#MCD S1 EP 1
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MCD Episode 1 Transcript
I apologize for the wait and for how long this post is. I was honestly jumping back and forth on what was too much or what wasn't enough because I wanted to ensure everyone was able to find what they were looking for. Whether it was only lore bits, details on the setting or just fun observations. I just said fuck it so you guys get everything. If you find or have any critiques on how to make this more organized, then by all means go for it! Without further ado, I hope you like this transcript.
() - side notes
(( )) - my commentary
[] - Timestamps
{} - MCCA Villager dialogue
Introduction [0:00]
Jess starts off by introducing the 2nd season of diaries
Shows us a signed book in her inventory that is titled "Diaries". It holds entries of all her adventures (in days) of each episode of the previous season (which I think is now non-canon and unconnected to Diaries).
"I did a ton of crazy stuff. I had a family, I raised a village, I got a Pegasus and a unicorn! It was crazy, I even became the Avatar at some point. But like all good adventures, they come to an end. However, a new one is beginning right here, right now." [0:20-0:40]
The diary ends in, "My journey has ended, but a new one is just beginning…”
Jess shows us the little "headspace" room she's in with her cat, Johnny Cat. She puts the previous diary away on a shelf before heading towards a desk to begin a new saga of adventures.
Episode Starts [1:05]
The opening scene starts at the edge of the village of Phoenix Drop, where the forest (a mix of birch and oak) line meets the last pathway around a farm plot. A man in chainmail outlined with a golden colored metal with a helmet that only allows to see his brown eyes and the barest hint of brown hair peeks through (Zenix) is speaking with another man in distinct armor, white garbs with a long black cross-like symbol on the front and chainmail; his face completely covered by his helm (Garroth)
"What are we gonna do? Since our last lord passed away, the people have been going crazy. Not to mention, we're running low on local resources. And we have no connection to the other villages." -Zenix
"Zenix, do not worry. I have a plan." -Garroth
As they speak with each other, Zenix turns around sharply, his head whipping around before his body turns towards a perceived disturbance.
"Wait, did you hear that?" - Zenix
The frame zooms out to a man cloaked in black and green who is hiding behind an oak tree a few paces away. A single green eye peeks out from behind a curtain of brown hair, his face carefully hidden away in a black hooded cowl outlined in grey with an equally grey neck gaiter. He's wearing a long-sleeved green top with a brown leather waist belt (?) with a gold buckle. His hands are covered in elbow length (?) brown fingerless arm gloves (Vylad)
The mysterious man turns and takes off into the forest
Cutscene Ends - Gameplay/RP begins [1:28]
Aphmau has spawned into the world, with the typical Minecraft starting day cycle beginning. She's wearing a purple crop top, grey half gloves, short purple daisy duke's (?) and black knee-high boots with purple laces-outline. She's in the middle of an oak forest in a small clearing in front of a water hole.
She's addressing the viewers, "Day 1, and now it is time to, of course, find some shelter before the night falls."
Looking towards the sky above the treetops, she sees the sun just rising above. "As you can see, the day has just begun, so I've got plenty of time." Grassy oak-birch forest with alliums, orange tulips, and azure bluets. The sky is clear with faint wisp of clouds.
She begins to head through the forest, "There's a lot of trees around here, so I should be good in terms of getting like a crafting bench going and all that kind of stuff but let's just go ahead and try to find like a nice little hole." ((Real))
Aphmau continues to climb up hills, past birch trees, and through short grass sprinkled with roses (poppy’s), red & orange tulips.
She stops to examine small craters in the ground, displaying dissatisfaction at not hiding a deep hole
"That...that's not a-that's a terrible hole! I'm not going to go in there, but let's try to find, like a nice little hole or something I can-"
She continues to wander past the hole and up to the crest of the hill. Only to stop at seeing a person in the distance.
Aphmau sees a mysterious hooded man in green and black (player username, Vylad) in the distance, punching a birch tree, gathering logs, and she runs in his direction, running down the hill and past the thick, low hanging, tree branches.
"Hey, there's a guy over there. Come here, I need to talk to you! I need to find a nice little hole. If you happen to know like"
She stops as she comes upon his previous location, he has disappeared
"Wh-where'd he go?- Oh my god, he did..."
She comes upon the birch tree he'd been punching and finds that he left it floating. She gazes at it in disdain and takes a quick peeved inhale before looking around.
"...that really upsets me. The fact that-" [1:50-2:05]
While she's distracted by the floating logs of the tree, he waits in the background for her attention to once again find him. She continues chasing after him, to which he flees; seemingly leading her somewhere
Through clearings, flower patches (peonies, rose bush patches, dandelions), past a rather large watering hole.
"Come here! Hey! Come here, I need to talk to you-You just left that tree...you just really left that tree undone. You just literally were-" she keeps running after him, not stopping even when he runs past two men at the edge of a farm plot of wheat.
"Oh my god, that guy is getting attacked by that guard."
The man leads her straight to two guards, nametags reading Zenix and Garroth. He runs past Garroth, who gives chase and attacks him whilst doing so. (Garroth hits him once (?))
Aphmau continues past them, even as Garroth walks past her to return to his spot. She looks around but sees he's disappeared.
"Where-Where'd he go? Where'd he go?...um alright. But...he's gone, but ya know what? He led me to a village. And there's some awesome guards here. This guard is pretty cool. What are you doing?" She turns back towards the two men before her and turns to speak with Garroth first. [2:30]
"I don't think anyone in the village will listen to any of the guards. Not after how terrible the last Lord was..." -Garroth
"Now that the Lord is gone, the village is in chaos. What are we going to do?" -Zenix
"Oh...oh! What kind of chaos is the village going through?" She travels around the wheat farm edge heading into the village onto the wooden plank pathway, past small huts, and a village library. 'Cause I could help out. I mean, I just spawned in the world so I could absolutely like take over this village and become the new terrible lord... I mean, awesome lord."
She stops at a tight intersection with a well in the middle. "...oh my god. OH MY GOD, there are so many people in here! Literally in this water!" ((The Well has claimed its victims))
She takes a horrified yet stunned look at how many people are trapped in the village well whilst also being greeted by the other town citizens like it's a normal occurrence. ((You know that one The Hole meme? Yeah, it feels like that)) [2:56]
The first person to greet her is Emmalyn the Librarian {"Greetings.}, followed by Dale the Guard {"Oh, hello. Aphmau, was it"}, Stephanie the Farmer {"Hey, what's up?"}, Jeremy the Guard {"Oh, hello there"}, Aidan the Farmer {Good day to you, Aphmau"}
She tries to go past The Well as she contemplates
"I don't know where that other guy went, but I-oh crap."
Not watching where she was walking, she falls into a hole. ((LMAO))
"Oh hey, here's my hole. Look at that." It's a small cave tunnel filled with stone, gravel, dirt, and large veins of coal. "This is a nice hole to begin in."
She begins to climb her way out the hole through a small gap to the surface next to another hut
"All right, so really, let's go ahead and see what's going on in this village”
Gets greeted by more villagers; Arthur the Farmer {"You must be new around here"}, Brendan the Farmer {"Oh, hello. Aphmau, was it?"}
She wanders back towards The Well, trying to get a vantage point of where to go next.
"So I got a lot of people here, and there's a lot of people literally taking a little nice bubble bath."
She gets greeted by a woman named Molly, the farmer, who is also trapped in The Well {"Hi, stranger."}
"And, um, I don't see that-"
She's cut off as she falls into the same hole she fell into moments ago ((Bruh, LMAO))
"Gosh darn it, I did the same thing again."
She climbs out and glares at The Well
"That is really going to hurt somebody, and uh, that's not going to be a good thing, and there's-"
She climbs the rooftop of a small hut and then looks down and sees a man with green eyes, black hair, in pale-bright green clothes, staring at her (Brendan). She stares back.
"Hey, look, there's like a bolin skin there, and who is that-?" [3:28]
She hops off the roof but is cut off as she, once again, falls back into the same hole. ((LMFAO and she teases Laurance for falling into holes when she's just as bad))
"Oh my goodness, that's the third time!"
She stands next to The Well, looking at Brendan, who hasn't stopped watching her.
"All right, first time shame on you, second time shame on me third time I don't know what's going on."
She turns her attention forward, down a long pathway, past two large farms. The one on the left has 4 plots; 3 of the 4 plots are in rows of 2, which contain wheat all next to each other, while the last row are carrots.
"But all right, so we got Brendan the farmer, and we have a bunch of stuff to work with."
The one on the right has the same setup principle as the left one, but a plot of carrots is set in between that separates the 3 plots of wheat. (Left: Wheat, Wheat, Wheat, Carrots | Right: Wheat, Carrots, Wheat, Wheat) [3:42]
She takes a look at the crops while slowly walking down the pathway
"We also have a lot of food here, which is something that was about to be a problem, but now that I'm actually here in this village, I don't have to worry about that anymore."
She gets atop the right farm's edge and begins to punch the carrots without, initially, replanting them
"All right, so let's go ahead and get settled in here. I don't think that they're going to mind if I'm here."
She proceeds out the farm, climbing up the hill towards a woman and a man who was watching her in the farm. The man happens to be Brendan, once again, watching her, but from inside a patch of lilacs ((omfg, he scared the HECK out of me. I didn't realize he was there until I looked at the paused screen)) [3:56]
“I mean Lilith the farmer. L-Lili-Lili-sorry. Lin-Linda-Lil-Lydia the farmer!”
She continues on past them up the hill until she hits the wood pathway, turning left, quickly looking around at a medium sized house with a chicken yard in the back and another farm of wheat before turning right back towards the center of the village back to The Well.
“All right so there's a lot of stuff that needs to go on here, but I think I'm going to go ahead and settle in this village. Um, I know I was looking for a hole but I kind of already found it down below, especially inside of the nice little well.”
She proceeds to run back towards the beginning edges of town, zeroing in on an oak tree.
“Um so first things first let's go ahead and start with the crafting bench. The basics of Minecraft. Literally visit-visiting the basics of Minecraft.”
She then proceeds to choose a tree near where Garroth and Zenix are still standing watch, and proceeds to punch the middle log, circling it whilst delivering precise precision jabs, collecting the logs from bottom to top. ((I just KNOW Zenix and Garroth are losing their minds LMAO)) [4:25]
“Um I think what I'm going to do is, I'm going to stay in this village now and uh, ooh! First achievement.”
“Aww I always love getting that first achievement because it's just like you're building your way up and I might even try to keep track of like, the achievements that I have. So that way I can try to get them all but I'm sure that will happen in due time. But let's go ahead get this village started.”
“Um, first let's start by fixing that stupid hole that's-that's incredibly annoying.”
She stops to look at The Well and the people stuck bobbing inside [4:50]
“Um and saving those poor people down in The Well. All right um, uh let's see this is nice-”
She stops and whirls around as she hears and sees the distinct sound of a burning zombie lumbering from the hole as it climbs to attack the vulnerable people in The Well.
“Oh, oh my god! there that zombie is about to destroy those people and I just realized that I spawned in with a bunch of really cool stuff!” [5:00] (Hotbar: 6 ½ health, 5 ½ hunger. Pet wand 1st slot, Doggy charm 2nd slot, Command Emblem 3rd slot, 33 Carrots 4th slot, 5 oak wood 5th slot)
All while she casually jumps from her perch above on the path down in front of the zombie. Punching it with the oak wood logs in hand.
She goes to show off her hotbar items, focused on them whilst also acknowledging the 2 other zombies that come burning and lumbering past her, focused on the helpless villagers in The Well.
“Um right here I have a Doggy charm, a Command Elm, and a Pet Wand which I'm going to use to destroy-!!”
She goes to try and hit them with the wand, but it does not work, retreating back before becoming determined (This type of creature must be under the effect of a potion of weakness to be tamed) [5:08]
“Oh okay…I can't use that okay. I'm just going to destroy them with my own bare hands!! I'll show these villagers how hardcore I can be.”
Knocking them back into the hole, kills both of them without taking damage
“There we go I saved you guys from the zombies.”
She earns and collects the XP and 2 zombie brains in slot 6 before climbing out the hole back to the surface.
“Awesome all right so you know we're going to have like a little rocky start here not as Rocky as these people because they're just they're just they're just terribly terribly doomed and hey there's a crafting bench here, so I don't even have to worry and why did I-”
Aphmau explores a large house next to The Well and finds it to be a Library, with books, a table + benches, and a crafting bench. She goes to use it but instead of interacting with it, she ends up in Brendans NPC interface which causes her to eat a zombie brain. She gets the hunger effect (Last for 30 seconds)
“Brenden you made me eat a zombie brain I…don't want to see you again! Just, just-just follow me, please follow me here. You need a…you need a since you're a farmer, I'm going to take you all the way over here because you could, this could be like, your little farmhouse Brendan yeah. Or Bolin since his skin is actually like a Bolin kind of skin.”
She leads him down the pathway past the farms and sets him up in a large house across from a very tiny house ((BABE HOUSE))
“So I'm going to put you right in here since I-I have some-some stuff to spare. You can come in here. See come on you, can do it. Aww man, I just housed one person-”
He then proceeds to run out the house ((me too buddy))
“Hey, hey! Where are you going!?!”
He proceeds to turn right back around to her ((he’s so real for this cause I’d be scared of this random scary woman too))
“Stay right here this is your house now Brendan it's nobody else's house but yours you have your nice little place.”
She leaves and heads back up the path
“I'm already being a better to-be-Lord than the other person was.”
She walks past 3 people but only one says anything {Adian the Farmer: Hi, stranger} [6:25]
“Hello, Aiden the farmer!”
“All right, Aiden is doing his thing, uh wow so now that we have Aiden, we have a lot of farmers here. I'm going to have to see what I can do as far as helping them all out.”
She goes back into the Library where she interacts with the crafting bench (taking a single plank, making wood to make sticks, and making a wooden sword and placing everything in her hotbar but the sword in her inventory) [6:38]
She crafts a sword, wooden axe and pickaxe
She heads outside and is greeted by 2 people: Stephanie the Farmer {Are you new around here?} and Jeremy the Guard {I haven’t seen you around before.} [7:13]
“Plus, we have a bunch of carrots, we have some zombie brains, um and we're going to free these people right here because they are just utterly dying.”
She observes while eating 3 carrots and 2 more people call out to her: Kent the Guard {Oh, hello there.} and Molly the Farmer {Greetings.}
She takes her pickaxe and destroys 2 cobblestone walls
“So let's see, I would at least like to have like, a nice little place settled into-”
“There we go, your free people run!” she watches as they all practically stay stuck only a few guards rushing out “Get out of there…” Dale the Guard free’s himself only to immediately fall back in just as Molly pulls herself out, turning to watch him fall only to turn towards Aphmau.
“Don't-don't okay…Molly just like, ‘hey I was in my bath, this is what this how I-this is how I get clean every now and then’”.
She looks to Stephanie, Emmalyn, and Molly, telling them to follow her. Stephanie { Where are you taking me?} Emmalyn {Where are we going?} Molly {Okay. I’ll come along} ((Molly, love, where are your survival instincts)) [7:43]
“All right follow me how about, you follow me. You follow me. I'm going to save the babes first. Come on babes, let's go let's go.” They follow and she takes them down the path to the tiny house across from where she put brenden.
“I'm going to-I'm going to move all the babes out this way! Oh look! They're all following me. They-they are all babes holy crap. All right so this is going to be the Babe House right here. Come on-come on in ladies. So you stay right here. Um or follow me”
The ladies then proceed to repeatedly open and close the door rapidly
“Actually if you guys-if you guys could stop opening the door that would be fantastic. It's kind of just slamming in my ear. Um, alright so you guys just stay outside of the Babe House, how-how about that? You stay there and then you stay there. There we go. Alright, so this is the Babe House right now.
She walks back to The Well
“Um I saved them, they are now in depth-depth, not they're not in depth, they're in debt to me.” [8:22-8:29]
She looks at the guards and people still stuck in The Well
“...and the guards, well the guards are really dumb. No wonder nobody's gonna listen to them!”
Acting- “I say villagers it's time we take a bath together, a bath we can't get out of!”
“All right so I don't think…I think the guards are pretty much doomed…um yeah they're doomed”, she says as she puts the cobblestone back, trapping those inside
She chops some oak trees nearby using her wooden axe
“Least try to upgrade my weapons, try to get some um..maybe a nice bed inside of my place? Um I don't even know if I'm allowed to have like the big house. I'm assuming that it's, I mean, I haven't seen like a Lord's house or anything around here, so I'm assuming that all these houses are up for grabs since the village is really kind of in like, quite literally, in chaos.” [8:57-9:18]
Walking back past The Well both Derek and Emma the guard both say, {“You must be new around here.”} [9:18]
“I-I actually am new around here and I actually haven't properly introduced myself.”
She looks into The Well and see’s everyone still in there Derek the Guard, Emma the Guard, Dale the Guard, and Kent the Guard. With Dale asking, {“Are you new around here?”} while Kent says, {“Hi, stranger.”} ((omg I did NOT remember Dale being in The Well THIS much-))
Aphmau goes to interact (chat) with Kent, laughing at seeing all the guards bobbing in the water
“Um Kent the guard..all the..nobody's going to listen to you guys if you keep acting like that.” [9:24-9:30]
He replies back with, {“You heard this from where?”}
Aphmau responds with, “I've heard things from everywhere, actually.” ((That sounds mad spooky ngl))
She goes to walk away but sees another guard trying to pass her fall into The Well [9:35]
“Yeah, see the guards just keep, they just keep going inside! they are so bad-”
She then falls into The Hole ((LMAO))
“-I got to fix all of this!”
She decides to take the opportunity to mine some stone (gathers 7 cobblestone)
“As I continue this series, I'm definitely going to have to make sure that I do a lot of farming.” [9:50-9:56]
She collects some coal from a nearby vein (collects 8 pieces)
Gets distracted by a name tag through the cobblestone (probably a villager in The Well) and then hears a cave noise
“What is that? What is that..what is that noise, that was creepy. That was like, really creepy!”
She goes back to mining stone as she notices that the sun is beginning to set (gathers 6 more cobblestone, making 13 in total)
She heads out The Hole [10:50]
She’s greeted by Cameron the Baker{“Oh, hello there.”}
She cheerfully chirps back, “Hello there, Cameron the baker! It's good to see you.”
She spies Lydia the Farmer on an adjacent rooftop [10:58]
“We have a lot of farmers here.”
She goes into the library just as Derek and Emma the guards call out to her again Derek {Oh, hello. Aphmau, was it?} and Emma{Are you new around here?} [11:01]
Aphmau heads to the crafting bench and begins to craft a stone sword
Adian the farmer pops in {You must be new around here} before going to stand on the crafting bench, looking at her [11:08-11:10]
“Why do people keep coming and Stan-why do people keep coming and-!” he suddenly disappears
Flabbergasted and slightly panicked, Aphmau looks around the library, calling out, “where did you go!?... What is going on? Where did he go? Where did he-”, outside the glass windows shows that it’s almost night time and she then heads back to the crafting bench to then finish up
“I'm assuming he went to bed but that was just creepy as heck! I mean, come on! You don't just stand on somebody's crafting table, look at them, and then disappear! It's completely rude!”
Aphmau quickly makes a stone shovel, stone pickaxe, and axe
“Okay, I'll go with it, if that's how this village wants to play. This is a little weird.” [11:34]
Aphmau then proceeds to make some torches, stating, “Of course, I need some torches, and I think we're going to set down some torches here in the village, if there aren't some there already. I don't think there are, uh, because just traveling around, I haven't seen anything crazy, but I'm going to go ahead and just..you know, kind of light up my area.” (Made 16 torches, placing 2 in the library before heading out; 14 left)
Looking around, night has completely fallen. She spies the guards nearby, still in The Well.
“I feel so bad for those guards. Okay, um so… I can't help but laugh at them because they're just being silly now.” (Placing 2 more torches on either side of the libraries door; 12 left)
Almost falling into The Hole again, she takes the rest of her cobblestone and covers the top half up
“Now- Oh god, I hear zombies.”
Going down into The Hole and places a few torches as she travels through it (5 torches; only 7 left)
“Let's just start to get the mine going, um, so I can start digging down deep and finding out feelings and stuff like that-” as she walks past another opening, placing another torch, she sees two mobs (creeper and skeleton) in the entrance but only the creeper goes to attack her, “oh God there's a creeper, oh god there's a skeleton.”
Drawing her stone sword, Aphmau fights the creeper off. Hitting, retreating, repeat.
“Go away Creeper! Shoo shoo shoo!”
She successfully kills it as it drops XP (3?) and two gunpowder. She runs to collect it, turns the corner and see’s the skeleton right there
She kills it, only losing 1 heart of damage and getting 1 arrow and XP
Taking a breath and telling herself, “she’s fine, she’s good.”
“I hear zombies and I don't like it. I don’t like it at all.”
She goes and mines a nearby wall, thinking the zombies are behind the stone (collects 12 cobblestone; 13 cobblestone in hotbar slot 6) before turning back to the coal vein from earlier (collects 8 coal)
Still seeing the nametag, she digs towards them to see if she can get them out (collects 19 cobble; 32 cobblestone in total)
“I still see more like, little health bar thingies, down that way, so let me go take a look in here, see if I can find something. ‘Cuz these guards-are they drowning? Like are they legit drowning?”
She mines a block and The Well water rushes past her
“Oh God! See I have a feeling that this would be a wonderful idea if-if-”
She places the block back and realizes the name tag is gone [13:58]
“Oh my God! Are they dead!? Did they die, did they drown!? WHAT! They're gone…”
Aphmau goes and mines some stone + coal (12 cobble and 2 coal; 44 cobblestone in total)
“I'm a little sad, but at least we know why the village isn't going to listen to the guards anymore, because they're just going to get themselves murtalized and stuff ((The little sniffle jess makes ;-;))
She leaves the small cave through the furthest exit, leading into the woods by the farms [14:32]
Collecting flowers along the way as goes back towards the housing area, she thinks about her next move, contemplating how she hasn’t properly interacted with anyone (collects 2 white tulips and lilacs)
Going towards The Well, she sees a group of 5 zombies (3 being attacked by the guards in The Well, and 2 she kills herself) [14:57]
“Oh gosh. Oh gosh! There they are, there's a zombies! They were trying to attack the guards”
Noticing the guards hitting the zombies from The Well
“Oh, the guards are smart, they're hiding themselves…you cowards don't do that. You got to come out and fight. Fight for your right… to party.” ((lol))
Aphmau breaks the barriers once more, with Dale immediately rushing out only to turn around ((with the speed)), knocking both he and Emma the Guard, who was almost out The Well, right back in ((LMFAO))
Seeing this, Aphmau gives up and walks away leaving The Well sides open
“I'm going to leave that open just in case the guards decide that they're going to stop being so flaky.”
Looking around curiously, she checks the small hut next to The Well and see’s Aiden sleeping
“Oh, this is where Aiden the farmer lives”
Closing the door, she goes past the farms towards the Babe House and Brendan’s home. As she approaches, she sees zombies going after them
“Then we got the-BABES! Oh, they need, they need help! They need help, they need help, they need help!”
Rushing forward, she slays the zombie at the door while a sleeping Emmalyn and Emma remain unaware of the chaos
“These babes are lucky that these monsters didn't go after them.”
Turning, she sees 3 more zombies trying to get to Brendan
“Oh gosh, oh gosh. Why are-oh my gosh! The zombies are trying to get my babes” ((Is Brendan being counted as a Babe lmao??)) [15:35-15:46]
She tries to get Emmalyn and Stephanie inside but they won’t budge so Aphmau hit’s Stephanie {Ow! Why did you hit me?} (losing 1 point of health; 19/20.0)
She apologizes to Stephanie but asks her to go inside, which she does, before turning to Emmalyn and hitting her too {Ow! Why did you hit me? Before quickly saying Oh, hello. Aphmau was it?} [16:09]
Tries to get her to follow her (clicking move instead of follow me), trying to explain and apologize for hitting her
“I'm sorry I had to hit you, I didn't mean to-...I really didn't mean to, but I'm trying to save your life here! I'm trying to save your life, I'm thinking of you. Come here-!”
Seeing that Emmalyn hasn’t come through the open door, she panics
“Hurry before the zombies and the spiders get in! Where'd you go!?” [16:24]
Going outside, she sees that Emmalyn has completely disappeared
“She does doesn't like me anymore, and I completely-”
Just like she predicted, a spider jumps from the babe house to Brendans roof and goes to attack her ((LMAO)) [16:30]
She kills it gaining XP and 2 string (losing 1 health point; at 5 health and 5 hunger)
Going back to the library, she goes past Dale and Gary the Guard, with Gary saying {Hey, what’s up?} [16:43]
“I’m going to go into my house (the library) and retreat for the night”
Aphmau proceeds to eat 3 carrots to fully restore her hunger and health (27 carrots left)
She turns seeing Emmalyn run in [16:55]
“Oh hey, look she made it! You made it! I'm so happy you're here.”
She commands Emmalyn to stay (Emmalyn likes her at 1 heart, her mood: agitated, trait irritable)
“You can stay with me tonight, all right? You can-I'm sorry. I'm sorry about having to wake you up with such a rude manner, but you know, I really just…I really was looking out for your safety Emmalyn the Librarian.” ((Insane since that’s her own house and omg I didn’t see Dale patrolling (looking up inside) outside the house)) [17:03-17:13]
Aphmau proceeds to look around the library, realizing something
“You know, this is actually a nice place for you. So you can hang out here, because I got lots of books! You can read books and have like, a great time!” ((LMFAO this is insane within canon lore. Is this considered gaslighting??))
Aphmau tries to reassure her and make her stay
“Here you, you'll be, we'll be fine. We-you'll be fine, don't worry. I got you baby.” [17:20]
Aphmau does her begins her outro, turning and looking outside the large library window before going outside to talk to herself
Dale greets her with {I haven’t seen you around before} [17:27]
“We still have a lot of questions that need to be answered like, where did that guy go in the beginning and how am I going to actually fix up this village? Because it seems like a lot more problems than I had originally anticipated!”
Standing on the rooftop of the house in front of the library, she looks out around her, spotting a creeper wandering at a cave entrance above the Babe house
“We got a creeper infestation problem over there,” going to The Well she begins to pull out her cobblestone [17:41]
“We got our guards, which are making like, a huge guard soup here...I might have to like just cover this thing up”
Seeing no one in The Well ((a surprise tbh)), she uses her cobblestone to remake the barrier and then places 6 cobblestone overtop so no one can fall in ((I thought she was gonna accidentally get rid of the water for a second))
She goes back into the Library, Emmalyn greeting her {How can I help you?}
“And I will see you all, in the next episode. Until then, hopefully Emmalyn won’t be mad at us anymore. Take care! Bye-Bye!” [18:01-18:10]
Episode Ends Cue Nostalgic Outro Music
Not sure if you all wanted to be tagged, so I hope you this is okay! @hetaverseshit @cloverrae @shuublebunny @mcdgarroth @faenemy @shadowknightapologist @will-do-anything-for-a-dollar @biscuits-spooky-diner @lyraofthestarsss @its-dark-girl @bluepenstemon @mina919 @woetothepeople
#if I make any mistakes (especially with the clothes) let me know#if you wish for something specific let me know as well so I can look out for it!#I know this is probably a little incoherent and I'm so sorry about that#the next ones should be better (hopefully)#mcd#minecraft diaries#MCD Transcript#MCD Notes#MCD S1 Transcript#MCD S1 EP 1#aphblr#aphmau
34 notes
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MCD Rewatch Notes Template
So I have decided to post the template I made for my ep notes during my rewatch. If this template matches your own style for taking notes feel free to open this doc and make a copy for yourselves :)
I may post my own notes later like the filled out version. maybe. I've been placing my reactions to events in them so idk if that would even be useful to anyone but if anyone does end up wanting them then I'll post them. (When they're done ofc this rewatch taking a lot of energy outta me)
((which is also why I understand many ppl might not want to do their own rewatch and js get the notes from someone else, js like me in school fr))
#aphmau#minecraft diaries#mcd#aphblr#aphmau minecraft diaries#mcd rewrite#aphverse#this template almost had me going into psychosis pt. 2#I wont be offended of yall dont wanna use it btw#its js an option#I am also interested in seeing everyone elses note templates if you want to share#I love note templates if you couldnt already tell
14 notes
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After watching and rewatching and rewatching and rewatching and rewatching MCD and Mystreet and the rest of the Aphmau series, I think I have figured out the 2 right ways to watch everything in order and actually understand the lore
Way 1:
Mod Mod World
Diaries s1 (until end of ep 99)
VOID Paradox
Diaries s1 ep 100
Diaries s2
Diaries s3
PDH s1 (until end of ep 22)
A Woofs Tale
PDH s1 cont.
PDH s2
Graduation Days
The Big Move
Mystreet s1
Mystreet s2 (Love~Love Paradise)
The Bigger Move
Mystreet s3 (Lovers Lane)
Mystreet s3 Extra Episodes
Aarons Ticket
Mystreet s4 (Emerald Secret)
Aphmaus Year
Mystreet s5 (Starlight)
s6 Trailers
Mystreet s6 (When Angels Fall)
Her Wish
Side Stories
(657 episodes)
And Way 2:
Mod Mod World
Dreams Of Estorra
Diaries Rebirth
Diaries s1 (from the beginning until end of ep 99)
VOID Paradox
Diaries s1 ep 100
Diaries s2
Diaries s3
PDH s1 (until end of ep 22)
A Woofs Tale
PDH s1 cont.
Phoenix Drop Days
PDH s2
Graduation Days
The Big Move
Mystreet s1
Mystreet s2 (Love~Love Paradise)
The Bigger Move
Mystreet s3 (Lovers Lane)
Mystreet s3 Extra Episodes
Aarons Ticket
Mystreet s4 (Emerald Secret)
Aphmaus Year
Mystreet s5 (Starlight)
s6 Trailers
Mystreet s6 (When Angels Fall)
Her Wish
Side Stories
(693 episodes)
34 notes
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MCD Rewatch S1 Ep8: All Aboard!
Do you need to watch this? 1%
Is it fun to watch? 1%
Plot Summary: Aphmau delivers a mourner and the remains of their friend to their hometown in the most tone deaf way possible.
Personal Notes:
love the title. someone aboard is gonna be a fucking corpse. the only other living person will be his mourning friend
she did Not improve the boat off camera
Aphmau logs into her solo narrative world does no prep or planning and just walks and talks for 15 uncut unedited minutes. girl what are you saying why are you considering bringing a door. you’v
no replanting of crops
she got a crate to transport the corpse lmaooooo
okay this boat mod does kinda fuck. if it were part of the world in a more subtle way i’d like it but alas its a very clear Mod Showcase Moment
a man is dead, Aphmau. stop cooing at animals we know you’re very excited about the cat mod you’ve installed
Visher’s Unnamed Wife
“okay, I delivered Visher’s remains :)”
this town has a Lord?
13:28 god no stop
still baffled that she went into this episode canonically knowing exactly what she would be doing (traveling to another town) and still was lost and unprepared for the first few minutes.
this ep wasn’t as funny as the last because last time Aphmau was clearly Going Through It dealing with quirky fun mod and very real grief being right next to each other, but this time Aphmau has decided to just be pretty chill and unbothered by the grief and treat it like another quirky mod. which is wild but not entertaining to me, sadge
#TheGreatMCDRewatch#mcdS1E8#minecraft diaries#for those keeping track i believe we're about 16 episodes away from laurance#then we're popping bottles#ALSO#APHMAU TALKED SHIT ABOUT GARROTH THIS EPISODE
15 notes
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0 notes
Guy you *need* to vote Zane. It's Minecraft diaries 8th birthday Tommorow (March 11th). This mother fucker is so evil and is literally the falsest profit. He's the High Priest of O'khasis (Specifically lady Irene's faith)
At one point in Season 1 of Minecraft diaries, during the baby shower arc (episodes 55-57) Zane who is meant to represent the Goddess Irene, proceeds to fuck up the land of Pheonixdrop so bad. He turns a child into a Shadow Knight (Temporarily,Alexis was okay don't worry ❤️) and during this process causes a black taint to spread across the plaza of Pheonixdrop and affect two of the houses. He did this to the family of some of the strongest believers of Irene's faith.
I could be remembering this a little wish washy but during the Price of War Episode (S1 ep 76) a dying werewolf tells Aphmau that Zane had promised them powers. (Not sure if they Meant political power or literally magic powers), he didn't follow up with this deal and slaughtered the whole village. He does this to multiple people,leading them to believe he's pure and divine,only to backstab them.
He's my little evil fucked up false profit. He literally broke the dimension barriers to get into the Goddess's pocket dimension to steal her Relic, which probably goes against the Church of Irene's wishes.
🥺🥺🥺it's MCD's 8th birthday please please please/nf
He’s so fucked up he’s such a meow meow
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Time Is Quite A Killer When You’re Left Behind
AO3 Link
Rating: Mature
Ship: Wincestiel
Word Count: 2897
Summary: Sam and Dean are thrown into the Empty. Cas deals the only way he knows how.
Note: Contains dialogue from various SPN episodes but I also screw with canon quite a bit for some awesome self-indulgence. Thanks to @mayalaen and @rosemoonweaver for the cheerleading and ideas!
Major Tags: canon divergence, time travel, time skips, temporary character death - Winchesters, minor character death, grief, Cas POV, hopeful ending.
Tagging: @wanderingcas @bendoverandbiteyourgag @purgatoan @rainsoakedsam @dreamsfromthebunker
Written for @spncoldesthits
Like my work? Please consider buying me a coffee on ko-fi!
#spn#wincestiel#au - canon divergent#spn s1 ep 1#spn s11#spn s2#hell's angel#all hell breaks loose#temporary MCD#tori writes
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6 years ago, a mcyt popped up onto my recommended on youtube.
i clicked a video, “New World | Minecraft Diaries [S1: Ep. 1] Roleplay Adventure!”
and from then on, my life changed. i know it sounds stupid, but minecraft diaries and aphmau in general changed me.
i know i yell at aphmau a lot, lest it be for plot holes, unexplored characters, awful character development, or even just taking out laurance, she was and always will be my favorite youtuber.
so in this moment, I just wanted to say, thank you so much Jess, for everything you made me into today.
it’s hard to believe it’s been six years since i first clicked on an aphmau video and i’m glad i never once abandoned it.
that story will forever be one of my favorites,
awful writing and all.
i love you, to every single character.
(i will name every character now so i can cry later)
Aaron Lycan
Abby the Golden Heart
Bigglesworth (Owly <3)
Boss (Theives guild)
Capt. Dockram
Captain Isaac
Castor The Chicken Shaman
Cookie (R.I.P cookie </3)
Demon Warlock
Dr. Bees
Dr. Doctor
Eastern Wolf Tribe
Elder Wolf
Elder Wyvern
Flipper (Albino dolphin from episode 2/3)
Gary (orange boob dude)
Inn Keep
Janus (The Scythe dude)
Jiggy (R.I.P)
Laurance (<333)
Lily (Aaron’s dead wife, not Lillian)
Lord Burt
Lord Hayden
Lord Janna
Lord Luke
Lord of Scaleswin
Lord Puu
Luna (Celestia’s Mom)
Meowki II
Meowki II
Merida (Saltiest bitch 2015-2016)
Mittens (Crazy Cat Lady’s Huge Cat)
MIghwnt Jr.
Mr. Sanders
O’khasis Guard(s)
Old Fisherman (From Nahkra Village)
Phoenix (R.I.P)
Puma (R.I.P)
Queen Ylva
Sean Connery
The Baker (From Neapolitan Village)
The Librarian (^)
The Blacksmith (^^)
Thorgi (Best Dog 2015-2016)
Urla (Crazy Cat Lady)
Visher (RIP, first death of MCD)
Zack (Cadenza’s Guard)
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Doesn't Gene becoming a Shadow Knight after Vylad mess with the timeline? We can assume that Dante is around Garroth and Laurance's age or a few years younger so when Gene to became a Shadow Knight while Dante was a kid, Vylad would've been very young. I believe Zenix could be one before Gene as we don't know his age and their whole rivalry would make sense as Zenix was respected in the Nether and then Gene comes in and becomes their "leader". Maybe Zenix just got to Vylad before Gene?
Not entirely sure where the confusion lies here. I headcanon that Vylad died when he was very young (16 if you want an exact age), but since time flows faster in the Nether he ends up being much older than most of the rest of the cast by the time S2 comes around.
Dante is definitely younger than Garroth and Laurance, he’s just gotten out of Guard Academy or whatever when we meet him for the first time, while Laurance and Garroth have already been there and have been functioning on their own as guards for some time. (I could be remembering wrong, but I don’t think Garroth or Laurance recognize Dante when they first meet him, which means that Dante wasn’t even at the academy the same time Garroth and Laurance were, and is definitely far behind the two of them in terms of age. In my brain Guard Academy is a multi-year long thing, and you probably have to be like, at least 16-18 to join, somewhere around there. So Garroth is able to start training long before Dante can even enroll.)
Gene is Dante’s older brother, but I doubt he was an Adult adult when he died, judging by the fact that the actions that lead to his death were pretty immature. He was definitely older than Vylad when he died, but not by much. I think of him as being about 18.
By the time Gene is a Shadowknight, it doesn’t matter when you “get to” a Shadowknight or not, messing with a Shadowknight’s memories upon them being reborn is the new policy. It happens basically as soon as they become a Shadowknight, and going against the policy would be treason for going against the Shadow Lord’s will.
Zenix and Vylad are explicitly mentioned as being some of the last Shadowknights to still have their memories intact, so Zenix, Vylad, and Gene’s deaths would all be relatively close together anyways.
So here’s a vague timeline:
Zenix dies at 18.
A couple months pass. (I wanna say more than 1 but like. at the same time not TOO many. About 2-4?)
Vylad dies at 16. Garroth is around 20 at the time.
A couple months pass. (Same deal as the amount above.)
Gene dies at 18. Dante is around 12-14 at the time.
A couple years pass. In this time Zenix slowly loses his prestige. Gene takes his place as the Shadow Lord’s right hand man, since the Shadow Lord highly values his ability to twist the memories of new Shadowknights.
Garroth is finishing up his guard training when he gets betrothed to Nicole. Oops! Time to fake your own death go into hiding at Phoenix Drop!
Dante would be enrolling to the Guard Academy only little while after this.
A couple more years pass, this is when S1 Ep 1 occurs.
Dante finishes guard training and finds Aphmau mid S1.
Take this with a grain of salt because I do not remember if any of this is contradicted by actual ages/dates in MCD... But as far as I know MCD is terrible with ages and dates and didn’t set anything in stone for ANY of these, so this is my real estate now. Thank you.
#mcd meta#zenix#garroth ro'meave#vylad ro'meave#gene#dante#gene becoming a sk after vylad and zenix is pretty much canon because of them still having memories.#why wouldn't they have lost them otherwise?#yes they are special in th shadowlord's eyes but if anything#thats just more reason to mess with memories & make sure theyre loyal.#long post#ask
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Hello again ☺️Yes, that would have been really cool! I already read two of your recomnendations and i love them so thank you again for sharing! I can understand you being unsure of your writing but i bet there are people who will love it. Judging from how you answer your asks and how much you love John i have no doubt that i would love it. But if you dont wanna post it anywhere i would completely understand too. (1)
Im glad i came around to like Root cause otherwise it would have been hard to watch season 4 & 5 cause she appears a lot. I think part of it is cause i watched it witch my family and my dad loves her so i started to like her more too (you know who you love sth cause someone else loves it?) and then eventually i liked her to. Shaw i loved from day one and i loved her sibling energy with John. The John and Shaw dynamic was one of my favorites. I love their teasing and their chaotic energy (2)
As for Shoot i think its kinda cool that the writers just went with it cause of the chemistry and i like Shoot a lot. John and Harold would be amazing too (i mean whats better than one queer couple? Two queer couples!) And there are some parallels between the ships so there was room for both of them. Eventhough Harold and Grace is cute too. And i feel John has chemistry with almost everyone (not always romantic chemistry but also platonic chemistry if thats a Thing 😂) and (3)
in Addition to rinch i also really liked John with Zoe. The only one he had zero chemistry with was the theraphist imo. That ship was just weird. I wish they would have used that time for more Rinch scenes instead. -- yes someone who agrees about the happy end! I dont understand people who wish for a sad end. Like John is my fave character ever and i just want him to be happy with his newfound odd family and maybe someday adopt a cute baby with Harold or become an uncle or idk just be happy (4)
But in my Imagination he didnt die and someday he and Harold retired and started their quieter Happy life with Bear. --- yeah poi Reddit loves the later seasons and hates the first and i noticed they can get a bit mean with people who dont agree (thats why i only read and never write anything). Also said you could skip most of S1 which is just sad cause its a great season 😔 i will accept that i lost validity (is this even a Word?) for liking Root 😂 also yea 4x20 is the ep with the carter hallucinations so check it out. But a warning: Root appears :D sorry this ask got so long, but i just love talking to you and i always look forward to your replies :)
Hi !! Happy to see you're back :)
Glad you liked my recs ! I think there's quite an amount of fics with suicidal John out there actually. Not that surprising since it's canon.
I appreciate your support ! In the long run idk if it's healthy for me. Like a few months ago I fell back into ace attorney and I read a lot of fics about Miles being suicidal and it affected me negatively. Sometimes I purposefully seek out suicide fics. And it may not be the most healthy thing to do. So I'm not sure about that fic. Bc I do wanna write it, but idk if it'd be healthy, as catharsis, or unhealthy, as rumination. I mean I've been writing that body horror fic with some projection of my body issues and it's fine. But yeah I'm pretty sure that if I ever finish it I think I'll post it – after all I posted a fic in which John jumped off a bridge a long while ago before I got suicidal (foreshadowing my own life here lmao). I also wanna try to work on my other wips
Yeah I see, that's understandable. Ngl Root makes me not motivated to get to these seasons during my rewatch (which technically wouldn't be a rewatch). It's wild how I feel nothing for Shaw (she do be kinda hot tho,,,, muscles,,,,,) but I think it's mostly bc I wasn't that interested in her back then and it's been so long since I watched the show I don't remember shit about her. She'd be able to grow on me I think. Yeah I've seen a lot of posts about that "mayhem twins" dynamic around here it does sound cool. Also it's refreshing to have a male/female relationship that isn't turned into a forced romance. But I'll always have a soft spot for S1 and its four core characters.
It's nice if they have chemistry, I didn't feel like they did. Yeah I'm still disappointed that they didn't go for Rinch too. I mean come on their chemistry is so painfully obvious ! I dislike the word queer but mood pls just give me canon Rinch I'm fucking begging hhhhhhh. I'm quite sure the notion of chemistry works with non romantic relationships as well. John is definitely good with people. He looks scary and brooding but he's just a good man who wants to help people ! I love him so much and same he's my fav character of all time !! Also I love seeing him interact with kids he's so good with them. But I also love when he's being an absolute badass. Damn I always forget about Grace gkjdfkjfd I don't have anything against her though, Harold and her are cute together. (Not much into the grace/harold/john OT3 tho, I've seen it around after return 0 but :/ not my thing. But hey good for people who like it.)
I liked John and Zoe too. Even if he had chemistry with Iris it's so cringe, didn't think poi would fall as low as portraying such a relationship between a therapist and a patient. Guess that shows the decrease in quality in the later seasons. Sad they did that shit when as you said they could have showed more Rinch. Like come ooon Rinch is just. Right fucking here. Just make it canon you cowards.
Yeah fuck sad endings (John didn't die obviously) I want my men to be happy and in love and live a good life together with their dog is that too much to ask. Like sometimes I read fics with MCD bc why not but most of the time I just want happiness. Fluffy domestic Rinch is so good ! Gives me so much life. I have a soft spot for married Rinch as well. Also while we're at it let me rec this domestic fluff fic:
Yeah not surprised. And you're right don't waste your time arguing on reddit lol it's not worth it. It baffles me when people say S1 is boring like ??? Where ?? There's literally soooo many eps I love in this season !! 📣📣📣number crunch is the best ep📣📣📣 Glad they stay over on reddit with their last seasons and their shit opinions about S1 smh. Like imagine being a fan of a show and disregarding the season that created the basis of the show and developed characters and relationships. Big brain time uh
I'm quite sure validity is an actual word, and that's how it be if you like root :/ I don't make the rules :/ you're the half valid anon now 😂
Oh well I shall endure root if it's a good ep ^^
It's cool !! I love your long asks !! I hope I didn't get lost in my own reply lmao
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Ep 3. Perkenalan Studienkolleg (03.06.2020)
Pagi ini gua bangun feeling productive. Gua langsung nyalurin energi gua buat baca buku terus coba dikit-dikit baca ppt dari Vorlesung. Gua juga udah mulai menyusun jadwal ujian untuk semester ini. Hari ini mungkin gua akan cerita tentang sistem perkuliahan di Jerman.
Jadi untuk kuliah S1 di Jerman, untuk kita yang baru lulus SMA negri/swasta, kita gabisa langsung masuk ke Univ di Jerman. Karena standar SMA di Indonesia dan Jerman beda, kita butuh semacam kursus penyetaraan materi yang disebut Studienkolleg. Semacam preparatory course gitu.
Studienkolleg ini punya berbagai makan jurusan. Ada jurusan teknik (T Kurs), kedokteran (M Kurs), ekonomi (W Kurs), sosial dan literarus (SW atau G Kurs). Gua kemarin ambil T Kurs karena gua mau ambil jurusan Mechatronik di Uni.
Cara daftar ke Studienkolleg sebenernya gampang-gampang susah dan hoki-hokian. Kita cuma perlu ngirim dokumen kaya sertifikat bahasa Jerman (B1 atau B2), ijazah, nilai rapot kelas 12, dan semua juga perlu ditranslate ke bahasa jerman. Setelah ngirim dokumen, kita akan menunggu balasan berupa surat invitation untuk ikut tes masuk Studienkolleg. Jadi ngga langsung keterima ya, kita perlu tes dulu.
Nah surat invitation ini bisa kita gunakan untuk apply Visa ke Jerman. Setelah Visa diapprove, bisa berangkat, baru deh kalian ke kota tujuan kalian dimana kalian akan ikut ujian Studienkolleg. Ujian Studienkolleg biasanya terdiri dari 2 atau 3 kategori, tergantung Studienkolleg tiap-tiap kota. Yang pasti di ujian ini kemampuan bahasa Jerman kalian akan ditest, entah dalam bentuk Grammatik, C-Test, Textproduktion dan lain sebagainya. Kategori 1 lagi adalah matematika. Jujur buat gua tes matematikanya ngga terlalu susah, karena ini semua pernah kalian pelajari di SMA dan bahasa matematika kan universal, yaitu berupa angka. Yang diuji di tes matematika ini biasanya kemampuan logika kalian, kaya ada soal cerita, terus kalian bikin formula simpel matematikanya.
Puji Tuhan, gua keterima di Studienkolleg T Kurs di kota kecil bernama Greifswald. Studienkolleg biasanya berlangsung selama 2 semester. Kenapa gua bilang biasanya? Karena ada juga Studienkolleg yang cuma 1 semester kaya di Mainz atau Kaiserslautern.
Studienkolleg pada dasarnya mirip kaya SMA. Materi yang dipelajari adalah materi-materi dasar yang udah pernah kalian pelajarin di SMA, tapi itu semua dalam bahasa Jerman. Di T Kurs, gua belajar matematik (Mathe), fisika (Physik), kimia (Chemie) dan tentunya bahasa jerman sendiri (Deutsch). 1 Kelas berisikan sekitar 14-20 anak, dan semua wajib masuk, kaya sekolah pada umumnya.
Nanti di akhir, bakal aja ujian kelulusan Studienkolleg yang nilainya akan dipakai buat daftar Uni di Jerman. Dan nilai ini akan dirata-rata dengan nilai ijazah kalian yang udah diconvert ke sistem Jerman. Jadi deh. Biasanya nilai tuh dari 1 - 5, dimana 1 adalah sempurna, dan 5 itu jelek. Kaya A-F. Dengan nilai yang okay, gua berhasil mendapatkan tempat di Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft Hamburg (HAW Hamburg).
Sekian perkenalan Studienkollegnya, dan sekarang kita masuk ke jurnal hari ini.
Hari ini hari Rabu dan tiap hari Rabu, gua gaada kelas. Rabu selalu gua isi dengan jadwal kerja yang panjang, biasanya dari jam 11:30 sampai 17:00. Ya kerjaan gua ga sampe 8 jam sih, tapi gua rasa 5,5 jam kerja itu udah panjang (tanpa break). Tapi hari ini gua cuma dapet jadwal 3, jadi cuma sampe 14:30. Kerjaan hari ini relatif santai sih, cuma 6 pesanan dan tipnya cuma dikit. Yang ngasih tip cuma 2 dari 6 orang. It’s okay tho, i didn’t really expect much. Detail dari kerjaan gua akan gua jelaskan di Ep yang akan mendatang ya, so not today hehe.
Hari ini panas banget (lagi) sampe 26°. Ramalan cuaca bilang hari ini bakal hujan jadi gua udah siap pakai jaket dan celana anti air. Ternyata gua tertipu dan hujan baru mulai jam 20an. Jadi gua kepanasan pake jaket dan celana itu dan gua menghadiahkan diri gua dengan Milkshake McD, mumpung lagi ada coupon👌🏾.
Seperti biasa gua pulang dari Hauptbahnhof, beli Millshake disana sambil nunggu kereta. Hari ini selama di perjalanan gua nonton Black Mirror „Men Against Fire“, salah satu eps favorite gua. Gua rasa tema film ini cukup sedikit relevan dengan kekerasan polisi yang sedang terjadi saat ini. Gua bayangin si polisi ini kaya semacam dibrainwash atau gimana, sehingga mereka menganggap orang-orang item tuh orang yang nista atau gimana gatau juga. Just my imagination, tho. But Black Mirror is really really cool guys. Buat kalian yang suka nonton film yang mindfuck dan punya deep meaning gitu, i recommend you this one.
Sampe rumah gua hari ini masak tempe kecap dan telor omelet. Cukup simple karena gua gasuka masak yang ribet-ribet dan gua juga udah laper. Malemnya gua cobain Samyang yang rasa Toppokki, tapi gua kurang doyan karena rasanya kurang gimana gitu. Masih enakan yang biasa.
Hari ini gua juga ga lupa buat nyicil belajar, karena ujian (Klausur) sudah semakin dekat. Hari ini gua belajar Mikroprozessortechnik buat mempersiapkan kelas besok pagi. Gua pengen tiap hari at least baca-baca sih apa yang terakhir gua pelajarin di kelas minggu lalu, biar pas di kelas tuh ngga ketinggalan.
Jujur, kuliah di Jerman ga gampang apalagi disertai dengan kerja sambilan. Jadi kalian harus pintar membagi waktu dan tau mana yang prioritas. Gua masih punya banyak free time, tho. Gua masih bisa istirahat cukup, main, dan lain sebagainya. Thanks to rumah jauh juga, gua bisa memanfaatkan waktu gua di jalan dengan dengerin podcast yang menginspirasi.
Gua rasa cukup untuk jurnal hari ini, sekian.
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I just started rewatching mcd so here’s the start a thread (check notes for any future updates on this) of things I notice 4 years after the first episode came out (I won’t de every episode, episode 1 will prolly be the longest)
Pre episode: I forgot that her channel is still deemed as ChallengeAcceptInc :,) I’ve been around since Pixelmon s1
Episode 1:
I forgot about all the weird shit that happened in “origin story” such as, aph literally being a spider queen and the avatar
Pre-evil Zennix
I never realized we’ve known Vylad’s name since the beginning. It’s been 4 years since I decided to watch the first ep and I totally forgot his name was just right there in the open
Vylad not chopping the whole tree down smh
Garroth literally chasing his brother, a WHILE before we find out they’re brothers. I’ve never seen this discussed
The well issue
I missed Brenden I love him
Aph you can’t just steal carrots and not replant them
Emma’s original name was Stephanie (then it was Emmalyn then dubbed Emma because there was already a Emmalyn)
Aph not going to explore the name she saw underground
The issue of people coming to stand on Aph’s crafting table
The name turned out to be drowning guards
“Oh my gosh zombies are trying to get my babes”
Guard soup™️
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MCD Rewatch S1 Ep3: Zenix and Garroth’s “Thank You”
Do you need to watch this? 2% (literally only for the Garroth What The Fuck moment)
Is it fun to watch? 5%
Plot Summary: Aphmau continues repairs to the town infrastructure. Zenix and Garroth warn her that she might start being viewed as the town’s Lord, and if that happens there will be consequences. The green eyed man continues watching from the tree line.
Personal Notes:
green eyes on his bullshit
mining off camera
Donna The Farmer teleported in from one of the ocean villages and now lives in the 3x3 dirt floor “babe house” with 2 other npc’s who haven’t moved since ep 1
the OSHA well is gone (rip gone but not forgotten)
Zenix says if Aph is viewed as a lord “the world will start moving in ways it normally should not” and that could be a bad thing
Aphmau still doesn’t replant crops
Aphmau is still squatting in the library and doesn’t have a bed
she started replanting but then a creeper blew up the farm and she just left it like that
Garroth may be aware he’s in a video game???
Garroth at 16:06: “I’m not supposed to break any walls here but...I want things to start changing again. The more you do for villages things in the world will start to chagne. Events might happen around the things you build, although it might take some time...people in the world will become more *aware* - and that doesn’t always attract positive attention.”
Aphmau asks for him to tell her more, he says he cannot and says to go to the previous “Lord’s” (Garroth put that in quotes, not me) house for answers
#TheGreatMCDRewatch#mcdS1E3#minecraft diaries#gonna do one more after this then done for the night#also Hey Garroth What the Fuck
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MCD Rewatch S1 Ep4: The Lord’s Journal
Do you need to watch this? 3%
Is it fun to watch? 2%
Plot Summary: Aphmau investigates the old Lord’s destroyed home and finds his journal, which mentions him playing Minecraft and villagers behaving strangely. Before Aphmau can finish reading, she’s knocked out by masked figures who discuss villagers becoming aware and regaining memories. Aphmau wakes up after they leave and then demos a dog mod.
Personal Notes:
“he was kinda cryptic” Garroth asked you to grant him and the town sentience, Aphmau. He’s aware he’s an NPC, Aphmau. I’m going to pass out, Aphmau.
a baby crib in a burnt house would be evocative imagery if Aphmau didn’t coo at it
the Lord says “Minecraft” so i guess we know why Garroth referred to him as a “Lord” and yeah Garroth knows hes an NPC in a video game jesus christ
almost all but last page of journal are torn out
lmao get bonked
green eyes’ manager has some giggly bitch with him
green eyes is vylad!
MASKED PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT AWARENESS THEY ALSO KNOW ITS A VIDEO GAME. when villagers become aware they regain memories?? hi???
manager and giggly bitch say Aphmau “doesn’t look like a replacement” and hasn’t attracted the king’s attention. the king’s attention sounds bad
aph gets up and acts like nothing happened? okay???
Garroth when giving Aphmau rare seeds: “You can do things I can’t” i’m going to pass out
Aphmau will never finish farming a single plot of land on camera istg
time to demo a dog mod?? okay???
Aph building a house next ep because “Emma is taking up the place” YOU ARE SQUATTING IN HER HOME AND PLACE OF WORK
Garroth is almost 1:1 the girlfriend from I’m Thinking About Ending Things oh my god
#TheGreatMCDRewatch#mcdS1E4#minecraft diaries#last one of the night folks#also i'm going to be thinking about Garroth literally being the girlfriend from I'm Thinking About Ending Things for some time :))))))))
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