#MCS research
zephyrchama · 1 month
OM! Angels seem to have similar natural abilities to demons. Even if the source of their power is different, they're still far above humans in terms of innate abilities.
Basically, MC could be frolicking in a field and playing around with Luke outdoors when he approaches with a handmade flower crown. Freshly picked. Luke himself is wearing a prototype crown of the same variety.
Luke innocently places the gift on MC's head. Within minutes the unsuspecting human breaks out in massive itchy hives. They both panic, Luke reacts by flinging the crown out towards a random part of the field and blowing on MC's head to make the hives stop. Turns out those pretty flowers are toxic to most mortal beings! Who knew!
MC can still keep the crown behind glass and admire it. Luke may feel incredibly guilty though. From then on, he refuses to give MC anything new unless it passes Solomon's safety check first.
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soullessseraphim · 3 months
Soooooo Liam's masquerade outfit because………… Because.
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The fool
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orionscelt · 1 year
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Older lads- Early 30s ish.
Version w/ only Seb and Ominis under the cut;
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ddlcbrainrot · 5 months
ok since im 100% sure that my followers are here for the gay ships im actually curious about this
(you can choose based on the og game or based on what you think an MC ship would look like in the side stories AU, either one is cool)
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aurore-vfan · 1 month
In the quietness of the library, two kindred spirits fall deeper for each other 💚🦅🐍💙
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rypnami · 19 days
Aurelia Drusus
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Full Name: Aurelia Florentina Bassa Drusus Nicknames: Auri, Lia Age: 16 (technically over 1,000) Date of Birth: 26 March, 60. A.D Sign: Aries Birthplace: The Holy Roman Empire Blood Status: Unknown House: Hufflepuff Wand: Doesn’t use one anymore Sexuality: Lesbian Species: Vampire Quidditch Position: Does not care
Hair Colour: Dirty blonde Eye colour: Left eye pale blue, right eye emerald green Skin: Fair, tannish Body Type: Hourglass Height: 5’7 Other: FANGS!! Lots of moles on her face and arms, mysterious burn scars across her back, pointy ears. Her skin sparkles a bit tee hee hee
Traits: Brash, snarky, confident, sarcastic, adventurous, loyal (to those deserving) Likes: Fresh air, pretty women, analysing cloud shapes, Athena Dislikes: Almost everything else Patronus: Owl
Parents: Livilla Bassa Drusus, Publius Calvisius Ruso Siblings: Plubius Calvisius Tullus Ruso Extended Family: Nero (Great Nephew) Caligula (Great Nephew), Gaius Octavius Leanas (Grandfather), Drusus Julius Caesar (Great Grandfather)
(yes, all these people were really related and yes, i did an obscene amount of research to make sure this was historically accurate and that if these people were her parents that she would have this extended family.)
Partner: None Friends: None (mara. potentially xox) Enemies: Anyone who crosses her
Career: None Spouse: None Residence: Anywhere she wants Pets: None Children: None
Auri is a bastard child born to Publius Calvisius Ruso, a Roman senator, and Livilla Bassa Drusus. By Roman naming conventions, she was named for her mother, as her father wanted nothing more to do with either of them. Her childhood was fairly normal as far as things go, until she turned 15 and was bitten by a vampire. She doesn’t remember exactly what happened, or even who did it, just that it was someone she trusted who took advantage of her. It made her incredibly jaded and she almost never opens up to anyone anymore. As a result of the bite, she was cursed to what was supposed to be an eternal sleep. Because of where she was at the time of the bite, she ended up buried beneath the rubble of Vesuvius until 1860, when something or someone broke her curse.
Upon awakening she was pseudo-adopted by a visiting British researcher (and wizard), who helped her adapt to the modern world, taught her English, discovered her magical ability, and treated her very much as a daughter until he mysteriously died in 1887. Auri is determined to find out what happened to him, and by extension, to her, as she firmly believes whoever was responsible for his death was the same person or creature who turned her.
In 1890 she got a Hogwarts letter, as her magical ability was finally powerful and developed enough for the book of admissions to let her in. Much of her story in that time follows the canon of the game.
She ages much slower than a human, and although she is immortal as a vampire she will continue to age until she is the human equivalent of 20. By the end of the game canon she has finally aged to the human equivalent of 16, after having spent almost 30 years as the mental and physical age of 15, despite having technically lived over 1000 years. (side note, during her period of cursed sleep she did not age at all.)
After both her adoptive father figure and Professor Fig died, Auri snapped. She’s been struggling still to adjust to living in a world she was never meant to live to see, she’s lost everyone she ever loved, and still has no answers as to why this happened to her. She completely abandons her moral compass in a desperate hunt for any kind of reason, and is not above killing those who stand in her path. Driven partially mad by grief, she hardly lets anyone get close to her, paranoid that they too will die and leave her alone.
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sinisteryuri · 7 months
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ok. tragically separated wwi era vampire twins.
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#seabirds.txt#seabirds.art#mystery twins#gemeos do misterio#q!bagi#q!cellbit#qsmp#i did research 1920s era clothing for this but i based a lot of it off of their mc skins.#cellbit is a sailor turned vampire who ended up in europe during wwi after fighting naval battles at sea and never came home#bagi becomes a journalist to find him and stumbles across vampires along the way not realizing he had become a vampire too#design notes: this all started off of bagi's newsboy cap which was popular in the 1920s with working men. i put her in men's pants because#wanted to give this energy of working a job traditionally not worked by women at the time. <- women started campaigning to work as#journalists notably around the late 1800s and early 1900s (at least in the us and some european countries (couldnt find info on brazil))#i was thinking of nellie bly when thinking of what bagi would be doing in this au! she also has a bandana to hide her neck where her vampir#bite would be and a hanky for blood clean up. perhaps something from home. cellbit is not concerned with hiding his own neck. he's just#wearing a dress shirt LOL. i feel like cellbit would be fully embracing his vampiric tendencies at this point and a part of more vampire#society than human while for bagi it would be the other way around (she's still looking for him in the human world using vampire resources)#that is why he is so bloodstained. i feel like in his free time he would be freelancing detective work for other vampires maybe to gather u#favors or something similar. he's a little bit fancy because of this but still casual enough that there's no suit involved.
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eepyracc · 6 months
Lnds fandom.. how are we feeling 🧍‍♀️
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Because I for one, am absolutely losing it
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coeluvr · 10 months
This is so MC core
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captain--miracle · 1 year
Tipsy doctor + relationship chart + modern outfits! Hehe, Kuras, my love🥴
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girl-named-matty · 11 months
Solomon post no.2
Time for Round Two! 
I asked all of you about a week back after posting my original Solomon post what I should do next and @sallowgauntsupremacy requested that I do the imperio scene. Because this scene is tricky, I did take my time with it but I’m ready now! 
So, to start this off–setting scene: MC and Sebastian are walking back from the Feldcroft Catacomb. Ominis is still down there (as far as I know) after MC has either cast Imperio on him to get by him or they have talked something out and he allowed them to leave. Now, on the way to Feldcroft, MC and Sebastian spot smoke coming from the Hamlet and rush to help. Like anyone would do, Sebastian and MC help defend Feldcroft from the goblins.
Now let’s get started. Who are our defenders? Anne, Solomon, Sebastian, and MC. All of them are pretty capable, right? Well yeah! But the thing is, during the entire fight, Solomon is shouting at Sebastian and MC to get out of the way, and to leave. Anne says “There’s nowhere to go”, because there obviously isn’t. But Solomon having Anne, who is very ill, fighting while telling the two perfectly healthy teens (Sebastian and MC) to get away kinda implies that Solomon is completely okay with having his ill niece fight goblins who want to kill her. 
We all know that then, Sebastian uses the Imperius curse on a goblin so that the goblin will take its own life over killing Anne. Now this action in itself is always tricky because on one hand, I can understand why he did it. As someone who has a sister that I would do anything for, I understand where he’s coming from. But from a moral perspective, what he did was drastic and is morally wrong. 
But how does Solomon see it? That Sebastian is somehow the worst thing that’s ever happened to him and Anne. I also want to point out the fact that Feldcroft was literally on fire in some places so Sebastian was just trying to save his home, his sister, and quite literally anything else that he has that he still loves.
When Solomon confronts Sebastian, it’s immediately hostile, like any other time Solomon confronts anyone. It’s like he still has it in his head that he’s an Auror and has an excuse to talk that way to children or even just anyone else in general.
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Now, we all know that Solomon is infamous for calling Sebastian “Boy” instead of his name, which I mean doesn’t really matter but in this scene, he’s shouting at Sebastian.
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Sebastian says he was saving his sister (which he did save her) and then Solomon brings up that it’s from an Unforgivable curse, also something that is true. But here’s when things start getting interesting and really frustrating.
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Solomon goes on to completely ban Sebastian from Feldcroft and from seeing Anne entirely. In my opinion, this is a direct act of disowning Sebastian. He wants nothing to do with his nephew. But my question is why, WHY disown him over this? Now a lot of people would look at it as “Well Sebastian did something illegal, so that’s why”. If Solomon actually cared about Sebastian doing illegal things, he would’ve thrown him in Azkaban by now. But Solomon doesn’t because he’d probably be a hypocrite because of it.
Now it’s never been confirmed but there are some heavy implications from Sebastian that Solomon used an Unforgivable against an enemy in his time as an Auror. This has never been directly confirmed but there’s enough evidence that Solomon used an Unforgivable or at least did something very bad/close to illegal, if not illegal thing because he left the Ministry right before they kicked him out. (EDIT for this part: Because I don’t want to re-write this part and I still do have some good points. For confirmation about a few things, read this post.) 
Also, Sebastian using an unforgivable on a goblin may not be considered illegal in the wizarding world. Yes it is morally wrong but using unforgivables on creatures such as goblins hasn’t been confirmed to be illegal. 
Another reason why I don’t like Solomon for disowning Sebastian is that means that he now has nothing. He has no home to go to and by Solomon’s terms, no family. Sebastian is Fifteen, at the very most barely Sixteen by this point. He is NOT an adult, he isn’t even allowed to Magic outside of the School grounds! Which means if he were to ever leave where he’s grown up during this time, he’s completely defenseless. 
As a guardian, you are supposed to raise the children you’ve been given with care. Solomon never did–or at least he had a funny way of showing it. Sebastian acts the way he does because during the most crucial years of his life, he didn’t have a good male figure in his life. He acts rashly because he’s rebelling like any other teenaged boy would do. Now am I justifying Sebastian using an unforgivable to make a goblin end its own life? No. I’m not particularly fond of what he did. But I am saying I can understand why. 
And yes I understand as the twins' guardian (or at least, Anne’s guardian at this point), Solomon gets to call the shots but saying Sebastian is never allowed around Anne again is cruel. Anne is the only real family Sebastian has left and Solomon, in my opinion, was wrong and out of line for that. 
Now at this point in time, MC goes to speak with Solomon. When MC walks up to him (yes, Solomon is outside instead of helping Anne inside) and says “Pardon me, Mr. Sallow.” and you can probably guess what’s gonna happen next… 
YEP! More shouting!
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Immediately MC is hit with “whAT sEbStiAn dID wAS iNeXcUsAbLE” Like YES, WE KNOW. But what ever happened to civil conversation? What ever happened to discussing things like normal people? This man is an ex-Auror, trained for discipline, yet he can’t stop running his trap every five seconds. I’m starting to believe that the Ministry almost fired him for how much yapping he was doing over him actually doing something bad. 
Now MC can answer with either “Sebastian saved his sister” which leads you to defying Solomon or you can choose the one that says “Sebastian went too far.” For the sake of this, let’s choose “Sebastian went too far” which would be the option where you agree more with Solomon. If you choose that option, MC will say “Sebastian acted rashly, but he acted out of instinct to save Anne.” 
I love how MC mentions that it's an instinct for Sebastian to protect Anne. Because it’s true! I have several siblings and younger family members, whenever they are in the slightest bit of danger, I react quickly! It is an instinct to protect the ones you love and sometimes it makes you act rashly! 
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Solomon then says this. And then this:
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Now this is the one line that could possibly disprove the fact that Solomon may have used an Unforgivable in the Ministry but this could also be him saying that he doesn’t condone it because he knows the repercussions or him just being straight up with it. Either way, he is correct. What Sebastian did cannot be undone but mercy can still be given. Especially because, as I said earlier, this could be considered completely legal. (that doesn’t make it right, but my point still stands. And yet again see this post because I also didn't want to have to re-write it)
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He then says MC is just as guilty as Sebastian because MC is “defending his actions” which makes no sense because MC wasn’t the one who cast the Unforgivable?
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Then Solomon repeats his line about how Sebastian is banned from Feldcroft and has been disowned. Then he says “Unforgivable Curses are so named for a reason” Which like–bro, didn’t you use one?
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Then he threatens to tell the Headmaster if either Sebastian or MC “continues down this path”. But like, bro why don’t you notify your neighbors that you left the Ministry because you did something illegal? (Unforgivable or not)
So, what’s the conclusion of all of this? 
Solomon was in the wrong for what he did to Sebastian by disowning him and banning him from his home. Sebastian still has the right to see Anne (because Anne never agreed to banning Sebastian and goes to see him later) and Sebastian is still legally a child. If he had waited till Sebastian was eighteen and was legally an adult (and in the wizarding world, seventeen is also considered the age of an adult) and then disowned him, that would be reasonable because Sebastian can take care of himself now. Now yes, I know for the sake of the game that’s inconvenient but Solomon’s presence is also very inconvenient to just about anyone else in the game, so. 
I don’t condone Sebastian using an unforgivable on the goblin–I don’t. It was morally a very bad thing to do but I can understand why he did it. Now, I will never understand anything Solomon does because he’s wrong 99% of the time and is just not a good person. 
And there was my many cents on this quest. (also sorry that this was a bit of a rant lol) Taglist: @endeavour12345 @dat-silvers-girl @kukukha-sanctuary @boomingsmile @prissaoe @sunnyrealist @sebsslave @sallowgauntsupremacy
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kierancaz · 1 year
I need more juicy juicy angst of the twisted wonderland and obey me mc’s that has nothing to do with romantic relationships between them and other characters or them dying.
Give me Yuu breaking down from all the stress they’re under between school work, Crowley’s never ending tasks, overblots, and the fact that Grim is failing which means they’re also failing because they’re counted as one student.
Give me Mc having traumatic flashbacks to their literal death and occasionally not feeling like they can be around Belphie because the trauma is so ingrained in them even after being brought back and spending years with him.
Give me a Yuu overblot that is actually the most horrific thing to witness because the blot doesn’t come from a magic pen like it did for everyone else. Instead it bleeds through their shirt from where their heart is, leaks from their nose and eyes and mouth, they choke on it and it and pools around their feet. There’s no actual transformation like the others had but instead it just looks like they’re melting into tar from the inside out.
Give me nightbringer!mc having the most horrific panic attack when Belphie starts walking towards them after finding out that they’re human. Immediately their throat starts to close up, their vision becomes blurry and they can’t even hear the words that are being said around them or to them because all they can think of is the feeling of their bones being crushed, if being tossed down the stairs, of Belphie crushing their windpipe with the most vile look in his eyes that, even after they’ve forgiven him they’ll never truly be able to forget. They collapse to the ground, choking on their own tears as they curl up with their hands over their head and their forehead bent down to touch the ground whispering an almost incoherent stream of “not again, not again, not again”. Clarity and a bit of calm only coming after Solomon makes his presence known to them. Because even with all the other demons in the room, even the ones who hadn’t ever attacked them, they didn’t feel safe with anyone but Solomon in that moment.
Idk I just don’t think these things are touched on enough 🤷🏼‍♀️
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okay was anyone going to tell me that ascended Astarion calls MC 'little love' and 'my treasure' in the smoothest most sultry voice I've ever heard or was I just supposed to get absolutely smacked around the head with that knowledge myself—
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cyravillaria · 9 months
What if,
Miranda somehow made a mistake with the reset thingy and made (future) Bela and mc getting transported back in time to their college days with their kid/s and just having to deal with peoples reaction lol
Oh god imagine if mc was on Cassandra`s route too-
(Note: I'd imagine a parallel version of bela and mc the ones that somehow in some way beat miranda with her games and live a happy life with their kids. And now have to deal with this bullshit AGAIN.
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celestial--sapphic · 5 months
Kiss me (like you wanna be loved)
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Chapter Four
Ao3 link
Story summary:
Evelyn Caddel takes Poppy up on that offer of a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks (minus Highwing) and fifth year does not end the way in which she expected. In fact, it's much, much better.
Or: Self indulgent Poppy Sweeting x f!MC to fulfil my sapphic heart
Pairing: Poppy Sweeting x f!MC (Evelyn Caddel)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Total story word count: 38,682
Chapter Four word count: 9,478
Chapters: 4/?
Relationships: Poppy Sweeting/Evelyn Caddel Poppy Sweeting/Original Female Character
Tags: #Developing Relationship #First Relationship #First Kiss #Post-Game(s) #wlw #Sapphic #LGBTQ #Female Character #LGBTQ Themes #Evelyn is an anxious mess when it comes to pretty girls #Fluff #Slytherin/Hufflepuff relationship #pick and choose historical accuracy #Imelda is a bitch but we love her #Poppy Sweeting is Bisexual #MC is a lesbian
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starmocha · 3 months
I literally just wanted to listen to the song.
It sounds like it should be the end credit after you finish the main story and made it through an arduous journey, and now everyone is going to live happily ever after. This would be playing during an epilogue as it shows scenes of every single character going about their normal daily life. As the song ends, it will pan to the main characters, implying that this is just the beginning of the next stage of their lives.
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