#MCD shadow knights
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passionfruitswirl · 1 month ago
This post would have done numbers back when it was actually a trend
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kurithedweeb · 8 months ago
I really like the visual of prominent death scars on Shadow Knights and the idea that Gene’s is around his neck. There’s no canon for how he died as far as I know, but popular fanon is hanging and beheading. 
Personally, I like to go with beheading, but there’s no guillotine in my version of fantasy land! That means they have to do it by hand, old-school. Gene is made to kneel, hands bound, head down, and someone stands over him with a freshly sharpened sword. It’s probably a guard, one of his own men, maybe even one who regrets having to do this. If he’s lucky, the angle will be just right and the first strike will sever his spinal cord.
Oh, but Gene wouldn’t go quietly, would he? He’s been betrayed by his own brother, his own soldier is being made to kill him, he’s furious, he’s fighting against the guards forcefully escorting him through the streets. He’s acting like an angry animal, spitting and snarling and struggling. Swearing bloody vengeance on his twelve year old brother, blaming him for everything, looking into his horrified face in the front row of Gene’s execution and calling him a little fucking monster with all the venom he has to spare.
The image of having to be held down while you’re killed. Of fighting so hard that three grown men have to hold you down, pin you face-first against the dirt with all their weight pressing down on you. Your executioner is a kid you trained, one who looked up at you with admiration just a few days ago, and now his hands shake around the hilt of the sword that will kill you. He says he’s sorry; he says a prayer for your soul. You say a few vile curses in return.
You’re still struggling, bucking up against the men holding you down with all your strength, when the sword comes down the first time. The angle is bad, the man—the boy—holding the blade hesitated, and the strike was nowhere near heavy enough to kill you. The executioner lifts the blade to try again, and as it tears from your neck you scream like you never have before, gurgling and bloody and maybe terrified, if you had any energy not feeding the fire of your rage left to be terrified. 
The second strike doesn’t kill you either, but it makes your hands and feet go numb, and this is part is what scares you. Your strings have been cut. If they left you to bleed, you’d be dead in minutes, but the way the blood loss makes you so woozy and tired and weak doesn’t scare you half as much as not being able to feel your body, as going limp and pliant through no will of your own. They don’t need three men to hold you down anymore, just one hand tangled in your hair to keep you face pressed to the dirt, gasping into the pool of blood gathering around your mouth. All you can do is scream and curse and cry. 
The third strike comes down. You scream and scream and—
The man who greets you in the darkness of death, a shadow of the greatest traitor in your history books, opens his arms to you and promises your vengeance, if you’ll stand at his side. Vengeance on your Lord, on his daughter, and on your brother most of all, with a power you’ve never before felt running through your veins. He promises that none will ever kill you again, and the scar twisted around your neck, eating through your throat, will be the last.
You go. You behead the Lord of what was once your village in three strikes like he did you.
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that-one-i-think · 5 months ago
I don't think ghosts and the undead are used enough in MCD. I am not talking about Shadow Knights but the Zombies, Skeleton, and even Canon Ghosts. We need more necromancers and spirits here. I want to see Malachi be staring too long at Laurance only to say "Why is your ghost attached to your body?"
There is so much potential to be creepy.
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lyraofthestarsss · 3 months ago
Aphverse headcanons I got from my dreams because this is like my third dream now about block people
Lucinda speaks Spanish
Laurance and Cadenza like to gossip and talk shit to each other
MCD Aaron is shy and awkward it’s just that the traumatic backstory completely warped his personality
The My Inner Demons cast like to play minigames together the same way the Mystreet cast do
Laurance (and presumably the other shadow knights) has the ability to morph into a ball of fire and deal extra damage. The flame is mostly orange but occasionally it can be blue
Garroth (both MCD and Mystreet) needs glasses and his friends keep telling him to just get some already
MCD Garroth dimension hops to Mystreet the same way MCD Laurance does in Void Paradox
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abxolotl-rewrites · 6 months ago
First post of the blog! Let's start this off with a Shadow Knight infodump! This will also include info about two of my OCs! Abaris and Anna! Anna being my Aphblr minecraft server character :D
I thought of these with input from the lovely @gumbootrambles
The Shadow Lord can pick and choose who becomes a SK, mostly talented guards & soldiers, though exceptions are made for magicks users and those who practice witchcraft.
The current named Shadow Knights, in order of creation, are:
Xavier, Abaris, Vincent, Amethyst, Anna, Glenda, Vylad, Gene, Zenix, Janus, Sasha and Laurance.
All Shadow Knights have scars pertaining to their deaths or torture. Xavier had a big scar on his chest from having his relic ripped out of him, Abaris has a large scar on her chest and back from being ran through by Esmund, Gene has a scar around his neck with two others messily cut into the back of his neck (He was still alive for the first two), Sasha has burns over her body under her shoulders, Zenix has scars crisscrossing all over from being blown up, Vylad’s throat and stomach are scarred internally from poison, Laurance has scars from his torture, as does Vincent & Amethyst with the three of them having their throats slit at the end, Anna was many small cuts on her neck from rope-burn as well as an indent in the skin, Janus has three scars through his stomach from Abaris’ trident and Glenda has a scar on her throat from her throat being slit.
Shadow Knight’s armour is made from their blood, their death/torture scars reopen and the blood forms the armour-like shell, they cannot take it off.
Their armour is unique to them, making it easy for them to identify each other. Though their armour will also have marking indicating their rank, and if they use magicks/witchcraft.
You can also roughly tell how old a Shadow Knight is by the colour of their armour. The lighter it is, the younger they are.
The reason for that is their blood darkens over time. First Gen Shadow Knights, like Abaris and Vincent would have black blood, while a new Shadow Knight like Laurance would just have the usual.
A Shadow Knight’s weapon is also unique to them, it depends on their fighting style and personality:
Xavier had a rapier
Abaris has a double trident
Gene has a katana
Laurance has a falcion, which then becomes a rapier
Vylad has a kusarigama/chain knife
Sasha has daggers
Zenix has a battleaxe
Janus has dual greatswords
Vincent has an odachi
Glenda has a longsword
Amethyst has a guandao
Anna has a scythe
The blue soul fire is commonly used in the Nether as a symbol of rebellion against the Shadow Lord for those that defect, rebel, or those wishing to do so. Shadow Knights that rebel often mark their armour with it.
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Shadow knight armour colour chart, with added symbol of rebellion soul fire blue.
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killerzshadow · 7 months ago
Shadow Knight Laurence AND Vylad Ramble? Of Course, Why Not? Because Nobody Talks About Their Trauma RESPONSES Enough.
Cw: Mentions Of Torture, Physical & Psychological, Self Blame, Violence & Yknow. Gene Being Gene (Because Gene Keeps Tormenting People. 😔)
Laurence Is Clearly Royally Fucked Up To The Point To Just Seeing The Bitch Who Utterly Ruined Him And Broke Every Fragment Of His Being Apart Sends Him Into A Panic. I Just Have This Idea Of Terms Like "Sir/Ma'am/Mx" Being A Trauma Response That He Often Reverts Back To It When He's Scared Of Upsetting Somebody, Because Gene Being Referred To As Such By Most People Isn't Surprising Considering His High Ranking Amongst Shadow Knights. Then The Whole "Lord" Thing With The Shadow Lord.
So It's Like These Terms Of Respect That Give Them Power And A Sense Of Superiority They Both So Desperately Crave Being Used Against The Person Being Harmed. And Ripping It Out Of Somebody So Defiant? As Absolutely Defiant As Laurence Would Be? If That's Not A Power Move, I Don't Know What Is.
Now, There's Also The Whole Idea Of Vylad And Laurence Being In Cells Next To Each Other. Vylad Is Somebody Who You Can't Exactly Tell If He's With Or Against The Shadow Knights. Of Course, This Isn't Taken Lightly, And He's Often Tortured Extremely For Every One Of His Little Disappearing Acts. That Time Wasn't Any Different. Yet, While Laurence Was Able To Escape, Vylad Was Left Alone. Again.
I Like To Think They Grew Rather Close, Or At Least Laurence Did; Vylad Definitely Has Attachment Issues Because He's So Cut Off From His Emotions. However, Vylad Did Help Laurence Cope A Bit Because Who Else To Know Better Than The Person Who's Basically A Test Dumby For Every Fucked Up Method Of Torture? Because Like, Vylad Wears A Mask Due To A Scar That Crosses From The Corner Of Either Side Of His Mouth, Up To Under His Ears In My Headcanons, And That Alone Speaks Volumes.
I "Like" To Think Vylad Is So Accustomed To Torture That He's Fairly Numb To It. He Knows Gene Like The Back Of His Hand, For Better Or Worse. Vylad Can Pick Up On Little Expressions, His Mood — He Knows Whether Or Not It'll Be A "Good" Or "Bad" Day. The Thing With Vylad Though, Is He Does Hate The Idea Of Others Being Harmed & Him Being Utterly Helpless. Even Worse If He's, Per Say, Forced To Harm A Captive.
Let's Take This Canon Quote From Him, “One good deed does not fix a thousand wrongs done. I'm not a good person, let's just leave it at that. Please.” No Matter What Good He Does, In His Own Eyes Nothing Will Fix Everything Wrong He's Done. Whether It's Self Blame Or Him Actually Doing Something Horrible, It's Always His Own Fault. He Couldn't Ever Be A Good Person And He Doesn't Deserve Forgiveness. He Knows He's Just A Pawn For A Great Evil, And He Signed His Fate Away When He Became A Shadow Knight. So, That Is His Own Fault.
Every Ounce Of Torture He Endures, He Believes It's Deserved. Both Because Of His Own Beliefs And The Severity Of The Manipulation. Maybe, Just Maybe, He Hopes One Day All The Torture Will Amount To Something, Anything, To Rid Of That Guilt That Haunts His Very Being.
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writersp3n · 3 months ago
I'm working more on my McD rewrite so I can post it here on Tumblr, but how old is Zoey?
She told Aph that she was around 10 when Irene was alive, but that was 900 years ago if someone could do the math on how old Zoey is and give a brief estimate of how long elves are in MCD that would be awesome!!
better yet if someone could write their own opinion and think about the elves, how long they live, how they age, mature etc etc that would be awesome
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iridiss · 2 years ago
Laurance sings. Not masterfully by any means, he’d never be well-renowned for the beautifully trained technique of his voice, but he grew up in a bustling trading port town with a constant influx of seafarers, fishermen, even pirates—mariners from all over the planet, from every possible town and culture, and with them they brought their songs. Sea shanties of every breed and variety. And as the Head Guard of Meteli, he would be there to manage all the trades and imports, so he’d be right there on the docks, hearing every song that comes in and out of town and gleefully listening and learning to sing along. He’s a mariner boy, he grew up right by a channel into the sea, he has dozens of sea shanties memorized in-and-out and will sing them regularly, just to entertain himself and others around him. Aphmau, Garroth, and the others grow used to hearing Laurance bust out sea shanties all the time on their travels, like singing 99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall while you’re on a road trip, but like. The medieval equivalent of that
Vylad is in the same boat. After he faked his death, he ran off into the wild world of Ru’aun And Beyond to have a life full of constant adventure, and most of those ended up being overseas. Vylad became a swashbuckler of sorts, a petty thief with egregious debts to the local crime guilds that he never paid, the kind of person who would show up one day for a heist, and completely disappear off the face of the planet the next. Vylad was a pirate. Maybe not a grand or well-known one, maybe only for 7 months out of every year, but he’d stowaway on a number of ships just to get across channels and off to new places. At least a few times, he worked as part of a crew in order to get some coin, and one time, he was Captain—before his ship and the fake identity he took went up in flames only weeks later. Vylad knows a wide list of sea shanties, and he still sings them from time to time. It’s a comforting reminder of his humanity. It keeps him grounded, prevents him from forgetting the past and getting too lost in the chains of being a Shadow Knight.
Zane sings. Very differently from Laurance & Vylad. Zane was a High Priest, which means he held & organized church, regularly. Churches usually have music, and his religion is heavily based off of Catholicism, so it’s very likely that he was the one to arrange the O’khasis church’s liturgical choirs. It’s likely that singing in church was part of the regular routine that everyone present would partake in, including and especially their High Priest. There’s no way he doesn’t know how to sing, very much in that kind of Medieval-Classical-Latin-Catholic Choir vocal technique/style. It has a very different sound from Laurance and Vylad’s more…”free-balling seaman” style, but he was professionally trained on how to sing since he was young, and can sing quite well. (Also, Kestin is a good singer, which is an added bonus)
Zenix could not sing to save his life. His regular speaking voice is already very rough and sandpaper-like, and his singing voice is even worse. He’s tone deaf, if you heard his singing voice, which sounds more like a dying, extremely strained screeching wail, you may never want to hear anything ever again. It’s just a very naturally unpleasant sound. And that’s fine, he’s never really been much of a singer or that musically inclined. He’s more arson-inclined, frankly. However, I can picture him channeling his destructive energy into being a good percussionist, by way of “needing to hit stuff” + getting down a good sense of rhythm = producing a pretty decent beat. Maybe he also beatboxes? Zenix has enough “hyperactive boy” energy to be a beatboxer, that’d suit him well enough.
Gene has a luscious singing voice. Gene could sing lullabies that’d put a rhino to sleep. Gene’s voice is the kind of sexy, buttery-smooth voice you feel reverberating in your core. Gene sounds like he’d sing Frank Sinatra, or old classic Christmas songs for a record that’d make millions. He does it so infrequently though, especially ever since he became a Shadow Knight, and mostly uses it now to lull other people into a trance, or when he’s bored. You can’t exactly pursue a musical career when you’re serving as the General of Hell for the rest of eternity. Zenix and Sasha have both heard him sing, at least a few times. In the past, it relaxed Zenix like no other.
Sasha used to sing. She used to have a very pretty voice that Laurance and Cadenza would stop and listen to at any given opportunity. Cadenza would encourage her to push past her shyness enough to sing for her while she worked on sowing her next design (sapphic sasha x cadenza melodies,,,). But after her death by falling into lava, she sustained a certain level of damage both to her body and to her psyche that made her shut down her love for singing entirely. She has not sung once since she died.
Kiki sings to her animals and to Leona all the time.
If Garroth did sing, he would probably have a very similar vocal technique/style to Zane’s, simply by being raised under the same religious roof as him. I don’t think “learn how to sing in a choir” would be part of the Princely/military training Garte would put him through, though.
Zoe and Levin like to sing together for fun sometimes.
In my main rewrite au, the Shadow Knight Rebellion includes Laurance, Vylad, Zenix, and Zane begrudgingly working together as a team. They like to sing together. Laurance and Vylad connected easily and quickly over their shared love for sea shanties, and eventually the three of them managed to bully, bug, and peer pressure Zane into singing with them, and were surprised by just how well he could sing. Laurance and Vylad asked Zenix to join in. Zenix got through the first three notes before Laurance told him to please stop.
The four of them end up making an unexpectedly merry band together. Laurance and Vylad sing, Zane sings sometimes, and Zenix would provide the accompaniment, like a rag-tag improvised a capella group that formed from the cracks in the pavement. They make an anthem for the Rebellion and teach it to all the hundreds of soldiers that join over time. When the SKR eventually reunite with The Phoenix Alliance, the people of the Phoenix Alliance are very perplexed by the band and their musical connection.
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goat-guy-tm · 11 months ago
I feel like with the several things I've shared of my rewrite here it kinda muddies up the status of the divine during the time the rewrite would take back, so lemme try and explain each as best I can;
Irene- her mortal self is dead, her soul shattered into several parts and spread amongst different realms, yet a whole version of her soul, her divine soul still exists, but in the state Irene was before she decided to 'die', thus her being cold and 'empty'. She ellects to stay only in the recesses of her realm or in the minds of her reincarnations. Seems to take a liking to tormenting MCD!Aphmau the most.
》all her reincarnations; Sylvana(MCD [DEAD, RIP]), Aphmau(MCD), Ein(MCD), Claire(MCD), Aphmau(MYS), Aphmau(MMW/VP), and any other series inwhich the main character is outright named Aphmau (ie HeartPoint, Mermaid Tales, Dreams of Estora ect.)
Shad- while his mortal vessel is dead Shad's soul lives on in the Nether in a formless state. He is able to posses bodies of others for a small time.
》does not have any technical reincarnations but Aaron and Aaron's son Jacob are prime for possession of his relic.
Enki- Alive yet his 'mortal' body is in a comatose-like state held secretly in a stronghold of sorts under an Enki temple far from the Enki Warrior Tribe village and cared for by the whisps of past decedents of his.
》Similar to Shad he does not have direct reincarnations but each descendent of his has had possession of their relic at some point, Travis being the current one.
Esmund- One of the only Divine who passed on peacefully (mostly) and by their own true terms, and did not stick around in any kind of way. His soul and being completely reset as you could say.
》Reincarnation; Zenix
Menphina-Out of the fury and love for her fellow divine (Irene and Kul'Zak) her soul stayed behind after she let go of her mortal body. Before she did though, she marked Hyria's unborn daughter, Lucinda, as her new incarnation and descendent, even if the young witch would not have any direct relation to her. She did so because of Hyria's shared passion for protecting the Divine like Menphina did, hoping it would pass along to Lucinda and make her a divine as well.
》Reincarnation; technically Lucinda, it's weird.
Kul'Zak-Alive. only one amongst all the Divine to be alive still even after all theses years. Instead of letting go of his mortal body, something he believe he would not be able to do as he was not like the rest of the divine by dna, he took part of Irene's relic, by her request, and travled many realms, showing Irene around in his own way until he settled in one and made Tommy, his exact clone.
》Reincarnation; none, maybe Tommy?? How would a clone work in this situation??
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passionfruitswirl · 2 months ago
I was cleaning out my camera roll and got jump scared by this picture, so throw back to when I made a Shadow Knight Laurence gingerbread man 🫶
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kurithedweeb · 8 months ago
Zenix totally would have set fire to the Lord's house if he thought the Lord crossed a line with Garroth. It wouldn't have unlocked his full Shadow Knight abilities because he didn't care about Lord Malik in the slightest, but it would have helped with the Calling. Fire takes the edge off the odd homesickness and inexplicable urges he feels when he looks at Garroth.
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insert-username-here566 · 20 hours ago
fully formed shadow knights having tails? horns maybe? idk. sounds fun. i might just. they all got horns, but tails only show after being fully formed? hm. might cause issues writing Sasha. imma give her a hat<3
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abxolotl-rewrites · 6 months ago
Behold! Another Shadow Knight infodump! Cosmetic changes, magicks, how to kill them, a variety of things! Again, helped by the amazing @gumbootrambles
Any magicks a SK has gets amplified. Any witchcraft they are able to use gets a boost as well.
SKs also get a boon upon their transformation, usually blood, fire or shadow related, but it can also be an extension of their original magicks. Some examples being:
Gene can memory walk
Zenix's blood acts like napalm
Vylad can teleport using shadows
Laurance has acid blood
Sasha can turn invisible when in the shadows
Amethyst can control people's movements using their shadows
Shadow Knight blood is poisonous, so double hit if they have a blood related boon.
The transformation into the SK form in excruciating but only SKs with control over their transformations really notice. Though each SK will have a different reaction to the feeling.
Mature SKs don’t need to eat, sleep, breathe or blink and they have no heartbeat, as well as having an incredibly high body temperature.
Premature SKs still need to eat, sleep, breathe and blink but they do it much less than a human. They have slow heart beats and their body temperature is warmer than normal.
Mature SKs don’t age and are almost impossible to kill.
Premature SKs still age, but much slower and are difficult to kill.
Mature SKs can only be killed by; Being stabbed or cut by an enchanted weapon (though it does have to be an extremely strong enchantment, like the weapon of a relic wielder or one blessed by them) and powerful magicks, the holy kind.
Premature SKs can be killed by; Poison, Choking, Disease, Beheading, Drowning, Being stabbed or cut by an enchanted weapon.
Mature SKs are immune to fire, lava, etc (great for taking a dip in the lava lake). Premature SKs won't be harmed by fire but lava is a different story.
Shadow Knights are fully able to kill each other if they are stronger than their opponent. SKs often cull the weak, killing and consuming them.
Shadow Knights that weren't human to begin with will get an additional change in appearance. If they have other forms, like mer'ai, lu'pira (werewolves), meif'wa with their werecat forms, those forms will be corrupted and look much more monstrous.
Both premature and mature Shadow Knights have sharp teeth and claws. Their eyes are also reflective in both forms.
SKs also get black gradients on their limbs. The older they are, the further it goes.
A Shadow Knight’s motor skills are more effective, faster and more smooth. They also have an unnaturally perfect posture.
They get an intense sense upgrade. Their hearing, sight, and sense of smell increase greatly.
SKs are faster and stronger than a human but mature SKs much more so than premature SKs and have an intense aura.
Mature SKs won’t be attacked by the creatures of the Nether as they are recognised as belonging there. Piglins avoid them out of fear.
Premature SKs on the other hand will be. They aren’t fully dead. They won’t belong anywhere until they die or fulfil the calling.
Older SKs are normally very cut off from their emotions while younger SKs and premature SKs emotions are haywire. Though some are able control their emotions, eg. Sasha and Vylad.
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killerzshadow · 7 months ago
Guys, I'm So Fucking UNWELL About MCD (Mainly) & Mystreet Right Now. Especially Rewrites And Just Personal Ideas And Rps I've Done With My Beloved. There's So Much I Want To See Fanart Of, Or Hell Even Just Other People's THOUGHTS. Absolute RAMBLES Below The Cut!
• The Shadow Knights And Being Poly? HELL YEAH! Whether You See Them As Romantic Or A QPR, I Do NOT Care. They're So Cutesyzgch
• An Rp My Love & I Are Actively Doing Is, Cadenza, A Marshal, And Gene Meeting. After Everything With Laurence Becoming A Shadow Knight And Whatnot. Oh, My Girl Is PISSED! Because, In This, Gene Was The One Who Hurt Laurence. Hurt Her Little Brother. Changed Him. She Had To Mourn Both The Brother She Lost, And The One Of Which She Gained. OH, AND YKNOW A QUOTE FROM GENE IN THAT? Cadenza Was Stating How She Had Things To Do, Like Check In On Laurence, AND THIS MAN GOES,
"I see how it is, you want to make up for not taking care of it before its death, huh, Cadenza?" LIKE HELLOOO??? AND SHE'S JUST LIKE "Or I Just Fucking Care About Its Well-being Like Anyone With A Damn Heart Would. I Did What I Could. It's Nobody's Fault Besides Yours." After Having A Whole CRISIS Because She Blames Herself And Gene Knows It. He Had The Audacity To Then Laugh And Go, "That's what you'd like everyone to believe, isn't it? But you and me both know that as much as Laurence's death is my fault, it is equally yours. You're the Marshal, you're responsible for your guards, let alone your own brother..." 😭 What I'm Saying Is, I NEED ART LIKE THIS! I NEED OTHERS OPINIONS AND IDEAS OR HCS! LIKE AUUGHHH
• Also Just. So Much More Of Cadenza And Laurence's Siblingship. How Cadenza Was Affected. Everything. The Angst.
• Or Or Or, Might I Suggest. Cadenza And Laurence Role Swap? 🤔 I'm Just Sayyiinngggg.
• More About Gene Tormenting Laurence During His Stay In The Nether. I Just Need To Read It. I LIVE For It, Guys. This Hyperfixation Is Going CRAZYY.
Anyways, Fuck Cringe Culture. Give Into Childhood Hyperfixations! 💖
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writersp3n · 3 months ago
live love laugh the mcd wiki
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tomatohorse · 8 months ago
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Shadow Knight Laurance to celebrate mystreet season 7!!
I’m so excited genuinely. I don’t watch Aphmaus stuff anymore, but GODDAMMIT I WILL BE THERE FOR EACH NEW UPLOAD!!!
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