toasteaa · 2 hours
what about neuvillette always seeing eclair in her work attire, probably just assuming that she’s at a certain height, somehow overlooking that heels add her some inches, but the first time he sees her dressed casually, he lowers his gaze exactly at the same spot and… it’s not her face yet, it’s a little lower. he blinks at her. he’s confused.
WAIT THAT'S A CUTE THOUGHT OMG Like...it's not that he isn't aware that wearing heels adds some height to the wearer (even the low heels of his boots add a bit to his already imposing height), he just didn't realize there would be a significant difference between Eclair in heels and Eclair out of heels. And Eclair is usually more careful to wear some kind of heels whenever she goes to the palais (they make her feel much more confident and professional than flat soled shoes), but today is her day off which means errand running and grocery shopping and far more comfortable clothes than what she wraps herself up in for work.
It did not, however, involve an impromptu meeting with the Iudex who just so happened to have a rare, yet significant amount of leisure time between now and his next appointment for the day. Yet here he is.
I can almost hear the awkward pause between them after greeting each other. The hustle and bustle of the market around them, the wrinkled brow and slight head tilt of Neuvillette's quiet confusion as he feels something is off about Eclair today but can't exactly place what it is, Eclair's (successful) attempt at breaking the silence with a tease on him really not being able to spend a single day without seeing her; workplace pining has broken containment. The grandmas will be tittering for weeks over "the way the Chief Justice looked at the Head Detective with quiet affection". They're not wrong but...he was staring that hard because he was trying to register the fact that Eclair is at least 3-4 inches shorter than she usually is.
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taniahylian · 3 months
Who is Bessmert
So, I bet all of us have wondered, since the "Notes on Shouri" event trrailer was announced, who exactly is Bessmert. After all, being an important character, but not playable, and with a very mysterious past and abilities, Bessmert is quite intriguing indeed. And now I'm gonna tell you who I think she is.
Fair warning though, this is a bit long, but I promise it's worth the read, so please stick with me until the end!
Let's start with the most basic evidence: Her appearence. She's tall, has grey hair, dresses in a typical exlorer garment with a big black coat over it, and has her eyes covered with a white cloth. But, most importantly, she looks quite similar to Vertin, and that's just where the similarities start.
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Their accents are pretty much the same, as well as the calm way in which they talk most of the time, and they are very smooth talkers; able to convince people of almost anything.
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Bessmert's team seems to be aware of this as well, since Krolik even requests she doesn't speak before they vote about going back, no doubt fearing she'll convince them to keep going.
Later on we also see her use this ability to convince Getian to help them solve the Lushu situation instead of running away, similar to what Vertin has done with Druvis and Jessica, for example.
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Now, aside from this almost supernatural manner of speach, Bessmert is also similar to Vertin when it comes to her arcane abilities; she also doesn't fight directly, but is able to sense arcanum in various ocassions, something we've only seen Vertin do in canon, and that other characters have remarked how rare of an ability it is.
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However, unlike Vertin, she can sense even more than just arcane skills, like nature-related phenomena, the environment around her, and even the intent behind other people's actions. To the point that she's able to walk around freely without having her sight.
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I believe this might be because Bessmert is an adult, more experienced arcanist, but also because her blindness might amplify her abilities, since she uses it to make up for her lack of sight.
Although of course here there's the issue if she's even an arcanist at all... or perhaps something else entirely.
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Getian tells her, as they are waiting for the miracle of "Ask and acquire", that the pattern he saw in her bones is unlike anything he's ever seen and, therefore, he can't read them. He also said tit unnerved him to the point of wanting to run away. This makes me think that Bessmert might be especial in some way, perhaps in the same way Vertin is; being immune to the storm, and there is evidence for this, surprisingly.
First of all; most of the places we know about that are a "safe zone" to the storm have one common feature; a fog or something that makes people hallucinate, get exited and/or pass out. These features are all present in Vertin's suitcase, the Uluru stadium and the Aperion cave. Not only that, but we can assume the agent responsible for this effect is Asymetric Nucleide R, a compound that is also found on the Manus masks and on the storm raindrops.
Why is this relevent to Bessmert? Well, it seems like Pei City is actually surrounded by the same kind of fog as that in Aperion and Vertin's suitcase, and the origin of it is the temple where people used to go for the Divination.
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Now, Bessmert acts surprised when hearing this explanations from Jiu, and we can especulate that it's because she has been to one of such places before, but regardless, we know she and her team encountered such fog before arriving to Pei City.
After following the direction Yenisei's skill tells them has the strongest arcane energy in the area, they arrive to a place where everything suddenly changes; it's different, odd, surrounded by a weird fog and, most importantly, makes them very tired to the point of almost passing out.
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However, Bessmert remains unaffected by it all. She especulates it might be because she's used to high altitudes, but they're going downhill, so I doubt that's the case. Plus, even when we see Yenisei's vision getting cloudy and that she almost can't go on anymore, Bessmert remains compleatly unaffected.
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This is all reminiscent of Vertin being compleatly unaffected in the suitcase's spinning wheel area, the Aperion cave and the Uluru Stadium, while others pass out pretty quickly, and it leads me to think that Bessmert, very likely, is also immune to the storm.
And there's one last piece of evidence here: Bessmert's name, which in Russian means "Without Death" or "Immortal", and likely has something to do with her ability to survive even the ends of multiple eras. Although I also think this isn't her real name for two reasons: firstly it'd be far too convinient, and also she's very likely not Russian, but Britlish. Why? Because every other Russian character has a Russian accent, while Bessmert's accent is distinctively British.
So what does all this evidence point towards? I think we all know the answer, right? Bessmert is, very likely, Vertin's mother, or at the very least related to Vertin in some way. But considering Vertin is searching for her mother since the beginning of the prologue, and all we know about that woman is that she's "special" (Constantine's words) and the Foundation tried to cover up her existance, this mysterious woman with a lot of characteristics similar to Vertin's seems like the prime candidate.
But that's not all. I'm about to tell u some other theories about who Bessmert is that, although might not be as impressive as being Vertin's mom, are also interesting.
First: She's Urd. Yes, the explorer that went to Aperion and then wrote a travel note about it. First of all because it really seems something that Bessmert would do; travel to a remote island in search of a mysterious cave that grants answers (like Ask and Acquire). But also because Urd is very likely a pseudonym, since Urd is a type of *bean* from Asia.
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And finally... Notes on Shouri isn't Bessmert's debut on the R1999 events. In fact, she appeared at the start of the very first event; The theft of the rimet cup.
In case you need a refresher, the event starts up with the newspaper boy trying to sell a newspaper to a "lady in black", who then turns around and the boy notices she's blind.
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At this point, the lady asks him to read the news for her, promising to pay for it, which he obliges. Now, we never see her face, but we hear her voice, and it's eerily similar to Bessmert's.
Not only that, but that same voice finishes up the event, apparently dictating an article about the events we see unfold thoughout the story for the UTTU magazine.
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Now, of course Pandora Wilson is the main editor of UTTU, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bessmert sometimes wrote articles for it as well, since she's so knowledgable about arcanists, and has traveled all over the world.
So yeah, I believe Bessmert is this mysterious voice in the rimet cup event as well.
But what do you think? Am I overthinking about this one npc way too much? XD. Let me know in the comments!
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cookiepie111 · 10 months
Bite me. Love me
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König x black reader
Part 2
A/N-He's weird a walking red flag but the red flags are hazy almost like they're not there? Like a marage. His red flags are something you quite can't put a finger on at first until you realise it's everything it's the sum of all he's doing. A good boyfriend but a bit strange Idk he's sort of a you gotta get uncomfortable before you get comfortable
For me könig a bit of a strange man a man. He kinda understands social cues, but sometimes gets them a bit wrong. he slightly pushes your boutons and boundaries to see what he can get away with and how he can squeeze you
It's kinda like he has you in his teeth but he's not actually biting down, just grinding and rolling you in-between his teeth, he likes it and you're 'safe' that way, he wouldn't actually hurt you
Listen, sorry for all that yapping, but you needed to hear it. Anyway, a longer/second part to könig failed flirting attempt.Please like, reblog, and comment. Not proofread
Tag list: @thatmusedhatter @himboelover @canyonswft13 @montenegroisr @kneelingshadowsalome @havikshoochiemama @wordstome @lanalafey
You lost a bag that's cool, that's fine, although wouldn't call it lost, stolen more like given? Bag was practically thrown it into the robbers' hands. self-preservation above all else.
You couldn't focus on a single thing. Thoughts and worries tangle in your head as you recall the past events in your kitchen. You survive all that time back home, not getting robbed, only for your black ass to be robbed in a cafe in Austria!
'Come to Austria they said it'll be fun they said!'
ID, cards, money, everything in that bag gone. Thrown to the hands of a strange man. Why you. You'd have to go to the police, file a report, call the bank, and freeze your cards. "Aghhh!" All you could do was drop the floor and cry.
Surprisingly, this wasn't the worst pick-up fail könig had, so he can at least find comfort in that. can't get any lower than rock bottom...
The purse in his hands looked comical small, maybe its him, his hands that are making it look so small. you couldn't keep all your things in here? maybe it's a trend for women to carry purses the size of apples, putting fashion over function. Not something that könig would do.
Those who saw the whole ordeal go down, now eye him with suspicion, wondering what his next move will be, gripping their own items closer. He can only laugh to himself if he wanted he'd have no problem taking their stuff away. But it's better to leave so he can find you.
Walking out, he takes the time to look through your bag. cards, ID, cash, so manu important things, and you just handed them over to him. Playing with the ID card in his hands, mulling over your features. you had such a pretty name, such a serious face you were making in your photo too, not at all like the frightened look you had before.
It's more than enough to track you down he still didn't get the chance to ask you out. He couldn't bring it back empty-handed. Maybe a new purse would do.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
The kitchen floor provides a surprising amount of comfort in these moments. 5 panic attacks down, and you're only down starting to cry. The knock on the door is either about to be a blessing or curse. Maybe the police finally came, or a good samartain got your purse back.
There wouldn't be any blessing today. The other side of the door only showed your assailant. If the panic attacks weren't enough to send you over the edge, spiralling, seeing this man at your door certainly was. taking your purse wasn't enough, like some sick grim reaper he's come for your life.
Playing dead is an option, right? You'd have to be stupid to think you could outrun this man. Yeah, laying down for a quick kill would be best-
" I brought you a gift, to apologise"
A gift?
You kept your eyes on bag half because you couldn't believe him and also you were too scared to look him in the eyes.
"It seems I scared you back at the cafe, I only wanted to ask you out" he holds out a bag in front of you.
Ha. It was a mistake. A simple misunderstanding. You'd spent the better half of today crying on the floor because of some big man's poor flirting skills. You wanted to cry again.
Might as well take the bag. What's one more mistake or bad choice today. All your items are there, and you suddenly feel relife, tears welling in eyes as your knees buckle. Your purse, cards, sweets, the second half of the book you're reading? Wait, some of this isn't yours.... was he using your bag to hold his stuff?? You stare back at him, waiting for an answer.
" they're yours a gift to apologize"
Maybe it's all in your head. You're just on edge in a new place. You feel like you can finally relax. The tension knotted in your shoulders slowly unravels. You feel silly and like a wet dog
" I'm sorry about that. Thank you for bringing it back,"
"A date"
What. You see him now only closer than before threatening to enter the boundaries of your home.
" Let me take you out for a drink to apologise." It's such an intense stare he has, focused souly on you. It makes you uncomfortable, stepping back slightly to put some space between you, a bad idea, as he matched your pace stepping forward, foot now fully in your house. You started in disbelief. There's no way this man just stepped in your house, muddy shoes and all. For the last time today, you look back at him, annoyed. An surprise for könig but not an unwelcome one.
"I don't drink"
"Hmm "
he squints and pauses at that answer
'"a cafe"
"Leave please"
"I'll pick you up on Thursday"
He's barley out the door before you shut it on him, locking the door and pulling the chain
she didn't say no right away. That means he still got a chance.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
It's Thursday afternoon and once again you're sat in the kitchen panicking as your feet tap along with the rhythm of the clock.
The whole morning was spent worrying out your mind. It's a miracle your heart hasn't given out yet. Maybe he was just messing you, and now you've spent the whole morning worrying for nothing. more time passed, and your worry turned to annoyance. You did your whole makeup for this, and he didn't show.
You jump up at the sound of the door, rushing to open it. You pause. Taking a moment to collect yourself before before opening the door.
He looks better than before, still donning that scary balaclava, but in more casual clothes and flowers in hand. He's too forward with his actions, pushing the bouquet in your hands before he even spoke.
It's awkward. He doesn't say much(because that worked so well the first time), and neither do you. This silent walk is too painful to bear.
At least you can say he's a gentleman (sort of). The date was paid in full, and he got a gift. You've learned a few things about könig now. His jokes are cheesy, but they did make you laugh. He resides in an upscale apartment that's too big for him (his words)outside of the city centre. Currently on break from the army (a potential red flag that'll lingered in your thoughts), he's got a big appetite and love for strong drinks.
This afternoon hadn't been all that unpleasant. You quite like the man, you find some strange comfort and safety in him. It's even nice when he pulls you close to him, resting a hand on your hip.
"Haha, are you happy to see me, or is that a knife in your pocket?"
"Hah-" and He pulled out a blade.
Oh. Now we're back to weird again.
Why couldn't he just be normal!? It's too casual the tricks he's doing with the knife. How were you supposed to pretend this was normal
You try your best to smile, to not turn and flee scream but your lips tremble. You're really wishing he did have a boner instead. You're not sure what to say or what annoys you more how casual he is, not a single worry on his face.
This is exactly why you shouldn't go out with strange men who randomly appear at your doorstep. At the very least, he's a strong contender for the "Most Heart Attacks Caused by a Man" award.
König wasn't stupid he could sense your worry as you tried to hide behind a lopsided smile. Watching your eyes shift between him and blade, waiting for his next move. You're cute. He'll have fun messing with you.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
You couldn't be happier to be home. You survived! You'd never have to see that nasty man again!
It doesn't matter how long you stare at your phone in confusion and annoyance. The message on your phone is clear
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Where did this man even get your number!? He's known for a 2 whole day's, there's no chance he knows anyone close to you.
You're never going to be free of this man
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gachagen · 11 months
When I first started playing Reverse: 1999 I was expecting for Vertin to be a very boring protagonist who was maybe even silent the majority of her time on screen, but I really just think that's because these past few years I've only really been playing Hoyoverse games where the protagonist is either a quirky, eccentric girl or a silent person going about their day lol. I've forgotten how great it is when we get an actual protagonist with a realistic personality and rationale!
I also think Bluepoch kept Vertin shrouded in mystery on purpose, because in all of the adverts for this game with Vertin she only ever says a few nondescript lines here and there, and even on the website for the game you still can't really get a read on her as she's just summarizing her journey so far in a pretty monotone voice.
So Vertin is just a surprise you get to experience when you first play the game, and I was not expecting to like her as much as I do. She has a really deep empathetic nature that drives her to try and find more people to save, and you can really tell that she does want to try and save both humans and arcanists.
Vertin is separated from the other characters in the sense that she doesn't see the world completely black and white, and is unwilling to give up when her back is against the wall. Even when she is quite literally being captured by an Arcanist who's leagues above her, she's still willing to try and get away anyways.
And Reverse: 1999 has this theme of "going back to when things were better" VS "Living for the future" that works really with Vertin as the main character. Because the deeper you go into the story, the more you learn that neither Manus Vindictae or The Foundation really care about saving lives from the Storm, Vertin is the only one who wants to put in the effort to try and solve an issue where both Humans and Arcanists can win. And it quickly goes from "Manus Vindictae is the bad guys, and Vertin and the Foundation are the good guys" to "Vertin is alone in this endeavour to save people, and it's her against two powerful organizations alone."
I think that's really cool pacing for the story as well, because it really subverts your expectations early on.
Vertin's care for the other characters is so deeply enshrouded into the game that it bleeds through even into the main mechanics of the game. Like, instead of equipping weapons or armor to your characters, you're shaping their mind with "new ideas" that change them as people, and thats what makes them stronger in battle, not tools or guns.
It's Vertin's ability to make them see the world in a different light and want to live for "the next era" that deepens her bonds with the characters in the suitcase, and instead of giving the characters a "weapon slot" for guns or swords etc, you give them "psycubes" which hold memories and dreams the characters have had before that they look back on fondly.
I really like this game, I don't know if you guys can tell. It's already released and I do think it can use some polish, but it's actually pretty amazing and I'm glad that I was keeping up with it for so long and able to play it on release.
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sleeplesssmoll · 3 months
The Timekeeper and the Warden (Reverse 1999 AU)
I know I said I was studying but this is all @blehhhhhsthings fault! They keep making me brainstorm (thank you but also what have you done lol)
I was inspired by their Mask Tk au, but I put my own twist on it since I am a twisted individual. This is the scenario:
Vertin and Sonetto never make up after the break-away event because instead of Madam Z reaching Smoltin, Manus does first. They were waiting for her because they heard rumors about a child with Storm Immunity from their inside sources. Finding Vertin as the only child left confirmed those rumors.
Sonetto never gets over Vertin. She thinks about the way she treated Smoltin and blames herself for Vertin's Reversal.
Years later, Sonetto graduates as the top of her class and becomes a field Investigator so she can witness the outside world Vertin longed for. Two years after her graduation (roughly 6 years after break-away), a Manus Vindictae Renegade waltzes through the Foundation's front door. Sonetto pins her to the ground but falters when she realizes they have silver hair. However, she can't see her face because of her mask. The voice is both unfamiliar and nostalgic (because Smoltin is grown up now) but she doesn't have time to dwell on it. The deserter doesn't resist and claims they want to stop Manus more than they hate the Foundation. She's seen the way they treats arcanists who aren't purebloods and the unnecessary violence. She wanted to escape long ago and waited for the perfect opportunity.
Constantine decides to interrogate her further, especially once she sees the special umbrella the renegade brought with her. She must be one of Arcana's pets.
Later, the renegade becomes the Foundation's Timekeeper, and Sonetto is her Warden. While the Timekeeper has flexibility within the Foundation due to her rare Storm Immunity, it's Sonetto's job to keep her in line.
The Foundation also sealed off the Timekeeper's ability to communicate by branding an arcane skill (a curse really) around her throat. She can only speak with her Warden's permission and even if she tries to be sneaky by writing or something, the markings burn red and are incredibly painful (they're triggered by intent, like the bangles on the Island that Arcana and Vertin wore in the real story). Sonetto thinks it's cruel but Constantine informs her its for everyone's safety. This deserter has a silver tongue and she plants dangerous ideas in people's heads. By limiting how much she can say and forcing her to have Sonetto nearby in order to speak, they reduce her opportunities of betrayal. Besides, she's already betrayed Manus. Who's to say she won't turn her back on them next and return with their secrets? Sonetto's whole thing is loyalty and devotion so she starts off very cold with the Timekeeper.
The Timekeeper no longer wears a Manus Hand Mask, but a monochrome Foundation mask that covers her upper face (as much coverage as Bessmert's blindfolds or 2B's mask from Nier so it covers her freckles but leaves her mouth open to eat and make smug smiles with). It completely hides her eyes but she can see better than the average person through it since it has the same enchantment as the other Investigators (the ones that completely cover their face like in the prologue).
The Masked Timekeeper does the sort of the same thing as the Timekeeper we know. She shelters "unhinged" arcanists and takes on the most dangerous missions since her people are considered dangerous and disposable. She is very protective of her crew.
However, she and Sonetto are painfully awkward.
Vertin has no idea how to interact with her former deskmate. In her mind, Sonetto was always nice enough to put up with her but actually couldn't stand her. She doesn't blame Sonetto either because she was...difficult. While Vertin is a touchy and affectionate person, she hesitates with Sonetto or changes her mind last minute.
Meanwhile, Sonetto hates this game of hot and cold she ends up in every time they interact. As much as she hates to admit it, the TK grew on her. She's kind, sincere, and never treats Sonetto like her Warden but as part of her beloved crew. They argue at times but Sonetto never uses her status as Warden to silence her. There is an odd understanding between them even if they never seem to get one another.
This Vertin was raised by Arcana instead of Madam Z. She's a smooth talker and a skilled fighter outside of her crappy arcanum. Instead of a stoic face, she smiles (like Arcana but a smug smile instead of Arcana's creepy "I dare you" one.)
As much as she says she despises Arcana, she kept the Umbrella she gave her. The Umbrella is infused with Arcana's slime and can shape-shift into many things: a shield, a sword, a cane, heck even a fishing pole (she did this to piss Arcana off but her leader found it amusing and creative). This Vertin is also completely shameless when it comes to manipulating others as a means to an end.
She finds out what you desire most and uses that against you. It's one of the reasons Constantine branded her.
"You deserve more. They can't give you that, but I can," type of persuasion. She also frustrates Sonetto by talking around her instead of answering her questions or telling her what's on her mind.
Eventually Sonetto opens up to the Timekeeper about a friend she lost long ago. She's afraid one day she'll forget her.
Vertin has no idea she's talking about her because she didn't think Sonetto thought of her as a friend, just a deskmate she was stuck with. She assumed her friend fell in battle. Lots of people were reversed too so she still doesn't connect the dots until Sonetto specifically brings up the break-away event.
Vertin's name was added to the Forbidden List and you'd be punished for saying it (like the word "Storm" before it was public knowledge). This is one of the reasons the Timekeeper took so long to put together Sonetto's still grieving for her. She's not sure how to deal with this but she doesn't know how to make Sonetto happy. All these years later and she's still a burden on her deskmate.
Some things never change.
Aaaaand that's where I decided to start writing my story from. Although, I could sprinkle this background information throughout...if I knew what I was doing anyway. Reverse did it with AS while Vertin was in a coma so I decided on a dream route.
Sonetto is so scared she'll forget Vertin, she uses AS to see her again. However, she can never remember the color of her eyes. Smoltin would lower them when she spoke to her or avoid her gaze after she found out Sonetto asked the Instructor if she could switch deskmates. That's why it was the first thing she forgot. This makes her panic!
I also want to put Yeni in this fic. She's sooo much like Sonetto but more direct and sarcastic. Essentially, what she and the TK develop is what Sonetto and the TK could have been.
Sonetto tells herself she doesn't care. She's only worried about remembering Vertin and nothing else matters–
But how come she's never seen the TK's face but Yen has!? Unfair. She's known her longer.
Sonetto hasn't realized the others have seen Vertin's face. Constantine only dictated she wear the mask on missions to represent the Foundation, but doesn't care about what Vertin does in her free time once she realizes it's THAT VERTIN. Not many people recall what Smoltin looked like since she was never in the Spotlight due to her awful grades and she was tiny. Just harder to notice in general, especially when everyone's looking down to see her. The school did their best to cover up her past since she had no family to fight for her anyway. They were her "family" since she was a month old.
Vertin finds it hard to face Sonetto so she doesn't take it off in front of her. It's easier this way. She's also still figuring things out.
Constantine's happy her little pawn returned as a more powerful piece to play with. Madam Z cries a bit when she see Vertin, the child she failed to save.
Idk what to call this au or even if it's worth naming if I don't actually do anything with it but I'm open to opinions!
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vasito-de-leche · 9 months
would it be ok to request a fmn x reader type thing that goes into realizing he’s actually fallen for said reader ? (They can either be human or arcanist whichever interests u more!!),asking cause I saw that post u brought up and now im really curious is all I know your Getting a lot of asks for fmn so I apologize ehhf
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;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - "fallen"
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Forget Me Not x Reader. 600~ words. angst
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all good, nonnie! I don't mind if someone decides to send 10 asks in a row with prompts for the same character lmfao, more power to you lolol
you didn't specify if you wanted headcanons or a fic, so I ended up writing a lil ficlet of the EXACT moment Forget Me Not realizes, which also doubles as the moment he confesses because this man is. a mess.
I also wanted to recapture the vibe from this other FMN fic tofocus on that FMN POV and how hes just. so fucking delusional and how none of the shit he thinks matches the things he does. his body and mind live entirely different realities and i think thats awesome of him
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Forget Me Not realizes he's fallen for you the moment he's about to lose you.
Your fist collides against his chest in a weak attempt to push him away - even now, you don't hurt him as much as you should've. In this situation, you have every right to tear him to shreds. To rip him out of your life and throw him far, far away, left to rot.
But you could never do that to him. And that's what hurts him the most.
Because he's done so much worse to you.
This is the last argument you two will ever have, this is the one time he went too far - he's sure of it. Forget Me Not knows this, he's been preparing for this outcome for so long, he knows exactly how it will happen.
At some point, you're going to walk out of that door and never come back. This current expression of yours, the one that makes the knot in his throat tighten and tighten until he wishes he could swallow his own tongue and die on the spot, is the last image he will have of your face. Forget Me Not will think of you each and every night, every single hour of the day, until his memories of you become a poor, deluded simulacrum of what you two could've had or until he drinks himself into oblivion.
He will resent you for leaving and he will hate himself tenfold for allowing this to happen. He will be glad that you're gone, off to greener pastures, and then beg to any God out there for you to come back to him. All of this while he carries on about his day, unyielding and unmoving in his grief. An esteemed member of Manus Vindictae.
This is the day all of his paranoia is justified, but the one thing that throws him off is the suddenness of it all - Forget Me Not, despite constantly dreaming about the day you finally leave him, never expected this to happen so soon. Not on the day his heart finally allows him to admit he's fond of you.
The irony isn't lost on him, he finds it quite hilarious, truth be told.
You yell something he cannot register at him, your open palm pushing him further and further away. Limp and weak, Forget Me Not allows this, his back now resting against the window of his office. Through foggy glasses, he keeps his gaze on the floor hoping that you'll finally run out of things to say - but then, your face comes into view.
It's hard to see you in such a dazed state, and yet Forget Me Not recognizes this mess of blurry colors and shapes as the former love of his life. The sunlight coming from outside surrounds you in an angelical glow, you remain holy even when your fingers dig into his shoulders.
It doesn't hurt, though. He wishes it did. Forget Me Not does not deserve your love, but he will gladly accept your anger and hatred. Why is it so difficult for you to give him that? Why is it so hard for him to let go of you?
"Do you really have nothing to say?! Nothing at all? After all of that?"
Forget Me Not doesn't reply. He can't even remember the words that came out of his mouth to make you react like this. He's forgotten how to talk and just the thought of missing his lines is enough to humiliate him - you play your role so well, and here he is, fumbling the part. To match the crying saint in front of him, Forget Me Not needs to deliver the best performance of his life, a monster worthy of your divinity.
The Snake of The Walden stands tall and proud, looming over you (Forget Me Not stumbles and falls to his knees, unable to steady himself).
It coils itself around your hand, cold scales scratching against your skin (with shaking hands, he clings onto anything he can reach - your hands, your clothes)
Piercing eyes stare down at you, mocking and condescending in their superiority (everything is so blurry, so wet. why is he crying?)
Finally, the Snake speaks. The words that spill from its mouth are vile, rattling the foundation of the earth.
"I'm sorry, I love you."
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Can I request general hc artorias from dark soul?
I can try, here's what I got, didn't ask for help this time lol!
Yandere! Knight Artorias the Abysswalker Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Corruption, Death, This one is sad, Artorias going insane, Barely yandere but hey it's sad, Angst, His backstory makes me cry, Dubious companionship.
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Artorias is a hard one to write for due to the nature and fate of his character.
He was one of Gwyn's four main knights, one accompanied by a wolf companion (Sif).
His mission was to fight against The Abyss, the darkness of humanity.
However, he failed such a task, despite what his legend says.
He was meant to prevent the spread of The Abyss… but that is impossible.
He is a knight devoted to a futile task.
There isn't much about Artorias personality-wise.
However, pulling from cut voice lines and lore videos, this is what I got.
Due to Artorias being a knight of Gwyn, I imagine he'd be stoic and valiant.
He'd be like your traditional knight, one ready to die for his beliefs and king.
He'd die for what he cares about.
You could also assume he takes on a protector role due to this, especially when he is committing to a futile/impossible task.
I'd also assume Artorias would be worried about his obsession being corrupted like him, increasing his possible protective behavior.
I HC that Artorias knows he's corrupted and tries to prevent the same for you.
His mind is torn… but he can't let it win.
He's meant to be a knight who saves the princess from Manus and The Abyss.
Yet… that isn't his fate.
He may try to fight it… but soon he'll be a monster too.
Even then he'd probably still try to defend his obsession, perhaps even having Sif help.
Even in his corrupted state he'd still look after you.
Imagine if the start of his corruption is what made him yandere?
It infects his mind and all he can do is worry about you.
Oh… he just has to keep you safe!
But wait… he can't have anyone else near you.
What if you're corrupted? What if someone takes you?
What if he fails you?
Even when he breaks his arm he'd still fight with such an uncharacteristic amount of ferocity.
You would be able to tell The Abyss has made the once loyal knight feral.
Even towards you he isn't himself… yet he often hesitates.
No, he still can't hurt you.
The darkness may whisper into his head to make him go insane.
The Abyss may slowly eat away at him.
But he cares for you too much to hurt you.
Artorias keeps telling himself he needs to get you out of here, he needs to prevent your corruption.
However, he also considers the idea of locking you away with him.
You could be in so much more danger if he abandons you… no… if you abandon him.
In that case… he should keep you with him.
The Abyss may alter him, but he needs you.
You'll be lost without him, won't you?
So, against his better judgment, he reaches for you.
With The Abyss clawing at him… he takes you in.
You may struggle… but he tells you he's protecting you.
The Abyss corrupts you both.
You are unable to fight as Artorias holds you close.
Sif will live on and remember both of you… but you two will no doubt die together.
His legend says nothing of you… but you were with him.
Artorias cherishes you more than anything.
Even willing to have you corrupted just to be your protector until the end.
Is this what he truly wanted, or did The Abyss corrupt his mind.
No one will know except for him
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hackedmotionsensors · 8 months
So....a lotta things have been going down but in a slow way that make me really stressed out and anxious. I haven't heard from my land lady about whats going on with the other room. I still need to prep it for someone to move in but I have a lot of things to prepare for as well as job hunting to do so I can't devote my whole days to moving shit around.
And I'm still trying to prep for Sakuracon. I still don't have a hotel lined up and I don't exactly know what I'm gonna do about that.
And bc its LNY still I can't get a template from my usual manu (not their fault. They'll be back in a day or so)
AND on top of all that my dad had to go to the hospital. He's a senior. And he had a fall the other day that he should have gone straight to ER for but he waited a day. And he'd been feeling dizzy and tired. So...yknow being a senior this is a massive stressor (for him obviously) and for me bc I live a state away. I can't just hop in the car and see him without 1) driving for most of the day 2) losing the days that I'm gone on the work I need to do (cleaning out the room/prepping for the con). He got cleared on the fall injury but had to go back today because of the dizziness and they're keeping him bc it seems like he had a silent stroke. WHich is super fun and cool because my MOM'S doctor told HER she might have suffered from a silent stroke as well. She's fine bc she's genuinely more robust and at least 10 years younger than him.
So on top of no money, no job, spending money to prep for a con so I can have SOME money, applying to new jobs and taking a bunch of tests for jobs that have nothing to do with animation bc the animation industry is fucking dead, being pretty much forced financially to split my apartment into a shared living space because the rent was raised (probably bc my landlady's spectrum bill was FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT?), AND trying to make new merch for a con that I'm really worried about doing well at (because surprise vtuber drama is gonna be really easy to deal with and will absolutely affect sales thanks to people being absolutely insane and vtuber fanart was currently one of my favorite to draw AND sell) , AND JUST OVERALL STRUGGLING TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD WITH ALL THIS WORLD SHIT GOING ON.......my dad might be dying.
So....Yknow this hasn't been a GREAT February so far.
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randomnameless · 10 months
I don't think Douses is really church bad. Or at least it's not religion bad. The church gets reformed but its fine after that.
Are you talking about FE16, Nopes or in general anon?
I wouldn't say it's BaD "BaD "as if it was a game written by someone who is member or r/atheism -
Sure, Pat also Pat'd things here and there (remember that NPC whose entire family was destroyed at the whims of a noble, in the jp version she says something like even the Church couldn't do a thing, but in the Pat version, she says something like the Church "especially" didn't do a thing...) -
But the game itself, for all of the red herring nonsense it throws at the CoS/KoS, sometimes doesn't commit, and we end up with Seteth's solo ending where he reforms the Church and adopts a more tolerant stance :
Doing away with his old strictness, he adopted a tolerant stance toward all. His encouragement of believers to respect those of other faiths helped the people of Fódlan to find common ground with others
But we know the CoS already encouraged believers to respect people who have other faiths (this is legit one of the first things Seteth says in FEH, and in Nopes, Rhea reminds Catherine - someone who's not religious at all - of this fact).
Save for Mark the Nopes NPC, religion BaD from the Fodlan games comes in two forms : the script shitting on the CoS despite the games showing otherwise, and no one calls out the script or the words they're told to be nonsense (save for Mark and, iirc, another NPC in AG? The one who says he thought the CoS was a steaming piece of garbage, but when he interacted with them, he reconsidered?) + the fact the CoS itself, or its members, cannot even counter those accusations or nonsense because they don't have any screentime - special mention to Nopes!Seteth who says this in an expedition line :
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What are the tenets he, a Saint who most likely was around during the CoS's creation, Rhea's right hand man and most likely her older brother, cannot defend?
It's the general writing of telling us some things are "sus", but we don't see what those "sus" things are. They just exist, so remember, Church not GoOd, or not entirely GoOd, and it needs to be reformed.
And the second form is obviously the way the CoS (and Faerghus, to an extent) is much more developed than the other entities - so yes, we learn how people of Faerghus targeted and tried to eradicate Duscur, much like the Serenes Forest incident from FE Tellius - but we will not hear with the same focal point anything about Adrestia's campaign against Brigid and Dagda, or how people from Brigid are treated in Adrestia - Cyril exists, but even FEH realised you can't really talk too much about Leicester, the less religious place in the continent, keeping slaves.
Adrestia and Leicester are treated with kiddies gloves and their "default" are relegated to a footnote, when Duscur is put at the forefront of the game, or at least some routes. As for the Church, it's sort of the same thing, the game(s) make a big show/event out of Rhea executing members of her organisation who tried to kill her (and killed students), or, Nopes wise, we see her sending assassins against Supreme Sailor Fuku -
While Claude terminating minor Leicester Nobles who are pissed at his power grab and the regime change is just a line thrown here (and used to diss the CoS/Kingdom who wanted to welcome them), and Supreme Sailor Fuku starting a war against the allies who helped her kick out the death cult who took root in her Empire is... never lampshaded. Ditto for sacking villages, monasteries, orphanages or, just, in general sending thousands to death to conquer the continent.
As for Religion BaD...
Well, while Supreme Leader, surprisingly, gets a meaningful support with Manu about this, I always thought the "mindless followers" thing or the "leaving Fate in the hands of a higher being insstead of relying on yourself" things were the "easy/first" arguments of people arguing, in obviously bad faith, on, say, r/atheism as to why religion BaD, as if being religious means you have no free will...
Granted, this topic teeters a bit too close to RL issues, so I'll drop it at that.
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
name : reign pronouns : she / her most active muses : idk about active but highest muses right now are beth dutton ( duhton ), regina mills, tony stark, jackie taylor, quinn corday, paige barlow and shelby callahan. rp pet peeves : no tags on posts at all. idk why. it just bothers me. they don't have to be fancy or anything. just any tag will do. experience / how many years : uhm. i technically consider my start in indie rp as 2013 so eleven years now. jfc. fluff, angst or smut : all of the above. angst mostly, smut second. i don't write a lot of cutesy shit but i should. i want to. but mostly angst and i enjoy smut. i'm happy with anything tbh. plots or memes : also both. i love plotting. i can get real into it, in depth, and i sometimes feel i come on a bit strong. but in saying that, i also love memes. they're a great starting point to figure out how muses vibe and winging it from there is always fun. long or short replies : long. not stupid long ( anymore ) like eight+ paras. but a decent reply. i get carried away sometimes, it's hard for me to keep things short. i can start it relatively short like a one-liner or so. but at some point i will write too much on my end. time to write : i always have the most muse and motivation to write when i can't aka when i'm at work or when i'm in bed. otherwise i typically write after work when i can or on days off, usually early in the morning before my focus starts to drift. i always have to have something on to watch / listen to while i'm writing though. i can't write in silence. are you like your muse ? : absolutely not. i have a type for sure, usually either badass women with severe trauma, so called "villains" that have a tendency to self-sabotage, or middle aged hot moms. also blondes, for some reason. all of which i am not. there are a couple rare exceptions to the above but for the most part, i am a predictable bitch when it comes to female characters and what i'll write / pick up.
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tagged by : @cultfic 🤍 tagging : @petrosy4n, @nereidae, @am4zon, @manu-script, + everyone !
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miasanmuller · 2 years
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I posted 3,691 times in 2022
That's 1,644 more posts than 2021!
758 posts created (21%)
2,933 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,620 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#wc2022 - 774 posts
#thomas müller - 50 posts
#bayern - 33 posts
#serge gnabry - 28 posts
#jamal musiala - 28 posts
#leon goretzka - 27 posts
#👁️👁️ - 22 posts
#manuel neuer - 21 posts
#yes - 19 posts
#👁️👄👁️ - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#☠ j̷̖̰̼͎̞̋̉̈́̚ĭ̶̪͚n̶̩̬͑̀́x̶̣͓̳̃̉͂͝ ̶̨̡̬̳͘͘̚̚ͅp̸̰̂̌̄͜ȓ̵̡̧̙͈̝͆̔͐́õ̷̝̀͐ẗ̵̮̗̫́̔͆͑͝e̵̅̂͜c̸̪͉̻̈́̈́͌t̴̨̔̔̈́̐o̵̢̪̽̐̀̀r̵̹̙͔̱̈́͠ ⛥
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can't believe we're winning the champions league this season
70 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
"Messi deserved this goal" and I deserve to be sitting by a big ass pool in Bahamas being served by a hot ass squad of shirtless men and YET only rich white men seem to get what they "deserve" in this world
83 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Sorry yall... But I'm not embarking on the "that was Manu's and Thomas' last WC" ship.
Yeah this may be an horrendous way to go out... But they're still World Champions. That's not something that goes away, you know. That's something that is indeed very difficult and very unique to achieve. Something even more celebrated players could not achieve. And that's something nobody will ever take away from them and from us, who watched them and cheered for them and celebrated together in 2014. They are still and will remain football legends and we had the opportunity and privilege to witness their glory. I would love to witness they keep trying to win another one, but deep down I am glad to have had the chance to have already seen them succeed.
So forgive me, but I rather celebrate their highs than weep over their lows.
98 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Just saw someone saying "Group E really was the Group of Death, they all died already" and I'm SCREAMING
115 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I will sell my soul to whoever I have to to see Morocco demolishing Spain
167 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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creedslove · 1 year
I really want to slap Manu. He is getting on my nerves. I don't know. His sweetness feels irritating. Leave us alone Manu.
Oh Javi! My baby! My love! Oh you poor thing! I LOVE YOU! SO MUCH! Even though you are really good at being a dick. But still love you!
But YOU! I love YOU the most! And now that I know you want me to keep coming back, you're never gonna get rid of me. LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU!
I am enjoying them going soft and how they are burning with desire for each other but they can't because of many reasons (and because they are stubborn as a fuck) this slow burn is just so good, the anticipation is wonderful and I love when we have crumbles of love and affection between them, I live for that honey!
I know Manu is annoying, I made him like that on purpose and the worst part is that he isn't even that bad, his only mistake is not being Javier. So no matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to top this expectation reader has. She tries tricking herself into thinking she can be without Javier but it's obvious she can't, even Connie who spent so long away noticed that.
Now I guess the real question is... Will Javi be a good boyfriend once they get together? Will she trust him? I hope so, but we don't know what my devious mind will take us amrite?
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beyondlife-m · 2 days
“The brake”
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“It’s all happened because of you.” Anna was shouting at me. Why? That’s what happens after marriages: every talk turns into an argument or every talk sounds like an argument, this is an unwritten universal truth.   
“Ok Ok, I'm sorry.” I said, while Jack & Martha were sitting silently. She brought the movie tickets yesterday; Theater was on the way before toll plaza. but we all missed the movie because of me, I woke up late today and couldn’t find my undis after bath, almost for one an hour.  
“I was telling you… We will buy a new one on the way. Now we all have missed the movie” Anna was still scolding me.
“But Anna I can't..” I want to tell her, I can't go out without my underwear. It feels so naked.  But she didn’t let me speak.
“Why are you such an idiot? you always keep on doing silly things like that” Anna said. And ya I was feeling like an idiot because I packed my underwear with the luggage. Jake and Martha were laughing from the back seat.
So, Moral of the story, we were already out of the city for the trip. This whole trip was on the coastal roads and there was always the ocean Infront of us on one side. I turned on a few vintage songs to cheer her mood. And we all kept traveling looking through the passing cities. That is what I was missing from the past few years... “Some nice songs and a good trip” "City life sucks, it's so boring, you wake up, get to work, come home, do your dinner and sleep” it’s really really boring. But now it’s over… Atlist for a few days.
At Noon I stopped the van at the restaurant “the Bill-hill eatery” on the side of the highway. We all were hungry. But more than hungry, Anna was angry. It was really hot outside and the cold winds from the ocean. We all went inside and took our seats. Manu was Infront of us and a waiter came to take the order.
“Anna?” I said, showing her Manu. She was still watching with her big eyes.
“1 Pannir Franki, half red pasta” Anna said to the waiter. and handed over the Manu to me and jack. Martha was beside her.
“2 Veg cheese burger please” I ordered for me and Jack.   
“Anything else sir? Fruit juice or coke sir?” Waiter asked.
“Ya. I coke please…(Anna was still looking at me) And I mix fruit juice” I said to the waiter. And he moved away.
And After a long pause.
“Where exactly are we going Matthew?” Jack Asked.
“Ya . Where are we going?” Martha joined him.
“We are going to a vacation spot near the “Blue tides Beach”. There is a resort, Where I have booked a suit for us.” I said. Anna was still angry but this time she was not looking at me.
“Anna, I have already said sorry, now can we please get back to normal” I said. She didn’t say anything and kept looking away. Martha, Jack and me, keep looking at each other wondering what to do. And Jack came too close to me.
“I think she is angry because you didn’t wear the underwear Matthew. I have seen a cloth shop beside this restaurant, I think you should go and get a new one” Jack said. O come-on I am done with this underwear bullshit. Just one underwear ruined my whole morning.
“Jack Please” I said.
“What? I was just saying” Jack said.
“That was the last show Matthew…. Now we will never get a chance to watch that movie in the theater” Anna said and Martha put her paw on her hand to calm her down. I was answerless so I kept quiet.
Waiter came with the order. And we all enjoyed the food. Anna was looking quite normal after lunch. I think that’s all we needed... " A good tasty food”.
“Desert sir?” Waiter asked.
“No, Thanks” I said,, “Ya, hot Brownie with ice cream” Jack said along with my words. I looked at him and kept looking at him.
“What?” Jack said, looking at me.
“4 ice creams with Browne” Anna said. And I didn’t get a chance to say anything to Jack.
We all came out and Jack told me to go to the cloth shop. And Me and Jack quickly went inside the store and got a few new underpants. While they were waiting in the van. And then again, we all were on the road.  We kept traveling looking at the sea and the road full of coconut trees.
At evening around 6:30pm I stopped the van at a hotel just Infront of the famous Coconut Beach and it was really beautiful. And the hotel name was “green vista 5”, I booked it for a night and I wanted to spend a beautiful evening dinner with her on the beach.
“Why didn't you tell me you have booked a hotel here” Anna asked.
“Matthew? Is this the vacation place?” Jack asked.
“No, we are staying here for one night only and then we will move back again early in the morning, It's risky to drive in the night, this roads don’t have street lights from here” I said and we all moved to the reception and took the key of our rooms to get bath and refresh.
Almost after one an hour we all were on the beach. There were people like us but I was so glad it was not crowded as other beaches; it was really nice and peaceful here. Jack and Martha quickly ran on the beach to play. There were food stalls and sitting arrangements with glittery lights: And ya! music of course. I looked at her for a while and she was looking deep far away in the ocean. I gently took her hand in mine, she looked at me and smiled.
“We could have seen the sun set, if I wasn’t late in the morning” I said with a smile. I thought that was the perfect moment to say sorry. She didn’t say anything.
I took her to the corner table on the beach side. And we were sitting Infront of each other. I kept looking at her with a smile. And took her hand in mine. She quickly took her hand back. But this time she was not angry, she was just teasing me. I again took her hand and she again took it back. And even slapped me once. And finally, after a few attempts, she gave her hand to me.
“What?” She asked, looking in my eyes.
“Nothing?” I said. I can feel the cold winds from the sea.
“Say it.” She asked so curiously.
“Nothing, I was just wondering.” I said with a smile.
“What” she asked.
“Hey Matthey, Look What I have found” Jake said while running in front of us.
“Give my stick back to me” Martha was chasing him from behind.
“Hey jack. Stop right there. Don’t get too far. Ok”
“Ok Anna” Jack said. They keep playing around.
“Honey. should I bring the dinner?” I asked her. She nodded. And went to the stall and took the food to their table. And we called Jack and Marth to have dinner.
“You were saying something, you want to share something with me” She asked me again.
“Ya Just I just want to ask you one thing.” I said looking in her eyes. Jack and Martha were looking at us while having the food
“And What’s that” she asked with a smile and those big beautiful eyes.
“How was your day honey… How was your day?” I said and took one spoon of spaghetti to her lips. She said nothing and kept smiling. I took the sauce from her lips with my thumb and tasted it. She looked far from me.  And I Know why? But she was still smiling. It's been really long since I kissed her.
After finishing the dinner, we were on a walk to the shore while Jack and Martha were still resting there.
“Isn’t it beautiful here?” She asked.
“Ya, it’s all beautiful, you me and this night and the winds and the tides, I really need it.. I mean, we needed it” I said. We were walking bare feet on the sand.
“Ya I think we all needed a brake” She said looking at the moon.
“Honey, can I ask you something?” I asked.
“Ya. Why not” she said softly. We came near a rock and sat there for a while.
“You look a bit quiet after coming from the Zecroes.. Is everything ok?” I asked deeply looking to her.
“Ya everything is fine.”  she said and looked at the ocean and tides.
“Look I don’t know what’s going on in your beautiful mind. Maybe I can help or not I don’t know. But I just want you to know that I am here for you and I will be there for you.” I said, turning my arms around her. She turned toward me without saying anything. We looked at each other. I kissed her on the forehead, then a gentle kiss on her lips. Rubbed her nose with mine. And we kissed again. I wanted to kiss her more, maybe for the whole night.
“Hey Matthew, I think we should go now, I am feeling sleepy” Jack came from behind along with Martha.
“Ya Anna, we should go. Look at the clouds, I think it's going to rain any minute.” She said the drizzling started. We kept looking at each other for a while and We all quickly came back to the hotel.  
“Matthew When will we get there” Anna asked. While cleaning Jack and Martha from the towel. It was already 11:30 of night
“We will move tomorrow in the morning; 4 o clock, and we will reach by the evening” I asked. put the luggage aside and made the bed and the blanket. Jack and Martha made themselves comfortable on the sofa for the night. Anna went to bed. I took the phone and ordered coffee from the reception. And took my dairy, road map and my glasses from my bag. My sights have been blurring from the past few months. I was sitting on the desk while coffee came to my room. I keep looking at the road map while having the coffee. I was actually looking for a theater, if there is any between the road trip. So, I could take her to watch the movie that she wanted too, but i couldn’t find it.
“Matthew what are you doing, we have to move early” Anna asked. I thought she would be sleeping.
“Ya. Nothing. I was just checking a few things. " I said move to the bed beside her. We took each other in the arms. She was already sleeping and I was looking out through the window. It was still raining outside and the lighting had started. I was wondering if the raining would not stop till the morning we might get in trouble. And Looking out through the window I fall asleep (and our conversation went on)  
0 notes
vasito-de-leche · 10 months
also, also —
I wrote out so many quotes 'cause your language is beautiful and you manipulate it to express complicated figures with simple words so easily is breathtaking. SO I took many quotes and one seriously got on my mind
"would you forgive him just as readily if he were to kill someone in front of you?" I feel like I'd need you elaborate on that one. The thought looks curious as an idea for a situation but at the same time I understand how easily forgiving reader would be borderline ignoring severance of the situation(maybe??? Im still not sure how this works since we got fans already knowing he unalives ppl easily in the first place + the whole setting does collocate with high death rate so...) and on the other hand, abandoning him is just gameover. So I thought the closest to actually getting through this situation without being too unrealistic would be two options
First one is probably classical "y/n already knew it before and them getting close to FMN was with that fact taken into account" and the second one is (mourning the loss of life then) turning to him to adress the issue and try to figure some other ways to "win" without killing anybody(paralyze potion??? More mind games? idk). As if it's _our_ problem and not just his. tldr: jokes on him we are not getting off of that ship.
sorry for this getting too big. you've awakened a dog and it's rabid
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS, I LOVE LOVE LOVE DISCUSSING THINGS IN-DEPTH WITH PEOPLE! this is us right now, we're sitting and talking about FMN's unstable mental health together and we're holding hands and we're having fun
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when I wrote that oneshot, I wanted to keep everything as vague as possible when it came to the reader - this includes their involvement with FMN's and how they tackle the ticking bomb that is his personality and moral compass!
the only thing regarding the reader that I wanted to come across is that the reader cares about him to some degree - the depths of those feelings are pretty much up to you and how you feel about FMN
the SECOND thing I wanted to come across is the fact that FMN lives in his own head, so everything HE perceives about the reader is either projection or wishful thinking, like. you CANNOT take him at face value because everything he thinks and says is a contradiction. he's obsessed with you but both denies it and revels in it, he spends so much time observing you but also misses INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS things about you. he loves you and he hates you. etc etc.
so when FMN starts thinking all that shit about how would you react if he were to kill someone in front of you, that's all intrusive thoughts. they make no sense and are fueled by impulse and things he doesn't actually want to engage in (but might, just because he's one hair away from constantly ruining his own life in one way or another, FMN is self-destructive above all else)
the message underneath is that he simply just wants to keep being awful and irredeemable because he wants to show you that he's ugly inside and outside because he's STILL pretending to be a smooth and very hinged person. it wasn't meant to establish that the reader NEVER saw him kill or commit any other atrocities, or that they're willingly blind or anything else - again, those aspects are left vague for whoever reads this to fill in the blanks AND FMN cannot be trusted in here, especially when reading his POV
ultimately, I can't start elaborating on how the reader would react if they saw FMN kill people fireworks style after this oneshot - because YOU are the reader, I don't control your thoughts or perception. in this oneshot, the character of the "reader" lacks any sort of backstory, motivations, or any solid info to even start thinking if they'd forgive FMN or abandon him or whatever, if that makes sense. I didn't establish if they're an arcanist or human, if they're mixed or infected, if they're willingly siding with Manus or are blind to FMN's affiliations with them, etc. it's all up to you in the end! you get to pick how you'd react in the aftermath!
if we were talking about more specifics like, "how about a reader who rejects the foundation and believes in manus?" or "can you write about a human reader caught up in the crossfire?". those things I can deffo work with because there's context for me to start from
hope this made sense, and ty for the asks!! always a treat to see more FMN fans <3
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withjaejae · 5 months
On-stage | Jung Hoseok
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contains: obsessive reader, Hoseok is a stage actor, foul language, smoking, minor character death, jail
A/N: I have no obsession with Hoseok but he is my bias, I watch too much psychopathic shows
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Jung Hoseok, the loved theater actor. The man who conveys all emotions through his face, body language, and goodness the man can sing and dance.
He moved with every muscle, sang with his soul. Your body freezes whenever he passes by because the man smells so good. His sweat so sweet that you take a whiff of his wet clothes every after costume change.
You yearned for his attention, but what can a measly stage hand do for a god. He looks divine, and every now and then you'd hear him fuck in his dressing room and every time you wished it was you.
You tried, offering him water or wiping his sweat but you would get shoved away by the make up crew and even berate you for crossing lines. You only wanted to help.
"Has anyone seen my shirt?" Hoseok's voice asks, smooth and sweet to your ears. "I could have sworn I tossed it into my bag earlier."
"Are you sure? This happens a lot." His voice coach answers, in the corner you busy yourself with arranging the drinks and snacks on the table.
"Yeah, but that was new and it was expensive as fuck." You let out a shaky breath as you listen to him curse.
"Hoseok, you're needed on stage." The assistant director pulls him out of the room.
You're left alone, you pull the said shirt out from beneath your own and take a good whiff at it. You kick it under the couch beneath his bag so nobody would suspect a thing, it's not like there are any security cameras in the dressing room.
You follow the sounds of the stage, watching Hoseok do a stage adaptation of Black Swan, you get wet down there when you watch him move and sing.
The new director does not looked pleased even though the man was giving his best. The old director had been fired, because he once called Hoseok stupid and you took that personally. Its amazing what a scandal can do to a person's career.
"Stop!" The new director calls.
As soon as everything halts he throws the manu script on stage, nearly missing Hoseok by an inch. You were furious.
"What the fuck?!" Hoseok shouts. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?!"
"No, Jung, you are! Everything you're doing is wrong! Your moves are too stiff, you voice is so nasally, I can't even understand a goddamn word you say!" Oh, he's definitely asking for it. "Let's take a 30 minute break and start from the top, hopefully by then, Mr. Super Star can get his head screwed on back." He just sealed his fate.
Hoseok storms off stage, you keep your distance but you hear him screaming from his room and surely, he's thrown all the food off the table. Which is why you've stopped putting breakables on it.
"Take a deep breath." His coach raises his palms as if he was talking to a tiger. "Everyone is on the edge right now and PD just wants it to be perfect."
"Don't you think I fucking know that? Why the fuck was I even casted for this if I was just going to get humiliated in front of the whole goddamn crew?! Its either he goes or I do. I don't fucking need this." Hoseok pushes past his coach and heads straight out of the theater.
As always, watch him from a distance. Hoseok just needs to say the word and you'll do it. Whatever he wants, you'll make it happen.
You step outside startling him a bit. "Oh. Sorry." You shyly apologize and he just nods.
You pull out a cigarette and light it, you know he's trying to quit but he also needs one. You try to offer him a stick and he obliges, you even light it for him. He takes a long drag and keeps it in for a second before releasing his breath.
"Tough night?" You ask simply while smoking with him, you watch him from the corner of your eye.
"You have no idea. That bastard should be glad I'm doing this show with him, that ungrateful son of a bitch." Hoseok chuckles.
You had goosebumps from your small interaction.
"Kinda wished he was dead, huh?" You tried to fish it out of him.
"Kinda but I just wished he would take it down a notch." Hoseok finally relaxes after finishing his cigarette. "Thanks for the cig, YN." You freeze.
He knows your name?
"Uh, yeah, no problem." He pats you on the shoulder before leaving you with your thoughts.
Its as if his hand had left an imprint on your skin that you're suddenly filled with adrenaline.
There was still 10 more minutes before break was over, you walk inside the theater and try to pin the director.
You take a water bottle from your backpack and locate the man. He was back in his spot in front of the stage.
You casually hand him the water bottle and he doesn't even thank you before opening it and drinking it all the way down before tossing you the empty bottle and it slightly hits you in the face.
Hoseok sees this and his blood boils, not only was the director an asshole but he's fucking pig. Everyone had frowns on their faces as the director gets the rehearsal going.
You wander around the theater for a while, you won't be needed anytime soon anyway so you settle on one of the balconies, watching Hoseok and even snapping pictures of him to add to your collection.
The first time you knew of Hoseok's existence was when your friend had invited you to a play about a year ago, you were an art teacher at the time. You watched him float gracefully across the stages and you knew that he was the embodiment of art.
From that day you followed him everywhere, you bagged your chance to work in the theater when you pushed your luck in working for props, it paid just as much as your teaching job and it meant you get to see Hoseok a lot. You learned his habits and favorites, during shows when the props are finished you volunteer as a stage hand and tried getting closer to Hoseok as possible.
"Oh my god, how can this get any worse!" The director shouts again, this time at Hoseok's female partner, a string of profanities fly out of his mouth, perfect.
You make a gun gesture with your fingers. "Bang." You whisper and suddenly the director collapses.
Everyone panics, the assistant director already calling the paramedics so you run back to them, offering to do CPR but you know its useless. The poison has already reached its peak, disguised as a heart attack.
The man had high cholesterol, a wife that doesn't love him and a good insurance policy. You started digging when you once heart him complain why did the lead have to be Hoseok.
When the paramedics took over you moved to the side. They commended you for a great job and you put on a mask.
You really did do a good job. You got rid of another pig that would ruin this theater, that could ruin Hoseok.
"Is he going to be okay?" Someone in the crowd asks.
"I told him to be mindful of his blood pressure. Oh man." The assistant director speaks. "Okay guys, let's stop here and resume tomorrow, no matter what."
"Do you think its true? That this theater has a guardian angel?" One of the crew asks his companion.
"Maybe, every since we had Hoseok everything he asked for came and those that crossed the lines disappeared." The other crew answers.
"So, Hoseok is our guardian angel?" The crew asks again.
"Or he probably has one." The other responds and that leaves you with stupid grin on your face.
Hoseok was still on stage, he ponders on the events as he slowly walks back to his dressing room. It started about 8 months ago that everything he asked for suddenly arrived.
He wanted a designer bag, he got it as a gift from an anonymous fan. He always wanted a bigger dressing room for the past years and they finally gave it 6 months ago. He was once stalked by a fan but someone caught her and now his lawyer says she fled the country. The snacks he mentions, the arrangements he wants done and even the way his morning coffee was all changed into his liking about 8 months ago.
He walks in his dressing room to find you picking up all the stuff he threw earlier, he rushes to help you except he remembers your conversation during your break.
"I'm sorry for the mess." Hoseok tiptoes around you as if you'd pounce on him any second. "Its pretty bad about what happened to the director, huh?"
"He had it coming." You plainly reply, Hoseok breaks into cold sweat. "He's been eating meat and drinking beer every day here from lunch to dinner. I'm not surprised given that he was a hot head as well." When all the snacks are in the basket you get up and turn to him, he somewhat feels at ease that you had nothing to do with it. "I just helped speed up the process."
"What do you mean?" Hoseok feels his sweat run down his back.
"I can't tell you, otherwise you'd be an accomplice and it would be weird to visit you there everyday." You put the basket down on the table. "Your pretty face won't last long in prison."
"Why would I go to jail when you did it?" Hoseok's knees go weak hoping someone walks in to hear this.
"Because, he yelled at you and you yelled at him then suddenly he collapses, you tell the cops that you think I had to do something with it then they come find me and all I say is that you asked me to give him some water so he could take it down a notch, then they do an autopsy and find poison in his system." Hoseok's eyes grow wide. "Oops. Now you really are an accomplice."
"Stop. Stop it!" Hoseok turns away from you, his body is trembling. "You need to leave me the fuck alone."
"Don't say that." You slowly approach him. "Please, I'll stop it. I'll do whatever you want just don't leave me." Hoseok takes a lot of courage to face to be able to say his next words.
"Then turn yourself in. And I promise to visit you." Hoseok is a quick learner, you're obsessed with him and that you'd do whatever he says. "Either that or I leave all this behind and you'll never see me again."
You're frozen, all your adrenaline now out of your system. He did promise to see you, and maybe this way you can form a relationship with him.
"Okay, promise to visit me?" He nods. You take out your phone and dial the police. "Here. Tell the cops, I'll wait right here."
Hoseok explains everything and in a few minutes the cops arrive to take you away. His lawyer advise to keep his end of the bargain until you get sentenced.
The crew, Hoseok, and the evidence from your stuff and apartment confirms that you did murder the director because you loved Hoseok a little too much. You confessed and received life imprisonment.
7 years later...
"Hey hotshot, you've got mail." Hoseok's girlfriend hands him an envelope. "Who even sends mails these days?" She snorts.
Hoseok opens the letter and the two words on it made his blood run cold again.
"You promised."
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Behind the Playlist - Transformers: Prime Edition (Part 15 of 22: Raf Esquivel)
Link to the other posts in my Behind the Playlist series
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Raf is my favorite of the kids in TFP even though he got the least screen time. I happen to relate to him the most out of the three, which served as both a positive and a negative as I was picking songs for him.
Intended overarching themes and/or qualities: Quiet Curiosity, The Hopeful Friend, Finding One’s Place
My personal favorite(s) from this playlist: Five, Galaxies Apart, Learning to Fly, Pluto, Sun (Instrumental), and Things Will Get Better
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Full song list and explanations under the cut:
Aspect Imaginarium by Jim Guthrie, JJ Ipsen
Raf strikes me as a kid with a big imagination, even if he keeps quiet about his inner world most of the time. The soft nerd vibes are strong with this song.
Promise by Misael Gauna, Manu Lei
Friends are supposed to keep promises made to each other. I like to think Bee and Raf were able to fulfill theirs to each other, however many they may have made during their time together.
Nine by Sleeping At Last
I’m a bit of an enneagram nerd, and I think this song fits Raf well since he has a tendency to get lost in the fray with others more assertive than he is. I think that’s why it meant so much to him when Ratchet recognized his gifts, singled him out, and took the time to teach him things.
Five by Sleeping At Last
“I want to watch the universe expand / I want to break it into pieces small enough to understand / And put it all back together again / In the quiet of my private collection”
I think Raf has some key enneagram five traits in him too. The tune and the first few lines of the lyrics fit him especially well.
Giants by Silverberg, Ruelle
“They may say, "You're too small / You're too young to do it all" / But you're a giant on the inside / They may say, "It's not enough / Leave your dreams collecting dust" / But there's a fire that you can't hide”
Raf had to face some serious giants. Namely, Megatron with his dark energon addiction and Soundwave and his cyberwarfare. In any case, he had to become one brave kid during his time with the Autobots.
One Day At A Time by UNSECRET, Tim Halperin
“When we're together the world comes alive / Every color shining so bright / The hope that we hold, the story unfolds, together we find / Here in the mystery of moments we make / Every memory like words on a page / The hope that we hold, the story unfolds, together we find / We'll get there one day at a time / One day at a time / We'll get there one day at a time”
This one makes me of Raf’s special friendship with Bee. Two optimistic kids who understood each other in ways the others didn’t.
Galaxies Apart by Twilight Meadow, The Sailor’s Lantern
“Over my sky / Is a moon / But it's not the same / When that's over you / You're far away / In another cosmos
Will you fly up to me / Or is it true / I'll never truly / Be with you / The distance between us / Is a darkness that can be felt
Why do we have to be / Why do we have to be / Galaxies apart”
It would be rough being so far from a friend you consider family. I’m sure Raf wondered if the goodbye at the end of Deadlock was the final one despite Bumblebee’s assurance it wasn’t.
Learning to Fly by Hills x Hills
“Well, the good old days may not return / And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings / Coming down is the hardest thing”
Besides gaining more tech knowledge, Raf learned a thing or two about himself and his potential during his days with the Autobots. Making even a partial return to normal life would be difficult, I would think.
Up We Go by Imaginary Future
“Oh, when your world is caving in / And you feel like you can't win / Take a breath and take your time / Oh, we will turn our luck around / Find the other side of down / Take a step into the light
Darling, don’t you know it / Know that nothing can stop us now / Darkness lasts a moment / We will make it through the clouds / Up we go, we go / Up we go, we go
You are the strongest of them all / I have seen you standing tall / In the middle of the storm / Oh, this is just another test / You'll be better than your best / You will get home safe and warm”
Pluto by Sleeping At Last
This one just fit for some reason. It could have something to do with the planet Pluto’s status as the former overlooked outcast to [almost] everyone’s favorite dwarf planet.
Sun (Instrumental) by Sleeping At Last
Innocence, Optimism, Playfulness
Atom 6 by Sleeping At Last
Two words: Youthful Curiosity.
stargazer by [.que]
The soft, sparkling feel of this song makes me think of Raf.
Things Will Get Better by Vian Izak
They certainly did for Raf. 😌
Paper in the Sky by Portair
To me, this lovely song encompasses what I’d imagine the positive side of Raf’s growing up experience has been like. The lighthearted, adventurous lyrics. The daydream-like feel of the tune.
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This post series is in alphabetical order. Next up are Ratchet and Shockwave.
As I add more songs to the playlist, I’ll update this post.
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