brotherconstant · 10 months
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FOUNDATION | 2.03 | KING AND COMMONER “They brought me here… I thought it meant you died.” “They told me… They told me you had died. Six years ago.”
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nordiccowgirl · 1 month
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Quick comic idea that I had about how Mephiles and Scourge started off in my fankid AU.
I've started drawing the Sonic characters with a lot more 90s/70s???? flair and it's healing a hole in my brain that I didn't even know was there - so be prepared to see a lot more Sonic characters looking like they stepped out of the X Files....or Sailor Moon....Or Nightstalker and Columbo.
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the-painted-siren · 2 years
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Drawing everyone else’s Lloyd designs because I think they're neat!
Click for better quality (Edit: could not stand how lopsided some of this looked so I fixed it up)
Into the Lloyd-verse cast:
1) Hails / @hms-siren aka Me - don’t mind my basic red Dragoni eyes and earrings, I just think they’re cool.
2) @mrsnaildood - wanted to draw Lloyd with the Blue Hair and Aro Solidarity inspired by this post bc it made me laugh (and bc I’m also Aro)
3) @marsipain - the Cyberpunk AU Lloyd that is branded into my brain right now!! He is The Silly!
4) @min-play - it’s his Movie Possession AU with clinically depressed Lloyd and a mini angry Morro cameo
5) @general-yasur - wanted to draw this one bc I love this emo king’s hair, I’m pretty sure he gave me a gender crisis
6) @twigs-sprigs - this particular dragon Lloyd design lives in my head rent free, I would die for him tbh
And some close-up shots:
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keelifallen · 1 year
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winchester101 · 4 months
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Drawn for annadream24’s DTIYS
Sanji is trying to court shark princess Zoro
(Click for quality)
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You may listen to Maisie Peters, but I listen to her in a far more powerful and more autistic way.
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the-rat-of-all-time · 9 months
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i hate to be that guy, but like come on
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bawstens · 2 years
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| She ordered you to be my friend?
| No, she just asked me to train with you. But only in the beginning, and then I did it because I liked it.
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aylinaliens · 2 years
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You’re cute most of the time...but cuter when you’re tied up like this. Then tie me up all the time.
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necromeowncy · 1 year
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The reviews are in! I hope you know that whenever you comment in the tags on my posts, I save them for serotonin and also I owe you my life. Thank you for being awesome!
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stopthatfool · 10 months
Thinking about vintage military propaganda posters and content/media. Hm hm hm… yes… might have to figure out a way to do an academic essay on it…
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~so I’m still toying with the idea of Cryptid/Animal!States, so I made a small fic for it and I thought it was kinda cute so here~
⚠️TW⚠️: mentions or references to 9/11, hurt/comfort, FLUFFINESS- so much soft mushy fluffiness, the characters may be OOC, and me over-explaining NY’s animal/cryptid form lmao.
For some "slight" context: NY is some blend of a cat, a blue jay, and LA is a blend of wolf (cuz the Rougarou) and gator (cuz why not-)
Florida and Louisiana were sitting in the living room together one peaceful evening. Or as peaceful as it could get in the statehouse. Loui laid in Florida’s lap as the taller gently played with his wolf-like ears that he had decided to let out, his wolf-like tail gently thudding against the side of the couch making a calming little sound amidst the silence. He suppressed a slight giggle when Florida decided to be a little mean and gently scratch behind the Pelican State’s ear. His ears perked up slightly when he heard footsteps coming into the living room. He sat up slightly and saw that it was just New York walking into the room and sitting on the opposite side of the couch.
"Hey Loui?" Florida whispered to him.
"Yea sha?"
"Have any of us ever seen what kind of animal-thing New York is?" Asked the Sunshine State.
"Uh….-" Loui paused to think. He doesn’t remember ever seeing York have any animal features. I mean, sure he purrs like a damn cat and has the claws and fangs of one, but otherwise he hasn’t seen anything. Not even when he had first met the Empire State. "Come to think of it sha, no, I don’t think we have."
"Whelp. Tonight’s the night to find out what he is." Exclaimed Florida. He waited for Loui to get up before tiptoeing over to the other side of the living room where York was completely lost in his book. "Hey New York!" he shouted slightly.
The Empire State jumped a bit before glaring at the slightly shorter state. "Jesus Christ….Whaddya want Swamp-For-Brains?"
"I just had a question for you." Florida said with a smirk.
York sighed a bit. "What is it?"
"So I just wanted to know, what are you?"
"….What?" Asked York, who was visibly confused.
"Well y’know how Loui is a weird gator-wolf thing, and Human Torch is a bear?" Florida asked.
"I was curious as to what animal-thing you were." Florida stated.
"Cmonnnnn please?"
"Hell no."
"Why are you so boring…?"
"Don’t care."
"F*ck off."
"C’mon Yorkie~~"
"Ughhh…. If I show you, will you leave me alone?" York said, sending a death glare the Sunshine State’s way.
"Uh-huh!!" Florida promised, though NY knew that it was probably a half-a$$ed promise.
"Fine…." NY said. He motioned for Florida to back up a little so he could stand before standing up in front of him. He closed his eyes and about five seconds later, a bunch of firework-like flashes filled the area surrounding him before there was a bright flash that temporarily blinded the other two states. When the flashing subsided , the two smaller states eventually regained their vision, and they were not disappointed with what they saw….
There the Empire State stood. He was at least a few inches taller. He had feathery-elf-like ears, and a pair of what had to be cat ears on top of his head along with some more blue-jay feathers running down the sides of his neck and shoulders. New York also seemed to have some feathers on his forearms as well as some claws where his fingernails were. He had a long tail that came out of the small of his back and looked like a cat tail at first, but started to look more like a blue-jay’s tail feathers. And lastly, this part was a bit concerning. Why was it concerning, you may ask? Well, he also had a beautiful pair of large blue-jay wings, but they seemed to be beat-up and broken, seeing as they drooped pathetically close to the ground near the Empire State’s feet and looked like they could be injured with a single touch….
"Oh my god you are so CUTE!!!" Florida squealed loudly, looking at the Empire State with the same look you would give a kitten.
New York blushed brightly and his feather-ears pinned back slightly as he glared at the Sunshine State. "No I am not!!"
"He’s right, sha. You are pretty adorable." Loui said, though secretly his main focus was on York’s wings. He was trying to think of what must’ve happened for them to look so- broken and delicate….
"Not you too 🥲" York groaned slightly. Suddenly he felt himself get tackled onto the couch. He opened his eyes to see Florida on his lap before feeling a soft touch of the Sunshine State’s calloused fingers playing with his feather-ears. "Really?"
"They’re so fluffy!!" Florida exclaimed.
"Yea I know. Ya coulda just asked instead of tackling me duma$$."
"Yea but you would’ve said no."
"Fair enough. Hehehehey cuhuhut ihit out!" York giggled when Florida decided to be mean and gently scratch him behind the ears like he did with Loui. A few seconds later, Florida stopped torturing him. The three states sat in silence until it was broken by a squeak coming from the Empire State when he felt two gentle fingers run across one of his wings.
"Oop- sorry sha. Did dat hurt?" Loui said as he retracted his hand from where it was over York’s wing.
"N-not really you must surprised me a little." York said quietly. He tensed up slightly when Loui went back to touch his wing, this time to straighten out a few of the feathers as gently as he could.
"If ya don’t mind me askin’, what happened to your wings sha? I’m sorry, they’re beautiful but they also just look so….broken and fragile." Loui said, concerned for his friend. At first, York thought it might’ve been meant to be a slightly teasing remark, but with the way the younger’s ears and tail drooped, he knew it was genuine concern.
His own tail and ears drooped slightly as he gave a small sigh and felt a few tears fill his eyes but not fall ."I-I’d rather n-not get into the details, but it was from….That. Event. In 2001…." He paused for a minute before looking at the two other states, who had not pity, but genuine concern in their eyes.
And so he continued to explain."F*ck it….I was flying around the towers and sh*t looking for anybody that I could save in the air if they were jumping out a window so that maybe that would possibly have a chance at continuing to live and and-"
"Shhh it’s ok, slow down sha. You need to breathe at some point." He heard the calming voice of Louisiana say. He hadn’t even noticed that his breathing had quickened, but he eventually slowed down and relaxed when he felt a gentle hand over his.
"Well I was looking for people to save in the air and I saw this guy that was nearby me about to jump and I flew over to save him as quick as possible before the towers fully collapsed. I managed to catch him, but unfortunately I hate to it this way, but he kind of a bigger guy and my wings got hit with a f*ck ton of rubble. And to add insult to injury, I already had a gaping wound across my entire back. I managed to save him along with a few others, but at the cost of my wings."
The two smaller states stared with concern and sorrow at their friend’s story.
"I-I have no words for once…." Florida mumbled. For once, he was rendered speechless.
"T-that’s terrible….Im sorry dat happened sha…." Loui said, his ears and tail drooping even more.
New York gulped slightly as he tried to hold back tears. "It’s n-not that big a deal, what matters most is the fact that those people survived." he said quietly, his voice shaking a bit. Out of nowhere he felt two arms wrap around him in a tight embrace. He could smell the slight scent of daiquiri and strawberries, so he knew that it was Loui that had hugged him. He buried his face in his friend’s shoulder as he let a few tears fall down his face. "Dammit why do I have to be so weak…." He mumbled to himself, but it was loud enough that the other two heard him.
Florida moved a little closer to him and gently wiped a tear from his face. "It’s not weak to need to cry, New York. Everybody needs a good cry once in a while, it’s completely normal. It’s also completely normal to need some form of affection too, so don’t start beating yourself up over needing it. I will not hesitate to do what I did to Tennessee and send the meth gators."
That got a small chuckle out of the Empire State, even though it sounded more like a smoker’s cough (probably from all the smoke—). York allowed himself to get pulled into a laying position by Louisiana, and just buried his face in his chest with a deep contented sigh.
Florida managed to get on the other side of them, and started gently petting NY’s cat-ears., and in response York started purring and his tail started swaying gently. Florida laughed to himself a bit. No matter how much NY said he hated this kind of affection, anybody that knew him well enough knew that he did in fact enjoy it a lot, just at the moment there was a tail to prove it :)
And they all fell asleep the end :)
@simpyfrog I did it :D
And @literallyjustexistinghere cuz you seem to be just as obsessed with NY as I am lmao
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chocolatewoosh · 2 years
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Just a teeny tiny gif I animated of my oc August last night, to get used to using Aseprite!!
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amy-arts · 1 year
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The mother of all time
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seeinganewlight · 19 days
i love that he starts the live version with the beginning of the chorus. ugh this is perfect
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gardening-guy · 1 month
my very strict morning routine consists of:
waking up early (i for some reason always wake up between 5-7am without any alarms)
putting on my headphones to blast music into my ears at ungodly volumes
feed stella her morning wet food & refill her dry food + water if needed (her water always needs to be refilled bc she likes dumping it out & sticking her tail in it)
dance around the house (and this continues throughout the rest of the morning until my housemates wake up usually after noon)
brew coffee & drink one cup
then sometimes, make homemade breakfast sandwiches for my beloved housemates
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