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north-peach · 11 months ago
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 1 year ago
De-aged Danny wandering the street of Gotham as a five year old:
Batfam: hello child are you alright?
Danny: Yup! :D
Batfam: where are your parents buddy?
Danny: don’t need em. Tried to kill me
Batfam: *concerned* how about you come with us for a little while?
Danny: no thank you mister Batman, I don’t trust adults
Batfam: oh no
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lieutenant-sarcastic · 2 years ago
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s0fter-sin · 4 months ago
something people just don’t think about is how often chronically ill and disabled people just don’t have access to good food. not healthy food, good food; well made, tasty meals that don’t come from a jar or a freezer. how many of us are housebound or can’t drive? delivery services only offer within certain distances, if you live outside a city they aren’t an option. many people don’t have the energy or ability to cook for themselves if they have the skill to begin with. many certainly don’t have the ability to learn how. it’s something that goes completely unnoticed, just the opportunity to have a good meal and how much that wears you down
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viviraptor-art · 7 months ago
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i'd like to formally thank duel links for this tag duel tournament in general, but ESPECIALLY for rex and téa having a fun interaction! what an interesting tag team o_O bonus:
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ew-selfish-art · 2 years ago
Dp x dc AU - If the Internation Space Station orbits the Earth 16 times a day, then so does the Watchtower.
Danny’s on track to move out of his parent’s house and move to Gotham for college (He swears that Sam bribed the board to let him in- and she wasn’t even going to that university!) but the dorms don’t open for another three days and he cannot wait to escape. Seeing his parents try to perfect yet another weapon to use against him while he changed out the ecto filters on the portal was too much. He’s completely over the idea of staying when he already has everything packed and ready to go.
The solution? Take all his boxes into his haunt in the Ghost Zone, leave them there and then spend some time in camping in space. He’s already explored the Infinite Realms enough to be bored of it for a minute (not to mention he wants to avoid getting more ‘favors’ to do from Clockwork) and hell, he just wants to see some stars.
He grabs his tent, a sleeping bag and all the food and things he could need and brings it into the atmosphere with him. Keeping it all tethered to him, Danny stays in a fixed position above Gotham (Cause that’s where he’s going next, duh) and treats himself to some quality Me-time.
Only problem is that several times a day he has to make himself intangible while he lets satellites and things pass through. Easy enough and honestly pretty interesting to observe as a wannabe engineering student.
He doesn’t know when exactly it happened the first time- but it turns out the Heroes of Earth all congregated in a satelite office building? It was bigger than the ISS! What the heck!?
Going intangible but not invisible, the JL spot Danny and are incredibly confused how an ‘Alien’ teen just happens to appear in their meeting rooms disappearing at the rate (slowly but surely) of the Watchtower moving through space. Was that camping gear? How was he roasting a marshmallow? Did propane camping stoves even work in space??
16 times a day they get the opportunity to ask Danny a few questions. He mostly ignores them or gives them joke answers. Eventually Martian Manhunter phases through the Watchtower to join him.
They talk about how hard transition periods in life can be and having strained relationships with family. J’ohn returns to the watchtower on its next cycle and reports that the kid is just fine, being an adult is just a hard thing to do.
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the-stove-is-on-fire · 1 year ago
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a blue dragon flipping burgers at a grill with one hand, holding four kebabs in the other, and chopping meat with a cleaver held by it's tail. A second blue dragon off to the side is breathing blue fire under the grill to heat it. /. End ID]
The semester is finally finished! This is a style frame from my story development project. Even though I've decided to change the project's final style to something less polished, I'm still quite happy with this.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months ago
having scary dog privileges when going out in public with Bakugo
Except people only avoid him because they’re afraid of getting rabies 😭😭
he’s just so chaotic he has to be infected
(him n my oc r like this cough coiugh cough)
i mean,, look at him..💀 sure, he's scary and big n buff n whatnot but also he looks like a damn dog with rabies the way he walks around shoulders slouched n saggy n with that impossible frown on his face. (plus his little waddle) and if you catch him on a good day he's even scaries cus hes walking upright like he does when he has those big ass gauntlets on his arms and hes just smuch more imposing and scary😭😭😭 (🤤)
and the way he practically snarls foaming at the mouth at the thought of anyone daring to approach you with any typa romantic intent,,very scary stuff indeed. goosebump inducing.
like he's scary in the way hes intimidating and also he looks like a freak😭 plus he's just soo loud when he feels threatened. like if he thinks someone (god bless their soul for even having the balls big enough to walk up trynna flirt) is trynna start something with you hes all GLARESS. the pressure in the room goes hard and when the person doesnt get the hint he will very much start talking for you. he'll lean over your shoulder where he was walking next you and full on get in ppls faces😭😭
"HAAAH???!!! you can't hear or somethin' ?! we're fuckin' busy !"
he'll be so pissed off about the interaction he'll keep mumbling about some "tch,,damn extra..trynna start shit with me.." he'll keep doin this till you kiss his boo boo's better
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shadowsegregious · 1 month ago
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not. the greatest cook (still comic under cut <3)
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mentalmeles · 7 days ago
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You're my Coney Island baby, you mean so much to me You're my pretty little lady, I love you tenderly You're my lucky star, that's what you are
The thought of Steve and Bucky dancing holds a special place in my heart 💕
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koiposting · 2 months ago
enki shenanigans
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captainjonnitkessler · 1 year ago
I understand if you want to stay out of it but I’m curious as to you’re thoughts on this discourse
Anon, I'm going to be entirely honest with you. I have been waiting for an excuse to put my thoughts about this down. Forewarning that this is going to be long and take a dim view of organized religion.
TL;DR: I think everyone in that thread is maliciously misinterpreting evilsoup's point, which is basically that they think Gene Roddenberry was right about what a post-utopian society would look like re: religion. And you can agree or disagree about whether a post-religious utopia is likely or desirable, but to say that anyone who thinks it is is actively calling for and encouraging genocide is a gross misuse of the term (especially coming from at least one person that I'm pretty sure is currently denying an actively ongoing actual fucking genocide).
@evilsoup can correct me if I'm misinterpreting their points, but as far as I see it there are two main points being made:
A) In a perfect utopia with absolutely no source of oppression, marginalization, or disparity, religion would naturally whither away with no outside pressure being applied.
B) This would be a good or at least a neutral thing.
As far as A) goes - a lot of the responses evilsoup got were basically "well *I* would never choose to be nonreligious, so therefore the only way to create that world would be by force, and therefore you are calling for literal genocide". But aside from the fact that evilsoup was very, very clear that they thought this would be a *natural* event and that trying to force people to be nonreligious would be evil - we're not talking about (general) you. You can be as religious as you want but you don't get to make that choice for your grandkids, or your great-great-great grandkids, or your great-great-great-great-great-etc. grandkids. Just because religion is an integral part of your identity doesn't mean it's something you can pass down, and if you're not comfortable with the idea that your kids might choose to leave your religion, you shouldn't have kids.
I personally don't foresee religion disappearing entirely, but it is pretty consistent that as a country becomes happier, healthier, and wealthier, it also becomes less religious. Religiosity is inversely correlated with progressive values. And the more democratic and secular a nation is, the less powerful religious authorities become - In the 1600s blasphemy and atheism were punishable by death* in Massachusetts and today I can call the Pope a cunt to his face** on Twitter with no repercussions whatsoever. Political secularism is an absolute necessity for true democracy and it necessitates removing power from religious authorities, which has and will likely continue to lead to a decline in religiosity - not just a decline in how many people identify as religious, but also a decline in how religious the remaining people are.
*Blasphemy laws and death penalties for blasphemers/apostates are still VERY much a thing in many places. It's hard to see a path where those places become more democratic but don't become more secular and repeal those laws.
**Well, to the face of whoever runs his Twitter account, but the point remains.
I also believe that many religious communities have been held together for so long via coercion - either internal coercion like blasphemy and apostasy laws, shunning, and threats of hell or other supernatural punishment, or external coercion like oppression from the majority religious group or ethnic cleansings. In a perfect utopia, neither form of coercion would exist and I don't think it's crazy to think that religiosity would drop severely and become a much less important part of people's identities, in the way I think the queer community would not exist in a world where queerphobia didn't exist.
ANYWAY, all this is actually kind of moot. It could happen, it could not, nobody is calling for it to be forced so we'll just have to wait and see. The real point of disagreement is on B).
I'm gonna be honest - I think a lot of the responders are rank hypocrites and are really hung up on the idea of cultural purity, which is something I'm wildly uncomfortable with.
First of all, the idea that a deeply-held religious belief could be diluted until it's just a cultural thing that nobody really remembers the origins of isn't some evil mastermind plot evilsoup is trying to concoct, it's just how cultures work. There's tons of stuff about American culture that are vaguely rooted in what were once deeply-held beliefs and are now entertainment. Halloween is rooted in sacred tradition and now it's a day to dress up and get candy. Christmas is one of the most sacred holidays in Christianity but nobody bats an eye if a non-Christian puts up some lights or decorates a tree just because it's fun. I have no doubt that every culture on Earth has traditions that used to be deeply sacred but are now just fun family traditions. People in Japan use Christian symbology as an "exotic, mythical" aesthetic the exact same way people in the West use Eastern symbology. And if you're okay with it happening to Christianity, why wouldn't you be okay with it happening to any other religion in the absence of oppression?
And there's the idea that if a culture fails to get passed down *exactly* as it is now, it's a terrible loss and the result of malicious outside influence. But . . . cultures change over time. No culture is the same now as it was two or five or eight hundred years ago and I don't believe that change is inherently loss. The things that are sacred to you may or may not be sacred to the people of your culture in the future. That's just the way things work, and I don't think it's inherently good or bad.
And finally, people keep accusing evilsoup of "just wanting everyone to assimilate to your culture", but it absolutely does not follow that a lack of religion means a lack of diversity. Different nonreligious cultures are every bit as capable of being diverse as different religious cultures, so it's weird to insist that evilsoup wants there to only be one culture when they never said anything to indicate that.
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julia-dobreva · 2 months ago
What is with the profussion of people convinced revachol is an allegory for any area in the west. Fellow canadians i love you but since when did quebec get its democracy crushed by imperialist neoliberal forces LOL
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chuplayswithfire · 26 days ago
the more i see people blame democrats for the current state of affairs the more i understand that this is a pathetic and desperate attempt to make this the fault of anyone other than those actually at fault:
1) millions of pathetic, apathetic nonvoters who, in key states, chose their individual issues over the basic and obvious truth that trump would be worse for everyone
2) millions more conservative fuckwards who are getting exactly what they wanted
this isn't happening because the Democrats failed to do X or Y or Z or because they didn't have a bold and convincing message. This happened because the people who make up those two groups don't and never did care about actually stopping Trump.
people would rather blame democrats and say they didn't have a clear and hopeful message, when trump was out here promising to deport millions, crash the economy, and be an even worse racist bigot than he was the first time.
this is happening because the voting majority saw everything he was saying and decided they either actively wanted it or would rather have it then admit the democrats aren't anything like him.
you fuckers won. stop saying the democrats and everyone who begged you to fucking vote otherwise is at fault for it.
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literaila · 7 months ago
what do you think reader, gojo, megumi, and tsumiki are doing rn 🤔
well where i’m at it’s 10:04 pm so…
gojo and you are cuddled up on the couch, probably watching reality tv. but gojo keeps talking over it so it’s really more like you’re vaguely listening to two men argue over something on the screen, and simultaneously disagreeing with everything that your husband says.
but almost mindlessly you’re kissing his cheek, a bit of a smile just curling at your lip. it’s nice when it’s quiet at home. nice when the two of you can sit here, just like this.
and if gojo happens to lean in to kiss you every once and a while—accidentally, some sort of habit—it’s fine, you suppose. he still tastes a bit like the ice cream he spoon fed you both earlier.
tsumiki is already asleep. she might be the most innocent, endearing person in the world—but it’s not without cost, okay? she is tired of carrying this family on her back. give the girl a break and at least three blankets. you probably tucked her in earlier because she fell asleep with her shoes on again.
i think megumi is reading. probably some book about world domination. and usually he would shut his door, but recently he’s found that he likes the sounds of… well, you guys. he likes it when gojo makes you laugh and it echoes down the hallway. and if you happen to bring him up—well he’ll hear that too.
megumi will go to bed after you both, the whispers of your voices luring him away. and if he wakes up with a nightmare…
we already know what happens.
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lale-txt · 2 months ago
baking in a kitchen that isn’t mine will be my villain origin story
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