysfavoritetoast · 11 months
can i talk about my lanyard for a sec?
i have nine pins and a bunch of other shit i just put on there
the lanyard is literally the marauders fucking map btw like
like says “i solemnly swear that i am up to no good” and has the thingy print of the marauders map
and then there’s a thingy rubber keychain kinda thing that is the map and remus’s wand
i made half of the pins (or would they be classified as buttons?) with bottlecaps
one of them is the genloss logo 4 thing
one says “#1 cat dad”
one is my pronouns
and one is a heart meade out of pop tabs
(i made those four)
then i have three buttons; a gryffindor one, a order of the phoenix one, and a jack skellington one (bought)
and two pins; a frog with a bi flag and a minecraft bee
and that’s not even all of it sigh
i have a bunch of safety pins i put beads on and a chain made of pop tabs that i put my house key on
so on safety pins i have fucking sirius black’s, remus lupin’s, james potter’s and regulus black’s initials
and then fucjing heart beads x2
then pride flags (bi and nb) because why not??
so uh yeaaah
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mihotose · 5 months
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you are literally streaming rn
#whatever they arent even being paid#that aside i think its so cool that earlier that day the episode where they start working at the ryokan was released#i think megumi said its three days two nights? presumably over the weekend. and this was streamed on the saturday#so the friday was covered in the main story the saturday was the with×meets and the sunday will be the other half of the main story episode#gemitus#hmhm the way sayaka's talking makes it seem like their first day was saturday. so maybe the monday they were off school#tsuzuri had a stream on the monday lets see#omg sayaka and megumi conflict?#sayaka: it seems megumi-senpai has been planning this. but it isnt really going to plan... tsuzuri: megu will fix it#sayaka: oh? tsuzuri: mhm. megu is nice. sayaka: its weird that youre siding with megumi-senpai all of a sudden!#tsuzuri is feeling weird bc shes never had both megumi and sayaka at the same time#and that she talked to megumi during her break but wasnt able to bring her back like ruri was#tsuzuri called sayaka useful for beinh able to put her feelings into words and rhen said that thanks to saya kaho and ruri#they were able to bring megu back and she says 'megu is my friend. shes always nice'#sayaka gets annoyed that tsuzuri calls megumi nice but sayaka is only 'useful'. so tsuzuri tries to correct herself by saying shes both#which. doesnt help. she says sayaka understands her. and that this year shes been able to breathe#ok tsuzuri's stream: she said saya was mad at her after the last one so she asked why and saya told her its rude to call someone useful#(i think i should have translated it as Convenient) so now shes asking chat what she should call her instead lmao#'hm.. saya was making a big fuss over megu. i wonder if she wants to be friends. ah! if my friend makes friends with my friend..#thats a triangle! キンキンキン (triangle noises)#she was playing daruma-san ga koronda with chat (comments are movement) and the comments she sees when she turns around are out#but she read out peoples names when she saw them so people wanted to be out lmao#'everyone? you dont understand the rules? maybe im bad at explaining...'
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2knightt · 9 months
could u write the gang (seperate) x a reader thats like. deeply and unashamedly obsessed w them
not in in a weird way but like soda makes reader a cake and theyre like “wow ur so talented u should be a baker youd be the best baker in the world everyone look at this isnt my bf such a good baker?? isnt he so cool???? arent you so jealous of me???”
or they visit the DX on steves lunch break and theyre like whats all this? and steve starts explaining the car stuff to them and theyre like “omg ur so smart ur the smartest person ever the DX is so lucky to have you <333 soda come look at steves car isnt he so good at this??? babe u should like reinvent cars youd totally do it better than washington or whatever”
or just reader holding hands and sitting on laps and kissing faces at all times basically the gang x reader thats all over them
「 i just wanna get high with my lover! 」
IN WHICH—you’re totally in love with them!♡ ໋֢ 🎞️✧
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⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ i’m Finally working on reqs. WHO CHEERED???? also new theme for fics. got bored of my old ones😜
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Dallas Winston ;
“you’re so strong, dal. you look so good when you fight, did you know that? you’re like the only person who looks that good when fighting. you’re so cool.”
“…thanks, doll.”
like??? he’s never been showered in compliments like this before. but he DOES welcome it
cocky bastard. you boosted his ego. it’s too high now.
“i stole this for you.”
“DALLAS! you didn’t have too, oh my god! you’re so sweet—and talented! i can’t believe you stole this—for me! i have the best boyfriend ever! i am so lucky, ain’t i?”
“yeah, i know.”
SHOWS U OFF SO MUCH. he just likes the reaction you give him when he does, honestly. like dallas LOVES hearing you ramble about him when he’s beside you.
he’s all, “yup. i AM the best boyfriend ever, dickhead.”
“this my partner.”
“mhm! dally’s the sweetest ever! he’s so nice to me, don’t you think? ugh, i love him so much. he’s the best boyfriend in the world.”
the way you look at him with lovesick eyes makes him wanna hold you forever and never let go btw.
IF YOU SIT ON HIS LAP AND DO THAT??? ohmy fod he’ll lose his fucking mind!!!
dallas winston looking up at you while you cradle him between your legs, his hands gently holding your waist while you gush over him, a small pink hue across his cheeks.
“you’re so handsome. you’re the prettiest boy ever. i love your hair, it’s so nice. with or without the grease.”
has the most DISGUSTING and GROSS lovey dovey smile across his face has you plant kissed across his face, mumbling sweet nothings as you do so.
feels like you’re an angel when you do this after a bad day btw. loves you sososososo much he’s so down bad
Johnny Cade ;
looks up at you with the biggest puppy dogs eyes you’ve ever seen as you sit on his lap, kissing his scars. johnny’s lips would be slightly parted as he seems mesmerized with every movement you make.
WHIPPED. HE IS WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER. the SECOND you started gushing over, he got a small grin on his face, a sense of pride washing over him.
he, like, never knew you seen him as this magnificent being. johnny’s confidence was never great but PHEWWW you’re always there to help him!!!
“you really like my scars?”
“totally. they make you look so cute, johnny. they make you, you and that’s all i could ever ask for. you’re so cute. i love you. any person would, i’m just so glad that it’s me.”
he’d get so shy after but johnny would be walking with his chin slightly higher. ‘cause deep down he’s all, “what if they don’t actually mean it☹️?” and then you show up outta nowhere and like engulf him with a hug and he’s like “nvm…i love ‘em actually☺️.”
whenever you brag about him to people, he has to look at his feet to keep himself from smiling too much.
“and if you ever need someone to listen to you, nobody does it like johnny! he’s the best listener ever, nobody can ever compare to him. johnny’s such an angel!”
he’d mumble, an embarrassed groan leaving his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, kicking a rock.
contrary to popular belief of you being more in love, he is. he swears up and down that you’re too good to him, that you’re a real doll, that he doesn’t deserve someone like you.
johnny needs someone like this in his life NOW! and if it isn’t you it’s gonna be me.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
so fucking embarrassed i’m crying.
i believe he can’t take compliments for SHIT. so being around you, he just becomes a mess. like stuttering n’ shit.
“your voice is so pretty. you read so much better than everyone else, pony. you should do it as a job—you’d totally beat everyone. it’s not like it’d ever be a competition with you there, though. you’re so cool, pony.”
“i-uhm…thank you, y/n.”
like at night when he’s with soda, he just rambles to his older brother about what you told him. soda thinks it’s cute in the moment, but later wants ponyboy to shut up because it’s been two hours of him gushing over what you said to him.
“and then they said that i-“
“OKAY, DAMN. i have work tomorrow and you have school. ponyboy, please.”
“…okay? they said that i was the prettiest boy they’ve ever seen.”
“holy fuck.”
like he’d be ranting about some drama with the gang or some movie he’d seen, sitting on the couch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you look over to him, thinking he’s never looked more perfect. ponyboy had washed the grease out of his hair, the fluffy hair falling over his ears.
unconsciously, you tuned him out as you leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.
“what was that for?”
“you tell stories so well, pony. you’d make a great writer, did you know that? i’m so lucky to have you.”
he’s so cute thay’s literally my man….!!!!
Sodapop Curtis ;
sitting on the counter while he cooks and you just rant about how perfect he is makes him WEAK IN THE KNEES.
“you’re such a good baker, soda. nobody does it like you do. you’re like—the best baker in the world. ain’t he, two-bit?”
“stop it, y/n..🤭🤭”
“nah, ‘m good.”
you brag about him to the girls that go to the DX to flirt with him. i can see it now.
soda’s just in the background giggling SOO HARD AND TWEAKING WITH STEVE LMFAOO
“no, he’s so sweet to me! i swear, he’s like the best boyfriend ever, did you know that? i’d be jealous if i was you, honestly.”
“soda, shut up!”
“i’m the best boyfriend ever, steve😛.”
“you look so cute today, y/n. i got so lucky, didn’t i? had to be blessed to even have you in my life.”
FUCK i need this man at my doorstep
like imagine sitting on his lap, him staring up at you while you push back his hair with a small smile on his face. the silence between the two of you being broken by exchanged compliments.
Darry Curtis ;
tries to act cool and nonchalant when you do it, but he turns his head away to cover the huge smile that’s growing on his face.
“you’re so strong, dare! you’re the strongest person ever—you could totally take down anyone. isn’t he just the best, soda?”
“alright, that’s enough, y/n.”
“but you’re just so good to me, dare. :(.”
“sweetheart, please.”
“he’s smiling, y/n.”
“and blushin’…i love your brother so much.”
“everyone knows.”
like your arms are wrapped around his neck, his arms around your waist as he reads the newspaper over your shoulder while lazily responding to your rambles.
“you look so cute with your reading glasses. you’re the most handsome boyfriend in the whole world. i’m so lucky, ain’t i?”
“you’re a real treat, y/n.”
“i love your hair, darry. you look so much better with this hairstyle than anyone else. you should be a model.”
“i’d be a terrible model, dear.”
gang is so jealous of your relationship btw. they call it bullshit that darry pulled you.
they fake gag and groan when you do this but in reality they’re like, ‘damn…when is it my turn to be happy.😒’
darry’s self esteem’s alright. it’s not the best but it’s not the worst. but you’re always there to remind him he’s absolutely perfect :).
Steve Randle ;
like i swear to god the second you went on a rant about him he was so ready to marry you right then and there.
“you’re so good when it comes to cars. honestly—you could just make your own and it’d be 100x better than whoever made them before. you’re just the best mechanic ever.”
“really? you think so? ‘cause if i were ever to i’d totally change the way they-“
and now steve’s on a 12 minute rant on how he’d change cars to rub better while you just sit there, listening to him with a smile.
YOU HAVE HIM SOOOO INSANE LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD!?? he couldn’t ask for a better partner if he tried!!!
like, i imagine steve’s always had confidence issues—being friends with soda n all don’t really help.
“you’re so smart, steve. like—the smartest ever.”
“stawpp, oh my god. what else am i, though?”
“you’re cute, awfully nice, you got the prettiest eyes the world’s ever seen-“
please tell him all this while kissing him all over. he needs it so bad.
teehee lazily kissing steve randles face as the blush across his face grows from the never ending compliments that leave your lips😜
he’d totally tell you to shut up and when you don’t, he just kiss you.
Two-Bit Mathews ;
honestly—he didn’t like it at first. ‘cause deep down he was all, ‘wtf??? i’m supposed to be making them swoon n’ shit??? why am i the one giggling rn??😒😡’
but overtime he’d look forward to your silly little love drunk rambles. tell him he’s the most thoughtful boyfriend ever when he’s drunk and he might cry.
and he’s like actually sobbing while hugging you.
sitting on two-bit’s lap in the backseat of his car at the drive-in, ignoring the movie you guys came to watch because you’re both too focused on each other.
kissing every inch of his face, laughs leaving his lips as you mutter small comments about how cute his laugh is. unconsciously, his grip on your hips tightening.
FUCK i’m making myself feel lonely writing this.
every single good thing you say about him gets internalized. someone could say his hair’s dumb but then in his head he goes ‘NUH-UH! y/n said my hair is absolutely perfect😜’
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opal-owl-flight · 20 days
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I didnt expect to see Octavio in the Grandfest...and neither did 3, for that matter.
In my interp of the lore, Inkadia is aware of who he is. 3 and the platoon have been fighting for years with the Inkadian powers that be to recognize Octaria as a legitimate nation, for it to be held in equal regard.
That day finally came on the Grandfest. Or at least, the beginnings of it, anyway.
More on the two's convo below!
"Hm! |...Sir Octavio! Im...surprised to see you here.|"
"What. You think Octaria doesnt deserve to celebrate the biggest event in the continent alongside you squits?"
"|No! No! Im...|" they chuckle, a smile breaking across ther face. "|...glad to see that you made it!
But I dont remember arranging a pass for you...|"
"Aah. Well. Your old man pulled some strings. That, and the Inkadian and Splatlandian powers that be invited me themself."
Now 3s surprised. "|...Really?|"
"Mhm. I brought the dome-dwellers up here with me. Look around! Didnt you notice them in your matches?"
Are they dreaming?
They never noticed them at all. It wasnt even like there was much of a difference. For months there have been an increase of migrators and visitors. Allowed to turf. Allowed to stay. Allowed to...
Live in the sunshine.
They stagger, which made the Octarian king hold out a tentacle to steady them. "You alright, bucko?"
3 nods. "|A-a little overwhelmed, thats all.
All those patrols. All those deserters I helped to assimilate. All that struggle they had to go through to escape Octaria-
And now, its just...so...|"
3 nods again, silently.
"Mmmm. I'll admit though, not everyone is keen on just letting people explore. Not everyone was keen on coming up here for this festival, either.
...too much, has happened for them to trust Inkadia again."
3 hangs their head low. He held their chin and made them look up again.
"...But you. You and your platoon of hooligans. Youve been changing that. You are Inkadians that went the extra mile in understanding us. Listening to us, respecting our decisions. Allowing us to rule our nation as we wished.
It means...a lot. More than you know.
To the point where even those who dont trust Inkadia are at least respecting it from a distance now."
The conversation is cut short by a couple of young Inkfish kids.
"Oaah...its the Octarian king!"
"Hes REAL!!!"
"Of course Im real, squirts! Who'dya think leads all the Octarians?"
"Yeah!!" squeaks another kid, who waddles closer. "Our king is so nice! He brought us up here to play!!"
"Woaah, really?"
"Mhm." He grunts. "Everyone deserves the sunshine."
The kids eyes all shine. Theyve had ex-Octarian friends who spoke much kinder words about the king. It was easy for them to accept the fact that hes just there, grinding wasabi peacefully. Talking to the Inkfish who wants merch. Having generally gruff but...daresay, gentle vibes.
Octavio grunts out a chuckle. "Are you enjoying the surface, little one?"
"VERY!! I made new friends!! The sun feels so warm, ah!! The music! The music!! Oh, so wonderful!!!"
3 smiles again...
"Oooh... wait, I can finally ask!!" squeaks one of the kids. "Mister king, sir! Did you really fight someone called Agent 3???"
3s smile becomes a nervous one. Octavio picks that up immediately.
"Why yes. Little hooligan, that one. Ack! Gave me a headache like nothing else!"
"Did they convince you? To be good now?"
"Mh. Its a little more complicated than that, kiddoes. But I..." he sighs. "...I guess, they did."
"So cool...I wish I could meet them!!"
Octavio sees, from the corner of his eye, 3 making the subtlest movement of shaking their head.
"Its said...that theyre one of the top players in the leagues. If you look hard enough, youll find em."
The Octarian kid looks straight at 3, knowingly. The two other kids notice -- and look at the golden badge they hung around their neck.
"Oh! Oh! Youre a top player, right?"
"Do you think youve met them?"
Octavio is doing EVERYTHING he can to not laugh.
"|...Im not sure. Im not exactly sure what to look for.|"
"Ill help your search, all of you." Octavio grunts again. "What exactly to look for."
3 looks at him, eyebrow raised.
"Theyre ruthless on the field. Whether it be a real fight, or in the leagues. They think on their feet, move faster than most eyes can register.
But underneath that cold efficiency...
Is one of the gentlest, most understanding squids I know."
3s expression changed from nervous to...comfort? Theyre not sure what it is, but its warm.
"Watch for a player who goes out of their way to be nice to kids and beginners. One who's a good sport in the cutthroat top leagues. One who's willing to share their battle tech to anyone, something that most top players keep under wraps.
One who's motivated to help you become the best version of yourself.
No matter how long it takes."
Octavio sees 3s shoulders relax a bit. He smiles.
"Yeah, I may have fought them a lot, back in the day. But now, Id really rather think of them as a friend."
The kids start bickering about which player it could be. The Octarian kid already knew. Shes seen them before, after all. She points at them now.
"Hehee! Maybe you should try looking in a mirror, miss. That sounds a lot like you!"
The other kids stop bickering and take a closer look.
"Huh?? Them? Hmmm...now that you say it-"
"Shes right!!! Its right in front of us!! FOR3VRFRSH! Agent 3!!!"
Octavio grinds one of his wasabi sticks a little harsher on the table to get their attention. "Kids, kids! Remember what the legend says!"
That confirms it!! They shush each other, but are still sqealing quietly. They look up at 3 again, the new info putting the top player in a different light. They threw a glance at Octavio before squatting down to their level.
"Yes," they rasp. "Me and the king...were more friends now...than enemies. Time...passes. People...change.
Remember that, okay?"
"Yes miss! We'll remember!!"
They wink. "Good...now...Stay Forever Fresh!"
Octavio looks on, leaning slightly to whisper to the floating squid jerky next to him.
"You did good with this one, Cuttlefish."
He says nothing, like during this whole conversation. One thought was in his head.
He didnt do that. That...was all 3. They were better than he ever was. He only wished...
He didnt push them as hard as he did.
HOO BOY THATS A DOOZY OF A READ. I didnt PLAN for the beginnings of the acceptance of Octaria to come this early but Nintendo gave me material!! A lot of this is still semi-rough so forgive me if the pacing is whack. I just had to make and write something!!
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magewritesstories · 6 months
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[ ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ ] ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢɪʀʟ
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summary; some bnha characters dating a cool black-cat girl (bc i'm listening to the Ghost album by diljit dosanjh rn and thats the vibes it gives off) included characters --- izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, denki kaminari tw; none, it's literally just fluff note; if you want these headcanons with diff mha characters i'd write them! also i'm not a black-cat person at all so sorry if its not super accurate. word count; 909 words
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He's so surprised first of all, like this poor baby is so in love with you but the fact that you love him back?! He's absolutely over the moon.
You might be surprised when I say this but not a lot of people are surprised at the fact that the two of you are dating—because of course the adorable dork who can never shut up pulled the chill, calm popular girl.
You're the first person to decode his mumble language, and just nod along like it's completely normal
speaking of his rambles, you just happily listen and let him rant until he realizes he's ranting and then he stops and looks at you so calmly smiling and listening and he almost passes out because he's overwhelmed by feels.
"I think that Kamui Woods would probably be the best match for her, you know considering the fact that he could use laquered prison to—" Izuku cut himself off when he realized he'd been ranting on about what hero vs hero matches would be cool to see and who would win.
You're sitting in front of him, the ends of your lips quirked up slightly as you swirl your favourite drink and look at him. "Something wrong, sweetie?" You ask, tilting your head slightly to the right as you rest it in your palm.
"I–I'm sorry," He quickly apologized, freckled cheeks tinting red as he felt your gaze stay on him, "I–I've been ranting, and–and you must be bored... I'm sorry."
"I didn't say that," You reply calmly, "I like listening to your rants—they're cute, and not to mention informative."
His already big green eyes widen even more. "R–really? I mean are you sure?"
You let out a soft chuckle and nod. "Mhm, now, will you tell me about how Kamui Woods would beat Mt. Lady?" You ask, giving him another soft smile.
Izuku visibly brightens as he happily continues his rant.
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How? Just how?
That's the first thing people think, because why would someone as cool and calm as you date someone as hotheaded as him?
Everyone around you is so confused (Denki literally brain-fries himself trying to understand.)
But then they see the way you stare down Bakugou without even flinching and manage to calm him down and all of a sudden it just clicks.
It's not really a rare occurrence—Katsuki's shouting his head off about some algebra equation Denki doesn't understand.
"What is so hard to understand, you damn dunderhead?!" The explosive blond shouts, practically jumping over the table towards Denki.
You're sitting in the library with the rest of the BakuSquad and have already been warned twice to keep it down.
"Katsuki, calm down," You say, looking up from your own homework.
He turns to you with an annoyed expression. "I'll calm down when this idiot stops being so damn stupid."
You match the glare he's giving you. "We're going to get kicked out," You reply, placing a hand on his arm to pull him back, "I'm sure Denki will understand whatever you're trying to explain to him if you just chill out."
Bakugou glares at you for a whole minute before huffing and falling down in his seat.
Everyone at the table stares at the two of you in disbelief. Katsuki just glares at them, as if he's daring them to say anything about what just transpired.
"So, Denki," You continue, turning towards your blond friend as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, "What is it you didn't understand?"
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He's your polar opposite, and that's what makes it work
Kaminari is known for his cheesy pick-up lines and dumb flirting tactics, so when he tries one on you he does not expect it to work at all
but then it does??!!? (his brain malfunctions ngl)
Oh boy, he's drowning you with cheesy cards, pick-up lines, etc just to hear that cute little giggle again (he prides himself on the fact that he's the only one that can get you to giggle)
The bell signalling the second break rang ten minutes ago, but you're still sitting at your desk.
"Hey, Y/N," Denki's voice sounds even louder than usual in the empty classroom, "Watcha doin'?"
You don't reply, simply pulling up your geography textbook to show him the cover.
"Oh, we're covering the greenhouse effect right?" He questions, pulling up a chair to sit in front of you.
He leans his head on his palm, blonde hair falling in his eyes as he stares at you full of admiration.
"You know it's all your fault right?" He says, with a small smirk on his face.
You know your boyfriend well enough to know he's up to some stupid shit, but you decide to bite anyway. "What's all my fault, babe?"
"Global warming, it's your fault," He smiles like he didn't just accuse you of something like warming up the entire earth, "Because you're so hot."
You blink twice and then shake your head in disbelief. "You can do better than that," You reply simply, turning back to your notes.
Denki sees this as encouragement. "Oh yeah?" He asks in his most flirty voice, placing a hand under your chin, "Well, I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you."
Now, granted, this pickup line is even worse than the first one but it's just stupid enough to elicit a giggle out of you.
"You're an idiot."
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."
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b3ach-bunn7 · 1 month
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a random number starts texting you and you decide to text back
Or, the bassist of your favourite band accidentally messages you and u fall in love
inspired by this fic 😆 and my fav band the driver era
band!au, no quirks, text form, eventual romance
September 18th
10:37 pm
Unknown: Ask Shiggy to grab me a monster on his way back
You: a monster?? are u 12…
Unknown: Shut up and ask
You: sorry I think you have the wrong number
Unknown: No I don’t
You: lowkey u do..
You: r u trying to hack me
Unknown: You’re still texting me so u would probably fall for it
You: okay ur still textjng me genius
Unknown: Texting*
You: Shut up.
You: okay don’t actually shut up
Unknown: Thought I was a hacker
You: maybe I wanna be hacked
Unknown: Is this flirting
You: maybe
You: r u really sexy
Unknown: Extremely
You: 😍 feeling bashful rn
You: why r u drinking monsters anyways
You: Wait am i actually messaging a 12 yr old
September 19th
4:03 am
Unknown: I’m not 12 years old
Unknown: I’m 24
Unknown: And i drink monsters for energy
Unknown: And because they r yummy
Unknown: And cheap
You: omfg you don’t need a separate text for every word
Unknown: Oh
Unknown: Didn’t think you’d be awake so late
You: well I wasn’t but SOMEONE is messaging me at 4am
You: also I’m 24 2
Unknown: Didn’t ask
You: kys
Unknown: Ok bye
You: pussy
You: why are u even awake so late
Unknown: I’m writing
You: omg 😳 are u an author
Unknown: Lol no
Unknown: I write music
You: OMG
You: even better
You: what do u play
Unknown: Bass
Unknown: And I sing kinda
You: kinda?
Unknown: I sing backup mainly
Unknown: Or lead if I’m feeling extra generous
You: generous?
Unknown: To please all my loving woman fans ofc 😫
Unknown: 😭💔.
You: literally throwing up alllllxover my room
Unknown: Weirdo
Unknown: Go to sleep
You: don’t tell me what to do 🙄
Unknown: Okay don’t sleep
You: lowkey have to I have uni tomorrow
Unknown: Loser
You: shush
September 19th
8:47 am
September 19th
2:30 pm
Unknown: Meanie 😢
You: i overslept because of you
Unknown: Were you up all night thinking about me
You: i dont eben know ur name
Unknown: Dabi
You: oh ur sooooo emo and edgy
Dabi: Shut up
You: nobody... understands you😕⛓️🥀
Dabi: You gonna tell me ur name or what
You: Y/N
Dabi: Pretty name
You: dont stalk me plz
Dabi: No promises
September 28th
10:02 pm
You: so if u dont go uni what do you do
Dabi: I told you i write music
Dabi: Am also in a band
You: wait are u like
You: successful
You: like do u make money from it
Dabi: Well yes
Dabi: Its my job
You: wait thats kinda cool
Dabi:  😎 
You: take it back so fast
You: do u stream ur music on like spotify
You: let me listen
You: whats ur band called
Dabi: No
You: mid name but i will look it up
Dabi: I dont wanna tell you
Dabi: Not right now at least
You: r u like super famous
You: am i messaging harry styles rn
Dabi: Im sorry i kept this from u for so long
You: is 1D cming back
You: plz
Dabi: Never
Dabi: Narry ruined us😔
Dabi: I have a sister
Dabi: But seriously I'll tell you one day
You: how do ik ur not lying about ur music 🤔
Dabi: [image attachment]
September 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: just creamed my pants
Mina: GIRL
Mina: you dont even know what he looks like
Mina: he does have sexy hands tho
You: sexy hands = sexy face
You: its litch science
Mina: ur so whipped and its been a week
You: uhm
You: ten days actually
Mina: ur not right in the head
September 28th
10:22 pm
Dabi: Did my incredible bass shock u to silence
You: i literally collapsed when i saw it
You: i like the blue
You: also ur tattoos are cool
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: mhm
You: yh
You: did they hurt
You: when u got them done
Dabi: Nah they werent too bad
Dabi: Worst was probs the ones on my chest
You: r u like alll tatted up
Dabi: I am
Dabi: That okay?
You: mhm
You: very cool
You: i want a tatto but im lowkey scared like
You: what if it hurts
Dabi: Ill get one with you
Dabi: Ill talk you through it
Dabi: Distract you from the pain
You: mhm
You: yes
You: very good
You: my roomates calling me ttylxox
September 28th
You: [screenshot]
Mina: oh babe this reads like a porno
October 11th
8:37 pm
You: [link attachment]
You: listen to this song
You: LOV is the best band eva
Dabi: LOL
You: its so good its my fav band
You: im seeing them next month
Dabi: Really
You: r u jelly
Dabi: Very
Dabi: If only i could be there
You: i think theres still tickets for sale if u acc wanna come
Dabi: You tryna see me in person?
You: mayhaps
You: ur just so mysterious
You: what if ur actually like a pedo
Dabi: The fuck
Dabi: I’m no pedo
You: okay cool
You: you can come to the concert then
Dabi: Seriously?
October 11th
You: [screenshot attachment]
Mina: UHM
Mina: YES
Mina: concerts are public so if he’s actually a creep you’ll be safe
October 11th
You: okay omg
You: shall we actually do this
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: You got another month to figure out if I’m a pedo
You: now I deffo think you’re one
October 17th
6:45 pm
Dabi: Does this sound good
Dabi: [audio message]
You: that sounds really good
You: is that u talking at the end
Dabi: Yeah my roommate walked in
You: ur voice is so deep
Dabi: Sexy right
You: gosh so modest too
Dabi: I’m working on a new song but I can’t tell if I like that riff
You: u should like it
You: it’s very good
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: soooooo
You: can u show me ur band now 😁
Dabi: No 😁
You: 🤬
October 21st
You: what would u do if we meet irl and IM actually famous
You: like u pull up to the concert and I’m there but I’m actually like Jojo siwa or something
Dabi: I’d be a bit disappointed
You: u don’t fw jojo??
Dabi: No but she’s gay and I’d hope all my flirting was being put to good use here
You: hardee har
October 25th
You: I’m supposed to be studying but
You: I can’t stop thinking if halloweeen😝
Dabi: You going trick or treating?
You: i wish
You: unfortunately too old for that now
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: My little brothers 11 so I get to do it with him
Dabi: But I gotta act cool like I don’t wanna do it
You: can I borrow ur little brother on the 31st of October plz
Dabi: No weirdo
You: sigh
You: I’m going to a party at least
Dabi: Oh yeah
Dabi: What are u dressing up as
You: me and my friend are going as monster high girls 😁😁😁
You: shes draculaura and I’m clawdeen 😜
Dabi: Sick
Dabi: U have to show me when you do it
You: gosh ur so obsessed with me
You: but okay
October 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: the fit is ready
Dabi: Why aren’t u wearing it
You: im gonnna do the full reveal ON halloween
Dabi: Sigh fine
You: what are you wearing punk
Dabi: Punk 😭
You: LOL
Dabi: U can’t laugh
You: okay…
Dabi: You know that show curious George
Dabi: You said u wouldn’t laugh 😔
Dabi: I got him a little monkey onesie
October 28th
7:10 pm
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: when he’s a good older brother 😍😍❤️😝
Mina: okay bare minimum 😍😍😍
October 31st
6:00 pm
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Ur favourite childhood father figure
You: OMG
You: crazy how ur face is covered🙄
Dabi: You love the thrill of the mystery
Dabi: Let’s see ur costume
You: my party starts at like nine bruh 😭
You: im in bed watching movies
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: Imagine not trick or treating
You: u suck so much
Dabi: Ofc I do 😋
You: VOMIT 🤢
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: Mina.
You: look at his ARMS IN THAT SUIT
Mina: it’s bright yellow
You: his little brothers the monkey
You: IK
Mina: and he does look sexy in that button up
You: the tattoos🤤
Mina: love a man with a dark past 😍
You: god im so scared to see him
You: the concerts on the 10th
Mina: you’ll be okay babe Dw
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: it’s…. A full moon.. I feel myself… changing 🐺
Dabi: Woah
Dabi: You look hot
You: omg
You: thank u
Dabi: You’re pretty too
Dabi: R u wearing that to the concert
You: I haven’t decided yet
Dabi: U have to show me
Dabi: So I can find you
You: and how am I gonna find you
Dabi: You’ll find me
November 3rd
Dabi: [audio attachment]
Dabi: Listen please 😄
Dabi: What do you think
You: why r u acc good at this
You: yk it kinda sounds like LOV
You: I think you’ll like their music
Dabi: Girl I listen to them
You: GIRL???
You: sassy man apocalypse is alive and well
Dabi: Whos ur favourite band member
You: hmmmm
You: I like the drummer
You: himiko she’s so cute
You: but the bassist ���🤤🤤
You: Touya
You: need him in ways I can’t articulate over message 😳
You: uhm where did u go
You: did my thirsting freak u out
Dabi: No ur good
Dabi: I thought you’d like the guitarist
Dabi: Shiggy
Dabi: Every girl is obsessed with him
You: yeah but Touya is all emo kinda
You: I love it
November 8th
You: [image attachment]
You: fit check for the concert😜
Dabi: I love it
Dabi: Very Blue
Dabi: That’s my fav colour
You: that’s why I’m wearing it??
Dabi: Blushing rn 🤭
November 10th
6:30 pm
You: On my way! now
You: tf
Dabi: Can’t wait to see you!
You: im nervous
Dabi: Don’t be
Dabi: Im excited to see you
You: me too 😆
November 10th
Mina: be careful plz
Mina: there’s loads of people around but still
Mina: he could be a freak in disguise
You: I know babe Dw dw
You: I’ll keep u updated
Mina: good
Mina: r u gonna give him a biggggg fat smooch 🤤
November 7th
You: are you here?
Dabi: Yeah
You: omg
You: im scared
Dabi: Lowkey same
Dabi: But im so manly and strong so im actually not scared
You: LOL
Dabi: Okay wait
Dabi: I need to tell you smth
You: is this u telling me the pedo allegations r true….
Dabi: Before we meet u need to know
You: yeah what’s up?
Dabi: Idk how to say this without u thinking I’m lying but
Dabi: I’m Touya
You: uh
You: what 😅
Dabi: I just didn’t wanna tell you because I thought you might like
Dabi: Idk people r so weird about it when they find out
Dabi: And I didn’t want you to just talk to me because of that
Dabi: Especially when I found out u listen to our music
Dabi: I’m sorry I never told u
Dabi: Y/N? You there?
You: yeah I just
You: slightly confused
You: idk how to tell if ur lying or not
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Theres the face reveal you’ve been after
You: what the sigma
You: okay
You: woah
You: so I’ve actually been dming a celebrity
Dabi: You prefer me or Harry styles
You: you deffo
You: but I think you knew that from my messages from before
Dabi: Yeah i remember
Dabi: Dw you can articulate all the ways you need me after the show
You: haahahahhahaha
You: 😁😁😁 okay
Dabi: I have smth for you though
You: you do?
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: Go to the back door where that scary security guy is
Dabi: His name is Spinner
Dabi: Tell him Dabi sent you
Dabi: You like them?
You: I can’t believe u got me flowers 😢
You: thank you!!!
Dabi: That’s alright
Dabi: Okay I need to go warm up
Dabi: I’ll be looking for you in the crowd
You: I’ll be staring at you too
Dabi: I said looking
You: same diff
You: wait hold on
Touya: What?
You: nm nm
You: good luck for ur show 😆
Touya: Thanks babe
November 7th
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: If I was gonna get a girl flowers what should I get her
Touya: Literally fuck off never say that
Toga: is this that girl you’re always messaging
Toga: and smiling at ur phone 🥺🥺
Touya: Fuck off
Touya: Yes
Touya: I’m so happy ur having so so much fun
Toga: I so ammmmmm
Toga: but why don’t u ask her what she wants
Touya: It’s a surprise idiot
Toga: okay well if u wanna be so really romantic u could get her roses
Toga: or maybeee tulips or lillies
Toga: she’ll like whatevs u get her
Touya: Okay
Touya: Thanks
Toga: that’s okay lover boy 😍🥰
Touya: Kys
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE OH EM GEE but it lowkey took longer than I thought it would… but i hope u all enjoyed 😁😁
also y/ns messaging is literally just how I message.. I fear this is the most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
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junipers-archive · 1 year
Paper Rings
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Word count: 1.1k
Includes: tiny itty bit of angst to fluff, fluff, fluff, Spencer has been acting distant so you try to start up a conversation, ultimately leading to his confession about wanting to marry you but never finding the right moment
You were worried. More than usual worried, worried. Spencer had been acting odd lately, and for the past few weeks you had been trying your best to ignore it.
It was hard though, he had been distant, almost neglectful, his once cheerful and atentative attitude when listening to your day or the new book you'd been reading gone and replaced by a cool indifrence.
You were near to him now, sitting on the sunflower yellow sofa in your apartment, reading different books. But instead of being next to you he was on the other side of the couch.
In an attempt to start up a conversation you mentioned one of your fresher pieces of news,
"Hey Spence", He didn't even look up, just hummed.
You scooted closer, "Uh- I- Well you know my cousin? Marion, the one who got engaged a few months back?"
"yea" his eyes shifted up quickly and then right back down to his book.
"Well they finally set a date! I got my invite in the mail yesterday morning, it's in Hawaii!!"
"Oh, really?" he wasn't even glancing up now to seem interested.
Nevertheless, you tried one last time with enthusiasm, hoping he'd be kind enough to take pity and reciprocate even a fraction of it.
"So whadaya say handsome, be my plus one?"
"mhm." mhm. That's what your relationship had dwindled down to?
You shook your head, tears pricking your eyes as you got up from the sofa, trying really hard not to cry. But there was only so much you could take, was he seeing someone else? What had you done to make him so upset?
But that was the thing he wasn't even yelling at you! You'd become an irrelevant part of his life without even realizing it.
By this time you were grabbing your things in a scramble, trying to get out, get out of the apartmentget, get out of his life if thats what he really wanted. When it occurred to you that he was still obsorbed in that stupid book of his.
And you had to know, You just had to.
"Did I do something?! What-Just tell me what I did Spencer please!"
You were standing before him now, waving your arms around manically.
"Y-Y/n, whats wrong?"
"I don't know Spencer you tell me! I mean first I thought it was a case you were on that had put you off, or maybe that we'd been apart for too long but weeks went by! Its been weeks and you still won't even look me in the eye when we're talking!" You fail in your previous attempts to keep the tears at bay as droplets fall down your flushed cheeks.
He was stunned but eventually he found his words, "I-I- that wasn't my intention, I- just- I-"
You were hysterical at this point, he couldn't even tell you?
"Look Spencer. If you wanna break up, just say it already!"
You were one second away from storming out when he spoke up again, catching you by the wrist and leading you down the hall to the bedroom quickly.
"Look I'm really, really sorry Y/n its just that- well it'd be easier if I just showed you."
You came to sit on the bed, arms crossed over your chest as if armor protecting you from being hurt.
He was searching through the back of the closet you shared, finally pulling out a shoe box. He sat down next to you, opening the box, where rested an old sweater of his that had been worn thin and a black velvet box sitting within.
He handed the small compartment over to you explaining frantically,
"I've wanted to marry you for a long time now, hell Y/n I wanted to marry you since the moment I met you. But I kept chickening out and for the past few weeks I've taken you to our spots to pop the question but I-I- nothing was ever good enough...I couldn't find the perfect moment."
he looked straight in your eyes now, which were watery, overwhelmed by the idea he wanted to marry you just as much as you wanted to marry him. "You deserve the perfect moment. And not being able to provide that to you, it tore me apart, so...I became distant, praying I was good enough but also hoping you's find someone better..."
"I-I understand completely that this isn't the time or place but when I saw that you were crying- I just I needed you to know that the reason I was being so distant wasn't because I wanted to break up, far from it! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"
You opened the box now, silently falling in love even more as you gazed down at the your dream ring.
Finally lifting your gaze to the boy in front of you and kissing him deeply, finding your voice again as you pulled back grinning,
"You're an idiotic-genius, you know that?"
He only grinned back, "Yea, yea I'm fairly aware."
You slipped on the ring, it was perfect fit.
"Well...Are you gonna ask me?"
He shook his head, "You're gonna have to wait till i find our perfect moment."
You grumbled like a digruntled child, leaping back on the bed and guarding your ring finger as he tried to take it back. Ultimately he ended up on top of you, both of you play wrestling like children.
"Y/n. Give. It. Back."
"NO its my ring now! You can't take it back! You practically already proposed!"
"You said yourself, I technically haven't asked!"
"Well why don't I keep it for now, just until you're ready?" You were wearing a shit-eating grin as you looked up at him, he had pinned you down with his hands on your wrists.
"No way. What Would I propose with then?"
You craned your neck to kiss him then, albeit akwardly. "I'd marry you with paper rings Dr. Reid."
He had gotten admittedly lost in your sweet words, which you used as your opprutunity to slide out from under him, once more flashing you giant grin before running out of the room.
The afternoon was lost to him chasing you around the apartment as you chanted, "Paper rings dr. Reid! Paper rings!"
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lea-russo333 · 5 months
You deserve it <3
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Alessia x Reader
warnings: slightly suggestive? (not really but there's illusions to smut)
proof read: yes
word count: 543
summary: You take Alessia on a little get away when you notice shes over working herself
The night air was cool across your bare skin, a balancing contrast to the warm body pressed up against you. Her soft fingers tracing patterns along the exposed skin of your stomach as she pushed her head further into your neck. 
“You okay less?” Your voice broke the soft silence of the room. 
“Mhm...perfect love” she pulled her head out of your neck to look at you, a small smile gracing her lips as your eyes connected. Her hand coming up to your face, pushing your messy hair out of your eyes.  
You stayed like that for a while, getting lost in the beauty of your girlfriend. Taking in every freckle that graced her face, you don't think you've ever met someone as beautiful as Alessia, the blond having taken your breath away the moment you laid eyes of her 1 year ago.  
Your daydream was quickly broken by a pair of lips pressing against your own, pecking your lips a few times before placing her hand on the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. The kiss was soft and slow, a change from the rough kisses shared between you to no more than an hour ago. Your lips moved together in sync, her tongue dancing along your bottom lip asking for access. Your lips parted slightly, happily obliging to her request, her tongue exploring your mouth.  
She moved back slightly, eyes darting from your eyes back to your lips. 
“Thank you for this” her voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke “I really needed it”. 
The past few months had been hard for Alessia with the stress of moving clubs and cities, the stress of trying to prove herself in games and training not helping her situation. The poor girl had been running herself dry, barely having a moment to herself let alone a moment with you. You watched her over work herself for weeks, trying to intervene but being quicky shut down, the stubborn girl assuring you that she was fine. You put your foot down when you saw her slumped over her breakfast one morning half asleep, the lack of sleep evident on her face. You decided at that moment to treat the footballer to a weekend away, taking her to a small cottage in the countryside. She was hesitant at first, not wanting to miss training but reluctantly agreed when you had told her that you had already talked to Jonas. 
Thats how you found yourself here with her wrapped in your arms. After a night of soft confessions and intimate touches shared between the two of you, you finally felt the blond relax in your hold, all the tension of the past few weeks finally leaving her body. 
You gently brushed your fingers through the hair, detangling any not you came across. 
“You don't need to thank me love; you deserve to be taken care of” you pressed your lips against her forehead, wrapping your hands tighter around her, your bare chest pressing against her own as she snuggled into you. 
“I love you” she whispered against your skin as you pulled the covers over the both of you. 
“I love you to, love” you whispered back “now get some sleep, you deserve it”. 
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moonstruckme · 8 months
I've never requested before so I'm quite nervous but may I request something with a reader thats like usually very chatty when coming home from work but maybe someone at their job said something rude or they just feel to tired to talk? preferably with poly!marauders but i dont mind any characters, i love your writing and i hope you have a wonderful day :] no pressure to write this ofc
Thank you for requesting lovely and hope you have a wonderful day as well! <3
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 677 words
Eddie’s van is idling at the curb when your shift ends. He grins as you get in, swapping his cherry coke to the hand already holding his cigarette to wrap the one closest to you around your thigh. It’s a favored spot. You’re always thinking you ought to trace an outline of his fingers and get it tattooed with “Eddie’s place” inside as a lark, but he’d definitely enjoy it way too much. 
“Hey there,” he drawls, voice saccharine sweet and expectant as he leans across the console toward you. You peck him on the lips. 
“Hi,” you say back. “You taste like cherries.” 
His grin is crooked, goofy in that unabashedly lovesick way that makes your heart stutter. He holds up his cherry coke like he’s making a toast. “T’was the point. You want a sip?” 
“Yes, please.” You take it from him, letting the cool fizziness wash over your sandpaper tongue. You’ve been craving a drink since halfway through your shift, when you’re fairly sure you’d willed all the water out of your body so you wouldn’t cry in the break room. Poor forethought. 
The syrupy sweetness is comforting, familiar like Eddie and summer days and the lake. It makes you feel a bit more normal. You have to stop yourself from gulping it all down, dropping it in the cup coaster as Eddie stubs out his cigarette and puts the van into gear. 
It takes until the first stoplight for you to realize he’s not headed towards home. “Where’re we going?” you ask. 
“To the arcade. We’re meeting Dustin and them there, remember?” 
“Oh. Right.” You’d totally forgotten. At least Robin should be there. 
Eddie gives you a sidelong glance. “Work was good?” 
If you’re being honest with yourself, about 70% of it was totally fine. “Mhm.” 
He hums back at you, short and low. “Okay. What’s wrong?” 
“Hm?” you hum again, unable to help it. “Nothing, why?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He squeezes your thigh meanly, metal rings biting into your skin. “You always want to gossip after work. Something happened, yeah?” 
You toy with your bottom lip, looking out the window. You’re quiet long enough that Eddie gives your leg another warning squeeze. 
“It wasn’t really anything,” you say, honestly but forcing a bit more offhandedness into your tone than maybe you really feel. “A customer got all pissy with me because he thought something should be on sale and it wasn’t, but I’m not, like, still sad about it.” 
Eddie doesn’t take his eyes from the road, but his lips purse unhappily. “But you were, huh?” 
“I was,” you allow. “But I’m not anymore. I guess it just tired me out.” 
He glances your way, as if to be sure you’re telling the truth, and hums. “M’sorry, baby. Still down for the arcade, or do you just wanna go home?” 
“No, I’m good.” You wrap your hand around his forearm, running a path from his wrist to the crook of his elbow and back again. “I wanna see Robin. I can rally.” 
Eddie nods contemplatively. The steady rumbling of the van is the only sound for a few seconds, and then he says, “On a scale of one to ten, where are you right now?” 
You think about it for a few moments. “A four,” you decide. 
He nods again. “Okay. By the time we leave the arcade, we’re gonna have you at a six.” 
You grin at him. It’s already easier. Eddie sees out of the corner of his eye, quirking a brow like you’re being a dork but then slipping his hand from your thigh to intertwine your fingers from his. He brings the back of your hand to his mouth, kissing it wetly. You know he's content to sit in silence as long as you need, but you have one more thing to say.
“I feel like finishing off your coke would bring me up to a solid four-point-five,” you suggest hopefully. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, but the corner of his mouth kicks up. “It’s all yours, sweet thing.”
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etoiile · 11 months
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in which chigiri picks you up in a very, very drunken state. tw: mentions of alcohol, swearing.
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"stop it! let me go!"
chigiri sighed. this was going to be a long walk.
"i have a boyfriend, you know! he plays soccer. he'll kick your ass!"
"mhm. is he good?"
"yes. sooooo good... hes really fast too. like, super fast! like, the speed of light times a trillion! like speedy legend lightning mcqueen! huh... hes even got red hair like mcqueen... OH MY GOD IS MY BOYFRIEND MCQUEEN?!"
chigiri just kept on guiding you along the sidewalk as you practically screeched out to the whole world every innermost thought you had. when he got a call from your friend at 2am telling him that you were drunk as fuck and he needed to come right away, he did, but he had no idea it was this bad.
"sounds like your boyfriend is very talented. is he handsome?" he mused, a bit curious to see what you'd say.
a silly grin broke out onto your face. "soooooooo handsome. hes like the most beautiful creature on earth!" chigiri's face flushed red.
"he's a miiiiiiillion times hotter than you!" chigiri didnt know what to think about that.
"nah, i'm pretty hot." he grinned, set you down from his back, and turned to face you. "don't you think so?"
you shoved against his chest. "stranger, let me go! you fucker! my hyoma is gonna rescue me like im a damsel in distress! 'cause i am! im a princess. im HIS princess. wait, no. he's the princess. omg we're princess twins!" you giggled.
you were completely falling over and tripping around, even though you weren't moving. you just laughed and laughed and laughed, and chigiri found himself chuckling, too.
"ugh, i'm tired. i cant get away from you. you're strong, stranger." you suddenly began feeling his chest, which may chigiri flush, but also a bit conflicted, seeing as you thought you were feeling a stranger's chest.
"woah. you've got a tooooon of lean muscle. like hyoma! huh... you've even got red hair, like hyoma. 'nd pink eyes, too..."
chigiri thought that this would be the moment you recognized him, but...
"wow! you look just like hyoma! but different. he's more handsome."
he internally facepalmed and just picked you up again to keep walking home.
"hey, stranger. where are you taking me?" you asked, strangely quiet. "are you kidnapping me? is this where i die?"
he chuckled. "yeah, i am. im gonna take you to my hideout and keep you all to myself."
you were quiet for a moment. "hm. thats ok."
"thats ok?"
"yeah." you replied, yawning. "hyoma will save me. i know he will."
chigiri's face flushed a bit at hearing all your praise, he was about to say something, but noticed that you had fallen asleep. he chuckled to himself as he kept walking, just enjoying the cool night breeze and your soft snores.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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tojisun · 8 months
This reminded me of biker!simon 😭❤️
DOESNT EVEN HAVE TO BE BIKER!SIMON BECAUSE THATS JUST SIMON FOR SURE <3 (dying at the idea that this is bimbo!reader making a tiktok video with simmy <33)
im droooolin thinking about simon doing this omg :((
“baby?” you ask, walking up to him. your phone’s already filming—just your camera app, to ensure that it doesn’t shut close on you—and you smile when simon instantly stops what he’s doing to turn his full attention to you.
“you think you can bench me?”
simon blinks, the question taking him by surprise. then, with not a single hesitation, he says, “of course.” he reaches his hand out to hold yours, and tugs you to his lap. you clamber with ease, giggling at the ticklish feeling of his other hand holding you by your waist. “why? you want us to try?”
you hum, hooking your chin on his shoulder. “yes, please.”
simon rubs his palm all over your back, gently easing you into a sleepy sigh. “this for your lil tiktok?”
“mhm. s’that fine?”
“of course.” you feel him kiss the top of your head. “sounds fun.”
it takes a while before you two are able to sort out the logistics—his confused, “where exactly do i hold on?” receiving a confident, “well. here and here!”—before you two are finally in position.
“c’mere, darlin’,” he says and you round to his side, beaming down at him as he beckons you by lifting his arms up.
before you can give much thought to the sudden self-consciousness that’s clawing its way into your chest, simon’s already folding his arms down towards himself before pumping them up, lifting all that you are in the air.
you squeal, still taken by surprise, but the sound is devoured by simon’s laugh as he continues to lift you up and tug you down—consistent with the pace, his breath stable and not bearing any sign of being winded, and his arms flexing naturally instead of straining.
you’re not even any slimmer or petite, but there your big, muscular, and god of a man is, benching you with ease.
“oh my god!” you giggle, giddiness returning. “this is so-o cool, si!”
“yeah?” he says from underneath you, grinning so boyishly, it makes him look so much younger. “s’good to hear, baby. because this is fun f’r me too.”
“really?” you murmur, cheeks filling with warmth as the anxiousness returns.
“really,” simon replies, resolute. “i promise.”
he pumps his arms a few more times before finally resting them, with you collapsing on his chest in a heap of laughter. simon gathers you in his arms—thick and robust—and peppers kisses all over your face, making you laugh even harder.
(you edit the video and post bits and pieces—from the way simon tugged you to his lap and later when he bench-pressed you. it was only supposed to gain the traction of your followers, but it had blown up, racking hundreds of thousands of likes and views.
you even receive a, “??????” private message from johnny who sent you back your own post.)
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t0msvi4gra · 2 months
I can't get it away from my head. Could you do something like fem.reader is famous guitarist in girls band (Fem.reader love wearing something like Victoria De Angelis from Måneskin). They are on interview and talking about reader's movements on stage like Tom was doing. She admitted that she want Tom. Tom is in backstage and then he join them. After interview, he take reader in his hotel room and they have sex. Tom is dominant and rough with her. (Tom's era:2010 with black cornrows) Could you do that please?
of courseee☺️
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you were apart of a band called “the stars” (YES I KNOW SHITTY NAME BUT THATS ALL I COULD COME UP WITH😭😭) you and your band opened for tokio hotel and you also had your first interview that night.
after the show you and your bandmates went backstage where the interview was.
interviewer: hello everyone today we’re going to be introducing a really popular topic of the music industry today! welcome the stars!
all the fans scream and clap as you guys walk in and sit on the couch.
interviewer: so can you guys all introduce yourselves?
you: im (your name) and im the lead guitarist.
bandmate: im (name) and im the lead singer.
bandmate: im (name) and im the drummer.
bandmate: im (name) and im the bassist.
the interviewer smiles and looks down at her paper.
interviewer: so (your name) are you guys familiar with the band “tokio hotel?”
you guys nod and you speak up holding the microphone to your mouth. “yeah! ive heard of them, one of our told us about them because we had similar music to them. and i think theyre cool ass people.” you smile and nod.
interviewer: would you guys ever collab with them? do you think that would happen?
one of your bandmate chuckles and grabs the mic “of course, and i really think (your name) would. she really fancies tom. “
the fans scream and laugh and the interviewer giggles a little “ohh okay so that explains the certain things you do on stage, i see. funny actually we’re going to bring the band out just to compare your similarities, alright?” you guys nod, “alright everyone please welcome tokio hotel!” all the fans scream loudly and clap again.
you immediately make eyes contact with tom and you blush a little but you look at the interviewer.
after the interview (yes im sorry yall but im so so lazy bc im tired😭) your band and tokio hotel both go into an afterparty for the people who played that night and you just kind of sit in the corner by yourself while your band is talking amongst themselves and tom comes up to you.
“hey youre (your name), right?” he sits relatively close to you and he looks at you and smiles a little.
“mhm i am” you answer nervously but smile back.
“are you from here?” he asks just trying to start conversation.
“no im from (your home country)” you answer and nod.
“oh okay yeah it seems like our fans our very linked with eachother huh?” he asks almost rhetorically. “yeah theyve told us about about you and your band so…” you chuckle shyly as you notice tom glancing down at your cleavage.
“how about i take you back to where my bands staying? is that alright?”
youre eyes widen at the offer and you gulp a littls. “uh yeah of course.” you finally say with excitement but also a lot of surprise.
you get to his hotel and you knock on his door.
“hey schatz,” tom says looking you up and down.
“hi tom.” you walk in.
“you can just sit on the bed.” he says shutting the door. “you need anything?” he asks sweetly. “uh no im alright just trying to settle in.” he sits down beside you and he sips at his coke and he rests his hand on your thigh as he sets down his coke and he pushes you down on the bed. “is this okay?” he whispers in your ear. “mhm” youre so horny now and you dont hold back and you kiss him.
tom kisses your jawline down to your neck and he stops between your breasts to pull your shirt up.
“youre so so beautiful.” he says taking your bra off and sucking on your nipple.
after, he kisses down your stomach and rips your pants of along with your panties and you giggle a little as he picks you up and moves you further on the bed and he wastes no time in taking his clothes off and he lines his cock at your entrance and he goes in slowly before pounding you hard causing the bed to creak. “t-tom… fuck! faster.” you moan loudly. he goes faster and he leans down to kiss you. “youre so tight… fuck baby.” he mumbles against your lips. “dont fucking stop babe.” you plead as you let him fuck you hard. “you like this huh? you’ve always dreamed of this hm? being fucked by me?” he asks rhetorically. “mhm” you moan loudly, practically seeing stars. “you close baby?” he asks holding onto your breasts. you nod unable to speak. “words babygirl.” he groans and you whimper “y-es im so close!” you cry out in pleasure. “youre so goddamn big! fuck!” you come hard and tom comes deep inside you. “fuck liebe, you were so so good.” he chuckles out of breath and collapses beside you pulling you into his arms.
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2knightt · 1 year
Hiiii! Can you do the outsiders gang with an s/o who models I feel like that would be interesting :)
↳but i’m into it, i’m into it.₊˚✧
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➬ the gang x model!fem!reader
a/n;i love famous reader so much omfg. also, i love using chase atlantic lyrics for my titles. dont chase men, chase atlantic everyone.
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Johnny Cade ;
believes that you are the most BEAUTIFUL person to walk the planet.
probably thinks you’re too good for him.
take him too your shoots and he will be blushing the whole time.
if you wear something that’s flattering to your body shape, he will explode right then and there.
“how do i look? should i fix my hair?”
“you look perfect.”
“you think?”
the gang seen you on a magazine cover and started freaking the fuck out.
“jesus…does she have a sister?”
“guys please stop.”
cuts out your magazine covers/photo shoot pictures and keeps them in his jean jacket pocket.
not in a weird way, just in a way that when he’s sad and you aren’t around he can remind himself on how lucky he can really be.
Dallas Winston ;
oh my god he never shuts up about how he got the hottest model ever.
“yeah she’s pretty n all but, my girlfriends a model so.”
“that’s so cool that your chick is…like that! but mines a model, so, she’s just better.”
buys steals all your magazines/any photo shoot you do.
any guy thats talks about you in way dallas doesn’t like, gets knocked out.
“i’d hit that.”
no but he would pull all his strength in that punch.
the gang thought he kidnapped you because no way in hell a pretty girl like you would go after dallas winston.
“y/n, blink twice if you’re kidnapped.”
“raise your hand if you need help, dude.”
“guys, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
you’re legit, all he thinks about.
he’s so whipped for a model girlfriend, if you asked him to jump he’d ask how high.
genuinely believes you’re an angel, will NOT tell you that to your face though.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he gets so nervous around you omfg.
his palms be sweating n shit, stuttering and everything.
“he-hey y/n.”
“oh, hey pony!”
uses his favourite photo shoot of yours as a book mark. i can feel it in me bones.
he giggles and kicks his feet when he looks at that bookmark btw
draws you?? i feel like that’s his favourite pass time.
he’d be so sweet with his words when he talks about you. i cant i love him so much
the gang is lowkey jealous that the youngest one out of all of them pulled a model.
“hey, don’t you model?”
“how did ponyboy get a date with you?”
“…are you guys serious? am i that ugly to you guys?”
Sodapop Curtis ;
you guys walking in the street together probably makes people pass out.
literally nobody was shocked that you guys started dating.
the prettiest girl for the prettiest boy, it was bound to happen, c’mon.
he probably got into modeling because of you.
he asks for his favourite picture of you two from that shoot to be printed out larger for him so he can hang it in his room.
like dallas, he will punch a guy for you.
“she’s hot.”
“she has a boyfriend.”
call 911 cause that guys gonna need it in a minute!
showed steve a picture of you before he introduced you to the gang.
“oh my god soda. why are you dating a literal model?”
“why not?”
“but what else did i expect, you get girls daily.”
Darry Curtis ;
honestly, he couldn’t care less about what you do for work.
if it brings in money, it brings in money.
but the gang sure as hell does!
“yeah? how do you guys know her?”
“she’s my girlfriend, soda. that’s why i brought her here.”
i’d be lying if i said darry didn’t carry around a head shot of you in his wallet.
he doesn’t brag, but when the chance to talk about you comes, he takes the chance.
“good for her. huh? oh—my girlfriend models. pretty popular.”
when he sees a magazine with you in it for sale, darry snatches it so fast.
compliments you after he seen it.
“i like your most recent shoot, the makeup suits you.”
“you think, darry?”
Steve Randle ;
rocked the whole world when you guys started dating.
“that’s so tuff soda, but y/n actually said—”
“nobody cares steve.”
“shut up and let me tell you what MY GIRLFRIEND said.”
takes you on dates 24/7 just to show you off.
sometimes he lets go of your hand to see if anyone would flirt with you so he can punch them.
gang thought he held you hostage when you started dating ngl.
“you can do so much better, y/n.”
“dallas, shut the fuck up.”
“i’m just sayin’.”
“i will knock you out.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
you have him giggling n shit.
his room is filled to the brim with photos of you.
not in a weird way, he just thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous.
tells you cheesy pickup lines, all the time.
“are you from Tennessee? cause you’re the only TEN I SEE! get it?”
would start a fan club for you if you asked nice enough.
introducing you to the gang was earth shattering for them.
“what do you mean, ‘how?’”
“how did you pull her?”
“you’re so funny, two-bit.”
“like you falling flat on your fucking face yesterday?”
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may 24th, 2023. 11:30PM.
tag-list ;
@diorgirl444, @typereader 🧍‍♂️
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my adrenaline has gone down finally so i feel i can give my thoughts on this season
no more faks! no more! please!
i think the series is taking inspiration from different art movements and genres. season one - surrealism?, season two - modernism?, season three - baroque? im not well versed on this stuff but i definitely noticed they use different forms of art to make the seasons feel different from one another
piggybacking off the earlier bulletin; i think thats also why this season feels like all flash and no substance. whatever movement or era they decided to do with season three is very ou la la oui oui i zam an artist bonjour /nm its very different from the movements they went with in the past seasons. this one feels serious and fancy smancy
i still think they’re going to go through with sydcarmy and this season just solidifies it. syd and carmy are severly mentally ill with issues they need to work out. they dont handle stress and expectations well if at all.
i think some of the things being said by the characters are being taken at face value specifically carmy calling claire peace. i dont think the writers are writing claire to be a source of peace for carmy; hes just so in denial and confused about his emotions he knows he supposed to feel peace from claire but cant figure out why he doesnt
i missed marcus sweeps and tina in this season so much. and syd! i was excited for sweeps to go to wine school only for it to be a one off thing. the tina episode was good but thats the only thing i can think of from the top of my head that she stood out in. marcus’ mom died? but it feels like she didnt die at all? like the weight of his moms death isnt being felt in his character and that made me really sad. i wanted a little more with syd and marcus with their moms :/
im not angry at carmy somehow? i just feel this deep sadness because he is so unlike himself. my initial frustrations with the season made it hard for me to look at his character. now that ive calmed down, he just makes me sad. like thinking about him makes me feel like a wet sausage dude he needs serious help and im scared he’s gonna do something very bad in this next season/part
i was really hoping there would be more parallels between new york carmy and current syd. they might explore it in season 4 and i really hope they do!
where tf was everyone else in the emergency room and why was it the two faks. there is no dissection in the world that will make me okay with those losers being there im sawry
syd being the first person sugar called and claire being the last mhm yup 🙂‍↕️
a good chunk of claire and carmys scenes being muted or cool colors once again!
RICHIE AND HIS DAUGHTER AA!! i wish they had an entire episode dedicated to them theyre so cute!
theres something to be said about loneliness and isolation this season? again i would need to rewatch the season. something something carmy pushing syd away something something nat fearing giving birth because of her mom something something syd having a breakdown and isolating herself from the rest of the fam something something
pete ❤️
chris you have reached ur limit on white male characters enough is enough theres NO MORE ROOM
ngl i actually liked seeing john cena on my screen yall pls
why are we so close to everyones face i zont like zat at all
i thought they were going to bring louis back and got so excited!!! BRING BACK LOUIS
they wrap up the claire storyline by season 4 or part three?? whatever theyre doing idk
as much one sided beef i have with jlc she delivered i crode very hard
backseating the characters of color is very lame and bogus! i hated it! what happened to tinas friends she met at school? does ebra not have family? syd and her dad? marcus and his roommate? so many characters they could introduce from sydney marcus tina ebra fuck even angel and manny but they insist on introducing characters that have ties to the berzattos. i hate it! i really do!
syds apartment? where did you go fren….
i wish they were more artsy fartsy with carmys internal struggles give me cringe film student vibes please ill take anything
FUCK CICERO he didnt do anything but PISS ME OFF >:(
why didnt they have syd work out the economics (or whatever tf that computer dude did do). didnt she do something like that in season one? i guess since cicero called him it makes sense
richie and nat are so adorable i love them!!!!
overall pretty mediocre season. it was okay for a show like the bear. i don’t agree with having an entire season dedicated to build up! or atleast in the way they’ve done it in season 3. season 1 was a prologue for the entire show yet it still felt like a complete season. alot of the things that went down in season three either could’ve been compressed into a shorter span of time or they could’ve gotten more episodes (as if its that easy lol but the pacing wouldn’t have suffered as much if the season was longer). um decent season? i dont hate it! i dont love it either. like i said it feels soulless and maybe thats the intention? idk man 😔
i will most definitely be seated for season four TRUST
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
could we have a baby blurb from the pennyverse?
i know youre writing for it in your big updates so thats fine if not!!
penny hurting herself and eddie either freaking out or trying to comfort reader?
pregnant reader?
Uhhhhhhh, YES YOU CAN! Except it is so not a baby blurb because I got carried away, lol. I can’t help it, i love them so much. Hope you like it!
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warnings: a little bit of angst bc penny hurts herself :( but reader and Eddie come to the rescue, pregnancy :), no use of ‘y/n’.
(Dad!eddie munson x mom!reader, and also pregnant!reader)
more pennyverse here :)
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“Penny, I’m serious. Get down from there.”
His toddler pouted, plump lower lip stuck out as her eyebrows furrowed to convey her sadness at being scolded.
“But Daddy—.”
“No ‘buts’,” Eddie added, raising an eyebrow down at her, oh? You’re really not gonna listen?
Penny slumped under the look and let out a long whine.
Reluctantly, the flats of Penny’s feet met the ground as she carefully lowered her foot from the shelf of the bottom cabinets in the kitchen. With her lack of patience and growing curiosity, she’d recently begun to test whether or not she’d be able to use the drawers to climb her way up the counter and get whatever it is she wanted instead of waiting for either Eddie or you to get it for her. She was testing Eddie, too.
He hated having to scold her, she was such a reactive baby, she’d usually immediately get upset on her own once she’d realized she’d done something wrong, eyes always welling up with guilty tears. Lately, she’d taken to breaking the rules more often and while he could still tell she felt guilty, it was clear she’d continue until she'd get hurt.
Or worse.
You weren’t exactly in the state to discipline—usually, you were quite on top of making sure she couldn’t be a brat, time outs so Penny would be able to cool off without her feeling like you were smothering her and cuddles to talk out the reason why she did what she did and why she can’t do it again—but since you were in the nesting phase of your pregnancy, all Penny would get is a ‘Penny, we don’t do that’, which did absolutely nothing since Penny clearly liked to ‘do that’.
As soon as she began to sniffle intensely, fat tears already rolling down her round cheeks while she stared up at her dad with her hands clutched together, Eddie softened and sighed, crouching down to be closer to eye level with her so he could cup the side of her face in his hand, thumb stroking over the soft skin to wipe the wet trails away.
“Hey, hey. Don’t be sad, little bitty pretty one. You didn’t do anything wrong,” Yet. He’d caught her just before she could. “Daddy just doesn’t want you to get hurt. The counter isn’t safe for you to climb on and what do we say about climbing on things that aren’t safe?”
“I-I-I coo’ fall.” She stuttered out, sniffles continuing, less intense due to Eddie’s coddling.
“Mhm,” Eddie didn’t even like to think about her injuring herself.
He was all soft smiles and even softer brown eyes as he stared into her own, absolutely positive the love he had for the tiny little girl, who looked like the perfect combination of you and him, was unconditional and the source behind his strength. From the moment he first held her, Eddie knew he would do anything and everything to protect her, “I love you so much, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, sweet pea. Can I have a hug?”
Penny nodded frantically, reaching a closed fist up to rub at her other eye before she let out another whine and held her arms out wide, wrapping them around his shoulders as she buried her face in one of them.
“Luh you,” she cried, fisting the material of his hoodie. Eddie stood up after he’d gathered her in his arms, rubbing soothing circles on her back as he kissed her curly little head.
“It’s okay, sweet pea. I love you, too. Always.”
It took a few minutes but once Penny had calmed down, she sniffled and rubbed her snotty little nose off against his hoodie.
“What did you want, anyways?” His eyes scanned the small counter space for whatever it was that could have caught her attention.
“I want the ‘nana.” She pointed lazily in the direction of the bananas, displayed in a bowl. Taunting her.
Eddie used his free arm to rip one from the bunch, biting into the stem at the top of it to keep it still while he unpeeled it for her.
Her lack of patience was once more apparent when she couldn’t wait for him to unpeel the entire thing, reaching out and squishing the part of the fruit that was exposed, ripping it messily away from the rest of it so she could cram it into her mouth.
Eddie chuckled as he carried her out into the living room, plopping down onto the couch with her. Penny quickly devoured the fruit, fingers no doubt messy and sticky until she’d used his legs to climb down from the couch, wiping her stubby little hands on the material of his sweats as she went.
“Am I nothing but a human napkin to you?” He asked with a chuckle, Penny ignored him in favor of digging through her toy box.
“I’d say human furnace, too.” You answered as you returned from the bathroom, fully aware he hadn’t been speaking to you, you just couldn’t resist teasing him.
“Explains why you assault me with those icicles you call feet at night.” He offered you the other half of the banana Penny hadn’t eaten and you took it, only sparing the fucked up top of it a glance before shrugging and taking a bite.
“I can’t help my poor blood circulation, Edward. I can’t prove it right now, but I’m pretty sure it’s your fault.”
He laughed as you settled into the farthest cushion, tapping his thighs as a sign for you to settle your legs over them. You loved him so much.
“My fault? Do explain, babe, I gotta hear it.”
“Probably a side effect of this,” you placed a hand over your swollen belly. No current movement inside, your baby was probably sleeping in there, “Just like my high blood pressure.”
You were still bitter about that one, you’d had quite a few red flags with this pregnancy, had more doctor’s appointments scheduled than when you’d been pregnant with Penny.
“You had ice cubes for toes long before I put a baby in you.” He smirked, a hand reaching out to cover yours.
“You know what?”
He raised an eyebrow to challenge you, much like he did with Penny, what?
“You,” you pointed a finger in his direction, grinning, “be quiet.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed, it was your version of telling each other to shut the fuck up in the presence of your child. He was still chuckling as he scanned the room for his little girl, immediately tensing when he didn’t spot her.
“Penny?” He called out in alarm, triggering your own concern as you stood up in search of your daughter.
You heard the sound of a gasp followed by something breaking and your daughter’s loud cries. You both bolted over, greeted by the sight of your toddler lying on the ground next to the bananas and surrounded by shards of the ceramic bowl which had housed them.
You were pretty sure your heart stopped and Eddie went pale.
As Penny shrieked, face red, Eddie carefully lifted her from the ground and you immediately noticed the odd angle of her little hand as you assessed her for injuries.
“Eddie,” you inhaled a sharp breath and he clocked the same thing you did, “I’ll get the keys.”
You ran to the bedroom to retrieve a blanket for Penny and met Eddie at the door.
The car ride to the hospital was horrible. You held Penny in the backseat as she cried and cried, feeling absolutely useless and like a terrible mother for being unable to heal her on your own.
Penny had been seen right away, thanks to her young age and injury. Eddie had been a nervous wreck, pacing the waiting area for a good fifteen minutes before he stopped, stood still and then went to wrap his arms around you when he noticed how upset you were, beating yourself up for not having a closer eye on her.
“I’ve told her to not climb the counter, she knows it’s a rule!”
Eddie kissed your forehead, arms secure around you as you tried to bury yourself in his chest to hide from your failure. “I caught her doing it a couple of minutes before she fell, she’s a baby with a lack of impulse control, honey. That’s all. Better believe I won’t be letting her out of my sight after this.”
You’d wiped each other’s tears away and held each other until the doctor came back to take you to the room Penny was in, confirming what you had thought. She’d broken her wrist, most likely having tried to stop her fall with her hands. The doctor said it was the most common type of broken bone injury amongst toddlers she’d seen.
Much to your relief, Penny wasn’t hooked up to anything. She had a little hospital nightgown over her top half but her little overall bottoms were still visible and there was a little pink cast decorating the arm she’d injured. Penny looked miserable until the moment she saw you.
“MAMA!” She shrieked, and you were at her side in an instant, fingers stroking over her curls while Eddie spoke to the doctor.
“Are you okay, baby?” Of course she wasn’t okay, your baby was sporting a cast!
“I hurt my han’, mommy.” She sounded so sad when she said it, you just wanted to scoop her up and hold her forever.
“It’ll get better, I promise.” You swore, happy she still seemed to be preening under your attention. “Baby, why were you on the counter?”
She looked guilty and even more sad, you made sure to plant a couple of kisses on her face to keep her from crying again.
“For anotha ‘nana.”
“Why didn’t you ask me or daddy to get it for you?”
“‘’Cuz—uhm, cuz-cuz-cuz you gotta finish.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “Finish what?”
“Making your nes’ for my baby brudder.”
You were full on squinting, mom brain trying to decipher what the heck she was talking about and eventually it clicked.
Penny must have heard you talking about it, which didn’t surprise you since you weren’t as careful as you should be with what you said around her. It was still hard for you to come to terms with Penny having a bit more of a conscience now. While you knew she heard what you’d say (and repeat it like a parrot if it was a curse word) she didn’t understand what she was saying. Or, she hadn’t. Now, she was beginning to think about things and apparently worry.
She’d heard you, all in a tizzy about preparing the trailer for your new addition and she’d gotten worried about distracting you.
“Baby, you’re more important than my nest.” You assured her, though the worry still on her face didn’t go anywhere.
“But brudder─”
“But Penny,” you interrupted with a goofy voice, gently pinching and wiggling her nose to get her to break her serious demeanor. It worked, she giggled, little nose crinkling up, “Penny is just as important as brother. He’s not even here yet and you are still in my nest.”
You reached out to take her smaller hand in yours, thumb stroking over her tiny fingers. She was so little and breakable, it scared you to think about.
“You could have gotten really, really hurt climbing on the counter, baby. Then, mommy would have an empty nest and that would make me and daddy very sad, Penny.” You were positive neither of you would recover.
“Yeah.” Penny agreed, solemnly.
“So, whenever you need something, you have to come to me and daddy, okay?”
“Okay, mommy!” She nodded her head dramatically, “Luh you, mommy. Can I has a hug?”
“I love you, too, and you never have to ask,” She sat up on the bed, very mindful of her pink cast and wrapped her little uninjured arm around your shoulders as you pulled her to your chest. You let out an amused snort when your hand went to cradle the back of her head and found the curls there smashed flat from laying down.
“Oh, baby, that is some bad bedhead.”
“Yeah,” she said again, solemnly, but this time the seriousness of her voice and the topic made you laugh.
Eddie laughed, too, and the sound almost surprised you. You were so focused on your injured baby, you had forgotten he was watching you.
When you turned to look at him, he took that as his cue for his turn. Only, he’d already lectured her about the counters and figured she’d learned her lesson. He’d also, obviously, heard you talk to her about it so he went straight to drowning her with affection, pulling her right into his arms.
“My poor baby!” He cooed, pressing a kiss to her temple and nuzzling his face into her short curls.
“Yeah,” Penny agreed with a sigh that had you and Eddie exchanging glances as you bit your lips to keep from smiling.
Oh, she was gonna milk this broken wrist for all it was worth and you were both more than happy to indulge her and nurse her back to health.
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Rainy Days and Lattes
Steve Harrington X Fem!Reader
Summary : Steve goes to get a treat for him and Robin and ends up meeting you.
Word Count : 0.6k
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Warnings : Pure fluff, not proofread, 4am writing 🫶🏻, steve is a cutie, just a cute little meet cute drabble, autumn-y rainy days (i am ready for the ber months) no use of y/n, fem pronouns, reader calls steve pretty.
A/N : Guys I don’t know how it happened but we hit 700 followers?!?! I am in shock! Thank you all so much for the love and support it means so much to me 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Steve had gone on his break, planning on fetching himself and Robin some warm drinks and sweet treats. He headed into the cafe at the end of the block.
It was quiet today, the autumn weather rolling in fast. Leaves turning from green to yellows and oranges, it was beautiful. Although it was damp, drizzling rain fell on him, speeding up to get out of it. Pushing the door open, a small bell jingled above him.
There were a few people sat inside : an older couple, a woman deeply interested in her book, a man and his daughter and two teenagers who were giggling away. Steve smiled, he enjoyed people watching.
Looking up at the boards and the glass cabinets he thought about what to get for Robin - probably opting for the sweetest thing they had.
“Hi, can I help you?” a voice spoke from the counter. Looking up he met your gaze, god you were beautiful. “Uh .. Hi, can I get um,” be cool man, relax, relax.
“Can I please get a hazelnut hot chocolate and a latte please,” he spoke, finally getting his words out. “Sure, is it to drink now?” you smiled.
“Take out please.” He was scared to meet your gaze again, worried he’d be tongue tied and embarrass himself.
He didn’t do as well with girls now as he used too, and well you were probably the most beautiful person he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Okidoki, anything else?” you asked, taking his order into the register. “What’s the sweetest cake you have?” he asked.
“Maybe the brownies? or the millionaires shortbread, they’re both filled with caramel,” you explained, whilst pointing them out in the cabinet.
“Could I get one of each?”
“Sure,” you smiled at him again - secretly hoping he’d meet your gaze, cause gosh he was so pretty. “Okay thats $8.65 all together.” After exchanging cash and change you spoke again, “You can wait here or I’ll bring your things over.”
“I’ll wait,” he spoke gently, “Are you new here?” he asked. He’d been here before a few times and never seen you. “Not really. I don’t normally work this shift it’s all, and if I do I’m normally making cakes out the back,” you told him.
He hummed and nodded as he did so. “You come in here a lot?”
“Me and my friend take it in turns, we work at Family Video down the street.”
“Ah I see,” you nodded as you frothed some milk for the latte.
“I might start asking her if I can come here everytime we’re on together,” he spoke up.
“Oh yeah why’s that?” you asked, mouth curving into a slight smile. “Well there’s this really beautiful barista I’d like to see again.”
You nodded, pouring the hot drink into a cup. “Right, and if that barista was completely flattered because such a pretty boy wanted to see her again?”
“He’d ask her out, ask to see her out of this awful uniform.”
Huffing a laugh, you slid his cakes over the counter, turning to finish off his drinks.
“Well she’d be interested, can I take your name for her?”
“It’s Steve.”
“Steve,” you repeated, a smile now consuming your lips. “Mhm, that’s me.”
“I’ll let her know,” you spoke over your shoulder. Sliding the cups into sleeves and placing them in a cup holder so he wouldn’t hurt himself, you handed them over.
“Well it was nice meeting you Steve.”
“You too, have a good day.” You watched him walk out the shop, giving you a goofy smile and carry on his way.
Looking down at his latte cup he noticed some scribbles on the side. Moving as quickly as he could he headed back to work, passing Robin the cakes, to decide which she wanted and her hot choc.
He slid the sleeve off the cup and couldn’t help grinning, it was a number and a name. Your number and name. “God Dingus, you finally get your game back,” Robin teased from beside him.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, smiling as he took as sip of what may have been the best coffee of his life.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
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