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The Neverending Story Of The Notorious Loki Roleplayer
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thehauntingsofficial · 6 hours ago
More “Coincidences”
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Context for screenshots:
1-4: Same icon/picture used across all accounts at one point or another or currently. Sure, could be a coincidence.
5-7: All three accounts just happen to be a vet tech or work with animals… okay, that’s kind of scarily coincidental.
8-10: So all three accounts were… ‘new’ yet somehow all mistaken for the wrong person? And conveniently another blog appeared to… out themselves as the actual person who was supposed to get all the hate? Exactly like how ‘lokilaufeysondiaries’ did with ‘Loki-g0dofstories’ (old user name: ‘strangegodsloki’)? (They privately admitted to owning the ‘strangegodsloki’ blog, which is screenshot 10).
Coincidence or not? That’s up to you to decide.
‘Asgards-trickster-god’, ‘lokilaufeysondiaries’ ‘strangegodsloki/loki-g0dofstories’ are old accounts which have since been deactivated. ‘llamapunch69’ was also an alt of theirs, it has since been deactivated. ‘Loki-of-stories’ and ‘Lokis-mynx’ are strongly suspected to be the same individual, which are also strongly suspected to be the same individual as ‘Lokis-little-mortal’.
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
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Y'know, I think it's really funny that they throw wild allegations about me without any proof- something that they'd simply lose their shit over. What's ever richer is the fact that this same person groomed my husband at the ripe age of eight on fucking Pinterest. Then ended up being trolled "by gods" (a literal child tricking them) for years after that! My main reasoning for stepping into this mess in the first place (other than my homie being harassed, that's also fucked up) is to take them off the Internet to keep them away from minors. Seems like they're already beginning to prey on young folk, given that their MDNI has been taken down..
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And you dare accuse me of such a horrid crime? When you're lookin' a mess like that? Go back to wallowing in your self-pity, creep :3c
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
While we're on the topic on similarities of LLD, I'm baffled on how they can continuously be so sexual. There are other ways to insult, there are other ways to poke fun, there are so many things they could say instead- but that doesn't get the reaction they want, of course! All across their accounts, they radiate the same grimace-worthy vibe;
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Not to mention a surplus of jokes explicitly talking about myself being a gay man, which just rubbed me the wrong way? (Edited with a screenshot of that, since I found it.)
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It's as if they have the mind of a teenage boy, where sex = hilarious burn. It's odd, and comes off as extremely creepy!
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
They truly only have like,, five insults. They're so bad at what they do y'all 😭
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Context: This is all the same individual under different accounts/users. They have been doing this for quite some time. They all use the same language, writing style and insults - even the same profile picture for two of the accounts! Obviously, yes, other people use these words too, but in this frequency? Across accounts that either openly engage with one another or are old accounts that claim to be different people? That is for you to decide if it’s complete coincidence…
‘Asgards-Trickser-God’, ‘Loki-g0dofstories’, ‘manifest-your-destiny’ and ‘geckolover112’ are all old accounts and have been deactivated.
Common words they all like to use and throw around: psycho, freak, motherfucker, pathetic, loser, stalker, bullies, toxic, unhinged, sad…
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
RANDY peek at this!! So LLD is a ‘guy’ now. That means they’ll be using ‘bro’ and ‘dude’ more.
“JOhN, LLD said thEY arE a GuY, why aRe you UsIng they/them?”
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Their pronouns are Right Here.
^I’m all for trans people (I am a trans people myself) people changing their gender but knowing LLD this is another plot of “gee I got found out Way Faster than was expected. Time to be heterosexual and cis!”
^Mate, you literally have the bi hearts and they/them pronouns……
It's so embarrassing- the random surge of "chick" usage, the gross way of talking about women, the inaccurate scramble for a way out.. it's almost funny if it wasn't vile. Not to mention sending themselves anons to hype their new attitude up, @pity-partyyyyy2 has a great screenie of that on their reblog. (Is that diva you, who is it guys)
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
“Eh it just means we’ve made it right? If you have fans then you have haters, that’s how I was told anyway.” - loki-of-stories, responding to an anon who shows them compassion and the sympathy they always seem to seek.
No, it means that you have hurt, possibly traumatised and harassed people to the point that you’re now notorious within the marvel rp community, my friend. To have one or two “hate posts” about you? Sure, average online experience. But to have 6+ DETAILED WITH EVIDENCE victim statements/posts made about you… It isn’t from ‘haters’ it’s from victims who are trying to hold you accountable and warn others via this blog and their own pages about you because they worry about others safety and mental health, something that you claim to be so concerned about yet post people’s public issues (doesn’t matter if it’s anon) and allow others to criticise them via that same anon system. CHRIST ALIVE I… facepalm
They pretend that they aren't the perpetrator of their own problems, and it's bewildering. Pretending to be a different person time and time again to escape their victims is not normal, and LLD seems to neglect that fact. All we can do is warn others to steer clear of the menace. Stay safe out there, folks :)
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thehauntingsofficial · 1 day ago
heeyyyy in this post its the picture you shared about LLD accounts some days ago LMFAO
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Bro really isn't slick, huh 💀
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
The fact that this isn't even all of their past & present alts is HORRIFYING. who does that, man?
Something I’d like to personally add.
How do you call yourself a victim, when you’ve hurt so many. Half a fandom, a high number. That’s quite a crowd. I should be clapping my hands, maybe this should be an award ceremony for the 60+ accounts you’ve somehow managed to deactivate or change. To attack, and then cry wolf. You’ve put on quite the Grammy, voila.
Might make me cry. (Just joking)…
Lokis-mortal-obsession (deactivated)
Decadantpersonaruins (deactivated)
Loki-laufeyson-diaries (deactivated)
Multiplefixations396 (?)
Many-marvel-muses (changed)
Asgards-trickster-god-writes (changed)
Asgardstrickstergod (current)
God-Of-Stories-And-Mischief (deactivated)
Trickster-god-loki (changed)
Lokismischievousmusings (changed)
Lokismischeviousmusings01 (deactivated)
Lokislilmortal (deactivated)
The-winters0ldier-buckybarnes (deactivated)
Sargeantbarnes-akabucky (deactivated)
Lokis-laufeysondiaries-fanfic (deactivated)
Crackships-r-us (?)
Ur_A_D_mbFck (?)
Lokis-private-confessions (changed)
Geckolover112 (deactivated)
Llamapunch69 (deactivated)
Yourreademon (deactivated)
Lokifymylife (deactivated)
Manifest-your-destiny (deactivated)
Strangegodsloki (deactivated)
Anonymouscloud69 (deactivated)
Loki’sfavoritepet69 (deactivated)
Loki-Prince-of-darkness (deactivated)
Lokilover2809 (?)
Lokilover0928 (?)
Darkhairedvilliansimp (?)
Lokisbabygurl (?)
Lokis-pet-wife (?)
Soulferriernyx (deactivated)
Pleasejuststopbeingcruel (changed or deactivated)
Ineedyouplease01 (deactivated)
Imsufferingdeeply01 (deactivated)
Iamsufferingsobadly01 (deactivated)
Mischievousmusings-backup (deactivated)
Officially 60+ usernames across all platforms, not even counting the ones we don’t remember.
(This isn’t even all of them, there’s more. But that’s for a later point)
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
The impact of a statement speaks greater words, but actions are the foundation for trust. Euthanize someone’s trust, and you kill it. Follow your words as it leads to greater benefit, not only for you. But those around you.
Only those who reap in greed, and manipulation gain worse. But those who do good, gain favor in reaping something sweet, rather than further pain. However small, it has an impact.
I wonder how many bullies, who don’t read between the lines. But act on hate, I wonder when that karma comes. They swallow the pill of their own making…
Cryptic, yes. But there’s truth to this.
Truer words have never been said, my friend. I can't possibly be more eloquent and cryptic as this, this truly just takes the cake and sums this whole mess up. Karma works in fun ways yk :)
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
Sorry but, loki of stories is the worst person to talk to for advice. It's like goin to see a thrift store psych who got their qualifications at a dollar store instead of Harvard.
Exactly! If you are in need, there are professional sources you can reach out to easily! In fact..
Trans Lifeline:
• Call 877-565-8860 in the US
• Call 877-330-6366 in Canada
This is a non-profit meant to provide free-confidential support to "trans, non-binary, agender and gender questioning people". It's the first transgender hotline to exist in the US and Canada, and the first only suicide hotline whose operators are all transgender.
Trevor Project:
• Call 866-488-7386
• Text "start" to 678678
• Chat online at (that's their website)
Trevor project is a confidential, American non-profit organization focused on suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth. Counselors are available 24/7, 365.
More information available at Trevor
LGBT National Hotline:
• 888-234-7243
"Operated by the LGBT National Help Center, this hotline offers peer-support to callers who are often very isolated sometimes still closeted, and in need of a caring, non-judgmental person to talk with"
Some better places to reach out, without the worry of being preyed on by a creep weirdo! :)
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, but I'm already out of crazy pills."
It's a me, Randu. Need to get this off my chest before I go batty.
Anyways, looking over the shit slop with nerdby and @lokis-little-mortal and I am losing it!!
Like...Firstly none of our team is on FB. We don't support meta or zuck or whoever the fuck runs it. Fuck elon and fuck trump.
Secondly, I think some of us are pagan, but me writing this? I'm not pagan.
And lastly, Nerdby, if you manage to see this: You are dealing with a very dangerous person. A person who has been sexually aggressive towards others, a person who stalks and bullies and got the address of the people they've been stalking and sends them coffees. It's creepy, it's inappropriate and I can only pray to the gods I don't believe in that they realize how much of a dangerous person Loki/LLD @lokis-little-mortal @loki-of-stories is.
Not even Moonknight can save us bro </3
At this point, I can't even be surprised that they're dragging our name in the mud. The shit with Nerdby is fucking wild, I hope the user the best. LLD is unfortunately no joke, acting like an internet cockroach to everyone around them. It's unfortunate that they're still trying to cause shit with innocent users (one would think they'd learn from their mistakes, but I guess not), but dear god it's embarrassing for them!
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
You don’t have to post this, just wanted to get this off my chest cuz it’s been bugging the hell outta me.
I don’t kno what’s worse, if LLD is making up those anons about awful situations to offer advice and make themselves look good or that they are from real ppl and they’re actually going through that and that they are going to them, an unqualified stranger, for advice on very delicate and possibly dangerous situations. Plus they snapped at someone who actually made a good point about sharing the negative anons who are going for other anons, instantly going on the defense when all that person said was ‘maybe don’t post negative anons about other anons for them to see’ like ????
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I HAVE to talk about the recent debacle on loki-of-stories, it's been eating at me. Whether some of it is a completely self-made anons fighting them and each other, intentionally going against real anons reaching out for help; or all people at their lowest scrolling here on Tumblr, it's utterly disgusting! Using your phD (or faking having one) for a scheme to get more attention and doing it so badly is almost laughable, if it wasn't extremely concerning. It's almost as if they're trying to weed out people in bad headspaces to prey on.. food for thought.
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Some examples of the silly shit they've been doing, I genuinely hope the anons find a better place to seek mental health advice.. and I hope LLD finds help IMMEDIATELY!!
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thehauntingsofficial · 2 days ago
It's been a while since we've posted a doc, but boy do we have a treat for you today! With the recent mess of loki-of-stories, you would think they'd stop their fury there.. which is very wrong, unfortunately. On LLD's burner (lokis-little-mortal), they exploded with wild accusations about my team, very tantrum-like. Below is the doc with the evidence, stay safe and stay tuned, folks!
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thehauntingsofficial · 6 days ago
wow that person is truly pathetic. They have the nerve to play victim when they have bullied me and tried to dox me for months. Being extra creepy writing long winded dm messages. Thank goodness for this blog cause we need people to expose that disturbing person. If loki were real he would be ashamed of LLD.
It truly is freak behavior, pretending like they didn't cause countless people to be paranoid about who they talked to. Very sorry you have to go through that bullshit, hopefully this blog helps us put a stop to this nonsense.
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thehauntingsofficial · 6 days ago
With things picking up again, we need to settle some simple truths. First off,
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LLD not having the capacity to change usernames is a bit funny to me- using an old user for their new hateblog is a wild strategy. Gave me a little chuckle, in all honesty. Initially, that was all this post was going to be about, but I recognized that PFP..
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It's the same damn Loki pic as loki-of-stories'. You can't make this shit up. Stay safe out there, folks!
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thehauntingsofficial · 6 days ago
Damn they fooled me. So disappointed.
It happens to everyone, don't worry. Hell, that's why my team and I started the whole operation in the first place. They've gotten us all at some point, one way or another.
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