#MCU wank
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depressedsteverogers · 1 month ago
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musclesandhammering · 1 year ago
On Narrative Bias
I keep saying it annoys me how Wanda has done so many evil ass things and is never held accountable for her actions, and it never fails that someone tries to respond with “but aren’t you a loki stan? He’s done evil shit too! So you have a double standard and are a misogynist!!!!” Yeah, no. The difference is that you can clearly tell who the writers have predetermined as a hero vs a villain. You can tell who they want you to root for. Loki’s actions are given narrative consequences as harsh as possible, while Wanda’s are narratively excused and softened and sympathised. Let me show you what I mean.
* Loki commits treasons, tries to kill his brother & attempts genocide -> Loki’s father rejects him while he attempts suicide
* Loki tries to conquer earth -> Loki is sentenced to life in prison
* Loki incapacitates the king and secretly takes the throne -> Loki is threatened with a hammer to the face, we’re reminded how awful he is by all the other characters for the rest of the movie & he would’ve faced more consequences if the apocalypse hadn’t interrupted
* Loki steals the tesseract from the vault -> Loki watches his brother be tortured & then has his neck snapped
Now compare that to…
* Wanda willingly signs up to work for a nazi organisation, tries to help an evil robot murder the avengers, intentionally sets the hulk loose on a town of innocent people, & helps destroy Sokovia for a lil while -> Wanda gets a fatherly pep talk from Clint & is immediately accepted as an Avenger
* Wanda accidentally murders a bunch of people while on a mission -> Wanda is put on temporary house arrest in a giant mansion with her boyfriend
* Wanda buries her boyfriend/teammate under like 10 floors of concrete, breaks out of house arrest, & goes against a government order -> the leader of the superhero team defends her, a grown ass woman, by saying “She’s just a kid!”, she’s detained in a government prison for like a week maybe (?) during which she’s shown as a sad helpless victim to encourage sympathy from viewers, & then she gets busted out by the ex-team leader & eventually gets to run off to Scotland with her boyfriend
* Wanda holds an entire town hostage & tortures them just to fulfil her own grief-fuelled fantasy -> one of the women Wanda attacked reassures her that she’s the actual victim in all this and that the people she tortured just have no idea what she’s sacrificed for them & she escapes to an isolated location to read a forbidden demon book and make herself more powerful without anyone interfering
* Wanda goes on a serial killing spree across the multiverse, kidnaps a child, holds her hostage, tortures her, & attempts to take her powers all so she can steal another Wanda’s children because she misses her children that were never actually real in the first place -> Wanda gets some badass power sequences and #girlboss one liners, is the one that destroys the demon book, essentially saving the multiverse from future corruption, & is allowed to die a hero’s death (which we all know isn’t permanent)
See the difference?
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samuelwilsonbarnes · 6 months ago
gonna be honest the version of the mcu that exists in my head is so far removed from what’s actually happening in canon at this point its crazy to believe there were years and years where it was damn near 1:1 just with extra material on top 😭
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 8 months ago
RDJ as Victor Von Doom is easily top 10 worst choices the mcu has ever made
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(Nooo, not the typo!)
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usuallydeepcoffee · 2 years ago
Hi! 😄 Love your blog! 😄
And I love violence, so for the ask game, could you please answer to: 2, 8, 10, 17, 22.
Hi! :D
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Already answered that here. I'll add this tho: I'm kinda picky when it comes to Steve's characterization while getting dicked down, because sometimes it feels like he loses some of his personality.
(*taps sign* in want of good Steve Rogers content, and inevitably disappointed by fandom)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I hate how fandom treats Fury as an antagonist who exists just to exploit the heroes or steal their secrets and create "tension". Idk if it's still a trend, but I remember a ton of fics where Fury was either preying on Tony's tech, so it was okay to bash him, or he was manipulating Steve, uncaring of how depressed he was.
Such a lazy plot device. And also a disservice to the guy who actually wanted the Avengers to be a thing, and the one who had a connection to Steve well before any of the other Avengers. (and lol Steve and Fury obviously respect one another, they even banter together but god forbid Steve has any type of relationship with a non-white man)
10. worst part of fanon
Already answered that here, but ugh, I also hate the way fans treat Sam. Glad as I am that he seems a little more popular now since his show came out, because he has a more substantial relationship with fandom's favorite white boy I can't forget the days when Sam was always suspiciously missing from art and fics even though he and Steve always ended up side by side at the end of all the movies they were in. Or, when people used his and Steve's line for uh... other characters. I see all and remember all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
You know, for a fandom that loves to complain about Steve's ending being ooc and would rather imagine him stuck somewhere in time, why not take full advantage and imagine him time-hopping to your favorite events. Are you a fan of dinosaurs? Have him befriend a scary t-Rex (which uh... kinda canon in the comics?) You like Ancient Egypt? Have him take a bath in the Nile while the Pharaoh has a cartoon-esque reaction to the water glistening off his body! You like the Plague? Have him... beg everyone to please wash themselves?
(these are rhetorical questions, I know why fandom doesn't, but still)
I would also take more Avengers 2.0 content. Or even better, SteveSamNat on the run after cacw, I'm not picky 😉
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
This is probably really obscure, but I love those little glimpses of a relationship between Rhodey and Nebula in Endgame. Like when she warns him about Scott being on the compound, and she calls him Rhodey. Not War Machine, Rhodey. And then they have that nice moment during the time heist together. Idk, it makes me wonder what kind of relationship (even if it is just friends!) they might have developed between IW and EG. Plus, I think they deserve a little bit of happiness.
choose violence ask game
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musclesandhammering · 1 month ago
Some of them I can understand, but then the others?? There is no damn way cishet men are out there enjoying Loki 😭
any one else completely forget that straight men are marvel fans like sir these characters are for the girls and gays wdym straight men are the target audience?!?
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thehauntingsofficial · 3 months ago
A Warning To Marvel Roleplayers;
Mass manipulation comes in many forms, like a wolf stalking pray through a crowd of nice, nice sheep. One specifically has made it their mission to ruin people's lives in the name of jealousy, otherwise known as Asgards-Trickster-God (as well as manifest-your-destiny, and countless other alt accounts, as you've probably seen). Slithering from writing group to writing group once people figure out that all the harassment they've been receiving has been from their own writing partner. These innocent people don't deserve the constant harassment, don't deserve to be obsessed over by a person who barely crosses their mind.
The following is chock-full of evidence (not edited, in case LLD wants to play). I've also added a different callout post made by a different group a little while back, they've truly been at this for a way too long now.
Please stay safe, folks!
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musclesandhammering · 3 months ago
Me: *sees an avengers era Loki meta* 😃
The Meta: “Loki sabotaged the invasion on purpose” “Loki was forced into invading by Thanos” “Loki was abused by Thor” “Loki was under complete mind control” “Loki was never a villain”
Me: 🙄 *keeps scrolling*
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eternalgirlscout · 2 years ago
every single mcu property is like "that's the villain The Puppy Kicker! he wants everyone on earth to have clean drinking water, but also he kicks puppies so he must be stopped. we have no plans to fix the water thing btw"
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musclesandhammering · 1 year ago
I also love the excuse people give that “well his powers aren’t as strong as Wanda’s or Strange’s, he mainly just does tricks.”
-This man caught a falling skyscraper and then pushed it back into place without breaking a sweat…. and you’re telling me he couldn’t use his telekinesis to toss people around during fights?
-This man enchanted half of the all-powerful all-consuming monster entity that controls all of time on his first try….. and you’re telling me he couldn’t just mind-warp someone during a fight?
-This man put an illusion over the entire room of his cell just to hide his feelings after his mom died…. and you’re telling me he couldn’t cast an illusion over whatever battlefield he’s fighting on so his opponent would have no idea what’s real and what’s not?
-This man can teleport…. and we’ve never seen him disappear and reappear behind his enemies before this series?
And that’s not even getting into what the writers could do if they combined some of his powers. There’s soooo much creative potential there to give him some badass fight scenes.
Have him teleport behind his enemy and enchant them before they can turn around, like Wanda’s done several times. Have him use his enchantment and illusion powers at the same time to trap his enemies inside a false reality. He has pyrokinesis (he set the sword on fire), so have him pick objects up with his telekinesis then set them on fire and throw them at people. Have him use his jotun powers to freeze someone solid and then use his fire powers to melt them into a puddle. Have him use his telekinesis to levitate objects he’s standing on, so he could sort of fly. I have a million different ideas and they’re not that hard to come up with. Idk why marvel gives every magic user cool magic-y scenes except him :/
To Loki not using magic & excuses why
Look at this shit. These powers. She is using tekekinesis,putting it to actual use,and without hurting people.
Loki has this ability too and writers give us him using it to get a roomba vacuum cleaner. Why didnt he do this for example when Sylvie was fighting him - how Wanda stops Nat's leg. But no. He keeps being thrown around.
So dont give me that crap Loki isnt using magic cos he "doesnt wanna hurt anyone". You can use magic without causing hurm and this airport scene in proof.
Huh. Funny everyone knows how to use magic but Loki. And his fans are fine with it.
For better comparision:
Wanda using telekinesis in fight
(And she didnt hurt Nat here so get the fuck out with that "he doesnt wanna hurt anyone crap". Here is proof you can use powers only to stop your opponent.)
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and Loki using telekinesis in fight
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Then we have excuse "there is still season 2"
So why did Sylvie unlock new powers in finale? She will be in season 2. They could have waited too. In finale she is suddenly telekinetic and shoots energy blasts. Powers she hasnt had for previous 5 episodes. (Besides Wanda is in MoM, so she could have opened new powers in this movie not in WV because she too had time. This excuse is ridicilous) Also I would like to add Sylvie shoots at Loki without caring if she hurts him. Such a hero.
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"There is still time".
Its been 10 years and classic Loki shows up, has 5 minutes of screen time and shows this:
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when Tom has been playing Loki for 10 years and his Loki didnt show 10% of these powers in 10 years???
I'll tell you what it is:
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 2 months ago
I wish I could like Shang Chi more. It's such an interesting premise, the action is really good, I enjoy some of the characters (Xu Xianling my beloved), they have Tony Leung in there being a hot asshole. It makes even people like my white parents who hate subtitles want to watch it and be fine with reading subs for once. But it's just so... MCU like. I can learn to live with Awkwafina being in it, even though I feel like she was definitely a weak point acting wise. Simu Liu as well, though I also don't think he was the best choice. But god every emotional moment was just cheapened by the MCU Humor™️ and the color scheme was so MCU Dull™️ and it's just impossible to really enjoy.
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2013 tumblr: oh my god, did you see the way that Loki flinched when something exploded next to him? That proves he was abused by Thanos, but also Odin, and Thor, and he is such a poor woobie my tiny baby but have you seen the way he walks into the German Opera? That was so hot, I could just GLOMP, I love him, I will draw smut with him and Tony Stark
2023 tumblr: stepdad material.
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usuallydeepcoffee · 2 years ago
Hi! For the choose violence ask game: 2, 8 , 12
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
LOOK. I'm not going to bust out the power point presentation and excel charts, not when I can just point you all to this:
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Members of the jury, does this look like someone who wants to be in charge all the time? Does this look like someone who would not get tired of having everyone depend on him? Does this look like someone who does not deserve to be seen as a person who can sit back on some dick and relax, once the suit comes off? I rest my case.
Look, I realize that top/bottom aren't, realistically speaking, fixed categories, and in theory, I wouldn't mind a fic where Steve switches (off the top of my head, Hafital's Starborn and Stormbreaker's series has Steve and Thor as switches and it's excellent). HOWEVER, consider that:
-I prefer bottom!Steve (because, once you're in the minority that likes Steve, why not go full minority and like bottom!Steve as well);
-I have encountered far too many fics where the other half of the pairing being the bottom makes them even more of an annoying wooby that Steve has to take care of with his dick as well to even want to try reading anything other than bottom!Steve;
-I prefer bottom!Steve;
-Fics where Steve is a top and/or dom read too OoC for me -especially the dom!Steve ones. I don't see him enjoying giving out orders or punishment or whatever. Now, following them? He'd be so good. Such a good boy;
-I prefer bottom!Steve (which isn't to say that all bottom!Steve fics are my jam, because I do feel there's a fair bit of oocness in there as well. Still, I'd take that over the opposite, because guess what? I prefer bottom!Steve).
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Ready for the violence? The choices Steve Rogers makes throughout his movies are not as influenced by B*cky B*rnes as fandom likes to think -sincerely, a St*cky shipper who was here when St*cky barely had 1k fics to their name. It always drives me crazy when Steve being anti-Accords is boiled down to him opposing 100+ countries for Bucky. I know it sounds romantic, I know fandom has a thing for Steve being all crazy in love with Bucky, but this is such a disservice to his character (as if he doesn't get enough shit for being anti-accords anyway) that it put me off the fandom.
They have so many ship-worthy moments (Steve literally putting himself between B*cky and a murderous T0ny, B*cky stepping in to protect Steve), why reach that hard. It just ends up putting sane people off.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Already answered that here!
choose violence ask game
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coulsonlives · 7 months ago
He proudly said he hated both Thor and Bruce. Thor was a prissy rich boy, and Bruce was a whiny bipolar crybaby.
I was like... then why did you take on a movie where they're the main characters? I guess ignoring their history and their past relationship and flanderizing both of them made it worth it?
Because ironically, he just made Thor even more insufferable and Bruce even more annoyingly whiny.
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Fandom Problem #4809:
When someone who hates a genre is hired to write for a franchise in that genre. Congrats! You're so busy deconstructing tropes you don't like that you've destroyed everything the fans liked!
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lokiinmediasideblog · 5 months ago
The thing about MCU!Thor is that to me he is an A+ student whose favorite subject is mass murder. I bet he got plenty of rewards and praise for it, and it has both inflated his ego for the past millennia and become tied to his self-worth as a result.
Whenever I see Loki's manipulation discussed, it's along the lines of "Thor is stupid/gullible and shouldn't be king because of that" when it should be "Thor WANTED a war. Thor LOVES battle. He's not ready because of this." Loki knew Thor wanted to fight (and hot take: Loki's nudge would not have worked on some pacifist). Look at the murderous glee he has in anticipation during the Jotunheim incident. He's like: (\(^_^)/)
Another instance I can think of is how confident he is at first about getting Mjolnir back, and getting through all those SHIELD agents. He knows he can do it because it's what he is good at and what he ties his self-worth towards. He thinks he knows the rules to get Mjolnir back, but then he learns it didn't work, and he begins to show fear and despair. Tell me it doesn't have vibes of someone that doesn't know how to deal with failure.
I saw something in a fic where his reaction to being called "princess" was because "he thought it was aimed at Loki", and it really ruins the context and misses the point. Thor was EAGER to fight, and took the opportunity with the insult. And I hate this tendency to make pre-T1 Thor a perfect brother to Loki and ray of sunshine. The point is that he undergoes redemption in T1. To say that he didn't need it and Loki just tricked him misses the point. He also gets dumbed down because he's not allowed to be morally gray, so any bad things he did were due to gullibility(e.g. "trusting too much/loving Loki too much"<- that's a kind of flaw that annoys me in characters that are portrayed otherwise good; it's such a cop out) instead of flawed morality.
I think that by making Thor 100% good, he ends up getting very dumbed down. In my experience, unless the fic was written by some Loki stan that projects too much and ships Frostiron (or someone who has a brutish Thor kink in some AU where they're not brothers and it may be tagged with "Dark Thor"), Thor is made out to be too nice. He is basically the perfect brother to Loki and his moral flaws are basically that "he's just a gullible himbo." And I just don't think that was the case, and it also simplifies Thor as a character when his war-like tendencies are ignored.
TLDR: Thor is neither himbo nor brute. But he's not nearly as kind as he's often flattened to be. He should have a dark side.
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